nasa office of headquarters operations all hands

NASA Office of Headquarters Operations All Hands July 22, 2014

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NASA Office of Headquarters Operations All Hands. July 22, 2014. Agenda. Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management Information Technology and Communications Facilities and Administrative Services Human Resources and Management Business Management and Systems Support Questions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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NASA Office of Headquarters Operations All Hands

July 22, 2014

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Agenda Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management Information Technology and Communications Facilities and Administrative Services Human Resources and Management Business Management and Systems Support Questions

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Equal Opportunity and Diversity ManagementMartin Reyes-DuranDirector

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EODM Updates

Diversity & Inclusion Program, 23 July 2014

Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Implementation Plan

Dr. Steve Robbins Diversity Awareness Videos


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Diversity & Inclusion Program

NASA HEADQUARTERSJames Webb Auditorium

July 23, 201410:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Guest SpeakerLeVar Burton


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Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Implementation Plan

Principles1) Demonstrated Leadership Commitment2) Employee Engagement and Effective Communication3) Continuous D&I Education, Awareness and Skills

Development4) Demonstrated Commitment to Community

Partnership5) Shared Accountability and Responsibility for

Diversity and Inclusion6) Measurements or Metrics


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Dr. Steve Robbins Diversity Awareness Videos

Principle 3: Continuous D&I Education, Awareness & Skill Development

Training D&I Awareness Campaign D&I Resource for Managers

Current Status

Finalizing the procurement process Fifteen videos (6-10 minutes each) To be loaded into SATERN for use by all


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Information Technology & Communications DivisionVictor ThompsonDirector

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• Microsoft Office 2013 Upgrade• Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook) will be upgraded

from MS Office 2010 to MS Office 2013 • This upgrade will be deployed over the network using ACES automated software

distribution tools to all HQ PC systems• The detailed deployment schedule (user by user) will be published and

deployments will occur each Tuesday evening over a 12 week period beginning on July 29, 2014

• ITCD has developed formal classroom training on the products as well as one hour workshops focused on the differences between Office 2010 and Office 2013

For additional information please visit the Office 2013 Upgrade Project page at

IT Services Update

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IT Security• Conversion of HQ PC computers to require the use of

PIV Card (NASA Badge) login • Currently 933 PC computers across HQ have been completed• All remaining systems will be completed by the end of Aug 2014 allowing HQ to

be in compliance with OMB and Agency mandates.

• The deadline for all HQ personnel to complete the mandatory 2014 Annual IT Security is July 31, 2014

• Any person that does not complete the training will have their IT accounts suspended until the training has been completed

• HQ Operations status as of July 17th is 92.3% complete, 57 remaining

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ACES Seat Refreshes • The replacement of all legacy ODIN computers with ACES computers is coming to a

closure• 30 systems remain, primarily in NASA TV and CSSC

• The 3 year life cycle replacement of ACES computers is expected to begin in the 1st quarter of calendar year 2015

• Existing ACES computer seats will be refreshed when they reach 3 years of age

• The refresh/replacement of mobile seats (cellular/smartphones) is currently in progress for those personnel that wish to stay with their current device “type” and carrier

• The ability for people to change device types and carriers is expected be to available in the 1st quarter of calendar year 2015

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New ITCD Staff Members

Dennis Groth – Promoted to ITCD Deputy Director and CIODarline Brown – Returned to ITCD after a one year detail to the Office of Education

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HQ Facilities & Administrative Services DivisionDave RedmanDirector

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Building Update• Renovation Complete on all floors except 2 !!!!!• 2nd floor renovation to be completed on 27 August 2014

• Last occupant of I street will be moved on 6 September 2014• Weekly meetings continue with Piedmont, their contractor

team, GSA and NASA HQ• Review schedule and deliverables• Ensure code compliance

• Project completion date is August 27, 2014• There will still be some work to be completed.

• Punch list items• Level IV Physical Security for exterior• HVAC units for Auditorium and West Lobby

• Applied for LEED Gold rating• Web Site:

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What we used to look like

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What we look like now


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New FASD Staff Members

Michael Pfisterer, Physical Security Specialist

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Human Resources Management Division

Leah HollanderDirector

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A.S.P.I.R.E.Accentuating Strengths and Professionalism through Influencing, Reflection and Education

Audience: GS 9-12 NASA HQ civil servants (engineering, science, and administrative professionals) with at least one year of experience at HQ

Purpose: A nine-month program that provides leadership development for a diverse group of individuals who have high potential to grow and take on more responsibility for the agency.

Benefit: The program is developing a cadre of leaders in the lower levels for succession planning, while also enabling the individuals to best serve their organization.

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eMergeEmployees Mentoring Employees for Readiness, Growth and Excellence

Audience: NASA Headquarters employees at all organizational levels.

Purpose: The purpose of the eMerge Program is to provide NASA HQ employees the opportunity to develop professionally through formal relationships.

Benefit: Enhance communication and collaboration across organizations.


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NASA HQ Learning Topics Emotional Intelligence

Courses Team members/Employees: July 30, 2014 Leads, Supervisors and Managers: TBD Senior Leaders: August 6, 2014

E-Learning from Skillsoft Available in SATERN Leadership Essentials: Leading with Emotional

Intelligence Emotional Intelligence at Work (Challenge Series)

Political Savvy Working Across Boundaries Trust


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EAP Update Offered for civil servants and family members

Good mental health and mental health assistance is federally supported and encouraged.

EAP Contact information: – (800)222.0364 Whenever you need it – 24/7. Professional experts, in all

aspects of services sought, readily available, at NASA HQ, in another DC federal building, near your home or on the phone.


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WorkLife4You New benefit offered beginning in Feb 2014 for civil servants

and family members Concierge service to assist employees with daily living in

order achieve work/life balance, sample of service offerings: Relocation research Funeral planning Elder care, child care, pet care resource services Free referrals to home services which have been vetted, ex: plumbing, tree

removal, lawn care, etc. Online enrollment by civil servant; family members can set up their own

account for privacy and/or convenience. WL4Y contact: – (800)222.0364 (same number as

for EAP)


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New HRMD Staff Members

Felicia Smith, Employee and Labor RelationsMonica Bennett, HR Specialist


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Office of Budget Management and System Support Update

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Implementation SupporteGov Travel Services (ETS2)

The Agency implemented Concur Government Edition (CGE) to replace on June 30. The HQ Travel Office served as the implementation team

for Headquarters, providing communications, training and other Go-Live support.

Business Objects (BOBJ)

Business Objects (BOBJ) replaced Business Warehouse (BW) as the Agency’s financial reporting tool for SAP data. The BASO led the implementation for HQ as a Center and

the NMO at JPL, developing job aids and providing communications and training.

Wide Area Workflow (WAWF)

NASA is in the beginning stages of transitioning to eInvoicing, using the Department of Defense’s (DoD) tool, Wide Area Workflow (WAWF). The BASO will support

implementation tasks for HQ as a Center and the NMO at JPL.

In Process


Upcoming 2015

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HQ ETS2 Go-Live & Sustainment Period

HQ is currently in the “Sustainment Period.” o Only Arrangers can create and submit travel authorizations and create vouchers.

o Travelers must work with Arrangers to book reservations.

o Arranger training is not currently open to travelers.

The length of the Sustainment Period and date to transition to normal operations is currently not identified.

Concur Government Edition (CGE) went live on June 30, 2014 across all NASA Centers!

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HQ ETS2 Go-Live AccomplishmentsThe following are Go-Live accomplishments specific to HQ as a Center users (statistics as of July 17, 2014):


Courses Delivered


Provided Support to Users since Go-Live


Trained Approvers


Trained Arrangers


Profiles Activated


Authorizations Completed


Trained Travelers (approx.)

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HQ Operations TIERs and Arrangers

HQ Operations Travel Information Exchange Representatives (TIERs)o Primary – Naeemah Leeo Back-up – Elaine Bowman

HQ Operations Travel Arrangerso Naeemah Leeo Alita Slaughtero Sharon Washington

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CGE Go-Live WebpageThe CGE Go-Live page contains ETS2 information, FAQs, links and key contacts for the implementation!

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FY14 Year End / FY15 Start Up The following are key fiscal year end dates for

HQ as a Center and the NMO at JPL:Date Description

Friday, 8/8 Bankcard purchases using expiring funds (except for OIGX12014D) must be ordered and entered into the system.

Friday, 8/8 Last day to submit PRs for new purchase orders and delivery orders/task orders issued on existing contracts, against expiring funds, or non-expiring funds that require obligation by fiscal year end, using normal procedures.

Friday, 8/15 All Requests for Training (SF-182s) to be funded by FY14 training funds allocated to your office must be routed in SATERN, and received in the HRMD/Human Resources Development Branch.

Monday, 9/8 Last day to submit PRs for additional/incremental funding to existing contracts against expiring funds, or non-expiring funds that require obligation by fiscal year end, using normal procedures.

Tuesday, 9/30 10:59 pm - SAP Core Financial and CMM / PRISM locked.

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FY14 Year End / FY15 Startup Webpage

The FY14 Year End / FY15 Startup webpage provides key year end dates and information for HQ as a Center and the NMO at JPL!

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FY15 is likely to begin with a Continuing Resolution FY15 appropriation may dip down to FY13 reduced funding levels

FY15 Budget Outlook

FY12 FY13 FY14 House/Senate $-







$3,500 $3,003

$2,711 $2,850 $2,779

Cross Agency Support


in m




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New OBMSS Staff Members

Bernita Marshall , Budget AnalystKaty Americo, Passport Specialist


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