natural blood purifier pills to remove acne and pimples


Upload: clarkdaniel

Post on 23-Mar-2016




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One of the important causes of acne is because of too much of toxins and impurities deposit inside the blood. Natural blood purifier pills detoxify and purify the blood by eliminating harmful toxins from the blood.


• Pimples, zits or acne, is no doubt a very

depressing skin problem that can leave ugly scars

on your skin.

• Luckily, there are many successful ways to prevent

and reduce this type of skin outbreaks, which

include topical medications, prescription

medications, laser therapy, cosmetic procedures

and diet.

• Many natural herbs are found to be completely

effective in treating acne.

• It is a truth that blood purifying herbs help you in

getting rid of pimples and acne.

• One of the important causes of acne is because of

too much of toxins and impurities deposit inside

the blood.

• Natural blood purifier pills detoxify and purify the

blood by eliminating harmful toxins from the

blood and thus cure many common skin problems

like psoriasis, eczema, skin rashes, acne and boils.

• The natural blood purifiers mentioned below can

help you in getting rid of acne.

• Garlic: This is commonly found in every kitchen, it

is a great blood purifier.

• Eat couple of garlic cloves everyday to cleanse the

toxins from your blood.

• Garlic is a wonderful cure for acne outbreaks.

• Take some fresh cloves of garlic and squash them

to make pulp.

• Apply this pulp on your face directly.

• Leave it for five minutes and then rinse it off with

warm water.

• Taking garlic supplements or eating raw garlic

cloves can also help you in fighting bacteria that

causes acne.

• Burdock root: This is a wonderful natural blood

purifier that can be used to fight with acne and

many other skin problems.

• Mix two cups of water with one teaspoon of dried

burdock root and boil it.

• Once it starts to boil, reduce the flame and

simmer it, boil it on low flame until it is reduced

to half.

• Take half cup of this mixture two or three times a

day to prevent acne.

• You can also apply it on your face with the help of

a cotton ball.

• Neem: It is a medicinal herb used in treating

various skin conditions.

• Neem contains antibacterial properties and is

effective in destroying the accumulation of

bacteria that causes acne.

• It can also help in reducing swelling caused by this

type of skin condition.

• Once you are done with cleansing your face, rub

some Neem oil on your face.

• Applying a paste of fresh Neem leaves on your

face is another way of using Neem to cure acne,

leave it on your face for some time and then rinse

it off.

• Red clover is one of the commonly used

ingredients used in the preparation of blood

detoxifying products.

• Besides detoxifying blood cells, appropriate usage

of this herb also helps in treating a range of

health issues like psoriasis and eczema.

• Glisten plus capsule is one of the most

recommended herbal products to cleanse blood

cells safely and naturally.

• This capsule is made of herbal ingredients. Key

health benefits of using Glisten Plus Capsule in

your diet are reduction of age spots, curing

wrinkles and glowing skin.

• Chalmeri, amar bel and kasumba are the key

ingredients used in the preparation of these
