new hope bulletin 08.23.14

Type to August 23, 2014 Type to enter text @newhopefulton Worship at New Hope Community at Worship 10:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. | Kingdom Kids Worship (Resumes Aug. 23) | Middle School Worship (Rm. 206) 10:30 a.m. Community Life 2 Club Registration Open 3 Family Resources 4 connect. serve. grow. W RSHIP Today's Message Pastor Mike Speegle is back and kicking off a new sermon series. Use the sermon notes inside to follow along as we explore God’s Word together. Welcome Pastor Jason Decena Worship Through Praise Pastor Jason Decena Message Pastor Mike Speegle Community Life Marty Chappell (First Service) Ansel Oliver (Second Service) Closing Thought Pastor Mike Speegle

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New Hope Adventist Church. Fulton, Md.


Page 1: New Hope Bulletin 08.23.14



August 23, 2014Type to enter text


Worship at New Hope Community at Worship 10:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. | Kingdom Kids Worship (Resumes Aug. 23) | Middle School Worship (Rm. 206) 10:30 a.m.

Community Life 2 !!Club Registration Open 3

!Family Resources 4

connect. serve. grow.




Today's MessagePastor Mike Speegle is back and kicking off a new sermon series. Use the sermon notes inside to follow along as we explore God’s Word together.

Welcome Pastor Jason Decena

Worship Through Praise Pastor Jason Decena

Message Pastor Mike Speegle !Community Life

Marty Chappell (First Service) Ansel Oliver (Second Service)

Closing Thought Pastor Mike Speegle

Page 2: New Hope Bulletin 08.23.14

community life !Welcome to New Hope! We're here to help you grow in your spiritual journey. This page highlights some exciting ways for you and your family to make meaningful connections and grow your relationship with God.  !If there is anything we can do to support you on your journey, let us know. !!Church Office Hours Mon-Thu 9a-5p, Fri 10a-2p !Phone/Text Message 410-541-6394 !Email [email protected]

august september september

23 New Hope Young Adults come together for their monthly potluck after second service. If you are 18-35, you won't want to miss this amazing time of fellowship and good eats. For more info, send an email to [email protected].

6 Chadash, the women's prayer group, meets, 9:30 a.m. in the Prayer Room (Room 111). For more info, contact Jennifer at [email protected].

23 Kingdom Kids Sabbath School Family Celebration, 9-10:30 a.m. Come for breakfast and a morning of activities, games and crafts for the whole family to enjoy on the second floor this fifth Sabbath! Theme: Animals are God's amazing creation.

27 Ignite your prayer life and deepen your relationship with God. Join us for the Ignite prayer group, 7:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room. Our theme: Do you know God’s will for your life?

6 Join the New Hope Church community! Come to the Entrance to New Hope class, after second service. Lunch and child care provided. Register at, text MEMBERSHIP and your email address to 410-541-6394.

30 Give the gift of life! The bloodmobile will be at New Hope, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.! Be sure to schedule your appointment online at (enter sponsor code 05311866), or call 800–RED-CROSS.

CHURCH LIFE Welcome, guests! We’re glad to have you here today. You can find out more about New Hope in Seven Minutes or Less, a brief information session after today’s worship service by coming to the first two rows in the front left of the worship center. Our parents' room is on the second floor for you to hear and watch the service with your little one.

Watch the worship service rebroadcast Sundays (11 a.m.), Wednesdays and Fridays (7 p.m.) at!

Tour Israel! Join Pastor J. David Newman and author Andy Nash as they lead a special pre-Christmas tour of Israel November 20-30, 2014. For more information, send an email to Andy Nash at [email protected]. Don’t miss this opportunity of a lifetime!!

SAVE THE DATE for New Hope Church Camp, Oct. 17-19, Mt. Aetna Camp and Retreat Center near Hagerstown, Md. Registration opens Aug. 30.!

New Hope Women's Retreat, "Woman, Where Are You Going? A Journey Into God's Vision for Your Life," Oct. 4-5. For more info, contact Debbie Howell at [email protected]. !


Connect, a Bible study group just for young adults, meets from 11 a.m. to noon in the portable building. Come, join us as we study God’s word together in an informal, non-judgmental way.


The children's Bible lesson for today is found in Esther 2-9, “Esther Saves Her People.”

Do you enjoy meeting new people? Serve in Kids Church registration and greeting once monthly. For more info, email [email protected].

Kids Church returns TODAY at 10:30 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room, with a special guest performance from the Puppet & Story Works.

!! Kingdom Kids Sabbath School

Family Celebration Aug. 30, 9-10:30 a.m. Come for breakfast and a morning of activities, games and crafts for the whole family to enjoy on the second floor this fifth Sabbath! !Theme: Animals are God's amazing creation.


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New Hope's Pastors Take the Icy Challenge !What do New Hope's pastoral staff have in common with the likes of Oprah Winfrey, David Beckham and Katy Perry?!They've all taken the #IceBucketChallenge — and survived the cold to tell about it.!The viral public awareness campaign took off last month, inspired by friends and supporters of Pete Frates, a former Boston College baseball player diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. People doing the challenge dump a bucket of ice water on themselves and post a video on social media — then challenge others to do the same. !Those challenged can either get their own bucket primed, donate to the ALS Association to avoid an icy bath or both. As of Wednesday, the association reported donations of $31.5 million since July 29, a considerable jump from the $1.9 million donated during the same period last year.!Several different church members challenged our pastoral staff; want to know whom our pastors have called out? To find out, check out their #IceBucketChallenge video on our Facebook page:

Registration Open for Pathfinders, AdventurersIt's time for another year of scouting adventures to begin! Registration for New Hope's co-ed scouting groups, the Night Hawks Pathfinders and Little Hawks Adventurers, is officially open. !Why should kids and teens consider joining the clubs? Just a few reasons...!1. They're FUN. From museum scavenger hunts to s'mores around a campfire to caving, there's something for everyone and opportunities galore to experience something new.!2. They're educational, often downright practical. Do you know any American Sign Language? How to light a fire? Set up a tent? Our Pathfinders and Adventurers do — or soon will — and will learn even more this year.!3. They create leaders. With all that practical knowledge (see above), coupled with learning more about Jesus, the Ten Commandments, spiritual gifts and other biblical principles, how could they not?!4. Oshkosh. This year's International Camporee may already be a thing of the past, but plans for the next one in 2019 are already afoot (check out if you don't believe us). Just ask one of our newly returned Pathfinders, or scope out the photos: It's definitely an experience to remember. !5. They help their members build strong relationships with God (and each other!). The honors, activities and camporees are, of course, fun, but they all point to eternity: These clubs are yet another way for kids and youths to grow spiritually. !The registration deadline is Sept. 13. Got questions? Stop by the Ask-Me Desk for info on the clubs, or email Pastor Ann Roda (Pathfinders; fifth grade through high school) or Yeka Unnikumaran (Adventurers; pre-K through fourth grade) at [email protected].!Camporee photos courtesy of the Columbia Union Visitor.

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Last week at the International Pathfinder Camporee, I met an 82-year-old woman who has been a Pathfinder Club member most of her life. She attends every camporee as a volunteer in the administrative offices. She pays her own way to get there and makes her own arrangements for food and lodging. Her job is to do what others don’t have time to do. Her tasks include making copies, folding and stuffing envelopes, making sure there is enough paper in the copier, attaching the VIP badges on lanyards and other odds and ends that most hurried people take for granted.

She looked out of place in a sea of youth and vitality. Her shock of white hair was a stark contrast to the bobbing heads of excited Pathfinders, as were her orthopedic shoes and cane to their Teva sandals and hip backpacks. Of the 47,000 people at the camporee, very few knew she existed. Even fewer paid attention to her as she rode her golf cart from building to building. She would not be paraded onstage and individually thanked in front of all the people; her picture would not be on Facebook; her name might never even be mentioned.

It is not important to her that anyone know her name. But if she had not been present, we would have noticed her absence — and not because of her administrative duties. We would have noticed because there would have been one less fervent pray-er in our midst. She attends the camporee because it is there she sees the hope for the church; it is there she is encouraged and assured that when she is no longer on this earth, there will be someone who can carry on God’s Kingdom work. So she

comes every five years to volunteer and to pray for every single young person.

When not busy volunteering, she sat in her golf cart at an intersection where thousands of Pathfinders passed each day, and she prayed for them. Hour upon hour, she interceded for the youths who walked by. She prayed that they would grow to love God more and be forever faithful to Him. She prayed that they would be bold ambassadors for His Kingdom; that they would dedicate their lives to serving God. Most importantly, she prayed that she would meet them in heaven one day.

Even when the camporee ends and she quietly returns to her assisted living facility in northern California, she continues her greatest task as a prayer intercessor for all the youths who attended — and for those who will come to the next one in 2019.

She would consider her work as serving behind the scenes. But I beg to differ. I believe her intercessory prayers put her front and center in the battle for the hearts and souls of each Pathfinder. Hers is the greatest work to be done — praying for the young people in our churches.

We never knew her name, but we felt her prayers.


!The Back Page follows the Bible lessons that children and youth are studying and serves to help kids and adults continue the spiritual discussion at home and establish patterns of a devotional life.

Thought for the Week !God’s Daily Word Use these passages to explore more insights on God's protection.

SUNDAY Timothy 2:1; James 5:16

MONDAY Romans 8:26-27

TUESDAY Job 42:10; Ephesians 6:18

WEDNESDAY Philippians 4:6-7

THURSDAY 1 John 5:14-15

FRIDAY Philippians 1:9-12

Ann Roda

Pastor for Families

[email protected]


Weekly Challenge Let God reveal to you one or two individuals who will be the focus of your prayers for this week. Don’t tell them you are praying for them. Instead, watch and see what God is doing in their lives through your faithful prayers.!

For the Family Studies show that families who pray together experience closer relationships with one another and with God. This week, commit to praying together each day, whether in the morning or evening. Five minutes together in prayer will make a difference in your familylife. Stop by the Ask-Me Desk for family prayer resources.!

Find us: 12350 Hall Shop Road, Fulton, MD 20759 !Call us/ send a text message: 410-541-NEWH (6394) !

Email us: [email protected] !Visit us online: More info: [email protected]

Scan the QR Code to discover the benefits of family prayer.