nenad prelog: collaborative media and "cultural sector" – friends or strangers...

Nenad Prelog: Collaborative Media and "Cultural Sector" – Friends or Strangers Intercultural Dialogue and Digital Culture November 21, 2008

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Nenad Prelog:

Collaborative Media and "Cultural Sector" – Friends or Strangers

Nenad Prelog:

Collaborative Media and "Cultural Sector" – Friends or Strangers

Intercultural Dialogue and Digital Culture

November 21, 2008

World Internet Usage

November 21, 2008. (9 am):

World Population 6,715,375,600

Internet users 1,505,622,200

Penetration 22.42%

Development of Web Concept (1)

Web 1.0 (connected machines, nodes)

Provide the information flow

Browsers insight into content

Description of content done through language

Routers, Protocols

Engineering, Computer Science

Development of Web Concept (2)

Web 2.0 (connected people, network)

Interaction, collaboration, uploading, folksonomy

Social networks, Blogging, Wiki

User Author

Sociology, Economy

Development of Web Concept (3)

Web 3.0 (connecting of knowledge)

Semantic web, relations, artificial intelligence, natural language communication

Knowledge enhancing and improvement

Content, not descrip- tion of content

Psychology, Linguistics, Statistics

Processes are simultaneous

New phase in development dose not replace the older one!

Moving from material to virtual

From content to links

From products to services

Content is there…

How to reach desired content?

More than 80% of visits start at some search engine!

Institutions in culture can not use the same techniques like commercial pages.

But we are not…

Web sites of cultural institutions

Cultural portals


Search engines



Social networks


Problems with Search Engines Do 5 W questions function?

– Who

Who is the best known writer in Croatia (-)

– What

What listeners think about quality of repertoire (-)

– Where

Where is the biggest collection of impressionists in Croatia (-)

– When

When Ivo Andrić was born (+)

– Why

Why so few films are produced in Croatia (-)

Are we creating for ourselves?

Which sources have priority, national or international?

What is more important; to work on Croatian edition of encyclopaedia, or English version?

The Wiki as a Weapon of Mass Collaboration

Comparison between quantity of content (measured in lines) in Wikipedia (Croatian and English version/edition)

Comparison between quantity of content (measured in lines) in Wikipedia (Croatian and English version/edition)Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences (CAAS)



Literature (CAAS members)

(cro) (eng)

Ivan Aralica 60 25

Nedjeljko Fabrio 25 -

Ivan Kušan 22 15

Slobodan Novak 35 -

Luko Paljetak 40 -

Pavao Pavličić 35 3

Goran Tribuson 3570

Literature (nonmembers)

(cro) (eng)

Slavenka Drakulić - 25

Miro Gavran 40 -

Miljenko Jergović 30 8

Predrag Matvejević 60 25

Dubravka Ugrešić 40 40


(cro) (eng)

Davor Šuker 40 180

Janica Kostelić 250 90

Goran Ivanišević 180 260

Toni Kukoč 40 50

Ivano Balić 20 15

Blanka Vlašić 70 60

Culture is not business

Popularity as the most important criteria for search presentation

Articles which are used stay

Trivialization of new media

The usage of collaborative media in promotion of culture is lagging behind possibilities it offers

At the end (1)

Going to the start:

Web 1.0 provided insight into diversity

Information about culture

Web 2.0 provided possibility of reacting

Real answers are hard to find

More local content and languages

Easy to publish: diversity creation

At the end (2)

Web 3.0 will provide convergence of real life and virtual space

From description of content to the content itself

Laws of one world function in another (and another way around)