narmada river valley project final

Nature Sake Development : Case Study on NARMADA RIVER VALLEY PROJECT”

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Nature Sake Development :

Case Study on



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Group –











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Development is the main motive of science. But at the cost of nature, it loses

its essence.

Dams have been one of the major contributors for disturbing nature’s balance

and have been targets of protest across the globe.

Dams are a symbol of human ingenuity and engineering.

On the other hand, block natural river flow, block paths of many migratory

fish species, disrupt transport of sediment along the river, which affects

morphology of the riverbed, intoxicates the water.

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Why We Have Chosen This Project?

It draws our interest because we can see how a variety of people

from social actors and celebrities come

forward and together for a common interest.

The Government has used this project more for politics and lesser

for benefits. On the other hand...if established...this NRVP would

be a very esteemed and resourceful project.

But it lacks planning...decision making...and so the youth has to

know about this topic and step up

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Because we are the face of tomorrow and if we dont have the

subject knowledge...we wont be able to make the right decision

India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, once called dams

the ‘‘temples of modern India.’’

Though he later retracted his statement and called large dams

‘‘a disease of gigantism’’ that India must abandon.

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More than 1,000 dams across U.S. Have been removed to date.

Biggest Dam removal Project: The 108 feet high and 210 feet deep

'Elwha Dam' on the Elwha River, located on the Olympic

Peninsula in Washington State .

Goal of removal : restoring flows for fish and wildlife, reinstating

the natural sediment and nutrient flow, eliminating safety risks,

restoring opportunities for recreation, and saving taxpayer money

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One of the most controversial and protested government schemes .

Approved by “Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal” in 1978 which

included 30 large dams, 135 medium dams, and 3,000 small dams.

Initially, started at small level but later in 1985 the World Bank

agreed to finance.

Estimated that project will irrigate more than 18,000 km2, most of

it in drought prone areas of Kutch and Saurashtra

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Main attraction: Sardar Sarovar Dam, near Navagam, Gujarat.

Proposed height of Sardar Sarovar Dam: 163metres .

Dam's main power plant houses six 200 MW Francis pump-

turbines to generate electricity and total installed capacity of the

power facilities- 1,450 MW.

Projected Benefits:

Feed 20 million people, provide domestic and industrial water for

about 30 million, employ about 1 million, and valuable electricity.

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Irrigate land spread over 12 districts, 62 talukas and 3393

villages(75% of which is drought prone areas) in 'Gujarat' and

730km2 in the arid areas of 'Barmer' and 'Jalore' districts of


Set against the futures of about 70,000 project affected people.

The ratio of beneficiaries to affected persons 100:1.

In 1987 after construction of dams the injustices of the government's relocation program were exposed.

Consequences: Laid the foundation of “Narmada Bachao Andolan”(NBA) or “Save Narmada Movement”

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Objectives and essence of NBA : After World Bank

agreed to finance the Sardar Sarovar dam without consulting the indigenous communities that were to be displaced displaced. In 1987,construction began on the Sardar Sarovar dam, and the injustices of the government's relocation program were exposed.

These NGOs allied in 1989 to form the Narmada Bachao

Andolan (NBA), or the 'Save Narmada Movement', led by

Medha Patkar.

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NBA's fight for gaining justice to the innocents.

Supreme Court judgement:

“The displacement of the tribals and other persons

would not per se(in itself) result in the violation of

their fundamental or other rights.”

-Justice B N Kripal

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Story of Burgi(1st dam of Narmada) .

Five-day sit-in at Prime Minister V. P. Singh's residence in New Delhi.

The Narmada Jan Vikas Sangharsh Yatra marching over 100 kilometers.

Today the dam irrigates only 5% of what was planned. It actually submerges more land than it irrigates

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Medha Patkar.

Founder Convener, National Alliance of People's

Movements .

Narmada Bachao Andolan -

“Dr. Murlidhar Devidas Amte ”

Indian social worker,Social activist.

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Activist known particularly for his work for the

rehabilitation and empowerment of poor people suffering

from leprosy.

Aamir Khan and Arundhati Roy supported Narmada

Bachao Andolan.

Anand patwardhan made an award-winning

documentary: A Narmada Diary.

Alok agarwal current member of the AAM ADMI

PARTY is an active figure in the movement.

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Data presented by –'The National Register of Large Dams'–

“Central Water Commission 1994”, New Delhi Indian food production rose from 50 to 200 million tones 1950-1997; two-

thirds of increase from irrigation, but the data does not make clear whatproportion of the increase was contributed by large dams: estimated 10%;Government claims 30%.

40% of those displaced are adivasis (tribal people). Less than 50% of peopledisplaced by large projects are rehabilitated.

Construction occurs under the “Official Secrets Act”; access is denied,information is withheld, ‘participation’ is non-existent.

The costs of dams are systematically underestimated and their benefits areinflated.

9000 Crore Rupees have been spent by the government till today on thisproject.

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Facts From The Heart of Narmada

The SSP was never meant to provide drinking water to the thirsty villages of

Gujarat. This "benefit" was added as a cynical political ploy when the project

ran into trouble

The feasibility studies for drinking water supply were only initiated in 1998.

Not a single rupee has been allocated from the SSP budget for drinking water

While the Government of Gujarat spends 85% of its annual irrigation budget

on the SSP, its canal system, even according to the Project Authorities' own

plans, is designed to irrigate less than 2% of the cultivable land in Kachchh,

9% in Saurashtra, and 20% in North Gujarat.

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There is 15-17% less water in the Narmada today than was

assumed when the SSP was designed. This means that there will be

less water in the canals than the planners projected.

The SSP arbitrarily assumes an irrigation efficiency of 60%, when

the highest efficiency achieved in India is around 40%. So about

half of the projected area will never be irrigated.

Since construction began in 1987, MP has not provided a single

hectare of agricultural land for its oustees. In the Supreme Court

the MP Government has declared on oath that it has no land to re-

settle the project affected people.

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According to a detailed study of 54 Large Dams done by the

'Indian Institute of Public Administration', the average number

of people displaced by a Large Dam is 44,182. Admittedly, 54

dams out of 3,300 Large Dams in India is not a big enough

sample. But since it's all we have, let's try and do some rough

arithmetic. Let's err on the side of abundant caution and take an

average of just 10,000 people per Large Dam. It's an improbably

low figure, but after this on the calculator, we find -

3,300 x 10,000 = 33 million

That's what it works out to. THIRTY-THREE MILLION

people. Displaced by big dams alone in the last fifty years.

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(1) Ethics in life.

(A) What is Ethics ??

(B) Criteria for ethics

(2) Utilitarianism concept of ethics

(A) Meaning of Utilitarianism.

(B) Displacement of People.

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(3) Contradiction by Bhagwad Geeta

- this defines ethics by the meaning of achieving our


(4) Development at the cost of nature.

(5) Ethics is not definable, is not implementable, because it

is not conscious; it involves not only our thinking, but also

our feelings

By - Valdemar W. Setzer

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The protection of Nature is, among other things, an ethical


Ethics plays an at least equal role as the other components –

technology, economics, politics, sociology, psychology. people - were

living below the poverty line. That's more than the country's

population in 1947.

Development is not what it is defined when it builds on the

foundation of destruction and displacement.

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What kind of country is this? Who owns it? Who

runs it? What's going on.

A model in which nature has no value apart from

human preferences will imply different conduct from

one where nature projects fundamental values, some

objective and others that further require human

subjectivity superposed on objective nature

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