networks in the asia-pacific - apo | asian productivity organization · 2018. 12. 25. · *^p

*^p<^ ASIAN Fi^ODUCTIVITY ORGANIZATION PROJECT NOTIFICATION ADDENDUM 1 July 2014 1. Project Code 14-IN-93-GE-OSM-B 2. Project Title Multicountry Observational Study Mission on Resilient SME Networks in the Asia-Pacific 3. Addendum No. 1 4. Reference 14-IN-93-GE-OSM-B: Project Notification dated 7 May 2014 5. Change Item No. 2 Timing The timing of the study mission has been changed from 8-12 September 2014 to: Timing: 6-10 October 2014 (5 days) Other terms and conditions as specified in the Project Notification dated 7 May 2014 remain unchanged. Mari Amano S ecretary-General 1-24-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan Tel: (81-3)3830-0411 Fax: (81-3)5840-5322

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  • natural disasters can cause huge domestic losses by damaging production assets and publicinfrastructure, inhibiting the development of small businesses and reducing the number of jobs.

    In addition to direct losses, finns can be affected indirectly due to various supply disruptions thatspread to other countries or regions. Growing complexity combined with wider geographiccoverage has increased the invisibility of supply chains. That is, exchanges of infon'nationbetween various entities within the chains have become more limited, making it difficult topredict the impacts of natural disasters. Most vulnerable are SMEs. Typically, they lackinsurance and do not carry out risk assessments or have business continuity plans. This makes itdifficult to recover from disasters and heightens supply chain disruption.

    If the countries of Asia and the Pacific are to become more resilient against these regular,overlapping shocks, they will need to address them in a more comprehensive, systemic manner.Outreach aimed at SMEs, usually comparatively weak in their ability to collect information, isnecessary.

    In December 2013, a similar program was implemented in the ROC with successful results. Itcreated awareness among participants through learning from the best practices in sustaining thestrong SME networks and overcoming possible disasters or crises. Besides learning from thelectures and exchanging views with resource speakers and other participants, they also had theopportunity to visit several excellent SMEs in the ROC. Overall, the participants who attendedthe prograin gained an understanding of their roles and responsibilities in planning theirstrategies and approaches to overcome possible business risks and natural disasters.

    As part of APO efforts to support SMEs in member countries, this study mission is beingorganized to provide participants with the opportunity to learn and examine best practices ofSMEs, which are generally very vulnerable to sudden changes in external factors, to sustainoperations after being hit by external changes.

    11. Scope and Methodology

    The preliminary modules to be covered are:

    a. Best practices for revitalizing and restoring SME networks after external changes in the hostcountry and region;

    b. Management philosophy; andc. Effective SME networks to overcome damage from external changes.

    The study mission will consist of interactive sessions, lectures, group discussions, observationalsite visits, and presentation of action plans.

    The tentative prograin of the workshop is given below:

    Date/Time Activity

    Sun., 7 September 2014Mon., 8 Sqitember

    Tues., 9 September

    Wed., 10 SeptemberThurs., 11 September

    Arrival of participants in TaipeiOpening sessionPresentation of resource papersPresentation of resource papersPresentation of country papersField visits to relevant SMEsField visits to relevant SMEsGroup exercise

  • Fri., 12 September

    Sat., 13 September

    12. Qualifications of Candidates

    The participants are expected to possess the following qualifications:

    Presentation of group discussion outputProgram evaluation by participants, resourcepersons, and implementing organizationSunning-up sessionClosing sessionDeparture of participants

    Present Position






    APO Certificate

    Top managers ofSMEs or NPO consultants who are dealing with SMEs.

    At least three years of experience in the position described above.

    University degree or equivalent qualification from a recognizeduniversity/institution.

    All proceedings of the project are conducted in English, and participantsare frequently required to make oral and written presentations. Theymust therefore be proficient in spoken and written English. Those whoare not proficient in English will not be accepted.

    Physically and mentally fit to attend an intensive project requiringparticipants to complete a number of individual and group activities andstrenuous fieldwork. It is therefore recommended that member countriesdo not nominate candidates likely to suffer from physical and mentalstress.

    Candidates who fit the above profile are typically between 35 and 50years of age.

    Participants are required to attend the entire program to receive the APOcertificate of attendance.

    13. Financial Arrangements

    To be borne by participants or participating countries

    For participaiits from profit-making organizations, except for SMEs, from APO membercountries other than Bangladesh, Cambodia, Fiji, Lao PDR, Mongolia, and Nepal:

    a. Round-trip international airfare between the member country and the ROC; and

    b. Participating Country Expenses at US$50.00 per participant, payable to the APO inconvertible currency.

    For_all participants

    c. Participants' insiirance premiums: All participants should be fully insured against accidentand illness (including hospitalization and death) for a principal sum equivalent toUS$10,000.00 for the entire duration of the project and travel, and must submit to the APOSecretariat a copy of the comprehensive travel insurance certificate before participation.

    Such insurance should be valid in the host country. This insurance requirement is in additionto existing goveniment insurance coverage in some member countries. If any participant is

  • unable to insure himself/herself as stipulated above, he/she should secure this insurance inthe host country at the commencement of the project and pay the premium himself/herself, ifnecessary, from the per diem allowance provided. Neither the APO nor the implementingorganizations will be responsible for any eventuality arising from accident or illness.

    d. All expenses related to visa fees and airport taxes.

    e. Any expenses incurred by participants for stopovers on the way to and from the projectvenue as well as for extra stay at the project venue before and/or after the official projectperiod because of early arrival or late departure, for example, due to either limited availableflights or any other reason.

    To be borne by the host country

    a. Per diem allowances and hotel accommodation for up to 18 overseas participants for up tosix days at the rate to be specified later.

    b. All local implementation costs.

    To be borne by the APO

    a. All assignment costs of overseas resource persons.

    b. Round-trip economy-class international airfare by the most direct route between theinternational airport nearest to the participant's place of work and Taipei. As far aspracticable, all participants should purchase discount tickets. Please note that thearrangements for the purchase of air tickets should follow the "Guide on Purchases of AirTickets for APO Participants," which will be sent to the selected participants. It is alsoavailable on the APO website and from APO Liaison Officers in member countries.

    14. Actions by Member Countries

    a. Each participating country is requested to nominate three or more candidates in the order ofpreference. Please ensure that candidates nominated meet the qualifications specified undersection 12 above.

    b. No form of self-nomination will be accepted. All nominations must be endorsed andsubmitted by an APO Director, Alternative Director, Liaison Officer, or their designatedofficer.

    c. Please note that nomination of a candidate does not necessarily guarantee that he/she will beselected. Selection is at the discretion of the APO Secretanat. A basic criterion for selectionis the homogeneity of the participants in terms of qualifications and work experience.Nonselection therefore does not mean that the candidates concerned are not competentenough. Sometimes candidates are not selected because they are overqualified for a project.

    d. Each nomination should be accompanied by the necessary documents. A nomination lackingany of these documents may not be considered: two copies of the candidate's biodata on theAPO biodata form together with a passport-sized photograph. The biodata form can bedownloaded from the APO website ( We encourage submitting thebiodata form to the APO Secretariat in electronic form as an attachment to a cover e-mailmessage from the APO Director, Alternate Director, or Liaison Officer. The nominationdocuments should be sent to the Industry Departiiient, APO Secretariat (e-mail: [email protected], fax: 81-3-5840-5324).

    e. The APO Medical and Insurance Declaration/Certification Fonn. Every candidate mustcomplete and submit a copy of the APO Medical and Insurance Declaration/CertificationForm with his/lier biodata at the time of nomination. Please note that self-declaration is

  • sufGcient for candidates without any of health conditions or illnesses listed on the reverseside of the medical fonn. However, for all others, medical certification by a licensedphysician on the reverse side of the medical fonn is required.

    f. Member countries are encouraged to submit the necessary documents electronically asmentioned above. In that case, there is no need to send a hard copy by postal mail. However,if the documents are submitted by fax, member countries are requested to mail the originalsof the documents to the APO Secretariat as well. If a digital photograph of a nominee is notattached to the electronic biodata form, a hard-copy photograph should be sent to the APOSecretariat by postal mail. Please give the candidate's name and the project code on thereverse side of the photograph.

    g. Member countries are requested to adhere to the nomination deadline given on page 1 . TheAPO Secretariat may not consider late nominations as they have in the past resulted inconsiderable difficulties to the implementing organization in its prqiaratory work for theproject.

    h. For member countries where nominations are required to be approved by higher governmentauthorities and require a longer time, the APO Liaison Officers/NPOs are urged to send thenames of nominees on or before the deadline, indicating that government approval willfollow.

    i. If a selected participaiit becomes unable to attend, he/she should inform the APO LiaisonOfficer/NPO in his/her country immediately and give the reason for withdrawal. The NPOconcerned is requested to transmit that infonnation to the APO Secretariat and the hostcountry promptly.

    j. NPOs are requested to inform the selected participants that they are not to bring familymembers or to engage in any private business activities during the entire duration of theprogram.

    k. Each selected candidate is required to arrive at the venue one day before the start of theofficial project. Also, he/she is expected to return home upon completion of the officialproject because he/she is visiting the host country for the specific purpose of attending thisAPO program.

    1. NPOs should inform participants that they must attend whole duration of the project toqualify for the certificate of attendance.

    15. Actions by the APO Secretariat

    a. Under normal circumstances, candidates who are selected will be informed of theiracceptance at least four weeks prior to the start of the program.

    b. If some candidates fail to qualify or be unable to participate after selection, or if somemember countries fail to nominate any candidate, their slots may be filled by alternates fromthe same or another member country on a merit basis.

    16. Project Preparation

    Country paper submission is not required for this project. However, the participants are expectedto prepare detailed action plans during the mission and thus it is strongly recormiiended that theybring basic technical information and/or points to be clarified with the resource persons.

    17. Postproject Actions

    All participants are required to prepare action plans and share the plans with their NPOs. TheAPO will also request participants to submit progress reports six months after completion of the

  • program.

    18. Evaluation of Participants

    If the conduct/attendance/perfonnance of a participant is not satisfactory, these will be reportedto the APO director concerned.

    19. Guide for Participants

    Other conditions for participation are given in the APO Guide for Participants, which isavailable from APO Liaison Officers/NPOs in member countries and on the APO website(

    Man Amano
