neovia inaugurates its global innovation centre€¦ · 3 launched in march 2013, the global...


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Page 1: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based

Neovia iNauguratesits global iNNovatioN ceNtre

PRESS RELEASE / 8th JuLy 2016

Page 2: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


ta b l e o f c o N t e N t s






ThE «WE’nOv» BuILDIng

15 mOnThs Of cOnsTRucTIOn In ImAgEs








Page 3: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based on internal procedures reworked and adjusted to the challen-ges of an increasingly connected and changing world.

A vision that closely involves the players in our french and internatio-nal ecosystems: customers, suppliers, research institutes, universities, competitiveness clusters, start-ups.

A vision that places innovation firmly at the heart of our company strategy to ensure the sustainable growth of our business lines and our new activities.

With «We’nov», our global innovation centre, neovia will accelerate the development and finalisation of innovative solutions and ser-vices in the animal nutrition and health sector. This centre will also foster the increase in collaborative projects with the players in our ecosystem, in an assimilated approach of open innovation and sustainable growth.

A building that is resolutely innovative in terms of energy, environment and connectivity, the global innovation centre will also spotlight new ways of working that are resolutely open and collaborative. Working methods that apply a co-creation approach such as Design thinking or digital.

In addition, the global innovation centre is clearly the keystone of a network of experts and global partners. Backed by the creation of an investment fund dedicated to innovation, it illustrates the ambi-tion of our new name: neovia.

A new name that expresses a paradigm shift, a new dimension to our company, and demonstrates our wish to open a new way, the route of innovation, neovia’s mission!

e D i t o r i a l

By Hubert de RoquefeuilcEO of neovia

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Page 5: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based



a changing world, innovation is even more mandatory. In 2050, with over nine billion human beings to feed, current solutions will not be enough. Anticipating changing market

needs and turning major challenges into outstanding opportunities for growth are the missions that Neovia entrusts to innovation. That is why, for Neovia, innovation is at the core of its strategy.

Effective innovation involves constantly examining changing market needs and thinking of adapted solutions, products, and services. It means being adaptable, flexible, responsive, open to others and new ideas, and stay interconnected.

To achieve this goal, in march 2013 neovia launched the global innovation centre initiative, now called We’nov. This project intends to embody two goals: enable neovia to place innovation at the heart of decision making and ensure a higher success rate for tomorrow innovation projects. This new programme will encourage synergies between players and innovation entities within the group worldwide.


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K n o w i n g i t s m a r K e t s

how does neovia analyse the value of and changes to its existing or target markets?

To better understand its markets, neovia has developed a multi-pronged approach based on the following sources:

Analysing available market surveys carrying out ad-hoc market research Reviewing reports from professional associations worldwide In-house market Intelligence unit Evaluating local or regional opportunities through our subsidiaries feedback from sales teams in the field setting up call campaigns through our customer relations centres (cf. mexico)

This multi-criteria approach allows business-line managers and marketing to have an accurate map of the various markets and customer segments.

how important is it to understand the diversity of our customers’ needs and uses?

Innovation must always be based upon the customer’s needs and uses. That makes it possible to understand and define from the very beginning the distinctive products and services that will provide our customers real added value: use, technical or economic value. consequently, constantly monitoring changes in uses of our customers, in the field, means we can better detect their latent or implicit needs - sources of ideas and development for our innovation teams. Through this approach, we benefit from an in-depth understanding of the segmentation and needs of our customers. combined with our knowledge of our target markets, this allows us to quickly estimate the market potential of an idea or a concept.

how do the market data and the quality of the customer relations support our innovation approach?

Each innovation project is based on a well-focussed dialogue between marketing and innovation. This approach means the ideas or concepts can be compared against quantitative data concerning the market or our customers. That is the concept promoted by our We’nov initiative! This dialogue is also constant with our customers, and is especially im-portant during the downstream and pre-project phases. During these phases, prototypes are tested amongst the customers or user panels, so as to refine and confirm the benefits of the products and services considered. As you will have already realized, the customer is at the heart of our process and ensures that our innovations are pertinent.

how can a global company learn about specific local conditions?

Innovation is always a two-fold dynamic. The company can propose it to its subsidiaries, or a local requirement can become international. As a result, each concept is tested beforehand in the main target markets to identify the idea’s potential benefits for each of our local markets. The involvement and opinions of our teams or customers, in the countries in which we operate, are therefore vital. They encourage a different perspective and prevent from inappropriate decisions that do not match local conditions.

eric De seguiNs Pazzis SENIOR VP MARKEtING, 



q u e s t i o n s to . . .

Page 7: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


B e t t e r u n d e r s ta n d i n g t h e u s e s a n d n e e d s o f i t s c u s to m e r s


steP 1 EmpAThyLearn from the users

steP 2 DEfInITIOnspecify and process the issues raised in the previous step

steP 3 IDEATIOn“Brainstorm” to develop creative solutions

steP 4 pROTOTypInggive an idea physical form as a prototype (sharing with the customer)

steP 5 TEsTIngTest the concept with a group of users and validate it

D e s i g n t h i n k i n g :5 k e y s t e p s

The world in which we live is changing very rapidly. So it is particularly risky to «innovate alone in your corner» today. For that reason, Neovia strongly advocates an approach of co-developing its products and services with all of its stakeholders: farmers, customers, private and cooperative partners, sup-pliers, employees, and consumers. This co-creation or co-development is a reality at each step of the innovation process, from design to marketing.

To achieve this goal, neovia has set up its Design Lab, a Design thinking department in its global innovation centre, to carry out the design, prototyping and testing in the same place. This method, used by the leading Internet and new technology companies, is the fruit of a detailed analysis carried out by stanford university into the impor-tance of uses.

The Design thinking method is based on the following principle: the uses of the users are the starting point for reflection. This metho-dology also aims to transform the identified needs of users into technical and technological solutions that are viable from a business point of view. Resolutely multidisciplinary, Design thinking is a synonym for transversality. It enables the various units of the company to always have better knowledge and understanding of each other. In this way, the company innovates effectively, i.e. collectively.

—Above : workshop in the Design Lab


Page 8: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


Each person has a role to play in innovation. It is the diversity of the business lines, cultures, experiences and points of view that gives rise to the distinctive responses and solutions that meet the needs and uses of our customers and partners, locally, nationally and globally.

Based on this observation, the global innovation centre has brought together in one place several functions and business lines that play a key role in each development step of an innovation project. This approach aims at promoting openness, transversality and discussions between the business lines, functional departments and internal and external stakeholders:

Strategy and marketing: know its markets; understand and anticipate the new expectations or uses of each target customer/market; anticipate regulatory changes; etc.

Innovation, R&D, external partners, industrial/technological experts,

Design Lab, digital: propose and test innovative products, solutions or business models supported by the customer; and quickly make sure of their industrial feasibility and economic viability so as to reduce the time to market.

Marketing, Business development and sales teams: validate the business model of the solution chosen; define a suitable marketing/sales strategy; and support the roll-out and marketing of products and solutions.

The building’s design and layout have been developed to meet with the need for transversality, creativity, rapidity, and to encourage col-laborative working: formal and informal meeting rooms, open areas, hoteling offices, video-conference systems, «stand up meeting rooms», many areas for small group discussions, sports room. Thanks to this approach, the company’s various functional units live, work and think together in the service of our customers and partners.

—The opposite picture, on the left:Welcome of the council of the School of Agriculture of Angers

On the right:Informal meetings between digital and communication teams

e n co u r a g i n g a n d p r o m ot i n g co l l a B o r at i v e w o r K

Page 9: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based



a dy n a m i c o p e n i n n o vat i o n

Innovation is a state of mind based on the capacity for openness of the company, employees and teams. This way of looking at the world leads to constantly questioning practices and solutions in the light of changing expectations from customers and the market. Also, innovation does not mean being limited to the company know-how. It involves in-creasing contacts and joint projects with external partners (customers, private and cooperative partners, suppliers, etc.) in an assimilated open innovation approach!

Today, the companies that make a difference no longer innovate in isolation. They surround themselves with an effective, strong, and durable innovation ecosystem consisting of the leading public and private players, competitiveness clusters, start-ups, researchers, universities. Innovative and successful companies also always ask the following three questions: do I need to make this project («make»), buy it («buy») in order to exploit it, or produce it in partnership («co-innovation»)?

viNceNt siNcHolle dESIGN LAb MANAGER

What is open innovation?Open innovation is the link between a company and its environment that enables improved sharing of the risks and benefits linked to an innovative project with external partners.

How was this concept born?This concept arose from the observation that nowadays a company’s boundaries are more and more artificial with regarding its ecosystem. The innovative company must interact at all times with its stakeholders at each step in a project’s development.

What are these interactions?no company has all the expertise or experience required to carry out an innovative project. We therefore need to be open and systematically search outside on a case-by-case basis for the skills or know-how that will allow an innovative project to be carried out. This approach makes it possible to accelerate development and to increase our ability to innovate.

q u e s t i o n s to . . .


Page 10: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based



How is the innovation approach «implemented» at Neovia?

Our innovation approach is designed to increase, accelerate and make more reliable the development and marketing of innovative solutions. Thus, we have defined a methodology for developing robust innovative projects based on 6 key steps (from idea to marketing). passing from one step to the next entails meeting clear criteria and appropriate approval bodies have been set up at each step (innovation committee, management committee). This methodology also means that the scope and objectives of each project can be clearly delimited.

q u e s t i o n s to . . . MatHieu tourNat



Page 11: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


Besides the procedures, how does the innovation culture develop?

Innovating means a different mindset and way of working. The global innovation centre encourages therefore new methods and ways of working (Design Lab, etc). It also regularly offers employees the opportunity to meet creators or innovators from their own or other business areas in «innovation meetings» or ad-hoc events.

In addition, so that innovation moves out of the design area and takes physical form, we also organise challenges allowing employees to submit their innovation ideas and be supported by the company in achieving them (financial support, resources provided). These initiatives allow everyone to become aware of their potential for innovation and above all to realise it!


An innovative company must enable its employees to experience inno-vation on an everyday basis, to demonstrate by proof that innovation is not necessarily complicated and, even less, limited to just a few. In order to make this vision concrete, neovia regularly organises meetings and events that enable employees to be open to other approaches and practices. Being compared, not being afraid of being «benchmarked» - this is one of the other sources of innovation!

In addition, innovation is investigating new territories and continually testing new ideas. so innovation can be synonymous with success but also, and frequently, with failure. Encouraging employees to innovate therefore entails valuing the taking of risks and the right to fail. Every employee must feel able to fail, so that their potential for innovation is not «stifled»!

Because innovation cannot be just a word or a concept, neovia encou-rages action!

t h e i n n ovat i o n m e e t i n g sLaunched in October 2014, the innovation meetings are short in-house events (maximum of 30 minutes) organised every two months. these meetings have two goals: to set up an innovation culture, and regularly present the innovations developed at Neovia to the employees. these meetings are also the occasion for wel-coming and discussing with high-level presenters from outside in order to share new ideas in an open innovation approach.

i n n o vat i o n e v e r y d ay

«Innovation is everyone’s business and we can all contribute. this is why we decided to launch the «We’can» innovation challenge, open to all our employees throughout the world», explained hubert de Roquefeuil, cEO of Neovia.

«this challenge must allow employees with an innovative idea to go farther and test it, prove its value. thanks to the company’s support (grants allocated, resources, coaching), each employee selected can demonstrate the feasibility and market potential of his idea. they can also develop it more effectively.»

“ W e ’ c a n ”c h a l l e n g e

Page 12: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


Innovation requires creativity and a certain «fresh spirit». however, creativity can only fully demonstrate

its benefits by undergoing a structured evaluation procedure. The goal of the innovation procedure is to

ensure that the initial idea can become a success!


t h e i n n o vat i o n p r o c e d u r e


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Neovia has defined a 10-year strategic plan, «2025 by Neovia», based on an in-depth analysis of major changes in the needs and uses of its customers and markets world-wide. In this context, with the approval of its parent com-pany the InVivo group, the company wanted, as a priority, to allocate its resources and investments in markets and solutions with high potential.

This decision led to the identification of 5 priority innova-tion fields, which will form the future engines of growth and will enable neovia to offer its customers and partners distinctive products and services in the short and me-dium term.

To achieve this goal, neovia will continue to accelerate the structuring of its innovation ecosystem worldwide and focus on working more and more closely with spe-cialist partners in these 5 areas: universities, start-ups, research institutes, competitiveness clusters and leading companies.

Page 14: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


s m a r t fa r m i n g i n t e n s i v e a q u a c u lt u r e how do the new technologies increase the performance of farmers

and food producers? smart livestock farming, precise nutrition - the goal of smart farming is to make it easier to manage and improve the performance of farms through more efficient, sustainable, high-quality agriculture. In this way, farmers can adjust their methods and practices accurately thanks to data received by sensors or connected objects and used for the monitoring and early detection of events in the animal life (feeding, behaviour, health problems, etc.). In smart farming, neovia has chosen to focus on its main research and innovation efforts in three key concepts:

connected objects: individualised monitoring of each animal in a herd

user-friendly applications (tablets, mobile devices): speedy diagnosis and real-time advice for the farmer

The data platforms: single access to all the information for the farm and the use of new related services

examples: STANDIpIg: a user-friendly, instant mobile application making it easier to compare farms or batches of pigs during their growth phase and allowing the farm’s overall performance to be improved.

TILApp: a connected object for measuring the particle size of feed produced in a factory, making it possible to confirm the batch’s compliance, share information with customers, and cut the analysis time by 7.

Aquaculture production is going to increase by 450% by 2040 and represent a major challenge in years to come. The increase in production will be achieved mainly through larger farms, better controlled and regulated, as with land animals. In this specific market, the interaction between the animal (fish, shrimps, etc.) and its environment (water) is fundamental and continuous.

This is why neovia has favoured a holistic approach to aqua-culture, going from feed to ma-naging breeding basins (quality, managing the water circuit) to ensure high-quality production that respects the environment.


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Our research and innovation efforts in intensive aquaculture are focussed on 4 major issues:

precise nutrition

The link between genetics and nutrition

predictive monitoring of animals and facilities

managing the quality of the water and breeding basins


INMyFARM AquA is an innovative system for managing a fish farm or breeding basin. Directly usable on a tablet, the application allows all the key criteria for a breeding basin to be analysed. simple to use, it consists of several main functions: inventory of the goals, the most appropriate proposal, controls for monitoring, evaluating and compa-ring performance. The information is available in real time and enables a quality benchmark, thanks to an international database. In addition, the platform allows user experiences to be shared and undergoes continuous improvements on an ad-hoc basis.

example: examples:

o p t i m i s i n g r e s o u r c e s population growth combined with higher living standards means the demand for animal proteins is increasing. A sensible, optimised use of resources (raw materials) therefore becomes a key issue if our societies are to benefit from sustainable growth. That’s why, neovia has made optimising resources use one of its priority fields of innovation. In a context of a continuing rise in the demand for raw materials, market volatility and stagnating yields, the company proposes and develops appropriate eco-compatible nutritional solutions: replacing raw mate-rials in short supply by other raw materials, utilising co-products, etc. neovia’s long-standing expertise in this area, combined with its global presence, gives a real comparative advantage. It has allowed the com-pany to define 3 priority areas of innovation:

The alternative to wild artemias for feeding aquaculture species in the larval stage

using insects as a new source of proteins

new formulation concepts for optimising resources and improving animal performance while limiting the impact of market fluctuations

france has developed an industrial tool designed to process soya and rapeseed meal. Designed for ruminants, the «3p» technology enables the nutritional value of these raw materials to be improved by protecting the degradation of the protein in the rumen.

In India, neovia has identified, analysed and categorised the non used co-pRoDucTS for an alcohol manufacturer. Today, this pro-ducer’s rice grains are listed in our formulation tables and utilised in poultry feed.

Page 16: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


i n t e r a c t i v e p e t l i n e Worldwide, the petfood market is steadily expanding by over 71 billion Dollars. The two-fold dynamic of urbanisation and higher living standards of populations (especially in the leading emerging countries) has had a great impact on its structure and the expectations of its customers. Today it is reflected in two trends linked to changes in ways of life: «humanising» the animal (anthropomorphism, a «complete member of the family») and premiumising needs (level of quality demanded, increased average shopping basket). new technology and connected objects are an integral part of the change in the relationship with pets. people today want more interaction with their companion, and the ani-mal becomes a new friend connected to our networks!

Our areas of innovation regarding the interactive petline are mainly focussed on two aspects:

connected objects

Data platforms

examples: prototype of a coNNecTeD coLLAR DeSIgNeD FoR VeTeRINARIANS, which allows owners of an animal having an operation to be informed in real time of the state of their animal’s health following the operation. Once the animal has woken up and the post-operative checks have been carried out, the owner is notified directly on their mobile phone so that they can come to collect their animal.

A STRATegIc pARTNeRSHIp was set up in may 2016 with Lille-based start-up Equisense. This company has developed a solution (sensor and applications) that allows an accurate analysis of the performance of competition horses. The collaboration with neovia concerns trans-lating the data about the horse’s activity into nutritional diagnostics intended to the horse’s owner. neovia is the leader in equine nutrition in france, Brazil and mexico through prestigious brands such as Des-trier and Royal horse.

Page 17: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


f u n c t i o n a l i n g r e d i e n t sfunctional ingredients are ingredients that provide a benefit to food (taste, texture, hydration, health aspect). They include natural solutions at the service of zootechnical performance, which provi-de an alternative to the use of medicines. In 2013, neovia’s experts published a reference article in the journal «nature» describing the intestine as an intelligent sensory organ («a second brain») which food communicates with. The concept of «non-nutrition» has thus been developed. «non-nutrients» have no nutritional content but generate an actual zootechnical result that modifies the regulation of the immune and endocrine systems, the metabolism and the in-testinal microflora.

neovia has identified a number of innovative concepts or technologies where its expertise, combined with external know-how, can allow distinctive solutions to be created.

phages: viruses that only infect bacteria and offer very promising applications at the interface of health and nutrition

micro-algae and macro-algae: a large number of specialities could be produced from algae, and several institutes and start-ups are working on this topic

Endocrinology: a deeper understanding of hormonal mechanisms will make it possible to better target the mechanism of action of many products

young animal nutrition: the early development stages of animals are the most sensitive and have the highest mortality risk

growing rare plants: for some additives derived from plants, it is essential to first of all control the selection and acquisition of plants in order to secure their supply and to control their quality

examples: Intended for laying hens, peRFegg («non-nutrient») makes it possible to maintain stable eggs production at the end of the laying period and to improve the rate-of-lay over time.

neovia is working on MoLecuLAR pReFeReNce TeSTS for pigs. This approach will enable taste modifiers to be developed, on a genomic basis, to improve the performance, well-being and health of pigs and calves, especially during weaning.


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cREATIng An InvEsTmEnT funD DEDIcATED TO InnOvATIOn Neovia wants equip itself with all the resources requ i red to promote innovat ion and deve lop partnerships in innovative projects. For this, the company has decided to create an investment fund dedicated to innovative projects and companies in France and abroad: Neovia Venture.

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c l e a r ly d e f i n e d o B j e c t i v e s a n d o p e r at i n g p r o c e d u r e s

a n a d d i t i o n a l to o l at t h e s e r v i c e o f i n n o vat i o n

With 5 million Euros to spend over several years, neovia venture’s purpose is to take minority holdings in innovating companies having a direct or indirect link with the medium-term strategy and 5 priority innovation fields defined by neovia: smart farming, intensive aquaculture, interactive petline, optimising resources, functional ingredients.

neovia venture will be headed by a chairperson and will have an investment committee responsible for ensuring the pertinence and coherence of the investments made. Wishing to support the deve-lopment of the companies in which it will invest, neovia venture will, insofar as possible, take part in the governance bodies of the companies in question.

neovia venture complements neovia’s innovation scheme. It allows the company to fully carry out its role of supporter and incubator for start-ups. With its investment fund, neovia confirms its wish and ambition to place innovation at the heart of its corporate plan, an «open» corporate plan that must allow, with its partners, to face the major issues of tomorrow at the service of sustainable growth.


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Launched in March 2013, Neovia’s global innovation centre was inaugurated officially on Friday 8th July 2016. Directly linked to the goals of our strategic plan, it embodies and expresses our investment in the future and is a tangible illustration of our innovation programme «We’nov».

This programme, whose operation is based on a system of networks, is aims at boosting synergies between all the innovation players in our global ecosystem. not merely an innovative building, it is the very central element of a global network bringing together all of neovia’s expertise: expe-rimental farms (13 stations), testing laboratories (6 sites), university partners, etc.

With this new building, neovia is giving impetus to a new innovation programme. Innovation that is more open, more international and shared by all the company’s employees and its stakeholders worldwide.

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a n i n n o vat i v e B u i l d i n g at o u r c u s to m e r s ’ s e r v i c e , d e s i g n e d f o r a n d B y i t s u s e r s

neovia sees innovation as a key differentiation tool at the service of its customers and partners. for this reason, construction of the global innovation centre was undertaken by comparing the best current practices (many visits to innovative sites) and by wor-king closely with those who know our customers and their needs best: neovia’s employees.

Involved from the beginning of the project, then during the design of the building and the organisation of teams, the employees have had a say in the selection of the architect, the furniture and fittings, and in defining the building’s operation. This co-development project demonstrates neovia’s approach of innovation: modern and colla-borative. It is shown in the diversity of areas created within the new building:

modular spaces: to welcome start-ups, private or cooperative partners in a dynamic open innovation

co-working spaces: to enable quick and informal discussions between the teams

ultra-modern meeting rooms (video-conferencing, touch screens, digital flip-charts, etc.): to easily and rapidly share projects and presentations with all our international contacts and networks

non-standard meeting rooms: «stand up» meeting rooms without chairs for quick reviews, «pitch» room organised like an arena for presenting, defending, and arguing the merits of a project or an innovative idea, etc.

These different areas provide suitable conditions for carrying out each step in an innovation project. The building now houses over 70 people (marketing, R&D, formulation, innovation management, business development, new technology, Design thinking, digital, etc.) and operates in direct contact with the company’s global in-novation network and its various stakeholders. Resolutely open, the purpose of the global innovation centre is to welcome other teams or partners (cooperatives, universities or start-ups) according to the projects undertaken.

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a n o u t s ta n d i n g B u i l d i n g i n e n v i r o n m e n ta l t e r m s

The building was designed by the Rennes-based architectural firm Jean-pierre meignan. It perfectly combines the building’s integration into the landscape of the saint-nolff site with innovation through premium heating and energy solutions.

A real pinnacle of eco-design, this building of over 2,000 m2 was designed according to BEpOs EffInERgIE specifications, i.e as a positive energy building that produces more than it uses.

To cover the building’s «domestic» needs (heating, ventilation, lighting, domestic hot water), photovoltaic panels have been installed on the partially vegetated roof. The surplus production can then be distributed to the rest of the site. In addition, all consumption is managed by a centralised Building management (cBm) system and load shedding is carried out according to the photovoltaic production.

Winner of the call for Low Energy Building projects initiated by ADEmE in 2014, the We’nov global innovation centre benefits from optimised consumption thanks to a high degree of thermal insulation. heating is provided by renewable energy (aerothermal system), and also by solar energy thanks to large glazed surfaces. Air-conditioning is a passive system making use of cooler night temperatures. Air renewal is provided by a dual flow unit and by a detection of cO2 aimed at reducing the energy loss to a strict minimum.

68,7 kWTOTAL cApAcITy Of ThE phOTOvOLTAIc pOWER sysTEm

210ThE numBER Of phOTOvOLTAIc pAnELs

342 m2 ThE TOTAL suRfAcE-AREA Of phOTOvOLTAIc pAnELs

12,2 kWh /m2


44% ThE BuILDIng’s cOnsumpTIOn sAvIngs RELATIvE TO cuRREnT REguLATIOns (RT 2012)

Page 23: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based



neovia’s project was financially supported by the state (pAT-RDI [the french Regional Development grant scheme for Research, Development and Innovation] and ADEmE [the french Environment and Energy management Agency]), the Brittany Regional council, and the morbihan Departmental council. In addition, all the local, departmental and regional public players played a role in enabling the global innovation centre project to be realised.

for carrying out the project, neovia made use of the high quality of local, regional and national expertise and could assess the quality of the Breton, and more broadly french, ecosystem.

a p r oj e c t s u p p o r t e d B y p u B l i c p l ay e r s a n d c a r r i e d o u t u s i n g lo c a l a n d r e g i o n a l co m pa n i e s

—Above : Plan of the global innovation centre project

Page 24: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


Page 25: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


BAck TO 15 mOnThs Of BuILDIng (fROm JAnuARy 2015 TO ApRIL 2016)

Page 26: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


Page 27: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based


BAck TO 15 mOnThs Of BuILDIng (fROm JAnuARy 2015 TO ApRIL 2016)

Page 28: Neovia iNaugurates its global iNNovatioN ceNtre€¦ · 3 Launched in March 2013, the global in-novation centre embodies our vision of innovation. An ambitious and open vision, based

LIEu-dIt tALhOuët 56250 SAINt-NOLff+33 (0)2 97 48 54 54

cOMMuNIcAtION [email protected]