ncfca recent trends in surveillance

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  • 8/8/2019 NCFCA Recent Trends in Surveillance


    A.S.Rumale, A.J.Patankar2, M.H.Kolekar3

    Sr. Lecturer, Computer Engineering, COE Malegaon-Bk,


    Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering, D. Y. Patil College

    of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune2

    Post doctoral fellow, Missouri University, Columbia, USA3

    Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Recent Trends inRecent Trends in

    Surveillance SystemsSurveillance Systems

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    General WorkingGeneral Working

    Examples of Surveillance SystemExamples of Surveillance System

    Related Work DoneRelated Work Done

    Social IssuesSocial Issues ApplicationsApplications


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    SurveillanceSurveillance systemsystem providesprovides aa meanmean toto keepkeep watchwatch onon aa(non)person,(non)person, whichwhich maymay causecause oror causingcausing somesome troubletroubleandand thenthen stopstop thatthat someonesomeone fromfrom attackingattacking thethe securitysecurity

    andand serenityserenity ofof ourour lifelife..

    VideoVideo SurveillanceSurveillance systemssystems cancan bebe usedused asas thirdthird umpireumpire ininsportssports toto yieldyield aa properproper judgmentjudgment justjust asas itit isis usedused tototracktrack downdown antisocialantisocial elementselements..ManyMany countriescountries usesusesRFIDRFID passportpassport toto makemake surveillancesurveillance easyeasy..

    In computer network the traffic monitoring systemsIn computer network the traffic monitoring systems(Firewalls, IDS, etc) are the examples of surveillance at(Firewalls, IDS, etc) are the examples of surveillance atsoftware level.

    Many parental control utilities are also nothing but theMany parental control utilities are also nothing but the

    surveillance systems preventing access to illegal content.surveillance systems preventing access to illegal content.

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    Spy satellites are also in use by many countries forSpy satellites are also in use by many countries for

    geophysical surveillance to pregeophysical surveillance to pre--detect the possibledetect the possible

    threats from other countries. Satellites can also be usedthreats from other countries. Satellites can also be usedfor the surveillance on space bodies to prefor the surveillance on space bodies to pre--detect anddetect and

    prevent any threat from space bodies to life on Earth.prevent any threat from space bodies to life on Earth.

    Even weather forecasting is also nothing but a weatherEven weather forecasting is also nothing but a weather


    CCTV or video surveillance systems are used to trackCCTV or video surveillance systems are used to track

    down or to keep watch on may be possible threats.down or to keep watch on may be possible threats.

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    ButBut thisthis allall raisedraised manymany issuesissues duedue toto maymay bebe badbad useuse ofof

    goodgood systemsystem byby somesome organizationsorganizations oror eveneven byby terroriststerrorists..

    Most of the surveillance systems if not used properly atMost of the surveillance systems if not used properly atworkplace or anywhere, may speak a world where weworkplace or anywhere, may speak a world where we

    are not trusted. Surveillance thus may cause suspicion.are not trusted. Surveillance thus may cause suspicion.

    Such noSuch no--trust among organizations employees andtrust among organizations employees and

    employer may cause shut down of organization.employer may cause shut down of organization.

    And so proper understanding and use ofAnd so proper understanding and use of

    surveillance is necessary surveillance is necessary

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    General WorkingGeneral Working First, it acquires the live samples of the subject inFirst, it acquires the live samples of the subject in

    analysis. The live samples may be the captured video,analysis. The live samples may be the captured video,

    audio, or still images, or it may be any biochemicalaudio, or still images, or it may be any biochemicalobject.object.

    Then this subject as whole or the part of it get analysedThen this subject as whole or the part of it get analysed

    compared and mapped with some precompared and mapped with some pre--stored samples ofstored samples of

    doubtful/similar objects or heuristic knowledge in thedoubtful/similar objects or heuristic knowledge in the

    sample knowledge base using various algorithms.sample knowledge base using various algorithms.

    On match the surveillance system puts the alarm on andOn match the surveillance system puts the alarm on and

    isolates the threat (or situational event in sports).isolates the threat (or situational event in sports).

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    Examples :Examples : Air Force SpaceAir Force Space

    Surveillance SystemSurveillance Systemcolloquiallycolloquially knownknown asas thethe SpaceSpace Fence,Fence, isis aa multistaticmultistatic

    radarradar systemsystem thatthat detectsdetects orbitalorbital objectsobjects passingpassing overoverAmericaAmerica.. ItIt isis aa componentcomponent ofof thethe USUS spacespace surveillancesurveillance

    network,network, andand isis claimedclaimed toto bebe ableable toto detectdetect objectsobjects asassmallsmall asas 1010cmcm (four(four inches)inches) atat heightsheights upup toto 3030,,000000 kmkm((1515,,000000 nauticalnautical milesmiles..)) AlthoughAlthough formerlyformerly operatedoperated bybythethe UU..SS.. NavyNavy andand knownknown asas NAVSPASURNAVSPASUR (short(short forfor"Naval"Naval SpaceSpace CommandCommand Surveillance"),Surveillance"), commandcommand

    passedpassed toto thethe AirAir ForceForce 2020thth SpaceSpace ControlControl SquadronSquadrononon OctoberOctober 11,, 20042004.. TheThe operation'soperation's headquartersheadquarters areare atatDahlgren,Dahlgren, Virginia,Virginia, whilewhile radarradar stationsstations areare spreadspread outoutacrossacross thethe continentalcontinental UnitedUnited StatesStates atat roughlyroughly thethe levellevelofof thethe 3333rdrd parallelparallel north[north[1313]]..

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    Examples:Examples:SIVAMSIVAMAmazon Surveillance SystemAmazon Surveillance System ororSIVAMSIVAM(from its(from its

    Portuguese name,Portuguese name,Sistema de Vigilncia da AmazniaSistema de Vigilncia da Amaznia), is), is

    a complex surveillance system used for monitoring thea complex surveillance system used for monitoring the"legal Amazon area". This area includes the Brazilian"legal Amazon area". This area includes the Brazilian

    rainforest, allegedly to curb the trafficking of illegalrainforest, allegedly to curb the trafficking of illegal

    narcotics and to curb illegal logging or burning of thenarcotics and to curb illegal logging or burning of the

    forest. The system utilizes a mixture of fixed and mobileforest. The system utilizes a mixture of fixed and mobile

    ground radar, as well as airborne surveillance using theground radar, as well as airborne surveillance using theEmbraer ERJ 145. The combined platform is called theEmbraer ERJ 145. The combined platform is called the


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    surveillancesurveillanceClinical surveillanceClinical surveillance (or Syndromic surveillance)(or Syndromic surveillance)

    refers to the systematic collection, analysis, andrefers to the systematic collection, analysis, and

    interpretation of health data about a clinicalinterpretation of health data about a clinicalsyndrome that has a significant impact onsyndrome that has a significant impact on

    public health, which is then used to drivepublic health, which is then used to drive

    decisions about health policy and healthdecisions about health policy and health


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    Television (CC

    TV)Television (CC

    TV)ClosedCircuit Television (CCTV)ClosedCircuit Television (CCTV) is the use ofis the use of

    video cameras to transmit signal to a specific,video cameras to transmit signal to a specific,

    limited set of monitors. It differs fromlimited set of monitors. It differs frombroadcast television in that the signal is notbroadcast television in that the signal is not

    openly transmitted, though it may employ pointopenly transmitted, though it may employ point

    to point wireless links. CCTV is often used forto point wireless links. CCTV is often used for

    surveillance in areas which need monitoring,surveillance in areas which need monitoring,such as banks, casinos, airports, militarysuch as banks, casinos, airports, military

    installations and convenience stores.[16]installations and convenience stores.[16]

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    Examples:Examples:Electronic articleElectronic article

    surveillancesurveillanceaa technologicaltechnological methodmethod forfor preventingpreventing shopliftingshoplifting

    fromfrom retailretail storesstores oror pilferagepilferage ofof booksbooks fromfrom

    librarieslibraries.. SpecialSpecial tagstags areare fixedfixed toto merchandisemerchandiseoror booksbooks.. TheseThese tagstags areare removedremoved oror

    deactivateddeactivated byby thethe clerksclerks whenwhen thethe itemitem isis

    properlyproperly boughtbought oror checkedchecked outout.. AtAt thethe exitsexits ofof

    thethe store,store, aa detectiondetection systemsystem soundssounds anan alarmalarm ororotherwiseotherwise alertsalerts thethe staffstaff whenwhen itit sensessenses activeactive

    tagstags [[1717]]

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    Examples:Examples:Mass surveillanceMass surveillancepervasive surveillance of an entire population, orpervasive surveillance of an entire population, or

    a substantial fraction thereof. Mass surveillancea substantial fraction thereof. Mass surveillance

    may be done either with or without the consentmay be done either with or without the consentof those under surveillance, and may or may notof those under surveillance, and may or may not

    serve their interests. Generally carried out byserve their interests. Generally carried out by

    Govt. agencies to ensure security and preventGovt. agencies to ensure security and prevent

    terrorism. [18]terrorism. [18]

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    surveillancesurveillanceTechnologiesTechnologies thatthat measuremeasure andand analyzesanalyzes humanhuman physicalphysical

    and/orand/or behavioralbehavioral characteristicscharacteristics forfor authentication,authentication,identification,identification, oror screeningscreening purposespurposes.. ExamplesExamples ofof

    physicalphysical characteristicscharacteristics includeinclude fingerprints,fingerprints, eyeeye retinasretinasandand irises,irises, DNA,DNA, facialfacial patternspatterns andand handhandmeasurements,measurements, whilewhile examplesexamples ofof mostlymostly behavioralbehavioralcharacteristicscharacteristics includeinclude signature,signature, gait,gait, voice,voice, andand typingtypingpatternspatterns..

    AsAs thethe technologiestechnologies forfor biometricbiometric surveillancesurveillance becomebecomemoremore accurateaccurate andand reliable,reliable, itit maymay becomebecome moremorepopularpopular toto useuse thethe bodybody asas aa password,password, insteadinstead ofof usingusingPinsPins oror passpass codescodes.. [[1919]]

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    identification (R

    FID)identification (R

    FID)anan automaticautomatic identificationidentification method,method, relyingrelying onon

    storingstoring andand remotelyremotely retrievingretrieving datadata usingusing

    devicesdevices calledcalled RFIDRFID tagstags oror transponderstransponders AnAnRFIDRFID tagtag isis anan objectobject thatthat cancan bebe appliedapplied toto ororincorporatedincorporated intointo aa product,product, animal,animal, oror personpersonforfor thethe purposepurpose ofof identificationidentification usingusing radioradiowaveswaves.. SomeSome tagstags cancan bebe readread fromfrom severalseveral

    metersmeters awayaway andand beyondbeyond thethe lineline ofof sightsight ofof thethereaderreader.. ThisThis makesmakes RFIDRFID anan intelligentintelligent tooltool forforsurveillancesurveillance.. [[2020]]

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    Related WorkDoneRelated WorkDoneyy We detect the pedestrians (human objects) from theWe detect the pedestrians (human objects) from the

    videos acquired by various cameras.videos acquired by various cameras.

    yy ThenThen wewe detectdetect similaritysimilarity betweenbetween thesethese videosvideos andand

    selectselect aa betterbetter frameframe toto zoomzoom inin..yy FromFrom thethe betterbetter frameframe selected,selected, wewe selectsselects aa betterbetter

    image,image, thusthus reducingreducing thethe furtherfurther processprocess toto imageimageprocessingprocessing..

    yy TheThe imagesimages selectedselected areare thenthen divideddivided intointo partsparts forfor

    comparisoncomparison withwith prepre--storedstored databasesdatabases ofof criminalscriminals forforfaceface recognitionrecognition;; andand withwith databasesdatabases ofof wouldwould bebedangerousdangerous objectsobjects..

    yy OnOn identificationidentification ofof eithereither criminalcriminal faceface oror wouldwouldbebe dangerousdangerous object,object, systemsystem isolateisolate thatthat humanhuman objectobjectwithwith particularparticular markmark andand setssets thethe alarmalarm onon..

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    Social IssuesSocial IssuesViolationViolation ofof soso calledcalled privacyprivacy..

    A characteristic of private is that it is not official.A characteristic of private is that it is not official.

    Nevertheless, we expect a certain degree ofNevertheless, we expect a certain degree ofprivacy even in most official situations. Privacyprivacy even in most official situations. Privacy

    is a fundamental human right recognized in allis a fundamental human right recognized in all

    major international agreements regardingmajor international agreements regarding

    human rights such as Article 12 of the Universalhuman rights such as Article 12 of the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights (United Nations,Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations,


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    Social IssuesSocial IssuesVideo surveillance in the workplace is a threat toVideo surveillance in the workplace is a threat to

    employees' rights to privacy, dignity andemployees' rights to privacy, dignity and

    personal autonomy due to covert surveillancepersonal autonomy due to covert surveillanceand the use of surveillance for monitoringand the use of surveillance for monitoring

    individual employee work practices.individual employee work practices.

    employees under surveillance feel depressed, tenseemployees under surveillance feel depressed, tense

    and anxious when knowing that they areand anxious when knowing that they aremonitored, in comparison with those who aremonitored, in comparison with those who are

    not under (or who are unaware of) surveillance.not under (or who are unaware of) surveillance.

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    Social IssuesSocial IssuesDue to limitation of the computer hardware orDue to limitation of the computer hardware or

    programming analytics there exist always aprogramming analytics there exist always a

    possibility of false positive results in any presentpossibility of false positive results in any presentsurveillance system causing unnecessary troublesurveillance system causing unnecessary trouble

    to innocents.

    And there always exist an intentional politicsAnd there always exist an intentional politics

    behind many surveillance practices. [26, 27, 28,behind many surveillance practices. [26, 27, 28,29, 30]29, 30]

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    ApplicationsApplicationsContentContent--based video analysisbased video analysis

    Sport video analysis is also referred as sport videoSport video analysis is also referred as sport video


    And many more as we just seen in examplesAnd many more as we just seen in examples

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    ConclusionConclusionVideoVideo andand manymany otherother surveillancesurveillance systemssystems areare playingplaying

    veryvery importantimportant rolesroles inin nationsnations securitysecurity andand alsoalso inin

    makingmaking ourour dailydaily lifelife muchmuch easiereasier inin spitespite ofof manymany

    issuesissues raisedraised byby privacyprivacy seekingseeking personspersons..

    AA veryvery extensiveextensive carecare isis neededneeded toto avoidavoid badbad useuse of of

    surveillancesurveillance systemssystems byby antisocialantisocial elementselements..

    InIn itsits totalitytotality todaystodays surveillancesurveillance systemsystem isis stillstill evolvingevolving

    andand requiresrequires anan extensiveextensive andand rigorousrigorous effortsefforts andand

    researchresearch toto makemake itit moremore intelligentintelligent andand realreal timetime..

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