nerve cells muscle cells epithelial cells bone cell fat cells

Nerve cells Muscle cells Epithelial cells Bone cell Fat cells

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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Nerve cells Muscle cells Epithelial cells Bone cell Fat cells

Nerve cellsMuscle cells

Epithelial cellsBone cell

Fat cells

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Cytology - the study of the structure, function and diseases of cells

Cell Parts - Chart 3.1 pg 56, diagram pg 49 Fig 3.2

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Plasma Membrane -Selectively permeable membrane -Phospholipid bilayer/Fluid Mosaic model

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Simple Diffusion- molecules and ions pass from areasof higher concentration to areas of lowerconcentrations.

Facilitated diffusion- requires a carrier molecule for diffusion to take place.

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Active Transport-Sodium-Potassium Pump - against concentrationgradient

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Osmosis - water diffuses from higher concentration to lower concentration

*selectively permeable - allows water to flow freely but not glucose

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Tonicity - the osmotic pressure of a solution-cells swell and shrink with changes in tonicity

A. Isotonic - equilibrium of water and solute

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B. Hypertonic - higher concentration of solute outside the cell

C. Hypotonic - lesser concentration of solute outside the cell

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*Visual of Hypertonic, Hypotonic and Isotonic

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Filtration - when molecules are forced through membranes (hydrostatic pressure).

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Vessicular Transport

Endocytosis - when particles enter into the cell by means of a vesicle.

1. Pinocytosis : liquids enter into the cell in a vesicle2. Phagocytosis : solids enter into the cell in a vesicle

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Vessicular Transport

Exocytosis : particles and liquids exit out of the cell

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Cytoplasm - the clear liquid that is essentially the site of metabolic rxns

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Centrosome - two hollow cylinderical centrioles

Centriole - active in separating chromosomes in cell division

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Cilia - small hairlike structures on the surface of the cell membrane, wavelike motion.

Flagella - longer projection on the surface of the cell, undulating wavelike motion.

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Ribosomes - composed of protein and RNA, sites of

protein synthesis

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum - a network of tubes that transport materials, contain ribosomes on their surface

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Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum - transports materials, synthesize lipids

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Golgi Apparatus - flat sacs that package, process and transport proteins

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Lysosomes - digest worn out cellular parts or toxins

Peroxisomes – sac containing enzymes that help detoxify(contain enzymes peroxidase and catalase)

Mitochondria - release and transform energy into useable forms

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Nucleus - control center of cell, contains DNA

Nuclear membrane - a porous double layer membrane that surrounds the nucleus

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Nucleolus - a dense body composed of RNA and protein, forms ribosomes

Chromatin - loosely coiled chromosomes made of protein and DNA

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DNA -> mRNA-> tRNA -> protein

Replication - copy of DNA

Transcription - DNA splits, mRNA read DNA, enters cytoplasm, binds to ribosome

Translation - mRNA is translated into DNA code by tRNA and amino acids are left

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Golgi apparatus


proteinon its way!

protein finishedprotein

Making Proteins






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Cell Cycle *responsible for the growth of an infant, as wellas the repair and replacement of cells.

Interphase - grow, replicate, and prepare for division

Prophase - chromosomes become visible, nuclear envelop disappears, spindle fibers appear and centrosomes move to opposite poles.

Metaphase - chromosomes line up at midline and spindlefibers attach to the centromere.

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Anaphase - sister chromatids separate and move to poles, spindle fibers contract or shorten pulling them apart.

Telophase - chromosomes condense and nuclear envelop appears

Cytokinesis - division of cytoplasm

Mitosis Website:

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Cell Cycle plays a role in :

1. Aging Geriatrics - the branch of medical science that deals with

diseases and problems specific to old people 2. Cancer Oncology - the branch of medicine that deals with tumors,

including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

3. Tumor or neoplasm benign - noncancerous growth malignant - cancerous growth

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metastasis in the lung usually occurs by way of the blood stream

4. Metastasis - transfer of a disease-producing agency (as cancer cells or bacteria) from an original site of disease to another part of the body

metastases of breast cancer to bone

*Read Box 4-1 on p115 and know the difference between hyperplasia and anaplasia, neoplasm, hypertrophy, and atrophy.

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Cancer - a change in your cell structure that inactivates cellular activities

Apoptosis - a programmed cell death signaled by the nuclei in normally functioning cells when they age, or become diseased.

*cancerous cells are unable to experience natural cell death

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Types of Cancer

1. Carcinomas - an invasive malignant tumor derivedfrom epithelial tissue and tends to metastasize to other areas.

2. Sarcomas - a malignant tumor arising from connective tissue

3. Leukemia - cancer of the blood forming tissues

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Causes of Cancer

1. Mutagen - DNA mutates or gene is altered2. Carcinogen - chemicals/toxins, radiation etc

Genes involved in Cancer•tumor suppressor genes •proto-oncogenes - normal cellular genes involved in

regulating and maintaining cell division•Oncogenes - genes that potentially induce tumor transfor-

mation, they replace normal genes

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*Surgery - removal of mass from tissue

*Chemotherapy - use of drugs or chem agents to destroy malignant cells/tissues

*Radiation therapy - exposure to radiation (X-rays) to treat disease

*Immunotherapy - induce, enhance or suppress immune response