net mlm profits

Daegan Smith 1-800-291-0311 [email protected] “Net MLM Profits 2.0” From the Desk of: Daegan Smith Edited by Isabel Columbie This eBook is copyrighted © 2005 - 2006 Daegan Smith. No part of this eBook may be copied or changed in any format, sold, or used in any way other than what is outlined in this eBook under any circumstances. 1

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Net MLM Profits


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Daegan Smith1-800-291-0311

[email protected]://

“Net MLM Profits 2.0”

From the Desk of: Daegan Smith

Edited by Isabel Columbie

This eBook is copyrighted © 2005 - 2006 Daegan Smith. No part of this eBook may be copied or changed in any format, sold, or used in any way other than what is outlined in

this eBook under any circumstances.


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Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer:

This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws, and all rights are reserved, including resale


Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience. Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also,

you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk. Your particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; in fact, it's likely that

they won't be the same, and you should adjust your use of the information and recommendations accordingly.

Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied

endorsement if we use one of these terms.

Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and is meant to inform and entertain the reader. So

have fun with Net MLM Profits, and grow your business.

Copyright © 2005 Daegan Smith. All rights reserved worldwide.


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A Personal Message:Before I say anything else I want to be clear in saying that this

information will make many network marketersVERY wealthy.

My name is Daegan Smith or better known as “The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead” and I want to thank you for purchasing “Net MLM Profits”.

It is my aim to show you exactly how to quickly and easily generate some greenbacks in the Network Marketing Industry using the amazing power of the Internet.

In less than 4 months went from generating almost no income online or in Network Marketing to generating well over $4,000 a month. Today, just 8 months later income has grown to over $15,000 per month consistently.

The truth is . . .

The secret to this drastic change in income level is a lot simpler than you may think.

So, let me share with you what I’ve learned. (Shhh . . . This is our little secret.)

To start, I’ve learned is there is a whole lot of HYPE out there. Everyone wants you to buy their product regardless of how good it actually is.

To sell info products, aspiring Internet Entrepreneurs will tell you that their product is the answer to all your problems. The truth is there is no one and only key to success - there are as many different ways to succeed online as there are stars in the sky. You just have to find the way that best works for you.

What that means is there is whole lot of testing that goes into your success. Success takes time.

That being said I am going to share with you my own version of long term Internet and Network Marketing success. Using this information you will learn how to both generate a


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quick upfront profit as well as generate residual income via your network marketing organization on the backend.

Let’s take a step back . . .

While we’re taking the time to get to know one another let me tell you a little story of my personal success so you can better understand my perspective.

I started looking for a novel way to generate an income outside of the J.O.B. (You know. . . Just Over Broke) world about two years ago. I started by doing what everyone else who envisions more for themselves than going to work for someone else for the rest of their life does, I bought into every hope and dream of financial riches that I was presented with

I think the first thing I bought was Russ Dalby’s “Cash Flow Notes” course for $49.95. I was so excited, I mean it seemed so easy and so profitable - how could I fail right? Well, to make a long story short I extended a great deal of effort and I royally failed.

Surprise! Surprise!

Beaten, but never defeated, kinda like Rocky Balboa, I kept going. I had the eye of the tiger.

I started reading books on real estate and I actually learned quite a bit. I even found a way to finagle my way into a small piece of property. I learned quickly that real estate can be a very valuable wealth generating tool, but it’s definitely not a “hands free” income. I love the fact that I own a little property, but to this day I still barely squeak out a profit.

After getting my feet wet in the Real Estate game I realized its value, but for my purposes it’s more of a long term financial growth generator. I was still left looking for a way to acquire the type of time and financial freedom in the near future that the J.O.B. world just does not permit.

It was at a Real Estate seminar that I was first introduced the wealth generating power of the Internet.

After the Real Estate talk was finished an unassuming older balding man came up to stage and gave short yet riveting presentation on using the power of the Internet to generate income using something he called “affiliate programs”.


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He showed example after example of simple one page websites that he was using to make $1,000s monthly with these “affiliate programs”.

What can I say - I was hooked!

I started a frantic search online to find and read everything that I possibly could about creating an income online. I tried it all and like I said at the beginning, most of that stuff is 90% hype 10% truth.

I don’t mean that information that is being sold is all wrong, but the truth is with the majority of that stuff the average person can’t use it to make a full time living.

I will say this though . . .

Although you probably can’t create a full time income using most of the tactics you will learn online one at a time, you CAN still use them effectively together - if you’re creative.

I’ll explain a little more in a few seconds. . .

People are making large sums of cash online and one of the most important things that I’ve learned online is that in order to do this you have to first choose a ONE passion to focus your efforts on.

Focus all your efforts on ONE target if you really want to succeed.


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Now if you’re reading this guide you probably are or you’re thinking about being an active Network Marketer. This is very good!

I know I probably don’t need to lecture you on the incredible wealth generating power of Network Marketing, so I won’t do that here. Rather, I will say to you that your Network Marketing interest can be that one focus or that singular passion that you need to use to generate long term success and ultimate financial freedom.

You see all my success has been based on one simple act - using the Internet to recruit people into my Network Marketing Business. If we want to reduce this even further all I really do is get people to my lead capture page.

Remember when I said I would explain a little more?

Well here it is . . .

You need one simple measure to test your online marketing tactics. What better than a Network Marketing Opportunity that creates long term residual income and more importantly creates a success hungry work force ready and eager for your direction?

You’ll see.

When I’m successful using one of my Internet Network Marketing tactics online I share it with the people that I recruit and show them exactly how to do the same. This way, that one tactic becomes exponentially more powerful. When I find something that doesn’t work, I make sure to tell them NOT to do it. This is what I call marketing on a massive scale.

All those thing’s I’ve learned in the past about creating an income online I now use to promote my Network Marketing Opportunity.

What I’ve learned in my first four months online in internet network marketing is how to do it generate a large front end profit of over $4,119.84 a month while still growing my Network Marketing Organization by over 231 members on the backend in that same time period, so that’s exactly what you will learn how to do in the following pages. (And again as this is version 2.0 of “Net MLM Profits” just 8 months later that monthly income has shot up to over triple the amount just listed.)

In fact here’s a recent screen shot of my personal organization . . .


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(It’s important that you realize what you are about to read is current and works in today’s world. Further, this information is NOT theory it’s what I do everyday. This information will bring you success if you just put it into practice.)

To the top,

Daegan SmithPower Prospecting System, LLC.


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The Seven Myths About The MLM Industry That Will KILL Your Business If You Fall Victim To Them

Network marketing is crazy business.

Everyone has there own slant. There are few ideas floating around out there that could literally kill your business. I’ve identified 7 crucial myths that must be demystified if you really want to get the bottom of this business is all about and finally make it big.

Read this chapter carefully. You may find a few false beliefs here that you’ve fallen victim to. Well it’s not going to happen after theyou get through this information.

Myth #1: The Myth Of Multiple Streams Of Income Online

You’ve seen it and you’ve heard about it everywhere online. Create multiple streams of income online by just following a simple system of joining 15 different business opportunities and spending more money than you have based on the hope that it’s going to work. I know you’ve seen these sites online and if you haven’t you will. You may have even fallen for one or two of them. I did. Well let me tell you the truth about those sites. They DON’T work!

Well maybe that’s a lie.

They do work, but just not for you and me. They work for the creator and they help the creator of those simple systems get rich, but not you. Here’s why. Success and creating multiple streams of income online doesn’t lie in joining 15 businesses.

If you’ve ever been involved with a business online then you know that just getting that one business of the ground can take a significant amount of effort. Trying to do it 15 times in a row will not only kill your chances of success but it will bleed you of all you cash.


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To create multiple streams of income online you need to have a system where ever piece of that system is in line with helping you grow ONE main business. Focus your efforts and you’ll find that you soon can create several different income streams by just leveraging that one success. Today I personally get over 20 different checks in the mail every month and ain’t because I joined 20 business it’s because I focused on one. That’s the secret to multiple streams of income online.

Myth #2: Just Call Enough People And You’ll Find Success In This Business

If you’ve been in the business opportunity world for any length of time I’m sure you’ve heard this false claim.

It states it’s a numbers game and if you just contact enough people you will be successful. In essence, this statement is true, but there is a HUGE misnomer in it.

Let me explain, true if you contact enough people you will find success, but let me tell you after calling well over 7,000 people and not having one person join my business it’s not as easy as it sounds.

First you have to have the money to buy all those leads and for me this money equated to over $7,000 on my credit cards over the course of 7 months. Most people and me included when I was going through the school of hard knocks don’t have this type of money to put out before finding any initial success.

You see it’s NOT just about calling people it’s about being GOOD at calling people. I wasn’t good and I didn’t have the funds to continue my hard knock education to find a glimmer of hope.

Calling leads is NOT as duplicable as THEY say. What is duplicable is having a direct marketing system to do the selling for you. That’s what works online.


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Myth #3: You Can Create Financial Freedom Online With Little To No Money

You see these ads all over the place. They claim that you can make huge amounts of money online without spending money. Yeah right! I don’t say this to scare you, but again this is about unveiling the truth and letting you draw your own conclusion.

You can’t make money online unless you have money or leverage. You need one or the other. You don’t have to have a lot at the beginning, but the truth is as my business has grown I’ve always devoted a percentage back into my business to keep that growth happening. It’s been over a year now and I’ve used this system of reinvesting and it continually works.

In the business opportunity world most people think that if they could just get 10 or 20 people into their business then they’ve done it all and now it’s time for their downline to take over.

I understand why people think this way. There is no guide to success so we make assumptions on what we THINK we need to do to be successful. Many times our initial assumptions turn out to be false. Success online or off takes a seed budget to get you into your initial profits and then consistent spends to continue that growth. That’s just the truth.

The problem is in business opportunities it can take a significant amount of time before initial profits are realized and so people tend to spend themselves out of business before they have a chance to truly succeed. There are ways around this as you will learn as you continue reading.

Myth #4: You Can’t Build A Network Marketing Business Using The Internet

When I began using the internet as my marketing medium for my business I request the advice of others that happen been successful in promoting a residual income producing business.

I asked them if it was possible to create a huge income in the business using the internet.

My question was met with overwhelming amounts of friction. I was told that it simply couldn’t be done. I was told that it was not personal enough of a medium for this


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business medium to be used effectively in the way that I was referring. I couldn’t understand why.

I decided to push on. I had done my research and I couldn’t find any real reason why it couldn’t be done.

Fast forward a year and my business grows and continues to grow by 10 to 15 people a day and your team has grown to almost 4,000 people. Hmm . . .

I revisited the notion of why I was presented with such friction. I realize the reason for this was that those that I had requested advice from, although many were highly successful, very few of them actually had created their success online.

They simply didn’t know how to do it and they hadn’t met anyone who had so in their eyes it wasn’t possible. Well it is possible to grow a network marketing organization online and anyone that tells you it isn’t probably has not done it or has not done it effectively. The Internet IS a personal medium and true relationships can be built online and I know because I’ve now done it and you’ll exactly how as you get deeper into this guide.

Think about the issue of the internet and whether or not it’s a personal medium like this.

Do you keep in contact with friends and family via email? That’s personal right? Well that means this online medium can and has been used to create personal relationships and business growth online.

Myth #5: Buying and Calling Leads Is The Only Way To REALLY Grow A Network Marketing Organization


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The first thing that happens generally when you join a network marketing business is you ask you sponsor how to get your business growing and they inevitable answer by saying head over to X lead company get yourself some leads on monthly autoship and call them.

You follow there advice and you do it. You Buy 500 leads a month for $200 a month and you start calling. You’re met with people that have no idea why you are contacting them and most of them aren’t happy about it either.

You put up with it because that’s what you are taught to do from your sponsor and because that’s the way they say it works. Five months and $1000 down the road you’ve called your fair share of people and most likely none of them have joined your business and you ask why it’s not working.

Then you go on to ask if this isn’t working for me what happens when I do get a person in? Will they have to go through all that to find their first glimmer of success? You mind tells you yes.

Then you ask how is this duplicable on a high level?

The answer is it’s NOT! The truth is buying leads can and does work for some, but it’s not the only or even the best way to grow your business. Why? Well, you only want to speak with people that are interested in YOUR business and when you buy generic leads that’s not what you get.

Buying leads is NOT the only way to grow your MLM and it’s by far NOT the easiest way. Keep reading and a whole new world leverage network marketing will be revealed to you.

Myth #6: Just Set IT And Forget It

When you’re first introduced to leveraged residual income producing businesses the first thought that enters your mind is if I just get a couple people and they just get a couple people maybe this thing will work and maybe you’ll be able to just sit back and watch it all happen as you income continues to grow.

That’s NOT how it works.


The truth is if you generate your own leads for your own business those leads will be much more targeted and you will find you have a much higher conversion rate from lead to sale to sign up and that’s what you want.

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The truth is most people never do anything or give up before they see success. You get people in and then they either just sit there or they quit. You fight a never ending battle of out recruiting attrition to meet the status quo and that’s not what you signed up for.

The reasons for this happening vary wildly, but it can be boiled down to this: Either they were not taught the right things to do or they were not given the proper leverage for success.

There are ways to literally recruit a few people and have duplication and success take over, but it’s going to take a lot of leverage to create such a situation and I’ll explain what I mean by this in full detail as we continue.

Myth #7: The Only Way To Make Money In Network Marketing Is To Recruit More People

Ha! Again FALSE! Many people in the network marketing industry get laser vision on recruiting and for it they miss out on a huge amount of income. It happened to me. I got my list of leads and I called them and if they didn’t join I moved on to the next lead. What a waste!

By focusing on only recruiting people I was missing out on a lot of income.

What I mean is I had generated a huge list people interested in starting a business that I paid for, but the only tool I offered them was my business. Well there are thousands of other great tools out there to offer your leads if they don’t want to join your business and in offering them to those leads that don’t initially buy from you miss out on a LOT of money.

If there’s one change that I’ve made in my marketing that has produced the largest and fastest increase in my commissions it’s been the addition of offering additional resources to my list of leads and generating a commission for it.


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I focused on the trees and missed the forest, well now I see the forest and there’s a lot more opportunity there than in focusing on individual trees.

By marketing additional resources to your list of prospects you can create huge amounts of income quickly from this valuable resource you’ve paid in time and money to create other than just your main business. I now receive over 20 checks a month because I’ve implemented this strategy into my marketing and you’ll learn to do the exact same thing here.

Now with that out of my system let’s get into why you’re hear . . .

How to guarantee you earn an income in your network marketing efforts regardless of whether or not anyone every joins your business.


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CHAPTER 1:The Truth about Network Marketing!

Network Marketing is not a get rich quick business. Creating long term residual income takes time and it is not easy. Think about it like this . . . Do you know anyone in Real Estate investing that created a $10,000 a month passive cash flow from rental properties in their first year?

The answer I’m sure, is no.

But, let me take a step back and ask you this. Do you even know anyone in Real Estate that created a $2,000 a month positive passive cash flow from rental property in their first year?

The answer to this is maybe, but still it’s highly unlikely.

Creating residual income takes time. It doesn’t matter what method it is you’re using. You shouldn’t enter into any business thinking that you put down $150 and within six months you will create a large long term income.

You have to give it some time.

Truthfully, it’s not your fault you probably think you can create a long term passive income quickly and easily with Network Marketing.

Network Marketing is built on financial hopes and dreams.

You hear all the testimonials of people making giant amounts of cash quickly with this company or that and you think it’s easy and anyone can jump right in and do it. The truth is these testimonials are the exceptions and not the rule.


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Here is one thing that is 100% true of Network Marketing . . .

Your results will be directly proportional to your advertising efforts. So, when you hear of people who make lots of money quickly you are hearing stories of exceptionally productive individuals and not your average dad or mom who has one extra hours a day or less to try to get their business of the ground.

Let’s take a step back and examine a realistic example of the work involved to grow a long term residual income via Network Marketing.

If you know from your upline that it takes you 100 full presentations to recruit 3 new downline members into your business and you know further that it takes you about $150 to get 200 “good” leads and out of those 200 leads you can on average give a full presentation to 30 of them then you know on average it’s going to take you $150 to recruit a new team member that may or may not stay on your team.

(100 presentation = 3 new reps and so 30 presentations is roughly one third of that number = 1 new rep)

To increase your number of recruits per any unit of time, you just increase your numbers all the way up the line. You can probably see how expensive in both your time and money this process can get.

Now. . .

Take this example to the next level and think of how large your organization will have to be to realistically create a livable income for you and your family. If you run the numbers you’ll see you have a whole lot of work ahead of you. (I wonder why they never tell you this when you sign up.)

Network Marketing is hard and can be expensive work.

Not only that, you have to be extremely mentally tough to go through all the trials and tribulations of the constant rejection associated with cold calling and doing hands on presentations. This is why with traditional Network Marketing only the truly strong seem to survive for the long haul.

The truth is, you don’t really have to be all that strong . . . Just smart.


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But more on that in a little . . .

So, if you know that your results are going to be directly proportional to your advertising efforts then you know you have to do one of two things.

1. Contact everyone who even looks in your direction and present them your business (The old hard way).

2. Generate a large enough advertising budget so that you can leverage that money in place of your time and effort and place large scale ads online and off. (new and easy way – What I do!). Details on this new brand of highly leveraged Network Marketing can be found at:

At this point we run into a problem . . .

When most people start their Network Marketing Home Business they dig deep into their own pockets to get their business of the ground based on a hope and a dream. Most people who get into Network Marketing start from a less than ideal financial situation because of the turnkey promise of success.

So, what do you think happens to these people when they start a business with no money to begin with and then they start putting $300 a month on their credit cards to pay for their distributor pack and monthly marketing budget?

From the numbers I gave you before, even if this entire $300 went to marketing that’s still is really only enough to maybe get the person 2 new reps on their team a month.

(Most likely, the new Network Marketer won’t do this well because there is a considerable learning curve involved.)

The most likely result is that our cash strapped newbie networker, not knowing the truth behind what he’s gotten himself into, goes even deeper into debt and eventually gets frustrated and quits (And that’s not what you want to happen to the folks YOU bring into your business right?)

There’s a better way!


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Why not make money first and then leverage it to grow business?

The only purpose of this book is to show you a better, more profitable and more fun way to run your network marketing business.

In my experience online and with Network Marketing, I have learned 2 surefire ways that you can use to generate profits on the front end so that you never have to worry about an advertising budget.

I currently use both of these methods right now and I generate anywhere from $2000 to $15000+ a month on the front end while exposing new people to my Network Marketing business on the backend.

If my Network Marketing Organization went out of business today I would still be making a substantial amount of cash. Let me tell you, that’s a very good feeling to have.

I will teach you all I know, so that you experience the liberating feeling of making money regardless of your downline growth.

Once you learn to use these methods you will:


If you use the information that I am about to give to you not only will you virtually guarantee the success of your Network Marketing Business, but you’ll never really have to spend your own money on advertising and you’ll end up making a profit regardless of whether or not anyone ever joins your business.

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• Immediately have more fun promoting your business• You’ll go from a weak needy state to a position of complete control• Your Network Marketing Business will grow by leaps and bounds because you’ll

have a large advertising budget to experiment with different advertising venues• You’ll never be frustrated about Network Marketing again• Your business will begin to grow seemingly on autopilot

Let’s take a step back and ask a question:

Traditionally, how do you create the income that you need to successfully advertise your Network Marketing Business?

The only solution that traditional Network Marketing offers is retailing a product.

Well . . .

That’s ok, but ultimately it’s out of line with your goal of growing a large and thriving organization of business builders.

What I mean is, the sales presentation to retail a product is much different than the one you would have with a potential business builder. Ideally you don’t want to waste your time doing this. You want to streamline all of your efforts so that everything you do is either creating you hands free cash or is geared towards sharing your business or both!

How do you create a front-end profit while at the same time growing your Network Marketing downline?

The answer is simple and somewhat redundant; you create a front-end online profit generator that is completely in line with your business building efforts.


The truth is there are as many ways to do this as there is sand in the sea (like my analogies, huh?) but I’ve used two successfully and I’m going to teach you exactly step by step how I generate up to $15,000+ a month these days on the front end while my Network Marketing Business grows by leaps and bounds on the backend.

Close your eyes for a second and imagine personally having that experience.

It’s like going to Network Marketing heaven!


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Once you learn these systems and you put them into place they won’t take up any of your time and they will generate a large on demand advertising budget like clockwork and you’ll expose your prospects to your business at their expense at the same time.

There are other powerful hidden benefits behind what you are going to learn that we’ll get to in due course.

Just to get you a little excited about what’s to come here are a couple of snapshots of my front end profits/advertising budget for the from last year.


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Plus . . .


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More recently because of improving on some of the principles that you’ll learn as we progress, I’ve taken an even greater leap in my front end income producing effort.

The changes I’ve made, which you’ll learn about in due course, have created both a drastic and immediate increase in income. Take a look now, but we’ll get into the nitty gritty of this later.

If you had this type of an advertising budget wouldn’t you feel a lot less stress about where your advertising dollars are going to come from?

That’s the whole point!

Network Marketing companies don’t pay for advertising and neither should you!


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Once money is not a point of stress in your business your entire outlook will change. You won’t need your prospects to join your business, but you’ll want them to because you can then let them in on your little secret.

Who wouldn’t love to share how to create a long-term stress free income that pays for itself?

Things really start to get exciting when you can teach people how to do this.

Your business takes on a whole new level of passion and purpose. You’re helping people create a better life! How much more fulfilling can your cause be?

In all my studying and learning about Network Marketing no one ever taught me the invaluable lessons that you’re about to learn. I saw a need and rushed to fill it. It’s both my honor and pleasure to do be your guide to success.

You are about to learn some of the most valuable lessons you will ever learn in your Network Marketing career.

It’s time to start having some fun and finally make some real money!

Let’s start at the beginning . . .


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CHAPTER 2:Essentials To Your Success

Define your hearts ultimate desire!

I don’t care who you are or what your ultimate goals are - all of your successes in life steam from one source, your desires!

You have to have a crystal clear idea of what you desire before you can do anything else. This is something that must come from deep within.

It’s simple, the stronger your desire and the clearer your vision and understanding of your desire the larger your successes will be.

If you’re here then I would wager to say you have a pretty strong desire to grow a large MLM organization. This is a great place to start. Ask yourself why you want a large MLM organization and get to the base of why you hold this desire so strongly.

But I have to be honest, if your at this point reading this guide and you honestly only have a mediocre desire to change the way your Network Marketing Business is going then I promise you that you will meet with mediocre results with using the information contained here.

The first thing that you must do if you desire to have the same or even better results than I have had is you must define your ultimate desire for your network marketing business and hold onto it with the deepest faith that you will ultimately fulfill this desire.

Once you are able to do this, things will get a whole lot easier.

Be Persistent!

Next you must be persistent in your efforts. To make it simple, don’t ever stop until you have achieved your ultimate desire. If you make a mistake or if something doesn’t work for you, just change directions and try something else. Ultimately if you remain persistent I guarantee you will find success.


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The result of persistence is high productivity.

Become Highly Productive

All success is a mere function of productivity. The more productive you are the more success you will see.

High productivity is what makes Network Marketing such a hugely potent wealth generation tool. The productivity of many will always exceed the productivity of one, no matter how productive that individual is. In Network Marketing you profit for the efforts of countless others below you.

Be highly productive and teach your growing team to do the same. Give as much as you can for as long as you can.

On to your next step . . .

Learn! Learn! Learn!

Learn as much as you can. Always invest in yourself and in your knowledge base. In my opinion, your education is the most profitable investment that you can make no matter what the cost. If you feel you don’t understand something sufficiently enough take the time to learn it from a new angle and then see how you can apply this new piece of knowledge to your ultimate desire.

Test! Test! Test!


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The final step to your success is to test everything that you learn. You don’t gain any practical experience or credible knowledge based on facts from what you’ve learned until you test it. That is, you don’t know how valuable anything that you learn is, until you test it to see if it works for you.

From personal experience, I’ve tried and tested many, many different things to grow my Network and Internet Business interests and because I’ve tested so many thing’s I’ve learned and I know that some of the things that I’ve been told are bold face lies while others are truly valuable strategies that can be used to create profit on demand.

Well . . .

What you are about to learn are the two most profitable front-end Internet Network Marketing strategies that I have learned and personally use.

So let’s step out of the realm of the abstract and let’s get into the nitty-gritty.

Here are the two methods that I use to create huge amounts of front-end profits spelled out step by step and in the exact same order that I personally learned them.

Study them closely and use them to grow your own huge front-end profits to fuel the growth of your long-term Network Marketing residual income!

Things are about to get a lot more exciting in your Network Marketing Business, I promise!


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CHAPTER 3:Search Engine Optimization:

The Ultimate Secret to Internet Network Marketing Front End Profits and Free Passive Lead Generation!

I have to be honest with you here, the tactics and ideas that I am about to share with you are pretty complex. They took me a long time and a lot of money spent of educational resources to piece together.

The system that you are about to learn is like nothing you will have ever read or seen anywhere else.

Search Engine Optimization . . . What it is and why will it help you to grow your Network Marketing Business online?

Search Engine Optimization is the process of creating a website that is designed specifically to rank high in search engines for chosen keyword for the purpose of

generating free targeted traffic.

The benefit of using SEO in your Network Marketing profit plan is once you get the ball rolling you’ll generate free income and highly targeted free leads to your website and ultimately your Network Marketing business for a very long period of time without any additional effort.

If you’re serious about your business and you want a long-term solution to front-end profit and passive lead generation this is by far one of the most powerful method of doing this online.

I have a budding website that I’ve been building for the past 8 months that generates over 200 unique clicks a day and is ranked in the top 20 for 85 of my choice “home business” keyword terms.


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I don’t even work on the site that much these days and my traffic and the leads generated using this method continue to grow on a monthly basis. The best part is, when you have a large SEO optimized site filled with information that your target audience needs and wants they will view you as an expert.

I get emails almost every day from people who have visited my website and are looking for some advice.

Think about it, how great would that be to have people emailing you every day asking what they should do about your website’s main subject (i.e. your business)?

Before we get into the details of how to make this process work for you I want to discuss the drawbacks to this method.

1. It’s not easy - There is a lot to learn and do.

You’ll see what I mean by this in a few seconds.

2. It takes time - 3 -6 months to start to see your first results.

Search engines are slow to change and update and your traffic growth will be based on their schedule not your own.

3. It’s not easily duplicable - I doubt many of your down line will have the patience and desire to do what it takes to make this method work for them.

Your down line probably won’t want to put in the work to make this method work for them.

If you want to learn all the details about creating a highly trafficked Search Engine Optimized website I suggest you go to the source – for Network Marketers. I use it myself and highly recommend it.

This is the only resource that I would ever recommend for this type of Internet Network Marketing. Site Build It does all the tedious tasks associated with Search Engine Optimization.

All you have to do is follow the instructions and create content for your site.

Honestly, I don’t know why more Network Marketers don’t use this resource. I guess they don’t know about it.


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Here is my system for getting the most BANG for your buck with SEO optimized Internet Network Marketing websites!

If you choose to use Site Build It, this will be the definitive roadmap to your success.


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CHAPTER 4:“How to Start a Profitable Passive Lead Generating Long Term

Internet Network Marketing Business . . .The Right Way!"

My aim in this section is to show you exactly how to start and run a profitable passive lead generating Internet Network Marketing business. This section takes a very down-to-earth approach to achieving online success, so I will only tell what I know will work for you.

Some of things may be new to you and some may not, but rest assured, everything that I discuss here will lead to your desired result of making a living online.

Step 1: Market Research

One of the best ways to create a long term income and business growth online is to create a Search Engine Optimized website. The best thing about growing your Network Marketing business online via this method is that your web business can be about absolutely anything you want. Your imagination is your only limitation.

In order for your web site to be a success you must know how to generate large amounts of traffic and then steer that traffic to revenue-generating sources. This is what the remainder of this section will focus on.

The first step that you must take to create a viable online business site is to decide what it is that you want your online business to be. In other words, you have to choose a niche. This niche should be something associated with your Network Marketing Business.

After you’ve come up with a niche for yourself, think of a main search term that you think people will search for online to find your website. Then go to Google and type in that search query.


Your niche can be anything, but I must caution you some niches are going to be much easier for you to break into than others. So let me give you some guidance.

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Now checkout the first few web sites that you find because these are going to be your main competition. Make a note of the top four web site’s URLs so that you can easily refer back to them.

Now you’re going to do some research to see if your niche is going to be tough for you to break into.

Go to and select the “link popularity check” option. In the slots provided enter your four main competitors’ URLs then enter the computer-generated access code and click “generate report”.

The next page that you see will list your competitor’s websites with a star next to them and directly to the right of that star you’ll see a number. That number is your competitor’s link popularity. This shows how many other sites online link to that particular site in each of the major search engines.

Here is what a MarketLeap link popularity check looks like:

You probably have no idea what this “link popularity” number means to you and your online business at this point, so let me help you. It just means the number of other sites that link to another site.

If your main competitors have a “link popularity” larger than 1,500 then you will have a tough time breaking into this niche and I would advise against going into this niche. It’s not impossible for you to dominate this niche, but it will take you quite a long time and you’ll most likely get frustrated before you get your desired result (i.e., a large amount of traffic and a steady lead generation).


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If your first niche looks like it’s too hard to break into, then just try variations of your main search query and do the above process again until you find a main keyword search term that you’ll have a good chance of dominating. Once you’ve found a good niche to break into, it’s time to take the next step.

Step 2: Traffic Analysis

The next step is to see how much traffic your main search query gets. It’s important to know whether or not you can dominate a niche before you enter it, but it’s also equally important to know how much traffic you can expect when you do put in the effort and you do have a high ranking online business web site. After all, why waste time trying to create your Network Marketing web site around a topic that doesn’t get any traffic?

Go to and type your main keyword search term and then click the button marked “suggest”.

On the next page, type in the sequence of numbers and letters displayed and then press “Go”.

Be patient because it may take a few second for the next page to come up, but when it does you’ll see a list of search terms based on your main search query and how much traffic each term get on a daily basis.

Here is an example search for the term “home business”

As a guideline if your main search query has over a thousand searches a day then you’ll be in good shape. Honestly, even if your main search query only has 500 searches a day you’re in good shape. If you have these sort of results when you do your research I would advise you to proceed, if not you should start this process from the beginning again.

If you’ve gotten to this point then you’re golden. You’ve done your homework and now you’re ready to create your Network Marketing Business web site that will be


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destined for high levels of traffic and subsequently a long-term income. So let’s move onto the next step and get to work!

Step 3: Building your Homepage

At this point, you’ve narrowed your niche down to something that you’re certain that you can dominate and you’ve checked to make sure that when you start building your website you’re going to get a large amount of traffic. Now the only thing left to do is to start to build your website.

So here’s how you do it:

First, you want to start by building your web site’s home page. Your home page is going to be the webpage that your web site visitors will see most often so you MUST create this page to illicit a direct response.

When traffic starts to build up to your website you want all the hard work that you put into building it to pay off. You want as much of your website traffic to “stick” as possible.

The way to do this is to set up your website’s homepage as a lead capture page.

You can do this by offering web site visitors a free report or by giving them a free subscription to your newsletter in exchange for their contact information.

You need to start some sort of email list for your business website because this allows you to steer your newsletter subscribers to any offer you want whenever you want! (i.e. Your network marketing opportunity.)


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To sum it all up, your business web site’s home page MUST be built to illicit your web site visitors to give you their contact information. Once you’ve done this you can move onto the next step.

Step 4: Creating Content Pages

Now that you have your home page set up, you’re ready to start building the rest of your website. The rest of your website should NOT be built in the same manner that your home page is built. You want the rest of your website to contain quality information that your website visitors will value.

Remember when you researched the traffic numbers for your web site’s main keyword and you got a list of several other keywords related to your main keyword. These are the keyword terms that you will base your additional web pages on. For each of these terms you will write an article based on the keyword. Here is what you want to do.

For each content page that you create you want to think about what your website’s visitors will be looking for when they enter that particular search query into one of the major search engines and then you want to give them what they are looking for, but with a few twists.

You have your own agenda for why you create each webpage on your website so after you have given your visitor what they are looking for, steer them to what you want them to do. It could be having them click through to your Network Marketing Lead Capture page, or it can be for them to opt in to your mailing list, for example. Give your visitor what they are looking for and then lead them where you want them to go. If you can do this, you’ll make a lot of money in your online home business.

There is one more thing that you should do when creating your content pages so that you are able to get the most mileage out of them. You want to write your content in as close to an article format as possible.

You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you to write your content in article format. Don’t worry, there is definitely a method to my madness. I’ll get into that in the next step.

Step 5: Getting the most Mileage out of your Content


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Why do I say write your content web pages as if they are articles?

I want you to get the most mileage out of your hard work as possible. By writing your content to double as articles you will be able to do this.

Here’s why:

Remember when you checked your competitors for their “link popularity”? Well, in order for you to dominate your niche you must create your “link popularity” for your business web site as good as or better than your main competitors. Writing your content as articles will help you to do exactly this.

Here’s how:

Every time that you create a content page for your website you’ll also use it as an article that you can distribute to article directories. You will submit your article to numerous article directories online with a link to your website in your “resource box” at the bottom.

Here’s all you need to know. Every time that you post an article online to an Article Directory with your resource box, you get one link to your website. So, distribute one article to 10 different article directories and you get 10 links to your website. That’s what I call getting a lot of mileage out of your work.

See how that works?

Well it gets even better. Not only do you get links to your web site, but people will read the articles that you’ve submitted to article directories and they will do two additional things that will help you.


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They’ll click through your link in your resource box and you’ll get traffic directly to your website and/or they’ll take your articles with your resource box and they will post them to their websites so you’ll get even more links and even more traffic to your web site. Not bad, huh?

I have thousands of references to my name in Google using this method!

So where are these article directories? I’ll give you a few to get started, but you’ll find others more specific to your niche by just searching for them using Google or Yahoo. Here are a few to start:,,, and If you do a little searching, I’m sure you’ll find at least 20 more.

So to sum up this step: after you write your content pages for your web site submit them to article directories to increase your web site “link popularity”.

Step 6: Blogging For Faster Indexing

We all know that blogs are the craze today. They’re everywhere!

I’m going to show you how to use them to get your website indexed by the major search engines within as little as 48 hours. Normally, it takes months for the major search engines like Google and Yahoo to find your web site and then index it, but by properly using the power of blogs you can speed up this process significantly. (By the way, all “index” means is the major search engines have found your web site and placed it into the most appropriate category based on where they think your website should be placed)

Why do you care if your web site gets indexed fast?


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Well, if your web site gets indexed fast then people will be able to find it in the major search engines fast and subsequently you will receive traffic and leads to your site fast as well.

So here is how you do it properly, without breaking any rules:

First things first, you have to start a blog. One easy way to do this is to go to and open a free account. Follow the instructions there to set up your blog. If you use Site Build It there is a specialized blogging resource available in your back office. It’s best to have your blog hosted on your web site so do this if it at all possible.

Then you go to and set up an account there. Next, you want to add your blog to Yahoo’s blog directory. You do this by going to your “My Yahoo” homepage and clicking on the small blue link in the top right hand corner of the page labeled “add content”.

Then click on the link next to the button marked “Find” marked “Add RSS by URL”. Add the URL for your blog into the URL box on the next page and click Add.


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(If you’re using Blogger you will find your blog’s URL after logging on and clicking on the tab marked “Settings” and then clicking on clicking on the link marked “Site Feed”.)

If you’ve done everything correctly your site feed should now show up at the bottom of your “My Yahoo” page. If so, your blog has been added to Yahoo’s blog directory. Congratulations!

To get the most bang for your buck from your blog, you’ll want to add a new blog entry with a link to your new content every time you create a new content page/article for your web site. This will help ensure that that new page gets indexed quickly.

Important Step: After you update your blog you must go to and enter your blog’s URL and title to have it pinged (updated) in Yahoo’s blog directory.


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This will let Yahoo know that you frequently update your blog and that it should re-index your page soon.

Just follow the above process and you should have no trouble getting each and every one of your new web site pages indexed into the major search engines quickly.

Not only are blogs great for helping to get your web site indexed quickly, but you’ll also find that you’ll get additional traffic from your blog that you would not have gotten otherwise as an added bonus.

So to sum up this step, after you write a new content page for your web site and distribute it to multiple Online Article Directories, you should then create a blog

entry linked to your new content page to get it indexed by the search engines fast so you subsequently get high levels of traffic to that new page faster.

Step 7: Links from Forums

This step is sort of an aside to the entire process, but it’s an additional highly effective way to get traffic and in-pointing links to you’re website absolutely free as well as sharpen up your niche specific knowledge.

Some things never change and this step is one of them. Online forums have been around since the beginning of the internet and many savvy online Home Business Entrepreneurs have used to them to help there online business grow, so, I figure, so can you. The technique involved in using forums to grow your online business is simple and it will do a great deal more than just increase your website traffic.

What’s the technique?

Just take part in the discussion as we talked about before. No matter what your niche is I can assure you that there are multiple free forums online that you can frequent that’ll be full of vibrant heated debate specific to your topic of interest. Just register as a member and take part in the debate.


Make sure that when you register you include a live link to your website’s homepage in your “signature box” just as you would in your articles “resource box”.

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Besides that, let it fly! Ask questions and answer them. Become a part of the community. You’ll learn new ways to look at your niche as well as become viewed as an expert in your field. All the while you’ll get large amounts of free targeted traffic to your website from people clicking through your links in your signature box as well as numerous valuable in-pointing links to your website that’ll help increase your “link popularity”.

To sum this step up, use niche specific forums, which you can find by doing a simple Google search, to increase your knowledge base as well as build traffic and links to

your website for free by just becoming part of the community.

Step 8: How to Profit from your Site

Now that you know how to get large amounts of traffic to your website, let’s take a closer look at how to generate leads and make money.

What’s the best way to drive sales?

Here’s what you do:

After you’ve built your niche website up to about 10 pages, go and apply for Google’s Adsense Program. It will take a few days for them to approve your website so be patient. After you are approved add Google Adsense to all of your content rich pages. When people click on the ads hosted on your pages you will earn a commission. I have earned anywhere from $.03 to over $2.00 for a single click using Google Adsense. Using Google Adsense is by far the easiest way to monetize your SEO site.

Here are some past Adsense revenues I’ve generated following this model:


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While you’re building your content pages remember, as I mentioned earlier, that you had to do two things:

• Give your visitors the information that they were searching for.

• Then steer them to what you want them to do.

Well, what you want them to do is click-thru to your Network Marketing site and eventually join your business. So in the midst of your articles gently give reference to your links as additional resources that may be helpful to your web site visitor.

Don’t push or make it obvious that all you want them to do is click through, just lead them to want to click by saying thing like: to get more information about xyz check out…. or to learn more check out… or to get the full story go to… (You get the drift.)

To sum it all up, just add in context links to your Network Marketing Lead Capture page within your content pages, plus add Google Adsense pay-per-click type ads to all your pages and you’ll start to generate a sizable income from your online web


Step 9: That’s it!

I’ve given you a complete overview of everything that you must do to create a long term profitable Internet Network Marketing Business Search Engine Optimized Web Site.


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I’ve talked about creating content, blogging, using forums, starting opt-in lists, writing articles, search engine rankings, etc . . . but I haven’t talked too much about “Search Engine Optimization” or basic HTML.

The reason for this is that I really don’t know enough too much about these subjects to expound on them too deeply, but I wanted to get the point across to you that you don’t have to know anything about them either to get top search engine rankings and run a successful online business.

Over 83 pages on my website have a top 20 ranking in Google and over 20 pages are ranked number one yet I honestly don’t know the first thing about SEO.

How is this possible?

Here’s my secret, which you already know about. I use Site Build It. Its powerful software program does all that complicated Search Engine Optimization and HTML stuff for me. I just create content using the same methods that I’ve told you about above and then I enter my content into this program and it spits out perfectly search engine optimized web pages that are predetermined to take the highest position possible in the major search engines.


I want you to realize that you can make a very real income online. Many people have done it in the past and many people will do it in the future, and so can you. One of the best ways to this is to follow the plan that I have laid out for you above and don’t stop until you achieve your desired results. Just remember to focus on one thing at a time to avoid frustration and information overload!

All you have to do is take action and live your dreams not just dream them.


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CHAPTER 5:The Little Known Secret to Absolutely Guarantee Your Internet

Network Marketing Success . . . You’ve been Reading it all Along?

Before I tell you the secret to absolutely guarantee your Internet Network Marketing success, let’s revisit the largest reasons that many people end up failing in Network Marketing.

When you run your Network Marketing business in the conventional way your upline will usually tell you to purchase leads from his or her source and then call them. Most people run out of money using this method before they have any real success.

Network Marketers fail because they run out of MONEY!

For most people, there is only so long that you can throw $300 to $500 a month down the drain and not have it come back to bite them.

The biggest problem with buying leads is that you’re locked into a certain amount each month once you get started.

You’re not physically locked into any amount . . .

What I mean is if you start off by buying 500 leads a month for $500 and two months down the road you don’t have any success, you won’t WANT to decrease your number of monthly leads because you’ll feel that your chances of success will be diminished.

Along with that . . .


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You feel like your letting yourself and your sponsor down - like your taking your first step towards self-defeat. So you’ll psychologically lock yourself into a certain budget whether you can afford it or not for the long term. This process is the demise of many fledgling Network Marketers who start out with high hopes and little experience.

Conversely . . .

You can set up a Search Engine Optimized website via Site Build It and let it generate passive traffic for months and years after you create it.

And all that’s great but . . .

There is one way that is even better than this. If you honestly and truly want to take your business by the horns to take it as far as you can then you’ll want to do exactly what I’ve I done right here.

Create a “How to Information Product” Targeted at one of Your Markets Biggest Problems!

I learned from a pretty smart guy that people are much more likely to buy something that teaches them how to solve a problem that they are having (i.e. growing their Network Marketing business faster and larger) than they are to join your business.

So if you help them solve their problems but charge them a modest fee to do it - you’re going to be creating a win-win situation for everyone involved!

Here is how this works….

You create your information product and set it up for sale online. Instead of sending all of your traffic to your lead capture page for your primary business you send all of your traffic to your new “how to product” lead capture page.

On your information product lead capture page, you offer to teach your prospects “how to do something they highly desire to do”. The people that are interested in what you’re offering to teach them will opt-in.

You now have that lead until they opt out of your system. In your Auto Responder system, you can start to make contact with those leads teaching your prospects what they


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wanted to learn and reference that they can learn everything that you know by just purchasing your full information product.

At this point the sales process is can be set up hands-free. Those that are truly interested will eventually buy your product. You will recoup the cost of advertising when they buy.

In your eBook, teach your paid customer absolutely everything that you know. You now have a highly qualified lead that has helped you pay for your marketing efforts that you can subsequently contact to introduce your companies product or service. It doesn’t get much better than that! It’s like winning the network marketing lottery!

Some of your customers will see the value and the integrity in what you’re saying and they will join your Network Organization as a distributor. The added bonus here is that the people that join your organization after reading your information product have already been trained on everything you know, so they’re ready to hit the ground running.

Every single highly successful Internet Network Marketer that I’ve studied uses this model. If it works for them, then it can work for you and me.

Benefits for creating an Information Product:

• You own the intellectual rights to your information product. You have complete control over it.

• It’s a lot easier to sell someone a solution to a problem then it is to sell them on your business.

• You generate immediate front-end cash to continually fund your overall advertising efforts.

• You’ll grow a FREE list of trusted subscribers and customers that will come to be your most valued assets as far as your business will be concerned.

• If you own your own information product an entirely new world of advertising opportunities will open up. You will be able to set up joint venture deals and


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you’ll be able to spread your message and brand name to a much larger audience much faster than you could have without your information product.

• You can create an affiliate program and have other people selling your information for you. You don’t have to pay them their cut until after they get you a sale. It’s doesn’t get any better than that.

• You’ll have complete autonomy. If your Network Marketing primary business shuts it’s doors tomorrow you’ll still have your lists and your product as additional stand alone income streams.

Drawbacks to Creating an Information Product

• They take research and experience to create. After reading this eBook, I’m sure you can see that the information that I’m giving you is from an extended period of my experiences. You can’t give this sort of experience to your customers unless you’ve done what you’re talking about. You can’t create credible and truly valuable information products out of thin air.

• They take an extended period of time to create. I know some people out there can churn out information products in a matter of days. But, if it’s something that you’ve never done before it’s going to take at least a few months to get your product and marketing system up and running.

• It’s not cheap. It’s going to cost you somewhere in the neighborhood of $2,500 to $5,000 to get everything set up and that’s on the low end of the scale.

How I Created My First Information Product

The truth is despite all of the drawbacks, creating an information product does not have to be impossible. It’s only as hard as you make it, so let me tell you exactly what I did to create “Internet MLM Success”. Click link below to visit the website:

I started with a belief that people could successfully run a Network Marketing Business using the Internet as their primary marketing medium. I had gone through the emotional roller coaster of trying to do the buying and calling leads game and, in short, I knew there had to be a better way. So, I boned up on my Internet Marketing knowledge. I learned what made successful Internet Marketing successful.

Next, I realized that there were not many information products speaking directly and fully to the topic of Internet Network Marketing. I did some search engine searching about topics related to Internet Network Marketing and I saw that there was an abundance of


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fantastic Network Marketing information products online, but none of them spoke directly and solely to the topic of Internet Network Marketing. To me, this meant opportunity.

I first learned the principles that would make Internet Network Marketing a powerful reality for the Network Marketing audience as a whole. Then I found a Network Marketing Organization to test and validate my theories. Once I had success with my Internet Network Marketing efforts growing my organization and helping them to duplicate my efforts I knew what I thought would work in fact did work. I now had proof!

I began writing. All I did was take a little time each day write down what I had done to be successful online with my Internet Network Marketing as explicitly as possible. This took me about a month.

Then I had my guide, which ended up being around 109+ pages, proofread while I wrote a rough draft of a sales page.

Next, I had a professional copywriter go back and improve my sales page and had some graphics created.

At that point, all that was left to do was to get an auto responder and create an auto responder follow-up sequence and create a lead capture page. I did those tasks and then chose a good tracking program and merchant account.


I had a high powered reality based info product ready to go!

To date, in a little over a month of having the product available to the world as a whole I’ve had 199 sales out of 1438 leads. That’s a 13.8% conversion rate. Not to shabby!

(Update: Over a year period I’ve sold over 1,200 copies and generated a prospect list of over 7,000 prospects for just that product and at $97 you do the math! It gets even better, but you’re just going to have to wait to see what I mean.)Now . . .


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The reason all this worked so well was because I knew that I was bringing a unique product to the market and I knew that if I desired to learn how to quit calling leads and still grow a large Network Marketing Organization other people would too. My hunch turned out to be correct.

Let’s take the next step . . .

What if you could learn how to use the internet to not only grow a large Network Marketing Organization, but also how to guarantee you generate a front end profit at the same time backed up by some extremely powerful proof. Wouldn’t you pay a modest fee to learn how to do that?

Hence this guide . . .

Creating an information product is simply leveraging success that you have already had and then teaching others how to do exactly what you’ve done. It’s not rocket science by any means.

The important thing to note is that in creating a front end product teaching prospects how to do something related to network marketing sets you up for even greater success.


It’s completely in line with your ultimate aim. The process creates a marketing funnel of your OWN pool of highly targeted prospects looking to do the same thing you are and interested in doing it with YOU The one vital piece of creating an information product that most people are missing is the record of success which MUST be established to create a product with integrity and true value. But, you’ll learn why this wont be a problem for you very soon.



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The MOST Important Step to Gaining Internet Network Marketing Success - Using a Perfect Internet Network Marketing System!

So how do we change the overwhelming odds against the average Network Marketer?

We use A Perfect Internet Network Marketing System!

This took me over 6 months to finally crack the code and is the cornerstone of my personal success.

What I’m about to share with you is the #1 breakthrough that took me from spending 4 hours a day - 5 days a week paying upwards of $500 a month for leads and having no success, to spending less than an hour a day actively promoting my business and recruiting over 25 new reps in my first week without ever picking up a phone!

Not only that, my total downline grew to over 40 people within that very first week, so my recruits started duplicating my success!

So . . . pay attention!

For the average home based Internet Network Marketer to be successful certain things MUST be in place.

I will list them here:

o Lead capture page designed specifically for your Network Marketing Company:


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This page must contain strong sales copy that tells the prospect why he wants to opt in for more information. The best way to do this is to offer a High Value Free Report in exchange for their contact information.

o Free Report specifically designed for Your Network Marketing Company’s Opportunity:

The free report must be highly informative. It must explain all of the features and benefits of joining your Network Marketing Organization as an independent distributor and must focus on the support and resources available to the new recruit should they choose to purchase a distributorship.

The company's products and compensation plan must be clearly explained here as well. Testimonials should be used as well as online audio and video sales presentations as they are extremely powerful sales conversion tools.

o Follow up Email System:

Attached to the Free Report there must also be a follow up system of auto-responding emails that continually markets to the lead. Most leads don't act immediately and must see a marketing message at least 7 times before they take action.

[The email follow up system must have strongly worded sales copy and should have a system for getting through spam filters.]

o A Continual Feed Back System that uses the Fear of Loss: (CRUCIAL!)

Along with the email follow up system there must be a feedback system that will alert the prospect by email when new prospects join your network marketing organization.

This invokes the fear of loss in your prospects by telling them that if the next prospect in line upgrades to a paid position before they do they will FOREVER lose commission on that prospect.

The prospect needs to see that if they do not taking immediate action there are negative financial consequences. This is an extremely powerful psychological sales

conversion tool!

o Strong Support:

It's one thing to get someone to buy a distributorship, but it's a totally different thing get them to work the business effectively. There must be an email follow up system once a new distributor signs on to ensure that he receive adequate training on how to market successfully.


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The email system will help insure duplication, but there must also be human support at this point. After a new distributor signs up, they must know that someone else cares about their success. Strong relationships between upline and new distributors are crucial.

o A Good Product or Service:

In order for this entire marketing process to work, the system must be backed by a strong and ethical Network Marketing Organization that sells a high demand product that people want and would purchase even if there were no compensation plans attached to it.

o You:

You must be an active part of your business. You must be willing and open to learn new ideas and tactics at all times. You must have a passion for your business and truly believe in the product that you plan to build your organization around.

“You can’t just be part of your business your business must to be part of you!”

-Johnny Wimbrey


I've listed the basic components of a perfect Internet Network Marketing system.

Here is why this system will work for anyone.

This system will involve NO cold calling because the prospect will opt-in to request more information specifically about your business before you even talk to them.

Cold calling generic business opportunity leads and hearing lots of NO's and is what causes most new Network Marketers to give up, so we want to avoid this at all cost. This is what this system is designed to do!

Let’s review these 3 major points we’ve discussed thus far:

1. Have your prospects opt- in specifically for more information about your product and business plan. By giving them a detailed report explaining all of the above


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before you even speak to them your chances of a successful sales conversion will be greatly increased.

2. The email follow-up and fear of loss systems are crucial and will increase your chance of successful sales conversion exponentially.

3. Further, having uniform training and exceptional support, are the basics and must be present.

By using this system I currently convert 18% of my leads into recruits and I’ve never had to call a lead until after they’ve joined my business.

In fact, if I do talk to a lead before they join my downline it’s because they felt compelled to call me.

But most of the time . . .

By the time I call my, “lead turned recruit”, they are excited to hear from me because at that point I magically transition from being the guy trying to sell them on something over the phone to the guy that’s going to help them make a whole lot of money!

And guess what?

No one EVER rejects the guy that’s going to help to make them a lot of money!

Pretty slick right?


Before you spend another dollar on your Network Marketing efforts ask yourself if you're using a perfect Internet Network Marketing system?

If your answer is no and you aren't having any success then you have three choices:

1. Continue doing what you’re doing knowing that it will work, but it will take a very long time, cost a lot of money, and you’ll likely deal with a lot of rejection.

2. You can find a way to improve upon the system that you’re using right now which will again take a lot of time effort and money. You will also have to make this system available to your downline so they can duplicate your efforts, which will add another layer of complexity.


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3. You can find a new Internet Network Marketing business that has all the pieces in place to help you be successful.

The truth is, only you know which option is right for you - but here is one key question to ask yourself..

What is your ultimate goal for YOUR business and how you want to get there?

My biggest mistake in Network Marketing was sticking around with my first company for too long because I didn’t want to let my upline down.

It cost me thousands of dollars worth of credit card debt and a lot of frustration.

It wasn’t until I decided that my business was MY business and only I knew what I had to do to be successful that I started to be successful.

My true goal was and is - financial freedom, but that didn’t necessarily mean it had to be with the first company I was with. Once I realized this truth I did the taboo thing and quit.

Because I quit, now I’m having success on my own terms.

All I’m saying is you should not try to fit a square block through a round whole if you know it’s not going to fit.


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Bonus Sections:

Can you REALLY create Long Term Residual Income?

Now that you know the basics what a perfect internet network marketing system is let’s take step back and discuss the paramount issue of choosing the RIGHT company for you to grow your online residual income with.

Now for the external part of residual income equation:

Even within network marketing NOT all companies are created equal.

You can put in all the leg work and do everything right and still fail if you don't first realize a few very important facts.

Some opportunities can lead to huge checks quickly that end up dying out just as quickly. Other opportunities offer the opportunity to create long term residual income that can last a life time.

Before you get started on your path to financial freedom you have to be able to distinguish between the two.

In order for an opportunity to create a real opportunity to generate true long term income certain pieces of the puzzle must be alignment from the outset.

Let's discuss these pieces . . .

The company must be financial strong.


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This goes without saying. You want to join an organization that is in strong financial standing. If you join a company that is not is good financial standing your companies financial problems will soon become yours. Ideally you want to join a company that is completely debt free.

The company must have strong management.

If the company that you join is not managed well it can quickly run itself into the ground. If you are going to put in the effort you create a thriving sales force below you you don’t want to create that force on rock ground. Stability is the name of the game. Inquire about the company’s management before joining.

The company must have a unique consumable product.

This is important. The company must have a product that people want to reorder on a regular basis because this is how you get paid. The product does not have to be edible, but it must be consumable on a monthly basis and it must be unique. Your companies product should be something that they cannot get anywhere else.

The company must have a high reorder rate.

If you notice that your organization is not reordering there monthly allotment of products on a consistent basis then you have a problem because you will see your commission checks quickly dwindling and there will be nothing that you can do about it. Ask about the reorder rate company wide before joining any network marketing company.

The company must have low personal production requirements.

The best way to keep your downline around is to keep them happy. The best way to keep your downline happy is to make it as easy as possible for them to generate an income


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from their efforts. Ask about personal production requirements for payment before joining any network marketing company.

The company must have a low entry fee.

Many high ticket network marketing companies miss the ball by having extremely high enrollment fees. This leaves many able bodied business builders in the cold simply for not having the large amount of up front cash needed to get into business. Ideally a network marketing opportunity should be moderate to low priced to allow as easy a point of entry into business as possible for potential business builders.

The company must have proper timing.

Network marketing is a business of following trends. The companies that are able to set the trend are the real winners. Being first to market with a new and unique product in a newly emerging market can lead to a network marketing organization generating millions and even billions in a short period of time. Find a company that is setting the trend and then ride that wave to your financial freedom.

The company must offer little to no risk to aspiring marketers.

The less risk you put on the consumer the easier it is to make the sale. The more risk that a network marketing company is willing to personally take on the easier it will be for you to make sales. Look for companies that offer “risk free” trial periods and you will have vastly easier time making sales than if the company doesn’t offer them. Just trust me on this one. This is one of the secrets I have used to personally recruit 133+ people into my business in the past 5 months.

All these factors must be in alignment to give you the best chance of creating true long term residual income. Make a checklist for every company that you come across and if that company has all the features listed above you have a winner. If not just keep looking until you find one.

Now let’s get into the good stuff, the stuff that’s going to make you the real money!


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My REAL Secret to Success – Exposed!

The Lazy Man’s Secret To Creating Insane Profits And Recruit More People Than You Ever Imagined Into Your Network Marketing Organization At The Simple Push Of A Button – The Basics Of Email MLM Marketing That You NEVER

Knew I Guarantee It!

To put it simply, this is the really exciting stuff that no one ever told you because they just don’t know, but I’m going to put it right in front of you and from this point on your business will change and you will see network marketing in a completely new light!

This section is literally the missing link between internet marketing and network marketing and as you read you will see exactly why.

The truth is you don’t have to do all that buying leads and cold calling stuff to be successful in network marketing, if you haven’t learned that already.

You don’t have to do everything that they tell you to do be successful.

You can strike out on your own and still be successful, and most likely exceedingly more successful than using those old and tired methods of the past.

How do I know this?

Remember, I tried network marketing the old way.

I spent over $500 a month, I bought into all of those expensive $997+ training programs, and I’ve been hung up on for trying to call a lead that I had purchased more times than I can count.

I didn’t work for me, so I had to strike out on my own and piece together an online network marketing scheme for myself and my team that I knew would be highly duplicable.

The results . . .


All you need to know is that you can generate leads exceedingly quick online and that in developing relationships with the leads that you generate will be the key

your internet network marketing success.

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In less than 14 months I now have a team of 3961+ people that grows by over 10 people a day like clockwork.

I never made any cold calls or even called a lead to join my program in the process and now my phone literally rings off the hook with people wanting to know what I know and be a part of what I do.

I don’t say all this to toot my own horn, but just to let you know that I have been through it all and I just want you to know that there is a MUCH better way.

But what you will gain in this section and what I am most excited to reveal is really the missing link between internet marketing and network marketing. It’s that “Ah Ha!” moment that we all dream about.

It happened to me.

I was rolling along doing well with my business and then I went to an Internet Marketing Seminar and heard one of the most amazing stories of business success that I have every witnessed.

Because of the Non Disclosure form that I had to sign going into the event I cannot tell you all of the details of what I was exposed too, but I will give you basics.

It was like hearing that I had $50,000 sitting under my chair but I never really thought to look for it. What I learned changed my entire perspective on network marketing even though the presenter was talking about a subject so far from network marketing you wouldn’t guess it if I gave you a 1000 tries.

For the next two days I told everyone I met at the conference how amazing I thought this story was and more so how this unnamed person did it.

Without violating the terms of the Non Disclosure form I can tell you this. There was one presenter at the conference that started an online business less than two years ago with no


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money or experience and at the time of the conference the person was making more than a million dollars a year, and it was through one primary medium . . .

Email marketing!

It’s the missing link.

It’s funny how something so simple can be so powerful and yet we take it for granted.

I’ve experienced this same success with email marketing.

I’ve had days where I’ve made upwards of $9,000 all through email marketing and I never really stopped to think how it could be most effectively used for the single purpose of growing a network marketing organization.

The way that most of us use email marketing sometimes borders on abuse, and is always lazy!

You see most network marketing systems that employee email marketing simple set up an auto responder that sends out a predetermined number of emails over a set time and whatever results occur occur.

That’s not good enough!

You are leaving huge amounts of cash and recruits floating out there if you’re doing this!

I know because, here’s what happened when I changed one simple thing in my email marketing efforts:


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What THEY do is NOT the right way to do email marketing, especially if you are a network marketing distributor so with that I will worn you this will probably go against the grain of everything that you have ever learned about using email marketing.

But . . .

Take some time to ponder over what you learn here and a light switch will go on in your head.

Before we proceed I want to ask you to please put everything you thought about email marketing as it pertains to network marketing aside and remain open to what you are about to learn.

This information will be deadly effective in helping you attain you end of creating a large network marketing organization and making lots of money in the process.

Let’s start with the basics:

Network marketing is a business built on relationships and that is where its power lies.


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For the most part internet marketing is based on non relationships or simply “getting the sale”

Both of these things are good and if put together the most powerful model for long term wealth via network marketing will finally be unlocked for the world to see.

Now let’s talk about why each of these aspects of marketing are powerful and good in their own right!

1. Network Marketing and Relationships:

If it weren’t for the strong relationships that are developed in network marketing no network marketing company would be a success.

You see it’s the relationship built between the people in any organization of a network marketing company that hold that company together as a stable and powerful entity.

The relationships are the glue!

You know this, but it’s important that I emphasize this point.

2. Internet Marketing and “Getting the Sale”:

At first glance this would not appear to be a good thing.

You might ask . . .

If all the internet is about in terms of business and profit is making the sale then why would anyone expose themselves to the internet?

The answer is . . .

The reason and the power behind this system is the buyer always gets to make the decision to buy.

The internet is a totally neutral medium.


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When a person comes to sales page online they make the decision to buy or not they are not pestered by telemarketers or pressure.

Ultimately the sale is made by the decision of the buyer.

This is good because in network marketing most of the time we’re taught to call people and invite them into high pressure conferences and then force the sale in follow up.

No one is comfortable in this situation, especially the buyer.

I’ve been put in that situation before and after I bought into the business my immediate thought was am I really going to have to put other people through this?

No one wants to be put or put anyone in this high pressure situation if they don’t have to and the internet is the perfect work around.

You see,

I know for my business that at a bare minimum 5% of the people that come to my company’s sales page will buy.

All I have to do is get prospects to that page in the right frame of mind and the sales will come.

This takes the pressure off of me and the buyer.

The result is only the people that are truly interested in doing what I’m doing end up joining my business or ever giving me a call.

And personally that’s the way that I think it should be.

Ok . . .

So let’s put these two pieces of the puzzle together.

What if there was a way that you could build a relationship with many more people than you ever could on a personal one to one basis and then let the internet do all the selling for you?


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No one is ever put in a high pressure sales situation and yet you still grow your network marketing business just as fast if not a whole lot faster than using the old school antiquated techniques of the past.

Isn’t this the ideal situation for both you and your prospect?

I believe there is always a better way than the current status quo and if we continually strive to improve our results we can discover them.

This is clearly better in my book.

Email marketing is the solution or the next evolution of network marketing, but not in the way that you probably think!

Here’s why . . .

There is a Catch 22 when it comes to network marketing.

In order to be successful your results must be duplicable.

But in order to get good results you have to offer something that is unique.

In order to be successful you must be able to answer the question of . . .

“Why should I join YOU?”

Well if you are a master marketer you can put together something that offers your prospect something unique that give them a big reason to want to join you.

If you’re not you’re going to have a tougher time.

What if there was a work around for being a master marketer that still gave you a unique edge and was at the same time highly duplicable?

How great would that be?

Well there is a way to have your cake and eat it too as we like to say here in the US and its EMAIL MARKETING.

Let me add one more thing to the mix that you will probably never here anyone else tell you about being successful in network marketing.

Front end profits are just as important as long term passive profits.

Here’s why.


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Everyone likes to make money and lots of it, but kidding aside, secondarily and more importantly as far as network marketing is concerned if you help your downline to generate an income quickly they are much more likely to stick around longer.

Well if any of us are going to get rich in network marketing for the long term we need our downline to stick around right?

Marketing a front end product or “funded proposal” is the keystone.

I’ll tell you from experience, it’s easier to get a person to take action on a one time purchase for information they hunger for, even at a high ticket price tag of $97, $197, or more, than it is to even get someone to take free trial in your business.

Its sound crazy, but it’s true and the reason for this is no one wants to commit to something long term that will require effort unless they’re sure about. On the flip side, people will always spend cash on one time purchases for an info product if it meets there needs with little thought. (After why did you buy this guide?)


Because it’s a one time cost and it doesn’t REQUIRE effort.

As silly as it sounds eBooks and course are bought for entertainment more often for application, so people will buy them many times for the entertainment purposes alone.


It’s been proven time and time again that if you can help your new distributor to generate an income in there first 30 to 60 days they are much more likely to stick around for the next year.

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Now that you know this it’s something you can leverage to the success of your business. It’s really a crucial piece of the puzzle that I think many miss.

Let’s dig deeper and take another step out of the box.

Who says that your front end or initial income has to come from the company that you are promoting?

What I am saying is this . . .

Network marketing is a long term growth business.

No one makes a lot of money quickly in network marketing if they start from scratch. In fact, it took most of the huge income earners more than six months to even get their first check from their company.

They got the big money because the believed in what they were promoting and they stuck with it with the stubbornness of a donkey.

No one was going to stop them from reaching the top.

Here is what stops most people from reaching the top.

I know because I see it every single day in my own business.

They give up to quickly.

They get excited and then in their first month they see nothing happen.

Maybe a few leads or a few glimmers of hope, but no money in their pockets.

They start to say.

Gosh . . .

“I’m spending so much money and I’m not making any yet. I thought this was supposed to be easier.”

Then they start to set a time limit for success in their mind.

They say “If this doesn’t work in the next month or two I’m out of here”

Well for some it does start to work out in the next month or two and for others it doesn’t.


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For those that it doesn’t they leave with a bad taste in their mouth.

They say “I knew I never should have gotten involved with a scam like this. Geeze, how could I be some dumb as to fall for something like that?”

Well if you’re astute you can see what has happened already.

Nothing changed in there business over those two or three months.

The only thing that actually changed was there own mindset. It was that person that CHOSE to fail. The business model didn’t fail. They just failed to work it.

That’s why the people that get rich in Network Marketing get rich. They know that it’s a mind game from the start.

I just say this to again illustrate the importance of mindset in everything that you do.

Now back the topic at hand . . .

Who says that that front end or initial income has to come from the company that you are promoting?

I’ve always thought that that was the only way until very recently when I had a chance to really review my own business model.

I personally make a lot of front end income and it doesn’t all come from my companies comp plan.

The truth is it’s actually better this way because it gives you more leeway as a marketer.

There are many things that I think my personal contacts need that my company cannot provide so why not offer it to them from somewhere else?



So what I’m saying by this is email marketing gives you the flexibility as a network marketer to market tools and information to your prospects outside of your actually network marketing organization with the simple push of a few buttons.

(IMPORTANT: I’m not talking about promoting additional things to people in your organization, I’m talking about those leads or prospects that you still have in your database that for whatever reason didn’t join. For those that join your business your sole task is to help them achieve success quicker than you.)


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But still, this is a pretty big paradigm shift as far as I’m concerned.

It’s not that big of a leap, but I know as a network marketer we get very caught up in thinking inside the box.

We typically try to think of new and creative ways to sell more of our company’s products and services but not about new and creative ways to help our prospects and increase our own bottom line overall.

My perspective of my business is to maximize profits in the short term by helping to meet the needs of all of my prospects and ensure profit margins with minimal effort in the long term and that should be yours as well.

By offering products and services to your prospects that you know will help them you will make quick profits in the short term and continually offering them the opportunity to join your network marketing team you take the first step toward maximizing profits in the long term.

Now that I’ve had a little chance to rant we’re going to get into exactly how.


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CHAPTER 8:The Little Known Email MLM Success Formula That’s So Simple

You’ll Kick Yourself

What I’m about to teach you is so simple and so effective you’ll thank me all the way to the bank.

This information that I’m about to share with you has never been presented in any format to the network marketing industry at large and very well could cause the next revolution in the industry, but you judge for yourself.

Remember the little puzzle behind creating huge success for yourself in the network marketing industry that I presented to you?

If not here it is again . . .

What makes network marketing so powerful in terms of personal wealth creation is its ability to create large scale leverage and duplication, but for an individual to create a huge amount of success their approach must be unique enough to give prospects a good reason to join their business with them.

How can anyone create massive duplication and yet be unique?

It’s a tough question and it’s something I’ve pondered for a long time without answering until I saw the power of email marketing unfold in my own business.

Let me explain . . .

The way most of us use and think about email marketing is to buy some leads or generate them online and then put them into an auto responder and just let the predetermined series of messages of that auto responder system do its magic.

Well that’s great and all.

It’s duplicable, but it surely is not unique.

It’s not going to set you apart from the next guy or gal that buys some leads and pops them into an auto responder.


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Here’s the deal with email . . .

You do the work to generate some leads or you go out and buy them (which I don’t recommend) then they get into your system and they receive follow up marketing message at no additional cost to you except whatever you pay for your auto responder service.

It’s so simple and works so well that it creates a lot of passivity out there in the internet and network marketing communities.

The perception is that all we have to do is get them to opt into a lead capture page of some sort and the system will do the rest. (If you don’t know what a lead capture page is, it’s the page that you opted into before you saw the full sales page for Net MLM Profits.)

The truth is . . .

This will work to a degree, but I can tell you from experience that it’s definitely not the best way, especially, when it comes to network marketing.


Prewritten email follow ups do nothing to really help you generate a unique relationship of trust with your prospects they simply remind them that there is some page out there that they opted into to get some information about a product or service and now they’re stuck in someone’s auto responder.

Not really what you want . . .

In network marketing even more than general internet marketing, you are successful because of the trusting relationships that you build. Remember relationships are the glue that hold your organization together, so starting that relationship with a series of prewritten emails is not really getting you off to the best start.

Here’s how I know:

When I started marketing my first product Internet MLM Success all that I had was an email follow up series to remind my list of prospects interested in the product about it.

It worked and I did convert sales at a profitable rate.


The power behind email marketing and what makes it so effective is that it’s just so darn cheap as an advertising channel.

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But, when I changed my paradigm on the situation and made a more personal effort to connect with each of prospects via email my sales doubled and even on some days tripled.

Again here is the proof:

But further the corresponding number of people that joined my business followed that same trend.

So What Did I Do To Cause This Drastic Increase?

Instead of letting my autoresponder do all of the relationship building between me and my leads passively I took an active roll in the process.

Here’s what I did and it’s so simple you’ll probably miss it.

I started sending 2 emails a day to my list of prospects.


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Here’s a recent shot from my auto responder:

One in the morning that was around 500 words or so of content for relationship building and entertainment and one in the evening that was less than 100 words that was more of an offer.

That’s it. That’s all it took.

Here’s why it works . . .

In marketing our products and services through email we can control three things and if we improve any one of them our results MUST increase.

What are they?

1. The number of exposures to our product or service2. The frequency of exposure to our product or service3. The relationship we create with those we are communicating

By increasing the amount of communication I had with my prospects all three factors listed above were increased and thus my overall results could do nothing but increase.


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In the morning, I would relay a message to my list about what I was doing and how it related to my product and network marketing philosophy.

At night I would give them an offer to buy my product.

I did this consistently and the first two weeks I did this I not only generated way more front end sales for the actual product, but when I offered my list a few additional resources that I found helpful in my own business I made an additional $900+.

That means that prior to that period, by not emailing my list I was leaving at least $900 on the table and I really wasn’t meeting their needs to the best of my ability.


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Further during that same period of time my personal downline grew by 153 people. It doesn’t get any better than that!

I know you may be thinking that’s a lot of emailing.

Yeah from the standpoint of not emailing at all and letting a corporate follow up system do all of your follow up it is a lot of emailing, but in real time those two emails a day took me about an extra 45 minutes to write and netted me at least an extra $240 a day on average which has actually increased.

You do the math . . .

Is 45 minutes of your time worth $240?

Follow my advice and I guarantee you’ll see the same results.

But here’s the big kicker.

Network marketing is all about relationships as we’ve said before, well if you have a growing list of prospects in the 100s or 1000s and you’re interacting with them on a daily basis you’re creating a lot of relationships in a highly leverage environment.

Think about calling 100 people every day how long do you think that would take?

Why not just send them an email or to and let them choose to read it or not?

It’s saves you lot’s of time and really get’s the people that are interested in YOU to focus in on what you’re talking about.


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Here is what this formula does:

• Allows you to weed out not so great prospects because they unsubscribe which is great!

• Gets the prospects that are interested in YOU and what you have to offer keyed in and hyper sensitive to anything and everything you expose to them.

• Allows you to present your product or business to 100s or thousands of people for FREE every single day.

Do you see how amazing this is for network marketing?

It’s a formula that is not only so simple that anyone can duplicate it, but it creates true uniqueness for everyone who uses it. (Read that sentence again and again until you really get it. It the most important breakthrough in network marketing I’ve ever discovered and will take your business to an entirely different plane if you understand it.)

That is . . .

If two people follow this formula they will each attract the attention of the people on their list that are attract to each individual’s messages and they will both create a unique high level top of mind awareness with their prospects based purely on their communications.

Now think if everyone in your downline was following this formula for success.

You’d create a huge team built on tightly knit relationships that would lock in true lasting residual income which in turn would create lifetime wealth and you wouldn’t even have to pick up the phone to cold call a single lead ever. (Which is worth it in itself.)

Are you starting to smell what I’m talking?

This is the type of stuff I wish my sponsor told me about how to really take my marketing to that next level, so I’m glad to be sharing this with you.


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Now let’s look under the hood and get into the mechanics . . .


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CHAPTER 9:The Simple Mechanics Of Successful Email MLM Marketing

How do you make this email machine work?

Well it’s as simple as understanding the last chapter and putting it into action. The process of experiencing what takes place in your business once you take action will teach you all you really need to know, but I want to give you some important guidelines to keep in mind.

Your relationship with your leads is what either makes you or breaks you.

You have to show them who you are, what you are passionate about when it comes to network marketing, and that you’re guiding them to higher levels of success. It’s way easier than you think.

Here’s the foundation of creating relationship

1. Consistency leads to implied trust.

What I mean is, we as humans do trust and build closer relationships with those people and concepts that we consistently interact with.

It’s no different than in your everyday life.

You have closer relationships with those people you interact with more frequently.

For instance, if your friend calls you for help you’re going to be much more likely to do it than if someone you just met that day does.


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You interact with your friend frequently, you probably were attracted to each other because of your similarities in the first place, and so because of that relationship built on similarities brought you into frequent contact you are more willing to go out of you way for them than if someone that you just met asks you for the same exact sort of help.

You begin to create that trust in the online world by contact your prospects frequently and being consistent in that contact.

When you email your contacts make sure to stick to your schedule of contact and a trusting relationship will begin to ensue.

This is completely contrary to what we see in the internet marketing world as it appears today.

f you’re on a successful marketers email list these days you pretty much know that if they’re emailing you, in their general inconsistent format, you know it’s going to be some sort of a pitch for the new best product ever created and so you instinctually put your guard up and shield yourself for the pitch even before you open the email.

Do the opposite.

Send an email in the morning with content based on bringing you and your prospects closer and before you know it they’ll start looking forward to every email you send their way.

Now this doesn’t mean you can’t advertise in those morning emails, just do it as a sponsorship type ad or a PS statement and you’ll be just fine..

Here’s an example for one of my early day emails. (Note the sponsorship type ad and the PS statement)


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Further if you consistently send them an offer every night they know what to expect and they won’t take offense to it.

Be consistent.

2. Consistency goes further than just when and how you send emails.

Be consistent in what you promote. You can go two ways on this one.

You can either promote a front end product or you can promote your business, just be consistent with what you promote and how you promote it.


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I suggest you promote a front end product over a business in your initial email communication with your prospects because it’s less pressure on them and in general more people want to know how to do something than actually want to do it.

If you know this you can use it to your advantage.

Here’s what I mean.

If you promote a front end product that teaches your targeted list of prospects how to do something that they really want to do it’s going to be much easier to get them to buy because many of them will buy out of pure curiosity. They ain’t gonna do that with your business I promise you.

When they realize the value of the product you recommended to them your relationship with them will grow stronger and they’ll trust you more.

Then you can recommend your business to them after trust has been established and they’ve made a valuable purchase through you and you’ve profited for it. I’m sure you’d agree that’s a win win.

The important thing is you should focus your promotional efforts on one product or business consistently until they buy.


Again we’re talking about trust.

Well, when your prospects see that you continue to recommend something that you are passionate about to them consistently then they see that you truly value what you’re offering and you’re not just after their money.

Over time your prospects will know what to expect from you and will focus on your communications for their value in and of themselves.

That’s what you want!

When they are ready they will buy your product because by consistently promoting it you’ll create top of mind awareness of it. They’ll know where to go and who to get it from.

You know you’re doing the right thing your prospects start sending you email saying “Ok! Ok! You got me with that last email!” and then they go and buy.

When this happens you know they are keyed into what you were doing and your consistency won them over in the end.


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But further, your consistency creates contrast.

When you do decide to offer them another ancillary resource your prospects will know that you are offering it to them as something of special value because you took the time to detour from your normal promotional efforts to mention it. (Never do this more than once a week.)

This works like clockwork and has created some huge surges of cash for me over the last year.

Here are couple examples: (These are results from single email blasts of ancillary products of true value I’ve recommended to my prospects.)


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Trust, consistency, and the pointed application of contrast are powerful things.

Lastly on this point, there is a work around for promoting both your front end profit producing product and your business.

Promote your front end product in the actual body of your emails via a sponsorship type ad and or PS statement and then in your signature leave a link to your business.

I’ve done this with my Internet MLM Success product and it’s worked very well.

And the end of every email I have a line that simple states:

The business that changed my life: (Not a real URL)

No pressure, but it’s there for those that want to see and it’s not the focus.

Give it a test and see if it works for you if you like.

The important point is to promote one product or business consistently and this will create a higher level trust between you and your prospects.

3. Create interaction, but always remember you’re in control.

Your business and your list of prospects is yours, so be sure to remember it’s a two way conversation that you control.

So a quick example is you control how your prospect can respond to you.

If you want them to call you, just add your phone number to each email you send out and they WILL start calling you. (Just be careful though, it can create more excitement and interest than you’re ready for.)


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Note, if you send out a message and it doesn’t go over well you’re the only person that knows it. Try to analyze why and improve in your next communication. But all in all it’s never that big of a deal.

Also . . .

Encourage interaction.

Allow people to send you questions or comments and then shares those with your responses to subscriber who took the time to ask you a good question with your entire list.

This is great because it encourage people to take action with you and any action your prospects take is a positive as it shows an increase in their trust with you.

Also, if you respond to questions and comments to your entire database of prospects, your subscribers know you are listening, thus more people will start to participate by asking your advice, and you’ll create a sense of community which again will bring you closer to everyone on your list.

You want to create a community where everyone that is keyed in feels comfortable and looks forward to getting your emails and encouraging interaction does this in a big way.


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4. Entertain at all cost!

Remember email marketing is a medium just like any other marketing channel.

Why do TV, Radio, and the Newspaper play such a huge part in most of our lives?

They entertain us!

Email is no different.

In your correspondence with your leads be sure to entertain in your own way.

Crack a joke, bring up industry drama, bash someone that sends you a negative email, whatever it is you do have fun and entertain your prospects and they’ll be looking forward to every email you send.

Just be you and let it come through and that should do the trick!

5. Don’t stress about what to write or what to talk about.

There is no reason to make each email you send out a huge production. It certainly does not have to be perfect, I make mistakes in almost every email I send out. (You may even find a few in this eBook.)

It’s really just not all that big of a deal.

Just be you, share who you are and what you’re thinking on a consistent basis and you are doing all that is required.

Be positive and help your prospects stay excited about their network marketing efforts.

When I sit down to write an email I just think of what I can say that will help others be more successful and then I just let it out.

If you don’t know yet . . .

Pick up a few network marketing or personal development books or CDs at the library or the bookstore and use what you learn to get your creative juices flowing.


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A few good ones to start with . . .

• The DNA Of Success • Wave 4 or Wave 3• Think And Grow Rich• Growing Your Network Marketing Business (By Jim Rohn)• Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind• The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People• Lead The Field

That should be enough to get you going. (Notice that none of them are technical books in nature.)

Take those ideas and discuss them with your list in your words.

You’ll be surprised at what you really have to share.

Don’t worry about being technical or giving technical advice or your grammar just be you and share your positive thoughts.

Emotion is more important than being technical.

The only technical thing you have to do is remember to mention your front end product or business and its value.

Don’t over think it.

Keep it as simple as you can and don’t ever stress about what you CAN’T think of to share, rather just share whatever you got and you’ll get better I promise.

That’s really all there is to it.

Except . . .


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The Tools You Need For Successful Email MLM Marketing

To make these hugely powerful email concepts work you do need to have a few things in place.

1. A lead capture page in which you can capture email addresses 2. A product that is in demand and of true value which you earn income from3. An auto responder

That’s about it.

You can go through the trouble of creating all these resources yourself, or you can keep reading and I’ll share with you a little something about this course that you might not know.

Beside that, all you need to do is drive target traffic to your lead capture page and then start your email marketing efforts with the leads you generate.

Following the guidelines that I’ve listed for you above has brought me more success in network marketing than anything I’ve ever read or learned.

To put it simply this information has made me financially free.

At any point in time at the push or a button I generate income on demand or growth in my network marketing business on demand. Tell me how it can get any better than that?


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That’s the power of email marketing and it will do the same for you if you take action on what you’ve just learned.


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One Thing You Might Not Know . . .

“Net MLM Profits” itself is the best system that you can use to put what you’ve just learned into practice and in your business.

That is, I’ve taken the time to create the best system out there that anyone can use to create the same level of success and freedom that my network marketing business online has brought me, in fact I’ll even do all the email follow up I just described for you to help you drive front end sales and qualify true high quality prospects.

Why recreate the wheel?

You can get started right now and put this powerful system to use for you in your business and I’ll help you down the path to your own version of financial independence through network marketing.

For the first time you’ll be playing the network marketing game like the big boys do!

I won’t go into all the details here, but can you review what I’ve put together for you to leverage over here.

To close this tutorial, I’ve imparted into you the knowledge and experience I’ve attained through using these methods. You have all the answers right in front of you! My hope is that you use this knowledge to the best of your abilities and I wish you much success!

To the Top,

Daegan SmithPower Prospecting System, LLC.


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Unadvertised Bonus!

Don’t you just love it when you get something you didn’t expect?

In the past year, I’ve been blessed with success online in network marketing and I’ve been able to do a quite a few things that I thought only gurus could do.

Because of my success I’ve grown a network marketing organization of just about 4,000 people in the last 14 months and been appointed the head internet marketing trainer for my personal network marketing company and as a result I’ve been asked to speak at some very key network marketing conferences.

Of special note, I was asked to speak at a conference a few months back in Salt Lake City Utah called “Putting The Net Into Network Marketing” hosted my one of the first true internet network marketing millionaires, Mike Ray.

I shared the spotlight with some of network marketing true geniuses like Dale Calvert, Robert Butwin, Time Sales, and the Great Mike Ray himself.

In that conference, I was able to give my perspective on growing a huge network marketing organization using the awesome power of the internet starting from scratch.

I didn’t know what to expect when presenting on the stage with such prolific superstars as my counterparts, but I went ahead and I gave my presentation about exactly how I was able to grow my organization to its size at that time without ever having to pick up the phone to call a lead.


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To my surprise, the presentation turned out to be quite a hit.

If you’ve ever wondered how a person goes from nothing in network marketing to financial freedom within the time period of a year, I’m more than happy to share with you exactly how I did it.

Without further ado . . .

“How To Go From An MLM Looser Calling Over 8,000 People And Spending Over $7,000 On Leads Only To Get Hung Up And Or Yelled

At While Recruiting Zero People To Spending No Money On Leads, Never Even Pick Up The Phone To Call Anyone, Recruit 322 People, And Grow A Team Of Over 3636+ People In Just a Smidge Over A


The Process And Formula For Internet MLM Success And How You Can Use The Magic Of Email To Leverage A Huge Audience, Create Income, Recruit At Will, And Have

Prospects Ringing Your Phone Off The Hook

My Path To Internet Network Marketing Success Audio can be found below:


Daegan Smith1-800-291-0311

[email protected]

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