national resource for infection control (nric) annual report 2009/10 nric project department of...

National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC) Annual Report 2009/10 NRIC Project Department of Health/CeRC

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National Resource for Infection Control (NRIC)

Annual Report 2009/10

NRIC Project

Department of Health/CeRC

Purpose - unchanged

Find, check and organise quality evidence based knowledge, on infection prevention and control, infectious diseases and public health relevant to infection prevention and control

including: - Systematic reviews of high quality studies Research Nationally recognised guidelines Internationally recognised guidelines Local guidelines approved by a national organisation Local quality assured guidelines/education packages

Highlights and Achievements

Provision of up-to-date evidence in a timely manner and unique feature of quality assurance of resources in form of reviewers assessment

48,529 visitors in 2009 totalling almost a quarter of a million visits (240,935) from159 different countries

NeLI/NRIC monthly eNewsletter subscribed to by 2,500 users

National Infection Prevention Week collaboration with RCN

NRIC Advisory Board continues to bring together key stakeholders

Evaluations of – Pandemic influenza traffic– National Infection prevention

weeks 2007/08/09 International interest growing Contributing to IFIC special

interest groups Involved in Global Handwash day NAO “Committee’s

recommendations met

Events which have shaped the NRIC Project during 2009/10

Pandemic Influenza National Policy and Guidance Reviewers Assessments Feedback from promotional events 2009/10 Uncertainty Mishaps

NRIC Achievements 2009

Infection prevention and control professionals still the main audience but increasing interest from a wide range of healthcare professionals, industry and the public both at home and abroad

Changes to ‘Log-in, Contribution’ Pages eNewsletter update and continued success Evaluations Infection Prevention Weeks 2007/08/09 Evaluation Pandemic flu traffic Ongoing evaluation of web server logs Promotion at IFIC + other events - charts demonstrate

success of conference promotion

NRIC Stakeholders

Department of Health/City University (CeRC) Professional organisations, NHS, Royal

Societies and Colleges, Charities and Organisations allied to, or with an interest in, infection prevention and control

Infection prevention and control professionals

Action Plan 2010/11

Business case for continuation and development of the NRIC project - 2011/13

Re-visit key organisations to encourage links to NRIC from their websites

Editorial Board with regular planned meetings and agenda

Improve presentation of the NeLI/NRIC eNewsletter

Review promotional material/flyers

Journal publications

Develop more innovative ways to access healthcare staff such as Forums and NRIC Facebook

Continued evaluation of web logs – with content improvement driven by traffic & feedback from AB and user community

My NRIC development IP&C National Knowledge

Update 2010 focusing on new ways of communicating with community of users