new era

New Era Samantha Ñañez Valeria Rosell Paloma Ponce By:

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Post on 03-Apr-2016




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This magazine it's about the enviroment.


New Era

Samantha Ñañez

Valeria Rosell

Paloma Ponce




As we know the environemnt is the land, water, and air that people animals

and plants live in. The environment influences how people live, but it is us

with our actions who are killing it. In recent years, scientist are examinig,

the ways that people affect the environemt and there are many. Also they

are looking for some of the main contaminates like paper tickets, stirrers

from the coffe makers and disposable alkaline batteries that damage our

planet. But what we don’t know is that there are many easy ways to help the

planet an you don’t have to change radicaly your lifestyle.

Many of you travel by airplane but what you don’t know is that the cost of

processing a paper ticket is aproximately $10, and the processing of an e-

ticket costs only $1. In the near future will b e the only option for

traveling because with these we don’t use a lot of paper and a lot of trees

will no be cut.

Another pollutant is related to coffee. Coffee is

a drink that most people like, and to remove the

coffee from our machines we use a stirrer. The

stirrer is a little stick made with a piece of

plastics and other piece of wood. Every year,

Americans throw away 138 billion stirrers. And

now to avoid using stirrers we can use a piece

of pasta to remove or simply put your sugar and

cream first, and the pour in the coffee, and it

should be well mixed.

Most of our appliances use batteries, every year companies produce billions

of batteries and most, of them are disposable alkaline batteries. It´s better to

buy a charger and a set of rechargeable batteries, because a battery alkaline

disposable taks approximately 1000 years to descompose.

Pollution is something that is causing concern in the world and we have to

do something to solve it. These ideas help us to reduce damages and saver

the life of the planet and our lives. These are onlu some ideas but you can

search more to help the world. These small acts can make big changes.



The elegant lines, rapid acceleration and good range should make this Toyota sell in developing countries and extreme climates in the future. For now, they want to improve that slow uptake that followed the first Prius hybrids; FCV image; Credit: © Toyota-Global

The latest from the world’s largest car-maker uses hydrogen that currently comes from fossil fuels in the classic fuel cell.

The solution for Toyota today is an expensive but long range and long-lasting alternative to electricity. Electric cars, also use fossil fuels in the making of their electricity, so it’s no come-down to wait till we have better chemists! Like EVs, the FCV doesn’t pollute. The hydrogen only burns to produce water.

Working on fuel cells for 22 years, Toyota manages a 700km range for this new car, with reduced weight and the attraction of 3-minute refueling-when you can find the hydrogen. We wonder if some hydrogen could be carried in the boot for special situations where the range was a problem. The use of fuel cells in fork-lift trucks and buses will also add to the background Toyota can bank on to aid



development of this passenger car. Speed, like that of electric vehicles, is faster than any comparable directly fossil-powered car.

With the success, despite some distractors, of the Prius car and many of its relatives, Toyota would seem to have the hybrid market well-covered. This venture will naturally take customers from that market, but this is in the future, 6 months hence in Japan and about a year elsewhere. In that time and for the next few years, the development of hydrogen depends, like that of EVs on fuel supply. This car s boastful of its capacity to supply your house with electricity for a week in an emergency. With other abilities such as really low temperature operation -30o C, certain users will be attracted to a regional capability for extreme climates.



By: Sara Bernard

The iPhone 6 was released September 9, as everyone knows and along with the flurry of tweets and blog posts and news articles came — naturally — a tacit claim about its environmental prowess.

According to the live-streamed event in Cupertino, Calif., Apple’s commitment to the environment includes a mercury-free, arsenic-free, and beryllium-free iPhone 6, among other things. This follows the company’s official ban, a few weeks ago, of benxene and n-hexane — two toxic chemicals previously used in the final assembly of Apple products.

Those who speculated we’d be able to charge our phones with their

screens are sorely disappointed, too. The much-anticipated iPhone 6

screen — which Apple said today is indeed “laminated to a single

crystal of sapphire, the hardest transparent material after diamond”

— may be manufactured using solar power. But it isn’t (yet) a built-

in solar panel itself.



Yellows as the sun

The leaves have fallen in my heart

Like a dark wine

Whiles and soft as cotton

Realizing the wind is dancing side to side

With a lake as blue as the sky

The trees dance

The purple long carpet that covers the floor

Lays between the yellows flowers

By: Paloma Ponce de la Vega