natural selection in foundry cove worms

Natural Selection at Foundry Cove: Evolution of Cadmium Resistant Worms Part 1 Of Mice, Bugs, and Bacteria Part 2 Mud worms 1 Source: Source:

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Natural Selection at Foundry Cove: Evolution of

Cadmium Resistant Worms

Part 1 Of Mice, Bugs, and


Part 2 Mud worms


Source: Source:

Presentation Notes
Before learning about the evolution of cadmium-resistance, students will look at three other examples of evolution by natural selection.

Of Mice, Bugs, and Bacteria


How did Foundry Cove worms become resistant to cadmium?

Natural Selection Natural selection of an invisible trait such as

cadmium resistance is hard to visualize. So let’s first look at natural selection of a visible

trait such as fur color.

3 Source:

Presentation Notes
Invisible traits are such things as resistance to cadmium (in mud worms) or chicken pox (in humans). Other examples also include what people sometimes refer to as “bad genes” --- genes that make one more susceptible to developing things like heart disease, diabetes, or breast cancer.

Pocket Mice and Predation



Presentation Notes
Two short videos provide a visual model for a natural selection event that occurred in a pocket mouse population in the desert region of the southwestern U.S.

Pocket Mice and Evolution


Presentation Notes
This video provides a simple representation of the natural selection story in one pocket mouse population. The volcanic eruption referred to in the video happened about 1000 years ago.

Existing Variation

Variation within a species

e.g. Genetic variation for fur color -multiple alleles for color

Present in a population or species before natural selection occurs


Presentation Notes
Students often think that the traits an organism “needs” to survive are caused by the environmental change. While the concept of existing variation is fairly easy to understand here because students are familiar with the idea of color variation (multiple alleles) from their own lives, this understanding often gets lost in unfamiliar cases. Ask students for other examples of existing variation. Ask for examples in plants (e.g. roses), food (e.g. apples), and invisible traits (smell of roses, taste of apples, susceptibility to heart disease in humans).

Natural Selection in a Population of Pocket Mice

• Existing genetic variation multiple alleles for fur color

• Heritable fur color is passed from parent to offspring

• Differential succcess dark fur protects mice better

than light fur on lava flow habitat

• Time many generations of mice have lived and passed

on their genes


Presentation Notes
These four conditions are needed for selection (both natural and artificial) selection to occur: **genetic variation, **the trait must be heritable **differential reproduction &/or survival due to presence of the trait (selective pressure) **time (multiple generations). Students often think that natural selection occurs in individual organisms rather than in a population or species. Natural selection occurs over many generations, not within an individual.

Existing Variation

University of California Museum of Paleontology Understanding Evolution (


Presentation Notes
The next five slides give another example of natural selection in a visible trait: color in beetles. There is existing variation in traits. For example, some beetles are green and some are brown.

Differential Reproduction

Some organisms are more likely to survive and reproduce.

University of California Museum of Paleontology Understanding Evolution (


Presentation Notes
There is differential reproduction. Since the environment can't support unlimited population growth, not all individuals get to reproduce to their full potential. In this example, green beetles tend to get eaten by birds and survive to reproduce less often.


University of California Museum of Paleontology Understanding Evolution (


Presentation Notes
The trait is heritable. The surviving brown beetles have brown baby beetles because this trait has a genetic basis.

End Result

University of California Museum of Paleontology Understanding Evolution (


Presentation Notes
End result: The more advantageous trait, brown coloration, which allows the beetle to have more offspring, becomes more common in the population. If this process continues, eventually, most or all individuals in the population will be brown.

Natural selection in a nutshell

University of California Museum of Paleontology Understanding Evolution (


Presentation Notes
Over the course of many generations, green beetles have been selected against, and brown beetles have flourished.

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance

University of California Museum of Paleontology Understanding Evolution (

A bunch of bacteria, including a resistant variety . . .


Presentation Notes
Students may be familiar with antibiotic-resistant strains of disease organisms such as drug-resistant TB or MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphlococcus aereus). The evolution of antibiotic resistance occurs through natural selection. Imagine a population of bacteria infecting a patient in a hospital. The patient is treated with an antibiotic. The drug kills most of the bacteria but there are a few individual bacteria that happen to carry a gene that allows them to survive the onslaught of antibiotic. These survivors reproduce, passing on the gene for resistance to their offspring, and soon the patient is populated by an antibiotic resistant infection — one that not only affects the original patient but that can also be passed on to other patients in the hospital.

How did natural selection change the population of pocket mice, beetles, or drug-resistant bacteria?

Try not to use the word “adapt”.


Presentation Notes
At this point, students can review the mechanism of natural selection. Use this as an opportunity to reinforce important concepts before moving on to the evolution Foundry Cove worms. Probe students’ explanations to check and correct if necessary, their understanding of concepts such as existing variation; population not individual evolution; and the difference between plasticity and inherited traits.

Natural Selection in Foundry Cove Worms


Presentation Notes
Review the previous examples with students as necessary.

Evolution of an Invisible Trait

Now, on to the natural selection of cadmium resistance in Foundry Cove mud worms.



Presentation Notes
The next four slides can be used to introduce the Natural Selection Process Diagram in the student handout. Depending on your students, you might use the first two slides to show students how the diagram works and then let them finish alone on their own, or you may want to have the class follow along and complete their diagram as you view the four slides.

Foundry Cove Worms Natural Selection Process Diagram

Key = Non-resistant worm = Resistant worm


Selection and Growth

Toxic levels of cadmium kill 50% of

the population

First Generation as Young

How many are alive?

What % are resistant?

Presentation Notes
This shows young Foundry Cove worms before the first introduction of cadmium into their environment. Cadmium-resistant worms make up 5% in this diagram. The students should be sure to answer the questions below the worms before/after each event. These are also on their worksheet. 20 alive; 5% resistant

Foundry Cove Worms Natural Selection Process Diagram


Key = Non-resistant worm = Resistant worm

Selection and Growth

Toxic levels of cadmium kill 50% of

the population

First Generation as Young

First Generation as Adults

How many are alive?

What % are resistant?

How many are alive?

What % are resistant?

Presentation Notes
Many of the non-resistant adults die without reproducing. In this model, the cadmium kills more than half of the non-resistant worms. 10 alive 10% resistant

Foundry Cove Worms Natural Selection Process Diagram


Key = Non-resistant worm = Resistant worm

Reproduction Surviving adults reproduce, each having one baby

Selection and Growth

Toxic levels of cadmium kill 50% of

the population

First Generation as Young

First Generation as Adults

1st Gen. Survivors & their Young

How many are alive?

What % are resistant?

How many are alive?

What % are resistant?

How many are alive?

What % are resistant?

Presentation Notes
Now the population size increases to twenty, but the proportion stays the same. Two out of 20 worms (10%) of the second generation are resistant.

Foundry Cove Worms Natural Selection Process Diagram

Selection and Growth

Toxic levels of cadmium kill 50% of


Reproduction Surviving adults reproduce, each having one baby


Key = Non-resistant worm = Resistant worm

1st Gen. Survivors & Their Young


1st & 2nd Gen. Survivors as Adults

Survivors & their Young

Reproduction Surviving adults reproduce, each having one baby

Selection and Growth

Toxic levels of cadmium kill 50% of

the population

First Generation as Young

First Generation as Adults

1st Gen. Survivors & their Young

How many are alive?

What % are resistant?

How many are alive?

What % are resistant?

How many are alive?

What % are resistant?

How many are alive?

What % are resistant?

How many are alive?

What % are resistant? Copy totals for 1st gen.

survivors & young here:

Presentation Notes
The second row starts with the surviving adults and their young (from the end of the first row). Once again, cadmium kills more than half of the non-resistant worms. Of the ten surviving adults, two (20%) are resistant. The population size increases to twenty, but the proportion stays the same, so 4 out of 20 worms (20%) of the second generation are resistant. Again, exposure to cadmium kills many worms before they can mature and reproduce. The percentage of cadmium-resistant worms in the third generation has increased to 20%.

Scientists noticed fewer muskrats in Foundry Cove during the most polluted years.

1. Do you think muskrats evolved resistance to cadmium? Why or why not?

2. What else might cause a reduction in the number of muskrats in the cove?



Presentation Notes
Many muskrats from the area had liver lesions and high levels of cadmium in their kidneys, and there is no evidence that the population was resistant. Cadmium may have killed muskrats. It’s also possible that another cause unrelated to cadmium, such as disease, may have reduced their numbers. Evolution is not a solution to toxins in our environment. Resistance to contaminants has been found in very few organisms, while a whole range of detrimental effects of many toxic pollutants are well documented in many species and in many environments.