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EHS 304


Course Team Jonas O. Okwa (Course Developer/Writer)

Environmental Health Department

Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources,


Prof. Afolabi Adebanjo (Programme Leader) –


Dr. Shehu Omoniyi Ibrahim (Course Coordinator) -






National Open University of Nigeria


14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way

Victoria Island, Lagos

Abuja Office

5 Dar es Salaam Street

Off Aminu Kano Crescent

Wuse II, Abuja

e-mail: [email protected]


Published by

National Open University of Nigeria

Printed 2014

ISBN: ISBN: 978-058-198-7

All Rights Reserved




Introduction ……………………………………………….. iv

What you will Learn in this Course ……………………… iv

Course Aim………………………………………………… iv

Course Objectives …………………………………………. iv

Working through this Course ……………………………… v

Course Materials …………………………………………… v

Study Units …………………………………………………. v

Textbooks and References ………………………………… vi

Presentation Schedule …………………………………….. vi

Assessment ……………………………………………… vi

Tutor-Marked Assignments ……………………………… vii

Final Examination and Grading …………………………… vii

Course Marking Scheme ………………………………….. vii

Facilitators, Tutors and Tutorials ………………………… vii

Summary ………………………………………………… viii



Hydrology and sanitation is a semester course. It is a two-credit unit

course available to all students of Bachelor of Science degree in

Environmental Health.

Hydrology is the arm of science that deals with occurrence, movement,

distribution and storage of water in respect to both its quantity and

quality over and below the land surface in space, time and frequency

domain. Sanitation on its own is the hygienic means of promoting

heath through prevention of human contact with the hazards of


Water is an indispensable gift from God because of its uses. Its

application to sanitation is a sine qua non because without it one can

hardly talk of sanitation. Water itself needs adequate sanitation so as

not to turn all its inherent uses sanitation-wise into curses which it

equally has in abundance if not well treated.


This course guide explains to you what to expect from reading the

course material, the materials you need and how to work with them.

In the course material, you will learn about water occurrence, cycle,

movement and distribution as well as its supply to people. Also to be

learnt is sanitation and its branches and application to water

treatment. Tutor-marked assignments will also be seen and are

expected to be done by you. Finally it is expected that the course will

prepare you for challenges you are likely to meet in the study of

environmental health.




The aim of this course is to provide you with a good understanding of

hydrological processes and how it affects and is being affected by

sanitation for better management of water and our environment.


After going through this course, you should be able to:

define and explain the concepts and theories of hydrology

give the classifications and application of hydrology and explain the hydrological cycle

explain environmental problems of urbanisation and natural cycle of water

discuss physical, chemical and biological principles of wastewater and water treatment

explain the application of sanitation to water and water to sanitation

discuss sources of water, its supply and distribution and its environmental problems

explain the procedures for water sampling techniques

discuss urban and community storm water management process

explain drainage system layout and its importance

explain the state and federal regulatory standards and the role such play in water supply and sanitation.



This course has been carefully put together bearing in mind that you

might be new to the course. However, efforts have been made to

ensure that adequate explanation and illustrations are made to

enhance better understanding of the course. You are therefore advised

to spend quality time to study this course and ensure that you attend

tutorial sessions where you can ask questions and compare your

knowledge with that of your colleagues. Each unit contains self-

assessment exercise. You would be required also to submit your

assignments for assessment. This course should take about 15 weeks to



The main components of the course materials are:

Course Guide

Study Units

References/Further Reading

Assignments File


This course is divided into 15 units discussed under 3 modules as given


Module 1

Unit 1 Definitions, Concepts and Theories of Hydrology

Unit 2 Elementary Hydrology



Unit 3 Hydrological Cycle

Unit 4 Environmental Problems of Urbanisation and Natural

Cycle of Water

Unit 5 Physical, Chemical and Biological Principles of

Wastewater Treatment

Module 2

Unit 1 Definitions, Concepts, Theories of Sanitation and

Application of Water to Sanitation

Unit 2 Sources of Water and its Protection

Unit 3 Water Sampling Techniques

Unit 4 Water Supply and Distribution

Unit 5 Environmental Problems of Water Supply and Distribution

Module 3

Unit 1 Physical, Chemical and Biological Principles of Water


Unit 2 Public Health Importance of Water

Unit 3 Urban and Community Storm Water Management

Unit 4 Drainage Layout

Unit 5 State and Federal Regulation Standards



You are advised to consult as many textbooks /journals/ internet

sources contained at the end of every unit for a good understanding of

this course.


Your course materials have important dates for the early and timely

completion and submission of your TMAs and tutorial attendance. You

are expected to submit all your assignments by the stipulated time and

date and guard against falling behind in your work.


There are three parts to the course assessment and these include self-

assessment exercise, tutor- marked assignments. In tackling the

assignments, you are expected to use the information, knowledge and

techniques gathered during the course. The assignments must be

submitted to your facilitator for marking in line with the timelines

stated in the presentation schedule and assignment file. The

assignment that you submit to your tutor for assessment will count for

30% of your total course work. At the end of the course you will need

to sit for a final end of course examination of about three hours

duration. This examination will count for 70% of your total course





The TMA is a continuous component of your course. It accounts for

30% of the total score. You will be given four TMAs to answer. Three of

this must be answered before you are allowed to sit for the end of

course examination. The TMAs would be given to you by your facilitator

and returned after you have done the assignment. Assignment

questions for the units in this course are contained in the assignment

file. You will be able to complete your assignment from the information

and material contained in your reading, references and study units.

However, it is desirable in all degree level of education to demonstrate

that you have read and researched more into your references, which

will give you a wider view point of the subject.

Make sure that each assignment reaches your facilitator on or before

the deadline given in the presentation schedule and assignment file. If

for any reason you cannot complete your work on time, contact your

facilitator before the assignment is due; discuss the possibility of an

extension. Extension will not be granted after the due date unless there

are exceptional circumstances.


The end of course examination for EHS 304 will be for about three

hours and it has a value of 70% of the total course work. The

examination will consist of questions, which will reflect the self-

assessment, practice exercise and tutor-marked assignment problems

you have previously encountered. All areas of the course will be

assessed, therefore, use the time between finishing the last unit and

sitting for the examination to revise the whole course. You might find it

useful to review your self-assessment, TMAs and comments on them

before the examination. The end of course examination covers

information from all parts of the course.



Assignment Marks

Assignments 1-4 Four assignments, best three of

the four count 30% course marks

End of course examination 70% of overall course marks

Total 100% of course materials


There are 15 hours of tutorials provided in support of this course. You

will be notified of the dates, times and location of the tutorials as well

as the name and the phone number of your facilitator, as soon as you

are allocated a tutorial group.

Your facilitator will mark and comment on your assignments, keep a

close watch on your progress and any difficulties you might face and

provide assistance to you during the course. You are expected to mail

your tutor-marked assignment to your facilitator before the schedule

date (at least two working days are required). They will be marked and

returned to you as soon as possible.

Do not delay to contact your facilitator by telephone or e-mail if you

need assistance.

The following might be circumstances in which you would find

assistance necessary, hence you would have to contact your facilitator

if you:



do not understand any part of the study or the assigned readings

have difficulty with self-assessment exercise

have a question or problem with an assignment or with the grading of an assignment.

You should endeavour to attend the tutorials. This is the only chance to

have face- to-face contact with your course facilitator and to ask

question which are answered instantly. You can raise any problem

encountered in the course of your study.

To gain more benefit from course tutorials prepare a question list

before attending them. You will learn a lot from participating actively in



This course intends taking you into an in-depth study on hydrology and

sanitation. Hydrology on itself means the study of water and its allied

attributes- occurrence, movement, distribution, quantity and quality

within a specified time and space. Sanitation on its own mean all those

measures employed and aimed at taming our environment so that it

does not become a threat to man. To harness all the usefulness of

water, it must be supplied and distributed in good, safe and adequate

manner and must be made to serve the urban and local areas.

Water which is cyclic in nature is an indispensable tool in achieving

environmental sanitation. Apart from structural provisions made to

achieve some good health, most of other aspects of achieving

environmental sanitation come through the use of water. On its own,

water itself needs adequate sanitation for it to perform its roles. If

neglected water related diseases will ensue and make a mess of man

and his water. To help use water well, regulatory standards are laid by


local, state and federal government. You cannot but jump into reading

so as to see all these.

We sincerely wish you happy reading

Good Luck.





Module 1 Conceptual and Theoretical

Framework on Hydrology………………. 1

Unit 1 Definitions, Concepts and

Theories of Hydrology………………........ 1

Unit 2 Elementary Hydrology …………………… 9

Unit 3 Hydrological Cycle……………………… 16

Unit 4 Environmental Problems of Urbanisation

and Natural Cycle of Water……………… 23

Unit 5 Physical, Chemical and Biological Principles

of Wastewater Treatment…………………… 33

Module 2 Water Sanitation and Municipal Services… 41

Unit 1 Definitions, Concepts, and Theories of Sanitation

and Application of Water to Sanitation……… 41

Unit 2 Sources of Water and its Protection………. 49

Unit 3 Water Sampling Techniques………………. 58

Unit 4 Water Supply and Distribution………….… 66

Unit 5 Environmental Problems of Water

Supply and Distribution……………………. 78




Module 3 Public Health Importance of Water,

Drainage Layout

and Regulatory Standards……………… 84

Unit 1 Physical, Chemical and Biological

Principles of Water Treatment……………… 84

Unit2 Public Health Importance of Water………. 96

Unit 3 Urban and Community Storm Water Management 107

Unit 4 Drainage Layout…………………………….. 118

Unit 5 State and Federal Regulatory Standard……… 130



Unit 1 Definitions, Concepts and Theories of Hydrology

Unit 2 Elementary Hydrology

Unit 3 Hydrological Cycle

Unit 4 Environmental Problems of Urbanisation and Natural

Cycle of Water

Unit 5 Physical, Chemical and Biological Principles of

Wastewater Treatment




1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Definitions of Hydrology

3.2 Concepts of Hydrology

3.3 Theories of Hydrology

3.3.1 Uses of Catchment Theory of Hydrology



4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/ Further Reading


It is a known fact that if the whole world is divided into ten, water

bodies (hydrosphere) occupy 70 per cent leaving only 30 per cent for the

solid earth (lithosphere) (Goh Cheng, 1971). Greater percentage of this

water is found in the oceans. The result is that the world does not have

equal distribution of water and yet everything and everybody under the

earth need water. More so, since creation, there has been a fairly

constant volume of water in circulation in this world irrespective of

time, variations in seasons and geographical differences.

This unit therefore, is concerned with the study of water availability,

quality and distribution.



At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

define hydrology

explain concepts of hydrology

discuss theories of hydrology.


3.1 Definitions of Hydrology

Hydrology is from the Greek words “hydor” (water) and ‘Logos’ (study)

to mean “the study of water”. Below are however some true definitions

of hydrology.

According to Wikipedia, hydrology is the study of movement,

distribution and quality of water on earth and other planets, including

the hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental watershed

sustainability. A practitioner of hydrology is a hydrologist, working

within the fields of earth or environmental science, physical geography,

geology or civil and environmental engineering.

Singh (2000) asserts that hydrology can be defined as the science that

deals with occurrence, movement, distribution and storage of water in

respect to both its quantity and quality over and below the land surface

in space, time and frequency domains. Water quantity encompasses the

physical aspects and water quality, the chemical and biological aspect.

The author concludes by saying that one might sum up hydrology as the

study of water in all aspect at macro and higher scales. From the above,

one can freely say that hydrology is the study of the occurrence,

distribution, movement and physical and chemical properties of water in

Earth’s atmosphere, surface, and near-surface crust.

3.2 Concepts of Hydrology

Water is a liquid with all the characteristics of a liquid, one of which

include possession of a definite volume but no definite shape. Thus, it

takes the shape of the container. Also, water always findings its level. It

can exist in three phases- solid, liquid and gaseous (ice, liquid and water

vapour) respectively which change their phase through the following


from solid (ice) to liquid (water) termed melting process and

from liquid (water) to solid (ice) termed freezing process



from liquid (water) to gas (water vapour) termed

vaporisation/evaporation process and from gas (water vapour) to

liquid (water) termed condensation process

from solid (ice) to gas (water vapour) termed sublimation (+) and

from gas (water vapour) to solid (ice) termed sublimation (-). The

negative (-ve) sublimation is known as deposition.

All the above phenomena are controlled by the vapour pressure and

temperature under which the water is subjected. The above features of

water are contained in the Figures 1.1 and 1.2 below.

Energy is released (-) when hydrogen bonds are formed. Energy is

consumed (+) when hydrogen

bonds are broken:

Fig. 1.1: Water Found in 3 Phases



Fig. 1.2: Vapour Pressure vs. Temperature


Water is a universal solvent and fairly ubiquitous. As a universal solvent

it dissolves organic and inorganic minerals as it moves especially on top

or below the soil. It forms the oceans, rivers, lakes and streams and it is

found in plants, animals and humans and under the solid earth

(Lithosphere). Its quality depends on the level of impurities that

combine with the natural chemical elemental constituents of water

which are hydrogen and oxygen in the radio of 2.1, thus pure water

molecule is H2o. However, it will be observed later that good potable

water has some dissolved salt substances while unwholesome water has

organic, inorganic and pathogens in them.

Hydrological processes arise as a result of interactions between climate

inputs and landscape characteristics that occur over a wide range of

space and timescales. In the time domain, these may range from a few

second needed to capture turbulent exchanges of mass, energy, and

momentum between the land surface and the atmosphere, to

intermediate timescales governing runoff generation process during

storm events, for example, overland flow and sub surface storm flow,

and long timescales governing deep ground water flow, seasons

variations of climate and annual water balances, etc. In the space

domain, the length scales may range from an individual soil pore, leaf

blade or surface gully to small hill slopes, to river basin as large as

Mississippi, to whole climatic or geographical region all the way to the

entire globe.



3.3 Theories of Hydrology

In the first place, the word “theory” according to Hornsby’s (1998)

Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary means a set of properly argued

ideas intended to explain facts or events; the principles on which a

subject of study is based, among others. The question now is what are

the theories of hydrology?

In the study of hydrology, a lot of theories abound which govern the

processes involved in it as will here-under be seen. According to

Murugesu (2005), hydrology boasts of many theories, for each of its

many consistent processes (example: infiltration, evaporation, overland

flow, ground water flow etc), but there is an almost complete lack of a

holistic theory unique to hydrology itself, unifying these varied theories.

Hydrology is of great importance in the study of earth system, and

deserves to have these theories explained. The theories connected with

the processes, of say, infiltration or evaporation, etc deal with these

processes alone on individual basis, and because of this, it is termed

‘individual process theories” or “small scale process theories.” It is

termed individual process or small scale process theory because each of

them has got its own mechanism of operation. For instance, the

processes involved in evaporation, whereby the relatively stronger force

uniting the top of the surface water with those below loses its power and

allow the escape of water in gaseous form is different from capillary

action of water molecules in the soil that allows percolation or

infiltration and so on.

In spite of the sophistication of the individual process theories there has

been little progress towards understanding the law’s governing the

interactions and feedbacks between these processes so much so that

modules based on “current process theories” were evolved. These

theories discuss the processes hydrological activities take to be effected

and within these current process theories, a new theory called the unified

theory of hydrology is being advocated which unites the individual/

small scale theories and the current process theories. This new unified

theory of hydrology is termed ‘the theory of catchment hydrology”. It is

more coherent and unites other theories as earlier mentioned.

The Catchment Theory of Hydrology

This is an improvement over all other theories and would considerably

improve the understanding of hydrological phenomena, including a

more holistic understanding of their function within the entire earth

system, and improve the management of water resources, water quality


and water- related natural hazards. It is not heterogeneous or

fragmented as other theories.

Before giving what catchment theory means, it should be understood

that due to the tremendous heterogeneities in landscape properties and

climatic inputs, the resulting hydrological processes are highly variable

and complex of all scales. For instance, it is not practical, or even

feasible to routinely observe hydrological processes at the scale of a soil

pore or a surface gully or at the scale of a hill slope, in all catchments.

By way of definition or explanation, this catchment theory explains the

scale at which routine observations are made and predictions are

possible and required. This is because for both scientific and practical

reasons routine observations of hydrological processes are made only at

the catchment level but not during the individual processes as seen in the

process theory. Catchments thus qualify as complex or poorly defined

systems. This means that while process understanding at all scales

especially at scales smaller than catchment scale, is very valuable in

guiding or underpinning predictions of catchment responses, actual

predictions must still be based and or conditioned on observations at the

catchment scale.

The catchment is a self organising system whose form, drainage

network, ground and channel slopes, channel hydraulic geometries,

soils, and vegetation etc can now be known and its characteristics be

told with ease as against the individual process theory. However, a

holistic theory of hydrology at the catchment scale must be founded on a

synthesis of process understanding and process theories at all scales with

empirical theories derived from the analysis of observations at the

catchment scale.

3.3.1 Advantages or Uses of Catchment Hydrology

1. Catchment integrates all aspects of the hydrological cycle within

a clearly defined area in a way that can be studied, quantified and

acted upon. It is for this reason that we choose catchments as the

building blocks for the development of a new hydrological


2. Despite varieties of approaches to catchments hydrology,

understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of

hydrological process aggregated to the catchment scale, their

extremes and their scaling behaviour both in time and space has a

number of uses like flood estimation, drought mitigation and

water resources systems analysis. Thus, the pathways that water

takes in its passage through the catchment, their spatial and

temporal variability and the associated residence times are



important for water quality prediction and for managing the

health of aquatic ecosystems.

3. Improvement to the theory of catchment hydrology will have

positive ramifications beyond hydrology, contributing to the

sustainable management of land and water resources and aquatic

ecosystems and to managing global change.


What are the theories of hydrology and which of them is the best?


Having gone through all the above, we can conclude by saying that

having a fair knowledge about what hydrology is through the study of its

definitions, concepts, and theories will be of help because of the

importance of water to man. The behaviours of water when existing in

the three phases learnt teach us how to maximise its uses effectively.

Through this study many predictions about water can be made.


In this unit, we learnt a lot about the term hydrology. Definitions or the

meaning of hydrology were variously given and all point to the fact that

it is the study of water and its occurrence, movement, distribution,

storage and the quality and quantity of water over and below the surface

in time and space.

The unique substance-water- was diagrammatically studied to show its

triple nature of being in solid, liquid and gaseous state and the effect of

temperature and pressure. Concepts about water were discussed before

dealing with the theories. Under the concepts we learnt about the nature

of water and some of its characteristics.

Just as there are many concepts of hydrology, so also its theories of

which the catchment theory is first.


1. Give the definitions of hydrology and state three reasons why its

study is important.

2. Explain the theories of hydrology.



Dooge, J.C.I. (1986). “Looking for Hydrologic Laws.” Water Resources

Research, 22 (9) 465-585.

Dune, T. (1998). “Wolman Lecture: Hydrologic Science in Landscapes

on a Planet in the Future.” Hydrologic Science: Taking Stock and

Looking Ahead. Washington: National Academic Press.

Goh, C. L. (1971). Certificate Physical and Human Geography.

London: Oxford University Press.

Lucas, A. O. & Gilles, H. M. (1984). A Short Textbook on Preventive

Medicine for the Tropics. London: Hodder and Stoughton.

Murugesu, S. (2005). “Pattern, Process and Function: Elements of a

Unified Theory and Hydrology at the Catchment Scale.” In: M.

G. Anderson. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences.

Australia: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.

Singh, V. P. (2000). “Hydrology” The Engineering Handbook. Boca

Raton: CRC Press LLC.

“Water a Unique Substance.”

Accessed 24/08/2012.





1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Meaning of Hydrology and its Historical Perspective

3.2 Classifications/Branches and Hydrology

3.3 Application of Hydrology

3.3.1 Application of Hydrological Knowledge in Nigeria

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


In unit 1, you were introduced to the study of hydrology where you

learnt that it is an arm of science that deals with occurrence, movement,

distribution and storage of water in respect to both quantity and quality

over and below the land surface in space, time and frequency domains.

The study of hydrology is of great importance as there are many uses or

applications to human society. We have several branches of hydrology.

In this unit, we shall look into elementary hydrology with emphasis on

the meaning of hydrology, its classifications/branches and the

application of hydrology in general and the application of hydrological

knowledge in Nigeria.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

explain brief history of hydrology

discuss classification of hydrology

explain application of hydrology

describe application of hydrology in Nigerian context.


3.1 Meaning of Hydrology and its Historical Perspective

The central theme of hydrology is that water circulates throughout the

earth through different pathways and at different rates. The study of the


hydrologic cycle can then be defined as hydrology (Ackermann et al.,

1955). This definition adds to the arrays of definitions used to describe

hydrology. This circulation takes different forms and at different

conditions. As water circulates round, and being a universal solvent it

allows foreign bodies (salts, organic and inorganic materials and

Pathogens) to mix with it and because of this, the qualities and quantity

of water in circulation at every given time during such circulation

becomes included in the definition of hydrology as we saw in order


Historically, hydrology has been a subject of investigation and

engineering for millennia. For example, about 4000BC, the Nile was

dammed to improve agricultural productivity of previously barren lands.

Mesopotamian towns were protected from flooding with high earthen

walls. Aqueducts were built by the Greeks and Ancient Romans while

the history of China shows they built irrigation and flood control works.

The ancient Sinhalese used hydrology to build complex irrigation works

in Sri Lanka, also known for invention of the valve pit which allowed

construction of large reservoirs and canals which still function. In

Nigeria, Kainji Dam built for hydro electricity is equally used for

irrigation farming.

Marcus Vitruvius in the first century B.C. described a philosophical

theory of the hydrologic cycle in which precipitation falling in the

mountains infiltrated the earth’s surface and led to streams and springs

in the lowlands. With adoption of a more scientific approach, Leonardo

da Vinci and Bernard Palissy independently reached an accurate

representation of the hydrologic cycle. It was not until that 17th


that hydrologic variables began to be quantified.

Pioneers of the modern science of hydrology include Pierre Perrault,

Edme Marriotte and Edmund Halley. By measuring rainfall, runoff and

drainage area, Perrault showed that rainfall was sufficient to account for

flow of the Seine. Marriotte combined velocity and river cross-section

measurements to obtain discharge, again in the Seine. Halley showed

that the evaporation from the Mediterranean Sea was sufficient to

account for the outflow of rivers flowing into the sea. The 19th


saw development in groundwater hydrology, including Darcy’s law, the

Dupuit-Thiem well and Hagen-Poiseuille’s capillary flow equation.

Rational analyses began to replace empiricism in the 20th

century, while

governmental agencies began their own hydrological research

programmes. Of particular importance were Leroy Sherman’s unit

hydrograph, the infiltration theory of Robert E Horton, and C.V. Theis’s

Aquifer test/equation describing well hydraulics.



Since the 1950s hydrology has been approached with a more theoretical

basis than in the past, facilitated by advances in the physical

understanding of hydrological processes and by the advent of computers

and especially geographic information system (GIS).

According to Singh (2000), the study of hydrology originated in the

design of hydraulic works. This historical underpinning continues to

dominate the scope and the range of hydrologic investigations. It is

therefore no surprise that most often civil engineering is the home of

hydrology. With the changing environmental landscape, however, there

are signs of hydrology becoming a geophysical science in its own right.

3.2 Classifications/Branches of Hydrology

Hydrology has got so many classification and branches with each brand

almost deviating from the other in one form or the other to desire a

different name.

It is instructive to peruse the various classifications of hydrology (Singh,

1993). By definition hydrology can be classified as:

physical hydrology, chemical hydrology or biological hydrology

water quantity hydrology or water quality hydrology

surface water hydrology or subsurface hydrology.

Depending on the type of watershed for which the study of water is

undertaken, it can be classified as: agricultural hydrology, forest

hydrology, urban hydrology, mountainous hydrology, desert hydrology,

wet land hydrology or coastal hydrology.

Considering the form of water or where water occurs predominantly,

this study can be classified as: snow hydrology, ice and glacier

hydrology, atmospheric hydrology or lake hydrology.

Depending on the particular emphasis on land phase or channel phase, it

can be classified as: watershed hydrology or river hydrology.

Hydrology is also classified based on the tool employed for

investigation of hydrologic systems, thus we have: parametric

hydrology, theoretical hydrology, mathematical hydrology, statistical

hydrology, probabilistic hydrology, stochastic hydrology, systems

hydrology and digital hydrology.

The various classifications of hydrology are useful in that they point to

its cope and the range of techniques employed in its study.


Branches of Hydrology

As sourced from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, hydrology has

branches listed below with their brief explanations.

i. Chemical hydrology is the study of the chemical characteristics

of water.

ii. Eco-hydrology is the study of interactions between organisms

and the hydrologic cycle.

iii. Hydrogeology is the study of the presence and movement of

ground water.

iv. Hydro informatics is the adaptation of information technology to

hydrology and water resources applications.

v. Hydrometeorology is the study of the transfer of water and

energy between land and water body surfaces and the lower


vi. Isotope hydrology is the study of the isotopic signature of water.

vii. Surface hydrology is the study of hydrologic processes that

operate at or near Earth’s surface.

viii. Drainage basin management covers water-storage, in the form of

reservoirs, and flood protection.

ix. Water quality includes the chemistry of water in rivers and lakes,

both of pollutants and natural solutes.

x. Oceanography is the more general study of water in the oceans

and estuaries.

xi. Meteorology is the more general study of the atmosphere and of

weather, including precipitation as snow and rainfall.

xii. Limnology is the study of lakes. It covers the biological,

chemical, physical, geological and other attributes of all inland

water (running and standing waters, fresh and saline, natural and



List the classifications and branches of hydrology.

3.3 Application of Hydrology

There is no denying the fact that hydrology has got a variety of

applications, hence the study is important. Below are some of the ways

through which hydrological studies are applied:

determining the water balance of a region

determining the agricultural water balance

designing riparian restoration projects



mitigating and predicting flood, landslide and draught risk

real-time flood forecasting and flood warming

designing irrigation schemes and managing agricultural


part of the hazard module in catastrophe modeling

providing drinking water

designing dams for water supply or hydroelectric power


designing bridges

designing sewers and urban drainage system

analysing the impacts of antecedent moisture on sanitary sewer


predicting geomorphologic changes, such as erosion, or


assessing the impact of natural and anthropogenic environmental

change on water resources

assessing contaminants, transport risks and establishing

environmental policy guidelines.


Increase the number of the applications of hydrology to humanity to Z.

Explain some of the above applications.

3.3.1 Application of Hydrological Knowledge in Nigeria

Nigeria is considered to be abundantly blessed with water resources.

The country is divided into eight hydrological areas and drained mainly

by the River Niger and River Benue and their numerous minor

tributaries as well as by the Lake Chad and the Oguta Lake and the

rivers that discharge into them. There are several other perennial rivers,

example, the Gongola, Hadejia-Jama’ are, Kaduna, Zamfara and Yobe

in the north and the Ogun, Osun, Imo, Cross and Anambra Rivers in the

south (Goldface-Irokalibe, 2005).

According to Iloeje (1972), the eight hydrological zones include:

i. Lake Chad Basin

ii. Sokoto Basin

iii. Hadeija Yobe Basin

iv. Rivers Nigeria and Benue Basin

v. Anambra Basin

vi. Imo-Akwa-Ibom, Cross River Basin.

vii. Ogun-Osun- Osse Basin


viii. Delta Basin.

Nigerian hydrological blessings are maximally used as we have hydro-

electricity generated from it as seen in Kainji Dam. We equally have

irrigation made possible in the same damming of River Niger.

Furthermore, there are other uses such as in lumbering and



From our discussion we can make bold to conclude that hydrology has a

variety of classification and branches, all which help in designating the

discreet fields or areas into their scope and range of techniques used in

studying them. Because of its wide range of applications and its

ubiquitous nature, man has since creation been studying it even without

knowing. Nigeria as a nation cannot deny having benefited from

hydrological studies.


In this unit, you have learnt the meaning and historical background of


You also learnt that hydrology has a vast range of classification and

branches all of which help in dealing with and understanding of the

same. Examples of such classifications and branches include; physical

hydrology, surface water hydrology, agricultural hydrology and

chemical hydrology, hydrogeology, surface hydrology respectively to

mention but a few.

The classifications/branches give a wide view of its applicability; hence

so many professionals are involved in the study of hydrology in one

form or the other.

Its uses are found in agriculture, electricity generation, and designing

bridges etc. Nigeria too has benefitted much from the study of



1. Mention the classifications of hydrology.

2. List its varied applications.




Ackermann, U. C, Coleman, E.A, & Ogrosky, H.O. (1955). ‘From

Ocean to Sky to Land to Ocean.” U.S Department of Agriculture

Yearbook, pp. 41-51. Washington, D.C.

“Centre for Ecology of Hydrology Home”.

Goldface-Irokalibe (2005). Water Management in Federal and Federal-

Type Countries: Nigerian Perspective. Zaria: Ahmadu Bello

University Press.

Iloeje, N. P. (1972). A New Geography of Nigeria. Ikeja: Longman

“International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Home

Page” Retrieved 2012-


Murugesu, S. (2005). “Patten, Process and Function: Elements of a

Unified Theory of Hydrology at the Catchment Scale.” In: M. G.

Anderson (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences.

Australia: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Natural Weather Service. Office of Hydrologic Development Weather-

gov.2011-10-28. Retrieved 2012-


Singh, V. P. (2000). Hydrology:The Engineering Book. Boka Raton:

CRC Press LLC.

Singh, V. P. (1993). Elementary Hydrology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:

Prentice Hall.

“USGS Water Resources of the United States”. Water. 2011-

10-04 http// Retrieved 2012-02-15.




1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Hydrological Cycle

3.2 Effect of Climate Change on Hydrologic Cycle and Water


4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/ Further Reading


Having been fully introduced into this course in the two previous units,

the onus lies on us now to discuss what is called hydrological cycle. The

world ‘cycle’ connotes a roundabout movement which starts from one

end and comes back to its starting points in a circular manner. A closer

look at it shows that the starting point may be difficult to locate.

Bringing in this cyclic movement into hydrological studies informs what

we may call hydrological cycle.

By design or accident, nature has come in to impact on the cycle of

water (hydrological cycle) at a rate that a conscious man need to watch

with expectancy. This unit is poised to look into water cycle and the

influence or effect of climate change on hydrologic cycle and water

resources. Be comfortable as you read down the lines.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

describe and make a diagrammatic sketch of the hydrological


explain the effect of climate change on hydrological cycle and

water resources.




3.1 Hydrological Cycle

By way of definition hydrologic cycle is the cyclic transfer of water

vapour from the earth’s surface through evapo-transpiration into the

atmosphere, from the atmosphere through precipitation back to earth and

through runoff into streams, rivers and lakes and ultimately into the

oceans, and the cycle starts all over again.

The central theme of hydrology is that water circulates throughout the

earth through different pathways and at different rates. The most vivid

image of this is in the evaporation of water from the ocean; which forms

clouds. These clouds drift over the land and produce rain. The rain water

flows into lakes, rivers or aquifers. The water in lakes, rivers and

aquifers then either evaporates back to the atmosphere or eventually

flows back to the ocean, completing a cycle. Water changes its state of

being several times throughout this cycle. By changing state of being we

mean changing from liquid to gaseous, from gaseous to liquid and from

solid to gaseous or liquid as the case may be. Can you guess when these

happen in water? Have you ever seen ice block turn into liquid or gas?

Can you give the names of these phenomena? If no, try and find them

for a clearer understanding or you may read on as you will see terms

like: evaporation, sublimation and condensation before the day ends.

The Cycle’s Diagrammatic Presentations


INPUT: Magmatic Wat




run off Precipitation

On land

Ground water Flow


Transpiration from



from soil



Fig.3.2: Hydrological Cycle

Source: US Global Change Research Program, element/water.htm

The sun drives the hydrologic cycle, whereby water is evaporated by

solar radiation from oceans, inland water bodies and soil, condenses and

falls on land as precipitation, and returns to receiving water bodies by

either surface- runoff or ground water discharge. Water can enter the

atmosphere from magmatic water during volcanic eruption.

There are many critical sub-cycles within the overall hydrologic cycle.

For example a portion of precipitation is returned to the atmosphere by

evaporation before it reaches the ground. A portion of precipitation that

is stored on vegetation (interception storage), on the land surface in

puddles (depression storage) or in shallow soil pores, also evaporates

rather than moving downward to groundwater (percolation) or running

off to surface water channels.

Precipitation infiltrating the soil that is not lost to evaporation can flow

downward to recharge ground water, contributing to a rise in the water

table, or flow shallowly in a lateral direction and discharge to streams.

Flow in streams that is not due to surface or shallow subsurface runoff

from the land is termed base flow, and such base flow in natural systems

Fig 2



arises from deep and shallow ground water discharging the streams

during both storm and non-storm periods.

From all the above and according to the U.S Geological Survey (USGS),

there are 16 identifiable components of the hydrological cycle. They are

as follows:

water storage in oceans




water in the atmosphere



water storage in ice and snow

snowmelt runoff to streams

surface runoff

stream flow

freshwater storage


groundwater storage

groundwater discharge


For a clearer understanding of some of the above terms, some

explanations or definitions are presented below.

Sublimation: It is often used to describe the process of snow

and ice changing into water vapour without first melting into

water. It is a common way for snow to disappear in certain

climates, example in temperate and polar zone.

Evapo-transpiration: This is the process by which water vapour

is discharged to the atmosphere as a result of evaporation from

the soil and transpiration by plants.

Condensation: Condensation is the process in which water

vapour in the air is changed into liquid water. It is crucial in the

water cycle because it is responsible for the formation of clouds.

Precipitation: The clouds so formed above do produce

precipitation which is the primary route for water to return to the

earth’s surface. This is the discharge of water, in liquid or solid

state (ice), out of atmosphere, generally upon a land or water


Water storage in ice and snow: Fresh water stored in frozen

form, generally in glaciers, ice fields and snowfields.


Snowmelt runoff to streams: The movement of water as surface

runoff from snow and ice to surface water.

Surface runoff: Precipitation runoff which travels over the soil

surface to the nearest stream channel.

Stream flow: The movement of water in a natural channel, such

as a river.

Freshwater storage: Freshwater existing on the earth’s surface.

These include streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoir and

freshwater wetlands. Here evaporation can readily occur.

Infiltration: The downward movement of water from the land

surface into soil or porous rock.

Groundwater storage: Water existing for long period below the

earth’s surface. Most of the water in the ground comes from

precipitation that infiltrates downward from the land surface.

Groundwater discharge: The movement of water out of the


Spring: Place where a concentrated discharge of ground water

flows at the ground surface.

3.2 Effect of Climate Change on Hydrologic Cycle and

Water Resources

1. There are apparent trends in stream flow volume as both

increases and decreases in many regions. These trends cannot all

be definitely attributed to changes in regional temperature or

precipitation. However, widespread accelerated glacier retreat

and shifts in stream flow timing in many areas from spring to

winter are more likely to be associated with climate change.

2. The effect of climate change on stream flow and groundwater

recharge varies regionally and between scenarios largely

following projected changes in precipitation. In some parts of the

world, the direction of change is consistent between the

scenarios, although the magnitude is not. In other parts of the

world, the direction of change is uncertain.

3. Peak stream flow is likely to move from spring to winter in many

areas where snowfall currently is an important component of the

water balance.

4. Glacier retreat is likely to continue and many small glaciers may


5. Water quality is likely to be degraded by higher water

temperature, but this may be offset regionally by increased flows.

Lower flows will enhance degradation of water quality.

6. Flood magnitude and frequency are likely to increase in most

regions and low flows are likely to decrease in many region.



7. Demand for water generally is increasing as a result of population

growth and economic development, but it is falling in some

countries. Climate change is unlikely to have a large effect on

municipal and industrial demands but may substantially affect

irrigation withdrawals.

8. The impact of climate change on water resources depends not on

changes in the volume, timing, and quality of stream flow and

recharge but also on system characteristics, changing pressures

on the system, how the management of the system evolves and

what adaptations to climate change are implemented.

9. Unmanaged systems are likely to be most vulnerable to climate


10. Climate change challenges existing water resources management

practices by adding additional uncertainty. Integrated water

resource management will enhance the potential for adaptation to



From all the forgoing, we can without doubt conclude that hydrological

cycle is cyclic and within the cycle, there are sub cycles. In this

hydrological cycle the sun is the driving force causing evapo-

transpiration from the oceans, water bodies, ground, plants and animals

and when this happens enough, there is the cloud formation which

condenses and falls back as precipitations which enter the oceans, the

ground and the soil eventually and the cycle starts all over again. At

present, there are some noticeable signs of climate change and this

climate change has great effects on the hydrological cycle and water

resource management.


In this unit, you learned about the definition of hydrological cycle and

the processes through which the cycle was achieved e.g. evapo-

transpiration, precipitation, sublimation, and infiltration.

Sketches of the processes were given and explanation given to them.

Some identifiable components of hydrological cycles were itemised and

brief explanations given to them.

There were equally some identifiable ways by which the climate change

has affected hydrological cycles. For instance peak stream flow is likely

to move from spring to winter in many areas where snowfall currently is

an important component of the water balance. Equally glacier retreat is

likely to continue and many small glaciers may disappear.



1. Using an annotated diagram explain in detail the hydrological


2. List and explain some ways through which climate change has

affected the hydrological cycle.


Arnel, l. N. & Liu, C. (n.d.) Hydrology and Water Resources.

Author, G. & Anne, C. G. (1979). A New Health Science for Africa.

London: Longman Group Limited.

Blyth, F.G.H. & de Freitas, M. H. (1984). A Geology for Engineers.

London: Arnold International Publishers.

Clarie, W. (n,d.). The Urban Water Budget.


Emerson, C.H, Welty, C. & Traver, R. G. (2005). “A Water-shed-scale

Evaluation of a System of Storm Water Detention Basin.”

Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 10 (3), 237-242.

Singh, P. & Keimar, N. (1997). “Impact Assessment of Climate Change

on the Hydrological Response of a Snow and Glacier Melt

Runoff-Dominated Himalayan River.” Journal of Hydrology,

193, 316-350.

The U.S Geological Survey (USGS).


US Global Change Research Programme.







1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Meaning of Urbanisation and Characteristics of an Urban


3.2 Urban Water Budget

3.3 Impact of Urbanisation on the Natural Cycle of Water

3.4 Environmental Problems Associated with Urbanisation

and Natural Cycle of Water

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Urbanisation which can be described as the increase in the proportion of

people living in towns and cities occurs because people move from rural

areas to urban areas. Such increase makes much demand on land and

water use and occurs at a rate which sometimes poses environmental

problems. In a related manner, urbanisation affects to a great extent the

water cycle in many ways. This altered natural cycle most often poses

environmental problems so much so that man is affected and thus

worried. To deal with this course (Hydrology and Sanitation) well,

proper knowledge of all these phenomena is therefore compulsory.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

define urbanisation and discuss the characteristics of urban cities

discuss urban water budget

explain the impact of urbanisation on water cycle

list and explain environmental problems associated with

urbanisation and natural cycle of water.



3.1 Meaning of Urbanisation and the Characteristics of

Urban Areas

Urbanisation is the increase in number of urban inhabitants as well as

the outward expansion of the urban area. As pointed out in the

introductory note, it occurs because people move from rural areas to

urban areas. It can be described in terms of increasing share of the

national population, activities, properties, and infrastructure and

community services.

Characteristics of urban areas

i. Increased population: Because of the increased upsurge of

people moving to the town and cities for better condition of

living and employment pursuit, people from different

communities with different social, cultural, religions, educational,

economic and ethnic background meet and fill up the towns and

cities. They therefore are heterogeneous in nature in all the above

and the density of the population are always on the increase and

at times get above optimum density.

ii. Changes in land and building use: The wide gap between

population increase and land area or mass, which is fixed, brings

in very serious demands for land, building, road construction,

underground piping of some facilities, establishment of

industries, sporting activities, subsistent and commercial

agricultural production etc.

The effect is that the only option left is expansion, which is encroaching

or extending sub-urban areas, for those towns that still have

undeveloped neighborhood.

Due to social and economic stratification that exist within the urban

areas, the richer ones select those areas that are planned and well

arranged which are normally far from the central business district (CBD)

while the poor ones live in concentrated areas which normally are the

urban slums, blights or ghettos with nothing but struggle for space, air,

food, comfort (privacy) and disease spread.

While a lot of road networks exist, there is few or no tree there in the

urban areas. What exists instead is public and institutional buildings-

banks, sports centres, churches, big markets etc. Also some urban areas

exist around water bodies, examples, Lokoja, a situation which makes it

impossible not to construct bridges across such rivers. Furthermore,



some towns or urban areas occur because of some mineral deposits

found in or near them making it impossible not to tamper with the sub-

soil for the harnessing of such deposits, examples, Enugu and her coal

deposits, Jos and her tin deposits etc.

All these are in sharp contract with the rural areas where there is no

much interaction or interference with nature - trees (vegetation) are there

not tampered with just as their soil and water. If there are houses, farm

lands and animals etc. they are few.


What are the effects of urbanisation on water cycle?

3.2 Urban Water Budget

By way of definition “water budget” describes the stores or volumes of

water in the surface, subsurface and atmospheric compartments of the

environment over a chosen increment of time. From the above

definition, one can say that water budget talks about the quantity or

volume of water in a given place or area of interest which can be within

the surface or subsurface over a given point in time.

This quantity or volume gathered is termed its storage value and having

thus gathered, it tends to flow or enter into the next cyclic stage of the

water cycle. Thus the water cycle has to do with characterising the flow

paths and flow rates of water from one store to another. Before water

flows into the next stage or place it must have sufficiently had enough in

its store for there to be a pull. Take for instance, for transpiration to

occur, enough water molecules must have gathered at the stomata of the

leaves so that the excess escapes via the opening and into the

atmosphere. For water to percolate into the deep soil; the top soil must

have had enough in its store, for water to fall back as rain, there must

have been enough in its store (cloud formation) which then condenses

and falls back as rain etc. Having understood the above in words, giving

you this mathematical representation may be of help in making it


A water budget or water mass balance can be calculated for any time

increment for a chosen control volume where.

In-flows – Outflows = storage.

Explaining the above, “inflow” is the incoming water molecules while

the outflow is the outgoing where the difference is the storage, and the


symbol pronounced delta means ‘change or rate of change in value

of a named quantity.

Some other concepts in water cycle have their mathematical

representations of their storage values, examples:

Precipitation – Runoff - Net Ground water Outflow – Evapo-

transpiration = Storage.

Where the net groundwater outflows is groundwater inflow minus

outflow, and all terms are measured in volumes over the time period of

interest. The change ( ) pronounced “delta” in storage includes

changes in both the amount of water stored in groundwater (or aquifer

storage) as well as in surface reservoirs.

The movement pull in water cycle is controlled by this storage value, i.e.

storage. In a natural setting is in an undeveloped area where there

may not be roads (tarred or un-tarred), houses etc. the rate at which

surface water gathers differs compared with developed area, for instance

in a tarred road where percolation may be difficult. In the latter

situation, evaporation will be faster than the former where for instance

there was none to evaporate since all have entered into the subsoil

(assuming we are considering evaporation only).

Take a look at the subheading above. We are discussing urban water

budget. So far we have only highlighted the phrase “water budget” but

we have almost finished. The last paragraph before this did the magic.

This is because it talked about the rate of generation of storage water in

an urban area where so many activities and infrastructures are in place

and thus disturb the natural setting. Using the specific example in that

paragraph, one will find out that in urban area there are so many road

network everywhere with the result that each time it rains, surface water

emanating from such roads soon accumulate and yearn for their either

drainage (percolation) underground or evaporation into the atmosphere

for another round of rain formation

3.3 Impact of Urbanisation on the Natural Cycle of Water

It is an undeniable fact that urbanisation has some impact on the natural

cycle of water as can be deciphered from the previous section. The

diagram below and the explanations that follow will give you a clear

idea about the impact of urbanisation on water cycle. In urban area, trees

must have been cleared and their place replaced with many buildings or

roads and some open areas have their floors tiled. In some industrialised

areas, big buildings which emit gases of different composition are there,

the same building cover a wide area of space shifting the raindrop of

such spaces. In order to erect some tall building or mount some



machines and sewers found in urban areas, the soil must have been dug

deep to almost reach the impervious zone (e.g. in well construction). In

some areas the presence of water body initiated settlement in the first

instance and such places later turn into urban areas, in that with time,

struggle for spaces occurs and they will shift the water course by

reclaiming some of the continental shelf (near surface areas) with the

result that the water may change its course by force, a situation which

causes harm when river over flows its bank during rainy season.

Construction of dams for irrigation or generation of electricity too also

affects the water volume and course, pipes buried underground too

which may be for portable water supply, storm water, waste water,

petroleum products etc. all destroy the soil composition and affect the

generation of our storage water which creates the enabling potentials

gradient for the water cycle at a given point in time.

The summary of all the above is that the course or flow pattern of water

in its cyclic form is severely affected in urban area when compared with

the naturally underdeveloped or undisturbed area. Such change of course

is shown in Figure 4.1 below.

Fig.4.1: The Urban Water Cycle



Fig. 4.3

From the diagram, you can see how drastically the density and

connectivity of the flow channels have been altered due to construction

of buildings and roads. In some location, on this map it is difficult to

discern the direction of surface water flow, owing to the high degree of

landscape alteration. The vast network of pipes and utility conduits

underlying urban areas can also significantly affect the cycling of water.

This effect is much more difficult to quantify because the systems are


Model result for pre-development

surface water flow (solid line),

Post-development flow (dash-dot


And post development flow (with

detention (dashed line) for storm

having a duration of 6 hours and

return period of two years, applied to

a 6 acre site from Valley Creek water

shade, Pennsylvania (©Emerson,




The figure above is a conceptual cross-section through the surface and

subsurface where blue arrows depict a position of the natural system

flow paths and the red arrows shows how the built environment alters

the route that water takes.

The effects of urbanisation on the water cycle include:

short – circuiting or path – lengthening compared to the natural


leaking pressurised water distribution systems can contribute to

groundwater recharge

cracks in parking lots and other sealed surfaces can act as focused

recharge point to the subsurface (Sharp et al., 2006)

joints and cracks in sanitary and storm servers can serve as drains

for groundwater; conversely these pipes can also leak to

groundwater, causing water quality impairment

utility conduits and tunnels themselves can act as preferential

flow channels for groundwater drastically altering the effective

permeability of the subsurface (sharp et al., 2003)

treated waste water discharge into a stream supplements base

flow and in some cases

accounts for the greatest portion of stream flow

human enhance the conditions for flood production in cities by

hardening the land surface

and by tiling floor spaces of the eternal compound , parking lots,

road construction ( tarred roads)

impervious areas, compacted soils and built up spaces cause

storm water to run off

instead of seeping into the ground and the highly engineered

storm dram system carries

water quickly away from properties .


i. Check out any mechanic workshop and after rainfall use your hoe

and dig the ground, do same to an unused place (no building,

road or other thing), find out the thickness (depth) of water

penetration in both of them. Or check out the rate of generation of

surface run off. Which one is thicker (depth wise) or faster (for

surface run off).

ii. Make a labeled sketch of your own and show flow rate of water

of a town nearest to you explain the diagram.


3.3 Environmental Problems Associated with Urbanisation

and Natural Cycle of Water

a. Urban storm water generation: Because of the reduced rate of

penetration, water runoff soon accumulate and settle on surface

any where is a depression and they are not scarce due to heavy

traffic. The result is that mosquitoes and other flies breed there

and fecal matters too accumulate and serve as a point of

collection for housefly and other vectors. Some helminthes too

complete their cycle in such places where streams may be far.

Such water provides moisture needed for decay of solid refuse

which in turn reduces the ponds storage gradient potential so that

evaporation and or percolation may be hampered. Under this

condition before any of the above occurs, odour nuisance and the

likelihood of disease spread might have been affected.

b. Pollution of underground water source like shallow springs and

wells can be higher in urban areas due to leakage through the

joints and cracks in sanitary and storm water pipes

(see impact (iv) above).

c. Treated and or untreated wastewater discharge into streams and

rivers faster in urban area. When this is done, pollution of such

water is effected which poses problems with the result that

aquatic life may be adversely affected or the quality of water for

some uses may become severed.

d. Where there has been interference with water bodies like streams,

rivers or oceans by undue reclamation of any position of same

due to city expansion, most often such places become submerged

with its negative consequences on the life and property of man.

e. Damming of rivers for electricity and or navigation which creates

more surfaces of water for evaporation causes displacement of

people from their natural or ancestral homes. For example, during

the construction of Kainji Dam, earlier settlers were relocated or

resettled at New-Bussa. At present due to quest for irrigation

farming, enjoyment of electricity and easier sea transportation, all

these can initiate urbanisation there which may later pose a

problem as stated in (d) above.

f. Such interference with the water courses and the undue tempering

with the sub soil due to urbanisation at the upper course of the

rivers cause the formation of heavy depositional features at the

lowest course, example in the delta region with the result that

estuaries spring up more in such place making navigation

impossible at the middle and lower course. That is why Nigeria is

spending heavily now in an effort to dredge rivers Niger and





In the light of all the foregoing, we can conclude that urbanisation has

effects on hydrological (water) cycle. Such effects can be positive (when

it speeds up a given local cycle) or negative (when it protracts a given

local cycle). In most of the above it has or creates some serious

environmental health problems as we have seen above.


In this unit, you have studied the meaning of urbanisation. You also

learned that urban areas have a lot of inhabitants who are heterogeneous

in everything and numerous activities take place there just as numerous

buildings are found there.

Water cycle in urban areas is governed by the nature of water budget

found there and these are dependent on the nature of built up

environment as the built up environment creates enough storage

potential gradient to shift the flow to another level which is faster than

the un-built areas.

There are enough pronounced impacts of urbanisation on the water cycle

as has or can be seen above. Thus we have issues like; short-circuiting

or part lengthening, when compared to natural system and leaking

pressurised water system contributing to groundwater recharge. Some or

most of these impacts have serious environmental health problems and

some of the impacts too impact negatively on the cycle itself.


1. Define water budget.

2. List various ways through which urbanisation affects water cycle.

3. Enumerate environmental problems associated with urbanisation

and natural cycle of water.


Berbery, E. H. (2002). “The Hydrologic Cycle of the La Plata Basin in

South America.” Journal of Hydrometeorology 3, No. 6 p 630-


Claire, W. (n.d.). The Urban Water Budget. . http:// flakes. Org/ book/

WATER-ENV-CITY/fult ext (16) .pdf. Retrieved 15 /06 /2012.


Freedman, B. (1995). Environmental Ecology. (2nd

ed.). San Diego:

Academic Press.

Healy, R. W. et al.. (2007). “Water Budget: Foundation for Effective

Water resources and Environmental Management.” U.S.

Geological Survey Circular. 1308 p.90.

Herschy, R. & Rhodes, F. (Eds). (1998). Encylopedia of Hydrology and

Water Resources. Boston, Kluwer: Academic Publishing.

Iloeje, N. P. (1972). A New Geography of Nigeria . Ikeja: Longman

Nigeria Limited.

Ricklefs. R. E. (1990). Ecology. (3rd

ed.). New York: Freeman.

Sharp, al. (2003). “Effect of Urbanisation on Groundwater

System.” In: Earth Science in the City. Washington D.C:

American Geophysical Union.

Sharp, J. M. et al.(2006). “Changing Recharge and Hydrogeology in an

Urbanising Area – Example of Austin, Texas, USA.”

Philadelphia Annual Meeting (22-25 October 2006) Geological

Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 38(7) 289.

Us Global Change Research Program, http. // elements

/water.htm Retrieved 15 /06 /2012







1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Sources and Composition of Wastewater

3.2 Meaning and Stages of Wastewater Treatment and their


3.2.1 The Physical Principles of Waste Water Treatment

3.2.2 The Biological Principles of Wastewater Treatment

3.2.3 The Chemical Principles of Wastewater Treatment

3.3 Application or Importance of Wastewater Treatment

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References /Further Reading


Man undeniably uses water for most of his activities. Such uses are not

terminal to water as they only change the qualities and quantities of

water within such periods. He drinks fairly wholesome water and passes

some of it out as urine with urine contents, he washes his clothes or

baths with fairly pure water and throws away the dirty water with its

new composition, he goes to toilet and flushes same with clean water

only for the water to increase in volume and weight with human faeces.

The list is endless. More so, many a time it rains heavily and the runoff

water will add to the yolk of man by gathering the residuals of human

wastes and causing undue pond formation or stagnation of existing

drainages with water that its chemistry will be hard for anyone to know.

If not checked, man will soon be engulfed with such water and reap it

surplus negative fruits.

But God in his infinite mercy and wisdom has given man some finite

wisdom to handle such a situation. This must be in line with the divine

injunction that man should conquer the world. The foregoing informs

the reason for wastewater treatment. It is a conscious effort to help in the

cycle of water with no diseases transferred to man as the cycle

continues. This all important treatment takes the physical, chemical and

biological principles.



At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

state the composition of wastewater

discuss wastewater treatment and the stages involved

explain the physical, chemical and biological principles

involved in the processes wastewater treatment

state the importance or uses of wastewater treatment.


3.1 Sources and Composition of Wastewater

Whereas we may say the sources correctly, that of the composition will

only be mentioned on a macroscopic point of view, that is, the major

components without reference to their elemental composition. Generally

the sources of wastewater include:

a) Domestic (wastewater from kitchen, sinks wash hand basin,

bathroom and toilet)

b) Industries

c) Groundwater

d) Meteorological or storm water. (Sridhar, 2007)

e) Laundry.

The composition: For the composition of wastewater, the source

determines the constituents. For instance, domestic wastewater may

contain oil, soap, dirt, debris from kitchen, urine, faeces, dissolved and

suspended solids.

Industrial wastewater contains such things like; various organic and

inorganic compounds, toxic chemicals, water, dirt, etc.

Storm water contains dissolved gases, dissolved minerals (sodium,

potassium chlorine etc.) organic debris, stones, leaves, metals, fibres,


According to Sridhar (2007), the composition of wastewater, is analysed

using several physical, chemical and biological measurement, and the

most common analysis include the measurements of solids, biochemical

oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and pH. He

states that solids in the wastewater can be divided into volatile or fixed

solids where the volatile solids are generally organic matter.



The organic matter in typical domestic sewage is approximately 50

percent carbohydrate, 40 percent protein and 10 percent fat; the pH can

range from 6.5 to 8.0. The composition of industrial waste cannot be

readily characterised by a typical range value because its make-up

depends on the types of manufacturing involved, (Sridhar, 2007). The

concentration of organic matter is measured by the BOD and COD


According to him, BOD is the amount of oxygen used over a five-day

period by micro-organisms as they compose the organic matter in

sewage at a temperature of 200 C

(680 F

). The COD is the amount of

oxygen required to oxidize the organic matter by use of dichromate in an

acid solution and to convert it to carbon-dioxide and water. The value of

COD is always higher than that of BOD because many organic

substances can be oxidized chemically but cannot oxidize biologically.

Commonly, BOD is used to test the strength of untreated and treated

municipal and biodegradable industrial wastewaters. COD is used to test

the strength of wastewater that contains compounds that inhibit

activities of microorganisms. The pH analysis is a measure of the acidity

of a wastewater.

3.2 Meaning and Stages of Wastewater Treatment

We can say that wastewater treatment simply means the scientific

method of handling and processing the contents of our used water that

are already polluted and contaminated with a view to making such water

relatively harmless and purer.

Stages involved in doing the above depend on the scale of operation, the

degree of contamination and the intended use of the water after the

treatment. For individual household or small communities, treatment can

be at personal level where the use of septic tank and sock away will

suffice. But in large cities, well developed large scale treatment is


To effect this large scale treatment, wastewater from families is

connected to the treatment plant. Collection can be through separate or

combined piping. It is separate if there are two pipes, one carrying

domestic wastewater (sewage) and the other carrying the storm water

but it is combined if the two are carried through the same pipe.

The stages are shown in the diagram below.


Fig.5.1: Sewage Treatment Plant Source: Okoli (1990)

The stages involved are:

1. Primary stage: Physical process

2. Secondary stage: Biological process

3. Tertiary stage: Chemical process

3.2.1 Primary Treatment (Physical Process)

The sewage enters the collection box and goes for screening which helps

to remove larger solids by passing them through the bar screen. The

larger solids can then be removed.

Another system which can go instead of screen is the use of

communitor. This not only screens but can cut drum which cut softer

solids so as to pass through it. It is slotted drum which cuts solids into

smaller particles and screens hard ones it cannot cut (it rotates in the

sewage and breaks the solid wastes).

After screening, the effluent is passed into the second chamber known as

‘Grit Removal’ which removes the finer suspended matter that could not

be screened. The difference is that it moves with a reduced velocity







sludge Raw

sewage Coll

















Final sed




Final effu



sludge to

drying beds



which settles down the finer substances. However, smaller solid

particles still pass along with the sewage.

The next is sedimentation. It is the main process of primary treatment.

This removes as much as possible the organic matter of sewage. The

sewage is allowed to flow in a rectangular tank. Some of them have

paddles which help to rotate the sewage and collect the heavy particles

(solid organic matter, inorganic matters) together and make them to sink

as sediment. Within the tank, it stays two to eight hours. At the end of

this period, this process removes about 60 percent of suspended solids

and about 40 percent of bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD). The solid

particles are directed to the sludge digester for treatment and the effluent

to the next apartment called the activated sludge (surplus) or

filtration/aeration chamber.

3.2.2 Secondary Treatment (Biological Process)

This process involves the oxidation of the sewage by aerobic bacteria

that is contained in the sewage. It starts with filtration which is achieved

with biological filters (percolating or tricking filters). They are beds of

broken stones or gravels which the sewage is spread over and it

percolates or seeps in the water and the solids are collected by the

stones. Some bacteria on the stones can now oxidize the water apart

from collecting the solids.

In the same apartment there is a provision for surplus-activated sludge.

Here the sewage is continuously rotating and activated thereby keeping

the content oxidized and ready for final sedimentation.

Final sedimentation

Here the remaining solids settle on top while the effluent goes into a

lake or river, sea or any other place while the surplus-activated sludge

should be collected and re-cycled starting from the primary

sedimentation (rear side of it). It should be directed to the sludge

digester and have the action as anaerobic. The sludge is pumped into

digested anaerobic sludge, dewatered and tarry odour (innocuous). Gas

could be produced (as fuels etc) while the effluent is discharged into the

river. Dewatering means “air drying”.

3.2.3 Tertiary Treatment (Chemical process)

If the receiving body of water requires a higher degree of treatment or if

the final effluent is intended for reuse, tertiary wastewater treatment is

necessary. According to Sridhar (1995), tertiary or third stage treatment


is generally used to remove phosphorus. To make the water purely

useful for other things, Sridhar (2007) advocates for even further

advanced wastewater treatment.

But other opinions have it that it is not only phosphorus that is removed.

As sourced from Pipeline Summer, there is the need for disinfection of

the final effluent from the secondary stage. Accordingly, disinfection is

normally the final treatment step for wastewater being discharged near

or directly into surface water or for groundwater recharge. Chlorine,

ozone, ultra-violet light, or other chemical agents inactivate many

pathogens that manage to survive previous treatment processes.

Advanced treatment might include additional steps to improve effluent

quality by removing refractory pollutants (Sridhar, 2007). Processes are

available to remove more than 99 per cent of the suspended solids and

BOD. Dissolved solids are reduced by processes such as reverse

osmosis and electro dialysis. Ammonia stripping, denitrification and

phosphate precipitation can remove nutrients. If the wastewater is to be

reused, disinfection by ozone treatment is considered the most reliable

method other than breakpoint chlorination. Application of these and

other advanced wastewater treatment methods is likely to become

widespread in the future in view of the new effort to conserve water

through reuse.

3.3 Application or Importance of Wastewater Treatment

i. Disease prevention: Wastewater treatment consists of a

combination of processes used to remove, kill or inactivate a

large portion of the pollutants and diseases-causing organisms in

wastewater. In fact, ensuring proper waste water treatment and

disposal is as important for protecting community health as

drinking water treatment, garbage collection, and immunisation.

ii. Untreated wastewater can spread disease and contaminate

drinking water sources. It can equally cause harm to aquatic life.

When untreated wastewater reaches water used for drinking by a

community, there can be significant health risk. The effectiveness

of drinking water treatment can be reduced when water is heavily

contaminated with waste. To ensure safe drinking water,

communities need both effective water and wastewater treatment.

iii. Wastewater treatment ensures that no wastes finally exist. This is

because the sewage sludge can be used as fertilizer (as it contains

nitrogen and phosphorous) or can be used for land reclamation.

iv. It ensures the cyclic return of some substances.




Highlight other uses or importance of wastewater treatment.


Waste water generation is an everyday occurrence and once generated

needs to be taken care of or it indirectly takes care of the generator

through disease breeding and spreading. There are measures that can be

taken by man which are varied in scale depending on number of people

involved. On a small scale, the soak away can end it but on a larger

scale sewage system comprising of sewage and storm water in sewers

end up in a wastewater treatment plant which uses physical, biological

and chemical processes to achieve its desired results.


In this unit, we were able to understand that wastewater is a wonderful

mixture with its constituents that are either organic or inorganic, solids

or liquid in solution, colloidal or suspension as the case may be.

There are three main processes by which the impurities in wastewater

are handled- physical, biological and chemical processes.

The physical process ensures the removal of the solids organic or

inorganic. The biological process ensures that certain impurities or even

pathogens are killed or have their virulence attenuated by the actions of

some aerobic bacteria which oxidize the water. While the chemical

process ensures that a full stop is put to the action of the stubborn

pathogen that might have survived all the processes or the other

chemical pollutants that might have been with the water all these time of

the treatment.

Man does not waste time doing all these in vain. Numerous advantages

go with it as we saw notable among them are disease prevention and the

cyclic return of some substances like water.


1. Using an annotated diagram describe only the physical and

biological process of treating wastewater.

2. Has it any use?



Ademoroti, C. M. A. & Sridhar, M.K.C. (1979). “Fluidised Bed

Technique Physico-Chemical Treatment.” Effluent and Water

Treatment Journal. U. K.19: 291-297.

Hammer, M. J. (1986). Water and Wastewater Technology. SI Version.


ed.). New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Okoli, E. C. D. (1990) ‘Waste Disposal Management.’ Unpublished

Lecture delivered at the School of Health Technology, Oji River,

Enugu State.

Sridhar, M. K. C. (2007). “Sewage Treatment.” Lecture delivered during

the 2007 mandatory Continuous Education Programme (MCEP)

for the Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of

Nigeria, at Filbon Guest House, New Haven, Enugu.

Sridhar, M. K. C. (1995). “Sullage/Wastewater in Nigeria: Problems and

Solutions for Utilisation for Gardening.” A Report submitted to

UNICEF, Lagos, Nigeria.

“Wastewater Treatment Protects Small Community Life Health.”

Pipeline Summer 1996, Vol 7, No. 3.

West Africa Health Examination Board (1991). Waste Disposal and

Environmental Hazard Control. Ibadan: Sterling Publishers Ltd.





Unit 1 Definition, Concepts, Theories of Sanitation and

Application of Water to Sanitation

Unit 2 Sources of Water and its Protection

Unit 3 Water Sampling Techniques

Unit 4 Water Supply and Distribution

Unit 5 Environmental Problems of Water Supply and Distribution





1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Definitions of Sanitation

3.2 Concepts of Sanitation

3.3 Theories of Sanitation

3.4 Application of Water to Sanitation

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References /Further Reading


In module 1 we dealt much with hydrology and its cyclic nature. In this

module we will look into water and sanitation. Whereas water is a

source or an instrument of achieving good sanitation, it needs equally to

be sanitised for yielding effective results, or else, negative consequences

will follow.

In this unit specifically, we are going to deal with definition, concepts

and theories of sanitation and application of water to achieving good




At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

define sanitation

explain some concepts of sanitation

discuss theories of sanitation

discuss applications of water to sanitation.


3.1 Definitions of Sanitation

According to Wikipedia, the word “sanitation” is the hygienic means of

promoting health through prevention of human contact with the hazards

of wastes. Hazards can either be physical, microbiological, biological or

chemical agents of diseases. Wastes that can cause health problems are

human and animal faeces, solid wastes, domestic wastewater industrial

wastes and agricultural wastes.

Hygienic means of prevention can be by using engineering solutions

(e.g. sewerage and wastewater treatment), simple technologies (e.g.

latrines, septic tanks) or even by personal hygiene practices (e.g., hand

washing with soap).

World Health Organisation defines sanitation as the provision of

facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and faeces.

However, sanitation to us is the taming of our environment so that it can

no longer constitute hazard to man.

Inadequate sanitation is a major cause of diseases worldwide and

improving sanitation is known to have a significant beneficial impact on

health both in households and across communities. The word sanitation

also refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions through services

such as garbage collection and waste water disposal.


Give your own definition of sanitation and state its importance.

3.2 Concepts of Sanitation

The term “sanitation” can be applied to a specific, location or concepts.

There are many concepts or ideas under which sanitation can be

discussed. For brevity some of them are summarised below:



(a) Environmental sanitation: This refers to the control of

environmental factors that form links in disease transmission.

Subsets of this category are solid waste management, water and

wastewater treatment, industrial waste treatment and noise and

pollution control. According to WAHEB (1991), problem

connected with the storage, collection and disposal of waste

include unsightliness, insects and helminthes breeding and

transmission of diseases, cat infestation and transmission of

disease like plague and Lassa fever. When properly disposed of

and on time, most of the above will be disposed of. In separate

surveys by Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute

(1993) and WHO Expert Committee (1971) in India, it was

discovered that apart from diseases for which insects and rats are

carriers, the handling of refuse can cause illness to works

especially if night soil contaminates the waste. Other effects of

wastes on health are accidents, atmospheric pollution, and spread

of communicable diseases, especially those of the gastrointestinal

tract, poisoning and exposure to radioactive elements.

(b) Food sanitation: This refers to the hygienic measures for

ensuring food safety. These measures range from the quality of

the raw food items, to the environment where it is prepared and

its preparation methods and techniques. It also includes the food

handlers’ personal hygiene and the quantity and quality of water

used in such preparation.

(c) Ecological sanitation: This refers to the approach that tries to

emulate nature through the recycling of nutrients and water from

human and animal wastes in a hygienically safe manner.

(d) Water sanitation: This is the process of removing all the foreign

substances and protecting the water from pollution or

contamination. Ways of attaining the purity of sanitised water

and the use of water in achieving other aspects of environmental

sanitation form the bulk of the entire work and therefore will be

seen in subsequent units.

(e) On-site sanitation: Under this arrangement, the collection and

treatment of waste is done where it is deposited. Examples are the

use of pit latrines, septic tanks and Imhoff tanks.

There are other concepts or types of sanitation (Lucas and Gilles,

1984; Njoku, 1978; WAHEB, 1991). Some of these are given


(f) Market sanitation: This is the keeping of our markets and their

surroundings satisfactorily clean and safe - health wise. It needs

quality spatial arrangements of the market stalls, adequate

aeration of the entire market, proper collection and disposal of

solid waste, proper drainage of the market places, provision and

use of adequate number of conveniences ( urinary and toilet


accommodation) and the sale of wholesome goods and services

in the market. Good sanitation in market improves quality of

human life, reduces death rate and increases life expectancy

(WAHEB, 1991).

(g) School sanitation: This involves the provision of adequate

accommodation for pupils and students, and such spaces

provided having enough ventilation and lighting. Other

requirements include the maintenance of general environmental

cleanliness, provision of functional toilet and urinary

accommodation that are adequate in terms of their number,

provision of adequate and constant supply of water for the use by

the children.

(h) Building sanitation: This aspect of sanitation is concerned with

the qualities of our buildings and the conditions of their

surroundings. In building sanitation we talk about the nature and

arrangement of the building materials. With their ventilation and

lighting being considered most, the use of such spaces to reduce

overcrowding is of necessity. Also included is the checking of

evidence of rodent infestation and the provision of conveniences

and how adequate such provisions are, the condition of the

ceilings, floors and walls. When all these are in order, the life of

the inmates will be prolonged as air borne diseases and others

will be reduced.

(i) Sanitation in abattoirs: Abattoirs or slaughter houses are places

where animals mostly meant for sale for human consumption are

butchered or slaughtered. Because of the importance of these

places to man, proper sanitation is needed. This comes in form of

provision of adequate and functional drainage system, provision

of adequate water supply, proper disposal of bones and animal

wastes (animal dung), provision of supper structures (buildings)

with slab floors for the butchering of animals, provision of

convenience for butchers and the public use, ensuring proper and

constant environmental cleanliness and fly-proof the areas where

the cows are being dismembered to avoid contamination by flies.

When all these are done, food born infections that comes from meat and

meat products will be reduced.

3.3 Sanitation Theories

Just as we have some concepts to explain the scope of sanitation, so we

also have theories of sanitation. Though there are other theories of

sanitation, the most influential of them is that of “Environmental Theory

of Sanitation” by Florence Nightingale. She links good health to clean

and good environmental sanitation and believes that a good sanitation



has a great influence on a person’s health. According to her, there are

five essential elements in healthy home practices and they include:

pure air

pure water

good drainage



She strongly considers that healing would be impossible without proper

order of the environment and without giving the basic needs of the


Therefore, it must be an evident that her theory really deals with the

importance of clean environment and everything that people need in

order to live in a healthy way. For her, clean air and good ventilation are

the best weapons for prevention of any diseases.

Her theory also emphasised that the main cause of any disease is poor

environmental conditions. Therefore to live a healthy life, our

environment must be healthy too.


Find the other theories of sanitation and comment on them briefly.

3.4 Application of Water to Sanitation

Water is very important to all living things and many activities that

happen in this world. The qualities of water for various uses are not the

same and even the different sources of water do not have the same level

of purity. There is thus the needed level of sanitation required so that all

the blessing derivable from it can be maximised and the evils that may

equally be found in the same substance (water) be minimised.

Whereas the rest of this write up may center on things to be done to

water and other water management strategies, this section is dedicated to

discussing the application of water in ensuring the sanitation of our

environment. Below are some of the applications of water to ensure


(a) Flushing and washing our water closets: Irrespective of the

quality of the water, it is used in flushing water closet. For

instance water already used for washing clothes can still be used

in flushing of toilet especially in areas with water scarcity.


Relatively cleaner water when mixed with detergent can be used

in scrubbing the floors of the convenience rooms.

At present, conscious effort is being made to ensure that

indiscriminate defecation is totally stooped. Sequel to this, the

federal government through the ministry of health and

environment has come up with a policy aimed at stopping open

defecations tagged “open defecation free” (ODF) which must be

community oriented and community led. Thus we have the new

slogan- ‘community-led total sanitation’ (CLTS).

This new move encourages every member of the community to

participate in community sanitation and encourages individuals to

embrace ODF by making sure that there is provision for toilet

accommodation they can afford that is sanitarily acceptable. This

cannot be achieved without water.

(b) Washing of clothes: Water is used in making sure our clothes

are in good order in terms of cleanliness. Hardness of water

affects this function. To correct this hardness, water needs to be

treated before use for washing. Hardness of water is of two types:

temporary and permanent. Temporary hardness according to

Ebisike et al. (2009) is caused by the presence of hydro

carbonates of calcium and magnesium. This can be removed by

boiling which decomposes the hydro-carbonates precipitating


and Ma2+

ions from the water as the corresponding

carbonates. The equation goes like this:


+2HCO3- →CaCO3 +H2O +CO2.

Permanent hardness which cannot be removed by boiling is due to

dissolved sulphates, chlorides and nitrates of calcium and

magnesium. This one can be treated with a base –exchange resin,

example; sodium zeolite or lime – soda ash or addition of sodium

hexametaphosphate which will render it softened. When treated,

it can effectively be used for washing of clothes etc.

(c) Personnel cleanliness: Without water, achievement of this

cannot be possible. We need water of good quality to wash our

body which removes dirt and helps us achieve good health.

(d) Miscellaneous use: Without water, achievement of adequate

sanitation in our environment cannot be successful. It has a wide

application in achieving sanitation in our homes and our working

environment like in piggery farm, factories, poultry farms, and a

litany of others.



In fact, apart from provision of certain facilities and amenities, all the

branches, aspects or concepts of sanitation as outlined in this section

need water to become operational and functional, hence the importance

of water to sanitation.

To achieve the above feat however, water itself need to be sanitised in

all ramifications. This calls for water treatment and water quality

control. Treatment can unconsciously start from water sources,

achievable by protecting its sources.


We can conclude this unit by saying that sanitation is an indispensable

phenomenon as achievement of health cannot be successful without it.

Sanitation is involved or employed in many aspects in the course of our

daily life existence. Water is a sine qua non for achieving good

sanitation and it has its own problems if not handle properly.


In this unit, you learned about the meaning of sanitation as defined by

many people. Later, concepts or several ideas or branches of sanitation

were given. Similarly, we saw that sanitation has a wide application

such as environmental sanitation, food sanitation, market sanitation and

building sanitation etc.

Also discussed was the theory of sanitation as presented by Florence

Nightingale which links good health with good environmental

sanitation. Finally the application of water to sanitation and the need for

water sanitation to be effectively done before water uses were equally



1. (a) Define the word sanitation.

(b) Outline seven branches or concepts of sanitation.

(c) Describe theory of sanitation as given by Florence


2. Without water there will be no sanitation and without sanitation

there will be no quality water supply. Discuss.


Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute (1973). “Intestinal

Parasites in Refuse.” Technical Digest, No37 Nagpur: CPHERI.


Ebisike, A. O. et al. (2009). The Sanitarian and his Work. Ibadan:

Juaaninchrist Printers.

Lucas, A. O. & Gilles, H. M. (1984). A Short Textbook on Preventive

Medicine for the Tropics. London: Hodder and Stoughton.

“Nightingale’s Environmental Theory on Sanitation.”

( 6391212 florence- nightingale-

theory. html)

Njoku, A. P. (1978). Certificate Health Science and Health Education.

Onitsha: Africana Educational Publisher, Nigeria.

West Africa Health Examination Board (1991). Water and Building

Sanitation. Ibadan: Sterling Publishers Ltd.

West African Health Examination Board (1991. Waste Disposal and

Environmental Hazard Control. Ibadan: Sterling Publishers Ltd.

WHO and UNICEF. (2012). “Progress on Drinking Water and

Sanitation.” Geneva and New York: WHO.

WHO and UNICEF. (2012). “Types of Improved Drinking Water

Source.” WHO, Geneva and UNICEF, New York, accessed on

June, 10 2012.

WHO Expert Committee (1991). “Solid Waste Disposal and Control.”

Technical Report Series No 484, Geneva: WHO.





1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Rainwater

3.2 Surface Water from Streams, Rivers and Lakes

3.3 Sub – Soil or Underground Water from Springs and Wells

3.3.1 Boreholes

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References /Further reading


Having gone this far, it is pointless to ask if you can correctly guess the

sources of water supply. This is because you know them all. Don’t you?

If you do not, then know it that water can be supplied mainly from rain

water, underground water- wells and springs and surface –dams, lakes,

streams, river, seas etc. The essence of water supply is for use by man,

for all his water needs at home, in industries in his farms and for

animals. The quality of water supplied depends on the source and the

presence of pathogens and other pollutants and containments in such

water. The usefulness of any water supplied depends on the degree of

contamination and the intended purpose or use for which the water is to

be made.

Man, a conscious being needs to do all he can to protect the water, an

unconscious entity which the former uses. Water is a universal solvent

and a free flowing object ready to absorb (dissolve) anything absorbable

and accommodate all that falls within it. Water can therefore be made

harmless to a tolerable extent if we protect it from contamination and

pollution or can be a source of trouble if we do not.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

list the major sources of water

explain how to protect each of these sources from pollution.



The nature and degree of protection due and given to water sources

depend on the source of water itself and the overall intended use of

water to be supplied.

3.1 Rainwater

This is water collected or harvested during rainfall from the surface

using the appropriate instruments.

a. Background: Types of rainfall included: relief or orographic

rainfall, conventional rainfall and cyclonic rain fall (Goh cheng,

1971). Harvesting of rain water is ideal to serve house hold and

small communities. Rain water should be the purest of all sources

but it collects dust, soot, salt and absorbs oxygen and carbon

dioxide from the air. While flowing over the ground, it collects

sediments and particles or organic matter some of which will

ultimately dissolve unit. On inhabited areas, rain comes in

contact with pollutants including faecal matter and pathogenic

organism. Certain wood or paint materials used on roofs and dead

leaves which usually accumulate in the troughs are capable of

imparting taste and colour to water. Rough roof surfaces such as

these made of hatch are likely to retain dust which is later

collected by rain water.

b. Collection: From the above, one can see that rainwater can be

collected using different methods, though some are hygienic,

others are not.

Collecting from zinc roofs, asbestos etc (eaves gutter).

Collecting from the surface of the ground.

Collecting from tree leaves or tree trunk using some

thatches at tree trunks.

Collecting from cultivated areas.

Collecting directly from the atmosphere (WAHEB, 1991).

c. Protection: This forms the mainstay in this discussion.

According to Sarojini (2007), to keep out dust particles, a sieve is

fixed to the funnel through which the rainwater is collected. This

sieve should be periodically cleaned. Water from the tank should

be pumped out through a pipe and not obtained by using a bucket

tied to a rope.



The collection of rain water requires clean roofs, eave gutters,

collectiontroughs and surface tanks. Galvanised iron, zinc, slate,

aluminum roof all provide excellent and smooth surface for the

collection of rain water (WAHEB).

Rainwater harvesting requires adequate provision for the interception,

collection and storage. To avoid leaves, bird droppings etc from

accumulating on the roof and gutters, the roof should be high pitched,

the gutters should be constructed in such a way that it slopes enough not

to accumulate much volume of water and the pipe should be made to

pour away the first rain outside the cistern (a tank which is made of

metals placed on top or buried underground). Below are some of the

measures given by Nnaji (1990) on how to handle or collect rainwater

and is thus adopted in this discussion.

1. The collecting surface must be clean and impervious, example;

dead leaves, dust, pebbles, and debris must not be in a

collecting surface.

2. The first rain must be run off and discarded especially after a

period of drought. This is in order to get rid of dust, rat urine

and debris etc.

3. The eaves gutter must be designed as to facilitate easy

cleansing, that is it must be slant in positions for all the water to

flow off easily. If not so, it returns water and mosquitoes breed


4. Filters and strainers leading form the mouth of eaves gutter

must be installed and washed periodically. Hence, it must be

moveable, not permanent, sieved, and removable at the end of

rainy season and washed periodically.

5. Lead pipes or lead lines and other lead sea tanks should not be

used for water collection and storage.

6. Storage tank may be located on the surface or underground but

not in an area flooded by running water or near places

contaminated especially to the upper side of the tank.

7. Tanks should be constructed of either concrete, low porosity

bricks or stones with cement mortar. That is, it must be

plastered with cement mortar and allowed to dry and the

interior surface must be rendered waterproof with a well-

trowelled cement plaster and allowed to cure.

8. The tank must have a well fitted mouth hole fitted with cover

and good lock.

9. Water should be drawn from the side, preferably from the lower

part but not on the main bottom. This is to allow some water

remains and with the dirt which can be then washed away

during washing.


10. The tank must be screened to keep off or exclude mosquitoesand

other insect.

11. The tanks must be cleansed once in a year and subsequently

disinfected with solutions of chloride of lime which is later

poured off as waste.

For water to be collected directly from the atmosphere, the bucket

should be raised using stool and avoiding any tree, so that no splash

from ground (surface runoff) can get to the bucket.


Highlight ways through which rainwater can be collected in a safe


3.2 Surface Water

(a) Background: Water bodies included under this group are the

rivers, ponds, lakes and small upland streams which may

originate from springs. The quality of surface run-off depends to

a large extent on the intensity of rainfall, the climate and

vegetation, geological, geographical and typographical features

of the area. It also depends on the content of living organisms,

amount of mineral and organic matter which it may have picked

up in the course of its flow. The quality of the type of water

bodies under this class differ greatly for the above reason and the

nature of the protection may also vary. Seasonal fluctuations

characterise surface water generally too.

(b) Collection: Collection of this water are done usually with

containers and carried on head, in vehicles or trucks or could be

piped into the cistern depending on its closeness with inhabitants.

The degree of collection depends on populations of consumers,

the purposes for which the water is to be used, climate, type and

nature of industry and level of civilisation.

(c) Protection: Whereas we can, as we have done above give a

general comment on their background and collection, it may not

be possible to give together the protection given to them. This is

because of their varying degree of size, compositions and

closeness to users. To this effect some are taken separately


(i) Rivers and streams

The banks of the rivers should be kept clean.



Refuse and human and animal waste should not be

dumped into the river.

Water should be drawn from the banks and towards the

centre of river.

Points of discharging pollutants should not be close to one


Water should be drawn upstream of points where washing

is carried out or where animals are watered.

Whenever possible, river intakes should be built upstream

of inhabited communities. The intake should be screened,

submerged and placed below the water surface and not too

close to the river bottom. This prevents any debris or

rolling stone from entering it.

Banks of streams should be trimmed up to a distance of

water 100 metres upstream of the intake.

Farming and animal grazing within this distance should be

prohibited to prevent pollutions.

By constructing jet (a sort of bridge) in the centre to

enable water collection from the centre since its banks are

usually heavily polluted through human activities.

The banks of streams/rivers should be lined with

reinforced concrete and provided with drains to divert run-

offs down-stream drinking points.

Infiltration galleries (horizontal wells) are necessary for

supply of good and wholesome water.

The course of the river should be partitioned with one end

(near the source) as the area for collection of drinking

water, the middle for human use and the end (bottom) for

irrigation and animal grazing. Adopted from WAHEB


(ii) Lakes, Ponds, and Storage Reservoirs: Precautions include:

protect watersheds from inflowing streams by constructing

diversion drain which intercept and divert water down-

stream drinking point

prohibit and exclude human habitation, farming, livestock

etc from water shed by fencing it

clear the area of all vegetation and decaying matter

provide de-stilling facilitates for periodic flushing out of

the reservoir adopted from WAHEB (1991).


3.3 Underground (Sub-Surface) Water Supply

(a) Background: Water bodies under this group include the wells

and spring. This is because they come out form the

subsurface of the earth. This ground water mostly derives

from the portion of rainfall, which percolates into the earth to

form underground deposit. When the percolation (infiltration)

becomes much and when the water reaches impervious layer of

rock, they will well up, raising then, the water table of the area.

When this happens, dug well will allow the out flow of water into

the opening of the well. At times the impervious rock may be

close to the surface and may be rested upon by another layer

(stratum) of hard impervious rock (at the near surface) then

spring water may come out from the aquifer and this serves as the

source of the spring water.


i. Consult any textbook of yours which dealt on water sources and

make a sketch of a well.

ii. How many types of well do we have?

iii. Distinguish between a well and a spring.

(b) Collection: Irrespective of the type – shadow well, deep well or

artesian well - collection is the same. Collection is done with

buckets with long ropes which are tied firmly at the other end to

the metallic cover or any other strong object, made so in other

that it will not allow the bucket slip into the well.

(c) Protection:

i. In the first place, the well must be constructed at least

100ft (30m) away from any source of pollution or

contaminations, example pit toilet.

ii. The site must be slightly higher than the nearest source of


iii. The well should be raised at least 3ft higher above the

ground and the area around it should be concreted and

slightly sloped to allow water flow out.

iv. It should always be covered with a tightly fitting, non

rusty cover and a channel draining water away provided to

avoid contamination.

v. Only one bucket tied accordingly as described above will

be used in collecting water from the well. People should

not use their own buckets.



vi. The inside of a surface well should be lined with concrete

or bricks at least as far down as the first layer of clay. In a

deep well the liming should extend up to the first non-

porous layer or rock. This prevents the unsafe surface and

subsoil water from mixing with the safe water below the

non-porous layer. Sources WAHEB (1991) and Sarojini


Spring water

It is classified under underground water as seen above and its collection

is done by using of containers which are normally put under the piped

source. Springs are broadly classified either as rock spring or earth

spring depending on the source of water. They occur at the out crops of

superficial impervious strata.

Protection of spring

i It should be protected from surface pollution by constructing a

deep diverting drain above and around the spring.

ii It should be encased in concrete or made water tight preferably

with concrete and water obtained by gravity through a discharge

pipe fitted into the collecting basin.

iii A run-off channel should also be provided to take away spillage.

iv A properly installed hand pump will enhance collection of water

on the one hand and also ensure safe potable water to the home.

v People should be discouraged not to have any type of agricultural

activity within a zone of 30m (100ft) around the spring to prevent

pollution through indiscriminate unsanitary human habits.

vi User communities should be encouraged to organize themselves

into a body (village development committee) that should take the

responsibility for the proper operation and maintenance of the

wells and springs.

3.3.1 Boreholes

(A) Background: This is equally from underground source but is

from a very deeper end of it with more complicated methods of

extractions. Boreholes tap underground reservoirs of water. They

are very deep usually going down to a depth of about 100 metres.

Water is usually pumped out by powerful machines at a rate of

about 25,000 litres an hour. The water is stored in a huge tank

usually sited at the highest point in a village or area where such

water is stored. Water from the tank is supplied to people through

pipes- (Sarojini, 2007)


(B) Collection: Collection is at the taps provided at strategic points

of the area where the boreholes are provided. Tankers,

individuals do the collection for uses by humans.

(C) Protection:

(i) The machines used in pumping out the water should be

adequately cared for. This can be done by ensuring the

greasing of engine parts, maintaining all the systems

and replacing worn out parts as well as adequate fueling

of the machines.

(ii) The pipes should be made with non rusty materials and

with materials that do not dissolve in water.

(iii) The tanks should be regularly checked to avoid leakage

and same should not be open for birds and other flying

insects to pollute or contaminate them.


We have seen all the sources of water and from these we can conclude

by saying that we need to do a lot to make sure that such natural

endowment does not turn against us because of our carelessness. If we

adopt all measures outlined above, disease spread through water will be

a thing of the past.


There are mainly four primary sources of water, viz rainwater; surface

water which include streams, rivers, ponds and lake; underground water

which include the wells and spring and finally the bore holes.

Rainwater should have been the purest form of water source but for

impurities that blend with it from the atmosphere. Containers and places

of collection should be cared for to make a fair quality harvest. Surface

water is the most rampant in terms of availability especially where it

exists but they are mostly polluted and contaminated. Protection from

contamination and pollution will help us in reaping from surface water.

Underground water is mostly contaminated when they come out from

the aquifer. Underground contamination can also be possible if our

action near it is unwholesome.

Even the purest form of water through boreholes can be polluted if we

do not protect the containers and the pumping machine.




1. List all the sources of water supply and explain in details any two

of them.

2. Enumerate ways of protecting any two of the sources.


Goh, C. L. (1971). Certificate Physical and Human Geography.

London: Oxford University Press.

Nnaji, E. (1990). An unpublished Lecture on “Water Supply and

Sanitation” delivered at School of Health Technology, Oji River,

Enugu State.

Sarojini, T. R. (2007). Modern Biology for Senior Secondary Schools.

Onitsha: Africana First Publishers Ltd.

West Africa Health Examination Board (1991). Water and Building

sanitation. Ibadan: Sterling Publishers Ltd.




1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Definition of Water Sampling, the Need for Water

Sampling and Sampling Points

3.1.1 Definition of Water Sampling

3.1.2 Need for Water Sampling

3.1.3 Sampling Point Selection

3.2 Basic Requirements in Collection of Water Sample

3.3 Sampling Procedure and Collection of Samples

3.3.1 Collection from Tap

3.3.2 Collections from Rivers, Stream, Lakes, Springs

3.3.3 Collections from Well Fitted with Hand Pump

3.4 Data Needed During Water Sampling

3.5 Preservation and Storage of Sample

3.6 Cleaning of Glassware Used in Analysis

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


Having known the sources of water and its needed protection, it is

necessary the quality of such sources be determined before distribution

to the public. The essence of water sampling therefore, is to determine

the level of purity in terms of its physical, chemical and biological

characteristics of any water supplied or intended to be supplied for

human use. As you read along you will see how water sampling is done.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

give the definition of water sampling, explain the need for it and

list sampling points

enumerate the basic requirements in collecting water sample

explain the sampling procedure and the collection of water

sample from different sources

list the data needed during water sampling

explain the preservation and storage of sample



mention the procedures for cleaning glassware used in analysis.


3.1 Definition of Water Sampling, the Need for Water

Sampling and Sampling Points

3.1.1 Definition of Water Sampling

This is the systematic way through which small quantities of water are

collected at different strategic positions of water supplied or intended to

be supplied and taken to laborites for analysis of the qualities.

Samples are just representative form of the entire quantities or volumes

of water from which when analysed can be used to draw conclusion

about the quality of the water being supplied. If the water is

contaminated, the analysis will show the nature of the contaminants and

from which point for action to be taken to remove the contamination.

3.1.2 The Need for Water Sampling

(a) According to WAHEB (1991), the need or reason for water

sampling is to determine the quality of the water that gets to the

user’s tap or other outlets.

(b) Samples are taken from water supply system in order to

determine whether the water supplied is safe for human

consumption. Therefore, there must be a sample of the water

supply (Nnaji, 1990).

(c) Sampling of water is done to prevent waterborne and water-

related diseases from infecting the public.

(d) It is done to determine the extent of treatment that should be

given to a source of water for a particular use.

(e) It is done at strategic points in a water supply system to know

when pollution or contamination started so that intervention can

start from there. This saves time and materials that could be used

for treating the whole water.

3.1.3 Sampling Point Selection

One sample taken from a water system is of limited value, therefore

long records and repeated sampling is desirable. Sampling should be

rotated through all parts of the distribution system. It is probable that the

quality may not be the same as that in the distribution system at the

point where it is connected to a domestic dwelling. In some instance,


water may be collected in a storage tank and may be the source of


In selecting sample points, each locality should be treated individually.

However, certain general criteria apply to all localities (WAHEB, 1991).


sampling points should be selected in such a way that the sample

taken is representative of the different sources from which water

enters the system

these points should include conditions at most unfavourable

places in the system from the view points of contamination,

examples, loops, reservoirs, low pressure zones, end of systems


sampling points should be evenly distributed

sampling points should be located in the open, closed and mixed

distribution system in proportion to the number of links or


sampling points should be chosen such that they are

representative of the system as a whole and its main components

sample points should be located in such a way that water can be

sampled from reserve can and reservoir

in sampling system with more than one water source, the

sampling points should be located so as to take account of the

number of inhabitants served by each source

there should be at least one sampling points directly after the

clean water outlet from each treatment plant.

3.2 Basic Requirement in Collection of Water Sample

Microbiological examination is the main element in the quality control

of drinking water. It entails analysing water samples collected from the

water supply system. Before and during collection of water sample the

following requirements must be met:

sampling should be properly planned and carried out with

sufficient frequency to enable seasonal variation in the quality of

the water to be detected

samples should be collected, stored and distributed in suitable

sterilised bottles

the volume of water collected should be large enough to permit

accurate analysis

the sampling points in the water supply system should be selected

such that the samples collected are representative



care should be taken to avoid contaminating sample in the

process of collection

samples should be properly collected and dispatched immediately

so as to avoid changes in the composition of the samples


sample bottles should be properly labeled and details accurately


3.3 Sampling Procedure and Collection of Samples

The equipment used for water sample is called “sampling kit.” It is

made up of an insulated box, sterile glass, stopped bottle of about 150-

200 ml in capacity. Below are the procedures.

a) If sampling a body of running water, point the mouth of the bag

upstream and your hand down stream to avoid contamination.

b) If sampling from a water faucet, run the faucet for one minute

before obtaining a sample.

c) Rinse the tap twice with the sample water prior to filling and


d) Fill tap as full as possible. Half filling the bottle leaves more

room for oxygen which will promote degradation of your sample.

e) Collect data such as temperature and pH which affect the

solubility of many ions.

For the collection of sample of water, the sample for bacteriology

examination should be taken first to avoid the danger of contamination

of sampling point during the collection of others. Sterilised natural glass

bottle provided with glass stoppers should be used for collection of

samples for bacteriological examination. The stopper and the rest bottles

should be protected by a paper foil e.g. thin aluminum foil.

If the water to be sampled contains or is likely to contain traces of

residual chlorine, it is necessary to add into the sampling bottle before

sterilisation a substantial quantity of sodium trisulphate (Na2S2O3.2H2O)

crystal to neutralise these substance e.g. 0-1m of 3.6 solution of

crystalline Na2S2O3.2H2O to 3.6mg of 100m has no significant effect on

the coliform bacteria in the water. This is generally recommended as a

general practice in sampling collection. When sample of chlorinated

water are taken, it is necessary to determine the content of resident

chlorine (Cl2) that is being sampled.

The sampling bottle should be kept closed until it is required for filling.

The stopper should be removed with care to eliminate soiling and during


sampling the stopper and the neck of the bottle should not be filled

without rinsing and stopper replaced immediately.

3.3.1 Collection from Tap

If sample is taken from a tap, it is a distribution system. The tap should

be washed and a quantity of waters allowed to waste for 3-4 minutes or

for a sufficient time to permit cleaning of the service line. The flow from

the pipe should be restricted to permit filling of the bottle without

splashing. Leaking tap which permits water to flow over to the side of

the bottle should be avoided as sampling points.

3.3.2 Collection from Rivers, Streams, Lakes, Reservoirs,

Springs and Shallow Wells

If from any of these sources, the aim must be to obtain a sample that is

representative of the water which will be taken for the purpose of supply

to consumers. It is therefore undesirable for sample to be taken too near

the bank and too far from the point of draw off or at a depth or below

the point of draw.

In a stream, area of relative stagnation should be avoided. Samples

should be taken by holding the bottle near its base in the hand and

plunging neck downward below the surface. The bottle should then be

turned upward, the mouth of the bottle being directed towards the

current. If no current exists in a reservoir, a current should be artificially

created by putting the bottle horizontally forward in the direction away

from the hand. It is not possible to collect sample in this way, a weight

may be attached to the base of the bottle which can then be allowed into

the water. Special device should be produced to enable sample be

collected from depth of lake or reservoir.

3.3.3 Collection from Well Fitted with Hand Pump

Water should be pumped to waste for about 5 minutes before samples

are collected. If there is no pumping-machine, a sample can be collected

directly from the well by means of sterilised bottle with a weight at the

base. This should be done with care.

3.4 Data Needed during Water Sampling

a) Name and address of the person requiring the examination.

b) Reason for the examination, whether routine sampling or




c) Exact place from which a sample was taken. If taken from a

house top, whether drawn from a cistern or directly from rain.

d) What method of purification and disinfection is used if any, and

at what point is it applied, dosage per litre of the disinfecting

agent used.

e) Whether source: is it well, spring etc.

f) If from a well,

(i) Depth of the well and water level.

(ii) Whether covered or uncovered, nature, materials and

construction of the cover.

(iii) Depth of lining and whether capped.

(iv) Whether newly constructed or with any recent alteration

that might affect the condition of the well.

g) Condition of the weather at the time of sampling and particulars

of any recent rainfall or flood condition.

h) Proximity of drains, cesspools or other pollutants to the source of

the sample.

i) Whether water becomes affected in appearance, colour, or taste

after heavy rain.

j) Temperature of the water at the time of sampling.

k) Date and time when samples were taken and dispatched.

3.5 Preservation and Storage of Sample

The bacteriological examination of samples of water should be initiated

immediately after collection. However such requirement is seldom

practice. The recommendation is that bacteriological examination of

sample should commence not later than one hour from the time of

collection. In case the time between collection and examination exceeds

one hour, the temperature of the sample should be maintained as closely

as possible to that of the sample at time of sampling. The time and

temperature of storage should be recorded and considered in the

interpretation of result. Generally if the examination exceeds a day (24

hours) the following storage conditions should obtain:

(i) Storage before filtration should be at 4 oC for not more than 30


(ii) Storage after filtration should be at 4 0C for not more than 30


Filtration of the sample through 0.45 um fitters removes most bacteria

and will slow sample degradation. All glassware used for filtration

should also be cleaned using acid washing steps. Acid-washing requires

safety goggles.


3.5.1 Cleaning Glassware Used in Analysis

This step serves to oxidise and solubilise any oxidisable materials. Rinse

the inside of the glassware with 8m nitric acid (HN03). Five to 20 ml

acid should suffice. It is not necessary to fill the glassware, just add

enough that you can turn the glassware and wet all internal surfaces. If

the glassware is not visibly dirty and the acid does not discolour you can

reuse the acid for other glassware. Rinse the bottle twice with tap water.

Do not reuse the rinse water. Do a final rinse with three individual

portions of deionised water. Do not reuse the rinse water. Do not dry the

internal surfaces or touch them with hands. All acid must be disposed of

in the acid waste jars provided. Do not pour it down the drain.

Pay special attention to avoid contact with your hands around opening

of the glassware. Reduce accidental contamination of the glassware

exterior which could then be cross- contaminated to the contents during

later handling.


From the above, we can conclude that the purpose of water sampling is

to examine the water in the laboratory, to find out the quality whether

contaminated or not. If contaminated, what the contaminants are, and

where they could possibly have come from and to find out if the

contaminants are pathogenic or not. Efforts of achieving this without

introducing germs during the process by the person doing this were

found necessary.


We have been able to see what water sampling is and the need for it in

water quality control measures. Some of the purposes are: it aims at

making sure that the quality of water that gets to the tap of the

consumers is wholesome, and to determine the extent of treatment that

should be given to a given source of water for a given purpose.

We also treated the sampling points suitable for collection of samples

and the basic requirements for collecting water sample and the

procedure for sampling. Furthermore, methods of collecting samples

from different sources were mentioned just as data needed, preservations

and storage of samples were treated.




1. (a) Define water sampling technique and explain the need for

water sampling.

(b) Enumerate the basic requirements in collecting water


2. (a) List the data needed during water sampling.

(b) Why the need for preservation and storage of sample?


Ebisike, A.O. et al. (2009).The Sanitarian and his Work. Ibadan:

Juaainchrist Printers.

Heald, D. (2009). Water Science, Bramh, Water Resource Management


Nnaj,i E. (1990). An unpublished Lecture on “Water Supply and


Delivered at School of Health Technology, Oji River.

West Africa Health Examination Board (1991). Water and

Building Sanitation. Ibadan: Sterling Publishing Consult.

Wikie, W. (1965). Jordan’s Tropical Hygiene and Sanitation. (4th


United Kingdom: Bulsie Turndal and Co.




1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Water Supply

3.1.1 Meaning and Concepts of Water Supply

3.1.2 Sources of Water Supply

3.1.3 Water Supply Service Provisions

3.1.4 Factors Affecting Water Supply in the Community

3.1.5 Protection and Improvement of Water Supply in

Developing Countries

3.2 Water Distribution

3.2.1 Meaning and Concepts of Water Distribution

3.2.2 Design and Construction of Pipelines

3.2.3 Pipe Materials and Sizes

3.2.4 Water Distributions Systems

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


In order to live well and overcome most of waterborne and water-related

diseases there should be adequate water supply which comes from

different sources. Whichever source, deliberate intervention reflected by

way of treatment is always given to achieve water portability. When the

above is achieved and in a bid to serve many people, there arise the need

for its distribution. To supply water is to make it available and when a

lot of people are to be served, its distribution becomes compulsory.

Therefore on a large scale of operations water supply and distribution

must always go together. This is the subject of this unit.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

discuss the meaning and concepts of water supply

enumerate the sources of water supply

explain water supply service provisions

list factors affecting water supply



explain the protection and improvement of water supply in

developing countries

know the meaning of water distribution and its processes

list pipe material and sizes

mention water distribution systems.


3.1 Water Supply

3.1.1 Meaning and Concepts of Water Supply

Water supply is the provision of water by public corporations,

commercial organisations, community endeavours or by individuals,

usually through a system of pumps and pipes (Wikipedia). In other

words, it is the making of quality water available to the people.

Public health officials believe that the health benefits derivable from the

construction of water supply systems are considerably reduced unless

water is made readily available not only for drinking purposes but also

for domestic use and the improvement of personal hygiene.

Each community needs a safe and adequate supply of water. According

to Lucas and Gilles (1984), water supply technologies need to be

technically and environmentally sound, economically efficient,

financially affordable, and acceptable to the users from the social,

cultural and political stand points. They need to be simple in design and

easy to install, operate and maintain.

The objectives of any water supply system, according to WAHEB

(1991) are:

1. to supply safe and wholesome water to the user, whether these

constitute a family, a group of families or a community

2. to supply water in adequate quantity

3. to make water readily available to the users in order to encourage

personal and house hold hygiene.

It should be noted that safe and wholesome water can be defined as that

which will not produce harmful effects upon consumptions. Again,

according to WAHEB (1991), it is:

(i) that which is uncontaminated and hence unable to infect its user

with any waterborne diseases

(ii) free from poisonous substances


(iii) free from excessive amount of mineral and organic matter.

The first step in designing a water supply system is to select a suitable

source or combinations of sources of water. The source must be capable

of supplying enough water for the community. If not, another source or

perhaps several sources will be required. This then takes us to the next

level which is sources of water supply.

3.1.2 Sources of Water Supply

There are three sources of water supply, namely:

(a) Rainwater- collected in cistern

(b) Underground water which include the wells and springs

(c) Surface water which include dams, lakes, streams, river, sea etc.

The growth in population and the increasing use of streams and other

bodies of water for the disposal of waste have been detrimental to water

supplies, particularly to surface supplies and to a lesser extent

groundwater. There is increasing concern about water supplies since the

amount available in any area is determined by rainfall, geology,

topography and geography.

The choice of the source depends on local circumstances. Where a

spring of sufficient capacity is available, this may be the most suitable

source of supply. Where springs are not available or not suited to

development, generally the last option is the ground water sources. For

small supplies, simple prospecting method will be adequate. For larger

supplies, more extensive hydro-geological investigation using special

methods and techniques are likely to be needed. Infiltration drains may

be considered for shallow groundwater sources. Dug wells can be

appropriate for reaching groundwater at medium depth. Boreholes are

generally most suitable for drawing water from deeper water bearing

ground strata. Dug wells are usually within the local construction

capabilities. Drilling of boreholes requires more sophisticated equipment

and skill. If groundwater is not available or digging a well or drilling a

borehole will be expensive, surface water sources should be considered.

However, treatment is likely to be necessary to render it safe for human

consumption. Where rainfall pattern permits, rainwater harvesting will

be ideal. This can serve households and small communities.

From all the above, we can say that water supply system get water from

a variety of locations, including groundwater (acquifer), surface water

(lakes and rivers), conservation and the sea through desalination. The

water is then in most cases, purified, disinfected through chlorination



and sometimes fluoridated. Treated water then either flows by gravity or

is pumped to reservoirs.

Emergency supplies when necessary should be made available from

suitable source of distribution to consumers. It may involve temporarily

increasing the capacity of the existing transmission mains.

3.1.3 Water Supply Service Provisions

Water supply service providers, which are often utilities, differ from

each other in terms of their geographical coverage relative to

administrative boundaries, their sectoral coverage; their ownership

structure and their governance arrangement.

(a) Geographical coverage

Many water utilities provide services in a single city, town or

municipality. However in many countries, municipalities have

associated regional or inter municipal or multi-jurisdictional utilities to

benefit from economies of scale. In some federal countries there are

water service providers covering most or all cities and towns in an entire

state, such as in all states of Brazil and some states in Mexico. Some

smaller countries especially developed countries have established

service providers that cover the entire country or at least most of its

cities and major towns. Some of these are found in West African


(b) Sector coverage

Some water utilities provide only water supply services, while sewerage

is under the responsibility of a different entity. This is the case in

Tunisia. However in most cases water utilities also provide sewer and

wastewater treatment services. In some cities or countries utilities also

distribute electricity. Multi-utilities provide certain benefits such as

common billing and the option to cross-subsidise water services with

revenues from electricity sales if permitted by law.

(c) Ownership and governance arrangements

Water supply providers can either be public, private, mixed or co-

operative. Most urban water supply services around the world are

provided by public entities. As William Alexander, Prince or Orange

(2002) states, “The water crisis that is affecting so many people is a

crisis of governance not of water scarcity. The introduction of cost-

reflective tariffs together with cross-subsidisation between richer and

poorer consumers is an essential governance reform in order to reduce


the high levels of unaccounted water (UAW) and to provide the finance

needed to extend the network to those poorest households who remain

unconnected.” Partnership arrangements between the public and private

sector can play an important role in order to achieve this objective

(Nickson and Francey, 2003).

(d) Private sector participation

An estimated 10 percent of urban water supply is provided by private or

mixed public-private companies, usually under concessions, lease, or

management contracts. Under this arrangement the public entity that is

legally responsible for service provision delegates certain or all aspects

of service provision to the private sector provider for a period typically

ranging from four to 30 years. The public entity continues to own the

assets. These arrangements are common in France and Spain. In some

parts of the world, water supply systems have been completely sold to

the private sector (privatisation) e.g. England, Wales and Chile. In

recent years, a number of cities have reverted to the public sector in a

process called “remunicipalisation.

3.1.4 Factors Affecting Water Supply in the Community

These are the factors that could affect water supply, that is, factors that

exert effect on the supply of water to a community either at the stage of

its provision, operation and maintenance.

These factors are:

(i) cultural acceptance

(ii) dependability

(iii) quantity

(iv) quality

(v) cost

(vi) proximity to users

(vii) power requirement

(viii) maintenance requirement/lack of appropriate technology

(ix) training requirement for water supply.

(i) Cultural acceptance: Some communities due to their cultural

beliefs reject some water sources even where they are naturally

available. An example is a village called Zama which rejects water from

a nearby stream for the mere fact that Juju traditionally called ‘Dodo’

comes from the rivers to dance and punish defaulters in the community.

There are other numerous beliefs that make other communities do the




(ii) Dependability: This factor affects water supply in the sense that

certain communities rely on a source of water which could dry up

easily leaving them with little or no water to meet their needs or

even in times of contamination, they are forced to take unsafe

water because there is no alternative source of water.

(iii) Quantity of water: In some communities, water source may not

be available at all in that they are forced to consume any water

seen whether polluted or not or travel to distant places before

they are able to obtain water.

(iv) Quality of water: Some communities especially those using

rivers have their rivers heavily polluted in that the people are

frequently affected by waterborne diseases most especially in the

rainy season. Even with the abundance of such rivers some can

still look for better options.

(v) The cost: The cost of constructing and maintaining sanitary and

adequate water in some communities is so much that the

community has to make do with any kind of water in the


(vi) Proximity to users: Water sources for some communities are

very far that it takes a lot of time and hardship for the community

to obtain water. This is common in villages on hilly areas that

have to go to rivers to obtain water from the valley.

(vii) Power requirement: This affects water supply in a community

due to the fact that some water sources like springs, rivers or

even bore holes have water that is difficult to bring out. Where

pumps are not available, boreholes become useless because the

water cannot be pumped for the community.

(viii) Maintenance requirement/lack of appropriate technology: Certain communities may be favoured by government or any

other agency by being provided with good water source e.g.

borehole. Due to insufficient maintenance or lack of it, such

source fails to yield the needed result. Also, some communities

may be provided with the type that the villagers may not know

how to operate because of the technicalities involved. Where this

is the case, the purpose is defected thus, subjecting them to


(ix) Training requirement for water supply operation: In order to

operate machines and repair any faulty part therefore, adequate


training is needed. In communities where this adequately trained

machine operators are lacking, the use of engines, mono pumps

etc may be difficult to operate with the result that water supply

will be impaired.

Perhaps, for some or all of the above factors the Federal Government of

Nigeria (2000) noted that water supply services where they exist are

unreliable and of low quality and are not sustainable because of

difficulties in management, operation and pricing and failure to recover

costs. Furthermore, many water supply systems show extensive

deteriorations and poor utilisation of existing capacity due to under-

maintenance and lack of funds for operations.

According to Wikipedia, continuity of water supply is taken for granted

in most developed countries, but is a severe problem in many

developing countries where sometimes water is only provided for a few

hours every day or a few days a week. It is estimated that about half of

the population of developing countries receive water on an intermittent


3.1.5 Protection and Improvement of Water Supply in

Developing Countries

In compliance with the drinking water quality standard based on WHO

minimum standard which aims to provide assurance that the supplies is

safe, adequate management is essential to ensure continuous compliance

and there are many potential situations some of which can be arrived so

quickly at what could cause potential and hazardous situation. Potential

problem can be protected by safeguarding the overall watershed by

proper maintenance and inspection of the treatment plant and

distribution system. This can be done by training managers and plant

personnel and by consumer’s education. However, it is essential that

water suppliers periodically do the following as stated by Ude (2003).

1. Re-assess their operation to ensure that conditions that could

affect the quality of water have not changed.

2. Periodic maintenance is performed.

3. Repairs and renewal of equipments are undertaken on time

without delay.

4. Personnel are adequately trained.

5. Job skills are maintained.

In order to supply good quality water to large communities or towns,

Njoku (1978) recommends the following:



1. If there is a river, a concrete wall should be built half way across

it to collect more water so that the water level may rise. If there is

no river, a number of wells and springs can be used.

2. A reservoir higher than all the houses which get water from it

should be built, so that pipes can be fixed in any room which

needs them.

3. There should be a great pumping machine for lifting the water to

a height and storing it in the reservoir higher up on the hillside.

4. Great filters should be built so that the water is purified before it

reaches the reservoir.

5. If the water is hard, something which makes the water soft while

it is in the reservoir should be added. Also chlorine gas (tolerable

and adequate quantity) may be added to kill micro-organisms at

the rate of a point to one million pints of water.

6. The water can be brought to the towns through pipes about 25

centimetres in width. It can be channeled to the streets through

small pipes.

3.2 Water Distribution

3.2.1 Meaning and Concepts of Water Distribution

Water distribution simply means the processes or means through which

water from a source is supplied to the desired consumers at different

locations. Water distribution system is composed of the pipes, valves,

holding tanks and pumps which supply water to its end use points at the

required flow rates and pressure. Water connections should be located to

limit hose length to 60feet. Pipes must be sized so that pressure drops

due to frictions are not excessive (Reinemann, 2004).

According to Godman and Gutteridge (1979), water is distributed to

house by water mains. For the benefit of houses without a piped supply,

and in undeveloped areas of towns, water is supplied by stand pipes.

Stand pipes are built with a concrete or brick base so that any excess or

waste water does not change the surrounding earth into mud and thereby

make it an excellent breeding ground for germs. For distributions,

pipelines are used and pipes are preferred because they do not colour

water, produce no taste or odour and are durable (WAHEB, 1991).

If any source of water has yield which does not meet the peak flow

requirements of the system, a pressure tank can be installed to provide

peak flow demands. A pressure tank provides a small amount of storage,

usually 10- 30 percent of the tank size. This provides a small amount of

water without starting the pump. It also helps satisfy water needs during

short peak use periods. When the water source and pressure tank cannot


deliver the required flow rate, an intermediate storage and two-pump

system can be used. Intermediate storage also facilitates water reuse,

which can significantly reduce total water quantity requirements. The

first pump, usually the well pump has a low level cut-off and a capacity

slightly less that the well yields so as not to pump the well dry. This

pump fills an intermediate storage with water for peak use periods. A

second pump draws the water from the intermediate storage and forces it

into a pressure tank. Intermediate storage can be plastic, concrete or

steel tanks which protect the water from contamination. The

intermediate storage may be elevated to avoid the use of pressure tank

and second pump.

3.2.2 Design and Construction of Pipelines

To do this effectively, the following should be observed and done as

adopted from WAHEB, (1991).

A topographic map should be produced showing the location of

the pipeline, other relevant structures and the profile of the route

to be followed.

The location of the pipeline should be such that will reduce

construction costs and internal pressures. Install pressure relief

valves where necessary.

The pipeline should be laid along the shortest route possible.

Change in direction should be made by gradual alternation in

pipe directions at the joints.

The intake should be located at a distance from the shore to

minimise pollution. A strainer should be fitted at the inlet of the

pipe to prevent entrance of fish or debris.

Each pipe should be built to protect against injury from traffic

and weather conditions at least 12|| (Twelve inches) or 30cm

below the ground level.

Each pipe should be inspected before it is laid to detect cracks

and damaged coating.

Newly laid pipelines should undergo hydrostatic tests for at least

24 hours to detect leakage.

Pipelines should be disinfected before they are put into service as

they might be contaminated in the course of construction.

The system should be designed to provide an adequate supply at

adequate pressure to all parts f the system.

The portability of the water should not be impaired by defects in

the system.

Sufficient valves and washouts should be provided to permit

repairs without undue interruption of service.



3.2.3 Pipe Material and Size

The types of pipes generally used in water systems are galvanised steel,

copper and plastic. Galvanised steel pipe is suitable for all piping inside

buildings. Plastic and copper are preferred for underground installations.

Highly mineralised water greatly reduced the life of steel pipe.

General design rules of thumb for pipe sizing are that friction loss

should not exceed five psi from the pressure tank to the service entry

and should not exceed 10psi from the pressure tank to any isolated

fixture. The criterion is generally met if peak flow water velocities are

limited to four feet per second. According to Reinemann (2004), the

water flow rate in gallons per minute that produces this velocity for

various pipe sizes are given below.

Water flow rate (gpm) pipe material

Nominal pipe size steel copper plastic


3 2 3


6 6 6


10 10 10

1 1/41I

18 14 18

1 1/211

25 20 25


40 35 40

2 1/211

50 - 50


90 - 100


140 - 140

Source: (Reinemann, 2004)

The above information should be used only as a rule of thumb to

estimate pipe sizes. The pipes in the distribution systems should meet or

exceed the minimum requirement of the national plumbing codes and

local codes. The plumbing contractor should be provided with a list of

all intended tasks and equipment that will use water and the physical

location of end use. Equipment manufacturers can provide water

quantity and flow requirements for their equipment.

3.2.4 Water Distribution Systems

There are two main system of distributing water. Namely:

(a) The gridiron system

(b) The dead-end system.


The gridiron system: In this system, the extremities of the pipes are

connected. This enables water to circulate continuously throughout the

distribution system.

The dead-end system: Pipes are not connected at the extremities, as it

is expected that water will be delivered at the end of the pipe serving a

particular area or district.


Water supply and distribution play vital roles in the life of man how and

to maximise its gain has been adequately discussed in this unit. Just as

the sources of water supply are needed to be handled properly and

supplied in a reasonable quality and quantity, so do we need to handle it

during its distribution to make a perfect match.


In this unit, we have been able to know how water is supplied to

individuals and communities and from different sources such as

rainwater, underground water and surface water. We also learnt that the

source used depends mostly on the number of users and affordability.

Water supply provision which included geographical coverage, sector

coverage, ownership and governance arrangement and private sector

participation were discussed. Equally discussed were factors affecting

water supply and ways of improving same in communities.

Another part in this unit discussed was about water distribution. We

were made to know that distribution system is like a circulation system

of the human body. It ensures that water is distributed to places needing

it at all times and in a harmless condition.


1 (a) List the objectives of any water supply system.

(b) Enumerate sources of water supply and explain any one of


(c) List the factors affecting water supply.

2 (a) Define Water Distribution.

(b) Outline things to be observed and done while designing

and constructing pipelines.

(c) List the main water distribution system you know.




Federal Republic of Nigeria (2000). Water Supply and Sanitation

Strategy Note.

Godman, A. & Gutteridge, A.C. (1979). A New Health Science for

Africa. London:Longman Group Limited.

Lucas, A.O. & Gilles, H. M. (1984). A Short Textbook of Preventive

Medicine for the Tropics.(2nd

ed.). London: Hodder and


Nickson, A. & France, R. (2003). Tapping the Market: The Challenge of

Institutional Region to the Urban Water Sector.

Njoku, P. A. (1978). Certificate Health Science and Health Education

for Schools and Colleges. Onitsha: Africana Educational


Reinemann, J. D. (2004). “Water Supply and Distribution.” University

of Wisconsin Madison, Milking Research and Instruction Lab.

www.uwef. Edu/uwnirl

Ude, B. C. (2003). “Water supply and Drainage” Being an unpublished

Lecture delivered at the Department of Architecture, University

of Nigeria, Enugu.

West African Health Examination Board (WAHEB) (1991). Water and

Building Sanitation. Ibadan: Sterling Publishing Company.

Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia.

institute/municipal services project/corporate European






1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Environmental Problems of Water Supply and Distribution

3.2 Causes of Environmental Problems of Water Supply


3.3 Impacts or Effects of Environmental Problems

3.4 Remedies of Identified Problems

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


In our last section, we saw water supply and distribution to people

outside the area of water source. In this section, we shall discuss

environmental problems of water supply and distribution with a view to

finding their causes, impacts and proffer possible remedies to the

identified problems.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

discuss environmental problems of water supply and distribution

enumerate the causes of environmental problems of water supply

and distribution

explain the impacts of environmental problems

proffer solutions to the identified problems.


3.1 Environmental Problems of Water Supply Distribution

A lot of problems which are environmentally related affect water supply

and distribution as can be seen below.



(a) Inadequate quantity of drinking water supply: Inadequacy of

safe drinking water supply is the foremost of several

environmental problems. Diseases spread owing to poor hygiene.

Ability to maintain clean environment become increasingly

difficult with insufficient safe water. Blockage of sewerage

system and spreading of sanitary waste on open surfaces pollute

the soil, water and even air. The problem of inadequate drinking

water supply is more acute in drought prone areas generally and

higher urbanisation has increased the task of providing drinking

water and basic services to people..

(b) Scarcity based on seasonality of flow: Water scarcity or limited

availability, particularly during the summer months in Karnata,

India or dry seasons in Nigeria and Niger Republic result in

fluctuations, irregularity and reduction in per capita availability.

Fluctuations in water supply cause unexpected water

contamination in distributional network. This is attributable to

rustiness developed in pipes due to reduced water flow which

leads to health and environmental problems. Borehole and well

water supply schemes most times too are seasonal with

fluctuations in their characteristics.

(c) Depletion of groundwater: Depletion of drinking water sources,

be they ground or surface, accentuates environmental problems

through water shortage and quality deterioration. Drastic decline

in groundwater table creates the risk of drinking water shortage.

As observes by Kajamarthama (1998), fluctuation and depletion

of groundwater level can occur up to seven metres in several


(d) Deteriorating drinking water quality: Water which is tasteless

and free from odour, colour and organic and inorganic

contamination is considered as safe drinking water. Drinking

water quality has been determined by the presence of certain

organic and inorganic substances in excess of tolerance limit.

Unsafe and poor quality water adversely affects health status of

people. For example, chemicals like fluoride in excess quantity

(more than 1.5ppm) cause dental and bone hazards while skin

rashes result by consuming water with excess brackishness. Also

biological or organic contamination of water gives rise to

waterborne diseases.

(e) Discernment of the direction of surface flow: Is difficult owing

to the high degree of landscape alteration. This occurs as a result

of the effect of urbanisation.

(f) Density and connectivity of the flow channel: Have been

severely altered due to construction of buildings and roads. This

affects water distribution mainly.


3.2 Causes of Environmental Problems of Water Supply and


(a) According to Puttaswamaiah, environmental problems in

drinking water supply are caused by both supply and demand side

factors. Two major supply factors are depletion and deterioration

in water quantity and quality which are aggravated by demand

factors like over extraction and pollution as they are


(b) Furthermore, major environmental factors causing inadequate

drinking water supply include non-availability of perennial water

sources and high dependence on groundwater in most places due

to geographical and geological conditions, rainwater fluctuation,

low recharge rate etc. It is important to note that over extraction

also contribute significantly to this depletion.

c) The rapid and accelerated drawing of groundwater to meet

competing demands from agriculture, industry and other sectors

has led to decline in the groundwater table.

(d) Increasing demand and over-exploitation are the other demand-

based causal factors leading to inadequate drinking water

availability. Groundwater extraction is growing rapidly as it is

used for drinking, irrigation and industrial needs.

(e) Besides the above supply and demand driven factors, lack of

operation and maintenance of water supply schemes (a matter of

management and governance) is another important cause for

inadequate drinking water supply (Gok, 2000).

(f) A very important cause which is management related is leakages

in the distribution network. The leakage occurs mainly due to

corroded pipes in distribution networks; damages caused during

road widening and repair works; and use of poor quality pipes in

majority of household connections.

(g) Drinking water apart from source level is also likely to get

contaminated in the distribution network when sewage or other

waste materials enter through broken or leaking pipe.

(h) Furthermore, improper siting of water collection points

particularly in low lying areas, unhygienic practice of collecting

water by household etc. adversely affect water quality.

3.3 Impacts or Effects of Environmental Problems in

Drinking Water Supply

(1) Generally, environmental problems in drinking water supply and

distribution impact significantly on health status of people and

other resources like water and land. Consumption of unhygienic

water results in waterborne diseases, like: scabies, fungal



infections, trachoma etc. Many rural communities are facing

health problems due to inadequate water use.

(2) Inadequate water use further creates blockage in sewage flow

which could contaminate water sources.

(3) Irregular water supply causes pollution in distribution pipes due

to rusting and back – syphonage of water because of low pressure

and insufficient water flow.

(4) Apart from health effects, inadequate water supply increases

hardship on women and children compelling them to spend more

time and energy in collecting water.

(5) Impact of water loss in the distribution system would be severe

on the poor and people living in outlying areas.

(6) Impact of depleting water resources, can be seen in decreased

water availability as witnessed in many states and countries in

recent years due to continued spell of drought. Decline in

groundwater level has resulted in collapse of many of the already

created drinking water supply schemes.

3.4 Remedies of Identified Problems

From all that have been seen above, it is evident that majority of the

environmental problems are caused by both natural and human made

factors. Decline in quantity and quality of water has serious implication

on health and environment as discussed in this unit. Considering the

status and problems in drinking water supply the following points might

be considered to resolve problems and augment services.

i) Partially covered habitations in both rural and urban areas should

be brought under full coverage of water supply.

ii) Drought prone districts or areas should be given high priority to

resolve the problem of inadequate water supply.

iii) Communities with drinking water challenge should be taken on

first priority basis to provide safe drinking water, through

alternative sources or by treating their water.

iv) Operation and maintenance is a major problem in water supply

system, hence priority needs to be attached to these activities for

efficient working of the system.

(v) Privatisation of operation and maintenance of water supply

scheme may offer a better option. But protection should be given

to poor and vulnerable groups in villages.

(vii) Maintenance of water quality is an important issue. A single

water quality testing agency should be provided for both rural

and urban areas. Its operations should be widely publicised. A

vigilante group might also be created to report on quality and


quantity of water supplied, and the operation of the water supply


(vii) Protection should be given to the pipes laid and used for water


(viii) After main road construction, care must be taken to install all

installable and maintain same.

(ix) Water quality awareness camps should be promoted particularly

in rural areas where ground water quality is a serious problem.

(x) Attention should be given to dual water supply system in water

quality affected areas - one for drinking and another for washing,

bathing and cleaning purposes.

(xi) Measures need to be initiated and implemented against water

polluting industries and laws promulgated to penalise defaulters.

(xii) An integrated institutional system for ground water conservation

and recharging measures needs to be promoted to conserve the

major source of drinking water.

(xiii) Institutional initiatives need to be promoted for rainwater

harvesting in both urban and rural areas.

(xiv) Utilisation of treated waste water needs to be promoted for

purposes like industrial and gardening activities, for which

incentives in terms of subsidised price may be considered.


From the above, one can conclude that environmental pressures are

rising on drinking water sources - both ground and surface - and also in

the distribution system. These have created problems of depletion and

deterioration of quantity and quality of water. The above are caused

majorly by the supply and demand factors as seen above. The effects of

the foregoing are on man’s health and his environment. Solutions

abound to remedy the situation.


In this unit, we learned about the environmental problems of water

supply and distribution. Some of these include: inadequate quantity of

drinking water supply, scarcity based on seasonality and depletion of


The problems are caused by a variety of supply and demand factors.

Over extraction and pollution are some of the demand factors while

depletion is an example of supply factor. The effects or impacts of

these problems centre more on our health and the environmental itself. It

equally increases the suffering of women and children as they suffer a

lot just to get potable water.



Solutions abound to tackle them which if followed to the letter will

make good the bad situation.


1. Enumerate the environmental problems of water supply and


2. List all the causes of environmental problems of water supply and


3. Mention the impacts of environmental problems of water supply

and distribution.


Gleick, P. H. ( 1998). “Water and Human Health in Water Resources

and Economic Development.” In: R. Maria Seleth (Ed.).

Government of Karnataka (2000). Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in

Karnataka - Strategy Paper 2000-2005. Bangalore: Rural

Development and Pomchayat Raj Department.

Puttaswamaiah, S. (n.d.) Drinking Water Supply: Environmental

Problems, Causes, Impacts and Remedies - Experiences from


Rajamarthanda (1998), Behaviour of Depth to Water Level between

1998-47 in Karnataka State. Bangalore: Dept of Mines and


United Nations Development Programme (2003). Human Development

Report 2003: Millennium Development Goal - A Compact among

Nations to End Human Poverty. UNDP.


Unit 1 Physical, Chemical and Biological Principles of Water


Unit2 Public Health Importance of Water

Unit 3 Urban and Community Storm Water Management

Unit 4 Drainage Layout

Unit 5 State and Federal Regulatory Standards





1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 The Need for Water Treatment

3.2 Levels of Water Treatment

3.3 Conventional Water Treatment / Purification

3.3.1 Physical Principle Involved in Water Treatment

3.3.2 Biological Principle Involved in Water Treatment

3.3.3 Chemical Principle Involved in Water Treatment

4.0 Conduction

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References /Further Reading


You will recall that water in nature undergoes the hydrological cycle by

which energy from the sun evaporates water from surfaces of oceans,

rivers, lakes and moist ground. This later precipitates and falls as rain,

snow, dew or hail. Part of these precipitates percolates into the ground

to form underground water. Others flow over the surface of the earth to

form streams, lake, rivers, seas and oceans.

At each stage of the hydrological cycle significant changes occur in the

quality of water. This water dissolves organic materials, gasses,

minerals and also carries in suspension fine particles of soil,

vegetation and dust. In determining the portability of water, whose

source may be from rain fall, surface or underground; the whole

cycle of natural water, with the added effects of human activity

should be taken into consideration. The above scenarios inform the

birth of water treatment. Water treatments take physical, biological and

chemical processes as we will see shortly.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

discuss the need for water treatment



explain the categories or levels of

mention the conventional water treatments

highlight the physical, biological and chemical principles

involved in water treatment.


3.1 The Need for Water Treatment

According to WAHEB (1991), water plays a predominant role in the

transmission of certain waterborne diseases. It plays the passive vehicle

for infecting agents of such diseases like cholera, typhoid etc. More so,

according to Njoku (1978), water contains impurities which

contaminate and or pollute the water bodies making them unwholesome

for use.

The objective of water treatment or purification is to supply safe and

wholesome water to the users whether as members of a family, group of

families or a community. Safe and wholesome water is that water which

does not cause harm to its users. According to Fair and Geyer (1963),

wholesome water is that which is:

uncontaminated and hence unable to infect its users with any

waterborne disease

free from poisonous substance

free from excessive amount of minerals and organic matters.

3.2 Levels of Water Treatment

WAHEB (1991) states that the totality of operations or methods

employed in making raw water potable are collectively known as water

purification or treatment. The level of this treatment depends to a large

extent on the scale of the water to be treated, the financial status of

those wanting to treat the water, the use to which the treated water is

to be made and the availability of the needed skill for such treatment


There are two main types or levels of water purification or treatment.

a) Domestic water treatment

b) Conventional water treatment (Nnaji, 1990).

Before dealing with the conventional water treatment it will be proper to

explain some of the methods employed in domestic water treatment. .A

critical look at them will show that the principle behind them is

chemical, physical or biological process.


(1) Protection of the sources of water: The protection of the source

of water should be the concern of all those interested in the

purification or treatment of water. It is of particular importance

that sources of water should be protected from pollution from

human being and animals and even from inanimate objects.

Protection is done at all levels.

(2) Boiling: Boiling is a common method of water purification

employed widely in homes especially during an emergency like

epidemic of waterborne disease. The effectiveness of boiling is

due to its ability to destroy pathogenic organisms provided water

is at boiling point of 100o

C for at least 10 minutes. The water so

boiled is cooled very quickly and stored in clean containers.

(3) Addition of chemicals: Chemicals like Alum and Milton are

added to water as means of purification. Some of these

chemicals cause the coagulation of dirt which settles at the base

of the container whereby the top part of the water which is now

fairly better is used. Mostly the colour is the thing dealt with

while some micro organism that may remain attached with the

colloids will equally be ridded off during coagulation. Water

treated this way can be boiled again for more purity.

(4) Filtration: Here, the desired water passes through an instrument

which can be cloth or a trek filter and the residues remain on top

of the cloth. Mostly macroscopic particles (visible with unaided

eyes) are the target, though some micro organism attached

with the residue might be eliminated. This method though

not very reliable is able to reduce the bacteria content of water

and remove such organisms as Cyclops. It is commonly practised

in camp in emergency and rural areas.

(5) Chlorination: This involves the addition of a small amount of

chlorine in quantity of water for the purpose of ridding it of

pathogens at domestic level (Wilkie, 1965).

(6) Storage: The essence of storage is to allow natural settlement of

colloidal water to have its solutes settle at the base of the

container and carefully the top water will be poured into another

container for a better use. This equally deals with contaminants at

naked eyes level but not microscopically.


i. Get some quantities of water from surface runoff after rain and a

pond nearest to you.

ii. Apply any of the above methods for some time and then compare

the results with the initial samples.



3.3 Conventional Water Treatment (Water Treatment Plant)

This is the method through which large quantities of water is treated for

supply to the public. Its operation is on a large scale. According to

(Nnaji, 1990), certain things are first considered under this method.

These are:

i Source of water: The services of geologists are employed to

ensure that the source of water is a continuous one.

ii Cost and type of treatment: Sources of water that are mostly

cheap in treatment and large in quantity should be used but if

there are no other alternative the available source should be

used, though it may be very costly.

Processes of Conventional Water Treatment

The stages or processes involved in dealing with this depend on the

sources and level of expected impurities or conditions (Godman and

Gutteridge, 1979). Generally however, the following processes can be

employed in conventional water treatment as offered by WAHEB


Treatment of water

Source: (WAHEB, 1991)

The above processes end up in giving someone potable water, thus the

water is treated. The principles involved can be categorised into three, as

given below.

i. Physical principle e.g. screening, aeration, coagulation,


ii. Biological principle e.g. filtration.

iii. Chemical principle e.g. chlorination.

3.3.1 Physical Principles involved in Water Treatment

Under this we have screening, aeration, flocculation, and sedimentation.

a) Screening: This is employed when the source of water supply is

from surface water like stream and rivers. Under this, screening

Chlorination Filtration Sedimenta



Flocculation Aeration Screening


before other treatment method is considered necessary. The

purpose of doing this is to eliminate fish and other aquatic

animals and leaves from damaging the intake pipes. A vertical or

bar screen may be used and after, the debris is removed.

b) Aeration: The purpose of aeration is to restore oxygen to water

devoid of same. Water devoid of air lacks oxygen which makes it

have flat taste. To correct this, oxygen is restored by aeration.

Hence not all raw water requires aeration. Aeration also helps to

release taste and other odour-producing substances (e.g.

hydrogen sulphide) and other volatile substances liberated by

algae growth or as a result of decomposition of organic matters.

Aeration is employed to provide oxygen from the atmosphere for

the oxidation of iron and manganese and to oxidise hydrogen

sulphide and liberate carbondioxide from water. In this way it

prevents corrosion. In achieving proper aeration maximum

surface area of exposure of water to the atmosphere is required to

provide agitation to aid diffusion and to ensure free flow of the

atmosphere to remove gasses and volatile substance liberated

from water (Cox, 1969).

According to Oluwande (1983), aeration devices for convenience

purpose can be grouped into four. These are:

i Spray aerators

ii Cascade (gravity ) aerators

iii Diffused aerators

iv Mechanical Aerators.

Spray Aeration: In this device, the raw water is sprayed into the

atmosphere in thin layer thereby enabling oxygen in the air to come in

contact with the water molecule.

Gravity aeration: Water is allowed to flow over steps. The amount of

aeration that takes place is determined by the period of time during

which aeration takes place.

Diffused air aeration: By this process, air is bubbled into the water

through perforated plates thereby allowing much oxygen to diffuse into

the water.

C) Coagulation /Flocculation: The aim of coagulation or

flocculation is to get the impurities in water to a condition that

will enable them settle down or be removed. Many colloids,

suspended materials or some dissolved solids which cause colour

and turbidity in water cannot on their own settle no matter the



length of time the water is allowed to settle. Substances like

aluminum sulphate (alum) have the quality of attracting together

colloidal substance to form larger particles to such a size that

they become heavy and settle rapidly. Such substances are known

as coagulants and the process is known as “coagulation”. There

are some other substances called “Coagulant Aids” which enables

coagulants to be more efficient by ensuring the formation of

heavier and tougher flocs, e.g. activated silica, limestone,

activated carbon, bentonite etc.

Good coagulation require a proper amount of the coagulant,

optimum pH value; efficient mixing of the coagulant with water

and after the rapid mix, a slow mix, sometimes called “

flocculation” which encourages formation of floc masses and

their absorption of colloids and suspended particles (Ehlers and

Steel, 1965).

D) Sedimentation: This occurs in the sedimentation chamber. In

this chamber, well defined particles settle and the body of the

water is allowed to be quiescent so as to allow particles that have

not settled earlier on to settle resulting in thick sediments at the

bottom of the chamber.

This is the process by which the particles heavier than the liquid, in

which they are contained, gravitate to the bottom of the medium.

Suspended particles in water including some pathogenic organisms

settle to the bottom of a well constructed sedimentation tank, provided

enough time is allowed for this to happen. Plain sedimentation in

impounded reservoirs can lead to the reduction in turbidity and bacteria

content especially pathogenic bacteria in water.

3.3.2 Biological Principle involved in Water Treatment

Filtration: The figure below shows a sand filter bed used for filtration.


Fig. 1.1: Sand Filter Bed

Source: (WAHEB, 1991)

Following the stages of water treatment sequentially, after sedimentation

is filtration. Filtration is a process which arguably can be considered a

physical process as well as biological process. It is because of its

biological aspect that it attracted a sub-heading as seen above, otherwise

it should come after sedimentation under physical principles. According

to WAHEB (1991), filtration is a process of water treatment which

makes the appearance of water attractive, reduces pathogenic bacteria

and removes protozoan cysts. Various devices are used for filtration:

thick white linen cloth (the trek filter) which may remove large particles

including Cyclops –the intermediate host of Guinea worm from water.

Others include the two types of sand filter - the slow sand filter and the

rapid sand filter. We equally have house hold filter, domestic filter etc.

A slow sand filter consists of a large tank with a bed through which

water filters to a set of drains which lead the filtered water to an outlet

chamber. The filter work through series of straining processes. As

filtration progresses the sand grains is the top layers of the bed becomes

coated with sticky deposition in which bacteria and algae multiply.

According to Godman and Gutteridge (1979), numerous small plant

bodies (algae) grow on top of the layer of sand and form slime on the

surface. These plant bodies feed on bacteria in the water and act as a

true filter for bacteria. A filter bed with a proper growth of slime is

called a “ripe” bed, and water that passes through a filter bed should not

be used unless the bed is ripe. After a time, the slime becomes too

compact to allow water to pass through and then it is scraped off and a

new layer of slime grown in its place. This takes about two days. It is

because of the action of the algae (plant bodies) that feed on bacteria

(contaminants of water) thus de-germing same that this process is

considered a biological process. The passage of the filtrate down the

layer for another process is a physical process, thus the arguments above




Fig. 1.2: Network of Water Treatment Activities

Source: (Godman and Gutteridge, 1979)

3.3.3 Chemical Principles involved in Water Treatment

Chlorination: In water treatment plant, after filtration comes

chlorination and this is the final stage of the process. In the chlorinating

plant, water is mixed with small quantities of chlorine, a gas which will

readily kill any remaining bacteria. Other chemicals that can be used

outside chlorine include ozone, iodine, Milton and potassium

permanganate (WAHEB, 1991).

The strong oxidising properties of chlorine are used to break down the

organic decomposing compounds into either tasteless or unstable

volatile substances that may be absorbed by activated carbon or

dissipated to the atmosphere. The chlorine added to water is intended to

kill pathogenic organisms, maintain a free residual concentration of at

least 0.5 ppm (part per minute) and to safeguard the water up to the

point of consumption. Chlorine dosage normally varies with the degree

of pollution of water and the minerals or gasses present in the water. It

should be enough not only to meet the normal “chlorine need” of the

water but also to maintain a detectable “chlorine residual” of 0.5 ppm at

the furthest point of water collection. During epidemics of waterborne

diseases, super-chlorination may be practiced.

Chlorine used as free chlorine or as hypochloride acts as a potent

oxidising agent and so dissipates (wastes or expands) itself to the side so

rapidly until amount in excess of the chlorine demand has been added.

Acid which dissociate very easily and poorly is formed.

N.B: It is the hypochlorous acid (HOCl) formed that kills the germs.

Hypochlorites are used largely in the form of present day high

taste calcium hypochlorites (Ca(HOCl)2. Their ionisation pattern is as


Ca (HOCl)2 +H20 Ca2 + +H20 + 2OCl -

+ H2 (g)

OCl H+ HOCl (hypochlorite acid)

The ion (hypochlorites ion) then establishes equilibrium with hydrogen

ion in the water to form other batches of hypochlorites acid. It should be

noted however that chlorine tends to decrease the pH whereas

hypochlorites tends to increase it.

Reactions with impurities in water to be disinfected


Chlorine and hypochlorite acid react with a wide variation of impurities

in water, including ammonia (NH3) which is, a product of nitrogenous

organic matters in the water. When NH3 reacts with HOCl, the

following reactions occur.

1. NH3 + H + OCl NH2Cl + H20 – (1) Monochloride

2. NH3 + 2H+OCl NHCl2 + 2OH – (II) dichloride

3. NH3 + 3H+ OCCl NCl3 + 3 OH - (III) Trichloride

The monochloride and dichloride have significant disinfecting power

and should be taken into consideration when accessing the chlorine

residual of water. At this point, the question concerns the significance of

chlorine residual with regards to potable water disinfection.

Disinfection is a process designed to kill harmful bacteria or

microorganism in water and not necessarily a production of sterile

water. In disinfecting water with these, two important parts must be


(a) the time of contact between these and water (contact period )

(b) the concentration of the disinfecting agent

The expression could be represented mathematically thus: Kill = CXT

(kill varies with concentration (C) multiply by time (T) or Kill = KCT

(where K is a constant)

The same thing holds for the use of hypochlorite for disinfecting potable


To effect the desired result; concentration of chlorine (Cl2) or

hypochlorite (HOCl) should be such that the demands for all the

impurities in the water is satisfied and enough of them remain (free


Expressed graphically we have this

Total Cl2 demand = (free Cl2 residual) + (combined Cl2 residual)

Combined Chlorine (Cl2) Residual: By combined Cl2 residual we

mean the quantity of Cl2 being a portion of the initial Cl2 impact that

went into reaction with organic and inorganic impurities in the water as

the portion of the chloramines (NH2Cl) which was utilised for the killing

of germs in the water.

Total Cl2 demand = free Cl2 residual + combined Cl2 residual.



Free chlorine (Cl2) residual: By this we mean the left over quantity

from Cl2 being a portion of the Cl2 impact that went into reaction with

the organic and inorganic impurities in the water as well as the portion

of Cl2 residual which goes to ensure the chain reaction of disinfection of

water until the final use or consumption of water after supply.


In order to ensure that clean and potable water is used by man,

conscious efforts are made to achieve this through water treatment. The

scope of this treatment depends on the quantity of water and the size of

consumers to be supplied. Whereas domestic water treatment can serve

fewer people and smaller quantity of water, but for large communities

the use of water treatment plants where conventional treatment is done

is preferred. This conventional treatment involves physical, biological

and chemical principles as we have seen.



In this unit we learnt about the need for water treatment.. Some water

may appear clean but in them disease pathogens and poisonous

chemicals may be found. Treating such will make sure that water-related

or waterborne diseases are not spread.

We also learned the levels of water treatment. These levels depend on a

number of factors: quantity of water to be treated, economy of the

people embarking on the treatment, number of users to be supplied and

the source of water to be treated.


Discuss in details the physical, biological and chemical principles

involved in water treatment.


Cox, C. R. (1969). Operation and Control of Water Treatment Process.

Geneva: WHO.

Ebisike, A. O. et al. (2009). The Sanitarian and his Work. Ibadan:

Jaainchrist Printers.

Ehlers, V. M. & Steel, E. W. (1969). Principle and Rural Sanitation.

New York: John Wiley Publisher.

Fair, G. M. & Geyer, J. C. (1963). Water Supply and Waste Disposal.


ed.). New York: John Wiley Publisher.

Godman, A. & Gutteridge, A. C. (1979). A New Health Science for

Africa. London: Longman Group Ltd.

Njoku, P. A. (1998). Certificate Health Science and Health Education

for School and Colleges. Onitsha: Africana Educational

Publishers (Nig) Ltd.

Nnaji, E. (1990). “Water Supply and Sanitation.” Unpublished Lecture

at School of Health Technology, Oji River. Enugu state.

Oluwande, P. A. (1983). A Guide to Tropical Environmental Health and

Engineering. Ibadan, Nigeria: Nigerian Institute of Social and

Economic Research.



West Africa Health Examination Board (WAHEB) (1991). Water and

Building Sanitation. Ibadan: Sterling Publisher Ltd.

Wilkie, W. (1965). Jordan’s Tropical Hygiene and Sanitation. (4th


United Kingdom: Bullsie Tundal and Company.




1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics Quality

Water Supply

3.1.1 Physical Characteristics

3.1.2 Chemical Characteristics

3.1.3 Biological Characteristics

3.2 Basic Classification of Water Related Disease

3.3 Concept of the Faecal-Oral Route of Disease Transmission

and the Classic Waterborne Disease Cycle

3.4 Effect of Improvement of Water Supply on Public Health

3.5 Use of Water

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


The essence of water treatment is to supply wholesome water to the

public as seen in the last unit. Water has much profound influences on

human’s health. At a very basic level, a minimum amount of water is

required for consumption on a daily basis for survival and therefore

access to some form of water is essential for life. However, water has

much broader influences on health and well-being and issues such as the

quantity and quality of the water supplied are important in determining

the health of individuals and whole communities. The first priority must

be to provide access for the whole population to some form of improved

water supply. The quality of water does have a great influence on public

health, in particular the micro biological quality of water and so is

important in preventing ill health. Poor microbiological quality is likely

to lead to out breaks of infectious water-related disease.

The public health importance of water explains the role played by water

in the transmission of diseases and other uses which include biological

use, water sanitation especially washing and ablution and water

transport as a means of relaxation (Nnaji, 1990).




At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

explain the characteristics of good quality water supply

describe the basic classification of water-related disease

describe the concepts of the faecal-oral route of disease

transmission and the classic waterborne disease cycle

enumerate how improvements in water supply will lead to

improvement in health and reduction in morbidity and mortality


discuss the general uses of water to the public.


3.1 Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics of

Quality Water Supply

When a new water scheme, especially a drilled well is put into use, there

may be complaints from the users about its taste, colour, appearance, or

odour. The colour, turbidity and taste, of water are measures of its

acceptability and or attractiveness to consumers. They do not necessarily

indicate whether or not water is safe (Bruce and Hobson, 1979).

Water that is safe for drinking is called potable. It must have basic

essentials which are normally grouped into the above headings.

3.1.1 Physical Characteristics of Water

(a) Appearance: Potable water should be clear. Water that has

drained through swamps, forest or decaying organic matter may

contain brownish or reddish colour or stained due to organic

acids dissolved fromm decaying leaves, roots and stems of

plants. There are two type of colour- the apparent colour and true

colour. The true colour is that found in water after suspended

particles have been removed. The apparent colour is true colour

plus colour due to suspended particles.

(b) Odour: Good quality water should be odourless. The presence of

decayed organic substances introduce odour in water. Odour

should be absent or very faint for the water to be acceptable.

(c) Taste: Taste in water is caused by algae, excessive organic and

inorganic substances or industrial wastes. Good quality water

should be tasteless.

(d) Turbidity: This is due to the presence of suspended particles or

colloids in water. Turbidity of water is the measure of how much


interference is caused to the passage of light through the water.

Turbid water is unattractive to the users, affects filtration and

encases the pathogenic bacteria making it impossible to be killed

by disinfectants. To ensure proper chlorination turbidity must be


3.1.2 Chemical Characteristics

(i) Hardness: This occurs due to the presence of Calcium and

Magnesium trioxocarbonate (iv) and hydrogen trioxocarbonate

(iv) (carbonate hardness which can be removed by heating) and

calcium sulphate, calcium chloride, magnesium sulphate and

magnesium chloride, (non-carbonate hardness, which cannot be

removed by heating). Hard water does not lather well with soap

because the calcium and magnesium salt precipitate curd from the


Generally, rain and upland water are soft; rivers range from soft

to hard, while spring and wells are usually hard. Hardness in

water produces fur in kettle and forms scale in boilers. The curd

of hardness adheres to the skin and clings firmly to wash basins.

In cooking, the green of vegetables is discharged and the fibre of

meat toughened. It also causes digestive disorder and less

tolerance may be established over time.

Good quality water therefore needs to be treated. Treatment is

either by heating or treating the water with salts that will displace

the stubborn insoluble salt and make them soluble.

(ii) Chlorides: These are present in most natural waters. A sudden

increase of this salt may indicate pollution by sewage, since

human urine contains about 5,000 mg of chloride per litre (Bruce

and Hobson, 1979). Good quality water should not have this in

excess either by natural factor as above or introduction during

chlorination, during water treatment.

(iii) Iron: Iron in most natural and ground waters may be heavily

charged. The iron of piped water supplies however, is usually

derived from rusted pipes. The quantity of iron in a water sample

should not exceed 0.05 parts per 100.00.

(iv) pH: This is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration and

indicates whether water is acidic (pH below 7), neutral (pH 7),

alkaline (pH above7) . In conjunction with alkalinity (caused by

hydroxides, carbonates and bicarbonates), carbon dioxide and



other constituents, the pH value serves to indicate whether water

is likely to be corrosive or scale forming.

(v) Dissolved oxygen: Oxygen dissolved in water used by aerobic

bacteria to oxides organic matter, and is especially significant in

rivers receiving discharged sewage or other organic effluent.

Heavily polluted waters may become devoid of oxygen and

hence offensive through the release of hydrogen sulphide.

(vi) Absence of poisonous substances: Good quality water should

not contain either natural or artificial poisonous substances e.g.

nitrates or the fluorides (Oluwande, 1983).

3.1.3 Biological Characteristics

Under this, we have the macroscopic and microscopic levels of

pollution/contamination. Macroscopic and nuisance organism, larvae,

crustacean and large number of algae or filamentous should not be

allowed in drinking water.

Bacteriological Characteristics

Drinking water must not contain disease causing organisms. These

organisms may be:

bacteria e.g. cholera and typhoid organism etc.

protozoa e.g. amoebic dysentery

viruses e.g. infectious hepatitis

worms e.g. guinea worm infection

fungi, e.g. ringworm of the foot etc.

World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines and most natural drinking

water standards take the presence of Escherichia coli (E. coli) or thermo-

tolerant coliforms as an indication of recent faecal pollution from human

or warm-blooded animals (WHO, 1993). Thus, the WHO guideline

value of zero E. coli or thermo-tolerant coliform bacteria in any 100ml

sample of drinking water was established because even low level of

faecal contamination may potentially contain pathogens.

Given this clear and unambiguous guidelines, it is reasonable to

conclude that drinking water exhibiting faecal contamination at any

point in the distribution to consumption sequence should give cause for




In consideration of all the foregoing, do you think that good quality

water is readily available for peoples use?

3.2 Basic Classification of Water Related Diseases

Under this section we are to see some diseases whose occurrence is

water related. By their presence, the answer to the question above is

given to mean that good quality water is scarce and the presence of

contaminated water is rampart, hence the existence of water-related


Below is a table of four water-related transmission mechanisms.

Table 2.1: Environmental Classification of Water-Related Infections

S/N Category Infection Pathogenic Agent

1. Faeco-oral

Water-borne or



Diarrhoeas and


Ameobic Dysentery


Compilovater enteristis


E. Coli Diarrhoea


Rotavirus Diarrhoea

Shigellosis (Bacillary



Enterio fever




Hepatitis A





P ,,


B ,,

B ,,



B Bacteria

B ,,

B ,,

B ,,

B ,,




Source: Adopted from WAHEB (1991)

Another classification is equally given below. It has additional

information, which centered on the route through which the disease

pathogen enters and leaves the body of a person.




Water wash

Skin and Eyes



Infectious Eye diseases

Infectious Eye diseases

Louse-Borne typhus

Louse-Borne Relepsing



M ,,






Water Based

Penetrating skin



Guinea worn







H ”

H ”

H ”

H ”

H ”

H ”

4 Water related

insect vector



Biting near water

Breeding in water



Sleeping Sickness



River Blindness



Yellow fever












Table 2.2: Diseases Related to Water and Sanitation


Disease Route

leaving the


Route of


Diseases which


often water




Infections hepatitis
















Diseases which



association with

poor hygiene

Basically dysentery

Enteroviral diarrhoea

Paratyphoid fever

pinworm (enterobius)



Skin sepsis

Lice and typus























Disease which

are often related

to inadequate




Hook worm









Diseases which

are life cycle of

parasite in water


Urine/faeces Percutaneous

Diseases with

vectors passing

part of their life

cycle in water




Source: Adapted from Bradloy, D. J, London, School of Hygiene and

Tropical Medicine


Close your book and reproduce any of the tables above.



3.3 Concept of the Faeco-Oral Route of Disease

Transmission and the Classic Waterborne Disease Cycle

Faeco-oral transmission occurs mostly through unapparent faecal

contamination of food, water and hands - the three main items which

regularly make contact with the mouth. See figure 8 below.

Fig. 2.3: Pathways of Faeco-Oral Transmission

Source: Lucas and Gilles (1984)

It should be noted that minute quantities of faeces can carry the infective

dose of pathogens. Thus, dangerously polluted water may appear

sparkling clear, contaminated food may be free of objectionable odour

or taste and apparently clean hands may carry and transmit disease.

As shown in the diagram, food occupies a central and important

position. Not only can it be contaminated directly by faeces but also

indirectly through polluted dirty hands, contaminated soil and filth flies.

Water may be polluted directly by faeces or faeca material may be

washed in from the polluted soil on the river bank. From the diagram,

contamination can be equally done by the soil or flies (example, fruits

and vegetables from our gardens and direct contact between the flies

that have touched faeces with our food respectively).

The above diagram can be represented in another form when water

alone is considered. This is shown in the diagram below which shows

the classical waterborne infection cycle.









Fig. 2.4: A Classical Water-borne Infection Cycle

Source – Tebbutt T. H. Y, 1992

3.4 Effects of improvement of Water Supply in Public Health

It is pointless asking if the improvement of the quality of water supplied

to the public will be of any effect. This is because the answer is in the

affirmative. It will have positive effect in the reduction of diseases that

are waterborne or water related. People will no more have high

morbidity and mortality due to such diseases. Also the money, time and

energy that are wasted in hospital treating people will be minimally


In line with the above, the table below shows the potential reductions in

morbidity for different diseases as a result of improvements in water

supply and sanitation.

Table 2.1: Potential Reductions in Morbidity for Different Diseases

as a Result of Improvements in Water Supply and Sanitation

Diseases Projected reduction in

morbidity (% )

Cholera, Typhoid 80-100

Diarrhoeal diseases dysentery,



Dracunculiasis 100

Schistosomiasis 60-70

Source: World Health Report (1995)

Pathogens in

excreta Contaminated

Water source



person Susceptible

Consumption of

Contaminated water


ater source



3.5 Uses of Water

a) Domestic use:

drinking and cooking




b) Comfort requirement: domestic air conditioning

c) Agricultural use:

water for crop irrigation

livestock requirement

d) Industrial use:



power generation


fire fighting and street cleansing

steam generation

raw material.


Water is an indispensable gift God blessed man with. Its full use and

benefit should be maximally harnessed if there are no pollution and

contamination by disease causing organisms whose presence has caused

man to be conscious and use it with caution to avoid getting one disease

or the other from same. We therefore need to strive to get quality water,

I, thus join UN conference at Mardel Plata (1977) to say, that, “All

people, whatever their stage of development and social and economic

condition have the right to have access to drinking water in quantities

and of a quality equal to their basic needs”.


In this unit, we learned that good quality water should be such that have

its physical, chemical and biological characteristics not in doubt, that is,

that should not by their composition injure man as he uses it.

Waterborne diseases abound with their different vectors. A

diagrammatic representation of faeco-oral route of transmission was

equally given and in it we saw that water is as necessary as food in the

transmission of faeco-oral infections.


There will be reduction of diseases if there is conscious effort by the

public to embark on good water supply and proper sanitation.


Discuss water and public health in the following context:

1. Physical and chemical characteristics only

2. Environmental clarification of water related diseases or



Anon, Report of a National Water Quality Seminar, Romania, WHO-

EURO, Rome, 1995.

Ashiru, R. O. (2007). “Public Health Laws and Pollution.” In: 2007

Mandatory Continuous Education Programme (MCEP) Lecture

Notes, for Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of

Nigeria at

Filbon Quest House New Haven, Enugu.

Bruce, F. E. & Hobson, W. (1979) The Theory and Practice of Public

Health, Water Supply, Sanitation and Disposal and Waste

Matter, 9, 130 131.

Lucas, A. O & Gilles, H. M. (1984). A Short Textbook of Preventive

Medicine for the Tropics. London: Hodder and Stoughton.

Nnaji, E. (1990). “Water Supply and Sanitation.” An unpublished

Lecture at school of Health Technology Oji River, Enugu State.

Oluwarde, P. A. (1983). A Guide to Tropical Environmental Health and

Engineering. Niger. Nigeria.

Treveth, A. F. Carter, R C. & Tyrrel, S.F. (2005). “The importance of

Domestic Water Quality Management in the Context of Faecal-

Oral Transmission.” Journal of Water and Health.

West Africa Health Examination Board (1991). Water and Building

Sanitation. Ibadan: Sterling Publishers Ltd.

World Health Organisation (1993). Guidelines for Drinking Water

Quality Recommendations.






1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Meaning of Storm Water and its Generation

3.1.1 The Need for Storm Water Management

3.2 Storm Water Management

3.2.1 Structural Storm Water Management Strategies

3.2.2 Non-Structural Storm Water Management


3.2.3 Institutional Arrangement and Participation in

Urban Storm Water Management

3.3 Constraints to Storm Water Management

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References /Further Reading


From previous units, you are aware of the hydrological cycle. . When it

rains, part of the water will percolate into the soil, part will evaporate

back into the atmosphere while the excess will run on surfaces until it

finds where to join such as water bodies like rivers, lakes etc. It is this

quantity that runs on surfaces that we may refer to as storm water. The

task in this section is its management precisely, the topic is urban and

community storm water management.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

discuss storm water and its generation processes

explain the need for storm water management

discuss storm water management and its processes

enumerate the constraints to storm water management.



3.1 Meaning of Storm Water and its Generation

By way of definition storm water is that quantity of water usually during

rainfall or immediately after which remains on top of the ground after

the ground must have been satiated with water or as a result of

impervious ground which normally flows horizontally overland


The rate or amount of storm water formed depends on the amount or

quantity and frequency of rainfall, the nature of the soil or land surface,

the topography and the timing of the rainfall.

Urbanisation, the conversion of forests and agricultural land to sub-

urban and urban areas is proceeding at an alarming and unprecedented

pace in most places due to population explosion and quest for alternative

land uses. Storm water discharges have emerged as a problem because

the flow of water is dramatically altered as land is urbanised. With

urbanisation, storm water generation is higher or faster. Typically,

vegetation and top soil are removed to make way for buildings, roads

and other infrastructures and drainage networks are installed. According

to Emerson (2003), the loss of water retaining functions of soil and

vegetation causes storm water to reach streams in short concentrated

bursts. According to Claire (undated) road networks, parking lots, and

other impervious surfaces cause generation of storm water faster and

hasten the flow of water to streams where available.

More so, due to vast networks of underground pipes and utility conduits

underlying urban areas, percolation of rainwater becomes difficult.

Surface water runoff (storm water) easily forms and this usually poses

danger to the occupiers of such places if not properly handled.

3.1.1 The Need for Storm Water Management

The need for storm water management arises because of the problem it

causes to humanity. According to National Academy of Science

(retrieved 13-08-12), storm water has long been regarded as a major

culprit in urban flooding. However, only in the last 30 years have policy

makers appreciated its significant role in degrading the streams, rivers,

lakes and other water bodies in urban and suburban areas. Large volume

of rapidly moving storm water can harm species habitat and pollute

sensitive drinking water sources, among other impacts. Urban storm

water is estimated to be primary source of impairment for 13 percent of

assessed rivers, 18 percent of lake and 32 percent of estuaries -



significant numbers given that urban areas cover only 3 percent of the

land mass of the United States (National Academies of Science,2008).

Storm water encourages flooding which can cause some physical

impacts like the widespread disruption to transportation, power and

communication system as well as structural damage to buildings and

infrastructure. The disruption, damage to properties, loss of possessions

as well as financial worries and other stresses from living in damp

houses mean that flood event can place a considerable strain on

households (Parkinson, 2003). These factors are recognised to be

significant even in countries such as the United Kingdom whose

flooding is typically small-scale, short-lived and shallow (Tapsell,

1999). However, those factors take on extra dimension in cities in

tropical regions. According to UN-HABITAT (2003), it is the poor who

are most susceptible and consequently suffer the most.

The environmental health impact of storm water flooding comes next.

There is considerable empirical evidence to indicate that flooding and

poor drainage have a significant impact on the prevalence of illness, and

that large-scale flooding may disrupt water supply and sanitation system

and result in diseases epidemics (UN-HABITAT, 2003). In poorly

drained areas, with inadequate sanitation, urban runoff mixes with

excreta, spreading pathogens around communities and increasing risks

to health from various waterborne diseases. In areas where storm water

accumulate either in blocked drain or depressed areas, mosquito

breeding will be encouraged with its deleterious effects on the society.

There are also impacts of flooding on the urban and poor communities.

The poor have fewer resources available for rebuilding and they

generally receive little external support to recover from flooding

(Napier, at al. 2002). Their livelihoods are more vulnerable to the risks

associated with flooding and are more susceptible to disruption. The

location of poor neighbourhoods and the inferior construction materials

used to build homes for the poor contribute to their greater vulnerability

(Francis, 2000). Damage to homes caused by flooding places extra

demands on the limited resources of the poor. More so, there could also

be loss of working days required to repair structural damage or the

increased prevalence of illness, causing families to redirect assets

towards treatment.

With all the above problems, the best is to manage storm water well so

that it no longer poses problems to the society.

3.2 Storm Management

In order for urban and community authorities to address the diverse

problems related to flooding described above and the complexities of


urban environmental management, it is important that they adopt some

strategic approaches towards the development and implementation of

storm water management plans. Against this background, there are some

strategic approaches to urban and community storm water management.

According to Parkinson (2003), a combination of structural and non-

structural storm water management strategies are considered to be

complementary aspects of a comprehensive and integrated storm water

management strategy.

3.2.1 Structural Storm Water Management Strategies

Structural storm water management strategies focus on physical

intervention and investments in engineered infrastructure for improved

drainage. According to Claire (undated), storm water management

regulations often require reduction of peak flow rates by routing flows

to a “detention basin” designed for this purpose. According to him, a

detention basin or pond is the most commonly used (best management

practice (BMP)) to control runoff and nonpoint source pollution.

Structural storm water control measures are designed to reduce the

volume and pollutants of small storms by the capture and reuse of storm

water, the infiltration of storm water into porous surface and the

evaporation of storm water. Example include rainwater harvesting

system that capture runoff from roofs in rain barrels, tanks or cisterns,

the use of permeable pavements, the creation of “infiltration trenches,”

into which storm water, can seep or is piped, the planting of rain gardens

on both public and private lands and the planting of ‘swales’ along the

roadside that capture and treat storm water. Holman-Dodds et al. (2003),

called the above structural approach “Low-Impact Development” (LID)

technologies. These LID technologies, e.g. use of green roofs, cisterns,

rain gardens, on-site infiltration ponds, etc can have a significant impact

on the urban water cycle by increasing on site recharge and reduce

runoff rates.

3.2.2 Non-Structural Storm water Management Strategies

Non-structural storm water management strategies for mitigation of

flooding impacts focus upon preventive action and rely predominantly

on behavioural changes in order to be effective. These are particularly

relevant in low-income communities in tropical climates where flooding

is inevitable and resources for infrastructure are scarce. Faisal et al.

(1999) concluded that a well coordinated and balanced combination of

both structural and non-structural measures is required as part of the

long-term flood mitigation strategies. Example of different types of non-



structural storm water management strategies are summarised in Table

3.1 below.

Table 3.1: Non-Structural Strategies for Flood Control and

Mitigation of Environmental Health Problems

Flood avoidance Preventive responses which aim to ensure that flood

problem are avoided.



Immediate responses to flood warnings before a

flood, and the courses of action to take during a flood

to reduce risks.

Flood Recovery

Actions to be taken after a flood event to enable

communities to recover from the impacts of a flood


Source: Faisal et al. (1999)

The above is a resume of non-structural strategies for flood prevention

and management. Below are efforts made at adding flesh to the table.

(a) Flood prevention strategies: Flood avoidance or prevention

strategies are precautionary interventions that involve structural

adaptations or constructions to reduce the impacts of inundation,

or the relocation of houses that are on drainage pathways and

flood plains. Relocation is an option where the government that

be or the community affected can withstand the financial burden

of doing so. Against this, Tucci (2002), notes that experience

indicates that large scale eviction and forced relocation can

exacerbate (worsen) social problems which can be more

problematic for urban authorities than the original problem. As

demand for land in cities is high, it is not possible to assign land

purely for flood management purpose; it therefore needs to have

an alternative use to ensure that informal settlement does not

appear. Where resettlement is the only viable option, it will be

Solid Waste


Control of solid wastes to avoid blockages and

reduction in hydraulic capacity of the drainage




Reduction in the discharge of pollutants into the

storm water

drainage system.

Vector control Improved practices to reduce vector transmission of

disease related to urban drainage and flooding.


necessary to ensure that resettlement plans are designed and

implemented with the groups that are being resettled and

infrastructures that will serve them provided as well (Santosa,


(b) Flood mitigation strategies: This involves responses both before

and during a flood event, which include advance warnings, the

operation of flood control works and emergency unblocking of

blocked inlets and drains. An important aspect is the

identification of potential events and communication is critical to

ensure that mobilisation and evacuation responses strategies are

effective. Also important is the necessity to consider the choice

of evacuation routes. Of particular importance is the fact that

poor communities often have already developed informal but

sophisticated coping strategies, which may originally have

developed in rural communities (Sware, 1982). Local perceptions

of flood warnings and existing coping strategies should be

understood and taken into account in the design of intervention

which aims to reduce the effect of flooding.

(c) Flood recovery strategies: Post flood recovery strategies aim to

enable communities to respond effectively to the consequences of

flood and to permit local and central authorities to organise and

coordinate relief activities, including making the best use of local

resource, and properly managing national and international relief

assistance. Medium and long-term interventions may be needed

to support population affected by flooding (WHO, 2002).

Post flood recovery involves numerous activities in relation to the return

to normal life including evaluation of damages, rehabilitation of

damaged properties and the provision of flood assistance to flood


Concerning the environmental health problems caused by storm water

and drainage problems, there are some non-structural strategies for their

mitigation. Below are some of them:

(i) Pollution mitigation and solid waste management: Problems

related to poor drainage are worsened by poor solid waste

management as uncollected solid waste often enter surface drains

and sewers causing blockages and reduced flow capacity.

Flooding is more likely to occur if solid wastes accumulate in

drains, and blocked drains create insect breeding sites, thus

encouraging disease transmission.

Structure elements such as the incorporation of solid waste traps are

important design aspects of drainage system (Armitage and Rooseboom,



2000). However, non-structural solid waste management strategies may

reduce the need for extensive cleaning of storm water drainage systems

prior to the onset of the flood season. These strategies should promote

awareness of the impacts of solid waste in relation to the flooding and

health hazards associated with blocked drain.

Similarly pollution form storm water runoff may be reduced by the

introduction of non-structural strategies aimed at limiting the ingress of

pollutants into the drainage system, especially from construction site and

industrial sites. Attempts to control pollutants from storm water drainage

systems include a range of practices such as efforts to inform residents

of the polluting effects of improper disposal of pollutants into surface

drains and the provision of collection services for toxic chemical

(Taylor, 2002).

(ii) Control of disease vector: Non-structural strategies relevant to

storm water management which focus on improved

environmental health are particularly important in relation to the

control of mosquito-breeding sites. Drainage of runoff by

controlling surface water and water logging and by eliminating

unnecessary open water surfaces is an essential and effective tool

for reducing and eliminating mosquito-breeding site. Poorly

maintained drainage canals can provide potential breeding sites

for various mosquito species if they are permanently flooded and

aquatic weeds are not cleared.

3.2.3 Institutional Arrangement and Participation in Urban

Storm water Management

A key element for the successful implementation of non-structural storm

water management programmes is an inclusive approach, which

promotes participation of stakeholders in the development and

implementation of urban drainage plans (Affeltranger, 2001). In this

section, the importance of participation in non-structural storm water

management programmes is stressed and these are discussed in relation

to the partnership and institutional arrangements for management and


Public participation is an opportunity for urban authorities to assess the

social feasibility of storm water systems and flood response strategies.

Experiences from high-income countries such as the United States

demonstrate that urban runoff control programme needs public backing

and involvement to succeed. A strong motivation to act is essential to

the success of storm water management projects. From the above, it

means that urban drainage system cannot be designed in isolation from


the community they serve. Those responsible for urban storm water

management should enlist the support of local officials prior to any

initiative to implementation and should engage with the public, building

on local knowledge and resources, working with local social

organisations and management system, and using participatory methods

for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

From the above it means that the public or community where these

services are rendered should be involved in:

(i) Planning: A considerable amount of physical data is required but

these data may be scarce and difficult to get if the benefiting

community is not involved.

(ii) Implementation: Generally, squatter upgrading cannot be

achieved without the participation of the benefiting communities

especially where people’s lives will be disrupted by removal,

reflection and partial demolition of their homes. Their consensus

and collaboration are all needed.

(iii) Operation and maintenance: Users need to be aware of operation

and maintenance requirements at the neighbourhood level. Often,

one of the best solutions for maintenance is for community

members to be responsible for the management of the drainage

system and even storm water management as the regular

inspection and cleaning of drains is an important task that can be

performed without specialised skills.

3.3 Constraints to Storm Water Management


Some constraints affect the smooth running or achievement of all that

have been said above. They are the following:

(i) Institutional responsibility for urban drainage is often narrow.

There are many institutions as there are many responsibilities

over public utilities and clear demarcation of boundaries is a

problem. For instance, public utilities or water companies may

have the responsibility for sewerage whereas road drainage is

often the responsibility of local authority or environmental


Therefore the overall planning needs to be considered in relation to land

use in urban and semi-urban area and in particular those communities

who inhabit this land.

(ii) The design and implementation of disaster mitigation at the local

level such as that associated with flooding is a complex task for



urban authorities particularly as they have to cope with very

complex stakeholders.. These stakeholders have different

perceptions and relationships to natural hazards, a reflection of

different socioeconomic and socio-psychological backgrounds.

(ii) Non-structural approaches to storm water management can work

well provided the municipal authorities are receptive to the

involvement of community groups in project implementation.

Collaboration between government agencies and non-

governmental organisation, in conjunction with communities is

essential but often challenging. Many of these constraints may be

overcome if there is a political and institutional commitment to

overcoming problems and specifically a consideration of and

concern with the needs of the urban poor.


From all the foregoing, we can conclude by saying that due to changes

that occur on the surfaces of land as a result of urbanisation and human

activities, storm water formation is not scarce in most communities and

urban areas. To cope with it and avoid the problems it breeds, deliberate

and conscious efforts are made towards managing same. These normally

come in form of structural and non-structural management strategies,

which if well applied, will see man through these hurdles.


In this section we have been able to give the definition of storm water

and how it is generated. Its generation is caused mainly by the

compaction and hardening of the top soil making percolation


We also dealt with the need for storm water management which mainly

centered on prevention of physical and health problem that would have

arisen if not well managed. More so, the management strategies which

centre on structural and non-structural approaches were discussed.

Finally the constraints to storm water management implementation were

discussed. If the constraints were tackled well, success stories would be



1. Write on the following:

(a) Define storm water.

(b) Explain factors that facilitate storm water generations.


(c) Enumerate the needs for its management.

2 List two approaches to storm water management and explain any

of them.


Affeltranger, B. (2001). “Public Participation in the Design of Local

Strategies for Flood Mitigation and control.” Technical

documents in Hydrology, 48. Paris: International Hydrological

Programme, UNESCO.

Armitage, N. P. & Rooseboom, A. (2000). “The Removal of Urban

Litter from Storm Water Conduits and streams. Paper 1- The

Quantities Involved and Catchments Litter Management Option.”

Water SA. Vol. 26, No 2, April

Claire Welty (n.d.). The Urban Water Budget. htt://

/WATER-ENV-CITY/ Fultext (16). pdf

Emerson, C. H. (2003). “Evaluation of the Additive Effects of Storm

water Detention Basins at the Watershed Scale.” M.Sc. Thesis,

Department of Civil Architectural and Environmental

Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, P.A.

Faisal, I. M, Kabir, M..R. & Nishat, A. (1999). “Non-Structural Flood

Mitigation Measures for Dhaka City.” Urban Water, Vol.1, No. 2

p. 112.

Francis, J. (2000). “Implications of Gender in Floods, Gender and Water

Alliance, November.” http://www.Gender and paper_ on_gender and

floods by JF.doc.

Holman, D J. K. et al. (2003). “Evaluation of Hydrologic Benefits of

Infiltration Based upon Storm Water Management.” Journal of

the American Water Resources Association, 39, 205, 215.

Napier, M. L; Ade Bustillos, Santosa, H. & Rubin, M. (2002).

“Understanding the interface between the environment and

sustainable livelihoods in the integration of informal settlement in

Asia, Latin America and Africa: a review of current thinking and

practice.” CSIR Building and Construction Technology, Pretoria,

South Africa, March 2003

National Academy of Sciences (2008). Retrieved 13-08-2012.



Parkinson, J. (2003). “Drainage and Storm water Management

Strategies for Low-Income Urban Communities.” Environment

and Urbanisation. Vol. 16, No 2, Oct. Retrieved from on August 13, 2012.

Santosa, H. (2003). “Environmental Hazards Management in Informal

Settlements to Achieve Sustainable Livelihoods of the Poor: the

case of East Java, Indonesia, CSIR Building and Construction

Technology.” Pretoria, South Africa, March 2003

Schware, R. (1982). “Official and Folk Flood Warning Systems: an

Assessment” Journal of Environmental Management. Vol . 6,

No 3, pp. 209-216.

Tapsell, S. (1999). “The Health Effects f Floods - The Easter 1998

Floods in England.” Article Series Vol. 3, No 99, U. K.: Flood

Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex, University.

Taylor, A. (2002). “Non Structural Storm Water Quality Best

Management Practices-Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines.”

Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology Working

Document 02/6, Monash University Australia.

Tucci, C.E.M. (2002). “Urban Drainage Management.” In: C.E.M

Tucci. Urban drainage in the humid tropics. UNESCO

International Hydrological Programme (IHP-V), Technical

Documents in Hydrology, No 40, vol. 1, UNESCO, Paris. pp


UN-HABITAT (2003). Water and Saintation in the World’s Cities -

Local Action for Global Goals, published in association with

United Nations Human Settlement Programme. (UN-HABITAT),

Earthscan, London, UK.

World Health Organisation (2002). “Flooding: Health Effects and

Preventive Measures.” WHO fact sheet 05/02, Copenhagen and

Rome, 13 September.




1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Meaning and Concepts of Drainage Layout

3.1.1 Definitions and Insight into some Key Terms Used

in Drainage System

3.2 Wastewater and Storm Water Collection

3.2.1 Conventional Sewerage

3.2.2 Simplified Sewerage

3.2.3 Settled Sewerage

3.2.4 Storm Water Collection

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further reading


Liquid wastes are generated in homes from our kitchens, wash hand

basins, toilets and bath-room, laundry services etc. Also storm water

generated as surface runoff adds to liquid waste and may not be used for

anything domestically. They need to be disposed of too. This section

deals with how liquid wastes are drained and disposed of with emphasis

on their layout pattern.


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

discuss the meaning and concepts of drainage layout

explain some key terms used in drainage system

discuss waste water and storm water collections patterns and their



3.1 Meaning and Concepts of Drainage Layout

By way of definition drainage is the process by which water and other

liquids which are not wanted are removed from building premises.

Therefore drainage may be internal or external in every building. The



internal drainage is that which is situated inside the building and it is

normally constructed by plumbers. The external drainage is that which

is outside the building but within the compound (WAHEB, 1991).The

spatial pattern and arrangement of these networks of pipes both within

and outside the building till the final treatment area of the waste water

and storm water is known as drainage layout.

Drainage system is normally of two parts. The first part is the

continuation of the internal drainage which is normally constructed by

the plumber and the second part consists of the channels into which the

waste water is discharged outside the buildings and this takes different

form with its construction dependent on the form so chosen. If it takes

the form of a sewer to drain into the septic tank, soak away, cesspool or

into main hole of the public sewerage system, it is often build by the

plumbers. However, if it is open drain, it is often built by a bricklayer or


Fig.4.1: General Features of Building Drainage

Source: (WAHEB, 1991)

1. Fly trap

2. Outside drainage pipe or drain.

3. Water closet flushing tank

4. Water closet (w c)

5. Tee joint

6. Wash hand basin or sink

7. Sink trap or water sink

8. Water closet and water seal

9. Drain pipe for wastewater from the baths and sink etc


10. Inspection clamber or manhole

11. Hardcore of ground floor

12. Wall

13. Ceiling

14. Roof

15. Open drain, gutter or flesh drain.

To understand the above sketch and more facts about drainages, some

definitions, explanations and insight into some of the above need be


Water closet (WC): This is made of ceramic or porcelain material with

a unique feature of the water seal. Water seal is always seen inside this

WC which shuts off the house from the remaining part of the water

closet drainage pipe system. It prevents the entry of foul odour into the

building. Water closet can break if subject to rough handing.

Water closet drain pipe: This is the sewer line which conveys waste

water from the water closet to the septic tank or to the public sewer

outside the compound. It is normally 10cm (4’’) for building up to four-

storey high. It may be of asbestos, plaster or metal with plastic and

asbestos. This is very rampant in West Africa. The joint are made up of

different types of pieces like the Tee, the bend and the Y-pieces.

Manhole or inspection chamber: As a rule in sewer lines design and

construction, “manhole” or inspection clambers should be located at

points where the direction, the diameter and the gradient of the sewer

changes. While the inspection chamber is small, manhole is big enough

to allow or accommodate a man to go inside for inspection. The

inspection chamber enables sewer lines to be inspected and cleared of

blocking material.

Wash hand basin or sink: A wash hand basin is different from a sink.

A sink is a special wash hand basin, sinks are normally used for washing

clothes, plates and other house hold materials. They are bigger than

wash hand basins.



Fig. 4.2: Comparison of a Sink and Wash Hand Basin

Source: WAHEB (1991)

Drain pipes from baths, sinks and wash hand basin: Waste water

from appliances like bath, sinks and wash hand basins are normally

drained away through drains of galvanised pipes. The minimum

diametre recommended is 32 mm (11/4”) for wash hand basins and

38mm (11/2”) for baths.

Fly trap: This is very important for trapping flies and also for

preventing rats, snakes, lizards, and other undesirable creatures from

entering the drain as they may block the drain if allowed to enter.

Open drains: These are employed to drain away rain and runoff water

from the roof and the ground surface of the component. They consist of

channels excavated on the ground surface and lined with concrete,

cement mortar or bricks. They need to be cleaned regularly. In order to

prevent regular blockage by soil waste and sand, they may need

covering with concrete slab which should be removable.

Sub-surface drains: These are of two broad types - the sewers and the

underground drains. The sewers are pipes constructed underground to

convey sewage. The flow is under gravity and ground water infiltration

is not encouraged. Underground drains are pipes with open joints or

other materials used to convey surface runoff which percolates into the

drains. Both sewers and underground drains are illustrated in figure 12.


Fig. 4.3: Sub-Surface Drains (a and b)

Source: WAHEB (1991)

According to Wilkie (1965), where a public sewer exists, plans of new

building must show satisfactory provision for the drainage of the

building and connection to the public sewer. Similarly, owners of

existing buildings may be required to provide satisfactory drainage in

connection with their buildings, provided a sewer is available.

3.1.1 Definitions and Insight into some Key Terms Used in

Drainage System

(a) Single pipe system: In this system, all the waste water from the

water closet, the bath, sinks and wash hand basin are discharged

into one drain pipe. Every appliance is provided with suitable

trap which is ventilated to the main drain pipe. The system is

used in multi-storey building. The size of the main drain pipe

must be adequate. A minimum diameter of 15cm is mostly


(b) One-pipe system: In this system, a separate vent pipe is provided

for the appliances which drain into one main pipe. The system is

also suitable for medium size multi-storey building.

(d) Two-pipe system: In this system, the water closet is drained into

a separate pipe which is ventilated while the other appliances are

drained into another drain pipe which is also ventilated. This

system is suitable for bungalows and up to two-storey building.

This system is particularly suitable for situations where waste



water from the water closet goes into the septic tank and the other

waste water goes into the open drain or soak away.

Fig. 4.4: Common Building Drainage Systems

Source: WAHEB (1991)

(d) Private combined drainage system: This is a system that has

both foul and storm water running through it. As the name

implies it is a privately owned one. The owner of the property is

responsible for the drainage system up to the connection onto the

local authority sewers within the road, so any defects beneath the

footpath and road prior to the connection onto the sewer would

be death with by the home owner.

(e) Private foul and storm drainage system: This system has two

separate systems, one for foul waste and the other for the storm

water. Both system are private to the property and again are the

responsibility of the homeowner up to the connection onto the

local authority sewers within the road.

(f) Private shared drainage system: In this system, two properties

share a system prior to its connection into a local authority sewer.

The two property owners share equal responsibility in term of

maintenance from the junction their drainage system meet up to

the local authority sewer within the road.

(g) Riparian drainage: Riparian ownership applies to rivers,

brooks, streams and any water course that may pass through ones

boundary lines. In some places many water courses have culverts

so that land could be claimed for building work and it is not


uncommon for homeowners to have a water course passing

through their property without their knowledge. Where such

obtains, the owner of such place is responsible for its

maintenance up to a level outside his property.

3.2 Wastewater and Storm Water Collection

A sewerage system collects wastewater and can be in the form of

backwater separated from grey water, or mixed with it (sewage). Gravity

is used wherever possible to convey the waste water. It is not surprising

therefore that natural storm water drainage is usually used, because this

is how rainwater runoff is conveyed in nature by gravity. The principle

of using gravity as the driving force for conveying waste water in a

sewerage system should be applied wherever possible, because this will

minimise the cost of pumping. Natural storm water drainage occurs in

what is usually termed a catchment basin. In a catchment basin,

rainwater runoff flows to a common point of discharge, and in so doing,

forms streams and rivers. Crossing a catchment boundary may mean that

the water has to be unnecessarily pumped, requiring an energy source. A

wastewater sewerage system should therefore be within a storm water

catchment basin.

Sewerage systems can be classified into combined sewerage and

separate sewerage. Combined sewerage carries both storm water and

wastewater, while separate sewerage carries storm water or wastewater

separately. Recent trends have been for the development of separate

sewerage systems. The main reason for this is that storm water is

generally less polluted than wastewater, and that treatment of combined

wastewater and storm water is difficult during heavy rain falls, resulting

in untreated overflows (commonly termed combined sewer overflow,

CSO). In practice there is usually ingress of storm water into wastewater

sewerage pipes, because of unsealed pipe joints, and unintentional or

illegal connections of rainwater runoff. Conversely there may be

unintentional or illegal wastewater connections to storm water sewerage.

Wastewater sewerage systems can be classified into three major types:

Conventional sewerage

Simplified sewerage

Settled sewerage

3.2.1 Conventional Sewerage

Conventional sewerage is also termed deep sewerage because the

sewerage pipes are laid deep beneath the ground. Pumping is generally

required at various stages of the sewer pipe network, especially if the



landscape is fairly flat. The larger the population served by the sewerage

system, and the longer the planning horizon is to cope with future

population increases, the larger the diameter of the final pipes. The costs

of the pipes, inspection manholes, pumps and pumping stations and their

construction/installation are therefore high. The costs of operation and

maintenance are correspondingly high because of very conservative

design assumptions.


3.2.2 Simplified Sewerage

Simplified sewerage is also known as shallow sewerage, reflecting the

shallower placement of the pipes in contrast to the conventional or deep

sewerage. The purpose of simplified sewerage is to reduce the cost of

construction and the corresponding cost of operation and maintenance.

Simplified sewerage design is based on hydraulic theory in the same

manner as for conventional sewerage but has less conservative design

assumptions. Smaller diameter pipes are used when water use per person

is known to be less and the minimum depth of cover of pipes can be as

low as 0.2 m when there is only light traffic. Manholes can be replaced

by inspection cleanouts because of the shallow pipes. The design

planning horizon can be shorter because the population projection may

be uncertain. In a variation of the simplified sewerage, the pipe layout


passes through property lots (condominial) rather than on both sides of a

street (conventional). Figures 14 and 15 show the sewerage layouts in

conventional sewerage and in condominial sewerage. The cost of

construction of simplified sewerage can be 30 to 50 percent less than

conventional sewerage depending on local conditions.

Fig. 4.6: Pipe Layout for Condominium Sewerage


Shallow sewerage is also conducive to local community participation

because sewer pipes have to cross property boundaries. The community

has to agree to this arrangement which extends after construction for

maintenance (e.g. unblocking of sewer pipes). The shallow pipe, and

hence the shallow trenches, also allow members of the community to

participate e.g. by providing labour for digging the trenches. This is in

contrast to conventional sewerage where specialised machinery is

required for the deep trenches.

Simplified sewerage was originally developed in Brazil and is

increasingly being used in other parts of the world. The International

Source Book on Environmentally Sound Technologies for Wastewater

and Storm water Management (hereafter referred to as the Source

Book), published by IWA and IETC provides useful case studies.



3.2.3 Settled Sewerage

Settled sewerage refers to sewerage for conveying wastewater that has

been settled, for example, in a septic tank. Settled sewerage originated to

convey the overflow from septic tanks where the soil cannot cope or

absorb the overflow. This usually occurs when the groundwater table is

high, or where the soil permeability is low, or where there are rock

outcrops. It can also be used when effluent from septic tanks pollutes

groundwater and it is necessary to convey the effluent off-site and treat

it. Because there are no solids that can potentially sediment in the

sewerage pipes, there is no requirement for the self-cleansing velocity.

Smaller pipes and lower gradients can be used. The cost of settled

sewerage is between a third and a half of conventional sewerage.

Originally developed in South Australia to overcome problems with

failing septic tanks, it has been used quite widely worldwide to upgrade

septic tank systems.

Fig. 4.7: Interceptor Tank in Settled Sewerage


Where there is no existing septic tank, an interceptor box or tank can be

used. It functions like a septic tank and designed in the same way

(Figure 16). To reduce cost, the wastewater from a group of houses can

be connected to one interceptor tank. Just like in a septic tank, the

accumulation of sludge has to be removed regularly from an interceptor


3.2.4 Storm Water Collection

Storm water flows through the landscape’s natural drainage system.

Piped storm water collection was a development in European cities to


overcome odour and improve aesthetic appearance of wastewater

disposed with storm water. The covering of ditches used for combined

sewerage was an intermediate step in using natural drainage to construct

sewerage for combined wastewater and storm water. Piped sewerage

also allows more land area for road and footpaths. With the separate

collection of wastewater there is an opportunity to return some storm

water flow path to its more natural state to improve urban amenity



From all the foregoing, one can conclude that drainage system in our

home is of importance as it rids our homes of all wastewater generated

by man. Through network of pipes (sewerage system) these wastes are

taken to where nature and man deliberately act on them and make them

less harmful and more useful.


In this unit, we have been able to give the meaning and concepts of

drainage systems in our residential environment. In that we saw the

drainage in building both inside and outside and some key term clearly

described for better understanding. Furthermore the types of drainage

systems were equally dealt with just as the different sewerage systems

were also learnt. Some sketches were added to make the points sink.


1. Define drainage layouts.

(a) Explain the following items:

i. Water closet

ii. Sink trap

iii. Manhole

iv. Fly trap.

2. Explain the differences between the following:

i. Single pipe system and two pipe system

ii. Combined drainage system and separate drainage system

3. Write short note on:

i. Conventional sewerage

ii. Riparian drainage




Typical Domestic Drainage System Layout Plans – DRAIN

DOMAIN.COM. Assessed


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Nigeria, Enugu Campus.

Wastewater and Storm water Collection, in, ‘Environmentally Sound

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Accessed 14/09/2012





1.0 Introduction

2.0 Objectives

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Water Resources in Nigeria

3.1.1 Features of Water Resources Management in


3.2 Water Laws in Nigeria

3.2.1 Customary Laws

3.2.2 Statutory Enactments

3.2.3 Federal Laws

3.2.4 State and Local Government Laws

3.3 The Fate of Existing Water Law.

3.4 The Way Forward for Water Laws in Nigeria

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Summary

6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment

7.0 References/Further Reading


From the previous units in modules two and three we saw how

beneficial water has been to human existence. Truly, water is one of the

natural resources man cannot toy with because if he does, negative

consequences will be reaped. In a bid to maximise all the potentials

inherent in water resources, it needs to be protected and covered by law

so that good control and management can be achieved.

Nigeria is a federation with federal, state and local government character

and all these shares in the responsibility of using and, protecting her

territorial waters. At present the surface water resources potential of the

country is estimated at 267.3 billion cubic metres while the groundwater

potential is 51.9 billion metres (NWRMP, 1995) and cited by Goldface-

Irokalibe (2008). These cannot be toyed with under an ideal situation.

But suffice it to say that water control and management is fragmented

and uncoordinated with the result that regulatory and monitoring

machine within the water sector in Nigeria is diverse, diffused and weak

in enforcing regulations.



Present water laws lack proper provisions and mechanism for inter-

sectoral coordination, tariff setting and conflict resolution (Goldface-

Irokalibe, 2008).


At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

discuss water resources in Nigeria

list the features of water resources management in Nigeria

explain water laws in Nigeria at federal, state and local

government levels

appraise the fate of the existing water laws in Nigeria

discuss the ways forward for water laws in Nigeria.


3.1 Water Resources in Nigeria

Nigeria, measuring about 924,000km2 in land area, located in West

Africa and lying entirely within the tropics where its climate is semi arid

in the North and humid in the south has annual rainfall which varies

from 4,000mm in the South-East to 250mm in the entire North-East.

The surface water resources potential of the country is estimated at

267.3 billion m3 while the ground water potential is 51.9 billion m


(NWRMP, 1995) and cited by Goldface-Irokalibe (2008).

Nigeria is divided into eight hydrological areas drained mainly by River

Niger and River Benue. These are in addition to their numerous minor

tributaries as well as Lake Chad and the Oguta Lake that discharge into


We have other rivers like Gongola, Hadeija-Jama’are, Kaduna, Zamfara

and yobe in North and Ogun, Osun, Onni, Imo, Cross River and

Anambra in the south. Surface runoff and volume of available ground

water are all considerably large.

Generally, most of these rivers pass more than one state before entering

either Atlantic or Lake Chad.

According to Golddface -Irokalibe (2008), the total irrigation potential is

about 3.14 million ha comprising of:


2.04 million ha for formal former owned and managed schemes

based on conjunctive rise of surface water and shallow fadama


1.1 million ha for formal public irrigation project which are under

government control.

The above water bodies are used for many purposes as indicated earlier,

yet we do not have strong laws or enforcement agents to protect them.


Make a sketch of Nigerian map and show Rivers Niger and Benue with

their tributaries.

3.1.1 Features of Water Resources Management in Nigeria

(a) Weak data base: Water management cannot be done with poor

data management as no single pan Nigeria hydrological yearbook

has been published in the past ten years. Without water

assessment, there cannot be decision support system (DSS)

models necessary for understanding the impact of abstraction and

groundwater aquifers.

(b) Fragmented responsibility: Fragmented sectoral practice has

led to disjointed development and has critically led to a situation

where there is presently nothing in place to significantly ensure

the quality of water. There are no clear responsibilities, no

mandated water quality standards, no effective water monitoring,

no enforcement, no sanctions for polluters, no remediation and

thus no overall picture of the extent of the problem. These issues

are in the process of being tackled, though it must be observed in

a fragmented fashion as so many federal ministries are involved

in different aspects. These ministries are: Federal Ministry of

Agriculture and Water Resources, Federal Ministry of

Environment and Housing, Federal Ministry of Health and

various state agencies whose roles in quality of surface and

groundwater in Nigeria remain unclear.

(c) Weak institutional framework: The above comprised of River

Basin Development Authorities (RBDAs) and National Water

Resources Institutes (NWRI). The River Basin Development

Authorities (RBDAs) came into existence following the

promulgation of Decree 25 of 1976. The current law of RBDAs

(RBDA Act, cap 396) spells out diverse functions and objectives

for these authorities from which it may be inferred that their



existence nationwide propels their acceptance as an appropriate

unit for water management.

Section 4 (1) (a) –(d) of the RBAA Act vest the authorities with

the legal powers to undertake comprehensive development of

both surface and underground water, to construct and maintain

dams, irrigation and drainage system, to supply water to all users

and to construct and maintain infrastructural services including

roads and bridges across project sites.

But the above law is found wanting as it made RBDA a supplier

and a consumer at the same time - a development manager and a

regulator of water resources. This engendered conflicts of

interest. Secondly, the operational domains of all River Basin

Development Authorities (RBDAs) are delineated by political

boundaries and not hydrological boundaries. With this

background, the staffing of these authorities seems to reflect

political composition of the states constituting the sphere of each

river basin authority. Therefore, there is no real coordination.

More so, the law governing RBDAs does not equip the

Authorities with power of enforcement neither does it stipulate

any penalty for defaulters. Finally, RBDAs do not have financial

independence and are severely cash strapped. To this effect, legal

proposals even where they have received ministerial approval are

not funded.

National Water Resources Institute (NWRI) has its enabling law

as NWRI Act; Cap 284 LFN 1990 with section 2 spelling out its

function. This empowers it to perform engineering research

function related to such major water resources project as may be

required for flood control, river regulation, reclamation, drainage,

irrigation domestic and industrial water supply, sewage and

sewage treatment.

The institution is further charged with the performance of other

functions related to planning of water resources management and

river basin development. Quite significantly, the institute has

specific legal mandate to promote the establishment of a uniform

national data collection system relating to surface and sub-surface

water resources. It is yet to fulfill this mandate owing to a variety

of factors including paucity of funds, shortage of skilled

manpower and inadequate equipment among others.

(d) Response to natural phenomena: Under this, we are made to

understand that controlling some natural phenomena like flood


and drought are being neglected by Nigerians and the

government. These are problems to water resource management.

More so, there has been shortage of manpower, insufficient

definition of land tenure and water rights and clear appreciation

of the interface between land and water rights. Also, there are

substantial investments gaps with insufficient attention paid to

the mobilisation of resources of private sector and civil society.

3.2 Water Laws in Nigeria

There is no denying the fact that there are water laws existing in Nigeria

and which govern the RBDAs, NWRI and so on. Below are such laws.

3.2.1 Customary Law

In all native community in Nigeria, there are customary laws relating to

water rights, thus, rules and regulations are known to and observed by

all and sundry. These laws are handed down orally from generation to

generation and are meant to preserve and protect the water quality.

Under customary laws, the common notion is that water course or water

bodies in any community is a resource common to all, subject to

community control and not capable of being owned privately. The only

apparent distinction was made in respect of private under- ground well

water which is not community owned. In some communities water

courses are associated with particular deities as owners. Though, such

publicly owned water (lake, streams or ponds) lie in privately owned

land, the communities guards them jealousy with community rules

regarding them being enforced by elders or traditional rulers.

3.2.2 Statutory Enactment

There are some laws that are old as Nigeria nation. Some are still in use.

Below is the list as prepared by Goldface-Irokalibe (2008).

Table 5.1: A list of Statutes on Water Resources in Nigeria


Name of statute Key provisions

1 The Water Works Act of


Colonial Nigeria (shortly after

Amalgamation in 1914) passed the

law specifically to keep water from

being polluted. It prohibits the

pollution of water in Nigeria by

noxious or harmful matters.

2. The Minerals Act of 1917

(as amended ) now Cap

This law vests the Head of State of

Nigeria with power to make



226 regulations for the prevention of

pollution of any water course.

3 The Public Health Act of


It prohibits the fouling of water and

vitiation of the atmosphere.

4 The Oil in Navigable

Waters Act 1968

It prohibits water pollution by oil


5 The petroleum Act, 1969 It covers prevention of pollution by

inland waters, rivers, lakes and water


6 The River Basin

Development Authorities

(RBDA) Decree 25 of

1976 (repealed by No 87

of 1979 and also letter by

the RBDA Act, Decree 35

of 1987 is cap 396)

In its present form Cap. 396 spells

out diverse functions and objectives

for these authorities to ensure a pan-

Nigeria programme for water

resource development.

7 The Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) Decree

No. 86 of 1992

This law seeks to protect the physical

and aquatic environment.

8 Water Resource Decree

No. 101 of 1993

It vests the right to use and control

all surface waters and ground water

and of all water in any water course

affecting more than one state in the

federal government with provision

that any person may take water

without charge for his domestic

livestock watering purposes (in any

water course to which the public has

free access).

9 The 1999 Constitution of

the Federal Republic of


The constitution puts in the exclusive

legislative list (ELL) shipping and

navigation on the River Niger and its

affluents and on any such other

inland water way as may be

designated by the national assembly

to be an international water way or to

be an inter-state water way. The ELL

also includes water from such source

as may be declared by the National

Assembly to sources affecting more

than one state.

Yet there are still other regulations that bother on water resource in

Nigeria as can be seen below.


Table 5.2: A lists of other Regulations Bearing on Water Resource

in Nigeria

S/N Name of regulation Key provisions

1 National Policy on

Environment 1989

Protection of the environment

2 National Guidelines and

Standards for

Environmental Production

Control in Nigeria, 1991

Pollution control in water course as

part of the environment

3 National Efficient

Limitation Regulation 1991

Control of discharge of industrial

waste and sewage into water course

4 Pollution Abatement in

Industries and Facilities

Generating Wastes

Regulation 1991

Control of industrial pollution

5 Waste Management

Regulation 1991

Waste management

A closer look at table 1 above will reveal that some of these laws were

made by colonial authorities before the attainment of independence.

After independence, management became a trouble just as conformity to

the water laws; and the result has been obvious.

3.2.3 Federal Laws

From the federal stand point, there are three pieces of post colonial

legislation that form the core of water laws and the basis of water law

administration throughout Nigeria. The relevant laws are: River Basin

Development Authority Act, 1976, Water Resource Act, 1993 and the

Environment Impact Assessment Act, 1992. These laws form the

normative core whilst relevant rules and provision can be found in a

variety of sources including constitutional law, land law and mining law.

The Water Resources Act, 1993 vests ownership of water courses

affecting more than one state of the federation as well as all

underground water throughout the federation in the Federal Government

of Nigeria. By virtue of this law, the waters of all Nigeria’s trans-

boundary rivers and lakes belong to the federal government. By virtue of

section 2 of this law, anybody may take water without charge for his

domestic use, fishing or navigation and even from underground water

without any charge.

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources is the

relevant organ of the federal government charged with the responsibility

for management of the nation’s water resources. It does this by



promoting the optimum planning, development and use of Nigeria’s

water resources and ensuring the coordination of all activities likely to

influence the quality, quantity distribution and management of water

resources. Additionally, the ministry has responsibility for ensuring the

application of appropriate standards and techniques for investigation,

use, control, protection, management and administration of water


3.2.4 State and Local Government Laws

At the state level, water edicts and by-laws form the legal basis and

authority for water use and management as far as they relate to intrastate

watercourse and water bodies. The present set up in Nigeria is such that

virtually every state of the federation has a state water agency (SWA)

with its enabling laws. These agencies deal with individual aspects of

water use to serve individual sectors of economy. The result of the

above is that there is the absence of an effective and functional water

resource management strategy which has left the various states and the

federal government pursuing their respective water agenda. Even at the

state level, water law exhibit similar characteristics as those of the

federal level.

At the local government level, it may be observed that customary law on

water use can be as important and binding as any written enactment in

regulating water resources related activities especially at the level of

rural community. A universally accepted principle is that all persons

within to the community have a right to use water passing through the

community. The water right so possessed by all is however, subject to

reasonable use. Reasonable right entails ensuring that the quality of

water is preserved.

3.3 The Fate of Existing Water Law

We have gone through the laws at all the tiers of the government –

federal, state and local government. The challenge now is to give a

summary of how the laws are fairing in Nigeria at present. The situation

on ground as given by Goldface-Irokalibe (2008) is hereby adopted.

Water supply and regulatory functions are often combined in a

single institution. This is true especially of all RBDAs as well as

all state water agencies.

Under present laws, different agencies at all tiers of government

pursue different water agenda. This approach has led to

fragmentation of water resource development policy issues,


including abstraction, pollution control and watershed


The regulatory and monitoring machinery within the water

sector in Nigeria is diverse, diffused and weak. Enforceability in

such circumstance becomes lax.

Virtually all laws on water resources (both federal and state) are

rule-oriented and fail to recognize the place and role of the

private sector and communities as important stakeholders.

Present laws lack proper provisions and mechanisms of inter-

sectoral co-ordination, tariff setting and conflict resolution.

At a point, state laws will have to synchronise with federal law

on water because water courses do not recognise state

boundaries. Thus, any system of regulation developed by a state

cannot stand in isolation.


In your own thinking, what should be done to our water laws to improve

their effectiveness?

3.4 The Way forward for Water Laws in Nigeria

We are blessed to have already had some existing laws guiding the use

of our water resources. We will improve more if the following are


(A) Developing a new approach to enacting water laws: Attaining

sustainable development in Nigeria’s water sector is tied

inextricably to the enactment, establishment and enforcement of

standards, regulations, and legislation and control criteria on

water abstraction, pollution control, watershed management and

environmental management. Water laws and regulations should

become an effective tool for the management of water supply and

sanitation. The obligation of halting water quality degradation

and reversing pollution trends hinges on the promulgation of

action–centred methodologies backed by appropriate legislation

that are rightly enforced. Accordingly therefore, it is considered

issue that water laws, environmental legislation and related

regulations should be management–oriented, and not rule–

oriented. Whereas rule-oriented legislation emphases prohibition

and penalties as consequence for infringement and sanction

against violations of the law; management–oriented water supply

and environmental legislation must be founded on practical

incentives for the rational use and protection of water resources



and for the promotion of sound water and environmentally

friendly policy that will foster sustainable development.

(B) Setting up a national water commission: In order to strengthen

policy on water resource standardisation, there is the

recommendation to set up a national water commission to fill up

the gap in good policy framework that has been lacking in the

previous arrangement. Its mandate should include the

development of the desired policy framework for water resource

management and to take charge of regulatory matters. As a

regulatory body, it should be granted an independent status that

will allow the regulatory and monitoring mechanism to operate

without pressure or influence from government or lobbyist so as

to pave way for a better enforcement process. As a regulatory

body, the commission will undertake the following:

granting water licenses against technical criteria

regulation and adjustment of prices (tariff setting)

monitoring service and quality standards (enforcement of


monitoring competition (checking monopoly abuses )

facilitating settlement of disputes (conflict resolution )

impose penalty for non-compliance

provide advice on other matters.

For the commission to function effectively towards the realisation of its

goals, its organisation should be so structured at federal state and local

level to allow for the participation of all stakeholders.

(C) Fair regulatory framework: The linkage between

political/bureaucratic power, and economic power should be

broken. It is possible to achieve this through the separation of

responsibility for the building of water infrastructure. The

separation will also enhance the termination of inter –

institutional conflict and politics which has resulted in certain

government agencies and upper strata citizens paying little or

nothing for water consumption. More so, a regulatory framework

based on participatory management will be fair to all. Thus,

participatory water resources management will have the people as

its focus and major priority Finally, the process of enforcement

must be fair and just; and must not be seen to tilt in favour of the

high and mighty in the society.



From all the discussions so far, one can conclude this by saying that

right from the time of the beginning of Nigeria as entity nation, efforts

were made to protect her water resources through setting regulatory

standards. Such efforts were plagued with many loopholes. Further laws

made after the exit of the colonial masters for the same purposes did not

improve the situation much as conflicts still exist due to the unclear

boundaries between federal, state and local government laws protecting

our territorial waters. However, if modifications are made and followed

to the letter, there could be a brighter future for Nigeria water resources.


From all that have been learnt so far, we can summarise as follows:

Nigeria as a country has great potentials in terms of water

resources acquisition and has eight hydrological areas at her


Water resource management in Nigeria has not been having it all

good as it has visible signs to support the above chain. Thus weak

data base, fragmented responsibilities and weak institutional

framework have been the characteristics of water management

and regulation in Nigeria with the result that there is no co-

ordination of ideas, instead divergent views or opinions are held

and enforceability is zero.

There have been water laws in Nigeria with the first ones made

by our colonial masters and others later made by Nigerians.

These laws come under the statutory enactments. There are also

the customary laws which are meant to protect water in various

communities. There are also federal laws. One noticeable fact

about the federal and state laws is that there are clashes of interest

and weaknesses in terms of implementing these laws.

The fate of existing water laws in Nigeria is that there have been

unclear definition of roles and enforceability of the existing laws.

If Nigerians want, they can make things better for themselves in

terms of solving all the anomalies found in the management of

water resources, make new ones that will be suitable and ensure

unbiased compliance by setting up a functional national water



1. (a) Enumerate the features of water resource management in




(b) List at least six statutes on water resource management.

2. What is the way forward for Nigeria water laws?


Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999. Draft National Water

Resources Management Policy 2007.

Environmental Impact Assessment Act, LFN, 2004. Goldface-Irokalibe

I. .J. (2008). Water Management in Federal and Federal–

Type Countries: Nigeria perspectives. Zaria: Ahmadu Bello

Univeristy Zaira, Nigeria.

Goldface –Irokalibe, I. J. (1999). The Application of Water Resources

Decree to the Development and Management of River Basin

Development Authorities. CJLJ. Vol. 5 No. 5.

Goldface – Irokalibe, I. .J. (2002). Towards an effective Legal and

Institutional framework for Integrated Water Resources

Management in Nigeria. A.B.U. Zaria.

Goldface – Irokalibe et al. (2001) WRMS, Legal and Regulatory

Framework (GAC) Final Report FMWR.

Musa, I. K. (2008). NIWRMA memo FMAWR Abuja, Nigeria. Water

Resource Act LFN, 2004.

Wouters, P. ( 2000). National and International Water Law: Achieving

Equitable and Sustainable Use of Water Resources. Carbondale:

Water International.