netnography webinar

Webnography Webinar Email: [email protected] LinkedIn: sureshsood Skype: sureshsood Twitter: soody Google +:

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Webnography Webinar

Email: [email protected] LinkedIn: sureshsood

Skype: sureshsoodTwitter: soody

Google +:

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1. What’s in a name?

2. Characteristics of web/net/virtual studies

3. Social media

4. Kozinets rules of practice and key steps for Netnography including coding

5. Importance of social listening and keywords

6. Insight aggregation tools

7. Case study vignettes e.g. Pringles and iPhone 4S

8. Why Netnography?

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What’s in a name ?

• Webnography => web and ethnography• Virtual ethnography => virtual online as site of research• Netnography (Kozinets 2010;2002)

– Systematic approach is specific about how to start project and analyse data.– Ethics– Member checking whereby participant is given opportunity to comment on the

user generated content they created and provide feedback


Kozinets, R. V. (2010). Netnography. Doing ethnographic research online. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Kozinets, Robert V. (2002), “The Field Behind the Screen: Using Netnography for Marketing Research in Online Communities,”

Journal of Marketing Research, 39 (February), 61-72.

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Characteristics of Web/Net/Virtual Studies in 2012

• Getting answers without asking questions using “found” data (UGC) e.g. Tweets or Instagram photos• Answers to questions not asked • Naturally occurring conversations online in forums, social networks, blogs etc.• Traces of consumer Identity (who and where they belong)• Subjective and emotional aspects of consumer experiences (phenomenological study) • Lived experiences (emic perspective) and how consumers use products in day-to-day lives• Preserves voice of consumer in natural settings including humour • Rich “Geertezian” thick description cultural consumer insights building on multi structured data • Strong elements of qualitative analysis and interpretation• Top down & bottom up with content analysis and text analytics/multimedia analysis• Social media centricity with consumers connecting, sharing, and engaging in first person stories of feelings about

brands, meanings and lifestyle• Unit of analysis conversations # participant • Big data• Consumer is not passive but an active creator of brand meanings and content • Ideal starting point for market research triangulation• Social media netnography• Reduces Hawthorne effects (people acting differently when being observed by an external observer)• Absence of researcher gaze (external observer with a selective perception and interpretation)• Maintains the cultural, lived, empirical quality of the research• B2B or B2C

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What is different about social media for the researcher?

1. Authenticity 2. Advocacy3. Marketing is real time conversations and feedback4. Brand is the conversations




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Most Online Australian Adults Use Social Media RegularlyMarch 2011 “Online Australians Shift To Social Networks”

Increasing social media engagement


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The Social Technographics Of Chinese Online AdultsJuly 2012 “Social Media Marketing In China”

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Netnography is Green!

• Compare greenhouse gas (or GHG) emissions of the in-person focus group vs. online approach

• In person energy usage: transporting participants and researchersusing hotel spacefood

• Findings with a large focus group (N= 20 participants), the in-person groups create almost 2.5 times as much GHG emissions vs. online. About one half of a metric ton of CO2 emissions per research project.

• How much per research project?– 2 typical plane trips– shutting down a typical 10,000 square foot office for one day– avoiding nine typical business trips (1,100 miles) by carSource: “Avoided Carbon Emissions from Online Immersive Research”

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Kozinets – Rules of Netnography Practice

1. Entrée - Planning and identification of the research target : Definition of Research Questions, Social Media Sites or Topics of Investigation

2. Data Collection

Two kinds of data to be gathered and contextualized: a) directly from the system b) from the interaction with users online

3. Interpretation/Analysis The gathered data is trustworthy, because we are trying to understand not the individual herself

but her online behaviour.

4. Ensuring Ethical StandardsQuestions about anonymity and informed consent

5. Research representationThe research should be presented to the users that contributed to the study in order to obtain


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Framing the Research Question Kozinets (2010)

• Begin the research questions with the words “what” or “how” to convey an open-ended and emergent research design

• Focus on a single phenomenon or concept• Use exploratory verbs such as “discover”,

“understand”, “explore”,“describe”, or “report”.

• Use open-ended questions.

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Kozinets (2002, p. 63) recommends the following method for netnographic studies:

1. Entrée: formulation of research questions and identification of appropriate online for a for study

2. Data collection: direct copy from the computer-mediated communications of online community members and observations of the community and its members, interactions and meanings

3. Analysis and interpretation: classification, coding analysis and contextualization of communicative acts

4. Research ethics: “(1) The researcher should fully disclose his or her presence, affiliations, and intentions to online community members during any research; (2) the researchers should ensure confidentiality and anonymity of informants; and (3) the researchers should seek and incorporate feedback from members of the online community being researched... (4) The researcher should take a cautious position on the private-versus-public medium issue. This procedure requires the researcher to contact community members and to obtain their permission to use any specific postings that are to be directly quoted in the research” (Kozinets, 2002, p. 65; cf. Kozinets & Handelman, 1998).

5. Member checks: presentations of some or all final research report’s findings to the people who have been studied in order to solicit their comments.

Kozinets, R.V. (2002), “The Field behind the Screen: Using Netnography for Marketing Research in Online Communities”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XXXIX, pp.61-72.

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Ethical Guidelines for Netnography Research • Identify and Explain yourself fully disclosing presence, affiliations, and

intentions to online community members during any research

• Ask for permission to conduct research and collect data

• Consult with ethics boards or legal experts if need be

• If in doubt take a cautious position on the private-versus-public medium issue

• Informed Consent through contacting community members and to obtain their permission to use any specific postings that are to be directly quoted in the research

• Properly cite sources and protect participants from risk ensuring confidentiality and anonymity of informants

Kozinets, R.V. (2002), “The Field behind the Screen: Using Netnography for Marketing Research in Online Communities”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XXXIX, pp.61-72.

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Entrée – How are you going to come out of lurking ?

• Act like a new MEMBER (not a researcher) using the language and behaviour of community

• Start contributing – Be social and give before you take

• Be creative and interesting for the members increases chance of acceptance

(Kozinets, 2010)

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Key Steps (Kozinets 2010)

Step 1: Definition of Research Questions, Social Media Sites or Topics to Investigate

Step 2: Community Identification and Selection where do our consumers or businesses hang out online?

Step 3: Community Participant-Observation (Engagement and Immersion) and Data Collection (Ensure Ethical Procedures)

Step 4: Data Analysis and Iterative Interpretation of findings

Step 5: Write, Present and Report Research findings

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Train of Thought Analysis• A bottom-up approach to letting the online conversation

data speak• Understand emotions• Deep dive into themes • Perceptual process of discovery to uncover structure• Distinguish patterns,structure, relationships and anomalies • Colour code the knowledge • Researcher can spot irregularities• Not sure why but where does this lead• Harnesses the power of the human mind

Data Information Knowledge

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Data analysis technique - Analytical coding(Kozinets 2010)

• Coding: labeling to general phenomenon• Noting: reflection on data• Abstracting: identifying similarities and sequences and

differences of interaction• Checking & Refining: return to the field to check and refine

existing understanding of patterns, differences, commonalities• Generalizing: elaborate a small set of generalization that cover

or explain the consistencies in the dataset• Theorizing: construct theory from the findings• The goal here is to achieve an explanation of consistency in data

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Coding Schema for Netnographic Analysis (Davis, P. 2011/2012) of User Generated online community (~6,470 registered users and 449 users online on day of study) for supporters of the Essendon Football

Club (EFC) Content of posts coded in Nvivo8 using Dholakia, Bagozzi & Pearo (2004) motivations to participate in online community typology

Purposive value

– Information gathering (15) – Information providing (26)– Generating idea (20) – Solution to a problem (1)– Influence others (20)

Maintaining Interpersonal Interconnectivity

– Reference to specific individual (6) – Off-topic conversation (16) – Gratitude /agreement (8) – Like-minded people (13)– Reference to group (3) – Personal stories/experiences (13)

Self Discovery

– Learning about others (8) – Help understand ideas (4) – Help form opinion (4)

Social Enhancement

– Override opinion/disprove others (14) – Acceptance gained (30)– Depth knowledge (14) – Acceptance seeking (8)– Establishing personal credibility/expert status(4) – Belittling others’ opinions (6)

• Entertainment

– Humorous pictures (1) – Jocular remarks (30) – Recognition of humour (8)– Games (1) – Enjoyment emoticons (4) – Sarcastic humour (8)

“I defy anyone to convince me that Mick wouldn't be

coaching the pies next year for any reason other than the

buckley/2 year contract.”

“I'm going to...suggest that Gumby should be in this weekend as a sub.”

“I remember that game well - sitting behind the

goals at the Ponsford end (which was the wrong end

for that 4th quarter). Essendon NEVER gave up back in those days, and so we stayed on with a little

bit of belief.”

“Did we beat them last week?? Did we beat Geelong? Did we beat GC by over 100pts?? We have every right to bag


“I hear that his position at the Pies next year

involves hugging players after Buckley loses them

consecutive GF's.”

Note: Numbers represent number of posts on topicSource: Davis, P. 2011, Netnographic Analysis of User Generated Online Communities, Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy

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Coding Schema for Netnographic Exploration (Perkins, A. 2010) of Online Fan CommunitiesContent of posts coded in accordance with Rock Fan Typology (Beaven and Laws, 2007, pp.126-127) for Metallica Message Board

Casual Fan

– Missed tickets/haven't seen Metallica before (2) – New fan/ first Metallica concert (2) – Don't care where they get seats (1) – There for fun (1)– Like live music (2) – Seek advice/Info from other fans (5)– Only see band if outdoor concert (8)

Loyal Fan

– Become a fan member to get good tickets (1) – Upload videos from concerts (1) – Give tour advice to Metallica (25) – Brag about getting tickets (3)– Personally address the band/band member (19)– Identify with genre (1)

Die Hard Fan

– Practise tries to get tickets (2) – Meet up before show with other fans (6) – Know band/history (12) – Attend multiple shows (2) – Comment on changing quality of shows (2) – Think they are Metallica's biggest fan (4)

Dysfunctional Fan

– Humorous pictures (1) – Early Line up (2) – Drive/Fly long distances to follow tour (3) – Willing to pick up stranger / Willing to go with stranger (2)– Can't sleep (11 weeks before concert) (1) – Changed travel plans (1) – Stalking behaviour/seek contact with band (1)– Competitive/antagonistic behaviour towards other fans (4)

Note: Numbers represent posts on topicSource: Perkins, A. 2010, Identification in Popular Music: A Netnographic Exploration of Online Fan Communities, Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy

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Emergent Themes in Thyroid Cancer Conversations on an Electronic Bulletin Board (Jayanti R. 2010)

• Researcher let the culture “seep into” (Kozinets 2010) over a two year period to become comfortable with the vocabulary

• Research comprising: – 5 different threads– 392 distinct postings– 7,825 text lines – 80 unique individuals– period of 10.5 months

• Emergent themes uncovered in the five threads by researcher and assistant:– Subtle Interactions– Dosage Problem– Surgical Procedures– Adam's Cancer – Thyroid Disease

/ really can't tolerate the hypo symptons I have a 40 hr. a week job. When I get these symptoms I can't even get

myself up for work and when I do go in I can't function. I think what you said about finding a doctor up that will up my dosage would be agood Idea but I don't know if I can

find one who will up me 50mcg. I can't wait 6 wks for meds to kick in and find it wasn't the right dosage

anyway. I'm a busy person and this slows me completely down where 1 miss events and feel totally drained where people see this and tell me how terrible I look and how I look like I have no energy. ... When I increase all these

horrible symptoms go away.—Beverly: "Dosage Problem"

Source: Jayanti, Rama (2010) A Netnographic Exploration Listening to Oniine Consumer Conversations, Journal of Advertising Research , June, p.181-196

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Computer assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS)Qualitative = texts, graphics, audio or video


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QDA Miner highlighting Dictionary & KWIC – Personal Concerns

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Weft QDA (free) CAQDAS Features Supported

• Import documents from plain text or PDF

• 'Code-and-retrieve' document text with different categories

• Attach and update memos to categories and documents

• Free text search and boolean queries

• Coding statistics and simple cross-tabulations

• Export text and numbers for browsing and further analysis

• Single-file project format (*.qdp)

• Does not support images, audio or video

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Importance of Social Listening

• Research – How do consumers use my brands

Identify and select research community

– Forums, Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube– Observe and listen

Data Analysis & Aggregation of Consumer Insights

– Sentiment Monitoring, Semantic Recognition,– Google Trends, Social Mention

• Translate Insights

– Meaningful to business– Positive or negative trends, themes etc.

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Importance of Keywords Prior to listening, an important starting point is to determine the vocabulary (both online and offline).

The vocabulary represents the unique words used in the business and by customers.

The culture of the business separates the vocabulary one business from another business even if they are operating in similar areas.

Keywords and tagging are the cornerstone of being able to locate content with relative ease when searching for relevant information.

Keyword data is at the foundation of the vocabulary. To assist and understand the trends of keyword searches consumers are conducting worldwide a wide variety of tools are available

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Data Driven Tools : Identification and Selection of Communities and Insight Aggregation

• Google ad planner (provides demographics++)• Google trends• Alexa (keywords, audience and clickstream)• Facebook advertising• LinkedIn advertising• Listening & monitoring via Netvibes or Google reader• Social mention• Google chrome and Diigo for online note taking and

sharing bookmarks of sites

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The Internet is Now:Splinternet (Forrester 2010)

• Facebook is the Internet for many with one of eight minutes spent on the Internet is on Facebook

– Experian Hitwise, January 2011

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Superfine Segmentation by Facebook using #

Facebook Segmentation by precise interests ( 19 March 2012) and age > 18

Interest Global UK Germany Russia France Hong Kong Malaysia Singapore Australia

#Thailand 6,500,000 78,340 44,880 4,240 48,890 22,520 115,240 28,160 48,300

#Thai Language

2,200,000 22,860 14,100 660 22,140 3,720 34,820 13,360 17,160

Muay 1,300,000 64,420 38,000 1,460 48,400 6,600 38,400 8,320 40,300

People with interests in Thailand and Thai have suggested likes and interests:#Indonesia , #Bodyslam (band), #Malaysia, Bodyslam, #Vietnamese language, #Bangkok

People with interests in Muay Thai Boxing have suggested likes and interests: #Rajadamnern Stadium, #Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, #Kathoey, #Mixed martial arts, #Lumpinee Boxing Stadium and Brazilian Jiujitsu

Key social networks vary by country and Facebook is not the largest in select markets e.g. China, Germany, Austria, Russia and Korea

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“Why agents [travel] should take an interest in Pinterest”Dori Saltzman, 19 March 2012,

Pintrest - A visual bookmarking website – check out Thailand

Content curating (collecting) resources for travel agents

Product boards for Travel sellersor “inspiration boards” for travellers

Content research Social interaction with people

“Boomers and Boomerangs” baby boomers and young adult children - 10% to 20% of Pinterest users likely to pin travel plans and photos

“Babies & Bliss,” parents in their 30s and 40s with large families - pin things related to deals on high-quality products, brands and life conveniences

“Families Matter Most,” mostly young, middle class families with active lifestyles – pin things relating to easy recipes, child-friendly activities and healthy living.

Pintrest Psychographics (Experian Mosaic)

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This universal symbol seen across the web identifies an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed. The updates from a web site in any format are pushed to you. RSS offers benefits all round to consumers seeking large amounts of content, publishers looking to generate subscription content and advertisers seeking to avoid challenges of email spam and search engines. Consumers using social media are able to produce RSS feeds of content e.g. photo sharing sites or blogs. While a number of different methods and tools can be used to read RSS feeds the simplest and most flexible is the use of Google Reader.

Interesting RSS feeds to explore:

ABC - -

Australian top restaurants (De Groots)


Flickr-RSS Feed Generator

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Google Reader – Cheats • Help

– Video tutorials ( –– “?” help at any time for short cuts

• Track real-time updates to web sites, social networks and blogs via RSS feeds• Trends ( read,click,share,email, mobile and lifetime)• Capture any web pages via notes • Share with friends via shared item page (public or private) • Browse for stuff (feed bundles) and create your own bundles to share or embed in

blog • Add subscription (left sidebar) and review (right side) delete via manage subscriptions

• New items bold • Expand/list• View all posts or only unread posts “new items" or “all items”

• Reader player – new, all, star, like, share or by category and shows recommendations• Feedly web (application) wrapper for Reader

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Google Spreadsheet for ListeningTo read an RSS feed into a spreadsheet:

Type the URL of any feed into cell A1

In cell A2 enter =ImportFeed(A1, “Items Title”, FALSE, 10) This is title of last 10 stories in column A.

Also, =ImportFeed(" chris+brogan","","",20)OR = importFeed("”)

=ImportFeed(" featured-restaurants.xml" )

Translate & Language detection

=GoogleTranslate("Hola, ¿cómo estás?","es","en")=DetectLanguage("Hola, ¿cómo estás?)

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Google Spreadsheet for Listening II• Try importing Wikipedia data as follows in Google Spreadsheet:

=ImportHtml ("", "table",1)

• Vary the number beween 1 to say 20 and get a feel for the ability to directly capture live Wikipedia data.

• Try these table list extractions from other public web pages: =importHTML ("", "table",1)=importHTML (" india/","list",10)

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Network analysis of airline tweetsAccess Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet TAGS v3 via tagsv3/

or directly from

You are required to make a copy for your own use.

Upon opening ensure the TAGS menu is availableOn the Readme/Settings sheet (starting in cell B9): Search term = what you are seeking

1. Cathy pacific2. Air Asia

Leave the “No. results” = 1500 (maximum twitter allows) Do not worry about the rest of the parameters

For each of the airlines review the archive, summary and dashboard.

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Potential Listening Sources for Dashboard


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Social Dashboards• Try your own brand relevant keywords using the following free tools in addition

to Google reader/spreadsheet:

• Netvibes

• Addictomatic

• IceRocket

• HootSuite (mobile is free desktop is subscription)

• For lightweight applications new media publishing apps– Flipboard– Paper Li– Blogging platform (e.g. Posterous) with html embed code

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Online monitoring options


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Message boards of the 'Invisible Web'

• Human to human discussion groups or peer to peer problem solving communities

• Forums (message boards) provides most transparency into people’s lives

• Why do people join a forum?

– The topic is deeply relevant to the life of the person – A parent joins a parenting forum to share experiences and learn from other parents. – Someone who has just come down with a disease or medical condition may join a forum

devoted to that subject for support and advice on breast cancer, smoking or diabetes– People join a wide range of forums because they find it helpful to communicate with

others about major issues in own life. Forums provide the best way to connect with individuals in similar situations and share experiences, post questions and seek support

• For a netnographer forums are a rich source of raw material even comparing with the new social media environments

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Forum/Message Board Search Engine

• to search Usenet

• search engine dedicated to message boards

• Indexes popular message boards, i.e. UBB, vbulletin, etc..., rather

than plain newsgroups.

• Check out message boards:– ––

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Current Posts via Boardreader

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Negative Postings

• What about intervention with regard to negative posts?

– Netnography reveals the conversations that used to be hidden

– Community may not want you “listening in” or responding directly to them in “their space”

– Allow opportunity for advocates to step into the situation

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Adapted from Gaurav Partap Singh Schulich School of Business

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Pringles Sites

Not much effort to engage official Pringles community, except on Facebook. YouTube and Facebook comments provide useful research insights.

Channels Observations

1,217,287 likes 83,454 talking about this. (Pringles Australia)Active discussion sectionPringles and user community active 14,469 followers 43 videos, 851 Subscribers, 1,981,689 viewsNot very active comment section head over to retro Aus ad (1993)Pringles across the globe34,086 images

155 community members sharing stories and supporting members

Adapted from Gaurav Partap Singh Schulich School of Business

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As of 13th February, 2011Adapted from Gaurav Partap Singh Schulich School of Business

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Twitter Sentiment

Adapted from Gaurav Partap Singh Schulich School of Business

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Data Analysis• Coding

– Country, sentiment, type of product, nature of activity• Noting/Memoing• Abstracting and computing

– Grouped above coded data to create a semblance and pattern• Checking and Refinement

– Further analyzed above data to create information• Generalizing

– Some Pringle flavors are not available globally– Consumers associate the brand with popular culture and make it relevant to

the era, this has helped the brand reinvent itself• Theorizing

– Pringle’s packaging has kept abreast with changing times and cultural demands– Innovation in flavor demonstrates good consumer insights

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FindingsPringles brand

emotional attributes: – sociability, irresistibility and fun

functional attributes:– Tastes better, non – greasy and great can– Innovative : 192 flavors till date* in over 140 countries

Facebook is a proven channel for the Pringles community– Stimulates the consumption and keeps the conversation going– Presence of insiders help build the community

Key aspect: Strength of the brand has helped sustain the conversations online without much support from P&G

. Tremendous potential in terms of consumers needs and wants remains untapped, which when leveraged will help increase sales volume.

Challenge for P&G is to consolidate the fragmented knowledge present online in an easily accessible location for the community. It is recommended that Pringles Blog be leveraged

Note: This is just a rapid test of netnography for demo purposes only

Adapted from Gaurav Partap Singh Schulich School of Business

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Insights• Sour cream and onion seems to be the favorite flavor (globally)

– Pringles Exchange Program: different fans exchanging flavors found in their part of the world

– Scope of bundling exotic flavors at a premium for consumers to try them out as a limited edition run

– Leverage insights from analyzing latest online consumer data to make limited edition runs

• Launch Pringles Dips – consumers want it• Consumers love the non-greasy aspect of Pringles• Increase awareness on innovative ways to serve Pringles* • Tons of stories around how you can’t get your fingers inside the can,

this can be effectively leveraged by the brand• Pringles Cans – 626,000 search results

– Innovative uses help build the fun aspect of the brand– Used to store paint rollers to prevent them from drying upAdapted from Gaurav Partap Singh Schulich School of Business

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iPhone 4S - Insights• Reading what people like about Siri makes you think they’re talking about a human friend:

They like talking to her, she tells them stories, and they think she’s fun and funny. Also intelligent. But that’s not too surprising, given that Siri understands what you say, acts on it, and calls you by name. Even in the negative comments, which people make when they’re frustrated with Siri, users personify her and swear at her like they would at a person.

• Evaluating the utility of Siri, most people accept that voice recognition software hasn’t evolved to the point yet where it’s perfect, but they find Siri pretty darn good. So most users don’t feel Apple’s claims are too bold; instead they find that the iPhone is a very useful device, made much more useful (and fun) by the addition of Siri. Sure, there are some complaints, but they’re often expressions of immediate frustration over Siri not understanding a specific utterance; the users aren’t panning the app as a whole.

• A couple of the negative themes—“scary” and “misspellings”—actually consist mostly of tongue-in-cheek comments that are pretty funny.

• The iPhone 4S is a device that people enjoy using and Siri gives it an extra dimension of convenience and utility, and a personality that most users really like. Except when it calls them “Sex Kitten” in public … which gives us an idea: Maybe Apple can add the capability for Siri to call you different names at different locations. When I’m at home (which it can detect), call me Sex Kitten. When I’m at work, call me Boss.

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Why Netnography?

• Unlike traditional market research methods such as focus groups, surveys, questionnaires, and data models, netnography is unelicited and naturalistic, offers cultural insights, and maintains the human connection with context.

• Netnography helps with marketing decision-making, branding, and innovation.

• A systematic, comprehensive, netnographic study exposes critical information about consumer behaviours, opinions, tastes, impressions, and interactions.

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The Experience Economy Pine & Gilmore, 1999