neisseria gonorrhoeae virulence factor ng1686 is a bifunctional

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Virulence Factor NG1686 Is a Bifunctional M23B Family Metallopeptidase That Influences Resistance to Hydrogen Peroxide and Colony Morphology * S Received for publication, December 30, 2011, and in revised form, February 3, 2012 Published, JBC Papers in Press, February 13, 2012, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M111.338830 Elizabeth A. Stohl ‡1,2 , Yolande A. Chan §1 , Kathleen T. Hackett § , Petra L. Kohler §3 , Joseph P. Dillard § , and H. Steven Seifert From the Department of Microbiology-Immunology, Northwestern Medical School Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois 60611 and the § Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Background: Deletion of N. gonorrhoeae virulence factor ng1686 results in increased sensitivity to H 2 O 2 and PMN-medi- ated killing. Results: NG1686 has endopeptidase and carboxypeptidase activities. Conclusion: NG1686 is a M23B family zinc metallopeptidase with bifunctional activity. Significance: This is the first demonstration of a metallopeptidase affecting both resistance to H 2 O 2 and PMN-mediated killing in any bacterium. Symptomatic gonococcal infection, caused exclusively by the human-specific pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the gonococ- cus), is characterized by the influx of polymorphonuclear leuko- cytes (PMNs) to the site of infection. Although PMNs possess a potent antimicrobial arsenal comprising both oxidative and non-oxidative killing mechanisms, gonococci survive this inter- action, suggesting that the gonococcus has evolved many defenses against PMN killing. We previously identified the NG1686 protein as a gonococcal virulence factor that protects against both non-oxidative PMN-mediated killing and oxidative killing by hydrogen peroxide. In this work, we show that dele- tion of ng1686 affects gonococcal colony morphology but not cell morphology and that overexpression of ng1686 does not confer enhanced survival to hydrogen peroxide on gonococci. NG1686 contains M23B endopeptidase active sites found in proteins that cleave bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan. Strains of N. gonorrhoeae expressing mutant NG1686 proteins with sub- stitutions in many, but not all, conserved metallopeptidase active sites recapitulated the hydrogen peroxide sensitivity and altered colony morphology of the ng1686 mutant strain. We showed that purified NG1686 protein degrades peptidoglycan in vitro and that mutations in many conserved active site resi- dues abolished its degradative activity. Finally, we demonstrated that NG1686 possesses both DD-carboxypeptidase and endopep- tidase activities. We conclude that the NG1686 protein is a M23B peptidase with dual activities that targets the cell wall to affect colony morphology and resistance to hydrogen peroxide and PMN-mediated killing. The obligate human pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the gonococcus) is the sole causative agent of the sexually transmit- ted infection gonorrhea, which affects more than 700,000 individuals yearly in the United States and over 88 million worldwide (1). Gonococci infect healthy individuals, causing urethritis in men and cervicitis in women. If left untreated, infection can result in extensive reproductive tract scarring and potentially lead to sterility, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ectopic pregnancy in women (2, 3). Gonococci produce no exo- toxins, and this cellular damage is effected by the release of peptidoglycan (PG) 4 fragments and lipooligosaccharide, which elicit an inflammatory immune response in the host (4), result- ing in damage to host cells (5, 6). Symptomatic gonococcal infection is characterized by the influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) to the site of infection. The resulting purulent exudate, consisting almost exclusively of PMNs with attached or internalized gonococci, is the clinical hallmark of a gonococcal infection. PMNs typically kill microorganisms through the combined action of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (e.g. hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), superox- ide, and hypochlorous acid) and antimicrobial proteins (e.g. lysozyme, cathepsins, and cationic antimicrobial peptides) (7). Despite this potent two-pronged attack, many gonococci found in the purulent exudate remain viable and cultivable (2), sug- gesting that the gonococcus has evolved mechanisms to cir- cumvent PMN-mediated killing. Accordingly, the gonococcal genome encodes many antioxidant gene products, some of * This work was supported, in whole or in part, by National Institutes of Health Grants RO1 AI44239 and R37 AI33493 (to H. S. S.), R01 AI047958 (to J. P. D.), U19 AI01448-16 (to E. A. S.), and T32 AI055397 (to P. L. K.). S This article contains supplemental Table S1, Figs. S1–S5, Experimental Pro- cedures, and References. 1 Both authors contributed equally to this work. 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Elizabeth A. Stohl, Depart- ment of Microbiology-Immunology Feinberg School of Medicine, 303 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611. Fax: 312-503-1339; E-mail: e-stohl@ 3 Present address: 3M Corporate Research Materials Laboratory, Minneapolis, MN 55144. 4 The abbreviations used are: PG, peptidoglycan; PMN, polymorphonuclear leukocyte; ROS, reactive oxygen species; DAP, meso-diaminopimelic acid; IPTG, isopropyl 1-thio--D-galactopyranoside; MWCO, molecular weight cut-off; FDNB, 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene; DNP, dinitrophenyl; MurNAc- pentapeptide, N-acetyl-muramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamyl-L-diaminopimelyl- D-alanyl-D-alanine; ESI, electrospray ionization. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 287, NO. 14, pp. 11222–11233, March 30, 2012 © 2012 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Published in the U.S.A. 11222 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 287 • NUMBER 14 • MARCH 30, 2012 by guest on February 10, 2018 Downloaded from

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Page 1: Neisseria gonorrhoeae Virulence Factor NG1686 Is a Bifunctional

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Virulence Factor NG1686 Is aBifunctional M23B Family Metallopeptidase That InfluencesResistance to Hydrogen Peroxide and Colony Morphology*□S

Received for publication, December 30, 2011, and in revised form, February 3, 2012 Published, JBC Papers in Press, February 13, 2012, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M111.338830

Elizabeth A. Stohl‡1,2, Yolande A. Chan§1, Kathleen T. Hackett§, Petra L. Kohler§3, Joseph P. Dillard§,and H. Steven Seifert‡

From the ‡Department of Microbiology-Immunology, Northwestern Medical School Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago,Illinois 60611 and the §Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine and Public Health,University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Background: Deletion of N. gonorrhoeae virulence factor ng1686 results in increased sensitivity to H2O2 and PMN-medi-ated killing.Results: NG1686 has endopeptidase and carboxypeptidase activities.Conclusion: NG1686 is a M23B family zinc metallopeptidase with bifunctional activity.Significance:This is the first demonstration of ametallopeptidase affecting both resistance toH2O2 and PMN-mediated killingin any bacterium.

Symptomatic gonococcal infection, caused exclusively by thehuman-specific pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the gonococ-cus), is characterized by the influx of polymorphonuclear leuko-cytes (PMNs) to the site of infection. Although PMNs possess apotent antimicrobial arsenal comprising both oxidative andnon-oxidative killingmechanisms, gonococci survive this inter-action, suggesting that the gonococcus has evolved manydefenses against PMN killing. We previously identified theNG1686 protein as a gonococcal virulence factor that protectsagainst bothnon-oxidativePMN-mediated killing andoxidativekilling by hydrogen peroxide. In this work, we show that dele-tion of ng1686 affects gonococcal colony morphology but notcell morphology and that overexpression of ng1686 does notconfer enhanced survival to hydrogen peroxide on gonococci.NG1686 contains M23B endopeptidase active sites found inproteins that cleave bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan. Strains ofN. gonorrhoeae expressing mutant NG1686 proteins with sub-stitutions in many, but not all, conserved metallopeptidaseactive sites recapitulated the hydrogen peroxide sensitivity andaltered colony morphology of the �ng1686 mutant strain. Weshowed that purified NG1686 protein degrades peptidoglycanin vitro and that mutations in many conserved active site resi-dues abolished its degradative activity. Finally,wedemonstratedthatNG1686possesses both DD-carboxypeptidase and endopep-tidase activities. We conclude that the NG1686 protein is aM23B peptidase with dual activities that targets the cell wall to

affect colony morphology and resistance to hydrogen peroxideand PMN-mediated killing.

The obligate human pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae (thegonococcus) is the sole causative agent of the sexually transmit-ted infection gonorrhea, which affects more than 700,000individuals yearly in the United States and over 88 millionworldwide (1). Gonococci infect healthy individuals, causingurethritis in men and cervicitis in women. If left untreated,infection can result in extensive reproductive tract scarring andpotentially lead to sterility, pelvic inflammatory disease, andectopic pregnancy in women (2, 3). Gonococci produce no exo-toxins, and this cellular damage is effected by the release ofpeptidoglycan (PG)4 fragments and lipooligosaccharide, whichelicit an inflammatory immune response in the host (4), result-ing in damage to host cells (5, 6).Symptomatic gonococcal infection is characterized by the

influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) to the site ofinfection. The resulting purulent exudate, consisting almostexclusively of PMNswith attached or internalized gonococci, isthe clinical hallmark of a gonococcal infection. PMNs typicallykill microorganisms through the combined action of reactiveoxygen species (ROS) (e.g. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), superox-ide, and hypochlorous acid) and antimicrobial proteins (e.g.lysozyme, cathepsins, and cationic antimicrobial peptides) (7).Despite this potent two-pronged attack,many gonococci foundin the purulent exudate remain viable and cultivable (2), sug-gesting that the gonococcus has evolved mechanisms to cir-cumvent PMN-mediated killing. Accordingly, the gonococcalgenome encodes many antioxidant gene products, some of

* This work was supported, in whole or in part, by National Institutes of HealthGrants RO1 AI44239 and R37 AI33493 (to H. S. S.), R01 AI047958 (to J. P. D.),U19 AI01448-16 (to E. A. S.), and T32 AI055397 (to P. L. K.).

□S This article contains supplemental Table S1, Figs. S1–S5, Experimental Pro-cedures, and References.

1 Both authors contributed equally to this work.2 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Elizabeth A. Stohl, Depart-

ment of Microbiology-Immunology Feinberg School of Medicine, 303 E.Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611. Fax: 312-503-1339; E-mail: [email protected].

3 Present address: 3M Corporate Research Materials Laboratory, Minneapolis,MN 55144.

4 The abbreviations used are: PG, peptidoglycan; PMN, polymorphonuclearleukocyte; ROS, reactive oxygen species; DAP, meso-diaminopimelic acid;IPTG, isopropyl 1-thio-�-D-galactopyranoside; MWCO, molecular weightcut-off; FDNB, 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene; DNP, dinitrophenyl; MurNAc-pentapeptide, N-acetyl-muramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamyl-L-diaminopimelyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine; ESI, electrospray ionization.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 287, NO. 14, pp. 11222–11233, March 30, 2012© 2012 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Published in the U.S.A.


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Page 2: Neisseria gonorrhoeae Virulence Factor NG1686 Is a Bifunctional

which have been experimentally shown to detoxify various ROSdirectly (e.g. catalase, cytochrome c peroxidase, and a manga-nese-dependent ROS quenching system) (8–11). Other gono-coccal gene products repair specific types of cellular damagecaused byROS (e.g.peptidemethionine sulfoxide reductase andDNA recombinational repair enzymes) (12, 13). Finally, twoefflux pump systems confer resistance to cationic antimicrobialpeptides (14, 15) and aid in infection of themurine genital tract(16). A growing body of literature suggests that PMNs kill gon-ococci primarily by ROS- independent means (16–20). It hasadditionally been shown that gonococci actively abrogate theoxidative burst of PMNs when growing bacteria predominatein a culture but not when bacteria are non-growing (21). Thus,although gonococci are likely to encounter ROS during humaninfection andmay use ROS production as a signal for late stagesof infection, gonococci are relatively unaffected by ROS.We had previously performed amicroarray analysis to detect

N. gonorrhoeae genes altered in expression in response to theoxidative damaging agent H2O2 for the purpose of identifyingnovel virulence factors (22). Of the 75 up-regulated genes, sev-eral had been previously shown to be important for protectionagainst oxidative damage in gonococci; however, over one-quarter of these genes were predicted to encode proteins withunknown function. Insertional inactivation of a subset of theup-regulated genes (recN, ng1686, and ng554) revealed thatmutant strain �ng554 exhibited increased sensitivity to highlevels of H2O2. In contrast, strains recN and �ng1686 showedincreased sensitivity to both H2O2 and PMN-mediated killing,with strain �ng1686 exhibiting extreme sensitivity to H2O2.Although BLAST searches revealed no characterized homologsof the NG1686 protein, NG1686 contains the active sites of theM23B family of zinc metallopeptidases, and members of thisfamily act to cleave cell wall PG, suggesting that PG could be asubstrate of NG1686.PG is a complex macromolecule that is an essential compo-

nent ofmost bacterial cell walls. PG protects cells from osmoticlysis and helps to regulate cell size and shape (reviewed in Ref.23). Gram-negative PG is composed of glycan chains formed byrepeating subunits of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmu-ramic acid, which are linked by �-1,4-glycosidic bonds. Themuramic acid moiety has an amide-linked peptide side chainusually composed of the four amino acids L-alanine, D-glutamicacid, meso-diaminopimelic acid (DAP), and D-alanine or thefirst three of those without the terminal alanine. Interpeptidecross-bridges formed between adjacent side chains cross-linkthe glycan chains, reinforcing the PG structure. Although thestability of PG is essential for cell viability, PG is also a dynamicstructure that undergoes constant remodeling. Accordingly,bacteria contain peptidoglycanases with a variety of substratespecificities that cleave the bacterial cell wall at prescribed loca-tions and times (reviewed in Ref. 23). In addition to roles in cellwall growth, turnover, and cell separation, peptidoglycanaseshave also been suggested to contribute to bacterial pathogene-sis (24, 25) by generating inflammatory PG fragments (5),releasing virulence factors (26), or altering cellular morphology(27, 28).In this work, we investigated the pleiotropic effects of the

�ng1686 mutation on N. gonorrhoeae. We show that NG1686

influences the colony morphology but not the cellular mor-phology of gonococci and that NG1686 is located within thegonococcal periplasm. Gonococcal strains with mutations insome, but not all, conserved M23B active site residues ofNG1686 recapitulate the peroxide-sensitive and altered colonymorphology phenotypes of the �ng1686 null mutant. Finally,we demonstrate that NG1686 degrades peptidoglycan in vitroand that it possesses both DD-carboxypeptidase and endopepti-dase activities. Importantly, NG1686 differs from the classicalM23B family of metallopeptidases in certain active site resi-dues, suggesting that it may represent a new family of M23Bmetallopeptidases. The unique qualities may be key features inthe ability of NG1686 to mediate hydrogen peroxide resistanceand survival of killing by PMNs.


Site-directed Mutagenesis of ng1686

Site-directed mutants of ng1686 were created using theQuikChangemultisite-directedmutagenesis kit (Stratagene) asdescribed. Primers employed to introduce mutations are listedin supplemental Table S1. A plasmid construct containing theng1686 gene under control of its endogenous promoter in thevector pCR-Blunt (pBlunt/1686) was used as a substrate tomutate each putativeM23B active site residue individually to analanine, yielding constructs pBlunt/H295A, pBlunt/D299A,pBlunt/H373A, and pBlunt/H375A. Double mutants for eachgroup of putative active sites were also created, yieldingconstructs pBlunt/H295A/D299A and pBlunt/H373A/H375A.Mutant genes were sequenced to ensure that only the desiredmutations were introduced. Mutant ng1686 gene sequenceswere released from the vector with a BamHI digest followed byfill-in with Klenow, subsequent digestion with PacI, gel purifi-cation with the Qiaquick kit, and cloning into PacI/PmeI-di-gested vector pGCC5 (29). These resulting mutant ng1686genes, under control of their endogenous promoter, were sub-sequently recombined into an irrelevant ectopic chromosomallocus of strain �ng1686. All mutant constructs were verified byboth Southern blot and PCR amplification with subsequentsequencing of the mutant ng1686 alleles from the gonococcalchromosome.

Protein Isolation from N. gonorrhoeae and Western BlotAnalysis

Protein was isolated from gonococci grown on solidmediumas described previously (30) or from gonococci grown in liquidas detailed in the supplemental material. Detection byWesternblot analysis is detailed in the supplemental material.

Construction of Regulatable ng1686 Construct inN. gonorrhoeae

For construction of an IPTG-regulatable ng1686 construct,DNA beginning 26 bp upstream of the ATG start codon,including the putative RBS of ng1686, was PCR-amplified withprimers 1686-6 and 1686-5-Pac (supplemental Table S1) usingPfu polymerase. The resulting PCR product was cloned intopCR-Blunt, yielding the construct pCR-Blunt/1686ORF. Theng1686-associated DNA was released with a PacI/SpeI double

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digest and cloned into PacI/SpeI-digested plasmid pKH35 (31),yielding construct pKH35/1686ORF. This construct was thenrecombined into strains FA1090nv and �1686nv, yieldingstrains FA1090nv/Plac1686 and�1686nv/Plac1686. Proper strainconstructionwas confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analysis.

H2O2 Sensitivity Assays

H2O2 resistance assays were performed as described previ-ously (13) but with the modification of growth of N. gonor-rhoeae detailed in the supplemental material.

Construction of NG1686 and Related Site-directed MutantProteins for Overexpression

The protein coding sequences of ng1686 and the six site-directed mutants, not including the signal sequences, wereamplified by PCR with primers 1686-For-Nhe and 1686-Rev-Eco (supplemental Table S1), cloned into pCR-Blunt (Invitro-gen), and sequenced to verify that no unwanted mutations hadbeen introduced. The genes were released from these plasmidswith a NheI-EcoRI double digest and ligated to the NheI-EcoRIsites in pET28a, yielding constructs pET/HIS-1686, pET/HIS-H295A, pET/HIS-D299A, pET/HIS-H295A/D299A, pET/HIS-H373A, pET/HIS-H375A, and pET/HIS-H373A/H375A.

Anti-NG1686 Antibody Production

HIS-1686 (NG1686) protein was purified from Escherichiacoli BL21(DE3) cells overexpressing pET/HIS-1686 by CreativeDynamics, Inc. (Port Jefferson Station, NY). Anti-1686 poly-clonal antibodies were generated in a rabbit and purified usinga protein G column by the same company.

PG Isolation

From E. coli—PG was isolated from E. coli strain TOP10(Invitrogen) using the technique described by Zahrl et al. (32). 1liter of cells in stationary phase was harvested, washed with 40ml of 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 6), and resuspended in 30 ml of thesame buffer. The resuspended cells were added dropwise to 300ml of boiling 4% SDS, followed by an additional 45 min of boil-ing. PG sacculi were collected by ultracentrifugation at200,000 � g for 20 min at 20 °C. The resulting pellet was resus-pended in 150 ml of 2 M NaCl and incubated overnight at roomtemperature. After ultracentrifugation, sacculi were washedwith water and resuspended in 20 ml of 0.1 mM MgCl2. Thesuspension was treated with 50 �g/ml DNase, 50 �g/ml RNaseA, and 200 �g/ml �-amylase (Roche Applied Science) for 90min at 37 °C. Pronase was added to a final concentration of 200�g/ml and further incubated at 60 °C for 60min. Enzymes wereinactivated by the addition of SDS to 8% final concentration and15 min of boiling. PG was collected by ultracentrifugation fol-lowed by twowashes withwater. Pellet was resuspended in 5mlof water, and the yield was quantified by lyophilizing 1ml of thesample and weighing. Purified PG was stored at �20 °C.From N. gonorrhoeae for Zymogram Analysis, HPLC-based

Assays, and LC/MS-based Assays—PG was isolated fromN. gonorrhoeae strain FA1090 or KH530 (pacA mutant) asdescribed earlier (33) but with the followingmodifications. Thefinal ultracentrifugation step was eliminated, and the PG prep-aration was suspended in 500 �l of 25 mM sodium phosphate

buffer (pH 6). To inactivate any PG-associated enzymes thatmay degrade PG, the PG preparation was incubated with eithertrypsin (5–7.5 �g) or Pronase (60–100 �g) at 37 °C for 2–16 h.To inactivate trypsin and Pronase, the PG was boiled in 25 mM

sodiumphosphate buffer (pH 6) containing 4% SDS for 1–1.5 h.The PG preparation was centrifuged for 30min at 30,000� g at15 °C, and the pellet was washed five times by suspension in 10ml of phosphate buffer prior to suspension in 500 �l of 50 mM

sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5).

Zymogram Analysis of PG Degradation

Zymogram analysis was performed adapting protocolsdescribed by others (34, 35). E. coli BL21(DE3) cell extracts car-rying pET/HIS-1686, the site-directed mutant NG1686 pro-teins, or purified NG1686 protein were subjected to electro-phoresis on a 12%SDSgel containing 0.05% (w/v)E. colimureinsacculi, 0.1% (w/v)N. gonorrhoeaemurein sacculi, or 0.2% (w/v)lyophilized Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells (Sigma). Gels wererun at 4 °C at 75 V. Following electrophoresis, gels were rinsedwith water twice for 30 min each at room temperature withgentle shaking to remove SDS. Gels were transferred to rena-turing buffer (0.5% Triton X-100, 25mMTris-HCl (pH 7.5)) for2� 30min, and renaturing was continued overnight (�16 h) atroom temperature. Fresh renaturing buffer was added, and gelswere shifted to 37 °C for 2.5 h. Gels were stained with 0.1%methylene blue dissolved in 0.01% KOH for 60 min anddestained with water to visualize zones of PG clearing. Gelswere finally stainedwith Coomassie Brilliant Blue to allow visu-alization of protein in the gel.

Solubilization of PG Sacculi

N. gonorrhoeae PG (2 �l, �140,000 cpm) labeled with[3H]glucosamine was added to 1.5 �g of purified enzyme in 1.2ml of a 25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 0.5% Triton X-100 buffer inthe presence or absence of 1 mM phenanthroline. The reactionwas incubated at 37 °C. Samples of 200 �l were taken at varioustime points and added to 500 �l of 20% TCA and 20 �l ofunlabeled PG to serve as carrier. Samples were placed on ice for30 min and then centrifuged for 30 min at 48,000 � g at 4 °C.Peptidoglycan in 500 �l of each soluble fraction was deter-mined by scintillation counting.

Characterization of NG1686 Reaction Products

For the HPLC-based assays containing NG1686 andH373A/H375A, reactions contained 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer(pH 7.5), 75 �l of purified FA1090 PG, and 1.5 �M enzyme in atotal reaction volume of 150 �l. The reactions were incubatedovernight at 37 °C. For the assays ofHIS-1686 in the presence ofzinc or EDTA, reactions contained 50 mM sodium phosphatebuffer (pH 7.5), 25 �l of purified FA1090 PG, 1.5 �M NG1686,and either 0.5 �M ZnSO4 or 1 mM EDTA in a total reactionvolume of 150 �l; the reactions were incubated for 5 h at 37 °C.To stop the reactions, samples were boiled for 10–15 min. Theinsoluble material was removed by centrifugation, and thesupernatants were applied to Centricon 10,000 MWCO spincolumns, which had been prewashed with 50mM sodium phos-phate buffer (pH 7.5). HPLC analysis was carried out using aPrevail (Alltech) C18 HPLC column (5 �m, 25 � 4.6 mm).

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Reaction products were separated using a 0–15% gradient of60% acetonitrile, 0.05% TFA over 60 min at a flow rate of 1ml/min, and the elution of the products was monitored at 210nm.LC/MS analysis of soluble reaction products was performed

at theUniversity ofWisconsin-Madison Biotechnology Center.Reactionmixtures analyzed by LC/MSwere set up as describedabove except that 75 �l of FA1090 PG was used. The filteredreaction products were analyzed at the University of Wiscon-sin-Madison Biotechnology Center using a Zorbax SB-C18 col-umn (1.8 �M, 2.1 � 50 mm) run on an Agilent 1200 HPLC witha linear gradient of 99.9% water, 0.1% formic acid to 99.9% ace-tonitrile, 0.1% formic acid over 60 min at a flow rate of 0.25ml/min. Peaks were analyzed using an Agilent LC/MSD TOFusing electrospray ionization in positive ion mode.

Analysis of NG1686 Reaction Products Digested withMutanolysin

Reaction mixtures contained 50 mM sodium phosphatebuffer (pH 7.5), 75 �l of purified KH530 PG, 1.5 �M NG1686,and 0.5 �M ZnSO4 in a total reaction volume of 200 �l. Thereactions were incubated on a rotator overnight at 37 °C.NG1686 was heat-killed by boiling for 5 min, and the insolublematerial was removed by centrifugation. The soluble productswere pooled and filtered using a Centricon 10,000MWCO spincolumn, and the filtrate was divided into two aliquots. To onesample, 10 �l of a stock solution of mutanolysin (1 mg/ml) wasadded; to the second sample, 10 �l of water was added as acontrol. The reaction mixtures were incubated on a rotator at37 °C for 2 h and then filtered using aCentricon 10,000MWCOspin column. LC/MS analysis was performed following thesame protocol described above.

Determination of Peptidoglycan Cleavage Site

Reaction mixtures contained 50 mM sodium phosphatebuffer (pH 7.5), 75 �l of purified FA1090 PG, 1.5 �M NG1686,and 0.5 �M ZnSO4 in a total reaction volume of 200 �l. Controlreactions containingH373A/H375A or EDTA (1mM)were alsoset up in parallel, as was a reaction lacking PG. Following over-night incubation at 37 °C, the samples were boiled for 5 min tostop the reactions, and the soluble products were filtered usinga Centricon 10,000 MWCO spin column. The samples werederivatized with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (FDNB) using apublished protocol (36) with slightmodifications. To each sam-ple, 50 �l of 10% K2B7O4 (pH 9) and 1 �l of FDNB were addedin a total reaction volume of 500 �l. After the reactions wereincubated at 65 °C for 45 min in the dark, the dinitrophenyl(DNP) derivatives were hydrolyzed in 4 N HCl at 95–100 °C for12 h in the dark. The hydrolyzed DNP products were driedunder vacuum, resuspended in 30% acetonitrile, and analyzedby HPLC using a Prevail (Alltech) C18 HPLC column (5 �m,25 � 4.6 mm) in a column heater set at 40 °C. DNP productswere separated using a 0–100% gradient of 60% acetonitrile,0.01% TFA over 60 min at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min, and theelution of the products was monitored at 365 nm. Peaks ofinterest were collected, dried under vacuum, and analyzed byESI-MS at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Biotechnol-

ogy Center. ESI-MS was carried out in both positive and nega-tive ion modes.

Carboxypeptidase Activity Assay

To assayNG1686 for carboxypeptidase activity, the syntheticsubstrate N-acetyl-muramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamyl-L-diamin-opimelyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine (MurNAc-pentapeptide) (supple-mental Fig. S4) was purchased from the University of WarwickPeptidoglycan Synthesis Facility (37, 38). Reactions contained50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5), 1.5 �M ZnSO4, 0.4mM MurNAc-pentapeptide, and 1.5 �M NG1686 in a total vol-ume of 250 �l. Control reactions lacking MurNAc-pentapep-tide or containing HIS-H373A/H375A or EDTA were also setup in parallel. Reactions were incubated on a rotator overnightat 37 °C and then filtered using aCentricon 10,000MWCOspincolumn. To each sample, 25�l of 10%K2B7O4 (pH 9) and 0.5�lof FDNB were added in a total reaction volume of 250 �l, andthe reactions were incubated at 65 °C for 30 min in the dark.DNP products were dried under vacuum, resuspended in 30%acetonitrile, and analyzed by HPLC as described above for thecleavage site experiment. Peaks of interest were collected, driedunder vacuum, and analyzed by ESI-MS in negative ionmode atthe University of Wisconsin-Madison Biotechnology Center.


NG1686 Is a Periplasmic Protein—NG1686 has a canonicalsignal sequence (residues 1–31) and a putative signal peptidecleavage site, suggesting that it is secreted across the cytoplas-mic membrane. Kyte-Doolittle hydropathy analysis predictedthat NG1686 is largely a hydrophilic protein, apart from a shorthydrophobic region at the N terminus of the protein corre-sponding to the signal sequence (data not shown) (39). Addi-tionally, NG1686 lacks a canonical lipoboxmotif (see the LipoPServer Web site), indicating that the protein is not likely to bemembrane-associated. To experimentally determine the loca-tion of NG1686, strains FA1090 and FA1090�ng1686 (referredto as �1686 or �ng1686), which contains a deletion of theng1686 gene, and the complement strain �1686/1686� (22)were grown in liquidmedium, the supernatant and total cellularprotein fractions were isolated, and aWestern blot analysis wasperformed. A �46 kDa band of equal intensity was detectedfrom cell extracts of strains FA1090 and �1686/1686� but notfrom cell extracts of strain�ng1686 (Fig. 1), demonstrating thatthe complement strain expresses equivalent amounts ofNG1686 as the parent strain FA1090. Moreover, no NG1686proteinwas observed in the concentrated supernatant fractionsfrom strain FA1090 or �1686/1686� (data not shown). Thepresence of a signal sequence combined with a lack of detecta-ble protein in the culture supernatant strongly suggests that theNG1686 protein is located in the periplasm.Deletion of ng1686 Affects Colony Morphology but Not Cell

Morphology or Sensitivity to Cell Wall-targeting Antibiotics—We previously noted that the �ng1686mutant exhibits a largerand flatter colony morphology relative to strain FA1090 (22),which is complemented in strain �1686/1686� (Fig. 3A) (datanot shown). Because NG1686 encodes a protein with sequencesimilarity to theM23B family of endopeptidases,many ofwhichact to degrade cell walls, we sought to determine whether the

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overall cell morphology or cell size of the �ng1686mutant wasaltered. Transmission electron microscopy of strains FA1090and �ng1686 was used to visualize the size of individual cellsgrown on solidmedium.Measurement of�100 individual cellsof each strain revealed no difference in cell size between cells ofthe two strains (data not shown). Moreover, no qualitative dif-ference in the overall morphology of individual cells was notedin the transmission electron microscopy analysis, suggestingthat NG1686 does not affect septum formation or cell separa-tion (data not shown).Mutation of ng1686 does not affect the general cellular per-

meability of gonococci because resistance to the oxidative dam-aging agents paraquat and diamide and the antibiotics naladixicacid, chloramphenicol, and streptomycin is not altered in the�ng1686 mutant strain (22). To specifically test the resistanceof strains FA1090, �ng1686, and �1686/1686� to antibioticsthat act on the cell wall, we measured the minimum inhibitoryconcentration of these three strains to the antibiotics ampicil-lin, ceftazidime, vancomycin, and polymyxin B (data notshown). All three strains showed identical resistance profiles tothe antibiotics. These results suggest that NG1686 does notaffect general cell wall integrity in a way such as to influenceresistance to antibiotics, including antibiotics that target thecell wall.NG1686Does Not Act to Detoxify H2O2—Wehave previously

observed that deletion of ng1686 in the gonococcus results inincreased sensitivity to H2O2 (22), which could suggest thatNG1686 acts to detoxify H2O2. Therefore, we tested whetheroverexpression of NG1686 was able to decrease the sensitivityof a strain to H2O2. An IPTG-inducible version of ng1686 wascreated by cloning the ng1686 gene and its associated ribosomebinding site into plasmid pKH35 (31) under control of lac pro-moter regulatory sequences, resulting in NG1686 proteinexpression that is dependent on the addition of IPTG. Thisconstruct was then recombined into an ectopic locus in thechromosome of strain FA1090nv and the corresponding�ng1686mutant strain, �1686nv (the subscript “nv” in the des-ignation indicates that a strain cannot undergo pilin antigenic

variation (40)), yielding strains FA1090nv/Plac1686 and�1686nv/Plac1686, respectively. A 2–3-fold increase in NG1686protein levels was observed in strain FA1090nv/Plac1686 (in thepresence of 1 mM IPTG) relative to the parent strain FA1090nv,as determined byWestern blot analysis (Fig. 2A). Very low lev-els of NG1686 protein were detected from strain �1686nv/Plac1686 in the absence of IPTG (�70-fold lower than in strainFA1090nv), confirming that expression from the regulated lacpromoter is leaky (Fig. 2A). Next, we measured the effect ofmodulating NG1686 protein levels on the H2O2 sensitivity ofthe strains. In the absence of IPTG, strain �1686nv/Plac1686showed a 10-fold increase in H2O2 sensitivity relative to strainFA1090nv and showed a 10–100-fold decrease in sensitivity rel-ative to strain �1686nv (Fig. 2B). There was no decrease in theH2O2 sensitivity of strain FA1090nv/Plac1686, which expresses

FIGURE 1. Western blot analysis of NG1686 protein expression in parent,mutant, and complement strains. SDS-polyacrylamide gels containing 10�g of total cellular protein per lane of strains FA1090, �1686 (�ng1686), and�1686/1686� were run and transferred to PVDF membrane, with subse-quent Western blot analysis using anti-1686 antiserum in the ECL Plus detec-tion kit.

FIGURE 2. NG1686 protein expression in and H2O2 resistance of IPTG-regulatable ng1686 strains. A, representative Western blot analysis ofNG1686 protein expression in strains containing IPTG-regulatable ng1686construct pKH35/Plac1686. SDS-polyacrylamide gels containing 10 �g of totalprotein per lane were run, transferred, and developed as described in thelegend to Fig. 1. B, dose-response curve of H2O2 resistance after 15 min ofstrains containing pKH35/1686. Cells were treated with varying doses of H2O2for 15 min and serially diluted into medium containing catalase. The relativesurvival at each dose was calculated as viable cfu divided by total cfu (receiv-ing no H2O2). Error bars, S.E. of 2– 4 independent experiments. Strain �1686nv/Plac1686 (designated �1686nv/1686, in the absence of IPTG (�IPTG) is statis-tically the same as strain �1686nv at 20 and 50 mM H2O2 doses (*, p � 0.05) andstatistically different from strain FA1090nv (†, p � 0.04) at the same doses byStudent’s t test. Indicated strains are statistically the same as strain FA1090nvat all doses (‡, p � 0.05).

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2–3 times more NG1686 protein than strain FA1090nv (Fig. 2).Taken together, these results indicate that low level sensitivityto H2O2 is mediated by extremely small amounts of NG1686and that overexpression ofNG1686does not result in decreasedsensitivity toH2O2. These results suggest thatNG1686 does notdirectly detoxify H2O2 to influence survival.Subset of M23B Active Site Residues Is Required for NG1686

Phenotypes inGonococcus—TheNG1686protein contains con-served active sites of the M23B family of zinc metallopepti-dases, as classified by the MEROPS peptidase database. Theactive site residues of this family occur in the motifs HXXXDandHXH, with the histidine shown in boldface type serving asthe catalytic residue (41), and these residues correspond toamino acids 295–299 and 373–375 of NG1686. To test the con-tribution of these M23B active sites to NG1686 functions, theDNAs encoding each of these residues were mutated individu-ally and in combination to encode alanine residues, and themutant genes were subsequently recombined into strain�ng1686, yielding the single mutant strains H295A, D299A,H373A, and H375A and the double mutant strains H295A/D299A and H373A/H375A. We then tested whether themutant geneswere able to restore the parental colonymorphol-ogy and H2O2 sensitivity to strain �1686. Strains D299A,H295A/D299A, H375A, and H373A/H375A recapitulated thealtered colonymorphology of strain�1686, whereas the colonymorphology of strains H373A and H295A recapitulated that ofthe complement strain �1686/1686� (Fig. 3A). The H2O2 sen-sitivity phenotype of the mutant strains mirrored the observedcolony morphologies, with strains D299A, H295A/D299A,H375A, and H373A/H375A showing statistically the sameH2O2 sensitivity as strain �ng1686 and strains H373A andH295A showing statistically the same sensitivity as the comple-ment strain �1686/1686� (Fig. 3B). These results indicate thatthe His-295 and His-373 residues of the NG1686 protein arenot essential for activity and therefore suggest that NG1686may have activities different from those of other M23B familyproteins.Western blot analysis ofNG1686 protein levels in the�1686/

1686� and six point mutant strains revealed similar levels ofNG1686 protein in all strains. The largest difference was instrain H373A/H375A, which showed 3-fold less protein thanstrain �1686/1686� (Fig. 3C). Because strain �1686nv/Plac1686, in the absence of IPTG, expressed �70-fold lessNG1686 protein than strain FA1090nv yet still showed H2O2sensitivity (Fig. 2), the small differences in protein levels are notresponsible for the observed differences inH2O2 sensitivity andcolony morphology. Taken together, these data show thatsome, but not all, of the defined M23B active site residues arerequired for NG1686 function in gonococci.NG1686 Degrades E. coli and N. gonorrhoeae PG in Vitro—

There were no consistent changes in protein profiles recordedbetween the parent strain FA1090 and the�ng1686mutant in atwo-dimensional gel analysis (data not shown), and severalactive site residues required for the ng1686 phenotypes corre-sponded to theM23B clade ofmetallopeptidase, indicating thatthe target of NG1686 could be pepidoglycan.To determine whether PG is a target of NG1686, we assayed

the hydrolytic activity of NG1686 using zymogram gels con-

taining PG. E. coli bacterial cell lysates overproducing NG1686and each of the site-directed mutant proteins as well as thepurified NG1686 protein were run on zymogram gels contain-ing PG purified from either E. coli (Fig. 4,A andD) orN. gonor-rhoeae (Fig. 4C). We observed zones of clearing that corre-sponded to the location of the NG1686 protein (Fig. 4), asdetermined by subsequent staining of the gel with CoomassieBlue (Fig. 4,B andE), as well as to lysozyme, whichwas added tolyse the bacterial cells for cell extracts (Fig. 4, A, C, and D). Incontrast, zymogram gels containing desiccated Micrococcuslysodeikticus did not show zones of clearing dependent onNG1686 protein but did for lysozyme, indicating that this

FIGURE 3. Phenotypes of M23B metallopeptidase active site pointmutants of NG1686 expressed in N. gonorrhoeae. A, colony morphologyof N. gonorrhoeae strains containing M23B point mutants. Representativestereomicroscope observations of strains using a Nikon SMZ-10A stereomi-croscope after 24 h of growth on solid medium were recorded using a Polar-oid camera model DMC Ie. B, dose-response curve of H2O2 resistance after 15min of stains carrying NG1686 M23B point mutants. Cells were treated withvarying doses of H2O2 for 15 min and serially diluted into medium containingcatalase. Error bars, S.E. of six independent experiments. Strains are statisti-cally the same as strain �1686 at 20 and 50 mM H2O2 doses (*, p � 0.05) andstatistically the same as strain �1686/1686� at all H2O2 doses (†, p � 0.05) byStudent’s t test. C, Western blot analysis of NG1686 M23B point mutant pro-tein expression. SDS-polyacrylamide gels containing 10 �g of total cellularprotein per lane were run and transferred to PVDF membrane. Lane 1, �1686/1686�; lane 2, H295A; lane 3, D299A; lane 4, H295A/D299A; lane 5, H373A;lane 6, H375A; lane 7, H373A/H375A.

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Gram-positive PG is not cleaved by the NG1686 protein (datanot shown). There are several factors that could contribute tothe comparatively low activity of NG1686 observed relative to

that of lysozyme. First, the site of PG cleavage (e.g.PGbackboneor PG cross-links) influences the zone size that is created bypeptidoglycanase activity. Because lysozyme degrades the PGbackbone, the resulting PG monomers can easily diffuse out ofthe gel. Second, NG1686 has a molecular mass that is about3-fold larger than lysozyme, and thismay impede its diffusion inthe gel; third, the efficiency of protein renaturation within thezymogram gel also influences zone size.To demonstrate the relative abilities of the mutant proteins

to cleave E. coli PG, we ran differing amounts of cell lysates onzymogram gels (Fig. 4, D and E). E. coli lysates carrying con-struct pET/HIS-D299A, pET/HIS-H295A/D299A, or pET/HIS-H373A/H375A showed no zone of clearing at the locationof NG1686 protein migration (Fig. 4, D and E); lysates carryingconstruct pET/HIS-H295A or pET/HIS-H373A showed lessrobust zones of clearing relative to the pET/HIS-NG1686lysate; and the pET/HIS-H375A lysate showed an extremelyfaint zone of clearing at the location of the protein (Fig. 4D).Weattribute the additional bands with PG degradative activities toproteins present in E. coli because they directly correlate withthe amount of lysate loaded (Fig. 4,D andE) and are not presentin the lanes containing purified protein (Fig. 4A). Identicalresults were observed for zymogram gels containing gonococ-cal PG (Fig. 4C).To further demonstrate the ability ofNG1686 to degrade PG,

we performed PG sacculi solubilization studies using purifiedNG1686 protein or the double point mutant H373A/H375Aprotein. NG1686 converted radiolabeled insoluble gonococcalsacculi to soluble PG fragments, whereas the mutant H373A/H375A protein lacked this ability (Fig. 5). The soluble PG frag-ments released from gonococcal sacculi by NG1686 were fur-ther analyzed by LC/MS. This enabled detection of 22 reactionproducts with masses consistent with PG fragments, nine ofwhich were the most abundant (Fig. 6 and Table 1). Impor-tantly, these products were absent in NG1686 reactions con-taining the zinc chelating agent EDTA or phenanthroline (sup-plemental Figs. S2 and S3) and reactions containing themutantH373A/H375A enzyme (supplemental Fig. S1).Wehave shown

FIGURE 4. Zymogram analysis of peptidoglycan hydrolase activity.A, equal amounts of E. coli cell extract carrying pET28a/NG1686 or pET28a/H373A/H375A or purified NG1686 protein were separated by SDS-PAGE,renatured in the E. coli PG-containing gel, and stained with methylene blue.Zones of clearing corresponding to either lysozyme or NG1686 protein rep-resent PG degradation and are indicated with arrows. B, gel subsequentlystained with Coomassie shows equivalent amounts of purified NG1686 andNG1686 proteins derived from E. coli cell lysates were loaded on the gel.C, equal amounts (5 �l) of E. coli cell extracts carrying NG1686 M23B pointmutant constructs were run on an N. gonorrhoeae PG-containing gel andstained with methylene blue. Zones of clearing are indicated with arrows.D, differing amounts of E. coli cell extracts carrying NG1686 M23B pointmutant constructs, indicated at the bottom of E, were run on an E. coli PG-containing gel and stained with methylene blue. E, gel from D subsequentlystained with Coomassie to show the relative amounts of NG1686 mutantproteins loaded on gel.

FIGURE 5. Degradation of radiolabeled PG by purified NG1686 andH373A/H375A proteins. Gonococcal PG, NG1686 protein, and H373A/H375A protein were incubated together. Samples of the reactions were col-lected at the indicated times, and the insoluble, macromolecular PG was pre-cipitated by the addition of TCA and collected by centrifugation. The solublefragments were quantified by scintillation counting. Values are the average oftwo independent experiments.

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that NG1686 degrades PG by both zymogram gel and PG sac-culi solubilization studies. Moreover, we have demonstratedthat NG1686 activity is inhibited by phenanthroline, EDTA,and mutation of certain M23B active residues. These in vitrodata provide strong evidence that NG1686 is aM23B zinc met-allopeptidase whose target is PG.NG1686Possesses both Endopeptidase andCarboxypeptidase

Activities—If NG1686 is an endopeptidase, as predicted fromthe homology, then soluble PG fragments released from sacculiby digestion with NG1686 should not contain peptide cross-links. Thus, multimeric PG fragments produced by NG1686(listed in Table 1) should only contain glycosidic linkages. Todetermine whether the multimeric PG products released byNG1686 contained glycosidic or peptide linkages, we subjectedthe soluble NG1686 reaction products to digestion with muta-nolysin, anN-acetylmuramidase that cleaves the�-1,4-linkagesbetween N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine

residues of PG. Consistent with mutanolysin digestion, theNG1686 soluble products released PG monomers with reduc-ing ends (Table 2). PG monomers with reducing ends were notdetected in the control reaction, which was treated with waterinstead of mutanolysin. In addition, the mutanolysin-treatedsample contained significantly more anhydro monomers thanthe control. No multimeric PG fragments were detected in thedoubly digested sample, suggesting that NG1686 cleaved atpeptide linkages. These results demonstrate that NG1686digested sacculi to release PG strands with no peptide cross-links. Mutanolysin could then convert all of these productsinto the various PG monomers that make up in each strand.These results thus demonstrate that NG1686 acts as anendopeptidase.To determine the cleavage site of NG1686, we treated the

soluble reaction products with the derivatizing agent FDNBand analyzed the hydrolyzed reaction products by HPLC.FDNB reacts with free amino groups and thus can identify newamino groups freed by the cleavage with a peptidase. In thereaction containing NG1686, we detected two peaks that wereabsent in the control reactions (Fig. 7). Analysis of the elutionproducts by ESI-MS revealed masses consistent with mono-DNP-DAP and DNP-Ala. Mono-DNP-DAP was detected inpositive ion mode (Theo. �[H�]: 357.105; Obs. �[H�]:357.105), and DNP-Ala was detected in negative ion mode(Theo. �[H�]: 254.041; Obs. �[H�]: 254.042). The formationofmono-DNP-DAP indicates thatNG1686 cleaves PG at cross-links between DAP-D-Ala or DAP-DAP residues. The forma-tion of DNP-D-Ala was unexpected and raised the possibilitythat NG1686 might have DD-carboxypeptidase activity in addi-tion to endopeptidase activity.To probe the potential DD-carboxypeptidase activity of

NG1686, we incubated the enzymewith the synthetic substrateMurNAc-pentapeptide (supplemental Fig. S4). The reactionswere derivatizedwith FDNBand analyzed byHPLC followed byESI-MS. The reaction containing NG1686 and MurNAc-pen-tapeptide resulted in a peak not observed in any of the controlreactions (Fig. 8). This peak had an elution time that matchedthe elution of DNP-alanine standard, and ESI-MS analysis innegative ionmode showed that this elution product had a massconsistent with DNP-Ala (Theo. �[H�]: 254.041; Obs. �[H�]:254.044). This experiment demonstrates that NG1686 candegrade small soluble PG fragments and that it cleaves the ter-minal Ala from the pentapeptide PG fragment. Thus, it is clearthat NG1686 has both DD-carboxypeptidase activity and endo-peptidase activity (Fig. 9).


This study reveals the ability of theN. gonorrhoeae virulencefactor NG1686 to degrade PG and demonstrates that NG1686belongs to theM23B family of zincmetallopeptidases.We showthat NG1686 is a bifunctional enzyme, possessing both endo-peptidase and DD-carboxypeptidase activities (Fig. 9). Wetherefore conclude that the lack of NG1686 PG degradativeactivity in the �ng1686 mutant manifests itself in the variedphenotypes seen in this strain, specifically altered colony mor-phology, extreme sensitivity to H2O2, and sensitivity to PMN-mediated killing. This is the first suggestion that a PG-degrad-

FIGURE 6. LC/MS characterization of soluble reaction products producedby digestion of PG by purified NG1686 protein. Base peak chromatogramshowing soluble reaction products from the NG1686 enzymatic reaction(mass range, 800 –3900 Da). See Table 1 for a description of the numberedpeaks. These ions were not detected in control reactions containing NG1686and EDTA (1 mM) or the H373A/H375A mutant protein. cps, counts persecond.

TABLE 1Proposed structures of peaks revealed by LC/MS (shown in Fig. 6) pro-duced by digestion of PG by NG1686

Peaka Mass Proposed structureb

DaMonomers1 850.34 Tri (anh)2 921.38 Tetra (anh)

Dimersc3 1771.73 Tri-tetra (anh) or Tetra-tri (anh)4 1842.76 Tetra-tetra (anh)5 1813.74 Tri-tetra (anh) OAc or Tetra-tri (anh) OAc6 1884.78 Tetra-tetra (anh) OAc

Trimersd7 2806.16 Tetra-tetra-tetra (anh) OAc8 2848.17 Tetra-tetra-tetra (anh) di-OAc

Tetramerd9 3811.55 Tetra-tetra-tetra-tetra (anh) tri-OAc

a Peaks correspond to Fig. 6.b Tri, disaccharide tripeptide; tetra, disaccharide tetrapeptide (disaccharide � N-acetylglucosamine-N-acetylmuramic acid); anh, 1,6-anhydromuramic acid;OAc, O-acetylation on N-acetylmuramic acid.

c Dimers could be glycosidic or peptide dimers.d Trimers and tetramer could contain all glycosidic linkages or both glycosidic andpeptide linkages.

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ing enzyme has roles in resistance to H2O2 and PMN-mediatedkilling.The most well studied members of the M23B family of zinc

metallopeptidases are LytM and lysostaphin, both of whichcleave the pentaglycine cross-bridges found in staphylococcalPG (41). The NG1686 protein clearly belongs to this family,possessing all of the active site residues of this family (HXXXD,HXH), demonstrating the ability to degrade PG from bothE. coli and N. gonorrhoeae in vitro, and being sensitive to metalchelation by EDTA or phenanthroline (supplemental Figs. S2and S3). However, NG1686 must differ fundamentally fromthese well characterized M23B class endopeptidases becauseneither E. coli nor N. gonorrhoeae PG contains pentaglycinecross-bridges and because NG1686 does not require the HXHmotif for activity. The crystal structure of LytM, anM23B auto-

lysin from Staphylococcus aureus, identifies the His and Aspresidues of the HXXXD motif and the second His of the HXHmotif as ligands for the Zn2� ion; the first His of the HXHmotifis the catalytic residue (41). Mutagenesis of these active sitescompletely abolishes the activity of the LytM protein (41). Incontrast, mutation of the analogous residues in the NG1686protein revealed that only the Asp-299 residue is absolutelycritical for activity in vitro, whereas mutation of the His-295,His-373, and His-375 residues resulted in decreased activity(Fig. 4). These results demonstrate that the His-373 residue isnot the catalytic residue and suggest that NG1686 is a structur-ally distinct member of the M23B family of metallopeptidases.The recent elucidation of the crystal structure of the

NMB0315 protein from N. meningitidis (98% sequence iden-

TABLE 2Reaction products from the sequential digestion of PG by NG1686 and mutanolysin

Peak Calculated massObserved mass (Da)

1686 � mutanolysin 1686 � water

Da DaMonomersTria (anhb) 850.3 850.4 850.4Tetrac (anh) 921.4 921.4 921.4Tetra (redd) 939.4 939.4 NDe

Tetra (OAc) (red) 981.4 981.4 NDPentaf (anh) 992.4 992.4 NDPenta (red) 1010.4 1010.4 NDPenta (OAc) (red) 1052.4 1052.5 ND

DimersTetra-tri (anh) or tri-tetra (anh) 1771.7 ND 1771.8Tetra (OAc)-tri (anh) or tri (OAc)-tetra (anh) 1813.7 ND 1813.7Tetra-tetra (anh) 1842.8 ND 1842.8Tetra (OAc)-tetra (anh) 1884.8 ND 1884.8Penta-tetra (anh) or tetra-penta (anh) 1913.8 ND 1913.8Penta (OAc)-tetra (anh) or tetra (OAc)-penta (anh) 1955.8 ND 1955.8

TrimerTetra (OAc)-tetra or (OAc)-tetra (anh) 2848.2 ND 2848.2

a Tri, disaccharide tripeptide.b anh, 1,6-anhydromuramic acid.c Tetra, disaccharide tetrapeptide.d red, N-acetylmuramic acid with reducing end.e ND, not detected.f Penta, disaccharide pentapeptide (disaccharide � N-acetylglucosamine-N-acetylmuramic acid).

FIGURE 7. HPLC analysis of FDNB-derivatized reaction mixtures contain-ing NG1686 (A), H373A/H375A (B), or NG1686 � EDTA (C) and NG1686reaction lacking PG (D). The arrows indicate elution products that were col-lected, dried, and analyzed by ESI-MS. Based on ESI-MS and the elution ofstandards, the first arrow corresponds to the mono-DNP-DAP; the secondarrow corresponds to DNP-alanine. mAU, milliabsorbance units.

FIGURE 8. HPLC analysis of FDNB-derivatized reaction mixtures contain-ing D-alanine (A), MurNAc-pentapeptide � NG1686 (B), or MurNAc-pen-tapeptide � H373A/H375A (C) and NG1686 reaction lacking substrate(D). The arrows indicate the elution products corresponding to DNP-alanine.mAU, milliabsorbance units.

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tity; 99% sequence similarity to the NG1686 protein fromN. gonorrhoeae) allowed us to interpret the site-directedmutant data of NG1686 in the context of the newly solvedthree-dimensional structure of this meningococcal protein(42). In the crystal structure ofNMB0315, themetal ion is coor-dinated by three spatially adjacent residues (His-295, Asp-299,and His-375) and two water molecules. Residue His-373 inter-acts with themetal ion through one of thewatermolecules (42).Consistent with the crystal structure, mutation of residues His-295, Asp-299, His-373, and His-375 in NG1686 resulted indecreased or no observed activity of NG1686 by zymogram(Fig. 4), although the H295A and H373A mutants were able tomediate the colony morphology and H2O2 resistance pheno-types ofN. gonorrhoeae as well as the parental NG1686 protein(Fig. 3). Interestingly, although the domain structure ofNMB0315 suggests that NMB0315 is in an autoinhibited con-formational state (42), our in vitro data argue either for the lackof autoinhibition or autoinhibition that is overcome upon theaddition of appropriate substrate (e.g. PG or a peptide) with noneed for further processing of the NG1686 to activate theprotein.The HdpA protein from Helicobacter pylori was recently

shown to also carry dual carboxypeptidase and endopeptidaseactivities (28). Whereas site-directed mutagenesis of one of thepredicted active site residues (H259A) ofHdpAdisrupted activ-ity of HdpA, the analogous H295A mutation of NG1686 hadlittle effect on NG1686 phenotypes. Therefore, althoughNG1686 and HdpA may share dual activities, the residuesresponsible for activity differ between the proteins. The twoother known gonococcal PG endopeptidases, PBP3 and PBP4,also have both endopeptidase and DD-carboxypeptidase activ-ity, although they are not members of theM23B family (43, 44).It is unknownwhat factors determinewhich activity ofNG1686is performed or what the mechanism is behind the dual actionof NG1686. Therefore, it would be interesting to both deter-mine the crystal structure of NG1686 in the context of its dif-

ferent substrates and separately test the effect of the mutationson the endopeptidase and DD-carboxypeptidase activities ofNG1686 in vitro.

The large colony morphology phenotype of the �ng1686mutant is the easiest to reconcile with the demonstrated pepti-doglycanase activities ofNG1686. The loss of a protein that actson PG has previously been shown to affect both the colonymorphology (45, 46) and the cellular morphology of gonococci(45, 47). Much recent work has sought to define the cellularroles of these M23B/LytM family endopeptidase enzymes in avariety of other Gram-negative bacteria (27, 48–51). SeveralM23B family proteins function in the cleavage of septal PG toallow for efficient cell separation (51–54). In H. pylori, fourM23B family proteins have been found to affect PG cross-link-ing, contributing to the helical curvature of this bacterium andits ability to colonize the stomach; however, these proteins donot affect cell separation in H. pylori (27, 28). In contrast, theng1686 mutant does not show an altered cellular morphologyor cell separation defect. Moreover, HPLC analysis of the PGfrom strains FA1090 and �ng1686 revealed no discernable dif-ferences in the type or amount of PG components in mutano-lysin-digested PG isolated from strain FA1090 or �ng1686(supplemental Fig. S5), indicating that NG1686 does not affectPG structure overall.Our current hypothesis is that NG1686 causes subtle, local-

ized, changes in the PG structure. Localized actions of pepti-doglycanases have been proposed to explain the requirement ofspecific peptidoglycanases for the function of various trans-envelope machines, such as flagella or type III or IV secretionsystems (55–57). None of these are present in N. gonorrhoeaestrain FA1090, so if NG1686 is acting in the localized degrada-tion of PG, it is unclear what the localized breaks in the PGwould facilitate.There are several hypotheses that explain how the lack of PG

degradative ability results in the susceptibility of the �ng1686strain to both H2O2 and PMN-mediated killing. Themost con-

FIGURE 9. Sites of PG cleavage by NG1686. Shown is a schematic representation of sites cleaved by the endopeptidase and DD-carboxypeptidase activities ofNG1686.

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cise explanation has both phenotypes resulting from theNG1686 protein acting on a common substrate. Therefore, thesimplest hypothesis is that deletion of ng1686 affects the overallpermeability of the cell wall. If this were the case, the �ng1686strain should be more susceptible to killing by a variety ofchemicals. However, we previously only observed increasedsusceptibility to killing by H2O2 and the inorganic peroxidecumene hydroperoxide (22) and not to other oxidants or anti-biotics, suggesting that small defects in PG structure in the�ng1686mutant result in discernable phenotypes only for per-oxide and PMN-mediated killing. An alternate hypothesis isthat NG1686 has more than one cellular target and that thephenotypes of altered colony morphology and increased sensi-tivity toH2O2 and PMN-mediated killing result from the actionof NG1686 on different substrates. Because the results of a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis performed on total celllysates from strains FA1090 and �ng1686 (data not shown)revealed no gross differences in the protein profiles of the twostrains resulting from the loss of ng1686, we do not favor thishypothesis. Therefore, our preferred hypothesis is thatNG1686acts exclusively on PG in the gonococcus.Criss et al. (20) has confirmed that N. gonorrhoeae is neither

affected by oxidative killing mechanisms of PMN (17, 18) norprotected by its antioxidant gene products against killing byPMNs (19), further suggesting that PMNs kill gonococci exclu-sively through non-oxidative factors, such as cationic antimi-crobial peptides or degradative enzymes (14, 16). The �ng1686mutant is more susceptible to non-oxidative killing by PMNsthan the parent strain FA1090 (20, 22). Moreover, thisincreased sensitivity is only manifest in the �ng1686 bacterialocated extracellularly, not �ng1686 bacteria that are internal-ized by PMNs (20), suggesting that exocytosed PMN factors,such as antimicrobial peptides or DNAnets, are responsible forthe enhanced susceptibility of the �ng1686 strain. Our currentwork also shows that the NG1686 protein is localized inside thegonococcal cell, so the enhanced susceptibility of the �ng1686strain to extracellular killing by PMNs could reflect susceptibil-ity to a PMN factor that is internalized by gonococci. Althoughtwo-dimensional gel electrophoresis did not identify any gono-coccal proteins that were substrates of NG1686 (data notshown), the NG1686 protein could additionally act on proteinsor peptides produced by PMNs. Thus, if the �ng1686 mutantwere unable to cleave some PMN antimicrobial factor, thiswould render the mutant more susceptible to killing by PMNs.However, the simplest explanation for the influence of NG1686activity on these diverse phenotypes is that the localized cleav-age of PG is required for expression of one or more bacterialfactors that directly increase resistance to ROS and non-oxida-tive PMN killing.

Acknowledgments—We thank Dr. AmyHarms, Dr. Melissa Boersma,and Dr. Greg Barrett-Wilt (University of Wisconsin BiotechnologyCenter) for assistance in the mass spectrometry analyses and Dr.Wayne Anderson (Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medi-cine) for helpful discussions about crystallography.

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Dillard and H. Steven SeifertElizabeth A. Stohl, Yolande A. Chan, Kathleen T. Hackett, Petra L. Kohler, Joseph P.

MorphologyMetallopeptidase That Influences Resistance to Hydrogen Peroxide and Colony

Virulence Factor NG1686 Is a Bifunctional M23B FamilyNeisseria gonorrhoeae

doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.338830 originally published online February 13, 20122012, 287:11222-11233.J. Biol. Chem. 

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