new english in use eso 3 galician b burlington books€¦ · design fashion accessories /xbhom...

1 New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books Getting Started actress /'DYWpLg/ actriz aeroplane /'CLpLUoCBm/ avión architect /'EYBWCYW/ arquitecto/a beach /VAWi/ praia cave /YMd/ cova chef /iCc/ xefe/a de cociña, chef cloudy /'YoPXi/ nubrado/a (it’s ~: hai nubes) coast /YNgW/ costa computer programmer /YLlUqIWL 'UpLHZpDlL/ programador/a informático/a cruise ship /'YpIh iBU/ cruceiro desert /'XChLW/ deserto dry /XpO/ seco/a, ermo/a engineer /CmbB'mBL/ enxeñeiro/a ferry /'cCpi/ transbordador foggy /'cFZi/ de brétema / néboa; bretemoso/a, neboento/a (it’s ~: vai néboa) forest /'cFpBgW/ bosque hairdresser /'kCLXpCgL/ peiteador/a helicopter /'kCoBYFUWL/ helicóptero inventor /Bm'dCmWL/ inventor/a island /'OoLmX/ illa jeep /bAU/ todo terreo judge /bJb/ xuíz/a lake /oMY/ lago lawyer /'oGqL/ avogado/a lightning /'oOWmBn/ raio/s, relampo/s, lóstrego/s lorry /'oFpi/ camión minivan /'lBmidæm/ monovolume model /'lFXo/ modelo motorbike /'lNWLVOY/ motocicleta, moto mountain /'lPmWLm/ montaña musician /lqI'hBim/ músico/a ocean /'Nim/ océano photographer /cL'WFZpLcL/ fotógrafo/a pilot /'UOoLW/ piloto politician /UFoL'WBim/ político/a postman /'UNgWlLm/ carteiro rainforest /'pMmcFpBgW/ bosque / selva tropical rainy /'pMmi/ chuvioso/a river /'pBdL/ río scientist /'gOLmWBgW/ científico/a scooter /'gYIWL/ vespa, scooter sculptor /'gYJoUWL/ escultor/a singer /'gBnL/ cantante snow /gmN/ neve sunny /'gJmi/ solleiro/a (it’s ~: vai sol) thunder /'eJmXL/ trono tram /WpDl/ tranvía TV host /WA'dA kLHgW/ presentador/a de televisión underground /'JmXLZpPmX/ metro valley /'dDoi/ val warm /rGl/ cálido/a, temperado/a waterfall /'rGWLcGo/ fervenza, catarata windy /'rBmXi/ ventoso/a, de moito vento (it’s ~: vai vento) writer /'pOWL/ escritor/a yacht /qFW/ iate Unit 1 annoyed /L'mQX/ amolado/a, molesto/a antisocial /DmWi'gNio/ antisocial; insociábel basis /'VMgBg/ base bucket /'VJYBW/ caldeiro, balde carry /'YDpi/ levar cheerful /'aRco/ ledo/a, alegre, xovial confused /YLm'cqIhX/ confuso/a, confundido/a, desconcertado/a crab /YpDV/ caranguexo crawl /YpGo/ arrastrarse delighted /XB'oOWBX/ encantado/a develop /XB'dCoLU/ desenvolver downstairs /XPm'gWSh/ abaixo, ao piso de abaixo (polas escaleiras) dream come true /XpAl YJl 'WpI/ soño feito realidade energetic /CmL'bCWBY/ enérxico/a enthusiastic /BmeqIhi'DgWBY/ entusiasta, afervoado/a explore /BY'gUoG/ explorar feel lonely /cAo 'oNmoi/ sentirse só/soa female /'cAlMo/ femia fill /cBo/ encher get off /ZCW 'Fc/ baixar de (vehículo) glider /'ZoOXL/ planador hot-air balloon /kFW'CL VLoIm/ globo de aire quente irritable /'BpBWLVo/ irritábel journey /'bKmi/ viaxe; traxecto kite /YOW/ papaventos last /oEgW/ durar Glossary

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Page 1: New English in Use ESO 3 Galician B Burlington Books€¦ · design fashion accessories /XBhOm 'cæim LYgCgLpih/ ... harmful /'kElco/ daniño/a, ... New English in Use ESO 3 Galician©

1New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books

Getting Startedactress /'DYWpLg/ actriz

aeroplane /'CLpLUoCBm/ avión

architect /'EYBWCYW/ arquitecto/a

beach /VAWi/ praia

cave /YMd/ cova

chef /iCc/ xefe/a de cociña, chef

cloudy /'YoPXi/ nubrado/a (it’s ~: hai nubes)

coast /YNgW/ costa

computer programmer /YLlUqIWL 'UpLHZpDlL/ programador/a informático/a

cruise ship /'YpIh iBU/ cruceiro

desert /'XChLW/ deserto

dry /XpO/ seco/a, ermo/a

engineer /CmbB'mBL/ enxeñeiro/a

ferry /'cCpi/ transbordador

foggy /'cFZi/ de brétema / néboa; bretemoso/a, neboento/a (it’s ~: vai néboa)

forest /'cFpBgW/ bosque

hairdresser /'kCLXpCgL/ peiteador/a

helicopter /'kCoBYFUWL/ helicóptero

inventor /Bm'dCmWL/ inventor/a

island /'OoLmX/ illa

jeep /bAU/ todo terreo

judge /bJb/ xuíz/a

lake /oMY/ lago

lawyer /'oGqL/ avogado/a

lightning /'oOWmBn/ raio/s, relampo/s, lóstrego/s

lorry /'oFpi/ camión

minivan /'lBmidæm/ monovolume

model /'lFXo/ modelo

motorbike /'lNWLVOY/ motocicleta, moto

mountain /'lPmWLm/ montaña

musician /lqI'hBim/ músico/a

ocean /'Nim/ océano

photographer /cL'WFZpLcL/ fotógrafo/a

pilot /'UOoLW/ piloto

politician /UFoL'WBim/ político/a

postman /'UNgWlLm/ carteiro

rainforest /'pMmcFpBgW/ bosque / selva tropical

rainy /'pMmi/ chuvioso/a

river /'pBdL/ río

scientist /'gOLmWBgW/ científico/a

scooter /'gYIWL/ vespa, scooter

sculptor /'gYJoUWL/ escultor/a

singer /'gBnL/ cantante

snow /gmN/ neve

sunny /'gJmi/ solleiro/a (it’s ~: vai sol)

thunder /'eJmXL/ trono

tram /WpDl/ tranvía

TV host /WA'dA kLHgW/ presentador/a de televisión

underground /'JmXLZpPmX/ metro

valley /'dDoi/ val

warm /rGl/ cálido/a, temperado/a

waterfall /'rGWLcGo/ fervenza, catarata

windy /'rBmXi/ ventoso/a, de moito vento (it’s ~: vai vento)

writer /'pOWL/ escritor/a

yacht /qFW/ iate

Unit 1annoyed /L'mQX/ amolado/a, molesto/a

antisocial /DmWi'gNio/ antisocial; insociábel

basis /'VMgBg/ base

bucket /'VJYBW/ caldeiro, balde

carry /'YDpi/ levar

cheerful /'aRco/ ledo/a, alegre, xovial

confused /YLm'cqIhX/ confuso/a, confundido/a, desconcertado/a

crab /YpDV/ caranguexo

crawl /YpGo/ arrastrarse

delighted /XB'oOWBX/ encantado/a

develop /XB'dCoLU/ desenvolver

downstairs /XPm'gWSh/ abaixo, ao piso de abaixo (polas escaleiras)

dream come true /XpAl YJl 'WpI/ soño feito realidade

energetic /CmL'bCWBY/ enérxico/a

enthusiastic /BmeqIhi'DgWBY/ entusiasta, afervoado/a

explore /BY'gUoG/ explorar

feel lonely /cAo 'oNmoi/ sentirse só/soa

female /'cAlMo/ femia

fill /cBo/ encher

get off /ZCW 'Fc/ baixar de (vehículo)

glider /'ZoOXL/ planador

hot-air balloon /kFW'CL VLoIm/ globo de aire quente

irritable /'BpBWLVo/ irritábel

journey /'bKmi/ viaxe; traxecto

kite /YOW/ papaventos

last /oEgW/ durar


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2New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books

make (one’s) way /lMY rJmh 'rM/ facerse camiño

male /lCBo/ macho

manned /lDmX/ tripulado/a

miserable /'lBhpLVo/ triste, tristeiro/a; desalentado/a

newborn /'mqIVGm/ acabado/a de nacer

on (one’s) own /Fm rJmh 'Nm/ só/soa, sen axuda

on the way /Fm fL 'rM/ de / no camiño

overcome obstacles /NdLYJl 'FVgWLYoh/ superar obstáculos

purpose /'UKULg/ uso, utilidade; fin, obxectivo

race /pMg/ competir

reach (one’s) destination /pAa rJmh XCgWB'mMim/ chegar ao seu destino

red-headed /'pCXkCXBX/ rubio/a

ride /pOX/ paseo; viaxe

rise /pOh/ subir

rooster /'pIgWL/ galo

run out of /pJm 'PW Ld/ quedar/ficar sen

set off /gCW 'Fc/ saír

shocked /iFYW/ sorprendido/a, estupefacto/a

sight /gOW/ espectáculo

silk /gBoY/ seda

so /gN/ tamén

spacecraft /'gUMgYpEcW/ nave espacial

survive /gL'dOd/ sobrevivir

thrilled /epBoX/ afervoado/a, contentísimo/a

towards /WL'rGXh/ cara a

turn out /WKm 'PW/ resultar

upset /JU'gCW/ desgustado/a, molesto/a

window (shop) /'rBmXN iFU/ escaparate (tenda)

Unit 2abroad /L'VpGX/ no estranxeiro

act in a play /æYW Bm L 'UoM/ actuar nunha obra de teatro

appear on television /L'UBL Fm WCoBdBjm/ saír na televisión

archery /'EWiLpi/ tiro con arco

calm /YEl/ tranquilo/a

camping /'YælUBn/ acampada, cámping

canoeing /YL'mIBn/ piragüismo

commercial /YL'lKio/ anuncio

compose songs /YLl'UNh gFnh/ compor cancións

create sound effects /YpiMW 'gPmX BcCYWg/ crear efectos sonoros

crew /YpI/ tripulación

design fashion accessories /XBhOm 'cæim LYgCgLpih/ deseñar accesorios de moda

dig /XBZ/ cavar

direct a film /XLpCYW L 'cBol/ dirixir unha película

disappointed /XBgL'UQmWBX/ decepcionado/a, desilusionado/a

do charity work /XI 'WiDpLWi rKY/ traballar en obras benéficas

donate money /XNmMW 'lJmi/ doar cartos / diñeiro

earn a lot of money /Km L 'oFW Ld lJmi/ gañar moitos cartos / moito diñeiro

fake /cCBY/ impostor/a

get together /ZCW WL'ZCfL/ formarse, xuntarse

judge /bJb/ xulgar

learn survival skills /oKm gL'dOdo gYBoh/ aprender técnicas de supervivencia

lively /'oOdoi/ alegre, ledo/a

look up to /oHY 'JU WL/ respectar / admirar a

looks /oHYg/ aspecto; beleza

make a significant contribution /lMY L gBZmBcBYLmW

YFmWpB'VqIim/ facer unha achega significativa / considerábel

make pottery /lMY 'UFWLpi/ facer cerámica

manage /'lDmBb/ acadar, conseguir

orienteering /GpiLm'WBLpBn/ carreira con mapa e compás

perform in a band /ULcGl Bm L 'VDmX/ tocar nun grupo

perform on stage /ULcGl Fm 'gWCBXj/ interpretar / tocar / cantar sobre o escenario

performer /UL'cGlL/ intérprete

profit /'UpFcBW/ beneficio, proveito, ganancia

realise /'pALoOh/ decatarse de, darse conta de

represent his / her country /pCUpBhCmW kBh/kL 'YJmWpi/ representar o seu país

rock climbing /'pFY YoOlBn/ escalada en rocha

rocket /'pFYBW/ foguete

save the environment /gMd fL Bm'dOpLmlLmW/ protexer o medio ambiente / natural

scuba diving /'gYIVL XOdBn/ mergullo, submarinismo

seem /gAl/ semellar, parecer

study computer animation /gWJXi YLlUqIWL

DmB'lCBim/ estudar animación dixital / por ordenador

take /WMY/ tardar, demorar

take part in international competitions /WMY UEW Bm

BmWLmDimLo YFlUL'WBimh/ participar en competicións internacionais

weird /rBLX/ raro/a, estraño/a

windsurfing /'rBmXgKcBn/ windsurf

Unit 3arthropod /'EepLUFX/ artrópodo

backbone /'VDYVNm/ columna vertebral

backpack /'VDYUDY/ mochila

bay /VM/ baía

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3New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books

Glossarybelongings /VB'oFnBnh/ pertenzas

book a ticket online /VHY L 'WBYBW FmoOm/ reservar unha entrada / un billete por Internet

book your flight /VHY qG 'coOW/ reservar o voo

camera case /'YælLpL YMg/ estoxo da cámara

carriage /'YDpBb/ vagón

check the weather forecast /aCY fL 'rCfL cGYEgW/ comprobar o prognóstico do tempo

coastline /'YNgWoOm/ litoral

cucumber /'YqIYJlVL/ cogombro

first-aid kit /cKgW'CBX YBW/ botiquín / botiquín de primeiros auxilios

footstep /'cHWgWCU/ paso, pisada (follow in the ~s of: seguir os pasos de)

go for a long weekend /ZLH cL L oFn rAY'CmX/ marchar de ponte / fin de semana longa

go sightseeing /ZLH 'gOWgABn/ facer turismo

goods /ZHXh/ bens; produtos

guidebook /'ZOXVHY/ guía turística

heat /kAW/ calor

hire a car /'kOL L YE/ alugar un coche

insect repellent /'BmgCYW pBUCoLmW/ repelente contra insectos

luggage allowance /'oJZBb LoPLmg/ límite de equipaxe

make hotel reservations /lMY kNWCo pChC'dMimh/ reservar hoteis

map (n) /lDU/ mapa

map (v) /lDU/ elaborar / levantar un mapa

money belt /'lJmi VCoW/ bolso de cintura

passport /'UEgUGW/ pasaporte

piglet /'UBZoLW/ marrancho, rancho, leitón

plan an itinerary /UoDm Lm O'WBmLpLpi/ proxectar un percorrido / unha ruta

(be) reborn /pA'VGm/ renacer

set (table) /'gCW (WMVo)/ pór (mesa)

sleeping bag /'goAUBn VDZ/ saco de durmir

suitcase /'gIWYMg/ maleta

sunglasses /'gJmZoEgBh/ lentes de sol

sunscreen /'gJmgYpAm/ bronceador con filtro solar

take a break /WMY L 'VpCBY/ coller un respiro, descansar, acougar

take a tour /WMY L 'WT/ facer unha visita guiada

tent /WCmW/ tenda de campaña

toiletries /'WQoLWpih/ artigos de toucador

travel on business /Wpædo Fm 'VBhmLg/ viaxar por negocios

vintage /'dBmWBb/ antigo/a, de época

wharf /rGc/ embarcadoiro, peirao

Review 1crash /YpDi/ estrépito, estrondo

cry /YpO/ chío, ouveo

hunter /'kJmWL/ cazador/a

loud /oPX/ alto/a, forte

sharp /iEU/ afiado/a

trap /WpDU/ trampa

turn /WKm/ dar(se) a volta

Unit 4airport /'CLUGW/ aeroporto

art gallery /'EW ZDoLpi/ galería de arte

atmosphere /'DWlLgcR/ ambiente

away from /L'rCB cpLl/ lonxe de

bank /VDnY/ marxe

bicycle lane /'VOgBYo oCBm/ carril bici / para ciclistas

bowling alley /'VLHoBn Doi/ salón de birlos

bridge /VpBXj/ ponte

building /'VBoXBn/ edificio

car park /'YE UEY/ aparcadoiro

chapel /'aDUo/ capela

crowd /YpPX/ multitude, xente

demonstration /XClLm'gWpMim/ manifestación

exchange /BYg'WiMmb/ de intercambio

football pitch /'cHWVGo UBWi/ campo de fútbol

fountain /'cPmWLm/ fonte

gather /'ZDfL/ reunirse, xuntarse

hotel /kN'WCo/ hotel

hunt /kJmW/ caza, cazaría

landmark /'oDmXlEY/ lugar / monumento célebre

market /'lEYBW/ mercado

newsagent /'mqIhMbLmW/ tenda / quiosco de xornais

nightclub /'mOWYoJV/ club nocturno

office block /'FcBg VoFY/ bloque de oficinas

parade /UL'pMX/ desfile

pavement /'UMdlLmW/ beirarrúa

playground /'UoMZpPmX/ parque, zona de xogos

police station /UL'oAg gWMim/ comisaría

railway station /'pMorM gWMim/ estación de tren

roundabout /'pPmXLVPW/ rotonda

running track /'pJmBn WpDY/ pista de atletismo

sand /gDmX/ area

sign /gOm/ sinal

site /gOW/ páxina web

square /gYrS/ praza

statue /'gWDaI/ estatua

stick /gWBY/ pau

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4New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books

street /'gWpAW/ rúa

swimming pool /'grBlBn UIo/ piscina

tennis court /'WCmBg YGW/ cancha / pista de tenis

tower /'WPL/ torre

traffic light /'WpDcBY oOW/ semáforo

university /qImB'dKgLWi/ universidade

zebra crossing /hCVpL 'YpFgBn/ paso de peóns

Unit 5appetising /'DUBWOhBn/ gorentoso/a, sabedeiro/a

baked /VMYW/ ao forno

beef /VAc/ vitela

boiled /'VQoX/ fervido/a, cocido/a

cabbage /'YDVBXj/ col/coia, repolo

cauliflower /'YFoicoPL/ coliflor

cinnamon /'gBmLlLm/ canela

complain /YLl'UoMm/ queixarse de

cooked /YHYW/ cociñado/a; quente

court /YGW/ corte

cover /'YJdL/ cubrir

dairy /'XCLpi/ (produtos) lácteos

dessert /XB'hKW/ sobremesa

encourage /Bm'YJpBb/ animar a

fat /cæW/ graxa

fresh /cpCi/ fresco/a

fried /cpOX/ frito/a, fritido/a

frogs’ legs /cpFZh 'oCZh/ ancas de ra

frozen /'cpNhm/ conxelado/a

ginger /'bBmbL/ xenxibre

grain /ZpMm/ cereais

grilled /ZpBoX/ (asado/a) á grella

harmful /'kElco/ daniño/a, nocivo/a

increase /Bm'YpAg/ aumentar

itself /BW'gCoc/ mesmo/a, en si mesmo/a

lamb /oDl/ año

laugh at /'oEc LW/ rir(se) de

main course /lCBm 'YGg/ prato principal

mashed /lDiW/ en puré

mushroom /'lJipHl/ cogomelo

overweight /NdL'rMW/ gordo/a, obeso/a

pea /UA/ ervella, chícharo

pepper /'UCUL/ pementa

plain /UoCBm/ sinxelo/a, corrente

pork /UGY/ carne de porco

raw /pG/ cru/crúa

remind /pB'lOmX/ lembrar a

ripe /pOU/ maduro/a

roast /pLHgW/ asado/a

salty /'gGoWi/ salgado/a

sauce /gGg/ salsa

savoury /'gMdLpi/ salgado/a

shellfish /'iCocBi/ marisco

side dish /'gOX XBi/ gornición, acompañamento

snail /gmMo/ caracol

sour /'gPL/ agre, acedo/a

spicy /'gUOgi/ picante, moi condimentado/a

spinach /'gUBmBWi/ espinacas

starter /'gWEWL/ entrada

sweet /grAW/ doce

tasty /'WMgWi/ saboroso/a, gorentoso/a

till /WBo/ até, ata, deica

when it comes to ... /rCm BW 'YJlh WL/ no que se refire..., no que a... respecta / atinxe

Unit 6accept /LY'gCUW/ aceptar

annoy /L'mQ/ amolar, fastidiar

apologise /L'UFoLbOh/ desculparse, pedir perdón

arrogant /'DpLZLmW/ arrogante, soberbioso/a

beg /VCZ/ pregar, suplicar

betray /VB'WpM/ traizoar; delatar

celery /'gCoLpi/ apio

chew /aI/ mastigar, mascar

compromise /'YFlUpLlOh/ chegar a un acordo intermedio/ unha avinza / un arranxo

disagree /XBgL'ZpA/ non estar de acordo, estar en desacordo

disappoint /XBgL'UQmW/ defraudar, desilusionar, decepcionar

dishonest /XBg'FmBgW/ pouco honrado/a, deshonesto/a

embarrassed /Bl'VDpLgW/ avergonzado/a, avergoñado/a

embarrassing /Bl'VDpLgBn/ embarazoso/a, violento/a

faithful /'cCBeco/ leal

fall out with /cGo 'PW rBe/ enfadarse con

forgive /cL'ZBd/ perdoar

hairstyle /'kCLgWOo/ peiteado

hang out with /kæn 'PW rBe/ pasar o tempo / saír con

have an argument with /kDd Lm 'EZqHlLmW rBe/ rifar con

hurt (someone’s) feelings /kKW gJlrJmh 'cAoBnh/ ferir os sentimentos (de alguén)

ignore /BZ'mG/ non facer caso (a / de)

impolite /BlUL'oOW/ maleducado/a, descortés

inconsiderate /BmYLm'gBXLpLW/ desconsiderado/a

jealous /'XjCoLg/ envexoso/a; celoso/a

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5New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books

Glossarykind /YOmX/ amábel, atento/a

make friends /lMY 'cpCmXh/ facer amigos

make fun of /lMY 'cJm Ld/ burlarse / moquearse de; tomar o pelo a

manners /'læmLh/ condutas, comportamentos

milkshake /'lBoYiMY/ batido (de leite)

moody /'lIXi/ temperamental, de humor / xenio variábel

pick up /UBY 'JU/ coller

polite /UL'oOW/ educado/a, cortés

pushy /'UHii/ agresivo/a

radish /'pDXBi/ ravo

remain /pB'lCBm/ seguir / continuar (sendo, a ser / estando, a estar)

respect /pB'gUCYW/ respectar

risk /pBgY/ arriscar, poñer en perigo

rule /pIo/ gobernar

selfish /'gCocBi/ egoísta

sensible /'gCmgLVo/ asisado/a, xuizoso/a

sensitive /'gCmgLWBd/ sensíbel; susceptíbel

slurp /goKU/ sorber de maneira ruidosa

stand up for yourself /gWæmX 'JU cL qGgCoc/ defenderse

string /gWpBn/ febra

stubborn /'gWJVLm/ testán/ana, teimudo/a

touch /WJWi/ conmover, emocionar

trust /WpJgW/ fiarse de, confiar en

unreliable /JmpB'oOLVo/ pouco de fiar, que non é de fiar

wealth /rCoe/ riqueza

Review 2nurse /mKg/ ama (de leite, de cría)

Unit 7accused /L'YqIhX/ acusado/a

beat /VAW/ gañar (a)

bravery /'VpMdpi/ afouteza, valor

break into /VpMY 'BmWI/ entrar a roubar en

break the law /VpMY fL 'oG/ infrinxir / quebrantar a lei

cause damage /YGh 'XDlBb/ causar danos

climb /YoOl/ subida, ascenso

collapse /YL'oDUg/ derrubarse, esboroarse

commit a serious crime /YLlBW L gBLpiLg 'YpOl/ cometer un delito / crime grave

crash /YpDi/ chocar, esnafrar(se)

cut /YJW/ ferida, corte

dead /XCX/ morto/a

escape /B'gYMU/ fuxir, escapar(se)

face /cMg/ enfrontarse a

find you guilty /cOmX qI 'ZBoWi/ declararte culpábel

get-away car /'ZCWLrM YE/ coche de fuxida

go wild /ZLH 'rOoX/ tolear, enlouquecer, pórse coma tolo/a; desmandarse, desenfrearse

have difficulty breathing /kDd XBcBYLoWi 'VpAfBn/ ter dificultade para respirar

hood /kHX/ carapucha, caparucha

hooligan /'kIoBZLm/ falcatrueiro, aduaneiro

identify /O'XCmWBcO/ identificar (a)

in pain /Bm 'UMm/ con dor/es

innocent /'BmLgmW/ inocente

judge /bJb/ xuíz/a

look for clues /oHY cG 'YoIh/ procurar pistas / sinais

lose blood /oIh 'VoJX/ perder sangue

obey the law /L'VM fL oG/ obedecer / acatar a lei

prison sentence /'UpBhm gCmWLmg/ condena / pena de cárcere

provide /UpL'dOX/ proporcionar, subministrar, ofrecer

question /'YrCgWiLm/ interrogar; cuestionar

riot /'pOLW/ disturbio, motín

run away /pJm L'rCB/ fuxir

scene of the crime /gAm Ld fL 'YpOl/ lugar / escenario do crime

scholarship /'gYFoLiBU/ bolsa de estudos

search and rescue /gKa LmX 'pCgYqI/ busca e rescate

serious injuries /gBLpiLg 'BmbLpih/ feridas graves

set (fire) /gCW 'cOL/ prender (lume)

set out to /gCW 'PW WL/ ter a intención de, proporse

smash /glDi/ romper, esnaquizar

stab /gWDV/ acoitelar a

take care of /WMY 'YS Ld/ encargarse / ocuparse de, atender (a)

theft /eCcW/ roubo

trap /WpDU/ atrapar

trial /'WpOLo/ xuízo, proceso

turn oneself in /WKm rJmgCoc 'Bm/ entregarse (á policía)

unconscious /Jm'YFmiLg/ inconsciente, esvaído, sen sentido

van /dDm/ furgoneta, camioneta

warning /'rGmBn/ advertencia, aviso

witness (n) /'rBWmLg/ testemuña

witness (v) /'rBWmLg/ presenciar, ser testemuña de

Unit 8air conditioner /'CL YLmXBiLmL/ aire, ar acondicionado

cardboard /'YEXVGX/ (de) cartón

catch on /YDa 'Fm/ ter éxito, callar

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come up with /YJl 'JU rBf/ propor, suxerir

complicated /'YFlUoBYMWBX/ complicado/a

cordless phone /'YGXoLg cNm/ teléfono sen fíos

developing /XB'dCoLUBn/ en (vías de) desenvolvemento

dishwasher /'XBirFiL/ lavalouza

dramatically /XpL'lDWBYoi/ radicalmente

easy to use /'Ahi WL qIh/ doado de usar

effective /B'cCYWBd/ efectivo/a, eficaz

electric shaver /BoCYWpBY 'iMdL/ máquina de barbear

entertaining /CmWL'WCBmBn/ divertido/a; entretido/a, ameno/a

flop /coFU/ fracaso

food processor /'cIX UpNgCgL/ robot de cociña

freezer /'cpAhL/ conxelador

fresh water /cpCi 'rGWL/ auga doce

fridge /cpBb/ neveira, frigorífico

gadget /'ZDbBW/ artefacto, chisme, aparello

gas stove /'ZDg gWNd/ cociña de gas

hairdryer /'kCLXpOL/ secador de pelo

handle /'kæmXo/ manivela, manubrio

ingenious /Bm'bAmiLg/ enxeñoso/a

innovation /BmL'dMim/ innovación, novidade

iron /'OLm/ ferro de pasar

kettle /'YCWo/ fervedoiro (de auga)

keyboard /'YAVGX/ teclado

leaf /oAc/ folla

lilypad /'oBoiUDX/ folla de nenúfar

melt /lCoW/ derreterse

microwave oven /lOYpLrMd 'Jdm/ forno microondas

pad /UDX/ bloc / caderno de notas

power station /'UPL gWMim/ estación eléctrica

printer /'UpBmWL/ impresora

prove /UpId/ demostrar, probar

remote control /pBlNW YLm'WpNo/ mando a distancia

require /pB'YrOL/ necesitar, precisar, cumprir

reusable /pB'qIhLVo/ reutilizábel

revolutionary /pCdL'oIiLmLpi/ revolucionario/a

shape /iMU/ dar forma a (be ~d like: ter forma de)

simple /'gBlUo/ sinxelo/a

source /gGg/ fonte

steam locomotive /'gWAl oNYLlNWBd/ locomotora de vapor

trendy /'WpCmXi/ moderno/a, á moda

tyre /'WOL/ pneumático

underwater /JmXL'rGWL/ debaixo da auga

useful /'qIgco/ útil

useless /'qIgoLg/ inútil, que non serve para nada

vacuum cleaner /'dDYqHLl YoAmL/ aspirador/a

waterproof /'rGWLUpIc/ impermeábel

wave /rMd/ onda

weird /rBLX/ raro/a, estraño/a

wind turbine /'rBmX WKVOm/ aeroxerador

Unit 9attack /L'WDY/ atacar

beak /VAY/ bico

bee /VA/ abella

biomimicry /'VOLlBlBYpi/ biomímese

bite /VOW/ trabar, morder

build nests /VBoX 'mCgWg/ facer niños

bump into /VJlU 'BmWL/ chocar con / contra

catch /YDa/ coger, atrapar; cazar

cheetah /'aAWL/ guepardo

claw /YoG/ pouta

crawl /YpGo/ gatear, agatuñar; arrastrarse (~ up: subir por)

defend oneself /XB'cCmX rJmgCoc/ defenderse

die out /XO 'PW/ extinguirse

disguise oneself /XBg'ZOh rJmgCoc/ disfrazarse

eggshell /'CZiCo/ casca de ovo

elephant bird /'CoBcLmW VKX/ ave elefante

elephant seal /'CoBcLmW gAo/ elefante mariño, foca elefante

endangered /Bm'XMmbLX/ en perigo de extinción

enemy /'CmLli/ inimigo/a

extinct /BY'gWBnYW/ extinto/a, desaparecido/a (become ~: extinguirse, desaparecer)

feather /'cCfL/ pluma

feel threatened /cAo 'epCWmX/ sentirse ameazado/a

fin /cBm/ aleta

fur /cK/ pelo, pelaxe; pel

give birth /ZBd 'VKe/ dar a luz; parir

harmless /'kEloLg/ inofensivo/a

hibernate /'kOVLmMW/ hibernar

hide /kOX/ agochar(se), ocultar(se)

honey badger /'kJmi VDbL/ ratel, teixugo do mel

horn /kGm/ corno

hunt /kJmW/ cazar

jaw /bG/ mandíbula, queixada

lay eggs /oM 'CZh/ pór ovos

leopard seal /'oCULX gAo/ leopardo mariño, foca leopardo

manufacturer /lDmqH'cDYWiLpL/ fabricante

ostrich /'FgWpBa/ avestruz

paw /UG/ pata; pouta

poisonous /'UQhLmLg/ velenoso/a; tóxico/a

remaining /pB'lCBmBn/ que fica / perdura

scale /gYCBo/ escama

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Glossaryseal /gAo/ foca

shortfin mako shark /iGWcBm 'lMYN iEY/ tiburón mako / de aleta curta

stay alive /gWM L'oOd/ sobrevivir

tail /WMo/ cola, rabo

tongue /WJn/ lingua

trunk /WpJnY/ trompa

tusk /WJgY/ cairo

valuable /'dæoqHLVo/ valioso/a

Weddell seal /'rCXLo gAo/ foca de Weddell

whiskers /'rBgYLh/ bigotes

wing /rBn/ á, ala

Review 3leaflet /'oAcoLW/ folleto

on suspicion of /Fm gL'gUBim Ld/ baixo sospeita de

search /gKa/ rexistrar

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Formal and informal introductions… , this is … . She’s a new student here. /fBg Bh '… iAh

L mqI 'gWqIXmW kBL/ … , esta é… . É unha alumna nova aquí.

Pleased to meet you, … . /UoAhX WL 'lAW qI/ Encantado/a de coñecelo/a, … .

I’d like you to meet … . She’ll be your new teacher. /OX 'oOY qI WL lAW … iAo VA qG mqI 'WAaL/ Gustaríame que coñezas a… . Ela será a túa nova profesora.

Nice to meet you, … . /mOg WL 'lAW qI/ Encantado/a de coñecerte, … .

Hello, … . I’m … . /kL'oLH … Ol/ Ola, … . Son… .

Welcome to our school. /'rCoYLl WL E gYIo/ Benvido/a ao noso colexio.

Hi, … , I’m … . /kO '… Ol/ Ola, …, son… .

Come and meet some other students. /YJl LmX lAW

gLl 'JfL gWqIXmWg/ Ven coñecer a outros alumnos.

Classroom languageHow do you spell … ? /'kP XL qI gUCo/ Como soletreas /

se soletrea?

What page are we on? /rFW 'UCBb E rA Fm/ En que páxina estamos?

What does the word … mean? /rFW XJh fL rKX '… lAm/ Que significa a palabra…?

When is the homework due? /'rCm Bh fL kNlrKY XqI/ Cando hai que entregar / Para cando son os deberes?

Can I borrow your … , please? /YLm O 'VFpN qG … UoAh / Préstasme o/a teu/túa…, por favor?

I can’t find my … . /O 'YEmW cOmX lO/ Non podo atopar / atopo o/a meu/miña… .

What is the homework? /'rFW Bh fL kNlrKY/ Que deberes hai?, Cales son os deberes?

Can you repeat that, please? /YLm qI pB'UAW fDW UoAh/ Podes repetir iso, por favor?

You can use mine. /qI YLm qIh 'lOm/ Podes usar o meu / a miña?

Yes, of course. Listen carefully. /qCg Ld 'YGg oBgm 'YCLcoi/ Si, abofé que si. Escoita con atención.

Sure, here you are. /iHL 'kBL qI E/ Claro, aquí tes / velaquí.

We’re on page … . /rR Fm 'UCBb/ Estamos na páxina… .

Reporting on a tripWhere did you go? /rCL XBX qI 'ZN/ A onde fuches?

When did you go there? /rCm XBX qI 'ZN fCL/ Cando fuches alí?

Who did you go with? /kI XBX qI 'ZN rBf/ Con quen fuches?

What happened? /rFW 'kDULmX/ Que ocorreu / pasou?

How did you feel? /kP XBX qI 'cAo/ Como te sentiches?

Talking about interestsAre you good at … ? /E qI 'ZHX LW/ Es bo/a…?,

Dáseche ben…?

Have you ever tried … ? /kDd qI CdL 'WpOX/ Algunha vez intentaches / probaches…?

Are you interested in … ? /E qI 'BmWpLgWBX Bm/ Interésache…?

How do you feel about … ? /kP XL qI 'cAo LVPW/ Que opinas / pensas sobre…?

Do you enjoy … ? /XL qI Bm'bQ/ Gústache…?

Are you into … ? /E qI 'BmWL/ Es afeccionado/a a…?

Would you like to … ? /rHX qI 'oOY WL/ Gustaríache…?

Are you keen on … ? /E qI 'YAm Fm/ Gústache…?, Es afeccionado/a a…?

Discussing travel plansWhere are you going? /rCL E qI 'ZNBn/ A onde vas?

How long will you be staying there? /kP oFn rBo qI

VA 'gWMBn fS/ Canto tempo quedarías alí?

Who are you going with? /kI E qI 'ZNBn rBf/ Con quen vas?

Where will you be staying? /rCL rBo qI VA 'gWMBn/ Onte te aloxarás / hospedarás?

How are you going to travel around? /kP E qI ZLHBn

WL Wpædo L'pPmX/ Como te vas mover?

What are you going to do there? /rFW L qI ZLHBn WL

'XI fS/ Que vas facer alí?

When does your flight leave? /'rCm XJh qG coOW oAd/ Cando sae o teu voo?

What will the weather be like? /rFW rBo fL 'rCfL Vi oOY/ Que tempo irá?

Giving directionsHow do I get to the … ? /kP XI O 'ZCW WI fL/

Como vou / chego ao / á…?

Turn right at … . /WKm 'pOW LW/ Xira / Vira á dereita en… .

Take the … turning on your … . /WMY fL '… WKmBn Fm qG/ Colle a… rúa / boca de rúa á… .

If you keep going straight, you’ll see a … on your … . /Bc qI YAU ZLHBn 'gWpMW qIo gA L … Fm qG/ Se segues (indo) recto, verás un/unha… á… .

Pass the … . /'UEg fL/ Pasa o / a… .

Speaking Glossary

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Speaking Glossary

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The … is on your … . /fL '… Bh Fm qG/ O / A… está / fica á… .

It’s at the corner of … and … . /BWg LW fL 'YGmL Ld … LmX/ Está na esquina / no canto de… con… .

Discussing food preferencesDo you like … ? /XL qI 'oOY/ Gústache…?

You like … , don’t you? /qI 'oOY … XLHmW qI/ Gústache…, non? / va que si?

Is there anything that you don’t eat? /Bh fCL 'CmieBn

fDW qI XLHmW AW/ Hai algo que non comas?

How do you like your … – or … ? /kP XL qI 'oOY qG

… G/ Como che gusta o/a…: … ou…?

What would you rather have – … or … ? /rFW rHX qI

pEfL 'kDd … G/ Que prefires comer / tomar: … ou…?

What’s your favourite … ? /rFWg qG 'cCBdLpBW/ Cal é o teu/a túa… preferido/a?

You’re not keen on … , are you? /qG mFW 'YAm Fm … E

qI/ Non che gusta moito / entusiasma…, non? / va que non?.

I’d rather have … . … is too plain. /OX 'pEfL kDd … .

… Bh WI UoCBm/ Prefiro comer / tomar… . … é sinxelo/a de máis.

Yes, … that isn’t … enough. /qCg … fDW BhmW '… BmJc/ Si, … que non estea (o) bastante / suficientemente… .

I’m mad about … . /Ol 'lDX LVPW/ A… toléame., Encántame o / a… .

Yes, I love it. /qCg O 'oJd BW/ Si, encántame.

I much prefer … . /O 'lJa UpBcK/ Gústame moito máis… .

Not especially. /mFW B'gUCiLoi/ Non particularmente.

No, I’m not fussy about food. /mN Ol mFW 'cJgi LVPW

cIX/ Non, non son mexeriqueiro/a coa comida.

It doesn’t really make a difference to me. /BW XJhmW

pBLoi lMY L 'XBcpLmg WL lA/ A verdade é que tanto me ten / me dá igual.

No! I can’t stand it! /mN O YEmW 'gWDmX BW/ Non! Non o podo soportar / aturar!

Talking about problemsThe problem is … . /fL 'UpFVoLl Bh/ O problema é… .

Maybe you’re too … . /'lMVi qHL WI/ Talvez / Se cadra / Quizais es demasiado… .

How about … ? /kP L'VPW/ Que tal se…?

You have to … . /qI 'kDd WL/ Tes que… .

You need to explain to them that … . /qI mAX WL

BY'gUoMm WL fCl fDW/ Tes que explicarlles que… .

If I were you, … . /Bc 'O rL qI/ Eu de ti, … .

Don’t be … . /'XLHmW VA/ Non sexas… .

Why don’t you … ? /rO 'XNmW qI/ Por que non…?

It’s clear that … . /BWg 'YoBL fDW/ Está claro que… .

Reporting a crimeHow many … were there? /kP lCmi '… rL fCL/

Cantos… había / houbo?

Was anyone hurt? /rLh CmirJm 'kKW/ Resultou alguén ferido?

What happened? /rFW 'kDULmX/ Que ocorreu / pasou?

What did … look like? /rFW XBX … 'oHY oOY/ Que aspecto tiña/n…?

How badly was … injured? /kP 'VDXoi rLh … BmbLX/ De canta gravidade foi ferido/a…?

Did you notice anything else? /XBX qI mNWBg CmieBn 'Cog/ Reparaches en / Notaches algo máis?

When did the crime take place? /'rCm XBX fL YpOl

WMY UoMg/ Cando ocorreu o delito / crime?

Talking about inventionsWhat nationality was … ? /rFW mæiL'mDoLWi rLh/

De que nacionalidade era…?

How did this invention change people’s lives? /kP

XBX fBg BmdCmim WiMmb UAUoh 'oOdh/ Como cambiou este invento a vida da xente?

Who invented the … ? /'kI BmdCmWBX fL/ Quen inventou o / a…?

When did … invent the … ? /rCm XBX '… BmdCmW fL/

Cando inventou… o / a…?

I think it was … . /O eBnY BW rLh '…/ Penso / Coido que foi… .

I may be wrong, but I think he was … . /O lM VA 'pFn

VJW O eBnY kA rLh/ Poida que me equivoque / estea errado/a, mais penso / coido que era… .

That could be. /fDW 'YHX VA/ Podería ser.

I can’t say for sure, but I think it was in … . /O 'YEmW

gM cL iHL VJW O eBnY BW rLh Bm/ Non podo dicilo con seguridade, mais penso / coido que foi en / a… .

Oh, that’s obvious. /N fDWg 'FVdiLg/ Ah, iso é obvio.

Describing and comparing animalsHow long does it live? /kP oFn XJh BW 'oBd/ Canto

(tempo) vive?

How fast can it run? /kP cEgW YDm BW 'pJm/ Como de rápido / A que velocidade pode correr?

What does it do well? /rFW XJh BW XI 'rCo/ Que fai / se lle dá ben?

What difficulties has it got? /rFW 'XBcBYLoWih kLh BW ZFW/ Que dificultades ten?

What does it do when it feels threatened? /rFW XJh

BW XI rCm BW cAoh 'epCWLmX/ Que fai cando se sente ameazado/a?

The zebra … very well. /fL 'hCVpL … dCpi rCo/ A cebra… moi ben.

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The … uses its … to … . /fL '… qIhBh BWg … WL/ O / A usa a/s… para… .

The … has got a problem … . /fL … kLh ZFW L 'UpFVoLl/ O / A… ten problemas / dificultades… .

When a … feels threatened, … . /rCm L … cAoh

'epCWLmX/ Cando un/ha… se sente ameazado/a, … .

The … is good at … . /fL '… Bh ZHX LW/ Ao / Á… dáselle ben… .

The … lives as long as … . It can live … years. /fL '…

oBdh Lh oFn Lh … BW YLm oBd '… qRh/ O / A… vive tanto como/a… . Pode vivir… anos.

The … runs faster than the … . It runs about … kilometres an hour. /fL '… pJmh cEgWL fLm fL … BW

pJmh LVPW … 'YBoLlAWLh Lm PL/ O / A… corre máis á présa có/cá… . Corre a uns… quilómetros por hora.

The … can’t … well. /fL '… YEmW … rCo/ O / A… non pode / sabe… ben.

Gaining timeLet me think. /oCW lA 'eBnY/ Déixame pensar / que pense.

I’m trying to remember. /Ol WpOBn WL pB'lClVL/ Estou tratando de / tentando lembrarme.

Showing interestHow exciting! /kP BY'gOWBn/ Que ilusión!

Oh, that’s too bad! /N fDWg 'WI VDX/ Ai, que mágoa / pena!

That sounds like fun! /fDW 'gPmXh oOY cJm/ Seica é / Semella divertido!

Wow! /rP/ Vaites!, Anda!

Getting informationWhat else? /rFW 'Cog/ Que máis?

Tell me more. /WCo lA 'lG/ Cóntame máis (cousas).

Give me another clue. /ZBd lA LmJfL 'YoI/ Dáme outra pista.

ComparingMe, too. /lA 'WI/ Eu / A min tamén.

Me neither. /lA 'mOfL/ Eu / A min tampouco.

I feel the same way. /O cAo fL gMl 'rM/ Eu opino / penso o mesmo.

DisagreeingNo way! /mN 'rM/ Nin falar!, De ningunha maneira!

I don’t think so. /O XNmW 'eBnY gN/ Paréceme / Coido que non.

You’re wrong. /qHL 'pFn/ Estás errado/a.

That’s not a good idea. /fDWg mFW L ZHX O'XR/ Esa non é unha boa idea.

Showing approvalGreat idea! /'ZpCBW OXR/ Moi boa idea!

That’s cool! /fDWg 'YIo/ Que ben!

That sounds great! /fDW gPmXh 'ZpMW/ Soa moi ben!, Paréceme xenial!

EncouragingDon’t feel bad. /XLHmW cAo 'VDX/ Non te sintas mal.

There’s always a next time. /fCLh GorCBh L 'mCYgW WOl/ Sempre hai unha próxima vez.

Don’t worry. /XLHmW 'rJpi/ Non te preocupes.

ClarifyingOK. I see. /N'YM O gA/ Vale. Entendo.

Did you say … ? /XBX qI 'gM/ Dixeches…?

Do you mean … ? /XI qI 'lAm/ Queres dicir…?

Is that the … ? /Bh 'fDW fL/ Iso / Esa é o / a…?

GuessingIs it … ? /'Bh BW/ É…?

Could it be … ? /YLX BW 'VA/ Podería ser…?

I think it’s … /O 'eBnY BWg/ Coido que é…

RememberingI’ll never forget … ./Oo 'mCdL cLZCW/

Nunca esquecerei… .

I remember when … ./O pB'lClVL rCm/ Acórdome de / Lembro cando… .

Do you remember … ? /XI qI pB'lLlVL/ Acórdaste de / Lembras…?

Responding to comparisonsSame here. /'gMl kBL/ Eu / A min tamén.

Oh, no! Not me! /N 'mN mFW lA/ Ai, non! Eu / A min non!

EmpathisingThat’s too bad! /fDWg WI 'VDX/ Que mágoa / pena!

What a shame! /rFW L 'iMl/ Que mágoa / pena!

I understand. /O JmXL'gWDmX/ Entendo., Comprendo.

That’s not easy. /fDWg mFW 'Ahi/ Iso non é doado.

GuessingThat’s obvious. /fDWg 'FVdBLg/ Iso é obvio.

That’s easy. /fDWg 'Ahi/ Iso é doado.

Showing uncertaintyI think … ./O 'eBnY/ Coido…, Penso… .

It / He / She seemed … ./BW/kA/iA 'gAlX/ Semellaba… .

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Speaking Glossary

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I’m pretty sure … ./Ol 'UpBWi iHL/ Estou case certo/a de (que)… .

If I’m not mistaken, … . /Bc Ol mFW lB'gWMYLm/ Se non estou errado, … .

Asking for informationWhat did it look like? /rFW XBX BW 'oHY oOY/ Como era

(de aspecto)?, Que aspecto tiña?

How big was it? /kP 'VBZ rLh BW/ Como era de grande?

Did anyone help you? /XBX CmirJm 'kCoU qI/ Axudoute alguén?

Qualifying answersI may be wrong, … /O lM VA 'pFn/ Poida que estea

errado/a, …

I can’t say for sure, … /O YEmW 'gM cL iHL/ Non o sei con seguridade, …

Oh, that’s obvious. /N fDWg 'FVdiLg/ Ah, iso é obvio.

ReactingReally? /'pBLoi/ De verdade? , En serio?

Seriously? /'gBLpiLgoi/ En serio?, De verdade?

Interesting. /'BmWpLgWBn/ Interesante.

SequencingI also asked … . /O 'GogN EgYX/ Tamén preguntei… .

Then I asked … ./'fCm O EgYX/ Logo / Despois preguntei… .

He / She also said … . /kA/iA 'GogN gCX/ El / Ela dixo tamén… .

Then he / she told me … . /fCm kA/iA 'WLHoX lA/ Logo / Despois el / ela díxome… .

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Getting StartedThere is / There are / There was / There were• Afirmativa:There is/There wasvaiseguidodenomescontábeisensingularounoncontábeis.There are/There werevaiseguidodenomescontábeisenplural.


There is / was water.(Hai/Habíaauga.)• Negativa:There is/There wasouThere are/

There were+apartículanotouacontracciónn’t. There aren’t / weren’t beds.(Nonhai/habíacamas.)• Interrogativa:aspreguntascomezanporIs/Was+

thereouAre/Were+there. Is / Was there a fridge?(Hai/Habíaunhaneveira?)• Respostas curtas:vólveseáordenormalenanegativaúsanseasformascontraídas.

Yes, there are. / No, there wasn’t. (Hai.Si./Había. Si/Non.)

Artigos e cuantificadores

a / anConnomescontábeisensingular.Úsansediantedunnomequenonécoñecidopolofalante.

un/unha a picture, an orange pero a uniform




I have got a house. The house has got a garden.(Teñounhacasa.Acasatenunxardín.)



There are some trees.(Haialgunhasárbores.)We’ve got some fruit.(Temosalgodefroita.)

Would you like some tea?(Querestomarté?)



ningún/ningunha nadade (ounonsetraduce)

I haven’t got any sisters.(Nonteñoningunhairmá.)She hasn’t got any money.(Nontencartos.)

algún/algunha algúns/algunhas algode (ounonsetraduce)

Are there any biscuits?(Haialgunhagalleta?)Have you got any water?(Tesauga?)

a lot of / lots of



A lot of children study here.(Moitosnenosestudanaquí.)I have got a lot of homework.(Teñomoitosdeberes.)Lots of people enjoy films.(Amoitaxentegústanlleaspelículas.)


moitos/asMany students play football.(Moitosestudantesxoganaofútbol.)




I haven’t got much money.(Nonteñomoitoscartos.)

Was there much smoke?(Habíamoitofume?)

How many ... ?Cantos/as...?


How many chairs are there?(Cantascadeirashai?)

How much ... ?Canto/a...?

Nomesnoncontábeis.Candovaicoverboto beserveparapreguntaroprezodunhacousa.

How much flour do you need?(Cantafariñaprecisas?)How much is it?(Cantoé?)

Contraste Present Simple / Present Continuous•OPresentSimpleexpresahábitos,maisoPresentContinuoussinalaoqueestáaocorrermentressefala. I usually eat salad, but today I’m eating lasagna.(Poloxeralcomoensalada,perohoxeestouacomerlasaña.)

• CoPresentSimpleadoitanempregarseasseguintesexpresións temporais:everyday/week/year(todososdías/semanas/anos),once/twice a year(unha/dúasvecesaoano),on+undíadasemanaenplural,etc.CoPresentContinuous,entroques,adoitanempregarseestas:now(agora),at the moment(nestemomento),today(hoxe),these days(hoxeendía),etc.Todasestasexpresiónspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,peroadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

• OPresentSimpletaménadoitaempregarsecosseguintesadverbios de frecuencia:always(sempre),usually(poloxeral,normalmente),often(amiúdo),sometimes(algunhasveces),never(nunca),etc.Estescolócansediantedoverbo,maisseacompañanaoverboto besitúansedetrás.

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• OPresentContinuoustaménsepodeempregarparaanunciarplanspersoaisqueocorreránnofuturopróximoporquesefixarondeantemán.Nestecaso,vaiacompañadodestasexpresións temporais:soon(axiña,pronto),later(máistarde,logo),tomorrow(mañá),tonight(estanoite),next week/month/year(asemana/omes/oanoquevén/vindeiro/a),etc.

Susan is coming later.(Susanvén/virámáistarde.)

Os verbos “estáticos”Osverbosestáticosempréganseparaexpresargustos,sentimentosedesexos,actividadesdamente,posesiónepercepción.Refírenseaestadosenvezdeaccións,poloquenonseadoitanempregarcoPresentContinuous.CandoseempregancoPresentContinuousadoitanterunsignificadodiferente. I think this is a nice restaurant.(Coido/Opinoqueesteéunrestauranteagradábel.)

I’m thinking about travelling around the world. (Estoupensandoen/Estouformulándomeviaxararredordomundo.)

O comparativo dos adxectivosParacomparardúascousas,animaisoupersoasempréganseosadxectivosengraocomparativo.

• Ocomparativodesuperioridade (máis...que/ca/doque)úsaseparacomparardúascousas,animaisoupersoascandounhasuperaáoutranalgúnaspecto.Paraformalocómprerepararnalonxitudedoadxectivo:1.Seten1sílaba,ou2eremataeny,considérasecurtoeengádeselleaterminación-er.Detrásponseapartículathan. The red dress is cheaper than the blue one. (Ovestidovermelloémáisbaratocóazul.)

Nosseguintescasos,oadxectivocambiaaoengadirlle-er:-Seten1sílabaeremataen1 vogal + 1 consoante,dóbraseesaconsoante:thin - thinner big - bigger-Seten2sílabaseremataenconsoante+y,cámbiaseoyporuni:crazy - crazier lucky - luckier-Seremataenl,duplícaseesaletra:

cruel - crueller-Seremataenemudo,sóseengade-r:

nice - nicer2.Seoadxectivoten2sílabasoumáis,élongoefórmaseconmore+adxectivo+than.My trainers are more comfortable than yours.(Osmeustenissonmáiscómodoscósteus.)

• Ocomparativodeinferioridadefórmaseconless+adxectivo+than(menos...que/ca/doque).The book is less popular than the film.(Olibroémenospopularcápelícula.)

• Ocomparativodeigualdadefórmasecon(not) as+adxectivo+as((non)tan/tanto...como/coma).My office is not as large as hers. (Omeudespachononétangrandecomaoseu.)

O superlativo dos adxectivos• Emprégaseparacompararmáisdedúascousas,animaisoupersoasedicirqueunhasalientasobreasdemais.Taménhaiqueterencontaalonxitudedoadxectivo:

1.Seécurto,ponsediantetheeengádeselleaterminación-estsegundoasmesmasregrasqueparaformarocomparativocon-er.Paul is the strongest boy in the class. (Pauléorapazmáisfortedaclase.)

2.Seélongo,ponsediantethe most.This is the most elegant shirt in the shop. (Estaéacamisamáiselegantedatenda.)

• Osuperlativopodeirseguidodaspreposiciónsin,ofeon.She is the best actress of all / on TV. (Éamelloractrizdetodas/datelevisión.)

• Paraindicarquealguénoualgoéinferiorqueorestonalgúnaspectoemprégaseaestruturathe least+adxectivo.This is the least interesting book in the library. (Esteéolibromenosinteresantedabiblioteca.)

Os adxectivos irregularesAononseguirenregraningunha,cómpreaprenderassúasformascomparativaesuperlativadememoria.

Adxectivo Comparativo Superlativogood(bo/a) better bestbad(malo/a,mao/má)

worse worst

far(lonxano/a,afastado/a) farther/further farthest/furthest

little(pouco/a) less least

too ... / (not) ... enough• Too(demáis/demasiado)vaidiantedoadxectivoesinalaqueacualidadeexpresadaporesteéexcesiva.

These earrings are too expensive for me. (Estespendentessoncarosdemáisparamin.)

• Porén,enoughponsedetrásdoadxectivoesignifica“(o)bastante/abondo”ou“(o)suficientemente”.

This pub is lively enough for us. (Estebaré(o)bastante/abondoanimadoparanós.)


This place is not peaceful enough to study in. (Estelugarnoné(o)bastantetranquiloparaestudar.)

I didn’t feel full enough after the meal. (Nonmesentín(o)suficientementecheodespoisdacomida.)

O comparativo dos adverbios• Osadverbiosdemododescribenaformaenqueserealizaaacción.ConelesrespóndeseáspreguntasquecomezanporHow ... ?(Como...?).

Osmáisfórmanseengadindoaterminación-ly aoadxectivocorrespondente.They eat slowly.(Comenamodo.)

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Seoadxectivoremataenconsoante +y,cámbiaseoyporunielogoengádese-ly.It all ended happily.(Todorematoufelizmente.)

• Ocomparativodosadverbiosúsaseparacomparardúasacciónsefórmaseasí:more /less+adverbio+than.You listened to it more carefully than I did. (Escoitácheloconmáisatencióncamin.)

• Coas+adverbio+asindícasequedúasacciónsserealizandomesmoxeito.We ran as fast as you.(Corremostanáprésacomati.)

Os adverbios irregularesAononseguirenregraningunhacómpreaprenderdememoriaestesadverbiosemaisasúaformacomparativa.

Adxectivo Adverbio Forma comparativa

fast(rápido/a) fast(áprésa,rapidamente)

faster than



harder than

high(alto/a) high(alto) higher thanfar(lonxano/a,afastado/a)


farther / further than

good(bo/a) well(ben) better thanbad(malo/a,mao/má) badly(mal) worse than

Unit 1O Past Simple • Afirmativa:fórmaseengadindo-edaosverbosregulareseéigualentodasaspersoas.Osverbosirregularesnonseguenregraningunhaeporisocómpreaprendelosdememoria.Podesconsultaralistaxenaspáxinas25-26.

I visited Larry last night.(VisiteiaLarryestanoite.) bake - baked stop - stopped prefer - preferred worry - worried travel - travelled• Negativa: suxeito+did notoudidn’t+unverbonaformabase.

She didn’t go there.(Elanonfoialí.)• Interrogativa:Did+suxeito+unverbonaformabase.

Did you call her last night?(Chamáchelaestanoite?)• Respostas curtas: ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+didoudidn’t.

Did she go to the party? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t. (Elafoiáfesta?Foi.Si./Non.)

• CoPastSimpleadoitanempregarseestasexpresións temporais:asquelevanago(hai)aofinaldaexpresión,last night / week(estanoite,asemanapasada),at+unhahora,on+undía/data,in+unano,in the past(nopasado),yesterday(onte),etc.Podeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,maisadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

Three days ago, they came. (Viñeronhaitresdías.)

Os usos do Past SimpleExpresaracciónspasadas

We watched that film. (Vimosesapelícula.)


They went home yesterday.(Marcharonácasaonte.)


I visited the tower. Then I went to the museum. (Visiteiatorre.Logofunaomuseo.)


In the past, people worked more hours. (Nopasado,axentetraballabamáishoras.)

used toUsed toexpresafeitosouestadosqueeranhabituaisnoutrotempoelogodeixarondeselo.Sótenformadepasadoevaiseguidodoutroverbonaformabase.Tradúcesecomoopretéritoimperfectodoverbo“adoitar”oudoverboqueosegue.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+used to +unverbonaformabase.We used to go to the swimming pool every day. (Adoitabamosir/Iamosápiscinatodososdías.)

• Negativa:suxeito+did not /didn’t+use to(sen“d”)+unverbonaformabase.He didn’t use to buy vegetables at the supermarket.(Nonadoitabamercar/mercabaverdurasnosupermercado.)

• Interrogativa:Did+suxeito+use to(sen“d”)+unverbonaformabase.Did you use to play tennis on Sundays?(Adoitabasxogar/Xogabasaotenisosdomingos?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+did ou didn’t.Did she use to travel abroad? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.(Adoitabaviaxar/Viaxabaaoestranxeiro?Viaxaba.Si./Non.)

O Past ContinuousAfirmativa NegativaI was eating I was not / wasn’t eatingYou were eating You were not / weren’t eatingHe was eating He was not / wasn’t eatingShe was eating She was not / wasn’t eatingIt was eating It was not / wasn’t eatingWe were eating We were not / weren’t eatingYou were eating You were not / weren’t eatingThey were eating They were not / weren’t eating

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Was I eating? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.Were you eating? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.Was he eating? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.Was she eating? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.Was it eating? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.Were we eating? Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.Were you eating? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.Were they eating? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

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• Afirmativa:suxeito+was /were+unverborematadoen-ing.

I was cooking in the kitchen.(Estabaacociñarnacociña.)

dance - dancing put - putting begin - beginning lie - lying travel - travelling• Negativa:suxeito+was/were +apartículanotouacontracciónn’t+unverborematadoen-ing.

They weren’t playing tennis.(Nonestabanaxogaraotenis.)

• Interrogativa:Was/Were+suxeito+unverborematadoen-ing.

Was Sue taking pictures? (Sueestabaatirarfotos?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+was / weresencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídocoapartículanotennegativa.

Was it raining yesterday? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t. (Estivoachoveronte?Estivo.Si./Non.)

• CoPastContinuousadoitanempregarseasseguintesexpresións temporais:asquelevanago(hai)aofinaldaexpresión,at +unhahora,yesterday morning /afternoon (ontepolamañá/tarde), last night (estanoite),etc.Podeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,maisadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

They were watching a match at six o’clock yesterday.(Estabanaverunpartidoonteásseisenpunto.)

Os usos do Past Continuous


At eight o’clock last night, we were swimming. (Estanoiteásoitoenpunto,estabamosanadar.)


She was talking to her friend while / as she was driving. (Elaestabaafalarcoasúaamigamentresestabaaconducir.)

Contraste Past Continuous / Past Simple• OPastSimplesinalaqueaacciónocorreuerematounotemposinaladonafrase,mentresqueoPastContinuousfaladeacciónsprolongadasqueestabanaocorrernopasado.

He did his homework last Monday. (Fixoosdeberesolunspasado.)

He was doing his homework yesterday afternoon.(Estivoafacerosdeberesontepolatarde.)

• CoPastSimpleadoitaempregarsewhen,ecoPastContinuousasconxunciónswhileouas.

We were listening to the news when he arrived. (Estabamosescoitandoasnoticiascandochegou.)

While / As we were listening to the news, he arrived. (Chegoumentresestabamosescoitandoasnoticias.)

Unit 2O Present Perfect Simple

Afirmativa Forma contraídaI have talked I’ve talkedYou have talked You’ve talkedHe has talked He’s talkedShe has talked She’s talkedIt has talked It’s talkedWe have talked We’ve talkedYou have talked You’ve talkedThey have talked They’ve talkedNegativa Forma contraídaI have not talked I haven’t talkedYou have not talked You haven’t talkedHe has not talked He hasn’t talkedShe has not talked She hasn’t talkedIt has not talked It hasn’t talkedWe have not talked We haven’t talkedYou have not talked You haven’t talkedThey have not talked They haven’t talked

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Have I talked ... ? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.Have you talked ... ? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.Has he talked ... ? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.Has she talked ... ? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.Has it talked ... ? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.Have we talked ... ? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.Have you talked ... ? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.Have they talked ... ? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+has/have+unverboenparticipio.Oparticipiofórmaseengadindo-edaosverbosregulareseéomesmoentodasaspersoas.Osverbosirregularesnonseguenregraningunhaeporisocómpreaprendelosdememoria.Podesconsultaralistaxedaspáxinas25-26.

We have painted our bedroom. (Pintamosonosocuarto.)

• Negativa:suxeito+has/have +apartículanotouacontracciónn’t+unverboenparticipio.

Bill hasn’t been to Paris. (BillnonestivoenParís.)• Interrogativa:Has/Have+suxeito+unverboenparticipio.

Have you won any medals? (Gañachesalgunhamedalla?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+has / havesencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídocoapartículanot ennegativa.

Have you moved house? Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t. (Mudástesvosdecasa?Mudámonos.Si./Non.)

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• CoPresentPerfectSimpleadoitanempregarseasseguintesexpresións temporaise adverbios:



Have you ever travelled abroad?(Algunhavezviaxachesaoestranxeiro?)


I haven’t ever watched that film.(Nuncavinesapelícula.)

never afirmativa:“nunca”

She has never called me.(Nuncamechamou.)

always “sempre”You’ve always been her friend.(Semprefuchesasúaamiga.)

already afirmativa:“xa”

We’ve already finished the exam.(Xarematamosoexame.)

just afirmativa:“acabar/virde”

They have just arrived here.(Acabandechegaraquí.)



He hasn’t found his glasses yet.(Nonatopouassúaslentesaínda.)


Have you bought any fruit yet?(Comprachesfroitaxa?)

for “durante” ounonsetraduce

My brother has lived in Manchester for five years.(MeuirmánviviuenManchestercincoanos.)

since “desde/dende”I haven’t heard from him since 2002.(Nonseinadaeldende2002.)

recently “haipouco”Has Lisa talked to you recently?(Lisaxafaloucontigohaipouco?)

lately “ultimamente”

Jim hasn’t been to the gym lately.(Jimnonfoiaoximnasioultimamente.)

several times “variasveces”

They have worked for us several times.(Traballaronparanósvariasveces.)

so far “atéomomento”

I have read two of the books in the series so far.(Lindousdoslibrosdaserieatéomomento.)

over the years


Many children have read that book over the years.(Moitosnenosleroneselibroaolongodosanos.)

• Cómpreterencontaquejust,already,always,evereneversepoñenentreoauxiliarhaveeoparticipiodoverboprincipal.Yetcolócaseaofinaldafrase,forvaiseguidadunperíododetempopoisindicaaduracióndaacción,esincevaidiantedomomentoenquecomezouamesma.Orestopodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,maisadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

Os usos do Present Perfect SimpleAcciónsquecomezaronnopasadoeaíndacontinúan(levaforousinceetradúceseenpresente)

She has worked here since 1999.(Elatraballaaquídende1999.)


I have already finished. I’m bored now. (Xarematei.Agoraestouaborrecida.)


They have enjoyed their holiday. (Pasáronobennasvacacións.)


The train has just left the station. (Otrenacabadesaírdaestación.)

Contraste Present Perfect Simple / Past SimpleOPresentPerfectSimplesinalaqueoocorridonopasadogardarelacióncopresenteenondicandosucedeu.Entroques,oPastSimplefaladeacciónspasadasquexanonafectanaomomentoactualesinalacandoocorreron. He has written many stories.(Escribiumoitashistorias.)

He bought some fruit yesterday.(Mercoufroitaonte.)

Unit 3O futuro con be going to

FormasI am / I’m going to runHe is not / He isn’t / He’s not going to runAre you going to run?Yes, we are. / No, she isn’t. / Yes, I am.


• Afirmativa:suxeito+to beenpresente+going to+verbonaformabase.

Paul is going to wait at the bus stop. (Paulvaiagardarnaparadadeautobús.)

• Negativa:suxeito+to beenpresente+not(n’t)+going to + verbonaformabase.

They aren’t going to go to the art gallery. (Nonvanirágaleríadearte.)

• Interrogativa:to beenpresente+suxeito+going to+verbonaformabase.

Is she going to meet us at the concert hall? (Elavaiquedarconnosconasaladeconcertos?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+overboto be,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídoennegativa.

Are you going to live in Oslo? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. (VasvivirenOslo?Vou.Si./Non.)

Os usos do futuro con be going toFalardeintencións,plansoudecisións

I’m going to paint the house.(Voupintaracasa.)


She’s going to have a baby.(Vaiterunbebé.)

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O Present Simple con valor de futuroOPresentSimplepodeempregarsecomotempofuturocandovaiseguidodehorariosouprogramas.

The Star Wars film starts at 6 o’clock.(ApelículadeStarWarscomezaás6enpunto.)

O futuro con willFormas

I will / I’ll listenHe will not / won’t listenWill you listen ... ?Yes, we will. / No, she won’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+oauxiliarwill+verbonaformabase.Éomesmoentodasaspersoas.Naconversa,willcontraecosuxeito(’ll)epronúnciasecomaunsó“l”.

I will work in an office. (Traballareinunhaoficina.)• Negativa:suxeito+will+apartículanot(ouacontracciónwon’t)+verbonaformabase.

You won’t need your car.(Nonprecisarásocoche.)• Interrogativa:Will+suxeito+verbonaformabase. Will she come with us?(Viráconnosco?)• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+willouwon’t.

Will you live in a city? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. (Vivirásnunhacidade?Vivirei.Si./Non.)

Os usos do futuro con willAnunciaracciónsoufeitosfuturos

Kim will come to our concert.(Kimviráaonosoconcerto.)


I think it will snow tonight.(Coidoquenevaráestanoite.)


I’m tired. I’ll take a taxi.(Estoucansa.Collereiuntaxi.)

• Cowillebe going toadóitanseempregarasseguintesexpresións temporais:later(máistarde,logo),soon (pronto,axiña,nunpouco),in an hour(dentrodunhahora),next year(oanoquevén/vindeiro/a),in the future(nofuturo),etc.Todaspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,peroadóitansepóraofinal.

In the future, more people will live in the city. (Nofuturo,máisxenteviviránacidade.)

O Present Continuous con valor de futuro• Comovimosnaunidadeintrodutoria,oPresentContinuousexpresaoqueestáaocorrernopresente,maistaménseempregaparaanunciarplanspersoaisqueocorreránnofuturopróximoporquesefixarondeantemán.

I am cooking for my friends today.(Hoxecociño/cociñareiparaosmeusamigos.)

• Distínguesedebe going toenqueexpresaalgoseguro,nonunhaintención,edoPresentContinuousnormalnasexpresiónstemporais,queserefirenaofuturoenonaopresente.

I am working next weekend.(Traballlo/Traballareiafindesemanaquevén.)

O Future ContinuousAfirmativa Forma contraídaI will be eating I’ll be eatingYou will be eating You’ll be eatingHe will be eating He’ll be eatingShe will be eating She’ll be eatingIt will be eating It’ll be eatingWe will be eating We’ll be eatingYou will be eating You’ll be eatingThey will be eating They’ll be eatingNegativa Forma contraídaI will not be eating I won’t be eatingYou will not be eating You won’t be eatingHe will not be eating He won’t be eatingShe will not be eating She won’t be eatingIt will not be eating It won’t be eatingWe will not be eating We won’t be eatingYou will not be eating You won’t be eatingThey will not be eating They won’t be eating

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Will I be eating ... ? Yes, I will. No, I won’t.Will you be eating ... ? Yes, you will. No, you won’t.Will he be eating ... ? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.Will she be eating ... ? Yes, she will. No, she won’t.Will it be eating ... ? Yes, it will. No, it won’t.Will we be eating ... ? Yes, we will. No, we won’t.Will you be eating ... ? Yes, you will. No, you won’t.Will they be eating ... ? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.


• Afirmativa:suxeito+will be+verboprincipalrematadoen-ing.

She will be working at home on Friday. (Estarátraballandonacasaovenres.)

• Negativa: suxeito+will not beouwon’t be +verboprincipalrematadoen-ing.

Paul won’t be playing in tomorrow’s game. (Paulnonxogaránopartidodemañá.)

• Interrogativa:Will+suxeito+be+verboprincipalrematadoen-ing.

Will they be giving a concert in Paris next month?(DaránunconcertoenParísomesquevén?)

•Respostas curtas:pronomepersoalsuxeito+ will ou won’t.Will Pam be attending the conference next week? Yes, shewill. / No, shewon’t.(AsistiráPamáconferenciaavindeirasemana?Asistirá.Si./Non.)


Will you be going shopping this afternoon? (Irásdecomprasestatarde?)

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•CoFutureContinuousadoitanempregarseasseguintesexpresións temporais:at this time tomorrow(mañáaesta/shora/s),at this time next ...(o/a...quevénaesta/shora/s),on +undíadasemana,in the next decade(navindeiradécada),etc.

At this time tomorrow, we will be lying on the beach.(Mañáaestashoras,estaremosdeitadosnapraia.)

Unit 4O primeiro condicionalEmprégaseparafalardeacciónsqueocorreránsesecumpreacondiciónsinalada.

• Afirmativa:acondición(oraciónsubordinada)exprésaseconif+PresentSimple,eoresultado(oraciónprincipal)adoitairenfuturoconwill.Seacondiciónvaiprimeiro,ponseunhavírgulaentreaoraciónprincipaleasubordinada.

If he doesn’t find a job here, he will move to London. (Senonatopatraballoaquí,mudaraseaLondres.)He will move to London if he doesn’t find a job here. (MudaraseaLondressenonatopatraballoaquí.)

• Negativa: pódese negar o verbo en presente, o verbo en futuro ou ambos os dous.

If you don’t come, I will be sad. (Senonvés,estareitriste.) If you come, I won’t be sad. (Sevés,nonestareitriste.) If you don’t come, I won’t be sad. (Senonvés,nonestareitriste.)

• Interrogativa:Will+suxeito+predicadodaoraciónprincipal+oraciónsubordinada.Will she go to the concert if she leaves work early? (Iráaoconcertosesaeaxiñadotraballo?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+willouwon’t. Will your parents let you go out if you do your homework? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.(Teuspaisdeixaránquesaiassefasosdeberes?Deixaranme.Si./Non.)

Paraexpresarmosquealgoocorreráounonocorrerásenonsecumpreacondición,asubordinadaintrodúcesepolaconxunciónunless,queequivaleaif not(“anonserque”,“amenosque”,“senon”).Estaconxunciónemprégaseconbastanteasiduidadenoprimeirocondicional,maisémenosfrecuentenosegundoenuncaseempreganoterceiro.

Unless the swimming pool is open today, we will stay at home. (Anonserqueabra/Senonabreapiscinahoxe,ficaremosnacasa.)

O segundo condicionalEmprégaseparafalardeacciónshipotéticasreferidasaopresente,édicir,queépoucoprobábelqueocorran,etaménparadarconsellos.

• Afirmativa:acondiciónexprésaseconif+PastSimple,eoresultadoconwould(ouacontracción’d)+overbonaformabase.

If there were more policemen, people would feel safe. (Sehoubesemáispolicías,axentesentiríasesegura.)

Nocantodewould,podemosempregaroverbomodalcouldnoresultado,maisestesinalaqueaprobabilidadedequesecumpraahipóteseéaíndamenor.Equivaleaoverbo“poder”encondicionalouásexpresións“talvez”ou“quizais”+condicional.If I had money, I could buy a new car. (Seeutivesecartos,talvezmercaríauncochenovo.)

Seoverbodacondiciónéto be,adóitaseempregarwereentodasaspersoasdosingularedoplural.If he were home, he’d open the door. (Seelestivesenacasa,abriríaaporta.)

Paradarconsellosemprégaseafórmula If I were.If I were you, I’d go to the new market. (Eudeti,iríaaomercadonovo.)

• Negativa: pódesenegaracondición,oresultadoouambososdous.If I didn’t have a car, I would go by bus. (Seeunontiveseuncoche,iríaenautobús.)If I had a car, I wouldn’t go by bus. (Seeutiveseuncoche,noniríaenautobús.)If I didn’t have a car, I wouldn’t go by bus. (Seeunontiveseuncoche,noniríaenautobús.)

• Interrogativa:Would+suxeito+predicadodaoraciónprincipal+oraciónsubordinada.Would you buy a house in the city if you had enough money? (Mercaríasunhacasanacidadesetivesescartosdeabondo?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+wouldouwouldn’t.Would you do volunteer work if you had free time? Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn’t.(Traballaríascomovoluntariosetivesestempolibre?Traballaría.Si./Non.)

O terceiro condicionalEmprégaseparafalardecondiciónsenteiramenteimposíbeis,poisserefirenaopasadoexanonpodenrealizarse.

• Afirmativa:acondiciónexprésaseconif+PastPerfectSimple,eoresultadoconwould have +participio.If Phil had finished the project, he would have gone on holiday. (SePhilremataseoproxecto,marcharíadevacacións.)

• Negativa: pódesenegaracondición,oresultadoouambososdous.If I hadn’t won the lottery, I would have accepted that job. (Senonmetocasealotaría,aceptaríaeseemprego.)If I had won the lottery, I wouldn’t have accepted that job. (Semetocasealotaría,nonaceptaríaeseemprego.)If I hadn’t won the lottery, I wouldn’t have accepted that job. (Senonmetocasealotaría,nonaceptaríaeseemprego.)

• Interrogativa:Would+suxeito+have + participio+predicadodaoraciónprincipal+oraciónsubordinada.

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Would Sarah have helped people at the community centre if she had lived nearer? (Sarahaxudaríaáxentedocentrocívicosevivisemáispreto?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+would haveouwouldn’t have.Would you have arrived at school on time if someone had driven you? Yes, I would have. / No, I wouldn’t have.(Chegaríasaocolexioatemposealguéntelevaseencoche?Chegaría.Si./Non.)

As oracións temporaisAsreferidasaofuturofórmansecomoasoraciónsdoprimeirocondicional:PresentSimplenasubordinadaeFutureSimplenaprincipal.AsquefanreferenciaafeitosxeraisfórmansecoverboenPresentSimpletantonasubordinadacomonaprincipal.Oquemudasonasconxuncións:nocantodeifouunless,empréganse by the time ((para)cando), when (cando), as soon as (tanprontocomo,encanto), after (despoisde(que)), the moment (that) (encanto), before (antesde(que)),once (unhavezque,encanto), etc. As soon as I get home, I will call you. (Encantochegueácasa,chamareite.)

After I brush my teeth, I go to bed. (Despoisdelavarosdentes,vouparaacama.)

Unit 5As oracións de relativoSonoraciónssubordinadasqueacheganinformaciónengadidasobreouantecedentequeseamentanaoraciónprincipalevanintroducidaspolospronomesrelativoswho,which,where,when,whose ethat.As oracións de relativo especificativas

Acheganinformaciónesencialparaidentificaroantecedente.Ospronomesrelativospodensersuxeitooucomplementodaoraciónsubordinada.Sefuncionancomocomplementopodenomitirseospronomeswho,which,whenethat.• Who:emprégasecandooantecedenteéunhapersoa.Pódesesubstituírporthat.He is the actor who / that plays the role of Henry VIII. (ÉoactorqueinterpretaopapeldeHenriqueVIII.)She’s the girl (who / that) I invited to the party.(Elaéarapazaqueconvideiáfesta.)

Nalinguaxeformal,ásvecesemprégasewhomnocantodewhocandofuncionacomocomplementodaoraciónderelativo.That’s the boy whom I met yesterday. (Eseéorapazquecoñecínonte.)

• Which:emprégaseparasereferiracousasouanimais.Podesubstituírseporthat.This is the book which / that is so expensive.(Esteéolibroqueétancaro.)I didn’t like the film (which / that) she recommended. (Nonmegustouapelículaquerecomendou.)

• Where:emprégasecandooantecedenteéunlugar.

Windsor Castle is the place where the Royal Family spend the summer. (OCastelodeWindsoréolugarondeafamiliarealpasaoverán.)

• When:emprégasecandooantecedenteéunhacláusulatemporal.Adoitasubstituírseporthatcandovaidespoisdeday,week ouyear.It was the year (when / that) she married the king. (Foioanoenquecasoucorei.)

• Whose:emprégasecandooantecedenteéunhapersoa.Expresaposesión.She was the queen whose husband was assassinated. (Elafoiaraíñacuxomaridofoiasasinado.)

Unit 6should

FormasI should use it.He shouldn’t use it.Should you use it?Yes, we should. / No, she shouldn’t.


• Afirmativa:suxeito+should+verbonaformabase.You should call your parents. (Deberíaschamarosteuspais.)

• Negativa:suxeito+should not ou shouldn’t (amáishabitualéasegunda)+verbonaformabase.They shouldn’t send so many text messages.(Nondeberíanenviartantasmensaxesdetexto.)

• Interrogativa:Should +suxeito+verbonaformabase.Should I buy a new mobile phone? (Deberíamercarunteléfonomóbilnovo?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+shouldoushouldn’t.Should we leave at six o’clock? Yes, we should. / No, we shouldn’t.(Deberiamosmarcharásseisenpunto?Deberiamos.Si./Non.)

mustFormas Usos

I must tell you. obriga

He mustn’t tell you. prohibición

• Afirmativa:suxeito+must+verbonaformabase.Expresaaobrigaeanecesidadeouaconvenienciadefaceralgo,esignifica“deber”.You must turn off your phones. (Debedesapagarosteléfonos.)

• Negativa: suxeito+must not omustn’t(amáishabitualéasegunda)+verbonaformabase.Expresaprohibición,quealgononestápermitido,etaménquealgononsedebefacerpoisnonconvénounonécorrectofacelo.

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They mustn’t use their laptops here. (Nondebenempregarosseusportátilesaquí.)[estáprohibido]She mustn’t lie to her parents.(Nondebementiraosseuspais.)[nonécorrecto]

• Interrogativa:Must +suxeito+verbonaformabase.Nestecaso,mustexpresaobrigaounecesidade,aíndaqueesteverbomodalnonseadoitaempregarnaformainterrogativa.Must we tell Sally about the party? (DebemosdicirlleaSallyodafesta?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+must.Must I invite Ben? Yes, you must. (DeboconvidaraBen?Debo.Si.)

have toFormas

I have to go soon.He doesn’t have to go soon.Do you have to go soon?Yes, we do. / No, she doesn’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+have/has to+verbonaformabase.Significa“terque”eexpresa,comamust,aobrigaounecesidadedefaceralgo.Adiferenzaéquehave tosiseconxugae,poriso,emprégasenostemposquemustnonten.We have to send her an e-mail right now. (Temosqueenviarlleuncorreoelectrónicoagoramesmo.)

• Negativa:suxeito+don’t / doesn’t have to+verbonaformabase.Significa“nonterque/porque”.He doesn’t have to buy her a present. (Nontenque/porquecomprarlleunagasallo.)

• Lembraquehave tosignificaomesmocamust, pero don’t have to e mustn’t nonsonequivalentes.You don’t have to go. (Nontesque/porqueir.)[nonépreciso]You mustn’t go. (Nondebesir.)[estáprohibido]

• Interrogativa:Do/Does+suxeito+have to+verbonaformabase.Do you have to do any homework this afternoon?(Tesquefacerdeberesestatarde?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+do/does oudon’t/doesn’t.Does she have to leave now? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.(Tenquemarcharagora?Ten.Si./Non.)

need toFormas

I need to sleep now.He doesn’t need to sleep now.Do you need to sleep now?Yes, we do. / No, she doesn’t.

Need tosignifica“terque”eexpresacomohave to,aobrigaounecesidadedefaceralgo.Pódeseconxugare,polotanto,podeempregarseentodosostemposverbais.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+need /needs to+verbonaformabase.

I need to rest for a few days because I’m exhausted.(Teñoquedescansarunsdíasporqueestouesgotada.)

• Negativa:suxeito+don’t/doesn’t need to+verbonaformabase.

You don’t need to help me.(Nontesqueaxudarme.)• Interrogativa:Do/Does+suxeito+need to+verbonaformabase.

Do you need to buy something for dinner? (Tesquemercaralgoparaacea?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+do / doesoudon’t / doesn’t.

Does he need to come home soon? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. (Tenquevirprontoácasa?Ten.Si./Non.)


I can swim well.He can’t / cannot swim well.Can you swim well?Yes, we can. / No, she can’t.


• Afirmativa:suxeito+can+verbonaformabase.Lisa can swim very well.(Lisasabenadarmoiben.)They can go out tonight.(Podensaírestanoite.)You can take my phone.(Podescolleromeuteléfono.)

• Negativa:suxeito+cannotouaformacontraídacan’t+verbonaformabase.I cannot play the piano.(Nonseitocaropiano.)

• Interrogativa:Can +suxeito+verbonaformabase. Can they come with us? (Podenvirconnosco?)• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+canoucan’t.Can you play tennis? Yes, we can. / No, we can’t.(Sabedesxogaraotenis?Sabemos.Si./Non.)

could Formas

I could ride a bike.He couldn’t ride a bike.Could you ride a bike?Yes, we could. / No, she couldn’t.

Couldexpresahabilidadeeposibilidadenopasadoetaménsepodeempregarparapedirpermisooufavoresdemaneiramáiseducadaqueconcan.• Afirmativa:suxeito+could+verbonaformabase.

Robert could talk when he was one year old. (Robertsabíafalarcandotiñaunano.)They could finish their homework on time. (Puideronrematarosdeberesatempo.)

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• Negativa:suxeito+could notouaformacontraídacouldn’t+verbonaformabase.They couldn’t come to my party last year. (Nonpuideronvirámiñafestaoanopasado.)

• Interrogativa: Could +suxeito+verbonaformabase.Could you take me home?(Poderiadeslevarmeácasa?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+couldoucouldn’t.Could you do the exam? Yes, we could. / No, we couldn’t.(Puidestesfaceroexame?Puidemos.Si./Non.)

be able toFormas de presente

I am able to run fast.He isn’t able to run fast.Are you able to run fast?Yes, we are. / No, she isn’t. / Yes, I am.

Formas de pasadoI was able to run fast.He wasn’t able to run fast.Were you able to run fast?Yes, we were. / No, she wasn’t.

Formas de futuroI will be able to run fast.He won’t be able to run fast.Will you be able to run fast?Yes, we will. / No, she won’t.

Tenomesmosignificadoquecan,pero be able to podeconxugarse

• Afirmativa:suxeito+to benotempocorrespondente+able to+verbonaformabase.She was able to work with a broken arm.(Elapuidotraballarcunbrazoroto.)

• Negativa:suxeito+ to benotempocorrespondente+notoun’t +able to+verbonaformabase.He won’t be able to help you with your homework. (Nonpoderáaxudartecosdeberes.)

• Interrogativa:enpresenteepasado, to be otempocorrespondente+suxeito+able to+verbonaformabase.Enfuturo,will+suxeito+be able to+verbonaformabase.

Are you able to / Will you be able to win the race? (Podes/Poderásgañaracarreira?)

• Respostas curtas:pronomepersoalsuxeito+to becomoverboauxiliarenpresenteoupasado,ouwill/won’tenfuturo.Were you able to apologise to him? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. (Puidechespedirlleperdón(ael)?Puiden.Si./Non.)

may / mightFormas Usos

I may come. I might come.posibilidade

He may not come. He might not come.May I go now?

permisoYes, you may. / No, you may not.You may go now.You may not go tonight.


• Afirmativa:suxeito+may/might+verbonaformabase. I may / might be late. (Pode/Poderíaserquecheguetarde.)[posibilidade] You may use my phone. (Podesusaromeuteléfono.)[permiso]

• Negativa:suxeito+may/ might not+verbonaformabase. They may / might not come today. (Pode/Poderíaserquenonveñanhoxe.)[posibilidade]You may not open the door now. (Nonpodedesabriraportaagora.)[permiso]

• Interrogativa:May+suxeito+verbonaformabase.Eninterrogativaadoitaempregarsemayetenosignificadodepermisooupetición,nonodeposibilidade.May I use your bike? (Podousaratúabici?)

• Respostas curtas: ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+mayoumay not.May I go with you? Yes, you may. / No, you may not. (Podoircontigo?Podes.Si./Non.)

Unit 7A voz pasiva en presente e en pasado

Presente am / is / are + oparticipiodoverboprincipalPasado was / were

• Afirmativa:suxeito+ to becomoauxiliarnotempocorrespondente+oparticipiodoverboprincipal.Sarah’s novel is written in French. (AnoveladeSarahestáescritaenfrancés.)Witches were thrown into the Thames a long time ago. (AsbruxaseranguindadasaoTámesishaimoitotempo.)

Sesequereamentarqueouquenrealizaaacción,ponseofinaldafraseprecedidodeby.This bridge was built by the Romans. (Estapontefoiconstruídapolosromanos.)

Eninglésemprégasemoitoapasiva,peroadóitasetraduciroverboenactivaounaformaimpersoal.This tower is used as a museum. (Empregan/Emprégaseestatorrecomomuseo.)

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• Negativa:suxeito+to becomoauxiliarnotempocorrespondente+notoun’t+oparticipiodoverboprincipal.Cars aren’t designed to transport boxes.(Oscochesnonestándeseñadosparatransportarcaixas.)Those caves weren’t discovered until 1920. (Esascovasnonsedescubrironaté1920.)

• Interrogativa:to becomoauxiliarnotempocorrespondente+suxeito+oparticipiodoverboprincipal.Nasrespostas curtasponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+to becomoauxiliarnotempocorrespondente,sencontraerenafirmativooucontraídoennegativa.Were those books sold in this bookshop? Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t. (Eseslibrosvendéronsenestalibraría?Vendéronse.Si./Non.)

Enpreguntasconpartículainterrogativataménseinverteaordedeto beeosuxeito,agásseapartículafaidesuxeitopoisnesecasononcambiaaorde.When was the project developed? (Candoseelaborouoproxecto?)What is said in this article? (Quesedinesteartigo?)

Candooverboprincipaldaoraciónrexeunhapreposición,estaponsesempreaofinaldapregunta.What is Loch Ness known for? (PorqueécoñecidoolagoNess?)

Os usos da voz pasivaParasalientaraacciónenonosuxeitoquearealiza

This picture was taken in Italy.(EstafototirouseenItalia.)


New museums are opened every year.(Ábrensenovosmuseoscadaano.)

Como pasar unha frase activa a pasivaPonseto benomesmotempoquetiñaoverboprincipalenactiva,eesteverboenparticipio.Activa:They opened a shop a few days ago.(Abrironunhatendahaiunsdías.)Pasiva:A shop was opened a few days ago.(Abriuseunhatendahaiunsdías.)Ponsecomosuxeitooprimeirocomplementoquehaxadetrásdoverbonavozactiva,xasexaodirectoouoindirecto.Activa:They invented sunglasses to protect our eyes.(Inventaronaslentesdesolparaprotexerosnososollos.)Pasiva:Sunglasses were invented to protect our eyes.(Aslentesdesolinventáronseparaprotexerosnososollos.)Seocomplementoéunpronomepersoal,cámbiasepolasúacorrespondenteformadesuxeito.Activa:Paul told me all his plans.(Paulcontoumetodososseusplans.)Pasiva:I was told all his plans.(Contáronmetodososseusplans.)

Pásaseosuxeitodaoraciónactivaaofinaldapasivaprecedidodeby.Activa:Many people visit London every year.(MoitaspersoasvisitanLondrescadaano.)Pasiva:London is visited every year by many people.(Londresévisitadopormoitaspersoascadaano.)Seosuxeitoéunpronomepersoal,cámbiasepolopronomeobxectocorrespondente.Activa:He found the wallet.(Atopouacarteira.)Pasiva:The wallet was found by him.(Acarteirafoiatopadaporel.)

• Asexpresións temporaisqueseempregannavozpasivasonasmesmascanaactiva.Polotanto,seoverboestáenpresente:every day/week/year,once/twice a year,on+díadasemanaenplural,ouadverbioscomousually,sometimes,etc.Seoverboestáenpasado:last night/week,at+unhahora,on+undía/data,in+unano,in the past,yesterday,etc.

Unit 8O Past Perfect Simple

Afirmativa Forma contraídaI had walked I’d walkedYou had walked You’d walkedHe had walked He’d walkedShe had walked She’d walkedIt had walked It’d walkedWe had walked We’d walkedYou had walked You’d walkedThey had walked They’d walkedNegativa Forma contraídaI had not walked I hadn’t walkedYou had not walked You hadn’t walkedHe had not walked He hadn’t walkedShe had not walked She hadn’t walkedIt had not walked It hadn’t walkedWe had not walked We hadn’t walkedYou had not walked You hadn’t walkedThey had not walked They hadn’t walked

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Had I walked ... ? Yes, I had. No, I hadn’t.Had you walked ... ? Yes, you had. No, you hadn’t.Had he walked ... ? Yes, he had. No, he hadn’t.Had she walked ... ? Yes, she had. No, she hadn’t.Had it walked ... ? Yes, it had. No, it hadn’t.Had we walked ... ? Yes, we had. No, we hadn’t.Had you walked ... ? Yes, you had. No, you hadn’t.Had they walked ... ? Yes, they had. No, they hadn’t.

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• Afirmativa:suxeito+had+unverboenparticipio.The experts had solved the mystery of the ship. (Osexpertosresolveranomisteriodobarco.)

• Negativa:suxeito+had +apartículanotouacontracciónn’t+unverboenparticipio.We hadn’t heard any strange noises in the house.(Nonoiramosruídosestrañosnacasa.)

• Interrogativa:Had+suxeito+unverboenparticipio.Had they come up with something similar before?(Propuxeranalgosemellanteantes?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+hadouhadn’t.Had she been to Loch Ness? Yes, she had. / No, she hadn’t.(ForaaoLagoNess?Fora.Si./Non.)

• CoPastPerfectSimpleadoitanempregarseasseguintesexpresións temporaise adverbios:

before “antes”I had cleaned the car before I went to the party.(Limparaococheantesdeiráfesta.)

after “despois”

He ate some ice cream after he had finished lunch.(Comeuxeadodespoisderemataroalmorzo.)

as soon as


As soon as I had got up, I went to buy the newspaper. (Tanprontocomomeerguín,funmercaroxornal.)

by the time


By the time he was five, he had read many books. (Candotiñacincoanos,xaleramoitoslibros.)

until “atéque”

Until I went to Italy, I hadn’t eaten real Italian food. (AtéquefunaItalia,nuncacomeracomidaitalianadeverdade.)

when “cando”

Ian had finished his homework when I arrived.(Ianremataraosseusdeberescandocheguei.)

already afirmativa:“xa”

I had already seen Jim when he said hello to us.(XaviraaJimcandonossaudou.)



It was 3 am and the pub hadn’t closed yet.(Eranastresdamañáeopubnonpecharaaínda.)


When you arrived at the station, had the train left yet?(Candochegachesáestación,xamarcharaotren?)

Contraste Past Perfect Simple / Past Simple• OPastPerfectSimpleadoitairenoraciónsacompañadodoutroverboquevaienPastSimple.OPastPerfectSimplesinalaqueaacciónocorreuantesqueaoutraqueestáenPastSimple.By the time he arrived at the cinema, the film had already started.(Candochegouaocinema,apelículaxacomezara.)

• Paraexplicaromotivopoloqueocorreualgonopasado,ponseoverboprincipaldafraseenPastSimpleeaoraciónsubordinadaintroducidaporbecauseen PastPerfectSimple.We were nervous because we had seen unusual shadows. (Estabamosnerviosospoisviramosunhassombrasestrañas.)

Unit 9O estilo indirectoEmprégaseparacontarmosoquealguéndixosenrepetirxustamenteassúaspalabras.

Reported statements• Empréganseosverbos sayoutelleaconxunción


• Overboqueintroduceasubordinadaenestiloindirectoadoitairenpasado(said/told),poloqueoverbodasubordinadaintroducidaporthatdáunsaltoatrásnotempo.

Estilo directo Estilo indirectoPresent Simple Past Simple

“I always recycle newspapers,” Beth said.Beth said that she always recycled newspapers. (Bethdixoquesemprereciclabaosxornais.)

Present Continuous Past Continuous“She is giving a talk at school,” Paul said.Paul said that she was giving a talk at school. (Pauldixoqueelaestabaadarunhacharlanocolexio.)

Past Simple Past Perfect Simple“We set up a foundation,” Tom said.Tom said that they had set up a foundation. (Tomdixoqueelescrearanunhafundación.)

Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple“I have received 2,000 e-mails a day,” the boy said.The boy said that he had received 2,000 e-mails a day. (Orapazdixoquetiñarecibido2000correosaodía.)

will would“I will visit all the museums in Oslo,” Jane said.Jane said that she would visit all the museums in Oslo. (JanedixoquevisitaríatodososmuseosdeOslo.)

can could“You can buy green products,” the teacher said.The teacher said that we could buy green products. (Aprofesoradixoquepodiamosmercarprodutosecolóxicos.)

must had to“We must protect the environment,” Dad said.Dad said that we had to protect the environment. (Papádixoquetiñamosqueprotexeromedionatural.)

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• Candoafraseenunciaunhaverdadexeralnonhaicambionostemposverbais:

“People don’t take enough care of the environment,” she said. She said that people don’t take enough care of the environment. (Dixoqueaxentenoncoidaomedionaturalosuficiente.)

• Ocambiodeestilodirectoaindirectotaménafectaásexpresiónsdetempoedelugar,aosdemostrativoseaosposesivos:

Estilo directo Estilo indirectonow thentoday, tonight that day, that nighttomorrow the next / following dayyesterday the previous day, the day beforenext week / year the following week / year

last week / year the week / year before, the previous week / year

a month ago a month before / the previous month

here therethis, these that, thosemy his / her, etc.

Reported questionsHaidoustiposdepreguntaseninglés:

• AsYes / No questionssonasquesepodencontestarcun“si”ouun“non”.Parapasalasaestiloindirectoemprégaseoverboaskenpasadoseguidodeifouwhethere,aseguir,osuxeitoeoverbo.Comoapreguntadeixadeseloeseconvertenunhaafirmativa,nonhaiinversiónsuxeito-verboninsinaldeinterrogación,etampoucocomiñas.

“Do you recycle?” she asked.She asked if / whether we recycled.(Preguntounossereciclabamos.)

• As Wh- questionsnonsepodencontestarcun“si”ouun“non”.Sonasquecomezancunhapartículainterrogativa(what,who,where,when,why,whose,etc.).Aopasalasaoestiloindirectoponseaskenpasadoseguidodadevanditapartícula(nocantodeifouwhether).Logovanosuxeitoeoverbo,eprescíndesedosinaldeinterrogaciónedascomiñas.

“What are you doing to save water?” Jon asked. Jon asked what I was doing to save water. (Jonpreguntouqueestabafacendoparaaforrarauga.)


She wanted to know / wondered why people still used disposable products.(Queríasaber/Preguntábaseporqueaxenteaíndaempregabaprodutosdesbotábeis.)

Reported orders / requestsParapasarunhaordeaestiloindirectoponseoverboorderoutellenpasadoseguidodocomplementoindirectoe,aseguir,overboqueestabaenimperativocámbiaseporuninfinitivoconto.Conestamesmaestruturapodenempregarseaskoubegparaexpresarpeticiónsewarnparaadvertiraalguéndealgo.Aopediralgopoloxeraldisepleaseenestilodirecto,maisadóitaseomitirenestiloindirectoaoseconsiderarqueestáimplícitonoverboask,beg,etc. “Be careful!” he said.

He told me to be careful.(Díxomequetivesecoidado.)

“Please take the cans to the recycling bin,” she said. She asked me to take the cans to the recycling bin.(Pediumequelevaseaslatasaocolectordereciclaxe.)

Candosetratadunhaoraciónnegativa,ponsenotdiantedeto. “Please don’t drive too fast,” he said. He begged me not to drive too fast.(Rogoumequenonconducisedemasiadoáprésa.)

Reported offersParapasarunofrecementoaestiloindirectoponseoverboofferoupromiseenpasadoe,aseguir,overboeninfinitivoconto. “I’ll help you with your homework,” she said.

She offered to help me with my homework. (Ofreceuseaaxudarmecosdeberes.)

Candosetratadunhaoraciónnegativa,ponsenotdiantedeto. “I won’t be home late,” he said. He promised not to be home late. (Prometeumequenonchegaríatardeácasa.)

Reported suggestionsParapasarunhasuxestiónaestiloindirectoponseoverbosuggestourecommendenpasadoe,aseguir,dicimosoquesesuxeriu.Taménsepodenempregaradviseparadarconselloeinviteparafacerunhainvitación.Assuxestiónspodenpasarseaoestiloindirectodedúasmaneiras:

• Empregandounhaoracióndecomplementodirectointroducidaporthat,coseusuxeitoeoverbonaformabase.

“You should use energy-saving light bulbs,” he said. He suggested that I use energy-saving light bulbs.(Suxeriuqueempregaselámpadasdebaixoconsumo.)

• Empregandooxerundio,senespecificarsuxeitoningún.

“Let’s buy green products,” she said. She suggested buying green products.(Elasuxeriumercarprodutosecolóxicos.)

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be /VA/ was/were /rFh/rK/ been /VAm/ ser, estarbeat /VAW/ beat /VAW/ beaten /'VAWm/ golpear, baterbecome /VB'YJl/ became /VB'YMl/ become /VB'YJl/ chegar a ser, convertersebegin /VB'ZBm/ began /VB'Zæm/ begun /VB'ZJm/ comezar, empezarbend /VCmX/ bent /VCmW/ bent /VCmW/ dobrar(se)bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ apostarbite /VOW/ bit /VBW/ bitten /'VBWm/ trabarbleed /VoAX/ bled /VoCX/ bled /VoCX/ sangrarblow /VoLH/ blew /VoI/ blown /VoLHm/ soprarbreak /VpMY/ broke /VpLHY/ broken /'VpLHYLm/ crebar, romper, racharbring /VpBn/ brought /VpGW/ brought /VpGW/ traerbuild /VBoX/ built /VBoW/ built /VBoW/ construírburn /VKm/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ queimarbuy /VO/ bought /VGW/ bought /VGW/ mercar, comprarcatch /Yæa/ caught /YGW/ caught /YGW/ coller, agarrarchoose /aIh/ chose /aLHh/ chosen /'aLHhm/ elixircome /YJl/ came /YMl/ come /YJl/ vircost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ custarcut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cortardig /XBZ/ dug /XJZ/ dug /XJZ/ cavar, sachardo /XI/ did /XBX/ done /XJm/ facerdraw /XpG/ drew /XpI/ drawn /XpGm/ debuxardream /XpAl/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ soñardrink /XpBnY/ drank /XpænY/ drunk /XpJnY/ beberdrive /XpOd/ drove /XpLHd/ driven /'XpBdm/ conducireat /AW/ ate /CBW/ eaten /'AWm/ comerfall /cGo/ fell /cCo/ fallen /'cGoLm/ caerfeed /cAX/ fed /cCX/ fed /cCX/ alimentarfeel /cAo/ felt /cCoW/ felt /cCoW/ sentir(se)fight /cOW/ fought /cGW/ fought /cGW/ loitar, pelexarfind /cOmX/ found /cPmX/ found /cPmX/ atoparfly /coO/ flew /coI/ flown /coLHm/ voarforget /cL'ZCW/ forgot /cL'ZFW/ forgotten /cL'ZFWm/ esquecerforgive /cL'ZBd/ forgave /cL'ZMd/ forgiven /cL'ZBdm/ perdoarfreeze /cpAh/ froze /cpLHh/ frozen /'cpLHhm/ conxelar(se)get /ZCW/ got /ZFW/ got /ZFW/ conseguir, acadar; chegargive /ZBd/ gave /ZMd/ given /'ZBdm/ dargo /ZN/ went /rCmW/ gone /ZFm/ irgrow /ZpN/ grew /ZpI/ grown /ZpNm/ crecer; cultivarhang /kæn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ pendurarhave /kæd/ had /kæX/ had /kæX/ ter; haberhear /kBL/ heard /kKX/ heard /kKX/ oír, ouvirhide /kOX/ hid /kBX/ hidden /'kBXm/ agochar(se)hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ golpear, bater, pegarhold /kNoX/ held /kCoX/ held /kCoX/ suxeitar, soster, termar dehurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ ferir, mancar, magoar; doerkeep /YAU/ kept /YCUW/ kept /YCUW/ gardar, manterknow /mN/ knew /mqI/ known /mNm/ saber, coñecer

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Irregular Verb List

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lay /oCB/ laid /oCBX/ laid /oCBX/ poñer, pór, estenderlead /oAX/ led /oCX/ led /oCX/ guiar, conducirlearn /oKm/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ aprenderleave /oAd/ left /oCcW/ left /oCcW/ deixar; marchar, saírlend /oCmX/ lent /oCmW/ lent /oCmW/ emprestar, deixarlet /oCW/ let /oCW/ let /oCW/ permitir, deixarlie /oO/ lay /oCB/ lain /oCBm/ tombarse, deitarselie /oO/ (regular verb) lied /oOX/ lied /oOX/ mentirlight /oOW/ lit /oBW/ lit /oBW/ acender, prenderlose /oIh/ lost /oFgW/ lost /oFgW/ perdermake /lCBY/ made /lCBX/ made /lCBX/ facer, fabricarmean /lAm/ meant /lCmW/ meant /lCmW/ significar, querer dicirmeet /lAW/ met /lCW/ met /lCW/ coñecer a; xuntarse conpay /UM/ paid /UMX/ paid /UMX/ pagarput /UHW/ put /UHW/ put /UHW/ poñer, pórread /pAX/ read /pCX/ read /pCX/ lerride /pOX/ rode /pLHX/ ridden /'pBXm/ montarring /pBn/ rang /pæn/ rung /pJn/ chamar (por teléfono)rise /pOh/ rose /pLHh/ risen /'pBhm/ elevarse, erguerserun /pJm/ ran /pæm/ run /pJm/ corrersay /gM/ said /gCX/ said /gCX/ dicirsee /gA/ saw /gG/ seen /gAm/ versell /gCo/ sold /gLHoX/ sold /gLHoX/ vendersend /gCmX/ sent /gCmW/ sent /gCmW/ enviarset /gCW/ set /gCW/ set /gCW/ colocarshake /iMY/ shook /iHY/ shaken /'iMYLm/ axitarshine /iOm/ shone /iFm/ shone /iFm/ brillar, escintilarshoot /iIW/ shot /iFW/ shot /iFW/ dispararshow /iLH/ showed /iLHX/ shown /iLHm/ amosar, ensinarshut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ pecharsing /gBn/ sang /gæn/ sung /gJn/ cantarsink /gBnY/ sank /gænY/ sunk /gJnY/ afundirsit /gBW/ sat /gæW/ sat /gæW/ sentarsleep /goAU/ slept /goCUW/ slept /goCUW/ durmir(se)smell /glCo/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ ulir, cheirarspeak /gUAY/ spoke /gULHY/ spoken /'gULHYLm/ falarspell /gUCo/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ soletrearspend /gUCmX/ spent /gUCmW/ spent /gUCmW/ gastar; pasar (tempo)stand /gWæmX/ stood /gWHX/ stood /gWHX/ estar a pésteal /gWAo/ stole /gWLHo/ stolen /'gWLHoLm/ roubarstick /gWBY/ stuck /gWJY/ stuck /gWJY/ apegarsweep /grAU/ swept /grCUW/ swept /grCUW/ varrerswim /grBl/ swam /græl/ swum /grJl/ nadartake /WMY/ took /WHY/ taken /'WMYLm/ coller, levarteach /WAa/ taught /WGW/ taught /WGW/ aprender, ensinartear /WCL/ tore /WG/ torn /WGm/ rachar, esgazartell /WCo/ told /WLHoX/ told /WLHoX/ dicir, contarthink /eBnY/ thought /eGW/ thought /eGW/ coidar, pensarthrow /epN/ threw /epI/ thrown /epNm/ guindar, tirarunderstand /JmXC'gWæmX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ comprender, entenderwake up /rMY 'JU/ woke up /rLHY 'JU/ woken up /rLHYLm 'JU/ espertarwear /rCL/ wore /rG/ worn /rGm/ levar posto; poñersewin /rBm/ won /rJm/ won /rJm/ gañarwrite /pOW/ wrote /pLHW/ written /'pBWm/ escribir

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Translation Exercises

Unit 1 1. Os exploradores sobreviviron á súa viaxe polo

océano. 2. Eu estaba triste porque estaba viaxando só. 3. O soño de Pete f íxose realidade cando

navegou por todo o mundo. 4. Que estaban a facer eles cando saíu o barco? 5. Non adoitaba ser un entusiasta da navegación.

Unit 2 1. Pam non cantou sobre o escenario durante

dous anos. 2. O artista estudou algunha vez animación

dixital? 3. Fomos facer escalada en rocha o ano pasado. 4. Os meus amigos xamais foron de acampada. 5. Algunha vez participaches nunha competición


Unit 3 1. A visita comeza en dúas horas. 2. Coido que reservarei un billete por Internet. 3. Vas alugar un coche na cidade? 4. Precisarei repelente contra insectos alí no

inverno? 5. Estarás sentado ao sol, así que colle


Unit 4 1. Eu de ti, só usaría o paso de peóns. 2. Se os nenos non van nadar, irán ao parque. 3. Se non pediras indicacións para chegar ao

hotel non o atopariamos. 4. Veríasme nos birlos se foras alí esta noite

pasada. 5. Non conduciriamos arredor do canón se

houbese unha ponte.

Unit 5 1. As ervellas que merquei estaban conxeladas. 2. Non che presta a comida que é picante, non é? 3. Quero ir a un restaurante onde sirvan

marisco fresco. 4. Coñezo alguén que só come comida crúa. 5. Nunca esquecerei cando pediches a

sobremesa antes que o prato principal.

Check Your Progress

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Unit 6 1. Tes que desculparte. 2. Non debes ignorar os teus problemas. 3. Podo confiar nel? 4. Non era quen de defenderme cando era máis

novo. 5. Poida que non esteas de acordo coa xente,

mais deberías respectar a súa opinión.

Unit 7 1. Entran a roubar nas casas cada día. 2. El chocou contra un autobús e ten feridas

graves. 3. El estaba inconsciente cando o atoparon? 4. Ao longo dos disturbios, infrínxense moitas

leis. 5. Non a condenaron a pena de cárcere.

Unit 8 1. A xente usaría aspiradoras antes do século

XX? 2. Un lavalouza sinxelo e doado de usar

cambiaría as súas vidas. 3. Cando Mike tiña catro anos, inventara un

artefacto enxeñoso. 4. Apaguei a cociña de gas logo de usala. 5. Non merquei esa trapallada inútil porque

gastaría todos os meus cartos.

Unit 9 1. Rick dixo que o paxaro puxera un ovo no seu

niño o día anterior. 2. Pregunteille ao veterinario cantos bigotes tiña

un gato. 3. O veterinario dixo que a cebra probabelmente

pariría en maio. 4. Kate suxeriu mercar o chapeu coas plumas

azuis para a súa nai. 5. O guía do safari díxonos que conducísemos

amodo para que os animais non se sentisen ameazados.

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29New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books

closing sentence

body of paragraph

opening sentence

Many tourists go on holiday to the

Costa Brava, an area on the

northeastern coast of Spain.

The area has got a pleasant climate

and excellent beaches. It is also

known for its delicious food.

For this reason, the Costa Brava has

become a popular holiday destination.

Writing Guide

Repasa o escritoChecking your writing

A puntuación (Punctuation)


It’s stormy right now.

• Acomaouvírgula(,)emprégaseparasepararpalabrasouideas.Poloxeralnonsepondiantedeand.

She speaks English, French, German and Italian.


Is your father a musician?


Wow! This is so much fun!

Antes de escribirBrainstorming•Faiunhalistaxedeideasouunmapadepreguntasrelacionadascotema(who?, what?, when?, where?,why?).



Organización do textoParagraph structureUnparágrafotentrespartes:

•Aprimeiraoración(opening sentence),quepresentaaideaprincipal.

•Ocorpodoparágrafo(body of paragraph),queamplíaaideaprincipalconinformaciónimportante.

•Aderradeiraoración(closing sentence),queresumeaideaprincipalpararepetilaconoutraspalabras.




My favourite actress is Jennifer

Lawrence. I first saw her in the film

The Hunger Games and I thought she

was great.

Jennifer Lawrence was born in

Louisville, Kentucky, US on 15th

August, 1990. When she was 14

years old, she decided to be an

actress. She started her acting career

in the television comedy series

The Bill Engvall Show. After that,

she appeared in several films and

received awards for her performance.

After Lawrence starred in the film

Winter’s Bone, she became famous.

In March 2011, Lawrence received

the part of Katniss Everdeen in the

film The Hunger Games. At age 22,

she received the Academy Award

for her performance in the romantic

comedy Silver Linings Playbook.

I think Jennifer Lawrence is a

fantastic actress. She is a real star

and I am sure she will win many

more awards for her acting.

Text organisationUntextodivídeseenparágrafos.Cadaparágrafotenunhafuncióndiferente:




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30New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books


Next week, we’re going to visit Vasa – a great museum in Stockholm.

Don’t be so impatient. You’ll see ... Anna (my friend’s sister) is coming to visit us. See you tomorrow. I can’t wait!


Eninglés,avírgulavaidentrodascomiñas(“... with me,” he said),mentresqueengalegovaifóra(“... comigo”, dixo).

“Please come with me,” he said.

As maiúsculas (Capital letters)


•osnomesetítulosdaspersoas:Olivia Stone, Mr Rose, Dr Brent

•osnomesdelugarescomocidades,países,continentes,edificioscélebres,museos,etc.:London, Peru, Asia, Tower Bridge, the Louvre

•asnacionalidades:Irish, German, British•osdías:Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday•osmeses:January, March, July•aprimeirapalabradunhaoración:This is a good

restaurant.•opronomepersoalI: I like Italian food.•osidiomas:French, Swedish, Chinese•aspalabrasrelevantesdostítulosdelibrosepelículas,cancións,festividadesexogosdeordenador:

Alice in Wonderland Easter, Christmas This is the Life Sim City

As preposicións de tempo (Prepositions of time)


•at horas: at four o’clock festividades: at Christmas •on díasdasemana: on Monday datas: on 15th August on Christmas Day

•in meses: in September estacións: in summer anos: in 2012 partesdodía: in the morningAgás: at the weekend at night

A orde das palabras: suxeito – verbo (Word order: Subject – verb)

Osuxeitodaoraciónponsediantedoverbo.The cave is dark. s v

Maisnaspreguntasvaidetrásdoverbo.Is the cave dark? vs

A orde das palabras: as expresións temporais (Word order: Time expressions)

Asexpresiónstemporaispodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,aíndaqueémáishabitualpoñelasaofinal.We drove to the lake yesterday. timeexpr.

Sevanaocomezo,sepáransedaoraciónprinicipalcunhavírgula.Yesterday, we drove to the lake. timeexpr.

A orde das palabras: os adxectivos (Word order: Adjectives)

•Poloxeralvandiantedossubstantivos. cooked vegetables adj n Taménvandetrásdoverbo to be. The meat is salty. vadj Edetrásdosverbosestáticos.

It looks appetising. vadj•Sehaivariosadxectivos,adoitanirnestaorde: opinión,tamaño,cor,nacionalidade.

It’s a lovely, little Italian restaurant. osn They serve the food on big blue plates. sc

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Writing Guide

31New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books

adverbofdegree adverbofmanner

A orde das palabras: os adverbios (Word order: Adverbs)

• Osadverbiosdeintensidadeedemodovandetrásdoverbo.

You sing quite nicely.

• Osadverbiosdefrecuenciavandiantedoverbonasoraciónsafirmativas.

He always acts in comedies. advv Maisseoverboéto be,oadverbiovaidetrás.

Celebrities are usually very rich. vadv

Dar exemplos (Presenting examples)

Empréganseexpresiónscoma like, for example e such asparadarexemplos.I enjoy doing sports like running and rollerblading.There are rules in basketball. For example, don’t kick the ball.Activities such as shopping and visiting museums are my favourite.

Os adxectivos posesivos e os pronomes (Referencing)

Servenparafacerreferenciaaosnomesamentadosconanterioridadeenonrepetilos. My house is in a nice neighbourhood. It is near the square.Ben and I are going to the playground. Do you want to come with us?Jade’s keys are under the desk. Those are her keys.

Feitos e opinións (Facts and opinions)

Unfeitoéalgoquesesabequeéverdadeequeamiúdopodeprobarse.Unhaopiniónéoqueunhapersoasenteoupensasobrealgunhacousaoualguén.Paraescribiropinións,poloxeralempréganseexpresiónscomoI think,I feel,it seemsouin my opinion.

As conxuncións (Linking words and connectors of cause and effect)


•Copulativas:and. The blanket is black and the pillows are pink.•Adversativas:but. I like the pillows, but I don’t like the blanket.

•Causais:because, because ofesince. I couldn’t call because my phone wasn’t working. We stayed home because of the rain. I don’t use my laptop a lot since it’s very old.•Consecutivas:soetherefore. Your phone was ringing, so I turned it off. I forgot my phone, therefore I didn’t get your message.

Os conectores de secuencia (Connectors of sequence)

Osconectoresdesecuenciaamosanaordeenqueocorreronascousas.Osmáisempregadosson:first, first of all,before, after, after that, then, next, later, by the time, eventually, finally, in the end e at last. First of all, we couldn’t have a shower because there was no hot water. By the time we were ready, it was too late to eat. Eventually, we took the train to town. At last, we got to the park but it was very late. In the end, we only had time for a quick game.

As conxuncións finais (Connectors of purpose)

Asconxunciónsfinais,coma to, in order toeso that,empréganseparaexpresarafinalidadeouopropósitomanifestadonaoraciónprincipal.I called to ask for help.The burglar broke the window in order to break into my house.The police looked for witnesses so that they would understand what happened.

As conxuncións copulativas (Connectors of addition)

Asconxunciónscopulativasemprégansepararelacionarideassemellantesentresieengadirinformaciónadicional.Amáiscomúnéand.Amesmafunciónpodeserexercidaporalgúnsadverbios:also, in addition (to), moreover e as well as. Last night, I wrote an entry in my blog and I wrote three e-mails.I read a book about the invention of the radio. I also researched the radio on the Internet.Yesterday, I studied many hours for the science test. In addition / Moreover, I wrote an essay.You can use it to take photos, as well as to record sound.

As conxuncións e locucións adversativas (Connectors of contrast)

Asconxunciónselocuciónsconxuntivasadversativasemprégansepararelacionarideasopostas.Asmáisusuaisson:but,howeverealthough. The rhinoceros is extremely heavy, but it can run up to 42 km an hour.Gorillas are strong and powerful. However, they are usually gentle and shy.Although my dog is big, he is harmless.

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eu xogoti xogas

el, ela xoganós xogamosvós xogades

eles, elas xogan

I playyou play

he, she, it playswe playyou playthey play

PERÍFRASE PRESENT CONTINUOUS FUTURO: PERÍFRASEeu estou a xogar / xogandoti estás a xogar / xogando

el, ela está a xogar / xogandonós estamos a xogar / xogandovós estades a xogar / xogando

eles, elas están a xogar / xogando

I am playingyou are playing

he, she, it is playingwe are playingyou are playingthey are playing

eu vou xogarti vas xogar

el, ela vai xogarnós imos xogarvós ides xogar

eles, elas van xogar

FUTURE: BE GOING TOI am going to play

you are going to playhe, she, it is going to play

we are going to playyou are going to playthey are going to play

FUTURO FUTURO: WILLeu xogareiti xogarás

el, ela xogaránós xogaremosvós xogaredes

eles, elas xogarán

I will playyou will play

he, she, it will playwe will playyou will playthey will play

32New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books

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Page 33: New English in Use ESO 3 Galician B Burlington Books€¦ · design fashion accessories /XBhOm 'cæim LYgCgLpih/ ... harmful /'kElco/ daniño/a, ... New English in Use ESO 3 Galician©

33New English in Use ESO 3 Galician © B Burlington Books


eu xogabati xogabas

el, ela xogabanós xogabamosvós xogabades

eles, elas xogaban

I was playingyou were playing

he, she, it was playingwe were playingyou were playingthey were playing

eu estaba a xogarti estabas a xogar

el, ela estaba a xogarnós estabamos a xogarvós estabades a xogar

eles, elas estaban a xogar


I playedyou played

he, she, it playedwe playedyou playedthey played


eu xogueiti xogachesel, ela xogounós xogamosvós xogastes

eles, elas xogaron


I have playedyou have played

he, she, it has playedwe have playedyou have playedthey have played

eu teño xogadoti tes xogado

el, ela ten xogadonós temos xogadovós tedes xogado

eles, elas teñen xogado


eu xogarati xogaras

el, ela xogaranós xogaramosvós xogarades

eles, elas xogaran

I had playedyou had played

he, she, it had playedwe had playedyou had playedthey had played
