national science, technology and innovation systems in latin america and the caribbean

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  • 8/8/2019 National Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • 8/8/2019 National Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • 8/8/2019 National Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


    ce oli Stu and ocume LA Vol. 1.

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    The authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in thispublication and for the opinions expressed herein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO,and do not commit the Organization.

    The designations employed throughout this publication and the modality of presentation ofdata, do not imply the expression of any opiUSDnion whatsoever on the part of the UNESCOconcerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities, or the delimi-tations of its frontiers or boundaries.

    UNESCO 2010

    Regional Bureau for Science in Latin America and the Caribbean

    Edificio MERCOSURDr. Luis Piera 199211200 Montevideo, UruguayTel. (598-2) 413 2075

    Fax: (598-2) 413 [email protected]

    First edition: February de 2010

    ISBN: 978-92-9089-154-3

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    Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.................................................................................15

    Bolivia, Plurinational State of .....................................................................................21

    Brazil .......................................................................................................................27

    Chile ........................................................................................................................39

    Colombia ..................................................................................................................47

    Costa Rica ................................................................................................................53

    Cuba ........................................................................................................................59

    Dominican Republic ..................................................................................................65


    El Salvador ...............................................................................................................77

    Guatemala ................................................................................................................83


    Box: The S of UNESCO in the Caribbean: its beggining...........................................94



    Nicaragua ...............................................................................................................109




    Trinidad and Tobago.................................................................................................131


    CARICOM Countries.................................................................................................145

    Box: CARISCIENCE .................................................................................................151

    Appendix 1 .............................................................................................................157

    Appendix 2 .............................................................................................................162Appendix 3 .............................................................................................................165

    Appendix 4 .............................................................................................................171

    Appendix 5 .............................................................................................................173

    Appendix 6 .............................................................................................................174

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    (*) This section was prepared by Martin Vieira Dieste, under the direction and supervision of

    Guillermo A. Lemarchand. Lenin Henriquez and Paula Santos collaborated during the work.

    Translation:Irene Delgado and Blima Ginzo Daz, Public Translators.Proof-reading: Paula Santos and Kirsty Lee Holstead.

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    Population (in millions) (2009) 40,9

    Percentage of Industrial Growth (2008) 6,8

    GDP in billions [USD PPP] (2008) 5739,0

    GDP per capita [USD PPP] (2008) 14200,0

    Percentage of composition per sector (2006)

    Agriculture 9,9

    Industry 32,7

    Services 57,4

    Gini Coefficient x 1000 (2006) 513,0

    Percentage of national debt /GDP (2008) 48,4

    Human Development Index x 1000 (2007) 866,0

    Gender Development Index x 1000 (2007) 862,0

    Percentage of literate adults (2006) 97,0

    Percentage of women /S&T staff (2007) 49,2

    Public expenditure on education /GDP (2006) 3,8

    Percentage of R&D expenditure /GDP (2007) 0,5

    R&D expenditure per capita in [USD PPP](2007)


    Researchers per 1000 members of EAP [FTE](2007)


    Patents requested (2007) 5617,0

    Patents granted (2007) 2922,0

    Dependency rate (2007) 4,5

    Invention coefficient (2007) 2,7

    Publications in SCI Search/ 100,000 inhabi-tants (2007)


    Publications in SCI Search/ millions [USD] inR&D (2007)


    R&D budget in millions [USD PPP] (1999) 1506,2

    R&D budget in millions [USD PPP] (2006) 2317,9

    Patents per capita(residents)

    Publications listed in the SCI

    SCI Scientific publications per million of i nhabitants

    Expenditure in S&T activities







    Percentage of GDP

    USD PPP per cpita

    Total FTE S&T staff

    FTE S&T staf per 1000 EAP

    Total FTE S&T staff








    Patents per cpitarequested by residents

    Patents per cpitagranted to residents


























    Scientific publications listed in the SCI

    Graph elaboration by UNESCO based on data provided by the UnitedNations Statistics Division and RICYT (2009).

  • 8/8/2019 National Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


    In 2007, Argentinas System of Science,

    Technology and Innovation (STI) underwenta re-structuring process that resulted in the

    creation of the Ministry of Science, Techno-

    logy and Productive Innovation (Ministerio de

    Ciencia, Tecnologa e Innovacin Productiva

    - MINCYT). Its main functions are: Coordina-

    ting the actions of the Systems actors, asses-

    sing the activities of bodies in charge of STI

    promotion and execution, and formulating STI

    policies jointly with the Cabinet for Science

    and Technology (Gabinete Cientfico y Tecno-

    lgico- GACTEC).

    GACTEC is an inter-ministerial body in charge

    of formulating STI policies through the appro-

    val of pluri-annual plans submitted by the

    MINCYT. It is also responsible for defining STI

    policy priorities and for allocating the public

    sector budgetary resources for Science and

    Technology. Its members are representatives

    from various Ministries, and it is chaired by

    the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers.

    Additionally, the National Council for Scienti-fic and Technical Research (Consejo Nacional

    de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas -

    CONICET) is a decentralized entity within the

    jurisdiction of the MINCYT, whose objective

    is to promote and implement scientific and

    technological activities in accordance with

    government policies, priorities and guideli-

    nes set forth in the National STI Plans. The

    sytem of executing units of CONICET consists

    of 105 research institutes, 6 regional centres,and 2 service centres. In addition to these,

    the National Research and Services Labs (La-

    boratorios Nacionales de Investigacin y Ser-

    vicios- LANAIS) provide services to the scien-

    tific and academic community, as well as to

    the general public.

    The National Scientific and Technological

    Promotion Agency (Agencia Nacional de Pro-

    mocin Cientfica y Tecnolgica - ANPCYT)

    was created to fund the STI by channelling

    economic resources and to manage the eco-

    nomic demands of promoting and developingthe field. With regards to its structure it is a

    decentralized body that reports to the MIN-

    CYT administered by a nine-member board of

    directors. The Technological Fund of Argenti-

    na (Fondo Tecnolgico Argentino- FONTAR),

    as well as the Scientific and Technological

    Research Fund (Fondo para la Investigacin

    Cientfica y Tecnolgica - FONCYT) and the

    Trust Fund for Promotion of the Software In-

    dustry (Fondo Fiduciario de Promocin de la

    Industria del Software- FONSOFT) are all partof the Agency. Created in 2005, the Argen-

    tinean Nanotechnology Foundation (Funda-

    cin Argentina de Nanotecnologa - FAN) is

    a non-profit entity which has to set the basis

    for promoting the development of national hu-

    man and technical infrastructure in the field

    of nano and micro-technology.

    Lastly, the Inter-institutional Council on Scien-

    ce and Technology (Consejo Interinstitucional

    de Ciencia y Tecnologa - CICyT), created byLaw N 25,467 (2000), has the function of

    coordinating the systems bodies, seeking ex-

    change and cooperation towards more effecti-

    ve institutional programmes and projects. Mo-

    reover, the CICyT is oriented towards defining

    common policies, as well as a closer linkage

    to the community and the production sector.

    After the 1999 World Conference on Science

    held in Budapest, the Science and Techno-

    logy System of Argentina underwent several

    reforms, both at the legislative and institu-

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    tional levels. The following changes are to be


    Law N 25,467 regarding STI (20 Sept-ember 2001): Sets forth the objectives ofScience and Technology policy, defines the

    responsibilities of the State, creates theGACTEC, the Federal Council on Science,Technology and Innovation (Consejo Fe-

    deral de Ciencia, Tecnologa e Innovacin- COFECYT), the ANPCYT and the CICYTand defines their respective entitlements.It also defines guidelines for policy plan-ning and assessment, and for the fundingof research and development activities,

    among other regulations;

    Law N 25,922 for the Promotion of theSoftware Industry (07 September 2004):Creates the Trust Fund for Promoting theSoftware Industry (Fondo Fiduciario dePromocin de la Industria del Software -FONSOFT) which is administered by the


    Law N 26,075 for Education Funding(January 2006): Establishes that inves-tment in education and STI by the Natio-nal Government, the governments of the

    Provinces and those of the City of BuenosAires, will be increased progressively up to6% of the GDP for the year 2010;

    Law N 26,270 for the Promotion of Mo-dern Biotechnology (25 July 2007): Crea-tes the Fund for Promoting New Enterpri-ses in Modern Biotechnology (Fondo deEstmulo a Nuevos Emprendimientos en

    Biotecnologa Moderna);

    Law N 26,338 (06 December 2007):Creates the MINCYT as a response to the

    need to promote research and the applica-tion, funding and transfer of scientific andtechnological knowledge to society;

    Law N 26,421 (11 November 2008): Es-tablishes that the Network of ArgentineanResearchers and Scientists Abroad (Pro-grama Red de Argentinos Investigadores y

    Cientficos en el Exterior- RAICES), crea-

    ted within the framework of the MINCYT,is to be considered as part of the Statepolicy, and will define its main objective.

    Three initiatives for the promotion of a grea-ter interaction between the private sector andother actors of the Science and TechnologySystem at the international level are to be po-inted out:

    The Secretariat for Scientific and Techno-logical Articulation (Secretara de Articu-

    lacin Cientfico Tecnolgica) (MINCYT):Aimed at fostering the linkage betweenacademic agencies, universities and R&Dinstitutions towards greater coordinationin research activities;

    The National Inter-university Council ( Con-

    sejo Interuniversitario Nacional): An orga-nization that encompases all the nationalpublic universities. Since 2001, it has helda cooperation agreement with the Indus-trial Union of Argentina (Unin Argentina

    Industrial) to work jointly in the creationof cooperation opportunities between theproductive sectors, the public and privateuniversities, and the rest of the scientific,technological and education system;

    The Network for Technology Linkage ( Redde Vinculacin Tecnolgica - RedVT) bet-ween public universities in Argentina: Its

    overall objective is to coordinate the effortsof technology-related areas for promotingknowledge contribution and cooperationbetween Argentinian universities and thesocial, productive and governmental sec-tors.

    Furthermore, there are innitiatives in the formof programmes and projects that also contri-bute to articulating the Science and Techno-logy System with private actors:

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    INNOVAR Programme (2005): A platformfor launching products and/or processeswhich have outstanding design, technolo-gy or originality. It is aimed at consolida-ting an environment favourable to innova-

    tion in society;Fund for Scientific and Technological Re-search (Fondo para la Investigacin Cien-

    tfica y Tecnolgica - FONCyT): FundsProjects for the Adjustment and/or Im-provement of Infrastructure (Proyectos deAdecuacin y/o mejora de infraestructura- PRAMIN), Projects for Infrastructure and

    Technological Equipment (Proyectos de In-fraestructura y Equipamiento Tecnolgico- PRIETEC), Scientific Meetings (Reunio-

    nes Cientficas - RC), Projects for equip-ment modernization (Proyectos de moder-nizacin de equipamiento- RC), Research

    and Development projects (Proyectos deinvestigacin y desarrollo - PID), Orien-ted Scientific and Technological ResearchProjects (Proyectos de investigacin cien-tfica y tecnolgica orientados - PICTO),and Projects on Scientific and Technolo-

    gical Research (Proyectos de investigacincientfica y tecnolgica- PICT);

    Venture Capital Programme for Enterpri-ses in the Field of Science, Technologyand Productive Innovation: Promotes theinvestment of venture capital and favoursthe initial phases of emerging enterprises.

    Projects in Strategic Areas ( Proyectos enreas Estratgicas- PAE), and ProductiveClusters Integrated Projects (Proyectos In-tegrados de Aglomerados Productivos- PI-TEC): Intended for strengthening research

    and technology innovational capacity, withfocus on the strategic sector through thepromotion of public-private associations;

    Sectoral Fund ( Fondo Argentino Sectorial-FONARSEC): The Secretariat for Planningand Policies of the Ministry of Science,

    Technology and Productive Innovation, in

    addition to the Agencies, is currently as-sessing alternative funding schemes thatare complementary to those already avai-lable, such as the mechanisms of sectoral

    funds. The FONARSEC is a new fundinginstrument of the Agency that is compli-

    mentary to the lines of action developedby the FONCYT and the FONTAR;

    Technological Fund of Argentina ( FondoTecnolgico Argentino- FONTAR): It fundsinnovation projects through different ins-truments implemented by public calls or

    permanent windows of opportunity. Pro-jects funded by the FONTAR include: tech-nological development and modernization,

    patenting expenses, technological servicesfor institutions and for SMEs, training, te-chnical assistance, technological advisory

    programmes, entrepreneurial incubatorsand technology parks and poles.

    National Institute for Industrial Techno-logy (Instituto Nacional de TecnologaIndustrial - INTI): This institute has theobjective of promoting competitiveness inthe industrial sector through the transfer

    of research and technology;

    National Institute for Agricultural Tech-nology (Instituto Nacional de TecnologaAgrcola - INTA): Its main objective is tocontribute to the competitiveness of theagriculture, forestry and agro-industry

    sector throughout the nation, by providingsupport to STI and technology transfer, wi-thin a framework of ecological and socialsustainability;

    Integrated Fund for Regional Development

    (Fondo Integral para el Desarrollo Regional- FONDER): A programme framed by the

    current public STI policiesand focused onthe strengthening of local productive de-velopment processes from an integratedapproach.

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    Science and Technology opportunities are clo-sely related to the expertise of researchers andmore specifically to the dynamics of scientificnetworks. Since the Budapest conference in1999, the following initiatives in search of

    better collaboration and stronger scientificnetworks are to be pointed out:

    Argentinean Science and Technology In-formation System (Sistema de Informa-cin de Ciencia y Tecnologa Argentino -SICyTAR): A system consisting of variousdata bases (CvLAC: rsums, GrupLAC:

    directory of research groups and scientific

    and technology institutions) that gathersall actors in the National Science and Te-chnology System;

    European Union Liaison Bureau (EU):Since 2005 this bureau has assisted the

    Argentinean scientific community and hasprovided it with information regarding pos-sibilities for cooperation through the EUFramework Programmes;

    Consulting Committee on InternationalProgrammes on Science and Techno-logy Cooperation Abroad: Intended for

    strengthening international linkage withResearch and Development institutionalrepresentatives from other countries, andfor establishing contact with Argentineanscientists residing abroad;

    Argentinean-Brazilian Biotechnology Cen-tre (Centro Argentino Brasileo de Biotec-nologa - CABBIO): A coordination entitythat includes a network of biotechnology

    research groups. Its objective is to promo-te interaction between scientific centresand the productive sector.

    Argentina has considerable STI human ca-pital. The Argentinean System is orientedtowards promoting its own growth, develop-ment and strengthening through the followinginitiatives:

    Postgraduate and Doctorate scholarships:There are two main modalities of scholar-ships, one of which is co-funded by en-terprises, the other is fully funded by CO-NICET. They are granted for postgraduatestudies in both national and internationaluniversities;

    Career of Science and Technology Resear-

    cher of CONICET: Intended for encoura-ging permanent full-time work of resear-chers in Science and Technology;

    Human Resources Programme ( Programade Recursos Humanos- PRH) of the FON-CyT: Funds Projects for Doctorate training

    in Priority Technology Areas (Proyectos deFormacin de Doctores en reas Tecno-lgicas Prioritarias - PFDT), the TrainingProgramme for Technology Managers andTechnology Linkage (GTec), and Researchand Development Programmes for the

    Settlement of Researchers (Proyectos deInvestigacin y Desarrollo para la Radica-cin de Investigadores- PIDRI);

    RAICES Programme (2008): Intended forstrengthening Argentina Science and Te-chnology capacity through linkage with

    Argentinean researchers working abroad,and for promoting the permanence of re-searchers in the country as well as the re-

    turn of all those interested in developingtheir activity within the country;

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    Programme for Hierarchization of theScientific and Technological Activity:Implemented in March 2004, orientedtowards improving the working conditionsof researchers and scholarship beneficia-

    ries, as well as at updating their remune-ration in order to keep them within the sys-

    tem and promoting the inclusion of youngindividuals;

    Science Fairs: Public exhibits of Scienceand Technology work done by school chil-dren and young students, organized byformal education authorities. They also in-

    clude the participation of other non-formaleducation actors (science clubs) to attractyoung students to pursue their studies in

    scientific careers;National Science and Technology Weeksfor Young People: These include a num-ber of activities scheduled by research

    centres, museums, science clubs and uni-versities aimed at raising public awarenesson Science and Technology issues withinthe community, specifically in relation toS&T education;

    Year of Science Teaching (2008): This ini-

    tiative includes two schemes: The Scien-tists go to the schools Programme, andthe Bicentennial Scholarships Program-me for Scientific and Technical Careers;

    University Professors Incentives Program-me: Aimed at allocating salary incentivesto ranked university professors working in

    the field of R&D at national universities.

    Argentina has subscribed STI agreementswith over 150 countries and stands out for the

    number of ongoing projects and cooperationprogrammes with Brazil, Chile, Mexico, theU.S., and Canada in America; France, Bel-gium, England, Germany, Holland and Italy inEurope; China, Israel and Japan in Asia, and

    South Africa in Africa. Also, the following pro-

    grammes and projects should be mentionedas they are Argentinas most ambitious and areevidence of a significant international trend inthe Argentinean System:

    CYTED Ibero-American Programme: Oneof the main areas of international partici-pation of Argentina;

    Ibero-American Network for Local Knowled-ge and Practice on the Plant Environment(RISAPRET) within the framework of theCYTED Ibero American Programme;

    BIOTECSUR is a biotechnology platformfor the MERCOSUR (the Common Marketof the South) originating in the BIOTECH

    - MERCOSUR EU project for the develo-pment of specific R&D actions focused onregional priorities;

    Argentinean-Brazilian Biotechnology Cen-tre (Centro Argentino Brasilero de Biotec-nologa - CABBIO): A coordinating entitythat includes a network or biotechnology

    research groups. Its objective is to pro-mote interaction between science centresand the productive sector by means of twotypes of activities: The implementation of

    bi-national projects for research and thedevelopment and training of high-level hu-

    man resources with courses at the Argen-tinean/Brazilian School of Biotechnology(Escuela Argentina Brasilea de Biotecno-loga- EABBIO);

    Pierre Auger Project: A basic science ini-tiative that aims at the study of the cau-

    ses of the existence of known high-energyradiation such as the cosmic rays. Theserays originate in outer space and upon rea-

    ching the surface of the Earth are sensedby the detectors at an observatory locatedin the Argentinean province of Mendoza;

    Gemini Observatory: Made up of two op-tical/infrared telescopes, one located atthe Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii and theother on Pachn Hill in Chile. Both opera-

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    te with the cooperation of Argentina, Aus-

    tralia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, the U.K andthe U.S..

    Morning Constellation: An internationalinitiative for observing the Earth, consis-

    ting of the US satellites Landsat 7, Eo-1and Terra and the SAC-C Argentinean sa-tellite. The Constellation increases syner-

    gy among different instruments, providesnew capacities for observing the Earth, ex-plores the usefulness of autonomous navi-gation techniques and allows instrumentsaboard the different satellites to obtain

    images of different resolutions in differentbands;

    Italian-Argentinean Satellites System for

    Emergency Management: This is a jointinitiative of argentinian and italian spaceagencies to prevent, mitigate and assesscatastrophes, to preserve the environment

    and to improve agriculture. This is the firstsatellite system in the world designed spe-cifically for this purpose;

    Multinational System of Specialized Infor-mation on Biotechnology and Food Techno-logy for Latin America and the Caribbean

    (SIMBIOSIS) for Latin America and theCaribbean: A virtual network for connec-ting scientists, experts and research cen-tres interested in biotechnology, food te-chnology and biodiversity. It is sponsoredby the member States and the OAS. The

    SIMBIOSIS network provides informationon existing research programmes, nationalinstitutions, development efforts and hu-man capacity for STI;

    Great Hadrons Collisioner (also refered to

    as European Particles Accelerator): Thisis a highly sophisticated 27-kilometer un-

    derground ring located in Geneva, Switzer-

    land. It was built by the European Particle

    Physics Lab (CERN) with the objective ofreproducing the physical conditions thatgave origin to the Universe and to find theso-called Higgs boson.

    UNESCO-AUGM Ecology and EnvironmentChair La Plata National University Bue-nos Aires Argentina

    UNESCO-AUGM Micro-electronics Chair Rosario National University Rosario Argentina

    UNESCO-COUSTEAU Eco-technical Chair General San Martn National University

    Buenos Aires ArgentinaUNESCO Chair on Science and Technolo-gy Indicators Quilmes National Universi-ty Buenos Aires Argentina

    UNESCO Bio-physics and Molecular Neu-robiology Chair Southern National Uni-

    versity Baha Blanca Argentina

    UNESCO Women, Science and Techno-logy Chair Latin American Faculty ofSocial Science (Facultad Latinoamericanade Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO), Argenti-nean Academy Seat Buenos Aires Ar-gentina

    ANPCYT: www.biotecsur.orgCICYT:


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    Population (in millions) (2009) 26,8

    Percentage of Industrial Growth (2008) 4,8

    GDP in billions [USD PPP] (2008) 357,4

    GDP per capita [USD PPP] (2008) 13500,0

    Percentage of composition per Sector (2008)

    Agriculture 3,8

    Industry 37,6

    Services 58,6

    Gini Coefficient x 1000 (2006) 482,0

    Percentage of national debt /GDP (2008) 20,4

    Human Development Index x 1000 (2007) 844,0

    Gender Development Index x 1000 (2007) 827,0

    Percentage of literate adults (2006) 93,0

    Percentage of women /S&T staff (2008) 53,2

    Percentage of Public expenditure on education/GDP


    Percentage of expenditure in Science andTechnology activities /GDP (2008)


    Expenditure in Science and Technology activi-ties per capita in [USD PPP] (2008)


    Researchers per 1000 members of EAP [FTE](2007)


    Patents requested (2007) 3,1

    Patents granted (2007) 98,0

    Dependency rate (2008) 22,6

    Invention coefficient (2008) 0,4

    Publications in SCI Search/ 100,000 inhabi-tants (2007)


    Publications in SCI Search/ millions [USD] inR&D (2007)


    R&D Budget in millions [USD PPP] (1999) 746,8

    R&D Budget in millions [USD PPP] (2007) 9126,7

    Publications listed in the SCI

    SCI Scientific publications per million of i nhabitants

    Expenditure in S&T activities







    Percentage of GDP

    USD PPP per cpita

    Total FTE S&T staff

    FTE S&T staf per 1000 EAP

    Total FTE S&T staff








    Patents per cpitarequested by residents

    Patents per cpitagranted to residents


























    Scientific publications listed in the SCI

    Graph elaboration by UNESCO based on data provided by the UnitedNations Statistics Division and RICYT (2009).

    Patents per capita(residents)

  • 8/8/2019 National Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


    In 1999 the Ministry of Science and Tech-

    nology, currently named Popular Power Minis-

    try for Science Technology and Intermediate

    Industries (Ministerio del Poder Popular para

    Ciencia, Tecnologa e Industrias Intermedias -

    MPPCTII) was created to provide the national

    System with a more coherent structure and

    functionality. As the entity which governs,

    coordinates and articulates the system, the

    MPPCTII focuses its efforts on connecting di-

    fferent agents and institutions and on formu-

    lating scientific policies.

    STI activities are performed by the Founda-tions for the Development of Science and

    Technology (Fundaciones para el Desarrollo

    de la Ciencia y la Tecnologa - FUNDACITE),

    which are the bodies responsible for the pro-

    motion, support, strengthening, coordination

    and management of scientific and technolo-

    gical activities, seeking to attain feasible al-

    ternatives that may enable the improvement

    of productivity and efficiency of various eco-

    nomic sectors.

    On the other hand, the Corporation for the

    Scientific and Technological Development also

    exists, whose main objective is the execution

    of activities related to the encouragement,

    development, investment and promotion of

    the Venezuelan technological and scientific


    There is also a group of specialized institu-

    tes and offices that perform STI activities:

    Fund for Telecommunications Research and

    Development (Fondo de Investigacin Desa-

    rrollo de las Telecomunicaciones - FIDETEL),

    Superintendency of Electronic Certification

    Services (Superintendencia de Servicios de

    Certificacin Electrnica - SUSCERTE), Vene-

    zuelan Institute of Scientific Research (Insti-

    tuto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientficas

    - IVIC), State Research Centre for Agro-Indus-

    trial Experimental Production (Centro de In-

    vestigaciones del Estado para la Produccin

    Experimental Agroindustrial - CIEPE), Foun-

    dation Engineering Institute for TechnologicalDevelopment (Fundacin Instituto de Inge-

    niera para el Desarrollo Tecnolgico - FIIDT),

    Zulian Institute of Technological Research

    (Instituto Zuliano de Investigaciones Tecno-

    lgicas - INZIT-CICASI), Quimbiotec, Centre

    for Research in Astronomy (Centro de Investi-

    gaciones de Astronoma - CIDA), Venezuelan

    Foundation of Seismological Research (Fun-

    dacin Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismo-

    lgicas - FUNVISIS) and Foundation Institute

    for Advanced Studies (Fundacin Instituto deEstudios Avanzados - IDEA).

    With regard to the funding of the system,

    the National Fund of Science, Technology

    and Innovation (Fondo Nacional de Ciencia,

    Tecnologa e Innovacin - FONACIT) has the

    mission of providing financial support for the

    execution of programmes and projects as defi-

    ned by the MPPCTII.

    Finally, the National Observatory of Science,

    Technology and Innovation (Observatorio Na-

    cional de Ciencia, Tecnologa e Innovacin

    - ONCTI) is the body that evaluates the Ve-

    nezuelan System by providing STI indicators

    that measure the social and economic impact

    of STI policies and programmes.

    The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic

    of Venezuela (December 30 1999) includes

    the STI in its Third Title relating to Duties,

    Human Rights and Guarantees, in particular,

    into Chapter VI referred to Cultural and Edu-

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    cative Rights. Article 110 states the respon-

    sibility of the State in the promotion, fundingand development of Science and Technologyactivities, and the duty of the private sector ofproviding resources for the field.

    There also exist other important legislativemodifications:

    Organic Law on Science, Technology andInnovation (September 21 2001): Setsforth a framework for strengthening the

    social capacity of creation and the absorp-tion of knowledge, adapting the supply ofScience and Technology developed in thecountry to the social demand, stimulatingtransfer of knowledge generated in re-

    search institutes to the rest of society andits appropriate application oriented to thesolution of problems of national interest;

    Organic Law of Telecommunications (June12 2000): This law creates the Fund forResearch and Development of Telecom-munications (Fondo de Investigacin De-

    sarrollo de las Telecomunicaciones - FIDE-TEL);

    Decree 825 (May 22 2000): Declaresaccess to and use of Internet as priority

    policy for the cultural, economic, socialand politic development in Venezuela, for

    which the State institutions must promotepublic access and the development of in-formation contents linked to the processof educative formation of the population;

    Partial Regulations of the Organic Lawon Science, Technology and Innovation(2006): with reference to contributions

    and investments, they state that STI fun-ding is not only the responsibility of theState, but also of other societal actors,in particular enterprises. The law statesthat enterprises must contribute between0.5% and 2 % of their gross income to the

    development of research projects.

    The existence of a Plan of Science and Tech-nology 2030, must be mentioned. Elaboratedon a participative basis with the presence ofrepresentatives from all the Systems actors,

    it has the purpose of improving the coherenceof STI policies in-line with the needs of theproductive sector of the country. Additionally,there exists a series of initiatives that seek toimprove relationships between the scientificcommunity and the productive sector. Among

    them, the following are to be illustrated:

    Launching of the Simon Bolivar Satelli-

    te (October 29 2008): It is designed tohandle signals of TV, radiotelephony, highspeed internet, videoconferences, specificapplications in programmes of telemedi-cine and tele-education, support to social

    missions, control of processes and infor-mation of defence and security;

    National Centre of Information Technolo-gies (Centro Nacional de Tecnologas deInformacin - CNTI): It is oriented towardspromoting and backing activities such as

    teaching, research and scientific and te-chnological development between insti-tutions, academies and R&D centres. Italso seeks to develop strategies in areas ofinformation technologies that enable thepromotion of their implementation, to de-

    velop human resources education and tofoster the bases for the creation of laws forthe use of said technologies.

    With regards to collaboration and the streng-

    thening of networks, the Venezuelan Associa-tion for the Advance of Science (AsociacinVenezolana para el Avance de la Ciencia -

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    AsoVAC) has a particular importance. It is an

    organization mainly formed by scientists andassociated professionals, whose mission is

    oriented to favour the progress of Venezuelanscientific research. The objective of AsoVAC is

    to disseminate scientific knowledge producedin the country and abroad.

    Additionally the Science Mission Presiden-

    tial Commission is of relevance. Its objectiveis to incorporate and articulate the different

    STI social and institutional actors througheconomic, social, academic and political net-works for the intensive and extensive use of

    knowledge, according to the endogenous de-velopment. Venezuela has also proceeded to

    the development, broadening and consolida-ting of the National Network of Seismological


    Finally, between 2001 and 2008, 623 Net-works of Productive Innovation were created

    to promote social and economic local develop-ment, starting with a cooperative and associa-

    tive organization of producers and communi-ties, consolidating the production of products

    with national added value.

    Between 2000 and 2008, 653 operativeInfo-Centres and 13 Mega-Info-Centres were

    created all over the country, thus facilitatingaccess to ICTs to 2,000 communities. New

    universities have also been founded (Boliva-rian University of Venezuela, Sucre Mission,

    University of Security, University of Arts,Bolivarian University of Workers, Salvador

    Allende Latin American School of Medicine,Latin American Institute of Agro-Ecology). Inaddition, the foundation of 24 more educative

    centres is being planned.

    On the other hand, it must be mentioned thatthe FONACIT promotes the international mobi-

    lity of researchers for the presentation of theirworks in science, technology and innovation

    events, as well as for attending short courses

    and internships in Venezuela or abroad.

    Additionally, the function of Venezuelan Foun-

    dation of Researcher Promotion (Fundacin

    Venezolana de Promocin del Investigador -

    FVPI) is the strengthening, development and

    support of activities of scientists and techno-

    logists, acting to stimulate quality in the pro-

    ductivity of scientific research and technolo-

    gical development. Finally, the Programme of

    Promotion and Incentive to National Research

    stimulates high level talent in institutions of

    higher education and of research of public

    and private sectors.

    In the last decade Venezuela has multiplied

    its international connections with regard to

    STI. The following are illustrated below:

    Strengthening of institutional projects

    such as University of the South and Insti-

    tute of High Strategic and Historical Stu-

    dies for Latin America and the Caribbean;

    Negotiation and subscription of new coo-

    peration agreements with equivalent insti-

    tutions in the field of STI with Argentina,

    Brazil, Chile, China, Cuba, Ecuador, India,

    Peru and Uruguay;

    Participation in mixed commissions of high

    level and working groups with: Cuba, Fran-

    ce, India, Iran, Italy, Russia, who agreed,

    in the joint action plan, to develop actions

    with regard to STI;

    International Cooperation with Cuba in

    education and health, and with Argentina,

    Brazil and Nicaragua, to genetically im-

    prove herds;

    Cooperation with China for constructing

    and putting into orbit the Simon Bolivar

    Satellite from the Satellite Centre of Xi-


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    Creation of the Antarctic Presidential Com-mission: The two first Venezuelan expedi-tions to the continent were undertaken;

    Project Cacao Route in America: culturaldiversity and endogenous development:

    Collaboration in research projects at theregional level with Colombia, Cuba, Ecua-dor and Peru;

    There also exists the Multinational Sys-tem of Specialized Information on Biote-chnology and Food Technology for LatinAmerica and the Caribbean (SIMBIOSIS),which is a virtual network aimed at con-tacting scientists, experts and research

    centres interested in biotechnology, food

    technology and biodiversity. It is sponso-red by its member states and the OAS. TheSIMBIOSIS network provides informationon research programmes in process, natio-

    nal institutions, development efforts andhuman capacity for STI.

    ASOVAC: asovac.netCENIT: www.cenit.gob.veCNTI: www.cnti.gob.veFONACIT: www.fonacit.gob.veMPPCTII: www.mct.gob.veONCTI:

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    Population (in millions) (2009) 9,8

    Percentage of Industrial Growth (2008) 6,1

    GDP in billions [USD PPP] (2008) 43,3

    GDP per capita [USD PPP] (2008) 4500,0

    Percentage of composition per sector (2008)

    Agriculture 11,3

    Industry 36,9

    Services 51,8

    Gini Coefficient x 1000 (2006) 601,0

    Percentage of national debt /GDP (2008) 41,0

    Human Development Index x 1000 (2007) 729,0

    Gender Development Index x 1000 (2007) 728,0

    Percentage of literate adults (2006) 87,0

    Percentage of women /S&T staff (2001) 43,5

    Public expenditure on education /GDP -

    Percentage of R&D expenditure /GDP (2002) 0,3

    R&D expenditure per capita in [USD PPP](2002)


    Researchers per 1000 members of EAP [FTE](2002)


    Patents requested (2001) 300,0

    Patents granted (2001) 7,0

    Dependency gate (2001) 6,5

    Invention coefficient (2001) 0,5

    Publications in SCI Search/ 100,000 inhabi-tants (2007)

    Publications in SCI Search/ millions [USD] inR&D (2007)


    R&D budget in millions [USD PPP] (1999) 74,3

    R&D budget in millions [USD PPP] (2002) 78,3

    Publications listed in the SCI

    SCI Scientific publications per million of i nhabitants

    Expenditure in S&T activities







    Percentage of GDP

    USD PPP per cpita

    Total FTE S&T staff

    FTE S&T staf per 1000 EAP

    Total FTE S&T staff








    Patents per cpitarequested by residents

    Patents per cpitagranted to residents


























    Scientific publications listed in the SCI

    Graph elaboration by UNESCO based on data provided by the UnitedNations Statistics Division and RICYT (2009).

    Patents per capita(residents)

  • 8/8/2019 National Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


    The Bolivian Innovation System (Sistema

    Boliviano de Innovacion - SBI) includes tho-se Science, Technology and Innovation (STI)

    actors that work in a coordinated manner to

    generate integral solutions for productive, so-

    cial and environmental problems, with a par-

    ticipative, equitable and sustainable develop-

    ment approach. The SBI is comprised of four

    institutions that operate together towards the

    promotion of STI activities in the country.

    Firstly, the Vice-Ministry of Science and Tech-

    nology (Vice Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolo-

    ga- VCyT), a body reporting to the Ministry ofPlanning for Development and is responsible

    for the design and implementation of the SBI.

    It is in charge of the planning and support

    for scientific and technological development.

    There is also the Inter-ministerial Commission

    of Science, Technology and Innovation (Co-

    misin Interministerial de Ciencia Tecnologa

    e Innovacin CIMCITI), which was created

    in 2001 and is responsible for formulating

    the STI policy in Bolivia. The Commission isdirected by a representative of the President

    of the Republic. It is also composed of the

    Ministers of Education, Culture and Sports;

    Sustainable Development and Planning; Eco-

    nomic Development; Economy; Agriculture,

    Livestock and Rural Development; and Health

    and Social Security, respectively.

    STI activities are carried out by means of two

    mechanisms. Firstly, through the SBI Tech-

    nical Unit (UT-SBI), whose main functions

    include the implementation of policies defi-

    ned by the VCyT. At the operative level, the

    functions of the Technical Unit are focused on

    supporting Innovation Platforms by defining

    innovation projects. Secondly, universities

    carry out 80% of all R&D activities. The uni-

    versitiy system includes 10 public universitiesin addition to the Bolivian Catholic University

    and the Military School of Engineering.

    There is also the National Science, Techno-logy & Innovation Office (Secretara Nacional

    de Ciencia y Tecnologa e Innovacin - SENA-

    CITI), the body that presides, coordinates andmanages all actions defined regarding scien-

    ce, technology and innovation policies. It isresponsible for the yearly budget for funding

    STI activities, and reports to the Presidencyof the Republic. The creation of a unique and

    integrated Innovation Fund is ongoing. It willaddress priority platforms through internatio-

    nal cooperation funds, contributions from theprivate sector, and/or its own funds.

    Another fundamental component of the SBI isthe National Council on Science and Techno-

    logy (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolo-ga). It is responsible for proposing guidelines,

    strategies and regulations relative to science,technology and innovation, as well as for the

    elaboration of the National STI Plan, and thecoordination, follow-up and assessment of the

    National STI Plan activities. It is also respon-sible for managing national and internationaltechnical and financial cooperation resources

    for promoting Science and Technology, in co-ordination with the Ministry of Economy.

    Lastly, the National Network of Science and

    Technology (Red Nacional de Ciencia y Tec-

    nologa- RNCYT) articulates and strengthensofficial centres and institutions, as well as

    universities and private entities in the field ofresearch. It is part of the National Platforms

    for Innovation (Plataformas Nacionales deInnovacin -PNI) that allows the system to

    participate in strategic areas (such as hydro-carbons).

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    The only law relating to the System of Boli-via from last decade is Law No. 2.209-2001,also known as the Law for Promotion of Scien-

    ce, Technology and Innovation (8 June 2001),which constitutes the legal framework of theSBI and defines the entitlements of the abo-ve-mentioned institutions.

    Firstly to be mentioned are two articles of LawNo. 2.209 which set out the framework forcooperation between the scientific communityand the private sector:

    Article 28 of Law No. 2.209-2001: Thisarticle states that public or private entitiesmay associate with each other or with pri-

    vate actors, national or foreign entities inorder to carry out scientific, technologicaland innovation activities aimed at imple-

    menting the National Science, Technologyand Innovation Plan;

    Article 35 of Law No. 2.209-2001: Thisarticle rules that public funds for sectoraland social funding will determine specificlines of credit for scientific research andtechnological development in the sector.

    The following initiatives have also been im-plemented for promoting interaction betweenthe private sector and the other actors in the


    Bolivian Agricultural Technology System(Sistema Boliviano de Tecnologa Agro-pecuaria- SIBTA): Created in 2000 as amodel for articulating private and publicsectors. It is composed of the Foundationsfor Technological and Agricultural Deve-

    lopment (Fundaciones para el Desarrollo

    Tecnolgico y Agropecuario - FDTA), Pro-

    jects for Applied Technological Innova-tion (Proyectos de Innovacin TecnolgicaAplicada- PITA) and the National Strate-gic Innovation Projects (Proyectos de In-

    novacin Estratgica Nacional -PIEN), inaddition to the administrative component;

    National Institute for Innovation in Agri-cultural and Forestry Innovation (Institu-to Nacional de Innovacin Agropecuaria yForestal- INIAF): Founded for implemen-ting programmes and components of theSectoral Plan, as part of the research de-

    velopment, generation and transfer of te-chnology in benefit of all rural actors. Onemust be aware of the ongoing transitional

    process of the SIBTA, towards turning theINIAF into the new body that will regulatepolicies for research, generation, transfer

    and spreading of agricultural and foresttechnology in Bolivia;

    First International Science & Technolo-gy Forum for Industrializing Lithium andother Evaporative Resources (2009): Aninitiative for assessing the status of STIin transformation processes of evaporative

    resources in basic chemical products (li-thium carbonate and others), and derivati-ves (lithium ion batteries) through the linkof the knowledge-producing and industrialsectors with the State.

    In what concerns cooperation between scien-tists and network promotion and support,Bolivia has concentrated efforts on the Pro-

    gramme for the Protection, Recovery and Sys-tematisation of Local and Ancestral Knowled-ge, for Social and Productive Development.The programme is responsible for defining aLaw for Protection of Indigenous Knowled-ge, as a means of protection mechanism forintangible heritage, supported by the Systema-

    tization and Appreciation of ethnical knowled-

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    ge. Other projects in this programme are: 1)

    National policy on intellectual property; 2)Mechanisms for the protection of intellectualproperty in strategic issues; 3) Recording in-cremental knowledge; 4) Recovery and sprea-

    ding of local knowledge and ethnical knowled-ge through Information and Communications

    Technologies (Tecnologas de Informacin yComunicacin - ICTs) and the Law for the pro-tection of indigenous knowledge.

    Also, the Vice-ministry of Science and Tech-nology has proposed the creation of the Boli-vian Scientific and Technological InformationSystem (Sistema Boliviano de Informacin

    Cientfica y Tecnolgica- SIBICYT) as part ofthe National Development Plan (Plan Nacio-

    nal de Desarrollo-PND) and of the strategy forgenerating a scientific culture with featurescharacteristic of the country. The main objec-tive of the SIBICYT is to develop a knowledge

    culture based on the access, exchange andgeneration of scientific and technological in-formation. Therefore, it proposes to work onthe development of systems, networks and STIinformation sources, as well as popularizationof the STI. Through such objectives, the SI-

    BICYT will be able to improve the articulationand linkage between the national productiveand state knowledge-producing sectors.

    In the areas of education and the promotion

    of human resources in STI, the following pro-jects are to be highlighted:

    Prizes and awards: National Science Prize,

    National Technology and Innovation Prize,National Scientific Journalism Prize;

    Bolivian Institute of Biodiversity Researchfor Development: intended for developing

    and promoting STI for making use and

    preserving biodiversity resources, basedon combining traditional knowledge regar-ding uses and handling, and the technical-scientific research of their properties;

    Bolivian Organization of Women Scientists(17 June 1999): Its objective is to promo-te and prioritize the scientific and tech-

    nological potential of women by encoura-ging and increasing their participation inissues significant to the development ofthe country, as well as optimizing theirskills and talents in benefit of the Bolivian


    National Plan for Digital Inclusion ( PlanNacional de Inclusin Digital - PNID):

    This plan outlines a number of actions forattaining targets sought by the NationalDevelopment Plan, oriented at generatinga scientific and technological culture and

    at reducing the digital gap in Bolivia, bypromoting ICTs.

    STI International cooperation in Bolivia is

    scarce. Only the Workshop for Promoting Wo-men in the Area of Science, Technology, Engi-neering and Innovation in the Southern Cone(held in combination with the IADBank) is tobe mentioned here.

    UNESCO Environment and SustainableDevelopment Chair San Simn Universi-ty Cochabamba Bolivia


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  • 8/8/2019 National Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


    Population (in millions) (2009) 198,7

    Percentage of Industrial Growth (2008) 5,1

    GDP in billions [USD PPP] (2008) 19930,0

    GDP per capita [USD PPP] (2008) 10200,0

    Percentage of composition per Sector (2008)

    Agriculture 6,7

    Industry 28,0

    Services 65,3

    Gini Coefficient x 1000 (2006) 570,0

    Percentage of national debt /GDP (2008) 36,9

    Human Development Index x 1000 (2007) 813,0

    Gender Development Index x 1000 (2007) 810,0

    Percentage of literate adults (2006) 89,0

    Percentage of women /S&T staff (2001) 48,0

    Percentage of Public expenditure on education /GDP (2006)


    Percentage of R&D expenditure /GDP (2007) 1,4

    R&D expenditure per capita in [USD PPP](2002)


    Researchers per 1000 members of EAP [FTE](2002)


    Patents requested (2001) 26509,0

    Patents granted (2001) 7096,0

    Dependency rate (2001) 1,6

    Invention coefficient (2001) 5,5

    Publications in SCI Search/ 100,000 inhabi-tants (2007)


    Publications in SCI Search/ millions [USD] inR&D (2007)


    R&D Budget in millions [USD PPP] (1999) 6541,4

    R&D Budget in millions [USD PPP] (2002) 14649,9

    Publications listed in the SCI

    SCI Scientific publications per million of i nhabitants

    Expenditure in S&T activities







    Percentage of GDP

    USD PPP per cpita

    Total FTE S&T staff

    FTE S&T staf per 1000 EAP

    Total FTE S&T staff








    Patents per cpitarequested by residents

    Patents per cpitagranted to residents


























    Scientific publications listed in the SCI

    Graph elaboration by UNESCO based on data provided by the UnitedNations Statistics Division and RICYT (2009).

    Patents per capita(residents)

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  • 8/8/2019 National Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


    The node of the Brazilian science, technology

    and innovation (STI) system consists of theMinistry of Science and Technology (Minist-

    rio da Cincia e Tecnologia - MCT). Created

    in 1985, its area of responsibility changed

    by means of Decree Law 5,886 (6 Septem-

    ber 2006), and include: Defining the natio-

    nal policy on STI; planning, coordinating and

    supervising Science and Technology activi-

    ties; establishing national policies relative to

    bio-security, space and nuclear energy and

    controlling the exports of sensitive goods. It

    acts as Secretariat of the National Council forScience and Technology (Comisso da Cincia

    e Tecnologia - CCT), the body responsible for

    assisting the Presidency of the Republic in the

    definition and implementation of the national

    policy on scientific and technological develo-

    pment. The CCT has 13 representatives from

    the Federal Government, 8 representatives

    from the productive sector, and 6 represen-

    tatives from the STI sector (universities and

    research centres). These members are organi-

    zed into committees by topic and sector andare responsible for producing reports, studies

    and reference terms.

    Among its dependent agencies, the MCT in-

    cludes the National Council on Scientific and

    Technological Development (Conselho Nacio-

    nal de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecno-

    lgico - CNPq), the Funding Entity for Stu-

    dies and Projects (Financiadora de Estudos e

    Projetos- FINEP), the Coordinating Authority

    for Perfectioning Higher Rank Staff (Coor-denao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de

    Nvel Superior - CAPES), the National Bank

    for Economic and Social Development (Ban-

    co Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico

    e Social BNDES) and the National Scien-

    ce and Technology Development Fund (Fun-

    do Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e

    Tecnolgico - FNDCT). The CNPq promotes,

    encourages and funds technological develop-

    ment through a variety of instruments related

    to the funding of postgraduate studies, the

    funding of STI projects, and the support of

    STI events and publications. Alongside, theFINEP is the main funding institution for STI

    activities at the federal level and supports

    projects through the following instruments:

    Non-reimbursable financial support for STI;

    reimbursable support for innovation at enter-

    prises; non-reimbursable funding for entrepre-

    neurial innovation, and investments (venture

    fund, seed capital and venture capital funds).

    The BNDES funds mainly social and econo-

    mic projects that may include STI activities

    through the Investment Funds Programme,the CRIATEC Programme and the Technology

    Fund (FUNTEC). Lastly, the FNDCT is made

    up of sectoral funds such as: Biotechnology,

    aeronauIcts, energy, agro-business, fuel oil,

    and minerals, among others. .

    The MCT also includes four thematic secreta-

    riats that carry out their institutional mission

    and report to the executive Secretariat. They

    are: The Secretariat for Research and Deve-

    lopment Policies and Programmes (Secretarade Polticas e Programas de Pesquisa e Des-

    envolvimento - SEPED), the Secretariat for

    Science and Technology for Social Inclusion

    (Secretaria de C&T para Incluso Social- SE-

    CIS), the Secretariat for Technological Deve-

    lopment and Innovation (Secretaria de Desen-

    volvimento Tecnolgico e Inovao- SETEC),

    and the Secretariat for Computer Science

    Policies (Secretaria de Poltica de Informtica

    e Automao- SEPIN). They are responsible

    for articulating, managing and implementingpolicies and programmes relative to their spe-

    cific areas. They are related to the MCT, the

    National Committee on Nuclear Energy (Co-

    misso Nacional de Energia Nuclear- CNEN),

    the Brazilian Space Agency (Agncia Espacial

    Brasileira- AEB), the National Technology Ins-

    titute (Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia- INT),

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    the Brazilian Physics Research Centre (Centro

    Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fsicas - CBPF), the

    Telecommunications Research and Develop-

    ment Centre (Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvol-

    vimento em Telecomunicaes - CPqD), the

    National Biosafety Technical Commission (Co-misso Tcnica Nacional de Biossegurana -

    CTNBio), and the Centre for Strategic Studies

    and Management (Centro de Gesto e Estudos

    Estratgicos- CGEE).

    It must be pointed out that several ministries

    are also responsible for implementing STI

    activities through different research centres,

    foundations and committees. They include:

    Ministry of Mining and Energy: Leopoldo

    Amrico M. de Mello Research and De-velopment Centre (Centro de Pesquisa e

    Desenvolvimento Leopoldo A Miguez de

    Mello - CENPES-PETROBRAS), Electric

    Energy Research Centre (Centro de Pes-

    quisas de Energia Eltrica- CEPEL-ELEC-


    Ministry of Health: Oswaldo Cruz Fund

    Institute (Fundao Instituto Oswaldo

    Cruz- OCRUZ);

    Ministry of Defence: Aeronautics Techni-

    cal Centre (Centro Tcnico da Aeronuti-

    ca- CTA), the Brazilian Army Technological

    Centre (Centro Tecnolgico do Exrcito -


    Ministry of Development, Industry and

    Foreign Trade: National Metrology, Nor-

    malization and Industrial Quality Institute

    (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normali-

    zao e Qualidade Industrial- INMETRO),

    National Industrial Property Institute (Ins-

    tituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial- INPI);

    Ministry of Agriculture and Supplies: Bra-

    zilian Agriculture Research Enterprise

    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agrope-

    curia- EMBRAPA), Food Technology Ins-

    titute (Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimen-

    tos- ITAL).

    Additionally, the Brazilian Industrial Deve-

    lopment Agency (Agncia Brasileira de Des-

    envolvimento Industrial - ABDI), created in

    December 2004, funds STI industrial activi-

    ties through the following programmes: The

    promotion of practices relative to productive

    development and innovation environment,

    sectoral competitive funding and funds for

    strategic areas.

    The Technological Research Institute of the

    State of Sao Paulo (Instituto de Pesquisas

    Tecnolgicas do Estado de SP- IPT) and the

    Foundation for the Promotion of Research ofthe State of Sao Paulo (Fundao de Amparo

    Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo- FAPESP)

    are to be mentioned at the federal level. It

    is the most important R&D institution in the

    country, which applies approximately 3% of

    the total R&D budget. The FAPESP supports

    scientific and technological research through

    scholarships and financial support to research.

    The latter belongs to the network of State

    Foundations for Supporting Research, which

    includes 21 foundations at the federal level,

    organized by the National Council on Foun-

    dations for the Protection of Research (Con-

    selho Nacional das Fundaes Estaduais de

    Amparo Pesquisa- CONFAP). They manage

    the PAPPE (Programa de Apoio Pesquisa em

    Empresas) technological fund, along with the


    Regarding the monitoring of STI activities, it

    is the responsibility of the executive entities

    or the funding entities. The national Systemis assessed by MCT Office for Oversight and

    Evaluation, by means of indicators elaborated

    at the General Indicators Coordination de-


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    In the past decade, Brazil has accomplishedsignificant reforms in its innovation system,including:

    Law 9,478 (6 August 1997): Creation ofthe Petroleum Oil sectoral fund;

    Laws 9,991 to 9,994 (24 July 2000):Creation of sectoral funds relative to Ener-gy, Space, Water and Mineral Resourcesand Transportation;

    Law 10,197 (14 February 2001): Creationof the Infrastructure sectoral fund;

    Law 10,332 (19 December 2001): Crea-tion of sectoral funds relative to Aeronau-tics, Agro business, Biotechnology, Healthand Green/Yellow (university-enterpriseinteraction);

    Decree Law 4,728 (9 June 2003): Appro-val of by-laws and organizational chart ofthe CNPq;

    Law 10,893 (13 July 2004): Creation ofthe Waterways sectoral fund;

    Law 10,973 (2 December 2004) or In-novation Law: Sets forth incentives forinnovation and scientific research in theproductive sector and defines regulationsapplicable in the STI sector;

    Law 11,077 (30 December 2004): Crea-tion of the Computer Science and Amazonsectoral fund;

    Law 11,080 (30 December 2004): Crea-tion of the ABDI and definition of its

    functions;Law 11,196 (21 November 2005): De-fines tax incentives for technological re-

    search and innovation;

    Law 11,487 (2007): Regulates tax exemp-tion for enterprises dealing with STI acti-vities;

    Law 11,540 (12 November 2007): Defi-nes the functions of the FNDCT.

    Of importance are the facts that Brazilianefforts to provide the innovation system withthe financial resources correspond to the re-

    sults expected, and that between 2000 and2008, Brazil more than doubled the R&Dbudget.

    Created in 2004, the Law on Innovation isa significant initiative for strengthening re-lations between the industry and scientific

    and technological sectors. The Law sets forthmeasures for promoting innovation and re-search in the areas of science and technologyat the production level, and favours interac-tions between the different actors involvedin STI activities. The Law has three compo-

    nents: Building an environment adequate forestablishing strategic alliances among uni-versities, research centres and enterprises;measures for encouraging the participation ofscience and technology institutes in innova-

    tion processes; and incentives for innovationinside enterprises. The main funding instru-ment is a subsidy that allows for the provi-sion of financial support to innovative SMEsthrough the FDNCT .

    Additionally, the law known as Goods Law(2005, Lei do Bem) is intended for promo-ting private R&D investment, fundamental for

    improving competitiveness in Brazilian enter-prises. More specifically, the objective of thislaw is to increase the capacity of enterprisesfor developing technological innovation thatmight result in improved quality, productivityand competitiveness. The incentive is propa-

    gated through tax deductions such as incometax, social contribution on benefits, and re-turn of taxes on the purchase of technologicalequipment.

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    There are also a number of programmes su-

    pporting the interaction of the productive sec-

    tor and STI actors:

    COOPERA: A cooperation programme be-

    tween institutes, technology centres and

    enterprises. Provides financial support to

    cooperation projects on R&D and innova-


    ASISTEC: Programme for support to tech-

    nological assistance. Provides SMEs with

    assistance and technological consultancy

    from Technological Research Institutes

    (IPT) for solving technological problems.

    INNOVAR venture capital programme: An

    aid for technology-based enterprises to

    have resources for funding their scienceand technology projects. The project is

    intended for building an institutional envi-

    ronment favourable to venture capital ac-

    tivities in the country, so as to strengthen

    technology-based new and emerging en-

    terprises in Brazil, thus eventually contrib-

    uting to the national technological devel-

    opment, and the creation of income and


    Enterprise incubators: Among the differ-

    ent enterprise incubation programmes,

    Juro Zero, a programme including low

    rate loans, is worthy of recognition, as is

    the National Cooperative Incubators Pro-

    gramme (PRONINC), aimed at articulating

    the knowledge areas of Brazilian univer-

    sities with popular groups interested in

    generating income and employment by

    the constitution of popular cooperatives or

    self-management enterprises;

    Support Programme for Research and In-novation in Local Productive Arrangements

    (PPI-APL): Financial support for activities

    developed by Science and Technology in-

    stitutes, oriented towards providing tech-

    nological assistance, providing services

    and solving technological problems in en-

    terprises, by forming conglomerates typi-

    cal of local production arrangements;

    Programme for Technological Support to

    Exports (Programa de Apoio Tecnolgico

    Exportao - PROGEX): Support to tech-

    nological assistance by technological re-search institutes for improving export per-

    formance by small enterprises;

    Incentive Programme for Innovation in

    Brazilian Enterprises (Pro-Innovation):

    Consists of funding with reduced taxes

    for implementing research, development

    and innovation projects in Brazilian enter-


    Mobile Units Programme (Projeto de Uni-

    dades Mveis de atendimento tecnolgico- PRUMO): Supports the assistance and

    provision of technological services by

    technology research institutes to micro

    and small enterprises by means of mobile

    units that include laboratory equipment;

    Brazilian Technology Network (Rede Brasil

    de Tecnologia - RBT): Providing support

    for projects which involve collaboration

    between supplying enterprises and scien-

    tific-technological institutes with competi-tive replacement of imports in selected

    sectors (currently petroleum oil, gas and


    The main objective of the RBT is to promote

    the articulation of different areas in the fede-

    ral government, Brazilian universities, private

    enterprises and financial agents. It is specifi-cally aimed towards stimulating development

    of technological sectoral networks, the crea-

    tion of work groups of the government, enter-

    prises, universities and research centres, and

    at promoting coordinated initiatives in line

    with research and development.

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    The organization of STI conferences that in-

    clude the scientific community, the govern-

    ment and enterprises, and promote scientific

    and technological debates for defining natio-

    nal priorities should be illustrated as they are

    the instruments that help define long termobjectives and assess STI investments. Lastly,

    the Knowledge for All programme aimed

    at the popularization of STI in young people

    with the purpose of arousing their interest in

    Science and Technology careers should be


    The most important institution for supportingtraining of human resources in STI is the CA-

    PES, referred above. It includes an array of

    funding instruments, which include:

    CAPES/SPM: For the incentive of scienti-fic and technological research and the tra-

    ining of human resources holding postgra-

    duate degrees, also including the gender


    CAPES/FCT: Supports joint projects on re-

    search and scientific cooperation in Brazi-lian and Portuguese universities promoting

    postgraduate education and the perfectio-

    ning aspect of professors and researchers;

    CAPES/Ministry of Science and Techno-

    logy (Argentina): Through the aid of joint

    research projects stimulates the exchange

    of teachers and researchers between Bra-

    zil and Argentina in Postgraduate Progra-

    mmes of Higher Education Institutions.

    The programme is oriented towards edu-

    cating high level human resources in Bra-zil and Argentina, in the different areas of


    Programme for Guest Professors fromAbroad (PVE): The objective of the progra-

    mme is to support Brazilian postgraduate

    studies through the incentive of having

    foreign professors with differentiated edu-

    cation and renown expertise in the various

    related areas of work;

    PEC-PG Programme (Programa de Estu-

    dante-Convnio de Ps-Graduao): The

    objective of the programme is to allow ci-

    tizens in developing countries with which

    Brazil has cooperation agreements rela-

    ting to education, culture or STI, to attend

    postgraduate studies in Brazil;

    Jlio Redecker Programme: The exchan-

    ge is an agreement between Coordina-

    tion of Higher Level Staff Perfectioning

    (Perfeccionamiento del Personal de Nivel

    Superior - CAPES/MEC), the House of Re-

    presentatives, the Ministry of EducationFoundation, and the Committee for Edu-

    cation Exchange between the United Sta-

    tes and Brazil (Fulbright Committee). The

    programme was implemented in order to

    increase Brazilian knowledge on the U.S.

    and on the bilateral relations of both coun-


    LATTES System: Is a data base at the

    CNPq including rsums and an inventory

    of Science and Technology institutions.The data from the platform may be used

    both as support for management activities

    and for support of the definition of policies

    for the STI area;

    Pro defence Programme: An agreement

    between the CAPES and the Ministry of

    Defence. The programme is open to the

    participation of private and public Bra-

    zilian institutions, which include those

    postgraduate plans with lines of researchin national defence;

    French Brazilian Doctoral School Progra-

    mme (Collge Doctoral Franco-Brsilien -

    CDFB): An agreement of the CAPES with

    the Council of Presidents of French Uni-

    versities (CPU);

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    CAPES/FULBRIGHT Programme: The CA-PES, in combination with the Fulbright

    Committee, offers full doctorate scholar-

    ships in the U.S. with the purpose of su-

    pplementing the efforts of postgraduate

    programmes in Brazil, in search of traininghigh level professors and researchers;

    CAPES/Cofecub (CAPES/ Comit Franais

    pour lvaluation de la Coopration Univer-

    sitaire avec le Brsil) Edict: The objective

    is to promote scientific exchange and tostimulate the training and perfectioning of

    postgraduates and teachers linked to post-

    graduate programmes at higher education

    and research institutions through joint

    projects in research, oriented at training

    high level human resources;

    CAPES/PIBID (CAPES/ Programa Institu-

    cional de Bolsas de Iniciao Docncia)

    Edict: The programme is aimed at contri-

    buting to an increased average of schools

    participating in the Intermediate Level Na-

    tional Exam. This action intends to attainthe target plan Compromise: All together

    with Education, which is part of the De-

    velopment Plan for Education (PDE - Plan

    de Desarrollo de la Educacin);Higher Studies School: Gathers top-in-ternational-level foreign professors and

    researchers for monographic courses at

    Brazilian universities. This is an initiative

    of the CAPES aimed at strengthening, ex-

    tending and grading postgraduate progra-

    mmes at Brazilian institutions.

    The CNPq also offers a variety of postgraduate

    scholarships in the country and abroad (scho-

    larships for the promotion of Science and Te-

    chnology, apart from subsidies for researchat institutions, for researchers and for State

    research foundations). The various forms of

    aid include the subsidy of science publica-

    tions, the support provided for the training

    of researchers through science exchanges or

    the promotion and attendance at meetings

    and science seminars and conferences. The

    most requested form of aid is the support to

    research projects made through public calls

    or edicts. The main Edicts published with re-

    sources from the CNPq are: Universal, Millen-

    nium and Casadinho, and those resulting fromjoint efforts with Foundations for Supporting

    Research at the federal state level (FAP- Fun-

    daes de Amparo Pesquisa) known as Pro-

    nex (Programa de Apoio a Ncleos de Exce-

    lncia) and the First Projects Programme.

    The national strategy in this field has been to

    maintain the existing international agreementsand to seek new agreements on scientific and

    technological cooperation with partners who

    share the same interests. Bilateral agree-

    ments have shown a significant development

    and nowadays Brazil has ongoing agreements

    with the following countries: Germany, Argen-

    tina, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, China, Colom-

    bia, South Korea, Spain, the United States,

    France, India, Italy, Japan, Morocco, Mexico,

    Pakistan, the Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru,

    Portugal, the UK, Romania, Russia, Sweden,

    Switzerland, Tunisia, Uruguay and Venezuela.

    There is also the Multinational System of

    Specialized Information on Biotechnolo-

    gy and Food Technology for Latin America

    and the Caribbean (Sistema de Informacin

    Multinacional de Biotecnologa y Tecnologa

    de Alimentos para Amrica Latina y el Cari-

    be - SIMBIOSIS), a virtual network aimed at

    connecting scientists, experts and research

    centres interested in biotechnology, food te-chnology and biodiversity. It is sponsored by

    its member States and the OAS. The SIMBIO-

    SIS network provides information on current

    research programmes, national institutions,

    and efforts relative to development and hu-

    man skills in STI.

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    The following is a list of regional level projects

    in which Brazil has taken part:

    The Argentinean-Brazilian BiotechnologyCentre (Centro Argentino Brasilero de Bio-tecnologa - CABBIO). It is a coordinating

    entity that comprises a network of biote-chnology research groups whose objectiveis to promote interaction between science

    centres and the productive sector. For thatpurpose, it carries out two types of activi-ties: The implementation of bi-national re-search and development projects and thetraining of high ranking human resourceswith courses of the Argentinean Brazilian

    Biotechnology School (Escuela ArgentinaBrasilea de Biotecnologa -EABBIO);

    BIOTECSUR is a biotechnologies platformwithin the MERCOSUR that originates inthe BIOTECH - MERCOSUR EU projectfor development of specific R&D actionsfocused on priority issues for the region.

    At the multilateral level, Brazil has subscribedagreements with the following organizations:Americas Free Trade Area (rea de Libre Co-mercio de las Amricas - ALCA), Latin Ame-rica, the Caribbean and the European Union

    (Amrica Latina, Caribe y Unin Europea -ALCUE), Brazilian-Argentinean BiotechnologyCentre (Centro Brasilero-Argentino de Biotec-nologa - CBAB), Brazilian-Argentinean Nano-technology Centre (Centro Brasilero-Argentinode Nanotecnologa - CBAN), International Ge-neIcts and Biotechnology Engineering Centre

    (Centro Internacional de Ingeniera Genticay Biotecnologa - CIEGB), Portuguese-spea-king Countries Community (Comunidade dosPases de Lngua Portuguesa - CPLP), Orga-

    nization of the Amazonian Cooperation Trea-ty (Organizao do Tratado de Cooperao

    Amaznica -OTCA), Programme on ThematicCooperation in Science and Technology (Pro-grama de Cooperao Temtica em Matriade Cincia e Tecnologia - PROAFRICA), SouthAmerican Programme for Supporting Science

    and Technology Cooperation Activities (Pro-

    grama Sul-Americano de Apoio s Ativida-des de Cooperao em Cincia e Tecnologia- PROSUL), Specialized Meeting on Scienceand Technology (Reunin Especializada en

    Ciencia y Tecnologa - RECYT), Latin Ameri-can Technological Information Network (Red

    de Informacin Tecnolgica Latinoamericana- RITLA), and the Science Academy for Deve-loping Countries (Academia de Ciencias paralos Pases en Desarrollo - TWAS).

    Parallel to this, there are other cooperationstrategies that are currently under develop-ment and have been prioritized, such as the

    promotion of the south-south cooperation(mainly between South America and Africa),

    the incentive of cooperation among regionalgroups (MERCOSUR), IBAS (India, Brazil andSouth Africa), and CPLP. Each agenda variesaccording to shared interests of partners, and

    includes, among others: Climate change, re-newable energies, and sustainable exploitationof natural resources, biofuels, nanotechnolo-gy, aerospace technology, ICTs, biomedicalsciences and enterprise innovation.

    UNESCO Biology of Form and Develop-ment Chair Rio de Janeiro Federal Uni-versity (UFRJ) Rio de Janeiro Brazil

    UNESCO Jos Reis Chair on ScienceSpreading University of Sao Paulo SaoPaulo Brazil

    UNESCO Chair on South-South Coopera-tion for Sustainable Development ParFederal University Belm Brazil

    UNESCO Chair on Water, Women and De-

    velopment Ouro Preto Federal University(UFOP) Ouro Preto Brazil


  • 8/8/2019 National Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


    BNDES: www.cnpq.brCNTBio:


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  • 8/8/2019 National Science, Technology and Innovation Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean


    Population (in millions) (2009) 16,6

    Percentage of Industrial Growth (2008) 3,2

    GDP in billions [USD PPP] (2008) 244,5

    GDP per capita [USD PPP] (2008) 14900,0

    Percentage of composition per Sector (2008)

    Agriculture 4,8

    Industry 50,5

    Services 44,7

    Gini Coefficient x 1000 (2006) 549,0

    Percentage of national debt /GDP (2008) 5,2

    Human Development Index x 1000 (2007) 878,0

    Gender Development Index x 1000 (2007) 871,0

    Percentage of literate adults (2006) 96,0

    Percentage of women /S&T staff (2004) 30,0

    Percentage of Public expenditure on education /GDP (2004)


    Percentage of R&D expenditure /GDP (2004) 0,7

    R&D expenditure per capita in [USD PPP](2004)


    Researchers per 1000 members of EAP [FTE](2004)


    Patents requested (2008) 3730,0

    Patents granted (2008)736,0

    Dependency rate (2008) 6,9

    Invention coefficient (2008) 2,9

    Publications in SCI Search/ 100,000 inhabi-tants (2007)


    Publications in SCI Search/ millions [USD] inR&D (2007)


    R&D Budget in millions [USD PPP] (1999) 684,6

    R&D Budget in millions [USD PPP] (2006) 1232,7

    Publications listed in the SCI

    SCI Scientific publications per million of i nhabitants

    Expenditure in S&T activities







    Percentage of GDP

    USD PPP per cpita

    Total FTE S&T staff

    FTE S&T staf per 1000 EAP

    Total FTE S&T staff








    Patents per cpitarequested by residents

    Patents per cpitagranted to residents


























    Scientific publications listed in the SCI

    Graph elaboration by UNESCO based on data provided by the UnitedNations Statistics Division and RICYT (2009).

    Patents per capita(residents)

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    The Chilean innovation system is led by the

    Presidency of the Republic, upon the assis-

    tance of the National Council on Competitive-

    ness Innovation (Consejo Nacional de Innova-

    cin para la Competitividad CNIC) created

    in 2005. This Council proposes the general

    guidelines for defining a National Innovation

    Strategy, to be considered by a Committee of

    Ministers for Innovation, which is the eventual

    body to define the national policies on Scien-

    ce, Technology and Innovation (STI), for the

    long, medium and short terms. These three