new km'i lr (li lk - library of congress · 2017. 12. 21. · fcri general intelligence. the...

fcri GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. The Serpen Tunnel War, i) Taut or m Kiotem CoetTOin. Tb xrlal ef te alleged participant In th late rl 4 on tv KiKIllndWMCuiitlnindonTutUr Atllo'ck, m portion of lb r1onr wen marched Uilo tn( Court mu, and Major Coijjlu being on th touch, 41 semination cvoroTnencad. Liti II. Uonvm, residing In tluda-- City, WnJ depoeed I waaat the teen if the rl 4 on Friday, Saturday aid Sunday t I pwowbif her whom I rroogulss umii among them who helped to Mil !ra on the track; fti ting to Km'i Hoar, Yad of atidit 1 years of e I wI lm holp 1 1 put five lr on the trecki 1 thluk I rm.iilM om- - f the other, but eu wrar rttlvly to nun but thi IiVfit, th f Identified, protested-- .! never put cnt bar oa the lm a, or helpM to it oat on Kniutn rum Mng iwnrn, deposed -- I iu it therli4Jon the ,Kl.l)thi I1 thine hen are cntira utrangere to met I do nut think 1 can speak positive- ly if any of thtroton whom I are hrra tlilnk I as there, but cannot swear positively) I think I barrved the man tn the blue poaU (Orkriiur llarai 1 can TomtlTi no particular acts of bis, only riln reiura' utAclpatlou In turning over lslie tj old ears, etc , ca tha trecki 1 cannot recognise any others. Have A) hat if day did you Be me down there! Ana. I think auAd noon. Have I waa u.4 tuere since mornlrg. Anuan I)atlrtilil I at In rl.4 on arm!: g and Sumls i I tin n mw some or the Inrralaoelitrr, but di Ilk see them l'l on tlie track i II at man tutinj to .buis statin) was there, but I did not see him d anything. I'tlaoixr Wa it on Saturday or Sunday you liw tna tliorr f is in On Sunday, Or an Ptant bring awnrn, tcatlfcd I M al the rV4 Frlila) , Saturday and SuiuWy i I w as eflgsgid In the not tl la hoy (Milium. Iltsv) tha next butt betohlm (Wat tAHKttJ i not hut w (loiiNifcm-antrnrt- I taw each of them engaged In Ihe rl 4 t t'M if ia another (rtsliling t Jons ll esssal who Was ' gsgrd In lAsdnirting thi rai r ad. I iAMkr V. hen did win ew m f it ikirm- - I saw yon on Similar , y.wi were hal4ng fn roll that big st ie or, the track) it waa ltini tkreii and Utr u'ck, tunmi-laatl- un In my 'joard nff hn'ino, ard nercr laid a thing on the track, or hUted to imt on a atone. FAKULi-lAnoth- er pileuiier rec t,'"i-''-- J 1 When d d you ace n e there f NVrtneM-I- ln Sunday firreu am, you were mttirg tonea on the ttai k, 1 aiarLb-N- o, air, I did n't put a Rhine on the track. Jonn II. pruw, I lh otmataVe, lclnv aworn I waa at the rl tl rte tlntea I noogi lie that boy, (Ml riuki llaaai), I eawthat man, (W. t aaaitn) and am ni4 pnaltlre ala ut that one, (lUaftar MIrvaa.) iiiiii.i-i.- i fujioatd tiafn rn day, when we went to move the carathay had t la TO ........ ,..,,..,. ,..,.-,.- .- u.. ,., .., ,,,. VTiiH-- u un iviiiuviiik 1111 , UN.rm mill's inny no iiiie taken, wiMiia ni ewear 4iuveiy, nni niy ipna alon la that I aaw him, 1 e!xu rw-gn- CoaMi Hire. Q by Mclicnrr Wlien did you aao met Wllncaa-- Oii frtluy. Mclnrtte- -I wna at work on Frklay an 1 Satur- day both, In Jereey City, fur Mr, himti, who la la re in Court. V ttnraa AVeD, I may be mlntaken. A new lot of prteotM n waa now brought In, and Mr. Itraa waa rccalkd to the atan I. He pncerilHl with hla te dlmony aa f ill wet J rtcogmae that one, (Fat Saltil.) I aar hhn Imnly eni(Kod with tliuaa who were uttlng ol ntrui'tioiia on tlie Ira k, and I aleoeawthe one behind linn, ( 'oil I.eoaABl), he, too, waaengaaTillu obatrurting tie tr-r- there la another taie I am aure o', (Tn ra. Iiaatif : he, a an, waa very buay In ol atruiting the trwki tLU la all I reougnlxe a ly ergauctj. Ha th Wl in did you aoe nn- - theref WltiHwa In the furemun, Utweeu 10 and 1 tclock on Sunday, 1' laoner ery will, 1 waaat N. 1M N irth rreet then, and did not leave there until l'i oVUnk, and I waaat Neaark at work on rrhlay and Hatunlay. I liarepKNif hire In tie Inmae and In New York that I we mtoutlie grouuh Ibal uotUni; todjwitli tlie tiaik. Mr. ItiATiT rrcallwl I recognlret'iat man f loua tVliiyimvl, tlie neat to hlrn (lleiar Hiio-Dth- e man with the ted wbWkera(MiiiiAki.MriTiri. That tuau I'at Siiat), and the 17 net him (J. 1 toiekni. Via latter came to wlure uiyx.lf and atteral olhoi re of tha road were tending, end aald i you none of w a, ymi euue of la,wa whlahowyou wlad we will d i with y el." I rragriUe tht loan with a rcil )iirtttnttc corner Tuoa Iiaaar), and tliia n an here hloirn rniaivuj. lie (IaiMviiU waa with tlie man who threw a etiae Wuthhlt SheilffHrATTj'a hat, it waa inttndcl for tr. Winna. The man who threw tho atnrie 1 di tiU are him. I ateo recngnlxa the one with a blue abJrt (VYiu iah CrTTta). I arreetcd him myailf lie waa rhoutliig whon tliefimt man waa arreeled " rea-c- htm, him." Here the prlanner loudly and lengthily bia InBoceui-- e of the i barge). That man with red whbikera (Ml it), I think waa ma if tlie ling leadera I recivntxid a crowd of thorn who ere out in rhlay aiui Hatur Uy. Ml ltd N liat ban you aeeu me doing nn Wltneaa I cannot aay piitlrr1y that I Mr yi thereon lilday, or do anything, but I aaw yi u ou Saturdav, ahiajtlng and yullfiitf, caue on bi .ya me rniboya,' and In tha crowd when the atuncewere throw u at the engine. Mourn IHd ou eve me on B imlaf Mtueiw 1 did, )ou were ahuuUng and incourag-tn- g tlie men, IHn'ounrrt What did you are me d .t MtiHaaIaaw youfnui tlie w Ituhiw of theTele-graji- b baiac, tun Ing over a car ou the trai-k- , about-iu- r and belong inhere. jJocnnnrrT I iievi r di 1 jiut a hand 1 one of your care, and waa never i n lite hill In tore Surutav in irn-tn-g t 1 never worked at the tunnel i 1 waa Here quirty luoklng on, and at ii)i;ht,l"aa taken fnmi my bed, at jAMiaMAlraa'p, aul brotihlitbijall. Fjia Aao Tibbitts bring awi m I can i uly beie, that man with no w hlakera, (Mrc-var- lj he waaiNUwi kuoita among them aaa loader t )w took a lern active it, more titan any ol the real. Mnvrr-l- Ml yiuaee luebauJo anj thing to put It on tlictraik f A ituoit When tie military rame I aaw youtyiailal aatlik tu your ban I, an I ehouUvL, "riaue on lioyat take ewrj onu hla rnnn and we cau clear tl a none of ! -- a, f ver) one of tin m." Mravtv I in Mir did bive titer atlck r atone In my band, ou the trrkk It wbatM my ItitvriNt. I aiu aure I, aa a f irtinau, hat far more than 1 wa ctrr likely to cain by It. Vi itneaa He waa loud'y encouraging tht-i- to fight it out tiever to give ail Indl Infoiethe mllitiry. Ihe Court now quntly put on ita bat and walked out of the roi4u, leaving tlie phaoutlis half a d iatu and uImnIv of Jiolicolnali. N i waa taken, i r onler of Ml umiiitnt nlveiii but edtcr a lanee .! alamt two houra I la Honor rvturiMMl, reeunad hla atat, aud the flntt witaeaa waa u,lhil. dona llovi-- , AWlennaii of llud-io- u city, wim awom, arid tevtdlnl'-- I waa at tie But lie i f the riot tit f the tune i ii 1 rldav, Patunlay, and isumlay I ih n4 ate any of tic intu hem whom I inn reo igiilea- - tin re none I nhoiild like toaweiir to. I think I would reoogi 1e raauc abo wire there, If 1 caw tin In, but U c aie in I here. (imbur vakavjakck tvetitlml I waa at the of the not, at work tl ere an a inrjieutr rllphnl I y the New Yi rk and hrle K K t I w m tlinre on the throe dava ou Suinhi , unli, a of thu iIa i i tl a nun who are heie in Court, Id n t think I ran e an of tletu -- not 1 awrar I tin in, two of therm men link at inithllitf like Hi nut wl o wire ture, but aw to being ptmitive, I o uld not r cici't be iMautie of au i f t) lm n here W. II. ClJIKM llxalUd tlf tin ttieu here th le In taatUat 1 raw, that onewith thu rid v.luk ra, (Mvurr ) I dmt aw. any othcra huicllat 1 there. Mtivrr 1 wuuldaaa joulf you saw ma do any thlr g tin rt, i batruct the tiatkaii-- . way or till to do ao r Witnraa- - )y air, I dl 1 n 1 I only aaw you there among the rli frra i I di 1 m t ecu you do n thing. Ani thrr iret of nu hnur'a durailou aiH now takeu, anu thru Maor Coi.i ah ami. uiirrd t) at the iratiuionywav coin ludid. A man naiuid Limaao tJoiiuUAN wuafijund, howciur, who had nit n nientloiad la?forr, and now the otliccr who at rente! Lim WBB BWOIH. V Mi I ia teetlAed I am an ffi r , on Sun-da- y afttrniaui I arruModtlial man atu tigat tlm rlit era, aud he i auiv with me n.ui.Lulily he v, uld lot come with am ther ottlorr who attoiitiHl u arnid blm, but came with roc without ail) trouble t I aiw blui anu HK't the riotrra, but u htm d nithlig wriiig 1 he prlfi n r rohieti d 1 la urn lici , anl aal lie ld a wlfi. ar d two t.hildrtn, win were on Ida ekrrtlolia fir au port Ihe Ilwtrut Attorney, aller a ifvlt w of the tcat.u n) , mu el the cbiaharge of the follow Ing Hubert ButUr, I'utrick tl IVak, John NU holaa, Jacob 1 mm , Miclael Muican, Pat Cutrudt', '1 bouiaa Nianian, Uaiiiel far,, Juar h t.rtali, I lann II lh, LdwanJ JliUndi-- , put llndrilul, Datld Au.luuji, litt llln.1), IfartiuluU), K'4it Shlutjro, Jaraiuiab I aid n, it .rue v, l cr, Tboiuee fieid, IMn 8uln.n, Janice Kell) , U .man U unell, Jiaa-i4- i J. tJttun, tlanl ll iKiunell, Daniel 1'ailey, Jolili Stuait, Patrick Fkd, Jouul)lr, Martin O'lli I n, John Punrj , llward rittgerald, Johuliarkiy. John KHtrltk, held for the action cthe Grand lury were 1 Jereu lab Kallcr. 81 WU'iain llo'mra, V lVtrtik Bhta, XI I'euuia iiaiB,i S James Cruriy, 13 Ilaiuey Bituuan, 4 MlLhatl Mulvev. H Ji bu Oonimvforl, 6Mloharlclah, 28 John Ihiugherty, 4 John liennard. n uaniey atiinryrv, J Corurbua Hay a, tl V. MeCabe (buy, lIled; a Wlchael Hu re, vt Tl.oc Maatorai u, MUhaal McAcda, il Fdivd Umir. 81 I at WoiaIb, 11 taroi41. 41 1 elu Molality, It TlcraiaaBabbv. B'i Ulward Kiley, 1 John Miiri u; 14 Michael He,,,., i nivvr . .... maitiey, 15 IximlnO'lcVil.i, " i uiv, iuicj l It Jaioaa Mclirrmott, MyVUhaiulurnll, "'''a IT Fdad.,! 117 Urn Flanunj, . - It Micbatl lyona? it Fatnck tmlth. It Ilrary Iugan, M ratrlck bhane, r'six blprerc, agrwuit ab.una cneiir. V1 been prow MrtUuUiahargetfwrtliaBiuti,i repruevlod by the Mayor. Part of icism who were tu iu I iruTiv vat bailed out at each. aVinougat thisr arrested on Sunday, waa a young tnaa Muted Patiici Svitu, who bad Is eu learned that anamlng' to a 4aaant-looklu- d young Iriah woman, Tba taaln we'it out for a abort tilp. and eroasing over to Jersey City, to the aocne uf tiJe rii4. Her I'atbic us. fiat inatoly fot Into tha tilutohea of an olloer, arid waj Uduta to tba jail along with tha other prisoner. l youcg woman, whjee bulowd Pajuv waa tu uneeremonliauly taken froai bar, tat been almriat turtantiyand unneaMnglylntaroadlngerllh tha Mayor abj Itrlct Attorney Lrrmx, for tha retrace of her buahand. The young brtde daolaraa that they war crrnlng rtr tha field 19 the eoene of riot, wnen her Luaband met aa awnalntanoa-o-n of tba tunnel men and while oonrfralnaT. offlcars nam up and ar. rrated them. Ofneer ppwa believed that lie raoognla ed the afueed ae one whom ha had aaen takug part ith the rkitera, and aeiasnuntly ha waa miulred to find bond for IU at pearance before ha oould be Yreter lay a hendred tnen were at work In the tunnel, and a force of aelal tmlloamen, tn Hle-- I ty toe k. k, Uo., were awnrn into guard tha tragic. 1 he traina were running regularly aa u lal. Tlie icePreaidant of the Brie Ing Ik Cmit ut, Koantll Hi lu.nj, iMiie 1 a circular, in wliloli Uaare!"Thn tjle Cocnliany dl not cailra. t for the bUldlng of the tunnel, ami did not enter into any engatrermnt In fumleh an rt of the fvinla The Long lk lomnj omitrated with J. I. t (li lo flnloh the t mne! at a (1M prhie, to lie ld h r in tl.Hr mortnu imnna J i ey i - I 1 the cutra. t. r, or IJ a gnee. A, II. rlemor. 1 .... .... - ,.. an. I l. a.l.l!,i.i,i have lift A crery in i ar inai w oi", - - r ,,.J .' him a' tfu.1 he ha.aanie. up to the 1 ith Imdnnt, athonnh loOiIng aa due tintil the end of tha inoiith On Ihui ly lat f fty fnr humlrl dullara in fuinaiieilt Mr Stmota by bvlirld ia' dime-tir-e of lie Jiit ir lack (miny, with the tinder e'anding that It would enable Mm to ay Mil men. II in euro tt ry were not unitcr obligation to funihih, I ut d d an on Mr, BirMot a'a repNetitAtlontliat with it arid Mher aivletatica lie eviccted to get, he emild aatiafy Ma rnin uidd the chew of the tuoutb, whoa em. er payment be due to bun. In thia ti ptitatton he waa dina uibtad." Tup I.atb IlriiOKK IltoT. Tha e tcltetnanl In nlatlon I' tie late riot, li nrar'y eulnl led, and afhlre are awuniing tt e ordinary courre. A fw itf the rl tera were dlnohargnl from the Jail yenter bty, ii; ngMn-ith- e n',ulrrd Imnda. The pruate P do rint iycd I y Die New York and I rle Kailrr-a- d Corn-p- y, to wet h tlictraik Intkarlriiiitynhoaauglx tr hie ac, went i n duty on Wedm lay tilgl t. Atmnt lOoVoik, lliey dlM'mered a tire lace-- l acroan the tiack near the Junction, but whitler it tad lioen p accil 11 ere with a malirloua nn tire, or I y a ime on connrctid w tli the Kallr'-a- d Vnmpany to tint their vigi'aiire, la nM known Theee watchmen are wiiJ inland fir evil dinjiird i ranna, tiring invitod with tileanlc rifle latula, cipahle of being r.ral tea tiimi wltho'it redooiling. DriARTinr fit I.Kiitiai. Siorr. Lleul Gen. IV orr drtrted t n I la gan Juan ndnainn, In the rV ami r Star of the Wert, at 1 c.' luck yoeterday I. M. Itig liefore tlio time il aadlng, a ery large crowd I ad on the etramar'a wharf, at t!iO fi-- t it arnn atrect. Tlie Sc tt Life Guard, undi r Cat. Win, arrlred with a gun J'rt btf re twoo'i'oik, an I tmktipa Mtaltl in iai tha end of ti e wharf, A fuw fidulitc a'trrtiieairtaiot the uillltarr, lien. Hi arn-oi- d m a carnage, anl aaa lecolvrd with In a ty cher, w) h h lurriaxnl to eiithudaniu an the age4 veteran aiowTy nadella way iinthartiig.pank. Wlen the ritarnf tlie Wait UJwdout Into tlie etrcam, II e crowd, 1 Ih iiiithe wtwf and on the r.rnt ire ntr, wtilch waa at her liertb on tlio imaiHtte ahla of t tin j ler, broke Into rrithuahMtlir el.rrre.tiiid a aaliite of tl htren guna waa nrt-- l he the Lite 'inert!, liunawrre alaofliwl fr no the ilnrk of the Fiuhire 4ty and a ateanier lying In t ie elrTBrn. The War of the Went waa aalutrlwith rolura, guru and fr nn vartnua vra-- i la, aa ahe i rocerih dd iwn the Hay, and a aalute waa aleo find fnin Fort O lumbiia. Kali FAaima. Thtirnlay ytu tlie open-la- g day f ir tlie r alt style of drees, lronneta, Are., c., and, notwithstanding the Inc'cmency of the weather, it reiilvcd a fair ahara of attention from the gentler eex. Hut the teal oenlng must neoeaaarlly be lxt (ami d for a day or aa, when S'lmhin and pteaMiit wiathir will w nd to tho eto-i- a of la line u iw weatlier lamud at home, eualy curiuiia to know the new stj lea, but not ready to brave rain, mud aud mire In their purfulb. Tlio Ktj'Ttf reporter I eing ihrned quite well t oated ujain three tnyati He of tho f lahlonable world, we eitnw t from that pair the re Bull of bit careful survey of the Held. lion bit There la but little a'temtiun In tlie aliapa la tliraei tlie rtrawa. If anything, ar rather largi r, while many of the velveta a jiriabch a cirttage eha. lue lrotu unvipa iio- r- ueciuou'y, ana mo iruirmng ia nhmwt utilvi raally worn acnaw tha top, niaik laoa and bright co'or In vilvvta are much worn anil lulu-ple- d witn fine ctT,et, The contraata are not quite an vivid aa lard fall, dm k and rich tiuta being lu favor, and i lalda ik4 at all. lire liiiuiABii showed ua a tmnnnt oumvwei of vioiii veivtf, eugen witu wiiire irirraii laiM) j ne mint waa of trie MabiiHti abt style, and iartljr oovered by a narrow fall of white laoo. 'lliefaie trlinml'af waa of piiniic and gieiri vclvit flnwira, aha lid witli an. itLer laltof thnail laoe. Tha trimming acrieis the tipoftbeboiintt was iircu iari it was a full quilling, al" t four Itiihie lu width, of the aame velvet. White rililmn etringa. A black vrlvct bonnet was finished with orange pi- ping. It had an oon front, neatly covered with a fall if tare, and diamoned with narrow rolla of orange vilvit. l,ooet(theblai.k and iirang velvet, 1sr. ih nd with bunk lace, and taitvfully Intcrmbigleil, fi nurd the triniudng on i ne nidi, w 1th two small but rich blatk feathers nu the other, Nar the bip ig the face trimming and a little on one aide, waa a clurter nfanial black graisistoti thaiither waa a aiqierb or ange rose audliuil, withalull nuha. Abiuid aiiof iirauge velvet with blrwk lace, crossed tlio foreuuad. It ark rll Ikiii strings, half watered. At tlie same tetabhiilaiient, we aaw tux elegant maile of asot b gnen velvet. A long, green fi athrr, ti with white, lay across the lop, f..nii-In- g the trimrnlng, and dnsii Ing very gracvluliy on one rddn. Wl He thnad laiv waa turnid lia, k rrorn the front. 'Ihe fate trimming was conipnaed of loops if tl e vilut, inlvcd with white laie, auj a bunch of crluisin flowers White rlhtsm strlnsra. A china pink velvet, with 0111 front, lied f..t, Is i f the sanw Uirdind with white throat lace. A iiarrow nnllting of the velvet was with a white laoe (airlie. A 1 ink fratlirr, tloieil with white, drm d on one aide. The atrluga were of jiluk ribbon. A lnk silk lionnct Iial a new stylo of iJutel crow 11, eae h j edged a Ith nanow white laoe. Tha aide trimming waa a 1 luster of ltcrualied risaw, mingled with tiny b'lnk tloHcra lu buuehos. Cu the i tin r Bide w aa a sty Ilih lsiw. A magi lucent dress U utict waa ontnimaed of white IhiHsiau velvrt, the crrwn oovered with a roiml cisllurvif white tliriwil laoe, very line, thefmut waa oen, with a uarroa fall of lace turned bruk. One loi g, ilih, Ihating fiatlier formed the entire Irlnt n lug. Inekle were time betUtatl of violet velvet, v 1th a ilih ilurtir of puriieaiid wlate erhtt flow- ers. Tin strings were of iiioiru tentl pie nl Ism, A mw style of black and white stiaw wubnunl with oiUnaoli veUut, nnd kai eiietrr rsl with bainbt f tl u saioe, tai.U lied 11 thu rtgl t side with a ailver biukle. lhe etrluaa were crimson rillssi, witli a fmcyidgc A almt wreath is" crlmaon and wlute flowrie, v ith a lsiw, forrm d tl a Inside triinu ing. a lu hca.1 dresses the pruviil lug stile Is 11 eijul iiilnc T VMhsare c iHiparativs-I- c rgln-tisl- , wlille tlie 111 it. tfeit fioui the imek of the bead. Ihe fashi 11 01 vecVtngthe hair lua kui t low )u the ticek is latnmely Ucsulug, uud gne- - a classic air '1 lie tioient hca wc hare seen were 11 aile of colored velict; one of blue tihnmid witli jsarl frinKC, with long sarl tassels. tine coi iinsmiI of white and of unite and btuo mara-Isi- lt fintlitts, hnd an airy grace well suited hi even- ing evatuiue Is rig 1 tuts finished tiiciii a 1. Co Turoa if bruk line, an 1 tare mil ttoners bittrmlxed, aiv quite lu ingoe, iudiiil bliuk lace can Imnlly liu firm I an ls in any trimming used f r the tMtrMse lu,'ht and di In nte wreaths of tl mem are 1 r c sirse ilif.iv r fir Mtiknir dress, mid w inly yimug ladua. luisa ton is I'nl aiistit iioma-o- n hate the lm-)- " lintii its f ilrees g nhIs le nimiiei t' nnd it lu tie aiqrb iiinUirtiila llurr. II unriw at d d ul I uisa arc declining, tin ugh nn siried lu s mie isittrias. a wi re alma at liA a a eutnpttt-- 1 us tai tl 111T1I rulof mi liantiq u, KOKil s col 1 rid gioillid, and bntadidln a,ler witli llulio er shin. I'lhi $130. Ihe trimmings for tlie wiiint and al (tea c rn s nd with the unices line if tl esc, eti tilling fn 111 tlio aalst, w 11 vciy ihip, wide tneloaer iiewas coruaratitiiy aliall w. A 11 vil stylo waa atlnadu K si k, icry hcaii, aud tl in (puntiia of a ya"l tu wl Irh , laveii lor lohr. the saiiiv as inijMi teil lu al Colors, at a'jout (3 fiCayanl M lieaiitiquisatid watered silks v 11 l gnutly In favoi tl Is full and winter 'Ihci hitter stylos arc In eviryei ir but csNCially litam uul the tluU moat tiki d by I unsiau es. 1. Is- with seven mil nlu thsmces, wllh t fht 1 gri tllid and bTisaih-- strliies, an amoru tlie liltent stills. Thi e ate allium! art istaily tor tlio y uug uudis) Hi iii ra nte fi nit'sit. $T0. At Huh aht's wciv si me l,aitiul twu fi sitii ml ri Iv s, 1 ut Mne v, ith whit, au I el 111c f wers 111 l uuers, and othir 1 'ore in the hauie stilts. A lilac Kathd with white, tlie tl.muiivi br . is lid with sIHii, aid ahiti and eluuo, was va' ic 1 at !"'. A stilsd sjliioiii a id white, with a ilulu.aU Ir subdfli wer, w is aiiattraitlwintiilty for i veu-- li g duns Tho style was iu pir.Je and pl.ik, at four dol are tlie yaul, 'lluiewasa bcwidiriug Na- il. t ol rich si ks, if lesaiioinl kinds. A new sistlrsof g ala rallnl lelourt's, wf d uhle nkltl , lu mans n aadolher dark evh rs, si k and wiol, promisti be a very aerrl-ciali- c kind for mar lteo''oiiii vrluure is also 11 aili ol si k and anl is viry uttt) lu ehiuti c lors It Iso mirltii witUi, and ranges lu ptuci (ion II to tThtcrtnrl. Tin stripes a Iti are in very rich silk and light o. us, sseh anl tuauic at fav intos. 'Ihiu 11 m! iutiiti ty Is hailng the stilea extend itr the wrcj-- t aid k1i .es, as will as a'l tier the ahirt b is I tit Hi til pails have I1n.utu.111 of flsiicte ie rnv. a puttv one of blue, blavk and greei , with iiiiit laia.terestriis. Thepriie was fttV&lsr tard. h aksilk, a vard aulahal al le. hi Imji rteit lor e t uud mantillas, at thiao and four dullaiaa ear 1 Of evining dreesii the re Is a rplctiiUd variety t lut the UIUSI141 an talk tan an unsit beantiful thie of whde illusion sstt.d with blue ihoi I It, with a biaidcd trtmuiliig if b'ne and white chenille at the lattouiofiacbtklrt rnceufthe rolies, fnsn 18 to $30. A vrryekgant eallu iihe.with two lluuieie covering tlie entire aklrt, Lua a rhb pa'teru of w 1 ugLt cut velvet, Price W. It Is of count uudendood that tlgl t slnceea are to nauuic tl elr say In jiroiuenado and looming dress-c- a The flowing aleeie will bralnoil Iur itiuilmf ootumei thoiiijli those ladles who bait) tolerable anus will prefer tli alsulsusji. I viuniure asm Laoas A oollar aud pair or c iris fonolng a si t , ol a Bty lo of woi k entirely now were l,..wu iu. The flower ar ao wrought as to le raised entinly tlie muslin, and stand out hk liaets g owing Ancuit for dilng them uti ha lain luiiiitid,l y which they are nude to rle freeb. I), at tl e hi at ol tli aiiMothlug In. a. The new aiat .(Uo .lair idTsra liisii ijiythlug Wfl bar seen tn sears. It Is deerily i.4utod in front, aud wlilei tl an In the bk. wftu a largo cl'iter of flow, irs in essh lorner, 'lie work Is rupiUiUiU , alm.aii u Icnswoi hal'y dulicute, aud f a noiel kind a tt. git er These siU, without th. In- tJulslduu, are ted at tle d.Un,l wlU !,, abM Ui M much again. One ratlem, called Ux Pilteaeg C9c4h llda, I aa two rowa of lare At GiATa, where thraa lantlAd Borelttoe wera aeen, waa a maitnlficrnt article, wbloh manvhvbaa will wlali Imnrvey. It laatunlefiMnoaof tha rich, eat pod t tare, a m'tre Of Inchea) In width, and four and a 1 alf yard" In length. It rmtetly sorer tha tipper aklrt, ami la to ha worn o'er a thick, rlch-dea- d white aathi. Tee price of thle ajilendld thing la )l.aOu. The entire act cormUtta cf a ahawl to match, handkar, chief, elecvce and Collar i and the prloe la two thou-aan- d rW t I imdred dollara. Thar la the wet of a Doe lady In rmmd number! Mmlalllon a. t, Iti rrench work and nlenrlennea lare, are much In , Tha new atyU) of handier-rh- k f la circular, the trlmn Ing eery dri, to moial-I- I 4i twltcrn, with Inaertliai and eilglng ra ralen- - cieiinoa, i ut on rather full. Tha work on aian of them correaponibi wdh that of tha culler and c iff. Some very I retty Mlaai a' haivlkerchlefa art rn.l.roldtrrd In acerb and white, wdh a fine and gnuefid altera. aiAvrn ua aan cryiAxa The mantlllaa thla year are rati er deeper than la aeaann, and ttwprevel ing ate e la full In the bark. We aaw at RrRWArr'a a ide! ib arclmena of the latent fanHnn. Tt e Imported "Aood tifece' and bertha. which are if ten very rhh and taateful, are tnmh The porndar material for winter thka anl bumoiia will black cloth, and black velvet fur a more nreriey article. Several cleaka of cloth were tilrnmed with deep frlnga bik! narrow glnin. On with a laitl a of embroidered velvet, with sq is re eoena, the r tsof which were finished with tas rels, I ail a iretty efTiit. Arsdher bail Imported 'sleeve-- t lecca" of velvet covered with Uruasoir lac and Jit. A rtrlklrg nwo'ty was a cVk of bunsus siaps, with lar pr', n front, and th bark plaited f ill In Isit a ts 1 laded wllh illauion I. The la is Is ha.1 points I. r mn wMi h drsndd tasarla. Th irlaimlng was fanry tufu I rll Is n. I'ric K, A ch4k cloak decorated with tvrrn4netta trimming 1 a.1 a Is rtl a, of rich tldck fringe with aautiert cntclid hrailiiig Onenf , aglan ahape ba1 eulbd ilere-- l vclvit fir the filler aud scket kotos. Th a teres wtrei diet rated aith small button and tufted trlnitnlrt.. I A Intchlsavcrclith, rihlicd, bad a deep pointed raieaittii the waist, and finished with cnlrtot Irinue Two r ws of bugle t rimming aurrouudod th cs) aud s'oeves, Th iSuct of this waa very stiikitg. Be viral burnous were of fancy c'oth.wltli full l.a. ka and tsilntid catsa or hissls, flnlshrd with three II tassels The style iu white and laiendar suit- able for lanlage wtar. An A'grrlne str' waa trimmed with a crlins m silk plaiting, eilgnlwlth black fringe an I bugle trimming. Tlie eleevoa aud hood, which Is long and lointed, ar similarly decorated. A ch th il k, trimmid with "Ki'.ssls lamb," I a'f a yard duep, with a collar to match, was valm d at t'. tine b'ack cloth c'oak Uli puffing over tha strevia, and square lai jsta, fnimiig a La,f atcete, trlmuied with strifs-Bo- velvit. One. tils, k velvet hail sleeves art In at the eh mid-er- with ejulitti of rtohrrobhot work, flnlsheil w Ith Is'g es ami araffi s to match in fmnb Trie1 70, Atiotlerof vilvtt, hmlabrrtiia if deep 1 hard Illy huettle iMskels and trimmed with a pretty Cihrlngof tie same. Price 130. A verysi lendiil aitiilo waa made of b'ack velvet a .1 ..1. ....l.... I... fl. I.. I .. .!.. ,.1 1 1 iiuiiiu-- i won n',i-,i- w ,n.. at iwi -- .,ui. tnri tl a, witlianov of fiat velvet pulling, sunmsirited with narrow lare of the eaiue kind, headed with b Igle trlinmintr. J 20. A sili of heavy gn de re,., with point ol velvrt csjir, trimmed with thne r ws of guipure laic, form. oil a comfortable and ganneat Those i silk ar made without much larlcty, but lu th new aiiajei, A rnqstrb thh g waa a Telvet Ta'tna, fifty Inches deep, with embroidery f ig a yard in dr th. The roller was am. d f riihgulruro laisi,laf a yard in width, ptnlid In at the thr.stt. The trimming ansind the i tbmi was Bilk fringe an I guipure la- of an elegant ttem- - Tha price of this uui tuisu co- vering was I2V6. fssorthhig very taitrfut was a deep shawl, af mag. tillicwtitly embnailsretl vclvit, trimmed with silk fringe ami biigh a, aim A re cloak, with bishop s'tevea and velvet uul niidered cuffs, with emhnd (. errd velvet beitl,, triuiaesl with guipure laoe, was au elegant erbrlct. AiMitlier black vilvet ahawl was embroidered In an. jsrrb 1 lustrrs inmiiil the edge, with fringe hi bunchra. A drlit ate tttm of Iravoa covered the whole gar. merit at regular Intervals, and the rest of the trim, n.lug consulted of clnuililly lace aquaiterof a yard do p. Ipiit a new style, so much In favor tli at they can I anlly Is, made raptlly etusigh to UM4y the demand, lathe TOjirfl"lir,or rcl ra,strlid with h'.a-- aisl aome iher color. Tba batka are plaited full, and tli boisla at deep aud tssntod, single r double, nuiahed witn taasela. htte caskmer otstra and carrlag cloak, with Muck velvet, lnisirted htssl pie,a, and gait's hair fringe, are in f ivor. Aires white velvet, embnsderud with blaik, wllh ibsibla panted Isnthasr r Velvet taiiuaa, cmbroieb red, need no 1 artaruiar clc. Cl14iMU SiiAwta Aan very elegant ahawl are of laid wis I, with m ilialr or Jusb lirnler, black and crlin ami, and fringed. The Stella fashion retaina Its Paaorty wisilan ahawls, of whit ground, etrld with green and black, and fringed, are very I retty. A plaid one, folding with cullerent sides, scarlet and black, and purjile and black, Is new and UaiitUul. Nme is these an exponaive. Tli l'slnley ale end ahawl, btdh miuare arnl loiig,rangea In prloe rorn fU to $10. lu camel's hair their la th uausj variety. Mouaatao Tha satin d etiene, a nawklnd of cloth, very light, fine, and glossy, double width, will 1st liked for aecond uioutnbig. Th prioe ia about tilth a yard. the Ottoman Cloth Is compnaeil entirely of wool, a la the Teiana l,"oth. lKh tl.ese Jshrtre are heavy and warm. The Cloth resembles e de I alne, but la much thicker. Cloaks of tlie Otbsnan Cloth, with f ilds of Nspllu, ar t,ltablo f ir second mourning! the deepest require bouibaAlne and crajie, nFrrJTiot or; Tim Ibhh Ci fiiot. Tt Irish clergy, Ituv. Dra. Eihiar, of llelfasti 8. M. line, of Hell j mens, and I'. Wiisori, of Limerlik, wi re received at tlie Cooper Institute Thursday, 13 1, At near eight o'clock, a large body of clergy men as- cended the platf ins. Among them were Kev n, AOANB, IltWITT, rkATT, MlBBAY, CoHSBAS, TllOsl- - aoa, I.UJINI1, ud othcts. The aenkea of the even ing were o;iird I y tlie singing of the HK)tli Psalm' Itcv Dr. Laxaso then ifhr.'d a prayer. Rev, Dr. DiwtTTStatud the object of th meeting. A dent- ation of clergy men coming from the centre of tli great weak of revival In the Old World, to mingle their faith with their brethren of the New World. would be the anniversary 1 f the cstallishuieut ofabusuieaa men's prayer meetings, aud now they hare spread over th world. Kev, Dr, MrtitAv rose to lutindure the deputation. Herald tbkt fir uuiuy yrars tha l'ntostantt if Ire- land have lieen ausluue to B read the g sqail uver tlat Island, tir mine time st their elfi its liaie b en signally bh seed, and especially lu making the liu at Cuthulle bisly, IuMaylast the Grnrial Assrmbl 1 f liclan 1 to send to this ci imt r j a th potation if four of their multibus, tn ask prrunlary aid f. r the turisiec etaanisUng tl in In thla work of courcrsli4u llcv. Dr, Aiiams then addnascd an elegant sieoh 1 f wcliome to the ih puLitli 11. He welcomed them as Chiistlnn I ivtl rrnththo hearts and homes of the U rbtlai a of this country, Ho was glad tomes t them and learn fiiiiu ti em of the gnat work if salvation on their slions, and rayinl that such mmtiiigt inlgl t ! iroduitivei tgnut gisslto inenibcnt of the lUil.o ihunh. The Clialnnan, Dr. Da irr, then gave tlie Land of fellowship to the Irish deli g ith n lu tl e uuiiio of tlie Cinvautiur, aud iutniduoed llcv. Dr, Puarr, ofl'liihiiklilU IU v Dr rtUTT sj , ke of the Joy of tho brethren of I hlla h hhe, at theuewaof thu revival In Ireland, lttv Dr InoAKwaa thin lutrudueed, auldloul audeoidluuedaltuie llctuld be cauut "fiom thu Lead piai tin if lioiuaulsru, nit from K. nu, for iry Is veak at botuc.but rn 111 Ireland, liu c idluiied an stUck n Catholicism at cii.clO, rahle ltneth, and finally ilmuhed it, as be argued, with fat. Sal J lie "1 f the arrests eiado I y the polhe of liubiuduriigthe at yiar, of t.i e luurverated 1 016 wire llonuin UtlLoliis, To r 1 Iseupaiiana, nnd otily J3tt 1'ie.l y teiiana." He JuUd out the lux cani ty foi the iducatlon, rhrtetuinUatlou and elvlllsation tl Irlrb uulbiaiits lafircthey came 1 thla couutiy, and 1 n pesed Umself ar-- d his brethren aa uilsatt n rles In tldswork, Dr, isiai U a abort, fut dumpy man, with a round lend, biaiy cytbrovts, stoni al gbtly, sjsaka with a ttnng Hit emian aecuut, aud but uuncier of declama- tion Is tttniuily vlgontu. Dr. Coossan, aa a re 1 reaetitatlvc of Ihe MithoJIst FilstTl Chunhtt of PhtlaJtlphU, ad lreascd a few nuaikt of welcome, frrquudly liitirruited by In the Irish dtputatton. Kir Dr, Etu.,if IhiJiuieua, waa Introduced. Hu ntutned tl.auks foi the hearty, cordia' welcotu whloh badUauctteudeHlbilduiselfaud hfjlrithiru since tbrlr anhal lu this country. He urHiiel the thrittlttii sympathy, wbliU shuiilJtxlat lietweru the followers uf Ji sua I hrist tl rcughout the world. Ho tl cu gate a Uiitthy aket.h of tho revival iu Ireland fiom Its coiiiiueuei melt iu lister until the risent attilbutuig iiuat of the bom r of Its origin to the young cergy men In hut Immediate neighbor!! ssl lutU tmilhly auddal'y prayer Huntings meiubors ef every eiaugulleal duioinluatiuii, and a'l fc thu gissl it w as fur I rethrai to live In nu ty Its t duct In ra jintua lad bom to jnoiuote moraitj ajj On niarkct days, in the IJeu time, Xti)0 wis ciiunnn'y th lucmue for the itjiu uf whUcy a' net slue the nUg if Ihe woikif reeiia thli Aim it bad dwluded down t. 10b. Cd. Pro'amfy ba.1 dccrtastd.aud la May last, at a fair Iu the ile.d.'U.e itowd, at the ll xe of the l,ri.l.elll Uo,ll4 r,,.,,, Itself Into two mammoth rayer ineetiiiga. He I y the ex tessiuu of bia firm faith that Q all. lies would el can to th. world as th watrsctcr th great dicp. Dr. Dili, Is but lm taller thau Dr. Iikjab, baa red wbiskcis and Ward, sta'i le trvel.and baa the t . aud fie t of Iw head ratherbal I. 'C niisvaiui, iinru iiiiuoer ol tlie delegatlou was ueit Introduced. He lun bv .,1. t0 V f taUiullilsui la Iniud, moutiuuijg M Hieiioegbold 0. counlie of CItf, aiururter uA Couuaught. Th Christian rorrulation of Jretand wished to break down th atr nghold of the Mat of Sin, and Dow they applied for aarastahea. to the.r brsthren tbrougbout the world. II returned thank forth kindly welcome 'Le and his fellow deputies bad received from In brethren, both of Mew York and lUladelphl. lie related on anec dot of a witness In oouiS In an Irlih town ' Tb cajnaetlor waa audaarorUig to prejudice th Jury against the wltneaa, and a It waa a Ro- mish jury, attacked th witness for not fast- ing In lymt. "1 do not," said the witness, tlm agnne, th good Bishop of met rue, anJ said he" your are loosing mights poorly Intire-ly,- " Ssys I, "but It all on account of th fast I'm keersng." "Then," say ha, J give you leave b, do without fasting, and est whatever coma before you, asklngno question till you ae my fac again." And whither it was my good luck, or th will of ProvlrVnte, he was anon tftcr taken home, ao that from tl at time I Lave fasted never) and, between you ami me, It may l a long Wort I are Mm agrjn." II then went on to prophecy that Irelaid v.oUd jit revive, would rise fnsn Ler crushed pos- itionthe down trodden of nati ms and take a front rank among the nations of th worll. Hi concluding remark er received with loud applause. Dr, Wno Is quits .tall, Las a large nisre and I lark hair, and aka very well. A rcaoltitiuti waa then read aud ad rj ted, express- ive if the fiellngs of welcome extended by the Ameriiana to tba Irish dtqiiUtiou, and plvlging them material tu )it Mr. (itoant rTtwAST, of Phl'adelphla, ajok Ulefty, and well. Kir C. DlAia Ssike briefly, lou - ty, and well. S sua n itices wir read, and tlie inei apjisimeil with ainglag tho Doxuiogy, and tli bcuoda tmu by Dr Eisiab. Farelia lattlllgeae. Trrr avai pisrt or raise. Tl extra rdlnary eaiWIty with which Iftryv) tral deearin and gtinnera were, a few weeka ago, rint on ls-- d the naval Bldpt lying at the five great mart me station i Frame, only frurtren ilaya Iw ingeecrpietl tncullrg a fleet fa- - service, liaa eteiteet almisit sa mnrh rnnark as th orlerity tif Frrtii h niilitary movsmelit during the late camiselgn. The lsi'loti Arv cn trast the very effective a the Frei eh navy with that or the hngllsh, arrivtrig at cone unions ma always of a cent tendency, I or example, the aggregate area of a the 'lick yards In Htigtaml Is Isit hst arres, whL tiirsve is" 1 reure extend over Hda arrea. lias likewise greatly Incnsenl hr prrrsinderanoe of navy steam inetwg war as cnpred with l,riglan,l,thisigh tt tatter Government bas a much larger force of guns, ooais, ana iuer smau naval cra-l-. 11111 is nil so miicn me prosoiii insjianiynt naval wl h h seems to awaken the concern of Kngllsli fower as tns won lonni resrsircos arsl carsetiiii- - ItntcM by the 1 reniih in t.repsriiur I t hoetlll t es. The Aries professes to know the of the r ronch Goveniment In reference to future naval jirrpaiations, and that It Is her tl sign toexiiend eiionuisis sums in strengthening this arm of the lrfetire. We extraot the following Wo ar Inissiaossiotiof d anmuitswldihsh wth extent of their prosprt'tive naval isitlay for the next eleven ) ars, aisl It must be Imrne In mind tliat tlie dlsam anient, t f which ao much bas of 1st Iwen said, willcausn no retrenchment or diminution of e pri wied by the Ministtr is" Mirine, tliroe years ago. Theavoweil Intention of tlie Goveniment Le to raise the iitimls'r of tho more important claasi a ig tram nieu-o- f war to lhil of steam trans)sqit to?li and at tlie asm time to ctrmptrte the corurtnit'tioii In the dlflerent naval isirts of the dry dock arid other wi rkB iiMllsiiensahle for the maintenance ig the new steam fleit To meet this outlay, It was proposed that f nn I'M to lill th yearly grant for materi- als, lals r, new works, resura, Ac , shisiM be raised 1 1 CI nn out) ttrrilng. It waa estimated that AM Vl txtOnf this amount wisud bo absorbed lu "the annual eorieuriq tlon if the steam navy,upon wwrka of main- tenance, and the renewal of existing rnaterla's," th n tiiainlng font) OUO being left to cover the bicreaso of the reot and tha extenaion of the naval eatahllsh-me- t is. It ai sars, tl erefore, that the grrs sum to 11 rovlded Iv Hil.ti the latter puriie, vrllba little shi rt 1 idne mlllliins, wbU th grant of ft mm WO fi tba next eleven year will amount to a co m BAvsiaa ia jerAs. Fnrm a lorasial narrative of a voyage to Japan, by J. M Taosaoa, of th royal navy, au able and ofllcer, otmnected witli . M. steamer ig th tlritiah sijuailrun, which recently vleit-e- d Ja an, are dsrlved Interesting particular ,g tnat cssiatnr m4 lieftw rtihllshed. Mr. Taosaoa repr. sent tlie otsuitry a a istradia of flowara thacent of violets, lily of the valley, and th wondhln per- fumed air peonies, hawthorn, wild mee, carnetuas, asakaa and rluslotleudnina abound, aud th notes f th curkoo, thnisli and goldfinch are lieard. The vegetab es ptesuuted to the Englisli did w A give a very exa-te- nilulon is the Jaisuiese horticulture. A pllo of cl irkweed waa includud, which th visitor sl to eat. The Ja ansae prepared for th stranger two pret- ty lileaaure botiaca, frontod with pine bound In with aiii of Isirulso. ThwliMbw werof pajir, the celling of cedar, and wall whltoeusl with urn made froin sea ahella, and isillabed arnoigh a marblo wisslen pillara staineu black, Bupiiorted th roof. Th cUanlinrasof the htsises aud the ludustry and ru lHiloiL caret f the bousw1vea, a well aa their h attract our author's attention, and obtained Lis coiiunetutation. The women are email, fair, graceful, thisigh not pretty their hair black, brushed away fn tn the forehead, and f alhered in a knot tlie meu en arse feseturad, and 1 f th M mgolian type. After mariteere the wtsneu hiack their teetn with a of Inn. Ibere was a general axlety to learn fr Dgllnh aisl hi communicate Japanese. Kven among the rsaaaiitry this linguutlo trait waa observable. Trie strar gi r notice the horses In the streets laden with dried tish and chare, "The horses were abort, atisit, nearly all 1 f a dark hay color, with b'ack talla t tbulr fett ahtsl lu thick sHnncrfl ina-l- u of plaited straw, and fastened abovo the fitlork with a plait of th same material.' The cml from tho ctl helil was sold lu straw bag t It burnt slow ly and with a th ad flame Tli Prltish were followed I y splee In a3 dlrccti ms, but they rcjs rt that tlie Japanese are remarkalJy gisul teiiqsirrd, andtlusigh the atrarigers were car rilly wutchttl, they wei always well treated The Jajsuieso lstu au wore a dress f wimi) and eilk, a loose pair of tmwsers. a awirrd at the girdle, a coprier ink Uini and and a pip and toliaeco ouih. 'lhey firmeil a strtkh g contrast to the wi rkluirmeu, who were eclmeiisof the pure M and whoeedres waa a aiuitile girdle of bin is tton, with a cross piece attached, and a iselr of ftsitkass shsklugs 1 lie itntisn tncera rial their curt amy mucn exci- ted by the arflclra ig mauurat tore they otieerved, aitch as delisate working in pit 1, silver and cof tier, pnir f curtoua texture, which is uaed aa o'uth as will as for writing on, drosses ot a gauie-hk- e texture, rtia uibllng a mixture of ailk withal-lserc- aud candle mad fnitn tlio bernraif th tallow-plan- t. 1 he baear of Ji exhlUH a acrlw of native tie. ignst Mala or tray of coder, ticaittlfully lactpiercd, of varlisia setteniat mnue of ttieia repreeetitie rajissl aud gilded atorks stea'lng fnsu a manh To pi mice iu au urifortuuat fish, or a tortoise went-lu- g hit wrair way over a blllxk, whilst the no 11 r II. rough a glided iloiidr s. me of the trais marginrd by wreaths if bauilsHi, r tlie Vms, or (iimelliii Jajtontca 1 hi ll cliina ware, iirythm aisl eery i thicker jsirce lain wis,iiikslalis, Jipan Ink, au 1 utile. Min. tiers cisnasses of many slses, with aun-dia- 'a ; the wiikmaiisiiip of tin se articles might via wltt the is st pio lucid by tho manuraitunirs if Itlnultigham. Suiall thistilled uotistilii id i siaes, large traya, t lac ro-- t i)isandrMSulics, iSirire-lssk- dulls, aud he pAiiose Bauda's, were iu abundance. The nnstt attu ca wire oiled isiier 01 ata, mad from the batk of a ssieles of niii'lsrrry'. Sheets of this paar are ut hy jiattrrn to the sliais- - of a coat or cloak, stltehr I ir gummed toge tin r, oiled anl isluti.l tlat is, the outer layer, for it is double b ack or gtein t tl e Inner layer or lining Is merely illid. 1 Leec cmds are en duiablu aoltimr as tiiey are pre. at mil fnsu nails, sharp stoma, or brauihes t f trueai whtih nil thriu up aa so ntiiih tisane pasr. Mf. Tut nbun give tli following aiuualug deaer f a Jaaueso aisLal "fna'l iAr tables if lacquered ware,'aliut a f ii 1 111 d a lia f In heoiht and aix luihe iuare. werfl plaii d ou the rlgl t aide of the Ja ieae , these ens of tea, iweetuieat, cakes, aud small 'aoqucrtd liowla 14 rice and fruit 1 our married ladlieaattogitheriiiniieoide,and near tberu an old! 1 ppoalte aat a yiamg Jaanesu orCivr aud two youi g la Ilea, one about seventeen years of ae, the ttheratiuut twenty the lattur were very pretty. We little 1I1 r rum d of seeing such Leautice In this ther sklus clear and whit aa thatuf a Cireaasian, wit a In althy blush ou their cheeks, wbith reuulnd not the assistauee if the nnigo-lio- finely anhtd brows, over bright back eyis which grelrlght.rwheiitheowiieiBbe.Bii.eaniinate.Laud wcreahadiWidlyk'ugcurllugryelaslieB, uoatasnuell I ut straight, une lirihirtLg ou a-- tlllne small, well cut lij, surnuislcd by cviu row of Ueth of isarly lustiv, Ihelr (tt blak hair waa bntahod rrom tho sides aiuWisrk of the head, and fastened In a knot on the b,i of 11 e bead, try a fillet 1 f le imk ailk Ihe cte w is the ban Isomer of the wo, aud tl 0 ciatj n Joct tf attractiou ti the yiiung ciiBci-- r as he frequeitly gav uaanoiiior-tumty- ibsttvlug, by p'ailug au ann round ber waist, aud hsMng luvlugiy Uitr liereyea. lher waa graccfiilnrsa lu a'l tcr attitude, etjela'ly when he U'k up a guitar at tut request of ber lover a id played a few air for us but tha music a as tathtr mou 4onoua, and without harmony at h 11st our dill ear cisild uot direct any. She aidt d In rvelf In a rs ug, In a falsi t to ti ue a siseies of whine, 11 t alt gether ao dlscoriLuit a that of tL Chinese, yit merely bearable fmtu Ita strangeness. Ihe slhter uow joluod lu a duet, one rudrsiorlug to m Uhnek the ,4Lir Our elder t ists were lu r'turc with the Jnonnruice, anl they won le roil at iur atolldltyi but uur ears hud Win accutdimed to the music of (Itiso aud Mum, aud could mt endure even the tliiist of Jaj anise singer. llutUng the la.ll. s ao obiging, we preval'eil uisn uc to play while the tghee dam id Tie etfoniiaice was locullari she went round the aiaitmnt, as lu a alow watt, making graceful janes with her bauds, an 1 humming au air to Lenelf, aniLlug must agreeably, aud bowb g tuwardus as ahe went round. They were attired lu richly euibnldcred al'k. a loose tunic with wi to sleeve waa faetened round the waist by a broad aah of 1 a'e Ink , a fan was eisod tlmaigh thla, auiL, sup. nt rt Ing the bat k of eat h lady waa a trioomured fiat tsiard, covtreil with d silk. The married ladiea were attired iu mls-- of a taono reacmbllug t ashinere, aud of a aoinbre lavender color. AiUr Ua they Introduced pia aud Boms light wine." Pews from Js au, dated ou the Mb of June, stales tl at th F11 r had ordered that th city of Jeddo, r'agasakl, Siiuoda and Uakodadl should I unltol by tOiCirraiih. and a Una was baliuc built from Jcdilo to bla uu uier restdeno. A'l th vessels lu th Iupo- - I rial fin t were to lwtume.1 Into atewiiirolUira, aud W eeftheiu, tho Mjbvu.liada'jcady left una vovaj of Alrentrr, frtrind by nstlr crew and natlti en- gineer. An AmerTcau, bavlng diaoorervd a oriir mine, was permitted to work it, on rironiialng to di- vide the proceeds with t- - gorernineot Cislsul Hums was seeking trmlsakm of th Oovernor of Slrorsl to fir a salute cm th t'M of rhruary, whan th Trine of t Jilnano mad ht Appearanc and tic natnr i lie conference. On rsrlsg to'd, b remarktd, ' Ufa I thai I WAaaraaTow' birthday. Arrrygrvst man I the greatest, I think, In the world. We know him very well la Jsfwu." Th ) ertnlssion w as cluerf illy acoorded. TBI pnt ? onrwa'a MrllTrrtlo.,' A lrerting to th Duke' withdrawal from Urlena, a ktter fn m that city say WLen the French had onsvted tli Alps, th Duk cotopnhended that hi issubin had bcoorne a very critical oua. He toik tha tktnre in hut magnlfictnt ar, lacked up his olijecta of art, tiok fnsu tha Li hbra ry of tn th niost valuable of the manuscripts, pKseasid himself if the rar colleotion of gold medals, and sent iff al theae riches ly niil.t to leniia. The baud ca of the doors of Ih rrsitr In tL Dueal Palao were ef ailver. It bad them removed and re laced by gass one When all these tl tngs been removed, he took all th nvsiey from the public treasury, an 1 Ii ft at the heal of Lia army of 8.000 men. At that time the State of Modma ws occuisedtiv Austrian Insitse, and tha Duke'e f r was emls-lie- d nin volrns in that of Austria. 1 he Duke had at th t ma elgtty State prisoner cv nfned in th fortress of KrggM hi would not alandrn tl tu to thi Ir ra 1 fate, but ba I tlum conducted lythe Austrian to tli prison at Msntua This last act shows tli character of tl Irian, Tocairy fTpli tnree, ls ka, nsruev, and gld ndala,lwas Udeu-sirh- i tnat migl t be tolerateil, a thotiKti th art waa not a very delicate onst but ti tnat men Ilk articles of fumit ire, and tolnolu I them In th general removal, waa a thing never seen or beard of. It 1 useless 1 1 all that tl.ese eighty unfortunata prlsoneis ar stiU In the c'aaa of tl.etty tullureof Modena, trrrn raon 1 a. avrruraaT'a wrra. TLlmli4i IierB ublish th following letter from Dr, BarTtu asr't wife Sir It is with the misrt painf tl retiictanc that I address you, but 1 feel tssm I, from a sens of duy an 1 justice, to bring before you one or two fa t email in themselrea, but tending to great resu ts which. If known, may remove from myunbapjy huslsutd son of the unjust siiaptcV n and preju dice whlrhhave fallen tim blm Slur our mar rtnge thirty rear ago -- up t the time hlade- - aittire, wrtli Miss llesirs, w have lived t vgetlier In perfect bai4nesa and osibititineut Ihavealwai received fpm my husband Ih most unlfonn kin and attention. I Lava had several 1 In a.1 of which he has himself un me, ls:h a medical man and hurs He received no projeirty whatever with me, and baa nit ntily supirted bUnsilf and me entirety sltir our marrlairei but, fnsu iheltna-(wcit- y fnsn nines of hi yismger bnither to follow any calling, las supimted tdrn a so. Fnsn nty knnwleilge, gained from It nff extwrleuce, f my hua-- I and s huuiaiie charaoter and auilabl dlsiosltioii, 1 lsllov him totie quite Incapable of committing tho rim of wiiieh h stands cnrivli'teiL I p to this time I is moral conduct ha Irrepniachable, ami without wishing to cast any reflection on th memory of th derearad Miss llAsata, I must expre it as my oj Inlon, grounded on my own observation, that the first advances cseiue fnsu her, alttmuirh, uuhapil. ly, it met with bo ready a reripns-rt- on hla sirt. Iu ansvesr to aiSTi otervations mstle In rwtcttn no one baring risitrd my huslsend during his oonflrie-loei.- t, I beg hi aay that It is In arcortiaiioe with U iiwn wish: that I have frei lently expressed my dusiro to do an, and many friends have expressed the aame w tnb, w blch 1 e baa Invariably declined feeling that be cisild Iswt euiairt Ids grust trial In strltt seclu- sion. I am, sir, yisir otiedient servant, Matr Smxtui asl Kifla Terrace, llayswater, Augvist US. Desperate tad Fatal A Bray. VV tiublisliml. t day or two since, a iarajriph regardiDg a fatal affray at Compromise, Ky.. on tli 4tb Inst. A pasaonger on the steamboat J. II Dnkei, fumlihes to tli Memphis Hiigle th follow Ing particulars of Ihe, affair As the Dickey laadud at Compromise, to put off the malt, th I'trstuiastar of that jlace, Mr. at bed the mall agent, who hail not made the two or three last trips, and aald to him t "Ws hav had rssna bhssly ttmisj here of late, and we have to go irrared," (at the aame lime thnmtng back hi c set and extibibng a revolver "Whyf" says tlie agent. I'llomujieourcoiii try la lufestted bv a lit of thieves, anch aa this nian," (isilnbng t-- a man close by, whoa riatno waa Shi Lit, who was the otdy on at the lve iirtvioua tl th landing of tha Dickey beside th Biiccti than remarked tliat he was a mt st Infanssis liar, aisl dt Btitut tg awry prineiil g a gentleman. VVhereution th PisTtmaster bis band on hi 4stol, as If lu the act of drawing it, when BiitXTi shot Mr. BrstB on tli left uhle of his alshsnen SurLTX tlien rrtnatcelat a raiid xce, aoniewbat thirty feet, when Srsaa fired fiair shots at hlrn In rapti auecessmn, but wltliout effect. tbi n deliberate aim at him acmaa a sttuup, but hlajiistol uiIsht--L BiircTt immediately nieha.1 bat k at BrAt and aiu t hire twice mors through bis body. They tbeu hail a hand encounter, SilCLT falling tinder, and Sraaa pouudlng hlrn aliout tho head with bia SsbJ. Preaantly, a third party cam 1111 with a duulile-barr- ahotgurcto ahisit Biiiilts thrsigh the l.ea.1, but through the a.1 vice of the agent and others, he did nob Sraaa anon beianie i weak, that BuriTl threw hlrn iff, and on lua (BntiTx'e) risli g, he was atnick a powerful blow river the head with the gun, which apieared to craze blm, and he Instantly ran luto th river up to hi alitsildeis, and 011 Lia ltsikinjr back and Boeing the leveled at him, b d slged bla head under water, loldtug it there aa long as he oould without strang- ling, and on his ksiklng up and seeing the gun point- ed at him, bo held It again tin ler water, and this pro- cess waa reieatcil till he dmwneil. Th Postmaster was alive when our loforniaxit left, but it was thought he could nut recover. BMeaaarbtwiaa nl Lut. The following is an account of th late steam I lowing match at Chicago, given by a corres- pondent on the Ft: Th Fawkes machine was first brought upon the gnstud aud set lu motion. Th low attai lied to it rut nlue furrows, cath twelve Inchea wi ie, making a very neatly laid awarth of nine feet la width and fnsu two to three inches lit del th. TIkj Wati ra machine then g i under way, and, af- ter some tittle prullmiuary arrangement, stalled off with thirteen plow-sha- n a lulls rear, which cut a wldtn of nlnt teen fett and adeth of six inchea, turning the and In aa lstautiful a tuaunir as th imsit lerfectly managed atngle plow, Thi nitration was witneiwnl by th assembled thisisanda, who rniwded upon tli macblii hi auch a luauuer as tu render the nsk to life and Limb most imminent, ami at its termination ca'lud forth numd uit n risitid t f cheer, such aa cau only arise fmrn a dense inn titude lu a state of rxi itement Tlie result waa o utwxiarctcd that the doinouetration amiNiutetl 1 enthusiasm. Ihe sturdy fanners who fullowed tula new 1 n teller of the plow-e- l are, were astou-isho- d to aue a!wldth of nlutteen feet turned as easily, and in much lues time thau they have Isten accust rul- ed ti turn a single furn w twelve luchea tmsid, and vented tuelr feelings wlthtHit stint. The distance ploughed was about a quarter of a mile, part of wLli h was quite rough and uneven. In nno siot tli inathliie ran upari eleiatUuof atssit one to-- in tweuty, and dragged tlie plowa, wliicli burled them-aelve- a to a di h of nearly nine Inches with s, arculy a diminution of sexl. Tba Aloatler Aarie.lrwai Floailag Derrick. Liokisis, Wcduosilsy,, Jsjo, Among the many siiuntilic work that aro attruilingattention abroail, the mammoth Uor-rii- k, whiili lifts c thousand tons at a pull. Is the linn at present writing. It is the invention of Au.TKr 1. Ilisiiiif, a well known Ainernan rnpnier, and was built under his direction fur " 1 he l'ati nt Ilcrriik Company," recently form-e- il in tins ell v, 'I his Company has made an ar- rangement wllh tho Insurance Companies ami underwriters if London and Liverpool, which MYurra to It To per cent, of the net salvage pro-- it eels from all cowls and cargona sunk prior to this agreement, and raised by its maeliinery, Ihe New tork Moating Derrick Company, which has annually paid over twenty per cent., also several other American Companies operating under Mr. llisiinp'a latent, haieral-e- d upward if four hundred sunken ami stranded s easels. The steamer Kricsaon, of tuns, which, It will bo remembered, sank olf the Jer- -. sey coast , tome j cart tince, w as lifted to the sur- face of the w aler by a ihrrlek if only 3m) tons rararitv. Hut thu oreat derrick, w ith a rsna- - cltyoH Its) tons, will raise to th surface the largest ship ever sunk, pump it out at the rate of tit) tons cf water a minute, and hold it tint 1111 it is either put into floating condition, r stripHl of ita aluables. All it requires j is a good lioll, and this it can get, il(tr than divert ever eounled. A 10 orutnary lessen 01 t.zinr or i.vj ,, tons, whose aitttal weic,bt would be within t ' I''y ,uf the great lifler, it would Mmly tick them un from the bottom, carry tlicra atbore, and land them high and dry on the iloek. It would ui half au hour lift 40 Urit class bcomotlves altogellier, or the hull of the Groat Britain, and its burden on the deck of the Ureat Kuutrm, bucli lieing Ihe enormous cana-ilt- y (f this engine, a glance at the wrecking btatlstica will reiea, an ample Held for its labors. On a single day in loil, 117 icwels were wreck- ed on the Uritlidi ciast. Aa averago of the ) ears gives 1 & wrecks a year, com'Titm..' up- wards of lW.Ooy tuns ofthlpping, vmuiol St eleven and a quarter millions f dollar. Ihe mscbliie lonsUts, llrst, of a tlat bultnmcJ lsal o liii feet length and UOfoet beam, orabiut the length of an ordinary steamship, and li feet Inynler than the Great Vaitcru. Tlie dtpth Is U fct, the draft of water Is only 4 feet, the bow and stern aro sharp, the ground-pla- n is rbem-IsjiJ- al ami resembles a compositor's type case, t eing UivlOod Intof 7w ater-tig- departments, 11 ftct tquare, extending from the bottom to the . Ihe whole of this structure is of heavy boiler iron. Bulwarks, aoino 7 feet high, sur- round the tleik. In tho centre of the deck, lengthwise, and near one side of the eslel, Is erected a tier, at the tup of whiih is a brotn extending over the water on the tide where the weight Is to be lifttsL mil over lb deck on the other til. Tho !'' 1"1 b00 resem- ble a cross, and constitute th ilerttck proper, A wrought Iron arched truss of 65 tons weight pastes from stem to stern, two tr isses of 60 tons each cress the deck diagonally, and two more Immense trusses pas under the legs of the dor-rk- k. Ih object of them all i to distribute the weight of the derrick and Its load equally otcr the whole deck, and to enable the vessel to re sist the leverage if the derrick. 'I it pier is composed of th.te wrought iron legs, forming a . , cm .j ahing, ?o 'lui eu ov nn UIb0 fteteuT, C5 toM. The: boevm ex erdM tariff of wroc-gh- t Iron 120 feet long, projecting 60 feet eacn war l.rorjl eu pier anu wargus eiguiv sous. Bo far w bar a tractive power of l.tsV) tont nthe 10 eett of frullera. But sappoe them to b attacbeit to a t oaken ttlp of that wcricht? Af- ter a fw bnndrad torn had been exerted, our hug derrick, TetvieJ grid ill, wonld bLrln to n, and wonld ultimately pill ll" ortr on Iti wm ni, th sunken thlp sticking la It mud sbefur. Her com In the chief fatur of th nriroTtment. Tin rntlr bull, w hare seen, Ij hmT-corn- b ef water-lig- ht comrrtmQt, thos on lbs Pitta derrick bcrlnu of water. Two pair of feet stroke abova each, captl'e of throwing CO Ionia minute, jiU up tKnt tamparlmmU fmro the let, a fast as tba atrtln on the pullers locret'os, to that tb sunken on on title, and the water cells on the other. Just balance each, aud th emptv compartment tinder the derrick hold the wht le mint afloat. The entire dr? cr jvtlrr in t his oc will be only nlu feet. The rrumrt also throw out the water a the itraln decreasee. Una of their most rueful ortii-e- will b to free stranded lilps. Hew lo prol this preAt craft was not a rim pie rvutil ion. Ther not being draft enough for either at rewi or .llle ao old del ice was tlr.: On eich side two skeleton drums, resembling; two pa. Idle wheels, were placed, on near the is.w and the ot lirr hear I he tlern. Ut er ibese pta enilies chains, on which ar secured the floats or pn I totne 21 Wing Im- mersed at a time, bo the reaaet crawls, Lke centipede, at the rat of set en knots an hour. The lour propelling entrlnes are of rvthcrss newer each, and ar entirely nuder the clock, ltisev-ilei- it ttattlit rrafi' cannot Is) easily wrecked, fi r It widtii will prevent Its capsiiing, and, al- though eras mar tweep Ita deck, they car not bieak through nor strain it, fit th entire bull Li a Rlrder, of almost lmmeanrable strength. Should It tnllide and H'l half its comrartmentt, the reat will keep it afl at. It having U-- liuH.l!ilytoecurcUrge ve-a- el near Lou Inn, on a Iiieh the triAnt cotil.l try its ban I, It onlyexperimcnt baa lawn the lifting cf a couple of smaller ones. Mx. uf the pulleys were see u red bv chains, firming a cradle, unler an old brig of dot) tons, w eighing totne J7u ti n, and drawing some ten feet of water, In foaucsi minutes it was about twenty feet flwa.e air 1 the engines making ninety-fo- revolution IT tuinute. A small iron stesm'joat, weighing sixty tons, was then run underneath and at inched to tbs euspended brig. TL engine being again started, both vessels wire raised biprli In the air, presenting a singular spectacle never before witnessed. The derrick sank but thirteen Inches under this Increased body f jKi-- t tons. The measurement uf the great dorriik is 6.000 tons. Its cott was O 000. CVtr, 1'tmi. Itritlsh Beldr aftr Amerlraa Model. We alluilcel to th fact that the Itritlsh screw steam frigite which lias recently been launchod lu England, was built in imitation of the I'. S. frigate Magara. Our naral reporter reminds ut that when the U H. frigate Merrlmac vlsitwl Britain, a teasel after Krr rnoelel waa Immc-liatc-- It put n the stocks, and aubse-iuenll- launched, fler nam la th Mcrsav, ami ahe now belongs to "the Channel neet.' When the U. H. cur-et- te Constellation arriteil in the Mediterra- nean some years ago, the British nav al oiHctrs there were so struck with the originality in her. that they at once ririorte.1 to the Admlrality bow "a coniratively small ship (ronette) had been equipped by the Atneri-can- t, xabl of earning HO heat ler guns thau those generally used on the Duke of We- llington;" and that "hei strength and solidity render her aa immovable during a discharge of her tremendous broadside, as the rock of Gibral- tar." In a fow months, the "Anadne" was ordered to bet built In every way similar to the Constellation, bhe waa completed and launched a few months ago. We are also informed, but cannot assert with confidence, that the Englieh "Intrepid' was built after a model 8un-bo- n for the I'. S. Gov ernmettt. It i singular that the Mersey, Orlando, or Ariadne, does not teem tu have equaled the ships whose existence suggested them. Juuruul of (,nnmerct. At 15 minute to S o'llock on Monday after- noon last, Ironjfcor rtsxT ascended ia a balloon from Forbus Hill, I'oughkeepste. There were about three thousand persona present to witness his ascension. Considerable uifHculty waa ex- perienced before the balloon could start, which was at last ov ercomo by th Professor throwing out the Iiallast, cushions, aad In fact everything that could retard the ascension. The balloon rose gracefully in tlie air, and just clearing tiro housetop, sailed off in a Kortheasterly direction. Before the Professor had paused beyond the crowd, lie threw from his b islet a baud-bo- which, on striking Ihe ground, burst, when a large black cat sprang out, to the consternation and af- fright of several ladies. Black pussy ran l tie way, while white I'rsaTT sailed anoth- er. In ssing the old Methodist church, the anchor caught In the roof, and as Mr. I'rsar did not want to land there, h drew a knife from his pocket and set ered the cord. He now cnctlnued to ascend, and sailing to a more easterly direction, w aa soon out of eight. The highest point reached by Mr. Piuky was two tnBes and a half. At lire o'clock, h landed on tlie farm of Mr. Jon. I.awbfii f, in Ihe tow of Pleasant Valley, but having no anchor, the unfortunate aeronaut was dragged over trees, fences and Hells, when two men went to his as- sistance, but their utited efti.rts were not suttl- - Cicue lu llUKl too usitieiii, niuii 11117 neta in- - quested to till the basket with stones from a atone fence whlcn tuey were tueti passtag, ami the balloon was then stopped. Mr, 1'iaitr ar- med at Poughkorpsie aliout nine o'clock the I tme evening, rather etuT after hit airy journey, and w Ith one of his hands badly scratch 1 by loming in contact with the Biuret Bid obstacle while landing. A TriKi.iui me dispatch from Hew Orleans, announces the death of Dr (Kobkkt M. Gkaham, from the effects of a wound received In a shoot- ing affray w ith Mr. Kakskst Tot uA"n. This is undoubtedly the same Dr, KonKitT M. Oka-ha- m who figured before our Courts In the vear IhoI, as the murderer of Col. Cu vklis Lout 10, of California, at the St. Nicholas Hotel, under th most aggravated circumstances. Col. Uik-im- j, with his wife, occupied apartments at the St. Nicholas, as likewl-- e did Lr. (iRAHAX and his family their respnetiv e rooms boing contig- uous. Un the afternoon and night cf Tuesday, August 1, Dr. tiiiwttM, under th imluence of Liquor, created considerable disturbance in the hotel, but was Induced to retire to his room, whereh remained quietly until towards day- light on Wednesday, when he arose from bis lied, and wanting water, left his room, and .d to ftiig the cliambermaid't bell violently in the hall. Col. Lchiro, whose wife was ill, remonstrated with htm, and requested him to desist, but Gkaham paid no attention to his ap- peal, and at last Col. lsiiuio weut down to the oftice of the bottl to obtain the removal of GnA- - II vm. As he was ascending th stairs on his re- turn, he w as met bv Ukaii ih, and an alterca-tl- m ensued, which "resulted In the ttabbltig of I.iiRivii. The wee is. ti used was the long blade of a (word cane, which was plunged Into Lent-tin- 's sole with great violince, where It was twisted about and bent before it was pulled out A Coroner's Inquest Nr as Immediately commenced, which resulted ia the committal of GitiitAM to abide the action uf the Grand Jury, The trial w as commenced la the Court of Oyer and Term iner, befure Judge Jim iir"U, on tuooMbi uc- - t iber, 1"54, and continued antll the evening of thejth, tbe'jiiiy, l hn'funil two o'cVvk tit next morning, flndlfig a verdict of manslauKh.- - ler in thetecotid ili'irree. 11 was sentenced te Ihe Mate Prison at MngMiig, nut waspantoneu bv Governor Clakk on the 4th of March, 1W, after ten Ing upwards 01 a ear 01 uu time. Ic refererwi toRtvutiiT Joitisoi, the Intelligencer fib, tas s, that lie hu no ilea of going now, or at ny ttm, te Europe, to have lue operation 01 me extirpation 01 nt injurou eje jrformed, as bas been stated. Th loss of its sight was long since, nearly nineteen jean ago, occaiioned ty ti e rebound 01 a pistol snot tired by himself t but, except In that particular, be sustained ao Inconvenience from it, until with- in the past four months, when he caught arwv era cold la it, which produced tiitlammatl m, under width he has since suffered. Dr, Hatm, of Philadelphia, tinder whose skillful care he has been fur some time, thinks that this may be and the netctsity of aa operation avoid- ed, lie il now veil enough to attend to hi professional business, and will attend tho next session of the buj rem Court, u b ha done for many ) ears, Dn, Taikt recently eloped from Knox Co., Ohio, wllh the wife of a Baptist deacon. Th Isresved husband pursuotl the runaways t Iluilaon county, where he found his wifo quit sick. Without a word of upbraiding, he stayed and nurteel her back to life, then he talked with tlie doctor and her, and reasoned with them, an promised to forglv e all, and hide the facts from the world. To bit grief, however, he learned that his wife loved tho doctor, lie therefor exprcsned his forgiveness to the recreant wife, and ccrtltied in writing that he gav her up oa condition that the would marry the object of her ihoice as soon as possible, and he wou.I net cr molest them. II gav ber lo0, whihei tli Messing of Owl to reat upon her, and thai returned to his desolate hearth. jSiiirniB, tho Klagara Falls juinpar. whoU reported to liav heen drowned while it, tmtnlng out to tet the currents, was attended by only tworersons a fact which has caused the he hat not been drowned at all t but that the reiwrt hat teen got up to account foi bit tot Jumping. I f MAIL ITEMS Ms. CnitcopAv. it,. k 1 .1 va- - u - iffin "Ty ta that cltv, to cost -!- .ini..rt. be tnt to the j ubllc- - Chamm Awb BawrKD, Aanmi ran.loit, list git,.n $5,000 to the poor of Bristol, B. I., where his father was long the clergyma. 8cHTiiKr. merclutnts complain that New York goods corn to haod much less accural packed than those from I'liiltJelpbLa. Ltmrr Waid, of It said to litre been the only Lord of Inventive calibr ever known, in J he invented but a table delicacy 1 the sauce. Tnr Long Is'and R. R. Co. hu oMained bom CnAri ick tit right of way on th riosMng K. It. track, and both companies are hereafter to rnak their headquarters At . 1. O. P. till aw, whohrvla store at Cedar treek. 11 miles west of Bastrop, Tsxat.omnilt-- ll sulclil tome time lcce by taking Uudantim. He bad been drinking, and some ertont hal taunted him all over with green paint, and tew- ed him up In a sack. On awakening, and not Su .feeding in wishing the paint from hi hair mortified at hit condition, be committed the act. A mac ling hsj been patented In England for cope lug the written manuscripts of message, and It lia worked succetafullv for a distance of B! miles. 1hcommuniiation is written on tin j fell with varnish. The fi U It placed In th ms I chine, and br the use of soma Inrenloni device,. V which mak ani break th circuit, th letter is duly registered at the other en 1 of th hue. A aiMawiiAT ecCTOlrlc woman of Boston suf- fered the loss, by death, of a favorite dog, a day or two site. tt Thursday she procured a cof-f-n, at a cott of t, In which she had the animal "laid out," and hat adorned it with mourning flow era. Sbo has al0 engaged two carriages for the purr of taking the remains of her faront to Mruiit Auburn, fur burial. litt Cotnertlcut river is now lower than evir known Irrfur. It 1 two feet lower than at any tlm during tlie lost twenty 'tears, owing; to the protracted drought in Vermont and north- ern New Hampshire, lb large steamboat run-tin- g between Hartford and New lotk And it Impossible to get frcm Mlldtetownto thlscitt, and they will stop at Midlletown, and send up passenger and freight by tha smaller fteamuri until higher water. At the anniversary of the Seventh-Da- y Baptist Publication Soeletv , at Verona, la Oneida coun- ty, on the Otblnst . the following resolution was a'dcptedi "J:e$nlnJ, That the continued opera-tio- u and nfurcerrent of Sunday laws In thi) State is contrary to the express letter and spirit of the CoLititutton of the United Mates, and Is subversive of the civil and religious rights of th lenplr, and thst it is the duty of all good citi- zen to labor fur their rereal. Thr Submarine Telegraph Company, of Lon- don, now iossess ten conducting wires between England and France, besides six stretching to Belgium, and lis to different parts of th north of uri.t. it is also proposedto It v a cable be- tween the Channel Islands and tb French coast. The cable belonging to this company hare been lately examined and found to be In excellent or- der, "notwithstanding they have been laid now lor sev tn or eight ) ears. Madam Poitxvii, the widow of th well-kno- aeronaut, made an ascension at Kouon, on the 3d Inst., accompanied In the car by her as- sistant in the costume of Samho Pania, whilst below was suspended a donkey, mounted by a new Dulclnea del Toboso, whose white toilet was vUil.l when the balloon itself could hardly be perceli ed. The descent w aa effected ia safe- ty at Franquet tile, and Madam PolTivi.t re- turned to Koueu in th ev ening. Litfhatcrv, like fashion, has quitted Lon-d- m. Mr. DiCKFts Is at his country house, Uadshlll riaee, near KocLester. He has finally declined to accept a most inviting offer which w as made to him to give readings in America. Mr Caritlf is in rifesblre, Sir E. I.tttoih. Knihworth, Mr. TiuctirKAr on th Continent, and Mr. Vulkif Coliiss at Bmadstairs, en- - f;aged on a new novel, which is to lie published tl e Tear Bound" oa the conclusion of Mr. Die ks story. TitFOtioiti Park tit's last letter to the IkWci-f- or it elated "Neuchatel, Suisse, August 2d." He saj a "I think I am really getting better; certainly I tin fatter and stronger than for a year past. But the congh continues th sole la good for nothing it it a little painful to talk at all. Professor Dksob has a fine wood lot, and I work lo it with a bill hook and light hatchet, pruning the tne and cutting down bushes, and sometimes I take an ax and cut down a treei twelve or fourteen inches In diameter. I do not overwork, and hare a good appetite." Craw romi's plaster east of the Oenlui of Liberty, which was broucbt from Italy In sec tions, has been set np In the old House Hall at Washington. The figure Is ii feet In height from ita idestal. The right hand rests upon the hilt of a sword, tf which the point reaches to th feet. The left hand grasp wreaths, and rests upon a shield. Th bead-pie- It the figure of an eagle, with wings half sprwad. The bxly Is clothed in a royal robe. The ttatue, when cost in brouzr, Is to surmount the dome of tho capitol. The first trial of any note, says a tltah of the 3d ult., that has taken place) since the extraordinary and ill-a- Ised pardon of the Iresldcnt, where this Church hat prose- cuted one of their own faith, or that tbcfMormoa . U. S. District Attorney, (Jen. Wiijuin, lias I any degree o'f energv, came off last w eek. The party (a Mormon) was accused of robbing a brother saint of 1.400. IIkioiiak adv Ised him to plead guilty, as there was a largo number of Uentlle on the traverse Jury, and therefore a certalntv of hla la Ing found guilty. He did, and In hit defence, stated that he took ti money only as a joke, intending to return it , but the Judge could not appreciate that class of Mormon jokes, and therefore sentence I tho dis- ciple of letter Dav Saints to teu ; eon at hard labor in the State Prison. A orvrtr-MAi- , w ho came as a passenger tn the Persia, describes the storm In which the was disabled aa most terrific. Her crankpiu was broken Monday evening, about 10 o'clock. She lay to, until next afternoon. In hopes the storm would abate, and enable her to repair i but, finding no Improvement In the weather, it wan decide 1 to put back (J Cork. A fter proceeding; In direction, abouT one hundred milos, the weather moderated, and the breakage was re- paired, when the steamer w as put almnt again. When reaching again the tame latitude tn which tlie disaster incurred, the encountered another storm, more terrific than the first, but ploughed her way through it uninjured, except the crush- ing of one of her wheel-house- s. The Persia baa the bra, lest freight the bas ever brought. A trial was reirntly made lu Santiago, Chili, between two American and two Lnglubi locomotlt es. Th result was that the American engine did In twenty-seve- n minutes what an Fpgllah engine waa thirty-fou- r Ltlnutes In do- ling) and of the power trial, that the American took a numlier of t assenger and freight cars and walked right up the nt through the entlra distance 1 w lwreas the t nghsh, with tlte tarn loud, came lo a Ui ad hull, hal to uncouple hf-te-cn inrt and leave tlietn, then went on, cam again to a halt, and finally went back to the sta- tion. The judge of the occasion was aa tnglub. practlial ei gineor named Hailfr, who presided and judged very fairly, the Yankees say, Thf consequences of the strike In London It lieginilng to be severely felt. The London Mvrmna Star, referring to the subject, tav 1 1 It is lamentable to tie evidence! of tho Uuddera Strike, w blch meet tlie eye all over the metropolis. Ureat works are luspendod croups of operatives are going abiut with noth- ing to do and misters have no outlet for their capital, and no means of fulfilling their con- tracts. Her and there a contractor appears to give way. or at all events toeffuct an accommo- dation with workmen, but oa both sides tho strike mav be deacrllied as general, with littlo hope of any side v lelding to th struggle, bup- - flies continue to ! taut from th country to operatives; but I lies funds art not much anicng so tnnv, and w Ives may be teen t lilt- ing tee pawnshops wtiila their htubaikU art) walking Uie street. Tin failure cf Wii-so- & StttiebAkicb, Urn drovers and operators In caul, hogs and provis- ions. In the eastern part of Indiana, U announced. Aa Impression had rrev ailed that their opera- tions in tbetr line of business hav been unfortu- nate. But this is erroneous, aa we are lafurmeef by Mr. M'ilsoi that the firm bat tieocme ember, rooted by his operations in the Whit Sulphur Springs imiirovementf, and that the misfortune is chargeable to hit individual operations with the tirm u backers. Ih unprovided liabilities are about (100 000, as devolv Ing directly on Mr. Wltaow, near 70 WH) of which is participateel In by the firm name, but still for his uie. Th main assets are In th Springs property, which Mr, Wiimi'S value at tUo.oOO, aud hopes t convert la torn way tocovrrthe liabilities. Th firm of Attii'FW W 11011 i Co., we or assured. Is in no way connected w 1th these operti Ions, nur affected by them. Thf fillowing line from Chat has been found to admit of eighteen trauipoaitloiit, without dettroj lug the rhyme or tens The weary piuiurhii au plcdi his horuewa,Id way. The w eaty i4ottghatu homeward 4o.l his war. I he I liAigbmau, weaiy, plctla lit homeward way. I ho ploughman, we y ,'lomeward pi ls 11 w ay, th pi mshmaa plod bis homeward way. the i4uuiihruen homeward Lid his Weai v 1 war. ... '!.,-- . c ri i.' .. . i,.,.r..-- r -- - jieuiewru tut iiuuiik,sii inmis eus wrary way. It mew aril tha wtary plough man plod hi way. lion award the ploughman, weary, plods hi way. 1 ii hi ineward ploughman weary plods bia way, Tl home aid 1 long) tiuiu pluuU hit weaiy way.

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Page 1: New Km'i lr (li lk - Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 21. · fcri GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. The Serpen Tunnel War, i) Taut or m Kiotem CoetTOin. Tb xrlal ef te alleged participant In



The Serpen Tunnel War,i)

Taut or m Kiotem CoetTOin. Tbxrlal ef te alleged participant In th late rl 4 on tvKiKIllndWMCuiitlnindonTutUr Atllo'ck,m portion of lb r1onr wen marched Uilo tn(Court mu, and Major Coijjlu being on th touch,41 semination cvoroTnencad.

Liti II. Uonvm, residing In tluda-- City, WnJdepoeed I waaat the teen if the rl 4 on

Friday, Saturday aid Sunday t I pwowbif herwhom I rroogulss umii among them who helped toMil !ra on the track; fti ting to Km'i Hoar,

Yad of atidit 1 years of e I w I lm holp 1 1 putfive lr on the trecki 1 thluk I rm.iilM om- - fthe other, but eu wrar rttlvly to nun but thi

IiVfit, th f Identified, protested-- .! never putcnt bar oa the lm a, or helpM to it oat on

Kniutn rum Mng iwnrn, deposed -- I iu ittherli4Jon the ,Kl.l)thi I1 thine hen are cntirautrangere to met I do nut think 1 can speak positive-ly if any of thtroton whom I are hrra tlilnk I asthere, but cannot swear positively) I think I barrvedthe man tn the blue poaU (Orkriiur llarai 1 canTomtlTi no particular acts of bis, only riln reiura'

utAclpatlou In turning over lslie tj old ears, etc ,

ca tha trecki 1 cannot recognise any others.Have A) hat if day did you Be me down

there!Ana. I think auAd noon.Have I waa u.4 tuere since mornlrg.Anuan I)atlrtilil I at In rl.4 on

arm!: g and Sumls i I tin n mw some or theInrralaoelitrr, but di Ilk see them l'lon tlie track i II at man tutinj to .buis statin)was there, but I did not see him d anything.

I'tlaoixr Wa it on Saturday or Sunday you liwtna tliorr f

is in On Sunday,Or an Ptant bring awnrn, tcatlfcd I M al the

rV4 Frlila) , Saturday and SuiuWy i I w aseflgsgid In the not tl la hoy (Milium. Iltsv) tha nextbutt betohlm (Wat tAHKttJ i not hut w (loiiNifcm-antrnrt-

I taw each of them engaged In Ihe rl 4 tt'M if ia another (rtsliling t Jons ll esssal whoWas ' gsgrd In lAsdnirting thi rai r ad.

I iAMkr V. hen did win ew m fit ikirm- - I saw yon on Similar , y.wi were hal4ng

fn roll that big st ie or, the track) it waa ltinitkreii and Utr u'ck,tunmi-laatl- un In my 'joard nff hn'ino, ard

nercr laid a thing on the track, or hUted to imt on aatone.

FAKULi-lAnoth- er pileuiier rec t,'"i-''-- J 1 Whend d you ace n e there f

NVrtneM-I- ln Sunday firreu am, you were mttirgtonea on the ttai k,

1 aiarLb-N- o, air, I did n't put a Rhine on thetrack.

Jonn II. pruw, I lh otmataVe, lclnv aworn Iwaa at the rl tl rte tlntea I noogi lie that boy, (Mlriuki llaaai), I eawthat man, (W. t aaaitn) andam ni4 pnaltlre ala ut that one, (lUaftar MIrvaa.)iiiiii.i-i.- i fujioatd tiafn rnday, when we went to move the carathay had t laTO ........ ,..,,..,. ,..,.-,.- .- u.. ,., .., ,,,.VTiiH-- u un iviiiuviiik 1111 , UN.rm mill's inny no iiiietaken, wiMiia ni ewear 4iuveiy, nni niy ipnaalon la that I aaw him, 1 e!xu rw-gn- CoaMiHire.

Q by Mclicnrr Wlien did you aao metWllncaa-- Oii frtluy.Mclnrtte- -I wna at work on Frklay an 1 Satur-

day both, In Jereey City, fur Mr, himti, who la la rein Court.

V ttnraa AVeD, I may be mlntaken.A new lot of prteotM n waa now brought In, and

Mr. Itraa waa rccalkd to the atan I. He pncerilHlwith hla te dlmony aa f ill wet J rtcogmae that one,(Fat Saltil.) I aar hhn Imnly eni(Kod with tliuaawho were uttlng ol ntrui'tioiia on tlie Ira k, and Ialeoeawthe one behind linn, ( 'oil I.eoaABl), he,too, waaengaaTillu obatrurting tie tr-r- there laanother taie I am aure o', (Tn ra. Iiaatif : he, a an,waa very buay In ol atruiting the trwki tLU la all Ireougnlxe a ly ergauctj.

Ha th Wl in did you aoe nn-- therefWltiHwa In the furemun, Utweeu 10 and 1

tclock on Sunday,1' laoner ery will, 1 waaat N. 1M N irth rreet

then, and did not leave there until l'i oVUnk, and Iwaaat Neaark at work on rrhlay and Hatunlay. IliarepKNif hire In tie Inmae and In New York thatI we mtoutlie grouuh Ibal uotUni; todjwitlitlie tiaik.

Mr. ItiATiT rrcallwl I recognlret'iat man f louatVliiyimvl, tlie neat to hlrn (lleiar Hiio-Dth- e

man with the ted wbWkera(MiiiiAki.MriTiri. Thattuau I'at Siiat),and the 17 net him (J. 1 toiekni. Via latter cameto wlure uiyx.lf and atteral olhoi re of tha road were

tending, end aald i you none of w a, ymi euue ofla,wa whlahowyou wlad we will d i with y el."I rragriUe tht loan with a rcil )iirtttnttc cornerTuoa Iiaaar), and tliia n an here hloirn rniaivuj.

lie (IaiMviiU waa with tlie man who threw a etiaeWuthhlt SheilffHrATTj'a hat, it waa inttndcl fortr. Winna. The man who threw tho atnrie 1 d i

tiU are him. I ateo recngnlxa the one with a blueabJrt (VYiu iah CrTTta). I arreetcd him myailf liewaa rhoutliig whon tliefimt man waa arreeled " rea-c-

htm, him." Here the prlanner loudly andlengthily bia InBoceui-- e of the i barge).That man with red whbikera (Ml it), I think waama if tlie ling leadera I recivntxid a crowd ofthorn who ere out in rhlay aiui Hatur Uy.

Ml ltd N liat ban you aeeu me doing nn

Wltneaa I cannot aay piitlrr1y that I Mr yithereon lilday, or do anything, but I aaw yi u ouSaturdav, ahiajtlng and yullfiitf, caue on bi .ya merniboya,' and In tha crowd when the atuncewerethrow u at the engine.

Mourn IHd ou eve me on B imlafMtueiw 1 did, )ou were ahuuUng and incourag-tn- g

tlie men,IHn'ounrrt What did you are me d .tMtiHaaIaaw youfnui tlie w Ituhiw of theTele-graji- b

baiac, tun Ing over a car ou the trai-k- , about-iu- rand belong inhere.

jJocnnnrrT I iievi r di 1 jiut a hand 1 one of yourcare, and waa never i n lite hill In tore Surutav in irn-tn-g

t 1 never worked at the tunnel i 1 waa Herequirty luoklng on, and at ii)i;ht,l"aa taken fnmi mybed, at jAMiaMAlraa'p, aul brotihlitbijall.

Fjia Aao Tibbitts bring awi m I can i ulybeie, that man with no w hlakera, (Mrc-var- lj

he waaiNUwi kuoita among them aaa loader t)w took a lern active it, more titan any ol thereal.

Mnvrr-l- Ml yiuaee luebauJo anj thing to putIt on tlictraik f

A ituoit When tie military rame I aawyoutyiailal aatlik tu your ban I, an I ehouUvL,"riaue on lioyat take ewrj onu hla rnnn and we cauclear tl a none of ! --a, f ver) one of tin m."

Mravtv I in Mir did bive titer atlck r atone Inmy band, ou the trrkk It wbatM my ItitvriNt. Iaiu aure I, aa a f irtinau, hat far more than 1 wactrr likely to cain by It.

Vi itneaa He waa loud'y encouraging tht-i- to fightit out tiever to give ail Indl Infoiethe mllitiry.

Ihe Court now quntly put on ita bat and walkedout of the roi4u, leaving tlie phaoutlis half ad iatu and uImnIv of Jiolicolnali. N i

waa taken, i r onler of Ml umiiitnt nlveiii butedtcr a lanee .! alamt two houra I la Honor rvturiMMl,reeunad hla atat, aud the flntt witaeaa waa u,lhil.

dona llovi-- , AWlennaii of llud-io- u city, wim awom,arid tevtdlnl'-- I waa at tie But lie i f the riot tit fthe tune i ii 1 rldav, Patunlay, and isumlay I ih n 4ate any of tic intu hem whom I inn reo igiilea- tin re none I nhoiild like toaweiir to. Ithink I would reoogi 1e raauc abo wire there, If 1

caw tin In, but U c aie in I here.(imbur vakavjakck tvetitlml I waa at the

of the not, at work tl ere an a inrjieutr rllphnl I ythe New Yi rk and hrle K K t I w m tlinre on thethroe dava ou Suinhi , unli, a of thu iIa ii tl a nun who are heie in Court, Id n t think Iran e an of tletu -- not 1 awrar I tin in,two of therm men link at inithllitf like Hi nut wl o wireture, but aw to being ptmitive, I o uld not r cici'tbe iMautie of au i f t) lm n here

W. II. ClJIKM llxalUd tlf tin ttieu here th le IntaatUat 1 raw, that onewith thu rid v.luk ra,(Mvurr ) I dmt aw. any othcra huicllat 1

there.Mtivrr 1 wuuldaaa joulf you saw ma do any

thlr g tin rt, i batruct the tiatkaii-- . way or till otiu.itto do ao r

Witnraa- - )y air, I dl 1 n 1 I only aaw you thereamong the rli frra i I di 1 m t ecu you do n thing.

Ani thrr iret of nu hnur'a durailou aiH nowtakeu, anu thru Maor Coi.i ah ami. uiirrd t) at theiratiuionywav coin ludid. A man naiuid LimaaotJoiiuUAN wuafijund, howciur, who had nit n

nientloiad la?forr, and now the otliccr who at rente!Lim WBB BWOIH.

V Mi I ia teetlAed I am an ffi r , on Sun-da- y

afttrniaui I arruModtlial man atu tigat tlm rlitera, aud he i auiv with me n.ui.Lulily he v, uld lotcome with am ther ottlorr who attoiitiHl u arnidblm, but came with roc without ail) trouble t I aiwblui anu HK't the riotrra, but u htm d nithligwriiig 1 he prlfi n r rohieti d 1 la urn lici , anlaal lie ld a wlfi. ar d two t.hildrtn, win were

on Ida ekrrtlolia fir au port Ihe IlwtrutAttorney, aller a ifvlt w of the tcat.u n) , mu el thecbiaharge of the follow Ing

Hubert ButUr, I'utrick tl IVak,John NU holaa, Jacob 1 mm ,Miclael Muican, Pat Cutrudt','1 bouiaa Nianian, Uaiiiel far,,Juar h t.rtali, I lann II lh,LdwanJ JliUndi-- , put llndrilul,Datld Au.luuji, litt llln.1),IfartiuluU), K'4it Shlutjro,Jaraiuiab I aid n, it .rue v, l cr,Tboiuee fieid, IMn 8uln.n,Janice Kell) , U .man U unell,Jiaa-i4-i J. tJttun, tlanl ll iKiunell,Daniel 1'ailey, Jolili Stuait,Patrick Fkd, Jouul)lr,Martin O'lli I n, John Punrj ,llward rittgerald, Johuliarkiy.John KHtrltk, held for the action cthe Grand lury were1 Jereu lab Kallcr. 81 WU'iain llo'mra,V lVtrtik Bhta, XI I'euuia iiaiB,iS James Cruriy, 13 Ilaiuey Bituuan,4 MlLhatl Mulvev. H Ji bu Oonimvforl,6Mloharlclah, 28 John Ihiugherty,4 John liennard. n uaniey atiinryrv,J Corurbua Hay a, tl V. MeCabe (buy, lIled;a Wlchael Hu re, vt Tl.oc Maatorai u,

MUhaal McAcda, il Fdivd Umir.81 I at WoiaIb,

11 taroi41. 41 1 elu Molality,It TlcraiaaBabbv. B'i Ulward Kiley,1 John Miiri u;14 Michael He,,,., i nivvr. ....maitiey,15 IximlnO'lcVil.i, " i uiv, iuicj l

It Jaioaa Mclirrmott, MyVUhaiulurnll,"'''aIT Fdad.,! 117 Urn Flanunj,. -It Micbatl lyona? it Fatnck tmlth.It Ilrary Iugan,M ratrlck bhane, r'six

blprerc, agrwuit ab.una cneiir. V1 beenprow MrtUuUiahargetfwrtliaBiuti,i repruevlodby the Mayor. Part of icism who were tu iu I iruTivvat bailed out at each.

aVinougat thisr arrested on Sunday, waa a youngtnaa Muted Patiici Svitu, who bad Is eu learnedthat anamlng' to a 4aaant-looklu- d

young Iriah woman, Tba taaln we'it out for a aborttilp. and eroasing over to Jersey City,to the aocne uf tiJe rii4. Her I'atbic us.

fiat inatoly fot Into tha tilutohea of an olloer, aridwaj Uduta to tba jail along with tha other prisoner.l youcg woman, whjee bulowd Pajuv waa tu

uneeremonliauly taken froai bar, tat been almriatturtantiyand unneaMnglylntaroadlngerllh tha Mayor

abj Itrlct Attorney Lrrmx, for tha retrace of herbuahand. The young brtde daolaraa that they warcrrnlng rtr tha field 19 the eoene of riot, wnen herLuaband met aa awnalntanoa-o-n of tba tunnelmen and while oonrfralnaT. offlcars nam up and ar.rrated them. Ofneer ppwa believed that lie raoognlaed the afueed ae one whom ha had aaen takug part

ith the rkitera, and aeiasnuntly ha waa miulred tofind bond for IU at pearance before ha oould be

Yreter lay a hendred tnen were at work In thetunnel, and a force of aelal tmlloamen, t n Hle-- I tytoe k. k, Uo., were awnrn into guard tha tragic.1 he traina were running regularly aa u lal.

Tlie icePreaidant of the Brie Ing Ik Cmitut, Koantll Hi lu.nj, iMiie 1 a circular, in wliloliUaare!"Thn tjle Cocnliany dl not cailra. t forthe bUldlng of the tunnel, ami did not enter intoany engatrermnt In fumleh an rt of the fvinlaThe Long lk lomnj omitrated with J. I.t (li lo flnloh the t mne! at a (1M prhie, to lie

ld h r in tl.Hr mortnu imnna J i ey i -I 1 the cutra. t. r, or IJ a gnee. A, II. rlemor.1 .... .... - ,.. an. I l. a.l.l!,i.i,i have lift Acrery in i ar inai w oi", - - r ,,.J .'

him a' tfu.1 he ha.aanie. up to the 1 ith Imdnnt,athonnh loOiIng aa due tintil the end of thainoiith On Ihui ly lat f fty fnr humlrl dullara

in fuinaiieilt Mr Stmota by bvlirld ia' dime-tir-e

of lie Jiit ir lack (miny, with the tindere'anding that It would enable Mm to ay Mil men.II in euro tt ry were not unitcr obligation to funihih,I ut d d an on Mr, BirMot a'a repNetitAtlontliat withit arid Mher aivletatica lie eviccted to get, he emildaatiafy Ma rnin uidd the chew of the tuoutb, whoaem. er payment be due to bun. In thia tiptitatton he waa dina uibtad."

Tup I.atb IlriiOKK IltoT. Tha e tcltetnanlIn nlatlon I' tie late riot, li nrar'y eulnl led, andafhlre are awuniing tt e ordinary courre. A fw itfthe rl tera were dlnohargnl from the Jail yenter bty,ii; ngMn-ith- e n',ulrrd Imnda. The pruate P dorint iycd I y Die New York and I rle Kailrr-a- d Corn-p-

y, to wet h tlictraik Intkarlriiiitynhoaauglxtr hie ac, went i n duty on Wedm lay tilgl t. AtmntlOoVoik, lliey dlM'mered a tire lace-- l acroan thetiack near the Junction, but whitler it tad lioenp accil 11 ere with a malirloua nn tire, or I y a ime onconnrctid w tli the Kallr'-a- d Vnmpany to tint theirvigi'aiire, la nM known Theee watchmen are wiiJinland fir evil dinjiird i ranna, tiring invitodwith tileanlc rifle latula, cipahle of being r.ral teatiimi wltho'it redooiling.

DriARTinr fit I.Kiitiai. Siorr. LleulGen. IV orr drtrted t n I la gan Juan ndnainn, In therV ami r Star of the Wert, at 1 c.' luck yoeterday I.M. Itig liefore tlio time il aadlng, a ery largecrowd I ad on the etramar'a wharf, at t!iOfi-- t it arnn atrect.

Tlie Sc tt Life Guard, undi r Cat. Win, arrlredwith a gun J'rt btf re twoo'i'oik, an I tmktipa

Mtaltl in iai tha end of ti e wharf, A fuw fidulitca'trrtiieairtaiot the uillltarr, lien. Hi arn-oi- d

m a carnage, anl aaa lecolvrd with In a ty cher,w) h h lurriaxnl to eiithudaniu an the age4 veteranaiowTy nadella way iinthartiig.pank.

Wlen the ritarnf tlie Wait UJwdout Into tlieetrcam, II e crowd, 1 Ih iiiithe wtwf and on the

r.rnt ire ntr, wtilch waa at her liertb on tlioimaiHtte ahla of t tin j ler, broke Into rrithuahMtlirel.rrre.tiiid a aaliite of tl htren guna waa nrt-- l hethe Lite 'inert!, liunawrre alaofliwl fr no the ilnrkof the Fiuhire 4ty and a ateanier lying In t ieelrTBrn. The War of the Went waa aalutrlwithrolura, guru and fr nn vartnua vra-- i

la, aa ahe i rocerih d d iwn the Hay, and a aalutewaa aleo find fnin Fort O lumbiia.

Kali FAaima. Thtirnlay ytu tlie open-la- g

day f ir tlie r alt style of drees, lronneta, Are., c.,and, notwithstanding the Inc'cmency of the weather,it reiilvcd a fair ahara of attention from the gentlereex. Hut the teal oenlng must neoeaaarlly be lxt(ami d for a day or aa, when S'lmhin and pteaMiitwiathir will w nd to tho eto-i- a of la line u iwweatlier lamud at home, eualy curiuiia to know thenew stj lea, but not ready to brave rain, mud audmire In their purfulb. Tlio Ktj'Ttf reporter I eingihrned quite well t oated ujain three tnyati He of thof lahlonable world, we eitnw t from that pair the reBull of bit careful survey of the Held.

lion bit There la but little a'temtiun In tlie aliapala tliraei tlie rtrawa. If anything, ar rather largi r,while many of the velveta a jiriabch a cirttage eha.lue lrotu unvipa iio-r- ueciuou'y, ana mo iruirmng ianhmwt utilvi raally worn acnaw tha top, niaik laoaand bright co'or In vilvvta are much worn anil lulu-ple- d

witn fine ctT,et, The contraata are not quite anvivid aa lard fall, dm k and rich tiuta being lu favor,and i lalda ik4 at all.

lire liiiuiABii showed ua a tmnnnt oumvwei ofvioiii veivtf, eugen witu wiiire irirraii laiM) j ne mintwaa of trie MabiiHti abt style, and iartljr oovered bya narrow fall of white laoo. 'lliefaie trlinml'af waaof piiniic and gieiri vclvit flnwira, aha lid witli an.itLer laltof thnail laoe. Tha trimming acrieis thetipoftbeboiintt was iircu iari it was a full quilling,al" t four Itiihie lu width, of the aame velvet. Whiterililmn etringa.

A black vrlvct bonnet was finished with orange pi-

ping. It had an oon front, neatly covered with afall if tare, and diamoned with narrow rolla of orangevilvit. l,ooet(theblai.k and iirang velvet, 1sr.ih nd with bunk lace, and taitvfully Intcrmbigleil,fi nurd the triniudng on i ne nidi, w 1th two small butrich blatk feathers nu the other, Nar the bip ig theface trimming and a little on one aide, waa a clurternfanial black graisistoti thaiither waa a aiqierb orange rose audliuil, withalull nuha. Abiuid aiiofiirauge velvet with blrwk lace, crossed tlio foreuuad.It ark rll Ikiii strings, half watered.

At tlie same tetabhiilaiient, we aaw tux elegantmaile of asot b gnen velvet. A long, green

fi athrr, ti with white, lay across the lop, f..nii-In- g

the trimrnlng, and dnsii Ing very gracvluliy onone rddn. Wl He thnad laiv waa turnid lia, k rrornthe front. 'Ihe fate trimming was conipnaed of loopsif tl e vilut, inlvcd with white laie, auj a bunch ofcrluisin flowers White rlhtsm strlnsra.

A china pink velvet, with 0111 front, lied f..t, Is i fthe sanw Uirdind with white throat lace. A

iiarrow nnllting of the velvet waswith a white laoe (airlie. A 1 ink fratlirr, tloieil withwhite, drm d on one aide. The atrluga were ofjiluk ribbon.

A lnk silk lionnct Iial a new stylo of iJutelcrow 11, eae h j edged a Ith nanow white laoe. Thaaide trimming waa a 1 luster of ltcrualied risaw,mingled with tiny b'lnk tloHcra lu buuehos. Cu thei tin r Bide w aa a sty Ilih lsiw.

A magi lucent dress U utict waa ontnimaed of whiteIhiHsiau velvrt, the crrwn oovered with a roimlcisllurvif white tliriwil laoe, very line, thefmut waaoen, with a uarroa fall of lace turned bruk. Oneloi g, ilih, Ihating fiatlier formed the entire Irlntn lug. Inekle were time betUtatl of violet velvet,v 1th a ilih ilurtir of puriieaiid wlate erhtt flow-ers. Tin strings were of iiioiru tentl pie nl Ism,

A m w style of black and white stiaw wubnunlwith oiUnaoli veUut, nnd kai eiietrr rsl with bainbt

f tl u saioe, tai.U lied 11 thu rtgl t side with a ailverbiukle. lhe etrluaa were crimson rillssi, witli afmcyidgc A almt wreath is" crlmaon and wluteflowrie, v ith a lsiw, forrm d tl a Inside triinu ing.

a lu hca.1 dresses the pruviil lugstile Is 11 eijul iiilnc T VMhsare c iHiparativs-I- c

rgln-tisl- , wlille tlie 111 it. tfeit fioui the imekof the bead. Ihe fashi 11 01 vecVtngthe hair luakui t low )u the ticek is latnmely Ucsulug, uudgne- - a classic air '1 lie tioient hca wc hareseen were 11 aile of colored velict; one of bluetihnmid witli jsarl frinKC, with long sarl tassels.tine coi iinsmiI of white and of unite and btuo mara-Isi- lt

fintlitts, hnd an airy grace well suited hi even-ing evatuiue Is rig 1 tuts finished tiiciii a 1. Co Turoaif bruk line, an 1 tare mil ttoners bittrmlxed, aivquite lu ingoe, iudiiil bliuk lace can Imnlly liu firm Ian ls in any trimming used f r the tMtrMse lu,'htand di In nte wreaths of tl mem are 1 r c sirse ilif.iv rfir Mtiknir dress, mid w inly yimug ladua.

luisa ton is I'nl aiistit iioma-o- n hate the lm-)- "

lintii its f ilrees g nhIs le nimiiei t' nnd it

lu tie aiqrb iiinUirtiila llurr. II unriwat d d ul I uisa arc declining, tin ugh nn siried lus mie isittrias. a wi re alma at liA a a eutnpttt-- 1

us tai tl 111T1I rulof mi liantiq u, KOKil s col1 rid gioillid, and bntadidln a,ler witli llulio

er shin. I'lhi $130. Ihe trimmings fortlie wiiint and al (tea c rn s nd with the unicesline if tl esc, eti tilling fn 111 tlio aalst, w 11 vciyihip, wide tneloaer iiewas coruaratitiiy aliall w.

A 11 vil stylo waa atlnadu K si k, icry hcaii,aud tl in (puntiia of a ya"l tu wl Irh , laveii lorlohr. the saiiiv as inijMi teil lu al Colors, at a'jout(3 fiCayanl

M lieaiitiquisatid watered silks v 11 l gnutly Infavoi tl Is full and winter 'Ihci hitter stylos arc Ineviryei ir but csNCially litam uul the tluU moattiki d by I unsiau es.

1. Is- with seven mil nlu thsmces, wllh t fht 1

gri tllid and bTisaih-- strliies, an amoru tlie liltentstills. Thi e ate allium! art istaily tor tlio y uuguudis) Hi iii ra nte fi nit'sit. $T0.

At Huh aht's wciv si me l,aitiul twu fi sitii mlri Iv s, 1 ut Mne v, ith whit, au I el 111c f wers 111

l uuers, and othir 1 'ore in the hauiestilts. A lilac Kathd with white, tlie tl.muiivi br .

is lid with sIHii, aid ahiti and eluuo, was va' ic 1

at !"'. A stilsd sjliioiii a id white, with a ilulu.aUIr subdfli wer, w is aiiattraitlwintiilty for i veu-- li

g duns Tho style was iu pir.Je and pl.ik, atfour dol are tlie yaul, 'lluiewasa bcwidiriug Na-

il. t ol rich si ks, if lesaiioinl kinds.A new sistlrsof g ala rallnl lelourt's, wf

d uhle nkltl , lu mans n aadolher dark evh rs,si k and wiol, promisti be a very aerrl-ciali- c

kind for mar lteo''oiiii vrluure is also11 aili ol si k and anl is viry uttt) lu ehiutic lors It Iso mirltii witUi, and ranges lu ptuci(ion II to tThtcrtnrl.

Tin stripes a Iti are in very rich silk and lighto. us, sseh anl tuauic at fav intos.'Ihiu 11 m! iutiiti ty Is hailng the stilea extenditr the wrcj-- t aid k1i .es, as will as a'l tier the

ahirt b is I tit Hi til pails have I1n.utu.111 offlsiicte ie rnv. a puttv one of blue, blavk andgreei , with iiiiit laia.terestriis. Thepriie wasfttV&lsr tard. h aksilk, a vard aulahal al le.hi Imji rteit lor e t uud mantillas, at thiao andfour dullaiaa ear 1

Of evining dreesii the re Is a rplctiiUd variety t lutthe UIUSI141 an talk tan an unsit beantiful thie ofwhde illusion sstt.d with blue ihoi I It, with abiaidcd trtmuiliig if b'ne and white chenille at thelattouiofiacbtklrt rnceufthe rolies, fnsn 18 to$30. A vrryekgant eallu iihe.with two lluuieiecovering tlie entire aklrt, Lua a rhb pa'teru of w 1 ugLtcut velvet, Price W.

It Is of count uudendood that tlgl t slnceea are tonauuic tl elr say In jiroiuenado and looming dress-c- a

The flowing aleeie will bralnoil Iur itiuilmfootumei thoiiijli those ladles who bait) tolerableanus will prefer tli alsulsusji.

I viuniure asm Laoas A oollar aud pair orc iris fonolng a si t , ol a Bty lo of woi k entirely now

were l,..wu iu. The flower ar ao wrought as tole raised entinly tlie muslin, and stand out hkliaets g owing Ancuit for dilng them uti halain luiiiitid,l y which they are nude to rle freeb.I), at tl e hi at ol tli aiiMothlug In.a. The newaiat .(Uo .lair idTsra liisii ijiythlug Wfl barseen tn sears. It Is deerily i.4utod in front, audwlilei tl an In the bk. wftu a largo cl'iter of flow,irs in essh lorner, 'lie work Is rupiUiUiU , alm.aiiu Icnswoi hal'y dulicute, aud f a noiel kind a tt.git er These siU, without th. In- tJulslduu, areted at tle d.Un,l wlU !,, abM Ui M

much again. One ratlem, called Ux Pilteaeg C9c4h

llda, I aa two rowa of lareAt GiATa, where thraa lantlAd Borelttoe wera

aeen, waa a maitnlficrnt article, wbloh manvhvbaawill wlali Imnrvey. It laatunlefiMnoaof tha rich,eat pod t tare, a m'tre Of Inchea) In width, and fourand a 1 alf yard" In length. It rmtetly sorer thatipper aklrt, ami la to ha worn o'er a thick, rlch-dea- d

white aathi. Tee price of thle ajilendld thing la )l.aOu.The entire act cormUtta cf a ahawl to match, handkar,chief, elecvce and Collar i and the prloe la two thou-aan- d

rW t I imdred dollara. Thar la the wet of aDoe lady In rmmd number!

Mmlalllon a. t, Iti rrench work and nlenrlennealare, are much In , Tha new atyU) of handier-rh- k

f la circular, the trlmn Ing eery dri, to moial-I- I4i twltcrn, with Inaertliai and eilglng ra ralen- -

cieiinoa, i ut on rather full. Tha work onaian of them correaponibi wdh that of tha cullerand c iff. Some very I retty Mlaai a' haivlkerchlefaart rn.l.roldtrrd In acerb and white, wdh a fine andgnuefid altera.

aiAvrn ua aan cryiAxa The mantlllaa thla yearare rati er deeper than la aeaann, and ttwpreveling ate e la full In the bark. We aaw at RrRWArr'aa ide! ib arclmena of the latentfanHnn. Tt e Imported "Aood tifece' and bertha.which are iften very rhh and taateful, are tnmh

The porndar material for winter thka anlbumoiia will black cloth, and black velvet fur amore nreriey article. Several cleaka of cloth weretilrnmed with deep frlnga bik! narrow glnin. Onwith a laitl a of embroidered velvet, with sq is reeoena, the r tsof which were finished with tasrels, I ail a iretty efTiit. Arsdher bail Imported'sleeve--t lecca" of velvet covered with Uruasoir lacand Jit.

A rtrlklrg nwo'ty was a cVk of bunsus siaps,with lar pr', n front, and th bark plaited f ill In Isit

a ts 1 laded wllh illauion I. The la is Is ha.1 pointsI.r mn wMi h drsndd tasarla. Th irlaimlng wasfanry tufu I rll Is n. I'ric K,

A ch4k cloak decorated with tvrrn4netta trimming1 a.1 a Is rtl a, of rich tldck fringe with aautiertcntclid hrailiiig Onenf , aglan ahape ba1 eulbdilere-- l vclvit fir the filler aud scket kotos. Tha teres wtrei diet rated aith small button and tuftedtrlnitnlrt.. I

A Intchlsavcrclith, rihlicd, bad a deep pointedraieaittii the waist, and finished with cnlrtotIrinue Two r ws of bugle t rimming aurrouudod th

cs) aud s'oeves, Th iSuct of this waa verystiikitg.

Be viral burnous were of fancy c'oth.wltli full l.a. kaand tsilntid catsa or hissls, flnlshrd with three II

tassels The style iu white and laiendar suit-able for lanlage wtar.

An A'grrlne str' waa trimmed with a crlins msilk plaiting, eilgnlwlth black fringe an I bugletrimming. Tlie eleevoa aud hood, which Is long andlointed, ar similarly decorated. A ch th il k,trimmid with "Ki'.ssls lamb," I a'f a yard duep, witha collar to match, was valm d at t'.tine b'ack cloth c'oak Uli puffing over thastrevia, and square lai jsta, fnimiig a La,f atcete,trlmuied with strifs-Bo- velvit.

One. tils, k velvet hail sleeves art In at the eh mid-er-

with ejulitti of rtohrrobhot work, flnlsheilw Ith Is'g es ami araffi s to match in fmnb Trie1 70,

Atiotlerof vilvtt, hmlabrrtiia if deep 1 hard Illyhuettle iMskels and trimmed with a prettyCihrlngof tie same. Price 130.

A verysi lendiil aitiilo waa made of b'ack velveta .1 ..1. ....l.... I... fl. I.. I .. .!.. ,.1 11 iiuiiiu-- i won n',i-,i- w ,n.. at iwi -- .,ui. tnritl a, witlianov of fiat velvet pulling, sunmsiritedwith narrow lare of the eaiue kind, headed with b Igletrlinmintr. J 20.

A sili of heavy gn de re,., with point ol velvrtcsjir, trimmed with thne r ws of guipure laic, form.oil a comfortable and ganneat Those i silkar made without much larlcty, but lu th newaiiajei,

A rnqstrb thh g waa a Telvet Ta'tna, fifty Inchesdeep, with embroidery f ig a yard in dr th.The roller was am. d f riihgulruro laisi,laf ayard in width, ptnlid In at the thr.stt. The trimmingansind the i tbmi was Bilk fringe an I guipure la- ofan elegant ttem- - Tha price of this uui tuisu co-

vering was I2V6.fssorthhig very taitrfut was a deep shawl, af mag.

tillicwtitly embnailsretl vclvit, trimmed with silkfringe ami biigh a, aim A re cloak, with bishops'tevea and velvet uul niidered cuffs, with emhnd (.errd velvet beitl,, triuiaesl with guipure laoe, was auelegant erbrlct.

AiMitlier black vilvet ahawl was embroidered In an.jsrrb 1 lustrrs inmiiil the edge, with fringe hi bunchra.A drlit ate tttm of Iravoa covered the whole gar.merit at regular Intervals, and the rest of the trim,n.lug consulted of clnuililly lace aquaiterof a yarddo p.

Ipiit a new style, so much In favor tli at they canI anlly Is, made raptlly etusigh to UM4y the demand,lathe TOjirfl"lir,or rcl ra,strlid with h'.a-- aislaome iher color. Tba batka are plaited full, and tliboisla at deep aud tssntod, single r double, nuiahedwitn taasela.

htte caskmer otstra and carrlag cloak, withMuck velvet, lnisirted htssl pie,a, and gait's hairfringe, are in f ivor. Aires white velvet, embnsderudwith blaik, wllh ibsibla panted Isnthasr r hoo.laVelvet taiiuaa, cmbroieb red, need no 1 artaruiar clc.Cl14iMU

SiiAwta Aan very elegant ahawl are of laidwis I, with m ilialr or Jusb lirnler, black and crlinami, and fringed. The Stella fashion retaina Its

Paaorty wisilan ahawls, of whit ground,etrld with green and black, and fringed, are veryI retty. A plaid one, folding with cullerent sides,scarlet and black, and purjile and black, Is new andUaiitUul. Nme is these an exponaive. Tli l'slnley

ale end ahawl, btdh miuare arnl loiig,rangea In prloerorn fU to $10. lu camel's hair their la th uausj

variety.Mouaatao Tha satin d etiene, a nawklnd of

cloth, very light, fine, and glossy, double width, will1st liked for aecond uioutnbig. Th prioe ia abouttilth a yard.

the Ottoman Cloth Is compnaeil entirely of wool, ala the Teiana l,"oth. lKh tl.ese Jshrtre are heavyand warm. The Cloth resembles e

de I alne, but la much thicker. Cloaks of tlieOtbsnan Cloth, with f ilds of Nspllu, ar t,ltablo f irsecond mourning! the deepest require bouibaAlneand crajie,

nFrrJTiot or; Tim Ibhh Ci fiiot. TtIrish clergy, Ituv. Dra. Eihiar, of llelfasti 8. M.line, of Hellj mens, and I'. Wiisori, of Limerlik,wi re received at tlie Cooper Institute Thursday, 13 1,

At near eight o'clock, a large body of clergy men as-

cended the platf ins. Among them were Kev n,AOANB, IltWITT, rkATT, MlBBAY, CoHSBAS, TllOsl- -

aoa, I.UJINI1, ud othcts. The aenkea of the evening were o;iird I y tlie singing of the HK)tli Psalm'Itcv Dr. Laxaso then ifhr.'d a prayer. Rev, Dr.DiwtTTStatud the object of th meeting. A dent-ation of clergy men coming from the centre of tligreat weak of revival In the Old World, to mingletheir faith with their brethren of the New World.

would be the anniversary 1 f thecstallishuieut ofabusuieaa men's prayer meetings,aud now they hare spread over th world.

Kev, Dr, MrtitAv rose to lutindure the deputation.Herald tbkt fir uuiuy yrars tha l'ntostantt if Ire-

land have lieen ausluue to B read the g sqail uvertlat Island, tir mine time st their elfi its liaieb en signally bh seed, and especially lu making

the liu at Cuthulle bisly, IuMaylastthe Grnrial Assrmbl 1 f liclan 1 to send tothis ci imt rj a th potation if four of their multibus,tn ask prrunlary aid f. r the turisiec etaanisUngtl in In thla work of courcrsli4u

llcv. Dr, Aiiams then addnascd an elegant sieoh1 f wcliome to the ih puLitli 11. He welcomed them asChiistlnn I ivtl rrnththo hearts and homes of theU rbtlai a of this country, Ho was glad tomes t themand learn fiiiiu ti em of the gnat work if salvation ontheir slions, and rayinl that such mmtiiigt inlgl t !

iroduitivei tgnut gisslto inenibcnt of the lUil.oihunh. The Clialnnan, Dr. Da irr, then gave tlieLand of fellowship to the Irish deli g ith n lu tl e uuiiioof tlie Cinvautiur, aud iutniduoed llcv. Dr, Puarr,ofl'liihiiklilU

IU v Dr rtUTT sj , ke of the Joy of tho brethren ofI hlla h hhe, at theuewaof thu revival In Ireland,

lttv Dr InoAKwaa thin lutrudueed, auldloulaudeoidluuedaltuie llctuld be cauut "fiom thuLead piai tin if lioiuaulsru, nit from K. nu, for

iry Is veak at botuc.but rn 111 Ireland, liuc idluiied an stUck n Catholicism at cii.clO, rahleltneth, and finally ilmuhed it, as be argued, withfat. Sal J lie "1 f the arrests eiado I y the polhe ofliubiuduriigthe at yiar, of t.i e luurverated1 016 wire llonuin UtlLoliis, To r 1 Iseupaiiana, nndotily J3tt 1'ie.l y teiiana." He JuUd out the lux cani

ty foi the iducatlon, rhrtetuinUatlou and elvlllsation

tl Irlrb uulbiaiits lafircthey came 1 thla couutiy,and 1 n pesed Umself ar--d his brethren aa uilsatt nrles In tldswork,

Dr, isiai U a abort, fut dumpy man, with a roundlend, biaiy cytbrovts, stoni al gbtly, sjsaka with attnng Hit emian aecuut, aud but uuncier of declama-tion Is tttniuily vlgontu.

Dr. Coossan, aa a re 1 reaetitatlvc of Ihe MithoJIstFilstTl Chunhtt of PhtlaJtlphU, ad lreascd a fewnuaikt of welcome, frrquudly liitirruited by

In the Irish dtputatton.Kir Dr, Etu.,if IhiJiuieua, waa Introduced.

Hu ntutned tl.auks foi the hearty, cordia' welcotuwhloh badUauctteudeHlbilduiselfaud hfjlrithirusince tbrlr anhal lu this country. He urHiiel thethrittlttii sympathy, wbliU shuiilJtxlat lietweru thefollowers uf Ji sua I hrist tl rcughout the world. Hotl cu gate a Uiitthy aket.h of tho revival iu Irelandfiom Its coiiiiueuei melt iu lister until the risentattilbutuig iiuat of the bom r of Its origin to theyoung cergy men In hut Immediate neighbor!! ssllutU tmilhly auddal'y prayer Huntings meiuborsef every eiaugulleal duioinluatiuii, and a'l fc thugissl it w as fur I rethrai to live In nu ty Its t duct Inra jintua lad bom to jnoiuote moraitj ajj

On niarkct days, in the IJeu time, Xti)0wis ciiunnn'y th lucmue for the itjiu uf whUcya' net slue the nUg if Ihe woikif reeiia thliAim it bad dwluded down t. 10b. Cd. Pro'amfyba.1 dccrtastd.aud la May last, at a fair Iu the

ile.d.'U.e itowd, at the ll xe of thel,ri.l.elll Uo,ll4 r,,.,,,

Itself Into two mammoth rayer ineetiiiga. HeI y the ex tessiuu of bia firm faith that Q all.

lies would el can to th. world as th watrsctcrth great dicp. Dr. Dili, Is but lm taller thau Dr.Iikjab, baa red wbiskcis and Ward, sta'i letrvel.and baa the t . aud fie t of I w head ratherbal I.

'C niisvaiui, iinru iiiiuoer ol tlie delegatlouwas ueit Introduced. He lun bv .,1. t0V

f taUiullilsui la Iniud, moutiuuijg M

Hieiioegbold 0. counlie of CItf, aiururter uACouuaught. Th Christian rorrulation of Jretandwished to break down th atr nghold of the Mat ofSin, and Dow they applied for aarastahea. to the.rbrsthren tbrougbout the world. II returned thankforth kindly welcome 'Le and his fellow deputiesbad received from In brethren, both of Mew

York and lUladelphl. lie related on anecdot of a witness In oouiS In an Irlih town 'Tb cajnaetlor waa audaarorUig to prejudice thJury against the wltneaa, and a It waa a Ro-

mish jury, attacked th witness for not fast-

ing In lymt. "1 do not," said the witness,tlm agnne, th good Bishop of met rue,

anJ said he" your are loosing mights poorly Intire-ly,- "

Ssys I, "but It all on account of th fast I'mkeersng." "Then," say ha, J give you leave b,do without fasting, and est whatever coma beforeyou, asklngno question till you ae my fac again."And whither it was my good luck, or th will ofProvlrVnte, he was anon tftcr taken home, ao thatfrom tl at time I Lave fasted never) and, betweenyou ami me, It may l a long Wort I are Mmagrjn." II then went on to prophecy that Irelaidv.oUd jit revive, would rise fnsn Ler crushed pos-

itionthe down trodden of nati ms and take afront rank among the nations of th worll.Hi concluding remark er received with loud

applause. Dr, Wno Is quits .tall, Las a large

nisre and I lark hair, and aka very well.A rcaoltitiuti waa then read aud ad rj ted, express-

ive if the fiellngs of welcome extended by theAmeriiana to tba Irish dtqiiUtiou, and plvlgingthem material tu )it

Mr. (itoant rTtwAST, of Phl'adelphla, ajokUlefty, and well. Kir C. DlAia Ssike briefly, lou -ty, and well. S sua n itices wir read, and tlie inei

apjisimeil with ainglag tho Doxuiogy, and tlibcuoda tmu by Dr Eisiab.

Farelia lattlllgeae.Trrr avai pisrt or raise.

Tl extra rdlnary eaiWIty with which Iftryv)tral deearin and gtinnera were, a few weeka ago,

rint on ls-- d the naval Bldpt lying at the five greatmart me station i Frame, only frurtren ilaya Iwingeecrpietl tncullrg a fleet fa-- service,liaa eteiteet almisit sa mnrh rnnark as th orlerity tifFrrtii h niilitary movsmelit during the late camiselgn.

The lsi'loti Arv cn trast the very effective athe Frei eh navy with that or the hngllsh,

arrivtrig at cone unions ma always of acent tendency, I or example, the aggregate area ofa the 'lick yards In Htigtaml Is Isit hst arres, whLtiirsve is" 1 reure extend over Hda arrea. liaslikewise greatly Incnsenl hr prrrsinderanoe of navysteam inetwg war as cnpred with l,riglan,l,thisightt tatter Government bas a much larger force ofguns, ooais, ana iuer smau naval cra-l-.

11111 is nil so miicn me prosoiii insjianiynt navalwl h h seems to awaken the concern of Kngllsli

fower as tns won lonni resrsircos arsl carsetiiii- -ItntcM by the 1 reniih in t.repsriiur I t hoetlll

t es. The Aries professes to know the ofthe r ronch Goveniment In reference to future navaljirrpaiations, and that It Is her tl sign toexiiendeiionuisis sums in strengthening this arm of the

lrfetire. We extraot the followingWo ar Inissiaossiotiof d anmuitswldihsh wth

extent of their prosprt'tive naval isitlay for the nexteleven ) ars, aisl It must be Imrne In mind tliat tliedlsam anient, t f which ao much bas of 1st Iwen said,willcausn no retrenchment or diminution of e

pri wied by the Ministtr is" Mirine, tliroeyears ago. Theavoweil Intention of tlie Goveniment Le

to raise the iitimls'r of tho more important claasi a igtram nieu-o- f war to lhil of steam trans)sqit to?li

and at tlie asm time to ctrmptrte the corurtnit'tioii Inthe dlflerent naval isirts of the dry dock arid otherwi rkB iiMllsiiensahle for the maintenance ig the newsteam fleit To meet this outlay, It was proposedthat fnn I'M to lill th yearly grant for materi-als, lals r, new works, resura, Ac , shisiM be raised1 1 CI nn out) ttrrilng. It waa estimated that AM VltxtOnf this amount wisud bo absorbed lu "the annualeorieuriq tlon if the steam navy,upon wwrka of main-tenance, and the renewal of existing rnaterla's," thn tiiainlng font) OUO being left to cover the bicreaso ofthe reot and tha extenaion of the naval eatahllsh-me- t

is. It ai sars, tl erefore, that the grrs sum to11 rovlded I v Hil.ti the latter puriie, vrllbalittle shi rt 1 idne mlllliins, wbU th grant offt mm WO fi tba next eleven year will amount to

a co mBAvsiaa ia jerAs.

Fnrm a lorasial narrative of a voyage to Japan,by J. M Taosaoa, of th royal navy, au able and

ofllcer, otmnected witli . M. steamerig th tlritiah sijuailrun, which recently vleit-e- d

Ja an, are dsrlved Interesting particular ,g tnatcssiatnr m4 lieftw rtihllshed. Mr. Taosaoa repr.sent tlie otsuitry a a istradia of flowara thacentof violets, lily of the valley, and th wondhln per-fumed air peonies, hawthorn, wild mee, carnetuas,asakaa and rluslotleudnina abound, aud th notes fth curkoo, thnisli and goldfinch are lieard. Thevegetab es ptesuuted to the Englisli did w A give a veryexa-te- nilulon is the Jaisuiese horticulture. A plloof cl irkweed waa includud, which th visitor sl

to eat.The Ja ansae prepared for th stranger two pret-

ty lileaaure botiaca, frontod with pine bound In withaiii of Isirulso. ThwliMbw werof pajir, thecelling of cedar, and wall whltoeusl with urn madefroin sea ahella, and isillabed arnoigh a marblowisslen pillara staineu black, Bupiiorted th roof. ThcUanlinrasof the htsises aud the ludustry and rulHiloiL caret f the bousw1vea, a well aa their h

attract our author's attention, and obtained Liscoiiunetutation. The women are email, fair, graceful,thisigh not pretty their hair black, brushed awayfn tn the forehead, and f alhered in a knot tlie meuen arse feseturad, and 1 f th M mgolian type. Aftermariteere the wtsneu hiack their teetn with a

of Inn. Ibere was a general axlety to learnfr Dgllnh aisl hi communicate Japanese. Kven amongthe rsaaaiitry this linguutlo trait waa observable.

Trie strar gi r notice the horses In the streets ladenwith dried tish and chare, "The horses wereabort, atisit, nearly all 1 f a dark hay color, withb'ack talla t tbulr fett ahtsl lu thick sHnncrfl ina-l- u ofplaited straw, and fastened abovo the fitlork with aplait of th same material.' The cml from tho ctlhelil was sold lu straw bag t It burnt slow ly andwith a th ad flame

Tli Prltish were followed I y splee In a3 dlrccti ms,but they rcjs rt that tlie Japanese are remarkalJygisul teiiqsirrd, andtlusigh the atrarigers were carrilly wutchttl, they wei always well treated TheJajsuieso lstu au wore a dress f wimi) and eilk, aloose pair of tmwsers. a awirrd at the girdle, a coprierink Uini and and a pip and toliaeco

ouih. 'lhey firmeil a strtkh g contrast to thewi rkluirmeu, who were eclmeiisof the pure M

and whoeedres waa a aiuitile girdle of binis tton, with a cross piece attached, and a iselr offtsitkass shsklugs

1 lie itntisn tncera rial their curt amy mucn exci-ted by the arflclra ig mauurat tore they otieerved,aitch as delisate working in pit 1, silver and cof tier,

pnir f curtoua texture, which is uaed aa o'uth aswill as for writing on, drosses ot a gauie-hk- e

texture, rtia uibllng a mixture of ailk withal-lserc-

aud candle mad fnitn tlio bernraif thtallow-plan- t.

1 he baear of Ji exhlUH a acrlw of native tie.ignst

Mala or tray of coder, ticaittlfully lactpiercd,of varlisia setteniat mnue of ttieia repreeetitierajissl aud gilded atorks stea'lng fnsu a manh Topi mice iu au urifortuuat fish, or a tortoise went-lu- g

hit wrair way over a blllxk, whilst theno 11 r II. rough a glided iloiidr s. me of thetrais marginrd by wreaths if bauilsHi, r tlie

Vms, or (iimelliii Jajtontca 1 hi ll cliinaware, iirythm aisl eery i thicker jsircelain wis,iiikslalis, Jipan Ink, au 1 utile. Min.tiers cisnasses of many slses, with aun-dia- 'a ; thewiikmaiisiiip of tin se articles might via wltt theis st pio lucid by tho manuraitunirs if Itlnultigham.Suiall thistilled uotistilii id i siaes, large traya, t lacro--t i)isandrMSulics, iSirire-lssk- dulls, aud hepAiiose Bauda's, were iu abundance. The nnstt

attu ca wire oiled isiier 01 ata, mad from thebatk of a ssieles of niii'lsrrry'. Sheets of this paarare ut hy jiattrrn to the sliais-- of a coat or cloak,stltehr I ir gummed toge tin r, oiled anl isluti.ltlat is, the outer layer, for it is double b ack orgtein t tl e Inner layer or lining Is merely illid.1 Leec cmds are en duiablu aoltimr as tiiey are mil fnsu nails, sharp stoma, or brauihes t f trueaiwhtih nil thriu up aa so ntiiih tisane pasr.

Mf. Tut nbun give tli following aiuualug deaerf a Jaaueso aisLal

"fna'l iAr tables if lacquered ware,'aliut af ii 1 111 d a lia f In heoiht and aix luihe iuare. werflplaii d ou the rlgl t aide of the Ja ieae , these

ens of tea, iweetuieat, cakes, aud small'aoqucrtd liowla 14 rice and fruit 1 our marriedladlieaattogitheriiiniieoide,and near tberu an! 1 ppoalte aat a yiamg Jaanesu orCivr audtwo youi g la Ilea, one about seventeen years of ae,the ttheratiuut twenty the lattur were very pretty.We little 1I1 r rum d of seeing such Leautice In this

ther sklus clear and whit aa thatuf aCireaasian, wit a In althy blush ou their cheeks,wbith reuulnd not the assistauee if the nnigo-lio-

finely anhtd brows, over bright back eyis whichgrelrlght.rwheiitheowiieiBbe.Bii.eaniinate.LaudwcreahadiWidlyk'ugcurllugryelaslieB, uoatasnuellI ut straight, une lirihirtLg ou a-- tlllne small, wellcut lij, surnuislcd by cviu row of Ueth ofisarly lustiv, Ihelr (tt blak hair waa bntahodrrom tho sides aiuWisrk of the head, and fastenedIn a knot on the b,i of 11 e bead, try a fillet 1 f leimk ailk Ihe cte w is the ban Isomer of thewo, aud tl 0 ciatj n Joct tf attractiou ti the

yiiung ciiBci-- r as he frequeitly gav uaanoiiior-tumty-

ibsttvlug, by p'ailug au ann round berwaist, aud hsMng luvlugiy Uitr liereyea. lherwaa graccfiilnrsa lu a'l tcr attitude, etjela'lywhen he U'k up a guitar at tut request of berlover a id played a few air for us but tha musica as tathtr mou 4onoua, and without harmony ath 11st our dill ear cisild uot direct any. She

aidt d In rvelf In a rs ug, In a falsi t to ti ue asiseies of whine, 11 t alt gether ao dlscoriLuit athat of tL Chinese, yit merely bearable fmtu Itastrangeness. Ihe slhter uow joluod lu a duet,one rudrsiorlug to m Uhnek the ,4Lir Ourelder t ists were lu r'turc with the Jnonnruice,anl they won le roil at iur atolldltyi but uur earshud Win accutdimed to the music of (Itiso audMum, aud could mt endure even the tliiist ofJaj anise singer. llutUng the la.ll. s ao obiging,we preval'eil uisn uc to play while the tgheedam id Tie etfoniiaice was locullari she wentround the aiaitmnt, as lu a alow watt, makinggraceful janes with her bauds, an 1 humming auair to Lenelf, aniLlug must agreeably, aud bowb gtuwardus as ahe went round. They were attiredlu richly euibnldcred al'k. a loose tunic with wi tosleeve waa faetened round the waist by a broad aahof 1 a'e Ink , a fan was eisod tlmaigh thla, auiL, sup.nt rt Ing the bat k of eat h lady waa a trioomured fiattsiard, covtreil with d silk. The marriedladiea were attired iu mls-- of a taono reacmbllugt ashinere, aud of a aoinbre lavender color. AiUrUa they Introduced pia aud Boms light wine."

Pews from Js au, dated ou the Mb of June, stalestl at th F11 r had ordered that th city of Jeddo,r'agasakl, Siiuoda and Uakodadl should I unltol bytOiCirraiih. and a Una was baliuc built from Jcdilo tobla uu uier restdeno. A'l th vessels lu th Iupo- -

I rial fin t were to lwtume.1 Into atewiiirolUira, audW eeftheiu, tho Mjbvu.liada'jcady left una vovaj

of Alrentrr, frtrind by nstlr crew and natlti en-gineer. An AmerTcau, bavlng diaoorervd a oriirmine, was permitted to work it, on rironiialng to di-

vide the proceeds with t- - gorernineot CislsulHums was seeking trmlsakm of th Oovernor ofSlrorsl to fir a salute cm th t'M of rhruary, whanth Trine of t Jilnano mad ht Appearanc and

tic natnr i lie conference. On rsrlsg to'd,b remarktd, ' Ufa I thai I WAaaraaTow' birthday.Arrrygrvst man I the greatest, I think, In theworld. We know him very well la Jsfwu." Th) ertnlssion w as cluerf illy acoorded.

TBI pnt ? onrwa'a MrllTrrtlo.,'A lrerting to th Duke' withdrawal from Urlena,

a ktter fn m that city say WLen the French hadonsvted tli Alps, th Duk cotopnhended that hi

issubin had bcoorne a very critical oua. He toiktha tktnre in hut magnlfictnt ar,

lacked up his olijecta of art, tiok fnsu tha Li hbrary of tn th niost valuable of the manuscripts,pKseasid himself if the rar colleotion of goldmedals, and sent iff al theae riches ly niil.t to

leniia. The baud ca of the doors of Ihrrsitr In tL Dueal Palao were ef ailver.It bad them removed and re laced by gass oneWhen all these tl tngs been removed, hetook all th nvsiey from the public treasury, an 1 Ii ftat the heal of Lia army of 8.000 men. At that timethe State of Modma ws occuisedtiv Austrian Insitse,and tha Duke'e f r was emls-lie- d nin volrns inthat of Austria. 1 he Duke had at th t ma elgttyState prisoner cv nfned in th fortress of KrggM hiwould not alandrn tl tu to thi Ir ra 1 fate, but ba Itlum conducted lythe Austrian to tli prison atMsntua This last act shows tli character of tlIrian, Tocairy fTpli tnree, ls ka, nsruev, and gldndala,lwas Udeu-sirh- i tnat migl t be tolerateil,a thotiKti th art waa not a very delicate onst but titnat men Ilk articles of fumit ire, and tolnolu Ithem In th general removal, waa a thing never

seen or beard of. It 1 useless 1 1 all that tl.eseeighty unfortunata prlsoneis ar stiU In the c'aaa oftl.etty tullureof Modena,

trrrn raon 1 a. avrruraaT'a wrra.TLlmli4i IierB ublish th following letter

from Dr, BarTtu asr't wifeSir It is with the misrt painf tl retiictanc that I

address you, but 1 feel tssm I, from a sens of duyan 1 justice, to bring before you one or two fa temail in themselrea, but tending to great resu tswhich. If known, may remove from myunbapjyhuslsutd son of the unjust siiaptcV n and prejudice whlrhhave fallen tim blm Slur our marrtnge thirty rear ago --up t the time hlade- -

aittire, wrtli Miss llesirs, w have lived t vgetlier Inperfect bai4nesa and osibititineut Ihavealwaireceived fpm my husband Ih most unlfonn kin

and attention. I Lava had several 1

In a.1 of which he has himselfun me, ls:h a medical man andhurs He received no projeirty whatever withme, and baa nit ntily supirted bUnsilf andme entirety sltir our marrlairei but, fnsu iheltna-(wcit- y

fnsn nines of hi yismger bnither to followany calling, las supimted tdrn a so. Fnsn ntyknnwleilge, gained from It nff extwrleuce, f my hua-- Iand s huuiaiie charaoter and auilabl dlsiosltioii, 1

lsllov him totie quite Incapable of committing thorim of wiiieh h stands cnrivli'teiL I p to this time

I is moral conduct ha Irrepniachable, amiwithout wishing to cast any reflection on th memoryof th derearad Miss llAsata, I must expre it asmy oj Inlon, grounded on my own observation, thatthe first advances cseiue fnsu her, alttmuirh,, it met with bo ready a reripns-rt- on hla sirt. Iuansvesr to aiSTi otervations mstle In rwtcttn noone baring risitrd my huslsend during his oonflrie-loei.- t,

I beg hi aay that It is In arcortiaiioe with Uiiwn wish: that I have frei lently expressed my dusiroto do an, and many friends have expressed the aamew tnb, w blch 1 e baa Invariably declined feeling thatbe cisild Iswt euiairt Ids grust trial In strltt seclu-sion. I am, sir, yisir otiedient servant, MatrSmxtui asl Kifla Terrace, llayswater, Augvist US.

Desperate tad Fatal A Bray.VV tiublisliml. t day or two since, a iarajriph

regardiDg a fatal affray at Compromise, Ky.. ontli 4tb Inst. A pasaonger on the steamboat J.II Dnkei, fumlihes to tli Memphis Hiigle thfollow Ing particulars of Ihe, affair

As the Dickey laadud at Compromise, to put off themalt, th I'trstuiastar of that jlace, Mr. at

bed the mall agent, who hail not made the twoor three last trips, and aald to him t "Ws hav hadrssna bhssly ttmisj here of late, and we have to go

irrared," (at the aame lime thnmtng back hi c setand extibibng a revolver "Whyf" says tlie agent.I'llomujieourcoiii try la lufestted bv a lit of thieves,anch aa this nian," (isilnbng t-- a man close by, whoariatno waa Shi Lit, who was the otdy on at the lveiirtvioua tl th landing of tha Dickey beside th

Biiccti than remarked tliat he was amt st Infanssis liar, aisl dt Btitut tg awry prineiilg a gentleman. VVhereution th PisTtmaster

bis band on hi 4stol, as If lu the act of drawing it,when BiitXTi shot Mr. BrstB on tli left uhle of hisalshsnen SurLTX tlien rrtnatcelat a raiid xce,aoniewbat thirty feet, when Srsaa fired fiair shots athlrn In rapti auecessmn, but wltliout effect.tbi n deliberate aim at him acmaa a sttuup, buthlajiistol uiIsht--L BiircTt immediately nieha.1 bat kat BrAt and aiu t hire twice mors through bis body.They tbeu hail a hand encounter, SilCLTfalling tinder, and Sraaa pouudlng hlrn aliout thohead with bia SsbJ. Preaantly, a third party cam1111 with a duulile-barr- ahotgurcto ahisit Biiiiltsthrsigh the l.ea.1, but through the a.1 vice of theagent and others, he did nob Sraaa anon beianie

i weak, that BuriTl threw hlrn iff, and on lua(BntiTx'e) risli g, he was atnick a powerful blowriver the head with the gun, which apieared to crazeblm, and he Instantly ran luto th river up to hialitsildeis, and 011 Lia ltsikinjr back and Boeing the

leveled at him, b d slged bla head under water,loldtug it there aa long as he oould without strang-

ling, and on his ksiklng up and seeing the gun point-ed at him, bo held It again tin ler water, and this pro-cess waa reieatcil till he dmwneil. Th Postmasterwas alive when our loforniaxit left, but it wasthought he could nut recover.

BMeaaarbtwiaa nl Lut.The following is an account of th late steam

I lowing match at Chicago, given by a corres-pondent on the Ft:

Th Fawkes machine was first brought upon thegnstud aud set lu motion. Th low attai lied to itrut nlue furrows, cath twelve Inchea wi ie, making avery neatly laid awarth of nine feet la width andfnsu two to three inches lit del th.

TIkj Wati ra machine then g i under way, and, af-ter some tittle prullmiuary arrangement, stalled offwith thirteen plow-sha- n a lulls rear, which cut awldtn of nlnt teen fett and adeth of six inchea,turning the and In aa lstautiful a tuaunir as th imsitlerfectly managed atngle plow,

Thi nitration was witneiwnl by th assembledthisisanda, who rniwded upon tli macblii hi aucha luauuer as tu render the nsk to life and Limb mostimminent, ami at its termination ca'lud forth numduit n risitid t f cheer, such aa cau only arise fmrn adense inn titude lu a state of rxi itement Tlie resultwaa o utwxiarctcd that the doinouetration amiNiutetl1 enthusiasm. Ihe sturdy fanners who fullowedtula new 1 n teller of the plow-e- l are, were astou-isho- d

to aue a!wldth of nlutteen feet turned as easily,and in much lues time thau they have Isten accust rul-

ed ti turn a single furn w twelve luchea tmsid, andvented tuelr feelings wlthtHit stint. The distanceploughed was about a quarter of a mile, part ofwLli h was quite rough and uneven. In nno siot tliinathliie ran upari eleiatUuof atssit one to-- intweuty, and dragged tlie plowa, wliicli burled them-aelve- a

to a di h of nearly nine Inches with s, arculya diminution of sexl.

Tba Aloatler Aarie.lrwai Floailag Derrick.Liokisis, Wcduosilsy,, Jsjo,

Among the many siiuntilic work that aroattruilingattention abroail, the mammoth Uor-rii- k,

whiili lifts c thousand tons at a pull. Is thelinn at present writing. It is the invention ofAu.TKr 1. Ilisiiiif, a well known Ainernanrnpnier, and was built under his direction fur" 1 he l'ati nt Ilcrriik Company," recently form-e- il

in tins ell v, 'I his Company has made an ar-rangement wllh tho Insurance Companies amiunderwriters if London and Liverpool, whichMYurra to It To per cent, of the net salvage pro-- it

eels from all cowls and cargona sunk prior tothis agreement, and raised by its maeliinery,Ihe New tork Moating Derrick Company,which has annually paid over twenty percent., also several other American Companiesoperating under Mr. llisiinp'a latent, haieral-e- d

upward if four hundred sunken ami strandeds easels. The steamer Kricsaon, of tuns,which, It will bo remembered, sank olf the Jer- -.

sey coast , tome j cart tince, w as lifted to the sur-face of the w aler by a ihrrlek if only 3m) tonsrararitv. Hut thu oreat derrick, w ith a rsna- -cltyoH Its) tons, will raise to th surface thelargest ship ever sunk, pump it out at the rateof tit) tons cf water a minute, and hold it tint1111 it is either put into floating condition, rstripHl of ita aluables. All it requires j

is a good lioll, and this it can get,il(tr than divert ever eounled. A10 orutnary lessen 01 t.zinr or i.vj,,tons, whose aitttal weic,bt would be within


' I''y ,uf the great lifler, it wouldMmly tick them un from the bottom, carrytlicra atbore, and land them high and dry on theiloek. It would ui half au hour lift 40 Urit classbcomotlves altogellier, or the hull of the GroatBritain, and its burden on the deck of theUreat Kuutrm, bucli lieing Ihe enormous cana-ilt- y

(f this engine, a glance at the wreckingbtatlstica will reiea, an ample Held for its labors.On a single day in loil, 117 icwels were wreck-ed on the Uritlidi ciast. Aa averago of the) ears gives 1 & wrecks a year, com'Titm..' up-

wards of lW.Ooy tuns ofthlpping, vmuiol Steleven and a quarter millions f dollar.

Ihe mscbliie lonsUts, llrst, of a tlat bultnmcJlsal o liii feet length and UOfoet beam, orabiutthe length of an ordinary steamship, and li feetInynler than the Great Vaitcru. Tlie dtpth IsU fct, the draft of water Is only 4 feet, the bowand stern aro sharp, the ground-pla- n is rbem-IsjiJ- al

ami resembles a compositor's type case,t eing UivlOod Intof 7 w ater-tig- departments, 1 1

ftct tquare, extending from the bottom to the. Ihe whole of this structure is of heavy

boiler iron. Bulwarks, aoino 7 feet high, sur-round the tleik. In tho centre of the deck,lengthwise, and near one side of the eslel, Is

erected a tier, at the tup of whiih is a brotnextending over the water on the tide wherethe weight Is to be lifttsL mil over lb deckon the other til. Tho !'' 1"1 b00 resem-

ble a cross, and constitute th ilerttck proper,A wrought Iron arched truss of 65 tons weightpastes from stem to stern, two tr isses of 60 tonseach cress the deck diagonally, and two moreImmense trusses pas under the legs of the dor-rk- k.

Ih object of them all i to distribute theweight of the derrick and Its load equally otcrthe whole deck, and to enable the vessel to resist the leverage if the derrick. 'I it pier iscomposed of th.te wrought iron legs, forming a. , cm .j ahing, ?o'lui eu ov nn UIb0

fteteuT, C5 toM. The: boevm ex erdM tariffof wroc-gh-t Iron 120 feet long, projecting 60 feeteacn war l.rorjl eu pier anu wargus eiguiv sous.

Bo far w bar a tractive power of l.tsV) tontnthe 10 eett of frullera. But sappoe them to

b attacbeit to a toaken ttlp of that wcricht? Af-ter a fw bnndrad torn had been exerted, ourhug derrick, TetvieJ grid ill, wonld bLrln to n,

and wonld ultimately pill ll" ortr on Itiwm ni, th sunken thlp sticking la It mudsbefur. Her com In the chief fatur of thnriroTtment. Tin rntlr bull, w hare seen,

Ij hmT-corn- b ef water-lig- ht comrrtmQt,thos on lbs Pitta derrick bcrlnu

of water. Two pairof feet stroke abova each,captl'e of throwing CO Ionia minute, jiU up tKnttamparlmmU fmro the let, a fast as tba atrtlnon the pullers locret'os, to that tb sunken

on on title, and the water cells on the other.Just balance each, aud th emptv compartmenttinder the derrick hold the wht le mint afloat. Theentire dr? cr jvtlrr in t his oc will be only nlufeet. The rrumrt also throw out the water athe itraln decreasee. Una of their most ruefulortii-e- will b to free stranded lilps.

Hew lo prol this preAt craft was not a rimpie rvutil ion. Ther not being draft enough foreither at rewi or .llle ao old del ice was

tlr.: On eich side two skeleton drums,resembling; two pa. Idle wheels, were placed, onnear the is.w and the ot lirr hear I he tlern. Ut eribese pta enilies chains, on which ar securedthe floats or pn I totne 21 Wing Im-

mersed at a time, bo the reaaet crawls, Lkecentipede, at the rat of set en knots an hour.The lour propelling entrlnes are of rvthcrss newereach, and ar entirely nuder the clock, ltisev-ilei- it

ttattlit rrafi' cannot Is) easily wrecked,fi r It widtii will prevent Its capsiiing, and, al-

though eras mar tweep Ita deck, they car notbieak through nor strain it, fit th entire bull Li

a Rlrder, of almost lmmeanrable strength.Should It tnllide and H'l half its comrartmentt,the reat will keep it afl at.

It having U-- liuH.l!ilytoecurcUrge ve-a- el

near Lou Inn, on a Iiieh the triAnt cotil.l try itsban I, It onlyexperimcnt baa lawn the lifting cfa couple of smaller ones. Mx. uf the pulleyswere see u red bv chains, firming a cradle, unleran old brig of dot) tons, w eighing totne J7u ti n,and drawing some ten feet of water, I n foaucsiminutes it was about twenty feet flwa.eair 1 the engines making ninety-fo- revolutionIT tuinute. A small iron stesm'joat, weighingsixty tons, was then run underneath and atinched to tbs euspended brig. TL enginebeing again started, both vessels wire raisedbiprli In the air, presenting a singular spectaclenever before witnessed. The derrick sank butthirteen Inches under this Increased body f jKi-- t

tons. The measurement uf the great dorriik is6.000 tons. Its cott was O 000. CVtr, 1'tmi.

Itritlsh Beldr aftr Amerlraa Model.We alluilcel to th fact that the Itritlsh screw

steam frigite which lias recently been launchodlu England, was built in imitation of the I'. S.frigate Magara. Our naral reporter remindsut that when the U H. frigate Merrlmac vlsitwlBritain, a teasel after Krr rnoelel waa Immc-liatc-- It

put n the stocks, and aubse-iuenll- launched,fler nam la th Mcrsav, ami ahe now belongsto "the Channel neet.' When the U. H. cur-et- te

Constellation arriteil in the Mediterra-nean some years ago, the British nav al oiHctrsthere were so struck with the originality

in her. that they at once ririorte.1 to theAdmlrality bow "a coniratively small ship(ronette) had been equipped by the Atneri-can- t,

xabl of earning HO heat ler gunsthau those generally used on the Duke of We-llington;" and that "hei strength and solidityrender her aa immovable during a discharge ofher tremendous broadside, as the rock of Gibral-tar." In a fow months, the "Anadne" wasordered to bet built In every way similar to theConstellation, bhe waa completed and launcheda few months ago. We are also informed, butcannot assert with confidence, that the Englieh

"Intrepid' was built after a model8un-bo- n for the I'. S. Gov ernmettt. It i singularthat the Mersey, Orlando, or Ariadne, does notteem tu have equaled the ships whose existencesuggested them. Juuruul of (,nnmerct.

At 15 minute to S o'llock on Monday after-

noon last, Ironjfcor rtsxT ascended ia a balloonfrom Forbus Hill, I'oughkeepste. There wereabout three thousand persona present to witnesshis ascension. Considerable uifHculty waa ex-

perienced before the balloon could start, whichwas at last ov ercomo by th Professor throwingout the Iiallast, cushions, aad In fact everythingthat could retard the ascension. The balloonrose gracefully in tlie air, and just clearing tirohousetop, sailed off in a Kortheasterly direction.Before the Professor had paused beyond the crowd,lie threw from his b islet a baud-bo- which, onstriking Ihe ground, burst, when a large blackcat sprang out, to the consternation and af-

fright of several ladies. Black pussy ranl tie way, while white I'rsaTT sailed anoth-er. In ssing the old Methodist church,the anchor caught In the roof, and as Mr.I'rsar did not want to land there, h drew aknife from his pocket and set ered the cord. Henow cnctlnued to ascend, and sailing to a moreeasterly direction, w aa soon out of eight. Thehighest point reached by Mr. Piuky was twotnBes and a half. At lire o'clock, h landed ontlie farm of Mr. Jon. I.awbfii f, in Ihe towof Pleasant Valley, but having no anchor, theunfortunate aeronaut was dragged over trees,fences and Hells, when two men went to his as-

sistance, but their utited efti.rts were not suttl- -Cicue lu llUKl too usitieiii, niuii 11117 neta in- -quested to till the basket with stones from aatone fence whlcn tuey were tueti passtag, amithe balloon was then stopped. Mr, 1'iaitr ar-

med at Poughkorpsie aliout nine o'clock theI tme evening, rather etuT after hit airy journey,and w Ith one of his hands badly scratch 1 byloming in contact with the Biuret Bid obstaclewhile landing.

A TriKi.iui me dispatch from Hew Orleans,announces the death of Dr (Kobkkt M. Gkaham,from the effects of a wound received In a shoot-ing affray w ith Mr. Kakskst Tot uA"n. Thisis undoubtedly the same Dr, KonKitT M. Oka-ha- m

who figured before our Courts In the vearIhoI, as the murderer of Col. Cu vklis Lout 10,of California, at the St. Nicholas Hotel, underth most aggravated circumstances. Col. Uik-im- j,

with his wife, occupied apartments at theSt. Nicholas, as likewl-- e did Lr. (iRAHAX andhis family their respnetiv e rooms boing contig-uous. Un the afternoon and night cf Tuesday,August 1, Dr. tiiiwttM, under th imluence ofLiquor, created considerable disturbance in thehotel, but was Induced to retire to his room,whereh remained quietly until towards day-light on Wednesday, when he arose from bislied, and wanting water, left his room, and .d

to ftiig the cliambermaid't bell violentlyin the hall. Col. Lchiro, whose wife was ill,remonstrated with htm, and requested him todesist, but Gkaham paid no attention to his ap-

peal, and at last Col. lsiiuio weut down to theoftice of the bottl to obtain the removal of GnA- -II vm. As he was ascending th stairs on his re-

turn, he w as met bv Ukaii ih, and an alterca-tl- m

ensued, which "resulted In the ttabbltig ofI.iiRivii. The wee is. ti used was the long bladeof a (word cane, which was plunged Into Lent-tin- 's

sole with great violince, where It wastwisted about and bent before it was pulled outA Coroner's Inquest Nr as Immediately commenced,which resulted ia the committal of GitiitAM toabide the action uf the Grand Jury, The trialw as commenced la the Court of Oyer and Terminer, befure Judge Jim iir"U, on tuooMbi uc--t iber, 1"54, and continued antll the evening ofthejth, tbe'jiiiy, l hn'funil two o'cVvk titnext morning, flndlfig a verdict of manslauKh.- -

ler in thetecotid ili'irree. 11 was sentenced teIhe Mate Prison at MngMiig, nut waspantoneubv Governor Clakk on the 4th of March, 1W,after ten Ing upwards 01 a ear 01 uu time.

Ic refererwi toRtvutiiT Joitisoi, theIntelligencer fib, tas s, that lie hu no ilea

of going now, or at ny ttm, te Europe, to havelue operation 01 me extirpation 01 nt injuroueje jrformed, as bas been stated. Th loss ofits sight was long since, nearly nineteen jeanago, occaiioned ty ti e rebound 01 a pistol snottired by himself t but, except In that particular,be sustained ao Inconvenience from it, until with-in the past four months, when he caught arwv eracold la it, which produced tiitlammatl m, underwidth he has since suffered. Dr, Hatm, ofPhiladelphia, tinder whose skillful care he hasbeen fur some time, thinks that this may be

and the netctsity of aa operation avoid-ed, lie il now veil enough to attend to hiprofessional business, and will attend tho nextsession of the buj rem Court, u b ha done formany ) ears,

Dn, Taikt recently eloped from Knox Co.,Ohio, wllh the wife of a Baptist deacon. ThIsresved husband pursuotl the runaways t

Iluilaon county, where he found his wifo quitsick. Without a word of upbraiding, he stayedand nurteel her back to life, then he talked withtlie doctor and her, and reasoned with them, anpromised to forglv e all, and hide the facts fromthe world. To bit grief, however, he learnedthat his wife loved tho doctor, lie thereforexprcsned his forgiveness to the recreant wife,and ccrtltied in writing that he gav her up oacondition that the would marry the object ofher ihoice as soon as possible, and he wou.Inet cr molest them. II gav ber lo0, whiheitli Messing of Owl to reat upon her, and thaireturned to his desolate hearth.

jSiiirniB, tho Klagara Falls juinpar. whoUreported to liav heen drowned while it, tmtnlngout to tet the currents, was attended by onlytworersons a fact which has caused the

he hat not been drowned at all t butthat the reiwrt hat teen got up to account foibit tot Jumping.


Ms. CnitcopAv. it,. k 1 .1 va-- u -

iffin "Ty ta that cltv, to cost-!- .ini..rt.

be tnt to the j ubllc--Chamm Awb BawrKD, Aanmi ran.loit,list git,.n $5,000 to the poor of Bristol, B. I.,

where his father was long the clergyma.8cHTiiKr. merclutnts complain that New

York goods corn to haod much less accuralpacked than those from I'liiltJelpbLa.

Ltmrr Waid, of It said to litre beenthe only Lord of Inventive calibr ever known,in J he invented but a table delicacy 1 the

sauce.Tnr Long Is'and R. R. Co. hu oMained bom

CnAri ick tit right of way on th riosMng K.It. track, and both companies are hereafter tornak their headquarters At

1. O. P. till aw, whohrvla store at Cedartreek. 11 miles west of Bastrop, Tsxat.omnilt-- ll

sulclil tome time lcce by taking Uudantim.He bad been drinking, and some ertont haltaunted him all over with green paint, and tew-ed him up In a sack. On awakening, and notSu .feeding in wishing the paint from hi hairmortified at hit condition, be committed the act.

A mac ling hsj been patented In England forcope lug the written manuscripts of message,and It lia worked succetafullv for a distance ofB! miles. 1hcommuniiation is written on tin jfell with varnish. The fi U It placed In th ms Ichine, and br the use of soma Inrenloni device,. V

which mak ani break th circuit, th letteris duly registered at the other en 1 of th hue.

A aiMawiiAT ecCTOlrlc woman of Boston suf-fered the loss, by death, of a favorite dog, a dayor two site. tt Thursday she procured a cof-f-n,

at a cott of t, In which she had the animal"laid out," and hat adorned it with mourningflow era. Sbo has al0 engaged two carriages forthe purr of taking the remains of her farontto Mruiit Auburn, fur burial.

litt Cotnertlcut river is now lower thanevir known Irrfur. It 1 two feet lower than atany tlm during tlie lost twenty 'tears, owing;to the protracted drought in Vermont and north-ern New Hampshire, lb large steamboat run-tin- g

between Hartford and New lotk And itImpossible to get frcm Mlldtetownto thlscitt,and they will stop at Midlletown, and send uppassenger and freight by tha smaller fteamuriuntil higher water.

At the anniversary of the Seventh-Da- y BaptistPublication Soeletv , at Verona, la Oneida coun-ty, on the Otblnst . the following resolution wasa'dcptedi "J:e$nlnJ, That the continued opera-tio- u

and nfurcerrent of Sunday laws In thi)State is contrary to the express letter and spiritof the CoLititutton of the United Mates, and Issubversive of the civil and religious rights of thlenplr, and thst it is the duty of all good citi-zen to labor fur their rereal.

Thr Submarine Telegraph Company, of Lon-don, now iossess ten conducting wires betweenEngland and France, besides six stretching toBelgium, and lis to different parts of th northof uri.t. it is also proposedto It v a cable be-tween the Channel Islands and tb French coast.The cable belonging to this company hare beenlately examined and found to be In excellent or-

der, "notwithstanding they have been laid nowlor sev tn or eight ) ears.

Madam Poitxvii, the widow of th well-kno-

aeronaut, made an ascension at Kouon,on the 3d Inst., accompanied In the car by her as-

sistant in the costume of Samho Pania, whilstbelow was suspended a donkey, mounted by anew Dulclnea del Toboso, whose white toiletwas vUil.l when the balloon itself could hardlybe perceli ed. The descent w aa effected ia safe-ty at Franquet tile, and Madam PolTivi.t re-

turned to Koueu in th ev ening.Litfhatcrv, like fashion, has quitted Lon-d- m.

Mr. DiCKFts Is at his country house,Uadshlll riaee, near KocLester. He has finallydeclined to accept a most inviting offer whichw as made to him to give readings in America.Mr Caritlf is in rifesblre, Sir E. I.tttoih.Knihworth, Mr. TiuctirKAr on th Continent,and Mr. Vulkif Coliiss at Bmadstairs, en- -f;aged on a new novel, which is to lie published

tl e Tear Bound" oa the conclusion ofMr. Die ks story.

TitFOtioiti Park tit's last letter to the IkWci-f- or

it elated "Neuchatel, Suisse, August 2d."He saj a "I think I am really getting better;certainly I tin fatter and stronger than for a yearpast. But the congh continues th sole lagood for nothing it it a little painful to talk atall. Professor Dksob has a fine wood lot, and Iwork lo it with a bill hook and light hatchet,pruning the tne and cutting down bushes, andsometimes I take an ax and cut down a treeitwelve or fourteen inches In diameter. I do notoverwork, and hare a good appetite."

Craw romi's plaster east of the Oenlui ofLiberty, which was broucbt from Italy In sections, has been set np In the old House Hall atWashington. The figure Is ii feet In heightfrom ita idestal. The right hand rests uponthe hilt of a sword, tf which the point reachesto th feet. The left hand grasp wreaths, andrests upon a shield. Th bead-pie- It the figureof an eagle, with wings half sprwad. The bxlyIs clothed in a royal robe. The ttatue, whencost in brouzr, Is to surmount the dome of thocapitol.

The first trial of any note, says a tltahof the 3d ult., that has taken place)

since the extraordinary and ill-a- Ised pardonof the Iresldcnt, where this Church hat prose-cuted one of their own faith, or that tbcfMormoa

. U. S. District Attorney, (Jen. Wiijuin, liasI any degree o'f energv, came off last

w eek. The party (a Mormon) was accused ofrobbing a brother saint of 1.400. IIkioiiakadv Ised him to plead guilty, as there was a largonumber of Uentlle on the traverse Jury, andtherefore a certalntv of hla la Ing found guilty.He did, and In hit defence, stated that he took timoney only as a joke, intending to return it ,but the Judge could not appreciate that class ofMormon jokes, and therefore sentence I tho dis-

ciple of letter Dav Saints to teu ; eon at hardlabor in the State Prison.

A orvrtr-MAi-, w ho came as a passenger tn

the Persia, describes the storm In which the wasdisabled aa most terrific. Her crankpiu wasbroken Monday evening, about 10 o'clock. Shelay to, until next afternoon. In hopes the stormwould abate, and enable her to repair i but,finding no Improvement In the weather, it wandecide 1 to put back (J Cork. A fter proceeding;In direction, abouT one hundred milos, theweather moderated, and the breakage was re-

paired, when the steamer w as put almnt again.When reaching again the tame latitude tn whichtlie disaster incurred, the encountered anotherstorm, more terrific than the first, but ploughedher way through it uninjured, except the crush-ing of one of her wheel-house- s. The Persia baathe bra, lest freight the bas ever brought.

A trial was reirntly made lu Santiago,Chili, between two American and two Lnglubilocomotlt es. Th result was that the Americanengine did In twenty-seve- n minutes what anFpgllah engine waa thirty-fou- r Ltlnutes In do-ling) and of the power trial, that the Americantook a numlier of t assenger and freight cars andwalked right up the nt through the entlradistance 1 w lwreas the t nghsh, with tlte tarnloud, came lo a Ui ad hull, hal to uncouple hf-te-cn

inrt and leave tlietn, then went on, camagain to a halt, and finally went back to the sta-tion. The judge of the occasion was aa tnglub.practlial ei gineor named Hailfr, who presidedand judged very fairly, the Yankees say,

Thf consequences of the strike In London Itlieginilng to be severely felt. The LondonMvrmna Star, referring to the subject, tav 1 1

It is lamentable to tie evidence! of thoUuddera Strike, w blch meet tlie eye all overthe metropolis. Ureat works are luspendodcroups of operatives are going abiut with noth-ing to do and misters have no outlet for theircapital, and no means of fulfilling their con-

tracts. Her and there a contractor appears togive way. or at all events toeffuct an accommo-dation with workmen, but oa both sides thostrike mav be deacrllied as general, with littlohope of any side v lelding to th struggle, bup- -flies continue to ! taut from th country to

operatives; but I lies funds art not muchanicng so tnnv, and w Ives may be teen t lilt-ing tee pawnshops wtiila their htubaikU art)walking Uie street.

Tin failure cf Wii-so- & StttiebAkicb, Urndrovers and operators In caul, hogs and provis-ions. In the eastern part of Indiana, U announced.Aa Impression had rrev ailed that their opera-tions in tbetr line of business hav been unfortu-nate. But this is erroneous, aa we are lafurmeefby Mr. M'ilsoi that the firm bat tieocme ember,rooted by his operations in the Whit SulphurSprings imiirovementf, and that the misfortuneis chargeable to hit individual operations withthe tirm u backers. Ih unprovided liabilitiesare about (100 000, as devolv Ing directly on Mr.Wltaow, near 70 WH) of which is participateelIn by the firm name, but still for his uie. Thmain assets are In th Springs property, whichMr, Wiimi'S value at tUo.oOO, aud hopes tconvert la torn way tocovrrthe liabilities. Thfirm of Attii'FW W 11011 i Co., we or assured.Is in no way connected w 1th these operti Ions, nuraffected by them.

Thf fillowing line from Chat has been foundto admit of eighteen trauipoaitloiit, withoutdettroj lug the rhyme or tens

The weary piuiurhii au plcdi his horuewa,Id way.The w eaty i4ottghatu homeward 4o.l his war.I he I liAigbmau, weaiy, plctla lit homeward way.I ho ploughman, we y ,'lomeward pi ls 1 1 w ay,

th pi mshmaa plod bis homeward way.the i4uuiihruen homeward Lid hisWeai v 1 war.... '!.,-- . c ri i.' .. . i,.,.r..-- r

-- -jieuiewru tut iiuuiik,sii inmis eus wrary way.It mew aril tha wtary plough man plod hi way.lion award the ploughman, weary, plods hi way.1 ii hi ineward ploughman weary plods bia way,Tl home aid 1 long) tiuiu pluuU hit weaiy way.