never mind the degree. part three

Never Mind The Degree-Part Three In which a compelling conclusion is reached and happily ever afters are more than possible.

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Page 1: Never Mind The Degree. Part Three

Never Mind The Degree-Part Three

In which a compelling

conclusion is reached and happily ever

afters are more than possible.

Page 2: Never Mind The Degree. Part Three

Hello one and all. I am, of course, Donna

Havar, the youngest of the Havars to escape the main

homestead and head to college.

I did actually spend two years in a dorm before coming here, to the family Greek House, but nothing

interesting happened, so I decided not to

document it (aka Alice was too lazy to take pictures). Due to

the crazy way time works around here, I have now caught up with Admes and the

quads, and we are all now entering out

third year at college.


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We have a new house, much more

awesome than the last two. This is Milky Jack*, our mascot.

Our house is obviously called

Alpha Beta Detonator, and is the

best (and only) Greek House on campus.

Now, shall we get on with the drama?

*{Milky Jack is actually the name of

one of my cartoons. It started off as me

trying to draw Milky Joe from The Mighty

Boosh, but it ended up looking like a

cross between Milky Joe and Jack the

Pumpkin King from The Nightmare

Before Christmas. Hence Milky Jack The Coconut King

was born. (If none of that made sense to

you, look up The Mighty Boosh and

Tim Burton, two of the most awesome

things ever.}

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The phone rings. Boring. No one even

bats an eyelid as Brian gets up to

answer. It's probably Mum or Dad...more

likely Dad, or possibly Emmett

being Emmett. However, when Brian

begins shouting and cheering, we all listen

in extra carefully.

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Slamming the phone down, he runs to the

fridge, pulls out a bottle of champagne

and hustles us all into the library.

'What is it?' Admes asks, scowling and

straightening his dishevelled hair.

When Alex arrives in a similar state of

distress, I choke back a giggle. Not hard to

guess what was interrupted.

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'Fay gave birth! We have a perfect baby


Straight away any irritation at Brian is

forgotten, as we fight to congratulate him.

'Little Bella Verte-Havar.'

Our glasses chink as we toast. Brain's grin

does not fade throughout the entire


'I'm a dad!' Gulping his drink, he runs for the door. 'I'll be back later. I have to go see


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After finishing our own drinks, we disperse

back to our previous activities. I'm heading back to the pool table when Rootie pulls me

aside. I'm slightly alarmed. Sure, she's my

sister, but I barely know her. We never

really talk.

'Listen, Donna. You're a lot like Carrie, right?

You like to fight just for the sake of


Shrugging slightly, I agree. 'Sure I do.'

'Well, Brian'll be busy with his baby now, and Carrie's got that whole mess of stuff going on

in her life.'

'Yes,' I say nervously, not liking where this is


'Well...Bennie is still a problem...well, Tamara

is. Brian and Carrie were going to deal with

it, but now...'

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'Oh. You want me to?'

Shyly she nods. 'It's not that I don't think you have a busy life,

Donna. I know you do. But...Tamara's an evil bitch and no one else could take her. I

would, but I'm too bloody nice. Admes and Alex can't keep their hands off each other for more than

five minutes and Trix is..Trix.'

'I have a plan that might work. No

worries Root. This woman sounds evil,

and no one gets to be more evil than me in

this family.'

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It takes a few days for the situation to arise,

but I soon find myself alone with Bennie,

taking in a rare day of late sunshine.


'I was talking to the others...'


'About Tamara.'

Straight away his face falls. 'Oh.'

'Bennie, I'm worried. I know you love her and

all, but she's so mean to your family. Sure, I agree with the stuff

about Brian, he does look a bit like a rent boy at times, but it's okay for me and you and the others to say

that, because we know him and we're joshing

around. She's vindictive. Targeting

Admes and Rootie because they're gay?

Bennie, I have a girlfriend too! What

does she say about me?'

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He doesn't answer, just stares up at the


'I understand that you care about her, but we care about you. We're

your family Bennie, and we can see that

this woman is no good for you. You

deserve better than an intolerant shrew.

You're a great guy and you can't keep

letting women screw you over like this.

First the cheerleader, now this? You're just like Dad, only Mum

isn't even this bad. She has a soft side,

but I don't think Tamara does.'

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'You have no idea what you're talking

about. You don't even know her.'

I sigh, grinding my teeth angrily. 'Denial,

original. For Ra's sake, Bennie. Wake

up and see what she's doing to your family!

She may be your fiancé, but we were

your family first, and we've always been

there for you and we always will be. But if

you do marry her, I don't know if we'll be able to stay with you.

I don't know how many of us will be

able to take her and her cruel comments.'

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I can see that I've touched him. Wiping at his face, he stands

and stalks away, pacing the decking.

'Donna, I love her.'

'I know you do.'

'I can't...'

'Bennie, I love Jeanie the way you love

Tamara. But if she started bad mouthing

you guys the way Tamara does, that

would be the end.'

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Standing, I leave him there to think. It

needs time to settle in before stage two of

my plan is launched.

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Besides, I have a lot of work to do.

College is not easy, people! Luckily I'm

the smartest Havar to date, according to

Alice, so it's easier for me than others.

This is one of the rare times that I'm

actually glad Alice ruined our childhoods

by making us skill.

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Term paper done, I get impatient. I'm not

the kind of person who can just wait for

the pieces to fall together. I want to

jam them together as quick as possible and

get it over and done with.

With Bennie busy on the phone, I sneak

off, back to my old dorm, to get the ball


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'Are you sure about this Donna?'

For the five hundredth time I roll

my eyes and groan. 'Marsha, of course I

am. He is going to love you. Just ignore his engagement ring

and go get him.'

She hesitates, frowning slightly.

'But...I don't want to ruin his relationship.'

'Marsha, listen, you're just going to go and

talk to Benjamin, okay? If anything

else happens, so be it, but for now, talking is


She nods. 'Okay then...I guess.'

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I have to practically push her out the door,

but she complies.

Marsha is one of my best friends. We met on my first day and

have pretty much been thick as thieve

since. She is the sweetest person to

ever walk the planet. The kind of girl who rather than swatting at a fly will open a

window and herd it out.

Basically she is the perfect woman for

Bennie. He just needs to see that.

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'Hi, I'm of Donna's friends.

You looked lonely, so I decided to come and

talk to you.'

Pressed against the window, I watch with

bated breath for his reaction.

He smiles hugely. 'That's really kind of

you. I'm Benjamin, but everyone calls me


Smiling shyly in return, her head bobs.

'Hey Bennie.'

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Okay, I'm shocked. I expected it to be

harder than this to get him to come out of

his shell.

'Your ears are really cute!'

I watch, amazed, as a blush creeps up his

jaw. 'My parents are Elves. My whole

family is.'

Eyes like saucers, she mouths a "wow". 'I've

never met an Elf before. My uncle was a Vamp...until he was

staked. That's pretty much it for my


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Hours pass, and I start to get sleepy. It's

past midnight, and their still chatting. At

some point they got into the hot tub,

kicking out a visiting mascot.

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I have to go for a toilet break, and

when I return Brian and Trix have both

taken my place.

'What is it?' I ask, batting them aside.


Bennie's there with his arm tight around

her waist, smiling the goofiest smile ever as she strokes his chest. Their eyes are fixed

on each others. They look hypnotised.

'Donna, you're a genius,' Brian hisses

into my ear.

Beaming I turn to him and laugh. 'I

really am.'

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'I really should be going,' Marsha says sadly, getting out of the tub. 'It's quite a

walk back to my dorm.'

Bennie quickly follows her,

grabbing her hand and pulling her

back. 'Then don't go. You can stay here.'

Then he bends down and...

Shut me up before I swear!

'Can you believe it?' Trix breathes beside


'No,' Brian says, just as awed. 'I spent

years trying to make this happen, and Donna does it in

under a week.'

Grinning, I leave them too it. I have a phone call to make. It's about time I met

this Tamara.

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It's not hard to guess where Bennie and

Marsha go when my back is turned.

{I would like to add in here, that this was

a totally ACR romance. I had

something totally different planned for

Bennie, but fate is fate and he chose


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I feel slightly bad as I listen to Tamara

shrieking at my brother, but it's for the best. At least I

waited until he and Marsha were finished

before I sent the monster up there. I

deserve a medal for that. With Trix off somewhere, it was only Rootie, Brian

and me, also known as, to use Tamara's

affectionate names, the Dyke, the Rent

Boy and the Whore. It seems I've taken

Carrie's place as the family slut, despite

my long-term monogamous

relationship with my Jeanie.

Let it never be said that Tamara was a

reasonable, logical woman.

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'How could you do this to me? Cheating

on me with some little slut!'

He snaps. I have never seen or even

heard of Bennie snapping. He's not

the type. Like Dad, he's more of a

passive being, rarely even complaining.

'How could I? Maybe because Marsha doesn't call my sisters whores!

Maybe because she has never made my brother cry! Maybe

it's because I have never heard her

repeating racial slurs about my mother! I

dunno, Tamara, maybe it's because

she doesn't make me want to vomit every

time she opens her mouth!'

Go Bennie!

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I hear a bang, but I'm too scared to open

the door to see what's happening.

'You cannot talk to me like that!'

'Just get out of here. The wedding's off

and we are over. Tamara, you're a bitch and I'm not

going to take it anymore.'

'You can't dump me, Benjamin Havar!'

'Funny, I think I just did.'

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Everything goes quiet. During the

ruckus, Marsha slipped out, eyes red. Poor thing. She's far

too nice for this.

'Go away Tamara.'

Stomping ensues, and we all quickly

dart into rooms, pretending to be

busy. There's a lot of banging and

shouting, and then finally the front door


{Yes, Bennie is such a neat freak that he started making his

bed in the middle of an argument.


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'Are you okay?'

I start as Bennie appears from

nowhere. I had been taking Marsha to the kitchen for a glass of

milk to calm down. When I see Bennie stroking her cheek

tenderly, I slip away discreetly.

'I feel really bad,' she admits in her timid

little voice. 'You got in trouble because of


He laughs. 'It was worth it, and it

helped me see just how evil she is.

Thank you, Marsha.'

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They continue the gooey stuff until the air

is thick with it. Gagging, Trix and I try

to distract ourselves with pool.

'Are you sure about her? She's not going to be

another Tamara, right?'

‘Trix, Marsha is one of the nicest people I've ever met who wasn't

Rootie. She’s gotten me through a lot of hard

times. Trust me, she will never be like Tamara.'

'Can you believe those comments she made

about Mum?'

I shake my head, disgusted. 'Some people

are just petrified of anything different to

themselves. Most people only have one group they target, but

Tamara seemed to discriminate against

anything and everything possible, from race to

sexuality. It’s sick!'

'I'm glad she's gone. I dunno how much more

Admes could have taken.'

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As we continue to bitch about Tamara

and how glad we are that she's

disappeared, Bennie and Marsha slip

outside. It's so sweet. They really don't

seem as though they only met this

afternoon. This is perfect, and what Bennie deserves.

Though I am slightly worried about the

engagement ring that he still hasn't

removed. I sense that things aren't going to

be as easy as we hoped.

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'I told you I'd fix Bennie.'

Trix scoffs. 'You? Donna did it! You can take credit for Rootie and maybe

even Carrie, but Bennie was Donna's

victory. She's a smart girl.'

Smugly I smile. It's not often that anyone

compliments me on anything more than

my looks. It's nice to have my brains

appreciated as well as my beauty and


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It wasn't only Bennie who was grossing us

out with public displays of affection.

With graduation approaching, Jerry would often come

over to discuss wedding plans with

his fiancé. At this rate there won't even

be a cake, as they never seem to get

much planning done.

'Trix, Mum's here!'

She ignores me, typically. Rolling my

eyes, I lob a pebble at her head. Starting

up to shout at me, she sees Mum and

flushes crimson.

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In a rather lame attempt to distract

Mum, Trix runs her hands over our

youngest sibling, cooing.

'Do you know how many it is?'

Mum laughs. 'Just the one, thanks to that

alien kid your dad had.'

'How is Gienah? And Lix and the triplets?'

'All fine. Lix is the cleverest kid we've had

since Donna and the triplets are making

friends with everyone...other than

Emmett, who's making "contacts". And

Gienah's pretty sweet.'

From Mum that's a compliment. She must

really like the alien. While that stings a

little, as she barely gets along with her own

kids, it's nice that she isn't, and pardon the

pun, alienating Gienah.

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Leaving me to distract Mum, Trix

pulls Jerry up to her room for makeovers

and fun times.

She's so lucky. I can't remember the last

time I got to see my Jeanie. Between

classes and my crazy family, I've barely

had five minutes to myself.

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But it's worth putting up with my crazy

family for moments like this. Bennie

finally starting to act like our brother


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It's more than two weeks before I am

able to call up Jeanie and invite her over.

Everyone assumed that I was going to be

like Carrie, sleeping around and avoiding commitment, and it

did seem that way when I was younger. But I moved into the

dorm and met Jeanie, and I never wanted anyone else. She's

perfect for me, and a welcome break from the general havoc of

my family.

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We've been dating for over two years,

but she was still adorably surprised

when I got down on one knee.

'Really Donna?'

'Of course. I love you Jeanie and I want to spend the rest of my

life with you.'

When she said yes...well, it's the best feeling in the

world. I never understood it before, why people feel the need to get married,

but I get it now.

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Things settle into a nice, predictable

routine, and for a few months there's no

drama at all.

Then the hush is broken as one day in the summer Bennie

settles down for a game of poker with Marsha and another

of our friends, and sees a familiar face

across the table.

'Lindsay? What are you doing here?'

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Battering her eyelashes, she

smiles. 'What are you talking about, silly? I'm playing poker.'

His lips thin. 'You know what I mean.

Why are you here?'

Gently she shrugs, fingering her cards.

'Can't I drop in on an old friend?'

'We were never friends, Lindsay.'

'Oh, you're so silly sometimes Bennie!

Of course we're the very

least. You can't deny your feelings for me.'

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Marsha snorts quietly. Like a snake,

Lindsay snaps her head round, appraising.

'Something funny?'

'Yes,' Marsha admits. 'The idea of Bennie having feelings for


Laughter erupts around the room and

Lindsay flushes angrily. 'And I

suppose you think he likes you, walking

around his house in your underwear like a common whore?'

'I would get dressed, but my clothes are a

bit wet. He could barely wait for me to

take off my shoes, earlier, before

throwing me in the hot tub and...well, you get the picture

I'm sure.'

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Bennie smiles. 'That was fun.'

'What?' Lindsay snaps. 'You're

actually...involved with this little


'Involved and happy to be so. Tough luck


'It won't last,' Lindsay says, a smug

smile on her lips. 'You'll wake up one day and realize that she's not what you


'Don't count on it.'

Her eyes flash and she turns back to

Marsha. 'You don't deserve him.'

Marsha smiles, shoulders lifting.

'Maybe not, but I'm lucky enough that he

doesn't seem to realize.'

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'Looks like you loose, Lindsay,'

Phoebe says, smirking as Bennie

leans Marsha against the table. 'He's really

not that in to you.'

Fuming she gets up and slams off. I don't like her expression as

she leaves. It's too much like plotting.

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With us all paired up, Rootie was the only

single sibling left. Admes and Alex.

Bellatrix and Jerry. Benjamin and

Marsha. Brian and Faydra. Carrie and

Seth. Me and Jeanie.

When I saw her outside with Crystal, I was weary. The fact

she is a cheerleader sent of alarm bells,

but it quickly became obvious that Crystal

is nothing like Lindsay.

Apparently they've been secretly dating

for a while. Root was too scared to tell us about her, after the

whole Barbera thing. She wanted to make sure that she hadn't

made another mistake before telling us all.

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While she was introducing Crystal to us all, I could see how nervous Rootie

was. When we all voiced our

encouragement and approval, it was

amazing. The tension seemed to just fall

away. She smiled and we all saw just how

happy she was.

They disappeared up to Rootie's room just

after they arrived, and haven't emerged

since. We can still hear them though.

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Rootie proposes that night. None of us

were surprised. Sure, we hadn't expected

her to get back on the horse so soon after

Barbera, but after seeing her with Crystal, it was

obvious that was where things were


All of us are engaged now...other than

Bennie, though he still hasn't taken off

his engagement ring from Tamara. I'm starting to worry

about that.

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The drama continues into the autumn, when

I walk onto the decking to see Brian

in the hot tub with some blonde draped

over him.

In shock, I hide in the shadows. Neither of

them heard me arrive, too caught up in what

they're doing.

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Sickened I watch as he stuffs his tongue

down her throat. I know I should stop

them, but I can't. It's like I'm frozen and

can't do anything to prevent it from


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I stand there watching for what

feels like an eternity, before they get out of

the tub. Then it all comes flying out. I

run over to him and slap him round the

head with all the strength I have.

'Donna!' he complains, rubbing

the sore spot. 'What's the matter with you?'

'Me?' I shriek. 'Me? What's the matter with you? Forgot

about Fay did you? What about Bella.


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He swears loudly, hands moving to

cover his face. 'Oh my God! What did I do?' His voice rises

higher and higher in his distress.

'You screwed up, Brian. That's what

you did. How could you do that to her?

Fay is at home in that hovel of a flat taking care of your two year

old daughter, and what are you doing?

Gods, Brian! I wouldn't even expect

that from Carrie!'

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He just stands there, staring at me, hands

on his head.

'You have to tell her.'

That snaps him out of it. 'What? How

can I tell her? Hey honey, how's the kid,

oh, by the way, I cheated on you the

other day. So, shall I get takeaway or shall

we leave Bella with Mum and go get a

proper meal? I can't tell her!'

'Then someone else will. She deserves

better than this, Brian.'

He turns away. 'I know.'

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Walking into the house, I pace. What

am I going to do? Fay needs to know,

but I can't tell her. We barely know each

other. I could get someone else to do

it, but do I really want to embarrass

her anymore by telling more people

about it?

Crap. Looks like I'm going to see my


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'Who's the cutest little girl in the whole world?'

'Bewwa is!'

I laugh as my little niece grins at me.

'Yes you are, aren't you? The prettiest

little baby in the world.'

'Stop it Donna,' Fay scolds tiredly. 'I have

enough problems with her father without Bella

developing an ego from hell as well.'

Laughing I wink at Bella. 'She's my first

and so far only niece, and the only kid I've ever met that I didn't

hate. I'm going to spoil her.'

Fay sighs, but concedes defeat. 'At

least someone does.'

Oh dear.

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'Wanna play hide and seek Bella?' I ask, tipping her upside down. Her happy

screams fill the room.

'Yah! Yah I do Auntie Donna!'

'Then you go hide, and I'll count to ten.'

Giggling excitedly she toddles off

towards the bedroom, and I go and sit beside Fay.

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'You okay?'

Her eyes roll. 'Why are you here Donna? We're not friends and

you hate children.'

'Taking care of her own your own can't

be easy, I know Fay, but snap at me again and you'll regret it. I know that we aren't friends and I know

that I'm not the most maternal person, but

it's my duty as an aunt to stop by every

now and then.'

Her eyes narrow. 'Brian cheated on me,

didn't he?'

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I stare, shocked. 'What?'

Lips thinning over her teeth, she scowls.

'I'm not stupid, Donna. I knew he would do it. I just

imagined it would be Trixie or Carrie

who'd tell me about it.'

'No one else knows. I’m the only one who saw him and I didn’t

tell anyone else.'

'Auntie Donna!'

Groaning I look down at the little girl at my feet. 'I was just

coming Bella.'

'Kay!' Placated, she leaves again.

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'Donna, I knew that after I had the baby he would cheat. After I had Bella,

I...well, we grew distance. He's a typical

guy and couldn't understand why I wasn't

ready to be intimate right away. I accepted that he

would cheat on me until I was ready again.'

'But, Fay, you don't have to put up with that! He

loves you and if you explained everything to

him, I'm sure it'd be fine. If he thinks you’re just

being cold then he’s going to get confused.

He’s only male.’

That raises a smile. ‘I expect so. Once he

graduates and moves in with Bella and me, that’s the end. He’ll be faithful

or else. But, for now, I understand that he needs to do this, and I love him

enough to let him.’

I shake my head. ‘I couldn’t do that. If Jeanie

cheated on me I’d die.’

She shrugs. ‘I don’t like the idea of him with other women, but what else can

I do?’

I have no answer, so leave, finding Bella

hiding under Fay’s bed.

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'Your parents are crazy, you know that

little one?'

Her green eyes light up. 'Yes.'

Gently I kiss her forehead. 'I have to go now. I'll see you

later, kay Bella.'


'Of course. Someone has to keep you

normal in this crazy family.'

Fay laughs. 'Thanks for coming Donna.'

'Sure. And you can always talk to me, okay Fay? I'm not

the most emotional person, but I can listen if the need


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I had hoped that would be enough

drama until graduation, but less

than a week after the incident with Fay

and Brian, disaster struck again in the

form of Tamara.

'What are you doing here?' Bennie spits.

We all gather on the porch, ready to step


'Is that any way to greet me?'

His arms cross defensively over his

chest. 'Get lost, Tamara. No one

wants you here.'

Her lip curls. 'I see you're still wearing

our engagement ring. Not ready to move


'How I deal with my problems isn't your

business, is it Tamara?'

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'You love me Benjamin.'

We all gasp as he charges up to her.

Even Tamara winces back. 'No I don't! I

did, maybe, but you manipulated me and made me ignore my

own family! I love Marsha now, and

that's that!'

'It won't last.'

He turns back to the house. 'People keep

saying that, but I don't agree.' Pulling

it off of his finger, he throws his

engagement ring over his shoulder.

'It's over.'

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'Are you okay Bennie?' Marsha asks

as soon as we all troop back into the

house. 'I heard shouting but didn't

want to disturb you.'

He smiles, we all do, at her sweetness.

Almost tripping over his own feet in his

haste to run over to her, he drops to his

knee in front of her. 'Marsha, I love you

so much, and I never want to be apart.'

Her eyes go huge. 'I love you too Bennie.'

'Will you marry me?' He pulls a small box

out of his pocket. 'I saw this the other

day and knew it was for you.'

'Oh my gosh!' she screams, snatching it

up. 'It's beautiful!'

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'Is that a yes?' he asks as she leaps up

to kiss him.


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Autumn comes early this year and we're

all set to graduate in a few weeks.

With so little time left at college, I

really had hoped that the drama would

abate and we'd have a calm final hurrah!

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Wishful thinking.


'Yes Trix?'

'I think I broke my bottom!'

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With Bennie's life back on track, leave it to the other male

Havar quad to mess with everyone's

calm...or rather just my calm, as again

I'm the only one to see him.

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'Brian!' I complain later, once his newest

bimbo has gone.

'What now?' he sighs, oblivious as


'For a guy who spends most of his time protecting his family, you sure do

know how to break a woman's heart.'

'WHAT? You told her?'

I scowl. 'No, she guessed. I was going

to tell her, but she guessed that was

why I went to visit her.'

His arms cross defensively. 'Donna,

I can't believe you were going to tattle

on me!'

'Tattle? We're not kids anymore Brian. You cannot treat Fay and Bella like this.'

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'I'm not hurting anyone!'

I sigh and push past him. 'Are you sure about that? When

was the last time you spent time with

Bella? Or even spoke to Fay? Trix, Carrie and I speak to your

fiancé more than you do. I remember whenever Mum

would come and visit you, just after you

met Fay, she would come home talking about how in love

you looked, how happy you were.

What happened?'

I don't wait for an answer, because I

know I won't get one. Brian's not Brian

anymore. He's not the big brother I used

to love and admire. He's gone all wrong.

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As predicted, he ignores me and

continues to seduce any woman to walk

into the house. We all watch with gritted

teeth, knowing that mentioning it won't help, but none of us

are happy. He's throwing away so

much and for what?

I really will have to persuade Fay to kick

his arse, at least a little bit.

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Despite Brian distracting us all, we do all graduate with the highest honours.

To celebrate we throw one last party

in the house, inviting the entire family.

A nice end to a hellish four years.

{And yes, the entire Havar family, the

blood family that is, were present, other

than Gienah, who was still a toddler at this point. You can't

see everyone, but they were all there. It

was nice}

Page 69: Never Mind The Degree. Part Three

Admes and Alex remained together through the entire

thing, being the most sickeningly sweet three bolt couple

ever. They’re now married, and plan to

start a family right after their tours of

the Bon Voyage destinations, which I

will be filming and releasing soon.

Page 70: Never Mind The Degree. Part Three

Beatrix married Crystal and they are

preparing for the first part of Rootie’s

Queen Bee challenge, Never

Mind the Bee Sting, which I will be very

stupidly starting soon. What kind of moron plays both a

26 pregnancy challenge and a

Queen Bee challenge in the same

neighbourhood? Me apparently.

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Bellatrix stayed with Jerry, despite their

problems, and they are very happy together

with their only child, little Ruby. They had a

small wedding, looking at it as more

of a formality than anything else. They’ve

been together so long it barely mattered.

Page 72: Never Mind The Degree. Part Three

Benjamin and Marsha are still happy together,

married and with three kids. The twins Jack and Elena, who

are currently teens, and Benjamin’s

mistake in space, little Avalon. Avalon is the sweetest little thing ever, and the twins are awfully

cute. Elena is in my opinion the cutest

sim I’ve ever bred in game.

Page 73: Never Mind The Degree. Part Three

Fay chewed Brian out about the

cheating, and he’s now faithful as the

day is long, not even looking at other women without

Fay’s permission. Bella is now a very

independent teen, taking after her

mother in looks and temper, and Fay is

pregnant with their second and hopefully

last child.

Page 74: Never Mind The Degree. Part Three

Donna married Jeanie and they live

alone in a small house with no plans

on filling it with screaming kids at all.

They’re happy just being alone for once, rather than in a house

of crazy relatives.

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And that’s that. But no worries. I enjoyed making Never Mind the Degree so much

that it will be back soon, with Edward,

Emmett, Emery, Felix and Gienah.

Not for a little while though, but there will

be other Havar related escapades to

keep you amused. Never Mind the

Nooboos will be updated soon, as will

Never Mind the Legacy, and both

Never Mind the Tour Guide and Never

Mind the Bee Sting will be starting soon.

Laters all. Love Alice.