
Narator : Assalmualaikum wr.wb. We will create a dialogue conversation between 5 people. This dialogue talking about trip to Borobudur temple. In this dialogue. I will introduce the speakers in this dialogue, I’m eria meilisna will be the narrator and heri kurniawan will be the guide, gita putri maulida, raudatul janah and rediansyah putra will be the tourist. Narator : This dialogue illustrates gita, ana and redi meeting at a travel agency, when ana waiting for departure, gita come and say hello to ana Gita : haiii. . . . what are looking for. . . ? Ana : I’m looking for brochure to borobudur temple Gita :are you want to borobudur temple. . . ? Ana : yeah. . . Gita : so do I, it very nice if you would accompany me. . . .! Ana : good idea. . . . .! btw what’s your name. . . ? Gita : gita putri maulida from west of kalimantan you can call me gita Ana : yes gita. I’m ana, raudlatul jannah from bandung nice to meet you Narator : gita and ana shake hand, when gita and ana chit chat, redi come and greet them Redi : hai girls. . . . . I see you so happy, what happend. . . ? Gita : ya . . we’re talking about trip to borobudur temple

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Post on 26-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Narator

Narator : Assalmualaikum wr.wb. We will create a dialogue conversation between 5 people.

This dialogue talking about trip to Borobudur temple. In this

dialogue. I will introduce the speakers in this dialogue, I’m eria meilisna will be the

narrator and heri kurniawan will be the guide, gita putri maulida, raudatul janah and

rediansyah putra will be the tourist.

Narator : This dialogue illustrates gita, ana and redi meeting at a travel agency,

when ana waiting for departure, gita come and say hello to  ana

Gita : haiii. . . . what are looking for. . . ?

Ana : I’m looking for brochure to borobudur temple

Gita :are you want to borobudur temple. . . ?

Ana : yeah. . .

Gita : so do I, it very nice if you would accompany me. . . .!

Ana : good idea. . . . .! btw what’s your name. . . ?

Gita : gita putri maulida from west of kalimantan you can call me gita

Ana : yes gita. I’m ana, raudlatul jannah from bandung nice to meet you

Narator : gita and ana shake hand, when gita and ana chit chat, redi come and greet them

Redi : hai girls. . . . . I see you so happy, what happend. . . ?

Gita : ya . . we’re talking about trip to borobudur temple

Redi : really. . . . ? I just want to say if I will go there, we will go together. . . .!

Narator : after that, they take a bus to borobudur temple, in the bus the guide introduce her

self and begin to explain about the history of borobudur temple

Guide : good morning ladies and gentleman, I’m heri your tour giude to borobudur temple,

first I will tell you about the history of borobudur temple. Please ejoy it...

Guide : Borobudur is a Buddhist temple, It is located in the State of Central Java in

Indonesia. Also it is placed in the South of Magalang. Borobudur was built around

800 AD or 9 century. Borobudur was built by followers of Mahayana Buddhism

during the reign of wangsa Dynasty. This temple was built in the heyday dynasty .

The founder of the Borobudur Temple, King Samaratungga from dynasty

Page 2: Narator

syailendra. The possibility of this temple was built around 824 AD and was

completed around 900 AD during the reign of Queen Pramudawardhani daughter of

Samaratungga. While the architects who helped to build this temple for stories

passed down through generations named Gunadharma. Meaning of the name

Borobudur "abbey in the mountains" which comes from the word "coal" (temple or

monastery) and "beduhur" (hills or high ground) in sanskrit. Therefore, in

accordance with the meaning of the name Borobudur, then this place since long

ago used as a place of Buddhist worship.

More About : History of Borobudur Temple 

Narator : After an hours, they are arrived at the borobudur temple

Redi : wow..... so beautiful view. . .

Gita : I agree with you nice buildings.. . . .

Ana : yes its so great then I think.... its full of stone

Gita : how can old people could make this temple without advanced equipment. .?

Redi : I  don’t believe it

Ana : how the temple was built heri. . . . ?

Guide : until now no one knows how this temple was built but there

are stories that this temple was built by goblin. This huge building just a

huge pile of stones that have an overall height of 42 meters. Each stone

joined without cement or glue. These stones are only associated with

patterns and stacked. The base of Borobudur temple is approximately 118 m

on each side. The stones are used around 55,000 cubic meters. All stones

are taken from the river around Borobudur Temple. The stones are cut and

then transported and in a pattern like Lego games. All without using glue or

cement.Borobudur is the

second largest temple after Ankor Wat temple in Cambodia.Borobudur Tem

ple building area ia 15,129 m2,  from 2million pieces of rocks. 

The average stone size 25 cm X 10 cm X 15 cm. Long pieces of stone as a

whole 500 km with a total weight of 1.3 million tons of stone.

Ana : woooowwww.... its imposible. . .

Gita : I think so, no one is able to lift as much as big stone like that..?

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Ana : redi can you help me to take some photo of me and gita with background of

the temple. . . . ?

Redi : yes of course. . . ,are you ready. . . .?

Ana : yes, we are ready. . .

Redi :one two three smile. . . . .! ckilk....

Gita : haaaaa.....nice picture . . . .

Ana : thank you redi. . .

Redy : you’re welcome. . .

Guide : come on we'll climb this temple

Narator : while walking, the tour guide explains about the temple buildings

Guide : the Borobudur temple building has an area measuring 123 multiple 123

meters consists of 10 levels with 42 meters hight, This Buddhist temple has

1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in the complex.Six  level of a

square and three levels on top of a circle and one of the highest levels

of Buddhist stupa facing to the west. Each level represents the stages

of human life. borobudur structure when viewed from above form a mandala

structure depicting Buddhist cosmology and man's thinking.

Redi : Can you explain about every level in this tample. . .?

Guide : yes,...• Kamadhatu, the base of Borobudur temple, symbolizing human

beings that are stillbound by lust.

• Rupadhatu, four levels above it, symbolizing human beings that have been

able to break  from lust but still bound manner and form. On this

terrace, Buddha effigies are placed in open space.

• Arupadhatu, three levels above where

the Buddhist stupa placed in the holes. It symbolizes man who has

been free from lust, appearance, and shape.

• Arupa, the top that symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha was residing

Narator : while turning the base lavel of the tample the touris looking the relief on the


Ana : what is the meaning of these reliefs. . . . ?

Page 4: Narator

Guide : Each level has reliefs that will be read coherently with run clockwise . The

relief panels tell the story, like,  there are reliefs of the Hindu

epic Ramayana, there are reliefs Jataka stories. In addition, there are relief

of panels describing the condition of society at that time. For

example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture

system and relief of sailing boat represent the advance of the voyage 

was based in Semarang.

Gita :I see many of stupa was missing, why. . .?

Guiade :it's because many people steal it to sell, very expensive, especially the

head of the buddha stupa

Ana : very dispointed. . . .

Narator : when they are in four teracce, they saw many people try to holding the foot

of budha

Gita : why many people try to hold this stupa Heri. . . ?

Guide : oohh its called stupa bertawang, bertawang is stupa budha inside tha stone

with hole, people’s belief if you can hold the foot of budha everyting you

want will be granted

Redi : realy. . .? let to try it. . .

Ana : yaaaa lets try it,

Redi :let me try first,... what happend I can not hold the foot

Narator :gita and ana loudly. . .

Gita N ana : hahahahaha

Gita : may be your hand is to short hahahaha

Ana : thats right gita, redi hands is to short

Redi :you are kidding, imposible my hand is to short lets see if you are can hold it

Gita : lets me try it. . . , yes...... I can hold it. . .

Ana : realy. . .?what your wish....?

Gita : ooohh its will be my secreat

Page 5: Narator

Ana : I want to try it. . yesss I can hold it too horeeee.. . . . you are unlucky redi


Narator : after they were satisfiad suround the tample, they decided to step down

Guide : I think enough let us down. . . .

Narator :this is the end off the conversation, thanks you if you want to hear this conversation ass. . . . .