nepali politics, maoists and india

NEPALI POLITICS, MAOISTS AND INDIA Keshav Prsad Bhattarai Whatever may be the reaction of external stakeholders of Nepal’s peace process and constitution making, common people for the time being have had a deep sense of relief after the dissolution of Constituent Assembly that was repeatedly extending its term. The huge body entrusted to deliver a new constitution supposed to bring a new era of peace and development ended with creating deep divisions among people and fomenting communal or ethical hatreds. Therefore, the unceremonious dissolution of Constituent Assembly on May 27 came with an exceptional peace and tranquility in the country that however, may be short lived. Understandably, those extracting lavish perks in the name of Constitution making from internal and external sources may have found themselves squarely exposed, and will not shy away from stirring up irritation and turmoil in days to come. But if there will be no external meddling by so called self proclaiming savors in its natural course of political developments, Nepal can find its course – nonetheless with some hitches – from minor to dangerous one. Human Development Report 2002 has made a critical observation – “Democracy that empowers people must be built – it cannot be imported” imposed or imitated. But, building democracies is building institutions and develop them on the foundations of its history and circumstances that governs the values, cultures and attitudes of the people. We brought democracy in 1950, it failed after 10 years. In 1990 we restored it, but just after five years, Maoists took up arms against it. Amid some more 15,000 deaths and thousands displaced under Maoist insurgency, democratic governance initiated in 1990 ended up with another undemocratic Royal takeover in 2005. Against the King’s direct rule, India mediated a 12 point understanding between Maoist and other mainstream political parties. That was followed by series of other unsubstantiated agreements. Later in the election of a new Constituent Assembly, with guns in hand, Maoists were allowed freehand to fight the election and consequently, they were able to grab majority of seats in direct elections from among the terror stricken people. However in

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Whatever may be the reaction of external stakeholders of Nepal’s peace process and constitution making, common people for the time being have had a deep sense of relief after the dissolution of Constituent Assembly that was repeatedly extending its term. The huge body entrusted to deliver a new constitution supposed to bring a new era of peace and development ended with creating deep divisions among people and fomenting communal or ethical hatreds. Therefore, the unceremonious dissolution of Constituent Assembly on May 27 came with an exceptional peace and tranquility in the country that however, may be short lived.

Understandably, those extracting lavish perks in the name of Constitution making from internal and external sources may have found themselves squarely exposed, and will not shy away from stirring up irritation and turmoil in days to come. But if there will be no external meddling by so called self proclaiming savors in its natural course of political developments, Nepal can find its course – nonetheless with some hitches – from minor to dangerous one.

Human Development Report 2002 has made a critical observation – “Democracy that empowers people must be built – it cannot be imported” imposed or imitated. But, building democracies is building institutions and develop them on the foundations of its history and circumstances that governs the values, cultures and attitudes of the people. We brought democracy in 1950, it failed after 10 years. In 1990 we restored it, but just after five years, Maoists took up arms against it. Amid some more 15,000 deaths and thousands displaced under Maoist insurgency, democratic governance initiated in 1990 ended up with another undemocratic Royal takeover in 2005.

Against the King’s direct rule, India mediated a 12 point understanding between Maoist and other mainstream political parties. That was followed by series of other unsubstantiated agreements. Later in the election of a new Constituent Assembly, with guns in hand, Maoists were allowed freehand to fight the election and consequently, they were able to grab majority of seats in direct elections from among the terror stricken people. However in proportional election, they could not bag similar success. After the elections in 2008, they became the largest political party and a key political player - pushing the rest into some more like a subsidiary to them.

Obviously, in an age of globalization politics in any country cannot limit to be local. But naturally, is shaped mainly by economic integration of countries, technological revolutions and cross border security environments. Similarly peoples’ problems and challenges are globalized but unless the solutions are home grown or rooted upon their own history, traditions and culture, countries become impeded with ability to solve their problems and in turn end up with chaos and conflicts.

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U.S. president Barrack Obama has made a pertinent remark in this regard, relevant to our context too. In his reference to Iraq on June 2009, he said-“I know there has been controversy about the promotion of democracy in recent years . . . So let me be clear: no system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other.”


Undoubtedly, Nepal did not and does not have strong democratic institutions, so has it failed again and again. Every time, when democracy fails to meet people’s expectations and manage dissensions among people in power, the country ensues to the system failure with another movement. This makes Indian involvement inevitable whether in request by one or other party for their political interest or they are lured or forced to invite India to butt in.

Quite naturally, Nepal’s weakened state structures could not withstand Indian pressures –varying from economic blockade to forming international alliance against any existing government in Nepal – not toeing their lines. Therefore in every political change in Nepal, India has become a major partner. But the high price Nepal has to pay India for its role in new change, has in return discredited the change itself and weakened the regime that followed the change.

In a book published recently – Nepal in Transition: From People’s War to Fragile Peace, edited by Sebastian Einsiedel, David Malone and Suman Pradhan, noted Indian Academician and Nepal expert S.D. Muni has drawn a graphic picture of Indian role in Nepal’s political change including deposing monarchy and bringing Maoist in main stream.

According to Muni with increased international support including India and U.S., when Nepal Army was creating difficulties for Maoist to conduct their war activities, Baburan Bhattarai was sent to appease New Delhi in early 2002. In June 2002 a letter jointly written by Prachanda and Baburam with a promise to India that they “would not do anything to harm its critical interests”, was handed over to the office of Indian Prime Minister. Consequently, “intelligence surveillance and restrictions on Maoists’ movements in India were relaxed”, and in their discussions with Indian intelligence agency Baburam and his team “reiterated their position again in writing to the IB sleuths”. . . , “followed by more contacts and meetings between the Maoists and the RAW. Maoists could now move with greater ease and could also contact other Nepali political leaders in India.” And during the course the office of the Indian Prime Minister concurred with Maoists’ demand of the abolishment of monarchy in Nepal.

As explained by Muni - the stage was set much earlier to end Monarchy in Nepal before King Gyanendra seized power in February 1, 2005. But after the Royal takeover, the events were speeded up. India and west stopped arms supply to Nepal Army in their critical war with Maoists, This forced Nepal make a deal with

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China in August 2005 and by that time “India was inching toward a position in favor of jettisoning King Gyanendra.” Muni says.

Including Sita Ram Yechury and others, according to Muni “A good personal connection between new RAW Chief Hermis Tharakan and Baburam Bhattarai facilitated better understanding between the Maoist and the RAW, which kept in regular contact with Maoist leadership”. The modality of relationship developed this way as mentioned by Muni, both the Chief of RAW (Research & Analysis Wing) - the main external intelligence agency of India and Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran made a strong lobby in India in support of Maoists to fight against monarchy in Nepal. The mission reached in climax when at last there was a 90 minutes long meeting between Dr. Karan Singh, Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran and Army Chief of Nepal General Pyar Jung Thapa. After this, General Thapa was persuaded by them “to plead with the king that there was no military solution to either the Jan Andolan II or the Maoist insurgency”. Army Chief Thapa reflected the same to the king and that left the king without any other option than to give in. Immediately thereafter, Shyam Saran in a press conference, “presented Delhi as the leading force in the restoration of democracy in Nepal”, Muni stated.

This development ultimately forced kings make the Royal proclamation of reinstating the Parliament that was dissolved as per the recommendation of Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, on May 22, 2002.


A nation is defined by some core values within its geography and is represented by some ideas, principles, norms cultures, and institutions peculiar to that territory. And any political system of any shape and form whether democratic or authoritarian if confronts with them, cannot work and sustain.

As mentioned above democracy cannot be aided, gifted, imported or imposed. It is to be built, earned and grown in its soil and environment.

Celebrated British writer Paul Collier in his exceptional book - Wars, Guns and Votes – Democracy in Dangerous places, has vividly portrayed on how democracy are run in countries including ours. According to Collier “democratic politics in the countries of the bottom billion tends to attract candidates with criminal records”, because elected office is more attractive to criminals than to the honest” ones as it offers more attractive “opportunities for corruption”.

Further he says that the usual form of democracy in the bottom billion countries “does not seem to enhance the prospects of internal peace. On the contrary, it seems to increase proneness to political violence” miserably failing to produce any accountable and legitimate government.

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Mocking at the elections in these countries that has become the single overriding concerns of developed countries Collier says “ . . . in encouraging elections , we have landed these societies in an unviable half way house that has neither the capacity of autocracies to act decisively nor the accountability of a genuine democracy.”

Collier has not missed the kind of ethnic politics that is going to ravage our society and contaminate its politics. In his book he states when ethnicity rules politics “policy choices get crowded out by the identity” and that is played with “ethnic fears and hatreds”, that although is “truly the politics of the gutter: unfortunately it works.” It weakens democracy, social unity and cooperation and works as an “impediment to prosperity.”

Solution lies with only to people and their leadership. First a nation and national identity, but “a sense of national identity does not grow out of the soil; it is constructed by a political leadership” and truly a political construction, carved by a visionary and foresighted leader- that we are lacking so far.

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The reporter (weekly)

June 4-10, 2012