nehemiah manual final (1)

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  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)




  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)



    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)





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    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    January 2011

    Dear kingdom builders of GCC!

    What started out as a humble beginning in 2005 with a group of dediated youngmen and women has now beome a hurh with three sites in Cherry ill" #outh$runswik" and $ergen County% &en and women are being trained in disipleship"growing in 'ibrant and lo'ing ellgroups" (oining in passionate worship" and goingforth with determination for loal and global missions%

    )'er the past 5 years" we ha'e e*periened God+s grae through the building up ofdisiples and ommunities% ,here are some plans we had en'isioned that ha'e not

    ome into fruition but God has shown us new sites and a 'ision greater than ourinitial plans% -ording to &atthew 2./1" God has alled us to Go" therefore" andmake disiples of all nations% ,herefore" we will obey God+s all by ontinuing tobuild up the ne*t generation of God+s ser'ant3leaders in the ne*t year%

    &ore spei4ally" the ne*tstepof our GCC 'ision will onsist of/1 6ul4lling the biblial mandates of our hurh2 #tri'ing to beome a self3sustaining hurh7 8*periening growth in terms of on'erts into belie'ers" hunger for the Word ofGod" and onern for the weak%

    9 hope that you an (oin us in e*periening what God will be doing in our hurh forthe upoming year!

    9n is Grae"

    :astor Jae :ark

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

    GCC 'ision retreat

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



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    30 Location/Time$ergen County/ 1st;nited &ethodist Churh" 2/703ew $runswik/ GCC Churh )?e" 12/0031/70


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    Preparing for Bible Study Sessions

    :rior to eah session/3 @ead the orresponding material%3 $rieAy san the disussion Buestions%3 @ead the orresponding supplementary materials optional%3 :ray for God to illumine your mind and our hurh with is word%

    -fter eah session/3 @ead and meditate on the reAetion points%3 :ray for God+s word to be rooted in your heart and to bear fruit%3 Disuss ell group Buestions together with ell group members%

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)





    ,he theme of >ehemiah is the ordEs protetion of his people and the need for their

    faithfulness in keeping the ,orah the &osai law and their faithfulness in worship%

    Purpose, Occasion, and Background

    ,he Jewish ommunity was struggling to maintain its identity as the people of the ord"

    as it faed internal and e*ternal pressures% ,he ommunity was loated in Jerusalem

    and in towns and 'illages in the territory of the former kingdom of Judah% 9ts position

    was somewhat inseure for at least two reasons% 6irst" the ommunity was omposed

    of those who had been away in e*ile for a long periodF0 years aording to Jeremiah

    Jer% 25/11% ,his may be rekoned" as a round number" either from the 4rst wa'e of

    e*iles in H05 $%C% to the return in 57.I575" or from the destrution of the temple in 5.H

    to the building of the new one in 51H% ,hey returned as strangers to a land that had a

    population onsisting of Jews who had not been taken into e*ile" along with persons of

    other ethni origins who had begun to settle there% 9n addition" leaders in #amaria the

    old northern apital who now held power in the :ersian pro'ine $eyond the @i'er

    see note on 8ra

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    to dri'e out /1K see also Deut% /1I5% 8ra is often blamed for e*lusi'ism in his

    attitude towards the mi*ed marriages% $ut the issue is essentially religious" and also a

    matter of sur'i'al% 9t has to be balaned by the openness of the ommunity to non3

    Jews" who were welome to adopt the religion of the ord 8ra H/21% 9n this respet

    8ra is no diLerent from the book of @uth% &arriages to suh on'erts" and to theirhildren" were not part of 8raEs onern in 8ra I10" but only marriages that were

    leading to apostasy as is lear in >eh% 17/27I2ehemiahEs time >eh% 17/27I2" about 15 years after 8raEs

    arri'al" when 8ra is apparently no longer on the sene% 6inally" another hallenge to

    faithfulness ame from eonomi pressures" whih emerge learly when >ehemiah

    reBuires sustained manpower to omplete the ity wall >ehemiah 5%

    #e'eral issues oasioned the writing of both books% Merubbabel and Jeshua rebuilt the

    temple" sine this is the 4rst and indispensable mark that the ord is one again the

    enter of worship in Jerusalem" the anient Da'idi apital% ,he prophets aggai and

    Mehariah also helped to bring this pro(et to fruition 8ra 5/1% 8ra" a sribe skilled

    in the aw of &oses /H" alled the ommunity bak to o'enant loyalty and thus to

    obediene to the &osai law ontained in the :entateuh% >ehemiah rebuilt the ity

    walls so that the ommunity ould en(oy seurity against possible outright attak by

    enemies who might take ad'antage of any weakening in the imperial protetion of


    ,hese separate missions were losely assoiated% 8ra" though responsible for the law"is also harged by the :ersian authorities with gifts for the temple" so that he

    ontinues the pro'ision for the temple originally made by =ing Cyrus through

    Merubbabel% ,he books also make it lear that the work of 8ra and >ehemiah

    o'erlapped" sine >ehemiah .indiates that 8ra leads the great o'enant3renewal

    eremony that followed the ompletion of the ity walls% -gain" at the dediation of the

    wall" eah plays a part in the eremony >eh% 12/77" 7.% -nd most importantly" this

    eremony onludes in the temple" so that the pro(ets of the temple and the seuring

    of the ity are 4nally seen to be one%

    ,he author of 8ra and >ehemiah balanes these 'arious onerns% ,here is a note of

    thankfulness to God for his faithfulness in restoring the ommunity despite enormous

    odds% 9ndeed" this repopulation of the anient :romised and after e*ile was nothing

    less than a ful4llment of prophey see 9sa%

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    10K >ehemiah % ,he per'asi'e onern is the need for the ommunity to remain

    absolutely faithful to the ord" beause of the on'ition that its 'ery life depends on

    it% ,he knowledge that the ord has already (udged his people with a great e*ile is 'ery

    present in the authorEs mind%

    Timeline of Exile

    Year Event

    H0H $%C%$abylon defeats and o'erthrows -ssyria% Judah was a lient state of

    -ssyria at this time%

    5 $%C%

    ;nder the rule of >ebuhadnear" $abylon sieges Jerusalem%>ebuhadnear pillaged

    both the ity and the ,emple% =ing Jeoniah of Judah and his ourt"prominent itiens"

    raftsmen" as well as a siable portion of the Jewish population of Judahwere deported to $abylon%

    5.H $%C%

    Medekiah" appointed king of Jerusalem by >ebuhadnear" re'olted andformed an

    alliane with the :haraoh of 8gypt% >ebuhadnear one again began a

    siege of Jerusalem and onBuered the ity by breaking throughJerusalemEs walls% Jerusalem was destroyed and the ,emple was burnt

    down% &ost of the inhabitants were taken into apti'ity in $abylon%

    57 $%C%

    $abylon is aptured by :ersia under the rule of Cyrus the Great% ,hederee of Cyrus ends

    the e*ile and allows the Jews to return home% Cyrus the Great also allowsthe Jews to rebuild their ,emple%

    57H $%C%,he 4rst wa'e of e*iles returns under the leadership of Merubbabel and

    Joshua the high priest% ,he foundations for the altar and ,he #eond,emple are laid under the diretion of Merubbabel%

    51H $%C% ,he #eond ,emple is ompleted under the rule of :ersian =ing Darius 9%


    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |
  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)



    Chronology of Nehemiah

    Event Year and Month

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    >ehemiah returns to 9srael72nd year of -rta*er*es 9

    Key Themes

    1% ,he ord hears prayer 1/ehemiah is a seBuel to 8ra% ,wo main ations our/ the rebuilding of the wall of

    Jerusalem and the reommitment of the returned e*iles to ful4ll their o'enant

    obligations% ,here is something for 'irtually e'eryoneFa generalEs diary" a go'ernorEs

    report" a i'il reord" a management handbook" and a memoirFall in one short book%

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |
  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)



    ,he e'ents o'ered span appro*imately 17 years% :art of the li'eliness of the book

    stems from the striking harater of >ehemiah" who emerges from the pages as a

    godly and deisi'e leader%

    ,he book of >ehemiah displays the same mi*ture of narrati'e and doumentary

    material lists" in'entories" genealogies as 8ra" but it possesses a stronger narrati'e

    Aair% ,he rebuilding of the ity wall beomes a full3Aedged onAit story" replete with

    suspense and heroism% ,he o'enant3renewal eremony hs% .I is one of the grand

    dramas in the $ible% ,he title harater" >ehemiah" is suh a ommanding 4gure that

    the o'erall story is also a hero story% $ut doumentary material ontinually interrupts

    the Aow of the narrati'e" showing the historial impulse of the author% #ine muh of

    the book is ast in 4rst3person narrati'e" the book also has the Aa'or of a memoir%


    9% >ehemiah @eturns to Jerusalem to @ebuild 9ts Walls 1/132/20

    -% >ehemiah learns of JerusalemEs dilapidation 1/1I11

    $% >ehemiah gains permission to return and inspets JerusalemEs walls 2/1I1H

    C% 6irst signs of opposition 2/1I20

    99% ,he Wall 9s $uilt" Despite Di?ulties 7/1I/

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    -% ,he administration of oLerings for the temple 12/

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    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down.-- Nehemiah 6:3

    I am afraid that our prayers are often clouds, and we get mists for answers. Nehemiah's

    prayer meant business. I wish we could always pray in this way Plead the promise,

    believe it, receive the blessing. God is ready to give, and go about your business. Theprayer of Nehemiah and his companions meant business.

    -- Henry C. Spear

    To see a need and take it as your own,

    To lose yourself in some heroic task,

    Is placing love upon the motive throne,

    By giving help before the needy ask.To turn deaf ears on ridicule and jest,

    Be unafraid at threats of violence,

    Gives victory to efforts of the best,

    Assures the aid of righteous Providence.

    To stay aloft at tasks of service great,

    And not come down to parley with the crowd,

    To be above self-seeking forms of hate,

    Will line with silver every threatning cloud.

    Devotion of a builder building high,Will cause the things of low estate to die.-- C.H. Spurgeon

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)







    ,aken from the 8#N #tudy $ibleO ,he oly $ible" 8nglish #tandard NersionO"opyright P200. by Crossway $ibles" a publishing ministry of Good >ews :ublishers%

    ;sed by permission% -ll rights reser'ed%

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)




    Report from Jerusalem

    1,he words of >ehemiah the son of aaliah%

    >ow it happened in the month of Chisle'" in the twentieth year" as 9 was in #usa theapital" 2that anani" one of my brothers" ame with ertain men from Judah% -nd 9 askedthem onerning the Jews who esaped" who had sur'i'ed the e*ile" and onerning

    Jerusalem% 7-nd they said to me" ,he remnant there in the pro'ine who had sur'i'ed thee*ile is in great trouble and shame% ,he wall of Jerusalem is broken down" and its gates aredestroyed by 4re%

    Nehemiah's Prayer

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    Nehemiah Sent to Judah

    19n the month of >isan" in the twentieth year of =ing -rta*er*es" when wine was

    before him" 9 took up the wine and ga'e it to the king% >ow 9 had not been sad in hispresene% 2-nd the king said to me" Why is your fae sad" seeing you are not sikR ,his isnothing but sadness of the heart% ,hen 9 was 'ery muh afraid% 79 said to the king" et theking li'e fore'er! Why should not my fae be sad" when the ity" the plae of my fathersEgra'es" lies in ruins" and its gates ha'e been destroyed by 4reR

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    Rebuilding the all

    1,hen 8liashib the high priest rose up with his brothers the priests" and they built the#heep Gate% ,hey onserated it and set its doors% ,hey onserated it as far as the ,ower ofthe undred" as far as the ,ower of ananel% 2-nd ne*t to him the men of Jeriho built% -ndne*t to them Maur the son of 9mri built%

    7,he sons of assenaah built the 6ish Gate% ,hey laid its beams and set its doors" itsbolts" and its bars% e*t to them @ephaiah the son of ur"ruler of half the distrit of Jerusalem" repaired% 10>e*t to them Jedaiah the son of arumaphrepaired opposite his house% -nd ne*t to him attush the son of ashabneiah repaired%11&alhi(ah the son of arim and asshub the son of :ahath3moab repaired another setionand the ,ower of the )'ens% 12>e*t to him #hallum the son of allohesh" ruler of half thedistrit of Jerusalem" repaired" he and his daughters%

    17anun and the inhabitants of Manoah repaired the Nalley Gate% ,hey rebuilt it andset its doors" its bolts" and its bars" and repaired a thousand ubits of the wall" as far as theDung Gate%

    1ehemiah the son of -buk" ruler of half the distrit of$eth3ur" repaired to a point opposite the tombs of Da'id" as far as the arti4ial pool" and asfar as the house of the mighty men% 1-fter him the e'ites repaired/ @ehum the son of $ani%>e*t to him ashabiah" ruler of half the distrit of =eilah" repaired for his distrit% 1.-fter himtheir brothers repaired/ $a''ai the son of enadad" ruler of half the distrit of =eilah% 1>e*tto him 8er the son of Jeshua" ruler of &ipah" repaired another setion opposite the asentto the armory at the buttress% 20-fter him $aruh the son of Mabbai repaired another setionfrom the buttress to the door of the house of 8liashib the high priest% 21-fter him &eremoththe son of ;riah" son of akko repaired another setion from the door of the house of8liashib to the end of the house of 8liashib% 22-fter him the priests" the men of thesurrounding area" repaired% 27-fter them $en(amin and asshub repaired opposite theirhouse% -fter them -ariah the son of &aaseiah" son of -naniah repaired beside his own

    house% 2

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    #helemiah and anun the si*th son of Malaph repaired another setion% -fter him &eshullamthe son of $erehiah repaired opposite his hamber% 71-fter him &alhi(ah" one of thegoldsmiths" repaired as far as the house of the temple ser'ants and of the merhants"opposite the &uster Gate" and to the upper hamber of the orner% 72-nd between the upperhamber of the orner and the #heep Gate the goldsmiths and the merhants repaired%

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    >eh% 1/1 ,he twentieth year is that of-rta*er*esE reign" eh% 1/237 ,he report about the wall ofJerusalem might mean that the wall hadne'er been suessfully rebuilt sine the4rst return of e*iles" or that an attempt torebuild it had been thwarted" perhaps byommand of the reigning king" -rta*er*essee note on 8ra eh% 1/5 ) ord God of ea'en% ,his

    ombination of names means that the Godof 9srael 8*% 7/17I15 is the only God% ekeeps the o'enant and steadfast lo'ewith those who lo'e him and keep hisommandments% #teadfast lo'e is theBuality of GodEs faithfulness to 9srael in hiso'enant with them% #uh o'enantfaithfulness reBuires 9sraelEs lo'e in returnsee also Deut% H/5% ,his lo'e alsoinludes faithfulness" and is made e'identin keeping GodEs law as gi'en to &osesKobediene is the proper response to GodEslo'e" not the preondition of it%

    >eh% 1/H >ehemiahEs prayer raises theBuestion of who is the real ord of 9srael%>eh% 1/11 >ehemiah knows that God anmo'e powerful people to at in ways thataord with his own plans" and in fa'or ofhis people see 8ra H/22% $ut he mayalso know that -rta*er*es has alreadydereed that work on rebuilding Jerusalemshould stop see note on >eh% 1/2I7K seealso 8ra isan" in the twentiethyear i%e%" &arhT-pril of isanwould be fourmonths after the news about Jerusalemame to >ehemiah%>eh% 2/3. >ehemiah" emboldened" nowasks for spei4 authority to show lettersto the go'ernors of the pro'ine $eyondthe @i'er" who no doubt inluded the 'erypeople who had pre'iously persuaded-rta*er*es to halt the rebuilding of the ity8ra eh% 2/10 #anballat the oronite is knownfrom other soures to ha'e been go'ernorof #amaria at a later time" and may be soalready% is $abylonian name does notneessarily mean that he was $abylonianKhe probably ame from ;pper or ower$eth3horon near Jerusalem% ,obiah is a

    Jewish name" yet as an -mmonite hebelongs to a people that was one of

    9sraelEs histori enemies 2 #am% 10/1I11%

    >eh% 2/17315 >ehemiah sur'eys the wallshieAy on the southern and eastern sides"i%e%" the so3alled ity of Da'id and the=idron Nalley% ,he Nalley Gate wasprobably on the southwestern side of theity of Da'id" and the Dung Gate" leadingto the ity dump" at its southern tip%

    ,he Dragon #pring" 6ountain Gate"and =ingEs :ool are unidenti4ed" but wereno doubt on the east where the =idronNalleyEs water soures were%

    >eh% 7/132 9t began and ended atthe #heep Gate" on the northern side ofthe ity >eh% 7/72K see map% ,hediretion of the work on the wall wasounterlokwise%

    >eh% 7/< @epaired% ,he work is sometimesbuilding and sometimes repairing"

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |
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    suggesting that the parts of the walls werein 'arious states of dilapidation%

    >eh% 7/5 ,he ,ekoites U their nobles% ,heleading people of ,ekoa" not far south of

    Jerusalem" may ha'e resented >ehemiahEs

    leadership% ,he ebrew translated theirord has the form of a plural" but theplural form is often used to e*pressrespet to a single master/ for this

    onstrution in relation to God" see ./10K10/2K f% Deut% 10/1ord of lordsK :s%./1K 175/5K 17H/7K in relation to a man" seeGen%

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    Study !uestions

    1 Why was >ehemiah so de'astated by the news in Chapter 1R Why is it aproblem if the wall of a ity is ruinedR

    2 ow does >ehemiah respond to the tragedy in Chapters 132R

    7 What do you notie about >ehemiah+s enounter with the kingR ow does heapproah the king and what steps does he take before and during theenounterR

    < Why doesn+t >ehemiah share his plans with other people when he arri'es inJerusalem in Chapter 2R

    5 What does >ehemiah do to rally the peopleR

    H What is the 4rst thing that happens as soon as >ehemiah and the peopledeide to atR What do you notie about >ehemiah+s response to his

    enemies in 2/20R

    What do you notie about the people working together in Chapter 7R

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)



    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)



    "pplication !uestions

    1 Jerusalem+s walls were broken down and de'astated by years of ruin and 4re%-re there broken walls at GCC that need to be rebuiltR What are theyR -nindi'idual" group of people" a ministry" prayer" worship" et%

    2 ow do you usually respond to the problems in the hurhR ow does yourresponse ompare to >ehemiah+s responseR What an we learn from>ehemiah+s response to the tragedyR

    7 What are some goals that God is gi'ing GCC for the year 2011R ,hese an begoals or 'isions that you feel God has plaed in your heart" or goals that youha'e heard from other people in the hurh%

    < >ehemiah and the 9sraelites immediately faed opposition after they deidedto rebuild the walls% What is some opposition that GCC faes now or in thefutureR ow an we respond to them" aording to what >ehemiah does inthe te*tR

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    #ell $roup !uestions

    1 ,he book of >ehemiah is about how God+s people rebuilt their ity+s walls%Jerusalem+s walls were broken down and de'astated by years of ruin and 4re%-fter about 1ehemiah" e'ery 9sraelite" priest and peasant" woman and man" ametogether to rebuild their wall% 9n 2011" if GCC wants to beome a strongerhurh" we need to be united like the 9sraelites in >ehemiah% 9n what ways doyou think our hurh is unitedR >ot unitedR

    < ow an your ell group help to build the unity of the ChurhR What aresome pratial and real steps your ell group an takeR

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    %pposition to the or&


    >ow when #anballat heard that we were building the wall" he was angry and greatlyenraged" and he (eered at the Jews% 2-nd he said in the presene of his brothers and of thearmy of #amaria" What are these feeble Jews doingR Will they restore it for themsel'esR Willthey sari4eR Will they 4nish up in a dayR Will they re'i'e the stones out of the heaps ofrubbish" and burned ones at thatR 7,obiah the -mmonite was beside him" and he said" Ses"what they are buildingFif a fo* goes up on it he will break down their stone wall!

  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)




    Nehemiah Stops %ppression of the Poor

    1>ow there arose a great outry of the people and of their wi'es against their Jewish

    brothers% 26or there were those who said" With our sons and our daughters" we are many% #olet us get grain" that we may eat and keep ali'e% 7,here were also those who said" We aremortgaging our 4elds" our 'ineyards" and our houses to get grain beause of the famine%

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    #onspiracy "gainst Nehemiah

    1>ow when #anballat and ,obiah and Geshem the -rab and the rest of our enemies

    heard that 9 had built the wall and that there was no breah left in it although up to thattime 9 had not set up the doors in the gates" 2#anballat and Geshem sent to me" saying"Come and let us meet together at akkephirim in the plain of )no% $ut they intended to dome harm% 7-nd 9 sent messengers to them" saying" 9 am doing a great work and 9 annotome down% Why should the work stop while 9 lea'e it and ome down to youR ow when 9 went into the house of #hemaiah the son of Delaiah" son of &ehetabel"who was on4ned to his home" he said" et us meet together in the house of God" withinthe temple% et us lose the doors of the temple" for they are oming to kill you% ,hey areoming to kill you by night% 11$ut 9 said" #hould suh a man as 9 run awayR -nd what mansuh as 9 ould go into the temple and li'eR 9 will not go in% 12-nd 9 understood and saw thatGod had not sent him" but he had pronouned the prophey against me beause ,obiah and#anballat had hired him% 176or this purpose he was hired" that 9 should be afraid and at inthis way and sin" and so they ould gi'e me a bad name in order to taunt me% 1

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    1>ow when the wall had been built and 9 had set up the doors" and the gatekeepers" thesingers" and the e'ites had been appointed" 29 ga'e my brother anani and ananiah thego'ernor of the astle harge o'er Jerusalem" for he was a more faithful and God3fearing

    man than many% 7-nd 9 said to them" et not the gates of Jerusalem be opened until the sunis hot% -nd while they are still standing guard" let them shut and bar the doors% -ppointguards from among the inhabitants of Jerusalem" some at their guard posts and some infront of their own homes% ehemiah"-ariah" @aamiah" >ahamani" &ordeai" $ilshan" &ispereth" $ig'ai" >ehum" $aanah%

    ,he number of the men of the people of 9srael/ .the sons of :arosh" 2"12% ,he sonsof #hephatiah" 72% 10,he sons of -rah" H52% 11,he sons of :ahath3moab" namely the sons of

    Jeshua and Joab" 2".1.% 12,he sons of 8lam" 1"25

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    sought their registration among those enrolled in the genealogies" but it was not foundthere" so they were e*luded from the priesthood as unlean% H5,he go'ernor told them thatthey were not to partake of the most holy food until a priest with ;rim and ,hummim shouldarise%

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    >eh% eh% eh% eh% eh% 5/1 >ehemiahEs story of therestoration is not triumphalisti" for it tellsof serious shortomings in theommunity% Great outry% ,his is typiallanguage of protest under oppressionsee8*% 2/27% ,he people are the rankand 4le of the Jews% -nd of theirwi'es adds to the piture of families madedesperate by hunger% Jewish brothersshows the strong bond among all9sraelites" suh that" by &osai law" noneshould permanently ensla'e or e*ploitanother see Deut% 15/1I1.%

    >eh% 5/5 )ur Aesh U our brothers% ,heomplaint emphasies the loserelationship among 9sraelites see noteon '% 1% 6oring our sons and ourdaughters to be sla'es% ,emporary debt3sla'ery but not permanent hattel3sla'ery was permitted in &osai lawamong 9sraelites" and was often the onlyway a debt ould be paid" either after si*years Deut% 15/12 or at the Sear of

    Jubilee e'% 25/7Ieh% 5/ )ppression of the weak by thestrong had been one of the reasons forGodEs anger that had brought about the

    e*ile see 9sa% 5/" .I10K -mos 2/HI.%

    >eh% 5/. )ur Jewish brothers% #ee ''% 1" 5%>ehemiah stresses this kinship in order todri'e home the peopleEs neglet of thisgreat priniple underlying the law%

    >eh% 5/17 #hook out the fold% - symboliation mathing the words of the urse

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |
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    that follow% #o may God shake out% ,histype of urse3formula was a solemn"on'entional way of ompellingommitment to a ourse of ation% $ysaying -men" the whole assembly tookupon itself the terms of >ehemiahEs urse%

    This is an act that symboli*es the cursebeing upon that particular city or person+In "cts ,-., and 0att+ ,1.,23 this act isbeing mentioned by the disciples doingthis against the cities that are 4ic&ed anddisobedient+

    >eh% 5/15 6ear of God% >ehemiah mightmean that he respets GodEs law reBuiringall Jews to regard themsel'es asbrothers see ''% 1" 5" .%>eh% 5/1H 9 also perse'ered% >ehemiahhas put himself on a par with his fellow

    Jews" laboring with them and not using hisposition for gain%

    >eh% 5/1 @emember% #ee note on 1/.I%,his is the 4rst of >ehemiahEs prayers forGod to remember/ asking God toremember >ehemiah and his deeds"f% 17/1eh% H/7 9 am doing a great work and 9annot ome down% >ehemiah would notdi'ert time and eLort from the ordEs workfor disussions with his enemies that heknew would be fruitless at best andprobably dangerous to him as well%

    >eh% H/ ,hey all wanted to frighten us%>ehemiah sees the real intention of#anballatEs maneu'ering and e*pressesthe issue at stake/ the work annot be

    pre'ented by the shemes of enemiesFthat had been settled from the start"beause the fa'or of the king himself hadbeen seured by GodEs pro'idene%>ehemiah aknowledges this fat byanother prayer inter(eted into hisnarrati'e see 2/ehemiahEs prayers >eh% 1/.K see noteon 5/1" whih always seek GodEs (ustie"whether for blessing or for (udgment%

    >eh% H/15I1H 8lul was the si*th month-ugustI#eptember" so it has been less

    than si* months sine >ehemiah spoke tothe king% >o doubt the speed of thebuilding work itself ontributed to the fearnow felt by the enemies% ,hose enemiesamong the nations around us surelyinlude #anballat" ,obiah" and Geshem"and their peoples see

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    >eh% /5 &y God put it into my heart%

    Cf%2/12% >ehemiah maintains a lose

    relationship with God" as e'idened by his

    freBuent prayers and his lear on'itions

    about GodEs guidane% e now deides to

    make a ensus of the people" and is

    helped by the diso'ery of the book of the

    genealogy of the 4rst returnees%It is

    important to note that e5en after the

    building of the 4all is completed3 he

    depends on the Lord for e5ery decision

    that he ma&es+ 7e is in tune 4ith the Spirit

    and obedience of $od+

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  • 7/28/2019 Nehemiah Manual Final (1)





    Study !uestions

    1 What does it mean in ehemiah 4ght against the oppression of the poorR ow does hestop himself from beoming part of the oppressionR

    H 9n Chapter H" how does >ehemiah esape #hemaiah+s trapR

    ,he fear of God is an important trait in >ehemiah% e hooses ser'ants thatare God3fearing 5/" /2 and he fears God 5/15" H/12% What does it meanto fear GodR ow does fearing God ompare to fearing other thingsR

    . What is the signi4ane of the long list of people in hapter R

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    "pplication !uestions

    1 When the 9sraelites faed opposition from outside in Chapter ehemiah" the poor were o'erlooked beause they were at the lowest rungof soiety% -re there any o'erlooked people or internal problems that yousee at GCCR What are some pratial steps that you an take to respond tothisR

    7 When the 9sraelites built the wall" e'eryone had a role% ,hey either defendedthe people or built the wall% -s we strengthen our hurh this year" what arethe diLerent roles that people an take to helpR What is your role or whatrole would you like to playR

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    #ell $roup !uestions

    1 9n >ehemiah H/237" when >ehemiah+s enemies try to stop >ehemiah frombuilding the wall" >ehemiah tells them" 9 am doing a great work and 9 annotome down% Why should the work stop while 9 lea'e it and ome down toyouR What is the great work that God has alled you to in your life athurh" home" work" et%R

    2 What did >ehemiah do to make sure that he was not sidetraked byhindranes in hapters

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    (*ra Reads the La4

    1-nd all the people gathered as one man into the sBuare before the Water Gate% -ndthey told 8ra the sribe to bring the $ook of the aw of &oses that the )@D hadommanded 9srael% 2#o 8ra the priest brought the aw before the assembly" both men andwomen and all who ould understand what they heard" on the 4rst day of the se'enthmonth% 7-nd he read from it faing the sBuare before the Water Gate from early morninguntil midday" in the presene of the men and the women and those who ould understand%-nd the ears of all the people were attenti'e to the $ook of the aw%

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    The People of Israel #onfess Their Sin


    >ow on the twenty3fourth day of this month the people of 9srael were assembledwith fasting and in sakloth" and with earth on their heads% 2-nd the 9sraelites separatedthemsel'es from all foreigners and stood and onfessed their sins and the iniBuities of theirfathers% 7-nd they stood up in their plae and read from the $ook of the aw of the )@Dtheir God for a Buarter of the dayK for another Buarter of it they made onfession andworshiped the )@D their God%

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    and took possession of houses full of all good things" isterns already hewn" 'ineyards" oli'eorhards and fruit trees in abundane% #o they ate and were 4lled and beame fat anddelighted themsel'es in your great goodness%

    2H>e'ertheless" they were disobedient and rebelled against you and ast your lawbehind their bak and killed your prophets" who had warned them in order to turn them bakto you" and they ommitted great blasphemies% 2,herefore you ga'e them into the hand of

    their enemies" who made them suLer% -nd in the time of their suLering they ried out to youand you heard them from hea'en" and aording to your great meries you ga'e themsa'iors who sa'ed them from the hand of their enemies% 2.$ut after they had rest they dide'il again before you" and you abandoned them to the hand of their enemies" so that theyhad dominion o'er them% Set when they turned and ried to you" you heard from hea'en"and many times you deli'ered them aording to your meries% 2-nd you warned them inorder to turn them bak to your law% Set they ated presumptuously and did not obey yourommandments" but sinned against your rules" whih if a person does them" he shall li'e bythem" and they turned a stubborn shoulder and stiLened their nek and would not obey%70&any years you bore with them and warned them by your #pirit through your prophets% Setthey would not gi'e ear% ,herefore you ga'e them into the hand of the peoples of the lands%71>e'ertheless" in your great meries you did not make an end of them or forsake them" foryou are a graious and meriful God%

    72>ow" therefore" our God" the great" the mighty" and the awesome God" who keepso'enant and steadfast lo'e" let not all the hardship seem little to you that has ome uponus" upon our kings" our prines" our priests" our prophets" our fathers" and all your people"sine the time of the kings of -ssyria until this day% 77Set you ha'e been righteous in all thathas ome upon us" for you ha'e dealt faithfully and we ha'e ated wikedly% 7

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    The People ho Sealed the #o5enant

    1)n the seals are the names of>ehemiahthe go'ernor" the son of aaliah"Medekiah" 2#eraiah" -ariah" Jeremiah" 7:ashhur" -mariah" &alhi(ah" ebai" 20&agpiash" &eshullam" eir" 21&esheabel" Madok"

    Jaddua" 22:elatiah" anan" -naiah" 27oshea" ananiah" asshub" 2

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    The Leaders in Jerusalem

    1>ow the leaders of the people li'ed in Jerusalem% -nd the rest of the people ast lotsto bring one out of ten to li'e in Jerusalem the holy ity" while nine out of ten remained inthe other towns% 2-nd the people blessed all the men who willingly oLered to li'e in

    Jerusalem%7,hese are the hiefs of the pro'ine who li'ed in JerusalemK but in the towns of Judah

    e'eryone li'ed on his property in their towns/ 9srael" the priests" the e'ites"the templeser'ants" and the desendants of #olomon+s ser'ants%

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    Gittaim" 7eballat" 75od" and)no" the 'alley of raftsmen% 7H-nd ertaindi'isions of the e'ites in Judah were assigned to $en(amin%

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    Priests and Le5ites

    1,hese arethe priests and the e'ites who ame up withMerubbabel the son of#healtiel" and Jeshua/ #eraiah" Jeremiah" 8ra" 2-mariah" &alluh" attush" 7#heaniah"@ehum" &eremoth"

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    abo'ethe Gate of 8phraim" and by the Gate of Seshanah" and bythe 6ish Gate and the ,owerof ananel andthe ,ower of the undred" to the #heep GateK and they ame to a halt at theGate of the Guard%

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    Nehemiah6s inal Reforms

    1)n that daythey read from the $ook of &oses in the hearing of the people% -nd in itwas found writtenthat no -mmonite or &oabite should e'er enter the assembly of God" 2forthey did not meet the people of 9srael with bread and water" but hired $alaam against themto urse themFyet our God turned the urse into a blessing% 7-s soon as the people heardthe law" they separated from 9srael all those of foreign desent%

    ow before this"8liashib the priest" who was appointed o'er the hambers of thehouse of our God" and who was related to ,obiah" 5prepared for ,obiah a large hamberwhere they had pre'iously put the grain oLering" the frankinense" the 'essels" and thetithes of grain" wine" and oil" whih were gi'en by ommandment to the e'ites" singers" andgatekeepers" and the ontributions for the priests% HWhile this was taking plae" 9 was not in

    Jerusalem" for in the thirty3seond year of -rta*er*es king of $abylon 9 went to the king% -ndafter some time 9 asked lea'e of the king and ame to Jerusalem" and 9 then diso'ered thee'il that 8liashib had done for ,obiah" preparing for him a hamber in the ourts of the house

    of God%.-nd 9 was 'ery angry" and 9 threw all the household furniture of ,obiah out of thehamber% ,hen 9 ga'e orders" and theyleansed the hambers" and 9 brought bak there the'essels of the house of God" with the grain oLering and the frankinense%

    109 also found out that the portions of the e'ites had not been gi'en to them" so thatthe e'ites and the singers" who did the work" had Aed eah to his 4eld% 11#o 9 onfronted theo?ials and said" Why is the house of God forsakenR -nd 9 gathered them together and setthem in their stations% 12,hen all Judah brought the tithe of the grain" wine" and oil into thestorehouses% 17-nd 9 appointed as treasurers o'er the storehouses #helemiah the priest"Madok the sribe" and :edaiah of the e'ites" and as their assistant anan the son of Maur"son of &attaniah" for they were onsidered reliable" and their duty was to distribute to theirbrothers% 1ow you are bringing more wrath on 9srael byprofaning the #abbath%

    1-s soon as itbegan to grow dark at the gates of Jerusalem before the #abbath" 9ommanded that the doors should be shut and ga'e orders that they should not be openeduntil after the #abbath% -nd 9 stationed some of my ser'ants at the gates" that no load mightbe brought in on the #abbath day% 20,hen the merhants and sellers of all kinds of wareslodged outside Jerusalem one or twie% 21$ut 9 warned them and said to them" Why do you

    lodge outside the wallR 9f you do so again" 9 will lay hands on you% 6rom that time on theydid not ome on the #abbath% 22,hen 9 ommanded the e'ites that they should purifythemsel'es and ome and guard the gates" to keep the #abbath day holy% @emember thisalso in my fa'or" ) my God" and spare me aording to the greatness of your steadfast lo'e%

    279n those days also 9 saw the Jews who had married womenof -shdod"-mmon" and&oab% 2

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    suh womenR-mong the many nations there was no king like him" and he was belo'ed byhis God" and God made him king o'er all 9srael% >e'ertheless" foreign women made e'enhim to sin% 2#hall we then listen to you and do all this great e'il andat treaherouslyagainst our God by marrying foreign womenR

    2.-nd one of the sons ofJehoiada" the son of8liashib the high priest" was the son3in3

    law of

    #anballat the oronite% ,herefore 9 hased him from me%2

    @emember them" ) myGod" beause they ha'e deserated the priesthoodand the o'enant of the priesthood andthe e'ites% 70,hus 9 leansed them from e'erything foreign" and 9 established the duties of thepriests and e'ites" eah in his workK71and 9 pro'ided for the wood oLering at appointedtimes" and for the 4rstfruits% @emember me" ) my God" for good%

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    >eh% ./2 -ll who ould understand.;nderstanding is a key theme in this

    hapter" sine it was 'ital that all shouldbe able to know and learn GodEs ways asre'ealed to 9srael% ,he reading andteahing of the law may ha'e beennegleted in the generations sine the 4rstreturn from $abylon%

    >eh% ./5 )pened the book.,he at ofreading" in this arefully organied setting"is also a orporate at of worship% Readingthe Bible together is a corporate act of4orship: let us not neglect this fact+

    >eh% ./I12 ,he people are to be (oyful%,hough sorrow for sin was a positi'eresponse" (oy at renewed relationship withGod was the teahingEs ultimate purpose%

    >eh% ./17I1. ,he people keep the 6east of$ooths% ,his family3oriented festi'alhighlighted GodEs protetion of 9srael inthe desert before the onBuest%

    >eh% ./15 ,he people kept this feast byli'ing in temporary dwellings made frombranhesto ommemorate how they hadli'ed in booths in the wilderness after Godhad brought them out of 8gypt e'%27/eh% ./1 6rom the days of Jeshua the sonof >un% Jeshua is another form ofJoshua% ad not done so% -lthough the6east of $ooths had been elebrated onoasion f%1 =ings ./H5K 2 Chron%/K 8ra 7/eh% /2 9ntegrity of the ommunity%

    >eh% /HI7 ,he prayer resembles in part8raEs prayer of onfession upon hisdiso'ery of the problem of mi*ed

    marriages 8ra /HI15% 9t has e'en morein ommon with ertain psalms ofonfession suh as :salm .K 105I10H"whih

    interwea'e onfession with memories ofGodEs grae"and notes of petition% ,he prayer followsthe biblial story as told in GenesisI=ings%

    >eh% /7. ,o mend the situation" the

    people will now enter a solemn o'enant%,he word used is not the usual word for

    o'enant" whih is berit" but a rarer one

    that emphasies faithfulnessK the people

    pledge to keep faithfully what they now


    >eh% 10/1I2 ,he long list of those whoput their names to the o'enant isdesigned to show that the entireommunityFpriests" e'ites" and layleadersFwas wholeheartedly behind it%

    ,hese are prominent people in theommunityK many of their names ha'eappeared before in >ehemiah esp% in ''%20I2K see also h% 7%

    >eh% 10/2 - urse and an oath% ,he twoe*pressions on'ey together the peopleEsserious intention to keep theirommitment% ,he urse refers to someterrible penalty" perhaps performed as aritual" that they aept as their due if theyfail see 1 =ings 1/2KJer%7eh% /17I1eh% 10/71 ,he #abbath ommandment8*% 20/.I11K Deut% 5/12I15 was no doubtimportant as a key marker of 9sraelEsidentity ompared with the surroundinggroups of people who did not aknowledge

    Sahweh as their God% ,rading with thesepeople on the #abbath must ha'e been atemptation see>eh% 17/1HI22% Crops of

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    the se'enth year% ,he #abbath ideae*tended to the se'enth year" when thenormal work of ulti'ation was prohibitede'% 25/2I% %ne of the &eys aboutco5enant &eeping in a communal setting4as to &eep the Sabbath as a community+

    >eh% 12/2.I2 6amilies of e'itial singershad settled in 'illages around Jerusalem tobe near the plae of their work% ,he>etophathites were from >etophah" near$ethlehem% $eth3gilgal is presumably thesame as Gilgal" near Jeriho seeJosh%

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    Study !uestions

    1 What is signi4ant about the order of ati'ities in Chapters . and R Why arethe ati'ities done in this orderR

    2 What is the funtion of the aw here with regards to spirituality and withregards to the ommunityR

    7 What signi4ane does the aw of &oses ha'e in this ommunity and in an

    9sraelite+s spiritualityR

    < >ehemiah o'ersaw the building of the wall in 52 days but stayed 12 moreyears% WhyR

    5 @ead >ehemiah ./312% What does it mean to ha'e the (oy of the ord as ourstrengthR

    H >otie the hange in perspeti'e and point of 'iew% When does it hangefrom 4rst to third point of 'iew or 'ie 'ersa and whyR

    >otie the last 'erse of the book% What are your thoughts on this endingR

    . ow is >ehemiah diLerent from other books in the $ibleR

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    "pplication !uestions

    1 9n >ehemiah ." the people of God gathered as a united body to listen to theword of God% ,hey showed suh respet for the Word that they automatiallystood" without any prompting" as the book was opened in their sight% ,heystood for hours in the hot" &iddle 8astern sun as the whole ,orah their $iblewas read% ow does this ompare to our re'erene for the WordR ow doyou re'ere the Word in your daily lifeR ow does the Word inform yourations as an indi'idual and as a groupR

    2 ,hroughout the book of >ehemiah" >ehemiah asked God to remember manythings% 9n 1/." >ehemiah asked God to remember the word e ga'e to&osesK in 5/1" >ehemiah asked God to remember him for his good workK in17/2" he asked God to remember the people who deserated the priesthoodKand in the 4nal 'erse" he asked God to remember him for good% Why does>ehemiah ask God to remember all the timeR Why is >ehemiah soonerned about ha'ing God remember ertain peopleTe'entsTthingsR

    7 9n >ehemiah 10317" there is a onstant struggle to keep the house of Godpure% What things threaten the purity of our hurh" GCCR What thingsthreaten the purity of your heartR ow an we guard our hurh and ourheartsR

    < ow has your study of >ehemiah inAuened the way you see your walk withGod and theommunity of GCCR

    5 What ne*t steps an we take in order to pursue our hurh+s 'ision after this$ible study is o'erR

    P.O. Box 1415 New Brunswick NJ 08903 | (732) 246-3406 |

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    #ell $roup !uestions

    1 @ead >ehemiah ./13.% 9n >ehemiah ." the people of God gathered as aunited body to listen to the word of God% ,hey showed suh respet for theWord that they automatially stood" without any prompting" as the book wasopened in their sight% ,hey stood for hours in the hot &iddle 8astern sun asthe whole ,orah their $ible was read% ow does this ompare to ourre'erene for the WordR ow do you re'ere the Word in your daily lifeR owdoes the Word inform your ations as an indi'idual and as a groupR What aresome steps you an take as a ell group to re'ere the Word of GodR

    2 >ehemiah o'ersaw the building of the wall in 52 days but stayed 12 moreyears to keep 'igilant wath o'er the ity% 8'en so" when he left for a shorttime" people started to forget the ord% ow an we" as a hurh" keep'igilant wath o'er one anotherR ow an we keep eah other aountablein a real" pratial" and life3hanging wayR

    7 ow has your study of >ehemiah inAuened the way you see your walk withGod and the ommunity of GCCR

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    List of "ppendices

    -ppendi* - Contat information-ppendi* $ $ibliography-ppendi* C -dditional resoures

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    6or Buestions about logistial issues or ontent in the $ible study materials"please ontat the $ible study failitators at your site%6or Buestions about theologial ontent" please ontat any of the pastoralinterns or :astor Jae :ark%

    Bible Study acilitators

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    Crossway $ibles" 200.%

    &aus" C% 15

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    ,he Chronology of >ehemiah3 http/TTwww%es'online%orgTresouresThart31H301T

    ,imeline of 8*ile3 http/TTwww%es'online%orgTresouresTmap31H301T3 http/TTwww%es'online%orgTresouresTillustration3(erusalem3in3the3time3

    of3nehemiahT3 http/TTwww%swartentro'er%omTotorTbibleTtimelinesT503

    ehemiah3 http/TTldolphin%orgTdanielTnehem%(pg

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