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Natural Therapies from Rio Trading: Broad-spectrum Microbial Defence using Amazonian Botanicals Rose Holmes, BSc, Dip.ION, PGCE April 2017

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Natural Therapies from Rio Trading: Broad-spectrum Microbial Defence

using Amazonian Botanicals

Rose Holmes, BSc, Dip.ION, PGCE

April 2017

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Overview• Set the scene re autoimmunity and antimicrobials• What is so special about rainforest plants• Uncaria tomentosa (aka Cat’s claw)--Active constituents, contraindications

• TOA’s and POA’s• Samento—a TOA-free version of Cat’s Claw: actions, benefits, effects• 2 studies using Samento

• Banderol • Herxheimer Healing Reactions• Pau d’Arco• Stevia• Role of Amazonian botanicals in chronic illness and autoimmunity• Connections between Borrelia burgdorferi and autoimmune diseases• Concluding summary• Available learning resources and references

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Autoimmunity• Autoimmunity results from an aberrant immune response, in particular

an immune response against an organism’s own healthy cells and tissues.

• The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine website refers to these (more than 80) autoimmune conditions as:

‘misdirected immune responses’ and states ‘autoimmunity is present in everyone to some extent. It is usually harmless and probably a universal phenomenon of vertebrate life.’

(from Jacobson DL et al. Clin Immunol Immunopathol, 84: 223-243, 1997).

• Some examples of Autoimmune Disease: rheumatoid arthritis, Graves’ disease, chronic thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes mellitus, lupus, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Sjögren’s syndrome, vitiligo, pernicious anaemia, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease

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The Broad Spectrum of Autoimmune Disease

Discussing the creation of the Johns Hopkins Autoimmune Disease Research Centre, the website further states:

‘…autoimmunity can be the cause of a broad spectrum of human illnesses, known as autoimmune disease. …This concept of autoimmunity as the cause of human illness is relatively new….. Autoimmune diseases are, thus, defined when the progression from benign autoimmunity to pathogenic autoimmunity occurs…. Autoimmune diseases can strike any part of the body, and thus symptoms vary widely and diagnosis and treatment are often difficult….. The basic principles governing one autoimmune disease are applicable to others. Common threads uniting the autoimmune diseases are the presence of an autoimmune response based on cumulative genetic risk factors, combined with an environmental contribution (infectious, chemical, physical or other).

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Environmental Contributions to Autoimmune Conditions

• Since, according to this description, autoimmunity can be the cause of a broad-spectrum of human illness, with the ability to strike anywhere in the body, and since there is an association with environmental contributions—infectious, chemical and physical—protocol to address autoimmune conditions will need to address environmental conditions—including toxins and micro-organisms

• Alongside other elements of healthy diet and lifestyle, the following may benefit: detoxification protocols, broad-spectrum antimicrobials, adaptogens and immune modulation

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Antimicrobials• Dictionary definition: an agent that kills micro-organisms or inhibits their growth.

– From the Greek ‘anti’ = against, ‘mikros’ = little and ‘bios’ = life

• Those that inhibit growth are more accurately termed ‘biostatic’

• Antimicrobials should do little or no damage to host

• Microbes:

– Viruses

– Bacteria

– Fungi

– Parasites

• Protozoa—one-celled, microscopic—can be free-living or parasitic

• Helminths—commonly referred to as ‘worm parasites’—larger, multicellular organisms which may be visible to the human eye. Most of these live in the intestines

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Rainforest Botanicals

• Uncaria tomentosa as Samento: broad-spectrum antimicrobial and immune modulation and detoxifier

• Banderol: broad-spectrum antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immune support

• Pau d’Arco: broad-spectrum antimicrobial (antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial), antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and supports immune function

• Stevia: broad-spectrum antimicrobial

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What is so special about the rainforest plants?

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Biodiversity of the Rainforest

• 1 hectare contains about 900 tons living plants• A single rainforest reserve in Peru is home to

more species of birds than found in the entire USA

• One single tree in Peru harbours around 43 species of ants – total entire number of ant species in British isles

• Out of an estimated 250,000 species of plants, only 1% have been analysed for potential benefit

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Properties of Rainforest Plants

• Described as the ‘lungs of our planet’

• 20% of Earth’s oxygen is produced here

• Many of the plants from South America have been in constant use since before the time of the Incas (2,000 years plus)

• Plants are attacked by fungi, mould, bacteria, viruses, parasites and insects

• To survive - develop potent and active chemical defences

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Rainforest: Rich & Natural

Current farming• Depleted soil,

• Not practicing crop rotation

• Fertilisers: nitrogen, phosphate and potash

• Pesticides, herbicides, anti-fungal agents, anti-mould agents

• Insufficient sunlight or un-natural light

vs Rainforest Environment

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Cat’s ClawUncaria tomentosa

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• Climbing vine from Peruvian amazon

• Inner bark used therapeutically for centuries by

Ashaninka tribe in Peru

• Also known as Uña de Gato

• Has immuno-stimulatory effect

• Studies show hot water extract of Cat’s Claw

increases production of white blood cells, including B

and T Lymphocytes, natural killer cells and

granulocytes (Akesson et al, 2003)

Cat’s ClawFamily: RubiaceaeGenus: UncariaSpecies: tomentosa

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AsthmaGastric ulcers

Kidney cleanser

Also used

NeuralgiasViral conditions

e.g. ShinglesCleansing the intestinal tract


Strengthen immune system

Overall tonicArthritis

(Mur et al, 2002)

Uncaria tomentosa: Uses

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Plant Sterols: Beta-sitosterols



Quinovic acid glycosides(anti-inflammatory--to maintain healthy joints)

Tannins, catechins and procyanidins(Anti-oxidants)

Uncaria tomentosa: Active Constituents

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Research has shown alkaloids and other components of Cat’s Claw may play a critical role in memory and cognition

(Mohamed AF, Matsumoto K, Tabata K et al. Effects of Uncaria tomentosa total alkaloid and its components on experimental amnesia in mice:elucidation using the passive avoidance test. J Phar Pharmacol 2000;52:1553-1561)

Source : Picture taken from Google Image library

Uncaria tomentosa: Role in Brain Health

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• Not to be used with medications intended to suppress the

immune system (e.g. cyclosporine), before or after organ or

bone marrow transplants or skin grafts

• Has anti-fertility properties and therefore not recommended for

women trying to fall pregnant

• Not recommended for use in pregnancy or breastfeeding

• Not with blood thinning medication—mild blood-thinning effect

• Check with your health care professional if you are taking ANY


Uncaria tomentosa: Contraindications

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SamentoPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

SAMENTO is a very rare form of the Peruvian medicinal plant called Cat’s Claw, Uncaria tomentosa or “Saventaro”

It has been used for hundreds of years by native Peruvians

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Samento POA’sPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

SAMENTO only contains an amount of Pentacyclic Oxindole Alkaloids (POA’s)

that act on the cellular immune system and demonstrate powerful immune system modulating properties

POA’s include: Pteropodine, Isopteropodine, Speciophylline, Uncarine F, Mitraphylline and Isomitraphylline

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Samento: TOA-freePentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

• Unlike traditional Cat’s Claw products, SAMENTO does not contain a group of chemical antagonists called Tetracyclic Oxindole Alkaloids (TOA’s) that act upon the central nervous system

• Whereas Cat’s Claw has immune stimulant effect, TOA-free Samento is immune modulatory

TOA’s include: rhynchophylline, isorhynchophylline, corynoxeine, isocorynoxeine

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Samento: why TOA-free?Pentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

• According to research conducted in Austria, traditional Cat’s Claw products may contain as much as 80% TOA’s

• As little as 1% TOA’s can cause a 30% reduction in the immune system modulating properties that POA’s provide

• Some researchers believe Samento may be as much as 1,000 times more effective than Cat’s Claw

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Samento: Explanation of EfficacyPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

Pentacyclic Oxindole Alkaloids:Modulate immunesystem

Quinovic acid glycosides:Antiviral and antibacterial

Triterpenes:Antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, stimulation of T-killer cells

Anti-oxidants, polyphenols, proanthocyanins:Support immune system and reduce free radical load

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Actions of SamentoPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

Actions of Samento include:

• Antibiotic: Antiviral + Antimicrobial + Antifungal + Anthelmintic

• Immunomodulator: Resistance + Anti-inflammatory

• Depurative: Detoxification, Diuretic, Hypotensive, mild Laxative, Anti-diabetic

• Cellular Protector: Antimutagenic + Cytostatic

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Benefits of SamentoPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

Studies suggest Samento to be beneficial in the treatment of a wide range of immune system related conditions; these include but are not limited to:Lyme Disease AllergiesArthritisBursitisCancerDiabetesRheumatismUlcers

Systemic CandidiasisAll forms of HerpesLupusChronic Fatigue SyndromeDigestive disorders – including Gastritis & Irritable Bowel SyndromeHIV infection

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Effects of SamentoPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

• Very effective as immune system adaptogen and antimicrobial• Very effective for Borrelia, Bartonella, Coxsiella, Erhlichia• Well studied to curb inflammation and reduce cytokines TNF-

α and NFκB• 84% as effective in animal tests as medical anti-inflammatory

drugs• Not to be used for those on immune suppressing medication,

pregnant or breastfeeding.• Can be taken in conjunction with other medication including

antibiotics following guidelines• Skin make become more sensitive to sunlight whilst taking

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Action Spectrum of SamentoPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

The action spectrum of Samento can be summarised as:• Samento modulates the immune

system• Samento may block the neurotoxins

produced by the Lyme borreliosis and other microbes

• Samento has broad-spectrum anti-microbial effect—kills the Lyme spirochete and other micro-organisms

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Lyme Disease Pilot Study Pentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

Principle Investigators:William Lee Cowden M.D.

Joan Vandergriff N.D.Hamid Moayad D.O.

Luis Romero M.D.Svetlana Ivanova M.D. Ph.D.

Research Sponsors:NutraMedix, LLC (Jupiter, Florida, USA)

Nature’s Sunshine Products (Provo, Utah, USA)

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Lyme Disease Pilot Study Pentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

Structure of the Pilot Study:• 6 months• 28 Lyme patients (Stage 3)

• 14 control using conventional therapy during the study (antibiotics)

• 14 using ‘complementary’ treatment• 13 completed the study (one dropped out

because of cancer surgery)• All had tested positive for Lyme utilizing Western

Blot test for Borrelia burgdorferi

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Lyme Disease Pilot Study Pentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

Evaluation Methods used in the Pilot Study (each visit):• Physical examination• Outcomes Short Form 8• Questionnaire about severity of symptoms• Organic terrain (pH saliva and urine, urine

glucose by refractometry and urinary minerals by electrical conductivity)

• Dark field microscopy of blood • Kinesiological evaluation, CBC, SMAC and

Western Blot (only 1st and last visit)

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Stomach Pain

Joint Pain

Memory Problems

Muscle Pain

Visual Disturbances

Emotional Instability

Peripheral Neuropathy


Number of Persons (Complementary Patients) with Symptoms

Before Study Wk.10 of Study Improvement %

# Improved

13/13 12/13 92.3

10/13 10/10 100

8/13 7/8 87.5

9/13 8/9 88.9

7/13 7/7 100

5/13 4/5 80

5/13 4/5 80

5/13 5/5 100

4/13 3/4 75

Worsening – 0% for all symptoms

Lyme Disease Pilot Study Pentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

At the end of the study, 85%

tested negative for

Borrelia burgdorferiand all had

improvements in symptoms

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Lyme Disease Pilot Study Pentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

Changes in Overall Conditions (as determined by the physician) :

In the control group, 3 had slightly improved, 3 had

gotten worse and the rest had no change in clinical


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Lyme Disease Pilot Study Pentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

Results:Double blind period (3mnth)

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Sapi StudyPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

Principle Investigators:Eva Sapi, PhD

Akshita Datar B.S.Nacroop Kaur M.S.Shilpa Madri B.S.

David F Luecke B.S.

Support:University of New Haven

Turn the Corner Foundation

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Sapi StudyPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

The in vitro study was conducted in 2010 by Lyme Disease Research Group, University of New Haven, West Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A.

The study compared doxycycline with Samento and Banderol against Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) and was reviewed in The Townsend Letter (July 2010) and CAM Magazine (September 2010).

In this study two herbal extracts from the Cowden Condensed SupportProgram named Samento (TOA Free Uncaria tomentosa) and Banderol (Otobasp.) as well as doxycyline (one of the primary antibiotics for Lyme diseasetreatment) were tested for their in vitro effectiveness on several of thedifferent morphological forms of Borrelia burgdorferi (spirochetes, roundbodies and biofilm-like colonies)

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Sapi Study Pentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

RESULTS• Samento & Banderol

were as effective against Bb spirochetalforms as doxycycline

• Round-body forms of Bb increased with Doxycycline but decreased with Banderol & Samento

• Banderol + Samentoeliminated biofilm but doxycycline did not

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Sapi StudyPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

The results demonstrated that both herbal agents, but not doxycycline, had very significant effects on all forms of Borrelia burgdorferi, especially when used in combination, suggesting that herbal agents could provide an effective therapeutic approach for Lyme disease patients

Richard Horowitz, MD, President of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Educational Foundation (ILADEF), has prescribed the Cowden Condensed Support Program for over 2,000 of his patients and reports that it is effective for more than 70% of them

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Sapi StudyPentacyclic chemotype Uncaria tomentosa

The recommendation is to cycle between use of Samento and Banderol

Copy of suggested treatment protocol available from Rio Health on request

Information on Lyme disease also available from Rio Health on request

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Banderol: Otoba sp.

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• Anti-inflammatory action• Broad-spectrum of action although mainly used

for antibacterial function• Antiparasitic (both protozoa and worms),

antifungal and mild antiviral properties as well• Very effective against Borrelia burgdorferi and

common co-infections in Lyme disease• Banderol may also kill some fungi that Cumanda

(Campsiandra angustifolia) does not• Effective anti-diarrheal• Used traditionally by Waorani Indians from

Ecuadorian Amazon for treating infections caused by mites and fungi (Schultes & Raffauf, 1990)

Family: MyristicaeaGenus: Otoba

• Extract from Banderilla roja(Otoba sp.), a tree native to South America

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Herxheimer Reaction (Herx Healing Reaction)

• The killing of toxin-producing micro-organisms releases toxins into the body and while therapy is used to improve health, client may feel worse temporarily, before feeling better. This ‘Healing Reaction’ was first described by German physician Karl Herxheimer.

• Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, abdominal discomfort, joint pains, weakness or other ‘toxic’ symptoms may occur

• Overloads the lymphatic channels• Start low, go slow• Drink plenty of water—2 litres of mineral water daily• If ‘die off’ reaction occurs – stop for 2 days. Then half dosage and

then gradually increase dose. • Liver support herbs (e.g. Silymarin) are also recommended.

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Banderol: Contraindications

• No known contraindications

• No known side effects• Do not use if pregnant

or breastfeedingBanderilla rojabark extract (Otoba sp) (8:1)

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Pau d’Arco

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Pau d’ArcoGenus: Tabebuia Species: impetiginosa

• Also known by its Spanish name, Lapacho, and as ‘The Tree of Life’ in Peru and Brazil

• A huge, hardwood, canopy tree (can exceed 30m in height) native to the Amazon rainforest

• Guarani and Tupi Indians call the tree tajywhich means to have strength and vigour

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About Pau d’Arco

• In constant use in South America since before the time of the Incas (2,000 years ago)

• Indigenous tribes living hundreds of miles apart have used it for many of the same conditions for hundreds of years

• The bark is traditionally used to make a herbal infusion for the treatment of fungal, bacterial or viral infections

• The bark contains more than 20 antimicrobial constituents

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Pau d’Arco Constituents• Contains a large amount of plant

chemicals called quinoids—mainly anthraquinones, lapachones and napththoquinones.

• One naphthoquinone, Lapachol, has been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal properties (Giuraud et al, 1994)

• Also beta-lapachone, has been studied extensively – shown to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antitumorous properties (Schuerch et al, 1978)

• Other constituents include benzenoidsand flavonoids including quercetin

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Pau d’Arco: Properties & Uses

Recommended for: • Candida Albicans & Aspergillus• Colds & Flu• Athletes Foot & Fungal Nail Infections• Epstein Barr Virus • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Broad-spectrum antimicrobial: Including Candida (Gershon et al, 1975),

Aspergillus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori (Park et al, 2005), Brucella (DeLima et al, 1956). Leaves the beneficial bacteria unaffected (Park et al, 2005)Properties: • Antifungal• Antiviral• Antibacterial• Antiparasitic

• Antioxidant• Anti-

inflammatory• Supports

immune function

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Pau d’Arco: Research• Scientific studies have focussed

primarily on just two of the many active constituents - Lapachol and Beta-lapachone

• Scientific studies have now shown Pau d’Arco to be effective against 11 separate strains of Yeast and Fungus - including Candida Albicans

• Research has indicated potent antioxidant activity, and antibacterial action against many bacteria –including MRSA and H-Pylori (implicated in formation of stomach ulcers)

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Pau d’Arco: ContraindicationsNot to be taken by people with bleeding disorders.Consult GP if on any medication.

Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Large single doses may cause gastrointestinal upset and/or nausea.

Do not take simultaneously with strong acid products like vitamin C as this may affect potency of the herb

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Rio Trading Pau d’Arco Extract Capsules• Rio Trading only use well

identified Tabebuia impetiginosabark

• This is a sustainable rainforest ‘crop’ that is harvested without permanent damage to the tree

• The strongest on the market –Bark 5:1 Extract 500mg, equivalent to 2,500mg herb per capsule – with no additives

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Rio Trading Pau d’Arco Teabags• Bark infusions are the traditional

way to use the herb

• Rio Pau d'Arco teabags are a supplement strength infusion (2,000mg per bag)

• Suitable for those with digestive disorders

• The Indian statesman Mahatma Gandhi reputedly drank a cup every day!

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Photo: Singh et al, 2014

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Family: AsteraceaeGenus: SteviaSpecies: rebaudiana

• Known for its sweetness and used as sugar substitute

• Has 300 times the sweetness of sugar• Stevia does not cause the release of insulin

and so can be used by diabetics or those wanting to lose weight or reduce sugar intake

• Traditionally used for diabetes, high blood pressure and weight loss

• Stevia also shows antimicrobial effect against many pathogens (Ghosh et al, 2008)

• Stevia shows excellent antioxidant properties (Singh et al, 2012)

Photo: Singh et al, 2014

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About Stevia• Active constituents: austrinullin, β-carotene,

dulcoside, nilacin, rebaudi oxides, riboflavin, steviol, stevioside, tiamin

• Stevia shown to be effective against all known forms of Borrelia Burgdorferiincluding round bodies

• Stevia reduced biofilm mass by 40% whereas antibiotics resulted in growth of the biofilms (Theophilus et al, 2015)

• Stevioside has antimicrobial effects against Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiellapneumoniae and Pseudomonas aerugiosa(Puri & Sharma, 2011)

Stevia: more than a natural sweetener


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Stevia: Research

• There have been a few clinical trials showing benefit from the glycoside stevioside in mild hypertension (Hsieh et al, 2003) and type 2 diabetes (Gregersen et al, 2004)

• Double-blind placebo-controlled study of effectiveness and tolerability of oral stevioside in human hypertension showed that oral stevioside is a well-tolerated and effective modality and may be considered as an alternative or supplementary therapy for patients with hypertension (Chan et al, 2000)

• Research study showed Stevioside to be as effective as the antidiabetic agent, rosiglitazone, at enhancing glucose uptake in normal 3T3-L1 adipocytes or in cells induced to insulin resistance via exposure to TNF-α (Mohd-Radzman et al, 2013)


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Using Stevia

• Extract of Stevia leaf• NutraMedix Stevia does not leave a

bitter after taste• 4 drops of Stevia is equivalent to one

teaspoon of sugar• Use 1-5 drops as a sweetener• Therapeutic dose: 5 drops twice daily

on empty stomach.• Therapeutic dose as antimicrobial for

Borrelia burgdorferi: 30 drops twice daily

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Role of Amazonian Botanicals in Chronic Illness and


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Dealing with Chronic IllnessAccording to Dietrich Klinghardt M.D. PhD. intervention on 4 fronts is required:• Correct and balance basic physiology: diet, exercise, vitamins,

pH, hormones, osteopathic work, EMF (electro-magnetic field) protection

• Decrease toxic body burden: removal of metals, chemicals, biotoxins from intra- and extra-cellular matrix

• Immune modulation: up-regulating blocked or underactive immune functions. Down-regulating hyperactive systems. This is the MOST important because today most are overactive with chaotic and hyperactive immune reactions.

• Decrease microbial burden: parasites, mold, virus, bacteria, protozoa

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Correlation between Stored Toxins and Infectious Pathogens

Dr Klinghardt has determined that there is direct correlation between the amount of stored toxins and amount of infectious pathogens.

This burden of toxins and pathogens → poor pancreatic function → decreased production of digestive enzymes and insulin → impaired digestive processes → nutrient malabsorption → increased acidity → systemic inflammation → degenerative disease

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Immune Remodulation

• Uncaria tomentosa (Samento)• Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)• Eleutherococcus (Siberian ginseng)• Glycrrhiza (licorice root)• Echinacea• Sambucus nigra (black elderberry)• Vitamin C (1-5gm daily)• Glutathione (450mg 2-3 times daily)• Mushrooms—cordyceps, reishi, maitake• Probiotics• Vitamin D & sunshine• Astragalus, Japanese Knotweed, Red Root, Turmeric, Olive Leaf Extract• Homeopathy, acupuncture, osteopathy, colon hydrotherapy

BART: Red root (Ceanothus americanus), Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum)

VIR: Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous), St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum), Lemon balm (Mellisa officinalis), Olive

leaf extract (Olea europea)

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Connections between Lyme/Borrelia& Auto-immune Conditions

Borrelia is found in the serum of most of the MS- and ALS-patients.(Research by Jo Anne Whitaker,M.D. and Lida H. Mattman, Ph.D)

Most fibromyalgia patients are Lyme positive.

(Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 1998 May;24

(2):323-51 & report of Lida Mattman,Ph.D)

Out of 31 patients with chronic fatigue, it appears that 28 are Lyme positive.(Informal study by American LymeDisease Alliance on

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Connections between Lyme/Borrelia& Auto-immune Conditions

Many patients with arthritis have Lyme disease but only 24% of the Lyme patients have arthritis.(Z Rheumatol. 2003 Oct;62(5):450-8)

Lyme disease can imitate MS, encephalopathy, myelopathy, neuropathy or brain tumours.(Neurosurgery.1992 May;30(5):769-73)

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Consider Immune Modulation, Detoxification and Broad-spectrum Antimicrobials for addressing chronic illness and auto-immune conditions BROAD-SPECTRUM ANTIMICROBIALS

• Samento• Banderol• Pau d’arco• Stevia• Oregano-Quercetin-Curcumin


Curcumin-Oregano-Quercetin Complex: with Bioperine

Samento, pentacyclic chemotype

Uncaria tomentosa has broad-spectrum antimicrobial and

detoxification effect as well asimmune modulating properties

Concluding Summary

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Practitioner Product Manual

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Kinesiology Kits for Muscle Testing/ Bio-energetic Testing

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Rio Trading Learning Resources

Newly re-designed website and plans to provide Practitioner-dedicated website with learning resources over the coming year.

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Recommended Reading

The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs by Leslie Taylor ND

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Banderol (Otoba sp) References

• Weniger B et al (2001) Antiprotozoal activities of Colombian plants. J. Etnopharmacol78:193-200

• Datar A, Kaur N, Patel S, Luicke D, Sapi E (2010) In vitro effectiveness of Samento and Banderol herbal extracts on the different morphological forms of Borrelia burgdorferi. Townsend Letter

• Schultes RE & Raffauf RF (1990) The Healing Forest: Medicinal and Toxic Plants of the Northwest Amazonia. Portland: Dioscorides Press.

• Allende S (2007) Determination of the possible anti-inflammatory effect of the product known as Banderol, produced by the NutraMedix Laboratories, LLC, Florida. Universidad de Guayaquil Department of Chemical Sciences, Final Report 02/16/07

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Uncaria tomentosa References• Akesso Ch, Pero RW, Ivars F (2003) C-Med 100, a hot water extract of Uncaria tomentosa prolongs

lymphocyte survival in vivo, Phytomedicine 10: 23-33• Mur E, Hartig F, Eibl G, Schirmer M (2002) Radomised double blind trial of an extract from the pentacyclic

alkaloid-chemotype of uncaria tomentosa for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. J. Rheumatol 29:678-681• Mohamed AF, Matsumoto K, Tabata K et al (2000) Effects of Uncaria tomentosa total alkaloid and its

componenets on experimental amnesia in mice: elucidation using the passive avoidance test. J Phar Pharmaol 52:1554-1561

• Cowden WL, Vandergriff J, Moayad H, Romero L, Ivanova (Lyme Disease Pilot Stuy) • Datar A, Kaur N, Leicke DF, Madri S, Sapi E (2010) In vitro effectiveness of samento and banderol o different

forms of Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme Disease Research Group. Townsend Letter• Allene S (2005) Establishment of the potential anti-inflammatory effect of the product known as Samento.

Universidad de Guayaquil. Code 38/05 • Aquino R, DeSimone F, Pizza C, Conti C, Stein ML (1989) Plant metabolites. Structure and in vitro antiviral

activity o f quinovic acid glycosides from Uncaria tomentosa and Guettarda platypoda. J Nat Prod 52:679-685• Rinner B, Li ZX, Haas H, Siegl V, Sturm S, Stuppner H Pfragner R (2009) Antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic

effects of Uncaria tomentosa in human medullary thyroid crcinoma cells. Anticancer Res 29:4519-4528• Eberlin S, dos Santos LM, Queiroz ML (2005) Uncaria tomentosa extract increases the number of myeloid

progenitor cells in the bone marrow of mice infected with Listeria moncytogenes. Int Immunopharmaol5:1235-1246

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Pau d’Arco References• Hussain H, Krohn K, Ahmad VU, Miana GA, Green IR. Lapachol: an overview ARKIVOC 2007 (ii) 145-171• Gershon H. (1975) Fungitoxicity of 1,4-naphthoquinonoes to Candida albicans and Trichophyton menta grophytes.’ Can.

J. Microbiol. 1975. ); 21: 1317-1321• Giuraud P, et al. (1994). ‘Comparison of antibacterial and antifungal activities of lapachol and b-lapachone.’ Planta

Med.1994.• Portillo A et al. (2001) ‘Antifungal activity of Paraguayan plants used in traditional medicine.’. J of Ethnopharmacology,

Vol. 76, Issue 1, June 2001. • Park BS (2006) ‘Antibacterial activity of Tabebuia impetiginosa Martius ex DC (Taheebo) against Helicobacter pylori.’ J

of Ethnopharmacology, 105:255-262.• Park BS (2005) ‘Selective growth-inhibiting effects of compounds identified in Tabebuia impetiginosa inner bark on

human intestinal bacteria.’ Journal of Agric Food Chem, Feb 2005. • Taylor, L. The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs: A guide to understanding and using Rainforest medicinals. P.383-385

(2005) Square One Publishers• Burnett, A. R., Thomson R. H. Naturally occurring quinones. Part X. The quinonoid constituents of Tabebuia

avellanedae(Bignoniaceae) J. Chem. Soc. C, 1967, 2100-2104• Gershon, H., et al. Fungitoxicity of 1,4-naphthoquinones to Candida Albicans and Trichophyton menta grophytes. Can.

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impetiginosa martius ex dc (taheebo) against helicobacter pylori. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 105:255-262.• De Lima, O.G., et al. A new antibiotic substance isolated from pau d‘arco (Tabebuia). Anais. Soc. Biol. Pernambuco.

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Stevia References• Theophilus PAS, Victoria MJ, Socarras KM, Filush KR, Gupta K, Luecke DF, Sapi E (2015) Effectiveness of Stevia rebaudiana whole

leaf extract against the various morphological forms of Borrelia burgdorferi in vitro. European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology 5:268-280

• Puri M, Sharma D (2011) Antibacterial activity of stevioside towards food-borne pathogenic bacteria. Eng Life Sci 11:326-329• Siddique AB, Rahman SMM, Hosain MA, Hosain MA, Rashid MA (2014) Phytochemical screening and compariative antimicrobial

potential of different extracts of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 4:275-280• Gregersen S, Jeppesen PB, Holst JJ, Hermansen K (2004) Antihyperglycemic effects of stevioside in type 2 diabetic subjects.

Metabolism 53:73-76• Hsieh M-H, Chan P, Sue Y-M, Liu J-C, Liang TH, Huang T-Y, Tomlinson B, Chow MSS, Kao P-F, Chen Y-J (2003) Efficacy and

tolerability of oral stevioside in patients with mild essential hypertension: a tow-year, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Clinical Therapeutics 25:2797-2808

• Jayaraman S, Manoharan MS, Illanchezian S (2008) In-vitro antimicrobial and antitumor activities of Stevia rebaudiana (Asteraceae) leaf extracts. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 7:1143-1149

• Singh S, Garg V, Yadav D, Beg MN, Sharma N (2012) In-vitro antioxidative and antibacterial activities of various parts of Steviarebaudiana (Bertoni). International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 4:468-473

• Ghosh S, Subudhi E, Nayak S (2008) Antimicrobial assay of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaf extracts against 10 pathogens. International Journal of Integrative Biology 2:27-31

• Goc A, Rath M (2016) The anti-borreliae efficacy of phytochemicals and micronutrients: an update. Ther Adv Infectious Dis 3:75-82

• Singh A, Agrawal N, Gupta AK (2014) A ‘sweet shurb’ Stevia: more than a sweetener. Indian Journal of Drugs 2:1-4• Chan P, Tomlinson B, Chen Y-J, Liu J-C, Hsieh M-H, Cheng J-T (2000) A double-blind placebo-controlled study of the effectiveness

and tolerability of oral stevioside in human hypertension. Br J Clin Pharmacol 50:215-220 • Mohd-Radzman NH, Ismail WIW, Jaapar SS, Adam Z, Adam A (2013) Stevioside from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni increases insulin

sensitivity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013, ID:938081

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This information has been provided to educate and inform only and is not intended

to be a nutritional regime or to replace medical advice. The supplements listed

should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Those persons

taking any prescription medications or under medical supervision should consult a

doctor before taking any supplements.

It is important that attention is given to the recommended intake instructions

printed on each label. Caution should be taken not to exceed the stated intake

unless professionally directed. Where symptoms persist or there is a concern about

a condition, stop taking the supplements and consult a doctor.

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