nathan godbee- design portfolio


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My name is Nathan Godbee, this is my Design Portfolio. Thanks for checking it out.


Page 1: Nathan Godbee- Design Portfolio

NathaN Godbee

Design Portfolio

Page 2: Nathan Godbee- Design Portfolio

2 Design Portfolio NathaN Godbee

Page 3: Nathan Godbee- Design Portfolio

NathaN Godbee Contents 3

CharCoal stuDies 4Material CalistheniCs 5PhenoMenal sPaCe 6Material transforMation 7Material PerforManCe/ installation 8salient MoMent 10Designing a situation 11theoretiCally DetaileD 12sCalar exPloration 13transbounDary WilDlife Migration researCh Center 14Design CoMMuniCation i 16struCtures i 17Design CoMMuniCation ii 18PreCeDent stuDy - Carlo sCarPa - brion toMbs 20Design Charette - analog + Digital 21faCaDe aDaPtation 22atlanta botaniCal garDen - Vessel 24atlanta botaniCal garDen - PaVilion 26sustainable bus stoP 32beltline light rail stoP 34hybriD urban farM + restaurant 42


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4 WorkshoP NathaN Godbee

CharCoal studies

the objeCtiVe of the ProjeCts CarrieD out During WorkshoP Was to faMiliarize ourselVes With the essential Design Materials anD MeDia. first, light, shaDoW, texture anD tension Were stuDieD in CharCoal MeDiuM.

final light stuDy

DraPery stuDy bottle stuDy 1 rounD bottle 2 bottle stuDy 3

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NathaN Godbee WorkshoP 5

Material CalistheniCs

the seConD thing stuDieD in WorkshoP Was the state of Material ProPerties. this Was questioneD through the ProCesses of DelaMintation, Cutting, folDing, sCoring anD so on.

1st iteration 2nD iteration

final MoDel

3rD iteration 4th iteration

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6 first year - first seMester NathaN Godbee

ArtificiAl lighting: BlurredPhoto of SPAce nAturAl lighting: chArcoAl SPAce AS SePerAte PlAneS: PAStelSPAce AS exPerience: chArcoAl

PhenoMenal sPaCe

the objeCtiVe of this ProjeCt Was to stuDy a sPaCe i founD PhenoMenal in one sense or another.. i founD this stairWay in the h builDing interesting for its DraMatiC anD Constantly Changing lighting ConDitions. this Was stuDieD through Pen, CharCoal, Pastel, anD Photos. a sense of blurring Was CaPtureD anD reProDuCeD to reCreate the boDily exPerienCe of the sPaCe

Pen renDering

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NathaN Godbee first year - first seMester 7

Sheet: flAt to crumPled Sheet: Wrinkled to flAt PAPer: folded to cArBonized mArShmAlloW: normAl to cArBonized

PAStel: mAteriAl trAnSformAtion

Material transforMation

this ProjeCt Was baseD arounD Putting a Material through a siMPle transforMatiVe ProCess anD stuDying the results. Photo, Pen anD Pastel Were useD to CaPture the burning ProCess of a MarshMalloW anD the CruMPling anD ironing ProCess of a sheet.

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8 first year - first seMester NathaN Godbee

Material PerforManCe/ installation

this ProjeCt foCuseD on taking a Material suCh as CarDboarD, ChiPboarD or PaPer anD exPloiting it for its Material qualities. in this Case i took CarDboarD anD MaDe use of its Corrugations. after DelaMinating the CarDboarD on one siDe, it Was WraPPeD aroung axles anD barrels to Create a MaChineWork of gears, belts anD sPrings. a fraMeWork Was built out of CarDboarD anD roDs WhiCh aCteD as a truss systeM to suPPort the Parts as Well as an interaCtion With the MoVing Parts.

SerieS ShoWing model in VAriouS PhASeS

cloSe-uP of eArly model

detAil of BeltS

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NathaN Godbee first year - first seMester 9

Material PerforManCe/ installation

this Was a further iteration shoWn here in its installeD loCation at the toP of a stairCase. the MoDel ingages the VieWer as they asCenD the stairs. onCe reaCheD, the Cranks entiCe the VieWer to noW PartiCiPate anD Play With the installation.

model inStAlled

APProAching model fAcing model SerieS ShoWing APPoAch And detAilS of inStAllAtion

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10 first year - first seMester NathaN Godbee

this ProjeCt foCuseD on the exPerienCe of a salient MoMent. stuDying anD eMPhasizing the eleMents that brought about this MoMent Were then the Design ProCess.My salient MoMetn Was looking through a WinDoW in a Dark Coffee shoP. My Design foCuses on alloWing light to enter into the sPaCe through narroW Passages to reCreate the effeCts of the WinDoW.

salient MoMent

extruded PArAline

Photo of moment Study of heAt Study of light Volumetric Study of SPAce

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NathaN Godbee first year - seConD seMester 11

the Mlk Walk in sWeet auburn atlanta Was the juMPing off Point for the Design ProCess of this PProjeCt. We analyzeD the site before anD after the rally anD Chose a site for the interVention. the interVention folloWeD the ConCePt of reCreating a sense of the situation exPerienCeD in the MarCh.the aDDition of sCulPtures helPs to Create the feeling ofa n inhabiteD sPaCe. as on Passes through the tunnel, the sCulPtures allign to Create silhouettes of boDies.

designing a situation

mArch Study croWd Study Study modelcollAge finAl model: interior

finAl model

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12 first year - seConD seMester NathaN Godbee

theoretiCally detailed

a site of ChoiCe Was stuDieD anD an interVention Was ProPoseD to enhanCe a quality of the builDing first DreW us in. the MasqueraDe in atlanta. built in 1898 as a Mill has sinCe been reuseD anD reMoDeleD. here i rePlaCeD the blaCk PlyWooD aDDitions With glass to juxtaPose the ConneCtions of olD anD neW rather than hiDe it.

originAl Section ProPoSed Section

Site PlAn Study Axon Study Sketch Study Sketch Study chArcoAl light conditionS Study

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NathaN Godbee first year - seConD seMester 13

sCalar exPloration

the objeCtiVe of this ProjeCt Was to Create a MoDel that CoulD be interPreteD on MultiPle sCales. the sCales i atteMPteD to aChieVe inCluDeD the size of an objeCt or MoDel, soMething briDge or sMall struCture sizeD, anD soMething the size of a large briDge or CiVil struCture.

initiAl model initiAl model detAil finAl model: ScAle 1

finAl model

finAl model: ScAle 2 finAl model: ScAle 3

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14 first year - seConD seMester NathaN Godbee

transboundary Wildlife Migration researCh Center

the tWmrc WAS A Project deSigned to ProVide A 2000 SquAre foot educAtionAl reSeArch fAcility inSide of A PArk AreA. the concePt of queStioning the SiteS uSeS By ProViding neW ProgrAm While imPActing the Site AS minimAlly AS PoSSiBle my deSign included A root entWining foundAtion SyStem And A Bird BAnding And reSeArch fAcility.

Site PlAn: city Site PlAn: PArk + cloSe Study of city through treeS Site Section And Study of SPider WeB Building ProceSS chArcoAl light Study of leAVeS

multimediA Site Study

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NathaN Godbee first year - seConD seMester 15

transboundary Wildlife Migration researCh Center

Side eleVAtionSite toPo

PreSentAtion BoArd StAir detAil finAl model

Section detAilfAcAde detAil ProgrAm 1St PlAn + Section eleVAtion PlAn Section

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16 DCoM i NathaN Godbee

design CoMMuniCation i

this Design CoMMuniCation ProjeCt Was siMPly Drafting a sMall PaVilion, anD hanD anD CoMPuter renDering it With entourage.

Photo SerieS of model

finAl BoArd With hAnd rendering finAl BoArd With comPuter rendering

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NathaN Godbee struCtures i 17

struCtures i

this struCtures grouP ProjeCt Was a resPonse to a CoMPetirion for a CoMMunity Center in haiti. the Design utilizes athletiC truss syteMs to MaxiMize sPaCe anD MiniMize Cost anD Materials.

finAl BoArdfinAl Building model

finAl truSS model loAding diAgrAm

detAil of truSSfinAl truSS model

StructurAl rendering truSS rendering rendered StructurAl Sytem

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18 DCoM ii NathaN Godbee

design CoMMuniCation ii

this DCoM ii ProjeCt is about analyzing a builDing We Were interesteD in. then, hanD Drafts Were MaDe as Well as CoMPuter r e n D e r i n g s inCluDing lanDsCaPe anD e n t o u r a g e .

finAl BoArd


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NathaN Godbee DCoM ii 19

design CoMMuniCation ii

this DCoM ii ProjeCt foCuseD on Creating a hybriD objeCt renDereD in forM z. My objeCt Was a blenD of a tank anD a PoPCorn MaChine.

finAl BoArd


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20 seConD year - first seMester NathaN Godbee

PreCedent study - Carlo SCarpa - brion toMbs

this ProjeCt Was a PreCeDent stuDy of Carlo sCarPa’s brion Vega toMbs near treViso italy. in My researCh i founD that sCarPa useD a griD baseD off the nuMber eleVen to layout MuCh of his Designs. i analyzeD the Plan, eleVation, anD Details of the brion toMbs to finD Patterns anD Motifs. i sPent a long tiMe analyzing the ChaPel, to unDerstanD the Way he useD thiCk Walls anD stePs to Create illusiVe sPaCes.

figure ground: eleVAtion figure ground: detAilPhoto of chAPel Study Sketch Section Axon figure ground: PlAn PlAn AnAlySeS

finAl BoArdexPloded Axon finAl model: interiorS

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - first seMester 21

this ProjeCt Was about the Dialogue betWeen analog anD Digital MeDia. begiinning With a quiCk MoDel then PulleD baCk anD forth through thea Digital anD analog realM though PhotograPhy, Print anD MoDeling.

design Charette - analog + digital

AnAlog model digitAl mAniPulAtion 2nd AnAlog model extrActed elementS digitAl collAge 2nd digitAl collAge

finAl model

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22 seConD year - first seMester NathaN Godbee

this ProjeCt foCuses on reDisigning a stuDieD faCaDe into a useable three DiMensional sPaCe. i Chose the “i” builDing to turn into an interaCtiVe ConVersation anD Presentation sPaCe.

faCade adaPtation

ProPoSAl Sketch

Study mAtrix eleVAtion collAge ProPoSAl collAgeinitiAl collAge initiAl collAge AS Built Section

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - first seMester 23

faCade adaPtation

ProPoSAl collAge Photo SerieS of finAl model

finAl model

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24 seConD year - first seMester NathaN Godbee

this ProjeCt baseD in the atlanta botaniCal garDens is foCuseD on Creating a Personal , MeDitatiVe sPaCe. My Design is baseD arounD a roof systeM that eMulates the natural shaDe anD shelter of tree CanoPy. the offset oPenings in the roof alloW light to enter anD refleCt While sheDDing rain anD CaPturing rain Water for the green roof WhiCh sloPes out of the lanDsCaPe.

atlanta botaniCal garden - Vessel

VieWS PlAn And eleVAtion Study eleVAtion Sun Study city AS leVelS city AS lAyerS

comPoSite SectioncomPoSite rAin diAgrAm

comPoSite Section comPoSite eleVAtion

comPoSite PerSPectiVe

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - first seMester 25

these MoDels are DesigneD for the Vessel ProjeCt to Createa WaterProof yet seMi-transParent anD transient sPaCe.

atlanta botaniCal garden - Vessel

Study model finAl model finAl modelStudy model

Study model

finAl model

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26 seConD year - first seMester NathaN Godbee

this ProjeCt exPanDeD the foCus of the Vessel ProjeCt into a More funCtional PrograMatiC sPaCe, WhiCh funCtions as an eVents PaVilion or PaVilion of eVents. the Design haD to be transforMableto aCCoMoDate into three Different sCenarios or layouts. My Design aCCoMPlisheD this through MoVable Wall Panels to Create oPen, CloseD, anD sCreeneD in WinDoWs. the Design sits into the lanDsCaPe anD ProViDes an aDa aCCessible Path

through the site.

atlanta botaniCal garden - PaVilion

AeriAl Site PlAn Site PlAn

Study of Site BoundArieS Site Study collAge

Site VieWS Study AeriAl PerSPectiVe Study

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - first seMester 27

atlanta botaniCal garden - PaVilion

circulAtion oVerlAy

interVention SeAting Study initiAl interVention SketcheS

interVention circulAtion oVerlAy interVention SeAting Study

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28 seConD year - first seMester NathaN Godbee

My Design Was heaVily foCuseD on Creating a CirCulatiVe sPaCe full of transforMable sPaCe WhiCh CoulD faCilitate MultiPle funCtions of PrograM. the PaVilion also sits into the hillsiDe so that it Doesn’t obstruCt VieWs.

atlanta botaniCal garden - PaVilion

Site toPo model interVention elementS interVention circulAtion

circulAtion StudieSinitiAl concePt Sketch

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - first seMester 29

atlanta botaniCal garden - PaVilion

cloSed WAll Screened oPen WAll oPen WAll

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30 seConD year - first seMester NathaN Godbee

atlanta botaniCal garden - PaVilion

lAyout 1

croSS Section

lAyout 2

longitudinAl Section

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - seConD seMester 31

atlanta botaniCal garden - PaVilion

finAl model

Photo SerieS of finAl model

finAl ProPoSAl

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32 seConD year - seConD seMester NathaN Godbee

this ProjeCt Was DesigneD as a bus stioP WhiCh Was ConstruCteD froM reCyCleD or reuseD Materials. My Material Was reuseD 55 gal DruMs Cut anD asseMbleD into a CanoPy anD Wall systeM.

sustainable bus stoP

longitudinAl Section

Photo SerieS of Study modelS

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - seConD seMester 33

sustainable bus stoP

PlAn With Section cutS

front eleVAtion Side eleVAtion reAr eleVAtion Side eleVAtion

Section “B”

Section “A”

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34 seConD year - seConD seMester NathaN Godbee

this ProjeCt Was an an extention of the bus stoP Design, featuuring the site of the atlanta beltline near the City hall east anD forD faCtory builDings. a light rail traM stoP Was the funCtion anD solar anD rain ColleCtion systeMs are a Part of the Design ConCePt. Part of the forM is DeriVeD froM a Center-rail Version of the bus stoP’s forM.

beltline light rail stoP

Photo SerieS of Study modelS

Site PlAn

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - seConD seMester 35

beltline light rail stoP

Photo SerieS of Study modelS

clAdding detAil SolAr And glASS PAnel detAil

roof PlAn + StructurAl PlAn

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36 seConD year - seConD seMester NathaN Godbee

beltline light rail stoP

eASt eleVAtion

WeSt eleVAtion


Photo SerieS of Study modelS

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - seConD seMester 37

beltline light rail stoP

Photo SerieS of Study modelS

front eleVAtion StructurAl Section

drAWing “B” drAWing “A”

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38 seConD year - seConD seMester NathaN Godbee

beltline light rail stoP

Photo SerieS of Study modelS

SolAr diAgrAm

rAin collection diAgrAm

SolAr cell mAteriAl

corten truSS mAteriAl

Page 39: Nathan Godbee- Design Portfolio

NathaN Godbee seConD year - seConD seMester 39

beltline light rail stoP

Photo SerieS of Study modelS

finAl ProPoSAl collAge north AVe. collAge

Ponce de leon AVe. collAgefinAl model collAge

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40 seConD year - seConD seMester NathaN Godbee

after the light rail stoPsDesign, We took a seConD look at the site Plan anD hoW one Might aCCess the struCture through the Means of stairs anD eleVators. these are iterations. of Possible Designs.

beltline light rail stoP

iterAtion 2

iterAtion 1 finAl iterAtion

Site PlAn

SerieS of Study SketcheS

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - seConD seMester 41

beltline light rail stoP

PerSPectiVe Sketch PerSPectiVe from inSide

Study SketcheS

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42 seConD year - seConD seMester NathaN Godbee

aDjaCent to the beltline traM stoP, this ProjeCt ProPoses the aDaPtiVe reuse of the an olD boiler builDing for the City hall east CoMPlex. this Design ProPoses to turn the builDing into an urban farM anD restaurant by extenDing the toPograPhy to literally forM neW ConneCtions as Well as reConneCt the City to it’s sourCe of loCal fooD.

hybrid urban farM + restaurant

ProPoSed Site PlAn

WeSt eleVAtion north eleVAtion South eleVAtion eASt eleVAtion

Site locAtion

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - seConD seMester 43

hybrid urban farM + restaurant

lAyerS to Site (grouP) SignS of life florA ArchitectuAl elementS

eleVAtion Photo collAgeS

Site AnAlySeS mAP

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44 seConD year - seConD seMester NathaN Godbee

hybrid urban farM + restaurant

initiAl ProgrAm initiAl ProPoSAl collAgeS

initiAl digitAl model initiAl model Section initiAl digitAl model

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - seConD seMester 45

Precedent (Site AS PAthS)

Site VieWS iSoViSt StudyProgrAmStudy of Site AngleS

hybrid urban farM + restaurant

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46 seConD year - seConD seMester NathaN Godbee

hybrid urban farM + restaurant

longitudinAl Section collAge

finAl digitAl model

croSS Section collAge interior collAge

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NathaN Godbee seConD year - seConD seMester 47

hybrid urban farM + restaurant

firSt floor PlAn

Site locAtion Site PlAn circulAtion roof PlAn firSt floor PlAn Second floor PlAn

Second floor PlAn

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48 Second Year - Second SemeSter NathaN Godbee

Hybrid Urban Farm + restaUrant

Final Model

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NathaN Godbee Second Year - Second SemeSter 49

Hybrid Urban Farm + restaUrant

Final Model