nes 第7回 group lesson

NES 第 7 第 Group Lesson Giving and Receiving Telephone Calls

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NES 第 7 回 Group Lesson

Giving and Receiving Telephone Calls

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A Typical business call…Involves a receptionist or operator or other staff members. Introduce yourself and clearly state the purpose of your call when asked.

I’m calling about…(the job opening, meeting)

I’m calling in response to …(an ad) I’d like to make an appointment… I’d like to reschedule an appointment I have

with (a person, department) I’d like to speak to (person’s name)

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Formal telephone call

Receptionist: Hello ? Fun International. Madison speaking.

“Hello” annunciated as a question.

Caller: Hello, this is (your full name) from (name of company).

I’m calling about (reason for call).Could I speak to (name of person) please?Or

Could I speak to someone about (reason for call)

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Not available

Receptionist : Yes. Let me see if she/he’s in. Could you please hold?

Caller: Yes, Thank you.

Receptionist : I’m sorry, he/she’s away from his/her desk right now. May I take a message?

Caller: Yes. Please let him/her know (your name) called. My number is (your telephone number).

OrCaller: No, thank you. I’ll try again later. Do you know whe

n he/she will be in?

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Useful phrases for clarity

Could you repeat that please?

Could you speak more slowly, please?

Would you mind spelling that for me, please?

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Getting throughReceptionist : Yes. Let me put you through.(connected)

Receiver : Hello, (receiver's name) speaking.

Caller: Hi (name of person), this is (your name). Is this a good time?

Receiver : Yes, how can I help you?

Caller: The reason I’m calling is…

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Informal Telephone calls

Receiver:Hey/hi, what’s up?What’s goin’ on?

Hi, so glad you called! What are you up to?Caller:

Hey, nothing much. Just wanted to ask you/tell you…Not too much, how are things with you?

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When you’re busy…

Hey/Hi! Sorry, I can’t talk right now. Can I call you back later?

What’s up? I’m actually in the middle of something. I’ll call you in a bit/ I’ll call you in a few, alright?

Response:Sure/ no problem/ okay, talk to you later!

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Inviting someone to an event

Jenny: Hi! There’s a live comedy show at LUMINE on Thursday. Do you want to go?/Would you like to go?

Ken: Sure. Sounds fun. What time does it start?

Jenny: It starts at 7. Ken: I finish work at 6:30 so I’ll meet

you in front of the theatre at 5 to 7.Jenny: Great! See you there!

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Changing Plans…

Ken: Hi Jenny, I’m afraid I have to work late on Thursday. Can we reschedule our date?

Jenny: Sure, it’s not a problem. Lumine Yoshimoto has a 7pm show every weekday. When are you free?/When can you make it?

Ken: How about this Friday? We can grab dinner after.

Jenny: It’s a date. See you!

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A reservation: to reserve a seat on a plane/ at a restaurant/ the theater

“I’d like to make a reservation.”

An appointment: meet with a doctor/dentist/ for business meeting

“I need to make an appointment”

Meeting with friends is a plan.“Let’s hang out.”