nes general practice nursing...steroids at present. no indication for dexa scan at present establish...

1 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook NES General Practice Nursing Learning & Development Coordinated Network Initial COPD Training for General Practice Nurses to Undertake Annual COPD Reviews Assessment Handbook For Participants 2018 Assignment due: 5 th July 2018 Course Leaders: Gill Dennes. RGN. BA (Hons) MSc Gill Dennes. RGN. BA (Hons) MSc (Primary Care) ANP Clinical lead for Fife Respiratory MCN NES GPN Education Advisor for Fife. [email protected] Vicki Waqa RGN. Ba (Hons). NHS Education for Scotland Specialist Educator [email protected] Course Aim: To provide general practice nurses with the knowledge and skills to perform an annual review of COPD in primary care.

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Page 1: NES General Practice Nursing...steroids at present. No indication for DEXA scan at present Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal

1 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

NES General Practice Nursing

Learning & Development Coordinated Network

Initial COPD Training for

General Practice Nurses to Undertake

Annual COPD Reviews

Assessment Handbook

For Participants


Assignment due: 5th

July 2018

Course Leaders:

Gill Dennes. RGN. BA (Hons) MSc

Gill Dennes. RGN. BA (Hons) MSc (Primary Care) ANP Clinical lead for Fife

Respiratory MCN NES GPN Education Advisor for Fife.

[email protected]

Vicki Waqa RGN. Ba (Hons). NHS Education for Scotland Specialist Educator [email protected]

Course Aim:

To provide general practice nurses with the knowledge and skills to perform an annual review of COPD in primary care.

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2 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Section 1: Course Forms

Participant name:

Current role in COPD management e.g. participating in COPD reviews (for how long?):

Summary of learning

Date completed:

Commencement of training

15th March 2018

Completion of 2-day theoretical course

24th May 2018

Submission of first Reflective Account Formative

Date: By 17th May 2018

Submission of second Reflective Account Summative

Date: 5th July 2018

Result of DOPS


Completion of 5 COPD annual reviews

Submission of supervisors written competency statement

Submission of personal review of the five COPD reviews submitted


Date of satisfactory completion of training Supervisor comments: Participant comments:

Nurses’ Personal Record Document

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3 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Comment if required from supervisor:

This is to certify that ________________________________________________

has satisfactorily completed 5 COPD annual reviews and has demonstrated the

competencies required in accordance with the NMC Code of Practice (2015) and national

COPD guidelines.

Signature of participant __________________________________Date:

Signature of supervisor __________________________________Date:

Page 4: NES General Practice Nursing...steroids at present. No indication for DEXA scan at present Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal

4 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Worksheets for Review of Five Non Complex COPD

Reviews in General Practice

Example Worksheet:

Worksheets for Review of Non Complex COPD Reviews in General Practice

You should first observe at least two COPD reviews with your supervisor following your first taught day. When you are considered able to begin undertaking COPD reviews please carry out five with supervision. The following worksheets are for you to record these five COPD reviews for an individual diagnosed with non-complex COPD. That is a patient called in for an annual review rather than a patient presenting with, or post, an exacerbation of their condition. It is suggested that you discuss with your supervisor who would be appropriate patients to review. In keeping with the NMC Code all information on these sheets should be anonymised and not recognisable e.g. names of patients, staff, and places. Also please ask the patient’s permission to use them as part of your learning. These worksheets should be submitted after Day 2 to support your second piece of reflection. The following review is an example of how to present your reviews.

Participant name: Anon Person

NMC number:

Supervisor name:

AN Other

Date of NES Short Course

15th March 2018 and 24th May 2018

Number of Annual Review

Example (eg 1)

Consultation Process

Participant’s Notes

Introduction and check identity of patient against their medical records.

e.g. describe the patient 76 year old male. BMI 24. Height 175 cms Smoker 30 pack years. Alcohol intake 10 units/wk. Never exercises, family help with housework and shopping as he gets breathless walking 100 yards or few minutes on level. Osteoarthritis affecting both knees. Medication: Salbutamol inhaler; long acting anti muscarinic dry powder one dose daily; co-codamol30/500 1-2 four x daily

Assess current control by demonstrating and observing spirometry, pulse oximetry, assessing MRC score and use of COPD Assessment Tool

e.g. any symptoms? Use of inhalers? Results of assessment? Breathless on exertion especially bending, walking short distances, washing and dressing. Daily cough productive of clear mucus, worse in mornings. Often wheezy. CAT score 14/30. FEV1 55% predicted (a

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5 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

decline of 10% in last year). Pulse oximetry 96% when stable. MRC 4. Uses SABA 4x a day on average. Takes LAMA daily.

Assess smoking status; if appropriate calculate the pack years and offer smoking cessation advice

e.g. outcome of assessment and discussion Discussed smoking and other lifestyle factors asking which he would, if any, like to deal with at this present time in his life. Often feels low in mood and socially isolated and does not wish to stop smoking but will consider attending pulmonary rehabilitation. Discussed effect of continued smoking on accelerated decline in lung function with subsequent symptoms. Smoking cessation advice offered if he wishes to take this up in the future.

Identify the number of COPD exacerbations in the last year and expose any trigger factors, providing appropriate advice to reduce or remove exposure

e.g. previous history, triggers and advice given One COPD exacerbation noted in past year, treated with oral antibiotics and steroids. Triggers: Viral upper respiratory tract infections, cold,damp weather Discussed importance of prompt recognition and management of exacerbations

Identify the number of oral steroid courses in the last year and interpret the risk factors in regard to osteoporosis and other co-existing pathologies

e.g. no. of courses and list risk factors if any. One course of oral steroids in last year and no inhaled steroids at present. No indication for DEXA scan at present

Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal.

e.g. how many prescriptions requested for each inhaler Discussed his prescription history – taking regular co-codamol for arthritic pain and often constipated. Discussed diet/fluid intake and increased activity to reduce constipation. Using salbutamol appropriately but inhaler technique poor. Dry powder inhaler technique good.

Identify the number of hospital admissions in the last year

e.g. analyse no. of admissions, reasons and follow up No hospital admissions in past year.

Demonstrate, observe and assess inhaler technique; modifications advised if appropriate. Alternative devices discussed if required.

e.g. general comments on inhaler use, teach back, Patient had brought inhalers with him to the appointment so he demonstrated his use of them. Did not use seven step technique and found coordination difficult with the MDI. Use of spacer explained and demonstrated – he found this easier to manage and was able to access the medication from it with more efficacy and ease of use, making him feel empowered and enabled. Used Teach back to ensure he was able to use both his devices effectively.

Provide a medication review:

e.g. medication step up or down? Discussed the need for increased bronchodilation medication in order to control his symptoms and agreed that he would switch to LABA/LAMA combination.No

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6 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

indication for inhaled corticosteroid at present.

Discuss general well-being which might influence COPD control and proceed as appropriate

e.g. any co-morbidities, healthy lifestyle As discussed above, he would like to try increasing his physical activity at present rather than stop smoking. He was referred to Pulmonary Rehabilitation. We discussed the ‘cycle of inactivity and increased breathlessness’ and encouraged patient to share this information with family (given relevant BLF/CHSS resources). We assessed low mood and offered support/referral to consider pharmacological intervention if necessary.

Provide a negotiated written Personal COPD Action Plan

e.g. describe negotiation and where appropriate attach anonymised example with patient permission. It was important to ensure that he had a COPD Action Plan in place to know what to do in the event of an exacerbation. We discussed the plan together and filled in the three areas of increasing symptoms and what to do, and a home supply of antibiotics and oral steroids was organised.

Refer to appropriate practitioner with any findings requiring further investigation and follow-up

e.g. follow up arranged, type of referral if appropriate and outcome 1. Pulmonary Rehabilitation Community Team 2. GP re low mood and consideration of eKIS 3. Local Breathe Easy Support Group

Record findings of COPD review in patient’s medical records

e.g. which computer system used, any other methods used All findings were documented using the GP template for audit purposes and then text added into the EMIS consultation and saved.

Page 7: NES General Practice Nursing...steroids at present. No indication for DEXA scan at present Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal

7 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Worksheets for Review of Five Non Complex COPD Reviews in General Practice

Worksheets for Review of Non Complex COPD Reviews in General Practice

These worksheets should be submitted after Day 2 to support your second piece of reflection.

Participant name:

NMC number:

Supervisor name:

Date of NES Short Course

Number of Annual Review


Consultation Process

Participant’s Notes

Introduction and check identity of patient against their medical records.

e.g. describe the patient

Assess current symptoms by using the MRC and CAT tools

e.g. any symptoms? Use of inhalers? Results of assessment?? where recorded predicted and best

Assess smoking status; if appropriate calculate the pack years and offer smoking cessation advice

e.g. outcome of assessment and discussion

Observe and demonstrate spirometry and pulse oximetry, interpreting results if appropriate

e.g. use of spirometer and pulse oximeter

Identify the number of COPD exacerbations in the last year

e.g. flare ups; chest infections – reported and unreported, including hospital admissions

Identify the number of oral steroid courses in the last year and interpret the risk factors in regard to osteoporosis and other co-existing pathologies

e.g. no. of courses and list risk factors for osteoporosis using FRAX tool

Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal.

e.g. how many prescriptions requested for each inhaler

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8 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Demonstrate, observe and assess inhaler technique; modifications advised if appropriate. Alternative devices discussed if required.

e.g. general comments on inhaler use, teach back, two tone technique

Demonstrate pharmacological management

e.g. medication step up in accordance with guidelines

Discuss general well-being which might influence COPD control and proceed as appropriate

e.g. any co-morbidities, healthy lifestyle

Provide a negotiated written Personal Action Plan

e.g. describe negotiation and where appropriate attach anonymised example with patient permission.

Refer to appropriate practitioner with any findings requiring further investigation and follow-up

e.g. follow up arranged, type of referral if appropriate and outcome, including pulmonary rehabilitation

Explain the role of physical activity and the cycle of inactivity

e.g. using behaviour change techniques

Record findings of COPD review in patient’s medical records

e.g. which computer system used, any other methods used

Page 9: NES General Practice Nursing...steroids at present. No indication for DEXA scan at present Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal

9 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Worksheets for Review of Five Non Complex COPD Reviews in General Practice

Worksheets for Review of Non Complex COPD Reviews in General Practice

These worksheets should be submitted after Day 2 to support your second piece of reflection.

Participant name:

NMC number:

Supervisor name:

Date of NES Short Course

Number of Annual Review


Consultation Process

Participant’s Notes

Introduction and check identity of patient against their medical records.

e.g. describe the patient

Assess current symptoms by using the MRC and CAT tools

e.g. any symptoms? Use of inhalers? Results of assessment?? where recorded predicted and best

Assess smoking status; if appropriate calculate the pack years and offer smoking cessation advice

e.g. outcome of assessment and discussion

Observe and demonstrate spirometry and pulse oximetry, interpreting results if appropriate

e.g. use of spirometer and pulse oximeter

Identify the number of COPD exacerbations in the last year

e.g. flare ups; chest infections – reported and unreported, including hospital admissions

Identify the number of oral steroid courses in the last year and interpret the risk factors in regard to osteoporosis and other co-existing pathologies

e.g. no. of courses and list risk factors for osteoporosis using FRAX tool

Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal.

e.g. how many prescriptions requested for each inhaler

Page 10: NES General Practice Nursing...steroids at present. No indication for DEXA scan at present Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal

10 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Demonstrate, observe and assess inhaler technique; modifications advised if appropriate. Alternative devices discussed if required.

e.g. general comments on inhaler use, teach back, two tone technique

Demonstrate pharmacological management

e.g. medication step up in accordance with guidelines

Discuss general well-being which might influence COPD control and proceed as appropriate

e.g. any co-morbidities, healthy lifestyle

Provide a negotiated written Personal Action Plan

e.g. describe negotiation and where appropriate attach anonymised example with patient permission.

Refer to appropriate practitioner with any findings requiring further investigation and follow-up

e.g. follow up arranged, type of referral if appropriate and outcome, including pulmonary rehabilitation

Explain the role of physical activity and the cycle of inactivity

e.g. using behaviour change techniques

Record findings of COPD review in patient’s medical records

e.g. which computer system used, any other methods used

Page 11: NES General Practice Nursing...steroids at present. No indication for DEXA scan at present Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal

11 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Worksheets for Review of Five Non Complex COPD Reviews in General Practice

Worksheets for Review of Non Complex COPD Reviews in General Practice

These worksheets should be submitted after Day 2 to support your second piece of reflection.

Participant name:

NMC number:

Supervisor name:

Date of NES Short Course

Number of Annual Review


Consultation Process

Participant’s Notes

Introduction and check identity of patient against their medical records.

e.g. describe the patient

Assess current symptoms by using the MRC and CAT tools

e.g. any symptoms? Use of inhalers? Results of assessment?? where recorded predicted and best

Assess smoking status; if appropriate calculate the pack years and offer smoking cessation advice

e.g. outcome of assessment and discussion

Observe and demonstrate spirometry and pulse oximetry, interpreting results if appropriate

e.g. use of spirometer and pulse oximeter

Identify the number of COPD exacerbations in the last year

e.g. flare ups; chest infections – reported and unreported, including hospital admissions

Identify the number of oral steroid courses in the last year and interpret the risk factors in regard to osteoporosis and other co-existing pathologies

e.g. no. of courses and list risk factors for osteoporosis using FRAX tool

Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-

e.g. how many prescriptions requested for each inhaler

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12 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook


Demonstrate, observe and assess inhaler technique; modifications advised if appropriate. Alternative devices discussed if required.

e.g. general comments on inhaler use, teach back, two tone technique

Demonstrate pharmacological management

e.g. medication step up in accordance with guidelines

Discuss general well-being which might influence COPD control and proceed as appropriate

e.g. any co-morbidities, healthy lifestyle

Provide a negotiated written Personal Action Plan

e.g. describe negotiation and where appropriate attach anonymised example with patient permission.

Refer to appropriate practitioner with any findings requiring further investigation and follow-up

e.g. follow up arranged, type of referral if appropriate and outcome, including pulmonary rehabilitation

Explain the role of physical activity and the cycle of inactivity

e.g. using behaviour change techniques

Record findings of COPD review in patient’s medical records

e.g. which computer system used, any other methods used

Worksheets for Review of Five Non Complex COPD

Reviews in General Practice

Worksheets for Review of Non Complex COPD Reviews in General Practice

These worksheets should be submitted after Day 2 to support your second piece of reflection.

Participant name:

NMC number:

Supervisor name:

Date of NES Short Course

Number of Annual Review


Page 13: NES General Practice Nursing...steroids at present. No indication for DEXA scan at present Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal

13 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Consultation Process

Participant’s Notes

Introduction and check identity of patient against their medical records.

e.g. describe the patient

Assess current symptoms by using the MRC and CAT tools

e.g. any symptoms? Use of inhalers? Results of assessment?? where recorded predicted and best

Assess smoking status; if appropriate calculate the pack years and offer smoking cessation advice

e.g. outcome of assessment and discussion

Observe and demonstrate spirometry and pulse oximetry, interpreting results if appropriate

e.g. use of spirometer and pulse oximeter

Identify the number of COPD exacerbations in the last year

e.g. flare ups; chest infections – reported and unreported, including hospital admissions

Identify the number of oral steroid courses in the last year and interpret the risk factors in regard to osteoporosis and other co-existing pathologies

e.g. no. of courses and list risk factors for osteoporosis using FRAX tool

Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal.

e.g. how many prescriptions requested for each inhaler

Demonstrate, observe and assess inhaler technique; modifications advised if appropriate. Alternative devices discussed if required.

e.g. general comments on inhaler use, teach back, two tone technique

Demonstrate pharmacological management

e.g. medication step up in accordance with guidelines

Discuss general well-being which might influence COPD control and proceed as appropriate

e.g. any co-morbidities, healthy lifestyle

Provide a negotiated written Personal Action Plan

e.g. describe negotiation and where appropriate attach anonymised example with patient permission.

Refer to appropriate practitioner with any findings requiring further investigation and follow-

e.g. follow up arranged, type of referral if appropriate and outcome, including pulmonary rehabilitation

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14 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook


Explain the role of physical activity and the cycle of inactivity

e.g. using behaviour change techniques

Record findings of COPD review in patient’s medical records

e.g. which computer system used, any other methods used

Page 15: NES General Practice Nursing...steroids at present. No indication for DEXA scan at present Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal

15 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Worksheets for Review of Five Non Complex Asthma

Reviews in General Practice

Worksheets for Review of Non Complex COPD Reviews in General Practice

These worksheets should be submitted after Day 2 to support your second piece of reflection.

Participant name:

NMC number:

Supervisor name:

Date of NES Short Course

Number of Annual Review


Consultation Process

Participant’s Notes

Introduction and check identity of patient against their medical records.

e.g. describe the patient

Assess current symptoms by using the MRC and CAT tools

e.g. any symptoms? Use of inhalers? Results of assessment?? where recorded predicted and best

Assess smoking status; if appropriate calculate the pack years and offer smoking cessation advice

e.g. outcome of assessment and discussion

Observe and demonstrate spirometry and pulse oximetry, interpreting results if appropriate

e.g. use of spirometer and pulse oximeter

Identify the number of COPD exacerbations in the last year

e.g. flare ups; chest infections – reported and unreported, including hospital admissions

Identify the number of oral steroid courses in the last year and interpret the risk factors in regard to osteoporosis and other co-existing pathologies

e.g. no. of courses and list risk factors for osteoporosis using FRAX tool

Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal.

e.g. how many prescriptions requested for each inhaler

Page 16: NES General Practice Nursing...steroids at present. No indication for DEXA scan at present Establish adherence to medication and offer advice and options if adherence sub-optimal

16 NES Initial COPD Management Training for GPNs Assessment Handbook

Demonstrate, observe and assess inhaler technique; modifications advised if appropriate. Alternative devices discussed if required.

e.g. general comments on inhaler use, teach back, two tone technique

Demonstrate pharmacological management

e.g. medication step up in accordance with guidelines

Discuss general well-being which might influence COPD control and proceed as appropriate

e.g. any co-morbidities, healthy lifestyle

Provide a negotiated written Personal Action Plan

e.g. describe negotiation and where appropriate attach anonymised example with patient permission.

Refer to appropriate practitioner with any findings requiring further investigation and follow-up

e.g. follow up arranged, type of referral if appropriate and outcome, including pulmonary rehabilitation

Explain the role of physical activity and the cycle of inactivity

e.g. using behaviour change techniques

Record findings of COPD review in patient’s medical records

e.g. which computer system used, any other methods used