new medical book the best kcaper knife...

____. p-£i-sii-it;'i$erj:. Siorning.. (Sunday, excepled,) S_k- giiensburgi St., Lawrence Onunty, N. Y, »t tW l-« p"-|»« nf'*'rr.p'er^an % ntfn. j when served by the Carrier -$5^5_ r pe-"ye_rr~O r fiic"_ : on Isabella Strefct.. '•• ' ' " " " "TCATIS 0?'_DV_BTiBOtQ. One.Square,one •insertion ......... ,. *_o -iSo'-.flnieiweek,. ..,*._..'.._. - -4?.. fj.dp : ;tj?o weeks, ............ do do,,'dn^ixio.nth,..,• .... ,- .... ,«lP< .-jcto. twp months,..-.. .,;";.. -b.'^jio ' three, months,.... 7 .d'd' " ,<J6., ion-year, .... '... One quarter cot-ran one, year ....... One half one year, One colnmn'one year. -Busin-s- CircSvp-f year, .. I TO ..' I 35 ,. 1 50 ... 2 SO .. 4 00... .'. C 00 ., S-00. ..900 . 12 00. .18 00 . 85 00 110 00 .200 00 10 00 ' One-inch -^ac- : c«n,stitutes a square. Notices In read _ i mat«er ; wiirbe chsrg'ed fifteen cents a line each inser i " ' __i tion f | . . I Afarriage hotices'fifty cents each. Death notices free; Obituaries, &<\,ten cents per line. No advertisementtrillbe Inserted over five times a week, andTrtien : fiihhiDg brer a month but four times a week *4pW^Nb'cu?s wi'-M>e'inserted la advertisements Adv.erttsenfeht from unknown parties mnst be accom- antealbslffie cash. WOHK. Every description of Job Work neatly and promptly •e-c___.ted at*thS>Jb*TKXAL Office;. : . ^ ' ' IV* ' "' ' H. R. _rAM_l, Pr prietor. ' ST. lAWMKCE. HAH HOHTBEAi, &. E . " ' H. H0'#N, .... ; ...... :". Proprietor, IhU H6ase,ls situated on Groat St. James Street, and[ls. ' the largest li the city t the largest li the city. EjjfAtf-erican Money taken at'-par. l ; , r . *i-!_*-~~rr,'_^* 3&.~ r 5~r*»»****& a m . ; ! OGDENSBURG, N: Y., SATURDAY MORNING; W 7 ' . . .•IV ! ... MAPLE CITY MILLS, , Gpdden &t0oi - - - - Ll'rop'i-w. <1 ! ;;S! ' .' niA__BS ik i ' . i FLOUR, SHOl'iS, UBAN -fc CORN ; l o t S - of the public patronage, is earnestly so- linited. 'Orders prnmpUv filled and sent, to- any .part' Within the .it} limits. \ jyl-dtf.) GBo. GODDBN, 4 CO. PIEBC1 tc IVJES, j Dealers jn ( )( j YANKEE NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS ..i .. . -| Cottons, Prints, &C [aulT-iy] JAMESTOWN HOUSE, A, IDT. Slitirinaid - - '''"- - - I J-iMESTOWS, Cn_._~_.tJQt7A CO;,. N (MOritf) ' ' • BAJtIEt'S HO'TEIi, | FBESCOTT, ONT. . IT. Jta«Iel«, - - - Proprietor. Second to goHouse la Canate. (mh81dly) ST. CariiSr Sing and Centre Street, PrencoU,. Ont. (formerly ktptBy Orry Harrls.5 A, Wells, - -., r - Proprietor. ' J S. D. JliRldK' - -' - HiNKGEE. I A.First piasaExchanje Office ana BIHia d Room At-, tachetl. ^g^"Free Omnlbua to Boats and Cars 1 ( JOHN ALLENDORPH, Auction aaa Commlnlon KEercbant, » ••••>• : -SO- 5_._!0- OOOBS ____J-IS. \ 'floods |;old'to Merchants arid NewYork HQ..-8 gord.St.., O s densbnrgh,.K..'g. laplOdly] C-tAS. : l.'BALDWIN, Dealer in Gold SUver -k Canada Money. Rail-i Tray % City Prices. | No. 14 Ford St., next door to Bcll'H Jew- elry more, Ox<leu»burt;fi; N. ¥.' ' ' / 2 Ntw Grocery and Ship Chandlery t _ ' 02ryi ^^ T, WheelocTc's Block, corner Ford <£' Patterson Sis., Ogdensburg, N.T. I am now receiving achoice selectionof GRQ0ERIR8, PROVISIONS, * . . Which I offer to thepnWlcat the lowest Market Prices, J=P~AU*inds of Vessel supijlies constantly on hand T NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New Medical Book On Diseases of Imprudence, Errors of Youth, and Mal- atfies or Women—sent free, under seali by enclosing a E'-CEStti P.. N Y. (htTl) , u B.amptoDr. LA.WRE'-.CE>Station ng a (mhtT-ly) LIOBNSKD BY THE TJniited. States A-uthority-. ; ' t \ NEW ENGLAND PAWNBROKERS JOINT STOCK Of unredeemed Goods, Consisting of Silks. /Shbwls, Dress Goods, Cottons, Linen Goods, Dry Onodi,' Fancy Goods, Albums, Bibles, Silver Plated WkreJYatches, Vutlery, f Seiolno Machines, die. To be sold at $1 each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for until know what you are to receive. , Stock Veiled at $_UQ,nOO, Salesropm. 30 Han- \ mier Slreet,\ Boston, 't, I The moa. pooular, reliable,prompt and businesslike concern Of Ibe kind The best of Boston references fur-!ipplle--ion. By pU.tlOlilz.lig tllll -ttl6 JOU h>iveaichaiice to exchange your goods, with a large va- riety ti» sefect from. " , TERSJIS TO AQkNTS.—We believe our terms to Agents are _m« rite to those offered by any other house Take particular, notice of this : Our «gents a e not required to pay i$l .for their pieseuts, a* In -11 other concerns. Oe'tllttc^teB giving acomplete description »f the arti- cle!, that will be sold foi $1 each will be sold _t the fol- lowing: rates: 10 for »l ; 80 (with present) lor *8; 60 (with ijre-cnt) $G, 100 (.«ith present] $10. And'same rat. for larger clubs. i.oo_ a 'this chance to get a Silk Dress, dewing Ma- ____ . -,.--.. chine, iQotd Watch, or some other good an icle of equal J__r"AlM-inds of Vessel supplies coiistantlj on hand, value, wiih but very tittle trouole and no expense!.- the -^__^ ,." ". . ''{inu86dtf) j Agent,, ' ' - For a club of Thirty wo will give the person sending it the chinlce of ihe following hrticles : Print Dress Pat- tern, worsted br-akf^Bt.sliawl, white.llnei.t_bleclotb,eo_- busuedl tabe spread, set steel bladrd knives and forks, Set s.lcer pUtud fm ka, tlegaut. engraved silver p'»l__ gold'limed gotilet. violin a. d bow, fancy dress pattern, pair luMl _ex'raqualltj cloth buots elegant beaded silk pa asal, 100-picture momcco photo, album, tjleganC'ivo- ry h-udleu sp ugled silk fan, 1 d'z larue sized linen tow el_,,ladlesmorocco Bhuppiiigbug,alh.mbfi quilt, fatcy THE ORIKNTA1, HOT'AIlt Base Bxirniilg' Furnace. '';•' ' x. sl K osisit, T 8 SOffl ARBNT FOIt TH(S-?CELEBR,VTED POR-] nacefbr Ogdenshurg, and is prepared to fill orders! on t>.e shortest notice. SatisfMtory references given. Al h ( M t l B B i St h Ii t.e shortest notice. SatisfMtory references given. , . . _ . Also the (Mental Buse Burning Stove, the Imperial; balmoial skirt, la lea nohd old Oaiifornin dlumo okig Stv d ll kids l Cki d P l Bent jilaiu or en raved gold riug (16 creuflie) cegState 3treet, Ogaensburgh, N. Cooking Stove and ail kinds of Cooking and Parlor Bent [plain or en raved gold ring, (16 c-retsfl.i.), ladles 'I solid black walnut writini. ue.-k, ladles fancy black #al- nut.vfi.rk box', or'a cottage clock. •• • ' For aOiqb °f 60, one of the following articles: 'Fancy Ckin Stoves A G E N T S W A N T E D F.VBtt^ WHERE. The Best Kcaper Knife Grinder. Slade of Finn Emery ana. Vulcanized Ttub--r,firm)>-« steel and always true. Cuts five times as fast as th Grlnditone, -nd gives a perfect edge. WelnhB but 20 pounds. Is clamped to the machine, a plank or tame, runs rapidly bv gear, and turns easily. Is the best and cheapest. Bee it before you buy. for circul-rs and best terms to Agents address. ! 4w M. Gr 8TORKE, Auburn, N T. (excent when those dateslaltbn Sunday, and then on i Bfc#H$iX!tt Ajl^ljpwn^ OGDENSBUROH ANI> .. •.. i PLAIN " lAlL 868. : A ;BI& ,i Will not dravrfa steamboat, Yet some exhibit no more Benae In buying Tfolcoit's Pain Paint. \A small.butt-lejjls the very thing For a mosquitto bl e. But for acancer or fever pore, Or any chronic ailment' ' You must get the large sizes. ' A pint Of Paln,t holds Eiiiht one dollar bottles, And costs only five dollars. A quart'Co>ls only eight dollars. \ A gallon is much cheaper,; It costs'only twentv dulttta, '.And is dotible-ntrength 1 Buy large bottles and save money. If you want it Villon, send to Wolcolt'sofllceforit, 1T0 Ohaih»ni aqaare, N.Y. ) Buy None Unless In WhltoWrupp«r« •On "ai.d after Monday^. May _5, ir_i»il.wlll .Tun , M OllOWS'. , \i ,. '. -jijl" _. _,J%kU_i__' ^ *' ' fl'i'.-'i.'t l ave8'Og-eu_l)ui-g.5:-0 A.M.j"'(b^real-f_9t > a-RI_lbn'e!) arrive at ,Boa.e» Point »v 10:85 A; Mv,i!«oani!ctlng iwith Vermoptfien^ral a. It Day Expt?p|,^i'PnrUngip9,,9«i»- iprd.Nashua,towell,arrlvelnBoaton 10:80B.SI., % , Ouves Ouncera, Ulcers, Dolls, 0ure3 Dysentery, Oolio P lea, Cures Bees, Mosquito Biiea, Cures Fever or Kebtle^B Nights, Ourei) Dlctjrutid GUI(IS, Cures Feions onThumbs, Cutes dunstroke and' l>ay, ,.''{. Curt.-Fever right aw^y, ,V Brain fever qoic ly cures, Thick Ua s oj Hatr'inaursa, Drives liiuammatiou^out, Cur B Buulonb^ Corn?, or..CrQut, M ikes Foiry Doctors wbine, Cures lilieuntatlsni every time, Is Ooi'l and never Smart, *\Vill cure Neuralgic darts. Will never Burn ar Stalu, Its Honor well raain'lulbs, All headache quickly stops, Is sold in DruugU^s' shQps, , Tr«h Thousand reiiommend, W 11 fiea>Btt.ft>ror .ftiencl,' ' ' Teste 1 'Free and Fair, ,• ,., i At 170 Ohatham Square, Pain P >int.f P in Piilnt/ Pain PidntJ Pain Paint.', Pnih Paint., Pain Palnt.1 Pain Paiut.i Pain Palnt.f Pain Pttlut. Pain Paint. * Pain Puiut.} Pain i'alot.J Pain 1'alnt. Pain Paint. Pttiu Paiut. Palu Paint. Pain Paint. Patn ''iliht. Pain Paint. ., Pain Paint. PJn Paint. faiut. . Pain. Pnint. ' Pain Paint. •' : ' '4w ; || A full assortment of Tlh.andSheet Iron- Ware, always j onband, andjobs done<to order> • .• t ]j tW' Store two (loors *ast of Seymour 'Hou Pord C H i T T C |-. ! !S T O N ' ^ LI V E;R Y, j] Street Ogd-nsburg.- Catharine St., opposite Baldwin House, 1B the place 10 GST TEE K-SEST'TURNOUT" IS TOWN I ^ " H t i S r 81'ngle or Double.^^ Oai-efol diiy-rs can- be had when desired. ja-dlyl , js Store, two (loors *ast of Seymour '-House, Pord, O d b d t f ) (dWt q , the owi ca~hri£e'i e dress put ern, 3 ytts doubi' Cloakling Thibet shawl 4 yd wool f B t J"HN: 8. STEED, Lak4^Street,, Ogdemburg, West Side. Always on-.hariaths choicest Cigars, Wines and liiq.- Tiors. : (jelSdtf) """ * & NICHOLS.. dealers in Flour, '- ASP S. T. Mti 11 'er-'S, MILL .Q-BO., P i R E E E & t!O.,. ^ and Sealers in Grain, & FLOiiB, MILL FEED, _#? •Will keep on baud a good stock of ^'lour of different grades, of their own prinding,:and which they will war- rant. A supply of •Bran, Sorts, Middlings, Screenings, .Ac... on hand, ' • (fe26dt(.) ' HOUSE, Water Street, near the Ferry. OGDKSSBDRQ,N. Y. S. IBt. USaiawla . . . . manager. The house.has been refitted and refurnished A choice supply of Canada tiaubrs, Wines, and the best brands of Cigars always ou hand Good accoramoclatr.n for Horses. TJar^e Barns, Sheds and V'ards connected witS'the Hbuss. Charges reason- able. ; . i Ua21d*wly) CHAS. N. BIXBY, Attori"*>' <tu<9 Conn«<i<oi' at Laic,. Also-, , N~tarij Public. •POTSDiSl auaUTiO^:. of. l^iWEESOE 'COO3TT, ». I i ••' %2gjTPaTtAoailiir ^attsnlioTi tfivetn-to Practice-in £ jy.hruptay. v (jyl8d*wly) Ji, fl. M.OR&AN, ... „ • [SSIi.BXi91!EII IB' :V85S.] • ' Wbotesiilfr Dealer in ' •• ' Wines, Mqnorts * «ectl»er ot-WUlskleB 0nDSN8BrjRUh in. ' ' tJelUdftwM' [Formerly at the Baldwin fl._se,] l ".f -' DEALSErs Sflver ai»<t Canada Money exchanged on reasonable terms. Comme: Bills bought and sold; also Government and County J_g?~Office with Charles Johnson, Ticket Agent, on Catharine Street, next door above Baldwin House, Og densburgh, £j. y v .' ........ . . (oc29dawtt ROSOItJS W.. jrjQSON, / Attorney and Coniuelor at Law,., iai?-.LICENSED oi__4_i i&i •tiSoldlers'T-QUiity Baci Paji. ana •• '' on the subject, free. aoHET'T0 r 'i'i'-«t» oa GOOD iMPi-ov-D riBijs. r^OincS.oorHei-of ford and t'_abell_ atreet-, Og- .. _ . .. . tilth water proof Cloakling, Thibet shawl, 4yds wool fn-cklng, set lace cur- ,—-.. r,—;—r^=—r> ^ •—: • , t:_iu-,,l_u_ s do, ble!«ool jj}iawl 8'lvtr. plated curd, baa- C. G. ,Pa-n-ETO»'3 CALISJLTA TONIO BIO^T_R3.—^The' ket, splendid engraved silver plated ice pitcher, engrav- world renpwi ed Stomach nit era. preveutative| ed oiivcr plate tea'pot, 100 picture Turkey moroccn ot Fever and A.ue, Dyspepsia, Ulsorderd, Digestion. &c. - photo, album, Lancaster q .i.t, fauc.t plaid wool shawl, , y p p , , g Si. Recommend by Physicians, and used in ti.eir daily practice. Hundreds ot letters testifying to their effl- i tblihdb b t t h i i l teno, notj>.uit»liahe.dvbat can be seen,at the*principal t Harrl-clt .ffi e and laboratory, 18 l)ey'_t ert, f Vbefe ft>r further \ skirt,, set of tyor^ 25ydi< sheeting alapa -.a dress pattern, engraved silver plated C bottle rovolvliig castor, pair gent's calf b»ots, H_rrl_ clotb puntjs an-1 vest.puttern, spleud d baloiftral -|.._t _1__V,.f 4-_v^__>—I 1-._- Wh Jl . 'li | t __.._. __<____ . . ( _______ ___^__... ^—T* .. y , piirtinulars all cuinuiuniciU.Ioris are tu be address-il. Local \g«ni8' ! wanteili Dnlyeliug i.ferchitnts : supplie(l j on very llbcr'aHernjgV' ;? " [ •• (jj28-lin) j All Young Per»oti» can {rod should obtalii^a . good education, for pafticulixr.adrfriiss, J. A. Ooojipr, i Principal of trie 'Stiite;Normal Scljool, Bdlnboro, Pa. ' - : * " ' fj^si ; -„ tVejr^ bandleknivdi wUa>ilverplut«aif«VrkB lp«inof nil woolibhiiiketB, rosewopdfranVe.brass. alarm cluck,, splendid beaded and lined Bilk punibol, Indies spiedld Morocco traveling bag, 80 yards print, or miir- selllea rtuilt. For; n ulub of 100, splendid engraved silver plated tea set, i@ pieces, sugai bowl, tea pot ana creamer), silver pluted cake basket, ftincy plaid wool l<ng shawl, 25yds. hemui uarpetlnu, splendid vlulm and bow, English bentge Slia-D, 45 yds shcetiug, splennid nlupaca dress pattern, siver hunting case wmcb, splendid family Bible with ele i d fil d d hh AOENTS FORlfflEN OF 0URT)lY The lives of Grant ane Colfax and all the leading men of the nation (over 50) in one volume, by D I_. P lirock- ett, tho popular Biogmphical Itdltor of 'Appleton's Oy- clopedU." Over COO pages and 42 flnit Bt.el portails — Ihe only complete or reliable work of the kind published. Pi ice very luw Sales immense. Any intelli.,eut man or wi'man can clear $150 to $200 per mouth, one agent mnde 1300 In live weeks, ."ei d lor circular. AUdres. ZBIG-LBR MoOURDY k \ o., I'ubllshers, Pulladcliihia, Pa., Cincinnati, 0 , Ohlcngo, III., or St. Xouis, Mo. S wiugShine'f f^SiSft^ntt i ^ ^ ' _unt B tee. e,^avlu B s and fauiUy record >nd phutugraph amt quality.,,, AbEXANJBEr? [jy28.S.__, 5i2.P.earljst., neiir. tir,< i N. Y. City and .Country Property' forsale !in*every di- rection See Stanley Day's "Real Ertkte Circular, Ho. 925 Bd N Y Mild f [jSSl] y y 925 Broadway, N. Y. Mailed free. r, [jySS-lm] rA71II,V KNITTING MATHINE. The PamWiy Knitter'tnariuiactuf ed bythe -Brldg port A.ents wanted In eyery county. . ..Bend for circular.— Bridg port Knitting Co., Bf litgeport, Conn. (. jy.2S lm] WANTED, by a Miraufar.turer, Agents to sell bysam- ple Address with nUmp fonclroularj OrRbENEfcCO., 418 Che»tunt-St, fbila-elpnia. ... -..-.- piige. poplin dre-s.patterxi, engraved silver plated ice pitct&r, splendid b^»v.» cloak pattern, "sh-trEeVrevolv- er, fairtcy casaimere'eoat, pants and vest pattern extra quaMty, splendid accordeon music box, one pair fine dammnk table covers with 1 doz. dinner napkins to match. £§?"* 1'reaeuts for Larger Clubs In proportion. TWIs is no humbug lottery Gift Enterprise.or. Sale of Chemp* Jewelry,-Tjut a .fair, square^ule, .off unredeemed Gooito. Ourgoods are NEW AND NOT SECOND HAND, SAMTELLE Ladies, do not permit this to ' escape your notice. Sanlti lie, ox Llqaid PearliKC. Itsecures to youpermai eijtly, a most desirable boon, a skin of aatia-lilie texture, and the narm delicate com- plexion of raptuiouti jouth. Its effects are immediate. It contains no injurious sub3tance. ThlB i< nofl.-tlon,as a trial will prove all we 1 claim forit. Price 15 cents If your druggist dues not keep it send the amount to us and it will tie forwarded bv Express. A. MATJKY &On., Proprietors, ( j e l 6 2m.). 171 Dnane Street, New York. . i. N'ATIOEAL HOTEL-, ' Ooriien 6}-- "F<'trd and GatTia-rvne Streets, >ji ^ } .•"' OGDEJJSBUBQ, S. T. " .' i'ltfOORE, ;,' Proprietors. ". r-St-s- a_%Taraie^e3 and- .kept In urst. clitsa stvle. Re-^b-l-raiit; in coiine-tipn Free liacl. .to ;a_fl from.themandboats. Prvasengersrarri-dtoany HOUSE,.. FEVbKAND AGUE CURED. IN TWEN'rY-E'iUtt HOl'RS %3T By Fisher's Fever and Ague li They are perfectly harmless, purely yegetaule knd harmles, purely vi-gr.table, and have, be- n used in private practice for 80 years. Mr. 3,. Kyan, surveyor of the N. Y. Central Park, has used these Pills in over 800 ca^es on empfo.vees and not one failure. \ Price $ . Foiward-' ed by mail to any address, flrect, Dr.TO.P1SHEK, 811Bleecker atreet, Ne* XorkCity. . . <JelO2m C. H. Ciem5ns, (Successor to CLEM02TS& I- TSii Ke^leri - - FrtfpTietoiV LaieoJ' Waterbwry Hotel, Ye. > •ee Carrlugesto imd from the Cars ana BoatB. iiftlQENEnALD Watckesi'Cioalss, ifevSllry tiSto r-Wart Agent-fdr -Florenc improved-an^run ' lEWis' aaa Engraver •'Sole NO, 8 BA&TiB BLOCK, SORB ST., .O&»EN8BiniG. ^ p - A l l kind3 of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sew- ing Machines *epfired. . A l ^ o k waTran ^* Wholesale dealers in allfeinrisof • ' M LUMBER! «r-.Particular supplying the- New ngbind MarHstv - W. h. PROOTO.R, AKent, ' Oijdensbnrg, S. Y. "Wliolesale and Retail dealer In PIANO FORTES fe Cottage Organs With their wonderful Engbin (f • SEKMOTIB HOUSE, •-'F0iisfERi.i 81.- iiAHrasBOB HOTEL; 1.1. - Hs E. JAMES, of «&addi»ia:toTi Flax and Paper Mt ll»i '' ra VOX HUMANA TREMOLO! Also their Patent FLAX.T6W,EtiXX-SEKD & STKAW PAPER * BOARW OCBEHSBITRG, S, T, Cie£4dtf) ,?,o,aii avM Oats CEOBGE 4-. , (stwosaK l. n. anBBT *ng.o.. ! 8,} eepicpnstanay on hand and lor sale cheap, 4U idnds 0 G-roeeries y Consisting-In part of »lohr, PorK,'Oats, Corn;fc>e£s,Bean», also J Tea», Sugajj : •:. - !*-:.: ' Moliss-e's,Syrups, ; : ,. ' " ' Fldur'by the 'barrel, bag or hunclieil: (..•.'• toclcwh^aiKouri Corn atarch.'MaliepajjWBett" s, ilatejapioca, 4c. 'Extracts.of all lonsiiii61uding-Peac&s Celeryi Ginger; strained Pe^plcesySKistSrd and Pepper.' Fattfj'KIBer a ^ p , too rery bestj>r*na«. 'Produce,naated. GOOQ» delWared in " ' ' ATTACH MEN'* 1 -. ANOS FROM Cliickering & Sons, Mieiuwaj & Sou*, Mullet, »*vii. & Co., 3. W. Vuse A: Co., 1'hc »ratlbur» Piano, Ceo. ill. Gailu & Co. Diiliuiu & Soiia, M«vea' & Bd H be bought at anj wholesale s ore in the country. Agents will please take BoUct);oi this. Donot send namts, but number your clubs from one upwards. Let youn letters be short and pl-ln as possible. Bt. sure and send money amounting to $_• or more by Registered Letter, (which can be sent from any office), 1' • i.. Money Order, or express; for when sent In this way.ypu run uprisk.of losing Hwhatever. Small'sums m_. : be sent by muli, but be sure and put them inthe of- fice your.elf. We cannot be responsible for money lost unless some precautions are taken to ensure its safety. Send your address Infull, Town, Omjnty and State.— All fi.rtUicfttMare good until redeemed. S. O. TUOMl'aON * CO., Send for Circular. No. 80 Hanover St, Boston. AGENTS WANTED TO SE1,I, THE EMINENT ttjO.UEiV OF THE iACK, Am octavo volume of 080 pages, containing 47 newly written Sketches, by Mcsars Partsn, Greely, lllggiuson, Tllton, Winter, Abbott, Prof. Hoppin, Mrs. E. 0. Stan- ton, Fanny fern, Grace Greenwood, etc Illustrated witft 14 beautiful Steel Engravings. The N. Y. Tribune yis : "do thoroughly have the publishers done their won!: that their volume, in paper, type, binding, en- graivings, above all the excellence of its subject matter, goeis tar to remove the reproach urged against subierip- tioti book—'Only made to s.-ll'" for descriptive circu lttra address B. M. BETT3 ACO., Hartford, Ct. FORT EDW'RD IN3TITBTE —Pall term September. 3d., $C0 p«r term, superb brick buildings. Sixteen Teachers. Cour eforLidles or Gentlemen; or c oice ef dtudles, Common, Commercial, Classical, or ornamen- tal! first rate advantages. Address for catalogues, <£. £ 1UMG, D. J)., Fort Ed*nrd, N. T. TlViNTED—AGENTS—To seU the LOST CAUSE, the onlly Democratic-Hisipij of the War; also, TiiE 11OY8 INI ItLDE.a thri'.linK record of the rank and rite of the Cnion Army ; Ueadley's Life of tirant; Campaign nd engravings o( bath parties, *c. K. Ii. TIIE4.T 4 CO., 054 Broadway, N. Y. HAVE COME WITH GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO ASENTS TO CO OPERATE WITH TT_ IN OTJK GREAT $1.00 SALE! SnEETINGa free of cost to our Agents. WiA'i'OlH-! free ot cost to oiir Ag -its. i < \ SEWING Bluchines fieeof coat to'oui* Agents. IiEVTHBR. uoods free of cost to Agents. LINEN Goods free of cost to our Agents. SILKS k Shawls free of cost to our Agents. BOOTS k Shoes free of cost to our Agents. PKG-iS Groo,ds:frett of cost to our A, ents. Cjrreat Oollai-i P-irjsa.inrS .•OK OOlt 0O3T051I-RS. A splendid stock of Goods including in HARRIS & PLTJMMER'S Great One ..Dollar, Sal ra We represent a reliable ana responsible firm', and offei superior inducement.. The State in ablaze of excitement over our sale. A wonder to the ladies. A wonder totho store-keepers, who find their occupa- tion gone. . .••-... . . i.. . A wonder to everybody. Giveus a trial In pieference to those who make such great pretentlon3, and wtioseonly capital is in their pre- tensions. . ,„, OV, . SlvE OCR PftEiniUM LIST. The most fastidious can engage in our sale with profil to themselves and to the delight of their friends, Any one Sending us either ol the clubs mentioned be low «ill r,e entitled to any article mentioned iu Clubs o! that number, FREE OF CHAHCE.J.J, For a Club ol 20and i|2—50 picture double clasp Mor- rocco Album ; silver pUted 5bottle revolving castor worsted promenade shawf; Balmor-l Skirt,, good style, woolcasslmerepants pattern; 12pairswhiteept]toti-hu8.e embos.ed wool cover; 10yards bleached or unbleachei cotton cloth. Cora Club of _0 and%&.—I_t.<]les'splendidfineWhite tacked under skin ; 1dozen all Iln n-iuck towels; styl- ish uress pattern; white MHri?eilles quilt; ladles 1 hand- Bome all wool square shawl; heavy and rich colort MONEY E A H ¥ MADE. 'With our Ouinplcte Stencil and Key Check Outfit.— Small Circulars Free, t" -• "V. UO-, 66 Fulton Street, Sew STorl.. And will present to any person tendlsf ua a club in Our great $1 «nle of Uiy «n4 Fancy . .;•'., GS-O'0i'I>S ,, . i ' ! ' - • '' A piece of Sheeting, Watfch,. Silk ,i)reM |_»at(ern, *c. 5 bottles; cloth for ladles'outside garment; pbotograp] album, ISO pictures, elegantly bound In Morocco. ' for Olobsof 60and$6.—CUct or colored l t bifl li teate' 'OE-ensbUrg at 1.00"P.'W.i'Potsdate'Juirciioli a t - P M:," Maloni8'6C P. I>f.;.ieonne6ttng--W 'Mober?i Juoction with P, &<a, &. R. for PMUMmrgbi n —"—— ( -.-••_._'._'* _fc -9 ' T..___ m __._.* UUUblUU WIUI r t a, 'I**; jEk* »*t »«• »^T.*,T'7"fB' l t' ^_"TTJB'-TC- and '\ibii«h!iU,,. via, take Ohaaiplaln ,8teamer«, i'rrive W R__i-'->'Po.i_t at 6.25 P:' S.,' connecting irTth tr^tni._.__, u t . h . '_1vn._iK.'f/\i>L Dn^ltnattxn.M"ni.-MinT—^int_i WCbntralNight-l_:pre«»iforiBurltngton.«in'_».l" I P-lhtii •f.t and South, arriving in Boatou at 8:40. A. M,.-8prln»[- B . 1H 6:40 A. M.,r, Troy *85A-.M tlew, .jrork,^:?!),-,. M. I Passengers bv'thti Vain who wish to lake stea-ners on i 'ike'Oh«'_iplaln *ill change cata it' Mooer's >JuAlitlbh ( leetlnj; St^amersttt Platt«ourfh _qstba-/of Koust'»;Pt.| .heretofore. . ... . .'-. t Ut X -.,. 8-d—ACC iiIWOiATtOS-4-rJth' SCKEPING CAB.'-"! t-RTe Ogde-sltuVjjatO'K M. on' srrltal'of wand Trunk day express:train from Toronto and >Ve»t, «rxiv- in_ at Rouse's Point at 4:35 A. J£,,. connecting ryith V,er- LontjOentral d_y mail forj',»•---•'•-!—- «»v->.» _..™. i(i.lliin, OiihcuM, ll'iclib'urg, •lvein_to_{6nat'6:S6 P. M. , ing ,grltb.Ver liat<ton, WKIte "River l and Lowell, ar- IicaveNew Tprk!3:80 P. H»Tp,y/ :ar, Kutland 1:30 A 6i. Burlington 50 P R ' Pift , sleeping M B 3 Jfr i W Mn'4W».to*bnneettoiivWiJi sburgh; if—* - r - 'frofi'*• ,ejenoe,jl.j!p)reU4, J:jtfwrm_e»,-..J ^oi^and^thel^i^nd^to yl /!.'-> i m e I-i- o«I'8l68 •ifll'.-i . ' -Ha . $ar Departure of Othei^.gojJh-jCPpnects, ,with the new steatn line from Panama to»__t-6tr-Iia _tnd^ New Zealand.. Steamer of 'Aug.*Sfbonnectrcloiely'irSafi -ffanclscio with steamer CHINA,"iVte"»vlnB**ept- 1, 1868, for One Hundre'd'Poun(I»"3agg_ge.allowed to each adul'. tena to ladles and;'c-il-rt6 without nude-prottctcr.. Ba^J gageireceived dh.tojidodyUb^jjjJ^ore sailing, from •teaniboata, ra-lfbaas..a_A.p.asiengerB wno^prefer to Bend a_^—Jj. _Tf _l _*_Tf ftft|*.3 |' C^ ^^3^9>. fe.d£-> ^^^gj ]L 7f *J* %i Pr! An exi>«-ienoed*nrgtoB'dn'bom-d. Meuldne andat- Hl, ,i ?xo» Steamboat t»ndlng,iAlbany,»fl«ily, i ('Stinaky'flfeici- *4VT' ! ' gIfMW i jM., sleeping , g 4:15 A.M.; Bos- n 5:00 P. 51., Rouse's Point^f-.tS-A. M., arrive; at Ogdensburgli*t 12":40 P. it' 'ConnecUriii; at' Mooer's "unctlou' .with trains- from Plaitsborghi u a o d ,ake Ohamplain . Steamers ; >at Poudam Juuc- tlon with «., W. A- O. B. ,R, for Watertojrnj Ebme ^ind West-, also with Stages for Jttussen»~8pr>ngs;. »nfl»l Og- densbur(5.».ith trains of R,,-.W ;* O; R.'.R. forSontli .and West.j wltb Grand Truus;Kallw»yjfpr We«t.;.8ti i i a * rence and Ottawa Hallway for Ottawa, and with Northern 'transportation Co-?ssLlne8teameri. Ibr-. We^t. MB'O, leave Kutiauiie^tfa^fl., t<fi&iihploiT:45U. ai., Burlington 9:50 A. Si , Rouses'Point 12:10'P. M., arrive at Ogdensburg at 6:40 P. M. ». W . O. BROWN, , , i '.!"'!, G«n'l Sap't. Bupt.'s Office, Ogdensburg, May 2 8 , J _ S 6 S . ( d A ) VBIIMONT CENTRAL and RAILROADS. ^ ; 'f 7/ . . . Tl?kAi'only..__uiil-to,V:i'i' and their Baggage carried to the Boats'free, i jf.r/ hi tbeN, Y.,p.,K,.Bi »uth9rities wifit not «iow i6h« intheiWrd, they^will Alwlya be'foun./onf, .•lde,j_arkedPeople'i';»i%ill_l»otbe-Age__'' 1 PAs»- _r_ _.««1_.__^__ _____.C11 __ __._^_4_^ _.l. Hki __.*-• _ . ____L__1 *. __.!_ .'V_T __Ji« ___. _1 ^ ________ I _K____fef1* , M :Pl??? : a»*'i°?uV. 7fHuci«on.girerB, : iK.Tic_etii.taken _orp.v_J!ag(i o - ._$^uld..fen _i'a.i t uile.'i..^^'4- anyJ.aUr'o__ on8t-_-_l-6_t'-.ln-. 1 '• J '' '" ' "'' i- *'««'" the'l -eSnmenclng-May'.Bi i808; * * TltAlUb OiOlSO SOUTH ISE .iOT. MAILTRMN leaves Rouse's Pt. at4:40 K. M.,receives passengers from O & t,. C R. R., leaving Ogdenaburg at G:00 P. >1, co.inects at White Rive? Junction and Bel- lows Falls with trains for Boston, Worcester, Spring- field, and w th trains on Passumpsic road ; arrives at New York at 10:45 B..M. , - . DAY fSXPRGS-i l e a v e . Ogdensburg "at 5:80 A. M. Eouse's Point 10:45 A. Si for Boston, 4 c , arriving Boston, via Lowell, at 10:80 P.M. SIGHT EXPRESS, leaves. Ogdensburg at 1:00 .. H., Rouse'- Point at 0;85 P. M.. ar- riving at Boston ut S:40 AfeM., connecting ai'-.BeUbS'S Tails _?Hh Olieihlref Ruilroad foifi Bofton aui Worcfes- ter, and wfth'Ver-nolft Villej Railroauf foi 8]irin^fleia Ac, and arriving te SewTor_ at 12:30 P. M. TKAISB OOISa NOXTB AND WIST. DAY EXPRESS leave. B -ton, via Lowell, at 8:00 A. M., for Burlington, St. AlbanBj 4fc;', arriving at Ogdens- burg at 5:30 A. M. MAIL DRAIN leaves Boston via Lowell at 1:00 A. H., via Lawrence and fitchburgh ut 7:30 A. M., Springfield at7-45 A. SI.,, for Burlington and St. Albaas. Tratos lea-ing: .Biistoa»;Via''_llch-u_g f Si''..S0'Jk.•__._, andSprlugfleld at'7:45 A. til, connect at' WhMe' River Junction itith the day express train. ACCOMMOiJATIOS^THAiN. leave! NArthfleld at 7:45 A. M..for Burlington, Kutland, St. Albans, Rouse's Pt., Ogdens-urg.'.&c. . i, ,.-, . . .-f,-., ..,. ,< mii' NIGHT KXPRESS leaves. JBellows Falls at 10:00 P. M. v receiving passengers from Vermont Valley R. S., leaving NewYoikatl2:lSP. M., and from Cheshire R. R. leav- .ng Bostpn, at, 5:80 P^ _t,i; conntsefing; atijWhij*- ;W,ver Xusiclivfi with' train leaving BqBUJn.'at. 5;00 P. ,i)t, : for Burlington,' Blouse's Point, and .£>gdensbur_h, .:Cpnnect- ing with steameri.and. Grand Trunk Traint.for the .^-e»t. Sleeping Cars-are.attached tgjiSight. Trji^i., .''... ThroughTlckeWfoi; Obtii^go._ina,'the. V?wt for, sale at the principal stations. , ,.•..-" >i ... MERRILL, Ctefl?! Supt. St. Albans, Vt., May 25.18CS. [d_rt.-_ p^j^ " Arrangement it. OSDBSSB0EG At 1.00 P. U., Bxpre38, for Trey »ud SewYork, with ileeping car from ^j. Alban/s;to Troyj arriving In Troy at 4.40 A. M., and New'York at 10.00 A. M., via the Hud- son Rivor Railroad. r . , ,,,., ,t . ,, - At 1.00 V. M., SlpVeso for 3bnt"i, arriving at Bur- Ungton, by rail^ at 980 P,M.,(with .- ^eplng car from Bur- lington) anil arrive: <fis ?1 Bo!tbnS'-fl'eit s 'tornlng at 8:80 o'clock; . . . | I I , : . . t .r j , i , i M. i / -;!>• 1» ' , Oi,,Passengers.*ythe]:00.T?>:Mg train can!take *ne of the Luke Champliin StieiunerE.'inlajTivingat^Bonte'i Point, get supper oapoaril; pass..through, the most'pleiii ant part of the Lake,.touch at Bl»ttsburgh,;and arrive it Burlington in .time Jto-cpnnect,. WITHQTJ1! FAIL,; -with the 10:90 P. M. lixpress Train. fpr,B.oston,.(,with!isleeping cars and arrive in Boston next morning at 8:80'oMocki Passengers taking the L00 P. M." traini^'urdKyHjiie tlve in New. Xprklat.8:00 P. kj. Sunday. , . At 6P. M., (sleeping car to .Rouse's Point) arriving at 4:85 A. at, Turlington 8:00 A. M., Rutland noon,.,arriv- ing at Boston at 6:'3O V. M. ... ', v >-ii U toi ticketsior. information apply, to Ticket- OfficeJ'Og- densburgb R. H. Depot, or ol Chas. t. Baldwin. G. T. Ki Slcket Office, Btate street; or T. N. .Derby, G. W. B.i Ttoi- et Oifice, State street, opposite Seymour. Hoate. •. • ••# i i | y BRggage cheqkea through from Ogdentbarg. 1 / ... , ,.,.:", .-- GSO..A .MERHILL, 8apt . J. ». CI{0EOH,6ep.Agt.,Qgden«burg. ' June 1, l'86S. f P."Mf,'BruckviUe'8 &7W,:W Kingiiin 8:80'Pi '»!.-, Gtiariott burjMontr^al, Toronto and.Lewision. i :, c ,r .... ?m> Wne'-'willWeomp'o'se'd of ; M jia'Jge •'giEauucuisa C.omi!(«diou»aider»:Kecll4ake Sleamej-'a-'» •'''" '••''»>• i^pmWM 'Bast, ferinlqVii r 5)aUg»iilne (SiiriuS5s J Scepier h j ake.phtwcipisnd BlvefaSte.-liawret<ie,lTeSvi ^-Mm " -- cp;>n,ectlori «ith aifjthe folloivlD'g. Routes r t ; Wt» '<; A * s a * e 5 4 ° ^ § # i ^ ^ t E i l Hamilton',-t,6ii_l6&', iletrolt, ' C-Hcagd."'!!.!!wau_.c,. anff .laU^polnlsVW-Btt&alSeuih; at i_nir_lowlth ! 'Like'Shore ^(i4 Michlgan'So.n|liern,.Clev.e)and i !a_d- e-C-tlin.'B; B</, *S 9 u .P?iR t ». Ws?iand South; .and,with Buffi.lo.and i^He Brie Line Steamers Jor Cleveland and all'poinr_;of £&ke -4ichigan,.there'bya"IIbrd_n'gihe ctie_pest"jpb^biefway Wesf-j '. j*..' .u .,',.'., ; ;,i., 1 B> °T*, n - e .,i.™« '•TneSteam:....Coaihplonfnd Banshee \fi-l..leave]O.i- densburg for'-Ibht'real'it'dQUeb-C-Very day'at' '9>'__. il. <Moniiay8,!t_-).. H-turntng , leave' ijlbntreal' eVe_jr i iiti ,\Si:juuU H 7 i .. .'•' ,.v£~.-l-'»JSaSl2,<»jiw,v ai-lawks ii'-in . - W t l . "•" <'f !«".'• •,!.»{;.-!£ to -it •••> : I -J v.e-AUt. -,vi -Hi' :i t : l j a iL a i Michi K an Ports. ^ tST- Meals & B e r t b s I n c l a d e f i on'Steain- ers on all first Cl?as;3!feligt». 'eaiamo'4 'Che following Splendidj.l.owfressurePassenger Steam ^ % ^ s ^ ^ ^ ers of ,thU Une are unequ-Uedjor Bl_e a;.pee*on iLalie^O-tarlo; W'ffiiy % or:saletyanalu I li:feli The Si strtinEftl O --• -- —i- ^ ^'** w » » » » » V | 1*9 WI^&J -l^TV-VJ 1 --. have been- for,:saletyana-eleg_nue I inid*_ ! _ingefaerits, i ana| are commanded and officered by men of e*xpt_rien-e, while the route offers attraction- affordi " " -•-•-• •Eiiie/gl'ving'Svieifof iHe l fe6uth Shore o , WATRRTiftW'N' AN»OGI>_3NS ''Buiaei; : 'B..'ii:^":;'" i888. SUMMER' ARBAJj'GiME-lT.'* , 18C8. . ' EIGHTY MILES SHORTER ' 0 $ p •ieas pattern; beautiful poplin itresspattern: 40 yard bleached or unbif uclied cottou cloth; engraved silve: i>latbdG bottle revolving c^s.tor..;,. 3j^ jard9 sup^r&ne •wool ca3slmcre for pauxs aiid'-vt»t; i exira'lieiLVj' "VTctort qi;ili.; rosewood brass alartu clock; splen.iid clasp f;^m- llj. bible, SM2,iwr pft^e and tngraviug i 8 j arde double wljth water-proof c oaklug ; set ivory handle ..kuivfei, J »i^i sliver plated forkti; pair gents 1 :calf boots'., wr.itc J lintn damusk cover, wltn silver castor, 5 bottles; 2 col- ; •';• ., •FKEE..OF'' f|, , / , , Ourmducemijntflduring'thu pnst',.fe# ycaruliavo be'un ,'• "'t . large. ' ;, ,, . , ,, .'t WE SOW DOVBUBVVff PREMIUMS ^T"Uur irlends will readily notice oar preaeutu tor SO and 60 Clubs are now more ban equal in valufe'to Cllu'.a of.fiOahd lflu respectively, 1 ofiolher firms. •' jSr~I?lea»eex mlns. . ' : "' '••' * Any peroiu ordering either of the dubi-namefl'ttetowy can have their selectl-'.ns of prumluin* .enumerated, cor- responding to the size of the Ulub, -.':'.•• ' PREB OP tl ..••" For a Club of SO, ($3)—One of the following articles : Delaine dress pattern, fancy colored bedapred '100 men Turkey Morocco album, 20 jards sheetings, striped Kasbmere delaine dress putw-.rii, .houej comb quilt, all ^All kinds of Musical. Merchapdice for sale at the. lowest Boston and Ne» York Prices. ' ' ' Ogoensburgh, April 1, W6S. ., ... ul*») C. H. 0LBMONS. iuisn, silver plated'••> bottle revolving c<_9tt.r on feet, set :»uper(ur aluel lilad-d kulvea auil forks, worsted prom- ienade-bawl^la-ies-loug gold-plated ch_.i u, .ladies 1 dou- ible gold ring, gents* heavy phased solid g> old ring, solid ibluck walnut «rork box or wrl-lug dunk, exi.ra quality bal- imoral akin, setjeHelry.and, plseTe bnttomi to match, vl- IOIIB and bow, geat's cardigan jacket, spl< mdld ebony D :flute, IVory trimmings, superior .Xorkcy ftlorocco travel- d_K bags, ladies^nigh /cut balmoral boots. For a Ulub vf 60, (6,)—One of the following articles;— | Black or colored alpaua: dress pattern, pioplin dresr put- tern, one piece ble-ched brb.rown she-t.__g, engraved ftli- yer plated 6 bottle revolving castor, 3% yardt .e'aperior- cashmere for pants aud. vest patterns, e:_tra hoBeypO-ib quilt, two fancy cploreit becl ipreadi, |>»ir .gent's coll boots, &yds. farmer'.], good wool Irockitix, fancy,. ca»h- sere plaid dresii pattern, best quality balmoial rtirt, rosewood brass alarm clock.'ladies all wool cloak pat- 1 tern, silver platrdcake or card basket, fur muff or .cape, ladles- fashionable wool double ihawl, e-plendld chuped tamily' bible!9j-l_t^ Record £-K-,. and engi**vings,;; 8 - yds double w'idj,h irater proof xleaking, set ivory- handle knives, with silver plated forks, oneset U«<! curtain. For aclub of 100 (|i0)—Oneof the folliowing articlei;, 4 yds double width cloaking or coating, 2 large fine blev, table covers, ^itb one 4 -x. large sixed din ner napkins to , mkU)h,_6 jfdi, aplendidhemp curpetlng, good colors,ex- tra quality. ibUclgor alp»cca ;dres» |»atl«rin, one Ulf0. piece superior quality extra width sheeting, pair gent's froiklng; elegant white or colored muslin dress ip-tiern; sliver plated cake or card basnet. lo'aOlub of 100 aud Mr-Rich merino lor thibet drc_» pattern; i >ards double width coating.ortcl.'aBingj 2 la-ge, fine bleached linen damask table Rovers, vriib' i d.ia.-n Urge oinuer napkins to match ; Alexandria nopiin dreisput em, choice ohaaes; 25 jardB htmp'cariieting; pair gents'»eweil booth; heavy sliver plated engraved ice pitcher; pair extra su .er wool blankets ; CO yards Biip-iior qurtlit bleacheW 'or "unbleacued sbeetin? ; 1}^ U li l f itei d mbidi or qurti beaceW r unbeacue sbe? ; }^ ^ariU line c-iB9lmere for suit; sewing and embroidering machine; 2heavy white Vicioriaquijts,; splendid^clasp familKbi'tle; record und phbtograiiHrp-ge;' ^bzen'Eogers' best silver plated forks; elcjiant Fre_cb poplin dress pat ern; ladles or gents silver hunting case watch; sil- ver plated eng-aved 6 bottle revolving caStor, cut glass bottlei; splcudld violin, box ana bow conJpUte ; 3 hon- eycomb quills. For larger Clubs premiums will be given of proportion- ate vaki . ' i 0P~ Catalogue of goods sent to any address free. Send money by. registered letter. Address all orde- s to HARRIS* P OElSBlt, No. 8_ Hanovtr Street, Boston, Mass. Wholesale Dealers in Drs and Fancy \ Goods, Cutle.y, Platen Ware, Leather 0ooda, Albums, $c. 4 A GENT3'HBABftU ARTERS FOtl C4MP-AISN BOOKS ~Gu^r._vlng3, B.i-ges, Ac. l u s t . lls of Badges now ready. Democrate in aa-iie styles wh^i nominnted. Four KMnplCS lOV 50c, TRtATiCO,,654f'way,N. Y. 4w 'A'GBN/TS."jw^-fii. BOE.: BAKAJS.,- ". Authorised arid A'ttihentfct ' ' i OF.Cr.t>a.. utirssEs s^. GRANT. Oompruing'a complete accurate'mstoryofi 1 anil interesting career, with an autiientle : i i i « t i r o services', addixieals narritlTe' bfilsu-v-lu-t-le miUtary services,., addlng.alsp *»;•»«»: oartt_l estlmato of his character as a-Man,'aSol-ier>a_d 18_rte-m-n.'.'"By Hon Charles!:*; Dan*; late A^isttint ? 0V8 " "'»„ the'Springeld Repu6jican'»ajs":i- Secretary of *i 'D«na'_ • We of J Gener_l)Qrant Issure to be-theliost^au- thenilc and bestSLife.sf Grant "•>*«""- rt " *»«~»«*" lars, fielcM ,»• (JBRDON "B'-'l-l- #OO.>,'..prH(^ i':cir BIS-- BiiAlNA_U),Roche3terj.N..T: - " , . . . ^Mipa-d-kwam) TUB " JNatioual Trust <?onij>axiy OP THE'CITT.OFifE'W TORK,, , V ,'^,,' '.•_, No. 336 BROADWAY. 'capital $1,000,000. * Chartered by tUe 1 State. ., . . .. JDAMbs R! MANOAM, Prest. ( JAs _lEfir_t, See. J ( Receives deposits and aUows four.per ,ccnt,int*re»t oni all daily balances, subject to check at siKht.— Special deposits for six months or ore may be made at; jive per cent. The Capital of, $<1 p00jljfiP) is dividedl i mong over 500 shareholders, comp'laing many genue- men of large wealth and financial experience, who are personally liable to depositors f< r all obligations of the JDompan> to double the amount of their capit .1 *toclE.— AS the National Trust Co. receives dtpbslU in large or ismail amonnts, and permits them to be drawn iJi-whole 1 or In part by Check at Sight and withoutnotice, allowing! mtere»t on »u d_Uy balances, pmtles. thr-uugUpuf the c o t t y can k i this inti^tl ih »n_arewarr_ntemu«:yc.j p_...~~—• -,--—r: --^T?= mtere»t on »u d_Uy balances, pmtles. thruugUpuf the «r..r7rr>ha«e ! #lll_ria Ittotneli-advantage to give mean cotmtry can keep accounts in this insti^tlon with spe^ I2fiv^_i__ •» A. CAJuUGHAN.- , iial advantages of Wcurlty, cbnveii«nce J »_« profit ' ^^ (flM*it) UlT^e x. K. io:con-|w, Grocer & Commissiou Merchant For the purchase and/sale of Flour, Pork, Butter, Oheese.Eggk, and all kinds of \ Farmer^ ProfflfCt. ! _t cholcellneof Family Groceries _l«ray8 onband. ' Goods delivered in" an-iiiar-^blKth'-. village, free of charge w -. . • ,'-,•. ',) "<> . . . ' . . f AtST"tio.$ Water Street, nest ;|o, J.X. Jye«, Ogdenj /.tST. burgh,N.Y en.*- (deSdepdtwlyy.. forks, silver plated engraved 6 bottle revolving cantor, with cut glass bottles, splendid violin box annd bow, compiete,, sUi_;>arrel Bhot-goa^^ciDnTs-.six-ba-T-l rtf- volver', pair superior white'wool' blankets, nice fur muff and cape, silver plated engraved ice pitcher, with salrer. 1% yds. all wool fancy caihmere for nult, 1 dot. Rogers' best ailver plated forks,, c-minon _-_-_*i-'wing' «nd em- broidering machine, two heavy honeycomb quilts, splen- dld family Bible, record and photograph pane. i _Tor;larg»r^Ombs the val-e increases in tlmi iia__.» n- itlo.' " * CsUUogne of Goods;.und Ba-nple seainto:_u>7 address free, Aridi'.»f. '. ( "..;," AL_KN, HAWB8 * Co., • ••'holesals'.dealern in French, Ge osan aud .ttnglish Bry and Fancy Uoods, Cutlery, Plated Win; AlbJ-ml, Leather Goods, &c. Nb.15 »'eder»l St. Boston. p. Q. Box 0. [sp7-4m) _ . .. -treat Line of*_teai_er_,:up the Ottawa .*,*% passing through 1 Lak'e St. Ann'* iraplds and Lake of/ Tj> Mountains : ot- tawiaib Ogdehilburg, via Ottawa.Sm St. U.rence Ky. I»MlditXe«Uick(tsA tfttey VKffia the ONE I__II.1.ION Application! winwd ifor Detcriptlve - UM ot Brokeri' Sale. Circulars free ThoU-anda ot Shawls, Bed Blan- ket-vBoots and Shoes, BUk Dreis.Good , or » choioe pf 150 articles of b au'ty and utility, for ( 1 each. Agenw flanted. Address C. Y. MEtstRi.E k CO., 85 Sadbary r lteirtonVMats., Licensed'Broke* '1 ' -. if I >' y fia the 1 Being f..all.* .^VTrJil i'l" 1 ii \ ,-*•" i |_r*i<_«O Excursion Tickets to''MWreal^^_e l bec, ronttJ'tftadIreii&th«r-1brtts*%I. goodittnttl NoWmBe-l, 1868Xi» Vii ''tfctkeU for the round,trip from O an-retirn ."i-.u, :\..i-- u-" t \ ..'! .-1 ., . i tr, i-.i. :•»'' I -'l-.vt-rl ^ l OgdMubiurg, july?i 1868;''"; '«• - 4 '' ]'} I ". 1 . , . Hi ••• ( »!.' I' \ I i l » l / o-i> a!»oB. .-J 6-.'. T1IAJJ AST OTIJ-R RQIITB TO AI.B-ST ANp IJBTV On andalter Monday, May.Al, ifiSS, and until further notice, Passenger Trains will-tnnton this iRoad.u'fol- lows,(Sundays excepted,) ' •_ui '• •••'• ,.', , . ,BXPRESS -SIAIL:. •,...- ..;>. ^Kjaye Ogdenaburg 9;J6 A, M , arrives: at Wat«rtown 12:25, 20 i-lniites for dln__!r,).ilome _:05 P. SI., OsvegO ^3&j^--Sk_Lv^co_x_xt;cll--Lg &v.-&O£aA- «7i_-_b ?flf*^y .vOT*V^ OGntntl Uipress 'Trains for aUpoinis Rasi UD-d ^rfcst, .artavin^ At Itlcfi B:10i jf, W.j gyrRouie OiZ" 1 P.. M , Hooiwrier 9;10'P. M l Albanj .04f>.P. M-_ Buftao 12.00 i», M., Susp,-n_lon Brtige 12:85.i.Ti, New Yorfc 6:00 A.M., Detroit 10:00 A. SI., Chicago 8:30 B M. •_,.•• , L ; ."„ NEW,YORK GS-P#ES!t, gi^g'-p'-j^j* .(20 Dii-Cir*'— *— a ——-— ^ 'rv— ItomeO:-!)-.'" " New Tort;,!?:. , _, ,.„ " 30,A. M.,-u'ffftlo 6:20, A 81. Svupqiisloa Ilr 6:40 A.; SI. Eletcant, Sleeping Car attached to this tr» '* *^d,(run, through ,.to .Neu.^prit. .wlthjoui iiiNS Bridge,-, itemUtyniandTtifonWI'dally, ) i 4 | JJ Therates by thi ij<rater,roubejandtf Ogdensb d C «arS¥ f, Gr Wa:Kunkfi-aw ? x : :UtO'' i V this line.are cheaper than .by anv other tfroniJi-ifee.'to'-rdur diiy'si Shorter between d Chi Milk i h l ParficuW attention paid to ftisin joqnii-gfer,their>ipebia Passengers, Hor-es,, Wagon;, 1 aiini^A'onV 1 '-' Ji "'-'-" ' with o.nljt.nne |hfe^^^ on thetrouteiHtJ j - amilies moving West^-a -Belfit,' *Mch 'carrUs ¥-and alltdescrjp- ef Sd:,"'cof_ecT , 'Ci J. BnTDGpS, Managing Director.i -a r JH3 SHAsSk-Btl., CB*. J-iVw-S Ha-iwa... tow L t l u w j(ap»a_rwtfid& f^ ^v^PP^V' W W'ii^lii(; 1 Trains leave' OgaenBVur^h* via Koine, WiiteEte OgdensburglCK.tR-:'i__itf>(S-_«J_y_ tac«JWP»{ Mi, Some l:-51e.M.5jSiagara-iFi__. and AMBU^lt o 30^M|toC .M,,Be.U^lt.^ v ,|g,Chqago Eipress Train leaveB Ogaensburghj _:00 P,' 9:10, Nisigara Falls aria- ^tispensIonBr* 6:50 iu MTSe-, troit, 5P. AI.j arriving at Chicago -i00 ! Xi i; J_.V'fn_k"-] ing close connections with all trains Bonth, J Weit!»ndj ' Thli.tBtheSh 1 6ft-eSt;d_eapeW_a. moBtre_ i a.le"roiit.- to the Great West. . \'i-. '' ;.'i!!in»wiii-...> A* r ?r «cfce«» V}S G t W t E U S ' ^4 1..11 JAMES .-{.J h, !.. i : '"SHOS. STVINYA SJ)? " f - " ; "'r J 1 " !i '' i: J -. Agent, Ogde_s._r^hl K,'*^ y Traveling Agent, Oita'hL-J iff- Gen. iftani^jrHaSt CL'J lit •-•>• i.wi't ;'l:;-t OH.ih Su'.t s .weUjknow.n.iCompanF wiU', g son of navigation, run , i! l.'r. ,' i.i. .-)•.'( f-.-jS ' ••;_.."-n nit: U\-';l sdl '<•(•- RfiGt-XAKLX, 1 -Bi-TwiEN''' in Hi;.' ' ' hanjee. .,-. •. . .^ i'' ...-• ./ ' Clbse connections made at Buffalo and Suspension Br> O h d l l i U W [ " ' ,,,... ,„ . L e a y e New. ,'SCor'K at SOth.Btreet Depot.. etSO.v'PjM rive at'.Vatertbwri T:*) A"NI., (20 mtnutes^.for'. f ) O ^ b l l 5AW fast,). O^tieasburg, 1,1: 5.A. >&i , *' M_" i ^^ t _r_ _ • ... _i ..\ __%»_. M^ar .b're-fc st,). O^easburg.ll: 5.A.W, , ..; ,yA ip vA-in t Sleeeplng Car ' attached to this i.tralri »,*nd.. runa l tp. Watevtos^ h ;ia^| | hrp,ugfr l Tt9':?-3, to . "tny, ' Pblbidtttphia, ,B_l^i-L'irer jWijghingtpn-, tiid BtiiTalo and'alt principal points •"'**""*""^jll*'~^~"' t~ ~li"i~ _ (Ti- #5ilJ_l"* ",-"."* ' ~ MT"V-T^1 field, BuiTalo, and all principal points East -_!_,„„ can beobia ned at$ie Tickei. HlBcejat the pep9.t.,van<l at the Ticket Office, of the jrf e t a^ flfeswrn ,llalljir»ir. jOg- de_B.burg,T.N MRBY, %it, ( .* ',;•"."» ',',-. t. ' Fare a;s low and 12 'hours t quicker than- by uiy. other roui'eto SewTorfc' ' ,'..,' .', ". ',"' ., Y,,i.'7",\- ^ggage checked JhrougK. H.I. '—^— ^ ._.r.:.-!_. .i'-'-T l-GT-S. •I. •! Oswego and '' l | t ' ConimciKiiis: Tiyv...ii5,.'' >, - * ,,, 'jplrect route t* ;,j -,_•,,, t ,, , BUFFAtO, CLEVJBLANtt, TOIiKDO i^t )^^ West and ' ;_^l4?eave.-'g?epsJurghTaV^C,ScriTP _ ... at 9*P. jU. .Leave Qswegp at _;50.P,,.-i;, arrive at Ogdens; _ii___ r _*-,.«-;'_'*_i ' . .. . ' SHOS. STVINYAK^Gen. ift JAMES' CHAKli-«N}'(^n-era t'^P^These Steameis make regular connections at Og- densburg with tho Ogdensburg * Lake OhampI-in.-U.-R., d V C l l i f i t d ll i t g gg p , and Vermont Central-liin«i-for-fio«ton and' all pointsi East. At Western, i __kenwrt«,«ith,-.RRHrOHd and Canal Lines, for aU point3'So_tli, West'and Worthiest, mnking It the favorite rdiite.for PWsen a : F l t h W * ANSfi Thefcfiiie?w^<«Sirk_f^tnvi*-v^^-i<i%iiilDfe(Bi. preju llcesand without'.iegiriStotimpepreilifttatiJSHsof interested parties, to * ! VJ.'.U'J 10 ;.•••!;,fit-i if' r'-lTfr'i-.u .- itHovt HLK« i .OW .,'S™NBK;T.H,«m rg and CUcago, thereby malting, it the cbeaceat a ._Jt> jroutet fOTTPas8enfeer_\>V6vag l \?(tfi' 1 t!-s_f !: 0?pb; Stock, £ c , as they ayoia ferriage., cartage, hoi aid nufier-ii- other .xpenseV as wiU'a-'daniage interims: ' ;;ib .v-'« -I imUi-. Jf.all WW d,o:so therespl eve'rior the same ' ' ' gs,tl:0S'__ ; "M. ,. .. -,„, ,,;..' . .:-,<iMi I*ave Oswego 9 i. M., Valton. 9:SBjA'..>I.,,!Camsons 9:59 A. M.,Baldirinivill'elO:WA.'M.', arrive at Syracusfe ^f^^ ^ ^ ^ iP'. it, Pulton 2:$;B. M., I^mions, 2:59 P. _r., iafiwinsvUle 8:17 P.. jSXi _aTriye 1 a.t' 8xracuse '8:05 P. St, connecting with Syi^cuse, Blnghampton , and New^Vork |,ft.tor Binghamptoa, P^4 .+*Baltiniior8and.jliV1pointa,Souto.| 15 a | ri ,. '. Leave Olswego 6 P. "M.f Fulton 6:30 J P. T-5, _iamsoW6:B« P. SL, BaldwinsvllU, 7:0TP. M., arrive at Syracuse * * " " sj^ ? g ] j | ^ First Class Tickets include ofe P i Sii_ *w - Lff;. - --.a»< JNOjHOCKIK •.i! oJeapjLiJii.ijylui > 3: S. aooutio;g Office., cor. Pord andyEattei-son 3ts., O catlofl} »'•' '" s * Ui.'S t wUclted and promptly attended to U d i O d t t fang T ^ _ g "Tickets for sale at the Company's Omce for all point ^ ^ ^ C. G. SHE AD, Gen'l Eclcet Agent. Through to Chicago in 83 hours, being 12 hours quicker ^ ^ S & a-nctu*,, ie-tsto-ffgli Badt'Bvili ,,. f,.q-Lj_8.,i.;| ^nWfl ! ! . ;i . '« .11 . (li'.i .'Ja'I li i. v ji ji?ii>a aM

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Post on 11-Jun-2018




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____. p-£i-sii-it;'i$erj:. Siorning.. (Sunday, excepled,) S_k-giiensburgi St., Lawrence Onunty, N. Y, »t tW l -«

p"-|»« nf'*'rr.p'er an%ntfn. j when served by the Carrier-$5^5_rpe-"ye_rr~Orfiic"_:on Isabella Strefct..

'•• ' ' " " " "TCATIS 0?'_DV_BTiBOtQ.

One.Square,one • insert ion . . . . . . . . . , .

*_o - i S o ' - . f l n i e i w e e k , . . . , * . _ . . ' . . _ .- -4?. . fj.dp :;tj?o w e e k s , . . . . . . . . . . . .

do do , , 'dn^ix io .nth , . . , • . . . . , - . . . .,«lP< .-jcto. twp months, . . - . . •

.,;";.. -b.'^jio ' three, months,....

7 .d'd' " ,<J6., ion-year,....'...One quarter cot-ran one, year. . . . . . .One half one year,One colnmn'one year.

-Busin-s- CircSvp-f year,

.. I TO

..' I 35,. 1 50... 2 SO.. 4 00....'. C 00., S-00...900. 12 00..18 00. 85 00110 00.200 0010 00

' One-inch -^ac-:c«n,stitutes a square. Notices In read_i mat«er;wiirbe chsrg'ed fifteen cents a line each inseri " '

• __ition


|. . I

Afarriage hotices'fifty cents each. Death notices free;Obituaries, &<\,ten cents per line.

No advertisementtrillbe Inserted over five times aweek, andTrtien:fiihhiDg brer a month but four times aweek *4pW^Nb'cu?s wi'-M>e'inserted la advertisements

Adv.erttsenfeht from unknown parties mnst be accom-antealbslffie cash.

W O H K .Every description of Job Work neatly and promptly

•e-c___.ted at*thS>Jb*TKXAL Office;. : . ^ ' '• IV* ' "' ' H. R. _rAM_l, Pr prietor. •

' ST. l A W M K C E . H A HHOHTBEAi, &. E ." '

H. H0'#N, ....;......:". Proprietor,IhU H6ase,ls situated on Groat St. James Street, and[ls.

' the largest li the cityt

the largest li the city.EjjfAtf-erican Money taken at'-par.

l ; , r . *i-!_*-~~rr,'_^* 3&.~r5~r*»»****&

a m. ; !

OGDENSBURG, N: Y., SATURDAY MORNING; W7 ' . . . • I V ! .. .

MAPLE CITY MILLS,, Gpdden &t0oi - - - - Ll'rop'i-w.

<1! ;;S! ' . ' niA__BS ik i ' . iF L O U R , S H O l ' i S , U B A N -fc CORN

;l o t S - of the public patronage, is earnestly so-linited. 'Orders prnmpUv filled and sent, to- any .part'Within the .it} limits. \ jyl-dtf.) GBo. GODDBN, 4 CO.

P I E B C 1 tc IVJES, j

Dealers jn( )( j


Cottons, Prints, &C •


• JAMESTOWN HOUSE,A , IDT. Slit irinaid - - '''"- - -

I J-iMESTOWS, Cn_._~_.tJQt7A CO;,. N

(MOritf) ' ' •B A J t I E t ' S HO'TEIi, |


. IT. Jta«Iel«, - - - Proprietor.Second to go House la Canate. (mh81dly)

ST.CariiSr Sing and Centre Street, PrencoU,. Ont.

(formerly ktptBy Orry Harrls.5A, Wells, - - . , r - Proprietor.

' J S. D. JliRldK' - -' - HiNKGEE. IA.First piasaExchanje Office ana BIHia d Room At-,

tachetl. ^g^"Free Omnlbua to Boats and Cars 1(

JOHN ALLENDORPH,Auction aaa Commlnlon KEercbant,» ••••>• : -SO- 5_._!0- OOOBS _ _ _ _ J - I S . \

'floods |;old'to Merchants arid New York

HQ..-8 gord.St.., Osdensbnrgh,.K..'g. laplOdly]

C-tAS. :l.'BALDWIN,D e a l e r in Gold SUver -k Canada Money .


%City Prices. |

No. 14 Ford St., next door to Bcll'H Jew-elry more, Ox<leu»burt;fi; N. ¥.' '

' / 2

Ntw Grocery and Ship Chandlery• t _ ' 02 ryi ^ ^


WheelocTc's Block, corner Ford <£' Patterson Sis.,Ogdensburg, N.T.

I am now receiving a choice selection of


Which I offer to thepnWlcat the lowest Market Prices,J=P~AU*inds of Vessel supijlies constantly on hand


New Medical BookOn Diseases of Imprudence, Errors of Youth, and Mal-atfies or Women—sent free, under seali by enclosing a

E'-CEStti P.. N Y. ( h t T l ), u

B.amp to Dr. LA.WRE'-.CE>Stationng a



TJniited. States A-uthority-.; ' t\ NEW ENGLAND

PAWNBROKERS JOINT STOCKOf unredeemed Goods, Consisting of

Silks. /Shbwls, Dress Goods, Cottons, Linen Goods,Dry Onodi,' Fancy Goods, Albums, Bibles,

Silver Plated WkreJYatches, Vutlery, fSeiolno Machines, die.

To be sold at $1 each, without regard to value, and notto be paid for until know what you are to receive. ,

Stock Veiled at $_UQ,nOO, Salesropm. 30 Han-\ mier Slreet,\ Boston, 't, I

The moa. pooular, reliable,prompt and businesslikeconcern Of Ibe kind The best of Boston references!ipplle--ion. By pU.tlOlilz.lig tllll -ttl6 JOUh>iveaichaiice to exchange your goods, with a large va-riety ti» sefect from. " ,

TERSJIS TO AQkNTS.—We believe our terms to Agentsare _m« rite to those offered by any other house Takeparticular, notice of this : Our «gents a e not requiredto pay i$l .for their pieseuts, a* In -11 other concerns.

Oe'tllttc teB giving a complete description »f the arti-cle!, that will be sold foi $1 each will be sold _t the fol-lowing: rates: 10 for »l ; 80 (with present) lor *8; 60(with ijre-cnt) $G, 100 (.«ith present] $10. And'samerat. for larger clubs.

i.oo_ a 'this chance to get a Silk Dress, dewing Ma-____ . - , . - - . . chine, iQotd Watch, or some other good an icle of equalJ__r"AlM-inds of Vessel supplies coiistantlj on hand, value, wiih but very tittle trouole and no expense!.- the

-^__^ , ." " . . ''{inu86dtf) j Agent,, ' ' -For a club of Thirty wo will give the person sending it

the chinlce of ihe following hrticles : Print Dress Pat-tern, worsted br-akf^Bt.sliawl, white.llnei.t_bleclotb,eo_-busuedl tab e spread, set steel bladrd knives and forks,Set s.lcer pUtud fm ka, tlegaut. engraved silver p'»l__gold'limed gotilet. violin a. d bow, fancy dress pattern,pair luMl _ ex'raqualltj cloth buots elegant beaded silkpa asal, 100-picture momcco photo, album, tjleganC'ivo-ry h-udleu sp ugled silk fan, 1 d'z larue sized linen towel_,,ladlesmorocco Bhuppiiigbug,alh.mbfi quilt, fatcy

T H E O R I K N T A 1 , H O T ' A I l t

Base Bxirniilg' Furnace.'';•' • ' x. slK osisit,

T8 SOffl ARBNT FOIt TH(S-?CELEBR,VTED POR-]nacefbr Ogdenshurg, and is prepared to fill orders!

on t>.e shortest notice. SatisfMtory references given.Al h ( M t l B B i St h I it.e shortest notice. SatisfMtory references given. , . . _ .

Also the (Mental Buse Burning Stove, the Imperial; balmoial skirt, la lea nohd old Oaiifornin dlumoo k i g S t v d ll k i d s l C k i d P l Bent jilaiu or en raved gold riug (16 creuf l i e )

cegState 3treet, Ogaensburgh, N.•

Cooking Stove and ail kinds o f Cooking and Parlor Bent [plain or en raved gold ring, (16 c-retsfl.i.), ladles'I solid black walnut writini. ue.-k, ladles fancy black #al-

nut.vfi.rk box', or'a cottage clock. •• • 'For a Oiqb °f 60, one of the following articles: 'Fancy

C k i nStoves

A G E N T S W A N T E D F . V B t t ^ W H E R E .

The Best Kcaper Knife Grinder.Slade of Finn Emery ana. Vulcanized Ttub--r, firm) >-«steel and always true. Cuts five times as fast as thGrlnditone, -nd gives a perfect edge. WelnhB but 20pounds. Is clamped to the machine, a plank or tame,runs rapidly bv gear, and turns easily. Is the best andcheapest. Bee it before you buy. for circul-rs and bestterms to Agents address. !

4w M. Gr 8TORKE, Auburn, N T.

(excent when those dateslaltbn Sunday, and then oni Bfc#H$iX!tt A j l ^ l j p w n ^

O G D E N S B U R O H ANI>.. •.. i P L A I N " l A l L8 6 8 . :

A ;BI&,i Will not dravrfa steamboat,

Yet some exhibit no more BenaeIn buying Tfolcoit's Pain Paint.

\A small.butt-lejjls the very thingFor a mosquitto bl e.But for a cancer or fever pore,Or any chronic ailment' 'You must get the large sizes. 'A pint Of Paln,t holdsEiiiht one dollar bottles,And costs only five dollars.A quart'Co>ls only eight dollars. \A gallon is much cheaper,;

„ It costs'only twentv dulttta,'.And is dotible-ntrength 1Buy large bottles and save money.If you want it Villon, send to

Wolcolt'sofllceforit,1T0 Ohaih»ni aqaare, N.Y. )

Buy None Unless In WhltoWrupp«r«

•On "ai.d after Monday^. May _5, ir_i»i l .wll l .Tun , M

OllOWS'. , \i ,. '. -jijl" _. _,J%kU_i__' ^ *' ' fl'i'.-'i.'tlave8'Og-eu_l)ui-g.5:-0 A.M.j"'(b^real-f_9t>a-RI_lbn'e!)

arrive at ,Boa.e» Point »v 10:85 A; Mv,i!«oani!ctlng iwithVermoptfien^ral a. It Day Expt?p|,^i'PnrUngip9,,9«i»-iprd.Nashua,towell,arrlvelnBoaton 10:80B.SI., %,

Ouves Ouncera, Ulcers, Dolls,0ure3 Dysentery, Oolio P lea,Cures Bees, Mosquito Biiea,Cures Fever or Kebtle B Nights,Ourei) Dlctjrutid GUI(IS,Cures Feions on Thumbs,Cutes dunstroke and' l>ay, ,.''{.Curt.-Fever right aw^y, ,VBrain fever qoic ly cures,Thick U a s oj Hatr'inaursa,Drives liiuammatiou^out,Cur B Buulonb^ Corn?, or..CrQut,M ikes Foiry Doctors wbine,Cures lilieuntatlsni every time,Is Ooi'l and never Smart,*\Vill cure Neuralgic darts.Will never Burn ar Stalu,Its Honor well raain'lulbs,All headache quickly stops,Is sold in DruugU^s' shQps, ,Tr«h Thousand reiiommend,W 11 fiea>Btt.ft>ror .ftiencl,' ' 'Teste1'Free and Fair, ,• ,., iAt 170 Ohatham Square,

Pain P >int.fP in Piilnt/Pain PidntJPain Paint.',Pnih Paint.,Pain Palnt.1Pain Paiut.iPain Palnt.fPain Pttlut.Pain Paint. *Pain Puiut.}Pain i'alot.JPain 1'alnt.Pain Paint.Pttiu Paiut.Palu Paint.Pain Paint.Patn ''iliht.Pain Paint. .,Pain Paint.PJn faiut.

. Pain. Pnint.' Pain Paint.

•' : • ' '4w;

|| A full assortment of Tlh.andSheet Iron- Ware, always jonband, andjobs done<to order> • .• t

]j tW' Store two (loors * ast of Seymour 'Hou PordC H i T T C |-.!!S T O N ' L I V E;R Y , j] Street Ogd-nsburg.-Catharine St., opposite Baldwin House, 1B the place

10 GST TEE K-SEST'TURNOUT" IS TOWN I^ " H t i S r 81'ngle or Double .^^

Oai-efol diiy-rs can- be had when desired. ja-dlyl

, j sStore, two (loors * ast of Seymour '-House, Pord,O d b d t f ) (dWt

q , the o w ica~hri£e'i e dress put ern, 3 ytts doubi'Cloakling Thibet shawl 4 yd wool f

B t J"HN: 8. STEED,

Lak4^Street,, Ogdemburg, West Side.Always on-.hariaths choicest Cigars, Wines and liiq.-

Tiors. : (jelSdtf)

""" * & NICHOLS..dealers in F l o u r ,

'- ASPS. T.

Mti 11 'er-'S,MILL

.Q-BO., PiREEE & t!O.,.^ and Sealers in G r a i n ,

& FLOiiB, MILL FEED, _#?•Will keep on baud a good stock of 'lour of different

grades, of their own prinding,:and which they will war-rant. A supply of •Bran, Sorts, Middlings, Screenings,.Ac... on hand, ' • (fe26dt(.)

' HOUSE,Water Street, near the Ferry.


S . IBt. U S a i a w l a . . . . m a n a g e r .The house.has been refitted and refurnished A choice

supply of Canada tiaubrs, Wines, and the best brandsof Cigars always ou hand

Good accoramoclatr.n for Horses. TJar e Barns, Shedsand V'ards connected witS'the Hbuss. Charges reason-able. ; . i Ua21d*wly)

CHAS. N. BIXBY,Attori"*>' <tu<9 Conn«<i<oi' a t L a i c , .

Also-, , N~tarij Public.•POTSDiSl auaUTiO^:. of. l^iWEESOE 'COO3TT, ». I i ••'

%2gjTPaTtAoailiir ^attsnlioTi tfivetn-to Practice-in£ jy.hruptay. v (jyl8d*wly)

Ji, fl. M.OR&AN, ... „ •

[SSIi.BXi91!EII IB' :V85S.] • 'Wbotesiilfr Dealer in ' •• '

Wines, Mqnorts * «ectl»er ot-WUlskleB0nDSN8BrjRUh in. ' ' tJelUdftwM'

[Formerly at the Baldwin fl._se,]l".f-' DEALSE rs

Sf lver ai»<t C a n a d aMoney exchanged on reasonable terms. Comme:

Bills bought and sold; also Government and County

J_g?~Office with Charles Johnson, Ticket Agent, onCatharine Street, next door above Baldwin House, Ogdensburgh, £j. yv . ' . . . . . . . . . . (oc29dawtt

ROSOItJS W.. jrjQSON, /Attorney and Coniuelor at Law,.,

iai?-.LICENSED oi__4_i i&i•tiSoldlers'T-QUiity Baci Paji. ana

• •• '' on the subject, free.aoHET'T0r'i'i'-«t» oa GOOD iMPi-ov-D riBijs.

r^OincS.oorHei-of ford and t'_abell_ atreet-, Og-

.. _ . .. . tilth water proofCloakling, Thibet shawl, 4 yds wool fn-cklng, set lace cur-

,—-.. ——r,—;—r^=—r> ^ •—: • , t:_iu-,,l_u_ s do, ble !«ool jj}iawl 8'lvtr. plated curd, baa-C. G. ,Pa-n-ETO»'3 CALISJLTA TONIO BIO^T_R3.—^The' ket, splendid engraved silver plated ice pitcher, engrav-

world renpwi ed Stomach nit era. preveutative| ed oiivcr plate tea'pot, 100 picture Turkey moroccnot Fever and A.ue, Dyspepsia, Ulsorderd, Digestion. &c. - photo, album, Lancaster q .i.t, fauc.t plaid wool shawl,, y p p , , gSi. Recommend by Physicians, and used in ti.eir dailypractice. Hundreds ot letters testifying to their effl-i t b l i h d b b t t h i i lteno, notj>.uit»liahe.dvbat can be seen,at the*principal t Harrl-clt.ffi e and laboratory, 18 l)ey'_t ert,fVbefe ft>r further \ skirt,, set of tyor^

25ydi< sheeting alapa -.a dress pattern, engraved silverplated C bottle rovolvliig castor, pair gent's calf b»ots,H_rrl_ clotb puntjs an-1 vest.puttern, spleud d baloiftral- | . . _ t _1__V ,.f 4-_v^__>—I 1 - ._- Wh J l . ' l i | t __.._. __<____ . . ( _______ __ _^__... ^ • —T* . .

y ,piirtinulars all cuinuiuniciU.Ioris are tu be address-il.

Local \g«ni8'!wanteili Dnlyeliug i.ferchitnts:supplie(l jon very llbcr'aHernjgV' ;?" [ •• (jj28-lin) j

A l l Y o u n g P e r » o t i » can {rod should obtalii^a .good education, for pafticulixr.adrfriiss, J. A. Ooojipr, iPrincipal of trie 'Stiite;Normal Scljool, Bdlnboro, Pa. '

- : * " ' fj^si

; -„ tVejr bandleknivdi wUa>ilverplut«aif«VrkBl p « i n o f nil woolibhiiiketB, rosewopdfranVe.brass. alarmcluck,, splendid beaded and lined Bilk punibol, Indiesspiedld Morocco traveling bag, 80 yards print, or miir-selllea rtuilt.

For; n ulub of 100, splendid engraved silver plated teaset, i@ pieces, sugai bowl, tea pot ana creamer), silverpluted cake basket, ftincy plaid wool l<ng shawl, 25 yds.hemui uarpetlnu, splendid vlulm and bow, English bentgeSlia-D, 45 yds shcetiug, splennid nlupaca dress pattern,siver hunting case wmcb, splendid family Bible with ele

i d f i l d d h h


FORlfflEN OF 0URT)lYThe l ives of Grant ane Colfax and all the leading men

of the nation (over 50) in one volume, by D I_. P lirock-ett, tho popular Biogmphical Itdltor of 'Appleton's Oy-clopedU." Over COO pages and 42 flnit Bt.el portails —Ihe only complete or reliable work of the kind published.Pi ice very luw Sales immense. Any intelli.,eut man orwi'man can clear $150 to $200 per mouth, one agentmnde 1300 In live weeks, ."ei d lor circular.AUdres. ZBIG-LBR MoOURDY k \ o., I'ubllshers,

Pulladcliihia, Pa., Cincinnati, 0 , Ohlcngo, III., or St.Xouis, Mo.

S wiugShine'f f ^ S i S f t ^ n t t i ^ ^ ' _unt Btee. e, avluBs and fauiUy record >nd phutugraphamt quality.,, , AbEXANJBEr?

[jy28.S.__, • 5i2.P.earljst., neiir. tir,< i N. Y.

City and .Country Property' forsale !in*every di-rection See Stanley Day's "Real Ertkte Circular, Ho.925 B d N Y M i l d f [ j S S l ]

y y925 Broadway, N. Y. Mailed free. r ,

[jySS-lm]rA71II,V KNITTING MATHINE.The PamWiy Knitter'tnariuiactuf ed bythe -Brldg port

A.ents wanted In eyery county. . ..Bend for circular.—Bridg port Knitting Co., Bf litgeport, Conn. (. jy.2S lm]

WANTED, by a Miraufar.turer, Agents to sell by sam-ple Address with nUmp fonclroularj OrRbENE fc CO.,418 Che»tunt-St, fbila-elpnia. ... - . . - . -

piige. poplin dre-s.patterxi, engraved silver plated icepitct&r, splendid b^»v.» cloak pattern, "sh-trEeVrevolv-er, fairtcy casaimere'eoat, pants and vest pattern extraquaMty, splendid accordeon music box, one pair finedammnk table covers with 1 doz. dinner napkins to match.

£§?"* 1'reaeuts for Larger Clubs In proportion.TWIs is no humbug lottery Gift Enterprise.or. Sale of

Chemp* Jewelry,-Tjut a .fair, square^ule, .off unredeemedGooito. Our goods are


S A M T E L L ELadies, do not permit this to ' escape your notice.

S a n l t i l i e , o x L l q a i d P e a r l i K C .Itsecures to you permai eijtly, a most desirable boon,

a skin of aatia-lilie texture, and the narm delicate com-plexion of raptuiouti jouth. Its effects are immediate.It contains no injurious sub3tance. ThlB i< no fl.-tlon, asa trial will prove all we1 claim forit. Price 15 cents Ifyour druggist dues not keep it send the amount to usand it will tie forwarded bv Express.

A. MATJKY & On., Proprietors,(jel6 2m.). 171 Dnane Street, New York.

. i. N'ATIOEAL HOTEL-, 'Ooriien 6}-- "F<'trd and GatTia-rvne Streets,

>ji ^} .•"' OGDEJJSBUBQ, S . T . " . '

i'ltfOORE, ;,' Proprietors. ".r-St-s- a_%Taraie^e3 and- .kept In urst. clitsa

stvle. Re-^b-l-raiit; in coiine-tipn Free liacl. .to ;a_fl

from.themandboats. Prvasengersrarri-dtoany



%3T By Fisher's Fever and Ague liThey are perfectly harmless, purely yegetaule knd

harmles, purely vi-gr.table, and have, be- n used in privatepractice for 80 years. Mr. 3,. Kyan, surveyor of the N.Y. Central Park, has used these Pills in over 800 ca^eson empfo.vees and not one failure. \ Price $ . Foiward-'ed by mail to any address, flrect, Dr. TO. P1SHEK,811Bleecker atreet, Ne* XorkCity. . . <JelO2m

C. H. Ciem5ns,

(Successor to CLEM02TS&I-

TSii Ke^leri - - FrtfpTietoiV• LaieoJ' Waterbwry Hotel, Ye. >

•ee Carrlugesto imd from the Cars ana BoatB.

iiftlQENEnALDWatckesi'Cioalss, ifevSllry tiSto r-Wart

Agent-fdr -Florenc improved-an^run

' lEWis'

aaa Engraver


NO, 8 BA&TiB BLOCK, • SORB ST., .O&»EN8BiniG.^ p - A l l kind3 of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sew-

ing Machines *epfired. . A l ^ o k w a T r a n ^ *

Wholesale dealers in all feinris of • '

M LUMBER!«r-.Particular supplying the- New

ngbind MarHstv - W. h. PROOTO.R, AKent,' Oijdensbnrg, S. Y.

"Wliolesale and Retail dealer In


Cottage OrgansWith their wonderful



•-'F0iisfERi.i 81.- iiAHrasBOB HOTEL;

1 . 1 .

- Hs E. JAMES,

of «&addi»ia:toTi Flax andPaper Mt ll»i

' ' ra


Also their Patent



avM OatsC E O B G E 4- .

, (stwosaK l. n. anBBT *ng.o..!8,}

eepicpnstanay on hand and lor sale cheap, 4U idnds 0

G-roeeries yConsisting-In part of

»lohr, PorK,'Oats, Corn; fc>e£s, Bean», also JTea», Sugajj: •:. - !*-:.: ' Moliss-e's,Syrups, ; • :,. ' " '

Fldur'by the 'barrel, bag or hunclieil: (..•.'• „toclcwh^aiKouri Corn atarch.'MaliepajjWBett"

s, i l a t e j a p i o c a , 4c. 'Extracts.of alllonsiiii61uding-Peac&s Celeryi Ginger; strainedPe^plcesySKistSrd and Pepper.' Fattfj'KIBer

a ^ p , too rery bestj>r*na«.'Produce,naated. GOOQ» delWared in

" ' '



Cli ickering & Sons , •Mieiuwaj & Sou*,

Mullet , »*vi i . & Co. ,3. W. Vuse A: Co. ,

1'hc »ratlbur» Piano,Ceo. ill. Gailu & Co.

Diiliuiu & Soiia,M«vea' & Bd


be bought at anj wholesale s ore in the country.Agents will please take BoUct);oi this. Do not send

namts, but number your clubs from one upwards. Letyoun letters be short and pl-ln as possible.

Bt. sure and send money amounting to $_• or more byRegistered Letter, (which can be sent from any office),1' • i.. Money Order, or express; for when sent In thisway.ypu run up risk.of losing Hwhatever. Small'sumsm_. :be sent by muli, but be sure and put them in the of-fice your.elf.

We cannot be responsible for money lost unless someprecautions are taken to ensure its safety.

Send your address In full, Town, Omjnty and State.—All fi.rtUicfttM are good until redeemed.

S. O. TUOMl'aON * CO.,Send for Circular. No. 80 Hanover St , Boston.


Am octavo volume of 080 pages, containing 47 newlywritten Sketches, by Mcsars Partsn, Greely, lllggiuson,Tllton, Winter, Abbott, Prof. Hoppin, Mrs. E. 0. Stan-ton, Fanny fern, Grace Greenwood, etc Illustratedwitft 14 beautiful Steel Engravings. The N. Y. Tribune

yis : "do thoroughly have the publishers done theirwon!: that their volume, in paper, type, binding, en-graivings, above all the excellence of its subject matter,goeis tar to remove the reproach urged against subierip-tioti book—'Only made to s.-ll'" for descriptive circulttra address B. M. BETT3 A CO., Hartford, Ct.

FORT EDW'RD IN3TITBTE —Pall term September.3d., $C0 p«r term, superb brick buildings. SixteenTeachers. Cour eforLidles or Gentlemen; or c oiceef dtudles, Common, Commercial, Classical, or ornamen-tal! first rate advantages. Address for catalogues,

<£. £ 1UMG, D. J)., Fort Ed*nrd, N. T.

TlViNTED—AGENTS—To seU the LOST CAUSE, theonlly Democratic-Hisipij of the War; also, TiiE 11OY8INI ItLDE.a thri'.linK record of the rank and rite of theCnion Army ; Ueadley's Life of tirant; Campaign

nd engravings o( bath parties, *c.K. Ii. TIIE4.T 4 CO., 054 Broadway, N. Y.



GREAT $1.00 SALE!SnEETINGa free of cost to our Agents.WiA'i'OlH-! free ot cost to oiir Ag -its. i < \SEWING Bluchines fieeof coat to'oui* Agents.IiEVTHBR. uoods free of cost to Agents.LINEN Goods free of cost to our Agents.SILKS k Shawls free of cost to our Agents.BOOTS k Shoes free of cost to our Agents.PKG-iS Groo,ds:frett of cost to our A, ents.

Cjrreat Oollai-i P-irjsa.inrS.•OK OOlt 0O3T051I-RS.

A splendid stock of Goods including in


Great One ..Dollar, SalraWe represent a reliable ana responsible firm', and offei

superior inducement..The State in a blaze of excitement over our sale.A wonder to the ladies.A wonder to tho store-keepers, who find their occupa-

tion gone. . . ••- . . . . . i.. .A wonder to everybody.Giveus a trial In pieference to those who make such

great pretentlon3, and wtioseonly capital is in their pre-tensions. . ,„, OV, .

SlvE OCR PftEiniUM LIST.The most fastidious can engage in our sale with profil

to themselves and to the delight of their friends,

Any one Sending us either ol the clubs mentioned below «ill r,e entitled to any article mentioned iu Clubs o!that number,

• F R E E O F C H A H C E . J . J ,For a Club ol 20 and i|2 —50 picture double clasp Mor-

rocco Album ; silver pUted 5 bottle revolving castorworsted promenade shawf; Balmor-l Skirt,, good style,woolcasslmerepants pattern; 12pairswhiteept]toti-hu8.eembos.ed wool cover; 10 yards bleached or unbleacheicotton cloth.

Cora Club of _0 and %&.—I_t.<]les'splendid fine Whitetacked under skin ; 1 dozen all Iln n-iuck towels; styl-ish uress pattern; white MHri?eilles quilt; ladles1 hand-Bome all wool square shawl; heavy and rich colort

MONEY EA H ¥ M A D E .'With our Ouinplcte Stencil and Key Check Outfit.—

Small Circulars Free, t"-• "V. UO-, 66 Fulton Street, Sew STorl..

And will present to any person tendlsf ua a club in

Our great $1 «nle of Uiy « n 4 Fancy

. .;•'., GS-O'0i'I>S ,,

. i ' ! • ' - • ' '

A piece of Sheeting, Watfch,. Silk ,i)reM |_»at(ern, * c .

5 bottles; cloth for ladles'outside garment; pbotograp]album, ISO pictures, elegantly bound In Morocco.' for Olobsof 60and$6.—CUct or colored l

t b i f l li

teate' • 'OE-ensbUrg at 1.00"P.'W.i'Potsdate'Juirciiolia t - P M:," Maloni8'6C P. I>f.;.ieonne6ttng--W 'Mober?iJuoction with P, &<a, &. R. for PMUMmrgbi n — " — —

( - . - • • _ . _ ' . _ ' * _fc -9 ' T . . _ _ _ m _ _ . _ . *UUUblUU WIUI r t a, ' I**; jEk* »*t »«• »^T.*,T'7"fB'

lt' ^_"TTJB'-TC-

and '\ibii«h!iU,,. via, take Ohaaiplaln ,8teamer«,i'rrive W R__i-'->'Po.i_t at 6.25 P:' S.,' connecting irTthtr^tni._.__, u t . h . '_1vn._iK.'f/\i>L Dn ltnattxn.M"ni.-MinT— int_iWCbntralNight-l_:pre«»iforiBurltngton.«in'_».l"IP-lhtii

•f.t and South, arriving in Boatou at 8:40. A. M,.-8prln»[-B.1H 6:40 A. M.,r, Troy *85A-.M tlew, .jrork,^:?!),-,. M. IPassengers bv'thti Vain who wish to lake stea-ners on i'ike'Oh«'_iplaln *ill change cata it' Mooer's >JuAlitlbh (leetlnj; St^amersttt Platt«ourfh _qstba-/of Koust'»;Pt.|.heretofore. . . . . . .'-. t Ut X -.,.

8-d—ACC iiIWOiATtOS-4-rJth' SCKEPING CAB.'-"!t-RTe Ogde-sltuVjjatO'K M. on' srrltal'of wand

Trunk day express:train from Toronto and >Ve»t, «rxiv-in_ at Rouse's Point at 4:35 A. J£,,. connecting ryith V,er-

LontjOentral d_y mail forj',»•---•'•-!—- «»v->.» _..™.

i(i.lliin, OiihcuM, ll'iclib'urg,•lvein_to_{6nat'6:S6 P. M.

, ing ,grltb.Verliat<ton, WKIte "River

l and Lowell, ar-

IicaveNew Tprk!3:80 P. H»Tp,y/:ar, Kutland 1:30 A 6i. Burlington

5 0 P R ' P i f t

, sleepingM B

3 Jfri W Mn'4W».to*bnneettoiivWiJisburgh; if—* - r -'frofi'*•

,ejenoe,jl.j!p)reU4, J:jtfwrm_e»,-..J^oi^and^thel^i^nd^to

y l •

/!.'-> i m eI-i-

o«I'8l68•ifll'.-i . ' -Ha

. $arDeparture of Othei^.gojJh-jCPpnects, ,with the new

steatn line from Panama to»__t-6tr-Iia _tnd^ New Zealand..Steamer of 'Aug.* Sfbonnectrcloiely'irSafi -ffanclscio

with steamer CHINA,"iVte"»vlnB**ept- 1, 1868, forOne Hundre'd'Poun(I»"3agg_ge.allowed to each adul'.

tena to ladles and;'c-il-rt6 without nude-prottctcr.. Ba^Jgageireceived dh.tojidodyUb^jjjJ^ore sailing, from•teaniboata, ra-lfbaas..a_A.p.asiengerB wno^prefer to Benda _ ^ — J j . _Tf _l _*_Tf ftft |* .3 | ' C ^ ^ 3 ^ 9 > . fe.d£-> ^^^gj ]L 7f *J* %i Pr!

An exi>«-ienoed*nrgtoB'dn'bom-d. Meuldne and at-

H l , , i

?xo» Steamboat t»ndlng,iAlbany,»fl«ily,i('Stinaky'flfeici-* 4 V T ' ! ' g I f M W i

jM., sleeping, g 4:15 A.M.; Bos-

n 5:00 P. 51., Rouse's Point^f-.tS-A. M., arrive;at Ogdensburgli*t 12":40 P. i t ' 'ConnecUriii; at' Mooer's"unctlou' .with trains- from Plaitsborghi uaod,ake Ohamplain . Steamers ; > at Poudam Juuc-

tlon with «., W. A- O. B. ,R, for Watertojrnj Ebme indWest-, also with Stages for Jttussen»~8pr>ngs;. »nfl»l Og-densbur(5.».ith trains of R,,-.W ;* O; R.'.R. for Sontli .andWest.j wltb Grand Truus;Kallw»yjfpr We«t.;.8ti i i a *rence and Ottawa Hallway for Ottawa, and withNorthern 'transportation Co-?ssLlne8teameri. Ibr-. We^t.

MB'O, leave Kutiauiie^tfa^fl., t<fi&iihploiT:45U. ai.,Burlington 9:50 A. Si , Rouses'Point 12:10'P. M., arriveat Ogdensburg at 6:40 P. M.

» . W. O. BROWN,, , i '.!"'!, G«n'l Sap't.

Bupt.'s Office, Ogdensburg, May 28 ,J_S6S. (dA)VBIIMONT C E N T R A L a n d

R A I L R O A D S .^ ; 'f 7/

. . . Tl?kAi'only..__uiil-to,V:i'i'and their Baggage carried to the Boats'free, i jf.r/

— h i tbeN, Y.,p.,K,.Bi »uth9rities wifit not «iowi6h« intheiWrd, they^will Alwlya be'foun./onf,

.•lde,j_arkedPeople'i';»i%ill_l»otbe-Age__''1PAs»-_r_ _.« «1_.__^__ _____.C11 __ _ _._^_4_^ _ . l . H k i __.*-• _.____L__1 *. __.!_ .'V_T __Ji« _ __. _1 ^ ________ I _K____fef 1 *

, M : P l ? ? ?:a»*'i°?uV.

7fHuci«on.girerB,:iK.Tic_etii.taken _orp.v_J!ag(i o -

._$^uld..fen _i'a.ituile.'i.. '4-anyJ.aUr'o__ on8t-_-_l-6_t'-.ln-.1 '• J '' '" ' "'' i- *'««'"


-eSnmenclng-May'.Bi i808; * *TltAlUb OiOlSO SOUTH ISE .iOT.

MAILTRMN leaves Rouse's Pt. at4:40 K. M.,receivespassengers from O & t,. C R. R., leaving Ogdenaburg atG:00 P. >1, co.inects at White Rive? Junction and Bel-lows Falls with trains for Boston, Worcester, Spring-field, and w th trains on Passumpsic road ; arrives atNew York at 10:45 B..M. , - .

DAY fSXPRGS-i leave. Ogdensburg "at 5:80 A. M.Eouse's Point 10:45 A. Si for Boston, 4 c , arriving

Boston, via Lowell, at 10:80 P.M.SIGHT EXPRESS, leaves. Ogdensburg at 1:00

. . H., Rouse'- Point at 0;85 P. M.. ar-riving at Boston ut S:40 AfeM., connecting ai'-.BeUbS'STails _?Hh Olieihlref Ruilroad foifi Bofton aui Worcfes-ter, and wfth'Ver-nolft V i l l e j Railroauf foi 8]irin^fleiaA c , and arriving te Sew Tor_ at 12:30 P. M.

TKAISB OOISa NOXTB AND WIST.DAY EXPRESS leave. B -ton, via Lowell, at 8:00 A.

M., for Burlington, St. AlbanBj 4fc;', arriving at Ogdens-burg at 5:30 A. M.

MAIL DRAIN leaves Boston via Lowell at 1:00 A. H.,via Lawrence and fitchburgh ut 7:30 A. M., Springfieldat7-45 A. SI.,, for Burlington and St. Albaas.

Tratos lea-ing: .Biistoa»;Via''_llch-u_gfSi''..S0'Jk.•__._,andSprlugfleld at'7:45 A. til, connect at' WhMe' RiverJunction itith the day express train.

ACCOMMOiJATIOS^THAiN. leave! NArthfleld at 7:45A. M..for Burlington, Kutland, St. Albans, Rouse's Pt.,Ogdens-urg.'.&c. . i, ,.-, . . .-f,-., ..,. ,< mii'

NIGHT KXPRESS leaves. JBellows Falls at 10:00 P. M.vreceiving passengers from Vermont Valley R. S., leavingNewYoikatl2:lSP. M., and from Cheshire R. R. Bostpn, at, 5:80 P^ _t,i; conntsefing; atijWhij*- ;W,verXusiclivfi with' train leaving BqBUJn.'at. 5;00 P. ,i)t,: forBurlington,' Blouse's Point, and .£>gdensbur_h, .:Cpnnect-ing with steameri.and. Grand Trunk Traint.for the .^-e»t.

Sleeping Cars-are.attached tgjiSight. Trji^i., .''...ThroughTlckeWfoi; Obtii^go._ina,'the. V?wt for, sale at

the principal stations. , , . • . . - " >i... MERRILL, Ctefl?! Supt.

St. Albans, Vt., May 25.18CS. [d_rt.-_

p ^ j ^" Arrangement

i t .

OSDBSSB0EGAt 1.00 P. U., Bxpre38, for Trey »ud Sew York, with

ileeping car from ^j. Alban/s;to Troyj arriving In Troyat 4.40 A. M., and New'York at 10.00 A. M., via the Hud-son Rivor Railroad. r . , , , , . , ,t . , , -

At 1.00 V. M., SlpVeso for 3bnt"i, arriving at Bur-Ungton, by rail at 9 80 P,M.,(with .- eplng car from Bur-lington) anil arrive: <fis?1Bo!tbnS'-fl'eits 'tornlng at 8:80o ' c l o c k ; . . . | I I , : . . t . r j , i• , i M . i / -;!>• 1 » '

, Oi,,Passengers.*ythe]:00.T?>:Mg train can!take *neof the Luke Champliin StieiunerE.'inlajTivingat^Bonte'iPoint, get supper oapoaril; pass..through, the most'pleiiiant part of the Lake,.touch at Bl»ttsburgh,;and arrive i tBurlington in .time Jto-cpnnect,. WITHQTJ1! FAIL,; -withthe 10:90 P. M. lixpress Train. fpr,B.oston,.(,with!isleepingcars and arrive in Boston next morning at 8:80'oMocki

Passengers taking the L00 P. M." traini^'urdKyHjiietlve in New. Xprklat.8:00 P. kj. Sunday. , .

At 6 P. M., (sleeping car to .Rouse's Point) arriving at4:85 A. at , Turlington 8:00 A. M., Rutland noon,.,arriv-ing at Boston at 6:'3O V. M. . . . ', v >-ii U

toi ticketsior. information apply, to Ticket- OfficeJ'Og-densburgb R. H. Depot, or ol Chas. t. Baldwin. G. T. KiSlcket Office, Btate street; or T. N. .Derby, G. W. B.i Ttoi-et Oifice, State street, opposite Seymour. Hoate. •. • ••#i i | y BRggage cheqkea through from Ogdentbarg.1 /... , ,.,.:", . - - GSO..A .MERHILL, 8apt

. J. ». CI{0EOH,6ep.Agt.,Qgden«burg. 'June 1, l'86S. •

f P."Mf,'BruckviUe'8 &7W,:WKingiiin 8:80'Pi '»!.-, Gtiariott

b u r j M o n t r ^ a l , T o r o n t o a n d . L e w i s i o n . i :, c „ ,r . . . .?m> Wne'-'willWeomp'o'se'd of ; M jia'Jge •'giEauucu i s aC.omi!(«diou»aider»:Kecll4ake Sleamej-'a-'» •'''" '••''»>•

i^pmWM'Bast, ferinlqViir5)aUg»iilne (SiiriuS5sJScepierh j ake.phtwcipisnd BlvefaSte.-liawret<ie,lTeSvi

^-Mm " - -

cp;>n,ectlori «ith aifjthe folloivlD'g. Routes r t ; Wt» '<;A * s a * e 5 4 ° ^ § # i ^ ^ t E i lHamilton',-t,6ii_l6&', iletrolt, ' C-Hcagd."'!!.!!wau_.c,. anff

.laU^polnlsVW-Btt&alSeuih; at i_nir_lowlth!'Like'Shore^(i4 Michlgan'So.n|liern,.Clev.e)andi!a_d- e-C-tlin.'B; B</,*S 9u.P?iRt». Ws?iand South; .and,with Buffi.lo.and i^HeBrie Line Steamers Jor Cleveland and all'poinr_;of £&ke-4ichigan,.there'bya"IIbrd_n'gihe ctie_pest"jpb^biefway

Wesf-j '. j * . . ' .u . , ' , . ' . , ; ; , i . , 1B > ° T * , n -e.,i.™«

'•TneSteam:....Coaihplonfnd Banshee \fi-l..leave]O.i-densburg for'-Ibht'real'it'dQUeb-C-Very day'at' '9>'__. i l .<Moniiay8,!t_-).. H-turntng , leave' ijlbntreal' eVe_jr

i iiti ,\Si:juuU H 7 i . ..'•' ,.v£~.-l-'»JSaSl2,<»jiw,v ai-lawks ii'-in. - W t l . "•" <'f !«".'• •,!.»{;.-!£ to - i t •••> : I-J v.e-AUt. -,vi -Hi' :i t : l j a i L a


MichiKan Ports. ^tST- M e a l s & B e r t b s I n c l a d e f i on'Steain-

ers on all first Cl?as;3!feligt». 'eaiamo'4'Che following Splendidj.l.owfressurePassenger Steam

^ % ^ s ^ ^ ^ers of ,thU Une are unequ-Uedjor Bl_e

a;.pee*on iLalie^O-tarlo; W'ffiiy %o r : s a l e t y a n a l u I l i : f e l i

The SistrtinEftl

O --• -- —i- ^ ^'** w » » » » » V | 1*9 WI &J -l^TV-VJ1--.

have been- for,:saletyana-eleg_nueIinid*_!_ingefaerits, iana|are commanded and officered by men of e*xpt_rien-e,while the route offers attraction- affordi " " - • - • - ••Eiiie/gl'ving'Svieifof iHelfe6uth Shore o

, WATRRTiftW'N' AN»OGI>_3NS' ' B u i a e i ; : ' B . . ' i i : ^ " : ; ' "

i 8 8 8 . SUMMER' ARBAJj'GiME-lT.'* , 1 8 C 8 .. ' EIGHTY MILES SHORTER '

0 $ p•ieas pattern; beautiful poplin itresspattern: 40 yardbleached or unbif uclied cottou cloth; engraved silve:i>latbdG bottle revolving c s.tor..;,. 3j^ jard9 sup^r&ne•wool ca3slmcre for pauxs aiid'-vt»t;iexira'lieiLVj' "VTctortqi;ili.; rosewood brass alartu clock; splen.iid clasp f; m-llj. bible, SM2,iwr pft e and tngraviug i 8 j arde doublewljth water-proof c oaklug ; set ivory handle ..kuivfei, J»i^i sliver plated forkti; pair gents1 :calf boots'., wr.itc Jlintn damusk cover, wltn silver castor, 5 bottles; 2 col- ;

•';• ., • F K E E . . O F ' ' f | , , / , ,Ourmducemijntflduring'thu pnst',.fe# ycaruliavo be'un

,'• " 't . large. ' ;, ,, . , , , .'tW E S O W D O V B U B V V f f P R E M I U M S

^T"Uur irlends will readily notice oar preaeutu torSO and 60 Clubs are now more ban equal in valufe'toCllu'.a of.fiOahd lflu respectively,1 ofiolher firms. •'

jSr~I?lea»eex mlns. • . ' • :"' '••' *Any peroiu ordering either of the dubi-namefl'ttetowy

can have their selectl-'.ns of prumluin* .enumerated, cor-responding to the size of the Ulub, -.':'.•• '

PREB OP t l ..••" •For a Club of SO, ($3)—One of the following articles :

Delaine dress pattern, fancy colored bedapred '100men Turkey Morocco album, 20 jards sheetings, stripedKasbmere delaine dress putw-.rii, .houej comb quilt, all

^ A l l kinds of Musical. Merchapdice for sale at the.lowest Boston and Ne» York Prices. ' ' '

Ogoensburgh, April 1, W6S. ., . . .ul*») C. H. 0LBMONS.

iuisn, silver plated'••> bottle revolving c<_9tt.r on feet, set

:»uper(ur aluel lilad-d kulvea auil forks, worsted prom-ienade-bawl^la-ies-loug gold-plated ch_.i u, .ladies1 dou-ible gold ring, gents* heavy phased solid g> old ring, solidibluck walnut «rork box or wrl-lug dunk, exi.ra quality bal-imoral akin, setjeHelry.and, plseTe bnttomi to match, vl-IOIIB and bow, geat's cardigan jacket, spl< mdld ebony D:flute, IVory trimmings, superior .Xorkcy ftlorocco travel-d_K bags, ladies^nigh /cut balmoral boots.

For a Ulub vf 60, (6,)—One of the following articles;— |Black or colored alpaua: dress pattern, pioplin dresr put-tern, one piece ble-ched brb.rown she-t.__g, engraved ftli-yer plated 6 bottle revolving castor, 3% yardt .e'aperior-cashmere for pants aud. vest patterns, e:_tra hoBeypO-ibquilt, two fancy cploreit becl ipreadi, |>»ir .gent's collboots, & yds. farmer'.], good wool Irockitix, fancy,. ca»h-sere plaid dresii pattern, best quality balmoial rtirt,rosewood brass alarm clock.'ladies all wool cloak pat-1

tern, silver platrdcake or card basket, fur muff or .cape,ladles- fashionable wool double ihawl, e-plendld chupedtamily' bible!9j-l_t^ Record £-K-, . and engi**vings,;; 8 - ydsdouble w'idj,h irater proof xleaking, set ivory- handleknives, with silver plated forks, oneset U«<! curtain.

For a club of 100 (|i0)—Oneof the folliowing articlei;,4 yds double width cloaking or coating, 2 large fine blev,table covers, ^itb one 4 -x. large sixed din ner napkins to ,mkU)h,_6 jfdi, aplendidhemp curpetlng, good colors,ex-tra quality. ibUclgor alp»cca ;dres» |»atl«rin, one Ulf0.piece superior quality extra width sheeting, pair gent's

froiklng; elegant white or colored muslin dress ip-tiern;sliver plated cake or card basnet.

lo'aOlub of 100 aud Mr-Rich merino lor thibetdrc_» pattern; i >ards double width coating.ortcl.'aBingj2 la-ge, fine bleached linen damask table Rovers, vriib' id.ia.-n Urge oinuer napkins to match ; Alexandria nopiindreisput em, choice ohaaes; 25 jardB htmp'cariieting;pair gents'»eweil booth; heavy sliver plated engravedice pitcher; pair extra su .er wool blankets ; CO yardsBiip-iior qurtlit bleacheW 'or "unbleacued sbeetin? ; 1}^

U li l f i t e i d m b i d ior qurti beaceW r unbeacue s b e ? ; }^

^ariU line c-iB9lmere for suit; sewing and embroideringmachine; 2heavy white Vicioriaquijts,; splendid^claspfamilKbi'tle; record und phbtograiiHrp-ge;' ^bzen'Eogers'best silver plated forks; elcjiant Fre_cb poplin dresspat ern; ladles or gents silver hunting case watch; sil-ver plated eng-aved 6 bottle revolving caStor, cut glassbottlei; splcudld violin, box ana bow conJpUte ; 3 hon-eycomb quills.

For larger Clubs premiums will be given of proportion-ate vaki . ' i

0P~ Catalogue of goods sent to any address free.Send money by. registered letter. Address all orde- s to

HARRIS* P OElSBlt,No. 8_ Hanovtr Street, Boston, Mass.

Wholesale Dealers in Drs and Fancy \ Goods, Cutle.y,Platen Ware, Leather 0ooda, Albums, $c. 4

AGENT3'HBABftU ARTERS FOtl C4MP-AISN BOOKS~Gu r._vlng3, B.i-ges, Ac. lus t . l l s of Badges now

ready. Democrate in aa-iie styles wh^i nominnted. FourKMnplCS lOV 50c, TRtATiCO,,654f'way,N. Y. 4w

'A'GBN/TS."jw^-fii. BOE.: BAKAJS.,- ".• Authorised arid A'ttihentfct ' '

i OF.Cr.t>a.. utirssEs s . GRANT.Oompruing'a complete accurate'mstoryofi1 anil interesting career, with an autiientle: i i i « t i r o services', addixieals

narritlTe'bfilsu-v-lu-t-le miUtary services,., addlng.alsp *»;•»«»:oartt_l estlmato of his character as a-Man,'aSol-ier>a_d18_rte-m-n.'.'"By Hon Charles!:*; Dan*; late A^isttint? 0 V 8 " " ' » „ the'Springeld Repu6jican'»ajs":i-Secretary of *i'D«na'_ • We ofJGener_l)Qrant Issure to be-theliost^au-

thenilc and bestSLife.sf Grant "•>*«""-rt" * » « ~ » « * "lars,fielcM

,»• (JBRDON "B'-'l-l- #OO.>,'..prH(^i':cir BIS-- BiiAlNA_U),Roche3terj.N..T: -

" , . . . ^Mipa-d-kwam)


JNatioual Trus t <?onij>axiyOP THE'CITT.OFifE'W TORK,, , V ,'^,,' '.•_,

No. 336 B R O A D W A Y .

'capital $1,000,000. * Chartered by tUe1 State. ., . . . .JDAMbs R! MANOAM, Prest.(

JAs _lEfir_t, See.J( Receives deposits and aUows four.per ,ccnt,int*re»t oniall daily balances, subject to check at siKht.—Special deposits for six months or ore may be made at;jive per cent. The Capital of, $<1p00jljfiP) is dividedli mong over 500 shareholders, comp'laing many genue-men of large wealth and financial experience, who arepersonally liable to depositors f< r all obligations of theJDompan> to double the amount of their capit .1 *toclE.—AS the National Trust Co. receives dtpbslU in large orismail amonnts, and permits them to be drawn iJi-whole1

or In part by Check at Sight and withoutnotice, allowing!mtere»t on »u d_Uy balances, pmtles. thr-uugUpuf thec o t t y can k i this int i^t l i h

»n_arewarr_ntemu«:yc.j p_...~~—• -,--—r: - - ^ T ? = mtere»t on »u d_Uy balances, pmtles. thruugUpuf the«r..r7rr>ha«e!#lll_ria It to tneli-advantage to give mean cotmtry can keep accounts in this insti^tlon with spe^I2fiv^_i__ • • •» A. CAJuUGHAN.- , iial advantages of Wcurlty, cbnveii«nceJ»_« profit '

^ ^ (flM*it) • UlT^e

x. K. io:con-|w,

Grocer & Commissiou MerchantFor the purchase and/sale of

Flour, Pork, Butter, Oheese.Eggk, and all kinds of\ Farmer^ ProfflfCt.! _t cholcellneof Family Groceries _l«ray8 on band.' Goods delivered in" an-iiiar-^blKth'-. village, free ofcharge w -. . • , ' - , • . ' , ) • "<> . . . ' . . fAtST"tio.$ Water Street, nest ;|o, J.X. Jye«, Ogdenj/ . t S T .



forks, silver plated engraved 6 bottle revolving cantor,with cut glass bottles, splendid violin box annd bow,compiete,, sUi_;>arrel Bhot-goa^^ciDnTs-.six-ba-T-l rtf-volver', pair superior white'wool' blankets, nice fur muffand cape, silver plated engraved ice pitcher, with salrer.1% yds. all wool fancy caihmere for nult, 1 dot. Rogers'best ailver plated forks,, c-minon _-_-_*i-'wing' «nd em-broidering machine, two heavy honeycomb quilts, splen-dld family Bible, record and photograph pane.i _Tor;larg»r Ombs the val-e increases in tlmi iia__.» n-itlo.' "* CsUUogne of Goods;.und Ba-nple seainto:_u>7 addressfree, Aridi'.»f. ' . ( "..;," AL_KN, HAWB8 * Co., • •••'holesals'.dealern in French, Ge osan aud .ttnglish Bry

and Fancy Uoods, Cutlery, Plated Win; AlbJ-ml,Leather Goods, &c. Nb.15 »'eder»l St. Boston.p. Q. Box 0. [sp7-4m)

_ . .. -treatLine of*_teai_er_,:up the Ottawa .*,*% passing through1

Lak'e St. Ann'* iraplds and Lake of/ Tj> Mountains : ot-tawiaib Ogdehilburg, via Ottawa.Sm St. U.rence Ky.

I » M l d i t X e « U i c k ( t s A tfttey VKffia the

O N E I__II.1.IONApplication! winwd ifor Detcriptlve - UM ot Brokeri'

Sale. Circulars free ThoU-anda ot Shawls, Bed Blan-ket-vBoots and Shoes, BUk Dreis.Good , or » choioe pf150 articles of b au'ty and utility, for (1 each. Agenwflanted. Address C. Y. MEtstRi.E k CO., 85 SadbaryrlteirtonVMats., Licensed'Broke* '1 '

- . if• I > '

yfia the1 Being

f . . a l l . * .^VTrJil i'l" 1 ii \ ,-*•" i|_r*i<_«O Excursion Tickets to''MWreal^^_elbec,

ronttJ'tftadIreii&th«r-1brtts*%I.goodittnttl NoWmBe-l, 1868Xi» Vii''tfctkeU for the round, trip from O

an-retirn . " i - . u , :\..i-- u - " t \. . ' ! .-1 . , • . i tr, i-.i. :•»'' I -'l-.vt-rl

^ l

O g d M u b i u r g , j u l y ? i 1 8 6 8 ; ' ' " ; '«• - 4 ' ' ] ' }• I ". 1 . , . H i ••• ( » ! . ' I' \ I i l » l

/ o-i>a!»oB. .-J 6 - . ' .


On and alter Monday, May.Al, ifiSS, and until furthernotice, Passenger Trains will-tnnton this iRoad.u'fol-lows,(Sundays excepted,) ' •_ui '• •••'•

,.', , . , B X P R E S S -SIAIL: . •,...- . . ;>.^Kjaye Ogdenaburg 9;J6 A, M , arrives: at Wat«rtown

12:25, 20 i-lniites for dln__!r,).ilome _:05 P. SI., OsvegO^3&j --Sk_Lv co_x_xt;cll--Lg &v.-&O£aA- «7i_-_b ?flf* y .vOT*V^ OGntntlUipress 'Trains for a U p o i n i s Ras i UD-d ^rfcst, . a r tav in^ AtItlcfi B:10i jf, W.j gyrRouie OiZ"1 P.. M , Hooiwrier 9;10'P.

M l Albanj .04f>.P. M-_ Buftao 12.00 i», M., Susp,-n_lonBrtige 1 2 : 8 5 . i . T i , New Yorfc 6:00 A .M. , Detroit 10:00 A.SI., Chicago 8:30 B M. • _ , . • •

, L ; ."„ NEW,YORK GS-P#ES!t,

gi^g'-p'-j^j* .(20 Dii-Cir*'— *— a——-— ^ 'rv—

ItomeO:-!)-.'" "New Tort;,!?:. , _, ,.„" 30,A. M.,-u'ffftlo 6:20, A 81. Svupqiisloa Ilr 6:40 A.; SI.

Eletcant, Sleeping Car attached to this tr»'* *^d,(run, through ,.to .Neu.^prit. .wlthjoui

iiiNSBridge,-, itemUtyniandTtifonWI'dally,

) i 4 | J J

Therates by thiij<rater,roubejandtfOgdensb d C


f,GrWa:Kunkfi-aw?x::UtO'' i Vthis line.are cheaper than .by anv othertfroniJi-ifee.'to'-rdur diiy'si Shorter between

d Chi M i l k i h l

ParficuW attention paid toftisin joqnii-gfer,their>ipebiaPassengers, Hor-es,, Wagon;, 1

aiini^A'onV1 '-'Ji "'- ' -" '

with o.nljt.nne|hfe ^

on thetrouteiHtJ j - •amilies moving West^-a-Belfit,' *Mch 'carrUs

¥-and alltdescrjp-ef Sd:,"'cof_ecT

, 'Ci J. BnTDGpS, Managing Director.i-arJH3 SHAsSk-Btl., CB*. J-iVw-S Ha-iwa...

tow L t l u w j(ap»a_rwtfid&

f^ ^v^PP^V' WW'ii^lii(;1 Trains leave' OgaenBVur^h* via Koine, WiiteEteOgdensburglCK.tR-:'i__itf>(S-_«J_y_ tac«JWP»{Mi, Some l:-51e.M.5jSiagara-iFi__. andA M B U ^ l t o 3 0 ^ M | t o C. M , , B e . U ^ l t . ^ v , | g , C h q a g o

Eipress Train leaveB Ogaensburghj _:00 P,'9:10, Nisigara Falls aria- ^tispensIonBr* 6:50 iu MTSe-,troit, 5 P. AI.j arriving at Chicago -i00 !Xii;J_.V'fn_k"-]ing close connections with all trains Bonth, J Weit!»ndj

' Thli.tBtheSh16ft-eSt;d_eapeW_a. moBtre_ia.le"roiit.-to the Great West. . \'i-. '' ; . ' i ! ! i n » w i i i - . . . >

A* r ?r «cfce«» V}S G t W t E U S '

^ 41..11 JAMES

.-{.J h, !..i:


SJ)? " f - " ; "'r J 1 " ! i ' ' i :

J -. Agent, Ogde_s._r^hl K,'*^y Traveling Agent, Oita'hL-J iff-Gen. i f t a n i ^ j r H a S t C L ' J

l i t •-•>•

i .wi't ; ' l : ; - t OH.ih Su'.t

s .weUjknow.n.iCompanF wiU', gson of navigation, run ,

i! l.'r. , ' i . i . .-)•.'( • f-.-jS ' ••;_.."-n nit:

U\-';l sdl '<•(•-

RfiGt-XAKLX,1 -Bi-TwiEN'''in H i ; . ' ' • '

h a n j e e . . , - . • . . . ^ i ' ' . . . - • . /

' Clbse connections made at Buffalo and Suspension Br>O h d l l i U W [ " '

,,,... ,„ .Leaye New. ,'SCor'K at SOth.Btreet Depot.. etSO.v'PjM

rive at'.Vatertbwri T:*) A"NI., (20 mtnutes^.for'.f ) O ^ b l l 5 A Wfast,). O^tieasburg, 1,1: 5.A. >&i ,

* ' M _ " i ^^ t _r_ _ • . . . _ i ..\ _ _ % » _ .

M ^ a r.b're-fc

st,). O ^ e a s b u r g . l l : 5 .A.W, , ..; ,yA ip vA-in tSleeeplng Car ' attached to this i.tralri »,*nd.. runa

l tp. Watevtos^h;ia^||hrp,ugfrlTt9':?-3, to . "tny, '

Pblbidtttphia, ,B_l^i-L'irer jWijghingtpn-,tiid BtiiTalo and'alt principal points• " ' * * " " * " " ^ j l l * ' ~ ^ ~ " ' t~ ~li"i~ _ ( T i - # 5 i l J _ l " * " , - " . " * ' ~ M T " V - T ^ 1

field, BuiTalo, and all principal points East -_!_,„„can beobia ned at$ie Tickei. HlBcejat the pep9.t.,van<lat the Ticket Office, of the jrf eta flfeswrn ,llalljir»ir. jOg-de_B.burg,T.N M R B Y , % i t , ( .* ',;•"."» ',',-. t.' Fare a;s low and 12 'hours t quicker than- by uiy. other

roui'eto SewTorfc' ' ,'..,' .', "... ',"' . , Y,,i.'7",\-^ggage checked JhrougK.

H.I .'—^— • ^ ._.r.:.-!_. .i'-'-T

l - G T - S .• I . • •!

Oswego and

''l|t' ConimciKiiis: Tiyv...ii5,.''>, - * ,,, ' j p l r e c t r o u t e t * ;,j - ,_• , , , t ,, ,


West and';_^l4?eave.-'g?epsJurghTaV^C,ScriTP _ ...

at 9*P. jU. .Leave Qswegp at _;50.P,,.-i;, arrive at Ogdens;_ii___r _*-,.«-;'_'*_i ' . . . . '

SHOS. STVINYAK^Gen. iftJAMES' CHAKli-«N}'(^n-era

t'^P^These Steameis make regular connections at Og-densburg with tho Ogdensburg * Lake OhampI-in.-U.-R.,

d V C l l i f i t d ll i tg g g p ,

and Vermont Central-liin«i-for-fio«ton and' all pointsiEast. At Western,i__kenwrt«,«ith,-.RRHrOHd and CanalLines, for aU point3'So_tli, West'and Worthiest, mnkingIt the favorite rdiite.for PWsen a: F l t hW * A N S f i

Thefcfiiie?w^<«Sirk_f^tnvi*-v^^-i<i%iiilDfe(Bi.preju llcesand without'.iegiriStotimpepreilifttatiJSHsofinterested parties, to * !VJ.'.U'J

10 ;.•••!;,fit-i if' r'-lT fr'i- .u .- itHovt HLK«i .OW .,'S™NBK;T.H,«m

rg and CUcago, thereby malting, it the cbeaceat a._Jt> jroutet fOTTPas8enfeer_\>V6vagl\?(tfi'1t!-s_f!:0?pb;Stock, £ c , as they ayoia ferriage., cartage, hoiaid nufier-ii- other .xpenseV as wiU'a-'daniage


' ;;ib .v-'« -I imUi-.Jf.all WW d,o:so therespl

eve'rior the same ' ''

g s , t l : 0 S ' _ _ ; " M . ,. .. -,„, , ,;. .' . .:-,<iMi

I*ave Oswego 9 i . M., Valton. 9:SBjA'..>I.,,!Camsons 9:59A. M.,Baldirinivill'elO:WA.'M.', arrive at Syracusfe

^ f ^ ^^ ^ ^ iP'. i t , Pulton 2:$;B. M., I^mions, 2:59P. _r., iafiwinsvUle 8:17 P.. jSXi_aTriye1a.t' 8xracuse'8:05 P. St, connecting with Syi^cuse, Blnghampton

, and New^Vork | , ft. tor Binghamptoa, P ^ 4.+*Baltiniior8and.jliV1pointa,Souto.| 1 5 a | ri ,. '.

Leave Olswego 6 P. "M.f Fulton 6:30 JP. T-5, _iamsoW6:B«P. SL, BaldwinsvllU, 7:0TP. M., arrive at Syracuse

* * " "

s j^ ? g ] j |^ First Class Tickets include

ofe P i

Sii_ *w - Lff;. - --.a»<JNOjHOCKIK


oJeapjLiJii.ijylui >

3: S. a o o u t i o ; gOffice., cor. Pord andyEattei-son 3ts., O

catlofl} »'•' '" s * ™ Ui.'S t

wUclted and promptly attended toU d i O d t t fang

T^ _ g "Tickets for sale at the Company's Omce

for all point ^ ^ ^

C. G. SHE AD, Gen'l Eclcet Agent.

Through to Chicago in 83 hours, being 12 hours quicker

^ ^ S & a-nctu*,,

ie-tsto-ffgli Badt'Bvili


^ n W f l! ! . ; i . '« .11 .

(li'.i .'Ja'I l i i. v

ji ji?ii>a aM