narrandera high school...narrandera high school newsletter page 6 preparation continues for the...

Narrandera High School Newsletter Narrandera High School Issue 5 Week 11 Term 1 Thursday 11th April 2019 Renovations During Term 1, we have managed to finalise a lot of the renovations of our front office area. I am sure for those of you that have visited us you will all agree that it has created a more professional and welcoming environ- ment for our students and visitors. It is extremely important to us that stu- dents feel like they are coming to a positive, engaging and modern school every day. Sporting Excellence Lilly Hewitt never ceases to amaze us with her prowess in sports. Lilly recent- ly competed at the 2019 Australian Athletics Championships in Sydney. She finished an amazing 3 rd in shot put and 7 th in the hammer throw. An in- credible achievement and we are so proud of Lilly for attaining the bronze medal. In other news, I am always blown away by the sportsmanship of many of our students. Recently the Narrandera HS boys’ soccer team competed against Murrumbidgee Regional HS in Griffith. Although the boys were de- feated against the might of a 1500 student school for whom soccer is their primary sport, I was very pleased to receive an email from their Principal who passed on his congratulations to the boys for the sportsmanship they extended their fellow players and the referees who were from Murrum- bidgee Regional HS. To me, getting this kind of feedback is better than hearing that our team has won, so I congratulate the boys on representing our school with pride. Duke of Edinburgh Over the past year the school has significantly invested in getting the Duke of Ed program running at Narrandera High School. A huge thanks to Mr Davies for his organisation and willingness to give up a significant amount of his personal time to run the program for our students. It was great to see some of the pictures on our school Facebook page during their recent trip to Square Knob. I would heavily encourage any interested students who

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Narrandera High School Newsletter Page 1

Narrandera High School

Issue 5 Week 11 Term 1 Thursday 11th April 2019


During Term 1, we have managed to finalise a lot of the renovations of our

front office area. I am sure for those of you that have visited us you will all

agree that it has created a more professional and welcoming environ-

ment for our students and visitors. It is extremely important to us that stu-

dents feel like they are coming to a positive, engaging and modern school

every day.

Sporting Excellence

Lilly Hewitt never ceases to amaze us with her prowess in sports. Lilly recent-

ly competed at the 2019 Australian Athletics Championships in Sydney.

She finished an amazing 3rd in shot put and 7th in the hammer throw. An in-

credible achievement and we are so proud of Lilly for attaining the bronze


In other news, I am always blown away by the sportsmanship of many of

our students. Recently the Narrandera HS boys’ soccer team competed

against Murrumbidgee Regional HS in Griffith. Although the boys were de-

feated against the might of a 1500 student school for whom soccer is their

primary sport, I was very pleased to receive an email from their Principal

who passed on his congratulations to the boys for the sportsmanship they

extended their fellow players and the referees who were from Murrum-

bidgee Regional HS. To me, getting this kind of feedback is better than

hearing that our team has won, so I congratulate the boys on representing

our school with pride.

Duke of Edinburgh

Over the past year the school has significantly invested in getting the Duke

of Ed program running at Narrandera High School. A huge thanks to Mr

Davies for his organisation and willingness to give up a significant amount

of his personal time to run the program for our students. It was great to see

some of the pictures on our school Facebook page during their recent trip

to Square Knob. I would heavily encourage any interested students who

Narrandera High School Newsletter Page 2


Examinations will be held on:

Tuesday 30th April,

Wednesday 1st May and

Thursday 2nd May

The HSC course commences on Friday 3rd May. This is a normal school day and

students are expected to be here.




Narrandera High School will be

involved in the community An-

zac Day march on 25th April.

Students are to meet at the Ex-

Serviceman's Club, Bolton Street

at 10:30am. School leaders

should wear full representative

uniform. All other students in full

school uniform (including black

leather shoes). We would appreciate a significant student turn out.

Mrs Milne

have not yet engaged in the program to contact Mr Davies.

Term 2

This week it was announced that I will be heading over to Wagga Wagga to re-

lieve as Principal at Kooringal HS for Term 2. During this time, Mrs Milne will relieve

as Principal and an expression of interest is currently underway to find a Deputy

Principal. Although I will miss all of the staff and students at Narrandera HS, I am

excited for the opportunity to learn some new skills that will further develop my

leadership skills as a Principal. I wish all students and staff a successful Term 2 and I

look forward to hearing from Mrs Milne about the continued growth that Nar-

randera HS is experiencing in all areas.

Mr Kyle Bryant


Narrandera High School Newsletter Page 3

Week 11

Thursday 11th April

Girls Riverina AFL Trials

Clontarf End of Term Trip

Year 9 Ag Ammo Excursion

Friday 12th April

School Athletics Carnival

Boys Riverina AFL Trials

Term 2

Week 1

Monday 29th April


Tuesday 30th April

Stage 6 Prelim Examinations

Wednesday 1st May

Stage 6 Prelim Examinations

Thursday 2nd May

Stage 6 Prelim Examinations

Friday 3rd May

HSC Courses Commence—

Stage 6

Week 2

Tuesday 7th May

Hands on High School 7pm

Wednesday 8th May

School Cross Country P5 & 6

Thursday 9th May

Work Studies community vol-


Friday 10th May

AFL State Cup Gala Day

Year 9 & 10 Boys/Girls


You have BRAINS in your HEAD.

You have FEET in your SHOES.

You can STEER yourself any


- Dr Seuss

On Thursday 28th March our NHS Chess team com-

menced their 2019 Country Schools Chess Knockout

campaign with a match against Murrumbidgee Re-

gional HS from Griffith. Our team consisted of Ted Ost-

ler, Jackson Mars, Charlie Ireland and Brad Cussans.

The match was played over the internet through

chess site which was an unusual in-

troduction to the tournament format for Charlie and


All four boys were able to de-

feat their MRHS opponent, re-

sulting in a comprehensive 4-0

victory. The boys will now face

Saint Mary Mackillop College,

Wagga in the second round,

which will be played early in

Term 2. Congratulations boys.

Mr Kroek


The U13’s Girls 4 x

50m Relay have

competed at the

CHS State Swim-

ming Champion-

ships in Sydney on

Tuesday 9th April.

Tahlia Gilbert

swimming in the

relay swam a PB of 32 seconds!!

Well done Mia, Tahlia, Lily & Olivia

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Students ranging from Years 9 to 12 interested in HSC

Visual Arts had the fantastic opportunity to take part

in Bundanoon Art Camp this year on the picturesque

Shoalhaven River. Traveling over 6 hours to the east

coast students where invited to stay at the home of

Australian artist Arthur Boyd, and explore the work

and artistry of the renowned artist. Narrandera High

School was selected to be a part of the ‘Adopt a

School’ program, allowing our students access to

an exciting program with supplies, accommodation

and food included. The Bundanoon Trust visual arts

and design programs are inspired by the cultural, en-

vironmental and architectural heritage of the Bun-

danoon Trust. Exploring the artistic heritage of Arthur

Boyd and his family. Students created artworks in-

spired by the landscape of the

Shoalhaven River as well as expe-

rience working in charcoal, gou-

ache, watercolour and printmak-

ing techniques in a unique and

relaxing environment.

Narrandera High School Newsletter Page 6

Preparation continues for the students

of Year 9 Agriculture and the Angora

Wether Show team that will be repre-

senting the school at the Sydney Royal

Show in Sydney during the first week of

the school holiday. The goats have

continued to thrive under the care of

the students. They have been trained

to respond to the handler’s instruction

ready for the show ring in Sydney

where they will be competing with oth-

er regional and Sydney based schools.

As show time is getting closer we have turned to the more intensive grooming re-

quirements to compete at the National level and this has included a full wash,

rinse and pedicure for each of the goats in the team. We have been attempting

to keep them clean by shedding them on a slated floor. However, the goats have

proven themselves to be master escape artists and as a result we will all be per-

fecting our goat bathing skills.

A big thank you to Nick Gorrie the owner of the goats who travelled to the school

from his farm near Canberra to help the students select the team of goats to be

shown in Sydney. We will have one team of three goats to compete in the schools

Angora Wether goat class. Whilst at school he also gave the students a master

class in Animal handling and Judging.



Narrandera High School Newsletter Page 7

On Wednesday 27th March, a group of Indigenous students went to Leeton High

School to participate in a dance workshop delivered by the Bangarra Dance Group.

We started the workshop with a game of trivia which tested our knowledge about nota-

ble Indigenous Australians, for example Mary Pearson who was Australia’s first ever Abo-

riginal Ballerina. We were led in an extensive warmup by Patrick Thaiday who has been

with the Bangarra Dance Company since 2002. After morning tea we were divided into

two groups to learn a contemporary style dance. We could choose to learn a more

basic dance with Patrick or a more challenging one with Shontell. Most of our students

chose to stay with Shontell and had a real crack at the challenging dance routine. Af-

ter lunch we learnt some more traditional dance moves and were split into boys and

girls. Glen and Mrs Sergeant were so proud of us because we gave it all a red hot

crack!!! Congratulations to Tahlia Gilbert, Wesley Bamblett and Campbell Lyons who

were chosen to progress further with this dancing opportunity with Bangarra Theatre.


Narrandera High School Newsletter Page 8


The students had to use their maps, compasses, and keen wits to

navigate through a range of terrains.

Day 1

NHS Duke of Ed students had an early rise

this morning as they prepared to set out to

take on Square Knob. The students had to

use their maps, compasses, and keen wits

to navigate through a range of terrains.

Although it is very dry, the site affords an

incredible panorama of northern Nar-

randera. Lauren proved to be the most

Bear Grylls and found a cave that could

cozily house all nine students. Not quite

Lord of the Flies, though some Medieval punishments were enacted. Lots of laughs

and more than a few scratches later, there’ll be more than a few tired happy

campers tonight. A great first day!

Day 2

The second day of the NHS Duke of Ed hike took a breezy turn with students forced

to face off against strong and dusty winds - bit of a shock after a totally idyllic

evening watching the sunset, playing Spotlight, and eating marshmallows around

the campfire. We commemorated the conclusion of our trip with a cairn-

constructing competition. Ella took on the role of key architect whereas Ted decid-

ed to lay an arrow helpfully pointing people in the wrong direction. Another excel-

lent day with all students agreeing that they still had tonnes of energy. A big thanks

to Mr Davies for organising everything. We’re very keen for our next hike come


Narrandera High School Newsletter Page 9



Heath Wasley-Reilly, Lachlan Kerr & Angus Richardson will travel to Newcastle on

Friday to compete in the Academy Games. The boys are representing the Wagga

Wagga based Southern Sports Academy. They will compete with Academies from

all over New South Wales.

Congratulations boys! And good luck


Lilly Hewitt competed at the 2019 Australian Athletics Championships last Thursday

and Friday at Olympic park in Sydney. Lilly finished 3rd in Australia in Shot Putt win-

ning the bronze medal with a personal best throw of 14.52m on her very last throw.

She also finished 7th in Australia in Hammer throw with a throw of 42m 80. This was

also a personal best.

Narrandera High School Newsletter Page 10


The ‘Jumping Events’ for the upcoming

Athletics Carnival were held last week

during sport.

Narrandera High School Newsletter Page 11


School office hours are 8:00am to 3:30pm. Sometimes it can be confusing to know

exactly who to contact about an issue or concern at school. The following has

been developed to try and help you get in touch with the right person to assist you.

If calling the school, our administrative staff WILL ask you what your call

is about. Please cooperate with this request as they are simply trying to

put you in contact with the appropriate person, otherwise you may end up

talking to someone who can’t help you.

Classroom Teacher

Concerns regarding a specific class

Questions or concerns regarding an assessment task from a specific class

Behaviour concerns in a specific class (Step 1)

Head Teacher

Questions regarding N Warning Letters

Extensions on assessment tasks or appeals

Doctors certificates relating to a medical issue impacting an assessment task

Class placement concerns or question (Year 9 and 10)

Behaviour concerns in a specific faculty (Step 2)

Girls Supervisor

Any issue where the student would feel more comfortable discussing it with a

female member of staff.

Year Advisor

Welfare issues (wellbeing, concerns regarding social issues)

Class placement concerns or questions (Year 7 and 8)

Ongoing medical issues that the staff need to be made aware of that is im-

pacting their schooling

Most other concerns (if in doubt, the Year Advisor should be the first point of

contact with the school. They can then assist you to find the right person)

Deputy Principal

Behaviour or discipline issues of a whole school or serious nature (Step 3)

Questions or queries about subject selection or timetabling

Bullying issues


Long term absences from school that require Principal approval

Enrolment interviews

School leavers

** Your cooperation is appreciated **

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The School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) provides eligible school students with

free or subsidised travel from home to school. This will be provided by local bus


Apply on-line:


School Drive Subsidy

This subsidy is for driving school students to school or the nearest transport pick-up

stop (your school bus stop). That’s right—if you live more than 1.6km (primary) and

2.0km (secondary) from the bus stop you may be eligible.

Apply on-line:

Please contact the office for more information 6959 1744


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