negligence in personal injury case explained by townsend mustin

Negligence in Personal Injury Case Explained by Townsend Mustin

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Post on 19-Jul-2021




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Townsend Mustin has the experience and well aware of what proofs are required to get the claim you deserve. He can make it easier to present the evidence. Mustin strengthens your negligence claim and adds immensely to your odds of success.


Page 1: Negligence in Personal Injury Case Explained by Townsend Mustin

Negligence in Personal Injury Case

Explained by Townsend Mustin

Page 2: Negligence in Personal Injury Case Explained by Townsend Mustin

IdeaYou won't hold any concrete grounds for a personal injury case in Nebraska unless you prove the other party's negligence. Personal injury lawyer Michael "Townsend" Mustin has been practicing law for more than three decades. Backed by his tremendous experience and intelligence, he had helped hundreds of clients get the compensation they deserved in the personal injury case. He knows what to show as evidence of the negligence of the defendant in court. Besides, Townsend Mustin represents the lawsuit quite well and provides proof of a link between your injuries and the defendant's negligence.

Page 3: Negligence in Personal Injury Case Explained by Townsend Mustin

Learning about the common types of negligence in Nebraska personal injury cases could help you win the claim you deserve. Townsend Mustin enlists the following type of common negligence:

➔ Ordinary Negligence

➔ Professional Negligence

➔ Gross Negligence

Page 4: Negligence in Personal Injury Case Explained by Townsend Mustin

Ordinary NegligenceNegligence refers to the breach of someone's duty of care. It is the foundation of most of the personal injury cases in Nebraska.

Here are some of the examples of ordinary negligence that could result in a Nebraska injury lawsuit:

· A person driving and texting

· A truck company failing to maintain their vehicles properly

· A property owner fails to repair the building, resulting in slip and fall

· An employer's failure to train his employee well

· A City municipal failing to repair a pothole

· An owner of a pet who fails to prevent a dog attack

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Professional NegligenceIt includes wrongdoing by a person who holds the title of a professional in their field, for instance, a medical professional. For example, if a health care provider or physician breached a duty of care owed to you and caused you some injury, you are the victim of medical malpractice. In such a situation, you can claim medical negligence against the healthcare provider. Townsend Mustin had represented and won many cases of medical negligence.

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Gross Negligence

Some cases in Nebraska involve gross negligence, an escalated level of negligence that goes into recklessness. It is an extreme example of negligence that describes an action that is so willful and deliberate that it creates a reasonably predictable risk of damage or harm to others. Yet, the defendant intentionally committed the injustice anyway. If the defendant is guilty of gross negligence in Nebraska, then a judge may award them with punitive damages along with the compensatory ones.