national assembly secretariat “questions for …3 • ceremonial lights- complete elimination. •...

1 (49th Session) NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ————— “QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWERS AND THEIR REPLIES” to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on Saturday, the 26th January, 2013 (Originally Starred Question Nos. 23,24,25, 28, 35, 42, 43, 44, 19, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38, 129, 131, 133, 135, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144 and 145 were set down for answer during the 48th Session) 23. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb: Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that two Power Plants for the generation of electricity are being installed at Tharparkar; (b) if so, the annual quantum of electricity to be generated therefrom alongwith the time by which the generation of electricity will be started therefrom? Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) Two Power Plants of 50 MW each (IGCC 2009) were approved by the ECNEC on January 9, 2011 at a cost of Rs.8898.70 million for the generation of electricity at Tharparkar. Funds of Rs 900.00 million have so far been released by the Finance Division, GoP vide their letter No.F.4(1)PF.IV/ 2012-44 dated 27-08-2012. The spade work has been started at site. On receipt of remaining funds in accordance with the requirement and schedule, the project would be completed within two years. (b) Around 250 million of energy units will be generated annually after COD to be achieved after 2 years at 60% load factor.

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(49th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Saturday, the 26th January, 2013

(Originally Starred Question Nos. 23,24,25, 28, 35, 42, 43, 44, 19, 30, 31,32, 33, 38, 129, 131, 133, 135, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144 and 145 were

set down for answer during the 48th Session)

23. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that two Power Plants for the generation ofelectricity are being installed at Tharparkar;

(b) if so, the annual quantum of electricity to be generated therefromalongwith the time by which the generation of electricity will bestarted therefrom?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) Two PowerPlants of 50 MW each (IGCC 2009) were approved by the ECNEC onJanuary 9, 2011 at a cost of Rs.8898.70 million for the generation of electricity atTharparkar. Funds of Rs 900.00 million have so far been released by the FinanceDivision, GoP vide their letter No.F.4(1)PF.IV/ 2012-44 dated 27-08-2012.The spade work has been started at site. On receipt of remaining funds in accordancewith the requirement and schedule, the project would be completed within twoyears.

(b) Around 250 million of energy units will be generated annually afterCOD to be achieved after 2 years at 60% load factor.


24. *Ms. Tasneem Siddiqui:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whether itis possible to end the load shedding of electricity In the country; if so,the steps taken in this regard so far?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): Yes it is possible(b) and the steps taken to overcome the gap between supply and demand are asunder:—

Supply side measures,

Supply side measure consist of the following areas:

1. Addition of new power plants:

(i) Addtion of Wapda Hydel Projects.

(ii) Addition of IPPs.(Independent Power Plants).

(iii) Addition of Public Sector Plants.

2. Rehabilitation of GENCOs Plants. (Public Sector Power Plants)

3. Supply of gas to thermal power plants and IPPs.

4. Supply of High Sulphur Fuel Oil (HSFO) and Low Sulphur Fuel Oil(LSFO) to GENCOs and IPPs plants.

Demand side measures

• Disconnection of bill board and neon sign, encouragement to convertto solar power systems.

• Switching off alternate street lights points and conversion of streetlights to solar system / LEDs ( in the longer run).

• Ornamental lights- complete elimination.


• Ceremonial lights- complete elimination.

• Sports lighting / usage- ban till the crises remains

• Liaison with provincial agriuculature departments for eduacation ofAgri tube- well users for.

i. Night time usage from 10:00 PM to 06:00 AM.

ii. use of standard motor/pumps

iii. Re-winding with standard wire etc.

• Installation of LT (Low Tension) capaictors on consumer premisesetc to enhance life of customer appliances etc liaison with localmanufacturers/ farmer chambers.

• Replacement of incandicent lamps with CFLs (energy savers).

• Installation of Time of day(TOD) satic meters on 3 phase domesticand commercial consumers having load 5 KW and above.

• Staggering of the holidays in industry and Govt. offices.

• Closure of shopping malls and commercial centers/markets/plazasat 08:00pm through awareness program.

• Marriage halls must be closed at 10:00pm

• Usage of air conditoners in Govt. offices for grade 20 and aboveafter 11:00AM.

• Campaign to keep AC themostat at 26 C minimum.

• Five days working in a week in Govt. departments and affiliatedinstitutions.

25. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Norway has offered to generateelectricity from the sea waves; if so, the details thereof; and


(b) the time by which the electricity will be generated therefrom?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) No suchproposal is under process in Ministry of Water and Power.

(b) Not Applicable.

28. *Mrs. Nisar Tanveer:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the ratio of energy of all sources added in the national grid ason March 17th, 2008;

(b) the ratio of energy of allsources added in the national grid as onSeptember 15th, 2012;

(c) the Programmes/projects of electricity/energy production whichwere in progress on March, 2008 alongwith the specificationand present status thereof;

(d) the Programmes/projects of electricity launched since March17, 2008 till date alongwith the specification and present statusthereof; and

(e) the year and project-wise amount spent on the electricity projectssince March, 2008 till date?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) The ratioof energy of all sources added in the national grid as on March 17, 2008 is asunder:———————————————————————————————Sr. No. Source Capacity (MW) Ratio (%)——————————————————————————————

1. Hydel Generation 6,376 41.31

2. Thermal Gencos 3,580 23.20

3. Thermal (IPPs excluding Nuclear 5,178 33.55

4. Thermal (Nuclear) 300 1.94——————————————————————————————

Total Energy Generation 15,434 100.00——————————————————————————————


(b) The ratio of energy of all sources added in the National Grid as onSeptember 15, 2012 is as under:———————————————————————————————Sr. No. Source Capacity (MW) Ratio (%)——————————————————————————————

1. Hydel Generation 6,448 41.312. Thermal Gencos 3,580 23.203. Thermal (IPPs excluding Nuclear 7,668 33.554. Thermal (Nuclear) 615 1.94

——————————————————————————————Total Energy Generation 18,331 100.00


(c) Two Power Projects of net installed capacity of 950 MW throughpublic sector were underway by PEPCO. Around 1500 MW hydel projects wereat different level of completion since March 2008. The details can be seen atAnnex-I.

(d) The attached list indicates the projects underway since 17th March2008. Details can be seen at Annex-II.

(e) Year and Project wise amount spent on the projects since March2008 can be seen at Annex-III.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

35. *Mrs. Munira Shakir:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whether itis a fact that new water reservoirs have been constructed to store therain and flood water in the country during the last four years tilldate; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar):

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa:

It is correct that new reservoirs are constructed to store the rain floodwater in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


In the Directorate General, Small dams, Irrigation Department KhyberPakhtunkhwa, the following 02 No. PSDP Schemes have been approved during2006-07 & 2007-08 respectively. The details of completed/under constructionsmall dams are as under:—

I. Construction of 20 No, Small Dams in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, PSDP2012-13 No. 29.

—————————————————————————————— S. No. Name of Sub-Project Status————————————————————————————————————————

i. Construction of Karak Dam Distt. Karak Physically Completed

ii. Construction of Loughar Dam Distt Karak Physically Completed

iii. Construction of Khair Bara Dam Distt. Haripur Physically Completed

iv.. Construction of Jabba Khattak Dam Distt. Nowshera Physically Completed

v. Construction of Darmalak Dam Distt. Kohat Under Constn.

vi Construction of Ghole Banda Dam Distt. Karak Under Constn.

vii Construction of Mardan Khel dam District Karak Under Constn.

viii Construction of Zamir Gul Dam Distt Kohat Recently approved————————————————————————————————————————

II. Construction of Sanam, Palai & Kundal Dams in KhyberPakhtunkhwa, PSDP 2012-13 No. 37

—————————————————————————————— S. No. Name of Sub-Project Status————————————————————————————————————————

i Construction of Palai Dam Distt. Charsadda Under Constn.

ii Construction of Kundal Dam Distt. Swabi Recently approved

iii Construction of Sanam Dam Distt. Dir Lower Under process forapproval.



To “store rain and flood water” following dams have been constructedduring the last four years:—


————————————————————————————————————————Storage Generation

Sr. Name of Location Live/Gross Capacity CompletionNo. Project (MAF) (MW} date


1. Mangle Dam Mirpur AJ&K 4.405 / **120 *December,Raising 4.50 2009

2. Satpara Dam Skardu, Gilgit- 0.053 / 17.3 June,Baltistan 0.093 2012

3. Sabakzai Dam Zhob Town, 0.014/ — June,

Balochistan 0.032 2009

——————————————————————————————* Resettlement work are in progress

** Additional

42. *Rana Mahmood -ul- Hassan:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the average transmission and distribution losses of each DISCO

as on March, 2008 and at present respectively;

(b) whether it is a fact that the maintenance of transmission and

distribution lines have not been made during the last four years

till date; if so, the reasons thereof;

(c) the impact of such losses to the respective consumers of the said

DISCOs; and

(d) the steps being taken to control the said losses?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) Transmission

and Distribution losses vary from month to month depending on weather conditions

and industrial / agriculture demand. Therefore accumulative average losses of a

year show the clear picture instead of comparing it on month basis Losses for the

year 2008-2009 & 2011-2012 are given hereunder:—


——————————————————————————————Name of DISCOs Average transmission and

distributation losses (%age)————————————

2008-2009 2011-2012——————————————————————————————LESCO 13.3 13.5GEPCO 11.0 11.2FESCO 10.7 10.9IESCO 10.8 9.5MEPCO 18.4 17.9PESCO+TESCO 35.3 35.1HESCO+SEPCO 35.1 38.8QUESCO 20.1 20.9DISCOs TOTAL 19.4 19.4——————————————————————————————GRANT TOTAL with (KESC & IPPs) 18.2 18.2——————————————————————————————

However, losses of DISCOs as on March 2008 and September 2012 are given for information

at Annex-I.

(b) Maintenance of lines is a continuous process and is being carried outregularly for continuity of healthy power supply to the customers.

(c) NEPRA fixes the line losses target for distribution companies. Thedifference of actual loss and NEPRA target is born by the company and is reflectedin financial loss of the company. There is no impact of increase in the loss transferredto consumer.

(d) Following steps taken to control the losses of electricity:

• Shifting of Meters outside of consumer premises.

• Replacement of sluggish / old and defective meters.

• Combing of feeders.

• Daily reading of seasonal industrial connections.

• Periodic checking of big industrial consumer by M&T.

• Registration of FIRs against the illegal power extractors.


• Prompt billing of new connections

• Reward for detection of theft.

• Heavy punishment to t he field staff involved in theft of energy.

• Rotation of Meter Readers.

• Surveillance of areas where Kunda culture is prominent.

• Implementation of DAWN RAIDs in the Kunda infested areas.

• A public awareness campaign too is underway to educate the


Average transmission and distribution losses of DISCOs——————————————————————————————Name of DISCOs Average transmission and

distributation losses (%age)————————————As on March As on September

2008 2011-2012——————————————————————————————LESCO 11.3 15.0GEPCO 9.6 13.8FESCO 9.4 14.6IESCO 8.4 11.0MEPCO 17.1 21.1PESCO+TESCO 34.1 35.9HESCO+SEPCO 35.1 38.8QESCO 21.0 20.9——————————————————————————————DISCOs TOTAL 18.3 21.6——————————————————————————————GRAND TOTAL with (KESC & IPPs) 17.4 20.4——————————————————————————————

43. *Mr. Wasim Akhter Sheikh:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the future course of action with regard to production of electricitythrough coal;


(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to convert thermal Generation Units into coal; ifso, when it will be implemented;

(c) whether a proper feasibility of such conversion carried out todetermine important factors; if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the per unit cost of electricity to be generated after suchconversion?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) i TheMinistry alongwith GHCL has planned for converting/rehabilitating its Genoco’spower plants on coal which in future may be utilized for using Tharcoal enablingthe country to produce electricity from indigenous resources.

ii. GENCO Holding Company ltd has planned to install a new 600MW coal fired Plant at Jamshoro for which feasibility study is being carried out.

(b) At present PC-I of conversion of two units of Jamshoro is underprocess.

(c) Yes. A proper feasibility has been carried. The gist of the study isgiven below:

(i) Unit No.3&4 having capacity of 200 MW each considered forconversion.

(ii) Only existing inefficient and defective gas/ oil boilers will be replacedwith the high efficient coal fired boiler alognwith coal handling facilitieswhile existing turbine/generator and balance of plant will remain thesame.

(iii) Conversion is based on the least cost approach.

(iv) sufficient land is available for the conversion project at TPS, Jamshoro

(v) To reduce the dependency on oil and gas

(vi) To reduce the amount of refinery fuel oil (sulfur content 3.5% max)being used in power generation and replace with lower sulpher coal(sulpher content 1% max).


(d) The per unit cost of fuel will be approximately Rs. 6.08, afterconversion.

44. *Mr. Mohammad Pervaiz Malik:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whetherthere is any proposal under consideration to undertake future majorenergy projects by issuing shares/certificates in the ownership of theSpecial Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) under Public Private Partnerships(PPP) since financial crunch of the country; if so, the details; if not,the reasons thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): Wapda isexecuting Neelum Jhelum Hydro Power Project under Special Purpose Vehicles(SPV) and exploring various opportunities and possibilities to generate. fundsincluding issuing shares/certificates and Public Private Patnership (PPP) Mode.

19. *Mrs. Seema Mohiuddin Jameeli:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the stepstaken to control floods during the year 2012-13?

Reply not received.

30. *Mrs. Nisar Tanveer:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Fuel Adjustment Price (FAP) isbeing determined on the basis of oil price in the country;

(b) whether it is also a fact that FAP has not been reduced accordingto the ratio of decrease made in the prices of oil In the countryduring the period from 1-4-2012 to 30-9-2012;

(c) if the answer to parts (a) and (b) above is in the affirmative, thereasons alongwith the steps taken to make the NEPRAaccountable thereof; and

(d) the steps being taken to provide relief to consumers in this regard?

Reply not received.


31. *Dr. Imtiaz Sultan Bukhari:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Alternative Energy DevelopmentBoard (AEDB), National Power Construction Company (NPCC),National Transmission Dispatch Company (NTDC) and PrivatePower and Infrastructure Board (PPIB) have failed to achievethe targets for which they were established; if so, the reasonsthereof;

(b) whether it is also a fact that any study carried out to evaluateperformance of those departments; if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether it is further a fact that above mentioned departmentsare of almost similar nomenclature;

(d) if the answer to part (c) above is in the affirmative, whetherthere is any proposal under consideration to rationalize suchdepartments or abolish such ineffective/additional departmentsto reduce the financial burden on power sector; if so, when itwill be implemented; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) The AEDBhas been developing national strategy, policy and plans for utilization of Alternateand Renewable Energy (ARE) technologies and has been actively facilitating public/private sectors organizations for establishing ARE projects in Pakistan. Thedepartment is fully capable of achieving its targets for which it was established.

NTDC is maintaining and operating around 40 Grid stations of 220 &500KV, as well as around 12000km of transmission line. NTDC has been able toachieve its targets in general.

PPIB is one window operation for development of power projects inprivate sector PPIB since 1994 has introduced projects ranging from various fuelsto hydel power projects. Now IPPs developed by PPIB have played an importantrole in merging generation in the system.

The NPCC is fully established as a Contracting outfit to undertake speedyexecution of Power Projects on turn key basis including Extra High Voltage


Transmission Lines, Distribution Networks, Substations, Power Generation Plants,and Industrial Electrification. The Company has achieved its targets as per itscharter.

(b) Performance audit of NPPC is carried out by the Director GeneralCommercial Audit and Evaluation regularly. No Performance audit of AEDB, PPIBand NTDC has been conducted.

(c) AEDB stands for Alternative Energy Development Board whileNPPC for National Power Construction Company. PPIB stands for private powerinfrastructure board. While NTDC stands for National Transmission and DispatchCompany. These Departments are distinct from each other due to their specificareas of work.

(d) The Departments are already rationalized by virtue of their specificfunctions.

32. *Mr. Abdul Rashid Godil:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that consumers are being over charged forelectricity;

(b) if so, the steps being taken to check the over billings of electricityat present?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) It is correctthat occasional instances of over billing have been noticed in certain companies.However strict remedial measures are being taken by respective DISCOs.

(b) Steps taken to control the over billing:

i. Rotation of Meter Readers after every 6 months.

ii. Shifting of meter outside of the consumer premises to ensure correctmeter reading by Meter Readers.

iii. Time & against instructions are being issued to the field formations toensure correct meter reading and accurate billing to the consumersfor energy they actually consumed.


iv. Defective meters are immediately replaced for correct billing to theconsumers.

v. The field formations i.e. L.S. Feeder Incharge, Meter reading SectionSupervisors, SDOs & XENs are also made responsible to exercisetheir supervisory checks on meter reading as prescribed in theCommercial Procedure.

vi. To enhance the capacity building of the meter reading staff throughtraining courses, enabling them to record correct meter readingparticularly newly introduced sophisticated and modern meters, like.Whole Current Static & TOU meters.

vii. Customer Services Centers have been established at H/Q level, Circlelevel and at Sub-Divisional level to entertain / redress the consumersin case of complaints of over reading and excessive billing.

viii. Strict disciplinary action against the person responsible.

33. *Mr. Muhammad Rehan Hashmi:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Ministry is not able to manufacture/establish/install the Solar panels in the country for counteringthe energy crisis;

(b) if so, steps being taken to encourage the manufacturing/installing energy panels in the country?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) M/o Waterand Power through AEDB is currently engaged with the following companies whoare assembling/manufacturing, Solar Panels in Pakistan:

• M/s Akhter Solar, Mattar

• M/s Pv Silicion, Lahore

• M/s Sara Solar, Karachi

• M/s Shaan Technology, Karachi.


The following companies are assembling / manufacturing Solar WaterHeaters in Pakistan:

• Solar Geyser

• ASJID Energy Systems.

• Oriental Solar Energy

• Gold Roof.

Under the RE Policy 2006, AEDB issued Letter of Interests to a numberof companies for installing Solar Power Plants. Projects with a cumulative capacityof over 250 MW are at various stages of development.

(b) In addition to above, the following efforts are being made to encouragemanufacturing/installing energy panels in theCountry:.

• Under SRO 575(i)/2006, Government has waived duties/taxes onimport of Solar equipment. So far, a total of 25 MW Solar panelsand over 12,000 units of Solar Water Heaters have been importedand installed in the country.

• In order to encourage off grid application of Solar PV, AEDB hasalso been working on the following programmes:

Solar Village Electrification Programme under Prime Minister’sdirectives has been initiated, under which 3000 solar HomeSystem have been installed in 49 villages of District Tharparkar,Sindh. Another 51 village in Sindh and 300 villages in Balochistanare approved for electrification using solar energy and will beimplemented on release of funds.

Under the Parliamentarian Sponsored Villages ElectrificationProgramme, 32 feasibilities have been prepared and submittedfor approval and released under PWP-II and the schemes arebeing implemented.

Pilot Programme for conversion of Electric/Diesel driven Tube-wells/Dug-wells with solar Energy has been initiated, underWorld Bank assistance to study the, technical, financial and


social viability of conversion. On successful implementation ofthe pilot, the World Bank will consider multimillion dollar loanfor up-scaling the national programme.

Pilot Programme for Replacement of Conventional WaterHeater with Solar Water Heaters has been initiated with theWorld Bank assistance to study the technical, financial andmechanisms and incentives.


38. *Shaikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise total income earned by WAPDA during the lastfour years till date; and

(b) the head-wise utilization of the said income?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) The totalincome earned by WAPDA during last four year till date are as under:—

——————————————————————————————Year Rs. In million

——————————————————————————————2008-2009 Rs.32,2562009-2010 Rs.33,3312010-2011 Rs.34,3142011-2012 Rs.41,3232012-13 Rs.15,567

——————————————————————————————Total:- Rs.156,791


(b) The head wise utilization of the said income is attached at Annex-A.



129. *Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan:

Will the Minister for National Regulations and Services be pleased tostate:(a) the role of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) In

connection with the establishment of Private Medical Collegesin the country at present; and

(b) the steps taken by PMDC to curtail the amount of Admission/Tuition fee of those Colleges during the last four years till date?

Minister for National Regulation and Services (Dr. Fridous AshiqAwan) :(a) Section 12 of Medical and Dental Council (Amendment) Act 2012explains PM&DC role regarding the establishment of Private Medical Colleges asunder:

“(1) Recognition of medical institutions and qualifications.- (1) The FederalGovernment may grant recognition to any medical institution inPakistan which trains or grants or both trains and grants medicalqualification and the qualifications granted by them. All suchrecognized Medical institutions or qualifications shall be included inthe first scheduled by the Federal Government by notification in theofficial gazette.

(2) If any medical institution is Pakistan intends to get recognition of theinstitution which trains and grants or both trains and grants medicalqualifications or qualifications granted by it in pursuance of sub section(1) it shall apply to the Federal Government for the same.

(3) The Federal Government shall transit the application to the PMDCafter being satisfied that application is complete and is in accordancewith the prescribed procedure. The council shall form recommendationfor the Federal Government after assessing the institution and thequalification as per prescribed procedure. Upon receivingrecommendation from the council, The Federal Government shallgrant recognition as provided under sub section (1).

(4) The notification for the grant of recognition may also direct that anentry shall be made in the last column of the first scheduled againstsuch institution and medical qualification granted by it, declaring thatis shall be recognized medical institution or qualification only whengranted after the date of notification.


(b). A committee was formed by the PMDC to rationalize the timings ofentry test and fee structure of private medical/dental colleges as private collegeswere reported to be charging more than 10 lacs rupees per annum per student.This committee presented its suggestions to the Council in its meeting held on 31stJanuary, 2010. Minutes of the meeting are attached at (Annexure-A). The Councilfixed the fee as 5 lacs per annum per student on 08-05-2010 (Annexure-B) andon 22-12-2011 after one year and seven months raised it to 6 lacs due high rate ofinflation (Annexure-C). The Council has also given refund policy which has beenpublished in the “Conditions for Admission in MBBS/ BDS Courses and conditionsfor house job/internship/ foundation year Regulations 2012” (Annexure-D). Allprivate medical/ dental colleges were advised to act upon the decision of theCommittee. Moreover, a new committee has been formed to reconsider the feestructure of private medical/ dental colleges. Suggestions of this committee will beplaced before the Executive Committee of the Council in its next meeting anddecision will be communicated accordingly (Annexure-E).

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

131. *Mrs. Shagufta Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the water storage capacity in cusecs of each dam in the countryat present; and

(b) the dame-wise de-silting work carried out during the last fiveyears till date?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) WaterStorage Capacity is measured in Acre feet. The present water storage capacity ofmajor dams/reservoirs is as under:—

Tarbela 6.557 MAF

Mangla 7.392 MAF

Chashma 0.263 MAF

Total 14.212 MAF(b) No de-silting work has been carried out during the last five years

till date.


133. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of under construction Dams in the country atpresent;

(b) the total amount of expenditures to be Incurred on theconstruction of those Dams separately; and

(c) the steps being taken to improve the standard of constructionwork of those Dams?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) Thefollowing dams are under construction/Under commencement for Construction inthe country at present:—


——————————————————————————————(b) Sr. Name of project Total Expenditures/Capital No. cost (Rs in Million)——————————————————————————————

1. Gomal Zam Dam 22,921.930*2. Mangla Dam Raising 97,553.0003. Diamer Basha Dam 894,257.0004. Satpara Dam 5,524.303*5. Darawat Darn 9,300.0006. Nai Gaj Dam 26,236.0007. Naulong Dam 18,027.9108. Kurram Tangi 59,561.000*

——————————————————————————————*Under process/Approval

(c) Projects are awarded to highly skilled Contractors on InternationalCompetitive Bidding basis.

Project supervision/Management Consultants are appointed on eachProject to ensure the quality of work and to implement the projects as perinternational Standards.

In addition WAPDA has appointed the Project Director and Project Staffon each Project for proper management and supervision of the Projects.135. *Dr. Imtiaz Sultan Bukhari:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the details of run of Rivers Hydro Power Projects planned underthe Power Policy 2002 alongwith funds reserved and releasedfor each of the said project during the year 2002-03 till date;

(b) the completion schedule of those projects separately;

(c) whether it is a fact that aforesaid projects have not beencompleted as per their schedule; if so, the reasons thereof;


(d) whether it is further a fact that Government has not conductedany inquiry to look into causes of delay for those projects; if so,the reasons thereof; and

(e) the steps being taken in this regard to make the country selfsufficient in energy?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) The detailsof run of the river hydropower projects being processed in the private sector bythe Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB) under Power policy 2002(“the policy”) are at Annex-I. Under the Policy the arrangements of funds fordevelopment of projects is responsibility of private sector, hence no funds arereserved and released by Government of Pakistan for these projects.

(b) The tentative completion schedule of hydropower projects beingimplemented by PPIB is at Annex-I.

(c) The majority of the projects are expected to be completed as pertheir schedule, however, following three projects on Swat/Kandiah rivers havebeen delayed due to law & order situation in the project vicinity and 2010 flood,for which efforts are made to put theme on track.

-215 MW Asrit-Kedam Hydropower Project.

-157 MW Madian Hydropower Project.

-548 MW Kaigah hydropower Project.

(d) Government is critically monitoring the progress of these projectsand is well aware of the causes of delays and taking appropriate actions accordingly.

(e) WAPDA has prepared a master plan to generate the electricity fromHydel Projects to make the country self-sufficient. The detail of the projects underconstruction, ready for construction and planning are at Annex-II.

Government ha also given a task to PPIB to initiat following new projectsin private sector to meet the energy demand of the country.

-7100 MW Buji Hydropower Project

-590 MW Mahl Hydropower Project


Accordingly, PPIB is preparing necessary documents for initiating newhydropower projects under the Policy 2002 through International CompetativeBidding.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

137. *Mrs. Munira Shakir:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to construct a dam for the storage of rains andflood water in the province of Sindh;

(b) if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the location thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) Thefollowing Small / Medium Dams are under construction in the Province of Sindh:———————————————————————————————

S.# Name of Project Gross Storage Command(AF) Area (Acres)

——————————————————————————————1. Darawat Dam 119,546 25,000

2. Nai Gaj Dam 300,000 46,600——————————————————————————————

(b) The Project location and implementation status is as under:———————————————————————————————S. # Name of Location Project Status Completion

Project (District) date *——————————————————————————————

1. Darawat Dam Jamshoro/ Under June 2013Thatha Construction

2. Nai Gaj Dam Dadu Under May, 2015Construction

——————————————————————————————* Subject to availability of required funds for the Projects.


138. *Shaikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister for National Regulations and Services be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that the prices of life saving drugs/medicinesare being increased in the country day by day;

(b) if so, the reasons alongwith the names of medicines thereof?

Minister for National Regulations and Services (Dr. Firdous AshiqAwan): (a) No, it is not true that the prices of life saving drugs are being increasedin the country day by day;

(b) Since the establishment of Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan,prices of the following drugs have been issued after due process Anti - TB drugs,Envepe Tab, Venofer Inj, Maltofer syrup, Folic Acid Tab, Inderal Tab, OptalidonTab, Spasmo Cibalgin Tab, Sustonon Inj, Aldomet Tab, Spasler Neo Tab, CycopinTab, Burnol Cream, Entamizole Tab,Mefenamic Acid 500mg Tab, Bio PrazoleCaps, Amlodipine 5mg Tab, Human Ins-aline, Ibuprofen Suspension, DiciofenacSodium + Misoprostol Tabs, Ornithin Syrup, Amoxicilline Clavulanic Acid Tab &Susp, Amoxicillin Caps, Ampicillin caps & Susp, Ciprofloxacin Susp, Followingfactor were taken into consideration for approving increase in prices.

(i) Pak Rupee de-valuation resulting in increased Euro 117%cost of raw materials US $ 62%

(ii) Cumulative Inflation 140%(iii) Increase in packing materials 30% to 40%(iv) Increase in energy cost upto 135%(v) Increase in labour cost Rs.2400/- to Rs 7000/- (192%)(vi) Increase in transportation cost upto 90%

(vii) Increase in price of raw materials of Anti-TB drugs upto 35%


139. *Shaikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that as per WAPDA report, Pakistan willsoon be included in the list of those countries facing waterscarcity;

(b) if so, the steps taken by the Government to overcome the saidsituation so far?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) Yes, at thetime of independence, annual per capita water available was 5260 cubic meter.The annual per capita availability has decrease to 1000 cubic meter as per WHO“Faulken mark indicator’s” so Pakistan will soon be included in the list of thosecountries facing water scarcity.

(b) WAPDA has prepared a master plan to construct dams to overcomethe situation. The detail of projects under construction, ready for construction andunder planning are as under:———————————————————————————————Sr. No. Name of Project Live Storage (MAF)—————————————————————————————— UNDER CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS




2. NAULONG DAM 0.20——————————————————————————————

*including 2.88 MAF Additional


——————————————————————————————Sr. No. Name of Project Live Storage (MAF)—————————————————————————————— UNDER PLANNING PROJECTS

1. MUNDA DAM 0.676

2. SHYOK DAM 5.10

3. AKHORI DAM 6.00

4. HINGOL DAM 1.40

5. GHABIR DAM 0.026——————————————————————————————142. *Mrs. Seema Mohiuddin Jameeli:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Government is suffering heavy loss dueto substandard material being used in locally manufacturedtransformers;

(b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government in this regard?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) It isincorrect that government is suffering any loss due to sub-standard material inlocally manufactured transformers.

(b) There are two complete departments setup independently to regulatethe purchase of locally manufactured equipments including transformers by thedistribution companies. One of these departments is working under Chief Engineer(Design & Standard) NTDC to ensure that product to be purchased is specifiedaccording to local and international standards as well as it is designed & engineeredaccordingly. Second department works independently under Chief Engineer(Material Inspection) NTDC to ensure that finally delivered equipment includingtransformers meet the design, engineering & quality criteria stipulated in thespecification and standars. To achieve this objective, material inspection departmentgets raw material of all critical parts tested from laboratories namely High Volatge/Short Circuit Test Laboratory Rawalpindi & Faisalabad, PCSIR Lab., Universityof Engineering & Technology Lahore, laboratory of Pakistan Standards & QualityControl Authority and accredited private laboratories. The production process of


local manufacturers is also subjected to surveillance by Material InspectionDepartment Inspector, through stage inspection. The finished products are furthersubjected to Type Testing and Sample Testing in accordance with the Spceification& Standards. The process ensures that only the equipment and transformers thatmeet specified Engineering & Quality requirement are accepted for delivery.

In view of the above there is no question that sub-standard material canbe used in locally manufactured transformers.

143. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the total quantum of electricity in MW will be generated aftercompleting the expansion of Mangla Dam Project alongwiththe capacity of water storage therein; and

(b) the time by which the extension work of the said dam will becompleted?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) Afterexpansion of Mangla Dam Project, an additional electricity of 644 GWh (120MW) will A be generated alongwith additional water storage of 2.9 MAF

Dam raising works have been completed since 4th December 2009.However, resettlement works are 97.20% complete and remaining works areexpected to be completed by end of December 2012 subject to availability offunds.

144. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the province-wise production, demand and consumption ofelectricity in the country at present; and


(b) whether royalty on the production of electricity is being paid tothe provinces; if so, the province-wise percentage thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) Theproduction, demand and consumption of electricity in the country with province-wise break-up (except Karachi) for the month of October 2012 is given below:——————————————————————————————

S. Province Electricity Electricity ElectricityNo. Produced Demand Consumed

(GWh) (GWh) (GWh)——————————————————————————————

1. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1,587.76 1,423.69 1,067.73

2. Punjab 4,229.80 5,426.00 4,721.63

3. Sindh (Excluding KESC) 1,054.32 1,398.66 1,319.00

4. Balochistan 988.06 1,072.16 458.59——————————————————————————————

5. Total 7,859.94 9,320.51 7,566.00——————————————————————————————

Province-wise details is at Annex-I.

(b) WAPDA is making annual payment of Rs. 6,000 million toGovernment of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on account of net hydel project.



145. *Dr. Abdul Wahid Soomro:

Will the Minister for National Regulations and Services be pleased tostate:(a) the year-wise total number of NOCs issued by the Ministry to

Indian and English Films makers/producers during the last fouryears till date; and

(b) whether those NOCs are against the ideology of Islam andPakistan; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for National Regulation and Services (Dr. Firdous AshiqAwan): (a) The Ministry has examined the relevant record under its possessionwhich reveals that 148 Imported Urdu films containing Indian Cast & Crew, 135Imported English films and 47 Imported films Dubbed in Urdu have been examinedand passed during the past four years. The list showing year-wise breakup isherewith attached.

(b) The CBFC operates under the Motion picture Ordinance 1979 andthe censorship Rules 1980 framed thereof for regulating the exhibition/censorshipof the Motion Picture and cinema houses, The members of the Board Endeavourtheir best to scrutinize films for objectionable material of the following nature:—

i. Security, law and order.

ii. International relations.

iii. Religion.

iv. Morality and obscenity.

v. Dances.

vi. Crime

vii. National Sentiments.

viii. Plagiarism.

ix. Bestiality.

x. Nudity.

xi. Profane titles.

2. Furthermore once a film has been censored and rated, the Inspectorsof the CBFC routinely carryout surprise inspections of cinema houses across the


country for which they are provided constitutional cover under section 8(4) ofMPO 1979 and article 270-AA Section 2 (after the passage of 18th constitutionalamendment), to ensure that the board recommendations are being adhered to bythe proprietors of cinema houses in letter and spirit. Hence, NOCs for films whichnegate the ideology of Islam and Pakistan are not recommended by CBFC andsuch films are banned for public exhibition by the CBFC Board.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

116. Withdrawn by the Honourable Member.

54. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the quantity and location wise electricity being produced fromCoal in the country at present; and

(b) the location-wise plants of coal to be installed for producingelectricity in the country in near future?

Reply not received.

55. *Ms. Shaheen Ishfaq:

Will the Minister for Industries be pleased to state the steps beingtaken by the Government to increase the production of NationalFertilizer Corporation (NFC) and to make it a profitableorganization?

Minister for Industries (Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi): NFC is not producingany fertilizer at the moment. All manufacturing units of NFC have been privatizedunder the Privatization Policy of Government of Pakistan during 2002-2008.

NFC is a profitable organization and has always remained as such sinceinception.

56. *Ms. Tasneem Siddiqui:

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs be pleased to state the stepsbeing taken to provide maximum facilities to the pilgrims during Hajj-2013?


Minister for Religious Affairs (Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah): Theefforts would be made to provide maximum facilities to Hujjaj including qualityaccommodation and transport service. The applications would be invited throughdesignated Banks and declared successful on first come first serve basis. Air flightoperation would be undertaken by 4 Airlines, 2 each from KSA and Pakistan.The Airlines would be pressed to improve their operation to minimize delay. TheHajj quota would be distributed between Government and private scheme on50:50 basis. Welfare servics for Hujjaj would also be ensured including Healthmission, Movaineen, guidepost etc. Special emphasis would be focused on trainingand awareness of the Hujjaj for interactive session and Media would also beinvolved.

67. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to launch new Power Generation Projects/PlantsIn Sindh province; if so, when it will be implemented alongwiththe locations thereof; and

(b) the total power generation capacity of those projects/plantsseparately?

Reply not received.

58. *Mrs. Nisar Tanveer:

Will the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is fact that Pakistan has failed to gain export earningsfrom cotton as compared to its neighboring countries due tolack of operational slowlessness of value addition field;

(b) whether an integrated study has been conducted by the Ministryby taking all the experiences of neighboring countries to identifythe loopholes in the said field; if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the steps being taken to increase the export of value additionproduct of cotton?


Minister for Textile Industry (Makhdoom Shahabuddin): (a) Pakistanhas not failed, infact, during last five years the exports of textile sector have seenan increasing trend from $10.3 billion to $12.5 billion (20%). The exports oftextiles products in the years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 were $10.3 billion,$13.8 billion and $12.5 billion, respectively. In first quarter of current year2012-13 (Jul-Sep) the exports of textiles products have been, recorded at $3.60billion which is a good sign. The detailed list of export performance of Textileindustry including sector wise export performance for the last five years is placedat Annex-I.

(b) A detailed in-house analysis has been conducted by MINTEX as aresult of which Textiles Policy (2009-14) document was prepared by this Ministryto identify the loopholes in the textile field. The Textiles Policy (2009-14) was dulyapproved by the Cabinet in August 2009. Various initiatives have been statedunder Textiles Policy to support the textile sector. The copy of Textiles Policy(2009-14) is placed at Annex-II.

(c) The Government is taking a number of initiatives to strengthen andsupport our value-added products of cotton. An indicative list of such interventionsby this Ministry is as under:

i. Drawback of Local Taxes & Levies Scheme.

ii. EOBI and Social Security Contribution Reimbursement Scheme forwomen and handicapped

iii. Mark-up Rate Support Scheme for Textile Sector.

iv. Export Finance Mark-up Rate Support Scheme.

v. Duty Free Import of Textile Related Machinery facility.

vi. Refund of Past R&D Support Claims.

vii. Establishment of Garment Cities at Lahore & Faisalabad.

viii. Establishment of Pakistan Textile City, Karachi.

ix. A comprehensive online registration exercise to overcome thehandicap of non-availability of verifiable data pertaining to the textilesvalue chain in order to make sound policy decisions for the bettermentof the sector.


x. Stitching Machine Operators Training Program (Ph-II).

xi. Establishment of Pak-Korea Garment Technology Training Institute,Karachi.

In addition to above, following initiatives are in pipeline:

i. Establishment of Cotton Ginning Research & Training Institutes.

ii. Skills Development Program for Textile Industry.

iii. Establishment of Karachi Garment City.

Under Textiles Policy Initiatives the Government has disbursed Rs. 23.25billion in last three years.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

59. *Rana Mahmood -ul- Hassan:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that an integrated law does not exit in thecountry to ensure electricity conservation; if so, the reasonsthereof; and

(b) the steps being taken to formulate an integrated law in thecountry to ensure. electricity conservation at war footing basis?

Reply not received.

60. *Mrs. Shagufta Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Industries be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise total number of new cement factories establishedin the country during the last five years till date; and


(b) the year-wise production of cement factories in the countryduring the said period?

Minister for Industries (Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi): (a) Following five CementFactories have been established in the country during the last five years.

Annual CapacityCement (Tons)

1. Bestway Cement-Kalar Kahar 1,890,000

2. Fauji Cement-Fateh Jang 2,268,000

3. Gharibwal Cement-Chakwal 2,110,500

4. Kohat Cement-Kohat 2,110,500

5. Lucky Cement-Karachi 1,200,000

Total 9,579,000

(b) The year-wise production of cement factories is given at Annex-I.



61. *Shaikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whetherthere is any proposal under consideration of the Government togenerate electricity from waves of sea in the country; if so, when itwill be implemented alongwith the details thereof?

Reply not received.

62. *Mr. Muhammad Riaz Malik:

Will the Minister for Industries be pleased to state:

(a) the total demand of cars in the country at present alongwith thedetails thereof; and

(b) the total number of cars being manufactured in the country atpresent alognwith the details thereof?

Minister for Industries (Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi): (a) The present annualdemand of cars in the country is approximately 200,000 units which is being metthrough local manufacturing and imports.

• Local Production = 154,255

• Imports = 56,973TOTAL = 211,228

Details are at Annex-A.

(b) Total number of cars manufactured in the country during 2011-12were 154,255. Details are enclosed as Annex-B.

Annex-ALocal Cars Production Vs Used Import Cars

——————————————————————————————Local Car Import of

Years Production Used Cars Total——————————————————————————————

2005-06 171,240 43,280 214,5202006-07 175,213 26,967 202,180


2007-08 164,870 16,121 180,9912008-09 84,814 5,556 90,3702009-10 121,790 6,582 128,3722010-11 133,972 10,761 144,7332011-12 154,255 56,973 211,228

——————————————————————————————Total 1,006,154 166,240 1,172,394

——————————————————————————————Source : FBR



63. *Ms. Imrana Saeed Jamil:

Will the Minister for National Regulations and Services be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that quackery is rampant in Islamabad;

(b) if so, the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

64. *Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whether itis a fact that Solar Power Plants have been launched by WAPDA inthe country; if so, the locations thereof?

Reply not received.65. *Mr. Sajid Ahmed:

Will the Minister for Industries be pleased to state:

(a) the steps being taken by the Government for the encouragementof industrialists in the country; and

(b) the achievements gained by the Government for theestablishment of new industries in the country during the lastfour years till date?

Minister for Industries (Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi): (a) At Federal level thefollowing steps are being taken for the promotion of Industries in the country:-

(a) Primary and input industries:

Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) was established with themandate to plan, develop and operate Export Processing Zones in Pakistan. 10Nos. of Export Processing Zones has been established/notified in the Country.EPZA promote industrialization through commercial & marketing activities, providecountry specific investment linkages on reciprocal basis, increase foreign exchangeearnings of the country and generate employment for the country. A list of incentives/facilities available for the investors in the EPZs is at Annexure-I.


(b) Declaration of the Pioneer Industry status:

Ministry of Industries has declared the Biaxially Oriented PolyethyleneTeraphthalate (BOPET) film project of the M/s. Novatex and M/s. Astro PlasticPvt Limited as Pioneer Industry status.

(c) Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority:SMEDA is apex organization in the Country for promotion and development ofthe Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan. SMEDA is implementinga string of demonstration projects and Common facility centres (CFCs) in variousclusters of SMEs, funding through the PSDP. Total project approved 24, projectunder implementation 13 and completed project 03.

(d) Engineering Development Board (EDB).

EDB initiated development of a National Engineering Export DevelopmentStrategy (NEEDS) in the spirit of Private-Public Partnership with the objective toidentify major fiscal and regulatory issues confronting export growth of engineeringsector and carry out need assessment in core areas of technology requirement,international marketing, human resource development and support infrastructure.

(e) National Productivity Organization:

NPO is working to enhance productivity and quality awareness in industrialand agricultural sector.

(f) Steel and other Metals:

The Government is reforming the steel sector and extends full support todevelop indigenous metallurgical capabilities. Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) first plantof the country has been set up in Karachi. Tuwairqi Steel Mills Limited is in ExportProcessing Zone (EPZ) has been allowed 100% export to Pakistan as a specialcase.

(g) Technology Transfer and foreign Collaboration:

A sustained effort is being made for technology transfer from innovativeand productive organizations. Engineering Development Board (EDB) hasdeveloped linkages with various international organizations to provide Short TermExperts services to local industry and arranged Dutch and German experts for 20companies while cases of 8 companies are in pipeline. Investment proposal for


Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC), Joint Economic Commission (JEC), JointCommission (JC), Joint Working Group (JWG), Technical Working Group (TWG)and delegation level meeting an held between Pakistan and GCC, EU, USA,ASIAN, D-8, ECO, East Asia, Africa, Middle East, CARs, and other regionaland neighboring countries based upon comparative analysis of industrial strength.

(h) Policy framework:

Ministry of Industries has prepared Auto Industries Development Policy2013-18. It was prepared after extensive consultations with automotivemanufacturers as well as automotive parts manufacturers. To rationalize pricesand promote local auto industry and import of used cars up to three (3) years isallowed. EPZA has planned to earmark separate area for the SME & Womenentrepreneurs to setup their units in the Zone. EPZA also has taken a leading rolein developing the exclusive Halal Zones. The EPZA Board of Directors in its 99thmeeting held on 24th January, 2012 has approved the proposal to develop exclusiveHalal Zones on an area of 100-200 acres of land in Lahore -and 50-100 acres inKarachi.

(i) Human Resource Development:

SMEDA conducts a range of seminars, workshops and training programsin the areas of entrepreneurship development, legal issues, management, technicalupgradation and agriculture. National Productivity Organization (NPO) is alsoperforming the task of capacity building, skill development and Technical supportfor the domestic industry to enhance their productivity. Sent 355 personnel ofdiversified field abroad in 286 funded international training programs, capacitybuilding of 12,902 persons in 521 National Training Program, 200-e-learning and6 Distance Learning Courses and Developed and industrial sector managementinformation system (MIS) on energy efficiency for 101 different industries.

(b) Export Performance of Zones in the Country during the last four orand half years is US$ Million 212.017. Details of export of performance/ list ofEPZs in the country are at Annexure-II.





• Developed land on competitive rates for 30 years leased period.

• Duty-free import of machinery, equipment and materials

• Freedom from national import regulations

• Exchange control regulations of Pakistan not applicable

• Repatriation of capital and profits

• No sales tax on input goods including electricity/gas bills

• Duty-free vehicles allowed under certain conditions

• Domestic market available to the extent of 20%. Exceptions may beavailable.

• Presumptive tax @ 1%.

• Only EPZA is authorized to collect Presumptive tax at the time ofexport of goods which would be final tax liability.

• Obsolete/old machinery can be sold in domestic market of Pakistanafter payment of applicable duties & taxes.

• Defective goods/waste can be sold in domestic market after paymentof applicable duties, maximum upto 3% of total value.

• EPZ units allowed supplying goods to Custom manufacturing bonds.

• 30% export allowed to tariff area from Risalpur Export ProcessingZone.



• One window operation with simplified procedures

• All facilities like electricity, gas and water are made available

• Peaceful, secure and environmentally protected pollution-free workarea.

• Inter-unit transfer of finished goods among exporting units allowed.

• Easy access to sea and air ports

• Abundance of skilled and educated workforce

• Sub-contracting without limit on variety and quantity is allowed outsidethe zone as well as within the zone.

• The garment manufacturing units, located in Export Processing Zonesare eligible to participate in auction of quotas.

• Relief from double taxations subject to bilateral agreement.


66. *Mrs. Munira Shakir:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the year and dam-wise upraising/desilting works completedduring the last four years till date; and

(b) the dam-wise benefits to be accrued therefrom?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar):

(a) • Mangla Dam is only Project which has original capability for up-raising. The dam embankment has been raised upto 30 feet from El:1234ft to EL 1264 ft.

• A Sendiment Management Study on Tarbela Dam is being carriedout by the Consultants for Sendiment Management to enhance thelive storage capacity of reservoir


• In this regard a contract has been awarded to M/s Mott MacDonaldUK & MMP in association with HR Walling-ford UK on May17,2011 for carrying out the study which is under progress.

(b) Raising of Mangla Dam by 30 feet will provide following benefits:—

• Additional water storage capacity of 2.9 Million Acre Feet (MAF).

• Improved flood regulation/mitigation

• An addition electricity of 644 GWh annually (120MW) will begenerated

• Improved socio economic conditions through water availability forirrigated agriculture

67. *Dr. Muhammad Ayub Sheikh:

Will the Minister for Industries be pleased to state the steps taken bythe Government to stablize the prices and control the shortage offlour and sugar in the Utility Stores in the country during the year2011-12 till date?

Minister for Industries (Ch. Pervaiz Ellahi): 1. Prices of essentialcommodities remained stabilized during the year 2011-12. Prices of essentialconsumer items being sold at USC outlets are less by 5 to 10% as compared toopen market.

2. Sugar: Adequate stocks of Sugar remained available at USC outletsduring the period under reference. Sugar is being sold to customers on subsidizedprices of Rs 47/- per kg. During the period from July 2011 to December 2012close to 800,000 M/Ton Sugar was sold to consumers on subsidized rates.

3. Atta: There has been no shortage of Atta at Utility Stores. A quantityof 400,000 M/Ton Atta was sold to customers through Utility Stores during theperiod under reference.


68. *Sheikh Muhammad Tariq Rasheed:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to construct the Suki Kanari Dam in Tehsil Balakot,District Mansehra; if so, the time by which the construction workwill be started thereupon; and

(b) the prescribed criteria to acquire land for the said purpose?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) 840 MWSuki Kinari Hydropower Project is being developed by the Private Power andInfrastructure Board (PPIB) in Tehsil Balakot, District Mansehra through private( investors SK Hydro. Construction work on the project is expected to be startedby July, 2014.

(b) The process of Land Acquisition was initiated by SK Hydro inNovember 2012 as per Part VII of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894.

69. *Ms. Qudsia Arshad:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the stepsbeing taken by the Government to control the corruption from NeelumJhelum Hydro Power Project?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar):

• In Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project there is already anestablished system based on international standards for monitoring,supervision of construction activities as well as checking/scrutiny ofpayments being made to the Contractor. Accordingly, there areProject Consultants (a joint venture of two foreign companies ofinternational repute and three national firms) who supervise theconstruction activities as well as checking / scrutiny / certifyingpayment being made to the Contractor. The payments which aremade are further checked by the accounts Staff of Neelum JhelumHydropower Company, and then the Payments are made. To makethe system transparent, the whole process is based on internationalstandards & practices as well as FIDIC conditions of Contract.


• WAPDA itself has an independent Project Monitoring andSurveillance (M&S) Organization working under a General Manager.M&S teams, time to time, conduct Project site visits check theexecuted works covering all aspects and compiles reports thereon,which are submitted to the highest WAPDA levels. Proper inquiriesare conducted and actions taken if any mal practice is found inexecution of works.

• There is a proper Audit system in the Project which is conductedafter regular intervals through WAPDA Auditors and Auditor Generalof Pakistan. Appropriate actions are always initiated based on theAudit observations.

70. Withdrawn by the Honourable Member.


ISLAMABAD:The 25th January, 2013.

PCPPI—2093 (2013) NA—25-1-2013—700.


49th Session




For Saturday, the 26th January, 2013

(Originally Unstarred Question Nos. 51, 56, 46, 49, 51, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111,112, 113, 114, 115 and 118 were set down for answer during 48th Session)

51. Mrs. Shagufta Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the detailsof Senior Engineers transferred from one cadre service group to othercadre service group in each of the PEPCO related companies duringthe period from 01-01-2005 till date?

Reply not received.

56. Lt. Gen (R) Abdul Qadir Baloch:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the details of employees working on deputation basis in HESCOand SEPCO at present alongwith the names, father’s names,names of posts and BPS in the parent organizations of thoseemployees;

(b) the details of those employees working on regular and contractbasis in the parent departments separately;

(c) the names of posts of those employees presently working inHESCO and SEPCO alongwith the BPS thereof; and

(d) whether those employees have been merged/absorbed in HESCO/SEPCO; if so, the criteria adopted therein?

Reply not received.


46. Mr. Sajid Ahmed:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the names and addresses of those companies, institutions andindividuals who are defaulters of rupees five million and aboveof electricity at present; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to recover the saidoutstanding amount?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) It issubmitted that the requisite details of names addresses reference Nos: of companies,institutions and individuals having outstanding amount of Rs. 5 million and above isattached as annexure. However, company wise abstract is given below:—

(Rs. in million).————————————————————————————————————————

Private Government————————————————————————————————————————

Sr: Name of No. of Outstanding No of Outstanding# Company consumers amount consumers amount


1. FESCO 1 16.171 1 6.364

2. GEPCO 9 131.640 12 1946.144

3. HESCO 6 48.384 733 16429.334

4. IESCO 1 6.850 193 12901.779

5. LESCO 60 869.037 220 3195.052

6. MEPCO 10 118.654 74 1 653.703

7. PESCO 9 66.431 106 4986.936

8. QESCO 411 2255.430 228 2585.321

9. SEPCO 4 37.937 1038 14252.038

10. TESCO 38 360.884 11 192.953————————————————————————————————————————

Total 549 3911.418 2616 57152.624


(b) It is submitted that the following steps are being taken to enhance therecovery rate of power companies:—

(i) Timely execution of equipment removal orders against the defaulters.


(ii) Strict vigilance over payment of electricity bills of big Industrial,Commercial and Tubewell consumers.

(iii) Physical checking of the premises of the permanently defaultingconsumers to make sure that the defaulters are not using electricityfrom any other source.

(iv) Follow up of Court cases / settlement of billing disputes.

(v) Timely delivery of electricity bills to consumers.

(vi) Circle review and Regional review committees have been activatedfor reviewing the disputed cases.

(vii) Provisional Finance Secretaries are being pursued for recovery ofoutstanding dues against the major defaulting departments ofprovincial governments.

(viii) Reconciliation with Government Departments to recover the legitimatedues.

49. Ch. Abid Sher Ali:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the number, names and addresses of the applicants whomDemand Notices issued for provision of electricity meters inTatral, Kalar Kahar Road, Tehsil Choa Saiden Shah, DistrictChakwal since 1st January, 2012 alongwith date-wise break-upthereof;

(b) the number, names and addresses of those applicants to whomthe said electricity meters have been provided so far; and

(c) the steps taken for installation of those meters for the remainingapplicants?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar) : (a) Theapplication No. name & address of applicants to whom demand notices wereissued for provision of electricity meters in village Titral, Kalar Kahar Road, TehsilChoa Saiden Shah, District Chakwal (Since lst January, I2012 to date) are asunder please:


––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Sr. No. Applications No: & date Name of applicants Address–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

(i) 48/A-1 dated 20-01-2012 M.Son Akhter S/o Fazal Karim Village Tatral

(ii) 101/A-1 dated 29-02-2012 Iftikhar Ahmad S/o Mukhtar Ahmed Village Tatral

(iii) 156/A-1 dated 22-03-2012 Shafique Mehmood S/o Mehboob Khan Village Tatral

(iv) 369/A-1 dated 06-07-2012 Arshad Mehmood S/o Nooe Ahmed Village Tatral

(v) 15/A-2 dated 20-02-2012 Sajjad Hussain 5/0 Sarsa Khan Village Tatral

(vi) 44/A-1 dated 18-01-2012 Amjad Hussain S/o M. Afzal Village Tatral–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

(b) The application No, name and address of those applicants towhom the said electricity meters have been provided so far are as underplease:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Sr. No. Applications No: & date Name of applicants Address Date of


(i) 48/A-1 dated 20-01-2012 M.Son Akhter S/o Village Tatral 22-03-2012

Fazal Karim

(ii) 101/A-1 dated 29-02-2012 Iftikhar Ahmad S/o Village Tatral 30-03-2012

Mukhtar Ahmed

(iii) 156/A-1 dated 22-03-2012 Shafique Mehmood S/o Village Tatral 17:05-2012

Mehboob Khan

(iv) 369/A-1 dated 06-07-2012 Arshad Mehmood S/o Village Tatral 28-09-2012

Nooe Ahmed

(v) 15/A-2 dated 20-02-2012 Sajjad Hussain S/o Village Tatral 30-03-2012

Sarsa Khan––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (f) 02 No. applications cancelled detail is as under:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

44/A-1 dated 18-01-2012 Amjad Hussain S/o CancelledM. Afzal

277/A-1 dated 18-05-2012 Rizwana Shaheen D/o Cancelled lbrar Ahmed


51. Mr. Wasim Akhter Sheikh:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of hours of loadshedding of electricity beingcarried out at Villages Uper Shahother, Lower Shahother,Batkarar, Sairee, Kar and Hasse, District, Mansehra during theperiod from 1-6-2012 till date alongwith the reasons thereof;and


(b) whether it is a fact that wires of electricity are passing throughtrees instead of cemented poles of electricity in those villages; ifso, the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

14. Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of consumers of WAPDA at present; and

(b) the district and year-wise total amount collected form thoseconsumers under the head of bills during the last four financialyears?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar): (a) Total No.of consumers at present is given as under:—


3487671 2661713 3140302 2237940 4471407 2698625 440113 891329 689778 518943 21237791

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(b) It is submitted that the District & year wise details of amounts collected

from the consumers against the Head of electricity bills during the last four years isat Annex-I.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

15. Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the number alongwith names and addresses of IndependentPower Producers in the country at present;

(b) the month-wise quantity of electricity produced by the said powerproducers during the last five years; and


(c) the per unit price on which the electricity is being purchased bythe said producers alongwith the per unit price on which it isbeing provided to the consumers at present?

Reply not received.

17. Mrs. Nisar Tanveer:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of cases of Pilferage of transformers and cablesregistered in district Haripur during the period from 1st January,2010 till date; and

(b) the steps being taken by WAPDA to control said crime?

Reply not received.

19. Mrs. Seema Mohiuddin Jameeli:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the grade-wise monthly electricity units being provided free ofcost or on concessional rates to the employees of WAPDA asper their entitlement at present alongwith the time since whenthe said facility is being provided to those employees; and

(b) the district-wise number of the serving and retired employees,who are availing the said facility at present?

Reply not received.

21. Mr. Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a large number of appointments havebeen made in WAPDA during the year 2009-10, 2010-2011 and2011-12;

(b) if so, the justifications thereof?


Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar) : (a) & (b) Itis submitted that the companies (i.e. DISCOs, GENCOs, NTDC) previouslyworking under the umbrella of PEPCO are now working independently. However,as per information collected from them, the company wise details of appointmentsmade during the year 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 is given as under:

16. Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whether itis a fact that different rates have been fixed for day and nightutilization of electricity; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar) : (a) • Yes it isa fact that different rates have been fixed by NEPRA and duly approved byGovernment of Pakistan for the use of electricity during peak and off peak hours.These rates are being charged to only those consumers having load of 5 KW &above and are provided with specially designed TOU meters which can recordelectricity consumption of Peak & Off Peak hours, separately. Lower rates areoffered for off-peak hours.

• The main purpose of installation of TOU meters is to provide anincentive to the consumers for using less energy during peak hours thus reducingtheir energy bills besides reducing the system peak demand.

• The detail of Peak & Off Peak hours for the application of TOUtariff is as under:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Period Peak Timing Off-Peak Timings.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Dec. to Feb. (inclusive) 5 PM to 9 PMMar. to May (inclusive) 6 PM to 10 PM Remaining 20Jun. to Aug. (inclusive) 7 PM to 11 PM hours of theSep. to Nov. (inclusive) 6 PM to 10 PM day––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––



17. Syed Ameer Ali Shah:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the trainings of JMC and SSC aremandatory for the promotion of Junior Engineers (BPS-17);

(b) if so, the details of those Engineers whose names have beenapproved for promotion by the PEPCO related entities duringthe period from 1-1-2010 till date; and

(c) whether those Engineers have not been given such trainings forpromotion during the said period; if so, the justification forapproving the names for promotion of those Engineersseparately?

Reply not received.

18. Sheikh Muhammad Tariq Rasheed:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the wires of main power supply linefrom Bamphora/Balakot to Ghari Habibullah, Tehsil Balakothave low power capacity;

(b) if so, the time by which the said supply line/wires will be replaced;if not, the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

19. Mr. Laiq Muhammad Khan:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that electricity bills are being sent withoutmeter reading in Village Kajla, Union Council Nikka Pani, Teh.Oghi, District Mansehra; if so, the reasons thereof;


(b) the details of meter reading of each electricity meter of saidvillage since January, 2012 till date alongwith the amount ofbills received from each consumer; and

(c) whether it is also a fact that a lot of advance bills of electricityhave been collected from each consumers during the said period;if so, the reasons alongwith the name of authority who grantedapproval thereof?

Reply not received.

20. Mohammad Pervaiz Malik:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that electricity poles have been erected inadjoining localities of Kot Abbas Shaheed, Tehsil and DistrictMultan (NA-148); if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether it is also a fact that electricity transmission lines havenot been laid in all those localities; if so, the reasons thereof;and

(c) the time by which electricity transmission lines will be laid inthe remaining localities?

Reply not received.

96. Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for National Regulations and Services be pleased tostate:

(a) the names of Pharmaceutical companies which requested torevise/enhance the prices of their medicines during the last fiveyears; and

(b) whether such requests have been accepted by the Ministry; ifso, the increase allowed to those companies, separately alongwiththe details thereof?


Minister for National Regulation and Services (Dr. Firdous AshiqAwan): (a) After devolution of Ministry of Health under 18th amendments, thesubject of Drugs and Medicines was transferred to provinces. Now afterconsultation with Provincial Governments, the Drug Regulatory Authority ofPakistan has been established vide Ordinance No.2(I)/2012-Pub dated 16thFebruary, 2012. Regarding the information required for the last five years, due toheavy workload involved in the collection of said information, it is requested thatsome time may be given for compilation of the required information.

(b) Due to heavy workload involved in the collection /tabulation of sucha huge information, it is not possible to provide the same during the current sessionof the National Assembly. Therefore, it is requested that some time may be givenfor compilation of the required information.

98. Mrs. Nisar Tanveer:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that transformer installed at Village Dakala,Tehsil and District Rawalpindi has become over loaded; if so,the steps being taken to replace the said transformer; and

(b) the time by which the replacement work of said transformerwill be completed?

Reply not received.

99. Dr. Imtiaz Sultan Bukhari:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to refer to Un-Starred Question No. 72 replied on 10-9-2012 and to state whether itis a fact that the 50 KVA additional transformer has not been installedin the Village Chanam, Tehsil Kalar Syedan, District Rawalpindi sofar; if so, the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.


101. Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the totalquantity of electricity in Megawatts saved and consumed per dayafter adopting two weekly holidays since 15-12-2011?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar) : Afterobservance of two weekly holidays an average saving of 142 MW was observedin each day of weekend. This translates in to energy saving of 680 Mkwh.

102. Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for National Regulations and Services be pleased tostate:

(a) the country-wise medicines registered with the Ministry atpresent; and

(b) the prescribed criteria for the registration of medicines atpresent?

Minister for National Regulation and Services (Dr. Firdous AshiqAwan): (a) The country-wise medicines registered by the Drugs RegistrationBoard since 1976 is at Annexure-I.

(b) The Drugs Act, 1976 regulates the import, export, manufacture,storage, distribution and sale of the drugs under section 7 of the Drugs Act, 1976.The drugs are registered by the Drugs Registration Board on the basis of safety,efficacy & quality of drugs.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

105. Mr. Muhammad Riaz Malik:

Will the Minister for Works be pleased to state:

(a) the city-wise total number of Rest Houses of Pak. PWD in thecountry at present; and


(b) the number of Rest Houses out of the above which have beengiven on rent alongwith the details of monthly rent being collectedtherefrom separately at present?

Reply not received.

106. Mr. Muhammad Riaz Malik:

Will the Minister for National Regulations and Services be pleased tostate the names and addresses of Private Medical Colleges accreditedfrom PMDC in the country at present?

Minister for National Regulation and Services (Dr. Firdous AshiqAwan): The total number of Private Medical Colleges accredited with PMDC inthe Country at present is 50 and the list carrying names/addresses of the PrivateMedical Colleges accredited with PMDC in the Country at present is attached.



107. Mrs. Seema Mohiuddin Jameeli:

Will the Minister for National Regulations and Services be pleased tostate:

(a) the total number of Medical Stores in Islamabad at present; and

(b) the total number of Medical Stores to which licences have beenissued so far?

Reply not received.

108. Malik Shakeel Awan:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that electric wires are passing over the roofsof the houses or alongside the houses in the National AssemblyConstituency Nos.55 and 56 specially within city;

(b) if so, the steps being taken to replace those electric wires?

Reply not received.


109. Mrs. Nisar Tanveer:

Will the Minister for Housing be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that 100% House Rent of all the Flats/FamilySuits, Gulshan-e-Jinnah, Islamabad has been increased recently;if so, the justification thereof; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration to decreasethe said rent; if so, when it will be implemented?

Reply not received.

110. Mr. Wasim Akhter Sheikh:

Will the Minister for Works be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise total number of Assistants appointed in Pak PWD,Islamabad during the last five years alongwith the names thereof;and

(b) whether those employees applied through proper channels; ifnot, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Works (Mr. Liaqat Abbas Bhatti): (a) Following fourpersons were appointed as Assistant in Pak. PWD, Islamabad:—––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

2008 Nil2009 Nil2010 Nil2011 (i) Mr. Talha Junaid

(ii) Mr. Imran Razzak2012 (i) Mr. Abdul Rasul

(ii) Mr. Aziz-ur-Rehman––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

(b) They were appointed after adopting prescribed procedure / properchannel.


111. Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the names of firms to whom contracts have been awarded forfree distribution of energy savers in the country by the Ministry;and

(b) the procedure and criteria adopted therefor?

Reply not received.

112. Mr. Laiq Muhammad Khan:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:(a) whether it is a fact that rupees thirty five TV Licence fee are

being included in electricity bills of every subscriber withoutchecking;

(b) whether it is also a fact that a number of subscribers are payingsaid fee without holding TV sets; and

(c) the name of competent authority who granted approval to collectthe said fee alongwith the justification thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar) : (a) On thebasis of information received from DISCO’s the reply is given as under:

i. As per clause-1 of the agreement between PEPCO & PTV, TelevisionLicence fee will be charged @ Rs.35/- per month in electricity bill toeach domestic consumer whose monthly consumption (average ofpast 11 month calculated in July, 2004) exceeds 100 units exceptAJK, FATA & PATA.

ii. TV fee will be charged @Rs.35/- to new domestic consumer w.e.f.execution of agreement on the basis of following parameters:

– When average of six month is beyond 100 units wherever PTVfee applicable.


– From date of installation of 3/phase connection where PTV feeis applicable.

iii. Licence fee will be charged to Commercial consumer on the basis ofsurvey carried out be the Inspector of PTV.

iv. It is pertinent to mention here that in case of complaint regarding nothaving a TV set by a consumer, the respective incharge of one windowcentre/ customer service centre/ revenue office is authorized totemporarily deduct the TV licence fee in the electricity bill and afterverification by the TV representative, the same will be debited again.

(b) No it is not true as whenever any complaint regarding PTV fee beingcharged without having TV set is received the same is rectified as per para-a (iv)mentioned above.

(c) TV Licence fee is collected through electricity bill as per agreementbetween PEPCO (Pakistan Electric Power Company) and PTV (PakistanTelevision Corporation Limited).

113. Ch. Abid Sher Ali:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:(a) whether it is a fact that 50 KV transformer of Village Chaeeran,

Durband Road, Union Council Karori, Tehsil Oghi, District Mansehrahave been burnet second time;

(b) the present situation of load on the said transformer; and

(c) the time by which the said transformer will be replaced; if not,the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

114. Dr. Abdul Wahid Soomro:

Will the Minister for National Regulations and Services be pleased tostate:

(a) whether it is a fact that inquiries are pending against a numberof Deputy Secretaries of the Ministry; if so, the nature ofallegations thereof;


(b) the name of Inquiry Officers alongwith the time for completionof those inquiries?

Minister for National Regulation and Services (Dr. Firdous AshiqAwan): (a) & (b) It is stated that no any inquiry is pending or being conductedagainst any Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of National Regulations & Services.

115. Ms. Qudsia Arshad:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that many transformers of electric supplycompanies have been stolen during the period from 1-1-2007till date;

(b) if the answer to part (a) above is in the affirmative the companywise details alognwith the reasons thereof; and

(c) the year-wise steps taken against the culprits during the saidperiod?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar) : (a) Yes, it iscorrect.

(b) Company and year wise details of stolen transformers are attachedas Annex-(A).

(c) The steps taken are:

The FIRs of stolen transformers have been lodged with the concernedPolice Stations. Cases are under process with the Police which are being pursuedfor recovery of stolen equipment.

Following measures have been taken to stop theft of transformers.

(i) Welding of transformers with the platforms / structures has ifbeen carried out by some companies.

(ii) Some companies have managed night patrolling.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)


118. Mr. Wasim Akhter Sheikh:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of retired employees of WAPDA submittedapplications for medical reimbursement of more than Rs.10,000in the office of Executive Engineer, WAPDA, Mansehra duringthe period from 1-1-2012 till date alongwith names, father namesand amount thereof; and

(b) whether it is a fact that decisions have not been taken on thoseapplications so far; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Water and Power (Ch. Ahmed Mukhtar) : (a) Total Noof retired employees PESCO/ WAPDA submitted applications for medicalreimbursement more than Rs. 10000 to the office of XEN PESCO DivisionMansehra during the period from 1-1-2012 with Names, Father Name and amountthereof as under:—––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––S. No. Name of Retired Employee Father Name Amount–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1. Mr. Abdul Qayum Ex-LS-I Muhammad Akbar Rs.14937/-

2. Mr. Muhammad Bashir Malik Aman Rs.10011/-(Ex-ALM)

3. Mr/ Habib-ur-Rehman Muhammad Akbar Rs.11943(LM-I)

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(b) It is not a fact that decisions have not been taken on those applications.

The detail of action taken on those medical bills is as under please:—––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Name of retired Remarks employee––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Mr. Abdul Qayum Sanction for the claim of Rs.14937/- accorded vide Manager (Ex-LS-I) Admn/TMPP PESCO Peshawar office order No.13976-

78 dated 3-7-2012 and endorsed to EXN City DivisionPESCO Mansehra for necessary payment. The said claim


was paid for said amount of Rs.14937 vide XEN OperationCity Division Mansehra Cheque No. 399/1339 dated3-10-2012.

Muhammad Bashir The claim of Rs. 10011 was returned for provision of dis-(Ex-ALM) charge slip by Ms. WAPDA Hospital Peshawar. After doing

the needful the claim was resubmitted and is pending forverification by M/S WAPDA hospital Peshawar & sanctionby the competent authority. The payment of the claim will bemade after verification/sanction.

Habib-ur-Rehman The claim was sent to M/s WAPDA Hospital Peshawar forverification by the XEN PESCO City Division Mansehravide his letter No.4814 dated 29-8-2012. The payment ofthe claim will be made after verification/sanction by thecompetent authority.

56. Ms. Shaheen Ishfaq:

Will the Minister for Religious Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the country-wise total number of the Holy Quran, dates andgifts given to the Ministry for free distribution in the countryduring the last five years alongwith the quantity/details thereof;and

(b) the distribution/utilization thereof?

Minister for Religious Affairs (Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah): (a)No copy of Holy Quran, dates and gifts have been given to this Ministry for freedistribution in the country during the last five years.

(b) Not applicable.

57. Ms. Tasneem Siddiqui:

Will the Minister for Industries be pleased to refer to Starred QuestionNo. 86 replied on 20-12-2012 and to state the district-wise totalquantity of fertilizer provided by the Government in the country duringthe last five years?

Reply not received.


58. Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state the year-wise total quantity of electricity pilfered in each province includingFATA/Northern Areas during the last five years alongwith the valuethereof?

Reply not received.

59. Mr. Muhammad Rehan Hashmi:

Will the Minister for Ports and Shipping be pleased to state:(a) the total number of containers moved from Karachi Port Trust

(KPT) to Afghanistan under Afghan Transit Trade during thelast two years; and

(b) the total amount of tax/charges collected therefrom?

Minister for Ports and Shipping (Mr. Babar Khan Ghauri): (a)––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Year Landed Delivered Lying

TEUs TEUs Uncleared(Twenty Feet TEUs

Equivalent Unit)––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2010-2011 18,867 18,706 1612011-2012 12,267 12,090 177–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (b)––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Year Wharfage Storage Total Rs.

Rs. (M) Rs. (M) (M)––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2010-2011 27.827 331.819 359.6462011-2012 18.162 70.792 88.954––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


60. Mr. Sajid Ahmed:

Will the Minister for Production be pleased to state that the totalnumber of persons recruited on daily wages, contract, ad-hoc andregular basis in the Ministry and its each attached departments duringthe period from 1-6-2011 to 30-12-2012?

Minister for Production (Mr. Anwar Ali Cheema): The following juniorstaff has been recruited in the Ministry of Production from 01-06-2011 to30-12-2012 under Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Baluchistan Package and under PrimeMinister’s Assistance Package for deceased and medically retired employees.

1. 08 employees under Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Baluchistan Package(observing 6% quota) during the years 2012.

2. 03 employees (on contract basis) under Prime Minister’ s AssistancePackage against deceased and medically retired employees.

The Ministry has no attached departments.

61. Mr. Laiq Muhammad Khan:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to refer to Un-Starred Question No.70 replied on 10th September, 2012 and to statewhether it is a fact that wooden Cross-Arms (X-arms) have not beenreplaced within two months between Bandi Praou to Village Kajla,Tehsil Oggi, District Mansehra; if so, the reasons thereof alongwiththe action taken/being taken against the responsibles?

Reply not received.

62. Dr. Muhammad Ayub Sheikh:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) the per unit cost of generation of electricity through furnace oiland natural gas at present; and

(b) the year-wise relief given to the consumers of KESC during thelast five years?

Reply not received.


63. Dr. Darshan:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that 10 years services are required for adeceased employee of each DISCO to entitle his legal heir forpension; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of theGovernment to condone the said period of 10 years in case ofheart failure of deceased employee; if so, the competent authoritythereof?

Reply not received.

64. Haji Roz-ud-din:

Will the Minister for Water and Power be pleased to state whether itis a fact that the transformer installed in Chak Kamal, Tehsil Kario,District Gujrat has been stolen recently; if so, the reasons thereofalongwith the action taken against the responsibles?

Reply not received.


ISLAMABAD:The 25th January, 2013.

PCPPI—2093 (2013) NA—25-1-2013—700.