natural gas network pricing and its influence on electricity and gas markets

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  • 7/30/2019 Natural Gas Network Pricing and Its Influence on Electricity and Gas Markets


    Natural Gas Network Pricing and Its Influenceon Electricity and Gas Markets

    M. S. Morais and J. W. Marangon Lima,Member, IEEE1

    Abstract-- The introduction of competition at the electricity

    generation and commercialization has been the main focus of

    many restructuring experiences around the world. The open

    access to the transmission network and a fair regulated tariff are

    the keystones of the development of the electricity market. The

    natural gas business has a great interaction with the electricity

    market in terms of fuel consumption and energy conversion.

    Given that the transmission and distribution monopolistic

    activities are very similar with the natural gas transportation

    through pipelines, economic regulation related to the natural gas

    network should be coherent with the transmission counterpart.

    This paper will show the main wheeling charge methods used at

    transmission and their application to the gas network. Linear

    stead-state equations are developed to adequate the various

    pricing methods. Some examples will clarify the results, in terms

    of investments for thermal generation plants and end consumers,

    when combined pricing methods are used to transmission and gas

    networks. The paper shows the synergies that should be

    adequately used, otherwise wrong economic signals are sent to

    the market players.

    Index TermsEconomic Regulation, Electricity Market,

    Natural Gas Network, Transmission Network, Wheeling



    THE international environment has changed dramaticallysince the beginning of the 90s. The introduction ofcompetition at the electricity generation and

    commercialization has been the main focus of manyrestructuring experiences for the electrical sector. The main

    goal has been to achieve greater economic efficiency than thepast centralized and often-monopolistic environment.

    The open access to the transmission network and a fairregulated tariff are the keystones of the development of the

    electricity market. Many methodologies have been proposedto price transmission networks in order to give reasonableeconomic signs to the electricity market players [1]. Thesemethods such as the MW-mile, bus marginal cost, and others,

    usually incorporate the spatial nature of the transmissionsystems given the opportunity to the generation and consumeragents to place their generation and load units at the mostappropriated sites. To those agents that are already placed,

    there is an opportunity to influence on the transmission

    expansion plan to minimize the wheeling charges. The marketrules and the flexibility given to each agent vary from countryto country and also depend on the degree of the restructuringdevelopment.

    At the generation side, especially for the thermal units,locating the assets where their production will be valued atbest is of uttermost importance for the companies futurereturn on investment. Besides the transmission fare and the

    plant investment cost, one important portion of the total cost is

    the fuel cost. For the natural gas plants, the fuel cost can besplit into two parts: the production cost and the transportationcost. The gas transportation is usually performed by gas

    pipelines, which have similar characteristics with theelectricity transmission network. Therefore, fuel supplyconditions, as well as generation and transmission capacityconstraints, have to be taken simultaneously into account inthe investment decision process. Synergies between electricity

    and natural gas systems have to be identified andeconomically quantified so that integrated decisions couldbring in an edge to the investment company. In the long-termphase, the decisions are highly inter-dependent in gas and

    electricity sub-systems, which justify an integrated analysis

    [8]. Therefore, the economic regulation of electricitytransmission and gas transportation must be performedtogether.

    A methodology to charge gas pipeline networks is proposed inthis paper taking into account the transmission pricingmethod. Transmission wheeling charge methods usuallyconsider the load flow equations, i.e., the static behavior of the

    electrical systems. Therefore, a coherent method to price gasnetwork should also use steady-state equations of the gas flowthrough the pipelines. Based on the linearization of suchequations, wheeling charge methods are compared for the gasnetwork. The methods need to match with the transmission

    pricing methods. Therefore, a set of combined pricingmethods is suggested.

    Some examples will demonstrate the importance of the

    wheeling charge regulation both at the gas and electricitysystems. This is crucial for the thermal units, which have thegas as the input and the electricity as the output of theproduction process. Both products use physical networkstructures as transportation. Therefore, the influence of the

    wheeling method on the decision making process in terms ofsitting the assets will be showed.

    1 This work was supported in part by CAPES and CNPq (#450656/02)

    M. S. Morais and J. W. Marangon Lima are with Engineering System

    Group (GESis) at Federal Universtiy of Itajub (UNIFEI), Av. BPS 1303,

    Itajub, MG 37500-903, Brazil (email: [email protected]).

    0-7803-7967-5/03/$17.00 2003 IEEE

    Paper accepted for presentation at 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference, June 23th-26th, Bologna, Italy

  • 7/30/2019 Natural Gas Network Pricing and Its Influence on Electricity and Gas Markets


    ( )[ ] ( 1352



    1 = smfSLTZ





    nn ) (2)Another important result from the consumer point of view is

    that electricity and gas may be interchange in someapplications like, for instance, in the generation of heat. The

    electricity market and the gas market will provide thecommodity prices, but the transportation may influence on thedecision about the better fuel to use. In Brazil, where hydroplants provide 92% of the electricity generation, the wheeling

    charge method plays an important role.

    where: where:64



    = = constant

    The above general flow equation involves simplifyingassumptions which are:

    1) isothermal flow due to insignificant temperature changes;II. GAS STEADY-STATE EQUATIONS

    2) negligible kinetic energy change and constantcompressibility across the pipe;

    The steady-state flow of gas in a pipeline may be described byequations that change according to the gas working pressure

    and friction. These factors govern the gas flows that can varyfrom small values, in low-pressure distribution systems, tovary large values, in high-pressure transportation systems. Theeffects of friction are difficult to quantify and are the mainreason for variations in the flow equations. The friction factor

    is not a constant for a given section of a pipeline and it isdependent on the roughness of the internal pipe surface, gas

    velocity, gas density, gas viscosity and the internal diameter ofthe pipe.

    3) validity of the Darcy friction loss relationship across thepipe;

    4) constant friction coefficient along the pipe length.Based on the working pressure of the network and the frictionfactor, Eq. (2) can be simplified. Three categories are

    provided in this paper, which can encompass a great variety ofsituations [6]: low-pressure, medium-pressure and high-

    pressure networks, with ( ) ( ) ( ).,, 13hmQmLmmD A. Low-pressure (0-75 mBar gauge)

    For this pressure range, the Laceys equation may be derived:After defining the gas operating conditions, the problem ofstatic simulation is to estimate the values of pressure at thenodes and the flows in the individual pipes for known valuesof sources pressures and of gas consumption in the nodes. The

    pressures at the nodes and the flow in the pipes must satisfythe flow equation, and together with the values of loads andvalues of sources must fulfill the similar Kirchhoffs laws forthe electrical systems.

    ( )





    2141072.5 (3)






    In general, f may be set equal to 0.0065 givin the Polesequation:

    The relationship between pressure, volume and temperature of

    gas allows the development of an empirical steady-statepipeline flow equation, derived from Bernoullis equation.

    The gas flow is given by [6]:nQ

    ( )SL







    Assuming S=0.589, and the equation (4) can be


    (mbarp )

    ( )

























    KQpp n





    nn pT ,


    quantities at standard conditions of temperature and

    pressure (288 K and 0.1 MPa); B. Medium-pressure (0.75 7.0 Bar gauge)

    airconstant of air ( )11 KNmKg ;

    S airR

    = specific gravity of the gas gasR




    For this pressure range, the Polyflos equation may be

    derived:dimensionless friction facD internal diameter o ;f pipe


    ( )mL

    ( )









    2141057.7 (6)length of the pipe ( )m

    KT temperature do gas ( ) ;Z dimensionless compressibility factor;

    where: ( )barp21 ,pp inlet and outlet absolute pressure ( )2Nm ,

    h inclination of the pipe,g acceleration of gravity.

    Assuming that the pipe is horizontal, ( , the elevationterm is zero and the equation simplifies:


  • 7/30/2019 Natural Gas Network Pricing and Its Influence on Electricity and Gas Markets


    kp pressure drop for pipe ;kThe value of is given by:f

    ip absolute pressure at node ;i ( ) ( ) Ef 076.0Re338.51 = pj absolute pressure at node ;jwhere:E is equal to 0.8 For medium and high pressure:Re is the Reynolds number

    ( )[ ] ( ) kjikm

    nkknPPPQKQ === 1 (10)

    Assuming T and , the equation (6) canbe rearranged:

    K288= 589.0=S where: .22 , jjii pPpP ==








    KQpp n




    The equations for low pressure, and for medium and highpressure can be rearranged:

    ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( ) 11









    C. High-pressure (above 7.0 Bar gauge)

    For pressures above 7.0 Bar, the Panhandle equation can be

    used:F. Network equations

    ( )fSLTZ




    Qn n









    Many methods of meshed gas flow simulation may be used,

    such as, the Newton-nodal method, Hard-Cross nodal method,Newton-loop method and Hard-Cross loop method. TheNewton-loop method has a good convergence compared withthe other ones [2], [3],[4] and will be used in this paper.

    where: .( )barpThe friction factor is given by:f

    ( ) ( ) Ef 073.0Re872.61 = The Equation (12) represents a set of loop equations thatdescribe the gas network. In this approach, the non-pipeelements are not considered.

    Assuming , the

    equation (8) can be rearranged:

    589.0288,95.0 === SandKTZ

    ( )[ ] 0. =QB (12)












    B branch-loop incidence matrix;

    ( )Q vector of flow equation.

    This equation is a mathematical representation of Kirchhoffs

    second law which states that the sum of pressure-drops aroundany loop is zero. The loop method requires that a set of loops

    in the network be defined. An initial approximation made

    to the branch flows ensures that a flow balance exists at eachnode. Since the branch flows are approximations to their truevalues, a loop flow q is introduced. The loop flow is the flowcorrection to be added to the branch flow approximations to

    yield the true values. A loop error into each loop is alsointroduced because the pressure-drop calculated from theseflows will not summate to zero around each loop. This loop

    error is a function of all the loop flows.


    D. General formulae

    From above equations, it is possible to derive a general

    expression for steady-state gas flow. For any pipe , the pipe

    flow equation from node i to node can be expressed as [7]:k


    ( )[ ]k


    nkknQKQ 1=


    ( )kn

    Q flow function for pipe k;

    kK pipe constant for pipe k;

    ( )knQ flow in pipe k;

    1m flow exponent: 2 for low-pressure The loop errorsF(q) are incorporated into equation (12):

    ( ) ( )[ ]QBqF .=1.848 for medium-pressure1.854 for high-pressure

    But, qBQQ T.0 +=For low pressure:

    Then, ( ) ( )qBQBqF T.0 += (13)( )[ ] ( ) kjiknkkn pppQKQ ===2


  • 7/30/2019 Natural Gas Network Pricing and Its Influence on Electricity and Gas Markets


    We now make an initial approximation to the loop flow .

    This approximation is then successively corrected until asolution is reached. The Newton-loop method solves the set ofequations (13) iteratively until the loop errors are less than aspecified tolerance. The iterative scheme for correcting the

    approximations to the loop flows is [6]:

    qT(u) =

    kall k





    where:T(u) transmission tariff for the useruCk cost of circuit kfk(u) k-circuit flow caused by userukkk qqq +=+1

    kf k-circuit capacity

    TTC = total transmission costkall


    ( )[ ]k






    The flow fk(u) may be assessed by a DC load flow modelbased on a given set of power injections and power retrievesthat represent the wheeling transaction of useru. In this case,it is important to identify the from and to points of eachtransaction. For instance, if a transaction is defined by an

    injection ofx MW at bus i and a retrieve of the same x at bus

    j, the vector P has zeros at all positions except at i row withthe value x and at j row with the value x. The circuit flowsare calculated using equations (14) and (15).

    Jis the loop Jacobi matrix given by:TBMBJ ..=



    ii ,....,11


    1 ==

    =m number of branches.

    The advantage of this method is its good convergence

    characteristics and its little sensitivity to the initial conditions. Similar approach may be applied to the gas network. For anagent u represented by an injection of gas at node i and aretrieve at node j, the variation of gas flow, Q, at eachpipeline may be determined by considering the case with and

    without the transaction using equation (12). With such aprocedure, we are assessing the sensibilities of the gas flow ofeach pipeline.


    Many transmission pricing methods have been proposed sincethe popular postage stamp method. The majority of them

    starts with the MW-mile method [5], which incorporate thedistance as an important measure to account. This methodallocates the allowed transmission income among the systemusers in proportion to their "extent of use" of the transmission

    resources [1]. The DC load flow equations identify how eachuser contributes to the use of circuit capacities.

    The IRTC method also uses the DC load flow but it is notnecessary to identify the counterparties of a transaction. Nodalprices are determined independently from the injection andretrieve points. The method uses the sensibility, ki, related tothe variation on the load flow in one circuit, k, due to an

    injection of 1 MW at bus i. The nodal tariff at node j, j, isdetermined by: = P (14)






    CC )( (17)where:

    susceptance matrix voltage angle vector

    The kr is the sensibility ofk-circuit to the reference bus r. In

    most of the cases the tariffs cannot provide the total allowedrevenue (AR) for the transmission grid. Thus, an adjustment is needed to match the revenue. Equation (18) shows how thisadjustment can be introduced.

    P bus power injection vector

    The power flow at circuit k,fk, may be obtained by:

    (15)kjikf )( =









    i voltage angle of bus i

    k susceptance of circuit k

    where:Three transmission pricing methods will be proposed for thegas meshed network: the traditional postage stamp, the MW-mile and the Invested Related Transmission Cost (IRTC) [9].

    The last one has been applied in Brazil.

    j adjusted tariff at busj

    Li load at bus i

    Rearranging the equation (18) yields:The MW-mile method calculates the flow at each circuitcaused by the generation/load pattern of each agent based on a

    power flow model. Costs are then allocated in proportion tothe ratio of power flow and circuit capacity:

  • 7/30/2019 Natural Gas Network Pricing and Its Influence on Electricity and Gas Markets














    Table 1: Gas wheeling charge under MW-mile(million US$/Mm3/h)

    R. Janeiro S. Paulo P. Alegre

    Bolvia 0.0304 0.0290 0.0299

    Argentina 0.0288 0.0199 0.0198

    Campos 0.0037 0.0092 0.0335where:






    C)()( Table 2 shows the nodal prices for the three cities considering

    the IRTP method (injected and consumed gas are in Mm3). Inthis case, both the production and consumption pay thewheeling charge, i.e., 50 % of the total cost is paid by theproduction and 50 % by the consumption.

    Note that j does not depend on the reference bus. The firstterm of equation (19) is the postage stamp tariff and thesecond one is the modulation.

    A similar procedure is applied to the gas grid. The kjrepresents, for the gas network, the variation in the gas flow atpipeline k caused by one variation in the injection of gas atnode j. A reference node is also chosen to build the matrix Bof all sensibilities . It is important to note that those

    sensibilities are related to the base case with all transactionsincorporated.

    Table 2: Gas wheeling charge under IRTP methodNode Injected




    S Paulo 0 0.0410 253 0.0361

    R Janeiro 0 0.0386 85 0.0386

    P Alegre 0 0.0.424 167 0.0348

    Bolivia 94 0.0153 0 0.0618

    Argent 73 0.0061 0 0.0710

    Campos 338 0.0483 0 0.0288Based on the B matrix, the same approach related to the

    revenue reconciliation can be applied for the gas network.Table 3 shows the transmission charges under MW-mile forthe three points chosen as the candidate points of electricity

    injection. In this case, it was assumed that the natural gasgeneration plants will be sited at So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro orPorto Alegre.


    The development of the gas grid in Brazil is recent, but some

    pipe loops can be visualized in the future. Figure 1 presentsthe planned and the current configuration of the gas networkin the south part of the country. There are basically threesources of gas: two from the neighboring countries Boliviaand Argentina and one from the off-shore oil fields at the

    north of Rio de Janeiro city. In this paper, it will be analyzedthree options in terms of sitting a thermal plant: So Paulo,

    Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre cities.

    Table 3: Transmission charges under MW-mile(US$/KWmes)

    R. Janeiro S. Paulo P. Alegre

    R. Janeiro 0 0.468 1.581

    S. Paulo 0.468 0 1.3143

    P. Alegre 1.581 1.3143 0

    The Table 4 shows the transmission charges under IRTP forthe same points of Table 3. The IRTP method is the current

    method used in Brazil where generation pays 50% of the totalcost and load pays the remaining 50%. This is the reason whythere are two different transmission tariffs: one for thegeneration and one for the load.

    Table 4: Transmission charges under IRTP (US$/KWms)Generation Load

    R. Janeiro -0.291 1.025

    S. Paulo 0.0243 0.759

    P. Alegre 0.555 0.180

    Tables 5, 6 and 7 present the total costs for one combinedcycle thermal plant with capacity of 10 MW being installed at

    the three cities respectively. The wheeling charges of bothtransmission and gas network vary according to the method.For instance, at Table 5, if the thermal plant is located at Riode Janeiro and the IRTP is used for the gas and the postagestamp for the electricity, the plant owner will pay US$

    249,000.00 per month for the ship-or-pay contracts. The costsat shaded cells derive from the same wheeling method at gasand electricity.

    Figure 1: Brazilian Gas Network

    Table 1 presents the gas network wheeling charges underMW-mile method considering a transportation of one

    thousand m3 (Mm3) from the three sources to theaforementioned cities. Campos is the city at Rio de Janeirostate where oil fields are located.

  • 7/30/2019 Natural Gas Network Pricing and Its Influence on Electricity and Gas Markets


    Table 5: Thermal plant at Rio de Janeiro (millionUS$)Gas

    Gas-mileP. Stamp

    Campos Argentina Bolvia


    P. Stamp 0.3219 0.1746 0.2286 0.2321 0.2497

    R Janeiro 0.1552 0.0079 0.0619 0.0654 0.0829

    So Paulo 0.1598 0.0126 0.0666 0.0700 0.0823


    P.Alegre 0.1710 0.0238 0.0777 0.0812 0.0906


    IRCP 0.1523 0.005 0.0643 0.0709 0.0801

    Table 6: Thermal plant at So Paulo (millionUS$)Gs

    Gas-mileP. Stamp

    Campos Argentina Bolvia


    P. Stamp 0.3219 0.1865 0.2095 0.2291 0.2443

    R Janeiro 0.1598 0.0245 0.0475 0.0670 0.0835

    So Paulo 0.1552 0.0198 0.0428 0.0624 0.0776


    P.Alegre 0.1683 0.0211 0.0559 0.0755 0.0879


    IRCP 0.1554 0.0227 0.0452 0.0679 0.0779

    Table 6: Thermal plant at Porto Alegre (millionUS$)Gs

    Gas-mileP. Stamp

    Campos Argentina Bolvia


    P. Stamp 0.3219 0.2387 0.2093 0.2310 0.2415R Janeiro 0.1710 0.0878 0.0584 0.0801 0.0988

    So Paulo 0.1683 0.0852 0.0557 0.0774 0.0907


    P.Alegre 0.1552 0.0720 0.0426 0.0643 0.0748



    IRCP 0.1608 0.0749 0.0450 0.0698 0.0804

    Based on the tables, it is possible to identify problems in terms

    of economic signals when postage stamp is chosen to be thewheeling method. The three points, when postage stamp isapplied to both gas and electricity, present high tariffs, whichshows the disadvantage of this method. The tariffs continue tobe high even when only one network is under postage stamp.

    The MW-mile and gas-mile method presents better results to

    signalize for the agents, that it is better to site the power plantcloser to gas resources and to the electricity load. This is the

    case of Rio de Janeiro.

    The IRTC method has the advantage of not identifying thebilateral contracts and, therefore, more suited for marketpurposes. However, in terms of location, the mile methods

    present a more accurate performance. The IRTC method isalso much better than the PS method.

    Comparing the three points, Rio de Janeiro is the better

    location to install the thermal plants when gas and electricitynetworks are considered.


    Methodologies to charge gas pipeline networks were proposed

    in this paper taking into account the transmission pricingmethods. The combined gas and transmission network pricingis necessary mainly when thermal plants are underconsideration. In Brazil, the development of the gas network

    is being justified by the electrical sector that was recentlyexposed to a rationing process, i.e., the electrical sector is theanchor of the natural gas sector. Therefore, finding the best

    locations for the thermal plants has become a very importantissue. With the introduction of market mechanisms at theseboth sectors, the establishment of reasonable chargingmethods for the gas and electricity networks is crucial,

    especially because the government has no more control overthe new private investments.

    This paper focused on three most used methods to show how

    they can change the location of new generation. The resultsprove that the influence of gas and transmission grids can notbe neglected by the regulators. Therefore, pricing methodsthat incorporate locacional information are better to introducea more reasonable policy. Particularly, in Brazil, the IRTP and

    postage stamp methods are being used at transmission and gasrespectively.


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    Overview", IEEE Trans. On Power Systems, vol. 11, N 3, pp. 1409-

    1418, Aug. 1996.

    [2] B. Gay, P. Middleton, The Solution of Gas Network Problems, Chem.Eng. Sci, Vol 28, pp 109-123, 1971.

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    Wheeling Transactions",IEEE Trans on PWRS, Vol. 4, No. 4, October


    Books:[6] A. J. Osiadacz, Simulation and Analysis of Gas Networks, Gulf

    Publishing Company, 1987.

    Technical Reports:[7] Gas Enginnering and Operating Practices GEOP. American Gas

    Association, 1996.

    Papers from Conference Proceedings (Published):[8] S. Hecq, Y. Bouffioulx, P. Doulliez, P. Saintes, "The Integrated

    Planning of the Natural Gas and Electricity Systems Under Market

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    M. S. Morais, has B.Sc., M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, the last one,from the Federal University at Itajub (UNIFEI), in 1990.From 1987 to 1991

    she was with Engenharia Projeto e Consultoriain Belo Horizonte, as engineerof Transmission Line sector. From 1992 to 2001 she was with University of

    Alfenas (UNIFENAS) as a professor and coordinator of Electrical

    Engineering. She is currently working on her D.Sc. degree at UNIFEI.

    J W Marangon Lima (M1994), has B.Sc., M.Sc. and D.Sc. degrees inElectrical Engineering, the last one, from the Federal University of Rio de

    Janeiro (COPPE-UFRJ), in 1994. From 1980 to 1993 he was with Eletrobrs,

    the former Brazilian holding company of the power sector. Since 1993, he has

    been with Federal University of Itajub (UNIFEI) as a Professor of Electrical

    Engineering. In 1998, he was also with ANEEL, the Brazilian National

    Regulatory Agency, as a director advisor. From 2001 to 2002, he joined the

    Energy Policy Council in Brazil, as the coordinator of Energy Prices and

    Tariffs Technical Committee.