networked edited script for dubbing

“NETWORKED” POST FILMING SCRIPT EDIT Joe: (slow heavy breathing) Hi love. I know this must be hard to hear…. But… I’ve got myself in a bad situation. Everything just got out of control too fast. I don’t know where I am… or whether I am getting out of this. But I know one thing. You need to know the truth. Joe: It all started a few days ago on Facebook. I had just updated my business page when I message popped up from a woman named Ivy Schwarz. Ivy: Mr White, I have recently discovered your business page regarding your collect and delivery business. I am looking to acquire a new business partner, and I have a proposition I think you would be interested in. Joe: I thought it was pretty innocent at the time, so I decided to reply. I am glad to see you take an interest in my area of work. What do you suppose we do?

Upload: carris7

Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Joe: (slow heavy breathing)Hi love. I know this must be hard to hear…. But… I’ve got myself in a bad situation.Everything just got out of control too fast.I don’t know where I am… or whether I am getting out of this.But I know one thing. You need to know the truth.

Joe: It all started a few days ago on Facebook. I had just updated my business page when I message popped up from a woman named Ivy Schwarz.

Ivy: Mr White, I have recently discovered your business page regarding your collect and delivery business. I am looking to acquire a new business partner, and I have a proposition I think you would be interested in.

Joe: I thought it was pretty innocent at the time, so I decided to reply.I am glad to see you take an interest in my area of work. What do you suppose we do?

Ivy: Great news, you’re in luck. I’m in town for the next few days. Let’s meet for coffee?

Joe: Ok, 12pm, Taste Café?

Ivy: Perfect.

Joe: And just like that… we were set to meet.

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Joe: So the next day, I went to meet her. If only I’d known the poison she was.

We talked. Nothing too personal. Just about the business, weather, and she mentioned she had stopped in town on route to Bristol to take a break. She seemed nice enough. Maybe a little forward thinking back on it. Although I didn’t give it much thought. She seemed like a fairly lonely type of woman. She had a scar on her face, and I couldn’t help but wonder how she got it.The whole encounter didn’t seem suspicious to me…. Although, now I’m looking back at it. I think I remember seeing a man with a camera near the Café that day. Not that it meant a lot…. Until that night.

Joe: I remember how dark the room felt that evening. It must have been late. You were already asleep and the only light I had was coming from the laptop. I wish now that I had gone to sleep too, and never saw what was about to happen.

11.23, I got a message.

Anonymous voice: I know what you’ve done Joe. What would your family say if they found out you’ve been having an affair?

Joe: Honestly, I was shocked. Who was this person, how did they know who I was? And why would they even think I was having an affair! But before I could respond, these pictures started popping up, one after another, after another!

Anonymous voice: You can stop this Joe. Just collect a bag from the high street at 2pm

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tomorrow, and deliver it to 20 Eldon Way within the hour. Bring no one. Complete my demand and the pictures will disappear.

Joe: The only thing I knew at this point was that I had to keep you safe. I decided, whatever it takes, I will make this stop.

Joe: So the next day, I got in my car and hurried to the high street. There it was, as promised.I thought to myself, don’t ask any questions. Just deliver it. I do this for a living every day. What makes this delivery any different?

Joe: I arrived at Eldon Way. Straight in front of me two well dressed men in clown masks got out of their car. I began to really wonder what was in this bag.Whatever it was, they clearly didn’t want me to know anything about it.

I approached the shorter of the two men. I can only assume he was working the bigger man. We exchanged the bag. I was ready to get out of there.

As I got back to my car, I was distracted by the sound of a man shouting furiously!


Joe: I dropped my keys in a panic, and the next thing I remember is being dragged towards their car, dizzy as hell.

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By the time I had come around, I was trapped in the boot of there car, and that is where I am now. I don’t know what is going to happen to me.My name is Joe White. The date is 13th March 2014 and….The car has stopped. Someone’s coming

Chris: Get out of the car! Do you think this is a joke do you? The bag is empty and Mr Butcher isn’t happy!

Joe: There must be mix up!!

Chris: Get on your knees and don’t say a word!

Luke: I’m a very patient man. You’ve betrayed me…. You are no use to me anymore.

Got a family?

Joe: Yeah.

Luke: Wife? Kids?Wouldn’t it be a shame if daddy didn’t come home. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of them.

(to Chris in hushed tone)- Get rid of him.

Chris: You should’ve seen what he did to the last girl who messed with us! There’s a reason they call him the Butcher!!

Luke: Do you ever shut up!!

Joe: Ivy!

Luke: What did you say?

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Joe: She contacted me a few times. It must have been her who black mailed me!

Luke: Maybe you might be some use to me. What does this Ivy girl look like?

Joe: Dark hair. Dark eyes. And she had a nasty scar on her face.

Luke: (Screams) raaaaaaaghhhhhhhhh

She’s done it again!

Chris: So we know where to find the money. But where do we find the girl?

Joe: She’s in Bristol!

Luke: Lets go.

Chris: But what about him?

Luke: Leave him.