natwest motor policy wording

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  • 8/11/2019 Natwest Motor Policy Wording


    Policy Booklet Please keep this document sae

    Your Car Insurance Policy

  • 8/11/2019 Natwest Motor Policy Wording



    Welcome to NatWest Car InsuranceThank you or choosing NatWest Car Insurance. This policy booklet gives

    ull details o your cover and should be read along with your motor proposal

    confirmation, certificate o motor insurance and schedule. Please keep all your

    documents in a sae place. I you have any questions about your policy, please

    call us on the number shown on your schedule.

    Were helping to keep prices low with anti-fraud technology

    When a small minority make raudulent claims, not only are they breaking the

    law but theyre also driving up the cost o everyone elses policies. Thats why

    at NatWest Car Insurance were using specialised detection processes to prevent

    people rom making alse or exaggerated claims. This also means that we can

    settle genuine claims as quickly as possible. So you can rest assured that were

    doing all we can to help protect you rom paying the price o raud.

    ContentsCustomer information 2

    Changes to your insurance 2

    Uninsured driver promise 3

    A summary of your cover 4Your policy 7

    Policy definitions 8

    Section A Liability to other people 10

    Exceptions to section A 11

    Section B Damage to your car 11

    Section C Fire and thef 12

    Section D Windscreen damage 13

    Exceptions which apply to sections B, C and D 14

    Conditions which apply to sections B, C and D 15

    Section E Personal accident 16

    Section F Other benefits 17

    Section G Territorial limits and oreign use 18

    Section H Uninsured Loss Recovery (Optional Extra) 19

    Courtesy car following a claim 22

    General exceptions 22

    General conditions 24

    Your information 27

    Important information about your policy 30

    Your credit agreement 31

  • 8/11/2019 Natwest Motor Policy Wording



    Changes to your insurance

    You must tell us i any o the ollowing details change before you need cover

    to start:

    you change your car; you modiy your car (please see general condition 8 or urther details);

    you add another driver to your policy or amend the driving restriction;

    you change the use o your car (e.g. change rom social domestic andpleasure to business use);

    you wish to increase your cover (e.g. change rom third party only tocomprehensive).

    You must tell us immediatelyi any o the ollowing details change:

    the address where you normally keep your car; i you, or anyone covered by this policy change jobs, including part time.

    Any change during the period o insurance may result in an additional or return

    premium and will be subject to an administration ee. See general condition 4 or

    urther details.

    You must tell us about the ollowing changes before the next renewal date (or at

    the time you are making any o the changes already mentioned) i you or anyone

    covered by this policy have:

    passed their UK driving test;

    had insurance cancelled by an insurer. This includes a policy declared nulland void (as though it has never existed), a renewal declined by an insurer

    or a policy cancelled by an insurer due to, but not restricted to, non-payment,

    raud or misrepresentation;

    had any accidents, thefs or losses (whether a claim was reported or notand regardless o blame);

    had any motoring convictions (including penalty points, fixed penalties,speed camera offences and disqualifications), pending prosecutions,

    outstanding police enquiries, criminal convictions or charges or a criminaloffence;

    any physical or mental impairment that must be notified to the Driver andVehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or the Driver and Vehicle Agency Northern

    Ireland (DVANI).

    Failure to provide correct inormation or inorm us o any changes could adversely

    affect your policy, including invalidating your policy or claims being rejected or

    not ully paid.

    Making a change to your policy?Call: 0845 246 0448

    Customer information

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    Uninsured driver promise

    I you make a claim or an accident that is not your ault and the driver o the car

    that hits your car is not insured, you will not lose your No Claim Discount or have

    to pay any excess.


    We will need:

    the car registration number and the make and model o the car; and

    the drivers details, i possible.

    It also helps us to confirm who is at ault i you can get the names and addresses

    o any independent witnesses, i available.

    When you claim, you may have to pay your excess. Also, i when your renewal

    is due, investigations are still ongoing, you may lose your No Claim Discount

    temporarily. However, once we confirm that the accident was the ault o the

    uninsured driver, we will repay your excess, restore your No Claim Discount and

    reund any extra premium you have paid.

    This promise is or comprehensive policy holders only.

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    The car policy you have purchased is underwritten by U K Insurance Limited and

    will run or 12 months or as shown on the certificate o motor insurance.Depending upon the level o cover you have chosen, the ollowing sections will apply.

    Please read your policy careully to ensure the level o cover selected meets your needs.

    Comprehensive sections AG o your policy booklet

    Third Party, Fire and Thef sections A, C and G

    Third Party Only sections A and G

    I you have chosen Uninsured Loss Recovery, section H will apply in addition to

    the sections above.

    Significant features, exclusions and limitations of an NatWest Car

    Insurance policy

    Section A Damage to a third partys property is covered up to 20 million.

    Section A Driving other cars is included within your policy, subject to

    selected criteria being met. Cover is limited toThird Party Only, i.e. the car

    you are driving will not be covered. Please reer to your certificate o motor

    insurance to see i you have this benefit.

    Section B Permanently fitted in-car audio, television, telephone andelectronic navigation equipment up to a maximum 1,000. (I fitted as part

    o the cars standard equipment, cover is unlimited.) Details can be ound on

    your schedule.

    Section B Your vehicle will be covered up to its UK market value.

    Section C I the doors, windows, boot or roo (in the case o convertibles)are not securely locked or i you leave the vehicle unattended or unoccupied and

    you have not removed the keys or devices used to gain entry or to operate the

    car then you will not be covered or thef claims either o or rom the vehicle.

    Section C All security and tracking devices which we insist are fitted to your

    car should be active and in ull working order. A network subscription, or anytracking device which we insist is fitted to your car, must be current and operable.

    A driver recognition device or any tracking device which we insist is fitted to

    your car, must not be lef in or on your car whilst unattended. I not, then

    claims or thef o and rom your car will not be covered.

    Section D Comprehensive cover includes windscreen damage.

    Section G Full oreign use cover charges are based on the time spentabroad and your cars insurance vehicle grouping. For inormation on charges

    please contact us.

    Section H Uninsured Loss Recovery can be used i you have a road trafficaccident or which you are not to blame that involves your car. We will pay

    up to 100,000 o legal costs to help you claim rom the person who was

    responsible or the accident, as long as there is a better than 50% chance

    that your claim will succeed. Examples o what you can claim or include:

    compensation or personal injury, loss o earnings and accident repair costs i

    you dont have comprehensive cover.

    Courtesy car - A courtesy car will be provided, subject to availability, undersections B and C or the duration o the repairs, however, you must use one

    o our approved repairers. I the vehicle is not being repaired no courtesy car

    will be provided.

    All repair work is guaranteed or five years i you use one o our approvedrepairers.

    Any excesses and endorsements applicable to your policy can be ound on your

    schedule along with cover limits and premiums due.

    A summary of your coverPlease read this document carefully. Full terms and conditions can be found within the policy documents.

    This summary does not form part of the contract between us.

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    Your right to cancel

    You have the right to cancel this policy at any time.

    When you buy your policy:

    I you cancel beore your policy is due to start, we will return any premium paid in

    ull. Please return the certificate o motor insurance.

    I you cancel within 14 days o the policy starting or within 14 days o receiving

    your documents (whichever occurs later) we will return any premium paid less a

    charge or the number o days or which cover has been given. We will not reund

    any premium i you have made a claim or i one has been made against you

    during the period o cover. Please return the certificate o motor insurance.

    I you cancel afer those 14 days have passed, we will return any premium

    less a charge or the number o days or which cover has been given and an

    administration ee as shown in your schedule. We will not reund any premium iyou have made a claim or i one has been made against you during the period o

    cover. Please return the certificate o motor insurance.

    Please note under the Road Traffic Act it is an offence not to surrender the

    certificate o motor insurance within seven days o the cancellation date.

    When you renew your policy:

    I you cancel beore the new period o insurance (renewal) is due to start, we will

    return any premium paid in ull. Please return the certificate o motor insurance.

    I the new period o insurance (renewal) has started and you cancel within 14

    days o it starting or within 14 days o receiving your documents (whichever

    occurs later), we will return any premium paid less a charge or the number o

    days or which cover has been given. We will not reund any premium i you have

    made a claim or i one has been made against you during the period o cover.

    Please return the certificate o motor insurance.

    I you cancel afer those 14 days have passed, we will return any premium

    less a charge or the number o days or which cover has been given and an

    administration ee as shown in your schedule. We will not reund any premium iyou have made a claim or i one has been made against you during the period o

    cover. Please return the certificate o motor insurance.

    Please note under the Road Traffic Act it is an offence not to surrender the

    certificate o motor insurance within seven days o the cancellation date.

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    How to make a claim

    To notiy us o a claim please telephone0845 246 0441.

    How to complain

    I you need to complain, please call uson 0845 246 0448.

    I wecannot sort out the differences between you and us, you can take the matter

    to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Their address is: Financial Ombudsman

    Service, South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR. Phone: 0300 123 9123

    or 0800 023 4567. You can visit the FOS website

    The FOS will contact usor you. The FOS will tell you its decision direct.

    Being reerred to the FOS will not affect your legal rights.

    I you are a business and or any reason your complaint alls outside o the jurisdiction

    o the FOS then wewill still respond to your complaint but i we cannot sort out the

    differences between usyou will not be able to reer the matter to FOS. However,this will not affect your legal rights.

    I your complaint relates to Section H Uninsured Loss Recovery, you can reer

    your complaint to arbitration instead (where an independent person, known as an

    arbitrator, makes a decision to settle the dispute). The arbitrator will be a solicitor

    or barrister or other suitably qualified person that you and we agree on. I you and

    we cannot agree then we will ask the Chartered Institute o Arbitrators to decide.

    The arbitrators decision will be final and whoever does not win will have to pay

    all costs and expenses.

    Details about our RegulatorNatWest Car Insurance is underwritten by U K Insurance Limited who is authorised

    by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct

    Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, registration number 202810.

    The Financial Conduct Authority website, which includes a register o all regulated

    firms can be visited, or the Financial Conduct Authority can

    be contacted on 0800 111 6768. The Prudential Regulation Authority website

    can be visited, or the Prudential Regulation

    Authority can be contacted on 0207 601 4878.

    Under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, should the company be

    unable to meet all its liabilities to policyholders, compensation may be available.

    Insurance advising and arranging is covered or 90% o the claim without any

    upper limit. For compulsory classes o insurance, insurance advising and arranging

    is covered or 100% o the claim, without any upper limit. Inormation can beobtained on request, or by visiting the Financial Services Compensation Scheme

    Duplicate Documents

    I you request a duplicate certificate o motor insurance, the charges vary:

    Standard system generated documents sent by Standard post is ree o charge.

    Documents sent by ax or First Class post is 9.54 (including insurance premium tax,

    where applicable).

    Documents sent by Special Delivery is 14.90 (including insurance premium tax, whereapplicable).

    A summary of your cover continued

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    This policy booklet gives ull details o your cover. You should read it along with your motor proposal confirmation, certificate o motor insurance and schedule. Please keep

    all your documents in a sae place.

    Your policy is made up o:

    the motor proposal confirmation; this policy booklet rom pages 7 to 27;

    the certificate o motor insurance;

    the schedule.

    We promise to always be air and reasonable and to act quickly whenever you need to make a claim under this policy. I you eel we have not met this promise, we will do

    everything possible to deal with your complaint quickly and airly.

    This policy is evidence o the contract between you and us, U K Insurance Limited, based on inormation you have given to us.

    In return or receiving and accepting the premium, we will provide insurance under this policy or the sections shown in the schedule as applying or the accident, injury,

    loss or damage which has happened in the territorial limits during the period o insurance. Under European law, you and we may choose which law will apply to thiscontract. English law will apply unless you and we agree otherwise.

    We have not given you a personal recommendation as to whether this policy is suitable or your specific needs.

    Your policy

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    Wherever the ollowing words or expressions appear in your policy, they have the

    meaning given here unless we say differently.

    Accessories parts or products specifically designed to be fitted to your car.

    Wemay treat some accessories as

    modifications, so please tell

    usabout any

    alterations to your car.

    Approved repairer a repairer we have approved and authorised to repair your

    car ollowing a claim under section B or section C o this policy.

    Approved windscreen supplier a repairer we have approved and authorised to

    repair or replace your windscreen as shown on your schedule and certificate of

    motor insurance.

    Certificate of motor insurance this document provides evidence that you have

    taken out the insurance you must have by law. It identifies who can drive your car

    and the purposes or which your car can be used.

    Convertible these are motor vehicles in which the roo is removable and/or can

    retract and are ofen reerred to as cabriolets, roadsters and/or sof/ hard tops.

    Convictions these include all motoring convictions, penalty points, fixed

    penalties, speed camera offences and disqualifications.

    Excess the amount you must pay towards any claim.

    Imported car a car that may have been registered in the UK but which was not

    originally built to be sold in the UK.

    Loss of any limb severance at or above the wrist or ankle, or the total and

    irrecoverable loss o use o a hand, arm, oot or leg.

    Policy contents Policy definitions

    Policy definitions 8

    Section A Liability to other people 10

    Exceptions to section A 11

    Section B Damage to your car 11Section C Fire and thef 12

    Section D Windscreen damage 13

    Exceptions which apply to sections B, C and D 14

    Conditions which apply to sections B, C and D 15

    Section E Personal accident 16

    Section F Other benefits 17

    Section G Territorial limits and oreign use 18

    Section H Uninsured Loss Recovery (Optional Extra) 19Courtesy car following a claim 22

    General exceptions 22

    General conditions 24

    Your information 27

    Important information about your policy 30

    Your Fixed Sum credit agreement 31

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    Market value the cost o replacing your car with another o the same make

    and model and o a similar age and condition at the time o the accident or loss.

    Misfuelling the accidental filling o the uel tank with inappropriate uel or

    your car.

    Modifications any changes to your cars standard specification, including

    optional extras. These include, but are not restricted to, changes to the

    appearance and/or the perormance o your car (including wheels, suspension,

    bodywork and engine) and include changes made to your car by the previous


    Motor proposal confirmation the document recording the statements made

    and inormation you gave or which was given or you when you bought your


    Partner your husband, wie or someone you are living with as i you are married

    to them.

    Period of Insurance as shown on the certificate of motor insurance,

    or schedule.

    Policy this policy booklet, schedule, motor proposal confirmation and

    certificate of motor insurance.

    Road Traffic Act any Acts, laws or regulations, which govern the driving or use

    o any motor vehicle in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle o Man and the

    Channel Islands.

    Schedule the document that identifies the policyholder and sets out details o

    the cover your policy provides.

    Terms all terms, exceptions, conditions and limits which apply to your policy.

    Track day when your car is driven on a racing track, on an airfield or at an

    off-road event.

    Trailer any orm o trailer that has been specially built to be towed by a motor car.

    We, us, our U K Insurance Limited.

    You, your the person named as the policyholder in the schedule. I section

    H is included on the schedule, this definition is extended under that section toinclude authorised drivers as shown in the certificate of motor insurance and any


    Your car the car described in the current schedule. In section B Damage

    to your car and section C Fire and thef, the term car also includes its

    accessories and spare parts, whether they are on or in the car, or in your locked

    private garage.

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    1a Cover for you

    We will cover you or your legal liability to other people arising rom an accident

    which involves your car and:

    you kill or injure someone;

    you damage someone elses property.

    This cover also applies to an accident involving a trailer or vehicle you are towing.

    1b Driving other cars

    I your certificate of motor insurance says so, this policy provides the same cover

    as above in 1a when you are driving any other motor car as long as you do not

    own it and it is not hired to you under a hire-purchase or leasing agreement. This

    cover only applies i:

    there is no other insurance in orce which covers the same liability;

    you have the owners permission to drive the car;

    the car is registered in and being driven in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, theRepublic o Ireland, the Isle o Man or the Channel Islands; and

    you still have your car and it has not been damaged beyond cost-effectiverepair.

    Note There is no cover under clause 1b or damage, fire or thef to the car you

    are driving.

    2 Cover for other people

    We will also provide the cover under section 1a or:

    anyone insured by this policy to drive your car, as long as they have yourpermission;

    anyone you allow to use but not drive your car;

    anyone who is in or getting into or out o your car;

    the employer or business partner o anyone covered by this section whileyour car is being used or business purposes provided your certificate of

    motor insurance allows business use; or

    the legal personal representative o anyone covered under this section i thatperson dies.

    3 Costs and expenses

    a. Legal costs

    I there is an accident covered by this policy, we have the option entirely at

    our discretion to pay the reasonable legal costs and/or expenses to deend or

    represent you or any driver covered by this policy:

    at a coroners inquest or atal accident inquiry; and/or

    in criminal proceedings arising out o the accident.

    We must agree to all legal costs and/or expenses beorehand.

    I we agree to pay such legal costs and/or expenses, we will advise you as to the

    extent o any assistance we will give.

    b. Emergency medical treatment

    We will pay or emergency treatment ees as set out in the Road Traffic Act. I we

    make a payment under this section only, it will not affect your no claim discount.

    4 Payments made outside the terms of the policy

    I wemust make a payment because the laws o any country require usto do so,

    wemay recover rom you, or the person who is liable any payment that is notcovered by this policy. This includes any amount that wewould not otherwise

    be required to pay as a result o yourailure to provide accurate inormation.

    Section A - Liability to other people

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    What is not covered

    We will not cover:

    loss o or damage to any car you drive or any trailer or vehicle you tow;

    anyone who has other insurance covering the same liability;

    death or injury to anyone while they are working with or or the driver o thecar; except as set out in the Road Traffic Act;

    damage caused by any driver insured by this policy to any property they ownor are responsible or;

    liability or more than 20,000,000 or any claim or series o claims or losso or damage to property including any indirect loss or damage caused by

    one event (including all costs and expenses);

    liability caused by acts o terrorism as defined in the Terrorism Act 2000except as is strictly required under the Road Traffic Act;

    legal costs or expenses related to charges connected with speeding, drivingunder the influence o alcohol or drugs, or or parking offences.

    any injury, legal liability, loss or destruction o or damage to any property orany associated loss or expense that arises directly or indirectly as a result o;

    a. grinding, cutting, welding or soldering operations and/or

    b. use o blow lamps or torches

    on or in your car.

    What is covered

    I your car is damaged, we have the option to:

    pay to repair the damage or repair the damage ourselves;

    replace what is lost or damaged, i this is more cost-effective than repairingit; or

    settle your claim by sending you a cheque or by bank transer.

    The most we will pay

    We will not pay more than the market value o your car at the time o the loss

    (less any excess that may apply).

    What is not covered

    We will not cover:

    the draining, lushing and replenishing o the uel rom your car, in the evento misfuelling.

    the sum o all excesses shown on the schedule. These may include the owndamage excesses and young or inexperienced driver excesses i these

    apply. An inexperienced driver is a person who has held a ull driving licence

    or less than one year.

    Exceptions to section A Section B - Damage to your car

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    What is covered

    I your car is lost or damaged as a result o thef, attempted thef, fire, lightning

    or explosion, we have the option to:

    pay to repair the damage or repair the damage ourselves; replace what is lost or damaged i this is more cost-effective than repairing

    it; or

    settle your claim by sending you a cheque or by bank transer.

    The most we will pay

    We will not pay more than the market value o your car at the time o the loss

    (less any excess that may apply).

    What is not covered

    We will not cover:

    the excess shown in the schedule, unless your car is stolen rom a private

    locked garage; loss or damage to your car as a result o someone acquiring it by raud or

    trickery while pretending to be a buyer;

    loss or damage caused by thef or attempted thef i the keys and/or otherdevices which unlock your car and/or enables your car to be started and

    driven are lef in or on your car which is unattended, or i your car has been

    lef unattended and not properly locked (this includes any window, roo

    opening, removable roo panel or hood being lef open or unlocked);

    loss or damage caused by thef or attempted thef to readily removable in-car

    electronic equipment unless it is in a glove compartment or a locked boot. Inwhich case we will provide cover up to the amount shown in the schedule;

    loss or damage i any security or tracking device, which we insist is fitted toyour car, has not been set or is not in ull working order;

    loss or damage i the network subscription, or any tracking device which weinsist is fitted to your car, is not current and operable; or

    loss or damage i the driver recognition device or any tracking device whichwe insist is fitted to your car, is lef in or on your car whilst unattended.

    Section C - Fire and theft

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    What is covered

    We will pay to:

    replace or repair broken glass in the windscreen, sunroo or windows o your

    car, and repair any scratching to the bodywork caused by the broken glass,as long as there has not been any other loss or damage to your car; or

    replace the roo and rear windscreen assembly together i your car is fittedwith a olding roo and it is more cost-effective than replacing the glass alone.

    Claims under this section will not affect your no claim discount.

    The most we will pay

    We will not pay more than the market value o your car at the time o the loss

    (less any excess that may apply).

    What is not covered

    We will not cover:

    the excess shown in the schedule; or

    any amount greater than the limit shown in the schedule i you do not use anapproved windscreen supplier.

    Section D - Windscreen damage

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    What is not covered

    We will not cover:

    loss or damage caused by wear and tear or loss o value;

    any part o a repair or replacement which improves your car beyond itscondition beore the loss or damage took place;

    any mechanical, electrical or computer ailure, breakdown or breakage;

    damage to tyres caused by braking, punctures, cuts or bursts;

    damage caused by pressure waves rom an aircraf or other flying objecttravelling at or beyond the speed o sound;

    deliberate damage caused to your car by anyone insured under this policy;

    loss o use or other indirect loss such as travel costs or loss o earnings;

    loss or damage to any trailer or vehicle, or their contents, while being towedby your car;

    loss or damage to your car i, at the time o the incident, it was being drivenor used without your permission by someone in your amily or someone

    who is living with you (this exception does not apply i the person driving is

    reported to the police or taking your car without your permission);

    any amount over that shown in the schedule or loss o or damage topermanently fitted in-car audio, television, phone, CB radio, games-console

    or electronic-navigation equipment (i the equipment is part o your car

    specification when first registered, we will provide unlimited cover);

    loss or damage to any speed assessment equipment detection device;

    loss or damage due to any government, public or local authority legallytaking, keeping or destroying your car;

    any reduction to the market value o your car as a result o it being repaired.

    Exceptions which apply to sections B, C and D

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    1 Hire-purchase, leasing and other agreements

    I your car is currently on a hire purchase or financing agreement (except leasing)

    we will settle the claim by paying the legal owner. We will only pay you any

    remaining balance i ownership o your car is to be transerred to you at the end

    o the hire purchase or financing agreement.

    I your car is on a leasing agreement, we will settle the claim by paying the legal owner.

    2 Parts

    We may decide to repair your car with parts which have not been made by your

    cars manuacturer but which are o a similar standard.

    I any part or accessory is not available, the most we will pay or that part will

    be the cost shown in the manuacturers last United Kingdom price list (plus

    reasonable fitting costs).

    3 Removing and delivering your car

    I your car cannot be driven as a result o loss or damage covered under this

    policy, we will pay the reasonable cost o taking it to the nearest suitable repairer.

    We will also pay the reasonable cost o delivering your car to you at the address

    shown in the schedule afer it has been repaired.

    We may put your car in sae storage, beore it is repaired, sold or taken or scrap.

    We will pay the reasonable cost o storage.

    Following an accident, we will help you and your passengers make arrangements

    to get home, to your original destination or take you to a sae place.

    4 Repairs

    I our approved repairers carry out the repairs, you do not need an estimate.

    Repairs carried out by our approved repairers are guaranteed or five years unless

    you sell your car.

    You can arrange or reasonable and necessary repairs to be carried out at a

    repairer o your choice. However, you must give us ull details o the incident

    and we must approve the detailed repair estimate beore the work begins. Unless

    repairs are carried out by our approved repairers they are NOT guaranteed by us

    even though we may pay or those repairs directly.

    5 Uneconomical repairs

    I your car is uneconomical to repair (written off) and we agree to settle your

    claim on that basis, you still owe the ull yearly premium as we will have met all

    our responsibilities to you under the policy. Once we settle your claim, your car

    will become our property and you must send us the registration document.

    All cover will then end unless we agree differently. We will not reund any o

    your premium.

    Conditions which apply to sections B, C and D

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    Section E - Personal accident

    What is covered

    We will pay you or your legal representatives i you or your partner are

    accidentally injured while travelling in or getting into or out o any car, and this

    injury alone results within three calendar months o the date o the accident, in:


    total irrecoverable loss o sight in one or both eyes; or

    loss of any limb.

    We will pay the benefit shown in the schedule.

    What is not covered

    We will not cover:

    any injury or death resulting rom suicide or attempted suicide;

    anyone who is convicted or driving while under the influence o drink ordrugs at the time o the accident; or

    an injured person under this policy i we insure them against personalaccident under any other car insurance policy.

    The most we will pay in any period o insurance is one benefit shown in the schedule.

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    1 Medical expenses

    We will pay medical expenses up to the amount shown in the schedule or each

    person injured i your car is in an accident, as long as there is no cover in orce

    under another car insurance policy.

    2 Personal belongings

    We will pay or loss o, or damage to, clothing and personal belongings caused

    by fire, thef, attempted thef or accident, while they are in or on your car. The

    most we will pay or any one incident is the amount shown in the schedule. I you

    ask us to pay someone else, we will have no urther responsibility to you once we

    have done so.

    What is not covered

    We will not cover loss o or damage to:

    money, credit or debit cards, stamps, tickets, vouchers, documents,securities (such as share and Premium Bond certificates), goods or samples

    carried in connection with any trade or business; or

    property insured under any other policy.

    3 Hotel expenses

    I your car cannot be driven afer an accident or loss covered under section B

    o this policy, we will pay up to 150 or the driver (or 250 in total or all the

    people in the car) towards the cost o hotel expenses or an overnight stay i this

    is necessary.

    4 New car cover

    I your car is less than one year old and you are the first and only registered

    owner, we will replace it with one o the same make and model i it has:

    been stolen and not ound; or suffered damage covered by the policy and the cost o repairing is more than

    60% o the last United Kingdom list price, (including taxes).

    We can only do this i a replacement car is available in the UK and anyone else

    who has an interest in your car agrees.

    I a suitable replacement car is not available, or your car was not supplied as new in the

    UK, we will pay you the market value o your car at the time o the loss (less any

    excess that may apply). I we settle a claim under this clause, the lost or damaged

    car becomes our property and you must send us the registration document.

    5 Child car seats

    I you have a child car seat fitted to your car and your car is involved in an

    accident, damaged by fire or thef or stolen and not recovered, we will cover you

    or the cost o replacing the child car seat with a new one o a similar standard,

    even i there is no apparent damage.

    Section F - Other benefits

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    Section G - Territorial limits and foreign use

    1 Territorial limits

    This policy provides the cover described in your schedule in Great Britain,

    Northern Ireland, the Republic o Ireland, the Isle o Man, the Channel Islands and

    during journeys between these places.

    2 Using your car abroad

    This policy also provides the minimum cover you need by law to use your car in:

    any country which is a member o the European Union; and

    any country listed below which the Commission o the European Communityapproves as meeting the requirements o Article 8 o EC Directive

    2009/103/EC on Insurance o Civil Liabilities arising rom using motor


    Countries included:

    Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark ,

    Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia,

    Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,

    Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

    3 Extending your policy cover abroad

    For an extra premium, your policycan be extended to provide the same level o

    cover as youhave in the territorial limits or an agreed period. Your carwill also

    be covered during journeys between those countries by a recognised carrier.

    Cover in these countries only applies i yourpermanent home is in the United

    Kingdom and yourvisit abroad is or less than 90 days in a period of insurance.

    4 Customs duty

    I youhave to pay customs duty on your carin any o the countries covered in

    paragraph 2 because o repairs covered under your policy, wewill pay these

    costs or you.

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    DefinitionsThe ollowing definitions apply to this section and are in addition to those shownon pages 8and 9o the policy.

    Appointed representative The preferred law firm, solicitor, or other suitablyqualified person appointed by usto represent youunder this section o the policy.


    a) All properly incurred, reasonable and proportionate legal ees , expenses anddisbursements charged by the appointed representativeand agreed by us.Legal ees, expenses and disbursements will be assessed on the standard basisor in accordance with any fixed recoverable costs scheme, i applicable.

    b) The ees incurred by youropponent which youare ordered to pay by a courtand any other ees weagree to in writing.

    Court Court, tribunal or other suitable authority.

    Preferred law firm The law firm wechoose to provide legal services. Theselegal specialists are chosen as they have the expertise to deal with yourclaimand must comply with ouragreed service standards.

    Reasonable prospects of success Weand the appointed representativeagreethat there is a better than 50% chance that youwill:

    a) obtain a successul judgment; and

    b) recover yourlosses or damages or obtain any other legal remedy weagree to,including an enorcement o judgment, making a successul appeal or deenceo an appeal.

    Terms of appointment - A separate contract which wewill require the appointedrepresentativeto enter into with usi the appointed representativeis not apreferred law firm. This contract sets out the amounts wewill pay the appointed

    representativeunder yourpolicy and their responsibilities to report to usatvarious stages o the claim.

    Territorial limits any country which the Commission o the EuropeanCommunity approves as meeting the requirements o Article 8 o EC Directive2009/103/EC on Insurance o Civil Liabilities arising rom using motor vehicles.

    What is covered

    This cover can be used i youhave a road traffic accident or which youare not toblame that involves your car.

    Wewill pay the coststo help youclaim rom the person who was responsible orthe accident.

    Cover will be provided under Section H Uninsured Loss Recovery as longas:

    a. weand your appointed representativeagree yourclaim has reasonableprospects of successor the duration o the claim.

    b. at the time o the incident, your caris being used by a person identified in,and or a purpose allowed by, your certificate of motor insurance;

    c. the incident happens within the territorial limitsand during a period cover wasin orce; and

    d. any legal proceedings will be carried out within the territorial limitsby a court.

    The most we will pay, including any appeal or counterclaim, for all claimsthat arise from the same incident is 100,000 (including VAT).

    Section H - Uninsured Loss Recovery (optional extra)This section only applies i it is shown on your schedule.

    This cover can be used i youhave a road traffic accident or which youare not to blame that involves your car.

    Wewill pay the coststo help youclaim rom the person who was responsible or the accident.

    Examples of what you may claim for include:compensation or yourdeath or injury;loss o earnings;

    Accident repair costs i youdo not have comprehensive cover; or

    damage to any property in your carwhich youown or are legallyresponsible or.

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    Exceptions which apply to Section H - Uninsured Loss Recovery cover

    See also the general exceptions which apply to the whole policy.

    Any claim arising rom or relating to:

    a) coststhat relate to the period beore weaccept yourclaim;b) ines, penalties, compensation or damages which youare ordered to pay by a


    c) a dispute with usabout this section o the policy other than as shown under

    How to complain on page 30;

    d) loss or damage that is insured under another section o this policy or any other

    insurance policy;

    e) any appeal where wedid not provide cover or the original claim; or

    ) incidents which begin beore the cover started.

    Conditions which apply to Section H - Uninsured Loss Recovery cover

    See also the general conditions which apply to the whole policy. General

    conditions 2, 3 and 4 on page 24 do not apply to Section H - Uninsured Loss


    1 Observing the policy terms

    You must comply with all o the terms and conditions o this policy, take all

    reasonable precautions to minimise the cost o claims and to prevent a claim rom


    I ourposition is prejudiced as a result o younot observing any o the terms and

    conditions o this policy, wehave the right to:

    reuse or withdraw rom any claim;

    reuse to pay costs wehave already agreed to meet; and

    claim back rom you coststhat wehave paid.

    2 Reporting your claim

    a)You must report ull and actual details o yourclaim to uswithin a reasonable

    time o it happening.

    b)You must send usany inormation that weask or that is reasonable andrelevant to yourclaim ( youmust pay any charges involved in providing this


    3 Choosing an appointed representative

    a)You have the right to choose an appointed representativeto saeguard your

    interestsrom the time youhave the right to make a claim under this policy.

    This includes the right to choose the solicitorto serve yourinterest in any

    inquiry or proceedings or i a conflict o interests arises.

    b) I youchoose an appointed representativewho is not a preferred law firm

    they must agree to act or youin line with our terms of appointment ( youcan

    ask usor a copy). Cover or their costswill only commence rom the date they

    agree to our terms of appointment.

    c) The appointed representativewill enter into a separate contract o

    appointment directly with you.You will be responsible or costsincurred by the

    appointed representativewhich are not authorised by the us.

    4 Co-operating with the appointed representative and us

    a) I weask, youmust tell the appointed representativeto give usany

    documents, inormation or advice that they have or know about.

    b)You must ully co-operate with the appointed representativeand us, and not

    take any action that has not been agreed by your appointed representative

    or by us.

    c)You must keep usand the appointed representativecontinually and promptly

    inormed o all developments relating to the claim and provide usand the

    appointed representativeimmediately with all inormation, evidence and

    documents that youhave or know about.

    Section H - Uninsured Loss Recovery continued

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    d)You must get ourpermission beore instructing a barrister or an expert witness.

    e)Wecan contact the appointed representativeat any time, and he or she must

    co-operate ully with usat all times.

    5 Barristers opinion

    I there are conlicting opinions over reasonable prospects of success you will be

    required to obtain an opinion rom a barrister; the choice o the barrister needs to

    be agreed between youand us.You will be responsible or paying or the opinion

    unless it shows that yourclaim has reasonable prospects of success.

    6 Settling or ending your claim

    a)You must tell usi anyone makes a payment into courtor oers to settle your


    b)You must not stop, settle, negotiate or withdraw rom a claim or withdraw

    instructions rom the appointed representativewithout ourapproval. Wewillnot withhold ourapproval without good reason.

    c) I an appointed representativereuses to continue acting or youwith good

    reason, or i youdismiss them without good reason, cover or yourclaim

    will end immediately unless weagree to appoint another appointed


    d)Wecan decide to settle yourclaim by paying youthe compensation you are

    likely to be awarded by a courtinstead o starting or continuing yourclaim or

    legal proceedings. I yourclaim is not or damages, wemay decide to settle

    yourclaim by paying youthe equivalent inancial value o yourclaim.

    e)Wecan reuse to pay urther costsi youdo not accept an oer or payment

    into courtto settle a claim which weor your appointed representative

    considers should be accepted.

    )Wecan reuse to pay urther costsi weor the appointed representative

    consider that those costswould be disproportionate to the value o the claim.

    g)You must tell usi yourclaim no longer has reasonable prospects of success.

    h)Wecan reuse to pay urther costsi yourclaim no longer has reasonable

    prospects of success.

    7 Assessing and recovering costs

    a)Wehave the right to have costscertiied by the appropriate proessional body,

    audited by costs dratsmen wechoose or assessed by a court.

    b)You must tell your appointed representative to claim back all coststhat you

    are entitled to. I costs wehave paid are recovered, youmust reund them to


    c)Weand youwill share any coststhat are recovered where:

    i)Wereused to pay urther costsand youpaid more coststo end yourclaim.

    ii)You chose to pay the dierence between the costs weoered to the appointed

    representativeunder our terms of appointmentand the costscharged by theappointed representative.

    Weand youwill each receive the same percentage o the recovered costsas

    originally paid.

    8 Cancellation

    You can cancel this section o your policyat any time by telling useither over the

    phone or in writing.

    I youcancel this section beore cover is due to start, wewill return anypremium youhave paid in ull.

    I youcancel this section ater it has started wewill return any premium paidless a charge or the number o days or which cover has been given.

    Wewill not reund any premium i youhave made a claim or i one has been made

    against youduring the period o cover.

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    3 Radioactivity

    We will not cover any loss or damage to property or any direct or indirect loss,

    expense or liability caused or contributed to by: ionising radiation or radioactive contamination rom any nuclear uel or

    waste; or

    the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties o nuclearequipment or its nuclear parts.

    4 War

    We will not cover any injury, loss, damage or liability caused by war, invasion,

    revolution or a similar event except as is strictly required under the Road

    Traffic Act.

    5 Riot

    We will not cover any loss or damage caused by riot or civil commotion outside

    Great Britain, the Isle o Man or the Channel Islands. This exception does not

    apply to section A o this policy.

    6 Use on airfields

    We will not cover any injury, loss, damage or liability caused by using your car

    in any area where aircraf are normally ound to be landing, taking off, moving

    or parked.

    7 Pollution

    We will not cover any injury, loss, damage or liability caused by pollution or

    contamination, unless the pollution or contamination is caused by a sudden,identifiable, unexpected and accidental incident which happens during the period

    o insurance.

    8 Recovery of seized cars

    We will not cover securing the release o a motor car, other than your car, which

    has been seized by, or on behal o, any government or public authority.

    9 Use on Nrburgring Nordschleife

    We will not cover any injury, loss, damage or liability whilst your car is being used

    or driven on the Nrburgring Nordschleie.

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    1 Providing accurate information

    Wewill only provide the cover set out in the policyi youkeep to all the termsand

    conditions o the policy.

    It is important to ensure that all inormation given to us, including relating to all

    drivers under the policy, is correct to the best o yourknowledge. Failure to provide

    correct inormation or inorm uso any changes could adversely affect your policy,

    including invalidating your policyor claims being rejected or not ully paid.

    The policywill also include Uninsured Loss Recovery, i youhave purchased this.

    2 Notification of accidents and losses

    You must tell us as soon as reasonably possible about any incident which may

    lead to a claim under this policy. I you receive any notice o prosecution, inquest

    or atal accident inquiry or you are sent a writ, summons, claim or letter, you

    must send it to us, unanswered, as soon as possible.This condition does not apply to section H.

    3 Claims procedure Our rights and your obligations

    a You must not admit liability or or negotiate to settle any claim without our

    written permission.

    b We are entitled to:

    take over and carry out the negotiation, deence or settlement o anyclaim in your name, or in the name o any other person covered by

    this policy;

    take proceedings in your name, or in the name o any other personcovered by this policy, to get back any money we have paid underthis policy.

    c You must give us any inormation and help we need.

    This condition does not apply to section H.

    4 Administration Fee

    I you make any temporary or permanent changes to your policy during the year

    you may have to pay an administration ee as well as any additional premium.

    An administration ee may apply even though an amendment results in a return

    opremium to you. Please reer to your schedule or details o the administration


    This condition does not apply to section H.

    5a Cancellation by us

    Wehave the right to cancel your policy at any time by giving you14 days notice

    in writing where there is a valid reason or doing so.

    Wewill send ourcancellation letter to the latest address wehave or you.

    Valid reasons may include but are not limited to:

    where youare required in accordance with the terms o this policy, to

    co-operate with us, or send usinormation or documentation and youail

    to do so in a way that substantially affects ourability to process yourclaim,

    or deal with your policy;

    where there are changes to yourcircumstances which mean youno longer

    meet ourcriteria or providing motor insurance;

    where youhave used threatening or abusive behaviour or language or youhave intimidated or bullied ourstaff or suppliers.

    I wecancel your policy wewill return the premium paid less the amount or the

    period the policyhas been in orce.

    Please note under the Road Traffic Act it is an offence not to surrender the

    certificate of motor insurancewithin seven days o the cancellation date.

    5b Cancellation by youYou can cancel this policy at any time by telling us either over the phone or in

    writing. Please return the certificate of motor insurance. Please note under

    the Road Traffic Act it is an offence not to surrender the certificate of motor

    insurance within seven days o the cancellation date.

    Cancelling the direct debit instruction does not mean you have cancelled the


    General conditionsGeneral conditions which apply to sections A to H

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    I you cancel beore your policy is due to start, we will return any premiumyou have paid in ull.

    I youcancel within 14 days o the policystarting or within 14 days o receivingyourdocuments (whichever occurs later) wewill return any premium paid less a

    charge or the number o days or which cover has been given.

    I you cancel afer those 14 days have passed, we will return any premiumpaid less:

    - charge or the number o days or which cover has been given; and

    - an administration ee as shown in your schedule.

    We will not reund any premium i you have made a claim or i one has been made

    against you during the period o cover.

    5c Cancellation on renewal

    I you cancel beore the new period o insurance (renewal) is due to start, wewill return any premium paid in ull.

    I the new period o insurance (renewal) has started and youcancel within14 days o it starting or within 14 days o receiving yourdocuments

    (whichever occurs later), wewill return any premium paid less a charge or

    the number o days or which cover has been given.

    I you cancel afer those 14 days have passed, we will return any premiumless a charge or the number o days or which cover has been given and an

    administration ee as shown in your schedule.

    We will not reund any premium i you have made a claim or i one has been made

    against you during the period o cover.

    Please return the certificate of motor insurance.

    Please note under the Road Traffic Act it is an offence not to surrender the

    certificate of motor insurance within seven days o the cancellation date.

    5d Suspensions

    You can suspend this policy at any time by telling us either over the phone or in

    writing. Please return the certificate of motor insurance.

    I you suspend cover we will retain any premium paid. I you are payingby instalments, you must continue paying instalments during the period o


    I cover is suspended or 28 days or more in a row or i the policyexpiry datepasses during the period o suspension, you will receive a pro rata reund or

    the suspension period.

    I cover is suspended or 27 days or less in a row and reinstated beore the policy

    expiry date wewill not reund any premium.

    We will not reund any premium i you have made a claim or i one has been made

    against you during the period o cover.

    6 Taking care of your car

    You and any person who is covered by this policy must:

    make sure your car is roadworthy;

    take all reasonable steps to protect your car and its contents rom lossor damage;

    make sure you keep property lef in an open or convertible car in a lockedboot or locked glove compartment; and

    allow us to examine your car at any reasonable time i we ask you.

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    7 Car sharing

    Your policy covers you or carrying passengers or social or similar purposes in

    return or payment. But it does not cover you i:

    your car is made or adapted to carry more than eight passengers (excludingthe driver);

    you are carrying the passengers as customers o a passenger-carryingbusiness; or

    you are making a profit rom the passengers payments.

    I you are not sure whether a car-sharing arrangement is covered by the terms

    o this policy, please contact us.

    8 Modifications to your car

    Youmust tell uswhat modifications youintend to make and obtain ouragreement

    prior to making them. Modifications are changes to your carsstandard specification,including optional extras. These include, but are not restricted to, changes to the

    appearance and/or the perormance o your car(including wheels, suspension,

    bodywork and engine).

    Failure to provide correct inormation or inorm uso any changes could adversely

    affect your policy, including invalidating your policyor claims being rejected or

    not ully paid.

    9 Fraud

    You must be honest and truthul in yourdealings with usat all times.

    I you, any person insured under this policy or anyone acting on yourbehalattempts to deceive usor knowingly makes a alse claim, wehave the right to

    cancel your policy, reuse claims and retain any premium paid. Wemay recover

    rom youany costs wehave incurred, including the costs o investigating the claim.

    Wewill not pay a claim which is in any way raudulent, alse or exaggerated. We

    will also not deal with any claims ollowing discovery o this behaviour regardless

    o when the claims occurred.

    In addition, wehave the right to cancel any other products you hold with us and share

    details o this behaviour with other organisations to prevent urther raud. Wemay also

    involve the relevant authorities who are empowered to bring criminal proceedings.

    10 Other insurance

    I you have other insurance which covers the same loss, damage or liability, wewill not pay more than our share o your claim. This does not apply to personal

    accident benefit (see section E).

    11 If you miss a payment

    I wehave been unable to collect yourpremium on the date it is due, wewill write

    to youin order to give youthe opportunity to make the payment.

    I the premium remains unpaid by the dateweset out in ourletter, wewill give

    you14 days notice that wewill cancel your policy, and inorm youin writing

    when this cancellation has taken place.

    I youhave made a claim, or one has been made against youbeore that date,then the balance o the years premium will become payable.

    Please note under the Road Traffic Act it is an offence not to surrender the

    certificate of motor insurancewithin seven days o the cancellation date.

    12 If you have not paid your premium

    We may reuse your claim or deduct any unpaid premiums rom any claim

    payment we make to you.

    13 People involved in this contract

    This contract is between you and us. Nobody else has any rights they can enorce

    under this contract except those they have under the Road Traffic Act.

    14 Automatic renewal

    We may automatically renew your policy on the renewal date. I we plan to

    automatically renew, we will let you know we are planning to do this beore your

    cover ends together with sending you details o the renewal premium. I you do

    not want to renew this policy, you should let us know beore the renewal date.

    General conditions continued

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    15 Vehicle registration

    To be covered by this policy your car must be registered in, or be in the process o

    being registered in, the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle o Man.

    1 Privacy

    Why we need your information

    We need your inormation and that o others you name on the policy to give you

    quotations, and manage your insurance policy, including underwriting and claims

    handling. Your inormation comprises o all the details we hold about you and yourtransactions and includes inormation we obtain about you rom third parties.

    We will only collect the inormation we need so that we can provide you with the

    service you expect rom us.

    How we will use your information and who we will share it with

    NatWest Car Insurance is underwritten by U K Insurance Limited (UKI).

    During the course o our dealings with you we may need to use your inormation to:

    Assess financial and insurance risks,

    Prevent and detect crime including anti-money laundering and financialsanctions,

    To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations,

    Develop our products, services, systems and relationships with you,

    Record your preerences in respect o products and services,

    Recover any debt or i you have any outstanding debt rom previousdealings with us we will only offer you a policy upon settlement o the ull

    outstanding amount,

    Review our records or signs o any previous raudulent activity which may

    affect our ability to offer you cover.In carrying out the actions above we may:

    Use the inormation we hold in our system about you and that o others

    named on the policy (or example named drivers, joint policy holders),

    Share the inormation with agencies that carry out certain activities on our

    behal (or example marketing agencies or those who help us underwrite

    your policy),

    pNatWest Car Insurance Privacy Notice

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    Use and share your inormation with our approved suppliers where this isreasonably required to help deal with your claim or let you benefit rom our

    replacement vehicle and policyholder services, including with our credit hire

    providers, replacement vehicle suppliers, vehicle repairers and legal advisors,

    Disclose some o your inormation and that o others named on the policyto other insurers, third party underwriters, reinsurers, credit reerence, raud

    prevention, regulators and law enorcement agencies and other companies

    that provide service to us or you.

    We do not disclose your inormation to anyone except where:

    We have your permission,

    We are required or permitted to do so by law,

    We may transer rights and obligations under this agreement.

    Where we transfer your information

    From time to time we may require services rom suppliers that are based worldwideand your inormation will be shared with them or the purposes o providing that

    service. Where we engage these suppliers we make sure that they apply the

    same levels o protection, security and confidentiality we apply. However, such

    inormation may be accessed by law enorcement agencies and other authorities

    to prevent and detect crime and comply with legal obligations.

    Sensitive Information

    Some o the personal inormation we ask you or may be sensitive personal

    inormation, as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998 (such as inormation

    about health or criminal convictions). We will not use such sensitive personal data

    about you or others except or the specific purpose or which you provide it and toprovide the services described in your policy documents.

    Dealing with other people

    It is our policy to deal with your spouse or partner who calls us on your behal,

    provided they are named on the policy. Please tell us who they are when you take

    out your policy. I you would like someone else to deal with your policy on your

    behal on a regular basis please let us know. In some exceptional cases we may

    also deal with other people who call on your behal, with your consent. I at any

    time you would preer us to deal only with you, please let us know.

    Keeping you informed

    From time to time we may need to change the way we use your information.

    Where we believe you may not reasonably expect such a change we willwrite to you. When we do so, you will have 60 days to object to the changebut if we do not hear from you within that time you consent to that change.

    2 Fraud Prevention and Anti-Money Laundering

    Please take time to read the ollowing as it contains important inormation relating

    to the details you have given or should give to us. You should show this notice to

    anyone whose data has been supplied to us in connection with your policy.

    To prevent and detect raud we may at any time:

    Share inormation with other organisations and public bodies including the police

    although we only do so in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.Check and/or file details with raud prevention agencies and databases and i

    we are given alse or inaccurate inormation and we identiy raud, we will record

    this. We and other organisations may also use and search these agencies and

    databases rom the UK and other countries to:

    Help make decisions about the provision and administration o insurance,credit and related services or you and members o your household,

    Trace debtors or beneficiaries, recover debt, prevent raud, and to manageyour accounts or insurance policies,

    Check your identity to prevent money laundering, unless you provide us withother satisactory proo o identity.

    Law enorcement agencies may access and use this inormation.

    We and other organisations may also access and use this inormation to prevent

    raud and money laundering, or example when:

    Checking applications or, and managing credit and other acilities andrecovering debt,

    pNatWest Car Insurance Privacy Notice continued

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    Checking insurance proposals and claims,

    Checking details o job applicants and employees.We, and other organisations that may access and use inormation recorded by

    raud prevention agencies, may do so rom other countries.

    We can provide the names and addresses o the agencies we use i you wouldlike a copy o your inormation held by them. Please contact: Data Protection

    Officerat UKI, Churchill Court, Westmoreland Road, Bromley BR1 1DP quoting

    your reerence. The agencies may charge a ee.

    Financial Sanctions

    We will use inormation about you and that o others named on policy to ensure

    compliance with financial sanctions in effect in the UK and internationally.

    This will include the checking o your inormation against the HM Treasury list

    o financial sanctions targets as well as other publically available sanctions lists.

    Your inormation and that o others named on policy may be shared with

    HM Treasury and other international regulators where appropriate. You may alsobe contacted in order to provide urther details in order to ensure compliance with

    Financial Sanctions requirements.

    Credit Reference Agencies

    We carry out a consumer search when any application or insurance is

    submitted to evaluate insurance risks. This is done only using the data that is

    publically accessible on your credit file (i.e. bankruptcy, CCJ and electoral roll

    inormation). Inormation about access to the public part o your credit file is

    automatically deleted afer 12 months and in no way affects your ability to

    obtain credit.

    You will have been asked to agree to this when you first contacted us but please

    ensure that you only provide us with sensitive inormation about other people with

    their consent.

    Access to your information

    You have the right to see the inormation we hold about you. This is called Subject

    Access Request. I you would like a copy o your inormation, please write to:

    Data Access Teamat UKI, Churchill Court, Westmoreland Road, Bromley,

    BR11DP quoting your reerence. A ee may be payable.

    Motor Insurance Database

    Inormation relating to your policy will be added to the Motor Insurance Database

    (MID) managed by the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB). The MID and the datastored on it may be used by certain statutory and/or authorised bodies including

    the Police, the DVLA, the DVANI, the Insurance Fraud Bureau and other bodies

    permitted by law or purposes not limited to but including:

    Electronic Licensing (Tax Discs),

    Continuous Insurance Enorcement,

    Law enorcement (prevention, detection, apprehension and/or prosecution ooffenders),

    The provision o government services and/or other services aimed at reducing

    the level and incidence o uninsured driving.I you are involved in a road traffic accident (either in the UK, the EEA or certain

    other territories), insurers and/or the MIB may search the MID to obtain relevant


    Persons (including his or her appointed representatives) pursuing a claim in

    respect o a road traffic accident (including citizens o other countries) may also

    obtain relevant inormation which is held on the MID.

    It is vital that the MID holds your correct registration number. It is our

    responsibility to update your policy to the MID. We ully comply with the

    agreements in place with the MIB to update your details within seven days;

    however it is important that you check your policy documents ensuring that theregistration number is recorded correctly.

    I it is incorrectly shown on the MID you are at risk o having your car seized by

    the Police. You can check that your correct registration number is shown on the


    I the registration number is not shown correctly on your policy documents, or you

    cannot find your car on the MID, please contact us immediately.

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    How to make a claim

    To notiy us o a claim please telephone 0845 246 0441.

    How to complain

    I your complaint relates to a claim please contact your claims handler whose

    details will be shown on your claims documentation. For all other complaints

    please call us on our priority number 0845 246 0448.

    I you wish to write, then please address your letter to the regional customer

    service manager at the address shown on your claims documentation or claim

    related complaints or; the head o sales and customer service at the address

    shown on your schedule or all other complaints.

    Our staff will attempt to resolve your complaint immediately. I this is not possible,

    we promise to acknowledge your complaint within five business days o receipt. In

    the unlikely event that your complaint has not been resolved within our weeks o

    its receipt, we will write and let you know the reasons why and the urther actionwe will take.

    I we cannot resolve the differences between us, we will issue a final response

    letter. Upon its receipt, you may reer your complaint to the Financial

    Ombudsman Service (FOS) which, once contacted, will liaise with us on your

    behal. The FOS will then inorm you directly o its decision. Reerral to the FOS

    will not prejudice your right to take subsequent legal proceedings.

    Their address is: South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR (telephone

    number 0300 123 9123 or 0800 023 4567).

    I you are a business and or any reason your complaint alls outside o thejurisdiction o the FOS then we will still respond to your complaint but i we cannot

    sort out the differences between us you will not be able to reer the matter to FOS.

    However, this will not affect your legal rights.

    I your complaint relates to Section H Uninsured Loss Recovery, you can reer

    your complaint to arbitration instead (where an independent person, known as an

    arbitrator, makes a decision to settle the dispute). The arbitrator will be a solicitor

    or barrister or other suitably qualified person that you and we agree on. I you and

    we cannot agree then we will ask the Chartered Institute o Arbitrators to decide.

    The arbitrators decision will be final and whoever does not win will have to pay

    all costs and expenses.

    Details about our regulator

    U K Insurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated

    by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority under

    registration number 202810. The Financial Conduct Authority website, which includes

    a register o all regulated firms, can be visited, or the Financial

    Conduct Authority can be contacted on 0800 111 6768.

    Under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, should the company be

    unable to meet all its liabilities to policyholders, compensation may be available.

    Insurance advising and arranging is covered or 90% o the claim without any

    upper limit. For compulsory classes o insurance, insurance advising and arranging

    is covered or 100% o the claim, without any upper limit. Inormation can be

    obtained on request, or by visiting the Financial Services Compensation Scheme

    Important information about your policy

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    Your right to cancel your credit agreement

    I you have chosen to pay by instalments, you may cancel your credit agreement

    within 14 days o receiving it. I you would like to cancel your credit agreement

    please call us on 0845 246 0448or write to us at the address shown on your

    documents. I you cancel your Agreement you will need to arrange or paymento any outstanding policy premium.

    You have the right to end the credit agreement at any time. I you wish to do so you

    should let us know. I you do this any outstanding balance o the policy premium

    must be settled in order or your insurance cover to continue under the policy.

    Other important information about your credit agreement

    I you decide to cancel your policy, your credit agreement will automatically be

    terminated; any reunds will be paid pro rata unless there is a claim, when the ull

    premium will be due.

    You must return your certificate o motor insurance, i applicable, within sevendays o the cancellation date.

    We may terminate your credit agreement i you ail to pay any instalment by the due

    date. For ull details please see the terms o your Fixed Sum Credit Agreement.

    It is possible that other taxes or costs not imposed by us may apply to this Agreement.

    I you have a complaint about your credit agreement you should reer to the how

    to complain section o this policy booklet.

    English law applies to your Agreement and courts in England or Wales may deal

    with disputes in connection with this Agreement unless you live in Scotland where

    Scottish law will apply and Scottish courts may deal with disputes in connectionwith this Agreement. We have supplied this Agreement and other inormation to

    you in English and we will continue to communicate with you in English.

    Your Fixed Sum Credit Agreement

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    Useul Numbers

    Customer Claims Helpline0845 246 0441

    24-hour Accident Recovery Helpline0800 051 05 03

    Legal Assistance 0845 246 0443

    Have you thought o Breakdown Assistance Cover?

    To upgrade your Policy, please call0800 051 50 55.

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    Save up to 10% on NatWestHome Insurance

    Discounts are available to new home insurance customers in the irst

    year. Home insurance discount excludes Private insurance, optional

    home emergency and amily legal protection. All discounts are

    applied consecutively to your individual premium. Quotes are valid

    or 90 days. We may withdraw this oer at any time. This discount

    is subject to minimum premium.

    In the event o an accident reer to your NatWest Emergency Guideor helpul t ips to he lp you th rough.

    Policy Number:Customer Claims Helpline: 0845 246 0441

    24-hour Accident Recovery Helpline:0800 051 05 03

    Legal Assistance: 0845 246 0443

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    We will also be happy to send you any o our brochures, letters or statementsin Braille, large print or audio, upon request.

    NatWest Car insurance is underwritten by U K Insurance Limited.Registered oice: The Whar, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ.

    Registered in England No.1179980. U K Insurance Limited is

    authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated

    by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation

    Authority. Calls may be recorded. NW MPB 0614