natasha (grbich)vermaak prayer to divorce jezebel

Divorce from the Spirit of Jezebel ….. Natasha Grbich (Vermaak) Father, in the name of Jesus, I repent, because I have made contracts and covenants with Jezebel. I made vows in my heart that were to protect me, my possession, and my position, and my money, and what I think belongs to me, and the honor due me, and I will not be embarrassed again, and I will never let this person do xyz to me again, I bring this to you now, and I break these covenants, I break these contracts, I despise the shame and embarrassment, I want to be free in the name of Jesus,. Now we are going into Jezebel’s temple and we are going to formally resign: Jezebel, in the name of Jesus, I decree to you, according to Psalm 149, you are bound from head to toe, with chains and with fetters of iron, as far as my life is concerned, I don’t want any of your gifts, I give up all witch craft, psychic abilities, influence that I’ve used the wrong way, everywhere that I have lorded it over people, every place where I have brought fear over people, where I made people do things that they didn’t want to do, because I embarrassed them, I put them in a position of fear, I put them in a position where they couldn’t say no, I say I did this, I’m responsible, it’s my sin, and I am asking God to forgive me right now, in Jesus name. I repent for stealing other people’s stuff, I repent for being ready to kill other people because I was jealous,(envy means I want something you have, whereas Jealousy means I want what you have and I want to kill you to have it…. i.e.… so I’ll pray your business dies so I can have what you business). Father God, every place where I have conspired, I got into gossip and slander against my leaders, against my parents, against anybody that has been senior to me, or held the rank above me, or even people who are even to me, I repent for that, in the name of Jesus, I repent for lusting and desiring what other people have, from power, influence, physical presence, to what they have as intellectual property, and spiritual understanding, I repent for it, because you Jesus, are my source, I want to divorce you tonight Jezebel. when I married you, swore my vows, when I said will never and I will never , I break that contract right now, tear up your

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Prayer to divorce jezebel


Page 1: Natasha (Grbich)Vermaak Prayer to Divorce Jezebel

Divorce from the Spirit of Jezebel ….. Natasha Grbich (Vermaak)

Father, in the name of Jesus, I repent, because I have made contracts and covenants with Jezebel. I made vows in my heart that were to protect me, my possession, and my position, and my money, and what I think belongs to me, and the honor due me, and I will not be embarrassed again, and I will never let this person do xyz to me again, I bring this to you now, and I break these covenants, I break these contracts, I despise the shame and embarrassment, I want to be free in the name of Jesus,.

Now we are going into Jezebel’s temple and we are going to formally resign: Jezebel, in the name of Jesus, I decree to you, according to Psalm 149, you are bound from head

to toe, with chains and with fetters of iron, as far as my life is concerned, I don’t want any of your gifts, I give up all witch craft, psychic abilities, influence that I’ve used the wrong way, everywhere that I have lorded it over people, every place where I have brought fear over people, where I made people do things that they didn’t want to do, because I embarrassed them, I put them in a position of fear, I put them in a position where they couldn’t say no, I say I did this, I’m responsible, it’s my sin, and I am asking God to forgive me right now, in Jesus name. I repent for stealing other people’s stuff, I repent for being ready to kill other people because I was jealous,(envy means I want something you have, whereas Jealousy means I want what you have and I want to kill you to have it…. i.e.… so I’ll pray your business dies so I can have what you business). Father God, every place where I have conspired, I got into gossip and slander against my leaders, against my parents, against anybody that has been senior to me, or held the rank above me, or even people who are even to me, I repent for that, in the name of Jesus, I repent for lusting and desiring what other people have, from power, influence, physical presence, to what they have as intellectual property, and spiritual understanding, I repent for it, because you Jesus, are my source, I want to divorce you tonight Jezebel. when I married you, swore my vows, when I said will never and I will never , I break that contract right now, tear up your contract, tear up your marriage contract, in the Name of Jesus, and I’m here to vomit out all the food I’ve been eating at your table, you can have it all back and it comes out of my DNA, even the iniquities of my family, I’m vomiting it back to you, I’m never going to grow or move or ever have my being in your again, in Jesus Name. I’m here to take off all the priestly garments of being your priest or prophet, (if you say something about another person in a negative/ condemning way, you are a jezebel prophet, you’ve just prophesied over somebody’s life, the power of your words, life and death is in the power of the tongue and you have just prophesied for jezebel and not for God)

Rebuking the Prophets mantle from Jezebels temple: In the name of Jesus, I refuse to prophecy for her again. I refuse to use the name of anyone and

tie them up and put them into cages.

Page 2: Natasha (Grbich)Vermaak Prayer to Divorce Jezebel

Now we are going off to the cage section: (to release all of our teachers, our parents, our grandparents, aunts, uncles , cousins, the boy down the road, the girl down the road, the bully at school and yoke up.)

We take the key of David and we go to all the cages, and we begin to open up the doors of the people we’ve condemned, criticized, come against, cursed, sworn at, had a temper tantrum about, whatever was not good, and what was negative that I put on somebody else’s life. I take the key, I unlock and open the door now and I call the people out, spirit, soul and body.

(now you forgive your father and mother, your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, teachers)

Father, I want to forgive everyone who spoke over me as I was growing up, I forgive my parents, my mother, my father everyone at school, my teachers, everyone who had stuff to say over my life, people I worked with, employers, Father God, everybody that had something negative to say, every place where I reacted and lost my temper with, where I freaked out, where I wanted revenge, I want to forgive them right now, I want you to release them, I’m asking you to forgive me God for my lack of holding it together, of my brokenness and my reaction thru my brokenness in the name of Jesus.

In the temple are all the idols you have built to yourself: (Ladies: it might be “I’m the going to be the sexiest thing on the planet and when anyone sees me, they are going to just fall over” Men: you might be thinking I’m Rambo, I’m walking thru doors and everyone is going to notice how big my shoulders are. )

There are numbers of those things we have built to ourselves. You have an image of yourself that you have built these things to and now we are going to pull them down:

Father in the name of Jesus, I want to remove every Altar that has me in it. Any Idol, any place where I worship myself, where I thought I would be the best “Whatever” , the best singer, the best dancer, the best preacher, the best business person, the best idolater, the best psychic, the best whatever….

Father God, in the name of Jesus, every place or power I sought, I repent in my heart right now, because I declare all power and wisdom and knowledge and strength is vested in you and I’m not fighting for that anymore in Jesus Name.

Now you need to take off the garments that you wore to be “that”… i.e.…. men: kung Fu outfits, Rambo look, your superman look, the Tarzan look, the bushman look, Ladies: all that lingerie, all that stuff, the Barbie look, the professional look, the super model look, the supermom look, let’s get rid of it. (Your garment is about your office and your status)

Page 3: Natasha (Grbich)Vermaak Prayer to Divorce Jezebel

Father in the name of Jesus, we strip off the office and the status that these things gave me, the knowledge, the right to move in it, the right to operate in it, I strip it off in the name of Jesus and Lord I’m asking your fire to come and consume it in Jesus Name.

(So, Jezebels throne also has wheels, crocodiles, snakes and leopards on either side of her throne and generally you will operate in the psychic gifting or in whatever, when you start to criticize something you will hit stuff that you don’t even know that you are hitting, cause you are moving in that and you don’t understand what you are doing).

Father, right now in the name of Jesus, I declare, Jezebel that your government over my life is ended right now. I am calling for the government of Heaven to be over my spirit, my soul and my body. I am choosing tonight to worship Elijah’s God, the God of Heaven and Earth. I am divorcing Jezebel’s gods, Baal and Ashtoreth in Jesus Name. Now I am walking out of this temple in the name of Jesus and I’m walking to the temple of the Lord. I’m walking up the steps now and I’m walking into the first court. I go and I wash myself in the Laver. I wash my hands and I wash my feet, I wash the way I have done things up to now and I wash the way I have walked up to now. With the water of the Word, I’m coming into alignment with the water of the word, right now, in Jesus Name.

Now I am going up to the place of sacrifice and I’m laying myself down, spirit, soul and body. Father, I give you permission to send your fire and burn up the sacrifice, everything in me, on

me, attached to me that does not come from Jesus and does not glorify the cross and the blood of the Lamb of God. I thank you right now that you come and burn it out of me. I give up all inheritance thru my father’s blood line, thru my mother’s blood line, all the way to Adam and any covenants they made with Jezebel, any time we ate our children, we drank blood and did human sacrifice, had sexual orgy’s, consulted witches, I repent as this is my sin, this iniquity stops today, I will no longer bow before these god’s any longer. There is only one true God. In Jesus Name.

Now I am coming off the altar. And we are going now. I thank you for the tunic from our neck to our toes, down to our wrists. I thank you that

everything else is covered in this garment. It is a garment of righteousness. It’s a garment of right standing. I thank you for the priests girdle ( its 22 yards long and I put it around my waist many times… it has to be heavy because when I go in as a priest I cannot think of things below the belt. I must only think of things above the belt. That is why it is here to say to me, remember you’re a priest, this is your girdle of truth. So, I am walking thru. ) I thank you Lord that Aaron was anointed with oil, when he went thru this gate, as he was instituted as a high priest. Father, I thank you for a pouring out of oil over us now. Thank you that you are pouring out your oil over me from my head to my feet. As I walk I’m leaving drippings of oil everywhere.

Page 4: Natasha (Grbich)Vermaak Prayer to Divorce Jezebel

I’m walking into the first place in here, which is the table of show bread. (Table of show bread has 12 loaves of bread representing all the tribes and all the nations. Every priest that eats these is eating before God’s face. So we are going to eat from this place).

Father, I thank you. I am no longer eating at Jezebel’s table. I’m now eating in this place at the Lord’s face. I’m taking the piece of bread and in unity with my brothers and sisters I’m eating of the Lords face. Of his countenance and his presence. I pray it comes on me and transforms me right now, right here.

(Now I’m going to the Menorah, the 7 fold candlestick. I stand before the Menorah, the 7 spirits of God and I receive my portion: the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of the fear of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of counsel, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of might and the spirit of power).

Father, I receive the revelation, the spirit in me, that is my portion, part of my DNA, the gifts and the fruits and everything that this tree represents, this lampstand represents, I receive it now.

(Now we go to the middle of the second court, the golden alter of incense. You have to come with crushed incense, which is all your trials, troubles and all you’ve been thru, everything in your life that has been crushed and there are certain ingredients here… one of them is frankincense which makes a white smoke).

Father, we come right now, we bring the ingredients of our heart, the yearnings of our heart and all our prayers, and we put it on this fire. Father God, I thank you, that the fire is burning ever…and as “my stuff” hits the fire, there is a white cloud of smoke and there’s incense, a smell, an aroma of my life and I’m praying that it will be sweet and acceptable in your sight.

(on Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, the priest would be standing there and he would have the blood in one hand and incense in the other, and they say the priest was transported thru the veil supernaturally, some say he went down a narrow passage of the two curtains, it’s called the narrow way and that is why “Narrow is the way”).

Father, we are standing here, we thank you, (in faith we step behind the veil, and we present the blood of Jesus, we sprinkle it on the mercy seat, the Ark of the Covenant, seven times. 7 is the number of completion, 7 is the number of the bleedings of Jesus). Father, we thank you right, we put the blood of Jesus between the 2 cherubim, as Jesus did in Heaven, we are doing it now on earth. Right now, we say that we are here, on earth as it is in heaven. (He went into the heavenlies, he poured his blood out on the Ark and that blood is speaking for us today).

(This is the place that God gives instructions, the place where the priest would see God, the reason they say they put the rope on him was because he could be “raptured”, he would have visions and be gone).

Page 5: Natasha (Grbich)Vermaak Prayer to Divorce Jezebel

Father, I want to thank you, for receiving from you in this place as a priest, because we are in the order of Melchizedek, we not of the order of Levi, we are now of the order of Melchizedek, Jezebel did not succeed in killing Judah, so we can be here today and worship you today.

(Now we walk backwards out behind the veil, because you do not walk out of a king’s presence by turning your back on Him. We back out thru the 2nd court also. Now you can turn around as we walk out and here are all of the people. Now this is the first time you are going to prophecy without the influence of Jezebel.

Natasha praying over the people, you can personalize this for yourself: Father, I want to prophesy a blessing over all these people, I prophecy a blessing of the person

next to you, prophecy a blessing over your family, Father, because we have been in God’s face, we’ve been in his Face, and we prophecy your blessing right now, in the name of Jesus. We declare that You are God, We declare, let your will be done and your kingdom come, we declare, let us be healed, we declare, let us come thru Jezebels temple and that her temple will fall to pieces, Lord, right now I’m praying for a blood bomb of the Blood of Jesus to fall on Jezebel’s temple and that the false prophetic and the false apostolic will now be judged by the blood of the Lamb, and if it’s not the same vibration, we call for judgment, In Jesus Name.

(now every Rabi knows that you have to study for 7 years to be a Rabi and you have to study for 14 years to begin to judge. Only when you were 21 years into it were you a judge, and when you judged, you called for judgment on yourself first, so you call for every curse from Genesis to Revelation on your life , so Lord, I’m calling on the curses from Genesis to Revelation on my life if my judgment here is not true.

Father God, I’m asking you to judge Jezebel’s temple, with the understanding that you are judging me first. In the Name of Jesus. Lord, I want to give you the Glory and the Honor and the Power and the Praise. Amen