narayever news november, december 2014 heshvan, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance,...

(Left to Right) Jacquelyn Barron, Sheila Shore, Sharon Barron, Earl Heiber, Sari Heiber and Erin Heiber, at the launch of our Centennial Exhibit at the MNjcc. Sheila Shore, Sharon Barron and Earl Heiber are grandchildren of our founders, Max and Sarah Heiber. Jacquelyn, Sari and Erin are great-granddaughters of Max and Sarah. jj Shul Minute Book Detail, 1914 Long-time President Henry Young Rabbi Perry Nussbaum Rabbi Ed Elkin Rabbi Shlomo Langner (Middle) NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, KISLEV, TEVET 5775

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Page 1: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!

(Left to Right) Jacquelyn Barron,

Sheila Shore, Sharon Barron,

Earl Heiber, Sari Heiber and Erin

Heiber, at the launch of our

Centennial Exhibit at the MNjcc.

Sheila Shore, Sharon Barron and

Earl Heiber are grandchildren of

our founders, Max and Sarah

Heiber. Jacquelyn, Sari and Erin

are great-granddaughters of

Max and Sarah.


Shul Minute Book Detail, 1914

Long-time President Henry Young


bi P


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Rabbi Ed Elkin


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Page 2: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!

membership about tensions that arose within our shul

community during Israel's war with Gaza, based on the

nature of the shul's response to the conflict. Our shul

membership has a wide range of views on Israel,

though I believe all are rooted in the love for Israel that

is one of our core principles. As I explained then, our

Board was working to develop a set of guidelines so

that members of our community across the spectrum

would feel that their views could be openly

expressed and were welcome at the

Narayever. In the late summer and fall the

Board discussed that question at length.

We have now developed a set of guidelines

which acknowledge and take into account

the diversity of opinions about Israel

among our membership. Members will

have to accept that from time to time

there may be programs that represent a

different point of view from their own. We

will strive for a range of viewpoints on Israel from

speakers and teachers at our shul, but we will not host

speakers who would delegitimize the State of Israel or

otherwise oppose its existence, or who advocate racial

incitement or violence. We hope these new guidelines

will make it possible for our members on all sides to feel

that their views are welcome and represented at the


A second item of business is our longstanding concern

about accessibility and space. We will shortly be

embarking on a process of consultation with the entire

membership about the future of our physical space.

Over the next few months we will ask members of the

shul community to examine a series of options and to

think about which building option they would support.

At the end of the process, we hope to have consensus

around a preferred option so that we can move

forward, finally, towards a rebuilt, renewed and

accessible physical space.

Dear Friends,

I hope each of you had a fulfilling and meaningful

festival season. With the High Holy Days and the

chagim concluded, we are now well into another busy

and hardworking fall and winter.

We are nearing the conclusion of our Centennial year

and I have been especially proud of the

variety of programming and projects we

undertook and completed during this

special year. I hope you had a chance to

visit the historical exhibit that was on

display at the Miles Nadal JCC for the

month of October. A tremendous amount

of work and original research went into the

development of the exhibit. It told a

remarkable story of transition and

transformation. Thanks to Sharoni Sibony,

Micky Fraterman, Janet Horowitz, and the

many others who turned the idea of the exhibit into


Those who missed the exhibit will be able to read the

companion historical account of our shul that will

appear in our Centennial commemorative book. It's a

great read, and every member household will receive a

copy. In addition to the history, the book includes

moving testimonials from several Narayever members

about what the shul has meant to them. There are also

greetings from dignitaries and many others. It will be a

lasting memento of our Centennial. Thanks to Lili Little

for her management of this remarkable project, and to

everyone else who contributed to its production.

If you're reading this message before November 9th,

don't miss our Shulabration, the big party for the whole

family that is the culmination of the Centennial year.

Of course, as I mentioned, there is always hard work

underway at the Narayever and I want to inform you

briefly about two important matters.

Many will recall that some time back I wrote to the





Harry [email protected]

Page 3: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!


This is my final newsletter column of our Centennial

Year. It has been quite a wonderful yearlong celebration,

with volunteer involvement and support from so many

people. I feel very proud to be the rabbi of such a

thriving and dynamic community as it celebrates this

important milestone. I am very excited about the

c u l m i n a t i n g c e l e b r a t i o n , o u r

“shulabration” on November 9, and look

forward to seeing lots of you there.

This year has offered us an opportunity to

look back. In the process of working on the

Centennial history exhibit and preparing

our Centennial book, we’ve learned a great

deal about our shul’s history. We've

learned that in many ways, the course of

our history as one small synagogue

community in Toronto exemplifies some of the most

significant trends in the North American Jewish

community of the last 100 years.

The Centennial has also been a time to think about and

celebrate our present. We've grown from a handful of

men from the same area of Galicia to become a

community of 680 diverse members. Our diversity

includes Jews of varying geographic and socioeconomic

backgrounds. It includes Jews by choice and Jews by

birth, and Jews of various sexual orientations. It includes

Jews who are quite observant of Jewish tradition in their

own lives, and Jews who are just dipping their toes in.

We are politically diverse as well, with a range of views

both on Israel and domestic issues. We are serving Jews

of all ages, married folks and singles.

And while those who are officially members are our core

community, we know that we are having an impact on

the wider community as well through our High Holy Day

services at the MNjcc, and on the many visitors who

attend our services and other programs throughout the

year. Our relationship with our non-Jewish neighbours is

also very important. All this diversity makes communal

life and communal decision-making challenging at

times, but it is also extraordinarily interesting and rich.



Rabbi Ed [email protected]


Held at the Cecil Street Community Centre on November 9, our entire community has been invited to join together in celebration.

The Shulabration celebrates the Narayever – from past to present to future. From 4 until 7pm our community will sing, dance, enjoy our special 100th-year celebration video, receive our fantastic commemorative book, and enjoy the company of our amazing community members. A silent auction in support of our shul features both valuable artifacts and invaluable services including in-house concerts, gourmet dinners and countless other gifts.

Whether you are young or old, our Shulabration will remind you that we have a great deal to celebrate.


As the Centennial year winds down, we are also thinking

about the shul's future. We know that our founders

would probably be pretty dumfounded if they could see

the present incarnation of the Narayever, and we

similarly are limited in our ability to imagine the future

trajectory of our community.

We know that there continues to be a great deal of

assimilatory pressure in our society, yet we

also know that our shul is still growing -- and

we are delighted to welcome new members

all the time, with all the energy and new

ideas that they bring. Where the leaders of

tomorrow will take us in our second century

remains to be seen. I for one hope that the

conversation between traditionalism and

egalitarianism remains at the core of who

we are as a community. There are, of

course, many directions that that

conversation can take. That uncertainty of direction may

be a bit frightening – but that's the thing about the

future, it is by definition unknown. We have to trust that

with God's help, our beloved Narayever community will

continue to thrive over the next 100 years.

Happy Birthday Narayever!

Dear Friends,

Page 4: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!

On the 6th night of Chanukah, Sunday, December 21,

2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the

dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the

Narayever community!

Bring the entire family to revel in the joy of the Chanukah

lights as the First Narayever celebrates Chanukah as a

community on Sunday, December 21, 2014 from 5:30 -

7:30 pm.

Do you think that you're an expert at making your dreidel

spin longer than any one else? Come out to compete for

the top prize in our Spin the Dreidel Contest. Want to

know what the prize is? You’ll have to come to the

Chanukah party and spin your dreidel to find out!

There will be music, singing and dance along with

delicious, rich, white hot chocolate with brilliant blue

sprinkles, sufganiyot and other seasonal snacks for


Also, if you wish to edge out the competition in our spin

the dreidel contest, BYOD, that is, Bring Your Own Dreidel.




Leisa Hirtz, Chair of [email protected]

Kensington Gardens Nursing Home


Wednesday December 17 at 6 pm

This year, please consider joining us at Kensington Gardens Nursing Home for candle-lighting and a short celebration of Chanukah. We'll be bringing songs, light and laughter to the Jewish residents at Kensington Gardens.

Find us in the all purpose recreation room on the main floor of the south building at 25 Brunswick Ave. Everyone is welcome. Teens can bring their Community Service sheets and/or Mitzvot forms for signing. Young children and dogs are especially welcome!

For more information, please contact [email protected]

We warmly welcome to our community these new

and returning members

Leslie Carlin and her children Eli, Gabriel

and Talia

Sarah Lazarovic and Benjamin Errett and their

children Helena and Theodore

Louise Lipman and Simon Schneiderman

Joanne and Brian Pukier and their

children Adam, Tali and Rachel

Neetu Nahmias

Naomi and Shmuel Sharir

Joanne and Avery Shenfeld

Anita Shlien

Mark Slonim

Naomi Cherney

Khaya Buhler

Paul Hemrend

Tova Kardonne



Page 5: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!


Tradition and Transition:

100 Years of the First Narayever Congregation

Post Kiddush, Shabbat November 1, 1:30 pm

With Sharoni Sibony

A lively history of our shul, from our humble

beginnings as an immigrant landsmanschaft

(hometown association) to our pivotal role in the

renewal of downtown Jewish life today. Sharoni Sibony

shares the findings of the research we have conducted

regarding our shul's history. Jump in and join the fun of

historical sleuthing: help Sharoni interpret these

pieces of our past!

Sharoni Sibony is the Manager of the Jewish Life

Department at the Miles Nadal Jewish Community

Centre. In her volunteer time, she sits on the Board of

Limmud Toronto, serves as a tour guide for the Ontario

Jewish Archives' Sense of Spadina tours, and has

helped produce an exhibition on the history of the First

Narayever Congregation. She has also been a part-

time potter for over 15 years and loves getting dirty

with clay.

The Tribes of Israel

This year, Rabbi Elkin will be teaching a course entitled

“The Tribes of Israel: A Shared Homeland for a Divided

People”. The series, designed by the Shalom Hartman

Institute in Jerusalem, will discuss the challenge of

creating a Jewish and democratic public space in the

modern State of Israel – a shared common space for a

people divided along “tribal” affiliations: religious,

ideological, national, and geographic. How does a

people divided along these lines build a shared


The course will consist of 5 sessions in the fall, and 5

sessions in the spring. Participants may sign up for

either the fall or the spring series, or both.

Topics to be covered in the fall will include:

The format of the class will include watching clips of

videos provided by the Shalom Hartman Institute's top

scholars on the various topics and discussion led by

Rabbi Elkin.

The fall dates are on Wednesday nights: November 5,

12, December 3, 10, 17, from 7 - 9 pm. There will be a

$40 charge that includes the class sourcebook. While

discussion may refer to material covered in previous

sessions, each class will have its own topic and people

may sign up even if they know they can't make all the


To register, please contact the shul office –

[email protected] or 416.927.0546.

This class is cosponsored by the shul’s Adult Education

and Israel and Wider Community committees.



1. The Jewish People as a Tribal Family

2. The Orthodox Jewish Tribes

3. The Liberal Jewish Tribes

4. The Arab Palestinian Israeli Tribes

5. The North American Jewish Tribes




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Narratives of Survival:

Jewish Aboriginal Dialogue

Post Kiddush, Shabbat November 8, 1:30 pm

Part of Holocaust Education Week

Jews and Money

Sunday November 16, 7:30 pm

With Ellen Roseman





This moderated panel discussion will focus on

narratives from the Jewish community's survival of the

Holocaust and the First Nations community's survival

of the residential school system. The panel will bring

together the two communities with histories of

persecution for the purpose of communication,

cooperation, and dialogue.

By sharing personal narratives of survival, engage

survivors and their descendants to explore how each

generation has been empowered to share their stories

and explore ways to work together and advocate for

each other. The panel will be followed by an audience

Q&A. This program is organized by Ve’ahavta: The

Canadian Jewish Humanitarian Relief Committee.

Jews and money is a contentious subject. The Jewish

predominance in finance is often used to slander

them, such as the scurrilous stories spread by 9/11

deniers. As a people, Jews have been extremely

generous, civic-minded and philanthropic, yet the

stereotypes endure.

“There's a tacit taboo on talking about the

relationships connecting Jews and wealth, power and

influence. It pushes buttons for some and generally is

not mentioned in polite society,” said the Jewish

Community Center of San Francisco, which hosted a

series of recent events to bring it into the open (see


Ellen Roseman

Theodor Herzl:

Man of Letters and Modern-Day Prophet

Post Kiddush, Shabbat November 22, 1:30 pm

With Derek Penslar

is a Toronto Star journalist, author,

blogger and University of Toronto instructor, working

to help people understand their personal finances. She

will look at the image of Jews and money in history and

popular culture, trying to set the record straight. She

will also give tips on mastering money in your own life.

From the destruction of the Second Temple until the

1800s, virtually all great Jewish leaders were rabbis

whose authority rested in religious learning. In

modern times, as Jews became more secular, so did

their leaders. Yet even in a secular environment a great

Jewish leader still evoked myths and symbols from the

Jews' religious tradition. This talk will focus on one

great modern Jewish leader, Theodor Herzl, who was

admired by Jews for his achievements as an Austrian

man of letters but was also venerated as a latter-day

Hebrew prophet.

Derek Penslar is the Samuel Zacks Professor of

European Jewish History at University of Toronto and

the Stanley Lewis Professor of Israel Studies at Oxford.

His most recent book is Jews and the Military: A

History, which was published in 2013 by Princeton

University Press. He is currently writing a biography of

Theodor Herzl for Yale University Press’ “Jewish Lives”




FOOD DRIVEThank you to all those who donated to our annual Yom Kippur food drive. At the MNjcc we collected 1345 lbs of food and at the shul we collected 530 lbs. The food went to the Daily Bread Food Bank to help feed the hungry.



Page 7: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!

History Walk with Dr. Lipinsky


The weather was absolutely beautiful when about 35

people gathered in front of the shul on October 12 to

go on a Jewish historical stroll through the

neighbourhood. Historian Dr. Jack Lipinsky was our

knowledgeable and passionate guide. He holds a

doctorate in History from the University of Toronto

and he has written and lectured extensively about

Toronto Jewish History.

Dr. Lipinsky was

h e l p e d b y

residents of the


who added their

personal stories

about their youth

and their Jewish

neighbours. They also added their memories of living

in Victorian houses with many people under primitive

circumstances. As we walked, we learned about the

various prominent Jewish institutions on Brunswick


We were wondering what considerations our founders

might have debated when they thought of buying the

Mennonite Church at 187 Brunswick to house the First

Narayever in 1943 while the war was raging in Europe.

Dr. Lipinsky explained that during the war, property

prices were depressed and it was a good time to buy a

property. The Congregation bought our building for

$6,000 (the equivalent of approximately $82,200


Back at the shul a lovely lunch was awaiting us in the

sukkah set up by Rachel Zilberg and Reuven Shlozberg.

A wonderful conclusion to an interesting walk.

The audit for our fiscal year ended June 30, 2014 has

been completed and I am pleased to report that our

membership fee revenue increased by 5% over the

previous year, and donations increased by almost 7%.

After providing $25,700 for the depreciation of our

building and furnishings, the shul's financial reserves

have shown modest increase year-over-year.

Our financial goal is to limit membership fee increases

to reflect the Cost of Living Index (CSI). All synagogues

face the same reality: increasing costs can only be met

by the congregation’s awareness of the need to make

donations towards the shul's operations.

We have done well in this regard over the past year

with generous responses to special fundraising drives

for the pew seat cushions, the new mahzorim to

celebrate Rabbi Ed's bar mitzvah year with the shul,

the new gates and improved landscaping work that is

underway at the Bathurst Lawn cemetery, and the

ShinShinim program.

We are off to a very good start this year with our new

Rosh Hashanah Appeal and Membership Subsidy

Fund, and the greetings and ads in the Centennial

Commemorative Book to be published shortly.

All of these donations are vital to the continued sound

financial operation of the shul, and the Board of

Governors thanks everyone who has contributed.


C. David Weyman, [email protected]




Page 8: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!

As we write this column, we have just turned the

corner with the High Holy Days now behind us. Due to

the devotion and energy on the part of our teen and

adult leaders, our parent volunteers, and the logistics

support from the MNjcc staff, our High Holy Day

programs for children and youth were another success

for kids of all ages.

We can also not thank Marsha and Ariella, our shul

office, enough for all of the hours of behind the scenes

work that make the rest of us look good! The feedback

on our High Holy Day youth programming has been

quite positive so far, but we know there are things we

can do to improve.

We welcome your input regarding our High Holy Day

programs and our year-round programs. And, of

course, there are many ways that adults can get

involved to make our programming even more positive

for Narayever kids!

We would love to see some new faces around the table

at our Youth Committee meetings. As your little ones

grow and attend the elementary school age groups,

and then the tween and teen years, their needs, and so

in turn your perspectives, change.

The best way for our children and youth leaders to

meet those needs is to hear your voices in the

discussions when we reflect and plan. The committee

meets three times every school year. But maybe you

are feeling too busy and stressed out to be on the

committee… not to worry! There are other ways for

parents to be involved. You might consider:

◆ leading programs such as B’yachad on a Shabbat

morning (we can help with materials & training)

◆ serving as Ushers in the children’s areas on

Shabbat mornings

◆ planning children's activities for chagim



And on that note, we

invite you to join us for a

meeting to brainstorm

r e g a r d i n g o u r

p r o g r a m m i n g f o r

B ’ y a c h a d ( S h a b b a t

morning program for tots

- grade one) and our programming for kids in the post-

B’yachad age groups. Mark your calendars for: Sunday

Nov. 23, from 3 - 4:30 pm at the shul. Babysitting and

snacks provided.

Our teens are looking forward to the 2nd Annual

Chalutzim Great Cottage Getaway! We will be

heading once again to the Kawarthas for a post-

Havdallah 24 hour retreat, from Saturday evening

November 15 to Sunday night November 16.

Our Va’ad (teen board) and ShinShinim will be leading

lots of fun and thought provoking activities, with time

to spare for chilling and lots of food! Cost for the

retreat will be $75 per participant.

Please contact the shul office at 416.927.0546 to

register. Please feel free at any time to be in touch with

one of us if you have questions or input about any of

our children's or youth programming.

Teddy Bercovici Beth Komito Gottlieb [email protected] [email protected]

The Bar/Bat Mitzvah class baking challah with Ariella

Oliver with his challah



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If there is one time a year that members of our shul really

pull together, it is the High Holy Days. There is so much to

do and every year so many people make time in their

schedules to do it. Please, when you see someone who

helped out this year (and there are many), please thank

them for their generosity of spirit and dedication to the

shul. Everything that they have done is appreciated by all

of us.

First and foremost, thank you to those who prepared and

led services, chanted Torah and haftarah, and blew

shofar. These were your services; you led us. This was

the centre without which there is nothing.

Thank you to those who prepared the sanctuaries both at

the shul and at the MNjcc. To our office staff and the

MNjcc staff; to those who came in and helped out at the

shul office; to our accessibility committee that designed

the new layout at the Mnjcc, purchased new chairs for

the bimah, and created large-print machzorim.

To the individuals who set the Torahs and portered them

and polished the silver so that it looked fantastic; to those

who hung artwork at the MNjcc to turn it into a shul. To

the Building Committee that ensured that the shul

building was at its best.

To the dozens of volunteers, every one appreciated, who

helped put out chairs and seat covers and books; who put

them away in boxes after Rosh Hashanah - and then put

them all out again for Yom Kippur.

Thank you to those who made sure everything flowed

smoothly in the sanctuaries on those special days. To the

ushers and gabbais and honours-givers and page

announcers and shofar-blower-helpers and to everyone

in the congregation who made room for their neighbour

or helped someone find their place.

Thank you to those who arranged the children's

programming. To the Youth Committee, to our Family

and Youth Engagement Coordinator, to the youth leaders

and helpers and parent volunteers who made sure that

every child had the opportunity to enjoy a meaningful,


HIGH HOLY DAY THANK-YOUSeducational, and fun experience at all times while

services were going on.

Thank you to the Adult Education Committee and

everyone who arranged the chanting and the study

sessions; to those who delivered them and those who

participated in them. Thank you to members of the Food

Committee and everyone involved in providing apples

and honey on Rosh Hashanah and honey cake after Yom

Kippur. Thank you to our choir and its director.

Thank you to our childcare staff and our ticket takers,

including the one who took care of tidying things up after

Yom Kippur so we congregants could go to break our


Thank you to the Fundraising Committee and the Social

Action Committee and all those who arranged the appeal

for the shul and the appeal not for the shul and the food

drive. Thank you to the Membership and Shul

Community Committee for putting together the tickets

and other materials and to the Communications

Committee for making sure people knew about the


Thank you to the President and Vice-President and

Rabbis Elkin and Weiss for preparing announcements,

speeches, sermons, and study sessions, and to the

Executive and Board of Governors for their wise

oversight. And thank you to the amazing spouses and

family members who supported all the people who were

making all this happen.

Thank you for helping the First Narayever Congregation

start 5775 off right.

Kivi [email protected]

On behalf of the entire congregation,


who worked tirelessly to coordinate

all of these efforts with such

competence and passion.




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The weeks preceding the Yamin Tovim are the busiest

for the Membership Chair. There is a flurry of activity as

prospective members make enquiries and ultimately

submit their applications for membership in time to

join us for Rosh Hashanah.

It is so rewarding to receive each and every application,

as it is a reaffirmation that our little shul is truly a

special place. Individuals and families who have

‘shopped around’ and checked out the myriad of

synagogue options in the GTA have made their

decision and chosen us. It is truly a humbling and

rewarding experience for me - over and over again. I

hear phrases like “we love the Rabbi” and “the service

is so haymishe”. New members span the life cycle

spectrum as some are joining a shul for the first time in

anticipation of their marriage while others are joining

to be with grandchildren who are already members.

Although the final numbers aren’t in yet, I am

confident that this year will again be a year of growth in

our membership numbers. I would encourage long

time members to seek out new members each

Shabbat to personally welcome them to our


As always Rabbi Elkin and Linda Lipsky will be

graciously hosting a light dinner and havdallah service

for new members in their home in early January. This

will be a great opportunity for new members to meet

each other and members of the Narayever Board.

This past year saw the inauguration of a new fund. In

the spring we introduced the “Membership Subsidy


Our longstanding policy is that nobody is denied

membership due to financial circumstances. Members

requesting a subsidy are dealt with in confidence and

with respect. Subsidizing memberships, a cornerstone

of our membership structure, puts great pressure on

our annual budget. I am pleased to report that the

Narayever community has embraced this new fund

beyond expectations. Many members added a special

donation to their shul dues - thank-you to those who

were able to contribute! We encourage members to

support this fund throughout the year.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our office

administration staff members, Marsha and Ariella, for

their incredible efforts in processing all the

membership applications and renewals. Their

professionalism and competence resulted in

everything running exceptionally smoothly this year. I

would also like to acknowledge and thank Mary Lou

Smith for coordinating our annual High Holy Day meal


The Membership and Shul Community Committee is

looking for a few new members. Discussions at our bi-

monthly meetings are always lively and thought

provoking. If you are interested in joining or wish more

i n f o r m a t i o n , p l e a s e c o n t a c t m e a t

[email protected].

David Barkin, Membership Committee Chair



Editing Team: Marcia Beck, Rabbi Elkin and Marsha Frydenberg



Page 11: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!

PresidentHarry Schachter [email protected]

Vice PresidentLiz Bohnen [email protected]

SecretaryPhyllis Berck [email protected]

TreasurerDavid Weyman [email protected]

Past-PresidentJoel Edelson [email protected]

Adult EducationReuven Shlozberg [email protected]

Bar/Bat MitzvahSimon Houpt

BuildingGary Lichtblau [email protected]

CelebrationsLeisa Hirtz [email protected]

CommunicationsMarcia Beck [email protected]

Food Sue Weinstein [email protected]











[email protected]

Members of the Board of Governors 2014 - 2015

FundraisingBenjy Cohen [email protected]

HesedSarah Margles [email protected]

High Holy DaysKivi Shapiro [email protected]

Israel & Wider CommunityMicky Fraterman & Eitan Shvartsman [email protected]

Membership & Shul CommunityDavid Barkin [email protected]

RitualKivi Shapiro [email protected]

Social ActionMorton Beiser [email protected]

Special ProjectsMichael Freeman [email protected]

[email protected]


Rabbi Edward Elkin [email protected]

AdministrationMarsha Frydenberg [email protected]











Teddy Bercovici



Meyer and Sam Bucovetsky, on the

passing of their wife and mother Roberta


Peter Gold, on the passing of his mother

Rae Gold

Phil Mass, on the passing of his father

Harold Lawrence Morris

Rebecca Shandling, on the passing of her

husband Hyman Shandling

Our Condolences to...

We want to know how to communicate with you! When

important issues face our shul, we want to know how to

best receive your feedback. In mid-October, surveys

asking about your communication preferences were

emailed to all of our members – paper copies were

available at the shul, as well.

What we learn will be used to enhance our

communication. Thanks so much for helping to create a

community that is engaged and involved in discussion

and decision-making.

Marcia Beck, Communications [email protected]





Page 12: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!

The shul gratefully acknowledges the following donations made to our various funds from mid- to mid-October. We apologize in advance for any errors or omissions. Please inform the shul office so that a correction can be made.

If you would like to make a donation to one of our funds, please call the shul office at 416.927.0546We also accept donations via CanadaHelps, and click on Narayever.



ADULT EDUCATIONSharone Bar David, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldLesley and Peter Sevitt, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldTrudy Shecter, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldSharon Abron Drache, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldDebbie and Gord Haworth, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldLinda Ander and Mark Goodbaum, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldAnne Matlow Bohnen and John Bohnen, in memory of Peter Gold’s mother Rae GoldLili Little and Mitchel Smith, in memory of Peter Gold’s mother Rae GoldJanet Horowitz, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldElaine and Peter Gold, in memory of Elaine’s parents Leila and Saul Zuker, Peter’s grandparents Fagel and Joseph Jacobovitch and Rose and Morris Gold, Peter’s great aunt and uncle Chava and Tzvi Mendzelevsky and Peter’s aunt Hinda Jacobovitch

CENTENNIAL FUNDPaula Ruch, in honour of Pricilla Platt’s Bat MitzvahJane-Ellen and Ken Friedland, in honour of Anita and Cyril PressBev Rosenbaum, in honour of Pricilla Platt's Bat MitzvahJanet Horowitz, in honour of the yahrzeit of her mother Betty KirshenbaumMicky Fraterman, in honour of the yahrzeit of her father Justus OostraMicky Fraterman, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae Gold

GENERAL FUNDRaphael Rush Brenda and Jerry Enchin, in memory of MagdaJonathan Ingham, in memory of Louise InghamMiral and Robbie Gabor, wishing mazel tov to Noam Millo and Tamar Rubin on their recent marriageSue Weinstein and Shaun SingerStuart Lewis, in support of the Narayever communityJune Blair, in memory of Max StrawnMorry Guttman, in memory of Herb GuttmanHelen Valinsky, in honour of the yahrzeit of her mother Charlotte ValinskyAvid Gladman, in support of the First Narayever

HESED FUNDRonnie Levinson Burbank, in memory of her mother Ceceil LevinsonLili Little and Mitchel Smith, in memory of Hyman Shandling Karen Fainman, in honour of the yahrzeit of her father Jack FainmanSharon Abron Drache, wishing shanah tova to Adrienne and Murray Levinter

ISRAEL AND COMMUNITY FUNDKaren Fainman, in honour of the yahrzeit of her father Jack FainmanZipporah Dunsky, in honour of the yahrzeit of her father Shimshon Dunsky


SHINSHINIM FUNDRebecca Shandling and family, in memory of Hyman ShandlingJulie Gluck and Ted Overton, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldJulie Gluck and Ted Overton, wishing Miriam Schlanger a refuah shlemahPerla and Ron Reisenbach

MEMBERSHIP SUBSIDY FUNDEsther and Ben Geva, in honour of Rabbi EdElana Segal and Phillip Maerov, in support of our congregationJoanna Slone and Jules Lewy, in support of our congregationHarvey Roff, in memory of his wife Sandy RoffRosemary Li-Houpt and Simon Houpt, in honour of their son Sascha’s Bar MitzvahAlana Johns and Bezalel Dresher Karen Weisman and Arthur Ripstein, in support of our congregationElaine Smith, in honour of her mother Lillian OstrinMiriam Diamond, in memory of Tova and Hillel Diamond Ronnie Levinson BurbankLili Little, wishing Claire Simon a refuah shlemahDonna and Clifford OrwinJill Magen-Lichtblau and Gary Lichtblau, in honour of Marsha Frydenberg, Ariella Eben-Ezra and Liya BiblaAnn Komaroni and Leonid Livak, in support of our communityRobert Weinstein, in support of our communityMickey and Lucille Narun, in memory of parents Jack and Pearl Goldberg, and Florrie and Jacob NarunDara and Andrew MoncarzJane Shapiro, in memory of Andrew David ShapiroRimona Natanson and Adrian Nachman, in memory of Paul NatansonCynthia Lazar & Marvin Kurz, in memory of Chana KurzLili Little, in memory of Aileen Kirsch, Shelly Kirsch's motherDifat Jakubovicz and Avi SchonbachBrenlee Robinson Susan Friedman, in memory of Sara and Sam Brown Mary and Sam Kohn, in memory of Zahava KohnRochelle and David Barkin, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldJanet Horowitz, in honour and thanks to Rabbi Elkin and Linda Lipsky for their hospitality on SukkotKaren Weisman and Arthur Ripstein, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldSusan Hoffmann, in support of our communityRona Sherebrin and Glenn Rubinoff, in honour of Glenn's 50th BirthdaySharon Weintraub, in memory of her parentsJordan Wosnick, Caroline Silverman, Jonathan and Rachel, in memory of Hyman ShandlingDyanoosh Youssefi and Daniel Westreich, in support of our communityRandee Pavalow, in memory of her parents Janice and Maurice PavalowGalia Shaked and Paul Milgram, in support of our communityShelly Weiss, in support of our community Cynthia Fisher and Ben RothmanMicky Fraterman



Page 13: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!


RITUAL FUNDMargo and Frank Rosen, wishing Kivi Shapiro a very happy birthday

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDEleanor Reich and Debra Reich-Litzky, in support of Rabbi Ed's workJanice Graham, in memory of her mother Heleen Graham Victor Helfand and Judy Rapkin, in honour of the yahrzeit of Victor's mother Gitel Helfand Rebecca Shandling and family, with thanks to Rabbi Elkin for all his supportIsabel and Mendl MalkinAnonymous, in memory of Arthur and Esther SwartzIsaac Dwosh, in honour of the yahrzeit of his father Tovia DwoshHarvey Roff, in memory of Peter Gold's mother Rae GoldSmadar Peretz, in support of Rabbi Elkin's workGalina Vaisman and Paul Winestock, in memory of Hyman Shandling Michal Er-el, in memory of Hyman ShandlingMichal Er-el, in memory of Magda VolgyesiWendy Simon, in honour of the yahrzeit of her husband Roger SimonEsther and Ben Geva, in honour of the birth of their granddaughter Nuria SophieAnonymous, with gratitude to Rabbi Elkin for all that he does for us – his congregationMitchell Brown, in support of Rabbi Elkin's workAnonymous, in support of Rabbi Elkin's work

ROSH CHODESH BREAKFAST FUND Francine Dick, in honour of the yahrzeit of her mother Irene Dick

TORAH FUNDBrenda and Jerry Enchin, in honour of Annette Gruno with many thanks for her amazing shofar blowingBrenda and Jerry Enchin, in honour of Rabbi David Weiss, with many thanks for his inspiring High Holy Day servicesEduard Bercovici, in memory of Hyman ShandlingNora Gold and David Weiss, in memory of Magda Volgyesi

TZEDAKAH/SOCIAL ACTION FUNDCindy and Tim Buim, mazel tov to Priscilla Platt on her Bat MitzvahShayne Robinson and Rachel Melzer, in memory of Magda Volgyesi Jerry and Brenda Enchin, in honour of Malka Elkin graduating and wishing her good luck in CambodiaRachel Melzer and Shayne Robinson, in memory of Peter Gold’s mother Rae Gold

YOUTH FUNDBrenda and Jerry Enchin, wishing Liz Martin-Landau and Joel Landau mazel tov on the birth of their granddaughter Cara LilySharon Abron Drache, in memory of Albert GellerSharon Abron Drache, wishing all the best to July Zeilig on her special birthday


Jessica Arshinoff and James Cunningham,

on the birth of their son Jonah

Esther and Ben Geva, on the birth of their

granddaughter Nuria Sophie

Elaine and Peter Gold, on the marriage of their

daughter Leah to Jeff Carolin

Samantha Hill and Peter Atherton, on the birth

of their son Noah

Liz Martin Landau and Joel Landau, on the birth

of their granddaughter Cara Lily

Mickey and Lucille Narun, on the birth of their

granddaughter Emily Gray

Donna and Cliff Orwin, on the birth of their

granddaughter Hannah Elizabeth

Simon Schneiderman and Louise Lipman,

on their marriage

Elaana and Eitan Shvartsman, on the birth

of their daughte

Cheryl Wetstein and Howard Bogomolny,

on the birth of their grandson Leo

Nava Yefet and Benjamin Rubin, on the marriage

of their daughter Tamar to Noam Millo











r Bella




Page 14: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!


AUGUST 2, 2014

Kiddush: The shul.

Donations to the Kiddush fund were made by Norma Latsonas, in honour of the yahrzeit of her mother Celia Lees; Percy Schacter, in honour of the yahrzeit of his mother Molly Schacter; Anita Shir-Jacob and Cyril Press, in honour of the Pidyon Ha'ben of their grandson Gabriel Chanan Milo, and in honour of all their children and grandchildren; Sarah Colman and Jared Peck, in honour of the birth of their daughter Yona Nechama; Marsha Frydenberg and Ariella Eben-Ezra, welcoming Rabbi Ed, Linda and family back from Israel; Andrea Most and Alan Ackerman, in memory of Susan Starkman's father Morris Starkman; Joan Judge-Fogel and Josh Fogel, in memory of Susan Starkman's father Morris Starkman.

AUGUST 9, 2014

Kiddush: Priscilla Platt, in honour of her Bat Mitzvah.

Donations to the Kiddush fund were made by Gerald Simon, in honour of the yahrzeit of his father Meyer Simon; Ben Geva, in honour of Esther Geva-- on the successful completion of her sabbatical project.

AUGUST 16, 2014

Kiddush: The shul.

Donations to the Kiddush fund were made by Beverly Harris, in honour of the yahrzeit of her father Charles Samuel Lewis; and Lorraine Katz, in honour of Priscilla Platt becoming a Bat Mitzvah; Elaine and Peter Gold, in memory of Magda .

AUGUST 23, 2014

Kiddush: The shul.

Donations to the Kiddush fund were made by Helene and Sheldon Silverman, in honour of the yahrzeit of Sheldon's mother Ruth Silverman; Peikang Dai, in support of a safe and secure Israel.

AUGUST 30, 2014

Kiddush: The shul.

Donations to the Kiddush fund were made by Miriam Schlanger, in memory of Magda ; Anita Shir-Jacob and Cyril Press, in memory of Hyman Shandling; Sharon Weintraub, in honour of the yahrzeit of her father Jacob Weintraub; Susan Hoffmann, in memory of Hyman Shandling; Anne Matlow and John Bohnen, in memory of Hyman Shandling; Arnold Schonberg, in honour of the yahrzeit of his brother Rolf James Schonberg; Anonymous.


Kiddush: The shul.

Donations to the Kiddush fund were made by Anonymous, welcoming our new Shinshinim and may we have a wonderful year together; Anita Shir-Jacob and Cyril Press, in honour of the yahrzeit of Anita's mother Ada Katzman; Brian Blumenthal and Lisa Mendelson, in honour of the yahrzeit of Brian's father Sidney Blumenthal.















SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Kiddush: Rosemary Li-Houpt and Simon Houpt, in honour of Sascha's Bar Mitzvah.

Donations to the Kiddush fund were made by Dana and Richard Nathans, in honour of the baby naming of their daughter Kendall Rowan; Rhona Phillips and Ben Carniol, in honour of the yahrzeit of Rhona's mother Aida Babins; Zipporah Dunsky, in honour of the yahrzeit of her brother Menachem Dunsky; Esther and Ben Geva, in honour of the birth of their granddaughter Nuria Sophie; Mitch, Jackie and Danielle Brown, in memory of Hyman Shandling; Gene Simon, in honour of the yahrzeit of her mother Bertel Simon; Rhona Phillips and Ben Carniol, wishing Malka Elkin nesiah tovah; Micky Fraterman, in honour of the yahrzeit of her father Justus Oostra; Anne Matlow Bohnen and John Bohnen, wishing mazel tov to Elaine and Peter on the marriage of their daughter Leah to Jeff Carolin; Matthew Benjamin, in honour of the yahrzeit of his wife Beth Medjuck; Annette Gruno, in honour of the yahrzeit of her father James Gruno.

SEPTEMBER 20, 2014

Kiddush: Galina Vaisman and Paul Winestock, in honour of Jessica's Bat Mitzvah.

Donations to the Kiddush fund were made by Anita Shir-Jacob and Cyril Press, in honour of the yahrzeit of Anita's father Eli Katzman; Maire Kushner, in memory of her beloved father Ben Stocker; Simcha Ben-Abraham, in honour of the yahrzeit of his mother Hemda Tuchler; Miriam Schlanger, in honour of the yahrzeit of her sister Rose Vinograd; Lili Little and Mitchel Smith, wishing mazel tov to Elaine and Peter Gold on the marriage of their daughter Leah to Jeff Carolin; Keren and Shalom Camenietzki, wishing Malka Elkin nesiah tova and shanah metukah; Shaun Singer, in memory of his parents Esther and Sam Singer.

SEPTEMBER 27, 2014

Kiddush: The shul.

Donations to the Kiddush fund were made by Anne and Bram Walters, in honour of the baby naming of their daughter Hannah; Elaana and Eitan Shvartsman, in honour of the baby naming of their daughter; Judy Fields, Justine Silver, Mark & Eileen Jadd and Family in honour of Eitan and Elaana Shvartsman on the birth of their daughter and their new granddaughter, niece and cousin; Dawn Berney, in honour of the yahrzeit of her mother Carole Berney; Bernard Feder, in honour of his daughter Cassandra's aliya to Israel; Cecile Federbush, in memory of her husband Harry Federbush and in honour of her granddaughter Cassandra's aliya to Israel; Etti Miller, in honour of the yahrzeit of her father Meyer Blitz; Marsha Frydenberg and Ariella Eben-Ezra, wishing the entire Narayever community a sweet new year (Shanah Tova u’Metuka).









Page 15: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!

Kislev 10 Wilfred Yaphe father of Joel YapheKislev 12 Jack Goldberg father of Lucille NarunKislev 14 Pinchas Chai Sofioff father of Rachel JacobusKislev 14 Goldie Title mother of Nancy SternbergKislev 14 Isaac Yomstock father of Estelle SchacterKislev 15 Devorah Dublin sister of Max DublinKislev 15 Stephen Roth husband of Sheila Roth

father of Dara Roth Edneyand Ava Roth

Kislev 16 Norbert Loewenstein husband of Ursula LoewensteinKislev 17 Esther Matlow mother of Anne Matlow

BohnenKislev 17 Solomon Nusbaum father of Ruth LenemanKislev 17 Albert Peretz father of Smadar PeretzKislev 19 Arnold Clairman husband of Holli-Ellen ClairmanKislev 19 Abraham Press father of Cyril PressKislev 21 William Singer father of Jeroham SingerKislev 21 Lila Zuker mother of Elaine GoldKislev 22 Isaac Primack father of Faigie KleinKislev 22 Gerald Smith father of Mitchel SmithKislev 22 Rose Weyman mother of David WeymanKislev 23 Irwin Fisher father of Deborah FisherKislev 24 David Isaac husband of Barbara SchacterKislev 24 Isaac Jacobson father of Edythe JacobsonKislev 24 Alex Rothman father of Ben RothmanKislev 25 Molly Weinstein mother of Earl WeinsteinKislev 26 Aryeh Haimovitz husband of Phillis Willer-

HaimovitzKislev 27 Gail Dublin mother of Max DublinKislev 27 Peter Harris husband of Beverly HarrisKislev 29 Frooma Epstein mother of Aura KaganKislev 29 Margot James mother of Frances EnchinKislev 29 Hinda Basha Lehrer mother of Keith LehrerKislev 29 Sidney Levinson father of Ronnie Levinson

BurbankKislev 29 Alice Nusbaum wife of Mitchell Brown and

sister of Ruth LenemanKislev 29 Connie Robinson mother of Brenlee Robinson

and Shayne RobinsonKislev 30 Morris Kamenir father of Sandra KamenirTevet 1 Rachel Edelson mother of Joel EdelsonTevet 1 Willem Evan Murray brother of Michael MurrayTevet 1 Dova Beryl Savan mother of Robert SavanTevet 1 Sophie Yomstock mother of Estelle SchacterTevet 2 Anne Landau mother of Reva LandauTevet 2 Albert Joseph Presement father of Ricki GrushcowTevet 2 Jack Schoenfeld father of Stuart SchoenfeldTevet 3 Jacob Jacobs father of Helene JacobsTevet 3 Frank Schacter brother of Percy SchacterTevet 4 Linda Richman sister of Alan BanackTevet 5 Joan Hope sister of Alan Hoffmann and

Jack HoffmannTevet 6 Sandy Halberstam mother of Yosh HalberstamTevet 6 Douglas Leiterman husband of Beryl Fox and father

of Barbara LeitermanTevet 6 Alex Rubin father of Benjamin RubinTevet 7 Annette Blugerman mother of Olga PalmateerTevet 7 Henry (Henach) Kagan father of Manfred KaganTevet 7 Anna Kalikow mother of Louis KalikowTevet 7 Evelyn Mayers mother of Arlene MayersTevet 8 Rachel Rice mother of Wallace RiceTevet 9 Morton Norris father of Allen KaejaTevet 9 Pinia Title father of Nancy Sternberg

We acknowledge the following yahrzeit anniversaries which occur during the coming months.

Heshvan 8 Joseph Horowitz father of Sylvia SolomonHeshvan 8 Aaron Lowenstein father of Marjorie GannHeshvan 9 Itzchak Esser father of Naomi SharirHeshvan 10 Rose Benjamin Schwartz mother of Stephen BenjaminHeshvan 10 Nita Frenkel wife of Bernard FederHeshvan 11 Malka Johles mother of Frieda FormanHeshvan 11 Adele Rosenberg mother of Mona KornbergHeshvan 12 Julius Leikin father of Steven LeikinHeshvan 13 Markus Hirsz father of Abraham HirszHeshvan 13 Toba Korenblum mother of Chana and JacobHeshvan 14 Rose Kotzer mother of Betty ColtHeshvan 17 Sadie Naft mother of Neil NaftHeshvan 18 Sarah Rifka Kerzner mother of Albert KerznerHeshvan 19 Samuel Fisher father of Cynthia FisherHeshvan 19 Isaac Kanter father of Ron KanterHeshvan 19 Stewart Silver husband of Justine SilverHeshvan 20 Israel Harry Fox father of Mark FoxHeshvan 20 Sally Presement mother of Ricki GrushcowHeshvan 20 Maru Fantl Werner mother of Daniel Traub-WernerHeshvan 21 Arthur Levita father of Ursula LoewensteinHeshvan 21 Steven Lichtblau father of Gary LichtblauHeshvan 21 Ernest Jerome Weiss father of Shelly WeissHeshvan 22 Daniel Camenietzki son of Shalom & Keren

CamenietzkiHeshvan 22 Julius Landau father of Reva LandauHeshvan 23 Salmon Isaac James father of Frances EnchinHeshvan 23 Michael Mandel husband of Karen GoldenHeshvan 23 Jack Starkman father of Harvey StarkmanHeshvan 24 Harry Golden father of Ronald GoldenHeshvan 24 Harry Silverberg father of Jackie SilverbergHeshvan 26 Norma Harris mother of Brenda SingerHeshvan 26 Rachel Kofsky sister of Lawrence LofchickHeshvan 26 Chana Levy mother of Baruch LevyHeshvan 26 Belmore Weinstein father of Sue WeinsteinHeshvan 27 Cela Kuperhause mother of Jacob KuperhauseHeshvan 27 David Weidman father of Michael WeidmanHeshvan 28 Ethelda Weinstein mother of Sue WeinsteinHeshvan 29 Marion Meacham mother of Tirzah MeachamKislev 1 James Blugerman father of Olga PalmateerKislev 1 Bernard Mass father of Philip MassKislev 2 Minnie Kamenir mother of Sandra KamenirKislev 2 Israel Lichtshein father of Dan Mendelsohn-AvivKislev 3 Clara Klein mother of Jack KleinKislev 3 Chana Rachela Margalit mother of Dalia Margalit-

FairclothKislev 3 Donna Schachter wife of Harry SchachterKislev 4 Edward Ezra Cohen brother of Ben CarniolKislev 4 Myles Sheldon Robinson father of Brenlee Robinson and

Shayne RobinsonKislev 5 Sol Feferman father of Irv FefermanKislev 5 Sima Schonberg mother of Arnold SchonbergKislev 6 Regina Beiser mother of Morton BeiserKislev 6 Eva Rubenzahl mother of Sam RubenzahlKislev 7 Mina Katz mother of Steve KatzKislev 8 Alexander Chernick father of Lili LittleKislev 8 Irving Feder father of Allan FederKislev 8 Nechama Schlanger sister of Miriam SchlangerKislev 8 Lillian Starkman mother of Harvey StarkmanKislev 9 Edah Goldstein mother of Evelyn SchaeferKislev 9 Sydney Phillips father of Rhona PhillipsKislev 9 Burton Weiser father of Kalman WeiserKislev 10 Molly Lyon mother of Israel LyonKislev 10 Stanley Nelson father of Richard Nelson




Page 16: NARAYEVER NEWS NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 2014 HESHVAN, …2014, come to light the menorah, sing, dance, spin the dreidel, eat, drink and share in the joy of light with the Narayever community!





















Kislev 14

Kislev 21

Kislev 28

Tevet 5

Kislev 20Kislev 19

Kislev 26

Tevet 3

Kislev 18

Kislev 25

Tevet 2

Kislev 17

Kislev 24

Tevet 1

Kislev 16

Kislev 23

Kislev 30

Kislev 15

Kislev 22

Kislev 29




Services 9 am

Services 9 amServices 6 pmShacharit 9 am

9 amShacharit

Shacharit 9 am

CSA 4 - 7 pm

30 Tevet 8


2928 Tevet 7Tevet 6

Shacharit 9 am

Services 9 amKensington Gardens 11am


4 Kislev 12 5 Kislev 13


Services 6 pm

2 Kislev 10 3 Kislev 11

CSA 4 - 7 pm

CSA 4 - 7 pm

1 Kislev 9

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class5:15 pm



Kislev 27

Tevet 4



Services 6 pm


























Heshvan 8

Heshvan 15

Heshvan 22

Heshvan 29

Heshvan 14

Heshvan 21

Heshvan 28

Heshvan 13

Heshvan 20

Heshvan 27

Heshvan 12

Heshvan 19

Heshvan 26

Heshvan 11

Heshvan 18

Heshvan 25

Heshvan 10

Heshvan 17

Heshvan 24

Kislev 2

Heshvan 9

Heshvan 16

Heshvan 23

Kislev 8

Lech Lecha


Chayei Sara


Services 9 amJaime Levitan Bat MitzvahPost-kiddush Talk with Sharoni Sibony

Services 9 am

Services 9 amHallie Benjamin Bat MitzvahChalutzim Cottage Getaway

Services 9 amYuval Smith Bar MitzvahKensington Gardens 11am

Services 6 pm

Services 6 pm




Shacharit 9 am

Shacharit 9 am

Shacharit 9 am

CSA 4 - 7 pm

CSA 4 - 7 pm

CSA 4 - 7 pm

28272625 Kislev 6Kislev 5Kislev 4Kislev 3

Services 6 pm

4:24CSA 4 - 7 pm

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class5:15 pm

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class5:15 pm

Services 6 pm


Services 9 am

29 Kislev 7

Kislev 1

Shacharit 9 am

31 Tevet 9


CHANUKAH2nd candle


4th candleCHANUKAH5th candle

CHANUKAH7th candle

CHANUKAH8th candle

Rabbi’s Class “The Tribes of Israel”

7 pm Mira Greenberg Bat MitzvahKensington Gardens 11am

Shulabration 4 - 7 pm Cecil Street

Community Centre

Rabbi’s Class “The Tribes of Israel”

7 pm

Ellen Roseman Talk7:30 pm

Chalutzim Cottage Getaway

Post-kiddush Talk with Derek Penslar

Shacharit Rosh Hodesh

9 am

23Board Meeting

7 pm

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class5:15 pm

Rabbi’s Class “The Tribes of Israel”

7 pm

Rabbi’s Class “The Tribes of Israel”

7 pm

Rabbi’s Class “The Tribes of Israel”

7 pm

Post-kiddush Holocaust

Education Week program



Services 9 amJacob Davis Bar MitzvahKensington Gardens 11am

Services 6 pmChanukah at Kensington

Gardens,6 pm

CHANUKAH6th candle

Board Meeting 7 pm

Chanukah Party at the Shul 5:30 pm

B’Yachad programming meeting 3 pm