neonate antithromb therapy

 DOI 10.1378/chest.11-2 308  2012;141;e737S -e801S Chest  Ichord, Janna M. Journeycake, Ulrike Nowak-Göttl and Sara K. Vesely Paul Monagle, Anthony K. C. Chan, Neil A. Goldenberg, Rebecca N.  Clinical Practice Guidelines Evidence-Based College of Chest Physicians Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American Children : Antithrombotic Therapy and Antithrombotic Therapy in Neonates and  http://chestjournal t/141/2_suppl/e7 37S.full.html services can be found online on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and  e737S.DC1.html http://chestjournal t/suppl/2012/02/ 03/141.2_suppl. Supplementa l material related to this article is available at: ISSN:0012-3692 ) ( written permission of the copyright holder. this article or PDF may be reproduced or distributed without the prior Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL 60062. All rights reserved. No part of Copyright2012by the American College of Chest Physicians, 3300 Physicians. It has been published monthly since 1935. is the official journal of the American College of Chest Chest  © 2012 American College of Chest Physicians  at HINARI on February 22, 2012 Downloaded from 

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DOI 10.1378/chest.11-2308 2012;141;e737S-e801SChest 

 Ichord, Janna M. Journeycake, Ulrike Nowak-Göttl and Sara K. VeselyPaul Monagle, Anthony K. C. Chan, Neil A. Goldenberg, Rebecca N. Clinical Practice Guidelines Evidence-BasedCollege of Chest Physicians

Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: AmericanChildren : Antithrombotic Therapy andAntithrombotic Therapy in Neonates and can be found online on the World Wide Web at:The online version of this article, along with updated information and 


Supplemental material related to this article is available at:


written permission of the copyright holder.this article or PDF may be reproduced or distributed without the priorDundee Road, Northbrook, IL 60062. All rights reserved. No part ofCopyright2012by the American College of Chest Physicians, 3300Physicians. It has been published monthly since 1935.

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CHEST   Supplement CHEST / 141 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 2012 SUPPLEMENT e737S


  Background: Neonates and children differ from adults in physiology, pharmacologic responses todrugs, epidemiology, and long-term consequences of thrombosis. This guideline addresses opti-mal strategies for the management of thrombosis in neonates and children.

 Methods: The methods of this guideline follow those described in the Methodology for the Devel-opment of Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis Guidelines: AntithromboticTherapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines.

 Results: We suggest that where possible, pediatric hematologists with experience in thromboem-bolism manage pediatric patients with thromboembolism (Grade 2C). When this is not possible,

 we suggest a combination of a neonatologist/pediatrician and adult hematologist supported byconsultation with an experienced pediatric hematologist (Grade 2C). We suggest that therapeuticunfractionated heparin in children is titrated to achieve a target anti-Xa range of 0.35 to 0.7 units/mLor an activated partial thromboplastin time range that correlates to this anti-Xa range or to a

protamine titration range of 0.2 to 0.4 units/mL (Grade 2C). For neonates and children receivingeither daily or bid therapeutic low-molecular-weight heparin, we suggest that the drug be moni-tored to a target range of 0.5 to 1.0 units/mL in a sample taken 4 to 6 h after subcutaneous injec-tion or, alternatively, 0.5 to 0.8 units/mL in a sample taken 2 to 6 h after subcutaneous injection(Grade 2C).Conclusions: The evidence supporting most recommendations for antithrombotic therapy inneonates and children remains weak. Studies addressing appropriate drug target ranges andmonitoring requirements are urgently required in addition to site- and clinical situation-specificthrombosis management strategies. CHEST 2012; 141(2)(Suppl):e737S–e801S

 Abbreviations: ACCP5American College of Chest Physicians; AIS5arterial ischemic stroke; ALL5acute lymphoblasticleukemia; APLA5 antiphospholipid antibody; aPTT5 activated partial thromboplastin time; ASA5 acetylsalicyclicacid; BCPS5bilateral cavopulmonary shunt; CC5cardiac catheterization; CSVT5cerebral sinovenous thrombosis;CVAD5 central venous access device; FFP5 fresh frozen plasma; HIT5heparin-induced thrombocytopenia;ICH5 intracerebral hemorrhage; INR5 international normalized ratio; IVC5 inferior vena cava; IVH5 intraventricularhemorrhage; LMWH5 low-molecular-weight heparin; MBTS5modified Blalock-Taussig shunt; NEC5necrotizingenterocolitis; PE5pulmonary embolism; PFA5platelet function analyzer; PFO5patent foramen ovale; PICU5pediatricICU; PTS5 postthrombotic syndrome; RCT5 randomized control trial; RR5 risk ratio; rUK5 recombinant uroki-nase; RVT5 renal vein thrombosis; TCD5 transcranial Doppler; TE5 thromboembolism; TIA5 transient ischemicattack; tPA5 tissue plasminogen activator; TPN5 total parenteral nutrition; UAC5umbilical arterial catheter;UFH5 unfractionated heparin; UVC5umbilical venous catheter; VAD5 ventricular assist device; VKA5 vitaminK antagonist

 Antithrombotic Therapy in Neonatesand Children

 Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis,

9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines

Paul Monagle , MBBS , MD , FCCP ; Anthony K. C. Chan , MBBS ; Neil A. Goldenberg , MD , PhD ; Rebecca N. Ichord , MD ; Janna M. Journeycake , MD , MSCS ; Ulrike Nowak-Göttl , MD ; and Sara K. Vesely , PhD

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e738S  Antithrombotic Therapy in Neonates and Children

of 0.2 to 0.4 units/mL (Grade 2C). We suggestthat when initiating UFH therapy, UFH bolusesbe no greater than 75 to 100 units/kg and thatboluses be withheld or reduced if there are sig-nificant bleeding risks (Grade 2C). We suggestavoiding long-term use of therapeutic UFH inchildren (Grade 2C). 

1.2. We suggest, for neonates and children receiv-ing either once- or twice-daily therapeutic low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) that thedrug be monitored to a target anti-Xa activityrange of 0.5 to 1.0 units/mL in a sample taken4 to 6 h after subcutaneous injection or 0.5 to0.8 units/mL in a sample taken 2 to 6 h aftersubcutaneous injection (Grade 2C). 

1.3. We suggest, for children receiving vitamin Kantagonists (VKAs), that the drug be monitoredto a target international normalized ratio (INR)of 2.5 (range, 2.0-3.0), except in the setting ofprosthetic cardiac valves where we suggest adher-ence to the adult recommendations outlined inthe article by Whitlock et al in this supplement(Grade 2C). We suggest that INR monitoring

 with point-of-care monitors be made available where resources make this possible (Grade 2C). 

1.5. We suggest that when aspirin is used forantiplatelet therapy in children, it is used in dosesof 1 to 5 mg/kg per day (Grade 2C). 

2.1. We suggest that central venous access

devices (CVADs) or umbilical venous catheters(UVCs) associated with confirmed thrombosisbe removed after 3 to 5 days of therapeutic anti-coagulation rather than left in situ (Grade 2C).

 We suggest either initial anticoagulation or sup-portive care with radiologic monitoring forextension of thrombosis rather than no follow-up(Grade 2C); however, in previously untreatedpatients, we recommend the start of anticoagu-lation if extension occurs (Grade 2C). We sug-gest that anticoagulation should be with either(1) LMWH or (2) UFH followed by LMWH. We

suggest a total duration of anticoagulation ofbetween 6 weeks and 3 months rather thanshorter or longer durations (Grade 2C). If eithera CVAD or a UVC is still in place on completionof therapeutic anticoagulation, we suggest aprophylactic dose of anticoagulation until suchtime as the CVAD or UVC is removed (Grade 2C).

 We suggest against thrombolytic therapy forneonatal VTE unless major vessel occlusionis causing critical compromise of organs orlimbs (Grade 2C). We suggest if thrombolysis isrequired, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)

Summary of Recommendations

Note on Shaded Text: Throughout this guideline,shading is used within the summary of recommenda-tions sections to indicate recommendations that arenewly added or have been changed since the pub-lication of Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy:American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition). Rec-ommendations that remain unchanged are not shaded.

 1.0. We suggest that where possible, pediatrichematologists with experience in thromboem-bolism (TE) manage pediatric patients with TE(Grade 2C). When this is not possible, we suggesta combination of a neonatologist/pediatricianand adult hematologist supported by consulta-tion with an experienced pediatric hematologist(Grade 2C). 

1.1. We suggest that therapeutic unfractionatedheparin (UFH) in children is titrated to achievea target range of anti-Xa activity of 0.35 to0.7 units/mL or an activated partial thrombo-plastin time (aPTT) range that correlates to thisanti-Xa range or to a protamine titration range

Revision accepted August 31, 2011. Affiliations: From the Haematology Department (Dr Monagle),The Royal Children’s Hospital, Department of Paediatrics, TheUniversity of Melbourne, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute,Melbourne, VIC, Australia; Department of Pediatrics (Dr Chan),McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Department ofPediatrics (Dr Goldenberg), Section of Hematology/Oncology/ 

Bone Marrow Transplantation and Mountain States RegionalHemophilia and Thrombosis Center, University of Colorado,Aurora, CO; Department of Neurology (Dr Ichord), Children’sHospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA; Department ofPediatrics (Dr Journeycake), University of Texas SouthwesternMedical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX; Thrombosis and HemostasisUnit (Dr Nowak-Göttl), Institute of Clinical Chemistry, Univer-sity Hospital Kiel, Kiel, Germany; and Department of Biostatisticsand Epidemiology (Dr Vesely), University of Oklahoma HealthSciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK.Funding/Support: The Antithrombotic Therapy and Preventionof Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest PhysiciansEvidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines received support fromthe National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [R13 HL104758]and Bayer Schering Pharma AG. Support in the form of educa-tional grants was also provided by Bristol-Myers Squibb; Pfizer,

Inc; Canyon Pharmaceuticals; and sanofi-aventis US.Disclaimer: American College of Chest Physician guidelines areintended for general information only, are not medical advice, anddo not replace professional medical care and physician advice,

 which always should be sought for any medical condition. Thecomplete disclaimer for this guideline can be accessed at http:// Correspondence to:  Sara K. Vesely, PhD, Department of Bio-statistics and Epidemiology, The University of Oklahoma HealthSciences Center, 801 NE 13th St, CHB 309, Oklahoma City,OK 73104; e-mail: [email protected]© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians. Reproductionof this article is prohibited without written permission from theAmerican College of Chest Physicians ( site/misc/reprints.xhtml).DOI: 10.1378/chest.11-2308

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dren with femoral artery thrombosis, we recom-mend surgical intervention compared with UFHtherapy alone when there is a contraindicationto thrombolytic therapy and organ or limb deathis imminent (Grade 1C). 

2.11. For neonates and children with peripheralarterial catheters in situ, we recommend UFH

continuous infusion at 0.5 units/mL at 1 mL/hcompared with normal saline (Grade 1A). 

2.12. For neonates and children with a periph-eral arterial catheter-related TE, we suggestimmediate removal of the catheter (Grade 2B).For neonates and children with a symptomaticperipheral arterial catheter-related TE, wesuggest UFH anticoagulation with or withoutthrombolysis or surgical thrombectomy andmicrovascular repair with subsequent heparintherapy (Grade 2C). 

2.13. For neonates with umbilical arterial cath-eters (UACs), we suggest UAC placement in ahigh rather than a low position (Grade 2B). 

2.14. For neonates with UAC, we suggest pro-phylaxis with a low-dose UFH infusion via theUAC (heparin concentration of 0.25-1 unit/mL,total heparin dose of 25-200 units/kg per day) tomaintain patency (Grade 2A). 

2.16. For neonates and children requiringcardiac catheterization (CC) via an artery, werecommend administration of IV UFH as throm-boprophylaxis over no prophylaxis (Grade 1A) oraspirin (Grade 1B). For neonates and childrenrequiring CC via an artery, we recommend theuse of UFH doses of 100 units/kg as a bolus com-pared with a 50-unit/kg bolus (Grade 1B). In pro-longed procedures, we suggest further doses ofUFH rather than no further therapy (Grade 2B). 

2.17. For neonates with cerebral sinovenousthrombosis (CSVT) without significant intracra-nial hemorrhage, we suggest anticoagulation, ini-tially with UFH or LMWH and subsequently with

LMWH, for a total therapy duration between6 weeks and 3 months rather than shorter orlonger treatment duration (Grade 2C). For neo-nates with CSVT with significant hemorrhage,

 we suggest either (1) anticoagulation or (2) sup-portive care with radiologic monitoring of thethrombosis at 5 to 7 days and anticoagulation ifthrombus extension is noted as compared withno therapy (Grade 2C). 

2.18. For neonates with a first arterial ischemicstroke (AIS), in the absence of a documented,

is used rather than other lytic agents (Grade 2C),and we suggest plasminogen (fresh frozen plasma[FFP]) administration prior to commencingtherapy (Grade 2C). 

2.2. For unilateral renal vein thrombosis (RVT)in the absence of renal impairment or extensioninto the inferior vena cava (IVC), we suggest

either (1) supportive care with radiologic mon-itoring for extension of thrombosis (if extensionoccurs we suggest anticoagulation) or (2) anti-coagulation with UFH/LMWH or LMWH intherapeutic doses rather than no therapy.If anticoagulation is used, we suggest a totalduration of between 6 weeks and 3 monthsrather than shorter or longer durations of ther-apy (Grade 2C). For unilateral RVT that extendsinto the IVC, we suggest anticoagulation withUFH/LMWH or LMWH for a total duration ofbetween 6 weeks and 3 months (Grade 2C). 

2.3. For bilateral RVT with evidence of renalimpairment, we suggest anticoagulation withUFH/LMWH or initial thrombolytic therapy

 with tPA followed by anticoagulation with UFH/ LMWH (Grade 2C). 

2.4. For neonates with CVADs, we recommendto maintain CVAD patency with UFH continuousinfusion at 0.5 units/kg per h over no prophy-laxis (Grade 1A) or intermittent local thrombolysis(Grade 2C). For neonates with blocked CVADs,

 we suggest local thrombolysis after appropriate

clinical assessment (Grade 2C). 2.6. For neonates and children having modifiedBlalock-Taussig shunts (MBTS), we suggest intra-operative UFH therapy (Grade 2C). For neonatesand children after MBTS surgery, we suggesteither aspirin or no antithrombotic therapy as com-pared with prolonged LMWH or VKAs (Grade 2C). 

2.9. For neonates and children with acute fem-oral artery thrombosis, we recommend therapeuticdoses of IV UFH as initial therapy compared

 with aspirin or no therapy (Grade 1B) or LMWH

(Grade 2C). We suggest subsequent conversionto LMWH, or else continuation of UFH, to com-plete 5 to 7 days of therapeutic anticoagulationas compared with a shorter or longer duration(Grade 2C). 

2.10. For neonates and children with limb-threatening or organ-threatening (via proximalextension) femoral artery thrombosis who failto respond to initial UFH therapy and whohave no known contraindications, we recommendthrombolysis (Grade 1C). For neonates and chil-

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anticoagulant therapy beyond 3 months in eithertherapeutic or prophylactic doses until the riskfactor has resolved (Grade 2C). 

2.22.4. In children with recurrent idiopathic VTE, we recommend indefinite treatment with VKAs (Grade 1A). 

2.22.5. In children with recurrent secondary VTEs with an existing reversible risk factor forthrombosis, we suggest anticoagulation untilresolution of the precipitating factor but for aminimum of 3 months as compared with no fur-ther therapy (Grade 2C). 

2.22.6. In children with a CVAD in place whohave a VTE, if a CVAD is no longer required oris nonfunctioning, we recommend it be removed(Grade 1B). We suggest at least 3 to 5 days ofanticoagulation therapy prior to its removalrather than no anticoagulation prior to removal

(Grade 2C). If CVAD access is required and theCVAD is still functioning, we suggest that theCVAD remain in situ and the patient be given anti-coagulants (Grade 2C). For children with a firstCVAD-related VTE, we suggest initial managementas for secondary VTE as previously described. 

2.22.7. In children with CVAD in place whohave a VTE and in whom the CVAD remainsnecessary, we suggest, after the initial 3 monthsof therapy, that prophylactic doses of VKAs (INRrange, 1.5-1.9) or LMWH (anti-Xa  level range,

0.1-0.3 units/mL) be given until the CVAD isremoved (Grade 2C). If recurrent thrombosisoccurs while the patient is receiving prophylac-tic therapy, we suggest continuing therapeuticdoses until the CVAD is removed and for a min-imum of 3 months following the VTE (Grade 2C). 

2.23. In children with VTE, we suggest thatthrombolysis therapy be used only for life- orlimb-threatening thrombosis (Grade 2C). If throm-bolysis is used in the presence of physiologicallylow levels or pathologic deficiencies of plasmin-

ogen, we suggest supplementation with plas-minogen (Grade 2C). In children with VTE in

 whom thrombolysis is used, we suggest systemicthrombolysis or catheter-directed thrombolysis,depending on institutional experience and, inthe latter case, technical feasibility. 

2.24. In children with life-threatening VTE, wesuggest thrombectomy (Grade 2C). In children

 who have had a thrombectomy, we suggest antico-agulant therapy as per recommendation (Recom-mendation 2.22) (Grade 2C). In children . 10 kg

ongoing cardioembolic source, we suggest sup-portive care over anticoagulation or aspirintherapy (Grade 2C). 

2.19. For neonates with a first AIS and a docu-mented cardioembolic source, we suggest anti-coagulation with UFH or LMWH (Grade 2C). 

2.20. For neonates with recurrent AIS, we sug-gest anticoagulant or aspirin therapy (Grade 2C). 

2.21. For neonates with clinical presentations ofhomozygous protein C deficiency, we recommendadministration of either 10 to 20 mL/kg of FFPevery 12 h or protein C concentrate, when avail-able, at 20 to 60 units/kg until the clinical lesionsresolve (Grade 1A). For neonates with homozy-gous protein C deficiency, after initial stabiliza-tion, we recommend long-term treatment with

 VKA (Grade 1C), LMWH (Grade 1C), protein Creplacement (Grade 1B), or liver transplantation

(Grade 1C) compared with no therapy. 

2.22.1. In children with first VTE (CVAD andnon-CVAD related) we recommend acute anti-coagulant therapy with either UFH or LMWH(Grade 1B). We recommend initial treatment withUFH or LMWH for at least 5 days (Grade 1B).For ongoing therapy, we recommend LMWHor UFH. For patients in whom clinicians willsubsequently prescribe VKAs, we recommendbeginning oral therapy as early as day 1 and dis-continuing UFH/LMWH on day 6 or later than

day 6 if the INR has not exceeded 2.0 compared with no therapy (Grade 1B). 

2.22.2. We suggest that children with idiopathic VTE receive anticoagulant therapy for 6 to12 months compared with no therapy (Grade 2C). 

Underlying values and preferences:  Families whoplace a high value on avoiding the unknown risk ofrecurrence in the absence of an ongoing risk factorand a lower value on avoiding the inconvenience oftherapy or potential impact of therapy on growthand development and bleeding risk associated with

antithrombotic therapy are likely to choose to con-tinue anticoagulant therapy beyond 6 to 12 months.

2.22.3. In children with secondary VTE (ie, VTEthat has occurred in association with a clinicalrisk factor) in whom the risk factor has resolved,

 we suggest anticoagulant therapy be adminis-tered for 3 months (Grade 2C) as compared

 with no further therapy. In children who haveongoing, but potentially reversible risk factors,such as active nephrotic syndrome or ongoingasparaginase therapy, we suggest continuing

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timed CVAD removal, and consideration of sur-gical intervention or thrombolysis based onindividualized risk-benefit assessment compared

 with no anticoagulation therapy (Grade 2C). 

2.30. For CVADs, we suggest flushing with nor-mal saline or heparin or intermittent recom-binant urokinase (rUK) to maintain patency

as compared with no therapy (Grade 2C). Forblocked CVADs, we suggest tPA or rUK torestore patency (Grade 2C). If after at least30 min following local thrombolytic instilla-tion CVAD patency is not restored, we sug-gest a second dose be administered. If theCVAD remains blocked following two doses oflocal thrombolytic agent, we suggest radiologicimaging to rule out a CVAD-related thrombosis(Grade 2C). 

2.31. For children with short- or medium-termCVADs, we recommend against the use of rou-tine systemic thromboprophylaxis (Grade 1B). 

2.34. For children receiving long-term hometotal parenteral nutrition (TPN), we suggestthromboprophylaxis with VKAs (Grade 2C). 

2.35. For children who have bilateral cavopul-monary shunt (BCPS), we suggest postoperativeUFH (Grade 2C). 

2.36. For children after Fontan surgery, we rec-ommend aspirin or therapeutic UFH followedby VKAs over no therapy (Grade 1C). 

2.37. For children having endovascular stentsinserted, we suggest administration of UFHperioperatively (Grade 2C). 

2.38. For pediatric patients with cardiomyopathy, we suggest VKAs no later than their activationon a cardiac transplant waiting list (Grade 2C). 

Underlying values and preferences: Parents who place ahigh value on avoiding the inconvenience, discomfort,and limitations of anticoagulant monitoring and alower value on the uncertain reduction in thromboticcomplications are unlikely to choose VKA therapy fortheir children who are eligible for transplant.

2.39. For children with primary pulmonary hyper-tension, we suggest starting anticoagulation

 with VKAs at the same time as other medicaltherapy (Grade 2C). 

2.40-2.42. For children with biologic or mechan-ical prosthetic heart valves, we recommend thatclinicians follow the relevant recommendationsfrom the adult population. 

body weight with lower-extremity VTE and acontraindication to anticoagulation, we suggestplacement of a retrievable IVC filter (Grade 2C).In children who receive a filter, we suggest thatthe filter be removed as soon as possible ifthrombosis is not present in the basket of thefilter and when contraindication to anticoagu-lation is resolved (Grade 2C). In children who

receive an IVC filter, we recommend appro-priate anticoagulation for VTE (see Recommen-dation 1.2) as soon as the contraindication toanticoagulation is resolved (Grade 1C). 

2.25. In children with cancer, we suggest thatmanagement of VTE follow the general recom-mendations for management of VTE in children.

 We suggest the use of LMWH in the treatmentof VTE for a minimum of 3 months until the pre-cipitating factor has resolved (eg, use of aspara-ginase) (Grade 2C). 

Remarks: The presence of cancer, the need for sur-gery, chemotherapy, or other treatments may modifythe risk-benefit ratio for treatment of VTE, and clini-cians should consider these factors on an individualbasis.

2.26. For children with VTE in the setting of anti-phospholipid antibodies (APLAs), we suggestmanagement as per general recommendationsfor VTE management in children. 

2.27. For children with VTE, independent of

the presence or absence of inherited throm-bophilic risk factors, we suggest that the dura-tion and intensity of anticoagulant therapy asper Recommendation 2.22. 

2.28. For children with first VTE secondary tostructural venous abnormalities, we suggestanticoagulation as per other “spontaneous” VTE(Recommendation 2.22) and consideration ofsubsequent percutaneous or surgical interven-tions, depending on patient factors and institu-tional experience. For children with recurrent

 VTE secondary to structural venous abnormal-ities, we suggest indefinite anticoagulation unlesssuccessful percutaneous or surgical interven-tions can be performed (Grade 2C). 

2.29. For children with right atrial thrombosisrelated to CVAD, we suggest removal of the CVAD

 with or without anticoagulation, depending onthe individual risk factors, compared with leavingthe CVAD in situ (Grade 2C). For children withlarge (. 2 cm) mobile right atrial thrombosis,

 we suggest anticoagulation, with appropriately

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 (Grade 2C). For children with CSVT with signifi-cant hemorrhage, we suggest initial anticoagu-lation as for children without hemorrhage orradiologic monitoring of the thrombosis at 5 to7 days and anticoagulation if thrombus exten-sion is noted at that time (Grade 2C). In children

 with CSVT and potentially recurrent risk factors(for example, nephrotic syndrome, asparaginase

therapy), we suggest prophylactic anticoagula-tion at times of risk factor recurrence (Grade 2C).

 We suggest thrombolysis, thrombectomy, orsurgical decompression only in children withsevere CSVT in whom there is no improvement

 with initial UFH therapy (Grade 2C). 

2.52. For children with acute AIS, with or with-out thrombophilia, we recommend UFH orLMWH or aspirin as initial therapy until dissec-tion and embolic causes have been excluded(Grade 1C). For children with acute AIS, we

suggest, once dissection and cardioemboliccauses are excluded, daily aspirin prophylaxisfor a minimum of 2 years as compared withno antithrombotic therapy (Grade 2C). For chil-dren receiving aspirin who have recurrent AISor transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), we sug-gest changing to clopidogrel or anticoagulanttherapy with LMWH or VKA (Grade 2C). Forchildren with AIS, we recommend against theuse of thrombolysis (tPA) or mechanical throm-bectomy outside of specific research protocols(Grade 1C). 

2.53. For AIS secondary to cardioembolic causes, we suggest anticoagulant therapy with LMWHor VKAs for at least 3 months (Grade 2C). For

 AIS secondary to cardioembolic causes in chil-dren with demonstrated right-to-left shunts (eg,patent foramen ovale [PFO]), we suggest sur-gical closure of the shunt (Grade 2C). 

2.54. For AIS secondary to dissection, we sug-gest anticoagulant therapy with LMWH or VKAsfor at least 6 weeks (Grade 2C). Ongoing treat-

ment will depend on radiologic assessment ofdegree and extent of stenosis and evidence ofrecurrent ischemic events. 

2.55. For children with acute AIS secondary tonon-Moyamoya vasculopathy, we recommendUFH or LMWH or aspirin for 3 months asinitial therapy compared with no treatment(Grade 1C). For children with AIS secondaryto non-Moyamoya vasculopathy, we suggest on-going antithrombotic therapy should be guidedby repeat cerebrovascular imaging. 

2.44. For children with ventricular assist devices(VADs), we suggest administration of UFH(Grade 2C). We suggest starting UFH between8 and 48 h following implantation (Grade 2C).In addition, we suggest antiplatelet therapy(either aspirin or asprin and dipyridamole) to com-mence within 72 h of VAD placement (Grade 2C).For children with VAD, once clinically stable,

 we suggest switching from UFH to either LMWHor VKA (target INR 3.0 range, 2.5-3.5) untiltransplanted or weaned from VAD (Grade 2C). 

2.45. For patients undergoing hemodialysis viaan arteriovenous fistula, we suggest routine useof VKAs or LMWH as fistula thromboprophylaxisas compared with no therapy (Grade 2C). 

2.46. For patients undergoing hemodialysisvia CVAD, we suggest routine use of VKAs orLMWH for thromboprophylaxis as compared

 with no therapy (Grade 2C). 2.47. For children having hemodialysis, we sug-gest the use of UFH or LMWH during hemodi-alysis to maintain circuit patency independentof type of vascular access (Grade 2C). 

2.48. For children with Kawasaki disease, werecommend aspirin in high doses (80-100 mg/kgper day during the acute phase for up to 14 days)as an antiinflammatory agent, then in lowerdoses (1-5 mg/kg per day for 6 to 8 weeks) as anantiplatelet agent (Grade 1B). For children withKawasaki disease, we recommend IV g -globulin(2 g/kg, single dose) within 10 days of the onsetof symptoms (Grade 1A). 

2.49. For children with moderate or giant coro-nary aneurysms following Kawasaki disease, wesuggest that warfarin in addition to low-doseaspirin be given as primary thromboprophylaxis(Grade 2C). 

2.50. For children with Kawasaki disease whohave giant aneurysms and acute coronary artery

thrombosis, we suggest thrombolysis or acutesurgical intervention (Grade 2C). 

2.51. For children with CSVT without signifi-cant intracranial hemorrhage, we recommendanticoagulation initially with UFH or LMWHand subsequently with LMWH or VKA for aminimum of 3 months relative to no anticoagu-lation (Grade 1B). In children who after 3 monthsof therapy still experience occlusion of CSVTor ongoing symptoms, we suggest administra-tion of a further 3 months of anticoagulation

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perspective of treatment guidelines remains contro- versial. Young adults (18-25 years) are sparsely repre-sented in most adult data about management of TE.In other areas of medicine, this demographic is beingrecognized as a separate entity, which requires spe-cific study.9 In addition to chronologic age, cliniciansneed to consider factors such as physical develop-ment, stage of puberty, and emotional and intellec-

tual development. Adolescents are transitioned toadult services after they leave school or between16 and 21 years of age, depending on their local juris-diction. In addition, there is considerable variationbased on individual circumstances.

Comprehensive literature searches were performedas per the American College of Chest Physicians(ACCP) guidelines based on the questions presentedin Table 1, and recommendations are based on theACCP grades of recommendation.10 Where possible,because of the physiologic and pathophysiologic dif-ferences as well as the markedly different implica-

tions of therapy, recommendations are presented forneonates and children separately. However, in cases

 where the available data do not adequately differen-tiate between the two age groups, the combined rec-ommendations are presented.

1.0 Antithrombotic Therapy

in Pediatric Patients

The use of antithrombotic drugs in pediatric patientsdiffers from adults.11 First, the epidemiology of TE in

pediatric patients differs from that seen in adults.12-24

 Second, the hemostatic system is a dynamic, evolvingentity that likely affects not only the frequency andnatural history of TEs in children but also the responseto therapeutic agents.4,25,26 Third, the distribution,binding, and clearance of antithrombotic drugs areage dependent.27-29 Fourth, the frequency and typeof intercurrent illnesses and concurrent medications

 vary with age. Fifth, the need for general anesthesia toperform many diagnostic studies in pediatric patientshas an impact on the ability to investigate and mon-itor TEs and, hence, the confidence one can have in

therapeutic decisions. Sixth, limited vascular accessreduces the ability to effectively deliver some anti-thrombotic therapies and can influence the choice ofantithrombotic agent. Often, the only vascular accessavailable is used for drug delivery, so accurate moni-toring of blood anticoagulant levels is difficult. Sev-enth, specific pediatric formulations of antithromboticdrugs are not available, making accurate, reproduc-ible dosing difficult, which is especially the casefor vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) (no suspension/liq-uid preparation) and low-molecular-weight heparin(LMWH) (in many countries, the most readily available

2.56. For children with acute AIS secondary toMoyamoya, we suggest aspirin over no treat-ment as initial therapy (Grade 2C). 

2.57. For children with Moyamoya, we suggestthey be referred to an appropriate center forconsideration of revascularization. 

Thromboembolism (TE) in pediatric patients is rareand makes management studies a challenge, result-

ing in limited direct evidence. In children,  50% ofall drugs used are unlicensed or off-label, reflectingthe paucity of specific trials in children.1,2 Thus, mostrecommendations are based on extrapolation fromadults. There is evidence that such extrapolation may,in many circumstances, be inappropriate.3-5 

Fortunately, recent regulatory initiatives haveresulted in the development of specific pediatricinvestigational plans for select novel anticoagulants.6 

Although these studies will take years to complete,they will provide excellent data on the safety and effi-cacy of currently used anticoagulants in children as

 well as an understanding of the newer drugs. At thesame time, additional research is required to under-stand the basic pharmacokinetics and pharmacody-namics of commonly prescribed antithrombotic drugsin children because significant differences exist inantithrombotic activity and impact on monitoringtests in children compared with adults.4 ,7 

This article is divided into two sections. The firstsection details the evidence showing that the inter-

action of antithrombotic agents with the hemostaticsystem of the young differs from that of adults. Thissection describes the pediatric-specific aspects ofmechanisms of action; therapeutic ranges; dose regi-mens; monitoring requirements; factors influencingdose-response relationships; and side effects of anti-thrombotic, antiplatelet, and thrombolytic agents. Thesecond section provides the evidence and recommen-dations for antithrombotic therapy in specific clinicalsituations in neonates and children.

In managing children with antithrombotic therapy,as with any therapy, the values and preferences of

the patient and family are crucial to consider in thetreatment algorithms. Preliminary studies suggest thatthese values and preferences can vary widely amongfamilies, perhaps related to culture and religion, butcertainly reflect the variation in patient and parentalpersonal views and experiences.8 

Throughout this article, the term “pediatric patients”refers to all neonates and children (birth-18 years).“Neonates” refers to infants from birth to 28 dayscorrected for gestational age. “Children” refers topatients aged 28 days to 18 years. The age at whichadolescents should be considered adults from the

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e744S  Antithrombotic Therapy in Neonates and Children

    T  a   b   l  e   1 —   [   I  n   t  r  o   d  u  c   t   i  o  n   ]   P   I   C   O   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n  s   f  o  r   A  n   t   i   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c   T   h  e  r  a  p  y   i  n   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s  a  n   d   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n

   P   I   C   O   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   S  e  c   t   i  o  n

   I  n   f  o  r  m  a   l   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   P  o  p  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   I  n   t  e  r  v  e  n   t   i  o  n   (  s   )

   C  o  m  p  a  r  a   t  o  r

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e

   M  e   t   h  o   d  o   l  o  g  y

   2 .   1

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

  c  o  r  r  e  c   t  e   d  a  g  e   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   D   V   T   (   C   V   L  a  n   d

   n  o  n -   C   V   L  r  e   l  a   t  e   d   ) ,   P   E

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n ,

    t   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s

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  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P  u   l  m  o  n  a  r  y  e  m   b  o   l  u  s

  •   P  a  r  a   d  o  x   i  c  a   l  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n  c  e   (   D   V   T  o  r   P

   E   )

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   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   2 -   2 .   3

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

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   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   R  e  n  a   l  v  e   i  n   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s -

   u  n   i   l  a   t  e  r  a   l

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   R  e  n  a   l   f  a   i   l  u  r  e

  •   R  e  n  a   l  a   t  r  o  p   h  y

  •   H  y  p  e  r   t  e  n  s   i  o  n

  •   E  x   t  e  n  s   i  o  n

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   V   T   E

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   2 -   2 .   3

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

  c  o  r  r  e  c   t  e   d  a  g  e   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   R  e  n  a   l  v  e   i  n   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s -

    b   i   l  a   t  e  r  a   l  o  r   I   V   C

   i  n  v  o   l  v  e  m  e  n   t

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n ,

    t   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y ,  e  a  c   h  o   t   h  e  r

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   R  e  n  a   l   f  a   i   l  u  r  e

  •   R  e  n  a   l  a   t  r  o  p   h  y

  •   H  y  p  e  r   t  e  n  s   i  o  n

  •   E  x   t  e  n  s   i  o  n

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   V   T   E

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4 -   2 .   5

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

  c  o  r  r  e  c   t  e   d  a  g  e   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   C   V   A   D

   L  o  c  a   l   h  e  p  a  r   i  n   (   1 -   2  u  n   i   t  s   /  m   L

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  •   P  a   t  e  n  c  y

  •   S  e  p  s   i  s   /   C   V   A   D   i  n   f  e  c   t   i  o  n

  •   D   V   T

  •   P   E

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4 -   2 .   5

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

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   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   C   V   A   D

   S  y  s   t  e  m   i  c   h  e  p  a  r   i  n  o  r   L   M   W   H

   p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

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  •   P  a   t  e  n  c  y

  •   S  e  p  s   i  s   /   C   V   A   D   i  n   f  e  c   t   i  o  n

  •   D   V   T

  •   P   E

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   6

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

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  c   h   i   l   d  r  e  n

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   B   l  a   l  o  c   k -   T  a  u  s  s   i  g  s   h  u  n   t

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n   (   h  e  p  a  r   i  n  o  r

    L   M   W   H   ) ,  a  s  p   i  r   i  n ,

  c   l  o  p   i   d  o  g  r  e   l

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y ,  e  a  c   h  o   t   h  e  r

  •   I  n   t  r  a  c  a  r   d   i  a  c   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

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  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   T   i  s  s  u  e   l  o  s  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   7

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

  c  o  r  r  e  c   t  e   d  a  g  e   )  a  n   d

  c   h   i   l   d  r  e  n

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   B   l  a   l  o  c   k -   T  a  u  s  s   i  g

   s   h  u  n   t -   b   l  o  c   k  e   d

   T   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s

   S  u  r  g   i  c  a   l   i  n   t  e  r  v  e  n   t   i  o  n

  •   I  n   t  r  a  c  a  r   d   i  a  c   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

    (   i  n  c   l  u   d  e  s  s   h  u  n   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s   )

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   T   i  s  s  u  e   l  o  s  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s   (

     C    o    n     t     i    n    u    e      d      )

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e746S  Antithrombotic Therapy in Neonates and Children

   P   I   C   O   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   S  e  c   t   i  o  n

   I  n   f  o  r  m  a   l   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   P  o  p  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   I  n   t  e  r  v  e  n   t   i  o  n   (  s   )

   C  o  m  p  a  r  a   t  o  r

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e

   M  e   t   h  o   d  o   l  o  g  y

   2 .   1   7

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

  c  o  r  r  e  c   t  e   d  a  g  e   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   C   S   V   T

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   F  u  n  c   t   i  o  n  a   l  s   t  a   t  u  s

  •   E  x   t  e  n  s   i  o  n

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   C   S   V   T

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

  •   V   i  s  u  a   l  o  u   t  c  o  m  e  s   /  n  e  e   d   f  o  r  s  u  r  g   i  c  a   l

   m  a  n  a  g  e  m  e  n   t  o   f   i  n  c  r  e  a

  s  e   d   I   C   P

   (   f  e  n  e  s   t  r  a   t   i  o  n  s   h  u  n   t   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   1   8 -   2 .   2   0

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

  c  o  r  r  e  c   t  e   d  a  g  e   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   A   I   S   (  u  n   k  n  o  w  n  v  s  e  m   b  o   l   i  c

   v  s   t  r  a  u  m  a   t   i  c   /   d   i  s  s  e  c   t   i  o  n

  v  s   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  p   h   i   l   i  a   )   (  n  o

   d  o  c  u  m  e  n   t  e   d  o  n  g  o   i  n  g

  c  a  r   d   i  o  e  m   b  o   l   i  c  s  o  u  r  c  e   )

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   F  u  n  c   t   i  o  n  a   l  s   t  a   t  u  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   A   I   S   (  r  a  r  e   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   1   8 -   2 .   2   0

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

  c  o  r  r  e  c   t  e   d  a  g  e   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   A   I   S   (   d  o  c  u  m  e  n   t  e   d

  c  a  r   d   i  o  e  m   b  o   l   i  c  s  o  u  r  c  e   )

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   A  n   t   i  p   l  a   t  e   l  e   t   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

   o  r  n  o

   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   F  u  n  c   t   i  o  n  a   l  s   t  a   t  u  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   A   I   S   (  r  a  r  e   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   1   8 -   2 .   2   0

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

  c  o  r  r  e  c   t  e   d  a  g  e   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   A   I   S   (  r  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   )

   A  n   t   i  p   l  a   t  e   l  e   t   t   h  e  r  a  p  y  o  r

   a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   F  u  n  c   t   i  o  n  a   l  s   t  a   t  u  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   A   I   S   (  r  a  r  e   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   2   1

   N  e  o  n  a   t  e  s   (  p  r  e  m  a   t  u  r  e

   a  n   d   t  e  r  m  u  p   t  o   2   8   d

  c  o  r  r  e  c   t  e   d  a  g  e   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   P  u  r  p  u  r  a   f  u   l  m   i  n  a  n  s

   P  r  o   t  e   i  n   C  r  e  p   l  a  c  e  m  e  n   t ,

    f  r  e  s   h   f  r  o  z  e  n  p   l  a  s  m  a

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   V   i  s   i  o  n

  •   N  e  u  r  o   l  o  g   i  c  o  u   t  c  o  m  e

  •   P  r   i  m  a  r  y   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s   (  a  m  o  n  g

    t   h  o  s  e  w   i   t   h  m  a   j   o  r  v  e  s  s  e


   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s  a   t  p  r  e  s  e  n   t  a   t   i  o  n   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   2   2

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   D   V   T   (   C   V   A   D  a  n   d  n  o  n -

    C   V   A   D  r  e   l  a   t  e   d   ) ,   P   E

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y ,  e  a  c   h  o   t   h  e  r

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P  r   i  m  a  r  y   P   E

  •   P  a  r  a   d  o  x   i  c  a   l  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n  c  e   (   D   V   T  o  r   P

   E   )

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   2   3

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   D   V   T   (   C   V   L  a  n   d  n  o  n -   C   V   L

   r  e   l  a   t  e   d   ) ,   P   E

   S  y  s   t  e  m   i  c   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s

    (   i  n  c  o  n   j   u  n  c   t   i  o  n  w   i   t   h

  a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a  n   t   t   h  e  r  a  p  y   ) ,

   l  o  c  a   l   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s       

  p   h  a  r  m  a  c  o  m  e  c   h  a  n   i  c  a   l

   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s   (   i  n  c  o  n   j   u  n  c   t   i  o  n

  w   i   t   h  a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a  n   t   t   h  e  r  a  p  y   )

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P  r   i  m  a  r  y   P   E

  •   P  a  r  a   d  o  x   i  c  a   l  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n  c  e   (   D   V   T  o  r   P

   E   )

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

  •   P   h   l  e  g  m  a  s   i  a  c  e  r  u   l  e  a   d  o   l  e  n  s

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   T  a   b   l  e   1 —   C  o  n   t   i  n  u  e   d

      (     C    o    n     t     i    n    u    e      d      )

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   P   I   C   O   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   S  e  c   t   i  o  n

   I  n   f  o  r  m  a   l   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   P  o  p  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   I  n   t  e  r  v  e  n   t   i  o  n   (  s   )

   C  o  m  p  a  r  a   t  o  r

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e

   M  e   t   h  o   d  o   l  o  g  y

   2 .   2   4

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   D   V   T   (   C   V   L  a  n   d  n  o  n -   C   V   L

   r  e   l  a   t  e   d   ) ,   P   E

   T   h  r  o  m   b  e  c   t  o  m  y ,   I   V   C   fi   l   t  e  r

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P  r   i  m  a  r  y   P   E

  •   P  a  r  a   d  o  x   i  c  a   l  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

  •   F   i   l   t  e  r  m   i  g  r  a   t   i  o  n  o  r   fi   l   t  e

  r   f  r  a  c   t  u  r  e

  •   F   i   l   t  e  r  n  o  n  r  e   t  r   i  e  v  a   b   i   l   i   t  y

   (   f  o  r

    t  e  m  p  o  r  a  r  y   fi   l   t  e  r  s   )

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n  c  e   (   D   V   T  o  r   P

   E   )

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   2   5

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )  w   i   t   h

  c  a  n  c  e  r  o  r

   l  e  u   k  e  m   i  a

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

    d  u  r  a   t   i  o  n   /

   i  n   t  e  n  s   i   t  y

   D   V   T   (   C   V   L  a  n   d  n  o  n -   C   V   L

   r  e   l  a   t  e   d   ) ,   P   E

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

    (   h  e  p  a  r   i  n   /   L   M   W   H   )

   V   K   A  s

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P  r   i  m  a  r  y   P   E

  •   P  a  r  a   d  o  x   i  c  a   l  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n  c  e   (   D   V   T  o  r   P

   E   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   2   6

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )  w   i   t   h

  a  n   t   i  p   h  o  s  p   h  o   l   i  p   i   d

  a  n   t   i   b  o   d   i  e  s  o  r   l  u  p  u  s

  a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a  n   t

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

    d  u  r  a   t   i  o  n   /

   i  n   t  e  n  s   i   t  y

   D   V   T   (   C   V   L  a  n   d  n  o  n -   C   V   L

   r  e   l  a   t  e   d   ) ,   P   E

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

    (   h  e  p  a  r   i  n   /   L   M   W   H   )

   V   K   A  s

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P  r   i  m  a  r  y   P   E

  •   P  a  r  a   d  o  x   i  c  a   l  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n  c  e   (   D   V   T  o  r   P

   E   )

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   2   7

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8

    t  o   1   6 -   1   8  y  r   )

  w   i   t   h  p  o  s   i   t   i  v  e

   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  p   h   i   l   i  a

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

    d  u  r  a   t   i  o  n   /

   i  n   t  e  n  s   i   t  y

   D   V   T   (   C   V   A   D  a  n   d

   n  o  n   C   V   A   D  r  e   l  a   t  e   d   ) ,   P   E

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n ,

    I  n   t  e  r  v  e  n   t   i  o  n  a   l  r  a   d   i  o   l  o  g  y

  o  r  s  u  r  g   i  c  a   l  s   t  e  n   t   i  n  g ,

   d   i   l  a   t  a   t   i  o  n  o  r   b  y  p  a  s  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y ,   E  a  c   h  o   t   h  e  r

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P  r   i  m  a  r  y   P  u   l  m  o  n  a  r  y  e  m

   b  o   l  u  s

  •   P  a  r  a   d  o  x   i  c  a   l  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n  c  e   (   D   V   T  o  r   P

   E   )

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   2   8

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )  w   i   t   h

  s   t  r  u  c   t  u  r  a   l  v  e  n  o  u  s

  a   b  n  o  r  m  a   l   i   t  y

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   D   V   T   (   C   V   L  a  n   d  n  o  n -   C   V   L

   r  e   l  a   t  e   d   ) ,   P   E

   I  n   t  e  r  v  e  n   t   i  o  n  a   l  r  a   d   i  o   l  o  g  y

   o  r  s  u  r  g   i  c  a   l  s   t  e  n   t   i  n  g ,

   d   i   l  a   t  a   t   i  o  n  o  r   b  y  p  a  s  s

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   E  x   t  e  n  s   i  o  n

  •   P  r   i  m  a  r  y   P   E

  •   P  a  r  a   d  o  x   i  c  a   l  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n  c  e   (   D   V   T  o  r   P

   E   )

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   2   9

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   R   i  g   h   t  a   t  r   i  a   l   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

    (          C   V   A   D  r  e   l  a   t  e   d   )

   T   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s ,  s  u  r  g   i  c  a   l

    t   h  r  o  m   b  e  c   t  o  m  y

   (   f  o   l   l  o  w  e   d   b  y  s   t  a  n   d  a  r   d

  a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n  o  r

  a  n   t   i  p   l  a   t  e   l  e   t   t   h  e  r  a  p  y   )

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

    (  w   i   t   h  o  u   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s

  o  r  s  u  r

  g   i  c  a   l

   t   h  r  o  m

   b  e  c   t  o  m  y   ) ,

  e  a  c   h  o   t   h  e  r

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P   E

  •   P  a  r  a   d  o  x   i  c  a   l  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   V   T   E

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   T  a   b   l  e   1 —   C  o  n   t   i  n  u  e   d

      (     C    o    n     t     i    n    u    e      d      )

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e748S  Antithrombotic Therapy in Neonates and Children

   P   I   C   O   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   S  e  c   t   i  o  n

   I  n   f  o  r  m  a   l   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   P  o  p  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   I  n   t  e  r  v  e  n   t   i  o  n   (  s   )

   C  o  m  p  a  r  a   t  o  r

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e

   M  e   t   h  o   d  o   l  o  g  y

   2 .   3   0 -   2 .   3   4

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   C   V   A   D

   L  o  c  a   l   h  e  p  a  r   i  n

    (   1 -   2  u  n   i   t  s   /  m   L   i  n   f  u  s   i  o  n   ) ,

   h  e  p  a  r   i  n   l  o  c   k ,

   i  n   t  e  r  m   i   t   t  e  n   t   l  o  c  a   l

   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   P  a   t  e  n  c  y

  •   C   V   A   D   d  y  s   f  u  n  c   t   i  o  n

  •   S  e  p  s   i  s   /   C   V   A   D   i  n   f  e  c   t   i  o  n

  •   D   V   T

  •   P   E

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   3   0 -   2 .   3   4

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   C   V   A   D   (  s   h  o  r   t  o  r  m  e   d   i  u  m

    t  e  r  m ,  e  g ,   P   I   C   U   )

   S  y  s   t  e  m   i  c  a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   P  a   t  e  n  c  y

  •   C   V   A   D   d  y  s   f  u  n  c   t   i  o  n

  •   S  e  p  s   i  s   /   C   V   A   D   i  n   f  e  c   t   i  o  n

  •   D   V   T

  •   P   E

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   m  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   3   0 -   2 .   3   4

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   C   V   A   D   (   l  o  n  g   t  e  r  m ,  e  g ,

   o  n  c  o   l  o  g  y   )

   S  y  s   t  e  m   i  c  a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   P  a   t  e  n  c  y

  •   C   V   A   D   d  y  s   f  u  n  c   t   i  o  n

  •   S  e  p  s   i  s   /   C   V   A   D   i  n   f  e  c   t   i  o  n

  •   D   V   T

  •   P   E

  •   M  a   j   o  r   b   l  e  e   d   i  n  g

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   3   0 -   2 .   3   4

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8

    t  o   1   6 -   1   8  y   )

  w   i   t   h  p  o  s   i   t   i  v  e

   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  p   h   i   l   i  a

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   C   V   A   D   (   l  o  n  g   t  e  r  m ,  e  g ,

   o  n  c  o   l  o  g  y   )

   S  y  s   t  e  m   i  c  a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   P  a   t  e  n  c  y

  •   C   V   A   D   d  y  s   f  u  n  c   t   i  o  n

  •   S  e  p  s   i  s   /   C   V   A   D   i  n   f  e  c   t   i  o  n

  •   D   V   T

  •   P   E

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   3   0 -   2 .   3   4

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   C   V   A   D   (   l  o  n  g   t  e  r  m ,  e  g ,

    h  o  m  e   T   P   N   )

   S  y  s   t  e  m   i  c  a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   P  a   t  e  n  c  y

  •   C   V   A   D   d  y  s   f  u  n  c   t   i  o  n

  •   S  e  p  s   i  s   /   C   V   A   D   i  n   f  e  c   t   i  o  n

  •   D   V   T

  •   P   E

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P  o  s   t   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c  s  y  n   d  r  o  m  e

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   3   5

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   G   l  e  n  n  o  r   b   i   l  a   t  e  r  a   l  c  a  v  o

   p  u   l  m  o  n  a  r  y  s   h  u  n   t

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   I  n   t  r  a  c  a  r   d   i  a  c   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   T   i  s  s  u  e   l  o  s  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

  •   I  s  c   h  e  m   i  c  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   F  o  n   t  a  n  s  u  r  g  e  r  y

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   T  a   b   l  e   1 —   C  o  n   t   i  n  u  e   d

      (     C    o    n     t     i    n    u    e      d      )

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   P   I   C   O   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   S  e  c   t   i  o  n

   I  n   f  o  r  m  a   l   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   P  o  p  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   I  n   t  e  r  v  e  n   t   i  o  n   (  s   )

   C  o  m  p  a  r  a   t  o  r

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e

   M  e   t   h  o   d  o   l  o  g  y

   2 .   3   6

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   F  o  n   t  a  n  s  u  r  g  e  r  y

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n ,

   a  n   t   i  p   l  a   t  e   l  e   t   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   I  n   t  r  a  c  a  r   d   i  a  c   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   F  o  n   t  a  n   t  a   k  e   d  o  w  n

  •   I  s  c   h  e  m   i  c  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   3   7

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   E  n   d  o  v  a  s  c  u   l  a  r  s   t  e  n   t  s

   H  e  p  a  r   i  n  o  r   L   M   W   H  o  r

   a  s  p   i  r   i  n  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   P  a   t  e  n  c  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   P  u   l  m  o  n  a  r  y  e  m   b  o   l   i

  •   I  s  c   h  e  m   i  c  s   t  r  o   k  e

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   3   8

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   D   i   l  a   t  e   d  c  a  r   d   i  o  m  y  o  p  a   t   h  y

   V   K   A  s  o  r  a  s  p   i  r   i  n

   p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   I  s  c   h  e  m   i  c  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   3   9

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   P  r   i  m  a  r  y  p  u   l  m  o  n  a  r  y

    h  y  p  e  r   t  e  n  s   i  o  n

   V   K   A  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   H  e  a  r   t   /   l  u  n  g   t  r  a  n  s  p   l  a  n   t  a   t   i  o  n

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4   0 -   2 .   4   2

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   B   i  o   l  o  g   i  c  p  r  o  s   t   h  e   t   i  c

    h  e  a  r   t  v  a   l  v  e  s

   V   K   A  s  o  r  a  s  p   i  r   i  n

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   V  a   l  v  e  r  e  p   l  a  c  e  m  e  n   t

  •   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   I  s  c   h  e  m   i  c  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4   0 -   2 .   4   2

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   M  e  c   h  a  n   i  c  a   l  p  r  o  s   t   h  e   t   i  c

    h  e  a  r   t  v  a   l  v  e  s

   A  n   t   i  p   l  a   t  e   l  e   t  a  g  e  n   t  s ,

   a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n ,

  a  n   t   i  p   l  a   t  e   l  e   t  a  g  e  n   t  s ,

  a  n   d   V   K   A  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   V  a   l  v  e  r  e  p   l  a  c  e  m  e  n   t

  •   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   I  s  c   h  e  m   i  c  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4   0 -   2 .   4   2

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   M  e  c   h  a  n   i  c  a   l  p  r  o  s   t   h  e   t   i  c

    h  e  a  r   t  v  a   l  v  e  s  w   i   t   h  a

   h   i  s   t  o  r  y  o   f   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c

  e  v  e  n   t  s  w   h   i   l  e  o  n

  a  n   t   i   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

   C  o  m   b   i  n  a   t   i  o  n ,

   a  n   t   i  p   l  a   t  e   l  e   t  a  g  e  n   t  s ,

  a  n   d   V   K   A  s

   V   K   A  s  a   l  o  n  e

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   V  a   l  v  e  r  e  p   l  a  c  e  m  e  n   t

  •   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   I  s  c   h  e  m   i  c  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4   3

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   B  a  c   t  e  r   i  a   l  e  n   d  o  c  a  r   d   i   t   i  s

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   P  r   i  m  a  r  y  e  m   b  o   l   i  c  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4   4

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   V  e  n   t  r   i  c  u   l  a  r  a  s  s   i  s   t

    d  e  v   i  c  e  s

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n ,

   a  n   t   i  p   l  a   t  e   l  e   t  a  g  e  n   t  s ,

  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   I  s  c   h  e  m   i  c  s   t  r  o   k  e

  •   B   l  o  c   k  e   d  c   i  r  c  u   i   t  r  e  q  u   i  r   i  n  g  s  u  r  g  e  r  y

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   T  a   b   l  e   1 —   C  o  n   t   i  n  u  e   d

      (     C    o    n     t     i    n    u    e      d      )

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e750S  Antithrombotic Therapy in Neonates and Children

   P   I   C   O   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   S  e  c   t   i  o  n

   I  n   f  o  r  m  a   l   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   P  o  p  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   I  n   t  e  r  v  e  n   t   i  o  n   (  s   )

   C  o  m  p  a  r  a   t  o  r

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e

   M  e   t   h  o   d  o   l  o  g  y

   2 .   4   5 -   2 .   4   6

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   H  e  m  o   d   i  a   l  y  s   i  s

    (  a  r   t  e  r   i  o  v  e  n  o  u  s   fi  s   t  u   l  a   )

   C  o  n   t   i  n  u  o  u  s

   a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n ,

  p  r  o  c  e   d  u  r  a   l   U   F   H

  o  r   L   M   W   H

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   S   h  u  n   t   d  y  s   f  u  n  c   t   i  o  n

  •   S   h  u  n   t   i  n   f  e  c   t   i  o  n

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4   5 -   2 .   4   6

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   H  e  m  o   d   i  a   l  y  s   i  s   (   C   V   A   D   )

   C  o  n   t   i  n  u  o  u  s

   a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n ,

  p  r  o  c  e   d  u  r  a   l   U   F   H

  o  r   L   M   W   H

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   C   V   A   D   d  y  s   f  u  n  c   t   i  o  n

  •   S  e  p  s   i  s   /   C   V   A   D   i  n   f  e  c   t   i  o  n

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4   7

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8

    t  o   1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

    (   d  u  r   i  n  g

  p  r  o  c  e   d  u  r  e   )

   H  e  m  o   d   i  a   l  y  s   i  s

    (  a  r   t  e  r   i  o  v  e  n  o  u  s

   fi  s   t  u   l  a  o  r   C   V   A   D   )

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

  •   C   V   A   D   d  y  s   f  u  n  c   t   i  o  n

  •   S  e  p  s   i  s   /   C   V   A   D   i  n   f  e  c   t   i  o  n

  •   D   i  a   l  y  s   i  s   f  a   i   l  u  r  e

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4   8 -   2 .   5   0

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   P  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   K  a  w  a  s  a   k   i   d   i  s  e  a  s  e

   A  s  p   i  r   i  n ,   I   V   I   G ,  a  s  p   i  r   i  n

   a  n   d   I   V   I   G ,

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   C  o  r  o  n  a  r  y  a  n  e  u  r  y  s  m  s

  •   M  y  o  c  a  r   d   i  a   l   i  n   f  a  r  c   t   i  o  n

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4   8 -   2 .   5   0

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   K  a  w  a  s  a   k   i   d   i  s  e  a  s  e  w   i   t   h

   c  o  r  o  n  a  r  y  a  n  e  u  r  y  s  m  s

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   A  n   t   i  p   l  a   t  e   l  e   t   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  y  o  c  a  r   d   i  a   l   i  n   f  a  r  c   t   i  o  n

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   4   8 -   2 .   5   0

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   K  a  w  a  s  a   k   i   d   i  s  e  a  s  e  w   i   t   h

   c  o  r  o  n  a  r  y  a  n  e  u  r  y  s  m  s

  a  n   d  a  c  u   t  e  c  o  r  o  n  a  r  y

  a  r   t  e  r  y   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s

   T   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

  •   M  y  o  c  a  r   d   i  a   l   i  n   f  a  r  c   t   i  o  n

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   5   1

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   C   S   V   T

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t  o  n ,

    t   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s   (   f  o   l   l  o  w  e   d

   b  y  s   t  a  n   d  a  r   d

  a  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n   )

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y ,  e  a  c   h  o   t   h  e  r

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   T   h  r  o  m   b  u  s  e  x   t  e  n  s   i  o  n

  •   F  u  n  c   t   i  o  n  a   l  s   t  a   t  u  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   5   2

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   A   I   S   (  u  n   d  e   t  e  r  m   i  n  e   d

   c  a  u  s  e ,   i  n  s   i   t  u

   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s ,

   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  p   h   i   l   i  a   )

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n  o  r  a  s  p   i  r   i  n ,

    t   h  r  o  m   b  o   l  y  s   i  s

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y ,  e  a  c   h  o   t   h  e  r

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   A   I   S

  •   F  u  n  c   t   i  o  n  a   l  s   t  a   t  u  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   5   3

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   A   I   S   (  c  a  r   d   i  o  e  m   b  o   l   i  c   )

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   A  s  p   i  r   i  n

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   A   I   S

  •   F  u  n  c   t   i  o  n  a   l  s   t  a   t  u  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   T  a   b   l  e   1 —   C  o  n   t   i  n  u  e   d

      (     C    o    n     t     i    n    u    e      d      )

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   P   I   C   O   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   S  e  c   t   i  o  n

   I  n   f  o  r  m  a   l   Q  u  e  s   t   i  o  n

   P  o  p  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   I  n   t  e  r  v  e  n   t   i  o  n   (  s   )

   C  o  m  p  a  r  a   t  o  r

   O  u   t  c  o  m  e

   M  e   t   h  o   d  o   l  o  g  y

   2 .   5   4

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   A   I   S   (   d   i  s  s  e  c   t   i  o  n   )

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n

   A  s  p   i  r   i  n

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   A   I   S

  •   F  u  n  c   t   i  o  n  a   l  s   t  a   t  u  s

  •   I  n   t  r  a  c  r  a  n   i  a   l   h  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g


   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   5   5

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   A   I   S   (  v  a  s  c  u   l  o  p  a   t   h  y

   o   t   h  e  r   t   h  a  n   d   i  s  s  e  c   t   i  o  n

  o  r  m  o  y  a  m  o  y  a   )

   A  n   t   i  c  o  a  g  u   l  a   t   i  o  n  o  r  a  s  p   i  r   i  n

   N  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   A   I   S

  •   F  u  n  c   t   i  o  n  a   l  s   t  a   t  u  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   5   6 -   2 .   5   7

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   A   I   S   (  m  o  y  a  m  o  y  a ,

   n  o  n -  s   i  c   k   l  e  c  e   l   l   )

   A  s  p   i  r   i  n   (  w   i   t   h   /  w   i   t   h  o  u   t

   n  e  u  r  o  s  u  r  g   i  c  a   l   d   i  r  e  c   t   /

   i  n   d   i  r  e  c   t  r  e  v  a  s  c  u   l  a  r   i  z  a   t   i  o  n   ) ,

  s  u  r  g   i  c  a   l  r  e  v  a  s  c  u   l  a  r   i  z  a   t   i  o  n

   (   d   i  r  e  c   t   /   i  n   d   i  r  e  c   t   )

   N  o  a  n   t   i   t   h  r  o  m   b  o   t   i  c

    t   h  e  r  a  p  y   (  w   i   t   h   /  w   i   t   h  o  u   t

  n  e  u  r  o

  s  u  r  g   i  c  a   l   d   i  r  e  c   t   /

   i  n   d   i  r  e

  c   t  s  u  r  g   i  c  a   l

  r  e  v  a  s  c  u   l  a  r   i  z  a   t   i  o  n   ) ,

  e  a  c   h  o   t   h  e  r

  •   M  o  r   t  a   l   i   t  y

  •   R  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   A   I   S

  •   F  u  n  c   t   i  o  n  a   l  s   t  a   t  u  s

  •   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e   (  m  a   j   o  r  a  n

   d   C   N   S   )

   R   C   T ,  o   b  s  e  r  v  a   t   i  o  n  a   l

   s   t  u   d   i  e  s

   2 .   5   6 -   2 .   5   7

   C   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   (   d  a  y   2   8   t  o

    1   6 -   1   8  y   )

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   A   I   S   (  m  o  y  a  m  o  y  a ,

   n  o  n -  s   i  c   k   l  e  c  e   l   l   )

   S  u  r  g   i  c  a   l  r  e  v  a  s  c  u   l  a  r   i  z  a   t   i  o  n

    (   d   i  r  e  c   t   /   i  n   d   i  r  e  c   t   )

   A  n   t   i  p   l  a   t  e   l  e   t   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

    (  w   i   t   h  o  u   t   d   i  r  e  c   t   /

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range for all indications described in this article isextrapolated from the therapeutic range for the treat-ment of VTE in adults. This equates to an activatedpartial thromboplastin time (aPTT) that reflects a hep-arin level by protamine titration of 0.2 to 0.4 units/mLor an anti-Xa level of 0.35 to 0.7 units/mL. 38 TheaPTT therapeutic ranges are universally determinedusing adult plasma.

Extrapolating the aPTT range from adults to pedi-atric patients is unlikely to be valid. For example,baseline aPTTs in pediatric patients, especially neonates,often are increased compared with adults. Therefore,the therapeutic ranges represent a reduced relativeincrement in aPTT values.4,26 Schmidt et al39 reportedthat routine assays underestimate UFH concentration,especially in neonates. Recent in vitro and in vivodata also indicate that the aPTT range that corre-lates to an anti-Xa level of 0.35 to 0.7 units/mL var-ies significantly with age and heparin dose.5,27,35-37,40 Further, protamine titration results vary with age,5 

and different commercial anti-Xa kits can give sub-stantially different results for anti-Xa measurementson the same samples probably because of subtle dif-ferences in kit formulation. This effect is seen inboth adults and children.35,41,42 

These differences are increased in infants in whomendogenous antithrombin levels are reduced.43 Thus,the scientific rationale for using a therapeutic rangefor UFH in children is increasingly questioned. Acomparative clinical outcome trial comparing moni-tored therapy (with a target therapeutic range) to

 weight-adjusted fixed-dose therapy (unmonitored)

is desperately required. However, in the interim, rec-ommendations must be based on the only publisheddata available, despite their limitations.

1.1.3 Doses: One prospective cohort study used a weight-based nomogram to address dosing of UFHin pediatric patients required to achieve adult thera-peutic aPTT values.44 Bolus doses of 75 to 100 units/kgresulted in therapeutic aPTT values in 90% of children

predosed syringes are based on adult weights). Eighth,dietary differences make the use of oral VKAs partic-ularly difficult, which is especially true in neonatesbecause breast milk and infant formulas have verydifferent vitamin K levels. Finally, compliance issuesare vastly different, for example, in small infants

 who cannot understand the need for therapy, ado-lescents who intellectually comprehend but emo-

tionally are unable to cooperate, and children whoexperience the effects of inadequate parenting. Thesocial, ethical, and legal implications of these issues fre-quently interfere with the ability to provide the besttreatment for individual neonates and children.


1.0. We suggest that where possible, pediatrichematologists with experience in TE managepediatric patients with TE (Grade 2C). When thisis not possible, we suggest a combination of aneonatologist/pediatrician and adult hematolo-gist supported by consultation with an experi-enced pediatric hematologist (Grade 2C). 

1.1 Heparin in Neonates and Children

Unfractionated (or standard) heparin (UFH) iscommonly used in pediatric patients. In tertiary pedi-atric hospitals, 15% of inpatients are exposed toUFH each day.30 

1.1.1 Mechanism of Action: In this supplement,Garcia et al31 describe the mechanism of action of

UFH. Table 2 lists the specific factors that may alterthe activities of UFH in children. The clinical impli-cations of these changes on dosing, monitoring,and effectiveness/safety profile of UFH in childrenremains to be fully elucidated.

1.1.2 Therapeutic Range:  No clinical outcomestudies have determined the therapeutic range forUFH in neonates or children. Thus, the therapeutic

Table 2 —[Section 1.1.1] Factors in Children That Affect the Action of UFH

UFH Factor Age-Related Difference Evidence

UFH acts through antithrombin-mediatedcatabolism of thrombin and factor Xa

Reduced levels of antithrombin andprothrombin

Strong: multiple studies Andrew et al (1990),32 Andrew (1992),33 Andrew et al (1992),34 Monagle et al (2006)26 

Reduced capacity to generate thrombin Strong: multiple studies Ignjatovic et al (2007),35 Andrew et al (1990),32 Andrew (1994)12 

Age-related difference in anti-Xa:anti IIaactivity 

Moderate: Newall et al (2010),5 Newall et al(2009),36 Ignjatovic et al (2006)37 

UFH is bound to plasma proteins, whichlimits free active UFH

Alterations in plasma binding Moderate: Ignjatovic et al (2010),29 Newall et al(2008),28 Ignjatovic et al (2006),27 Ignjatovic et al (2006)37 

Endothelial release of TFPI Age-related differences in amount of TFPIrelease for same amount of UFH

Moderate: Ignjatovic et al (2006)37 

TFPI5 tissue factor pathway inhibitor. See Table 1 legend for expansion of other abbreviation.

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one assay over another or even demonstrate the valueof monitoring.5,35,50 However, given the variability ofdose requirements for UFH to achieve a target rangeobserved in neonates and children and the increasedclinical risk factors for bleeding, monitoring is thecurrent standard of care.51,52 Although there are nopublished data to support the practice, many clini-cians use anti-Xa assays in preference to the aPTT in

children aged , 1 year or for children in pediatricICUs (PICUs) because there appears to be a lack ofcorrelation between the anti-Xa and the aPTT.5,35,50 There are standard dosing nomograms for UFH inchildren (Table 3).53 

Recommendations for frequency of UFH moni-toring are extrapolated from adult practice. The prag-matics of available vascular access, need for painfulprocedures, and ability of staff to obtain samplesactually determine the monitoring schedule.3 

1.1.6 Adverse Effects: One cohort study reported

major bleeding in one in 65 (1.5%, 95% CI, 0.0%-8.3%) children treated with IV UFH for DVT/pul-monary embolism (PE).44 However, many children inthis study were treated with subtherapeutic doses ofUFH. A single-center cohort study reported a majorbleeding rate of 24% (95% CI, 11%-40%) in 38 chil-dren who received UFH therapy while in the PICU.54 

A common cause of fatal heparin-induced bleed-ing is accidental overdose, especially in neonates.The most common cause of this is drug error, with5,000 units/mL or similar concentration vials beingerroneously selected instead of 50-units/mL vials.

The different uses of heparin in neonatal populations(from line flushes to extracorporeal circuit support)usually mean that vastly different-strength heparindoses are readily available to ward staff. Althoughrarely reported in the medical literature, the numberof cases reported in the popular press appears to beincreasing.4,55-60 

There are only three case reports of pediatricUFH-induced osteoporosis.61,62 In two of these, the

at 4 to 6 h postbolus. Maintenance UFH doses were agedependent, with infants (up to 2 months old correctedfor gestational age) having the highest requirements(average, 28 units/kg per h) and children aged . 1 yearhaving lower requirements (average, 20 units/kg per h).The doses of UFH required for older children aresimilar to the weight-adjusted requirements in adults(18 units/kg per h).45 Boluses of 75 to 100 units/kg

recently have been shown to result in aPTTs that areunrecordable for . 100 min.5 This study’s implica-tions for the more generalized use of UFH bolusesin children are unknown, but the results suggest thatthe recommendations for initial therapy with a bolusshould be reexamined.5 

There are few data to support the optimal initialdoses (bolus or infusions) in neonates, especially pre-mature infants. As with all children, consideration ofthe individual risk factors for bleeding, and the per-ceived risk of the thrombosis, will require individ-ualization of the initial dosing strategy until such time

as further studies have been completed.There are few or no data to define optimal prophy-

lactic doses of UFH. Clinicians commonly use a doseof 10 units/kg per h as a continuous infusion, althoughthe efficacy of this has not been proven.46,47 

1.1.4 Pharmacokinetics:  Studies of UFH in new-borns are limited but show that the clearance is fasterthan for older children because of a larger volumeof distribution.48,49 Recent studies demonstrate thatfollowing a UFH single bolus in children, the halflife, volume of distribution, clearance, and peak serum

concentration all vary in children compared with adults.Further, the pharmacokinetics of UFH in childrenfits a first-order model and is a function of weightrather than of age.5 

1.1.5 Monitoring: There are now considerable datashowing the lack of correlation among the varietyof monitoring assays available, especially for UFH.There are no clinical outcome data that recommend

Table 3—[Section 1.1.5] Protocol for Systemic Heparin Administration and Adjustment for Pediatric Patients

I. Loading dose: heparin 75 units/kg IV over 10 minII. Initial maintenance dose: 28 units/kg per h for infants aged , 1 y; 20 units/kg per h for children aged . 1 y III. Adjust heparin to maintain aPTT of 60-85 s (assuming this reflects an anti-Xa level of 0.35-0.70):

aPTT, s Bolus, units/kg Hold, min % Rate Change Repeat aPTT

 , 50 50 0  110 4 h50-59 0 0  110 4 h60-85 0 0 0 Next day  86-95 0 0 2 10 4 h96-120 0 30  2 10 4 h . 120 0 60  2 15 4 hIV. Obtain blood for aPTT 4 h after administration of the heparin loading dose and 4 h after every change in the infusion rate

 V. When aPTT values are therapeutic, a daily CBC and aPTT

Adapted with permission.53 aPTT5activated partial thromboplastin time.

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(Grade 2C). We suggest that when initiating UFHtherapy, UFH boluses be no greater than 75 to100 units/kg and that boluses be withheld orreduced if there are significant bleeding risks(Grade 2C). We suggest avoiding long-term useof therapeutic UFH in children (Grade 2C). 

1.2 LMWH in Neonates and Children

Despite unproven efficacy, LMWHs have becomethe anticoagulant of choice in many pediatric patientsfor primary and secondary prophylaxis of TE.100 Poten-tial advantages of LMWH include reduced monitoringneed, lack of interference by other drugs or diet,reduced HIT, and probable reduced risk of osteo-porosis. However, the predictability of the anticoagu-lant effect with weight-adjusted doses appears to bereduced compared with adults,101 presumably becauseof altered plasma binding.29,102 

Throughout the guidelines in this article, weuse the term LMWH and present dosing sched-ules for a number of different LMWHs. However,most clinical data with respect to LMWH use inpediatric patients are derived from studies that usedenoxaparin.52,100,101,103-111 

1.2.1 Therapeutic Range:  Therapeutic ranges forLMWH are extrapolated from adults and based onanti-Xa levels. The guideline for therapeutic LMWHsbeing given subcutaneously bid is an anti-Xa level of0.50 to 1.0 units/mL in a sample taken 4 to 6 h follow-ing a subcutaneous injection. The majority of clinicalstudies in children have used this therapeutic range

to date, although one study reported using 0.5 to0.8 units/mL as the target therapeutic range, withgood efficacy and safety outcomes.52  The timing oftesting has varied from 2 to 6 h after dosing.52,108 Thereare no comparative studies of alternative therapeuticranges in children. For children receiving a dose oncedaily, the same target peak level (0.5-0.8 units/mL) or,alternatively, a trough level of , 0.1 units/mL hasbeen used.52,108 In children treated with continuous IVinfusions of LMWH, the same target range of 0.5 to1.0 units/mL has been used.112 The Prophylaxis ofThromboembolism in Kids Trial (PROTEKT) pro-

phylaxis trial used a target anti-Xa range of 0.1 to0.3 units/mL measured 4 to 6 h postdose.113 

1.2.2 Pharmacokinetics: A two-compartment modeldescribes enoxaparin kinetics. Body weight is themost predictive covariate for clearance and central

 volume of distribution (clearance, 15 mL/h per kg;central volume of distribution, 169 mL/kg; intercom-partmental clearance, 58 mL/h; peripheral volumeof distribution, 10 L; absorption rate, 0.414/h). Inter-individual variability was found to be 54% for clear-ance and 42% for volume of distribution.52 

patients had additional risk factors before this com-plication. These limited data, in conjunction with adultdata, would support avoidance of long-term use ofUFH in children when alternative anticoagulantsare available. This recommendation is strengthenedby the physiologic changes in bone seen in childhood,

 which potentially places children at increased risk ofosteoporosis compared with adults.63,64 

As in adults, the diagnosis of heparin-inducedthrombocytopenia (HIT) in children remains prob-lematic.65 Studies examining the frequency of HIT inchildren have varied in their reported results, likelybecause of differences in patient inclusion and labora-tory techniques.30,66-70  Rates vary from almost zero inunselected heparinized children30 to 2.3% in childrenin the PICU.68 UFH exposure in these cases rangedfrom low-dose exposure during heparin flushes usedin maintaining patency of venous access devices(VADs), to supratherapeutic doses given during cardio-pulmonary bypass and hemodialysis. Presumed HIT

currently is the most common indication for childrento receive novel anticoagulant drugs, and the outcomefor these children often is poor because of compli-cations of the novel anticoagulants.71  Danaparoid,hirudin, and argatroban are alternatives to UFH inchildren with HIT.65,72-99 

1.1.7 Treatment of Heparin-Induced Bleeding:  IfUFH needs to be discontinued for clinical reasons,termination of the infusion usually will suffice becauseof the rapid clearance of UFH. If immediate reversalis required, protamine sulfate rapidly neutralizes

UFH activity. The required dose of protamine sulfateis based on the amount of UFH received in the pre- vious 2 h (Table 4).


1.1. We suggest that therapeutic UFH in childrenis titrated to achieve a target range of anti-Xaactivity of 0.35 to 0.7 units/mL or an aPTT rangethat correlates to this anti-Xa range or to aprotamine titration range of 0.2 to 0.4 units/mL

Table 4 —[Section 1.1.7] Reversal of Heparin Therapy

Time Since LastHeparin Dose, min Protamine Dose

 , 30 1.0 mg/100 units heparin received30-60 0.5-0.75 mg/100 units heparin received60-120 0.375-0.5 mg/100 units heparin received . 120 0.25-0.375 mg/100 units heparin received

Maximum dose of 50 mg. Infusion rate of a 10 mg/mL solution shouldnot exceed 5 mg/min. Hypersensitivity reactions to protamine sulfatemay occur in patients with known hypersensitivity reactions to fish orthose previously exposed to protamine therapy or protamine-containinginsulin.

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 Table 5— [Section 1.2.3] Doses of LMWH Used in Pediatric Patients

Drug Weight Age Initial Treatment Dose Initial Prophylactic Dose

 Weight-dependent doseof reviparin

 , 5 kg na 150 u/kg/dose q12h 50 u/kg/dose q12h

. 5 kg na 100 u/kg/dose q12h 30 u/kg/dose q12h

Age-dependent dose

of enoxaparina

na  , 2 mo 1.5 mg/kg/dose q12h 0.75 mg//kg/dose q12h

na  . 2 mo 1.0 mg/kg/dose q12h 0.5 mg/kg/dose q12h

Pediatric (all ages) doseof dalteparinb

na all 129 43 u/kg/dose q24h 92 52 u/kg/dose q24h

Age-dependent doseof tinzaparin

na 0-2 mo 275 u/kg …

na 2-12 mo 250 u/kg …na 1-5 y 240 u/kg …na 5-10 y 200 u/kg …na 10-16 y 175 u/kg …

na5not applicable.a Enoxaparin has 110 anti-factor Xa units/mg.115 b Dalteparin has 100 anti-factor Xa units/mg.

uous infusion of LMWH (predominantly dalteparinand nadroparin) has also been described in chil-dren.112  Table 5 presents the doses required forprophylactic LMWH for enoxaparin, reviparin, anddalteparin.114,115,117 

1.2.4 Adverse Events: A recent review of enoxaparinin neonates (n5240 derived from eight articles, four

abstracts, and one review from 1996-2007) reportedthat minor side effects were common; major bleeding

 was recorded in 13 of 240 (5%) neonates.123 Whetherpremature infants are at increased risk is unclear. Nomajor bleeds were reported in a series of 10 prema-ture neonates.125 

A review reported that in 308 children treated withtherapeutic LMWH for venous thrombosis (fromsix studies), nine (2.9%) had major bleeding, and72 (23.4%) had minor bleeding.108 However, at leastone of these studies included neonates.100 The samereview reported that of 133 children treated with pro-

phylactic doses of LMWH for primary prevention of venous thrombosis, one (0.8%) had major bleeding,and four (3.0%) had minor bleeding.108 There are nodata addressing the frequency of osteoporosis, HIT,or other hypersensitivity reactions in children exposedto LMWH.

Treatment of LMWH-Induced Bleeding—Equi-molar concentrations of protamine sulfate neutralizeanti-IIa activity of LMWH but result in only partialneutralization of its anti-Xa activity.126  However, inanimal models, LMWH-associated bleeding is com-pletely reversed by protamine sulfate.127-130 The dose of

protamine sulfate required depends on the dose andtype of LMWH used. Repeat doses of protamine maybe required after subcutaneous LMWH. Protocolsfor reversal have been published.128 

1.2.3 Doses:  The subcutaneous doses of LMWHrequired in pediatric patients to achieve adulttherapeutic peak anti-Xa levels have been assessedfor enoxaparin, reviparin, dalteparin, and tinzaparin(Table 5).114-118 Doses have also been reported fornadroparin.119 Once-daily dosing for enoxaparin hasbeen described as well.110 (Schobess et al) Althoughthe initial doses reported in these studies most likely

attain the therapeutic range, considerable interpa-tient dose differences have been reported, suggestingthe possible need for routine monitoring of anti-Xalevels in children and neonates.51  This has beenconfirmed by recent pharmacokinetic studies ofenoxaparin.52 Initial reports suggested that neonatesrequire higher-per-kilogram doses than older chil-dren, and biologic explanations were proposed.120,121 However, recent studies of nadroparin122 and enox-aparin102 demonstrated a difference in dose require-ments across a number of different age groups inclinical cohort studies, suggesting that some of these

 variables may continue to affect drug metabolism well outside the newborn period. Whether clinicaleffectiveness will be altered by having multiple age-related initial and maintenance dose recommenda-tions is unclear.

Reviews of clinical reports of final dose require-ments for neonates have suggested that an even higherinitial dose schedule is more appropriate,123 especiallyin preterm infants.111,124,125 However, clinical trials havenot been performed to confirm the safety and effi-cacy of this approach, and it is difficult to recommendthe optimal initial dosing strategy for term and pre-

mature neonates at this time.IV dosing for enoxaparin has been reported in

one neonate: enoxaparin at 1 mg/kg every 8 h wasrequired to maintain therapeutic levels.106 Contin-

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target INR is 1.7 (range, 1.5-1.9). Therapeutic rangesfor prosthetic valves are also directly extrapolatedfrom adult data.

The capacity of plasma from children receiving VKAsto generate thrombin is delayed and decreased by25% compared with plasma from adults with similarINRs,15  suggesting that the INR therapeutic rangefor children may be lower than for adults. This hypo-

thesis is further supported by the observation thatplasma concentrations of a marker of endogenousthrombin generation, prothrombin fragment 1.2, issignificantly lower in children than in adults at similarINR values.15 

1.3.2 Dose Response: An initial dose of 0.2 mg/kg, with subsequent dose adjustments made according toan INR nomogram, was evaluated in a prospectivecohort study of children aged , 1 year to 18 years(Table 6).134 The largest cohort study (n5319) foundthat infants required an average of 0.33 mg/kg and

teenagers 0.09 mg/kg warfarin to maintain an INR of2.0 to 3.0.138 

1.3.3 Monitoring:  Monitoring oral anticoagulanttherapy in children is difficult and requires close su-pervision with frequent dose adjustments.134,138,141 

Point-of-Care Monitoring in Neonates andChildren—Studies in children comparing point-of-caremonitors to venipuncture INRs, including comparison

 with World Health Organization reference thrombo-plastins in the laboratory method, have confirmed theiraccuracy and reliability.142,143 Although not assessed in

a formalized way, the major advantages identified byfamilies included reduced trauma of venipunctures,minimal interruption of school and work, ease ofoperation, and portability.143-149 


1.2. We suggest, for neonates and childrenreceiving either once- or twice-daily therapeuticLMWH, that the drug be monitored to a targetanti-Xa activity range of 0.5 to 1.0 units/mL in asample taken 4 to 6 h after subcutaneous injec-tion or 0.5 to 0.8 units/mL in a sample taken 2 to

6 h after subcutaneous injection (Grade 2C). 

1.3 VKAs in Neonates and Children

 VKAs are problematic in newborns for severalreasons. First, the plasma levels of the vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors are physiologicallydecreased in newborns to levels that are compa-rable to those achieved in adults receiving therapeuticamounts of VKAs with target international normal-ized ratios (INRs) of 2.0 to 3.0. Second, infant formulais supplemented with vitamin K to prevent hemor-

rhagic disease of the newborn. In contrast, breastmilk has low concentrations of vitamin K, makingbreast-fed infants very sensitive to VKAs.131,132  Thelatter can be compensated for by feeding breast-fedneonates 30 to 60 mL of formula each day. Third,

 VKAs are only available in tablet form in most coun-tries. Although the tablets can be dissolved in waterfor administration to newborns, neither stability datanor critical assessment of this practice are available.Fourth, VKAs require frequent monitoring in newbornsbecause of the rapidly changing physiologic values ofthe vitamin K-dependent coagulation proteins and

frequent changes in medications and diet.133

 Finally,although there is substantial information on the useof VKAs in children aged . 3 months, there is littleefficacy or safety information specific to their usein neonates. Problems of vascular access, frequentintercurrent infections, concurrent medications, lackof liquid preparation, and poor compliance continueto make VKAs difficult to manage in older children as

 well.133  Warfarin is the most commonly used VKA in chil-

dren.134-138 Acenocoumarol is used in some Europeanand South American countries.139,140 Phenprocoumon

is the preferred VKA in some parts of Europe. Nodata about doses of these other agents have beenreported. At present, the choice of VKA often is influ-enced by previous experience and familiarity withina country or region. The remainder of this section

 will refer to warfarin unless stated otherwise.The current therapeutic INR ranges for children

are directly extrapolated from recommendations foradult patients because there are no clinical trials thathave assessed the optimal INR range for children.Thus, for most indications, the therapeutic target INRis 2.5 (range, 2.0-3.0), and the low-dose prophylactic

Table 6—[Section 1.3.2] Protocol for Oral Anticoagulation Therapy To Maintain an INR Between

 2 and 3 for Pediatric Patients

I Day 1: if the baseline INR is 1.0 to 1.3:Dose50.2 mg/kg orally 

II Loading days 2-4: if the INR is:INR Action

1.1-1.3 Repeat initial loading dose1.4-1.9 50% of initial loading dose2.0-3.0 50% of initial loading dose3.1-3.5 25% of loading dose . 3.5 Hold until INR, 3.5 then restart at

50% decreased doseIII Maintenance oral anticoagulation dose guidelines:

1.1-1.4 Increase by 20% of dose1.15-1.9 Increase by 10% of dose2.0-3.0 No change3.1-3.5 Decrease by 10% of dose

 . 3.5 Hold until INR, 3.5, then restart at20% decreased dose

Adapted with permission.53 INR5 international normalized ratio.

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 1.3.4 Adverse Effects of VKAs: Bleeding is the maincomplication of VKA therapy. The risk of seriousbleeding in children receiving VKAs for mechanicalprosthetic valves, as calculated across 13 case series,is, 3.2% per patient-year.150 In one large cohort (com-prising 391 patient-years with variable target INRranges), the major bleeding rate was 0.5% per patient-

 year.144  In a randomized trial (n5 41; target INR

range, 2.0-3.0 for 3 months), major bleeding occurredin 12.2% (95% CI, 4.1%-26.2%).151 A single-centerstudy with a nurse-coordinated anticoagulant servicereported major bleeding rates of 0.05% per patient-

 year.152 Adequate patient and family education pro-tocols have been reported to be a major factor inreducing adverse bleeding events in children on war-farin therapy.153,154 Nonhemorrhagic complicationsof VKAs, such as tracheal calcification or hair loss,have been described on rare occasions in young chil-dren.155,156 Two cohort studies described reduced bonedensity in children receiving warfarin for . 1 year.

However, these were uncontrolled studies, and therole of the underlying disorders in reducing bone den-sity remains unclear.157,158 

1.3.5 Treatment of VKA-Induced Bleeding: In thepresence of an excessively prolonged INR (usually . 8)and no significant bleeding, vitamin K may be usedto reverse the effects of excess anticoagulation. Onlylimited data are available in children, but IV vitamin Kin doses of 30 m g/kg have been used.159 Algorithmsfor cessation and reversal of warfarin vs cessationof warfarin alone have not been specifically tested

in children and are extrapolated from adult studies.In the presence of significant bleeding, immediatereversal using fresh frozen plasma (FFP) or prothrom-bin complex concentrates or recombinant factor VIIamay be required.

1.3.6 Alternative Thrombin Inhibitors: A numberof reports have documented pediatric use of arga-troban,79,81,84,86,160,161 bivalirudin,78,162  lepirudin,82,83,87,89,

93,163-165  dabigatran,166,167  danaparoid,75,77,92,96,168-175  andfondaparinux.161,176-180 Most commonly, these agentshave been used in children with HIT. Two reviewssummarized the clinical indications, doses used, moni-toring schedules, and clinical outcomes.71,181 


1.3. We suggest, for children receiving VKAs,that the drug be monitored to a target INRof 2.5 (range, 2.0-3.0), except in the settingof prosthetic cardiac valves where we suggestadherence to the adult recommendations out-lined in the article by Whitlock et al in thissupplement (Grade 2C). We suggest that INRmonitoring with point-of-care monitors be made

available where resources make this possible(Grade 2C). 

1.4 Antiplatelet Drugs in Neonates and Children

1.4.1 Background: Compared with adult controls,neonatal platelets are hyporeactive to thrombin, adeno-sine diphosphate/epinephrine, and thromboxane A2 .182,183 

This hyporeactivity of neonatal platelets is the resultof a defect intrinsic to neonatal platelets.182,183 Paradoxi-cally, the bleeding time is short in newborns becauseof increased RBC size, high hematocrit levels, andincreased levels of multimeric forms of von Wille-brand factor.184-186  The bleeding time was prolonged,relative to adults, throughout childhood in two ofthree studies.34,187,188 

Using the platelet function analyzer (PFA)-100(Dade International, Inc), cord blood samples fromterm neonates were found to have shorter closuretimes than samples from older children or adults.189-191 

The shorter closure time correlates with the higherhematocrit levels and increased von Willebrand factoractivity (measured by ristocetin cofactor assay) incord blood.190  The multiplate whole-blood aggregom-etry analyzer also demonstrates age-related differ-ences in platelet reactivity.192 A review has summarizedantiplatelet therapy in children.193 

1.5 Aspirin

1.5.1 Therapeutic Range, Dose Response, andMonitoring: Aspirin remains the most common anti-platelet agent used in pediatrics. The dose of aspirinfor optimal inhibition of platelet aggregation is notknown. Empirical doses of 1 to 5 mg/kg per day havebeen proposed.193 Pediatric doses of aspirin are notbased on studies of the effect on platelet functionin pediatric patients.194 The PFA-100 sometimes isused to monitor aspirin therapy in pediatric patients,although no data support improved patient outcomesfrom this practice.150 The VerifyNow aspirin assay(Accumetrics, Inc) is a point-of-care device that hasbeen used to monitor aspirin therapy in adults, but itsuse for monitoring aspirin in children has not beenreported.195 Neither the PFA-100 nor the VerifyNowcan be recommended for monitoring aspirin therapyin children at this time.

1.5.2 Adverse Effects: Neonates may be exposed toaspirin because of maternal ingestion (eg, treatmentof preeclampsia). Clearance of aspirin is slower inneonates, potentially placing them at risk for bleedingfor longer periods of time. However, in vitro studieshave not demonstrated an additive effect of aspirinon platelet hypofunction in newborns, and evidencelinking maternal aspirin ingestion to bleeding in new-borns is weak.196 In neonates, additive antiplatelet

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 1.7.3 Other Antiplatelet Agents: Ticlopidine, anotherthienopyridine, is given in doses of 10 mg/kg per daypo q12h (maximum, 250 mg/dose). However, no datasupport the use of this drug in children.

The clinically available glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antag-onists include IV abciximab, eptifibatide, and tiro-fiban.210  In one study, children with Kawasaki disease

 who were treated with abciximab in addition to stan-

dard therapy demonstrated greater regression incoronary aneurysm diameter at early follow-up thanpatients who received standard therapy alone.211 This study compared abciximab to historical controls,and all patients received additional anticoagulanttherapy.

Treatment of Bleeding Due to Antiplatelet Agents—Antiplatelet agents alone rarely cause serious bleed-ing in children. More frequently, antiplatelet agentsare one of several other causes of bleeding, such asan underlying coagulopathy and other antithrombotic

agents. Transfusions of platelet concentrates andthe use of products that enhance platelet adhesion(plasma products containing high concentrations of

 von Willebrand factor or d -des amino arginine vaso-pressin) may be helpful.

1.8 Thrombolysis in Neonates and Children

1.8.1 Background:  At birth, plasma concentra-tions of plasminogen are  50% of adult values(21 mg/100 mL).212-214 The decreased levels of plasmin-ogen in newborns slows the generation of plasmin215 

and reduces the thrombolytic effects of streptokinase,urokinase and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)in an in vitro fibrin clot system.34 A similar responseoccurs in children with acquired plasminogen defi-ciency. Supplementation with plasminogen increasesthe thrombolytic effect of all three agents34,216 

In pediatric patients, tPA is the agent ofchoice.34,216-220 Reasons for this preference include aprevious US Food and Drug Administration warn-ing regarding urokinase, experimental evidence ofimproved clot lysis in vitro compared with urokinaseand streptokinase, fibrin specificity, and low immu-

nogenicity.221,222 However, tPA is considerably moreexpensive than either streptokinase or urokinase, andthe increased in vitro clot lysis by tPA has not beendemonstrated in clinical trials in children. There isminimal experience with other thrombolytic agentsin children.217,219,223 A survey showed no consensus inindications for thrombolysis, dose, mode of delivery,or duration of therapy.220 

Success rates for thrombolysis in pediatric patients vary. Albisetti217 described complete resolution in64% of 413 children receiving streptokinase, uro-kinase, or tPA (53%, 43%, and 69%, respectively).

effect must be considered if concurrent indometh-acin therapy is required.

In older children, aspirin rarely causes importanthemorrhage, except in the presence of an underlyinghemostatic defect or in children also treated withanticoagulants or thrombolytic therapy. The rela-tively low doses of aspirin used as antiplatelet ther-apy, compared with the much higher doses used for

antiinflammatory therapy, seldom cause other sideeffects. For example, although aspirin is associated

 with Reye syndrome, this appears to be a dose-dependent effect of aspirin and usually is associated

 with doses . 40 mg/kg.197-202 


1.5. We suggest that when aspirin is used forantiplatelet therapy in children, it is used indoses of 1 to 5 mg/kg per day (Grade 2C). 

1.6 Dipyrimadole

Dipyridamole frequently is used as a second-lineantiplatelet agent or in combination with aspirin ther-apy. Doses of 2 to 5 mg/kg per day are common.203-205 Little in the literature is available on the use of dipyr-imadole in children.

1.7 Clopidogrel

1.7.1 Therapeutic Range, Dose Response, andMonitoring: Clopidogrel is being used with increasingfrequency in children. Initial anecdotal use reporteda dose of 1 mg/kg per day to be effective and safe.

Dosing strategies involved rounding of doses to one-quarter or one-half tablets (75-mg tablets). Regularmonitoring of liver and renal function was recom-mended. The Platelet Aggregation Inhibition on Chil-dren on Clopidogrel (PICOLO) study reported thatclopidogrel 0.20 mg/kg per day in children aged birthto 24 months with cardiac disease, 80% of whom

 were also receiving aspirin at a mean dose of 9 mg/kgper day, achieved a platelet inhibition level (as mea-sured by percent inhibition of adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation) similar to that which

 was targeted in adult studies using 75 mg/d.206 No

other studies have reported laboratory monitoringof clopidogrel in children.

1.7.2 Adverse Effects:  Clinically significant bleedingepisodes were infrequent in the PICOLO trial. Highrates of excessive skin bruising have been reported

 when clopidogrel is used in combination with aspirin,and major bleeding is reported in children receivingconcomitant warfarin therapy.207 Other studies havereported lower rates, but all studies to date havebeen small and retrospective.208 Overdose has beenreported with minimal adverse effects.209 

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 Thrombolytic agents are used in low doses torestore catheter patency. Once again, tPA is the mostcommonly used agent; however, use of urokinaseand recombinant urokinase (rUK) have also beenreported.239-248 

1.8.5 Route of Administration:  No publishedstudies have compared local to systemic thrombolytic

therapy in children.249

 At this time, there is no evi-dence to suggest an advantage of local over systemicthrombolytic therapy in children with thromboticcomplications.217 In addition, the small vessel size inchildren may increase the risk of local vessel injuryduring catheter-directed therapy. The theoreticaladvantages of catheter-directed thrombolysis includethe ability to deliver low doses of thrombolytic agentdirectly into the thrombus.219 Local therapy may beappropriate for catheter-related TE when the cath-eter is already in situ. There are more-recent smallcase series reporting catheter-directed thrombolysis

in children.225,250,251

 1.8.6 Concurrent Heparin Therapy: Manco-Johnson

et al236  described the use of systemic urokinaseinfusions together with low-dose heparin infusions(10 units/kg per h) for 48 h followed by therapeuticheparinization and warfarinization in children present-ing with a first episode of DVT. Concurrent low-doseheparin followed by therapeutic heparinization has sincebeen described in other single-center studies.224,225,229,237 Although concurrent LMWH has also been reported,237 given the bleeding risks of thrombolysis, easily revers-ible anticoagulation seems more appropriate.

1.8.7 Adverse Effects of Thrombolytic Therapy: Thrombolytic therapy has significant bleeding com-plications in children. Early literature reviews (includ-ing 255 patients) reported an incidence of bleedingrequiring treatment with packed RBCs of  20%.216 The most frequent problem was bleeding at sites ofinvasive procedures. A large single-institution studyreported bleeding in 68% of patients, with bleedingrequiring transfusion occurring in 39%.222  Prolongedduration of thrombolytic infusion was associated withincreased bleeding.

Zenz et al,238 reported bleeding requiring transfu-sion in three of 17 (18%) patients treated for between4 and 11 h and minor bleeding in another nine (54%).Another recent prospective study reported bleedingrequiring transfusion in three of 26 (11.5%) patientsand minor bleeding episodes in 11 (42%).224 In anotherreview, Zenz et al232 reported intracerebral hemor-rhage (ICH) in 14 of 929 (1.5%) patients. When sub-divided according to age, ICH was identified in twoof 468 (0.4%) children after the neonatal period, oneof 83 (1.2%; 95% CI, 0.3%-6.5%) term infants, and11 of 86 (13.8%; 95% CI, 6.6%-21.7%) preterm

Twenty-one percent of children had no response tothrombolytics. Nowak-Göttl et al,218  in a review ofthrombolysis in neonates, reported overall thrombo-lytic patency rates ranging from 39% for children

 with aortic thrombosis to 86.5% for children with car-diac diseases. The collected data suggested no differ-ence in efficacy among streptokinase, urokinase, andtPA. Differences in success rates were also reported

for thrombolysis in venous vs arterial thrombosis inchildren.224 Most studies that reported success or fail-ure of thrombolysis used thrombus resolution as anoutcome measure, with methods of detection rang-ing from clinical assessment to radiologic assessment.One series of nine patients used the presence orabsence of postthrombotic syndrome (PTS) as an out-come measure.225  The likelihood of positive reportingbias and the lack of control groups of patients whodid not receive thrombolytics make the interpreta-tion of these data very difficult.219 

1.8.2 Contraindications: Manco-Johnson et al226

 described specific contraindications for children, whichincluded prematurity (, 32 weeks gestation). How-ever, thrombolytics have been successfully given toincreasingly premature babies227-232 ; the number ofsuch patients remains small. Clinicians should, ineach case, make an individual assessment of the risk-benefit ratio of thrombolysis.219 

1.8.3 Therapeutic Range and Monitoring ofThrombolytic Agents: There is no therapeutic rangefor thrombolytic agents. The correlation betweenhemostatic variables and efficacy/safety of thrombo-lytic therapy is too weak to have useful clinical pre-dictive value.233 However, in patients with bleeding,the choice and doses of blood products can be guidedby appropriate hemostatic monitoring. The singlemost useful assay is fibrinogen level, which usuallycan be obtained rapidly and helps to determine theneed for cryoprecipitate or plasma replacement.A commonly used lower limit for fibrinogen level is1.0 g/L. The aPTT may not be helpful in the presenceof low fibrinogen levels, concurrent UFH therapy,and presence of fibrin/fibrinogen degradation prod-ucts.233 Measurement of fibrin degradation productsor D-dimers are helpful in determining whether afibrinolytic effect is present. Maintaining a plateletcount . 1003 109 during thrombolysis has also beenrecommended.226 

1.8.4 Doses: Eight case series have reported usingthrombolysis for treatment of non-CNS venous andarterial thrombosis in children with consistent regimes.

 Variable success rates are reported222,224,229,234-238  andhave been summarized recently.219 The most commondose and duration of tPA was 0.5 mg/kg per h infusedfor 6 h.222,224 

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cular damage is high. Clinicians should consider therisk-benefit ratio individually in each patient, and allpatients should be strongly considered for anticoagu-lation after the procedure.

2.0 Recommendations for Antithrombotic

Therapy in Specific Clinical Situations

 2.1 VTE in Neonates

Two prospective registries from Canada andGermany collected data on neonatal venous throm-bosis, whereas a study from The Netherlands includeddata from both neonates and older children.20-22 TheCanadian registry reported mortality according tothe site of the thrombosis; deaths were most fre-quent (33%) in patients with right atrial/superior

 vena caval involvement, but it was not clear howmany of these events were directly attributable tothrombosis.21 In the German registry, there was one

death due to right atrial/superior vena caval throm-bosis, and in the Dutch study, there were no deathsdirectly attributable to the presence of thrombosis.20,22 Morbidity following these events is very poorly char-acterized but includes the development of PTS.Specific complications such as chylothorax may alsooccur depending on the site of the thrombosis. Por-tal hypertension, which may lead to splenomegaly andgastroesophageal varices, may occur after umbilical

 venous catheter (UVC) thrombosis.274,275 Becausethe majority of sick neonates have patent foramenovale (PFO), paradoxical emboli causing stroke are

described.276 The incidence of recurrent VTE, PTS, or other

more-specific complications is unknown in treated oruntreated neonates. The following recommendationsare necessarily based on extrapolation of principlesof therapy from adult guidelines, limited clinicalinformation from registries, individual case studies,and knowledge of current common clinical practice.They incorporate the principles of use of anticoagu-lants and thrombolytics in children as described earlierin this article. Options for treatment include sup-portive care only, anticoagulant therapy with either

UFH or LMWH, thrombolytic therapy, and surgery.Important issues when considering treatment

options in this age group include the site, extent, andclinical consequences of the thrombosis and the risksof bleeding complications associated with the use ofanticoagulant or thrombolytic therapy. The latter will

 vary considerably with gestational age, birth weight,and comorbidities, such as lung disease, necrotizingenterocolitis (NEC), sepsis, and intraventricular hemor-rhage (IVH). Management should be individualized

 with appropriate consideration of the risk-benefit ratiofor each case. Given the particular risk of paradoxical

infants. However, in the largest study of prematureinfants included in this review, the incidence of ICH

 was the same in the control arm that did not receivethrombolytic therapy. A retrospective analysis of16 newborns who received tPA reported one deathfrom bleeding.234  Albisetti217  reviewed the literatureand calculated overall incidences (with any throm-bolytic agent) of minor and major hemorrhage as

22% and 15%, respectively, with the use of tPA beingassociated with incidences of 26% minor and 17%major hemorrhage.

1.8.8 Treatment of Bleeding Due to ThrombolyticTherapy: Before thrombolytic therapy is used, clini-cians should correct other concurrent hemostaticproblems, such as thrombocytopenia or vitamin Kdeficiency. Clinically mild bleeding (eg, oozing froma wound or puncture site) can be treated with localpressure and supportive care. Major bleeding maybe treated by stopping the infusion of thrombolytic

agent; administering cryoprecipitate (usual dose of1 unit/5 kg or 5-10 mL/kg), an antifibrinolytic, or both;and administering other blood products as indicated.

1.9 Vena Caval Interruption

There are case reports and series reporting the useof inferior vena cava (IVC) filters in children as youngas 6 years of age.252-257 Increasingly, temporary filtersare used so that they can be retrieved once the risk ofPE is reduced or the contraindication to anticoagula-tion has resolved. Temporary filters have been left insitu for . 140 days.258 Raffini et al259 reported an insti-tutional program that resulted in 5% of children pre-senting with DVT having IVC filters inserted withminimal adverse outcomes. Chaudry et al260 reportedthe use of filters in the internal jugular veins as well asin the IVC. There are no specific guidelines for theuse of filters in children and the risk-benefit rationeeds to be considered individually in each case. Therisks will depend in part on patient factors and in parton the institutional expertise in placing and retrievingfilters.

1.10 Surgical Therapy

Surgical thrombectomy, rarely used in children,is restricted to situations such as IVC thrombosis inassociation with intravascular extension of Wilm tumor,acute thrombosis of Blalock-Taussig shunts, life-threatening intracardiac thrombosis immediatelyafter complex cardiac surgery, prosthetic valve throm-bosis, septic thrombosis, and peripheral arterial throm-bosis secondary to vascular access in neonates.261-273 There are no specific guidelines for the use of throm-bectomy in children, but there is general consensusthat the TE recurrence rate and risk of long-term vas-

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tive of whether the infant received no therapy, UFH,or LMWH, with  70% of affected kidneys havingirreversible renal atrophy.279  Approximately 20% ofchildren had hypertension on long-term follow-up,and 3% of children developed chronic renal failure.Recurrent thrombosis rates appear low. Thrombophilicabnormalities did not predict recurrence or outcome;hence, their presence or absence are not useful in

determining initial therapy. Because the existing directevidence suggests no benefit, anticoagulant and throm-bolytic therapy remains controversial.


2.2. For unilateral RVT in the absence of renalimpairment or extension into the IVC, we sug-gest either (1) supportive care with radiologicmonitoring for extension of thrombosis (if exten-sion occurs, we suggest anticoagulation) or(2) anticoagulation with UFH/LMWH or LMWHin therapeutic doses rather than no therapy. Ifanticoagulation is used, we suggest a total dura-tion of between 6 weeks and 3 months ratherthan shorter or longer durations of therapy(Grade 2C).  For unilateral RVT that extendsinto the IVC, we suggest anticoagulation withUFH/LMWH or LMWH for a total duration ofbetween 6 weeks and 3 months (Grade 2C). 

2.3. For bilateral RVT with evidence of renalimpairment, we suggest anticoagulation withUFH/LMWH or initial thrombolytic therapy withtPA followed by anticoagulation with UFH/LMWH

(Grade 2C). 

 2.4-2.5 CVAD Prophylaxis in Neonates

In discussing anticoagulant CVAD prophylaxis, onemust consider two separate scenarios. The first is theuse of infusions or locks to keep the CVAD patent,and the second is the use of systemic anticoagulationto prevent large-vessel thrombosis.

A 2008 Cochrane review of peripherally placedcentral venous catheters in neonates confirms the

 value of UFH continuous infusion at 0.5 units/kg per h

compared with no treatment.284 This review consid-ered two eligible randomized trials,285 which included267 neonates. There was reduced risk of catheterocclusion (typical risk ratio [RR], 0.28; 95% CI,0.15-0.53; number needed to treat, 5; 95% CI, 3-8)and no difference in the duration of catheter patency;however, one study evaluated time to catheterremoval, censoring patients whose catheter wasremoved because of therapy completion or death,and identified benefit with heparin (adjusted hazardratio, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.36-0.83).285 This finding couldbe due to a higher incidence of elective removal of

emboli at the time of central venous access device(CVAD) removal in neonates with CVAD-related

 VTE,276  many clinicians advocate delay in CVADremoval until 3 to 5 days of anticoagulant therapyhave been given.

As described previously, the majority of studiesfor anticoagulation in neonates have been part oflarger studies reporting on children in general and

report use of twice-daily enoxaparin targeted to ananti-Xa range (measured 4-6 h after dose) of 0.5 to1.0 units/mL.100,101,103-111 One study reported once-daily and bid enoxaparin targeted to a range of 0.5 to0.8 units/mL measured 2 h after dose.52 The relation-ship between the target therapeutic range and theclinical outcomes is unknown in neonates.111,123-125 


2.1. We suggest that CVADs or UVCs associated with confirmed thrombosis be removed after

3 to 5 days of therapeutic anticoagulation ratherthan left in situ (Grade 2C). We suggest eitherinitial anticoagulation or supportive care withradiologic monitoring for extension of thrombo-sis rather than no follow-up (Grade 2C); however,in previously untreated patients, we recommendthe start of anticoagulation if extension occurs(Grade 2C). We suggest that anticoagulationshould be with either (1) LMWH or (2) UFHfollowed by LMWH. We suggest a total dura-tion of anticoagulation of between 6 weeks and3 months rather than shorter or longer dura-

tions (Grade 2C). If either a CVAD or a UVC isstill in place on completion of therapeutic anti-coagulation, we suggest a prophylactic dose ofanticoagulation until such time as the CVAD orUVC is removed (Grade 2C). We suggest againstthrombolytic therapy for neonatal VTE unlessmajor vessel occlusion is causing critical com-promise of organs or limbs (Grade 2C). We sug-gest if thrombolysis is required, tPA is usedrather than other lytic agents (Grade 2C), and

 we suggest plasminogen (FFP) administrationprior to commencing therapy (Grade 2C). 

 2.2-2.3 Renal Vein Thrombosis in Neonates

Renal vein thrombosis (RVT) in neonates is themost common type of spontaneous venous thrombo-sis.14,20,21,277 Approximately 25% of cases are bilateraland 52% to 60% extend into the IVC.14,278 Overall sur-

 vival now approaches 100%.278-282 Clinical sequelaein survivors include chronic renal impairment andhypertension.278-283 Lau et al279 reviewed all English-language reports of neonatal RVT from 1992 to 2006.There was no difference in renal outcomes irrespec-

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21 (14%) died after discharge.292 Autopsies in 15 chil-dren attributed death to shunt thrombosis in fiveinfants (33%) and to myocardial infarction in two(13%). The mortality of patients discharged on aspi-rin (11%) was almost identical to that of patientsdischarged on no antithrombotic therapy (12.3%).292 

 Wells et al291 described the histologic appearanceof 155 MBTSs electively taken down at a mean of

8 months of age and reported that 21% had . 50%stenosis; however, the role of thrombosis vs myofibro-blastic proliferation in causing the obstruction was unclear.

A retrospective series of 546 MBTS proceduresreported no significant differences between heparinand no heparin in early failure rate (1.4% vs 3.4%,P 5 .29), in later failure rate (9.1% vs 13.6%, P 5 .17),or between aspirin and no aspirin (11.0% vs 6.7%,P 5 .18),293 and Li et al294 reported reduced throm-bosis in a large cohort of patients treated with aspirinfor 12 months after shunt surgery. In another, muchsmaller case study, aspirin was reported to decrease

the incidence of stent thrombosis after MBTS sur-gery.295 Mullen et al296 reported the safety of MBTS

 without postoperative heparin therapy. No data sup-port the use of ongoing anticoagulant therapy (hep-arin, LMWH, or VKAs) after MBTS surgery. Nopublished RCTs guide the antithrombotic medicalmanagement of patients with MBTSs.


2.6. For neonates and children having MBTS, wesuggest intraoperative UFH therapy (Grade 2C). For neonates and children after MBTS surgery,

 we suggest either aspirin or no antithrombotictherapy as compared with prolonged LMWHor VKAs (Grade 2C). 

 2.7 Therapy for Blocked Blalock-TaussigShunts and MBTSs

Options for acute management of a thrombosedMBTSs include reoperation with shunt takedownand replacement, balloon angioplasty with or withoutpercutaneous catheter thrombectomy, or thromboly-sis.297-299  There are insufficient data to recommend

any one specific therapy over another.

 2.8 Thromboprophylaxis for Stage 1 NorwoodProcedures

Given that the standard Norwood procedureinvolves an MBTS and that the shunt size often issmall (3.0 or 3.5 mm), prophylactic antithromboticrecommendations following Norwood procedure arebased on those for MBTSs.300,301 Whether a differentstrategy is required for Sano modifications of Nor-

 wood procedure is unknown.302 

catheters in neonates at the completion of therapyin the heparin group (63% vs 42%; P 5 .002).285 Theother study detected no statistically significant differ-ences between heparin and placebo when evaluatingtime to blockage (P 5 .3) and time to sepsis (P 5 .1)separately.286  No statistically significant differences

 were observed in the risk of thrombosis (RR, 0.93;95% CI, 0.58-1.51), catheter-related sepsis (RR, 1.96;

95% CI, 0.50-7.60), or new appearance or extensionof IVH (RR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.25-3.03).284 A subse-quent randomized controlled trial (RCT) demon-strated reduced infection with 0.5 units/mL heparinthrough a neonatal long line compared with no hep-arin (RR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.32-0.98; number needed totreat, 9; 95% CI, 5-212).287 

The local administration of thrombolytics is effec-tive in restoring patency to blocked vascular catheters.Both tPA and urokinase have been shown to restorepatency in 50% to 90% of CVADs; tPA has beenincreasingly used relative to urokinase in children

during the past decade in doses ranging from 0.1 to2 mg. Studies have included few neonates.239-248 

There are no published studies comparing the useof intermittent local thrombolysis as primary prophy-laxis for CVAD patency. There are no studies thatconsider the use of systemic heparin or LMWH asprimary prophylaxis for CVADs in neonates as dis-tinct from older children.


2.4. For neonates with CVADs, we recommendto maintain CVAD patency with UFH continuousinfusion at 0.5 units/kg per h over no prophy-laxis (Grade 1A) or intermittent local throm-bolysis (Grade 2C). For neonates with blockedCVADs, we suggest local thrombolysis afterappropriate clinical assessment (Grade 2C). 

 2.6 Thromboprophylaxis for Blalock-TaussigShunts and Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunts

Blalock-Taussig shunts (subclavian-to-pulmonaryartery shunt) are a form of palliative surgery usedto enhance pulmonary artery blood flow. Modified

Blalock-Taussig shunts (MBTSs), in which a plastic(Gortex; W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc) tube graft istaken from the side of the subclavian artery and anas-tomosed to the pulmonary artery, are now standardtherapy.288 Thrombotic occlusion of MBTS has anincidence of 1% to 17%. Smaller shunt size, smallerinfant size, and increased perioperative hemoglobinlevel are risk factors for occlusion of MBTS within24 h.289-291 

Postdischarge occlusion is also reported.290,292 In astudy of 146 infants aged  60 days who underwentMBTS and were discharged from the hospital alive,

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  2.11 Prophylaxis for Peripheral ArterialCatheters in Neonates and Children

The majority of studies in this area have examinedinterventions to prolong catheter patency as dis-tinct from avoiding occlusive arterial thrombosis.323-326 Studies in pediatric intensive care have not separatedchildren from neonates. Catheter patency was signif-icantly prolonged for UFH concentration of 5 units/mLcompared with 1 unit/mL,323 UFH with normal saline

 vs dextrose flushes,324 and papaverine-supplementedcompared with placebo-supplemented solutions326 (Table 7).


2.11. For neonates and children with peripheralarterial catheters in situ, we recommend UFHcontinuous infusion at 0.5 units/mL at 1 mL/hcompared with normal saline (Grade 1A). 

 2.12 Therapy for Peripheral ArteryThrombosis Secondary to Peripheral ArteryCatheters in Neonates and Children

Peripheral artery thrombosis in neonates and chil-dren is almost always due to arterial puncture or cathe-ters.327 Tarry et al328 identified 44 cases of peripheralarterial TEs secondary to catheterizations or arterialpunctures in children with nephrotic syndrome.Friedman et al309 reported the use of microvascularsurgery in a heterogeneous group of neonates with

 vascular injury. Albisetti et al329  reported 54 arterialthromboses in 51 children of whom 96% had periph-

eral artery thrombosis. One case series of predom-inantly neonates proposed an algorithm to assist indetermining the role of surgery vs thrombolysis andanticoagulation.263 


2.12. For neonates and children with a periph-eral arterial catheter-related TE, we suggestimmediate removal of the catheter (Grade 2B).For neonates and children with a symptomaticperipheral arterial catheter-related TE, we

suggest UFH anticoagulation with or withoutthrombolysis or surgical thrombectomy and micro-vascular repair with subsequent heparin ther-apy (Grade 2C). 

 2.13-2.14 Prophylaxis of Umbilical ArterialCatheters in Neonates

The incidence of symptomatic thrombosis of umbil-ical arterial catheters (UACs) is 1% to 3%,330-332 withstudies using sequential imaging and autopsy datareporting a higher incidence.333,334 Factors increasing

 2.9-2.10 Therapy for Femoral Artery Thrombosis in Neonates and Children

Femoral artery thrombosis is most commonly seenas a complication of cardiac catheterization (CC).Few studies have considered neonates and childrenseparately. Short-term consequences of femoral arterythrombosis include threatened limb viability and mor-bidity associated with anticoagulant or thrombolytictherapy. Long-term consequences of femoral arterythrombosis include leg-length discrepancies, muscle

 wasting, claudication, and loss of arterial access.303-306 Symptomatic ischemia may occur at times when thechild experiences rapid growth, as occurs in the first

 year of life and during puberty.305 Descriptions of treatment of femoral artery throm-

bosis in neonates or older children with thrombolytictherapy, anticoagulation, thrombectomy or observa-tion (no active therapy) consist exclusively of caseseries without comparison groups.238,307-322  The gen-eral practice in the majority of children’s hospitals isto initiate therapy with UFH for patients with post-cardiac catheter femoral artery thrombosis. Previousstudies have reported that  70% of thromboses willresolve with UFH alone.238 A recent report suggestedthat LMWH may be a safe alternative in this situa-tion, although the possible need for thrombolysisor surgery makes LMWH a less attractive option.103 If, 4 h have passed since the CC-related UFH bolus

 was given, then UFH may be commenced as a contin-uous infusion without a bolus. In acute limb-threateningthrombosis, indirect evidence from adults supportsthe use of thrombolytic or surgical interventions.


2.9. For neonates and children with acute femoralartery thrombosis, we recommend therapeuticdoses of IV UFH as initial therapy compared

 with aspirin or no therapy (Grade 1B) or LMWH(Grade 2C). We suggest subsequent conversionto LMWH, or else continuation of UFH, to com-plete 5 to 7 days of therapeutic anticoagulationas compared with a shorter or longer duration(Grade 2C). 

2.10. For neonates and children with limb-threatening or organ-threatening (via proximalextension) femoral artery thrombosis who failto respond to initial UFH therapy and who haveno known contraindications, we recommendthrombolysis (Grade 1C). For neonates and chil-dren with femoral artery thrombosis, we recom-mend surgical intervention compared with UFHtherapy alone when there is a contraindication tothrombolytic therapy and organ or limb death isimminent (Grade 1C). 

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risk include longer catheter duration333 and the posi-tioning of the UAC tip, which are routinely describedas high or low. The high position is at the level of theT6 to T9 thoracic vertebral bodies. In this position,the catheter tip is placed above the celiac axis,superior mesenteric artery, and renal arteries and is,therefore, above the diaphragm. The low position isat the level of the L3 to L4 lumbar vertebral bodies,

and the position is therefore below these major ves-sels but above the aortic bifurcation. Barrington285 conducted a systematic review of five RCTs andone alternate-assignment trial comparing outcomesof clinical ischemic events, aortic thrombosis, IVH,mortality, NEC, hypertension, and hematuria. Clin-ical ischemic events (RR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.44-0.63;consistent across five studies included) and aorticthrombosis (RR, 0.31; 95% CI, 0.11-0.86; one study

 with 62 infants) were less likely with high vs lowUAC placement; other outcomes were not signifi-cantly different between high and low placement.285 

The short-term consequences of UAC-related throm-bosis depend on the extent of the thrombosis butinclude lower-limb ischemia,330,332,335 congestive car-diac failure, impaired renal function, and hyperten-sion.336 Embolic events are also reported, and UACthrombosis has been linked to the development ofNEC.337,338  Longer-term outcomes include death,339 persistent renovascular hypertension, and lower-limbgrowth abnormalities.340 

Six RCTs addressed the use of low-dose heparininfusions in neonates with UACs,341-346 which was thesubject of a systematic review by Barrington.347 Five

studies compared the use of UFH in the UAC infusate with or without additional UFH in flush solutions vs no UFH, whereas one compared the use of UFHin the infusate vs UFH in the flush solution. Endpoints assessed in these studies included catheterpatency, aortic occlusion, other ischemic events, coagu-lation abnormalities, IVH, and hypertension. Twostudies used objective imaging to assess the incidenceof thrombosis.344,345 A reduced incidence of catheterocclusion was consistent in the studies (four used UFH1 unit/mL, and one used UFH 0.25 units/mL341 ), witha pooled relative risk of 0.19 (95% CI, 0.10-0.33).

Despite the consistent reduction in catheter occlu-sion, none of these studies were able to demonstratethat UFH had any effect on aortic thrombosis orother ischemic events. There was also no significantdifference in the incidence of IVH.

McDonald et al348 reported the use of full systemicUFH vs low-dose UFH in an RCT that included only19 infants. Although there was a trend toward areduced incidence of aortic thrombosis, this did notachieve statistical significance, and data on the inci-dence of IVH and other coagulation abnormalities

 were not reported.

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is 40%,373,374 with younger children (ie, aged , 10 years)having an increased incidence compared with olderchildren.373,374 Patient size, patient hemodynamic status,operator technique, larger catheter size, total timeof arterial cannulation, and procedural vs diagnosticcatheters are all factors that affect the risk for arterialthrombosis.313 

Taylor et al306 described 58 children aged , 5 years

at the time of catheterization and who were evaluated5 to 14 years later using arterial duplex scanningand lower-extremity radiographs of bone length.Arterial occlusion was present in 33% of patients.Celermajer et al303  reported that . 30% of previouslycatheterized children and adolescents presented with

 vascular access problems at subsequent catheteriza-tions because of an occluded vessel, a stenosed vessel,or scar tissue.

Five prospective trials examined the value of pro-phylaxis to prevent femoral artery thrombosis.373-377 Freed et al373  demonstrated that prophylactic anti-

coagulation therapy with aspirin does not significantlyreduce the incidence of femoral artery thrombosis.Anticoagulation therapy with 100 to 150 units/kg UFHreduces the incidence from 40% to 8%. A random-ized trial of 366 children suggested that a 50-unit/kgbolus of heparin may be as effective as a 100 units/kg

 when given immediately after arterial puncture(9.8% vs 9.3% incidence of arterial thromoboses);however, the CIs around the estimate are wide(0.6%; 95% CI, 2 5.5%-6.6%).377 


2.16. For neonates and children requiring CCvia an artery, we recommend administrationof IV UFH as thromboprophylaxis over no pro-phylaxis (Grade 1A) or aspirin (Grade 1B). Forneonates and children requiring CC via anartery, we recommend the use of UFH dosesof 100 units/kg as a bolus compared with a50-unit/kg bolus (Grade 1B). In prolonged pro-cedures, we suggest further doses of UFH ratherthan no further therapy (Grade 2B). 

 2.17 Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis in Neonates

The incidence of cerebral sinovenous thrombosis(CSVT) in neonates is at least 2.6 per 100,000.378 Premature and term neonates are affected,379 andCSVT can occur antenatally.380 Seizures and lethargyare frequent, and focal neurologic deficits rare.381,382 

 Venous infarcts are present in . 50%, of which themajority are hemorrhagic.383,384  IVH is also fre-quent. Among term neonates with IVH, underlyingCSVT is documented in nearly one-third (31%) andis more likely when thalamic hemorrhage is present(P 5 .03).385 

The association between the use of UFH and theoccurrence of IVH in preterm neonates remainscontroversial. In the review by Barrington,347  noassociation between heparin exposure and IVH wasidentified. However, five of six studies in this reviewincluded infants of various gestational ages, some of

 whom may have been at relatively low risk for IVH,contrasting with other published data.349,350 Lesko et al349 

reported a fourfold increase in IVH in low-birth- weight infants in a case control study; however, theCIs were relatively wide (OR, 3.9; 95% CI, 1.4-11.0).In addition, the median birth weight was lower inthe UFH group, which also had a higher incidenceof concomitant illnesses. Malloy and Cutter,350  alsoreported higher UFH exposure in low-birth-weightinfants with IVH. Again, confounding factors relatedto the severity of illness were not included in themodel used for analysis.


2.13. For neonates with UACs, we suggest UACplacement in a high rather than low position(Grade 2B). 

2.14. For neonates with UACs, we suggest pro-phylaxis with a low-dose UFH infusion via theUAC (heparin concentration of 0.25-1 unit/mL,total heparin dose of 25-200 units/kg per day) tomaintain patency (Grade 2A). 

 2.15 Treatment of Aortic Thrombosis

Non-UAC-associated or spontaneous aortic throm-bosis is a rare event.351-361  Many published cases haveevidence of extensive thrombosis involving either theabdominal or the thoracic aorta, the later sometimesmimicking coarctation at presentation.362 The out-come of these events is variable, but overall mortalityappears to be relatively high.

A review summarized the management of aorticthrombosis.363 Therapeutic options include heparinor LMWH, thrombolytic therapy, and surgical thrombectomy.310,335,336,352,358,361,362,364-371  There are insufficientdata to recommend any one treatment over others.

 2.16 Prophylaxis for Cardiac Catheterization in Neonates and Children

The femoral artery is the most common accesssite for CC in neonates and children, althoughradial access has been reported in older children.372 Although a number of studies have analyzed infants(aged , 1 year) compared with older children, theavailable data do not allow separate consideration ofneonates from children.

The incidence of femoral artery thrombosis inthe absence of any thromboprophylaxis after CC

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thrombosis at 5 to 7 days and anticoagulation ifthrombus extension is noted as compared withno therapy (Grade 2C). 

 2.18-2.20 Arterial Ischemic Stroke in Neonates

The diagnosis of neonatal arterial ischemic stroke(AIS) is very challenging because the clinical presen-tation is nonspecific, and routine imaging studies may

miss AIS in neonates.396  MRI with diffusion-weightedimaging usually is diagnostic for AIS.397,398 

The incidence of acute neonatal AIS is one in4,000 live births.399 A form of perinatal stroke withdelayed diagnosis has been referred to as presumedperinatal AIS.400,401 Such infants are neurologicallynormal in the first month of life, demonstrate earlyhand preference or other signs of hemiparesis typi-cally between 4 and 12 months of age, and have aCT scan showing a remote lesion consistent with pre-natal or perinatal AIS. A variety of risk factors havebeen described for term and preterm neonates.402-406 

In term infants with AIS, the typical distribution isthe middle cerebral artery, more commonly left thanright, and small artery infarcts can occur. Hemorrhagicconversion is well recognized.

Neurologic deficits or epilepsy occur in 50% to75% of survivors; sensorimotor deficits and feedingproblems are most common.400,407,408 Outcomes may be

 worse in preterm neonates.409 Long-term follow-up iscritical because later deficits with brain maturationoften emerge.410 Radiographic features may predictoutcomes.411,412 Recurrent stroke is very rare after AISin the neonatal period.413-415 


2.18. For neonates with a first AIS in the absenceof a documented ongoing cardioembolic source,

 we suggest supportive care over anticoagula-tion or aspirin therapy (Grade 2C). 

2.19. For neonates with a first AIS and a docu-mented cardioembolic source, we suggest anti-coagulation with UFH or LMWH (Grade 2C). 

2.20. For neonates with recurrent AIS, we sug-gest anticoagulant or aspirin therapy (Grade 2C). 

 2.21 Neonates With Purpura Fulminans

Purpura fulminans is an acute, lethal syndrome ofdisseminated intravascular coagulation characterizedby rapidly progressive hemorrhagic necrosis of theskin due to dermal vascular thrombosis.416-419 The skinlesions start as small, ecchymotic areas that increasein a radial fashion, become purplish black with bullae,and then turn necrotic and gangrenous. The lesions

Reported outcomes after neonatal CSVT includedeath in 7% to 19% and neurologic impairments in36% to 79% of survivors.383,384,386 Adverse neurologicoutcomes include cognitive and motor deficits and in20% to 40%, epilepsy.387 The presence of infarcts atdiagnosis and perinatal complications predict worseoutcome.388,389 

Although overt, recurrent CSVT is rare in neo-

nates, propagation of the initial thrombus after diag-nosis of CSVT is a concern. A cohort study reportedasymptomatic propagation in the first week afterdiagnosis in 11 of 44 (25%) neonates treated withoutanticoagulation.390 

There are no RCTs391 ; however, data on thesafety of anticoagulation in neonates with CSVT areavailable.378,383,384,392 There are significant geographicdifferences in physician decisions to treat neonates

 with CSVT with anticoagulants, with European andCanadian physicians much more likely to treat thanUS physicians.392  In a consecutive cohort treatment

safety study using standardized protocols for anti-coagulation of neonatal CSVT, bleeding occurred inthree of 37 (8%) treated neonates but was not fatalin any.390 A subsequent report from the same authorsreported nonfatal ICH in 14% of neonates with pre-treatment ICH and only 2% in those without pre-treatment ICH.393 The most common anticoagulantused is LMWH.386, 392,394 LMWH has been reported tobe safe even in the presence of significant thalamichemorrhage.395 

The optimal dose and duration of anticoagulant treat-ment is not known. However, neonates recanalize

faster than older children, and the rate of recanaliza-tion is greatest in the first 3 months after diagnosis.About 50% of neonates have fully recanalized by6 weeks to 3 months after diagnosis, and recanaliza-tion is observed in 65% by 6 months and 75% by1 year.390 Therefore, one approach is to assess forrecanalization at 6 weeks and if complete, to stopanticoagulants, or if incomplete, to continue for anadditional 6 weeks (3 months anticoagulation) andthen stop. Early neurosurgical intervention may benecessary for even mild ventriculomegaly due toobstructive hydrocephalus.


2.17. For neonates with CSVT without sig-nificant ICH, we suggest anticoagulation, ini-tially with UFH or LMWH and subsequently

 with LMWH, for a total therapy duration between6 weeks and 3 months rather than shorter orlonger treatment duration (Grade 2C). For neo-nates with CSVT with significant hemorrhage,

 we suggest either (1) anticoagulation or (2) sup-portive care with radiologic monitoring of the

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of FFP every 12 h or protein C concentrate, when available, at 20 to 60 units/kg until theclinical lesions resolve (Grade 1A). For neo-nates with homozygous protein C deficiency,after initial stabilization, we recommend long-term treatment with VKA (Grade 1C), LMWH(Grade 1C), protein C replacement (Grade 1B),or liver transplantation (Grade 1C) compared

 with no therapy. 

 2.22 DVT and PE in Children

Unlike adults, 95% of VTEs in children are sec-ondary to an identifiable risk factor.13,22,151, 441-443 Themost common risk factor is the presence of aCVAD.13,22,441,444-447  When spontaneous thrombosisoccurs in children, it is usually in the lower limbs.17 Recurrent VTEs occur in 7.5% of children.13,17,22,441 

Prospective studies reveal that asymptomatic cen-tral venous line-related thrombosis occur frequently inchildren.113,445,448 Radiographically confirmed asymp-tomatic CVAD-related thromboses in children areof clinical importance for a number of reasons.First, CVAD-related VTEs are associated with CVAD-related sepsis.447 Second, CVAD-related thrombosisis a common source for PE in children,17,449,450 whichmay be fatal.446 Third, recurrent CVAD-related clotmay result in loss of venous access that may benecessary for life-saving intervention such as organtransplantation.17,22,451  Finally, many children have per-sistent right-to-left intracardiac shunts through whichparadoxical embolism may occur.17,446 

PTS occurs in 12% to 65% of children following venous thrombosis.451,452 Although treatment studieshave included this as an outcome measure, delayin initial treatment and recurrent thrombosis arereported risk factors.452 

There has been one multicenter randomizedtrial of anticoagulation for VTE in children.151 TheREVIVE (Reviparin in Venous Thromboembolism)trial randomized children (aged . 3 months) with afirst VTE to receive either UFH and then VKAs (tar-get INR, 2.5) for 3 months or an LMWH (reviparin)adjusted to achieve a target anti-Xa level of 0.5 to1.0 units/mL for 3 months. The study was closed earlybecause of slow recruitment prior to completion oftarget recruitment. As a result, the study failed todemonstrate or exclude a reduction or increase inrecurrence (OR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.05-4.00) or bleeding(OR, 0.41; 95% CI, 0.04-2.76).

Table S1 summarizes the other studies evalu-ating treatment of venous thrombosis in children(see “Acknowledgments” for more information onaccessing this supplemental table). Many of the rec-ommendations rely on indirect evidence for treatmentof DVT and PE in adults.

occur mainly on the extremities but can occur on thebuttocks, abdomen, scrotum, and scalp.

The syndrome is due to homozygote protein C (mostcommonly) or protein S deficiency or compound het-erozygous states with undetectable plasma levels ofthe respective protein.420-434 Rarely have other causesbeen described.435 The classic clinical presentationconsists of cerebral or ophthalmic damage (or both)

that occurred in utero. In up to 70% of cases, purpurafulminans occurs within hours or days of birth, and,on rare occasions, large-vessel thrombosis occurs.The diagnosis is based on the appropriate clinical pic-ture; a very-low or undetectable protein C/protein Slevel; heterozygous deficiency of the same protein inthe parents; and, ideally, identification of the molec-ular defect. The presence of very-low levels of proteinC/protein S in the absence of clinical manifestationsand of a family history cannot be considered diagnos-tic because physiologic plasma levels can be as low as0.12 units/mL.

Although clinicians have used numerous forms ofinitial therapy, 10 to 20 mL/kg of FFP every 6 to 12 his usually the form of therapy that is most readilyavailable.436,437 Plasma levels of protein C achieved

 with these doses of FFP vary from 15% to 32% at30 min after the infusion and from 4% to 10% at12 h.426 Plasma levels of protein S (which is entirelybound to C4b) are 23% at 2 h and 14% at 24 h, withan approximate half-life of 36 h.438,439 Doses of proteinC concentrate have ranged from 20 to 60 units/kg.In one study, a dose of 60 units/kg resulted in peakprotein C levels of . 0.60 units/mL.426 Replacement

therapy should be continued until all the clinicallesions resolve, which is usually at 6 to 8 weeks. Inaddition to the clinical course, plasma D-dimer con-centrations may be useful for monitoring the effec-tiveness of protein C replacement.

The modalities used for the long-term manage-ment of infants with homozygous protein C/protein Sdeficiency include oral anticoagulation therapy, replace-ment therapy with either FFP or protein C concen-trate, and liver transplantation.419,437,440 To avoid skinnecrosis when oral anticoagulation therapy is initiated,replacement therapy should be continued until the

INR is therapeutic. The optimal therapeutic range isunknown; ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 have been reported.The risks of oral anticoagulation therapy include bleed-ing with high INRs and recurrent purpuric lesions

 with low INRs. Frequent monitoring of INR valuesis required if these complications are to be avoided.


2.21. For neonates with clinical presentationsof homozygous protein C deficiency, we recom-mend administration of either 10 to 20 mL/kg

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rather than no anticoagulation prior to removal(Grade 2C). If CVAD access is required, andthe CVAD is still functioning, we suggest thatthe CVAD remain in situ and the patient begiven anticoagulants (Grade 2C). For children

 with a first CVAD-related VTE, we suggest ini-tial management as for secondary VTE as pre-viously described. 

2.22.7. In children with CVAD in place who havea VTE and in whom the CVAD remains necessary,

 we suggest after the initial 3 months of therapy,that prophylactic doses of VKAs (INR range,1.5-1.9) or LMWH (anti-Xa level range, 0.1-0.3 units/mL) be given until the CVAD is removed(Grade 2C). If recurrent thrombosis occurs whilethe patient is receiving prophylactic therapy,

 we suggest continuing therapeutic doses untilthe CVAD is removed and for a minimum of3 months following the VTE (Grade 2C). 

 2.23 Thrombolysis in Pediatric Patients With DVT

A number of case series have described throm-bolysis for DVT in children.222,226,235-238, 329,453-460 A ret-rospective cohort found improved outcomes withrespect to PTS when children received thrombolysisrather than anticoagulation alone.461 Thrombolysishas been given systemically as catheter-directeddoses, alone, and in combination with mechanicalthrombolysis.250,461-464 A number of reviews have sum-marized the experience of catheter-directed andsystemic thrombolysis for DVT in children.219,465,466 

The risk-benefit ratio in terms of improved thrombosisoutcome vs bleeding risk remains uncertain, as doesthe optimal dose and delivery technique. On the basisof adult data, the use of thrombolysis may be bestrestricted to limb- or life-threatening thrombosis.467 


2.23. In children with VTE, we suggest thatthrombolysis therapy be used only for life- orlimb-threatening thrombosis (Grade 2C). If throm-bolysis is used in the presence of physiologically

low levels or pathologic deficiencies of plas-minogen, we suggest supplementation with plas-minogen (Grade 2C). In children with VTE in

 whom thrombolysis is used, we suggest systemicthrombolysis or catheter-directed thrombolysisdepending on institutional experience and, inthe latter case, technical feasibility. 

 2.24 Thrombectomy and IVC Filter Use in Pediatric Patients With DVT

Case reports and small case series in childrenreport the use of thrombectomy for massive VTE or


2.22.1. In children with first VTE (CVAD andnon-CVAD related), we recommend acute anti-coagulant therapy with either UFH or LMWH(Grade 1B). We recommend initial treatment

 with UFH or LMWH for at least 5 days (Grade 1B).For ongoing therapy, we suggest LMWH or

UFH. For patients in whom clinicians will sub-sequently prescribe VKAs, we recommendbeginning oral therapy as early as day 1 and dis-continuing UFH/LMWH on day 6 or later thanday 6 if the INR has not exceeded 2.0 compared

 with no therapy (Grade 1B). 

2.22.2. We suggest that children with idiopathic VTE receive anticoagulant therapy for 6 to12 months compared with no therapy (Grade 2C). 

Underlying values and preferences: Families whoplace a high value on avoiding the unknown risk ofrecurrence in the absence of an ongoing risk factorand a lower value on avoiding the inconvenience oftherapy or potential impact of therapy on growth anddevelopment and bleeding risk associated with anti-thrombotic therapy are likely to choose to continueanticoagulant therapy beyond 6 to 12 months.

2.22.3. In children with secondary VTE (ie, VTEthat has occurred in association with a clinicalrisk factor) in whom the risk factor has resolved,

 we suggest anticoagulant therapy be adminis-tered for 3 months  (Grade 2C) as compared

 with no further therapy. In children who haveongoing, but potentially reversible risk factors,such as active nephrotic syndrome or ongoingasparaginase therapy, we suggest continuing anti-coagulant therapy beyond 3 months in eithertherapeutic or prophylactic doses until the riskfactor has resolved (Grade 2C). 

2.22.4. In children with recurrent idiopathic VTE, we recommend indefinite treatment with VKAs (Grade 1A). 

2.22.5. In children with recurrent secondary VTEs with an existing reversible risk factor forthrombosis, we suggest anticoagulation untilresolution of the precipitating factor but for aminimum of 3 months as compared with no fur-ther therapy (Grade 2C). 

2.22.6. In children with a CVAD in place whohave a VTE, if a CVAD is no longer required, oris nonfunctioning, we recommend it be removed(Grade 1B). We suggest at least 3 to 5 days ofanticoagulation therapy prior to its removal

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 The rates of thrombosis in childhood cancer are muchlower than in adults.480-487 Furthermore, many child-hood cancers have high cure rates, so active cancer maynot be an ongoing factor once treatment is under way.Finally, therapy for childhood cancer is often intenseand associated with significant thrombocytopenia,increasing the bleeding risks of anticoagulant therapy.488 Thus, children with cancer and VTE may not benefit

from antithrombotic therapy beyond 3 months, pro- viding that other risk factors have resolved.489 

There is only one case report of a pediatric patient with cancer developing thrombosis before the diag-nosis of cancer.490 This suggests that other risks factorsplay a significant role in the development of VTE inthis population. For example, the risk of VTE in chil-dren with cancer varies considerably with the chemo-therapeutic protocol being used.487,491 The presenceof CVADs also appears to greatly increase the rate ofthrombosis.486,487,491 Further, specific host factors maybe important.492 Thus, although the optimal duration

of therapy is unknown, the control of reversible riskfactors seems to be associated with a considerablereduction in risk of thrombosis recurrence and, there-fore, important to consider in determining the dura-tion of therapy. However, there remains little directevidence to support recommendations.487,493 


2.25. In children with cancer, we suggest thatmanagement of VTE follow the general recom-mendations for management of VTE in children.

 We suggest the use of LMWH in the treatmentof VTE for a minimum of 3 months until the pre-cipitating factor has resolved (eg, use of aspar-aginase) (Grade 2C). 

Remarks: The presence of cancer, the need for sur-gery, chemotherapy, or other treatments may modifythe risk-benefit ratio for treatment of VTE, and clini-cians should consider these factors on an individualbasis.

 2.26 Children With Antiphospholipid Antibodies and DVT

Antiphospholipid antibodies (APLAs) are associated with an increased risk of thrombosis in children,494-496 although whether this risk is similar to that of adultsremains uncertain.497-499 There is no direct evidence toguide the optimal therapy for DVT in children withAPLAs or to support or refute the role of primaryprophylaxis.


2.26. For children with VTE in the settingof APLAs, we suggest management as per

PE468-471 or for life-threatening thrombosis (Fontancircuit).270,311,314,319,469,471,472   Recent reviews have alsodescribed both open and percutaneous methods ofthrombectomy.465,466 Thrombectomy may be an appro-priate first-line therapy in children postcardiac sur-gery who have significant thrombus in the surgicalfield, especially if a shunt is acutely compromised.

Reports of successful and failed IVC filters in

children have been published.253,254,256-258,260,469,473-476 Raffini et al reported,259  in a prospective cohort study,that 5% of children with DVT required IVC filters.The filter usually is placed through the femoral or

 jugular approach and may remain in situ for life ormay be temporary. Removable filters are preferable,and they may remain in situ for up to 5 months.258 

 Vena cava filter placement is restricted to children who weigh. 10 kg because of the size of the IVC andthe available filters. In addition, the availability ofa skilled pediatric interventional radiologist withexperience in this field will be a major determinant

of the risk-benefit ratio in individual patients. Thecomplications of filter placement include extensionof preexisting thrombosis up to the level of the filter,thrombus formation within the filter basket, and per-foration of the IVC.477-479 


2.24. In children with life-threatening VTE, we suggest thrombectomy (Grade 2C). In chil-dren who have had a thrombectomy, we suggestanticoagulant therapy as per recommenda-tion (Recommendations 2.22) (Grade 2C). In chil-dren . 10 kg body weight with lower-extremity

 VTE and a contraindication to anticoagulation, we suggest placement of a retrievable IVC filter(Grade 2C). In children who receive a filter, wesuggest that the filter be removed as soon aspossible if thrombosis is not present in the bas-ket of the filter and when contraindication toanticoagulation is resolved (Grade 2C). In chil-dren who receive an IVC filter, we recommendappropriate anticoagulation for VTE (see Rec-ommendation 1.2) as soon as the contraindica-tion to anticoagulation is resolved (Grade 1C). 

 2.25 DVT in Children With Cancer

One RCT (the REVIVE study) compared LMWHand UFH/warfarin in the treatment of DVT in 78 chil-dren, but only 30% were cancer patients.151  TheCIs were consistent with substantial benefit andsubstantial detriment. LMWH is the preferred anti-coagulant in many pediatric cancer patients becauseof the ease of maintaining the anticoagulation therapyaround the usual frequent procedures, such as lumbarpunctures.480 

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anticoagulation as per other “spontaneous” VTE(Recommendations 2.22) and consideration ofsubsequent percutaneous or surgical interven-tions depending on patient factors and institu-tional experience. For children with recurrent

 VTE secondary to structural venous abnormal-ities, we suggest indefinite anticoagulation unlesssuccessful percutaneous or surgical interventions

can be performed (Grade 2C). 

 2.29 Children With Right Atrial Thrombosis

Right atrial and intracardiac thromboses are mostcommonly diagnosed in children who have CVADsextending into the right atrium.273,520 The epidemi-ology and risk associated with right atrial thrombosisappears to be different in children compared withadults.273 The natural history appears to be resolutionirrespective of therapy, and many children are asymp-tomatic. Risk stratification based on clot size and

mobility appears to be useful.273,520

 For low-risk patients with a clot, 2 cm in size, nonmobile, and attached tothe atrial wall, not pedunculated or snake shaped,then removal of the CVAD with or without anticoag-ulation appears appropriate. For high-risk thrombo-sis cases, systemic anticoagulation should be offered.Thrombolysis or percutaneous or surgical thrombec-tomy have considerable risks and should be consid-ered on an individualized basis.273 


2.29. For children with right atrial thrombosis

related to CVAD, we suggest removal of theCVAD with or without anticoagulation depend-ing on the individual risk factors compared withleaving the CVAD in situ (Grade 2C). For children

 with large (. 2 cm), mobile, right atrial thrombo-sis, we suggest anticoagulation with appropriatelytimed CVAD removal and consideration of sur-gical intervention or thrombolysis based on indi-vidualized risk-benefit assessment compared

 with no anticoagulation therapy (Grade 2C). 

 2.30-2.34 Children With CVADs

Loss of CVAD patency most often is due to intralu-minal occlusion with either thrombus or chemicaldeposition, although it may be secondary to large-

 vessel thrombosis involving the vein in which theCVAD is situated. CVAD patency is necessary fortherapy to be effectively given through the CVAD.Blocked CVADs may be at increased risk of infectionand lead to increased anesthetic and surgical exposure

 when they require replacement. Primary prophylaxisto maintain patency has usually considered inter-mittent CVAD heparin or saline flushes, continuous

general recommendations for VTE managementin children. 

 2.27 Children With DVT and PositiveInherited Thrombophilia Testing

The impact of a variety of inherited thrombophiliamarkers on the risk of recurrence for pediatric venousthrombosis has long been debated and was the subjectof a meta-analysis500 and review article.501 The litera-ture on which these reviews were based were cohortand case-control studies as well as case series, and thereremain many questions about the optimal testing strat-egy and the impact of results on therapeutic decisions.There are insufficient data to support the presence orabsence of thrombophilia markers as a determinant ofintensity or duration of therapy and as distinct from thepresence or absence of clinical precipitants of throm-bosis (ie, spontaneous vs secondary thrombosis).


2.27. For children with VTE independent of thepresence or absence of inherited thrombophilicrisk factors, we suggest that the duration andintensity of anticoagulant therapy as per Rec-ommendation 2.22. 

 2.28 Children With VTE and Structurally Abnormally Venous Systems

Structural venous abnormalities as precipitants of venous thrombosis in childhood are well described,although patients with such abnormalities often do notpresent until adult life. In the lower venous system,the most common abnormalities are interrupted orduplex IVC, presumably secondary to disrupted embry-onic development of the IVC itself.502-509 However, inthe upper venous system, thoracic outlet syndrome,eponymously named Paget-Schroetter syndrome, arebelieved to be due to chronic trauma to the subclavian

 vein secondary to reduced anatomic space for the vein usually as a result of an abnormal relationship with the first rib, abnormal fibrous bands or muscledevelopment in athletes.510-519 Management of the

 venous thrombosis and the underlying structuralabnormality has included acute anticoagulation; bothlocal and systemic thrombolysis through a numberof techniques; percutaneous angioplasty; thrombec-tomy; venous reconstruction; and in the case of Paget-Schroetter syndrome, decompression of the thoracicinlet through removal of relevant bone and muscle.No randomized trials have been conducted.


2.28. For children with first VTE secondaryto structural venous abnormalities, we suggest

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 There are two RCTs reporting thromboprophy-laxis of CVADs to prevent CVAD-related DVT.113 The PROTEKT Study randomized 186 childrenaged  3 months with varying underlying conditionsto reviparin (n592) (anti-Xa levels, 0.1-0.3 units/mL)

 vs standard care (n5 94) (up to 3 units/kg per hUFH).113 The incidence of asymptomatic CVAD-related thrombosis was 14.1% (11/78) in the reviparin

group vs 12.5% (10/80) in the standard care group(OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 0.42-3.23).113  The study wasclosed early because of slow patient recruitment.Schroeder et al47 reported a single-center RCT com-paring 10 units/kg per h continuous UFH infusionto placebo in 90 children aged , 1 year with CVADspostcardiac surgery. There was no difference in CVAD-related thrombosis in the treatment or placebo groups(15% vs 16%; difference of 1%; 95% CI, 2 14%-16%).The study was closed after an interim analysis showedfutility.

The incidence of CVAD-related thrombosis varies

 with the underlying patient population, and this hasled to some more-specific disease-related studiesto examine the role of primary prophylaxis. CVAD-related thrombosis is reported to be common inchildren with cancer.484,485 There are two RCTs thatstudied thromboprophylaxis in children with cancer.The Prophylactic Antithrombin Replacement in Kids

 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treated withAsparaginase (PARKAA) trial studied the use of anti-thrombin concentrate vs no therapy in 85 patients

 with pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)treated with asparaginase.486 Seven of 25 (28%) patients

treated with antithrombin compared with 22 of 60(37%) not treated had thrombosis (difference, 2 9%;95% CI, 2 30%-13%), but the study was not poweredto show efficacy. Ruud et al529 studied the use of war-farin compared with no therapy in the prevention ofCVAD-related thrombosis in children with cancer.The study enrolled 73 children, and 15 of 31 (48%)on warfarin and 17 of 42 (40%) on no therapy devel-oped a VTE (difference, 12%; 95% CI, 2 15%-31%).The study was terminated without full recruitmentafter an interim study showed futility.

Cohort studies and case series have also addressed

this issue. Elhasid et al107 found LMWH (mean dose,0.84 mg/kg once daily) to be apparently safe whencompared with historical controls in preventing throm-bosis in 41 patients with ALL. Nowak-Göttl et al530 gave LMWH (dose, 1 mg/kg once daily) as primarythromboprophylaxis to children and adolescents withEwing sarcoma (n5 36) and osteogenic sarcoma(n539). None of the patients developed TE compli-cations during the postoperative period. Meister et al531 reported that enoxaparin (1 mg/kg per day) in addi-tion to antithrombin supplementation reduced therate of thrombosis in children with ALL and CVADs

CVAD heparin, or saline infusions. Taurolidine-citratelocks have been compared with heparin locks andshown to reduce rates of bloodstream infection.521 Restoration of CVAD patency has usually involvedintermittent bolus dosing of a variety of agents, withfailure to restore patency being defined as the CVADremoval and replacement rate. Primary prophylaxisto avoid large-vessel thrombosis around the CVAD

usually involves systemic anticoagulation and needsto be considered separately.

Studies that have addressed the issue of CVADpatency include a trial that evaluated the use of saline

 vs combination saline and 1 unit/mL UFH in a single-center, blinded randomized clinical trial.522 The studyfailed to demonstrate or exclude a beneficial or detri-mental effect on CVAD patency between the twogroups (RR, 7.63; 95% CI, 0.4-144.9).

An unblinded, randomized crossover study in which14 children received UFH 50 units/kg flush vs stan-dard care every 12 h failed to demonstrate or exclude

a beneficial or detrimental effect on CVAD paten-cy.523 A literature review by Kannan524 provided noevidence to support heparin over normal saline as anintermittent flush.

In contrast, a meta-analysis of studies in adults with CVADs reported benefit of heparin compared with saline in terms of thrombosis, bacterial coloniza-tion, and possible bacteremia.447 More than 40% ofchildren with cancer had CVAD occlusions despite

 weekly heparin locks.525 In the hemodialysis setting,alteplase 1 mg/mL was shown to be more effectivethan heparin 5,000 units/mL in reducing intraluminal

clot between hemodialysis sessions.526 A multicenterstudy of 577 pediatric cancer patients with CVADsreported that urokinase administration every 2 weeksreduced both CVAD occlusion rates and catheter-related infections compared with heparin adminis-tration.527  Most other studies that have reportedthe use of local thrombolytic agents reported ther-apy for CVAD blockage and, hence, restoration ofpatency.241,243,246,528 


2.30. For CVADs, we suggest flushing with nor-mal saline or heparin or intermittent recom-binant urokinase (rUK) to maintain patencyas compared with no therapy (Grade 2C). Forblocked CVADs, we suggest tPA or rUK to restorepatency (Grade 2C).  If after at least 30 minfollowing local thrombolytic instillation CVADpatency is not restored, we suggest a seconddose be administered. If the CVAD remainsblocked following two doses of local thrombo-lytic agent, we suggest radiologic imaging torule out a CVAD-related thrombosis (Grade 2C). 

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fore based on generalization from other major vascu-lar procedures in infants and children.


2.35. For children who have a BCPS, we suggestpostoperative UFH (Grade 2C). 

 2.36 Fontan Surgery

The Fontan procedure, or a modified version, isthe definitive palliative surgical treatment of mostcongenital univentricular heart lesions.545,546  TE remainsa major cause of early and late morbidity and mor-tality. Reported incidences of VTE and stroke rangedfrom 3% to 16% and 3% to 19%, respectively, in ret-rospective cohort studies where thrombosis was theprimary outcome and from 1% to 7% in retrospectivestudies assessing multiple outcomes.547,548 TE mayoccur any time after Fontan procedures but oftenpresent months to years later.549 No predisposing fac-

tors have been identified with certainty, although thismay be due to inadequate power and the retrospec-tive nature of the studies.

Transesophageal echocardiography is more sensitivethan transthoracic echocardiography for the diagnosisof intracardiac and central venous thrombosis.550-552 MRI has been reported to be useful in noncomparativestudies.553 Despite aggressive therapy, TE followingFontan procedures carries a high mortality and respondsto therapy in, 50% of cases.554,555 There is no consensusin the literature or in routine clinical practice about theoptimal type or duration of antithrombotic therapy to

prevent such events.271,542,556,557

 Consequently, a wide variety of prophylactic anticoagulant regimes are in use.There are very few studies that compare treatment

options.547,548 Some cohort studies report anticoagula-tion or aspirin to be better than no therapy in termsof thrombotic complications,558 although others ques-tion this finding.559  The only randomized trial per-formed compared aspirin (5 mg/kg per day) to initialUFH followed by warfarin (target INR, 2.5; range,2.0-3.0) as primary prophylaxis for 2 years post-Fontan surgery. The study found no difference inthrombosis (cumulative thrombosis rates, 19% at

2 years) or bleeding.560

 No studies comparing optimalduration of therapy have been performed.


2.36. For children after Fontan surgery, we rec-ommend aspirin or therapeutic UFH followedby VKAs over no therapy (Grade 1C). 

 2.37 Endovascular Stents

Endovascular stents are used with increasing frequencyin the management of vascular problems, including

being treated in the BFM (Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster)95 of 2,000 studies compared with antithrombin alone(nine of 71 [13%] with antithrombin alone and zeroof 41 [0%] with enoxaparin alone; difference, 13%;95% CI, 5%-20%). None of these series is adequateto address the question of efficacy because of samplesize and study design.487 

Recommendation2.31. For children with short- or medium-termCVADs, we recommend against the use of rou-tine systemic thromboprophylaxis (Grade 1B). 

The incidence of CVAD-related VTE in childrenreceiving long-term total parenteral nutrition (TPN)

 varies from 1% based on clinical diagnosis to 35%based on ventilation perfusion scans or echocar-diography to 75% based on venography.444,532-538 Two studies have reported the use of VKA primaryprophylaxis in this group of patients.444,535 However,

 VKA primary prophylaxis commonly is used for chil-dren receiving long-term home parenteral nutrition,despite the lack of similar practice in adults.


2.34. For children receiving long-term homeTPN, we suggest thromboprophylaxis with VKAs(Grade 2C). 

 2.35 Glenn Procedure or BilateralCavopulmonary Shunt

Glenn successfully performed the classic cavopul-monary anastomosis in 1957 as palliation for tricuspidatresia. The bidirectional Glenn procedure is nowfrequently used as an intermediate step in patients

 with single ventricles prior to definitive Fontan sur-gery (following Blalock-Taussig shunts in hypoplasticright-side hearts and following stage I Norwood pro-cedure in hypoplastic left-side hearts). Thromboticcomplications following the Glenn shunt procedureare infrequent.539-544  No published data supportthe need for routine thromboprophylaxis. However,

once again, the fact that many patients subsequentlyproceed to Fontan procedures has led to some sug-gestions that thromboprophylaxis is warranted after aGlenn shunt to reduce the risk of thrombosis in thepulmonary vasculature, hence increasing the likeli-hood of successful conversion to a full Fontan circuit.Current clinical practices vary, and include no antico-agulation, UFH followed by aspirin, and UFH fol-lowed by warfarin therapy. There is no evidence tosupport a preference for any of these approaches.Recommendations for patients undergoing a bilateralcavopulmonary shunt (BCPS) procedure are there-

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iology of the disease, clinicians commonly administeranticoagulant prophylaxis in children with primarypulmonary hypertension.580,583,584 The ACCP guide-lines for medical management of primary pulmonaryhypertension in adults recommend routine anticoag-ulant prophylaxis with VKAs, although there is varia-tion with respect to the target range recommended.The guidelines acknowledge that some centers use a

target INR of 2.0 (range, 1.7-2.5), whereas others usea target INR of 2.5 (range, 2.0-3.0). The ideal time tocommence anticoagulant therapy in children is uncer-tain; starting at the same time as vasodilator or othermedical therapy is common.585-587 Some authors havesuggested that the presence of reduced cardiac out-put or polycythemia is required to justify anticoagu-lant therapy.581 


2.39. For children with primary pulmonary

hypertension, we suggest starting anticoagula-tion with VKAs at the same time as other medicaltherapy (Grade 2C). 

 2.40-2.42 Biologic and Mechanical ProstheticHeart Valves

Biologic prosthetic heart valves may be surgicallyplaced in infants and children with congenital oracquired heart disease when their innate tricuspid,pulmonary valve, or both are not surgically repair-able.588 Mechanical valves are preferred for mitral

and aortic replacement, given the catastrophic conse-quences of valve failure in these anatomic positions.589 Patients with biologic prosthetic heart valves usuallyreceive an antiplatelet agent. TE and bleeding eventsare uncommon with this therapy.590-594 

There is no direct evidence describing optimal throm-boprophylaxis in children with bioprosthetic heart

 valves. Recommendations, therefore, must rely onindirect evidence from adults and the associatedrecommendations.595 

Mechanical prosthetic heart valves may be surgi-cally placed in infants and children with congenital

or acquired heart disease when their innate valve isnot surgically repairable.596  Thrombotic complicationsassociated with mechanical prosthetic heart valves are

 well described in adults. For this reason, cliniciansgenerally use VKAs to prevent complications, whichinclude TE, valve thrombosis, and ischemic stroke.

In children, optimal strategies for thromboprophy-laxis for mechanical heart valves are less clear.Studies in children typically consists of retrospectivecase series, with many of the studies includingsmall numbers of infants and children, a spectrum ofage ranges, and varied valve positions and types.

congenital heart lesions, such as branch pulmonaryartery stenosis, pulmonary vein stenosis, or coarcta-tion of the aorta; traumatic arterial injuries; arterialdissection; cerebral vascular abnormalities; renovas-cular disease; APLA syndrome; surgical stenosis; and

 venous disease.561-573  Although stents can be suc-cessfully used in infants aged, 1 year, the small vesselsize increases the risk of thrombosis.574 There are no

studies assessing the role of anticoagulation or anti-platelet therapy to avoid stent occlusion in children.Clinicians commonly administer UFH at the time ofstent insertion followed by aspirin therapy.


2.37. For children having endovascular stentsinserted, we suggest administration of UFHperioperatively (Grade 2C). 

 2.38 Dilated Cardiomyopathy

The etiology of cardiomyopathy in children is quitedifferent from adults. Postviral and idiopathic cardio-myopathies occur in otherwise well children, whereasdilated cardiomyopathy occurs frequently during theend stage of muscular dystrophies. Thrombosis remainsa significant cause of morbidity and mortality.262,575,576 In a cross-sectional study of children awaiting cardiactransplant, 31% had acute PE confirmed by venti-lation/perfusion scan or angiography.577 A series of66 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy reported aprevalence of thrombosis of 14%.578 

There are no studies of anticoagulant prophylaxis

in pediatric patients. However, based on adult studiesand the apparent risk of PE and stroke in children

 with cardiomyopathy, primary prophylaxis with warfa-rin (target INR, 2.5; range, 2.0-3.0) often is used.579 


2.38. For pediatric patients with cardiomyop-athy, we suggest VKAs no later than their activa-tion on a cardiac transplant waiting list (Grade 2C). 

Underlying values and preferences:  Parents whoplace a high value on avoiding the inconvenience,

discomfort, and limitations of anticoagulant moni-toring and a lower value on the uncertain reductionin thrombotic complications are unlikely to choose

 VKA therapy for their children who are eligible fortransplant.

 2.39 Primary Pulmonary Hypertension

Relatively little evidence directly addresses therole of anticoagulant therapy as primary prophylaxisin children with pulmonary hypertension.580-582 How-ever, on the basis of adult data and the basic pathophys-

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ital or acquired) as either bridge to transplantation orto cardiac recovery.621-626 There are a variety of VADsavailable, many specifically developed for pediatricuse.621 

Studies of these devices in infants and children aremainly retrospective case series with outcomes beingsurvival to transplant or to cardiac recovery.622,626-642 Reported survival to transplant or to cardiac recovery

ranges from 50%630 to 83%.628 There are no good-quality studies evaluating the safety and efficacy ofanticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy in children on

 VAD support to reduce TE. There is no standard-ized antithrombotic regimen; however, on the basisof adult data and the catastrophic consequences ofcircuit occlusion or embolic complications, anticoag-ulant therapy in combination with antiplatelet therapyseems preferable over no therapy.


2.44. For children with VADs, we suggest admin-istration of UFH (Grade 2C). We suggest startingUFH between 8 and 48 h following implanta-tion (Grade 2C). In addition, we suggest anti-platelet therapy (either aspirin or aspirin anddipyridamole) to commence within 72 h of VADplacement (Grade 2C). For children with VAD,once clinically stable, we suggest switching fromUFH to either LMWH or VKA (target INR, 3.0;range, 2.5-3.5) until transplanted or weanedfrom VAD (Grade 2C). 

 2.45-2.46 Primary Prophylaxis for Venous Access Related to Hemodialysis

CVADs and arteriovenous fistulas are frequentlyused to provide venous access for children duringhemodialysis.643 Hemodialysis is used more frequentlythan peritoneal dialysis in children.644 Pediatric patients

 who receive hemodialysis through a CVAD may be atincreased risk of CVAD-related DVT because of thelarge-bore catheters used and the fluid shifts asso-ciated with intermittent dialysis. The average sur-

 vival of CVADs used for hemodialysis is reportedto be , 1 year,643 whereas arteriovenous fistulas mayhave as much as a 59% 5-year survival.645 In a smallhistorical cohort study of children with arteriovenousfistulas, primary prophylaxis with LMWH was moreeffective than aspirin, which in turn was more effec-tive at preventing thrombosis than no treatment.646 


2.45. For patients undergoing hemodialysis viaan arteriovenous fistula, we suggest routine useof VKAs or LMWH as fistula thromboprophylaxisas compared with no therapy (Grade 2C). 

Antithrombotic regimens described to prevent TEcomplications range from no anticoagulation to theuse of antiplatelet agents or VKAs. The outcomeevents reported include TE (valve thrombosis andstroke), bleeding, and mortality.

The incidence of TE in children with mechanical valves is reported to be as high as 68% per patient-yearin children who receive acetylsalicyclic acid (ASA)597 

and 27% per patient-year for children who receivedno drug therapy.597  Bleeding, when reported, isextremely rare.203,594,598-603 When VKAs are prescribed,the incidence of TE is reduced, but there is anincreased bleeding incidence.203,590,594,599,600,602-613 A seriesof 32 children routinely treated with phenprocou-mon collected over a 22-year period reported a10-year freedom of 89.1% (1.2%/patient-year) fromany anticoagulation-related adverse event.614 

There are few prospective studies and no RCTs inchildren. Recommendations are therefore based onthe high-quality evidence supporting anticoagulant

thromboprophylaxis in adults and the available evi-dence in children.


2.40-2.42. For children with biologic or mechan-ical prosthetic heart valves, we recommend thatclinicians follow the relevant recommendationsfrom the adult population. 595 

 2.43 Bacterial Endocarditis

Infective endocarditis in children most frequently

affects children with underlying congenital heart dis-ease or previous cardiac surgery. One of the majorsequelae of infective endocarditis is embolic phenom-enon and stroke.615-617 Embolic complications may occurin as many as 30% of patients with infective endo-carditis.618  There remains debate about the role ofurgent surgical intervention for infective endocarditisin children.619,620 For those children managed conser-

 vatively, the presence or risk of emboli often leads tothe question of the role of anticoagulation. Emboliare usually septic and may represent vegetations withor without thrombin deposition.

There are no comparative data with respect to the value of anticoagulation over and above antibioticsalone, and data on this subject in adults is conflicting.The role of anticoagulation must be considered on acase-by-case basis, incorporating the assumed embolicrisks, potential need for surgery, and bleeding risks.There appears to be a small role for thrombolysis orpotential benefit from antiplatelet agents.

 2.44 Ventricular Assist Devices

 Ventricular assist devices (VADs) are being usedmore often in children with cardiac failure (congen-

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that coronary artery abnormalities were present in14 of 79 (18%) children in the aspirin group com-pared with three of 79 (4%) children in the g -globulinplus aspirin group (P 5 .005).655 Recent studies havefocused on trying to risk stratify patients at presen-tation into those who will only require IV immuno-globulin at 1 g/kg as a single dose656 vs those who willnot respond to the standard two doses of 1 g/kg and

require even more-aggressive therapy.657  Methyl-prednisolone in the acute phase has been shown notto be beneficial in a recent well designed RCT.658 

In a small study, patients who were treated withabciximab demonstrated greater regression in aneu-rysm diameter at early follow-up than historical con-trol patients who received standard therapy alone.211 These findings suggest that treatment with abciximabmay promote vascular remodeling and warrant fur-ther study.

Because no prospective data exist to guide clini-cians in choosing an optimal regimen for the preven-

tion of thrombosis in patients with Kawasaki disease with coronary artery disease, recommendations arebased on the known pathophysiology, retrospectivecase series in children with Kawasaki disease, andextrapolation from experience in adults with coronarydisease.653 Therapeutic regimens used in patients

 with Kawasaki disease depend on the severity of coro-nary involvement and include antiplatelet therapy

 with aspirin, with or without clopidogrel or dipyri-damole; anticoagulant therapy with VKAs or LMWH;or a combination of anticoagulant and antiplatelettherapy, usually VKAs plus aspirin.653  Long-term

combined VKA and aspirin is reported to be associated with a 91% cardiac event-free outcome at 10 yearsand a bleeding complication rate of 1.7% per year.659 LMWH has been reported to be as effective as war-farin and may lead to increased aneurysm regressioncompared with warfarin. For long-term therapy, patientsoften are converted to warfarin therapy.660 

 When a coronary aneurysm expands rapidly, therisk of thrombosis is particularly high. For this rea-son, some experts advocate the use of UFH with aspi-rin.653 The most common antithrombotic regimen forpatients with giant aneurysms is low-dose aspirin

together with warfarin, maintaining an INR of 2.0 to2.5.653,661 Some physicians substitute a therapeuticdose of LMWH for warfarin.653 

For giant aneurysms with acute thrombosis, throm-bolysis or surgery is reported to be useful, but thereare no comparative data.265,659,662,663 Thrombolysis usu-ally is given as a front-loaded protocol.661  Compre-hensive guidelines have been published.664 


2.48. For children with Kawasaki disease, werecommend aspirin in high doses (80-100 mg/kg

2.46. For patients undergoing hemodialysis viaCVAD, we suggest routine use of VKAs or LMWHfor thromboprophylaxis as compared with notherapy (Grade 2C). 

 2.47 Use of UFH or LMWH During Hemodialysis

Intermittent hemodialysis traditionally requires pro-cedural anticoagulation to avoid thrombosis withinthe artificial circuit. A substantial amount of dataexists in adults with respect to the benefit of usingeither UFH or LMWH to maintain circuit patencyduring hemodialysis. Both UFH647,648 and LMWH649,650 have been reported as safe in children with uremia.Citrate has also been reported to be safe and effec-tive, especially in patients at higher risk of bleeding.651 Care must be taken with dosing and monitoring hep-arin prophylaxis in children receiving hemodialysisbecause inadvertent systemic anticoagulation with clin-ical bleeding can occur.652 


2.47. For children having hemodialysis, we sug-gest the use of UFH or LMWH during hemodi-alysis to maintain circuit patency independentof type of vascular access (Grade 2C). 

 2.48-2.50 Kawasaki Disease

During the acute phase, Kawasaki disease maycause medium-vessel and large-vessel arteritis, arte-rial aneurysms, valvulitis, and myocarditis. Kawasakidisease is the leading cause of acquired heart disease

in children in North America. Of particular concernare coronary artery aneurysms that may stenose orthrombose. Coronary artery aneurysms or ectasiadevelop in 15% to 25% of untreated children andmay lead to myocardial infarction, sudden death, orchronic coronary arterial insufficiency.653 

Treatment of Kawasaki disease in the acute phaseis directed at reducing inflammation in the coronaryartery wall and preventing coronary thrombosis, whereaslong-term therapy in individuals who develop coronaryaneurysms is aimed at preventing myocardial ischemiaor infarction.653  In patients with Kawasaki disease,

aspirin is initially given in high doses (80-100 mg/kgper day during the acute phase for up to 14 days) as anantiinflammatory agent and then in lower doses as anantiplatelet agent (3-5 mg/kg per day for 6 to 8 weeks)to prevent coronary aneurysm thrombosis and subse-quent infarction (the major cause of death in patients

 with Kawasaki disease).653 Because concomitant useof ibuprofen or other nonsteroidal antiinflammatorydrugs may interfere with the effectiveness of aspirin,these agents should be avoided.654 

A large, multicenter RCT of high-dose IV g -globulinplus aspirin compared with aspirin alone demonstrated

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adults with CSVT support a benefit of heparin.672-676 Most guidelines recommend anticoagulation for adults

 with CSVT, even in the presence of hemorrhage.677 Pooled outcome data from 150 cases of pediatricCSVT published between 1980 and 1996 showed thatamong 136 children who were not given anticoagulants,the frequency of death was 16%, and the frequencyof poor neurologic outcome was 22% (combined poor

outcome, 36.5%). Among 14 treated children mortality was 14%, and poor neurologic outcome occurred innone (combined poor outcome, 14%).678 Sébire et al668 reported a trend toward better survival with nocognitive sequelae with anticoagulation (OR, 3.64;95% CI, 0.98-13.5); results failed to exclude either abeneficial or a detrimental effect on the outcome ofdeath (OR, 0.29; 95% CI, 0.03-2.89).

Single-center and small multicenter series inchildren110,378,383,666,668,679-687 have shown that IV UFHand subcutaneous LMWH can be used safely in chil-dren. Hemorrhage is uncommon in patients treated

 with anticoagulants in all series.In a study combining patients from several Euro-

pean centers, nonadministration of antithrombotictreatment in clinical risk situations and in children

 with idiopathic CSVT (n5 3) was significantly as-sociated with higher risk of recurrence (P , .001).The type of anticoagulation therapy administered (eg,the use of UFH and warfarin or the application ofLMWH) did not influence thrombosis-free survival(P 5 .54).685 

Most recently, a large, single-center cohort reportedthat 56 of 79 (71%) children with CSVT received

acute anticoagulation.393  Major hemorrhage occurredin three children, two of whom had pretreatment intra-cranial hemorrhage. Bleeds were all nonfatal, andclinical outcome was favorable in 50%, similar to theremaining patients (53%), which is consistent withdata in adults with CSVT and hemorrhage that showthat the benefit of anticoagulation still outweighs therisk.672,673,676  Early follow-up imaging demonstratedthrombus propagation in seven of 19 (37%) children

 without and three of 44 (7%) children with anticoag-ulation (RR, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.6-5.8).393 Propagation wasassociated with new venous infarcts in 40% children

and moderate or severe clinical outcome (OR, 4.3;95% CI, 1.0-19.4). The authors concluded that anti-coagulation was safe and that nontreatment was asso-ciated with propagation in more than one-third ofchildren. The presence or absence of thrombophiliashould not affect decisions with regard to treatmentintensity or duration.688 

The efficacy of thrombolysis in adults with CSVTremains uncertain, although there are sufficient datato conclude that it can be given safely.689 Evidenceregarding thrombolysis in children,690-693 mechanicaldissolution of clots or thrombectomy,694-696 and surgical

per day during the acute phase for up to 14 days)as an antiinflammatory agent, then in lowerdoses (1-5 mg/kg per day for 6 to 8 weeks) as anantiplatelet agent (Grade 1B). For children withKawasaki disease, we recommend IV g -globulin(2 g/kg, single dose) within 10 days of the onsetof symptoms (Grade 1A). 

2.49. For children with moderate or giant coro-nary aneurysms following Kawasaki disease, wesuggest that warfarin in addition to low-doseaspirin be given as primary thromboprophylaxis(Grade 2C). 

2.50. For children with Kawasaki disease whohave giant aneurysms and acute coronary arterythrombosis, we suggest thrombolysis or acutesurgical intervention (Grade 2 C). 

 2.51 CSVT in Children

The estimated incidence of pediatric CSVT is0.6 per 100,000 children per year with . 40% occur-ring in neonates as previously discussed.383,665 Radio-graphic diagnosis of CSVT requires imaging of thethrombus within cerebral sinuses and veins becausenearly one-half of children have normal-appearingbrain parenchyma and the location and characteris-tics of venous infarction are very nonspecific.381,383,666,667 Imaging of the cerebral venous system is requiredincluding magnetic resonance venography or CT

 venography.379,666,668 Clinical outcomes after pediatric CSVT include

death in 9% to 29% and neurologic deficits, head-aches, and seizure disorders in more than one-halfof survivors.383,668 Among neurologic deficits, cogni-tive and behavioral deficits are common, and motordeficits are less common. In children, radiologicrecanalization as early as 2 weeks after the onset ofclinical symptoms has been reported.669 Predictorsof poor outcome include presentation with venousinfarcts or seizures383  and, for death, presentation

 with coma.668  In the Canadian Pediatric IschemicStroke Registry, nearly 25% of children showed anincreased severity of neurologic deficits developing over

time, reinforcing the need for long-term follow-up.In addition, 13% of children with CSVT developedrecurrent cerebral or systemic thrombosis.383 

Initial therapy for CSVT includes hydration, anti-biotics or surgery for foci of cranial infection, anti-convulsants for seizures, and measures aimed atdecreasing intracranial pressure, with close moni-toring for optic nerve compression.670 However, his-torically poor outcomes and recurrent thrombosisprovide the impetus for anticoagulant therapy.671 

Clinical trials are lacking in pediatric CSVT. Fourrandomized, placebo-controlled trials of heparin in

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systemic infection and dehydration, underlie AIS.However, up to 15% of children with AIS have noapparent risk factors.

The results of adult stroke trials testing antithrom-botic treatments cannot be directly extrapolated tochildren because of different mechanisms for throm-bus formation in adults with atherosclerosis. To date,no RCTs of antithrombotic therapy have been con-

ducted in children with stroke. Antiplatelet, antico-agulant, and other therapies in children with AIS areselected based on the perceived mechanism for arte-rial thrombosis associated with the underlying riskfactors. Several cohort studies of children with AIShave assessed safety and failure rates for antithrom-botic agents679,706 ; however, the largest data set is fromthe International Pediatric Stroke Study (IPSS) group.This consortium involves. 30 centers worldwide andcollects data using standardized case report forms.The IPSS has published data on children with AISsoccurring between 2003 and 2007.704  There were

661 children with AIS (640 with acute treatment data,612 with morbidity data, and 643 with mortality data).Acute therapy included anticoagulation alone in171 (27%) patients, antiplatelet therapy alone in177 (28%), antiplatelet and anticoagulation in 103(16%), and no antithrombotic treatment in 189 (30%).Subtypes associated with any use of anticoagulation

 were dissection (OR, 14.09; 95% CI, 5.78-37.01) andcardiac disease (OR, 1.87; 95% CI, 1.20-2.92). Fac-tors associated with nonuse of anticoagulation includedsickle cell disease subtype (OR, 0.12; 95% CI, 0.02-0.95) and the enrollment center being located in the

United States (OR, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.39-0.80). Anti-platelet use was associated with Moyamoya (OR, 4.88;95% CI, 2.13-11.12), whereas nonuse was associated

 with dissection (OR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.22-0.99), lowlevel of consciousness (OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.31-0.64),and bilateral ischemia (OR, 0.32; 95% CI, 0.20-0.52).Outcomes at hospital discharge included neurologicdeficits in 453 (74%) patients and death in 22 (3%). Inmultivariate analysis, arteriopathy, bilateral ischemia,and decreased consciousness at presentation wereprognostic of adverse outcome.704 

 When ASA therapy fails or is not tolerated in chil-

dren with AIS, clopidogrel frequently is used. Risksof combination therapy with ASA plus clopidogrel,however, were recently highlighted by a study of17 children who received clopidogrel (nine alone,eight concurrent with aspirin) in whom two had sub-dural hemorrhages (both also receiving aspirin andboth having marked cerebral atrophy [1 Moyamoya,1 progeria vasculopathy]).707 

There are few data addressing the safety or efficacyof tPA in children with AIS, and the literature associ-ating outcomes with this treatment consists mostlyof isolated case reports.708,709 Although rarely feasible,

decompression697-699  is confined to case reports thathave reported apparent success in isolated cases orsmall series of seriously ill patients, including chil-dren, usually in coma and with extensive thrombosisof superficial and deep venous structures.690-692 


2.51. For children with CSVT without signifi-cant ICH, we recommend anticoagulation ini-tially with UFH or LMWH and subsequently

 with LMWH or VKA for a minimum of 3 monthsrelative to no anticoagulation (Grade 1B). In chil-dren who after 3 months of therapy still experi-ence occlusion of CSVT or ongoing symptoms,

 we suggest administration of a further 3 monthsof anticoagulation (Grade 2C). For children withCSVT with significant hemorrhage, we suggestinitial anticoagulation as for children with-out hemorrhage or radiologic monitoring of the

thrombosis at 5 to 7 days and anticoagulationif thrombus extension is noted at that time(Grade 2C). In children with CSVT and poten-tially recurrent risk factors (eg, nephroticsyndrome, asparaginase therapy), we suggestprophylactic anticoagulation at times of riskfactor recurrence (Grade 2C). We suggest throm-bolysis, thrombectomy, or surgical decompres-sion only in children with severe CSVT in whomthere is no improvement with initial UFH ther-apy (Grade 2C). 

 2.52 AIS in Children

Reported incidence rates for AIS varies betweentwo and 13 per 100,000 children per year.700-702 Out-comes from childhood AIS include death in 3% to5% and permanent cognitive or motor disability in30% to 80%.671,703,704 Survival rates are significantlybetter than in adults, and children with stroke who donot die acutely will probably survive beyond middleage, and the treatment of the resulting comorbidity

 will be extremely expensive. The health burden of thisdisease entity is thus very large.

Initial therapy in childhood AIS aims to limitextension of occlusive thrombosis and early recurrentthrombotic stroke. Subsequently, maintenance ther-apy aims to prevent longer-term recurrence.705 Mech-anisms of stroke in children include cardiogenic andlarge-vessel dissection-related embolism; cerebral

 vasculopathy, which may be transient or progressive;sickle cell disease; and in situ thrombosis. The condi-tions underlying these three mechanisms for strokediffer markedly in children compared with adults andnotably exclude atherosclerosis. Frequently, chronicdiseases of childhood or acute illnesses, including

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tinction between an in situ thrombosis as a cause ofthe AIS vs an embolic stroke may be impossible.730-732 


2.53. For AIS secondary to cardioembolic causes, we suggest anticoagulant therapy with LMWHor VKAs for at least 3 months (Grade 2C). For

 AIS secondary to cardioembolic causes in chil-dren with demonstrated right-to-left shunts (eg,PFO), we suggest surgical closure of the shunt(Grade 2C). 

 2.54 Dissection

Dissection of craniocervical arteries underlies  7%of childhood AIS.733  In children with cerebral arterialdissection underlying AIS, the risk of recurrent strokesis  12%.733-735 Recurrence appears to be reducedby antithrombotic treatment734  but is still observedduring anticoagulation733-735 or antiplatelet treatment.734 In adults with cerebral artery dissection, a Cochranemeta-analysis that included 327 patients reportedno significant difference for initial or recurrent strokeduring anticoagulant treatment (five of 414) vs anti-platelet treatment (six of 157). The frequency ofmajor hemorrhage was 0.5% during anticoagula-tion.736 Subsequently, a large trial, the Spontaneous

 vs Traumatic Arterial Dissection (SPONTADS) study,showed recurrent stroke in two of 71 patients receiv-ing anticoagulation treatment and one of 23 patientsreceiving aspirin treatment.737 If data from the 105SPONTADS patients are added to those pooled inthe Cochrane analysis, there is a trend showing ben-efit of anticoagulant therapy (seven of 485 strokeon treatment) over antiplatelet therapy (seven of 180stroke on treatment) (Fisher test P 5 .066; RR, 1.88;95% CI, 1.10-3.23).


2.54. For AIS secondary to dissection, we suggestanticoagulant therapy with LMWH or VKAs forat least 6 weeks (Grade 2C). Ongoing treatment

 will depend on radiologic assessment of degree

and extent of stenosis and evidence of recurrentischemic events. 

 2.55 Cerebral Vasculopathies

Cerebral vasculopathies can be inflammatory, trau-matic, or idiopathic. Postvaricella angiopathy andtransient cerebral arteriopathy (or nonprogressiveprimary angitis of the CNS) are among the most fre-quently seen and represent a unilateral inflammatoryprocess involving the intracranial vessels that com-prise the circle of Willis.738 The recurrence rate for

older children with acute AIS may be diagnosed within the time window for this treatment.

In Situ Thrombosis or Stroke of Undetermined Cause: In situ thrombosis may be idiopathic; secondary tolocal inflammation; or secondary to prothromboticconditions, including iron deficiency anemia,710-712 hyperhomocysteinemia,712-716  elevated levels of lipo-protein(a),218  and inherited prothrombotic disor-

ders.218,717,718 The overall risk of a recurrent AIS andTIA is 10% to 35%.413,415,719-729 The recurrence riskincreases in the presence of multiple stroke risk fac-tors.726 Genetic thrombophilia was previously reportedas increasing the recurrence rate725 ; however, a morerecent comprehensive study suggested that this isnot the case.688  Recurrence risk is greatest in theinitial weeks and months following an index AISbut persists for at least several years.413,725 Recurrentstroke can be silent; infarction is documented inone-third of children with cryptogenic stroke (notdue to obvious preexisting diseases) undergoing repeat



2.52. For children with acute AIS with or with-out thrombophilia, we recommend UFH orLMWH or aspirin as initial therapy until dissec-tion and embolic causes have been excluded(Grade 1C). For children with acute AIS, we sug-gest, once dissection and cardioembolic causesare excluded, daily aspirin prophylaxis for aminimum of 2 years as compared with no anti-thrombotic therapy (Grade 2C). For childrenreceiving aspirin who have recurrent AIS orTIAs, we suggest changing to clopidogrel oranticoagulant therapy with LMWH or VKA(Grade 2C). For children with AIS, we recom-mend against the use of thrombolysis (tPA) ormechanical thrombectomy outside of specificresearch protocols (Grade 1C). 

 2.53 Embolic Stroke

Congenital heart disease and related interventions(surgery or catheterization) are associated with para-

doxical embolism through intracardiac defects. In thesetting of acute emolic stroke, the main principle oftreatment is to prevent further embolic phenomenon.Strategies therefore target the source thrombosis,even though this may not be visualized through stan-dard imaging techniques. Thus, anticoagulation is thepreferred therapy because it is more effective thanantiplatelet therapy in the treatment of intracardiacthrombosis and peripheral or central DVT.671  Thefinding of a PFO on echocardiography in a child withstroke without an associated documented venousthrombosis often creates difficulties because the dis-

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 2.57. For children with Moyamoya, we suggestthat they be referred to an appropriate centerfor consideration of revascularization. 

 2.58-2.59 Sickle Cell Anemia

Children with sickle cell anemia can experiencestroke related to occlusion of small cerebral arteries

or through the development of Moyamoya. In sicklecell anemia with stroke, reinfarction occurs in 7.06 of100 patient-years despite treatment.746 In children

 with sickle cell anemia receiving no treatment, recur-rence is as high as 92%.747-755 Children with sicklecell anemia and transcranial Doppler (TCD) veloc-ities . 200 cm/s have a 40% risk of stroke over thenext 3 years.756 An RCT found significant reductionin risk by blood transfusion every 6 weeks to decreasehemoglobin S percentage to , 30%.757 Patients shouldreceive regular transfusions indefinitely as the risk ofovert stroke or reversion to high-risk TCD increases

 when blood transfusions stop (STOP2 [OptimizingPrimary Stroke Prevention in Sickle Cell Anemia]).758 Hydroxyurea may also reduce stroke risk in children

 with TCD velocities. 200 cm/s.759 Overt stroke is twiceas common in children with silent or covert infarc-tion in the context of sickle cell anemia.746  Bonemarrow transplantation760-762  and revascularization forMoyamoya763-766 are additional options for selectedpatients; however, no RCTs have been completed forthese therapies. For specific recommendations relatedto sickle cell disease, we refer the reader to the mostrecent version of the more authoritative National Insti-

tutes of Health sickle cell treatment guidelines.767



The ninth edition of the antithrombotic therapy inneonates and children guidelines presents 59 recom-mendations linked in a transparent manner to theevidence on which the recommendations are based.The guidelines address generic issues related to theuse of antithrombotic therapies in neonates and chil-dren as well as many specific clinical situations in

 which these therapies are considered. Although therehas been considerable progress made in this fieldover recent years, there remain many questions andmany gaps in our knowledge. However, there is nodoubt that the management of thrombosis in neo-nates and children is an increasing problem for clini-cians, and it is hoped that these guidelines will providesome degree of uniformity of approach while furtherresearch is being undertaken.

Areas of Future Research

These guidelines highlight once again the lackof evidence for many of the fundamental questions

 vasculopathy may be increased compared with idi-opathic stroke in children.413,725,739  Sequential imagingstudies may be required to differentiate the diagno-sis, and ancillary studies (eg, varicella serology) areimportant. Determination of the specific subtype of vas-culopathy and monitoring of cerebral vessel appear-ance on magnetic resonance angiography or formalangiography are critical for determining ongoing ther-

apy requirements. In cerebral vasculitis, immunosup-pressive agents may be required.740 


2.55. For children with acute AIS secondary tonon-Moyamoya vasculopathy, we recommendUFH or LMWH or aspirin for 3 months as initialtherapy compared with no treatment (Grade 1C).For children with AIS secondary to non-Moyamoya vasculopathy, we suggest that ongoingantithrombotic therapy should be guided byrepeat cerebrovascular imaging. 

 2.56-2.57 Moyamoya Disease

The most severe childhood cerebral vasculopathyis Moyamoya, a progressive bilateral intracranial cere-bral arteriopathy with severe stenosis or occlusionof the terminal internal carotid arteries, typicallyaccompanied by basal collateral vessels.671 Recurrentsequential infarcts, some silent, often are present atdiagnosis. The mechanisms for ischemia and infarc-tion likely involved both chronic underperfusion andthrombotic occlusion. Clinical presentations includerecurrent abrupt AIS and TIA presentations and pro-gressive cognitive loss. Children with vascular ste-nosis or Moyamoya have a risk of recurrence as highas 66%.413,725,741 Direct and indirect revasculariza-tion procedures to bypass the stenotic and occludedarteries are available to increase regional cerebralblood flow and reduce the risk of recurrence,742,743 and a meta-analysis of . 1,000 children confirmedthat surgery confers symptomatic benefit in almost90% of children.744 A summary of evidence support-ing the variety of surgical interventions is available.671 Anticoagulation is less frequently used because ofconcerns about bleeding; however, the use of anti-platelet therapy is common. Few data confirm ben-efit in either the short or long term, although somestudies suggest that medical therapy is important peri-operatively to reduce the risk of procedure-associatedstrokes, which are common.745 


2.56. For children with acute AIS secondaryto Moyamoya, we suggest aspirin over no treat-ment as initial therapy (Grade 2C). 

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greater understanding of the nonhematologicimpact of anticoagulation therapies is requiredfor holistic management of neonates and chil-dren with thrombosis.

There are many additional areas that require researchto improve the outcomes for neonates and children

 with thrombosis, often at an individual disease level

(eg, the use of antiplatelet vs anticoagulation therapyin a variety of clinical situations). However, the issuesnoted in this article are fundamental to progressingmany other specific questions. As mentioned at thebeginning of the article, new agents are now beingspecifically studied in children, and it is importantthat all these aspects are considered in study designand implementation, or else history will repeat itself,and in years to come, we will regret missed opportu-nities to build a sustainable evidence base on whichto improve the care for neonates and children withthrombosis.


 Author contributions: As Topic Editor, Dr Vesely oversawthe development of this article, including the data analysis andsubsequent development of the recommendations containedherein.Dr Monagle: contributed as Deputy Editor.Dr Chan: contributed as a panelist.Dr Goldenberg: contributed as a panelist.Dr Ichord: contributed as a panelist.Dr Journeycake: contributed as a panelist.Dr Nowak-Göttl: contributed as a panelist.Dr Vesely: contributed as Topic Editor.Financial/nonfinancial disclosures: The authors of this guide-line provided detailed conflict of interest information relatedto each individual recommendation made in this article. A gridof these disclosures is available online at In summary, theauthors have reported to CHEST   the following conflicts ofinterest: Dr Goldenberg has received an NIH career develop-ment award and an investigator-initiated study grant fromEisai Co., Ltd. He is also Chair of the steering committee for aPhase II study of Dalteparin for Eisai Co. and Chair of a data moni-toring committee for Bristol-Myers Squibb. Dr Ichord is a mem-ber of the Clinica Event Committee for Berlin Heart’s IDE trialof the EXCOR-Pediatric (pediatric ventricular assist device). Thisinvolved reimbursement for travel expenses for study meetingsand for time spent on committee meetings for a total financial reim-bursement or,$1,000/y from 2007 to 2012. Drs Monagle, Chan,and Nowak-Göttl have contracted with Bayer (rivaroxaban).Dr Journeycake has received honoraria from hemophilia com-panies (CSL, Baxter, Novo-Nordisk). Dr Vesely has reported thatno potential conflicts of interest exist with any companies/organiza-tions whose products or services may be discussed in this article.Role of sponsors: The sponsors played no role in the develop-ment of these guidelines. Sponsoring organizations cannot recom-mend panelists or topics, nor are they allowed prepublicationaccess to the manuscripts and recommendations. Guideline panelmembers, including the chair, and members of the Health & Sci-ence Policy Committee are blinded to the funding sources. Fur-ther details on the Conflict of Interest Policy are available onlineat Other contributions: We thank Eliza Mertyn for contributionsrelated to the article citations. She managed the EndNote data-base and referencing in the present article and posted pdf copiesof. 800 articles to for the present authors’ use and

facing clinicians dealing with TE disease in neonatesand children. Immediate research priorities includethe following:

1. Natural history of disease: Many thromboses inneonates, and indeed children, are now discov-ered incidentally or as part of routine screening.Clear evidence that all thromboses in neonates

or children require treatment is lacking, andstudies assessing the long-term outcomes, particu-larly in asymptomatic thrombosis, are requiredso that adequate risk-benefit assessments oftreatment options can be determined. In partic-ular, uniform assessment criteria of complica-tions such as PTS are required.

2. Intensity of anticoagulant therapy: The efficacyand safety assessments of all anticoagulants usedin neonates and children remain uncertain partlybecause there are no clinical outcome studiesdocumenting optimal therapeutic strategies (and

partly because there is as yet no uniform assess-ment of bleeding in the child treated with anti-coagulation). Multiple publications now describethe inadequacies of current therapeutic rangesand of the monitoring tests used in current clin-ical practice. Therapeutic monitoring imposes aconsiderable burden of care. No viable alterna-tive strategy has been reported. The potentialfor using weight-adjusted dosing without moni-toring, particularly for UFH and LMWH, needsto be explored.

3. Duration of therapy: Currently, duration of ther-

apy for venous thrombosis in neonates and chil-dren is extrapolated from adult practice, despiteconsiderable evidence that this may not be rele-

 vant. Current clinical convention around durationof therapy for many types of arterial thrombosisseems entirely empirical. Multicenter clinicaloutcome studies are required to address thesequestions.

4. Role of nonpharmacologic interventions: Indi- vidual reports of interventional radiology orsurgical therapies for thrombosis in children areincreasing in frequency; however, there remain

no comparative studies and, in fact, few if anyconsecutive cohort studies that enable patientselection criteria to be adequately determinedor likely risk-benefit ratios of such interventionsto be considered.

5. Nonhematologic complications of therapy: Nor-mal long-term physical, neurologic, and psy-chosocial development should be the goal of allpediatric treatments. There is evidence thatinterventions aimed at the coagulation system mayaffect variable aspects of development, suchas neurocognitive outcome or bone density. A

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for authors of subsequent versions. We also thank Susan Millard,MD, and Julie Zimbelman, MD, for their contributions.Endorsements: This guideline is endorsed by the AmericanAssociation for Clinical Chemistry, the American College of Clin-ical Pharmacy, the American Society of Health-System Pharma-cists, the American Society of Hematology, and the InternationalSociety of Thrombosis and Hematosis.  Additional information: Table S1 can be found in the Online Sup-plement at e737S/suppl/DC1. 


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 Antithrombotic Therapy in Neonatesand Children

 Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based ClinicalPractice Guidelines

Paul Monagle , MBBS, MD, FCCP ; Anthony K. C. Chan , MBBS ; Neil A. Goldenberg , MD, PhD ; Rebecca N. Ichord , MD ; Janna M. Journeycake , MD, MSCS ; Ulrike Nowak-Göttl, MD ;and Sara K. Vesely , PhD

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      (     C    o    n     t     i    n    u    e      d      )

    S   t  u   d  y   /   Y  e  a  r

   D  e  s   i  g  n

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t   T  a  r  g  e   t

   L  e  v  e   l  s

   N  o .   P  a   t   i  e  n   t  s

   F  o   l   l  o  w -  u  p

   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  e  m   b  o   l   i  c

   E  v  e  n   t  s

   M  a   j   o  r

   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g


   C  o  m  m  e  n   t  s

    H  o   f  m  a  n  n  e   t  a   l   7    /   2   0   0   1

   R  e   t  r  o  s  p  e  c   t   i  v


   c  a  s  e  s  e  r   i  e  s

   N  a   d  r  o  p  a  r   i  n

   E  n  o  x  a  p  a  r   i  n   (  a  n   t   i -   X  a

    0 .   5 -   1 .   0  u  n   i   t  s   /  m   L   )

  n  5    6   6

  n  5    1   3

   4   8  g   i  r   l  s

   3   1   b  o

  y  s

   A  g  e   d

   2  w   k -   1   9  y ,

    M  e

  a  n ,   1   1 .   8  y

   N  5    6

   2  s   h  o  r   t -   t  e  r  m


  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   (   1 -   2  w   k   )

   N  5    1

   3   (   l  o  n  g -   t  e  r  m


   t   h  e  r  a  p  y  a  n   d

   f  o   l   l  o  w -  u  p   )

  n  5    1

  n  5    0

  n  5    4  n  o  r  e  o  c  c   l  u  s   i  o  n

  n  5    2  r  e  c  a  n  a   l   i  z  e   d

  n  5    1  r  e  o  c  c   l  u  s   i  o  n

   U  n  a   b   l  e   t  o  s  e  p  a  r  a   t  e

   w   h   i  c   h  p  a   t   i  e  n   t  s

  r  e  c  e   i  v  e   d  e  n  o  x  a  p  a  r   i  n

  v  s  n  a   d  r  o  p  a  r   i  n

  D   i  x  e   t  a   l   8    /   2   0   0   0


   C  a  s  e  s  e  r   i  e  s

   E  n  o  x  a  p  a  r   i  n   (  a  n   t   i -   X  a

    0 .   5 -   1 .   0  u  n   i   t  s   /  m   L   )

   L  o  w -  r   i  s   k  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s   (  a  n   t   i -   X  a

    0 .   1 -   0 .   4  u  n   i   t  s   /  m   L   )   V   K   A

  a   d   d  e   d   i  n   4   7  o   f   1   4   6

   N  5    1

   3   8   (   1   4   6  c  o  u  r  s  e  s

   o   f   t   h  e  r  a  p  y   )

   V   T   E ,  n  5    8


   A  g  e ,   1   d -   1   8  y

   M  e   d   i  a  n ,   3 .   5  y

   M  e  a  n

 ,   6 .   1  y

   D  u  r  a   t   i  o  n  o   f   t   h  e  r  a  p  y  :


  n  5    7

   4  o   f

   1   4   6         2

   0   d

   t  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t

   N  o   t  r  e  p  o  r   t  e   d

  n  5    2

   (   1 .   3   %   )

   r  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t   /  n  e  w

   V   T   E  w   h  e  n  p  a   t   i  e  n   t

  s  u   b   t   h  e  r  a  p  e  u   t   i  c

  n  5    7

   (   5   %   )  m  a   j   o  r

  n  5    1

   2   l  o  s   t   t  o

    f  o   l   l  o  w -  u  p  ;

    t  r  a  n  s   f  e  r  r  e   d   t  o  o   t   h  e  r

   h  o  s  p   i   t  a   l  s  a  n   d   t  w  o

   d  e  a   t   h  s   d   i  r  e  c   t   l  y  r  e   l  a   t  e   d

   t  o   t   h  e  r  a  p  y   (  o  n  e

   h  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e  ;  o  n  e   T   E   )

    P  u  n  z  a   l  a  n  e   t  a   l   9    /   2   0   0   0


   C  a  s  e  s  e  r   i  e  s

   E  n  o  x  a  p  a  r   i  n

    (  a  n   t   i -   X  a   0 .   5 -   1 .   2  u  n   i   t  s   /  m   L   )

   E  n  o  x  a  p  a  r   i  n  o  r   l  y   t   i  c

    t   h  e  r  a  p  y

   N  5    1


   P  r  o  s  p

  e  c   t   i  v  e ,  n  5    6

   R  e   t  r  o

  s  p  e  c   t   i  v  e ,  n  5    1


   V   T   E ,  n  5    1


   P  r   i  m  a  r  y  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s ,

   n  5


   N  o   t  r  e  p  o  r   t  e   d

   N  o  n  e  w   /  r  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t

    V   T   E

   N  o  m  a   j   o  r

    h  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g  e

   U  n  a   b   l  e   t  o   d  e   t  e  r  m   i  n  e

   w   h   i  c   h  p  a   t   i  e  n   t  s  w  e  r  e

   t  r  e  a   t  e   d   f  o  r   V   T   E

  v  s  p  r   i  m  a  r  y

  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

    N  o   h  e  e   t  a   l   1   0    /   1

   9   9   9


   C  a  s  e  s  e  r   i  e  s

   D  a   l   t  e  p  a  r   i  n   1   2   9      

   4   3  u  n   i   t  s   /   k  g  p  e  r   d

    (  a  n   t   i -   X  a   0 .   4 -   1 .   0  u  n   i   t  s   /  m   L   )

   N  5    4


   V   T   E ,  n  5    1


   N  o   t  r  e  p  o  r   t  e   d

   N  o  n  e  r  e  p  o  r   t  e   d

   N  o  n  e  r  e  p  o  r   t  e


  n  5    6  c  o  m  p   l  e   t  e

   r  e  c  a  n  a   l   i  z  a   t   i  o  n

  n  5    5  p  a  r   t   i  a   l

   r  e  c  a  n  a   l   i  z  a   t   i  o  n

  n  5    7  n  o  r  e  c  a  n  a   l   i  z  a   t   i  o  n

   T  a   b   l  e   S   1 —

   C  o  n   t   i  n  u  e   d

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    S   t  u   d  y   /   Y  e  a  r

   D  e  s   i  g  n

   T  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t   T  a  r  g  e   t

   L  e  v  e   l  s

   N  o .   P  a   t   i  e  n   t  s

   F  o   l   l  o  w -  u  p

   T   h  r  o  m   b  o  e  m   b  o   l   i  c

   E  v  e  n   t  s

   M  a   j   o  r

   H  e  m  o  r  r   h  a  g


   C  o  m  m  e  n   t  s

    S   t  r  e   i   f  e   t  a   l   1   1    /   1

   9   9   9


   P  r  o  s  p  e  c   t   i  v  e

   c  o   h  o  r   t

   V   K   A

  n  5    5

   2 ,   (   I   N   R   1 .   4 -   1 .   8   )

  n  5    2

   6   3 ,   (   I   N   R   2 -   3   )

  n  5    (   I

   N   R   2 .   5 -   3 .   5   )

  n  5    2

   0   8  p  r   i  m  a  r  y

   p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

  n  5    1

   4   4  s  e  c  o  n   d  a  r  y

   p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   4   9 -   6   1   %   T   T   R

   N  5    3

   1   9

   3   5   2  c

  o  u  r  s  e  s  o   f

    t   h  e

  r  a  p  y

   3   9   1   t  r  e  a   t  m  e  n   t -  y

   A  g  e ,   1  m  o -   1   8  y

   M  e   d   i  a  n ,   6  m  o

  n  5    8

  n  5    6 ,  a   f   t  e  r   V   K   A

    t   h  e  r  a  p  y

   d   i  s  c  o  n   t   i  n  u  e   d

  n  5    2

   1 .   3   %  p  e  r  p  a   t   i  e  n   t -  y ,

    d  u  r   i  n  g   V   K   A

   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

  n  5    2

   0 .   5   %   /  p  a   t   i  e  n   t -


   3   6   %  o   f  c   h   i   l   d  r  e  n   h  a   d

    C   H   D   (  n  5    1

   1   4   )


   M  a  s  s   i  c  o   t   t  e  e   t  a   l   1   2    /   1

   9   9   6

   C  a  s  e  s  e  r   i  e  s

   E  n  o  x  a  p  a  r   i  n   (  a  n   t   i -   X  a

    0 .   5 -   1 .   0  u  n   i   t  s   /  m   L   )

   N  5    2


   V   T   E ,  n  5    1


   C   N   S ,  n  5    9

   C   H   D

  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s ,

   n  5


   V  a  r   i  a   b   l  e   d  u  r  a   t   i  o  n


  o   f   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

   R  a  n  g  e ,   1   0 -   5   0   d

   N  o  n  e  w   /  r  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t

    V   T   E

  n  5    2


   A  n   d  r  e  w  e   t  a   l   1   3    /   1

   9   9   4


   P  r  o  s  p  e  c   t   i  v  e

   c  o   h  o  r   t

   U   F   H   (   P   T   T   5   5 -   8   5  s   )  ;

    5   2   /   6   5   (   7   3   %   )  o   f

   P   T   T  s  c  o  r  r  e  s  p  o  n   d  e   d

   t  o  a  n   t   i -   X  a  a  n   d  w   i   t   h   i  n

   t   h  e  r  a  p  e  u   t   i  c  r  a  n  g  e

   N  5    6


   F  o   l   l  o  w -  u  p ,   N  5    6


  n  5    2

   9 ,   ,    1  y

  n  5    3

   6 ,   1 -   1   8  y

   V   T   E ,  n  5    3


    (  n  5    9

   ,    1  y   )

   A  r   t  e  r   i  a   l   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s ,

   n  5

    1   1

   N  o   t  r  e  p  o  r   t  e   d

  n  5    2

  n  5    1


   A  n   d  r  e  w  e   t  a   l   1   4    /   1

   9   9   4


   P  r  o  s  p  e  c   t   i  v  e

   c  o   h  o  r   t

   V   K   A

   1 .   I   N   R   2 -   3   3    3 -   6  m  o

    f  o   l   l  o  w  e   d   b  y

   I   N   R   1 .   3 -   1 .   8  s  e  c  o  n   d  a  r  y

  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   2 .   1 .   3 -   1 .   8  p  r   i  m  a  r  y

   p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s

   3 .   2 .   5 -   3 .   5

    (  m  e  c   h  a  n   i  c  a   l  v  a   l  v  e  s   )

   N  5    1

   1   5

   S  e  c  o  n   d  a  r  y  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s ,

   n  5

    5   4

   P  r   i  m  a  r  y  p  r  o  p   h  y   l  a  x   i  s ,

   n  5

    6   1

   D  u  r  a   t   i  o  n  o   f   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

   n  5    3

   7 ,   3 -   6  m  o

   n  5    3

   8 ,   6  m  o

   n  5    4

   0 ,

    l   i   f  e   l  o  n  g

   1   8  m  o

  n  5    4  n  e  w   /  r  e  c  u  r  r  e  n   t

    t   h  r  o  m   b  o  s   i  s  a   f   t  e  r

   V   K   A   t   h  e  r  a  p  y

   d   i  s  c  o  n   t   i  n  u  e   d

  n  5    2


   C   H   D  5   c  o  n  g  e  n   i   t  a   l   h  e  a  r   t   d   i  s  e  a  s  e  ;   I   N   R  5    i  n   t  e  r  n  a   t   i  o  n  a   l  n  o  r  m  a   l   i  z  e   d  r  a   t   i  o  ;   L   M   W   H  5    l  o  w -  m  o   l  e  c  u   l  a  r -  w  e   i  g   h   t   h  e  p  a  r   i  n  ;   P   T   T  5   p  a  r   t   i  a   l   t   h  r  o  m   b  o  p   l  a  s   t   i  n   t   i  m  e  ;   T   E  5    t   h  r  o  m   b  o  e  m   b  o   l   i  s

  m  ;   T   T   R  5    t   i  m  e   i  n   t   h  e  r  a  p  e  u   t   i  c

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DOI 10.1378/chest.11-2308 2012;141; e737S-e801SChest 

Janna M. Journeycake, Ulrike Nowak-Göttl and Sara K. VeselyPaul Monagle, Anthony K. C. Chan, Neil A. Goldenberg, Rebecca N. Ichord,

Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice GuidelinesTherapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College ofAntithrombotic Therapy in Neonates and Children : Antithrombotic

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