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You are here: A Readymade Time Table For IITJEE Aspirants

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A Readymade Time Table For IITJEE AspirantsManish Singh

The time table given below is from the book Psychology in Success for IITJEE. The time table is made by Anuj Khare who was ranked AIR 39 in IITJEE 1996.The timetable is multipurpose and it can be used to prepare for any exam. Please note that this is just a sample timetable and it can be modified to suit your needs. If you want to make some changes then go for it. But the main concept of the timetable should not change The aim while following the above timetable should be to study for atleast 12 Hours.I know its not possible to study with 100% efficiency for 12 hours but atleast with 70% efficiency the actual number of hours spent on a day is 8.4 hours

Time Table to be followed by a student during holidays:Time of the day 7:45 8:00 8:00 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 2:00 2:00 3:30 Activity Wake up and freshen up/prepare for study Study Breakfast/newspaper Study Lunch, taking bath maybe sleeping for some time for watching T.V Study A short break, exercise, talk with friends or visit Test Form continuing previously done topic New topics(learning) Study Type

Topics Cov

E.g. The chapter magnetism

E.g. Strengthenin concepts of trigo

3:30 6:00 6:00 6:45

Taking practice t 2-3 topics :) 6:45 8:45 Study Finishing one complete topic

E.g. Attempting p from a particular chapter/studying concepts

8:45 9:30 9:30 12:00

Break, Dinner Study Revise already studied topic/make plans for the next day the last 15 min.

E.g. Revise one and make a reco the chapters revi date.

00.00 00:15 S

Relax for sometime. L E E

Time Table to be followed by a student during school days:

Time 7:30 am

Activity Wake up and plan for the day

8:00 14:00

School hours(although I used to study for IITJEE even during my school hours, whenever I found time for it Lunch break Study

Organic ch etc

2:15 3:00 3:00 5:00

Rest for so

5:00 6:00

Go for a walk, spend some time with friends

6:00 6:30 6:30 8:30

Mug Formulas and equations Study


8:30 9:15

Dinner+ Leisure

9:15 11:15


11:15 12:00

Buffer time for pending chapters

12:00 12:30

Plan for the next day

12:30 onwards


Stick to the Plan:Its easy to create a timetable but to stick to the plan is challenging. Make sure that you try to stick to the time table. Dont postpone things for tomorrow as this will hamper you results.So my work of posting the Time Table is done. Now its your turn to accomplish it. Disclaimer: The basic idea of this post is to teach you how to prepare a timetable. Its not that you must follow the time given. If you want then you can make the required changes. For e.g. If one likes to sleep early at 9:30 and get up soon in the morning then he/she can study the 9:30 to 12:30 portion in the morning from 4:00 to 7:00.

Related Articles Never Postpone Your Studies Interview With An IITian - AIR 3 In IIT JEE 2006 Open Up-School to College A Phone Conversation between IITian and IIT Aspirant Life at Bits Mesra How To Solve Chemistry Problems A Stepwise Master Plan for IIT JEE 2011 Aspirants - 6 Hot Tips for Sure Success 3 Idiots - Story of Three IITJEE Aspirants 4 Months is All What You Have... Failure Cracks IITJEE !

Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 The time table given below is from the book Psychology in Success for IITJEE. The time table is made by Anuj Khare who was ranked AIR 39 in IITJEE 1996.The timetable is multipurpose and it can be used to prepare for any exam. Please note that this is just a sample timetable and it can be modified to suit your needs. If you want to make some changes then go for it. But the main concept of the timetable should not change

Time Table to be followed by a student during holidays:Time of the day Activity Study Type Topics Covered

7:45 8:00 8:00 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 2:00

Wake up and freshen up/prepare for study Study Breakfast/newspaper Study continuing previously done topic New topics(learning)

E.g. The chapte magnetism

E.g. Strengthen concepts of trigonometry

2:00 3:30

Lunch, taking bath maybe sleeping for some time for watching T.V Study A short break, exercise, talk with friends or visit :) Study Finishing one complete topic Test Form

3:30 6:00 6:00 6:45

Taking practice 2-3 topics

6:45 8:45

E.g. Attempting problems from particular chapter/studyin concepts

8:45 9:30 9:30 12:00

Break, Dinner Study Revise already studied topic/make plans for the next day the last 15 min.

E.g. Revise one and make a rec the chapters re date.

00.00 00:15 S

Relax for sometime. L E E

The aim while following the above timetable should be to study for atleast 12 Hours.I know its not possible to study with 100% efficiency for 12 hours but atleast with 70% efficiency the actual number of hours spent on a day is 8.4 hours

Time Table to be followed by a student during school days:Time 7:30 am Activity Wake up and plan for the day

Topics Co

8:00 14:00

School hours(although I used to study for IITJEE even during my school hours, whenever I found time for it Lunch break Study Go for a walk, spend some time with friends Mug Formulas and equations Study Dinner+ Leisure Study Buffer time for pending chapters Plan for the next day Sleep

Organic c formulae

2:15 3:00 3:00 5:00 5:00 6:00 6:00 6:30 6:30 8:30 8:30 9:15 9:15 11:15 11:15 12:00 12:00 12:30 12:30 onwards

Rest for s


Stick to the Plan: Its easy to create a timetable but to stick to the plan is challenging. Make sure that you try to stick to the time table. Dont postpone things for tomorrow as this will hamper you results.So my work of posting the Time Table is done. Now its your turn to accomplish it. Disclaimer: The basic idea of this post is to teach you how to prepare a timetable. Its not that you must follow the time given. If you want then you can make the required changes. For e.g. If one likes to sleep early at 9:30 and get up soon in the morning then he/she can study the 9:30 to 12:30 portion in the morning from 4:00 to 7:00. If you want to ask any questions regarding the timetable then post a comment below and I will try to answer it.

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What if yu want to sleep??But still u want to study...and complete confusion strikes up in yur mind VENKAT , November 01, 2009 ...


doesn't he too any coaching???? a lot of time goes dere a result time for self study would be cut sort!!!! zzz....... , November 01, 2009 ...


its a gud my problem is entirely different.....m totally messed up....i have my tutions during the week end...i can sit late nite bt cant gt up early do i study n wht do i study?????????? niharika , November 01, 2009 ...


wjat for those who go to tutorials.they take most of our time mharsh , November 02, 2009 ...


gr88.... alert(0) vs4vijay , November 02, 2009 -1


hi i had d same issue too!! but if u dont have skool follow my time table(it works if u dont have skool not in my case) sleep at 3 am get up at 9 to 9 30 start studing by 10 30( all d breakfast done n baths whatever) then till 2 study break till 3 30 start studing from 3 30 to 6 then 6 30 to 8 30( if tuitions are at this time this time gets cancelled) then again sit by 10 at night and study till 3 then sleep!!! neo , November 02, 2009 ...


@VENKAT ... Its staight and simple...if u are feeling sleepy u wont be able to study.So try to study in day time and dont keep it for late night..and sleep atlest 6 hours minimum @ zzz...u can edit the timetable urself...if u have taken main idea of postin this Timetable was to teach u how to prepare a time table.So using the same technique prepare one for urs...and if possible share it in the comment thread.

Manish Singh , November 03, 2009



@niharika.....Everyone has different styles of studying and different patterns of sleep...some of them can study late night while some in the early morning....u can do both thats for sure.. IF u can do night study then at night and get up at the normal time in the morning...for eg...if u sleepat 2 Am everyday then get up at 8 Am...but dont get up a u require some amt of sleep Manish Singh , November 03, 2009 ...


@mharsh...for those goin in tutorials...need to cut out their time from the timetable and setup it again...u can try to edit the timetable urself....and add the coaching time tooo.. Manish Singh , November 03, 2009 -1


M totally messed up.. the things i learn i 4get them in a day or 2....and then i have to start allover again... how can i help..?? plzz help me...m scard..

Aditya , November 09, 2009 ...


thats ofcourse natural...tell me if u can recall ABCD...if yes..then the reason for whihc u are not able to recall the portion studied in 2 that u didnt revise... if u study that part again and again then u will..understand the concepts...of it and u will never forget it...and ofcourse revision plays an imporatant role if one has to remember the 90 chapters of IITJEE for 2 years

Manish Singh , November 10, 2009



heyy i have a gr8 problem here ! i evryday make a plan but it all goes in vain! i have tried both late nite studies n early morning one! but both r getting too problamatic! when i get up early in the morning i can't study for more than 1 and a half hour,n then after studying for that time i need to sleep again for atleast half an hour.but this isnot possible as i need to also attend school.and further i try to have night out plans but suddly after studying a liltle i feel very sleepy.....hehe and then i plan again to get up early in morning to study! and as you can see atlast it ends up without any output...and then i feel so portion gets piled up..i m more stressed! so please please do help me if possible.....and please tell me how to have a plan for even the chapters i need to revise and the chpaters which have been piled

huh... , November 12, 2009 ...


like ur school time table but again facing some problem......i hav my coaching form 4 to 8 every alternate day and also i hav to do lots of homewok....again a big disaster is coming my do i manage....?weather to

study for exam form ncert books or to study iitjee material and get bad marks in preboards.....and scolding from principal......pls help life is becoming hell for me.....

shweta agrawal , November 15, 2009 ...


u hav made a gr8 time table but still i m facing some problems....i hav school from 8 to 2:30...then i go to my coaching class from 4 to 8 but only alternate a big disaster preboards r coming what to for exam or forget it and study form iitjee books and get bad marks in exam and scolding from principal...and not only this i m getting a lot of hw daily me... shweta agrawal , November 15, 2009 ...


@huh dude..u need to be more focussed and determined if u want to conquer jee...u must understand now that it now or never...this time will never come again....consider jee as a good time in ur life...and so try to acheive it...suppose of u work hard and still u are not able to crack jee then u shud not feel sad...ATLEASE U HAVE TRIED>...butt if u are just sleeping the whole day..and doing noting...and finally not clearing jee..then u can understand how u will feel... so buddy buck up and forget everything for 5 months...and follow the timetable which is given above stricly...or u can modify it..suiting ur needs Manish Singh , November 16, 2009 ...


@ shweta agrawal hmm...shweta..dont consider preboards as a disaster...u can ofcourse..prepare for boards and jee at the same time. try this....whenver u solve any problem of 12th it in SUBJECTIVE METHOD...solve it in such a way that u are solving a board problem..this will prepare u for JEE as well as ur in boards u have to solve everything in subjective... and u can try studying...after 9.00 to 12.00...try night outs or wake up early in the morning...hope it helps Manish Singh , November 16, 2009 +0


Thanks for this...It's really very useful Kritika Singh , November 27, 2009 ...


I have a bigger problem(i think so), that i dont feel like studying. i am always tensed for studies but when i open my books i cannot concentrate in it and feel sleepy and tired. I find each and everything in this world interesting than studying what should i do. hoping for help!!! Kshitij Tandon , February 06, 2010 ...


iam in class 11 at present .annual exams from march.... i wanted to prepare for iit but there s no guidance ....... when i study by myself i am able to understand the theory but not at all good at solving numericals .............can you plz help me how to solve numericals...... n suggest any good books.......... amrita kulshrestha , February 27, 2010 ...


i am following time table but i have a problem . every time a new chapter comes up for me to study when i am i between another chapter due to some reason like sir is going to start new chapter tomorrow in coaching or tution( so i try to study it beforehand) or like friends are calling me tomorrow for group studies for some another chapter which i have not revised yet . so i leave my current chapter and start studying that new chapter this leads to total mess and neither of topics gets completed ever abc........... , March 11, 2010 ...


@ abc You need to set priorities. If you have decided on a chapter then finish that first and don't get distracted by the chapters that your group is going to study. Remember that there are 2 faces to studying in groups. One is that it is a very good iddea when exams are 7-8 months away and the other is that it is a very bad idea if exams are just a month or so away. Towards the end you need to study on your own or you will get thoroughly confused. Make sure you decide which topic is more important to the exams and set your priorities accordingly. ImproveYourRank , March 16, 2010 ...


hey plz tell me d way of rrevision i m really confused to make routine plz help dat what i have to do poojagoenka , March 20, 2010 ...


I have my school 4rm 7:00to 2:30 nd 3:30 to 7:30 my coaching classes plz help me as i want to clear iit wid AIR below 500 nd want to clear my XII boards in 2011 wid above 90% .I m confused. plz help me sir...waiting for ur reply sir.. Thanking u in anticipation............ sheena , April 21, 2010 ...


thanks a lot ......................................... kiran , May 15, 2010 ...





Could this time table be followed if starting from NOW For IIT 2011 PLS Tell Would there be any Hope if followed generously Rishab Mahajan@IIT , November 07, 2010 ...


Can this time table be followed if starting NOW for IIT 2011 is there any Chance of success?pls tell Rishab Mahajan@IIT , November 07, 2010 +0

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