nc missionary newsletter, fall 2015

Fall 2015 NORTH CANYON MISSIONARY NEWSLETTER 1 Elder Alex Miller Londrina Brazil Mission Av. Higienoppolis 1000 Sala 61 Centro 86001-911 Londrina PR, Brazil Elder Josh Preston New Jersey Morristown Mission 5 Cold Hill Rd South, Suite 10 Mendham NJ 07945 Elder Bryan Nally Mississippi Jackson Mission 175 Burnham Rd Brandon MS 83709-1869 Sister Martha Bale Mozambique Maputo Mission Caixa Postal 1166 Correio Central Maputo, Maputo, Mozambique Elder Nathan Clark Philippines Manila Mission PO Box 1997 Makati City 1110 Metro Manila, Philippines Elder Hayden Bigelow Mexico Xalapa Mission Av. Arco Vial Sur No. 738 loc. 5 Col. Lomas Verdes 91098 Xalapa, Veracruz, MEXICO Sister Kennedie McKinstry Des Moines Iowa Mission Reports on September 9th Sister Mary James Utah Salt Lake City East Mission Reports on September 16th

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Update on our missionaries


Page 1: NC Missionary Newsletter, Fall 2015

Fall 2015



Elder Alex Miller Londrina Brazil MissionAv. Higienoppolis 1000Sala 61 Centro 86001-911Londrina PR, Brazil

Elder Josh Preston New Jersey Morristown Mission 5 Cold Hill Rd South, Suite 10Mendham NJ 07945

Elder Bryan Nally Mississippi Jackson Mission 175 Burnham Rd Brandon MS 83709-1869

Sister Martha Bale Mozambique Maputo Mission Caixa Postal 1166Correio Central Maputo, Maputo, Mozambique

Elder Nathan Clark Philippines Manila Mission PO Box 1997 Makati City 1110 Metro Manila, Philippines

Elder Hayden Bigelow Mexico Xalapa Mission Av. Arco Vial Sur No. 738 loc. 5 Col. Lomas Verdes 91098 Xalapa, Veracruz, MEXICO

Sister Kennedie McKinstry Des Moines Iowa Mission Reports on September 9th

Sister Mary James Utah Salt Lake City East Mission Reports on September 16th

Page 2: NC Missionary Newsletter, Fall 2015

Fall 2015

Nathan was recently transferred to Bonafacio and is working on the big island of the Philippines. He was asked to serve as a zone leader in this new area and is very excited to learn and continue to serve the Lord. Serving a mission has definitely had an impact on Nathan, his perspective, and his desire to serve the Lord. Here is what Nathan had to say about his new area and the blessings and miracles he is experiencing.

The miracle that I saw this week is just looking back on my last area, and thinking about all the people that I have helped and how much that area has changed. I saw so many people's lives change, almost like day and night. I think the biggest miracle I saw, however, was within myself. I have grown so much in the past 6 months, and learned that I can't do anything, but the Lord can do everything. I am so grateful for all that I have learned there. I think that was the refiners fire of my mission, and I know now that I need to be humble enough for the Lord to teach me, and mold me. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve in Bonafacio, and I pray the Lord will continue to teach me and help me become a better person.

This week has been so great, I am with my new companions, and we are doing so good. I think they are my favorite two companions in the mission so far. They are great. Elder Rydalch is from Idaho falls and he is like a walking dictionary. He is kind of tall, and super nice. My other companion is from Cebu. He is super cool, and really nice. Cebu is another Island here in the Philippines, so his native language is Cebuano. That is the language that the Ewok's speak in Starwars 6. That too is a crazy language, but Tagalog is harder. haha He is super good at speaking english because people

from that region can naturally pick up an american accent better. Its so weird how there are so many dialects in the Philippines. Anyways. So my companion, Elder Rydalch is so smart that he finally explained to me what Dad does for a living. He explained to me what cloud computing is, and its actually super super cool. Kudos to Dad his work is really cool, and complicated, and actually is really changing the capacity that computer have to compute.


Elder Nathan Clark

Page 3: NC Missionary Newsletter, Fall 2015

Fall 2015


Sister Mary James Utah Salt Lake City East Mission Reports on September 16th

Sister Kennedie McKinstry Des Moines Iowa Mission

Reports on September 9th

Page 4: NC Missionary Newsletter, Fall 2015

Fall 2015

Elder Alex Miller is doing great out in the Londrina Brazil Mission field. He is now serving in the Apucarana area. Apucarana is a town about 220 miles east of Sau Palo. Alex was quite excited with this last transfer, as he was given the responsibility to train a new missionary, Elder Alves. Every e-mail we get is about prospects for baptism, and improvement in the lives of those around them. We

received a voice recording from him for father’s day (In brazil it is August 9th), and you can hear the joy in his voice and the camaraderie of his companions is uplifting. I know he is having a great impact in the lives he touches, back here and over there. He would ask that everyone continue to pray for him to find those that are willing, and to pray for our own missionary experiences.

�4Elder Alex Miller

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Fall 2015

The Stake President said that he received a letter in the mail from Boyd K. Packer on June 23, that the Maputo Stake is ready for a Patriarch. YEs, Boyd K. Packer sent it before he passed away. How incredible. They talked a lot about the temple and how we will be preparing more families to go. MANY families have not been. He said that we are very lucky to have a temple just 8 hours away. The temple is a priority. Its really hard for the people to travel because almost everyone doesn't have a car. Everything is truly a sacrifice. I just want to say, I was so EXTRMELY happy at this Conference! I just have this deep Love for everyone. I love the members in our stake. I love the relationships I have with them. I love how I can finally communicate! haha. I just love them so much. I remember feeling so grateful and so happy at conference. What an opportunity. So this last week, we met with our branch President and talked about our branch and the members and how we are going to help. Some that he said was many people think that since they are members of Gods church that all problems will go away and life will be bliss. They dont understand the plan of salvation. I had this thought to make sure that all families in our branch have a Proclamation to the Family. I love this scripture! We shared it with our family Nilsa and Flornecio. I just want to tell you that they needed those words of that proclamation and miracles happened. I am just so grateful for righteous and inspired leaders like the prophets and our mission president. We also have amazing district and zone leaders. I also have like the best companions so that always makes it good. Our famlies are doing good. We have this incredible familiy, Lino and Gina. We are excited to help them. I love you all!! Today we went to the salon because my companion got her hair done. We took a few fun pictures. I asked the salon lady to braid my hair in the front, Man do they braid good and fast here! I love you all!!!!


Sister Martha Bale

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Fall 2015

I honestly feel like I have been out for maybe a month. Time is honestly flying and I don't know how? I feel super comfortable with just everything, not like comfortable to where I am not trying to learn. Just that I can do everything necessary to be a missionary. I am really grateful to my papá in the mission because he taught me a ton. I am really excited to keep progressing and working and everything.

My week was super awesome, we had our first divisions of the mission and I went with a gringo named Elder Moulton to Tuxpan. We messed around, but also worked. It was a nice break from the normal pace of the same area all the time. Not being in the same area for a day was refreshing and it was cool to meet and teach a

few of their investigators. It was pretty bad for my Spanish though because we talked in English the whole day and so when we got to lessons it was hard to switch and talk again in spanish. We ate pizza at night and it was fun.

My investigators are super chill. There are I and E which are 2 brothers that are really cool. They are progressing and going to church and really liking it. I, who is kinda like me, said the other day that he wants to get baptized, but just wants a little more time to get prepared. I think I will be able to baptize him the 23rd! N, a sweet old lady, was such a surprise because she really couldn't read and didn't want to go to church so we thought she wasn't going to progress. But suddenly she showed up and now is really liking the support and love the church brings. She feels the spirit really, really strong in her life. Other news is that we have a mission wide conference the 23rd of Agosto with Elder Christofferson. That should be super cool to hear from an Apostle and everything. I will also be able to see and talk to all my comps from the CCM, Elder Bravo and also the girl from our stake that got to the mission this transfer! Super pumped for that.

Everything is going really well for me and I feel really good.


Elder Hayden Bigelow

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Fall 2015

So I'm up here in Texarkana, AR now! It's a pretty cool place. Apparently it has more fast food stores per populace than anywhere else... So that's saying something. The drive up here from Biloxi took aaaalll day. With all of the stops and such, Im not sure how long it took actually. But we left at 7am or so and Ididn't get home to the apartment until 9pm. It took quite some time there.


As far as experiences go this was a good but short week! Elder Hernandez and I have been teaching a woman for just about all of the time we have been here and in that time it has been super difficult to keep her on focus! But we met with her later on the same Tuesday and had a 2 hour lesson.. Long right? It started out on a really good note because we were able to keep good focus on gospel topics and share the entire plan of salvation with her! As we were closing up our scriptures and getting ready to ask her to say a prayer she stopped us. This is where all the off topic finally burst out but at the same time it was full of purpose this time! She told us about some dreams that she had had. And how they have been coming true throughout her life and how she usually doesnt tell anyone but she felt like she could tell us. I dont think I need to share all of the details but the most recent dream she had she shared with us to be a palace in the center of a huge city! And she had no idea where it was or what it was. Elder Hernandez and I really didn't know what to say at this point so we were silent and the Spirit was just chillen in the room. She closed her Book of Mormon and flipped through the back pages. In the back of the BoM there are pictures and one of the pictures is the Salt Lake City Temple. She thought she saw a glimpse of something and then went to searching for what she had seen. When she found the picture of the Temple she stood up. Put the book down. Walked to the dresser. And started to cry. We were silent for longer and Elder Hernandez and I

both were on the same track of mind. He asked her if that Temple was the palace she had seen in her dream and she nodded her head. After a little bit more silence, I ask her very simply and straightforward, "do you believe the book of mormon is the word of God?" And she responded saying, "Don't do that to me.... I haven't even read the whole book and I know it's true." The rest is history. She plans to be baptized on the 25 of this month!


Elder Bryan Nally

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Fall 2015


Elder Josh Preston