new n cream baking powder...gala burgess, little son of t. n. burgess who owns a large buffalo ranch...

Ben Davis, the Maynard base ball player has signed with, the Cedar ; Rapids team for 1905. Seven prisoners were taken to Ana- , mosa from Manchester last week, hav- ing been sentenced by the district court. Independence elected Charles Her- rick mayor, by a majority of eight. He is the first republican mayor in twenty-five years. The roads are not passable, not even Jackassable, and if we would travel them, we surely must gravel them. Greeley Home-Press. The business men of Oelwein are making preparations for a big Fourth of July celebration. A “Harvest Home, for the display of farm pro- ducts is to be a feature. An Oelwein schoolboy has the record of not missing a day in eight years, and has not been tardy. This will make a continual attendance of 1140 days, and is surely worthy of a medal. We always knew that John Fellows marketed large numbers of eggs, but were surprised yesterday to see his book which showed that during the past two weeks his egg sales amount- ed to 129.15. This is from about 500 White Leghorn liens. Riceville Recor- der. Spring is Here Out at Ruthven this state a suit has been brought against that town for $5,000 damages, the result of a fall on a cement sidewalk. The walk was in perfect condition except for the smooth finished surface of the cement. The outcome of the case will attract much interest. If a Hottentot taught a Hottentot tot To tot ere the tot could totter, Ought the Hottentot tot To be taught to say “aught” Or * * naught?’ or what ought to be taught her? Or— If to hoot and toot a Hottentot tot Be taught by a Hottentot tooter, Should the tootter get hot if the Hot- ¦ tentot tot Hoot and toot at the Hottentot tutor? Mr. F. C. Leonard, representing the B. & B. Buggy company of Marshall, Mich., departed Tuesday with his family for Decorah, lowa, where he has been ordered by his house to es- tablish his headquarters. Mr. Leonard had been a resident of Dubuque for the past two years, during which time he has made many w’arm friends who will learn with regret of his departure. He is a genial, wliolesouled man and held in the highest regard by all who know him. He has a very interesting family, and Mrs. Leonard is a reflned and accomplished lady.—Dubuque Times. Railroad Agitation at West Unioq m . President Jack Dwyer, of thtf fol- mercial Club, has lowing committee to gfos., concern- and confer with Cftf the Waterloo, ing the Northern Railway Cedar F^' er to West Union; Mayor frorn w. J. Ainsworth. Joe H. Neff, * #"B. Thomas, W. A. Magner, and * J. M. Lisher. Lon Cass, the general manager is now in the east but upon his return about April first it is ex- pected that the committee will meet him.—Argo. N EIGHBORHOOD NEWS INTERESTING ITEMS OF NEWS JL GLEANED FROM THE PRESS OF NEIGHBORING COUNTIES ± A A ± A A Population Fell Off. Assessor F. H. Soli has completed the census of the town of Elkader and finds our total population to be 1,225, a falling off of about 100 from the census of 1900 when we had 1,321. One of the reasons for tlie falling off is the fact that the state census does not include inmates of the asylum which ,the national census did. Another is the removal of men who were employ- ed in 1900 in the construction of the many handsome business structures of which the town is proud.—Argus. Boy Atacked By Buffalo Cow, Gala Burgess, little son of T. N. Burgess who owns a large buffalo ranch near Luana, was fright/gully bruised and nearly killed by a buffalo cow which had with it a ijctle calf which the youngster want**! to see. As he entered the euelosuo the cow made for the bov, pitched lim in the air and after rolling him ground in a rough manner knocked hi»i against a fence where the horns could jot reach him. Screams attracted the Attention of the father who saved the b«y from death. A few pretty sure signs of spring: An automobile ventured out till week ; if you do not pay the first jalf of your taxes pretty soon you’J have to pay penalty; the April meting of the board of supervisors wil! beign next Monday, April 8; eggs ae only one and one-twelfth cents 'apiece ; you can get all the old fshioned horse radish you want; ore fourth of 1905 has passed into histoy, the owlet hoots a startled cry; h 0 aver- age maiden’s fancy lightly /urns to thoughts of new shirt waist, in fact spring’s feathery verdur* is every- where in evidence.—WaCfly Inde- pendence. “Big Seven" Associate Meeting. Tne seventh annual ©ting of the “Big Seven” Education Association will be held in Char 8 City, Friday evening and Saturity April 14 and 15. The sessions w; held in the high school bu“* n 8 The “Big Seven” is one of e and impor- tant educational¦ Bsoc iatious of lowa. The territory c 1 by it compri. es the seve/ K R °* Fayette, Chickasaw wmer Floyd, Cerro Go Mitchell 4ie agsooiation are, * - officers Sauderß> Weßt V-!^’Prudent, F. J. Conley, New Hampton-, Secretary. Clara M. Dal- ey CliAlies City; Chairman <om- .Arrangements, Fredeie,| “\ tte s, rnarles City. Scl*' 1 A her a Manufacturing Plant. A plan \o bring to New Hampton & manufacturing plant of considerable magnitude « being talked of amon& a number of o»r citizens. It contempla- tes the of a 40 acre tract of laud near one \f the railroads running through here, lotting it and selling the lots in the elort to raise the nece** sary bonus. Fm» SB,OOO to can be raised and fcqh investor will receive a lot worth ai Uiat pj myg for it. The ieda is a oue aid has been successfully j n oth* towns. In Genoa, 111., year ago a building was built as New Cure For Cancer. All surface cancers are now know to be curable, by Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Jas. Walters, of Duffield, Va., writes: “I had a cancer on my lip for years, that seemed incurable, till Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed it, and now it is perfectly well.” Guar- anteed cure for cuts and burns. 25c at Wangler Bros, drug store. Confessed Train Wrecker Indicted. Serick von Ketchlin, who confessed to wrecking the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Rocky Mountain limited train near Homestead March 21, was indicted for murder in the first degree by the jury at Marengo. The indict- ment for murder resulted from the death of A 1 Hotchkiss, engineer of the wrecked train. Great Western Extension. Announcement, claimed to be official, lias been made that the Great Western will build a line from Arispe, lowa, through Crestou, Greenfield and Guthrie Center to Carroll and thence to Sioux City. It is claimed that the survey has been made and the terminals and the greater part of the right of way secured between Arispe and Carroll. It is presumed that the ob- ject is to tap the Sioux City busi- ness and incidently secure the grain and live stock products of north- western lowa and the Dakotas, which now go to Chicago, for Kansas City. A Good Decision. “An lowa judge in a decision ren- dered holds that a mortgage given on unplanted crops is void. If this de- cision is good it would seem to apply to the increase of a herd of mortgaged cows or a fioek of sheep as well, the theory being apparently that a thing must exist before it can be encum- bered. Joe Trigg. Some more of that damnable “pre- ferred claim” deal, where one party gets in for a debt before the spring plowing is done, to be due in the fall. Let the money lender, hotel man, lumber dealer and land owner take iiis chances with the grocer, the blacksmith and the editor. Land owners have gobbied up the land for speculation purposes and get priority of landlord liens that cut out every! legitimate tradesman and business i man until he himself gets 'the “first! dig.” Let them take their chances in lowa with everybody else in collect- ing their debts. If the crop “don’t reach around” let them stand their share of the loss and farm their land themselves or sell it to some who will. Landlordism is the curse of lowa today. It is putting in a race of renters who are serfs so far as their crops are concerned. Down with this legislation of “preferred creditors.” The lawyer is the only man who can get in besides the land- lord although the doctors have tried awlul iiaru to make their claims pre- ferred ones also. That lowa judge decided that a mortgage on prospects was a “blue sky” proposition and his decision is just. Too many men live on “prospects” anyhow.—Britt Tri- hnne. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular. Mothers buy it for croupy children, nnnJWl men buy it for severe and elderly peopla buy it for * ’’ «»y Moore Bros., Eldon, uuoa more of Chamber- kind 8 C T|U^ A JS| amed 7 than any other kind. It seems £ ave tak / n t , bad over several fhe h TrT U r 8ti ° n b K medicine 8 the best that can be pnx~, rwi i fnP coughs and colds, whether H be a child or an adult that is afflicted, it always cures and cures quickly. Sold by Engbertson’s Pharmacy. Far a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It is not the quantity of food ‘taken that gives strength and vicor Cream Baking Powder Used in Millions of Homes. 40 Years the Standard. A Pure Cream of Tartar Pow- der. Superior to every other known. Makes finest cake and pastry, light, flaky bis- cuit, delicious griddle cakes —palatable and wholesome. Pr.ceß Note-Avoidbakingpowdersmadefrora alum. They look like pure powders, Powder Co„ and may raise the cake, but alum Chicago. is a poison and no one can eat food mixed with it without injury to health. CLOVER The Wallace Farmer and The Homestead both urge farmers to use a large amount of clover each year. It keeps the farm up and is very profitable. We have a fine lot of high quality clover seed, and prices are not so high as you expect them to be. Be sure to get a good sup- ply from us before seeding time. Clover Seeds. Grain Cleaning. We also have Alsyke Clover, Alfalfa Clover, White Clover, and Crimson Clover. All re- liable seeds that will produce a good crop. Our stock is so complete that you can get just what you want just when you want it. We do |wery fine work with our cleaning machinery at the elevator. Let us furnish your seed oats, seed barley, seed flax and buckwheat. Or we will clean yours for you and do it as it should be done. Our equipment is extra fine. Dwarf Essex Rape Seed Is a profitable crop to use for feed. We furnish the seed and it is inexpensive and satisfactory. N. H. Adams & Son, DECORAH, IOWA. TRY OUR JOB DEPARTMENT Special Homeseekers Rates to points in the west and south west via the C. M. & St. P. R’ y. Tickets on sale April 4 and 18, 1905. Limited to re- turn to 21 days from date of sale. $5<.05 to Los Angeles, Calif, and re- turn via the C. M. & St. P. R’y. Account Head Camp Woodmen of the World. Tickets on sale April 10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 1905. Final return limit ninety days from date of sale. For further information and choice of routes see S. V. Poter, Agent. SALT GRANULATED or FINE BAR. REL SALT is a DEAD LOAD on the market, and the manu- facturers have cut prices 10c to make it move. No. I, Fine, Per Bbl., sl.lO N. H. ADAMS & SON. DECORAH, IOWA. fc^ F ' DE '- T ' A '-‘- ETTER I ¦otuuD patents that Pay.l Hand help inventors to success. ¦ I. »»odel, photo or sketch, and we send¦ KS?!2!MA FR * B ON PAT-¦ ¦ENTABILITY. 20 years’practice. Htered Patent Lawyers. Write or come to ¦ 505-607, 7th St., WASHINGTON, D. C. B KlLLthe COUCH AND Cei UI? EE THE LUNGS WITH Or a King’s New Discovery rnn /CONSUMPTION Price FUR S OUGHS and 50c & SI.OO Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB- LES, or MONEY BACK. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice of the Appointment of an Executor °f the estate of Charles IludolDh deceased. notice is uereoy Riven that the subscriber ° dulya PP°* n hKI Executor of the es- CHARLES RUDOLPH. late of Deoorah Township, in the County of Winneshiek, Btate of lowa, deceased, testate and has taken upon himself that trust by *iv- ng bonds as the law direct*. All persons hav- ing demands upon the estate of the said de- ceased are required to exhibit the same; and pc non ß indebted to the said estate are called upon to make payment to io-t GUSTAV NOECKER Executor; C, 8. BOICE, Attorney. D ated at Decorah, lowa, March 6th, 19(6. Notice in Probate. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; You and each of you are hereby notified to appear at the Court House in the city of De- cora*l in Winneshiek County, lowa, on the Bth day of May.. A. D., 19fti, at 1:30 o’clock P. M., to utend the probate of an instrument purporting to be the last will and testameut of ISABEL BERGAN, rU> of Madison Township, In Wlnneshelk deceased, at which time and appear and show cause, If any, why side will should not be admitted to prol anHK^i Btmony whereof I have hereunto sub- and a£Bxed the seal of said office, tliß 27th day of March 1906. ia . 8. E. BRICKNER, Clerk District Court. V A Building Year for lowa. This is to be a building year for the state of lowa. Fully a million dol- lars will be expended on the state’s institutions. Of this half a million will be expended by the board of con- trol. It has $125,000 available for the proposed asylum for inebriates at Knoxville; $55,000 for the asylum for feeble minded at Glenwood; $120,000 for improvements at the Cherokee and Clarinda hospitals for insane; SIOO,OOO for improvements at the penitentiaries and about SIOO,OOO for improvements at Davenport, Eldora, Marshalltown and Mitcliellville. The capitol im- provement commission at Des Moines is expending a quarter of a million and improvements under way or in con- templation at the state university and the state agricultural college will cost $700,000. lowa has certainly made liberal provision for her educa- tional institutions and the caro of de- fective or dependent classes. —Sabula Gazette. About Rheumatism. There are fow diseases that inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of remedies havo been suggested. To say that it can be cured is, therefore a bold statement to make, but Cham- berlain's Pain Balm, which eujoys a n extensive sale, has met with great success in the treatment of this di- seases. One application of Pain Balm will relieve the pain, and hundreds of suffers have testified to permanent cures by its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such quick relief and costs but a trifle? For salo by Eugbertson’s Pharmacy. a bonus to a shoe factory to locate there. Tho factory started wit* 75 employes and has been in successful operation ever since, employing now more than 200 people.—Tribune. Attempted Suicide. Mrs. Aivley, whose home is in Fay- ette but who has been separated from her husband for various reasons, at- tempted to take her life by taking poison, but was frustrated by the timely arrival of medical aid, and will recover. Mrs. Aivley lias been tho sole sup- port of her two sons, aged 5 and 7 years, by working out. It so happens that the oldest child was at Fayette, and the youngest with his mother, who had been working in Oelwein. She went to Fayette Thursday, taking the youngest child with her, to visit her son. Upon her arrival, she learned he had been abducted, and taken to Minnesota. She returned to Oelwein Thursday evening, heart-broken, des- pondent, and tired of life, and was determined to end her existence. The unfortunate woman is now couvalosc ing at tho home of a kind lady, and it is to be hoped that the one who took her child, will be brought to justice. Plana to Get Rich. are often frustrated by sudden break- down, duo to dyspepsia or constipa- tion. Brace up and take Dr. King s New Life Pills. Thov tako out tho materials which are clogging your energios, and givo you a new Btart. Cure headache and dizziness too. At Waugler Bros., drug store; guar- anteed. > the system, but the amount di- eted and assimilated. If troubled i»h a weak digestion, don’t fail to in* these Tablets a trial. Thous- use2j?ve been beuefltted by their sale 1 * 1 jsf or, ly cost a quarter. For Engbertson’s Pharmacy. Special City Election! To the Elect. ~ Whereas’, the City of Decorah, Iowa: and 721 ofvccordance with Sections 730 twenty-five Code of lowa, a petition of live wards, ifty owners of each of the been filed in of Decorah, lowa, bus sion to a yoteivwe, asking for the submis- speclal city eletr 'ectors oi said city, at a pose by me not ; tl be called for such pur- quest lon of gmij to n April 34th, 1006, the company or prl4 J 7 Hedges, or such organize, a franc tlon * ' he r operate a gas wt. l maintain and With all the '* Ji lc ’Uyof Deoowh tern, trenches, P 1 rnatna fll- ery, apparatus bui^, for a term of twenty or wor £ g Whereas, by »aldU*p. an<f u orK8 of lowa, the Mayor l,bor£i he “»d Code ed, upon the filing and such question to a v<r * Sn, to siramit Now Therefore, n I, F. W. Daubajy, MJS the dfled that corah, by authority me vested of I)©. name and appoint Md th# 24th w<3by April, lUOS, as the lion, at which said Jon the followln, question will be subnA to v<>u* Uf tbe said electors of the of to-wlt: . ••Shall the city co-y* ' h ® city of De- corah, lowa, authorl Hedges, or such company or as he may organize, to erect. ir lQ ind operate, in the city of Decorahworks, with all the necessary mains, filters, trenches, pipes, dn/“;“®r*». machinery apparatus and ““Id Works, for a term of twenll> The polling plm*©*,” Sutton In the different Wards, if ““ to-wlt- for the First WaA .Hotel; for the Second Ward at 92 ln P* l »y , 8 office; for the 'lhlAt ** city Hall- for the Fourth W.f?"**' House, No. 2; for the Fifth Wa WMI Town nflleeleeUonvoting 1 preeluets shallof the same 1 members as at tc* 1 . 52*7 Election, of March 27th, Given under* ua » **ie 41th day of Attest, F. M. Hf Llt yderk. I The Annual Spring Ex= 1 1 hibit of “Ben Bear Fine § | Clothing” § gy Will Commence ========== |j| I Saturday, April 15, ’OS. | F U J* Particulars will be given in next H o issue. Watch for the announcement. §l| |ben bear!

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Page 1: New N Cream Baking Powder...Gala Burgess, little son of T. N. Burgess who owns a large buffalo ranch near Luana, was fright/gully bruised and nearly killed by a buffalo cow which had

Ben Davis, the Maynard base ballplayer has signed with, the Cedar

; Rapids team for 1905.

Seven prisoners were taken to Ana-, mosa from Manchester last week, hav-

ing been sentenced by the districtcourt.

Independence elected Charles Her-rick mayor, by a majority of eight.He is the first republican mayor intwenty-five years.

The roads are not passable, not evenJackassable, and if we would travelthem, we surely must gravel them.Greeley Home-Press.

The business men of Oelwein are

making preparations for a big Fourthof July celebration. A “HarvestHome, ’ ’ for the display of farm pro-ducts is to be a feature.

An Oelwein schoolboy has the recordof not missing a day in eight years,and has not been tardy. This willmake a continual attendance of 1140days, and is surely worthy of amedal.

We always knew that John Fellowsmarketed large numbers of eggs, butwere surprised yesterday to see hisbook which showed that during thepast two weeks his egg sales amount-ed to 129.15. This is from about 500White Leghorn liens. Riceville Recor-der.

Spring is Here

Out at Ruthven this state asuit has been brought against thattown for $5,000 damages, the result ofa fall on a cement sidewalk. Thewalk was in perfect condition exceptfor the smooth finished surface of thecement. The outcome of the case willattract much interest.

If a Hottentot taught a Hottentot totTo tot ere the tot could totter,

Ought the Hottentot totTo be taught to say “aught”

Or *

* naught?’ ’ or what ought to betaught her?

Or—If to hoot and toot a Hottentot totBe taught by a Hottentot tooter,Should the tootter get hot if the Hot-

¦ tentot totHoot and toot at the Hottentot tutor?

Mr. F. C. Leonard, representing theB. & B. Buggy company of Marshall,Mich., departed Tuesday with hisfamily for Decorah, lowa, where hehas been ordered by his house to es-tablish his headquarters. Mr. Leonardhad been a resident of Dubuque forthe past two years, during which timehe has made many w’arm friends whowill learn with regret of his departure.He is a genial, wliolesouled man andheld in the highest regard by all whoknow him. He has a very interesting

family, and Mrs. Leonard is a reflnedand accomplished lady.—DubuqueTimes.

Railroad Agitation at West Unioqm .

President Jack Dwyer, of thtf fol-mercial Club, haslowing committee to gfos., concern-and confer with Cftf the Waterloo,ing the Northern RailwayCedar F^'er to West Union; Mayorfrorn w. J. Ainsworth. Joe H. Neff,

* #"B. Thomas, W. A. Magner, and* J. M. Lisher. Lon Cass, the general

manager is now in the east but upon

his return about April first it is ex-

pected that the committee will meethim.—Argo.



Population Fell Off.Assessor F. H. Soli has completed

the census of the town of Elkader andfinds our total population to be 1,225,a falling off of about 100 from thecensus of 1900 when we had 1,321. Oneof the reasons for tlie falling off is thefact that the state census does notinclude inmates of the asylum which,the national census did. Another isthe removal of men who were employ-ed in 1900 in the construction of themany handsome business structuresof which the town is proud.—Argus.

Boy Atacked By Buffalo Cow,Gala Burgess, little son of T. N.

Burgess who owns a large buffaloranch near Luana, was fright/gullybruised and nearly killed by a buffalocow which had with it a ijctle calfwhich the youngster want**! to see.As he entered the euelosuo the cowmade for the bov, pitched lim in theair and after rolling him ground in arough manner knocked hi»i against afence where the horns could jot reachhim. Screams attracted the Attentionof the father who saved the b«y fromdeath.

A few pretty sure signs of spring:An automobile ventured out tillweek ;

if you do not pay the first jalf ofyour taxes pretty soon you’J haveto pay penalty; the April meting ofthe board of supervisors wil! beignnext Monday, April 8; eggs ae onlyone and one-twelfth cents 'apiece ;

you can get all the old fshionedhorse radish you want; ore fourth of1905 has passed into histoy, theowlet hoots a startled cry; h 0 aver-age maiden’s fancy lightly /urns to

thoughts of new shirt waist, in fact

spring’s feathery verdur* is every-

where in evidence.—WaCfly Inde-pendence.

“Big Seven" Associate Meeting.Tne seventh annual ©ting of the

“Big Seven” Education Associationwill be held in Char 8 City, Fridayevening and Saturity April 14 and15. The sessions w; b® held in thehigh school bu“*n 8 The “BigSeven” is one of‘e and impor-tant educational¦ Bsoc iatious of lowa.The territory c 1 by it compri.

es the seve/K

R°* Fayette,

Chickasawwmer ’ Floyd,

Cerro Go•

Mitchell4ie agsooiation are,



officers Sauderß> WeßtV-!^’Prudent, F. J. Conley, NewHampton-, Secretary. Clara M. Dal-ey CliAlies City; Chairman <om-

.Arrangements, Fredeie,|“\ttes, rnarles City.Scl*' 1

Aher a Manufacturing Plant.A plan \o bring to New Hampton &

manufacturing plant of considerablemagnitude « being talked of amon& anumber of o»r citizens. Itcontempla-tes the of a 40 acre tract oflaud near one \f the railroads runningthrough here, lotting it and sellingthe lots in the elort to raise the nece**sary bonus. Fm» SB,OOO tocan be raised and fcqh investor willreceive a lot worth ai Uiat pj mygfor it. The ieda is a oue aidhas been successfully jn oth*towns. In Genoa, 111., yearago a building was built as

New Cure For Cancer.All surface cancers are now know

to be curable, by Bucklen’s ArnicaSalve. Jas. Walters, of Duffield, Va.,writes: “Ihad a cancer on my lip foryears, that seemed incurable, tillBucklen's Arnica Salve healed it,and now it is perfectly well.” Guar-anteed cure for cuts and burns. 25c atWangler Bros, drug store.

Confessed Train Wrecker Indicted.Serick von Ketchlin, who confessed

to wrecking the Chicago Rock Island& Pacific Rocky Mountain limitedtrain near Homestead March 21, wasindicted for murder in the first degreeby the jury at Marengo. The indict-ment for murder resulted from thedeath ofA 1 Hotchkiss, engineer of thewrecked train.

Great Western Extension.Announcement, claimed to be

official, lias been made that the GreatWestern will build a line from Arispe,lowa, through Crestou, Greenfield andGuthrie Center to Carroll and thenceto Sioux City. It is claimed that thesurvey has been made and the terminalsand the greater part of the right ofway secured between Arispe andCarroll. It is presumed that the ob-ject is to tap the Sioux City busi-ness and incidently secure the grainand live stock products of north-western lowa and the Dakotas, whichnow go to Chicago, for Kansas City.

A Good Decision.“An lowa judge in a decision ren-

dered holds that a mortgage given onunplanted crops is void. If this de-cision is good it would seem to applyto the increase of a herd of mortgagedcows or a fioek of sheep as well, thetheory being apparently that a thingmust exist before it can be encum-bered. Joe Trigg.

Some more of that damnable “pre-ferred claim” deal, where one partygets in for a debt before the springplowing is done, to be due in thefall. Let the money lender, hotelman, lumber dealer and land ownertake iiis chances with the grocer, theblacksmith and the editor. Landowners have gobbied up the land forspeculation purposes and get priorityof landlord liens that cut out every!legitimate tradesman and business iman until he himself gets 'the “first!dig.” Let them take their chancesin lowa with everybody else in collect-ing their debts. If the crop “don’treach around” let them stand theirshare of the loss and farm their landthemselves or sell it to some whowill. Landlordism is the curse oflowa today. It is putting in a raceof renters who are serfs so far astheir crops are concerned. Downwith this legislation of “preferredcreditors.” The lawyer is the onlyman who can get in besides the land-lord although the doctors have triedawlul iiaru to make their claims pre-ferred ones also. That lowa judgedecided that a mortgage on prospectswas a “blue sky” proposition and hisdecision is just. Too many men liveon “prospects” anyhow.—Britt Tri-hnne.

Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the Best andMost Popular.

“Mothers buy it for croupy children,nnnJWl men buy it for severe

and elderly peopla buy it forl® * ’’«»y Moore Bros., Eldon,uuoa more of Chamber-kind

8 CT|U^A

JS| amed 7 than any otherkind. It seems £ ave tak /n t ,bad over several

fhe h TrTUr8ti°n b

K medicine8 the best that can be pnx~, rwi i fnP

coughs and colds, whether H be achild or an adult that is afflicted, italways cures and cures quickly. Soldby Engbertson’s Pharmacy.

Far a Weak Digestion.No medicine can replace food but

Chamberlain’s Stomach and LiverTablets will help you to digest yourfood. It is not the quantity of food‘taken that gives strength and vicor


Baking PowderUsed in Millions of Homes.40 Years the Standard. APure Cream of Tartar Pow-der. Superior to every otherknown. Makes finest cakeand pastry, light, flaky bis-cuit, delicious griddle cakes—palatable and wholesome.

Pr.ceß Note-Avoidbakingpowdersmadefroraalum. They look like pure powders,

Powder Co„ and may raise the cake, but alumChicago. is a poison and no one can eat food

mixed with it without injury to health.

CLOVERThe Wallace Farmer and The Homestead bothurge farmers to use a large amount of clovereach year. It keeps the farm up and is veryprofitable. We have a fine lot of high qualityclover seed, and prices are not so high as youexpect them to be. Be sure to get a good sup-ply from us before seeding time.

Clover Seeds. Grain Cleaning.We also have Alsyke Clover,Alfalfa Clover, White Clover,and Crimson Clover. All re-liable seeds that will producea good crop. Our stock isso complete that you can getjust what you want just whenyou want it.

We do |wery fine work withour cleaning machinery atthe elevator. Let us furnishyour seed oats, seed barley,seed flax and buckwheat. Orwe will clean yours for youand do it as it should be done.Our equipment is extra fine.

Dwarf Essex Rape SeedIs a profitable crop to use for feed. Wefurnish the seed and it is inexpensiveand satisfactory.

N. H. Adams & Son,DECORAH, IOWA.


Special Homeseekers Rates to pointsin the west and south west via the C.M. & St. P. R’ y. Tickets on saleApril 4 and 18, 1905. Limited to re-turn to 21 days from date of sale.

$5<.05 to Los Angeles, Calif, and re-turn via the C. M. & St. P. R’y.Account Head Camp Woodmen of theWorld. Tickets on sale April 10, 11,12. 13, 14, 1905. Final return limitninety days from date of sale. Forfurther information and choice ofroutes see S. V. Poter, Agent.

SALTGRANULATED or FINE BAR.REL SALT is a DEAD LOADon the market, and the manu-facturers have cut prices 10cto make it move.

No. I, Fine, Per Bbl.,sl.lO


fc^F ' DE '- T 'A '-‘-ETTER I¦otuuD patents that Pay.lHand help inventors to success. ¦I. »»odel, photo or sketch, and we send¦KS?!2!MA FR *B ON PAT-¦

¦ENTABILITY. 20 years’practice.Htered Patent Lawyers. Write or come to ¦

505-607, 7th St., WASHINGTON, D. C. B


WITH Or aKing’sNew Discovery


Free Trial.

Surest and Quickest Cure for allTHROAT and LUNG TROUB-LES, or MONEY BACK.

NOTICE OF APPOINTMENTNotice of the Appointment of an Executor

°f the estate of Charles IludolDh deceased.notice is uereoy Riven that the subscriber° dulya PP°* n hKI Executor of the es-

CHARLES RUDOLPH.late of Deoorah Township, in the County ofWinneshiek, Btate of lowa, deceased, testateand has taken upon himself that trust by *iv-ng bonds as the law direct*. All persons hav-ing demands upon the estate of the said de-ceased are required to exhibit the same; andpc non ß indebted to the said estate are calledupon to make payment to io-t

GUSTAV NOECKER Executor;C, 8. BOICE, Attorney.

D ated at Decorah, lowa, March 6th, 19(6.

Notice in Probate.TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN;

You and each of you are hereby notified toappear at the Court House in the city ofDe-cora*l in Winneshiek County, lowa, on theBth day of May.. A. D., 19fti, at 1:30 o’clock P.M., to utend the probate ofan instrumentpurporting to be the last will and testameut

of ISABEL BERGAN,rU> of Madison Township, In Wlnneshelk

deceased, at which time andappear and show cause, Ifany,why side will should not be admitted to prol

anHK^iBtmony whereof Ihave hereunto sub-and a£Bxed the seal of saidoffice, tliß 27th day of March 1906.

ia . 8. E. BRICKNER,Clerk District Court.


A Building Year for lowa.This is to be a building year for the

state of lowa. Fully a million dol-lars willbe expended on the state’s

institutions. Of this half a millionwillbe expended by the board of con-trol. It has $125,000 available for the

proposed asylum for inebriates atKnoxville; $55,000 for the asylum for

feeble minded at Glenwood; $120,000

for improvements at the Cherokee and

Clarinda hospitals for insane; SIOO,OOOfor improvements at the penitentiariesand about SIOO,OOO for improvements

at Davenport, Eldora, Marshalltown

and Mitcliellville. The capitol im-provement commission at Des Moines isexpending a quarter of a million andimprovements under way or in con-templation at the state university andthe state agricultural college willcost $700,000. lowa has certainly

made liberal provision for her educa-

tional institutions and the caro of de-

fective or dependent classes. —Sabula

Gazette.About Rheumatism.

There are fow diseases that inflictmore torture than rheumatism andthere is probably no disease for whichsuch a varied and useless lot ofremedies havo been suggested. Tosay that it can be cured is, thereforea bold statement to make, but Cham-berlain's Pain Balm, which eujoysa n extensive sale, has met with greatsuccess in the treatment of this di-seases. One application of Pain Balmwill relieve the pain, and hundredsof suffers have testified to permanentcures by its use. Why suffer when

Pain Balm affords such quick relief

and costs but a trifle? For salo by

Eugbertson’s Pharmacy.

a bonus to a shoe factory to locatethere. Tho factory started wit* 75

employes and has been in successful

operation ever since, employing nowmore than 200 people.—Tribune.

Attempted Suicide.Mrs. Aivley, whose home is in Fay-

ette but who has been separated from

her husband for various reasons, at-

tempted to take her life by taking

poison, but was frustrated by the

timely arrival of medical aid, and will

recover.Mrs. Aivley lias been tho sole sup-

port of her two sons, aged 5 and 7

years, by working out. It so happens

that the oldest child was at Fayette,

and the youngest with his mother,

who had been working in Oelwein.She went to Fayette Thursday, taking

the youngest child with her, to visit

her son. Upon her arrival, she learnedhe had been abducted, and taken to

Minnesota. She returned to OelweinThursday evening, heart-broken, des-

pondent, and tired of life, and was

determined to end her existence. The

unfortunate woman is now couvaloscing at tho home of a kind lady, andit is to be hoped that the one who

took her child, will be brought to


Plana to Get Rich.

are often frustrated by sudden break-down, duo to dyspepsia or constipa-tion. Brace up and take Dr. King s

New Life Pills. Thov tako out thomaterials which are clogging yourenergios, and givo you a new Btart.Cure headache and dizziness too.

At Waugler Bros., drug store; guar-anteed.

> the system, but the amount di-eted and assimilated. If troubledi»h a weak digestion, don’t fail toin* these Tablets a trial. Thous-use2j?ve been beuefltted by theirsale 1 * 1 jsf or,ly cost a quarter. For

Engbertson’s Pharmacy.

Special City Election!To the Elect.


Whereas’, the City of Decorah, Iowa:and 721 ofvccordance with Sections 730twenty-five Code of lowa, a petition oflive wards, ifty owners of each of thebeen filed in of Decorah, lowa, bussion to a yoteivwe, asking for the submis-speclal city eletr 'ectors oi said city, at apose by me not ; tlbe called for such pur-quest lon of gmij to n April 34th, 1006, thecompany or prl4 J 7 Hedges, or suchorganize, a franc tlon

*„' he


operate a gas wt. l maintain andWith all the '* Ji lc’UyofDeoowhtern, trenches, P 1 rnatna fll-ery, apparatus bui^,for a term of twenty or wor £ g

Whereas, by »aldU*p. an<fu orK8 ’

of lowa, the Mayor l,bor£ihe “»d Codeed, upon the filing andsuch question to a v<r * Sn, to siramit

Now Therefore, nI, F. W. Daubajy, MJS the dfled thatcorah, by authority me vested of I)©.name and appoint Md th# 24th w<3byApril, lUOS, as thelion, at which said Jon the followln,question will be subnA to v<>u* Uf tbesaid electors of the ofto-wlt:


••Shall the city co-y* ' h ® city of De-corah, lowa, authorl Hedges, or suchcompany or as he mayorganize, to erect. irlQ ind operate, inthe city of Decorahworks, withall the necessary mains, filters,trenches, pipes, dn/“;“®r*». machineryapparatus and ““Id Works,for a term of twenll>

The polling plm*©*,” Sutton In thedifferent Wards, if ““

to-wlt-for the First WaA .Hotel; for theSecond Ward at 92lnP*l»y,8office; for the 'lhlAt ** city Hall-for the Fourth W.f?"**' House, No. 2;for the Fifth Wa WMI Town

‘ nflleeleeUonvoting1 preeluets shallof the same1 members as at tc*1

. 52*7 Election, ofMarch 27th,

Given under*ua » **ie 41th day of

Attest, F. M. HfLltyderk.

I The Annual Spring Ex= 11 hibit of “Ben Bear Fine §| Clothing” §gy WillCommence ========== |j|

I Saturday, April 15, ’OS. |S§ F U J* Particulars will be given in next Ho issue. Watch for the announcement. §l|

|ben bear!