new deatb0 ex-head of rfc atlee pomerene, charles a. phelan …

w For Classified Ad Result* BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1937 Telephone MAin 4-6000 Deatb0 Ackerman. Mary Aklns, Mary E. Anderson, Paul i_). Balfe, T.J. Bergmann, S* Bruen, Ella Carlln, F. W. Jr. Chosak RabblJ. Clark, Henry Connellan, Dr. J. Crowley, Johanna Crozler, Alice In, Dalton. Thomas J DorseU, Samuel Duffy, Martin J. Ford, George Groom, William J Hayne>\ W H. Hunter, Carolina Judd, Charles Jr. Kerr. F. L, Logan, Edna S. MacDonald, W. MacQueen, Ida N. Mathews. Robert McGrath.Kathlyn Nas . Ernestine O'Connor. Anna C. Phelan. Charles Home, George Trezlse, Ida Walden, Ernest H. Wenz, Anna White. Fred £>eatfc0 fi /A ACKERMAN—MAKY E., widow of Ira J. Ackerman. Funeral from her late residence, 8518 86th St., Wood- haven, L. I., Monday at 10 a. m. AKINS— MARY E., oi 1537 East 19th Street, formerly of Pinebluff, N. C. Fond mother of Bryant L., Mabel and P, Lester. Services at E. C. Waldeck's Home for Funerals, 7614 4th Avenue, Sunday, 3:30 p.m. ANDERSON—PAUL D., suddenly, on November 12, 1937, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Anderson and brother of Joseph M. and Dennis H. Anderson of Rockville Centre. Re- quiem -mass -Mondayr-November—15 r 10 a.m., at St. Anthony's Shrine Church, Oceanslde, L. I. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. BALFE—THOMAS F., on Novem- ber 12, 1937, at his residence. 516 60th St., Brooklyn, beloved husband of the late Catherine Balfe (nee McGrath); loving father of. Mrs. Margaret Doherty, Mrs. Agnes Mc- Grory. Laura and Thomas Balfe; fond brother of Edward and Mrs. Mary Stevenson. Funeral from his home Monaay morning, 9:30; thence to the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, where a solemn mass of requiem will be celebrated. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. BERGMANN — SAMUEL, devoted husband of Sarah (nee Shaffran); beloved brother of Morris., Funeral notice later. . BRUEN—ELLA, at East North- port, suddenly, November 13, 1937, beloved mother of Charles Bruen : and widow of Charles A. Bruen. Funeral services at her late resi- dence, Hillside Avenue, East North- port, Sunday evening, 8:15. Jnter^ ment Monday, 2 p. m., Cedar Grove Cemetery, CARLIN—On November 12, 1937, FREDERICK W. Jr., son of Fred- erick W. and the late Johanna Car- lln; beloved husband of Helen E., and devoted father of Evelyn M., Alvin J.. Wilfred J. and Frederick W. 3d; brother of Walter Jeffrey, George A. and Captain Thomas G. Funeral from his residence, 235 92d St. t on Monday, November 15, at 9:30 a.m.; "requiem' rn'a'ss ' "at~St; Patrick's R. C. Church. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. EX-HEAD OF RFC ' ? CHOSAK—We regretfully mourn the passing of the resident super- "vlsbr^bf"KashfUth 'ftV our bakery, Rabbi JOSHUAH CHOSAK, who diea Friday at 1 p.m., at his home. Funeral Sunday, 9:30 a.m., from residence, 496 New Jersey Ave., Brooklyn. Services Pennsylvania Avenue Synagogue. Burial Beth David Cemetery. THE STUHMER BAKING CO. CLARK—On Friday, November 12, 1937, HENRY J. CLARK, of 857 St. John's Place, beloved husband of Josephine M. Herrfeldt. Services at the Fairchild Chapel, 86 Lefferts Place, on Sunday, 3 p.m. CONNELLAN—Dr. JOHN J., No- vember 10, 1937, beloved husband of Catherine (nee Staol.'.tqn); father of Val, Edward and Madeline (in re- ligion Sister Mary Valeria, Sister of Mercy,. Funeral from Walter B. Cooke, Inc., Funeral Home, Linden Boulevard and Rogers Ave., Monday, 9.30 a.m.; thence to Holy Innocents R. C. Church, where mass will be offered. . Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. CROWLEY—On Thursday, No- vember 11, 1937, JOHANNA A. CROWLEY, beloved sister of Mary C. Romp and Elizabeth C. Judge. Funeral from her residence. 236 E. Beverley Parkway, Valley Stream. L. i„ Monday, November 15. at 9:30 a.m.; thence to Holy Name of Mary Church. Interment Calvary Ceme- tery. CROZIER—Suddcnlv. on Novem- ber 12. 1937. ALICE M. CROZIER. formerly of Port Jefferson, L. I. Fu- neral services Sunday morning. 10 o'clock, at St. John's Chapel. 470 Herkimer St. Interment Port Jef- ferson, Sunday noon. DALTON—THOMAS J., on No- vember. 11. 1937. of 219 Bainbridgc * Street, beloved husband of Emma and father of Helen. Solemn re- quiem mass Monday, 10:00 a.m., at Holy Rosary R. C. Church. Arrange- ments by Joseph G. Duffy. DORSETT — On November 12, 193;, SAMUEL E. DORSETT. in his 76th year, beloved uncle of Mrs. H. F. Smaltz. Service^ at the Baptist Home. Greene and 'inroop AVCS., off Monday at 2:30 p.m. DUFFY—MARTIN J.,"xon of Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Duffy of 45 Randall Avenue. Rockville Centre, and formerly of Bay Ridge; brother of Sister Rcglna Catherine and Grace Duffy. Requiem ma^s on Monday, November 15, at 10, at St. Agnes R, C, Church. Rockville Centre. Interment Holy Cross Cem- etery. FORD-Suddenlv, Friday, Novem- ber 12, 1937. GEORGE A, beloved husband of Matilda Ford and dear father of Amy F. Doblin. Services at his residence. 19 E. 18th St.. Sun- day at 3 p.m. Interment private. riTAL NOTICES (Ackno%ol- tdgmcnls, Birth), Condcltncts, Confirmations, Dtaths, F.n- pagtmtnts, Marriafts, Messts, Mtmoriams, Resolu- tions) ntttpttd until 10 P. M. for publication tht jolloimno dtiy cr from S A. M. to 1 P.M. (11 A. M. on Saturdays) for publication in tht ntxt available edition of tht saint day's paper. Tht Vital S'o- tict rait is 90 ants ptr lint. MAin.4*6000 /• GROOM—Suddenly on Novem- ber 12, WILLIAM J. GROOM, be- loved brother of John J., Mary Kil- kenney, Margaret Rooney, Peter, Robert, Edward and George Groom. Funeral from the John T. Galla- gher Funeral Home, 2549 Church Avenue, on Monday at 9:30 a.m. Solemn requiem maso Holy Cross Church at 10:00 o'clock. HAYNES—On November 12, WIL- LIAM H.. beloved husband of Mary (nee Sleavin); father of James and William, Mrs. Mary Flynn, Mrs, Catherine Clancy; brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Supple, Edward and Agnes Haynes, Funeral Monday morning from his residence, 549 56th St.; re- quiem mass Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 11 o'clock. Inter- ment Calvary Cemetery. HUNTER—On November 12, 1937, CAROLINA E., of 1093 E. 18th St., beloved mother of Carroll H., Ed- | wina V. Schwartz and Celeste Mc- ! Elvare. Services at Ericson & Eric- son's Chapel, 500 State St., Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. JUDD—On Friday, November 12, in his 56th year, CHARLES F. Jr.,, beloved son of Elizabeth Judd (nee' K e ul em a n s F a n d T h e laTe"Charies~F. Judd_S:L;_hr.ather._oI. .Mrs-Elizabeth. Babcock, Mrs. Cornelia Wood and the late Mrs. Florence Wandell. Funeral services at his residence, 788 Macon St., Brooklyn, on Sunday- evening, November 14, a t 9 o'clock. Funeral Monday at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Evergreens Cemetery. KERR—On Friday, November 12, 1937, FREDERIC L. beloved hus- band o f Rae J. Costelloe and father of John C, Mary B., Frederic L. Jr. and Janet Kerr. Funeral from his residence, 698 Sterling Place, Mon- day, November 15, at 9:30 ajn.; thence to St. Ignatius Church. In- terment. Calvary Cemetery. LOGAN—EDNA SMITH, wife of Brooks W. Logan, died November 12. Services Sunday, November 14, a t the residence, 31 De Koven Court, Brooklyn, at 4:30 p.m. MacDONALD—WILLIAM, on No- vember 12, 1937, beloved husband of Elizabeth Hoefer; also survived by four daughters and one son. Funeral services Sunday, 8:30~ p.m., at—his residence, 522 17th St. Interment Monday, 2 p.m., Evergreens Ceme- tery, under direction of M. J. Smith Sons. MacQUEEN—On November 12. 1937, IDA NOWACZEK MacQUEEN, beloved wife of William H. Mac- Queen of 87-33 95th Street, Wood- haven. Services at the chapel of N. F. Walker, 86-07 Jamaica Avenue, on Sunday at 4 p.m. Interment at Evergreens, Monday at 10 a.m. MATHEWS—On Friday, Novem- ber 12, 1937; ROBERT; beloved~hus-- band of Amelia Mathews. Services at the Fairchild Chapel, 86 Lefferts Place, on Monday at 12 noon. McGRATH KATHLYN (nee Browne) on -November--11,^ at her residence. 833 42d St., beloved wife of Howard; devoted mother of Wil- liam and Howard Jr.;~"also survived by her father, four brothers, two sisters. Solemn requiem mass Mon- day, November 15, at 9:30 a.m. at St. Catherine of Alexandria Church. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. NASS—On November 11. 1937, a t her home, 339 73d St., ERNESTINE, beloved mother of Mrs. Augusta Weismuller and sister of Valentine Beyer; also survived by two grand- children and one great-grandchild. Services at Fred Herbst Sons Me- morial, 7501 5th Ave., Sunday, 2 p.m. Interment Green-Wood Cemetery. O'CONNOR—On Thursday, No- vember 11, 1937. at 195'- East 38th Street, ANNA C. O'CONNOR, be- loved wife of James J. O'Connor (N. Y. F. D.).; mother of John, Mar- garet and Anna Frances O'Connor; daughter of Mrs. Mary Hanning. Funeral Monday. 10 a.m. Solemn mass of requiem at St. Thomas Aquinas R. C. Church. Flatbush. In- terment Holy Cross Cemetery. PHELAN—On Fridav, November 12, CHARLES A., of 2036 E. 29th St., brother of Frank W.. John M„ Annie M. and Florence Phelan. Fu- neral from the Walter B. Cooke. Inc., Funeral Home, 1218 Flatbush Ave.. Monday. 9:15 a.m.; thence to the R. C. Church of Good Shepherd, where a solemn requiem mass will be offered. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Atlee Pomereno Rites Set Monday For—Grid Special to The Eagle Rockville Centre, Nov. 13—Funeral services will be conducted Monday for Paul D. Anderson, 9, of 99 Rock- ville Centre Parkway, who died yes- terday in South Nassau Communi- ties Hospital. The boy was injured Thursday evening while playing football on the lawn in front of his home to show his father and brother Joseph, 11, he could "tackle just as well as the big fellows." Joseph, carrying the ball, was tackled by Paul, and both went down. A few moments later, Paul complained of feeling dizzy, and shortly afterward he became uncon- scious. Taken to the hospital, the boy was found to be suffering from a head injury. , His mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Anderson, were at the bedside in the hospital until death claimed their, son. Paul. Is survived by another brother, Dennis. The funeral will be from the home, followed by a mass of requiem at 9 o'clock in St. Agnes R. C. Church, followed by burial in Holy Cross Cemetery, Brooklyn. Rabbi J. Chosak, Diet Supervisor Rabbi Joshua Chosak of the Volo- shlner Yeshlva of Brooklyn died yes- terday at his home, 496 New Jersey Axe.,...8.fter. an.. ilhiejs_..Qf._s^yeral. weeks. He was 72. Rabbi Chosak had been resident supervisor for the Jews dietary laws at the Stuhmer bakery. He previ- ously had held pulpits in Chambers- burg,, Lewistown and: Shippensburg. Pa., and in Maine. Surviving are his widow, three daughters, Mrs. Sidney Siegel, Frie- da and Minnie Chosak, and five sons, Harry, Max, Saul, Abraham aha Morris Chosak. Clears Broderick Atlee Pomerene, Ex-Senator, Dies Teapot Dome Prosecutor, Former Boss of RFC —Boomed for President Cleveland, Nov. 13 (/P) — Atlee Pomerene, former Democratic United States Senator from Ohio and several times mentioned for the Presidency, is dead. Suffering from an attack of broncho-pneumonia, the. 73-year- old former Senator who assisted in the prosecution of the Teapot Dome oil lease cases and who later be- came chairman of the Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation, died at his home last night following an ill- ness of several weeks. Pomerene served two terms in the United States Senate, his first as a leader of that body under President Woodrow Wilson. He gained recognition as a candi- date for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1928. In 1919 he was boomed for the White House but the moyement_faileo^ to reach national proportions. —Funeral-serviccs-wlll-be- held here- Monday and burial will be at Can- ton, Ohio, •Eight-eighths American Senator Pomerene was consid- ered too frank In his opinions to be a good politician and this frankness apparently prevented him from be- coming a greater factor when Presi- dential candidates were considered. His Indifference to any particular class was demonstrated during his first term in the Senate. He spon- sored the Armed-Ship bill against the wishes of German sympathizers who at that time were fighting all legislation considered by them as unfair to Germany. His answer to one opposing the Armed-Ship bill was typical. He said: "You go to hell. I would far rather be a plain American citizen than a German Senator. "Later In a speeck he added, "I am two- eighths French. and six-eighths German, but when it comes to my citizenship, I am eight-eights Amer- ican." One of 11 Children Born in Berlin, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1863, he was one of 11 children. He graduated from Princeton and re- ceived his law degree from Cincin- nati Law School. He was the only Democrat elected when chosen Prosecutor In Canton. His fame became widespread during this pe- riod of his District Attorneyship. He prosecuted Anna George, accused In the murder of George Saxton, brother of Mrs. William McKinley. He was Lieutenant Governor and Democratic State Chairman. -—As-a~Senator he helped create the Federal Tariff Commission, favored the Colombian Treaty, was for re- servations to the Versailles Peace Treaty, although for the League of Nations; opposed the Prohibition aM""Wom&n Suffrage-Amendments. He opposed certain features of the New Deal, criticizing the Roosevelt Administration for "expending money on one hand to Increase pro- duction and on the other hand spending to decrease production." Charles A. Phelan Charles A. Phalen of 2036 E. 29th St.. for many years an automobile salesman, and for the last 10 years a representative of the Postal Tele- graph Company, died yesterday in Mldwood Hospital after a brief ill- ness. He was 69. Surviving are two sisters, Annie and Florence Phelan, and two brothers, Frank W. and John M. Phelan. Frederic L. Kerr; Was With RFC Active in " Fraternal Services Church and Groups on Monday ROME—On Friday. November 12. 1937, GEORGE, husband of the late i Blanche A. Rome; father of Mrs. | Florence M. Garrett. Services at the Fairchild Chapel. 89-31 164th ! St.. Jamaica, on Monday at 2 p.m.' Interment Cypress Hills Cemetery. TREZISE-IDA A., wife of the late Arthur R. Trezise. on November 12, 1937, beloved mother of Arthur | A., John E.. William G. and Mrs. Marion Ehrengart. Services Sun- j day evening. 8:15. at Roemmele's! Funeral Parlors. 1230 Bu.^hwick Ave., Brooklyn. Funeral Monday. 11 a.m. Interment Evergreens Cemetery. Direction of Benjamin Grindiod. Of Beating Charge Detective John Broderick, some- times referred' to as New York's "most hard-boiled cop." was exon- erated yesterday by Commissioner Valentine of charges he had beaten an accused parole violator to such an extent that he was permanently crippled. The inquiry Into the case lasted a month. "There is no reason for any disciplinary action against De- tective Broderick," Commissioner Valentine announced. The complaint had been made by Louis Bickhofer. 38. who said when Broderick arrested him June 25 he "fractured my ribs, crushed a bone in my knee and dislocated my jaw." The Commissioner said he had in- formation that the injuries were old ones suffered 15 years ago. Catherine Holloway Mrs. Catherine Holloway died at her home, 318 Lincoln Road, on Thursday. She was born here 77 years ago. She had been a parish- ioner of St. Joseph's R, C. Church for many yrars ; and when making her home in Flatbush became a regular attendant of the Church of St. Francis of Mrs. Holloway is survived by her husband. Roy Holloway; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Hammond and Mrs. Mar- | garet Carsen, and a brother, William i Gat ens. Funeral services will be held at her home on Monday at 8:30 a.m. After a requiem mass at the Church of St. Francis of Ass Is I. the Inter- ment will be held at Holy Cross Cemetery. Frederic L. Kerr, connected with the Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration for several years, died yes- terday at his home. 698 Sterling Place, after a short Illness. He was born in St, Louis, Mo., and lived in Brooklyn for 30 years. While In St. Louis he entered the banking business and later became vice president of the Interstate Trust Company. New York. He was pres- ident and treasurer '• of St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Ignatius R. C. Church, former member of the Cathedral Club and Knights of Co- lumbus, and a member of the Xavler Alumni Sodality. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Rae J. Costelloe Kerr, and four children, John C, Mary B., Fred- eric L. Jr. and Janet Kerr. Fu- neral services will be held Monday at 9:30 a.m., with requiem mass at St. Ignatius R. C. Church and in- terment in Calvary Cemetery. Edna Smith Logan, Charity Worker Mrs. Edna Smith Logan, wife of Brooks W- Logan, died yesterday at her home, 31 DeKoven Court, in her 59th year, after a long illness. She was born in Wassick, Dutchess County, N. Y„ Jan. 16, 1879, and as a girl entered the Poughkeepsie Hospital to train as a nurse. She re- mained in the profession only a short time, until her marriage. She came to-Brooklyn-30-years-ago and took an active part in benevo- lent and charitable projects of the city, especially among the colored people. She was the founder and the first president of the Dorcas Guild of Caroline Weeks Kindergarten Board and remained active in that and the Flatbush Day Nursery Board until her illness. Mrs. Logan was a member of Flatbush Congregational Church and the Barrett Free Kind- ergarten Board. She is survived by her husband, a son, William F. Logan; her mother, Mrs. Myron Smith; a brother, Franklin Smith, and a nephew, Myron Smith. Funeral services will b*r held tomorrow "at her- home - at 4:30 p.m„ with interment in Amenia, N. Y. Samuel Davis, 88, Book Publisher Issued Magazines of the Tobacco, Radio and Sweet Foods Fields Samuel Davis of 1237 43d St., a resident of Brooklyn for more than 50 years, died yesterday in Israel Zion Hospital of complications which followed an injury to his hip two weeks ago. He was- the father of Edward H. Davls ; publisher of business papers in the tobacco, radio and sweet foods fields. Mr. Davis was born In Hungary in 1849 a n d settled in Brooklyn where he resided ever since. In the early years of his life, prior to his retirement, he was In the cigar and stationery business in Brooklyn. He was a widower and is survived by another son, Phil E. Davis, and thn;e daughters, Mrs. Bertha LeVlne.Mrs. Aaron Grant and Mrs. Rose Silk. Funeral services will he held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Flatbush Me- morial Chapel, 1283 Coney Island Ave. Interment will be in Wash- ington Cemetery. ^ -—-7 ~ AGED ENGINEER DIES Morristown, N. J., Nov. 13—Ben- jamin Day, for many years engineer on the "Millionaires' Express" of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad between this place and New York, died at his home here today after a long illness. He was 92 years old. Ernest Nichols Special to The Eagle Sea ford—Nov. 13 — Funeral ar- rangements were being made today for Ernest Nichols 42, of Mer- rick Road, who died yesterday in Meadowbrook Hospital, East Meadow. On Aug. 23. Nichols lost control of his automobile and it struck a tree in Massapequa, He had been In the hospital ever since with a fractured skull and internal injury les. His wife, Helen,-29, was with him at the time, and was released from the hospital recently. The couple had no children and operated a lunchroom here. Bankruptcies Wills Private Rites Held For E. C. Proctor Private funeral services for Edgar C. Proctor, former private secretary to Mark Hanna and to William Mc- Kinley when the latter was Presi- dent, were held yesterday at the Park West Memorial Chapel. 115 W. 79th St., Manhattan. Cremation followed at Fresh Pond Crematory, Middle Village. Mr. Proctor died Thursday at his | home, 9 Kew Gardens Road, Kew Gardens, after a short Illness. He was 63. | Born In Richmond. Va., the son of Edgar C. and Virginia Bruce Proctor, he moved to Cleveland 'n : his early 20s and was associated with Mr, Hanna when the latter was one I of the most powerful figures in the] Republican party. He assisted Mr. Hanna in the McKinley campaign,! and when the President went to the I White House, accompanied him as i an aide. . QUEENS BETTES. CHARLES R. (Oct. 29V Estate. S5.000 real and $15,000 personal. To wife, Frances H. Belts. 11-79 Beach 9th St., Far Rockaway. real property and four-fifths of the residue: Robert Mur- ray. Plandome. one-tenth of the residue: Claude and Charles Bettes, 1,1410 Mott Ave . Inwood. remainder of residue Valentine W. Smith of Mattituclc, execu- tor. DIXON. MARY A. (Oct. 22V Estate, SS.000 real and $5,000 personal. To sisters. Frances Chceseman. 39-50 65th St., Woodslde. and Elizabeth Weller. Hor- sham. England. $30 Oeach: residue to hus- band. William Dixon. 39-50 65th St.. Woodslde. and sons. Robert Dixon. 94 Glenlawn Ave . Sen Cliff: Arthur Dixon. 37-37 64th St.. Woodslde. and Charles Dixon. 39-50 05th St.. Woodslde. The husband and son, Robert Dixon, execu- tors. MA1.ER. ANTHONY 'Nov. 3V Estate, $5,000 real and $20,000 personal. To sis- ters. Elizabeth Guy. 71-49 68th 81 . Olendale. and Eva Doring of 40 Walnut Ave.. Floral Parle, executors. VICTORY. LOUIS (June 23'. Estate, less than SI.000 real and $4,000 personal To wife. Marguerite Victory, and son. Rob- er<. Victory. 85-36 151st St . Jamaica, estate in trust, the principal passing to the son a' the death of the wife. Eu- gene Victory of B5-30 151st, St., Jamaica, executor. EASTERN DISTRICT Petition Filed — Against ISIDORE KAPLAN, known n Uzy Kaplan, Installment dealer. 1061 East 4th St.. by L. & H. G. Goodsteln, Inc., $200; A. Phillips k Sons, Inc., $200, and U D - d«r Bros., $200. Petition! Filed—By JOHN A. BISHOP, also known a.s John A. Plispanen, salesman, formerly partner of Bishop <fc 8toddard. 45-29 40th St., Lons Island City—Liabilities $5,911.29, assets S2.040 tof which $2,000 Is In In- surance policies). ALBERT BOCK, bricklayer. 2.413 Putnam Ave. —Liabilities $9,876.22, assets $1,030 lof which $1,000 u in insurance poli- cies V ANNA and MORRIS KRAMER. Individually and as members of the firm and co-part- nership of A. Kramer, excavating and contracting. 885 Sheffield Ave.—Liabili- ties $3,668.03. no assets. BERNARD LAPIDUS. shoe feeder, 1087 Carroll St.—liabilities $978 83. assets $14,075 tof "which $14,000 is In insurance policies i. DAVID LEVICK. salesman. 3601 Kings Highway—Liabilities $4,437.15. no assets. THOMAS J. MASIN. also known as T. M. Masonc. and as T. J. Mason and as T. J. Mats-en, mechanic, 987 Bedford Ave.— Liabilities $4,157.72, assets $1,000 tin Insurance policies). IRA E. MAY. individually and formerly doing business as Superior Pearl Button Co., selling buttons, 1302 Newkirk Ave— Liabilities approximately $2,500, no as- sets. MORRr3 PERLOW, unemployed, floricul- turist. 228 Terrel Ave., Oceanslde—Lia- bilities $10,181. no assets. HARRY POLLACK, unemployed, formerly real estate operator. 26 Court St., resid- ing at 1131 Lincoln Place—Liabilities $60,861.64, no assets. HYMAN ROBBINS, sales representative. 47-21 41st St., $3.455.8.6, ^o.jaits^^^.. LUDWIG SATZ, actor, 4222 Surf Ave.— Liabilities $25,881.86. assets $14,397.50 (of which J12.50O is in insurance policies). MORRIS SPODEK. unemployed, garage helper. 3749 Neptune Ave.—Liabilities $1,695.50. no assets. JOSEPH WALDMAN, manager, 1557 West 6;h St.—Liabilities $6,650. assets $6.:oo iof which $6,000 is In insurance, poli- ce.! i. WALTER THOMAS WIEDER, liquor sales- man. 9229 Shore Road —Liabilities S139,- 767.79. no assets. WILLIAM ZITO. also known as William Sieto, and as Giuseppe S'.eio, and as Wil- liam Slto. and as William Zeltto. and as William Zltto. unemployed- laborer. Samuel Dorsett, Old Choir Singer Samuel E. Dorsett, a tenor In the choir of Baptist Temple for more than 25 years, died yesterday at the Baptist Home. Greene and Throop Aves. in his 76th year. He was a resident of Brooklyn for many years and was connected with the B. M. T. for 36 years without losing a day for Illness. In his early years he was a mem- ber of the former Tabernacle Meth- odist- Church, and—later- joined- the Baptist Temple, where he sang in the choir until five years ago. Fu- neral services will be held at the Baptist Home Monday at 2:30 p.m. with interment in Green-Wood Cemetery. CHARLES A. PHELAN. connected with the Postal Telegaph for the past ten years, died yesterday at his home, 2036 E. 29th St., In his 70th year. He was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and lived In Brooklyn for 30 years. He was formerly R salesman for Overland Nash Motors and the Brighton Exchange Auto Agency. He is survived by three sons, Frank, John M. and Danny; a daughter. Florence Phelan. Funeral services will be held on Monday at 10 a.m., with reauiem mass at Good Shep- herd R. C. Church and Interment lu Holy Cross Cemetery. F. W. Carlin Jr., Lawyer's Brother City Employe and Former Salesman, One-Time All- Scholastic Football Star Frederick William Carlin Jr. of 235 92d St. died yesterday at his home after an illness of several months. He was born in Brooklyn on April 21, 1889, and was educated at Polytechnic Preparatory School, where he was an ali-scholastic foot- ball halfback. He worked as a sales* man for various companies and was in recent years employed In the De- partment of Education. Surviving are his widow, Helen Cassidy Carlin; a duaghter, Evelyn; three sons, Alvin, Wilfred and Fred- erick; his father, Frederick William Carlin of Rockville Centre; thre« brothers, Col. Walter Jeffreys Car- lin, nothed lawyer and member of the Board of Education; George A. Carlin of Garden City, and Capt, Thomas G. Carlin of Washington, D—CL Interment__will ^be_in_JrlQly_ Cross Cemetery following a requiem masi at St. Patrick's Church on Monday at 10 a.m. 99-3« 41st Ave., Queens—Liabilities $827.14, no assets. Bankruptcy Dlschartej Sarah Rosenzwelg, 663 Sutter Ave : Max Elsenberg. 14 Woodslde Ave ; Ell Krupen, 548 East 92d St.: Jack Schwartz. 773 East 2d St.; Louis Landau. 1099 East 51st St : Peter Monglove. 244 President St.: Ellas Klein. 3099 Brighton 6th St.: Raffaele Carbone. 1361 57th St.: Alois and Louise Wissmeler, 2172 Rockaway Ave.; Samuel J. Cohen. 1689 Union St. Abraham Bassln. 182 Sutter Ave.; Walter Goldstein. 1580 President St.: Harry Gare- lick, 1820 Avenue V; Patrick B. Noone. 356 Bergen St.; Andrew De Marco, 1073 Sutler Ave.: Hipolit Sysko. 262 Siegel 6t ; Rose Melnick. 65 Bay 29th St : Samuel A. Finkle. 1634 52d St.: Philip Winltsky. 1202 Avenue K; Rae R. Rapelansky, 8684 20th Avenue. Michael Rapelansky, 8731 20th Ave.: W. Gerald Clarry. 650 Ocean Ave.: Mollie Greenstcin, 4213 Sea Gate Ave.: Harry Rothman. 1230 East 31st St ; Maxwell Kronowltr. 2929 West 32d St.: Abraham Eskind, 748 Saratoga Ave.; Moses and Jennie Epstein. 191 East 51st St.; Frank Burg, 410 Eastern Parkway: Philip Mas- ters. 1651 West 9th St.; Salvatore Bar- biere, 644 East 89th St. Harry Rubin. 691 Decatur St.. and Rich- ard S. Elliott. 78 8th Ave.: Philip Gottlieb. 13 Allison Place. Grant City. S. I : Pearl Giangrande. 110-03 101st Ave.. Richmond Hill: John J. Deutsch, 68 Mount Joy Ave . , Freeport: Loretta M. Shanley. Heathcote Sunnyslde—Liabilities I Road. Elmont; Robert P. Swan. 43-05 For- ley St.. Elmnurst; Edwin" Hf-T/ohnsdii, 19b-' 32 111th St., St. Albans. Raymond Kinney. 67 Hilton Ave.. Garden City; Philip Brophy, 4Q9 Beach. 138th St., Rockaway Bear:-.: Cosmos Christ 'doniou. 84-35 Bouievard. Rockaway Beach: BP.^;C Allen, 23-03 43d St., Queens: John Bir.ri- rum. 104-37 '133d St.. Richmond Hill: David Goldner, 604 Beach 69!h St . Ar- verne:- Jacob Goldnrr. 450 Beach 67th St., Arverne; Nicholas Chiodo. 24-30 41s! St., Astoria, and Frank Herzog 32-06 48th St., Astoria, Appraisals KINGS FERRIS. CATHERINE A. (July 12. !937K Gross as-ets, $51,189; net. $49,350 To bro'.her. Frank J. Ferris Chief assets, real estate. $4,500: stocks and bonds, $2,415: mortgages, notes, cash and in- surance. $7,585; jointly owned property. $29,814: transfers. $6,874. G W. and W. M. Wmans. attorneys, 124 Montague St. FUSCO. MARIE (April 14. 1937V Gross as. sets. $6. 300; net. $3,049 To husband, Frank Fusco. Chief assets, real estate, $4,500: mortgages, notes, cash and In- surance. $550; Jointly owned property, $1,250. Murray R. Paris, attorney, 521 5th Ave , Manhattan. OLOVER. LULU M. (Nov. 10. 1936). Gross assets, $9,789; net, $6,148. To Sophia Braun, Tillle Prau and Marie Hofsls, $10 each Daniel J. Fullerton. $261: Gustave Strlnlnskl. residuary estate. Chief assets, real estatae. $5,000' mort- gages, notes, cash and Insurance. $1,093; miscellaneous propeity. $3,696. John M. Wilson, attorney. 215 Montague St. SWEENEY. ALICE (July 9. 1932 • Gross assets. $14,293: net, $13,108. To sister, Catherine Sweeney. Chief assets, mort- gages, noies-cash and insurance, $1 000; jointly owned property, $13,293. WRIGHT. JAMES (July 9. 1937). Gross assets. $11,676: net. $9,678. To sister, Charlotte Wright. Chief assets, real es- tate $5,500: stocks and bonds. $596: moruages. notes, cah and Insurance, $3,214: miscellaneous property. $650; specific stocks. $442; specific bank ac- count. $1,303. S. M. and D. E. Meeker, attorneys, 1 Hanson Place. QVEENS EWOLDT. PAUL F. E. (Oct 5. 19361. Gross assets. $36,023. net, $28,439. To granddaughters. Mane and Muriel Ewo'.dt. $500 each; daughter. Kathryn Ewoldt. $4,000 and one-third of the residue; remainder to sons. Fred J. and Louise E. Ewoldt. Outstanding holdings In bonds and mortgages Edward J, Bausch, attorney, 84 Granite St., Brook- lyn. .. KEENE. PETER A (Feb. 28) Gross assets, $24,341; net. $22,667. To wife. Virginia. Keene. Outstanding holdings In real properly. David J. Wagner, attorney, 85-16 167th St.. Jamaica. U. S. MARSHAL'S NOTICES . BANKRUPTCY NOTICES Surviving arc his Edith Proctor, and Proctor. widow, a son, Mrs. Jack RUCTION SOLES WALOKN—On Saturdav, Novem- ber 13. 1937, ERNEST H., beloved husband of Adele Rebecca and father of Kathryn Rector. Services at his residence, 32 Commonwealth Boulevard, Bellerose, I/ong Island, Monday at 8 p.m. Interment Green- field, Cemetery, Hempstead. WENZ—ANNA (nee WolO, on Friday November 12. 1937, beloved mother of Margaret Janls. Clemen- tine Eangren, Emma Bantzhaff. Ruth Wenz, Joseph Jahrsdoerfer and Louis Wenz; sister of Margaret Hagen and Mamie Klob. Services at. her residence. 60-14 69th Ave. (88 Foxall St.), Rldgewood. Tuesday. 10:30 a.m. Interment Evergreens Cemetery. Arrangements by Wel- gand Brothers. Dcatbs WHITE-FRED J., on November 12, beloved husband of Alice White, and loving father of Ered Jr., Pa- tricia and Robert. Funeral from his home. 1 Van Siclen Court, on Monday at 9:30 a.m. Funeral mass at St. Malachy's Church. Interment St. John's Cemetery. 3ht ffflfemonam We have just published * booklet of "In Monioriam" Vcrnca You may obtain « copy of trill booklei, vtifhoui charge, by calling «ft t\j T*k r tiT.r »t MAin 4-6000. SUknoUilctifvinciUS FEROUSON—I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, mc-sages of sympathy and beautiful floral offer- ings received from my kind friends ana neighbors during my recent be- reavement in the loss of my beloved i wife, JULIA FERGUSON. Or. JOHN FERGUSON George A. Ford George A. Ford, a member of the I Brooklyn Highways Department for i 33 years, died suddenly.yesterday at his home, 19 E. 18th St., in his 74th j year following a heart attack. He was born In Brooklyn, entered the Civil Service a.s a young man and retired three years ago. He was for- j merly a member of the Society of Old Brooklynite.s. lie is survived : by his widow, Mrs. Matilda Ford, ' and a daughter, Mrs. Amy F. Doblin. | Funeral services will be held tomor- I row at 3 p.m., with interment in Greenwood Cemetery. Events Tonic/fit Dlnner-mefllnt of the Silurians at the I Hotel Lafayette, ManhatUn. 7:30, The 15th A. D. Post of the Natloni: i War Veterans Association will tender a j testimonial dinner to A«semb!rm»n-E>ct I John Smolensk! at Military Terrace, 181 Greenposn! Ave. Annual carnival. flrru« and ha»ar nt , Queensborough Lodge, No. 878, Benevolra: '• and Protective Order of Rlks. at the K:k< ' Home. Queens Boulevard. Elmhurst. for one week. The ba».ar will close one week from tonight. Meeting of the New York Schoolmate:< ' Club In the Aidlne Club Hoomi, 200 S'.h fl. SADOWSKY. AUCTIONEETR. SEl.Ifl Nov. 15. 1937. 9:00 am. 1510 Coney Island Ave.. Brooklyn. Chevrolet Sedan. Motor No. C648643, retaken from Louis Mutterpearl. ^.'~SADO\viK"Yr^UCTl6NEF.lV"sEI.LS Nov. 15. 1937. 9:13 a m . 880 Coney Island Ave.. Brooklyn. Ford Coach. Motor No. 2790189, retaken from Anthony Delflno "s7 - .VAD'o\v3KYr~Ai;C-riONEER."""sFl.I.S Nov. 15. 1937. 8 45 a m . 1592 Coney Island Ave . Brooklyn. G. M. C. truck. Motor No. ; 856595. retaken from Lester Hoffman ~'C. H. AJSELMAK, AUCTIONEER, SELLS Novjyr.ber 15, 1937. at 9 00 a m . a' 2248 ! Ciylrch Ave.. Brooklyn. Plymouth Sedan j Motor No. 123789. rriakeu from Elliott and j 1.elnn Christopher. % "C.rir" AbEI.MAN.""At:(-! It)NKEIl."sEr!.fl j November 29. 1937. »' 5 00 p.m.. at S20iciflifc Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn, Fo:d Virion* .Coupe (wrecked'. Mo:nr No. A-4762031. account of Nora Catherine and .iani<-s Connolly, D13-21 » AARON LEIFER, Bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that, on Nov. 6, 1937, th» said party was adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of creditors will be held at the Post Office Building. Room 209. Brooklyn, New York, on Nov. 23, 1937, at 10 30 a.m.. at which time the creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such business as may properly come before said meeting. EUGENE F. O'CONNOR JR^Referee, HARRY FREIBAUM, Bankrupt! Notice Is hereby given that on Nov. 8. 1D37. the said party was adjudicated bank- runt: and chat the first mee'.i::g ot credit- ors will be held at the Post Office Building. : Room 209, Brooklyn, New York, on Nov. 23 j 1937, at 10.30 a.m.. at which time the creditors may attend. pro\e their claims. I appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such business as may prjpvr- ly come before said meeting. EUGENE F O CONNOR JR . Refer»e FREDA SCHLESINOER. Bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given' that on Nov. 3. 1937. the said party was adjudicated bank- rupt, and that the first meeting of credit- ors will be held at the Post Office Building. Room 209, Brooklyn, New Yorg. on Nov. 23. 1937, at 1Q..30 a m , at which ihe creditors may attend, prove ;helr claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such business as may properly come before said meeting. EUGENE F. O'CONNOR JR . Referee. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES C. H-.-ADKl.MAN... AUCTIONEER. SELLS i November 29. 1937. at 10 00 a m . at '.'52 j Emerson Place. Brooklyn. Ford fltallon I Wagon. Motor No. A230877. account of | Romeo and or Remlgio Arrighl. r.l.3-2t s C. Il""ADEIAIAN. AUCTIONEER. 3K1.L8 Nov. 22, 1937. a! 10 45 a m . at P.8 Dobbins St.. Brooklyn. Indian* Truck Motor No. JXB-557087 account of Challenier Utili- ties Co . Inc. nfi-vt s H 6 . SCHON2F.1T, AUCTTONRBR. SEI IS Nov. If.. lf)37. 1 0 1 5 a m . 744 Hertford Ave . Brooklyn. Mark Tr_uck.J^oUr_NoT)A644^69. r.AWNHROKF.RS SALE *~ KST ATB~OT~ K OO EN E ROS E N B A U M ' B. Auctioneer*. J Kelly. I„ Feldhuhn, 1 In C^cmorfnm ALFONSIN—In loving memory of a devoted husband and father, WILLIAM ALFONSIN. who passed away November 13, 1929. Sur.shlnp fades and shadow.' fall. hi: sweet remembrance outlasts all. WIFE and SONS. COLLINS -In loving memory of EDGAR A. COLLINS .Jr. Fifth An- niversary mass November 13. 1937. 'TU five year* ago today fluue God called yo;i »»ay Arid » « -who loved you more than all, Misl yon niorr f*ch day. TTOTHEKrsna FAMILY, Asf , Manhaltan. f> OOj Annual dance of Uie Impromptu Cohorts ! al.tlie Hotel Astor. Manhattan. 9 00. Iitamar tt«n-A\l. lust arriwd from' Palestine, will speak on the subject "Storm our Palestine" under the auiplce* o; the SrmAte fclonUt District at the Se.tsiv ! Chapel, 8.00. Dance and enlerlalnment of the Bt sh- i Inn Beach Ror« Association at the IHlf ; Moon Hotel. Coney Island, ft OO. Dance of Phi S.gma Kappa Fraternity I «! the \V»Morf-A«torl». Manhattan, 9 00. Dance of the Junior Women's Auxiliary of the Flatbush Boy'i Club »l the Hotel Boisert, 9:00. TIDK TABLE (By the V. ft Coast »nd Oeodftk survey) (Eastern Standard Time! I, a nv (5V»:i NOVEMBER 13 flush Water I A M I P.M Sand; Hook The Battery Hell Gate. . 2 4rt 11! S DO 3 07 3:2fi 5:26 NOVEMBER 14 Smidv Hok The Battery Hell Gate 3 4ft 4 :f> rVOO 4 10 4 31 H 30 sell at 70 Boaery at 9 Nov. 18—By order Est J J rTlfl, 1471 Bway . diamonds, silverware. Je-selry and second-hand watfhr.i, pledged from 26350 of Mar 1. lfl3K, to 47949 of Jul? 3!. t<W. and all pledges held o\n. also for 987 Myrtle Ave. from 1IA9: of June I, 1935 to 21500 of Sept. 15 |93fi nil-fit ou« Nov 19- Bv order M. Bruckheimer's 8on«. Inc . 705 Grand fit . diamonds, si',. ver*are, Jewelry and second-hand matches. Pledged from 2M*2 of July lfi. 193*. to 36118 of Oct 15, ISJS; »;>o n.l other pledges for anv re»*on not sold at brrvlmts nales. from 26391 of Dec. 23. 19.>3. to 43931 Ot Dec. 31, 1935. r,12ftl OTU CKNTRA1, ATJCmON CO.. JOHN J GIBBS. Auctioneer, «elli at 152 Canal 8t„ Manhattan. Net York City, at U am. Nov. 11 1037. for McAleenann'. 150 LAW- renee St., unredeemed pledge* of dia- mond*, tecond-hand watches. Jewelry, ill- v*r«are. etc 7072, »ept J8 1636 to 7822. Oct. 15. 1036. and all pledeei held over from precis tales nfl-7t Osu JACOB SHONOUT. INC. AUCTIONEF.nft 82 Bo« ery N Y. C Bells *t 9 A M Nov lft. 1»37. Cloihlnt e:e Edelstein Bros . 5-37 B:irden Ave I. 1 City from - i 22594 of Mar ?. 1936 to 37385 of Oft. 17 ', tht* order 10 1.1 10 JA )S3f| .1 .t fla\er 662 it.«!..••.» ».. .«< 10 56 II 03 I 78487 of Nov. 1 1936 l.ow Water _A; M. I P M VlS 9 38 10 f>3 10 17 ',142: F.le No. 7375 1037 THE PEOPLE OF THE 8 I ATE OF NEW YORK, by the Brace of Clod free and lndr- pendent To Hon. John J. Bennet: Jr.. as Attorney Oeneral of Ihe SlRte of New York, and to all distributees, heir--ni-iaw or next of kin of Constant Simon Oatl- lard. deceased, whose r.htncs and post of- fice addresses arc unknown and cannot utter diluent Inquiry be aseer'alnrd by the petitioner herein. And If any. of said distributee*, heirs-at-law or next of kin of Constant Simon (Milliard, deceased, de.iil, (hen Mien husbands or wl\es, any. distribute?* and successors In ::'.'c:>.-; Whose iiHmff. p;:u'tj of v*.stder.ce and pO?' nddrc-scs are unknown and cannot alter diluent inquiry be .ascertained by the petitioner herein, belli* all i>> t -•• >n- interested as distributees helrs-at-law or nex: of kin. SEND OREKTING Whereas. HULOA HANNEMANN, who resides—at—435— Eft?'.—"Oth—Stree'- -OHy-4- County »nd State of New York, has pre- sented a petition piaylng for a decree lhai a certain Instrument in wrillns hcamiK date the 30ih day of May. 1935, telatmi to real and personal properly, be duly proved as the last will and testament of Content" Simon (lalliard. deceased, lately resldliu »! No. 236 Washington Avenue., in the Borough of Brooklyn, City ot New York. Now. Therefore, you and.each of you flfe hr'rcliy tiled 16 show cause befoie our Surrogate's Court of t h e County of Kiims. to be heid at the Hail of Records, in the County of Ktn«s. on the 9:h day of I)e- semtifr. H137, »'t 9 30 0'tlflCk in the foif- noon. why such decree rhau'd no: be made In Testimony Whereof. »e h.s\e caused he Seal of our said Surrogate"! 1 .:; to he hereunto affixed Witness. Hon OKOROE At.- BKRT WINC.ATK Surrogate of o ,- va.ri County, at the n n(i<itn of nr.^oklsn In the sal.t Counts-, Ihe 5th day of November - .t>37. PERCY r. 8TAPLBTON, < • • .if the Surrogate s Court. nr,.4; » 8UPREME COURT KINGS COUNTY- REVERE HOMES, INC., Plaintiff, asainst IDA C. CLARK, widow and devisee of WILLIAM H. CLARK, late of the County of Kings, deceased: CHARLOTTE BERGE, If living, and if she be dead, her heirs, distributees, devisees, executors adminis- trators creditors, lienors and grantees and their husbands, wives or widows, heirs, distributees, devisees legal representatives, creditors, lienors', grantees and successors in Interest and their husbands, .wives or widows, if any. all of whom and whose names are unknown to the Plaintiff, De- fendants. To the above named defendants and to each of Ihcm: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED !o answer t!:c complaint in tins action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or. if the complaint Is not served with this sum- mons, to serve a no'ice of appearance en the plaintiff's attorneys within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, in case of your failure to appear or answer. Judg- ment will be taken against you by default lor the relief demanded in the complaint Dated. September 16th. 1937 WATSON, KRISTELLER A: SWIFT At- torney for Plaintiff, Office and P () Addtess, 68 William Stieet. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. N. Y '1 o the following nr.ined defendants In this action CHARLOTTE BERGE. If ll-.lng. a n d If she be dead, her heirs, riisinbu'ees de- tf-ees executors, administrators, creditor.', lienors and grantees and iheir husbands! wives or widows, heirs, distributees, de- tisee;. legal- representatives, creditors-, lienors, grantees and successors m in'er- est and their husbands, wives or widows, if any all of whom and names ate unknown -o the plaintiff. The lore^omg summons U served upon you by publication, pursuant •.•• a n oider of Hon. Meier S'elnbrlr.V.. Jusilfn of the Supreme Court of the Sla'e uf New York dated the 3d day of November! .1937 anri filed with the complaint in the office o! the Cleric of the County of at Brooklyn. New York. The object of this fletl-,n Is to procure 0 JucUmenl that the defendants and every person claiming under them or any of | them subsequent to the filing of the r.otice j of prnri»iicy of thl<. ae'lon. he liarted from ; all claim 'o an estate in the real prop- i lie i eCy situate in Kings Countv, bounded and i if : de-rnbed as follows ALL tl-.a - cettain lot, piece or pa-cel of | l.ind. with the buildings arid improvements i thereon rre ( 'ed. situate; ;>nig and being i in the Borough of Brooklyn, Countv. of Kings. City and State of New York. Iiv:nrtrd and dr erilyri as ;o;lo\t'. ! BKOINNING r,' the corner fo.-med hy 'he intersection of the northerly uuli- M»»-.wt»'.eriy rsilr ,-.' :8t)i Street; running tltenee wester'v - the northerly side of Avenue Y. 2H 44 fi westerly side of the righ'-of-way New UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE— By virtue of a Writ of Venditioni Exponas lo me directed and delivered I will sell at Public Auction on Monday. November 15th, 1937. at 12 o'clock Noon. Eastern Standard Time, the Pile Driver "No. 4," engines, etc . at Brewer's Dry Dock 2933 Richmond Terrace. Mariners Harbor, Stntcn Island. New York. Docket 68-316. Dated, November 6th, 1937. JOHN T. LITTLE, ESQ. Proctor for Libellant; ROBERT Q. LINDSAY. UNITED STATES MA.RSHAL, E. D . N. Y. n 6 - i t OSU U. S MARSHAL'S SALE—By virtue of a n Order Issued by the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, and signed hy the Hon. Clarence O. Galston, U. S District Judge. I will sell at Publio Auction on Wednesday. November 17th. 1937. at 32 o'clock noon. Eastern Standard Time, the Barge "O'Boyle Brothers." boil- ers, engines, etc.. at Outer Bridge. Kill Von Kuil. Slaten Island. New York. Docket 68-168. Dated. November Rth 1937. LEO J HICKEY. UNITED STATES AT- TORNEY. PROCTOR FOR THE-U--S MAR- SHAL. E. D , N. Y. NOBF.Rr G. LINDSAY, U. S. MARSHAL. E. LVT N. Y. n8-9-10-ll-I2-13 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ON WORK TO BE DONE FOR OR SUP- PLIES TO BE FURNISHED TO TUB CITY OF NEW YORK The person or persons making a bid for any service, worn, materials or supplie* for The City of New York or for any of Its departments, bureaus or offices shall furnish the same In a sealed envelope. In- dorsed with the title ofthe supplies, ma- ; terials. work or service for which the bid I Is made, with his or their name or names i and the date of presentation to the Pre?;- | dent of the Board or to the head of the. Department, at his or Its office, on or be- fore the date and hour named In the ad- vertisement lor the same, at which time j and place the bids will be publicly opened i by the President of the Board or head of ] said Depart ment arid read, and the award : of the contract made according to law a* ! soon thereafter as practicable Each- bid shall contain the name and ' pluce of residence of the person making Ihe bid and the names ot all perrons'In- terested with him therein, and If no other i person be so interested it shall distinctly I .^tate that fact, also that it Is made with- ) out anv connection »llh a:.v other person I making a bid for the .same purpose, and :s in- all respects fair and without collusion | or fraud, end 'hat no member of t h a j Board of Aldermen, head of a .department. ,-!-,ief of a bureau, deputy t!.er'<-r-! or clerk 1 'herein, or other officer or emplcyee of ! The Ciiy of New York. is. shall lie or be- come interested, directly or It-.d..-.>•>. contracting party, partner, stockholder. • surely or otherwise, ::i or In 'lie rerfo::::- ; of the contract, or in the supplies. • work nir business to whlrh it reistfs. or ::i any portion of the pfolils thereof. The bid" be verified bv the oCn :r. «•'.- i v ' : the party or pirtir; ma'.:: .• t>--r h d . tint Ihe >--\era; matters <'atcd the;em are i m all respects true. No b'.il .hall be considered •;•'•-••- as a F=f5'i'-' C " d ! ' —n nrrcerrrrtt t n—' frr "-p-7T "rTr~i5T" cpriJldcratipn of r-urh b.ri. !', -. a.fcm- panird bv a certified check .. .' t! * State or National hanks or trust companies rmerly of New York and Manhattan: ot The (';•» "f New York. • a ehrr* of Reach Railway Company; northerly such hir.K or trust CompAM Mgl-rd bv a i.ona said right-of-»ay and psra:>i or duly authorized officer "-,'reT. dra»n I NO. 27.281. VICTORY TEXTILE PRINTING COR- PORATION I9ADORK FISilKIN ft >l COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NEW HAVKN COUNTY, NOVEMBER 6. 1937 ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION Ihe plait,:.:: having applied to Ihe Court for an order for srrUee upon the defend- ant. Isadore Fuhkln and the wirto*. hcts. representative* and creditor* of- the de- fendant Jaroh Rosenthal, bv publication, and It appearing to the Court that said application should be granled. ORDFRF.D. That of the pendency of said complaint be given -o ihe defend- ant. Isftdore FishV.n. and to the turiow, heirs, re i,, (•><•:,IA: \ < and crrditcts of |he dcttndaru Jacob Rosenthal, bv piihiishttig \ . i».. r . \) 46 RISES *.ND srra RUM.6.4CJ 8uV.i74crj^"Rls«ir.Tr Manhattan Ave . to nil.12.13.15 Nov 19. 1937 nktvil rswnoroVfis Inc , 5704 5th Ave 'formfriv 610j* jt.h Ave i. rtl»r-md«. Irwflty. .sf,-on<i-iii;-..1 watches. ! nbfr 14 I odds »nd ends, from 11150 ot Julr ?n. 1 «.•.*. 'TmirT.^Trr707iW^r-NiTvnirrfiT/6: TsnT3nr .i. The fi-fO w s i Drtfl«, r . i newspaper printed In Brooklyn Ne» York once a week, ihree *reks MVce ssTvely : commencing on or before ::.r :3th dar of Nos-fr ' By the ( HENRY (?. HIOOlNfl. Clerk w —*— —nttr-Jo-ar I nearly so Tv|-h Eas- iath Street. 437 4 | feet lo the southeasterly side of Emmers Lane as moiiumented 'hence n< .-•'-,cA' - - Jrrly along the southeasterly side of < > <i j Fmmer.« Lane, 3o?5 fee. ; 0 ;)•,.. westerly side ,.f IRili Slr?c! Snrj : fietife soulherly along 'he *e*ter!y of T.-w I !8th Stree'. 447 72 feet to the corner, the , point or place of beginning WATSON, KR18TELLEH A SWIFT At- 1 toriiev' f«r PlafnfffT. Office and T O .V!drr<.t. fig William S'.rff Boroui Manhattan, C r y of N. n York, N Y I ' ' ' SttpRrAit t OUR KlNi COUNTY JOHN PAFRAK. Plain! ft ,g*in .'FNNIK FA? It AK l>rfcnd*!:i p inun -,- \ : '. r A ; C Divorce Plaint rf .:-> ;;,.;, .. County a- the pise•• i ! : I To tt.e iiiinf named <;• ', YOU ARK HF.HF.nv SUMMONED lo an- I s» e: :br forriplosn! in this • •'• sf,-»e ... ropy r.f your .'iis-jf:, oi If t h e complaint is net served with ' .-,,... inons. 'o serve a noltce of .inv,-.- the PUij.lirT s attorney » thin iwenlv ,)»»-. .ifrr me service of this summons <v- fl-isne (,; .;, r rf>r 0 f ,,.»:,-,., ; .a u, f . ui , of 'your fa;: :te to appear or flr jjfj ment Mil be taken against vou by dffmill for the relief demanded In tiie Plaint. Datrd. New York. September J7th 1937 NATHAN K ORtNDRR Attornet- for Plaintiff. OJtlce ond P. O A'M:r«- 14«,7 Bro*d»ay. Borough of Manhattan. < New York. To JF.NNIF, FAFRAK- fl.e foregoing aiimmon* Is <<-r\.*i<. - ' ..ration, pursuant ;.-, an . ' HON JOHN H McCOOEY ; : » ,1 i«l cc of ; 'he Supreme Court of the State of Nf» Y i • deed October . •: 193 with t -e complaint in the ,-: v c< C erl f>( ihe i • mis of K n«s on the Jftih rial (.1 October, 1937 Datfd Nf* VAT'S Oclonef 1 NATHAN K ORINnRR, v rncy for Plaintiff. Offire end P. o Address nv, Broadwav. Borouch of Manhattan Cti» of -N-rw-Ytrnrr the order of the Comp'ri ll«r or rr.<:-".- or rorporatc stock or rert:Ili Hes <f -.rt-veri- ness of iny in: i-e issued bt The c . v ef N'w York, which Ihe C-vnp'r-iler sbnl! apprne \s T e.-.a; v a l u e •» .;;. •:;• -r\- ir.'r mum: in :i-.e adverlisemf r.t I tha amount 1 of no! Ir-s than t h r " n " - more than five pereertuui of the boi : rci'iircd as iirov/ided In R»t: .: 4.'0 T 't.e Nt» Yoik Chart! i A'! bids for supplies must be < ibmltted in .!•:-.- !i » ' e Ihf frtiricd rr-.e-k or men's < - . ,; rot, ' " .. 1 (1 ;-i t:.e er.s -I-' • • •* ' ' e I'd t V should te f-.lher !• •• --'•! hi a >ep»; i'e < : . e ope a-' •;• Depar'me i Pre lueiil it - ' r . , . , rn!*- - r d -of t h e » ' - : < :?'.••<• ' r r.iA e - ipit .:!,..-> - ' ! it s rd or !>CPJ ' • ' No hid sh., • • awarded lo any person wh i-rears •n I he ( :". f NfW Yors ron'ract, <>r *hn is a de! titer ss surcn '.'wl<e, upon anv oUlic :.•-; •• I - Cl'.T. The contract* - t be bid for .--v> , - r.g;.: is resenfd if) t >. . PI * 'o rejert all t> r) s if ;• :.< dccrnfd to I tie intcrcs! pf '' ' (-;•" -•• to ' B'dd'ts w.II write Mil ' ,-: rhftr btdt in arir: e r>n\t in fiiut's. Bidders arc upon t: - : shed ;--\ :!.•- r , ' i > cop' , ' •• the p! OT ' ' ' . llth a copy ' • tr- t. n* the specific*) i approved hv th» ) -:• • •• •r »t tha A|: . • -. . < , . :; • - - ihe services: are to be furnished P;.T.< sftd d-.s•«*•--, of con- pfhV6ta- \ j,iivjuHcra-iwric-m«?- : fe« "•»« t'."». „...—^ ...... „,. t ...^... B£^AM£«kKM^ - ' - - - - - - - iiiiiirfiiiiirjtiiiiiWititliiiimiiiiiinhiyrif<(ih'ti< u it n *fMBH«iiiiimiii>wiii Muni iiniii' t. niiniitii m 11 HMJ iwwn Aitout*ltNim~maMm»^* Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: New Deatb0 EX-HEAD OF RFC Atlee Pomerene, Charles A. Phelan … 5/Brooklyn NY Daily Eagle... · 2008. 11. 16. · of the late Catherine Balfe (nee McGrath);

w For Classified Ad Result* BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1937 Telephone MAin 4-6000

Deatb0 Ackerman. Mary Aklns, Mary E. Anderson, Paul i_). Balfe, T . J . Bergmann , S* Bruen, Ella Carlln, F. W. J r . Chosak R a b b l J . Clark, Henry Connellan, Dr. J. Crowley,

J o h a n n a Crozler, Alice In, Dalton. T h o m a s J DorseU, Samuel Duffy, Mar t in J . Ford, George Groom, William J

Hayne>\ W H. Hunter , Carolina Judd, Charles J r . Kerr . F. L, Logan, Edna S. MacDonald, W. MacQueen, Ida N. Mathews. Robert M c G r a t h . K a t h l y n Nas . Ernest ine O'Connor. Anna C. Phelan . Char les Home, George Trezlse, I d a Walden, Ernest H. Wenz, A n n a Whi te . Fred



/ A

ACKERMAN—MAKY E., widow of I r a J. Ackerman. Funera l from her la te residence, 8518 86th St., Wood-haven, L. I., Monday a t 10 a. m.

AKINS— MARY E., oi 1537 East 19th Street, formerly of Pinebluff, N. C. Fond mother of Bryan t L., Mabel and P , Lester. Services at E. C. Waldeck's Home for Funerals , 7614 4th Avenue, Sunday, 3:30 p.m.

ANDERSON—PAUL D., suddenly, on November 12, 1937, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F . Anderson and brother of Joseph M. and Dennis H. Anderson of Rockville Centre . Re­quiem - m a s s -Mondayr-November—15 r

10 a.m., a t St . Anthony 's Shr ine Church, Oceanslde, L. I . I n t e rmen t Holy Cross Cemetery.

BALFE—THOMAS F., on Novem­ber 12, 1937, at h is residence. 516 60th St., Brooklyn, beloved husband of the late Cather ine Balfe (nee M c G r a t h ) ; loving father of. Mrs. Margare t Doherty, Mrs. Agnes Mc-Grory. Laura and T h o m a s Balfe; fond brother of Edward and Mrs. Mary Stevenson. Fune ra l from his home Monaay morning , 9:30; thence to the Church of Our Lady of Perpe tua l Help, where a solemn mass of requiem will be celebrated. I n t e r m e n t Holy Cross Cemetery.

BERGMANN — SAMUEL, devoted husband of S a r a h (nee Sha f f r an ) ; beloved bro ther of Morris . , Funera l notice later . .

BRUEN—ELLA, a t Eas t Nor th -port , suddenly, November 13, 1937, beloved mother of Charles Bruen

: and widow of Charles A. Bruen. Funera l services a t her la te resi­dence, Hillside Avenue, East Nor th -port, Sunday evening, 8:15. J n t e r ^ ment Monday, 2 p. m., Cedar Grove Cemetery,

CARLIN—On November 12, 1937, F R E D E R I C K W. Jr. , son of Fred­erick W. and the la te J o h a n n a Car­l ln; beloved husband of Helen E., and devoted father of Evelyn M., Alvin J.. Wilfred J . and Freder ick W. 3d; brother of Walter Jeffrey, George A. and Capta in T h o m a s G. Fune ra l from his residence, 235 92d S t . t on Monday, November 15, at 9:30 a.m.; "requiem' rn'a'ss ' " a t ~ S t ; Patr ick 's R. C. Church . I n t e r m e n t Holy Cross Cemetery.


' ?

CHOSAK—We regretfully mourn the passing of the resident super-

"vlsbr^bf"KashfUth 'ftV our bakery, Rabbi J O S H U A H CHOSAK, who diea Fr iday a t 1 p.m., a t h is home. Funera l Sunday, 9:30 a.m., from residence, 496 New Jersey Ave., Brooklyn. Services Pennsylvania Avenue Synagogue. Bur ia l Beth David Cemetery.


CLARK—On Friday, November 12, 1937, HENRY J . CLARK, of 857 St . John ' s Place, beloved husband of Josephine M. Herrfeldt. Services a t the Fairchi ld Chapel, 86 Lefferts Place, on Sunday, 3 p.m.

CONNELLAN—Dr. JOHN J., No­vember 10, 1937, beloved husband of Cather ine (nee Staol. ' . tqn); father of Val, Edward and Madeline (in r e ­ligion Sister Mary Valeria, Sister of Mercy, . Funera l from Walter B. Cooke, Inc., Funera l Home, Linden Boulevard and Rogers Ave., Monday, 9.30 a.m.; thence to Holy Innocents R. C. Church, where mass will be offered. . I n t e rmen t Holy Cross Cemetery.

CROWLEY—On Thursday , No­vember 11, 1937, JOHANNA A. CROWLEY, beloved sister of Mary C. Romp and Elizabeth C. Judge. Funera l from her residence. 236 E. Beverley Parkway, Valley St ream. L. i„ Monday, November 15. at 9:30 a.m.; thence to Holy Name of Mary Church . I n t e rmen t Calvary Ceme­tery.

CROZIER—Suddcnlv. on Novem­ber 12. 1937. ALICE M. CROZIER. formerly of Port Jefferson, L. I. F u ­neral services Sunday morning. 10 o'clock, at St. John 's Chapel . 470 Herkimer St. I n t e r m e n t Port Jef­ferson, Sunday noon.

DALTON—THOMAS J., on No­vember . 11. 1937. of 219 Bainbridgc

* Street , beloved husband of E m m a and father of Helen. Solemn r e ­quiem mass Monday, 10:00 a.m., a t Holy Rosary R. C. Church . Arrange­men t s by Joseph G. Duffy.

D O R S E T T — On November 12, 193;, SAMUEL E. DORSETT. in his 76th year, beloved uncle of Mrs. H. F . Smaltz. Service^ at the Baptist Home. Greene and ' i n roop AVCS., off Monday at 2:30 p.m.

DUFFY—MARTIN J.,"xon of Mr. and Mrs. Mart in A. Duffy of 45 Randal l Avenue. Rockville Centre, and formerly of Bay Ridge; brother of Sister Rcglna Cather ine and Grace Duffy. Requiem ma^s on Monday, November 15, a t 10, a t St. Agnes R, C, Church . Rockville Centre . I n t e rmen t Holy Cross Cem­etery.

F O R D - S u d d e n l v , Friday, Novem­ber 12, 1937. GEORGE A , beloved husband of Mati lda Ford and dear father of Amy F. Doblin. Services a t his residence. 19 E. 18th St.. S u n ­day a t 3 p.m. I n t e r m e n t private.

riTAL NOTICES (Ackno%ol-tdgmcnls, Birth), Condcltncts, Confirmations, Dtaths, F.n-pagtmtnts, Marriafts, Messts, Mtmoriams, Resolu­tions) ntttpttd until 10 P. M. for publication tht jolloimno dtiy cr from S A. M. to 1 P.M. (11 A. M. on Saturdays) for publication in tht ntxt available edition of tht saint day's paper. Tht Vital S'o-tict rait is 90 ants ptr lint.

MAin.4*6000 /•

GROOM—Suddenly on Novem­ber 12, WILLIAM J. GROOM, be­loved brother of J o h n J., Mary Ki l -kenney, Margaret Rooney, Peter, Robert, Edward and George Groom. Funeral from the John T. Gal la­gher Funera l Home, 2549 Church Avenue, on Monday a t 9:30 a.m. Solemn requiem maso Holy Cross Church a t 10:00 o'clock.

HAYNES—On November 12, W I L ­LIAM H.. beloved husband of Mary (nee Sleavin) ; fa ther of James and William, Mrs. Mary Flynn, Mrs, Cather ine Clancy; brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Supple, Edward and Agnes Haynes, Funera l Monday morn ing from his residence, 549 56th St.; r e ­quiem mass Church of Our Lady of Perpe tua l Help, 11 o'clock. I n t e r ­ment Calvary Cemetery.

HUNTER—On November 12, 1937, CAROLINA E., of 1093 E. 18th St., beloved mother of Carroll H., Ed- | wina V. Schwar tz and Celeste Mc- ! Elvare. Services a t Ericson & Eric-son's Chapel , 500 State St., Sunday af ternoon at 2 o'clock.

JUDD—On Friday, November 12, in his 56th year, CHARLES F. Jr.,, beloved son of Elizabeth Judd (nee' Ke ul em a ns F a n d T h e laTe"Charies~F. Judd_S:L;_hr.ather._oI. .Mrs-El izabeth. Babcock, Mrs. Cornelia Wood and the la te Mrs. Florence Wandell . Funera l services a t his residence, 788 Macon St., Brooklyn, on Sunday-evening, November 14, a t 9 o'clock. Funera l Monday a t 2 p.m. In t e r ­ment Evergreens Cemetery.

KERR—On Friday, November 12, 1937, FREDERIC L . beloved hus ­band o f Rae J. Costelloe and father of John C , Mary B., Freder ic L. J r . and J a n e t Kerr . Funera l from his residence, 698 Sterl ing Place, Mon­day, November 15, a t 9:30 a jn . ; thence to St. Igna t ius Church . I n ­terment. Calvary Cemetery.

LOGAN—EDNA SMITH, wife of Brooks W. Logan, died November 12. Services Sunday, November 14, a t the residence, 31 De Koven Court, Brooklyn, a t 4:30 p.m.

MacDONALD—WILLIAM, on No­vember 12, 1937, beloved husband of Elizabeth Hoefer; also survived by four daughters and one son. Funeral services Sunday, 8:30~ p.m., at—his residence, 522 17th St. In t e rmen t Monday, 2 p.m., Evergreens Ceme­tery, under direction of M. J. Smith Sons.

MacQUEEN—On November 12. 1937, IDA NOWACZEK MacQUEEN, beloved wife of William H. Mac-Queen of 87-33 95th Street , Wood-haven. Services a t the chapel of N. F . Walker, 86-07 Jamaica Avenue, on Sunday a t 4 p.m. In t e rmen t at Evergreens, Monday at 10 a.m.

MATHEWS—On Friday, Novem­ber 12, 1937; ROBERT; beloved~hus--band of Amelia Mathews. Services a t the Fairchild Chapel, 86 Lefferts Place, on Monday a t 12 noon.

McGRATH — KATHLYN (nee Browne) on -November--11,^ a t he r residence. 833 42d St., beloved wife of Howard; devoted mother of Wil­liam and Howard Jr.;~"also survived by her father, four brothers , two sisters. Solemn requiem mass Mon­day, November 15, a t 9:30 a.m. a t St. Cather ine of Alexandria Church. In t e rmen t Holy Cross Cemetery.

NASS—On November 11. 1937, a t her home, 339 73d St., ERNESTINE, beloved mother of Mrs. Augusta Weismuller and sister of Valentine Beyer; also survived by two grand­children and one great -grandchi ld . Services a t Fred Herbst Sons Me­morial, 7501 5th Ave., Sunday, 2 p.m. In t e rmen t Green-Wood Cemetery.

O'CONNOR—On Thursday , No­vember 11, 1937. a t 195'- East 38th Street , ANNA C. O'CONNOR, be­loved wife of James J. O'Connor (N. Y. F . D.).; mother of John, Mar ­garet and Anna Frances O'Connor; daughter of Mrs. Mary Hanning . Funeral Monday. 10 a.m. Solemn mass of requiem at St. Thomas Aquinas R. C. Church . Flatbush. I n ­terment Holy Cross Cemetery.

PHELAN—On Fridav, November 12, CHARLES A., of 2036 E. 29th St., brother of Frank W.. John M„ Annie M. and Florence Phelan. F u ­neral from the Walter B. Cooke. Inc., Funera l Home, 1218 Flatbush Ave.. Monday. 9:15 a.m.; thence to the R. C. Church of Good Shepherd, where a solemn requiem mass will be offered. I n t e r m e n t Holy Cross Cemetery.

Atlee Pomereno

Rites Set Monday For—Grid

Special to The Eagle Rockville Centre, Nov. 13—Funeral

services will be conducted Monday for Paul D. Anderson, 9, of 99 Rock­ville Centre Parkway, who died yes­terday in South Nassau Communi­ties Hospital. T h e boy was injured Thursday evening while playing football on the lawn in front of his home to show his father and brother Joseph, 11, he could "tackle just as well as the big fellows."

Joseph, carrying the ball, was tackled by Paul , and both went down. A few moments later, Paul complained of feeling dizzy, and shortly af terward he became uncon­scious.

Taken to the hospital, the boy was found to be suffering from a head injury. ,

His mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Anderson, were a t the bedside in the hospital unti l dea th claimed thei r , son. Paul . Is survived by another brother, Dennis.

The funeral will be from the home, followed by a mass of requiem a t 9 o'clock in St. Agnes R. C. Church, followed by burial in Holy Cross Cemetery, Brooklyn.

Rabbi J. Chosak, Diet Supervisor

Rabbi Joshua Chosak of the Volo-shlner Yeshlva of Brooklyn died yes­terday a t his home, 496 New Jersey Axe.,...8.fter. an.. ilhiejs_..Qf._s^yeral. weeks. He was 72.

Rabbi Chosak had been resident supervisor for the Jews dietary laws a t the S tuhmer bakery. He previ­ously had held pulpits in Chambers-burg, , Lewistown and : Shippensburg. Pa., and in Maine.

Surviving are his widow, three daughters , Mrs. Sidney Siegel, Fr ie ­da and Minnie Chosak, and five sons, Harry, Max, Saul, Abraham a h a Morris Chosak.

Clears Broderick

Atlee Pomerene, Ex-Senator, Dies

Teapot Dome Prosecutor, Former Boss of RFC —Boomed for President

Cleveland, Nov. 13 (/P) — Atlee Pomerene, former D e m o c r a t i c United Sta tes Senator from Ohio and several times mentioned for the Presidency, is dead.

Suffering from an at tack of broncho-pneumonia, the . 73-year-old former Senator who assisted in the prosecution of the Teapot Dome oil lease cases and who later be­came cha i rman of the Reconstruc­tion Finance Corporation, died at his home last n ight following an ill­ness of several weeks.

Pomerene served two terms in the United States Senate, his first as a leader of t h a t body under President Woodrow Wilson.

He gained recognition as a candi­date for the Democratic presidential nominat ion in 1928. In 1919 he was boomed for the White House but the moyement_faileo^ to reach nat ional proportions. —Funeral-serviccs-wlll-be- held here-Monday and burial will be at Can­ton, Ohio,

•Eight-eighths American Senator Pomerene was consid­

ered too frank In his opinions to be a good politician and this frankness apparently prevented h im from be­coming a greater factor when Presi­dential candidates were considered. His Indifference to any part icular class was demonstra ted during his first term in the Senate . He spon­sored the Armed-Ship bill against the wishes of German sympathizers who at tha t time were fighting all legislation considered by them as unfair to Germany. His answer to one opposing the Armed-Ship bill was typical. He said:

"You go to hell. I would far ra the r be a plain American citizen than a German Senator. "Later In a speeck he added, "I am two-eighths F r e n c h . and six-eighths German, but when it comes to my citizenship, I am eight-eights Amer­ican."

One of 11 Children Born in Berlin, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1863,

he was one of 11 children. He graduated from Princeton and re­ceived his law degree from Cincin­nati Law School. He was the only Democrat elected when chosen Prosecutor In Canton. His fame became widespread during this pe­riod of his District Attorneyship. He prosecuted Anna George, accused In the murder of George Saxton, brother of Mrs. William McKinley. He was Lieutenant Governor and Democratic S ta te Chai rman.

-—As-a~Senator he helped create the Federal Tariff Commission, favored the Colombian Treaty, was for re­servations to the Versailles Peace Treaty, al though for the League of Nations; opposed the Prohibit ion aM""Wom&n Suffrage-Amendments . He opposed certain features of the New Deal, criticizing the Roosevelt Administration for "expending money on one hand to Increase pro­duction and on the other hand spending to decrease production."

Charles A. Phelan Charles A. Phalen of 2036 E. 29th

St.. for many years an automobile salesman, and for the last 10 years a representative of the Postal Tele­graph Company, died yesterday in Mldwood Hospital after a brief ill­ness. He was 69.

Surviving are two sisters, Annie and Florence Phelan, and two brothers, F rank W. and John M. Phelan.

Frederic L. Kerr; Was With RFC

Active in " Fraternal Services

Church and G r o u p s — on Monday

ROME—On Friday. November 12. 1937, GEORGE, husband of the late i Blanche A. Rome; father of Mrs. | Florence M. Gar re t t . Services a t the Fairchi ld Chapel . 89-31 164th ! St.. Jamaica , on Monday a t 2 p .m. ' In t e rmen t Cypress Hills Cemetery.

T R E Z I S E - I D A A., wife of the late Ar thur R. Trezise. on November 12, 1937, beloved mother of Ar thur | A., J o h n E.. William G. and Mrs. Marion Ehrengar t . Services Sun- j day evening. 8:15. a t Roemmele 's! Funera l Par lors . 1230 Bu.^hwick Ave., Brooklyn. Funera l Monday. 11 a.m. In te rment Evergreens Cemetery. Direction of Benjamin Grindiod.

Of Beating Charge Detective John Broderick, some­

times refer red ' to as New York's "most hard-boiled cop." was exon­erated yesterday by Commissioner Valentine of charges he had beaten an accused parole violator to such an extent tha t he was permanent ly crippled.

The inquiry Into the case lasted a month . "There is no reason for any disciplinary action against De­tective Broderick," Commissioner Valentine announced.

The complaint had been made by Louis Bickhofer. 38. who said when Broderick arrested him June 25 he "fractured my ribs, crushed a bone in my knee and dislocated my jaw." The Commissioner said he had in­formation tha t the injuries were old ones suffered 15 years ago.

Catherine Holloway Mrs. Catherine Holloway died a t

her home, 318 Lincoln Road, on Thursday. She was born here 77 years ago. She had been a par ish­ioner of St. Joseph's R, C. Church for many yrars ; and when making her home in Flatbush became a regular a t t endan t of the Church of St. Francis of

Mrs. Holloway is survived by her husband. Roy Holloway; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Hammond and Mrs. Mar-

| garet Carsen, and a brother, William i Gat ens.

Funeral services will be held a t her home on Monday at 8:30 a.m. After a requiem mass a t the Church of St. Francis of Ass Is I. the Inter­men t will be held a t Holy Cross Cemetery.

Frederic L. Kerr, connected with the Reconstruction Finance Cor­poration for several years, died yes­terday at his home. 698 Sterling Place, after a short Illness. He was born in St, Louis, Mo., and lived in Brooklyn for 30 years. While In St. Louis he entered the banking business and later became vice president of the In te r s t a te Trus t Company. New York. He was pres­ident and treasurer '• of St . Vincent de Paul Society of St. Ignat ius R. C. Church, former member of the Cathedral Club and Knights of Co­lumbus, and a member of the Xavler Alumni Sodality.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Rae J. Costelloe Kerr , and four children, John C , Mary B., Fred­eric L. J r . and Jane t Kerr . Fu­neral services will be held Monday a t 9:30 a.m., with requiem mass at St. Ignatius R. C. Church and in­terment in Calvary Cemetery.

Edna Smith Logan, Charity Worker

Mrs. Edna Smith Logan, wife of Brooks W- Logan, died yesterday a t her home, 31 DeKoven Court, in her 59th year, after a long illness. She was born in Wassick, Dutchess County, N. Y„ J an . 16, 1879, and as a girl entered the Poughkeepsie Hospital to train as a nurse. She re­mained in the profession only a short time, unti l her marr iage.

She came to-Brooklyn-30-years-ago and took an active par t in benevo­lent and chari table projects of the city, especially among the colored people. She was the founder and the first president of the Dorcas Guild of Caroline Weeks Kindergar ten Board and remained active in tha t and the Flatbush Day Nursery Board unti l her illness. Mrs. Logan was a member of Flatbush Congregational Church and the Barre t t Free Kind­ergarten Board.

She is survived by her husband, a son, William F. Logan; her mother, Mrs. Myron Smi th ; a brother, Frankl in Smith, and a nephew, Myron Smith . Funeral services will b*r held tomorrow "at he r - home - a t 4:30 p.m„ with in te rment in Amenia, N. Y.

Samuel Davis, 88, Book Publisher

Issued Magazines of the Tobacco, R a d i o and S w e e t Foods Fields

Samuel Davis of 1237 43d St., a resident of Brooklyn for more t han 50 years, died yesterday in Israel Zion Hospital of complications

which followed an injury to his h ip two weeks ago. He was- the father of Edward H. Davls ; publisher of business papers in the tobacco, radio and sweet foods fields.

Mr. Davis was born In Hungary in 1849 and settled in Brooklyn where he resided ever since. In the early years of his life, prior to his ret irement, he was In the cigar and stationery business in Brooklyn. He was a widower and is survived by another son, Phil E. Davis, and thn;e daughters , Mrs. Ber tha LeVlne.Mrs. Aaron G r a n t and Mrs. Rose Silk.

Funera l services will he held a t 2 p.m. tomorrow a t the Fla tbush Me­morial Chapel, 1283 Coney Island Ave. I n t e rmen t will be in Wash­ington Cemetery.

— ^ - — - 7 — ~ AGED ENGINEER DIES

Morristown, N. J., Nov. 13—Ben­jamin Day, for many years engineer on the "Millionaires' Express" of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad between this place and New York, died at his home here today after a long illness. He was 92 years old.

Ernest Nichols Special to The Eagle

Sea ford—Nov. 13 — Funera l a r ­rangements were being made today for Ernest Nichols 42, of Mer­rick Road, who died yesterday in Meadowbrook Hospital , East Meadow.

On Aug. 23. Nichols lost control of his automobile and it struck a tree in Massapequa, He had been In the hospital ever since with a fractured skull and in ternal i n j u r y les.

His wife, Helen,-29, was with him at the time, and was released from the hospital recently. The couple had no children and operated a lunchroom here.



Private Rites Held For E. C. Proctor

Private funeral services for Edgar C. Proctor, former private secretary to Mark H a n n a and to William Mc­Kinley when the la t ter was Presi­dent, were held yesterday a t the Park West Memorial Chapel. 115 W. 79th St., M a n h a t t a n . Cremation followed a t Fresh Pond Crematory, Middle Village.

Mr. Proctor died Thursday at his | home, 9 Kew Gardens Road, Kew Gardens, after a short Illness. He was 63. |

Born In Richmond. Va., the son of Edgar C. and Virginia Bruce Proctor, he moved to Cleveland ' n :

his early 20s and was associated with Mr, H a n n a when the latter was one I of the most powerful figures in the] Republican party. He assisted Mr. Hanna in the McKinley campaign,! and when the President went to the

I White House, accompanied him as i an aide.

. QUEENS BETTES. CHARLES R. (Oct . 29V E s t a t e .

S5.000 real and $15,000 pe r sona l . To wife, F r a n c e s H. Be l t s . 11-79 Beach 9 th St . , F a r Rockaway . real p r o p e r t y and four - f i f ths of the res idue : Rober t M u r ­r a y . P l a n d o m e . o n e - t e n t h of the res idue : C laude a n d Cha r l e s Be t t e s , 1,1410 Mot t Ave . Inwood . r e m a i n d e r of res idue Va len t ine W. S m i t h of Mat t i tuc lc , execu­tor .

DIXON. MARY A. (Oct . 22V E s t a t e , SS.000 real a n d $5,000 persona l . To s i s t e r s . F r a n c e s Chceseman . 39-50 65 th St. , Woodslde . and El izabeth Weller. H o r ­

s h a m . Eng land . $30 Oeach: res idue to h u s ­b a n d . Wil l iam Dixon. 39-50 65th St . . Woodslde . and sons . Rober t Dixon. 94 G l e n l a w n Ave . Sen Cliff: A r t h u r Dixon. 37-37 64th St . . Woodslde . and Cha r l e s Dixon. 39-50 05th St . . Woodslde . The h u s b a n d and son, Robe r t Dixon, execu­to r s .

MA1.ER. ANTHONY 'Nov. 3V E s t a t e , $5,000 real and $20,000 pe r sona l . To s i s ­te rs . E l izabe th Guy . 71-49 68th 81 . O lenda l e . and Eva Dor ing of 40 W a l n u t Ave.. F lo ra l Parle, execu to r s .

VICTORY. LOUIS ( J u n e 2 3 ' . Es ta t e , less t h a n SI.000 real and $4,000 persona l To wife. M a r g u e r i t e Victory, a n d son. Rob-

• er<. Victory. 85-36 151st St . J a m a i c a , e s t a t e in t r u s t , the p r inc ipa l pass ing to t h e son a ' t h e dea th of the wife. E u ­gene Victory of B5-30 151st, St . , J a m a i c a , execu to r .

EASTERN D I S T R I C T Pe t i t ion Filed — Against

IS IDORE KAPLAN, k n o w n n Uzy K a p l a n , Ins t a l lmen t dea ler . 1061 Eas t 4 th St . . by L. & H. G. Goods te ln , Inc . , $200; A. Phi l l ips k Sons, Inc . , $200, and U D -d«r Bros. , $200.

P e t i t i o n ! F i l ed—By JOHN A. BISHOP, also known a.s J o h n

A. P l i spanen , s a l e sman , formerly p a r t n e r of Bishop <fc 8 t o d d a r d . 45-29 40th St . , L o n s I s l and Ci ty—Liab i l i t i e s $5,911.29, assets S2.040 tof which $2,000 Is In In­s u r a n c e pol ic ies) .

ALBERT BOCK, b r i ck layer . 2.413 P u t n a m Ave. —Liabi l i t ies $9,876.22, asse t s $1,030 lof which $1,000 u in i n s u r a n c e poli­cies V

ANNA and M O R R I S KRAMER. Individual ly and as member s of t h e firm and c o - p a r t ­ne r sh ip of A. K r a m e r , excava t ing and c o n t r a c t i n g . 885 Sheffield Ave.—Liabi l i ­ties $3,668.03. no asse t s .

BERNARD LAPIDUS. shoe feeder, 1087 Carrol l S t . — l i a b i l i t i e s $978 83. asse ts $14,075 tof "which $14,000 is In i n s u r a n c e policies i.

DAVID LEVICK. s a l e s m a n . 3601 Kings Highway—Liabi l i t ies $4,437.15. no asse ts .

THOMAS J. MASIN. also known as T. M. Masonc . and as T. J . Mason and as T. J . Mats-en, m e c h a n i c , 987 Bedford Ave.— Liabil i t ies $4,157.72, asse ts $1,000 t in Insurance policies) .

IRA E. MAY. indiv idual ly and former ly doing bus iness as Super ior Pear l B u t t o n Co., selling b u t t o n s , 1302 Newkirk A v e — Liabil i t ies app rox ima te ly $2,500, no as ­se ts .

M O R R r 3 PERLOW, unemployed , f loricul­tu r i s t . 228 Ter re l Ave. , Oceans lde—Lia ­bili t ies $10,181. no asse ts .

HARRY POLLACK, unemployed , formerly real e s t a t e o p e r a t o r . 26 Cour t St., resid­ing a t 1131 Lincoln Place—Liabi l i t ies $60,861.64, no asse t s .

HYMAN ROBBINS, sales r ep re sen t a t i ve . 47-21 41st St. , $3.455.8.6, ^ o . j a i t s ^ ^ ^ . .

LUDWIG SATZ, ac tor , 4222 Surf Ave.— Liabi l i t ies $25,881.86. asse ts $14,397.50 (of which J12.50O is in i n s u r a n c e pol ic ies) .

M O R R I S SPODEK. unemployed , g a r a g e helper . 3749 N e p t u n e Ave.—Liabi l i t ies $1,695.50. no asse ts .

JOSEPH WALDMAN, m a n a g e r , 1557 West 6;h St .—Liabi l i t ies $6,650. asse ts $6 . :oo iof which $6,000 is In insurance, poli­ce . ! i.

WALTER THOMAS WIEDER, l iquor sa les ­m a n . 9229 Shore Road —Liabil i t ies S139,-767.79. no asse ts .

WILLIAM ZITO. also known as Wil l iam Sieto, a n d as Giuseppe S'.eio, and as Wil­l iam Slto. and as Will iam Zel t to . a n d as Will iam Zl t to . unemployed- laborer .

Samuel Dorsett, Old Choir Singer

Samuel E. Dorsett, a tenor In the choir of Baptis t Temple for more than 25 years, died yesterday a t the Baptis t Home. Greene and Throop Aves. in his 76th year. He was a resident of Brooklyn for many years and was connected with the B. M. T. for 36 years without losing a day for Illness.

In his early years he was a mem­ber of the former Tabernacle Me th ­odist- Church, and—later- joined- the Baptist Temple, where he sang in the choir until five years ago. Fu­neral services will be held a t the Baptist Home Monday at 2:30 p.m. with in terment in Green-Wood Cemetery.

CHARLES A. PHELAN. connec ted with

t h e Pos ta l Te legaph for t h e pas t ten

years , died yes te rday a t his home , 2036 E.

29th St . , In his 70th year . He was born

in Hal i fax , Nova Scot ia , a n d lived In

Brooklyn for 30 yea r s . He was formerly

R sa l e sman for Over land N a s h Motors a n d

the Br igh ton Exchange Auto Agency. He

is survived by t h r e e sons, F r a n k , J o h n M.

and D a n n y ; a d a u g h t e r . F lo rence P h e l a n .

F u n e r a l services will be held on Monday a t

10 a.m., wi th r eau iem mass a t Good S h e p ­

herd R. C. C h u r c h a n d I n t e r m e n t lu Holy

Cross Cemete ry .

F. W. Carlin Jr., Lawyer's Brother

City Employe and Former Salesman, One-Time All-Scholastic Football Star

Frederick William Carlin Jr . of 235 92d St. died yesterday at his home after a n illness of several months . He was born in Brooklyn on April 21, 1889, and was educated at Polytechnic Prepara tory School, where he was an ali-scholastic foot­ball halfback. He worked as a sales* man for various companies and was in recent years employed In the De­pa r tmen t of Educat ion.

Surviving are his widow, Helen Cassidy Carlin; a duaghter , Evelyn; three sons, Alvin, Wilfred and Fred­erick; his father, Frederick William Carlin of Rockville Centre; thre« brothers, Col. Walter Jeffreys Ca r ­lin, nothed lawyer and member of the Board of Education; George A. Carlin of Garden City, and Capt , T h o m a s G. Carlin of Washington, D—CL Interment__will ^be_in_JrlQly_ Cross Cemetery following a requiem mas i a t St. Patr ick 's Church on Monday a t 10 a.m.

99-3« 41st Ave. , Queens—Liab i l i t i e s $827.14, no asse ts .

B a n k r u p t c y D l s c h a r t e j S a r a h Rosenzwelg, 663 S u t t e r Ave : Max

Elsenberg. 14 Woodslde Ave ; Ell Krupen , 548 East 92d St . : J a c k S c h w a r t z . 773 Eas t 2d St . ; Louis L a n d a u . 1099 E a s t 51st St : Pe te r Monglove. 244 P r e s i d e n t St . : Ellas Klein . 3099 B r i g h t o n 6 th S t . : Raffaele Carbone . 1361 57th St . : Alois and Louise Wissmeler , 2172 R o c k a w a y Ave. ; S a m u e l J . Cohen. 1689 Union S t .

A b r a h a m Bass ln . 182 S u t t e r Ave.; Wal te r Golds te in . 1580 Pres iden t St . : H a r r y G a r e -lick, 1820 Avenue V; Pa t r i ck B. Noone. 356 Bergen St . ; Andrew De Marco , 1073 S u t l e r Ave.: Hipolit Sysko. 262 Siegel 6t ; Rose Melnick. 65 Bay 29th St : Samuel A. F ink le . 1634 52d S t . : Phi l ip Win l t sky . 1202 Avenue K; R a e R. R a p e l a n s k y , 8684 20th Avenue.

Michael R a p e l a n s k y , 8731 20th Ave.: W. Gera ld Cla r ry . 650 Ocean Ave.: Mollie Greens tc in , 4213 Sea G a t e Ave.: H a r r y R o t h m a n . 1230 E a s t 31st St ; Maxwell K r o n o w l t r . 2929 West 32d S t . : A b r a h a m Eskind , 748 S a r a t o g a Ave.; Moses and Jenn ie Eps te in . 191 Eas t 51st St . ; F r a n k Burg , 410 E a s t e r n P a r k w a y : Phi l ip M a s ­te rs . 1651 West 9 t h St . ; Sa lva to re Ba r -biere, 644 E a s t 89th St .

H a r r y Rub in . 691 D e c a t u r St.. and Rich­a rd S. Ell iot t . 78 8 th Ave.: Phi l ip Got t l ieb . 13 Allison Place. G r a n t Ci ty . S. I : Pear l G i a n g r a n d e . 110-03 101st Ave.. R i c h m o n d Hil l : J o h n J . Deu t sch , 68 M o u n t Joy Ave .

, F r e e p o r t : L o r e t t a M. S h a n l e y . H e a t h c o t e Sunnys lde—Liabi l i t i es I Road . E l m o n t ; Rober t P . S w a n . 43-05 F o r -

ley St. . E l m n u r s t ; Edwin" Hf-T/ohnsdii, 19b-' 32 111th St. , S t . A lbans .

R a y m o n d Kinney . 67 Hi l ton Ave.. G a r d e n Ci ty ; Ph i l ip B r o p h y , 4Q9 Beach. 138th St., Rockaway Bear:-.: Cosmos Chr i s t ' don iou . 84-35 Bouievard . Rockaway Beach : B P . ^ ; C Allen, 23-03 43d St., Q u e e n s : J o h n Bir.ri-r u m . 104-37 '133d St . . R i c h m o n d Hill: David Goldner , 604 Beach 69!h St . Ar-verne:- Jacob G o l d n r r . 450 Beach 67th St. , Arverne ; Nicholas Chiodo. 24-30 41s! St., Astor ia , and F r a n k Herzog 32-06 48th St., Astor ia ,

Appraisals K I N G S

F E R R I S . C A T H E R I N E A. (July 12. !937K Gross a s -e t s , $51,189; ne t . $49,350 To bro ' .her . F r a n k J . Fer r i s Chief a s se t s , real e s t a t e . $4,500: s tocks and b o n d s , $2,415: m o r t g a g e s , notes , cash a n d i n ­s u r a n c e . $7,585; jo in t ly owned p r o p e r t y . $29,814: t r a n s f e r s . $6,874. G W. a n d W. M. W m a n s . a t t o r n e y s , 124 M o n t a g u e St .

FUSCO. MARIE (April 14. 1937V Gross a s . sets . $6. 300; ne t . $3,049 To h u s b a n d , F r a n k Fusco. Chief asse ts , rea l e s t a t e , $4,500: m o r t g a g e s , no te s , cash a n d I n ­s u r a n c e . $550; Joint ly owned p r o p e r t y , $1,250. M u r r a y R. P a r i s , a t t o r n e y , 521 5 th Ave , M a n h a t t a n .

OLOVER. LULU M. (Nov. 10. 1936) . G r o s s asse ts , $9,789; ne t , $6,148. To Soph ia B r a u n , Til l le P r a u and Mar ie Hofsls , $10 each Dan ie l J . Fu l l e r t on . $ 2 6 1 : G u s t a v e S t r l n l n s k l . r e s idua ry e s t a t e . Chief asse t s , real e s t a t a e . $5,000' m o r t ­gages, no tes , cash a n d I n s u r a n c e . $1,093; misce l laneous p r o p e i t y . $3,696. J o h n M. Wilson, a t t o r n e y . 215 M o n t a g u e St .

SWEENEY. ALICE ( Ju ly 9. 1932 • G r o s s asse ts . $14,293: ne t , $13,108. To s i s te r , C a t h e r i n e Sweeney. Chief asse t s , m o r t ­gages , n o i e s - c a s h a n d i n s u r a n c e , $1 000; joint ly owned p rope r ty , $13,293.

W R I G H T . J A M E S (July 9. 1937). G r o s s asse ts . $11,676: ne t . $9,678. To s i s te r , C h a r l o t t e W r i g h t . Chief a sse t s , real e s ­t a t e $5,500: s tocks a n d bonds . $596: m o r u a g e s . no tes , c a h and I n s u r a n c e , $3,214: misce l l aneous p r o p e r t y . $650; specific s tocks . $442; specific bank a c ­coun t . $1,303. S. M. and D. E. Meeker , a t t o r n e y s , 1 H a n s o n P lace .

QVEENS EWOLDT. PAUL F. E. (Oct 5. 19361.

Gross asse t s . $36,023. ne t , $28,439. T o g r a n d d a u g h t e r s . M a n e and Mur ie l Ewo'.dt. $500 each ; d a u g h t e r . K a t h r y n Ewoldt . $4,000 and o n e - t h i r d of t h e res idue ; r e m a i n d e r to sons. Fred J. a n d Louise E. Ewoldt . O u t s t a n d i n g ho ld ings In bonds and m o r t g a g e s E d w a r d J , B a u s c h , a t t o r n e y , 84 G r a n i t e St . , B r o o k -lyn . . .

KEENE. P E T E R A (Feb . 28) G r o s s asse t s , $24,341; ne t . $22,667. To wife. Virginia. Keene . O u t s t a n d i n g ho ld ings In rea l p r o p e r l y . David J . W a g n e r , a t t o r n e y , 85-16 167th St . . J a m a i c a .



Surviving arc his Edith Proctor, and Proctor.

widow, a son,

Mrs. Jack


WALOKN—On Saturdav , Novem­ber 13. 1937, ERNEST H., beloved husband of Adele Rebecca and father of Ka th ryn Rector. Services at his residence, 32 Commonweal th Boulevard, Bellerose, I/ong Island, Monday at 8 p.m. I n t e rmen t Green­field, Cemetery, Hempstead.

WENZ—ANNA (nee WolO, on Friday November 12. 1937, beloved mother of Margare t Jan ls . Clemen­tine Eangren, E m m a Bantzhaff. Ruth Wenz, Joseph Jahrsdoerfer and Louis Wenz; sister of Margaret Hagen and Mamie Klob. Services at. her residence. 60-14 69th Ave. (88 Foxall St .) , Rldgewood. Tuesday. 10:30 a.m. Interment Evergreens Cemetery. Arrangements by Wel-gand Brothers .

Dcatbs W H I T E - F R E D J., on November

12, beloved husband of Alice White, and loving father of Ered Jr., P a ­tricia and Robert. Funera l from his home. 1 Van Siclen Court, on Monday a t 9:30 a.m. Funera l mass a t St. Malachy's Church . I n t e r m e n t St . John ' s Cemetery.

3ht ffflfemonam We have just published *

booklet of

"In Monioriam" Vcrnca

You may obtain « copy of trill booklei, vtifhoui charge, by calling «ft t\j T*krtiT.r »t MAin 4-6000.

SUknoUilctifvinciUS FEROUSON—I wish to extend my

heartfel t t hanks and appreciat ion for the acts of kindness, mc-sages of sympathy and beautiful floral offer­ings received from my kind friends a n a neighbors dur ing my recent be­reavement in the loss of my beloved i wife, JULIA FERGUSON.


George A. Ford George A. Ford, a member of the I

Brooklyn Highways Depar tment for i 33 years, died suddenly.yesterday at his home, 19 E. 18th St., in his 74th j year following a hear t attack. He was born In Brooklyn, entered the Civil Service a.s a young man and retired three years ago. He was for- j merly a member of the Society of • Old Brooklynite.s. lie is survived : by his widow, Mrs. Matilda Ford, ' and a daughter , Mrs. Amy F. Doblin. | Funeral services will be held tomor- I row at 3 p.m., with in terment in Greenwood Cemetery.

Events Tonic/fit D l n n e r - m e f l l n t of the S i lu r i ans a t the I

Hotel Lafaye t te , M a n h a t U n . 7:30, The 15th A. D. Post of the N a t l o n i : i

War V e t e r a n s Associat ion will tender a j t e s t imonia l d inner to A«semb! rm»n-E>c t I John Smolensk! a t Mi l i ta ry T e r r a c e , 181 Greenposn! Ave.

Annua l c a r n i v a l . f l r ru« and ha»ar nt , Queensborough Lodge, No. 878, Benevol ra : '• and Protec t ive Order of Rlks. a t the K:k< ' Home. Queens Boulevard. E lmhurs t . for one week. The ba».ar will close one week from ton ight .

Meeting of the New York S c h o o l m a t e : < ' Club In the Aidlne Club Hoomi, 200 S'.h

fl. SADOWSKY. AUCTIONEETR. SEl.If l Nov. 15. 1937. 9:00 a m . 1510 Coney I s land Ave.. Brooklyn. Chevrole t Sedan . Motor No. C648643, r e t aken from Louis M u t t e r p e a r l .

^ . ' ~ S A D O \ v i K " Y r ^ U C T l 6 N E F . l V " s E I . L S Nov. 15. 1937. 9:13 a m . 880 Coney Is land Ave.. Brooklyn . Ford Coach. Motor No. 2790189, r e t aken from Anthony Delflno

" s7 - .VAD'o \v3KYr~Ai ;C- r iONEER."""sF l . I .S Nov. 15. 1937. 8 45 a m . 1592 Coney Is land Ave . Brooklyn. G. M. C. t r u c k . Motor No. ; 856595. r e t a k e n from Lester Hoffman

~'C. H. A J S E L M A K , AUCTIONEER, SELLS Novjyr.ber 15, 1937. at 9 00 a m . a' 2248 ! Ciyl rch Ave.. Brooklyn. P lymouth Sedan j Motor No. 123789. r r i a k e u from Elliott and j 1.elnn C h r i s t o p h e r . %

"C.rir" AbEI.MAN.""At:(-! I t )NKEIl . "sEr! . f l j November 29. 1937. »' 5 00 p.m.. a t S20 ic i f l i f c A t l an t i c A v e . Brooklyn, Fo :d V i r i o n *

.Coupe ( w r e c k e d ' . Mo:nr No. A-4762031. accoun t of Nora Ca the r ine and .iani<-s Connolly, D13-21 »

AARON LEIFER, B a n k r u p t . Notice Is hereby given that , on Nov. 6,

1937, th» said p a r t y was ad jud ica ted b a n k r u p t ; and t h a t t he first meet ing of c red i to r s will be held a t the Pos t Office Bui lding. Room 209. Brooklyn, New York, on Nov. 23, 1937, a t 10 30 a.m.. a t which t ime the c red i to r s may a t t e n d , prove the i r c la ims, a p p o i n t a t r u s t e e , e x a m i n e the b a n k r u p t , and t r a n s a c t such business as may properly come before sa id mee t ing .

EUGENE F. O'CONNOR J R ^ R e f e r e e ,

HARRY FREIBAUM, B a n k r u p t ! Notice Is hereby given t h a t on Nov. 8.

1D37. the said p a r t y was ad jud ica ted b a n k -r u n t : and chat the f i rs t mee'.i::g ot credi t ­ors will be held a t the Pos t Office Bui ld ing.

: Room 209, Brooklyn , New York, on Nov. 23 j 1937, a t 10.30 a.m.. a t which t ime the

c red i to r s m a y a t t e n d . p r o \ e the i r c la ims . I appo in t a t rus tee , examine the b a n k r u p t ,

and t r a n s a c t such bus iness as may p r jpv r -ly come before said mee t ing .


FREDA SCHLESINOER. B a n k r u p t . Notice Is hereby given ' t h a t on Nov. 3.

1937. t h e said p a r t y was ad jud ica ted b a n k ­rup t , and t h a t the first meet ing of c red i t ­ors will be held a t the Post Office Bui ld ing . Room 209, Brooklyn , New Yorg. on Nov. 23. 1937, a t 1Q..30 a m , a t which t .me ihe c red i to r s m a y a t t e n d , prove ;helr c la ims , appo in t a t ru s t ee , examine the b a n k r u p t and t r a n s a c t such bus iness as may proper ly come before said mee t ing .




C. H-.-ADKl.MAN... AUCTIONEER. SELLS i November 29. 1937. at 10 00 a m . at '.'52 j Emerson Place. Brooklyn. Ford fltallon I Wagon. Motor No. A230877. a ccoun t of | Romeo and or Remlgio Arr ighl . r.l.3-2t s

C. I l " " A D E I A I A N . AUCTIONEER. 3K1.L8 Nov. 22, 1937. a! 10 45 a m . at P.8 Dobbins St . . Brooklyn . I n d i a n * Truck Motor No. JXB-557087 accoun t of C h a l l e n i e r Ut i l i ­t ies Co . Inc . nfi-vt s

H 6 . SCHON2F.1T, A U C T T O N R B R . SEI IS Nov. If.. lf)37. 1 0 1 5 a m . 744 Hertford Ave . Brooklyn . Mark Tr_uck.J^oUr_NoT)A644^69.

r . A W N H R O K F . R S S A L E

* ~ KST A T B ~ O T ~ K OO EN E ROS E N B A UM' B. Auctioneer*. J Kelly. I„ Fe ldhuhn , 1

In C cmorfnm ALFONSIN—In loving memory of

a devoted husband and father, WILLIAM ALFONSIN. who passed away November 13, 1929.

Sur.shlnp fades and shadow. ' fall. hi: sweet r e m e m b r a n c e ou t l a s t s al l .


COLLINS - In loving memory of EDGAR A. COLLINS .Jr. Fifth An­niversary mass November 13. 1937.

'TU five year* ago today fluue God called yo;i » » a y

Arid » « -who loved you more t h a n all , Misl yon niorr f*ch day .


Asf , M a n h a l t a n . f> OOj Annua l dance of Uie I m p r o m p t u Cohorts !

a l . t l i e Hotel Astor. M a n h a t t a n . 9 00. I i t a m a r tt«n-A\l. lust a r r i w d f r o m '

Pa les t ine , will speak on t h e subject "Storm o u r P a l e s t i n e " under the auip lce* o; the S r m A t e fclonUt Dis t r ic t a t the S e . t s i v

! Chapel , 8.00. Dance and e n l e r l a l n m e n t of the Bt sh- i

Inn Beach Ror« Associat ion a t the IHlf ;

Moon Hotel. Coney I s land , ft OO. Dance of Phi S.gma K a p p a F r a t e r n i t y I

«! the \V»Morf-A«torl». M a n h a t t a n , 9 00. Dance of the J u n i o r W o m e n ' s Auxiliary

of the F la tbush Boy ' i Club » l t h e Hotel Boiser t , 9:00.

TIDK TABLE (By the V. ft Coast »nd O e o d f t k s u r v e y )

( E a s t e r n S t a n d a r d T i m e !

I Kl rschr .e r , a nv



f l u s h W a t e r I A M I P.M

Sand; Hook The Battery Hell Gate. .

2 4rt 1 1 ! S DO

3 07 3:2fi 5:26


Smidv Hok The Ba t t e ry Hell G a t e

3 4ft 4 :f> rVOO

4 10 4 31 H 30

sell at 70 B o a e r y at 9 Nov. 18—By order Est J J rTlfl, 1471

Bway . d i a m o n d s , s i lverware . Je-selry and s e c o n d - h a n d watfhr . i , pledged from 26350 of M a r 1. lfl3K, to 47949 of Ju l ? 3 ! . t<W. and all pledges held o \ n . also for 987 Myrt le A v e . from 1IA9: of J u n e I, 1935 to 21500 of Sep t . 15 |93fi n i l - f i t ou«

Nov 1 9 - Bv order M. B r u c k h e i m e r ' s 8on«. Inc . 705 G r a n d fit . d i a m o n d s , si',. v e r * a r e , Jewelry and s e c o n d - h a n d ma tches . Pledged from 2M*2 of July lfi. 193*. to 36118 of Oct 15, ISJS; »;>o n.l o the r pledges for anv re»*on not sold a t b r rv lmts nales. from 26391 of Dec. 23. 19.>3. to 43931 Ot Dec. 31 , 1935. r,12ftl OTU

CKNTRA1, ATJCmON CO.. JOHN J G I B B S . Auct ioneer , «elli a t 152 C a n a l 8 t „ M a n h a t t a n . N e t York City, at U a m . Nov. 11 1037. for McAleenann ' . 150 L A W -renee St., un redeemed pledge* of d i a ­mond*, t e c o n d - h a n d wa tches . Jewel ry , i l l -v * r « a r e . etc 7072, »ep t J8 1636 to 7822. Oct. 15. 1036. and all p ledee i held over from p r e c i s ta les nfl-7t Osu

JACOB SHONOUT. INC. AUCTIONEF.nft 82 Bo« ery N Y. C Bells *t 9 A M Nov lft. 1»37. C l o i h l n t e:e Edels te in Bros . 5-37 B:irden Ave I. 1 City from

- i 22594 of Mar ?. 1936 to 37385 of Oft . 17 ', th t* o rde r 10 1.1 10 JA )S3f| .1 .t fla\er 662 i t . « ! . . • • . » » . . .«< 10 56 II 03 I 78487 of Nov. 1 1936

l.ow Water _A ;M. I P M

V l S 9 38 10 f>3 10 17

' , 1 4 2 :

F.le No. 7375 1037 T H E PEOPLE OF T H E 8 I ATE OF NEW

YORK, by the Brace of Clod free and lnd r -penden t To Hon. J o h n J . Benne t : J r . . as At to rney O e n e r a l of Ihe SlRte of New York, and to all d i s t r i bu t ee s , h e i r - - n i - i a w or nex t of kin of C o n s t a n t S imon O a t l -l a rd . deceased, whose r.htncs and post of­fice addresses a rc u n k n o w n and c a n n o t u t t e r d i l u e n t Inquiry be a s e e r ' a l n r d by the pe t i t ioner h e r e i n . And If any . of said d is t r ibu tee* , h e i r s - a t - l a w or next of kin of C o n s t a n t S imon (Milliard, deceased , de.iil, (hen Mien h u s b a n d s or w l \ e s , any . d i s t r ibu te?* and successors In ::'.'c:>.-; Whose iiHmff. p; :u ' t j of v*.stder.ce a n d pO?'

nddrc - scs a re u n k n o w n and c a n n o t a l t e r d i l u e n t inqu i ry be . a s c e r t a i n e d by the pe t i t ioner he re in , belli* all i>> t -•• >n-in te res ted as d i s t r i bu t ees h e l r s - a t - l a w or nex: of kin. SEND OREKTING

Wherea s . HULOA HANNEMANN, who res ides—at—435— Eft? ' .—"Oth—Stree'- -OHy-4 -County »nd S t a t e of New York, h a s p r e ­sen ted a pe t i t ion p i a y l n g for a decree l h a i a c e r t a i n I n s t r u m e n t in w r i l l n s hcamiK da t e the 30ih day of May. 1935, t e l a t m i to real and pe r sona l p r o p e r l y , be duly proved as the las t will and t e s t a m e n t of C o n t e n t " S imon ( l a l l i a rd . deceased , la te ly r e s l d l i u »! No. 236 W a s h i n g t o n Avenue. , in the Borough of Brooklyn , City ot New York.

Now. There fore , you a n d . e a c h of you flfe hr'rcliy t i l ed 16 show cause befo ie our S u r r o g a t e ' s Cour t of t h e Coun ty of Ki ims. to be heid at the Hail of Records , in the County of Ktn«s . on the 9:h day of I )e-semtifr . H137, »'t 9 30 0'tlflCk in the foif-noon. why such decree r h a u ' d n o : be made

In Tes t imony Whereof. » e h .s \e caused he Seal of our said S u r r o g a t e " !

1 . : ; to he h e r e u n t o affixed Wi tness . Hon OKOROE At.-B K R T W I N C . A T K S u r r o g a t e of o ,- va.ri County , at the n n(i<itn of nr .^oklsn In the sal.t Counts-, Ihe 5th day of November -.t>37.

PERCY r . 8TAPLBTON, < • • .if the S u r r o g a t e s Cour t .

nr,.4; »

8UPREME C O U R T K I N G S C O U N T Y -REVERE HOMES, INC., Plaintiff, a s a i n s t IDA C. CLARK, widow and devisee of WILLIAM H. CLARK, la te of the County of Kings , deceased: C H A R L O T T E BERGE, If l iving, and if she be dead , her heirs , d i s t r ibu tees , devisees, execu to r s a d m i n i s ­t r a t o r s c red i tors , l ienors and g r a n t e e s and the i r h u s b a n d s , wives or widows, heirs , d i s t r ibu tees , devisees legal r ep re sen t a t i ve s , c red i tors , lienors', g r a n t e e s and successors in In teres t and the i r h u s b a n d s , .wives or widows, if any . all of whom and whose n a m e s are u n k n o w n to the Plaint i f f , De­fendan t s .

To the above n a m e d d e f e n d a n t s and to each of I h c m :

YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED !o answer t!:c c o m p l a i n t in t in s ac t ion , and to serve a copy of your answer , or . if the compla in t Is not served with th i s s u m ­mons , to serve a no ' i ce of a p p e a r a n c e en the plaint iff 's a t t o r n e y s wi th in twen ty days after the service of th i s s u m m o n s , exclusive of t h e d a y of service , in case of your fai lure to a p p e a r or answer . J u d g ­ment will be t aken aga in s t you by defaul t lor the relief d e m a n d e d in the compla in t

Dated. Sep tember 16th. 1937 WATSON, K R I S T E L L E R A: S W I F T At­

t o r n e y for Plaintiff, Office and P () Addtess, 68 Wil l iam S t i e e t . Borough of M a n h a t t a n . City of New York. N. Y

'1 o the following nr.ined d e f e n d a n t s In this ac t ion

CHARLOTTE BERGE. If ll-.lng. and If she be dead , her he i r s , riisinbu'ees de -tf-ees executors , a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , creditor . ' , l ienors and g r a n t e e s and ihe i r h u s b a n d s ! wives or widows, he i rs , d i s t r i bu t ees , de-t i s e e ; . l ega l - r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , creditors-, l ienors, g r a n t e e s and successors m i n ' e r -est and thei r h u s b a n d s , wives or widows, if any all of whom and n a m e s a t e unknown -o the plaintiff.

The lo re^omg s u m m o n s U served upon you by publ ica t ion , p u r s u a n t •.•• an o ide r of Hon. Meier S'elnbrlr.V.. Jus i l fn of the Supreme Cour t of the S l a ' e uf New York da ted the 3d day of November! .1937 anri filed with the compla in t in the office o! the Cleric of the County of a t Brooklyn. New York.

T h e object of th i s fletl-,n Is to p rocure 0 JucUmenl t h a t t h e d e f e n d a n t s and every person c la iming u n d e r t h e m or any of | t hem subsequent to the filing of the r.otice j of prnri»iicy of thl<. a e ' l o n . he l iar ted from ;

all c laim ' o a n es ta te in the real p r o p - i lie i eCy s i t u a t e in Kings Coun tv , bounded and i if : d e - r n b e d as follows

ALL tl-.a- c e t t a i n lot, piece or pa-cel of | l.ind. with the bu i ld ings arid i m p r o v e m e n t s i the reon r r e ( ' e d . s i t u a t e ; ;>nig and being i in the Borough of Brooklyn , Countv . of

Kings. City and S t a t e of New York. I iv:nrtrd and dr eri lyri as ;o;lo\t ' .

! BKOINNING r,' t he corner fo.-med hy ' h e in te r sec t ion of the n o r t h e r l y . .de

u u l i - M»»-.wt»'.eriy rsilr ,-.' :8t)i S t r e e t ; r u n n i n g t l tenee wes te r 'v -the n o r t h e r l y side of Avenue Y. 2H 44 fi

westerly side of the r i g h ' - o f - w a y New

U N I T E D STATES MARSHAL'S SALE— By v i r t ue of a W r i t of Vend i t ion i E x p o n a s lo me d i r ec t ed a n d del ivered I will sell a t Publ ic Auct ion on Monday . November 15th, 1937. a t 12 o'clock Noon. E a s t e r n S t a n d a r d T ime , t h e Pile Dr iver "No. 4 , " engines , etc . a t Brewer ' s Dry Dock 2933 R i c h m o n d T e r r a c e . M a r i n e r s Ha rbo r , S t n t c n I s land . New York. Docket 68-316. Da ted , November 6 th , 1937. JOHN T. LITTLE, ESQ. P r o c t o r for L ibe l lan t ; R O B E R T Q. LINDSAY. UNITED STATES MA.RSHAL, E. D . N. Y. n 6 - i t OSU

U. S MARSHAL'S SALE—By v i r tue of a n Orde r Issued by the Uni ted S t a t e s D i s t r i c t Cour t , E a s t e r n Dis t r i c t of New York, a n d signed hy t h e Hon. C la rence O. G a l s t o n , U. S Dis t r i c t Judge . I will sell a t Publio Auct ion on W e d n e s d a y . November 17th. 1937. a t 32 o'clock noon . E a s t e r n S t a n d a r d T i m e , the Ba rge "O 'Boyle B r o t h e r s . " boil­ers, eng ines , e tc . . a t Ou te r Bridge. Kill Von Kuil . S l a t e n I s land . New York. Docket 68-168. Da ted . November Rth 1937. LEO J HICKEY. UNITED STATES AT­TORNEY. PROCTOR FOR THE-U--S MAR­SHAL. E. D , N. Y. N O B F . R r G. LINDSAY, U. S. MARSHAL. E. LVT N. Y.

n 8 - 9 - 1 0 - l l - I 2 - 1 3



any service, worn, m a t e r i a l s or suppl ie* for T h e City of New York or for any of Its d e p a r t m e n t s , b u r e a u s or offices shal l fu rn ish the s a m e In a sealed envelope. In­dorsed with the t i t le o f t h e suppl ies , m a -

; t e r i a l s . work or service for which the bid I Is made , wi th his or the i r n a m e or n a m e s i and the da t e of p r e s e n t a t i o n to the Pre? ; -| dent of the Board or to the head of the.

D e p a r t m e n t , a t h is or Its office, on or be ­fore the da t e and hou r named In the ad ­ve r t i s emen t lor t h e same , a t which t ime

j and place the bids will be publicly opened i by the P re s iden t of the Board or head of ] said Depar t m e n t arid read , and the award : of the c o n t r a c t made accord ing to law a* ! soon t h e r e a f t e r as p rac t i cab le

Each- bid shal l c o n t a i n the n a m e a n d ' pluce of res idence of the person m a k i n g

Ihe bid and the n a m e s ot all p e r r o n s ' I n ­te res ted wi th him t h e r e i n , and If no o the r

i person be so in te res t ed it shal l d is t inc t ly I .^tate t h a t fact , also t h a t it Is made wi th -) out a n v connec t ion » l l h a:.v o the r person I m a k i n g a bid for t h e .same purpose , and :s

in- all respec ts fair and wi thou t collusion | or f raud, end ' h a t no member of t h a j Board of Aldermen, head of a . d e p a r t m e n t .

,-!-,ief of a b u r e a u , d e p u t y t!.er'<-r-! or clerk 1 ' h e r e i n , or o the r officer or emplcyee of ! The Ciiy of New York. is. shal l lie or be­

come in t e re s t ed , d i rec t ly or It-.d..-.>•>. a» c o n t r a c t i n g pa r ty , p a r t n e r , s tockholder .

• sure ly or o the rwise , ::i or In ' l ie r e r fo : : : : -; of the c o n t r a c t , or i n the supplies . • work nir bus iness to w h l r h it r e i s t f s . or ::i

any por t ion of the pfo l i l s thereof. T h e bid" be verified bv the o C n :r. « • ' . -i v ' : t he p a r t y or p i r t i r ; ma ' . : : .• t>--r h d

. t i n t Ihe >--\era; m a t t e r s < 'atcd t h e ; e m are i m all respects t r u e .

No b'.il . h a l l be considered •;•'•-••- as a F=f5'i'-' C " d ! ' —n nrrcerrrr t t t n—' frr " - p - 7 T "rTr~i5T"

cpr iJ ldcrat ipn of r-urh b.ri. !', -. a . f c m -pan i rd bv a cert if ied check .. .' t! * S t a t e or Na t iona l h a n k s or t ru s t compan ie s

rmer ly of New York and M a n h a t t a n : ot The (';•» "f New York. • a e h r r * of Reach Rai lway C o m p a n y ; no r the r ly such hir.K or t rus t CompAM Mgl-rd bv a i.ona said r i g h t - o f - » a y and p s r a : > i or duly au thor ized officer " - , ' r e T . d r a » n I

NO. 27.281. VICTORY T E X T I L E P R I N T I N G COR-



Ihe p la i t , : . : : hav ing applied to Ihe Cour t for an order for s r r U e e upon the de fend­a n t . I sadore F u h k l n and t h e wirto*. h c t s . r ep re sen t a t i ve* and c red i to r* of- t h e de­f e n d a n t J a r o h Rosen tha l , bv pub l i ca t ion , and It appea r ing to the C o u r t t h a t said app l i ca t ion should be g r a n l e d .

ORDFRF.D. Tha t not .ee of t h e pendency of sa id compla in t be given -o ihe defend­a n t . Isftdore FishV.n. and to the turiow, he i rs , re i,, (•><•:,IA: \ < and c r r d i t c t s of | he d c t t n d a r u Jacob Rosen tha l , bv piihiishttig

\ . i» . . r .

\) 46

• RISES *.ND srra RUM.6.4CJ 8 u V . i 7 4 c r j ^ " R l s « i r . T r

M a n h a t t a n Ave . to n i l . 12 .13 .15

Nov 19. 1937 nktvi l r s w n o r o V f i s Inc , 5704 5th Ave ' fo rmfr iv 610j* jt.h Ave i. rtl»r-md«. I rwf l ty . .sf,-on<i-iii;-..1 w a t c h e s .

!nbfr 14 I odds »nd ends, from 11150 ot Julr ?n. 1 «.•.*. 'TmirT.^Trr707iW^r-NiTvnirrfiT/6: TsnT3nr

.i. The fi-fO w s i Drtfl«, r . i newspaper p r in ted In Brooklyn Ne» York once a week, ih ree * r e k s MVce ssTvely

: commencing on or before ::.r :3th dar of Nos-fr '

By the ( HENRY (?. HIOOlNfl . Clerk

w —*— —nttr-Jo-ar

I nea r ly so Tv|-h Eas- i a t h S t r ee t . 437 4 | feet lo the s o u t h e a s t e r l y side of Emmers

Lane as moi iumen ted ' h e n c e n< .-•'-,cA'--J r r l y along the sou thea s t e r l y side of < > <i j Fmmer.« Lane , 3 o ? 5 fee. ; 0 ;)•,.. wester ly

side ,.f IRili S l r?c ! Snrj :fietife sou lhe r ly along ' h e *e*ter !y of T.-w

I !8 th S t r e e ' . 447 72 feet to the co rne r , t he , point or place of beg inn ing

WATSON, KR18TELLEH A S W I F T At-1 t o r i i ev ' f«r PlafnfffT. Office and T O

.V!drr<.t. fig Wil l iam S ' . r f f Boroui M a n h a t t a n , C r y of N. n York, N Y

I ' ' ' S t t p R r A i t t OUR KlNi • COUNTY

JOHN PAFRAK. Pla in! ft ,g*in • . 'FNNIK FA? It AK l>rfcnd*!:i p inun -,- \ :'. r A ;C Divorce Plaint rf .:-> ; ; , . ; , ..

• County a- the pise•• i ! : I To tt.e iiiinf named <;• ',

YOU ARK HF.HF.nv SUMMONED lo a n -I s» e: : b r forriplosn! in this • •'•

sf,-»e ... ropy r.f your . 'iis-jf:, oi If the compla in t is ne t served wi th ' . - , , . . . inons. ' o serve a nol tce of . i n v , - . -the PUij.lirT s attorney » thin iwenlv , )»»-. . i frr me service of this summons <v-f l - i sne (,; . ; , r rf>r 0f , , . » : , - , . , „ ; .a u, f . u i , of 'your fa;: : te to a p p e a r o r flr jjfj m e n t Mi l be t a k e n agains t vou by dffmil l for t h e relief d e m a n d e d In tiie P la in t .

D a t r d . New York. S e p t e m b e r J7 th 1937 NATHAN K ORtNDRR Attornet- for

Plaintiff. OJtlce ond P. O A'M:r«- 14«,7 B r o * d » a y . Borough of M a n h a t t a n . < New York.

To JF.NNIF, FAFRAK-fl.e foregoing ai immon* Is <<-r\.*i<.

- ' . . r a t ion , p u r s u a n t ;.-, an . ' HON JOHN H McCOOEY ; : » ,1 i«l cc of ; ' h e S u p r e m e Cour t of t h e S ta t e of Nf»

Y i • d e e d October . •: 193 with t -e compla in t in the ,-:v c< C erl f>( ihe i • m i s of K n«s on the Jftih rial (.1 October , 1937

Dat fd Nf* VAT'S Oclonef 1 NATHAN K O R I N n R R , v rncy for

Plaintiff. Offire e n d P. o Address n v , Broadwav . Borouch of M a n h a t t a n Cti» of


the o rde r of the Comp ' r i ll«r or rr.<:-".- or r o r p o r a t c stock or rer t : I l i Hes <f - . r t -ver i -ness of i ny i n : i-e issued b t The c . v ef N ' w York, which Ihe C-vnp ' r - i l e r sbnl ! a p p r n e \ s T e . - .a ; value •» .;; . •:;• -r\- i r . ' r m u m : in :i-.e adver l i semf r.t I tha amoun t 1 of no! Ir-s t h a n t h r " n " - more t h a n five p e r e e r t u u i of the boi : rc i ' i i r cd as iirov/ided In R » t : .: 4.'0 T ' t .e N t » Yoik C h a r t ! i

A'! bids for suppl ies must be < ibmlt ted in .!•:-.- !i » ' e

Ihf f r t i r i c d rr-.e-k or m e n ' s < - . ,; rot, ' " .. 1 • (1 ;-i t:.e er.s • -I-' • • • •* ' ' e I ' d t V should t e f-.lher !• •• - - ' • ! hi a >ep»; i ' e < : . e ope a-' •;•

D e p a r ' m e i Pre lueiil • it - ' r . , . , r n ! * -

- r d

• - o f t h e » ' - : < :?'.••<• ' r r.iA e - i p i t . : ! , . . - > - '

! it s rd or !>CPJ ' • '

No hid sh., • • a w a r d e d lo any person wh i - r e a r s •n I he ( :". f NfW Yors ron'ract , <>r *hn is a de! titer ss surcn

'.'wl<e, upon anv oUlic :.•-; •• I -Cl'.T.

The contract* - t be bid for .--v> , - r.g;.: is resenfd if) t >. . PI * 'o

rejert all t> r)s if ;• :.< dccrnfd to I t i e intcrcs! pf '' ' (-;•" -•• to '

B'dd' ts w.II write Mil ' ,-: rhftr btdt in arir: e r>n\t in f i i u t ' s .

Bidders a rc upon t: -: shed ;--\ :!.•- r , ' i > cop' , ' •• the p! OT ' ' ' . l l t h a copy ' • tr- t.

n* t h e specific*) i approved hv th» ) -:• • ••

•r »t tha A | : . • -. . < , . • :; •

- - ihe services: are to be furnished P;.T.< sftd d-.s•«*•--, of con-

pfhV6ta- \ j,iivjuHcra-iwric-m«?-:fe« "•»« t ' . "» .

„ . . . — ^ . . . . . . „ , . t . . . ^ . . . B£^AM£«kKM^ • • • — - — — ' - - - - - - - iiiiiirfiiiiirjtiiiiiWititliiiimiiiiiinhiyrif<(ih'ti< u it n *fMBH«iiiiimiii>wiii Muni iiniii ' t. niiniitii m 11 HMJ i w w n Aitout*ltNim~maMm»^*

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