narrated laptop program_policy_highlights

Laptop Program Policy Highlights: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Upload: jim-homan

Post on 18-Dec-2014




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  • 1. Laptop Program Policy Highlights: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
  • 2. General Policies
    Read and Follow
    Laptop Program Policies Handout
    User Agreement
    Internet Code of Conduct
    Laptops are mainly for educational purposes
    Stay on task in the classroom (refrain from playing gaming, surfing or IMing )
    X-box? No
    Education? Yes
  • 3. Safekeeping
    Never leave your laptop unattended or unlocked or unattended
    Do not let others borrow your laptop
    If it is in your lockerbe sure the locker is actually locked
    The laptop can be locked in car (but not for long)
    Keep the laptop away from extreme temperatures (hot or cold)
  • 4. General Care of Your Laptop
    Be careful with your laptop
    it is not made to be handled in a rough manner
    dont take your laptop to places, or leave it in places where it could be damaged
    Take Precautions
    Think ahead
    Consider what could happen and then take precautions
  • 5. General Care (bags)
    You need to purchase a laptop bag
    It should be small and padded
    Just big enough to hold the laptop only with one strap
    Overstuffing not good
    You are not allowed to just put it in a regular backpack
  • 6. More General Care
    Accidental Damage Protection
    Does not mean you shouldnt care for your laptop
    Run Anti-Adware utilities once a week!!!!!
    Defrag once a week
    Dont download damaging material
    Run Windows update often
    Check for Anti-Virus updates often
  • 7. Battery/Power Cord Care
    Charge your batteries after school (but not over night)
    Your laptop should run on battery power every day
    If your battery is chargeddo not keep it plugged in unless you take out your battery
    Do not wrap your power cord around itself
    Do not yank power cord out of the outlet
    The power cord and batteries are not usually covered by the accidental damage protection ($35, $110)
    Batteries last about 18-20 months typically
  • 8. Repair
    Need repair?
    See Mr. Brandt in the Media Center
    Open 7:45 pm to 2:45 Pm
    Do not ask to leave class
    You may be charged to repair your laptop if it was not purchased through the school
    Backup anything that you want to save before you come in for repair (you should back things up regularly)
  • 9. Repair continued
    Software Problem=Re-Imaging
    Some stuff is fixed easily (no re-image)
    If it takes too long to fixit will be re-imaged
    Hardware Problem
    A few simple things can be repaired on-site
    It may have to be sent to away for repair (taking up to 2 or 3 weeks, or longer)
  • 10. What Not to Do
    There are many things that students have done that puts their laptop in danger
    Not zipping the case so the laptop falls out
    Putting the laptop in the case while it is ON, on standby or hibernate
    Slamming case on the desk or floor
    Dropping laptop into case
  • 11. What Not to Do (contd)
    Sliding the laptop over the surface of a desk or table
    Taking buttons off of the keyboard
    Dropping or slamming the laptop onto a hard surface
    Using the laptop on a soft surface
    It will overheat and the keyboard melts
    Setting the laptop down in a precarious position
  • 12. What Not to Do (contd)
    Taking the Laptop to lunch where pop or food could get on it
    Having liquids near your laptop
    Rough-housing while carrying the laptop
    Not keeping the laptop level with all feet attached
    The motherboard will eventually crack
    The video card could break
  • 13. Abuse Witnessed
    Any teacher witnessing laptop abuse will report it to Mr. Homan
    Mr. Homan will then contact your parents
    You may be called into a parent/student conference if abuse is serious and frequent
  • 14. Unauthorized Software/Downloaded Material
    Keep it Clean!
    Unauthorized software or downloaded material can damage the operating system of the laptop
    Most difficulties have resulted from downloaded material off the internet
    Be very selective in what you download
    Stay away from peer-2-peer networks
  • 15. Misusing your Laptop
    Using your laptop and/or software to cheat on assignments and tests
    Downloading inappropriate/illegal pictures and movies
    Excessive, distracting gaming and IMing during free time
    Network based or online gaming Any gaming or IMing during classes
    Distracting headphone usage at school
    Sending/Forwarding inappropriate/illegal pictures
  • 16. Screensavers/Backgrounds
    No inappropriate screensavers or backgrounds on desktop
    Girls in swimsuits, under garments or barely there dresses are inappropriate
    Guys in swimsuits, under garments or without shirts are inappropriate
    Rule of thumb=no skin showing
    Racial or ethnic slurs are inappropriate
    Negative racial signs or symbols are inappropriate
    Pretend the Bishop is visiting your classroom
  • 17. Consequences for Damgage or Behaviors
    For Behavior Issues
    Detention(s) and reported to admin.
    Parent call and/or meeting
    For Damage
    We will begin charging for repair
    It may co$t you big time
    Motherboard > $350
    screen > $600
    hard drive >$200
    keyboard > $100
  • 18. Concluding Remarks
    Teachers dont have many problems with their laptops
    Students have more problems
    They download stuff off the internet that wrecks the laptop
    They dont take care of their laptop, dropping it, slamming it and abusing it
    They dont update Windows, Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware/Adware (more on that later)
    Treat it Right=less problems
    Keep it clean=less frustration
    Remember the laptop police are watching