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  • 7/28/2019 net srs


    Software Requirements Specification


    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Presented By

    Sasi Kiran G(071240)

    A Veena (071206)

    GP Vamshi(071227)



  • 7/28/2019 net srs


    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page ii

    Document Approval

    The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by thefollowing:


    Ashok HODD Sudheer Reddy Internal GuideE Jaya Kumar Reddy Project Incharge

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page iii

    Table of Contents

    DOCUMENT APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................. II

    1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.1.1PURPOSE ................................................................................................. ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.1.2DOCUMENT CONVENSIONS...................................................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.1.3 INTENDED AUDIENCE AND READING SUGGESTIONS .................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.1.4 PROJECT SCOPE ........................................................................................ ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.1.5 REFFERNCE .............................................................................................. ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

    2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

    2.1PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE............................................................................ ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.2.2PRODUCT FUNCTIONS .............................................................................. ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.2.3USERCHARACTERISTICS.......................................................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.2.4GENERAL CONSTRAINTS .......................................................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.2.5ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES .......................................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

    3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS........................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

    3.1EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS .................................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.3.1.1 User Interfaces ........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.1.3 Software Interfaces ..................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.1.4 Communications Interfaces ......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

    3.2FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.3.2.1 ...............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.2.2 ...............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

    3.3USE CASES ................................................................................................................................................... 13.3.1 Use Case #1 ............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.3.2 Use Case #2 ......................................................................................................................................... 7

    3.4CLASSES /OBJECTS....................................................................................................................................... 83.4.1 ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.4.2 ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

    3.5NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.3.5.1 Performance ............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.5.2 Reliability ................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.5.3 Availability ..............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.5.4 Security ...................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.5.5 Maintainability ........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.3.5.6 Portability ...............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

    3.6INVERSE REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.3.7DESIGN CONSTRAINTS ............................................................................. ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.3.8LOGICAL DATABASE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................... ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

    3.9OTHERREQUIREMENTS............................................................................ ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.4. ANALYSIS MODELS ........................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

    4.1SEQUENCE DIAGRAMS ............................................................................. ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.4.3DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS (DFD) ................................................................ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.4.2STATE-TRANSITION DIAGRAMS (STD) .....................................................ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

    5. CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS .............. ............. ............. .... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

    A. APPENDICES ................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page iv

    A.1APPENDIX 1 ............................................................................................ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.A.2APPENDIX 2 ............................................................................................ERROR!BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 1

    1: Introduction

    1.1 Purpose:

    This project mainly is used to spread the awareness about blood donation. Many people dont

    know about the importance of blood donation and some people are aware about it but they are

    not known about the chances when and where they can donate. It needs the hospital management

    to blindly search through network for a blood donor during emergency cases.

    For example: In earlier days if a person need O+ve group blood then we would send

    messages through phones but it is a late process and it reach to some extent only. This is the

    major problem. By using this application the people can search for the required blood group very

    easily through internet,if the required donor is available we will contact with that person

    directly.All these tasks will be done with in short span of time.If the required donor is not

    available we can place required blood group and our contact number in the emergency request

    which is displayed on home page.

    1.2 Document Conventions:

    We have used Times New Roman (text size 12). Bold Font is used forMain Headings

    (text sizeof14). Bold, Underline and Italicized font is used for Modules (text sizeof14).

    Underlining is done for technically important words.

    1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions:

    This document is for better understanding of Blood Donor Symbiosis. Mainly intended

    for Head of the Dept., Internal guide, External guide, Staff members, Users and colleagues. This

    detail given below guides every normal user to how to go through this document for better

    understanding. The sequence to follow for better understanding is here Purpose, Scope , Features

    of the Blood Donor Symbiosis software, Operating requirements, Modules present in the project,

    Advantages, References etc.

    1.4 Project Scope:

    This software is not only used for searching for required blood group, maintaining a emergency

    request on homepage and maintaining details of donors and blood banks. Also provides the

    awareness about blood donation to people.

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 2

    1.5 References:

    In order to get an overview of this project, I was visited the website

    2: Overall Description

    2.1 Product Perspective:

    This website serves to 5 kinds of people. The unaware people; people who are willing to

    donate but do not know when and where to donate; hospital managements who blindly search

    through network for a blood donor during emergency cases; blood banks and doctors who want

    to spread awareness.

    2.2 Product Features:

    Complete blood donation awareness information online.

    Registration for every individual who are willing to donate.

    Special accounts for Blood Banks (NGO), and Hospitals.

    Doctors Talk.

    Emergency requirements on home page.

    Providing the information to the people where the Blood Banks are available and the

    stock availability at the respective places.

    2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

    The user plays an important role because he is the one who enrolls his name for blood

    donation and some other user will search for particular blood group. The user can update his

    profile when he gave blood recently. User, hence termed as Donor will have other functionalities

    like browsing Blood Banks and Doctors Write-ups (Doctok) and also, can enroll to donate at a

    particular blood bank.

    Admin account is provided to moderate the application.Doctors are given special accounts where they can regularly write write-ups on Blood

    Donation Awareness.Blood Banks are given special accounts in order to maintain their profiles

    and stock availability at their respective banks. Also, they can view enrollments for donations. A

    bulk mail option is provided to invite users during a donation camp.

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 3

    2.4 Operating Environment:

    Software Requirements used are Windows as Operating System. HTML, Cascading Style Sheets

    and JavaScript as Front-End designing tools.MySql is used as Database Sever. Tomcat 5.5

    server is the Web server. Java, JSP and Servlets are used as Scripting languages.

    Hardware Requirements used are P2 above processor, 128MB+ of main memory (RAM) and

    100MB hard disk and data base memory.

    2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints:

    This project will be developed using the technologies like Java, JSP, Servlets, HTML,

    CSS, JavaScript, SQL and Web for all which I need to feth knowledge on all of them in order to

    code for the project. Also Ill be learning clearly about Software Development Life Cycle.

    2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies:

    This application is to be used in a server so that the hospitals, admin and users can get

    the information. Every donor should have their user id and password. Administrator should have

    all the rights to remove or add anything. A user is expected to have internet connectivity to use

    this application.

    3: System Features

    3.1 Security and Accounts Module:

    This security module plays a vital role. In this module the person who is interested to

    donate blood will enroll their details through registration. Security is provided to donors through

    userid and password. Further, the donors can update their profile whenever they want. So that

    this module can prevent the user from performing write operations on donors profile and from

    access of unauthorized information.

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 4

    3.2 Admin Module

    Administrator plays a very vital role. In this module the Admin uploads the information of

    blood donation camps, blood bank details. And it also uploads the doctors information. The

    admin has all rights to perform manipulations on information.

    3.3 Donor Search:

    In this module, the user can get the details of donors according to particular blood group

    wise. Through this module we can get the information of required donor very easily.

    On the other hand, the people who need blood on emergency can put up an emergency request

    which will be populated in the Home page of the application.

    3.4 Blood Donation Camp Module:

    This module provides the information about when and where the blood donation camps are

    conducted. Through this module we can send the mails to many donors who register their names

    in the site when the camps are conducted.

    3.5 Doctors talk Module:In this we can maintain the articles on blood donation and awareness. These articles are written

    by famous doctors.

    3.6 Blood Bank Information Module:

    This blood bank information module maintains the details of the availability blood banks.

    That means how many blood banks are available in a particular location and also maintains the

    addresses of the blood banks available in the corresponding locations.

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 5

    4: Specification Requirements

    4.1 User Interfaces

    This application include sample screen images such as user login, interacting with

    database, any GUI standards or product family style guides that are to be followed, screen layout

    constraints, standard buttons and functions that will appear on every screen, error message

    display standards, and so on.

    4.2 Hardware Interfaces

    We require internet connection for interacting with database and local computers for any

    help or any other requirement. We use TCP/IP protocol for communicating with local hosts. Wealso need system with P2 or above processor; 128MB+ RAM and database memory.

    4.3 Software Interfaces:

    We use Java, JSP and Servlets as Programming language for writing the code for the

    project. HTML, CSS and JavaScript for creating the web pages MYSQL server is used for

    creating the local and global database (server). ECLIPSE IDE for writing the programs.

    Operating system will be Windows XP.

    4.4 Communications Interfaces

    The communication function required by this product is WEB connection.

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 6

    4.5. Use Case Diagrams

    4.5.1 Use Case Diagram for Donor



    updating file








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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 7

    4.5.2 Use Case Diagram for Doctor


    D t l

    f back

    Dct r

    l i

    I ali ct r


    i cl

    i cl

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 8

    4.5.3 Use Case for Blood Donor Camp


    c t



    ba ck


    log i


    a li

    oc tor






    4.5.4 Use Case Diagram for Administrator



    AD M IN








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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 9

    4.6 Class Diagram


    -login id-password



    -id-password-address-email id



    -login id-password

    request doctor()adding b dc()reject bdc()managing db()


    -reg no-password



    doctalk-id-description-topic-posted by






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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 10

    5 Analysis Model

    5.1 Sequence Diagram

    5.1.1 Sequence Diagram for Donor

    dbdonor application


    check authentication

    validating theinformation

    authorised user

    display donor page

    sequence diagram for donor

    if selected doctor talksend quries


    quries send succesfully

    if he selected refer a frnd


    fill and submitt save the details


    saved successfully

    if he selected account settings

    get the detailssearch

    his profile details

    update detils

    get details

    submitt the details

    updated sucessfully

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 11

    5.1.2 Sequence Diagram for Doctor

    Sequence diagram for Doctordoctor applicantion db

    logincheck info


    authorized userdisplay the doctor page

    select write articles

    display artical form

    write article post article


    savedsuccessfully completed

    select clear queriesrequest for queries

    take the qns

    display the queries

    replay for queriesans posted


    reply successfully

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    Blood Donors Symbiosis

    Software Requirements Specification Page 12

    5.1.3 Sequence Diagram for Donor Registration

    5.1.4 Sequence Diagram for BCO

    donor application db

    provide information detailssubmitt the details

    perform save operationsavesucessfully registered

    sequence diagram for donor registration

    b c o a p p l ic a t io n d b

    loginc h e c k t h e i n f o

    v a l i d a t i n g

    a u t h r ize d u s e r d is p l y b c o p a g e

    browse the detailss e n d r e q u e s t fo r d e t a i ls

    c h e c k t h e d e t a il s

    d i s p l a y t h e d o n o r d e t a i ls

    update camps detailss u b m i t t e d d e t a il s

    s a v e

    u p d a t e d s u c c e s s f u ll y

    sequence diagram for bco

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    Software Requirements Specification Page 13

    5.2 Activity Diagrams

    5.2.1 Activity Diagram for Donor

    d o n o r

    ?d o c t or t a l k ?

    a c c o u n t

    s e t t i n g s


    a s k q u e ri e su p d a t e

    p r o f i l e

    y e s

    y e s y e s

    n o

    a c t iv i ty d i a g r a m f o r d o n o r

    n o

    5.2.2 Activity Diagram for Doctor


    ?w r i t ea r t i c l

    e s

    c l e a r

    d o u t s ?


    articlesclear douts

    ye s

    yes yes


    activity diagram for doctor



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    5.2.3 Activity Diagram for Visitor

    f i



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