naturalists checklist damselflies and dragonflies … · the following checklist of dragonflies and...

Kingston Field Naturalists CHECKLIST OF DAMSELFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES OF KINGSTON Class Insecta; Order Odonata; Suborder Zygoptera and Anisoptera Tho f^ll^trri-a.hpnlzlicf ic hoeerl nn rlofo cnnfoinprl rrrifhin thp f)ntnrin f)dnnqfo r)ofqhoco /f)f)D\ rrrifh additional records from naturalists in the Kingston area. The OOD is maintained by the Natural Heritage Infonnation Cenire, Oritario lvlinistry of Naturai Resources in Peierborough, Ontario. A yearly summary of Odonata records for the province began tn 1999 and results in a yearly publication entitled "Ontario Odonata" and is published by the Toronto Entomologist's Association www. The area covered by this checklist is a 50 km radius semi-circle centred at Kingston City Hall (44.2298 N and 76.4804 W). The northern limit of the circle is located in the Westport area and the southern limit ;. -^^-^.^-+^,{ L,, +L- i-+^--+i^--l 1*^*,{^-,,,;+l- +I"^ T T-;r-.1 Qt.too Tl"- ^;*^l^ ^-+^-.1" f.^* rl"^ D^^Lh^ri t5 iuPluowtiiwu uJ Lltw ttt(!l tl4tlutlGr uulult vy lall allw utlllwu urof!J, I llw wttwtw wAL9rluJ rlvrtl arl9 I\uv[I/vr t area in the east to the Marysville area in the west. The circle contains the southem portions of Frontenac and Lennox and Addington Counties, as well as a portion of south-westem Leecis County, the extreme south-eastern tip of Hastings County and a small portion of eastern Prince Edward County. We accept all sightings from Charleston Lake Park and Menzel Provincial Park, though parts of both are outside the circle. Because odonate (dragonflies and damselflies,) diversity and distribution in the Kingston area has been relatively understudied, some species could be more abundant than reported here. Also there could be species which have not yet been discovered. As odonate watching continues to become more popular, more information will be collected to improve our knowledge of the distribution, status and flight season. Each species liste<i has a code foiiowing the scientific name. The meanings are as foilows: Widespread and uncommon - WLfNC Local and uncommon - L/UNC Widespread and common - W/C I ncal anrl .^mmnn - | lC Widespread and abundant - WA r - --I ---- -I --l----- l---r r I l LUL4I AIIU AUUIIUAilL _ Ll T\ Local and rare - L/R Rare-R Vagrant - V The Kingston Field Naturalists, the Ontario Odonata Atlas and yearly summary welcome any, and all, records of dragonflies and damselflies, especially of rare species or species new to our area. Basic infnmafinn "rr^h oo r{afa o^rl o^o^ioo io orrffinianf lrrrf fLo awaaf lnnafinn (la+if:.rAa qaA rrrrvr rrruLrvrr Jsvrr qJ uclv, rvgsLlvrr urtu Jpvvr!J tJ Jgltlvtvllr usl !rrv vn svr lvvqrlvtl \rsLlruuv ullu longitude) with a GPS unit helps in the mapping and, ultimately, the conservation of species. For rare species a photograph is essential unless severai observers are present. With the aciveni of ciigitai cameras with optical magnification, the KFN discourages the collection of specimens. The following checklist of dragonflies and damselflies is a record of all species (106) observed in our area. It includes the scientific name and common name, followed by a code denoting status. A second cheeklist available for use in the field hy KFN members, lists the common name with additional spaces for date, location and quantity. Further information on how to report sightings can be obtained from V,,* rJ^^^: ^^ t-L^*-:^^/iit-^1^*^+ /-^-^l e^,,*^,,- +L^^*^*-/aL^+*^:l ^^ ,,,L^ ,,,^l^^*^ ^ll ,{^+^ r\ulL lrutrtrtts! NttLrrrr!tsu\g^Prulrrrt.t-\rrrl ul \_.4trrt uvJrlluur trrlurrrurJ(yrluLlltqll.u4 wrlu wulwulllv 4ll ucL4 and who would especially like to hear of any rare sightings as soon as possible.

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Page 1: Naturalists CHECKLIST DAMSELFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES … · The following checklist of dragonflies and damselflies is a record of all species (106) observed in our area. It includes


Class Insecta; Order Odonata; Suborder Zygoptera and Anisoptera

Tho f^ll^trri-a.hpnlzlicf ic hoeerl nn rlofo cnnfoinprl rrrifhin thp f)ntnrin f)dnnqfo r)ofqhoco /f)f)D\ rrrifh

additional records from naturalists in the Kingston area. The OOD is maintained by the NaturalHeritage Infonnation Cenire, Oritario lvlinistry of Naturai Resources in Peierborough, Ontario. A yearlysummary of Odonata records for the province began tn 1999 and results in a yearly publication entitled"Ontario Odonata" and is published by the Toronto Entomologist's Associationwww.

The area covered by this checklist is a 50 km radius semi-circle centred at Kingston City Hall (44.2298N and 76.4804 W). The northern limit of the circle is located in the Westport area and the southern limit;. -^^-^.^-+^,{ L,, +L- i-+^--+i^--l 1*^*,{^-,,,;+l- +I"^ T T-;r-.1 Qt.too Tl"- ^;*^l^ ^-+^-.1" f.^* rl"^ D^^Lh^rit5 iuPluowtiiwu uJ Lltw ttt(!l tl4tlutlGr uulult vy lall allw utlllwu urof!J, I llw wttwtw wAL9rluJ rlvrtl arl9 I\uv[I/vr t

area in the east to the Marysville area in the west. The circle contains the southem portions ofFrontenac and Lennox and Addington Counties, as well as a portion of south-westem Leecis County,the extreme south-eastern tip of Hastings County and a small portion of eastern Prince Edward County.We accept all sightings from Charleston Lake Park and Menzel Provincial Park, though parts of bothare outside the circle.

Because odonate (dragonflies and damselflies,) diversity and distribution in the Kingston area has been

relatively understudied, some species could be more abundant than reported here. Also there could be

species which have not yet been discovered. As odonate watching continues to become more popular,more information will be collected to improve our knowledge of the distribution, status and flightseason. Each species liste<i has a code foiiowing the scientific name. The meanings are as foilows:

Widespread and uncommon - WLfNCLocal and uncommon - L/UNCWidespread and common - W/CI ncal anrl .^mmnn - | lC

Widespread and abundant - WAr - --I ---- -I --l----- l---r r I lLUL4I AIIU AUUIIUAilL _ Ll T\

Local and rare - L/RRare-RVagrant - V

The Kingston Field Naturalists, the Ontario Odonata Atlas and yearly summary welcome any, and all,records of dragonflies and damselflies, especially of rare species or species new to our area. Basicinfnmafinn "rr^h oo r{afa o^rl o^o^ioo io orrffinianf lrrrf fLo awaaf lnnafinn (la+if:.rAa qaArrrrvr rrruLrvrr Jsvrr qJ uclv, rvgsLlvrr urtu Jpvvr!J tJ Jgltlvtvllr usl !rrv vn svr lvvqrlvtl \rsLlruuv ullu

longitude) with a GPS unit helps in the mapping and, ultimately, the conservation of species. For rarespecies a photograph is essential unless severai observers are present. With the aciveni of ciigitaicameras with optical magnification, the KFN discourages the collection of specimens.

The following checklist of dragonflies and damselflies is a record of all species (106) observed in ourarea. It includes the scientific name and common name, followed by a code denoting status. A secondcheeklist available for use in the field hy KFN members, lists the common name with additional spaces

for date, location and quantity. Further information on how to report sightings can be obtained fromV,,* rJ^^^: ^^ t-L^*-:^^/iit-^1^*^+ /-^-^l e^,,*^,,- +L^^*^*-/aL^+*^:l ^^ ,,,L^ ,,,^l^^*^ ^ll ,{^+^r\ulL lrutrtrtts! NttLrrrr!tsu\g^Prulrrrt.t-\rrrl ul \_.4trrt uvJrlluur trrlurrrurJ(yrluLlltqll.u4 wrlu wulwulllv 4ll ucL4

and who would especially like to hear of any rare sightings as soon as possible.

Page 2: Naturalists CHECKLIST DAMSELFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES … · The following checklist of dragonflies and damselflies is a record of all species (106) observed in our area. It includes


Class Insecta; Order Odonata; Suborder Zygoptera and Anisoptera

Tho fnllnrrrinc chenlrlict ic hocerl nn dofo nnnfoinerl urithin fhc f)ntarin f)dnnefc Ilofohacc /f)f\Fl\ rxrith

additional records from naturalists in the Kingston area. The OOD is maintained by the NaturalF 1' r Cerltre, Ontario lvfinistry r-riNafurai Resources in Peierborougir, Ontario. A yearlyflerrrage lllrofrnauOr

summary of Odonata records for the province began in 1999 and results in a yearly publication entitled"Ontario Odonata" and is published by the Toronto Entomologist's Associationwww ontarioinsects. org).

The area covered by this checklist is a 50 km radius semi-circle centred at Kingston City Hall (44.2298N and 76.4804 W). The northern limit of the circle is located in the Westport area and the southern limit;- -^^-^-^-+^,I L., +L^ i-*^*^+:^-^l 1..^*,{--,,,:+L +L- I l-;+-.1 Q+^to" 'fL^ ^;-^l- --+--.{. f-^- +L^ D^^L^n-+tJ lwPlwJwilLlg uJ llrv tllr9lllg!lvrlqr uvluwr vvr(rr f,lr! urllrlu ur4fwJ, l !lw vrl!lv 9 LgrruJ rlvrtl atlw r\v!NHUrt

area in the east to the Marysville area in the west. The circle contains the southem portions ofFrontenac anci Lennox an<i Aciciingion Counties, as weil as a portion of south-western Leecis County,the extreme south-eastern tip of Hastings County and a small portion of eastern Prince Edward County.We accept all sightings from Charleston Lake Park and Menzel Provincial Park, though parts of bothare outside the circle.

Because odonate (drasonflies and damse!flies) diversitv and distribution in the Kinsston area has been

relatively understudied, some species could be more abundant than reported here. Also there could be^^^^:-^..,L:^L L^.,^ .^^a.,^+ L^^.^ ):^^^.,^-^) A ^ ^l^-^+^,,,^+^L:-- ^^,-+:-,,^^ +^ L^^^*^ .-^-^ ^^-,,1^-JPtrr-l9S vvttlrrll il4vl- lluL J(ir uEgrl ulJUr_rvt ttru. f1s uurjlla[s wa[Lrrrrrts rulfl.lrrLrss r.L, usu(rlllE rtt\rrs PUPur4r,more information will be collected to improve our knowledge of the distribution, status and flightseason. Each species iiste<i has a code foiiowing the scientifrc name. The meanings are as follows:

Widespread and uncommon * W/UNCLocal and uncommon - L/UNCWidespread and common * W/CI nnel qnd .^l?lmnfi - I lA

Widespread and abundant - WAr --l l -1- --,1- -r t l ALUUAI allu AUUilUalrT - L/ALocal and rare - L/RRare-RVagrant - V

The Kingston Field Naturalists, the Ontario Odonata Atlas and yearly summary welcome any, and all,records of dragonflies and damselflies, especially of rare species or species new to our area. Basici*f^*.+;^-."^1" -".{ofo ln^ofin- o-l o^o^ioo io orrffi^iont krrt fLo awanf lnnofinn (lotitrrAo onArritvrirl4arvri Jsvrr 4J uq.v, lvgqrlvll orru Jf/v!rvr rJ rsrrrvrvlrr vsr rJlv vnsvL rvvsLrvrr \rqrrLsuv srru

longitude) with a GPS unit helps in the mapping and, ultimately, the conservation of species. For rarespecies a photograph is essentiai unless severai observers are present. With the adveni of digitaicameras with optical magnification, the KFN discourages the collection of specimens.

The following checklist of dragonflies and damselflies is a record of all species (106) observed in ourarea. It includes the scientific name and common nalne, followed by a code denoting status. A secondeheeklist availahle for use rn the fielel by KFN members, lists the eommon name with aelciitional spaees

for date, location and quantity. Further information on how to report sightings can be obtained fromv,,* tr^^^:^^ LL^--:^^f)it-^l^*^+ r\^-^l e^,,*^,,- +l^^^^^-.6\L^+*^:l ^^ ,,,L^ ,,,^l^^*^ ^ll ,{^+^l\ql r I rvrrlrrtsv nrrgrrrrrtst[y^Prurrr!L,u\rrlt \rr \.4rvt JvJlrruur rrrvvrrrurJ(glrurllr4rl.u4 wllu vvulLUrllu 4ll uqloand who would especially like to hear of any rare sightings as soon as possible.

Page 3: Naturalists CHECKLIST DAMSELFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES … · The following checklist of dragonflies and damselflies is a record of all species (106) observed in our area. It includes

Zyqoptera - Damselflies Sfafus

Calopteryqidae - Broad-winqed Damsels(-alnnlantv aant tahilic - Pirrar larerolrrrinn I /t tNtn

Calopteryx maculata - Ebony Jewelwinq w/c

Lestidae - SpreadwingsLesfes coneener - Sporieci Spreaciwino w/uLesfes disiunctus - Northern Spreadwinq W/CLestes dryas- Emerald Spreadwinq w/cLestes eurinus - Amber-winged Spreadwinq L/UNCLesfes forcipatus - Sweetflaq Spreadwinq LtcLesfes inequalis - Elegant Spreadwing L/CLesfes rectanqularis - Slender Spreadwinq w/cLesfes unguiculatus - tyre-tipped Soreadwinq W/UNCLesfes viqilax - Swamp Spreadwinq W/UNC

Coenaqrionidae - Pond DamselsAeaia 5,'aiaar*ia ',ialaaaa \ri^t^+ n^^^^-

ntgta rurtrrlJatilrto vrvtavco - vrursr vattwgttl,/t txt^

Arqia moesta - Powdered Dancer W/UNCCitromagriort conciiiurrt - Aurora Damsei VV/UNC

Coenaqrion resolutum - Taioa Bluet W/UNCEnallaama atennatum - Rainbow Bluet WIUNCEnallaqma aspersum - Azure Bluet UREnallaqma boreale - Boreal Bluet W/UNCEnallagma carunculatum - Tule Bluet

Enallagma civile - Familiar Bluet


Enallaqma cvathiqerum - Northern Bluet R

Enallagma vernale - Vernal Bluet UNC

Enallagma ebruim - Marsh B!uet W/CEnallagma exsu/ans - Stream Bluet wicCna,laama aaminalrra eLirnrri^^ Dl,r^+Lt rgllg\1t, lg \lwrt tlt lutulrl - vr\lrrrrllrllsJ urs9(

Enallaqma haoeni- Haoen's Bluet W/Ctrilatruguta Stqrti7tuil, - (Jriilrge t,ruer vv/L/

Enallaqma vesperum - Vesper Bluet W/UNClschnura hastata - Citrine Forktaillschnura posifa - Fraoile Forktail W/UNClschnura verticalis - Eastern Forktail W/CNehalennia qracilis - Sphaqnum Sprite L/UNCNehalennia irene - Sedqe Sprite W/C

Fa:zlrrliialqa Emaraldavvr uurrruqg - Laalui qlug

Cordulia shurtleffi - American Emerald W/Auutuuutuut,iT t,uet a - r(iiuKel-ta[eu Eiltetdtu vv/A

Epitheca canls - Beaverpond Baskettail LtcEpitheca cvnosura - Common Baskettaii W/AEpitheca princeos - Prince Baskettail w/c

Page 4: Naturalists CHECKLIST DAMSELFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES … · The following checklist of dragonflies and damselflies is a record of all species (106) observed in our area. It includes

Epitheca spiniqera - Spinv Baskettail W/CHelocordulia uhleri - Uhler's Sundraqon URN e u roco rd u I i a vam aska ne nsls - Stvq ian Shadowd raqon URSomatochlora kennedyi - Kennedy's Emerald L/RSomatachlora walshii - Brush-tiooed Emerald L/UNCSom atochlora will iamson i - Williamson's Emerald L/RlAlilliamcania flatrhari - Ehnnrr Elnnhar rnfor r/P

liL^tl..lil-^ ol-:--^--LtugiluilrrqE - it^lilt!atct !

Celithemis elsa - Calico Pennant w/cCeiiihemis eponina - Haiioween Pennant WiCErythemis simplicicollis - Eastern Pondhawk W/CLadona iulia - Chalk-fronted Corporal W/ALeucorrhinia frigida - Frosted Whiteface L/UNCLeucorrhinia qlacialis - Crimson-rinqed Whiteface URLeucorrhinia hudsonica - Husonian Whiteface W/UNCLeucorrhinia intacta - Dot-tailed Whiteface W/CLeucorrhinia proxima - Belted Whiteface L/UNCLibellula rncesfa - Slaty Skimmer w/cLebellula luctuosa - Widow Sklnnrner \A//A

Libellula pulchella - Twelve-spotted Skimmer W/AI ikall,,la a,,aAei*aa,'lata E^,.-

^^^*^i Ol,;--^-LtgOUU'q quAgtilltavulato - | rrut-oPut(liu {rt\itttittt t

Libellula semifasciata - Painted SkimmerNannothemis bella - Eifin Skimmer L/UPachvdvplax longipennis - Blue Dasher W/C

Pantala flavescens - Wandering Glider W/UNCPantala hymenea - Spot-winqed Glider L/RPerithemis tenera - Eastern Ambenruino W/UNCPlathemis lydia - Common WhitetailSym petru m costiferu m - Saffron-winqed


Sympetrum internum - Cherry-faced Meadowhawk W/CSvmpetrum obtrusum - White-faced Meadowhawk w/cSvmoetrum rubieundulum - Rubv Meadowhawk L/RSvmpetrum semicinctum - Band-winqed Meadowhawk L/UNCQrtmaa+ntm rtiaiatrm An+trmn ila^etarrrharlL9 y t r rrJw at ul t, v rwr, tur t t - nq(ur I il r rvt9qvvtYr rqYvn

Tramea carolina - Carolina SaddlebaosI Ialltea uuuSta - Neu DauureuaqsTramea lacerata * Black Saddlebaqs L/C

Aeshnidae - DarnersAeshna canadensis - Canada Darner W/CAeshna clepsydra - Mottled Darner L/UNCAeshna constricta - Lance-tipped Darner wicAeshna eremita - Lake Darner L/UNCAeshna interrupta - Variable Darner VAeshna sdchensis - 7iq-zag DarnerAeshna tuberculifera - Blacktipped Darner UUNCAachna t rmhraca Qlrarlarrr l-f arnarrt90r tt tg ut t tpt vou vt rqvv It uqr I r9r

Aeshna verticalis - Green-striped Darner L/RAnax iuniits - Common Green Darner vv /\,Basiaeschna ianata - Sprinqtime Darner W/C

Page 5: Naturalists CHECKLIST DAMSELFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES … · The following checklist of dragonflies and damselflies is a record of all species (106) observed in our area. It includes

Boyeria vinosa - Fawn Darner L/UNCEpiaeschna heros - Swamp Darner L/UNCGomphaeschna furcillata - Harlequin Darner L/UNCNasiaeschna pentacantha - Cyrano Darner L/UNC

Gomphidae - ClubtailsArinnmnht rc narnr rlt rc - l.lnrnad Clr rlrfcil | /t tNtr.

Arigomphus furcifer - Lilypad Clubtail L/UNCAriqomphus vl/iosrbes - Unicorn Clubtaii URDromogom phus spinosus - Black-shouldered Spinyleo W/CGomphus adelphus - Mustached Clubiail L/KGomphus exilis - Lancet Clubtail w/cGomphus lividus - Ashv Clubtail R

Gomphus sprcafus - Dusky Clubtail W/CH aqen ius brevistvlu s - Draoonhunter LlcOphiogomphus rupinsulensrs - Rusty Snaketail L/RStvloqomphus albistvlus - Easlern Least Clubtail L/UNCStylurus notalus - Elusive Clubtail V

Cordueqastridae - SoiketailsCord u leq aste r d i astatops - Delta-spotted Spiketa i I URf\atrl,

'laaaalae aaa,,lala T..,;^

^^^#^i O^:1,^.^:lvvtuull,!,aoao, tltqvutota - I wI r-DlJ\rtlcu upll\titail UR

Cordulegaster obliqua - Arrowhead Spiketail L/R

Macromiidae - CruisersDidymops fransversa - Stream Cruiser W/CMacromia illinoiensis - Swift River Cruiser L/UNC