neanderthals powerpoint

Neanderthals By: Roland, Jule, Charles, Deniz

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By: Roland, Jule, Charles, Deniz

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HabitatBy: Charles Sharp

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About Neanderthals

• The Neanderthals were around 350,000-500,000 years ago. They were well adjusted to cold conditions .Neanderthals are amongst the toughest early beings. You can tell by the condition the bones and skulls were in when archeologists found the skeleton remains. The bones show fractures and breakages as a result of hunting accidents.

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The tools and weapons the Neanderthals used where not like the tools of nowadays life their tools where made out of flint and hard stone which they would make axes and primitive cutting devises from

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• These primitive tools where used for cutting and chopping. But they have still been using the same old tools from approximately 2 million years ago, which means only one thing and that is a lack of creativity and development. And means that their progress had reached its limits and no further progress was being made these primitive humans the Neanderthals.

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How were these tools used?

Neanderthals used birch over a fire and so made a sticky substance which Neanderthals used for gluing stone or flint to wood. This might suggest that Neanderthals were more intelligent than initially thought.

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Which tools and what hey where made of

The Neanderthals used arrow heads for hunting made out of stone, stone was also used for axes, Simple hammers made of wood or antlers to shape stone tools. They also used ivory, and bones for needles.

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Where the Neanderthals livedThe Neanderthals lived in cold and hard conditioned places such as Europe and eastern parts of Asia.

South Europe and western Europe also parts of southern England and going as far south as Gibraltar and even small areas in north Africa.

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habitat When the Neanderthals lived there the climate was at that time cold enough. For example Neanderthals did not live further south of today's Israel. Also there is proof that Neanderthals lived in western central Eurasia.

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•Receding forehead- because they have a smaller brain which causes them to have a smaller forehead because they don’t need so much space.

•A deep, wide rib cage-because the warm air stays in the body when the climate is cold.

The anatomy of a Neanderthal is :

•Short limbs- Because they were small hey didn’t need large limbs

Neanderthal Human

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The anatomy of an Neanderthal is:

•Small brain- because the brain hadn't developed as much for it to have grown as big as ours.

•Smaller size- the Neanderthals hadn't grown as big as us yet, this is because the Neanderthals were still a little bit like the chips because they didn’t develop as much as to grow as tall as us because they originated from the chimps, and it took them a little more time to develop. Neanderthal Human

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•Lower larger cranium•Larger brow ridge •larger nose•Larger shoulder joint •larger elbow joint•Broader hips•Shorter fore arm•Larger hip joint•Larger thicker patella•Shorter and more flattened tibia•Larger ankle joint

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1:•Author: BBC•Article Name: Science & Nature: TV & Radio Follow up•Title of website: Evolution•Date last revised: 2001•There is no page number available•Accessed: 11/23/2010( slides 2,3)


GOOGLE IMAGES ( slide 4)

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Miscellaneous Factsof Homo Neanderthalensis

Miscellaneous Factsof Homo Neanderthalensis

By: RolandRoventa

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You might ask yourself why it has this weird name?

• The word Homo in Latin means: man or human being• The suffix –ensis is put there because if you add Neanderthal

with –ensis in Latin that will mean: from the Neanderthal valley.

• If you see the word Neanderthal or Neandertal it significies the same thing as Homo Neanderthalensis.

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Did they speak any language?

• It is very improbable that they could of speak a language but it would very minimal if they could. They had the brain big enough to speak but scientists don’t really believe so.

• Nobody can really say the answer. I believe that they had some kind of communication, hand signals or minimal sounds.

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They are not hunters they are mostly scavengers

• Most people think that the Neanderthals hunt for their food but nope, they mostly scavenge.

• They could kill big animals too but with small weapons. In a research some one found out that they have more or less the same injuries as modern rodeo riders so if they killed they killed mostly big any animals if they were really hungry.

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They made art too• Fertility was very important to them, they painted on

the wall all kinds of babies in the mothers stomach• They were very intelligent to make art • In some places there we very simple paintings too

like made by finger.• This shows us that they had

imagination even though they were primates

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Even though we think did not have emotions they still buried the small ones

• If a small child would die then they would bury them in very shallow pits

• It’s interesting to see that if a adult died they would just leave him/her behind but not for kids!

• That makes us understand that they cared a lot about their future generations. They knew that those kids would make the difference from extinct or not

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Who made them go extinct?

• We can never know for sure but we scientists think that humans/Homo Sapiens made them go extinct

• Human nature always chooses the best generation suited for a thing and they chose the Homo Sapiens because in time only one generation should be alive even though it has sub generations like Europe and Africa they look different but they are Humans.

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Bibliography• Joel, Snook. "Cave Paintings of prehistoric man." http://historyday.crf- N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov 2010. <>.

• K. Kris, Hirst. "A Few Important Facts about Neanderthals.", n.d. Web. 21 Nov 2010. <>.

• "10 myths about Neanderthals." channel4, n.d. Web. 21 Nov 2010. <>.

• Eugene M., McCarthy. "" Homo Neanderthalensis. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov 2010. <>.

• Images are from Google