new orleans daily crescent (new orleans, la.) 1860-10 … · dofa r , 0.beo o ewald orane d namden,...

ARa ad t'o Pi wg v?'s Z'i t. y tl'',:t c'Er. ' k5.tie ,j.. ?" Stan z Y +b ne.A r...i l y eso d]e,•• ibeen l dt by the Breooi tittab a lOpittae in Wabshl npoting to be a Record of John Be ii i-allas i 544ed ieth charges an tmaisdee a t aM sednOes. o as Soother , der. oeine hfor a, to pat a quietO on thes nd BSord onr friends odvoeating th *iof Mr. Bell, evidence from the ecord, a uponeortcl and indlsputable, we republish th pato f Mr. Bellsa otes apol 'vta iatlsendaolthe ioatnstlon of slavery, whide 4r prepad to ourhaad by the Georgt .Watchman.- I thI record doen. no Sdpeeof the argesl brought ags•ns `>)all; 94 etakt the of aln fair tmo ; ell t la ah n beow Ges Cmpromtae er ata 1 tt.Bies oferen aoltn' .l nothv oin on wte . Vol. .Tnon note t Globe, Vol. 1, po ecollon 0tattheSeat r , o 0.Beo d orane namden, oee dofa ewald preseoted api oho ao o very h the Ditrio SMdrer sa lay on the tab 1", of tiIon oer words, to re i e tio.m On Mr. Be orrien t17 pon a slar otin b b i etlar motion tmend tteotl6 soleIn the Dintric tud paletedrtyora. MrC BeC be. +epbaleatitbe,V pag bale moveei to amend tie rori thctnog herein "allontag' the'- oo s utho preventinng tiert- bemp Irstreo ea or otma .UT iitte d no Soe o lta l dobe, Vol. 29r p a• Territoi.r." Oards amendment for , o1860-. onreell Globe, Volan amend Za...Mnr BDi, ofel dingl tutinmovec a nt the Unted Co rotper ob r thetterol d ( esee .topryevent eatd teretto. orovel Taaorng t ouh Ma. s may be bir th e t hon of the rights of pro- eJU_2.8r.ddihMBh may hove been, or mar nfnnnabu to the Tontetoprtiog ntd Usdted roaten, phrtd in, or ti troded r Teerrtoary." On this amendment r.e o.. 5 greti4 onal Globe o , VoL 21, Jne t, 180--Mr. te moed an amendmentl tebiyroem dib g , e thttgthe CTnritoites oothe nited Btatees over the Teeie t Ty, arordhe-wig to Mr. Bell's doe M aloted yeO ICongreesoal Globe V. p Suer' 9, ''1850- Badis moved an amend ae ,, , lostto-e then o roe n leerrtory o Utalse awI otsrlolbitppg, repnehrin tll theyab ore s oh t revetrcted Teulth: onho t:gtroUsont obe, laII go 1148be. er amenb,b pnroviding thuothe iterritories lw a'tte as td'gtates, eonld orbe roceied loto;e elonwith erwitht slaveis , a asthent Osnetliosma prenri•t ree,' Mr. Bell voted yen" aleed obeVol, Igt,page 1210. 2 oos 8,e05 t reeam ndme ant armesede 't teCopromise Tirrltoltes w oh restricteduthe ant ltte tot of aof ci at of person or property fer ol tlSafThes, Statesng" t Mr. Boll voted .18 ntbeV1l. 21,pag lIlt. The Theo ta waowD rbe to repealatherantislavery Auguht d. 18l0--Onthepassage or theFugitive Stave bill Mr. Bell voted yea. [Congressional L21, page L147. Bepf iber.10th, 18O0--Thebill to abolish the eabeS trade in the Ditriet of Columbia was before te late IpThe penalty for violating the law was ieanltspatlon of the slave. Thib penalty wt dielked t Southern men m ho were unwilling t l dve shouldbe manumitted by authority of Iogrfrany purpose. Mr. Pearce moved to e e esa nalty to a fine of $500. On this me- io 1 Be voted yes. Congressional Globe, tem 12th, 1860.-Mr. Seward moved to abolibshing slavery in the District majority of the people upon e t that purpose should be to fover of S.vdted no. [Cuogressionel Globe, oI 14 and 1810. b 1th 1860.-The bill to prevent the * of seaves in the DOstriet of Colmm- wo te eate. r.r. Hale moved to re- ' to the o ommittee to re. l a fnselavory in the Dotriot. On S`1 tel d no. [Congressional 4 , 1t-- An amedndment was tWOiT M rtd ll prof g the slsvetrade in the l g powerto the orporations of Wash.- eiftgI4wto 10 prevet free negroes n a heft.: Mr. ellU voted for the amend. s ll od ea Cosgeeto Glonbe, Vol. 21, ,34lb 8h0MDerBll voted against b Y # tradein the District, ritre o aaitste mst ore acepts- rBSt In three parutculars, via: by s ty from emaneipation 0o a fine, o to hsety f eorporatlon in the Di.- to d ee egroes, and enacting more Segelt elntcoing away slaves from o e ppsndiL to Cosgressional Globe, br 10.-O o the motion to take i topvet, entioing of s•ives in the Sof l B lMr. Dl voted yea. [(ion- ebe Vol. 91 le81O.-The motion 8 Mr.e Sumner presented a memo- amg th .rep•l of the Fugi. l.QuBar to t y It on the table e rd g re ~ l to o doer It),Mr. Bell .. [Qoneasinlaltose, VoL U, page 1.,-.The Apprepration bill was Mr. Sumner moved an smend. do i tpoey should be applied e lt a lptite 'ugltiv• Slave law. ,t 4 a lt iuea to. tAppesdix to bVol. 1 page" st Mr. in's amendment to eed ine ia0 benefi to csie felgyp, jCongreaslonalbiobe, Smoved or leave to te e ftive slave law. 0.'1 3 te~no. ongreselonal Iti bill to proteet off- e lshe ezpoton of the , tb• i- etisnton or the ltaaswende t pp odi- y Suedr " O apmelndgeletfgieive ssave w, i M: e o dt to Gengree 'V Sf elr SMflmyss.-. the Columbla [8.,O) Gardian of BSlutde leat we fnd the 1o1. arinfre that two men named Hitch- and so, were apprehended at Clio, s0on Tuoteday, end were taken to '"Bitr trunks were searohed, and ikeletone a asrperpisee of tempering with "5paof-vttiog urs linb her haed. It is t { ienergeeeuOted yterday aL-annetts- Swit iplstl dirolete to them, has t teree. heir correspisdence t* amere to bedelivered #v 4 ks to 3th nit. from leioe, a" as th-a fsip I nauslan IATIO wA. UISoP wr1e V . aO PgsiesDE. John Bell, FOB yVICE-PBIDENTi, Edward Everett, Of NA. PRBIDENTIAL ELECTORS FOR LOUISIANA. .lrat BZedvoral DistrcL :lvood Becdoral District. BII. RA GARDELL E, of . Bernard.. Elector. JULES LAVERGNE, of N. Orleans.... Alternate. lIsird actlora Districd. CHRISTIAN ROSELIUS, of Jefferson...Elector. DUNCAN S. CAGE, of Terrebonne.... Alternate. Flburth-fectorale Dstrict. J. O. FUQUA, of East Feliciana........ Elector. H. M. FAVROT, of West Baton Rouge..Alternate. Pyil .ledoral District. THOMAS H. LEWIS, of Opelousas.....Elector. VALSIN FOURNET, of St. Martin..... Alternate. Bith .Eletoral District. JOHN RAY of Ouachita .............. Elector. Hoe. B. L. RODGE, of Caddo.......... Alternate. Each voter at the polls casts his vote for SIX ELECTORS, each one of which must reside in aeparate Dislmt s. Readquarters RTATE EXEITIYV COSMMTTEE OF THE CONSTITU- TIONOAL UNION PARTY. The Cotmittee have engaged a room for the Presidential Campaign, No, , second floor of "tory's Iron Boilding," corner of Camp and Common stieetis, for the transaction of business, andtwherethe regular meetings of the Committee will beheld. The Committee meets weekly, EVERY TUES DAY EVENING, at 7? o'clock, and oftener when required. rTHOS. CURRY, Secretary. Union State CentralEsxecntlve Committee. . MUSSON, Esq...................Chairman. Dr. P. B. McKELVEY c............ ViceChairman. THOMAS CURRY ................. Secretary. SAMUEL T. JONES.... Corresponding Secretary. AD]AM GIFFEN ....................... Treasurer. B. Salomon, Cornelius Fellowes, Wm. O. Denegre, M. O.H. Norton, P. B. Wilts, Thompson Greenflold, TN. Marhks, J.W. acoharie, J. Viosca, . John R. Shaw, J. Lanato, J. 0. Nixon, John Youenes, Thos. N. Shields, Robert Conway, Thos. Askew, B. H. arr, Winm. F. Hodgkins, iaaeG. Seymour, C. W. Culbertson, Thos. Murray, Webster Long, Cuthbert H. Slocomb, V. St. Ceran, James Turner, Augustin Larose, Amadeo Landry, E. Parmele, P. N. Wood, Win. S. Mount, N.E. Bailey, B. F. Jonas, Arthur Saucier, Ben.B. Harrisson, Normap Whitney, J.1N. Phelps, N. W. Hebrard, Isaac N. Phillips, Jules Cassard, U. F. Seieshnaydre, A. Duprd. Aaron Harris, L. H. PlId, Stephen Gay, Adolphe Mazurean, Samuel Harby, -Otdea DeBnys, James McConnell, Philip A. Shaw, L. H. Place, S. H.Kennedy, Wm. R. Adams, W. J. Seymour, James Y. Blocker, Norbert Trepagnier, H. S. Buckner, A. P. Field, A. B. Seger, Algiers. eur.Committee, to Act In the Recess of General Committee. )r. P. B.McKelvey, E. Salomon, I. N. Marks, Thomas Askew, Thomas H. Shields, John Youenes, Adam Giffen, Adolphe Mazurenan, Philip A. Shaw, B. F. Jonas, Finanes . Co mmttee. FlIRT DISTRICT. Adam Giffen, J. 0. Nixon, P. N. Wood. SECOND DISTRICT. J. W. Zacharle, Aaron Harris, John Youenes, Norbert Trepagnier, Win. F.Hodgkins. THIRD DISTRICT. P. S. Wilto, V. St. Ceran, C. W. CuGlbertson. Augustin Larose, Webster Long. FOURTH DISTRICT. James Turner, William S. Mount, Edward Parmele, J. H. Phelps, Isaac N. Phillips, A. . Seger. A. B. Seger. Committee of Arrangements. J. W. Zacharie, Thos. Askew, R obert Conway, C. W. Culbertson, Benj. S. Harrisson. Chairmen of Parish Coimlsttees. ASCENSION, Edward Duffel................Donaldsonville. ASSUMPTION, Geo. W. Jones...... ........... Napoleonville. AVOYELLES, Wim. H. Murdock ........... ........ Holmesville. BIENVILLE, Capt. Collin Rhodes...... ............... Sparta. BOSSIER, Col. R. Hodges.............. ..... Bossier Point CADDO, Mathew Watson..............LA., .. hreveport. CATAHOUILA, James G. Taliaferro ............. Harrisouburg. CLAIBOIN'E, Judge N. S. Scott........................Homer. CONCORDIA, Douglas L. Rivers... .................. Vidalia. CALD WELL, Rt. D. Bridgetr.............................olumbia. CALCASIEU, A. Pjo .. ........... ....... Lake Charles. DE SOTO, Samuel Clark......................ansfield. EAST FELICIANA. Henry Marston ....................... Clinton. EAST BATON ROUGE, Dr.Richard H.Day........... Baton Rouge. FRANKLIN, C. Ramage......................Winnaborough. IBERVILLE, Samuel Matthews...................Plaquemine. JEFFERSON, Pierre Sand ....................... Carrollton. JACKSON, A. C. Davis........................ Vernon. LAFAYETTE, Basil C. Crow........ ........... Vermillionville. LIVINGSTON, Henry Dongan............... ..... Ponchatoula. LAFOURCHE, .. Darden ........................ Thibodaux. MOREHOUSE, J. W. Boatner ...................... ADISO...Bastrop. MADISON, John T. Mason ................... Richmond. NATCHITOCHES, John BlaIr Smith, Esq............ Natchitoches. OUACIITA, John T. Ludeling...COE......... ...... Monroe. Robert J. Barrow ........... ivoa Post-office. PLAQUEMINES, Geo. W. Morgan ............... New Orleans. RAPIDE, John . Williams.................Alexandria. SABINE, Robert B. Stille ............ Many Post-office. ST. BERNARD, S. Vllavosa................ w ...... NowOrleans. ST. CHARLES, Chas. Davenport........St. Charles Court-house. ST. JAMES, Alfred Roman...........................Cantrelle. ST. JOHN, A. Soraparu................ARTIN.....Bonnet Carre. ST. MARTIN, Hon. John Moore....................New Iberia. ST. MARY, Wm. F. Haifeigh........ ..... ..........Franklin. ST. LANDRY, Thomas C. Anderson ................ Washington. ST. HELENA, George P. MeMichael ................ Amite City. ST. TAMMANY, Wm. J. Andrews ...................... vington. TENSAS, Dr. P. Chew ...................... St. Joseph. TERREBONNE, George L. Lester........N ............ Houma. Win. C. Carr..... ........... O ...... Farmersvllle. VERMILLION, P.O. Broussard... . .......... Abbeville. WASHINGTON, H obert Bablsgtos ............... Franklnton. WEST FELICIANA. J. RHunter Collins ...... ... St. Francisville. WEST BATON ROUGE . W. Pope........ e ....... btoa Rouge. Gen. T. B. Woward.................St Mar•-ie. mREOCTORT BELL AND EVERETT CLUBS NEW ORLEANS. Union Guard, OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. NesS uS Odd Fs~tsu' Rshl osn Thurrs t Erulugs. OFFICERS : President-A. MaNzreas. Vice-Presidents--First District, L. H. Place; Seo- ond District, A. Legendre; Third District, Chas. Colberteon; Fourth District, E. A. Patterson. Treasurer-Thos. Askew. Secretary-J. H. Frobus. Grand Marshal--Jas. Beggs. Assistant Marshals-First District, T. A. Bart- lette, W. R. Fish, F. F. Trinchard; Second District, John Stemmer, V. G. De L'sle, J. B. Sorapar, Third District, W. Long, A. Larose, V. St. Ceran Fourth District, S. S. Shumway, J. P. Smith, G. H. Beman. Finance Committee-Moses Greenwood, Wm. P. Vincent, John A. Watkins, Philip Shaw. Union Guads n OF THE SECOND DISTRICT. (AUXILIARY TO THE ABOVE), Me at the Ortms, &Eat Reono en Friday Eejrings. : OFFICERS: S President-John Youennes. Vice-Presidents-Fourth Ward, Dr. E. D. Beach; Fifth Ward, Amilcar Roux; Sixth Ward, Guy Du- plantler, Secretary and Treasurer-R. p. Hubbard. Committee of Arrangemeets-J. B. Soraparn, J. H. Frobus. Gustave Poree. Union Guard, OF THE SEVENTH AND EIGHTH WARDS,THIRD DISTRICT. (AUXILIARY), uMee at The Thid Dierid cer•Eeg•, tore, of ElysianFideds nod GOrosan ,orec s. on Msonui.ys. OFFICERS : President--Aug. Duquercron. Vico-Presidents-George Clark and John B. Leefe. Grand Marshal--Chas. O. LeBlano. Assistant Marshals-P. Schomberg, S. D. Max- well and Benj. P. Lecie. Secretary-Louts Power. STreasurer-Val. St. Ceran. Finance Committee-John B. Leefe, Chas. W. Culbertson, George Clark, Charles E. Fortier, U. F. Seioshnaydre and James Brooks. Committee of Arrangements-Aug. Larose, Jns. B. Gunst, P. L. Mailloux. Charles Morel, P. Schom- berg and Chas. LeCharpentaer. Union Guard, OF THE NINTH WARD, THIRD DISTRICT, (AUX- ILIARY), HMre atthe Slar Cthfrrcu, se, rr,e sreet,onMatodays. OFFICERS: President-P. S. Wittz. Vice-President-Robert Wynne. Secretary-Philip Power, Jr. Treasurer-Chas. Keller. Grand Marshal-James Hoban. Finance Committee-P. S. Wilts, A. N. Power, Jas. Hoban, G. C. Gottschalk, J. B. Juueck, M. Hernandez, Charles Keller. Committee of Arrangements-Robert Wynne, G. C. Gottschalk, J. Hoban. Union Club, OF THE FOURTH DISTRICT, Yet st the Eo,p.'e Marou, eorner Jston and N- Zorr drsstr, oo .•soMta-d cattrdao,•renilo,. OFFICERS: President-BenJ. S. Harrisson. Vice-Presidents-A. W. Bosworth, Wm. Cooper. Treasurer-George Mensman. Secretary-William Woelper. Grand Marshal-Hon. Lucien Adams. Assistant Marshal-David Adams. Finance Committee-H. S. Buckner, J. H. Phelps. William Holmes. Committee of Arrangements-Hon. L. Adams, George Mensman, W. C. Quirk, A. W. Bosworth. Uhlon Knight, OF THE FOURTH DISTRICT. OFFICERS : President-E. L. Marshall. Secretary--L. Dapromont. Treassurer-J. C. Costley. Marshal-Wm. Henry. Assistant Marshals-William Wilson and J. C. Costley. Fossil Club, (COMPOSED OF GENTI.EVEN OVER FORTY YEARS OF AGEO) Me at Odd FOeon'Hal on F'riay Eeniniys. OFFIOERS : President-J. M. LOpeyre. Vice-Presidents--First District, T. L McGill; Second District, M. Barnett, Sr.; Third District, John B. Leele; Fourth District, Jacob Staub. Secretary--Henry Bier. Treasurer-Benj. Florance. Fossils' Guard, Meoet at the HouIs1 uset, Cir,-oltn. Ruitlroa D-1pot, onFri- day LEenlgS. OFFICERS : Captain--R. L. Bruce. Treasurer-C. Huchez. Secretary-Chas. Thompson. Bell Cha~uplaons, COMIPOSED OF THE YTII O•' IF NEWORLEANS, .t atct r.- r n . ,,ir. , ,otort, .F l tyE ,iqs OFFICERS.: President-Theodore W. uiddecke. Vice-Presidents--Firt District, E. D. Hyde; Sec. ond District, .l Tsavaries; Third District, J. T. Worsley; Fiurth District, 1. Miunt. Grand Marlhal--lt. i. D)umig. Captain. . ii. . Pierson; First Lieutenant, Chas. iown ; Second Lieutenat, J. A. . . Brown, Jr.; Third Lieutenant,.F.A. Bonito. Treasurer-Otis Harris. Recos ding Secretary--S. Yulec Hyams. Corresponding Secretary- l. P. Mortee. Everett KnIghts, Mdt at No. 82 Camp stret, cr,0'rofNJhO, on, Thursdayor. OFFICERS : President-R. G. LOtting. Vice-Presidents-Frst District, George Burns; Second District, A. G. Bakerll; Third District Dr. H. S. Forwood; Fourth District, R. D. Gribble. Treasurer-William Gribble. Secretary-Charles N. Frost. Grand Marshal-Georgo W. Helme. Assistant Marshals--i. W. Bassett, H. S. Tar. wood and L. H. Gardiner. Finance Committee--A. G. Bakewell, J. R. Pic- ton and W. G. Coyle. Exeeutive Committee-L. H. Gardiner, R. G. Latting, E. B. Adams, Robert Gribble and George Thomas. Everett Guard, OF THE FOURTH DISTRICT, Me, Oat etir holl, orner of Nioterue and Jo;vphine otreet, on n1,,,.ar ,, Er,.eni• s. OFFICE"Re : President-W. M.Perkins. Vice-Presidents-Wm. Northern, John A. Wat- kins, Theo. A. James, Samuel A. Shumway, I. N. Phillipa. Secretaries-Wallace Hunter and R. F. W. Bacheman. Treasurer-Samuel Sumner. Executive Committee-George W. Squires, D. P. Logan, B. M. Horrell, Samuel H. Kennedy, M. Kirkpatriek, Jaa. Turner, Hy. Block, H. F. Given, E. S. Keep, W. B. Conger. Finance Committee-- W. B. Bowles, M. T. Squires, George D. Field, Samuel McConico. Committee of Arrangements-C. D. Bunce, Chas. Ballejo, W. H. Reese. Grand Marshal-Gaspard Shrieber. Assistant Marshals-F. McC. Swain, Henry S. Whitemore, Louis A. Adam, Joseph P. Marvel. Bell Knights, M,•5 o the S . Philip- nslt Rooan on Te•dnc Eernings. OFFICERS: President-Francis V. Duplessis. Vice-Presidents-A. L. H. Kernion and M. E. Maocoin. Secretary-Oscar IeBlanc. Treasurer--Charles Escoliser. Grand Marshal -Alfred Coru. Arsistant Marshals-E. P. Legendre, A. D. Ber- noudy, C. Everett, J. T. Beach. Committee of Arrangements--E. Vidal, Chair- man; Louis Prados, Aifrd Corou. Committee of Ways and Means-A. L. B. Ker. nion, Chairman; J. T. Beach, A. Morel, Chas. Du- plessia, R. J. Ducros. Constitutionl Club, Mrt at ta O-lmn 1all1 Rooso o,, T•anay Eemingr. OFFICERS : President-G. Dnplantier. Vice-President-Henry Garidel. Secretary-B. C.Cenas. Treasurer-Alfred Bernard. Grand Marshal-C. W. Allen. Committee of Arrangements-Ed. Jordy, Alfred Bernard, Emile Dupre, J. K. Bally, NomaDelery. Assiatant MarahaLb-H. Grimsabaw, Ja. Vlenne, J. . Hoyle, Philip Behanan, Eemle Dupre. Minute Men of '0, Met at ataen la,•nNa t srene. r HewuBora ate a Wd mbays. OFFICERS: President-P. IH. Middlemise. Vice-Preildent-A. E. Dick. Secretary and Treasurer-G. W. Nenta. Captain-James Beggs. Committee of Arrangements-G. W. Neutz, C W. Grissan, Toby Hart, J. A. Brown. Bell Rangers, OFTHt FIRST WARD, Metl atEaleHlloa enrr Tuexauy Eieng., President-J. M. McClandish. Vice-Presidents--Benj. Bland, J. S. Clark. Secretary-Frank L. Clayton. Treasnrer-W. W. McGarrity. Chief Marshal-Wash. IMarks. Finance Committee-1. N. Marks, W. H. Cook J. P. Harrison, W. K. Day, A. Kearny, H. Ren shaw. Htount Veronat Club, OF THE SECOND WARD, .Md at No. 9 .0',, Burain everyFiay R eoins. OFFICERS : President--Thos. Murray, Esq. Vice-Prenidents-A. Itowell, Chas. Pride. Secretary-Edward S. Hoole. Treasurer-W. T. Stocker. Marshal--John L. Gubernater. Assistant Marshals--E. Blessy, Jos. Laborde. Finance Committee-J. W. Wilder, Winm. Grant Dr. Bensadon, E. W. Dorr. Committee of Arrangements--Mark Breeden Robert Armistead,W. P. Coleman, E. Toledano, E A. Tyler. Everett Rangers, OF THE THIRD WARD, Mer thore /ltrroUlteon It,~rcd Drlpe, orner of Blrouenm Perdido ,tree+, on date.aLys. OFFICERS : President-Lea F. Bakewell. Vice-President--W. G. Dales. Secretary-C. F. Verlander. Treasurer-R. Yeatman. Grand Marshal--Tho. Askew. Metropolltan Club, OF THE THIRD WARD, (AI'XILIAIRY TO THE EVER EfT RANGERsl), ni- ^! orFn/,/ .c/, ,nt, ro', / 1aif n, tr, e , ls l, Tuleatae. OFFICERS : President-Henry Boehe. Vice-Preaident-Hanson Kelly. Treaurer-R-obert Pringle. Secretary--Geo. . Sinmpson. Finance Committee--(Geo. W. Stoddard, John R Bradley, Robert Prinlie, Hudson English, - Per kins, Hanson Kelly. Bunklier Hil Rangers, OF TIlE FOURTH WARD, iMe rwrner Ca,,nal ,,nd ',Fll,. i dree, on Jronday. OFFICERS : President--W. J. Maynard. Vice-President-Victor Gaschet Do L'Isle. Secretary-George A. Bears. Treasurer-L. A. Blache. Marshal-T. E. Sykes. Assistant Marshal-Joseph Baker. Finance Committee-Geo. Watyman, Jack Wil son, James McCracken, Arthur Saucier, Wilian Hodgkins. Rough and Ready Club, OF THE SIXTHI WARD, i, s., at the St. fhil/ip Ball li•or on erery Moalnay E•enin OFFICERS : President-Joaquin Viosco. Vice-Presidents--A. Sambola, T. C. Hoggarth. Secretar--J. A. Weysham. Treasurer-F. Sambola, Jr. Marshal-Ed. Fagot. Young Bell Ringerr, Me a t the Odd F~llosN ' Hlat/l erry Sbrtrdly/ EcfZing. OFFICLRS: President-Frank Lobrano. Vice-Presidents-First Districts, Jos. F. Dick; Second District, O. Blasco: Third District, H. N. Jenkins; Fourth District, Wm. Ferert. Secretary--D. C. Canter. Corresponding Secretary, Edward Sloan. Treasurer-J. VWatts Kearney. Grand Marshal--C. E. l.everich. Assistaut Marshals--First District, Andrew Jack. son; Second District, WV. P. Hodgkins, Jr.; Third District, Wm. Sorey;Fourth District,Jeree Bryan,. Foot Mlarshals-lFir:t Distr/ct, T. E. Bridge; Sec. end District, A. I. Leverich ;ThirdDistrict, E. J. Blasco; Fourth District, H. B. l'egram. Crittenden Guard, tel , t ,Stadlioa, flat!, ,',,,nlr \X1,,,•d,1, an! Poly,,•tila d -l" ,or f 5/ 1t,,,c, y - , ,Y / ,, f cc. President-Edward D. Turner. Vice-President-John T. Block. Secretary-Jos. H. D)eGrange. Treasurer--Geo. C. Wedderburn. hMarahal--Samuel Aiston. Marlshal's Aids and Committee of Arrange ments-John Russell, Charles Montaldo, Charlee Thorn. Finance Committee--Alfred Kearney, Esq., H. C. Swain, H. F. Warner. Bell Lathers. (Officers, time and place of meeting not published). Illghetanllk Rell Clappers, OF ALJ• [.RI, PreSi•dent--A. B. hSer. Vice-lhesident--W/ illi'mf Martin. ',cretary--A. 11. lo t" ,. I reasner r---\V,,. / iiin Mtarhia---Cl rle•I / . r r'r/ison. CLlmittee o ,a\;s and Meallns--XNorber Tro- pagnier. Hy polit IF-fier, L. W. )Dodge, TIhomuas Hence. Wm. Bradmlln. National 'Executtse Conlrulrttec of Ille Conl- ttlttutolnrl ni ont Par'ty. HBon. Alexander R. I oteler, of Virginia, Chairman. John A. li:okwell, or Conncctieut. William Temple, of Delaware, J. Mhorrisonloareis, of laryland. Joshua Hill, of Georgia. Iichord W. Thompson, of Indiana. a. Y. Johnson, Esq., Galena, illinois. Robert Mallory, o Kenltucky. Marshall P. Wilder, of Massachusetts. Anthony Kennedy, of Maryland. D B. St. John, of New York. James Bishop, of New Jersey. Jolla A. Giltner, of North Carolina. Hesry M. F'ller, of Pennsylvania. Thomas A. It. Nelson, of Tennessee. For the e District of Colnsalba. ion. Jon. Bryan, of Ala. Beonj. aOgle Taylor, Esq. R.. Wiiliamson, Esq. Washington City. i W. . Freieman, Esq. o Jos. H. Bradley, Esq. L. A. Whitely, of Maryland, Secretary. IIeadqnarters of the Committee, 357 D street, between Ninth and Tenth, Washington, D. C. Conatltuitlaoal Ulllits Party Platform. Whereas, experience has demonstrated that plat- forms adopted by the partisan conventions of the country have had tie effect to mislead and deceive the people, and at the same time to widen tie po- litical divisions of the country, by the creation and encouragement of geographical and sectional par. ties, therefore, Resolved, That it is both the part of patriotism and of du t y to recognize no political principles other than Tie Constilnlion of the Countny, ~ite Unrionr of the Stales, and TiheEn'mornretrel of the Lawns, and that as representatives of thie Constitutional Union men of tile country in National Convention assembnled, we here pledge ourselves to maintain, protect and defend, separately anid unitedly, these great principles of iublic liberty and national safety, against all enemies at home and abroad, beliesing that thnereby peace may once more be restored to thie country, tle just rights of tile People and of tile States reestir liched, and the Government agiin placed io that condition oa just. ice, fraternily and el uality weilc, under thie ex- anmple tand contitulion of our fathers, hs se 0 emnlyh bound every cilizen o1' tile Unirrted Sates tl maintain "a ilore perfrect unionr, estabrlish ju.tice, insure dnmestio trmanuility, provide lir tile corn. amt defense, Iproiote thia generalr welare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posteroity." SINvitti.aa ANIt S rrrri DiN)l:r'rn.-The Phiiladel. phia P r ess ihroricles tie case of n wolnan ag, d 45 years, who retired to betol on Wedresday right in apparent lealrt, and was tie slcceediig morn. ing discovered dead upon the floor in a pool of her own blood. It was at first supposed she had been murdered, but the coroner's investigation disclosed the singular fant, that a cancerous wound which the deceased had upon her left wrist had, during the night, eaten into the main artery, and the poor woman bled to death while creeping about in search of relief. iTh OQny Preparateon - T hat ho.- STOOD "T1E TEST op YEARS, Andgrows more and more Popular everyday l and tstimonioals new, and amoot wliout namber, might be given t rom ladle mid gentlemen inall grades or society, bhos. neittd toetstmony none could reolot, tloat Prof. Wyod's Ion1 RIo. torattoe oill restore the b11ld tod sily, n d prestove the oy of the youtt to old oag, inall itsyouthful beauty. DAMEo CleEb, Mich., DEC. 21,115. Pror. Wood: Theooult olotyo toopt h line to inforthoe that the hlt oon my head nil tIl yIai over t o elatr. go enurtd tyy compoicted chronic disease, attended 0ith nn emp- tieodotl fote head. A conlltot , co- of a ofnring through life having reduced me toa yy te oyr Iytyel'oeav,tI ttoe oft ben able to obtain tluff for raps, tlitor eoan I beet, able to dothtom lIp, in coIt etotnct or yhiyh my trotI toat notifyd eoti tly hftt cold. this Inducetd mo ty pay Hipyt & Itott, , lmost oyto lot cent I l on earth for a owe dollar Ittty tof I, 1 Ilan, 11 torto, abhot tohotio t of r 0,1,t Ityt. I onvt thlihtllpy 'lylllrd the direcltont. end thye told sot is nowyyovered wish hair thick and BIHPLk hllgh ellart ; it1".:ds r coming in nl overI\DL ty head. PFtitgoy oundrnt that noytto, y lin lyotto wotld m furs ,t ontlly ly aid ie mtooto fly, I fucl ouaoly. topyt~orctl In Its h~c, and Lc ing( deal loafs eft mnnr lb o pp1TPII1Lw r 15 more, I unidlinklnh Ihro i Ilse 84 nllltlt not L> rlil tU snarl mea nn r- der on Illise n;;mits for n ro!tln. null TCCBI( to LII .F/I oho elin- ttot" doclaonlriol h ie yt-,ydl le to t.orn That are kl,d totle widow ,wd rim r hlhedlcla. Thy friend, OCOANNAIL 115R1C. I.toytyn Null, to onty ltd., Foeb. 5.1 199. Prof. O.J. Wood : Dean S ir - In tllu letter pare m tiro year 1552, ohile tttondyng the Stateotd Nattonat Itow jotyt or the o or New York, my hair,.ytm ,yrtytr y known to mut, ry menced I'lllluu aH very rapidly, n o shut in is short apace of six onhs. the yyyolo y t, wooult of ' yty xcnl was"yalmotot o ttyoty bercl ofits ove, igoy, al mktot of ihyaz uluiti lart toy jto the ,dottaodtLytk port of myr ead shalotly afterbecame gay. to ttbt you will hot Ire tyyyoio,,otybe I tell ylo that upon mo y o turn1 to thre State or Indiana, my maore casunIi egnnfutacH tym not to much at a loss todltt to pr the oo uoge inmy tPPrt ty oooo atmt more t ntimatyt oypultudeobey wery toreytytppy me at ll. I atonce .pytnpplyottyon to the mytt thlltry physiclan. In the ountry, but, oewtytto ytyytoyeeot - froom thym chat tyy hair could 1A9,L, ber ytined, Itw ohs fo dto ecotyy re 1 '-itoed to my fot e 0, unootlt f(UI1Oc1too the latdoterart or the ear Iot ,Ttou Rt.tornthv was recommended to me by a drugistas le Ii , the mlost reliable Bair Restorative In urn.1 trued one hot. tie, and( lyoir tlly orientot sofr" lyon othat It wasp Odbeiyg the dsald ety eer. Syu rnt time, Ihaye used oo, -toliarywor], yl you RSyoslytyo, and ts a result, havea rich coat ofvory rsot blayk hair, which liemnnr, Ne by. As ty.,ik yfotoy yoothatyl. fotyou labor alol ybkll In thloypoo dnc'loo of' M ouilerfunl all irlr.e I Late Ie-m-maledr its use tomany, or my fyrioy lnd ottyo tyl, ittoywho, um hlplpy to itform youyre usiny 11. I, etln lilk yttyOr. Very reooyttully, ,oaort, to.M tATTA, Aktotcy ndl-Cyoyseyllo-at I..y. Dwoott, Ny. 4t Iiyrotdway, and acid by o1l daylk yyybylthoyt Tee toto ytt uti. pnt ttp fnbootlles of throe ,o.. to, v Lagot, allyan,' IIi y Th. mall Iyhos, tt. a poyt,;otItoriel, "eJoltenr lwr Lotuts. The m-dinm ILoillu llddd at Icat\L twari.: per cenlt. mot a in p oparo+".u ohm,dos , ,emit, and remilr for to o dollo y par ty.tls Thylurs hoyll, butyqrty fIrty 1loo rto. me dytpro a, anhtlo ors for throe nl[nr: a ttttth it OyJ. WOato CO., Proprloltyo, St4trdlwuyp New TYjy and o It 1 kyot. ,lresotN. I.tLou M. lo y lad sot, by all good d tyygbotst d fancy good. daalers. J. WytItiHT & CO., Agytty 21 and1 151 Cburtreaelreet. Dr. Sloofland'. GERMlAN BITTERS, -- Aud-- Dr. lonoallan,'o BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The grant standard medicines of thie present tohave ay,,qued theityyog t rypotaty ynly throyyygh yeotoyr tria. Unboynded ,Otlryactlen is rendered by them In ally ctto,,aoild thy pyIlohoti pronounced theyt torthy. LItER COMPLAINT. DTSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, BIN ITYOFTHE NNIVOUS SYSTEM, DISIEASYY OPT1 KIDNEYS, and all diseasts soriyyg from odtsordyred liver oo.Oyt,,,yr the ONotoch aid tigyotyve orgyy 0 , are jeedily sad permatently cured by the O EIlMA N BITTI ERS Tht BALSyAMICCOIRIIAL has oyquytod a reoptaton tty r pao o t t that o1any similar prtyttyyyoo exttnt, It ill core, wlthyyt rytt,tht most ntoovertnd loogslyndyyg COUGIIH(COLD OR IIyOARSENES. BRONCHyITIy, INFLUENZA, CROUP. PNEUMONIA, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, and has per formed the moytyot,1t,,l1yyyury, eyyr known of CONFIRMyED CONSUMPTION I A fyw do.totil tlyyy at ytne hehok ayd cure the mosyyoore. DIARRIIEA proeeding from Cyld io the yoyels. Thtee medlc(nyy are ptepareyd by Dr.C. 20. JACKISON 3 Co., No. 418 Arcb street. Philtootlphia, Pt., styd are told by dOrg- oitotyotyddtyolooin molcitty ,y votyslero.. 5 tys po5 byt. tie. Thesignaturea of . M.Jackson will be on the outside wmrper oreach bottle. In thy Almanac pnbllthed .tin olly by tho pyoyoir!ore, etltod EVeRYBOIIY'SAL.MANAC yout ill tlPdoielyooknyyandcomy oyudoory noticeyy roym all parts of the country.ThestAklms. s0cs are given 007 by all our ogenlts J. WRIGiHIT A CO., Aittoto. 21 and151 Gunmenu street. Mothe'rs. Thoousnd are doily speaking io the praise of DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL,. and why: belcans it never fails to aford in.t,-otaneous relief when given in time. It ne. aos if bym gic, aond ofne trial alone wtilconvince you that what we say I true. It cuntaino NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, and ticfreote -tliov-b by rcmovingote o r,,ufngs of your child, In.ted of by deadenlng its xeooboiil-. Foor this eason it commends itself a Hieonly reliablle prepartion now known for Children Teething, DI rrhea, Dyouter), Griping Rek T.a:igo the l; owcl an o Rfl lloun. it hC a no qua l- SBooood Foofboobfofooooo lThe al anti.-ood F oa in Io , detuoed with fnc1, Ille. ell fyo R h . PAR hTIO fr, w hich. nfbio otier rh 05udI• S ,Z For , t *n T,,*, lrt' la 1',r t, r.,, 2 !. p tr! I h. lCI i ,H1red '•'ruola d ,A rplainu Irhh ill, i Itt p',rUr,, ll , and rvous Prootr _ too o. N fo. ", for No.b that what foo gadn yoo retin. Tohe No. b oo for femal 0 Ifrregfuf N,. 49l B,,"t Iv.:,,. - ne y =,w ork. ogoiooo !,'oo1o. Bt:laddd tom in -I d Nli, -,- oInA AN-.ll , l'dl,,t-e yiret eopd bob, dofofooo of Obo fffooof e fodfoooo offoo. Foo,,: f ,'00000r oooboooo u fo ,ogioof0, ,t~p. oool ,w lff0N tloal n ooton, o er of Offlo ino , 1 , ,of l,,i. terd ood ~. 0etf od"olf ,, o ,O, veo ,,,d rNo.S: .oobffeno,.a fo o - N o.- ,leao n Il oad. Supli) tln'4edelciene.lesa,• yonare mnllwall. rho Olood FoM o ronn od, upon this lory-ohend iotb ooopoIo . LIFIVR PREPARATIONSATOR apted tothae ed efi iences of the sIlooed in dirent diene Issn ol onuo, Colyd, p ro och'" or any ooaod loel whottove of the Tt r or Iunge d thous ndc gonothio the eNo.t to which ho hado te No for Depre onof reliefrit, o the ofAppetoite, d for all Tohrole o Po plahof arising from o-Ue, o enoerl o eabi lity oet theditaotes of yoor jdment guide T ou inthe use oi ohe Land ervigou ro•trat oll 2, foore Liver Complaints, BNod , tfor Dyspepspa. Being aheady prep Diarred fo umer absorption It this, PorSalt Rheum, Ernpflon,, Scrofulous, Kidney and thousndb can teltify) In twedt. minuies, t f twoordthreet Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 41 Broadway. Ne. ork i J. WRIGHT A 0O., No.21 151 Chartres otree o 0, . WOOD CO., St. Lous,th, and by lrospectabh Dorg. LZVRE INVIGORATOE Never Deblta0teso. Iris ompo pounded en r tiprely from Gmcts, nd h t bpo•oe olan Piablf tuhd fact, o Stondoo) Medicine, known and approved by 0 ll that hae dit. a nd is no reorted to ithany confidence n tho ,olfoos for which It lo roeomoo tnded. It ha cureod thousmdo within the laot two years who had lovn up aoll hopes of relief, tA the nnmerou osololltedcerti_., 'ares in mypo1sxsion show. Tio dose m0st he adopted to the temfpeament of the idiold. dll taking It, nud utad in eu0h 00antities as io act gently 0on h Let the dictates of your Jndgomet golde you in the use of th Liver Inoo0igor0.tor.nd It will cure Liver Compltlots, Bllous &ttacoks, Dysoopelfi, Chonitc Diarrhea , oSummer Complaints Dysentery, Dropsy;lSoor Stomach, ftbifiot Costive-, f haoo llo, tlholora, Cholera Morbus, Clolero Infaotum, Flatulc ,Jamo=. dice, Fenlal Weaknesses, and 0may beuoed successfuolly oo odfnary Family Medicineo . It will cure SickOleadaehe (A, ,hosnands cn testifyf n0 twenty mifm eIftwooro threeot" po0rmui are taken at commencement of attack.o All who are giving their testimony in its favor. Mix water in the mouth with the Invigorator, Andswallow -- Also-- S ndtoforo't IFamioly Catharrtle Pills, ompounueo t rom* pu0 alooe hotabl oxtraeto, tood put upfo Oloto O.Ses. air tlhit, end will keep omoay citmate, tre. Th aoOo t io Pl',,ro. d.a00 d from toewhoo loMv tbo thro .roe, ho induced o e to ilce ,tro fm n ihthe reo h 000 iofff-oeo, oo o oo,.oor the toowe[ l.h . ,T. C00oiloortoeooilkooo, 00tt p ooa 0ooo t oo re fec o to p .,ooolohrot'loo. tooo looilmo ndooo o o oo ! t of th, oleoo, .ooob o. [rloorooent t hbo Sooooo(h Sho~e p auneo an Ire die Sack cald a",nts. 2 o _,, 1W.n .l00r4en .,oooho .1", Io0d)0 room •of oldd, which OrooL,.oy if fi.St~cd. e~d ,u a our. o0 FTeve,, CIo. of App00it.0 0 Croop- o'totfo•tioO ,'0old over he M0,I). Pooocheoo weoig, oo ,h0.- oho ad, R lfl uoom•oroo io fosoo, Weoo ton Oldldre ot Adolot. Rhoooomotoom, 0 00at Purotb of ho 4loo Imto obo ,his adoootuoot. Poet I o $. Prie.o Dimes, Tho ofver o nvTgoolo ol od Foymlly o1thbr Pills are retit0ed oo Drogohoo.oeoroll'o.and .old by th0 otadoln all the loarge .T. W. &•NFO,•NI M.D., MOinfAotoor tnd Pooprktoto J. WRIGHT A 0000. Wholeogai Agootto 07k Wnd o old by *oeor D•"ugf-• Gee. G. Evane' PHILADELPHIA Gift - Book. E2torpri-o! TIHE OLDEST -A~nd-- Largest In the World? -Ia- FERMANENTLY LOOIATE No. 4 3 0 Chestnut strset, PIIXLADELP11IA. Card. Hatolg purchased the spa,0ous Iron Buloding, No. 489 Ohest. tot 01,1ta Oflled It up wit10eve ry on1en1nce to faolItaho m0 boolou., p1rt1iclarl0y t1t broolh devotel to OOUNTRY ORDER0 ; andbha-ngoa lrger apiltal tlhan any 0t11 party Invested iI the buoolno. I am now prepared .o offegooOtrad- olmtageootlhnever to m ooylotoooa. A new Clsioflied (lCta. logos of Books, Just looslu, 001br000. tlbs olrling. of e1e0 standard author ID ee ry lydporttoenl of I001t010u. 0c1041g over two hundreodltvoh,0 of 1lstory, Blography, Voyage and Trooels, Adventuroo, et., etc., publlislhed by mys0l1. Thief, the 110091001plet1 catalogue of Looks andOGifs ovor poblished, and gives all theu liiformlalton rebel Iv tothe parohhudng end for wrdIrng by lotl orEpre-ossr oBooks ordoood 10om m7 Eostb. liadooont, to~ etherwithlull dlloooion how to remi0 mo001 . I will furonlis 000y book1 Olf moral 0I00000010p00t01jed to4 tb. United StatO, the regula0r ret010 pdlo, ofohiobh 1,0 on Dollar or upw~ards, and gun dates t o givu perfect mtmhnr tiio o my cu. writers, a I am dolermlord to manlalliin thea rophtatlon and obar. asolter o,0a-oy 0o0.owod poon 00oooobliothooot. 1to.,oogo 0bi0,0, P'h t,,dolpblo 0re mlottled to 0ll atEVANS' GIFT BOO 1OUS1nod Judge for themselves. DO NOT SENDORDERS -To- IRRE1 SONIB LE PARTIE. Goorge 0. EEvanto ORIGINAL GIFT-.BOOK EoVTERPRISX i -Ilns been-- ENDORSED BYT011E BOOK TRADE -And- All tie Lnading City and Country NEWSPAPERS. PUNCTI'AI. B1USINE710 TRANSACTIONS OF THl E 7- EABI.ISIHMENT HAVE 1RECEIV1ED THtE APIPROBATION O OV1 O.000 1 (UOt CITIZENS 0F TIE UNITED STATES, -- Each of wom-- RATVE RECEIVED) SUIBSTAN0TIAL EVIDEN1 0 -- or Tae- Be00111 derived by pnrohootog Book. TIE E11A IA R T EES -or- Goo. G. Et Ovao' GIFT-..BOOK E NTERPRI1SE, No. 4139 CHE00STNUT STREET, Philadelphia. [From 0he Ploilodotplio SaoLurday fOatote.] '70,0at th lbalhoo, of 0G00, 100,00l,0pe can 00 modea toglil. a,.lr, oac-thait Ita,"n he ullrllcele fairy annd honorably, doing Juii ice to allp.0001 Ooe, not al osooI,0,lo, Lht a o ooity that has 1. a 0 1 10 Olinly-. T.00,, w0 ln.,o, o0but one man whlo Inns ~uv,-eld1..d it, a-(1111 Oaiy 10eutl oily, butIIII has won the ... ;;!:,lean o f I~r public, and t, , c,,neriuIr i we lava ad rrivedat 1-,,,. i .i,,.111 ~ , ll,,' u Iblr .a: I th.;t h i. forOI1 onl a of tl :."L~I- ,I'a h' I "!' :,u..; ab ly by b . ari patrons. Car .b t un :t w.. +ba 11 9 m :u caul<I c , ui,1l ,"l n 1) -iu'l.e rl rairly the SENDI FOP, Cl,-hll1111'[, I:. t PkTALOGUEEOF BOORS, :iirich u~ll be sceut gratisa to any piaru~o who wll seadtheuir Older nay blook thatyounl ma wnt, remit tLh usual prier, rc~gcthcr withthe .m311 Te((l red fur portag , (Ld one trial %11111 amarre ySru abut the blt place iDthe coonlr) to pur. .h...0bo0.0s Nat 0h0 RELIABLEGIF-T-B OO1 K ESTABLISHMoENT -or- Geo..G. Evans, 439 CHESTNUT STREET, 0 0 1 ,00.,0,,o.,. 1 ol.PoO0lb IAgents Wanted. To lwhom greater inducements than ever areofered. Any person, either male or female, who Lis desialrous of eage,• lbg inan HONORABLE ANDPROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT, requiring but little time and no outlay of money, andby whbsL theycan obtan• gratis A VALUABLE LIBRARY, A FINE GOLDWATCH ANDCHAIN, A HANDSOME SERVICE OP PLATE, A SPLENDIDSETOF JEWELRY, AN ELEGANT SILK DRESS PATTERN, Or many other choice articles enmerted in the Lbt doG1pt, can do so by acting a an Agent feo tPtse est abs4m Any person, inany part of the amtry, an be an Ment, aim. ply by forming a club, ndingI lis t of bE ms, a rettltltg the amount ofmoney required for the same, GET UP A CLUB. Send for a Catalogue, w•ir coAntmts ll th desired nlofrto. tion relative to gencies. andthe formaiou ofclhbs; and to k. aure prompt and honotbl e tdealig,, addreas-d l orders to THE HEADQUARTERS -Of- George G. Evans, Publisher and Proprietor of the oldest and LARGESTGOIFT.-BOOK ENTERPRISE IN THE WORLD. Permanently Located S49 . TNUT STRE Wnt. 4Y9 C0R;E;$TNUT ETEE)Sfl. JS *4tW PMILADREIA.

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Page 1: New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1860-10 … · dofa r , 0.Beo o ewald orane d namden, preseoted apioee ... Gen. T. B. Woward.....St Mar•-ie. mREOCTORT BELL AND EVERETT



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?" Stanz Y

+b ne.A r...i

l y eso

d]e,•• ibeen l dt by the Breooitittab a lOpittae in Wabshl

npoting to be a Record of John Beii i-allas i 544ed ieth charges an

tmaisdee a t aM sednOes. o as Soother

, der. oeine hfor a, to pat a quietO on thesnd BSord onr friends odvoeating th

*iof Mr. Bell, evidence from the ecord, auponeortcl and indlsputable, we republish th

pato f Mr. Bellsa otes apol'vta iatlsendaolthe ioatnstlon of slavery, whide

4r prepad to ourhaad by the Georgt.Watchman.- I thI record doen. noSdpeeof the argesl brought ags•ns

`>)all; 94 etakt the of aln fair

tmo ; ell t la

ah n beow Ges Cmpromtae

er ata 1 tt.Bies oferen aoltn'.l nothv oin on wte. Vol. .Tnon note

t Globe, Vol. 1, poecollon 0tattheSeat

r , o 0.Beo d orane namden, oeedofa ewald preseoted api

oho ao o very h the DitrioSMdrer sa lay on the tab

1", of tiIon oer words, to re

i e tio.m On Mr. Be orrien

t17 pon a slar otin b

b i etlar motion tmend

tteotl6 soleIn the Dintrictud paletedrtyora. MrC BeC

be. +epbaleatitbe,V pagbale moveei to amend tie

ror i thctnog herein "allontag'the'- oo s utho preventinng tiert-

bemp Irstreo ea or otma

.UT iitte d no Soe o lta l dobe, Vol. 29r p a•Territoi.r." Oards amendment for

, o1860-. onreell Globe, Volan amend

Za...Mnr BDi, ofel dingl tutinmoveca nt the Unted Co rotper ob r the tterol

d ( esee .topryevent eatd teretto.orovel Taaorng t ouh Ma. s may be

bir th e t hon of the rights of pro-eJU_2.8r.ddihMBh may hove been, or marnfnnnabu to the Tontetoprtiog ntd

Usdted roaten, phrtd in, or ti trodedr Teerrtoary." On this amendment r.e

o.. 5 greti4 onal Globe o , VoL 21,Jne t, 180--Mr. te moed an amendmentl

tebiyroem dib g , e thttgthe CTnritoitesoothe nited Btatees over the Teeiet Ty, arordhe-wig to Mr. Bell's doe M

aloted yeO ICongreesoal Globe V.

p Suer' 9, ''1850- Badis moved an amendae ,, , lostto-e then o roe n leerrtory o Utalse

awI otsrlolbitppg, repnehrin tll theyab

ore s oh t revetrcted Teulth:onho t:gtroUsont obe, laII go amenb,b pnroviding thuothe iterritories

lw a'tte as td'gtates, eonld orbe roceiedloto;e elonwith erwitht slaveis , a asthent

Osnetliosma prenri•t ree,' Mr. Bell voted yen"aleed obeVol, Igt,page 1210. 2oos 8,e05 t reeam ndme ant armesede

't teCopromise Tirrltoltes w oh restrictedutheant ltte tot of aof ci at of person or propertyfer ol tlSafThes, Statesng" t Mr. Boll voted

.18 ntbeV1l. 21,pag lIlt. TheTheo ta waowD rbe to repealatherantislavery

Auguht d. 18l0--Onthepassage or theFugitiveStave bill Mr. Bell voted yea. [CongressionalL21, page L147.

Bepf iber.10th, 18O0--The bill to abolish theeabeS trade in the Ditriet of Columbia was before

te late IpThe penalty for violating the lawwas ieanltspatlon of the slave. Thib penalty

wt dielked t Southern men m ho were unwillingt l dve shouldbe manumitted by authority of

Iogrfrany purpose. Mr. Pearce moved toe e esa nalty to a fine of $500. On this me-

io 1 Be voted yes. Congressional Globe,

tem 12th, 1860.-Mr. Seward moved toabolibshing slavery in the Districtmajority of the people upon

e t that purpose should be to fover ofS.vdted no. [Cuogressionel Globe,oI 14 and 1810.

b 1th 1860.-The bill to prevent the* of seaves in the DOstriet of Colmm-

wo te eate. r.r. Hale moved to re-' to the o ommittee to re.

l a fnselavory in the Dotriot. OnS`1 tel d no. [Congressional

4 , 1t-- An amedndment wastWOiT M rtd ll prof g the slsvetrade in thel g powerto the orporations of Wash.-

eiftgI4wto 10 prevet free negroesn a heft.: Mr. ellU voted for the amend.s ll od ea Cosgeeto Glonbe, Vol. 21,

,34lb 8h0MDerBll voted againstb Y # tradein the District,

ritre o aaitste mst ore acepts-rBSt In three parutculars, via: by

s ty from emaneipation 0o a fine,o to hsety f eorporatlon in the Di.-to d ee egroes, and enacting more

Segelt elntcoing away slaves fromo e ppsndiL to Cosgressional Globe,br 10.-O o the motion to takei topvet, entioing of s•ives in the

Sof l B

lMr. Dl voted yea. [(ion-ebe Vol. 91 le81O.-The motion

8 Mr.e Sumner presented a memo-amg th .rep•l of the Fugi.

l.QuBar to t y • It on the tablee rd g re ~ l to o doer It),Mr. Bell

.. [Qoneasinlaltose, VoL U, page1.,-.The Apprepration bill was

Mr. Sumner moved an i tpoey should be applied

e lt a lptite 'ugltiv• Slave law.,t4 a lt iuea to. tAppesdix to

bVol. 1 page"st Mr. in's amendment to

eed ine ia0 benefi to csiefelgyp, jCongreaslonalbiobe,

Smoved or leave tote e ftive slave law.

0.'1 3 te~no. ongreselonal

Iti bill to proteet off-e lshe ezpoton of the

, tb• i- etisnton or the

ltaas wende t pp odi-y Suedr " O apmelndgeletfgieive ssave

w, i M: e o dt to Gengree

'V Sf elr SMflmyss.-. the Columbla[8.,O) Gardian of BSlutde leat we fnd the 1o1.

arinfre that two men named Hitch-and so, were apprehended at Clio,

s0on Tuoteday, end were taken to'"Bitr trunks were searohed, and

ikeletone a asrperpisee of tempering with"5paof-vttiog urs linb her haed. It is

t { ienergeeeuOted yterday aL-annetts-

Swit iplstl dirolete to them, hast teree. heir correspisdencet* amere to bedelivered

#v 4 ks to 3th nit. from

leioe, a" as th-afsip I nauslan

IATIO wA. UISoP wr1e V .

aO PgsiesDE.John Bell,

FOB yVICE-PBIDENTi,Edward Everett,

Of NA.


.lrat BZedvoral DistrcL

:lvood Becdoral District.

BII. RA GARDELL E, of .Bernard.. Elector.JULES LAVERGNE, of N. Orleans.... Alternate.

lIsird actlora Districd.CHRISTIAN ROSELIUS, of Jefferson...Elector.DUNCAN S. CAGE, of Terrebonne.... Alternate.

Flburth-fectorale Dstrict.J. O. FUQUA, of East Feliciana........ Elector.H. M. FAVROT, of West Baton Rouge..Alternate.

Pyil .ledoral District.THOMAS H. LEWIS, of Opelousas.....Elector.VALSIN FOURNET, of St. Martin..... Alternate.

Bith .Eletoral District.JOHN RAY of Ouachita ..............Elector.Hoe. B. L. RODGE, of Caddo.......... Alternate.

Each voter at the polls casts his vote for SIXELECTORS, each one of which must reside inaeparate Dislmt s.



The Cotmittee have engaged a room for thePresidential Campaign, No, , second floor of"tory's Iron Boilding," corner of Camp and

Common stieetis, for the transaction of business,andtwherethe regular meetings of the Committeewill beheld.

The Committee meets weekly, EVERY TUESDAY EVENING, at 7? o'clock, and oftener whenrequired.rTHOS. CURRY, Secretary.

Union State Central Esxecntlve Committee.

. MUSSON, Esq...................Chairman.Dr. P. B. McKELVEY c............ ViceChairman.THOMAS CURRY ................. Secretary.SAMUEL T. JONES.... Corresponding Secretary.AD]AM GIFFEN .......................Treasurer.

B. Salomon, Cornelius Fellowes,Wm. O. Denegre, M. O. H. Norton,P. B. Wilts, Thompson Greenflold,TN. Marhks, J.W. acoharie,J. Viosca, . John R. Shaw,J. Lanato, J. 0. Nixon,John Youenes, Thos. N. Shields,Robert Conway, Thos. Askew,B. H. arr, Winm. F. Hodgkins,iaae G. Seymour, C. W. Culbertson,Thos. Murray, Webster Long,Cuthbert H. Slocomb, V. St. Ceran,James Turner, Augustin Larose,Amadeo Landry, E. Parmele,P. N. Wood, Win. S. Mount,N.E. Bailey, B. F. Jonas,Arthur Saucier, Ben.B. Harrisson,Normap Whitney, J.1N. Phelps,N. W. Hebrard, Isaac N. Phillips,Jules Cassard, U. F. Seieshnaydre,A. Duprd. Aaron Harris,L. H. PlId, Stephen Gay,Adolphe Mazurean, Samuel Harby,-Otdea DeBnys, James McConnell,Philip A. Shaw, L. H. Place,S. H. Kennedy, Wm. R. Adams,W. J. Seymour, James Y. Blocker,Norbert Trepagnier, H. S. Buckner,A. P. Field, A. B. Seger, Algiers.

eur.Committee, to Act In the Recess ofGeneral Committee.

)r. P. B. McKelvey, E. Salomon,I. N. Marks, Thomas Askew,Thomas H. Shields, John Youenes,Adam Giffen, Adolphe Mazurenan,Philip A. Shaw, B. F. Jonas,

Finanes . Co mmttee.


Adam Giffen, J. 0. Nixon,


J. W. Zacharle, Aaron Harris,John Youenes, Norbert Trepagnier,

Win. F. Hodgkins.THIRD DISTRICT.

P. S. Wilto, V. St. Ceran,C. W. CuGlbertson. Augustin Larose,


James Turner, William S. Mount,Edward Parmele, J. H. Phelps,

Isaac N. Phillips,A. . Seger.

A. B. Seger.

Committee of Arrangements.

J. W. Zacharie, Thos. Askew,R obert Conway, C. W. Culbertson,

Benj. S. Harrisson.

Chairmen of Parish Coimlsttees.

ASCENSION,Edward Duffel................Donaldsonville.

ASSUMPTION,Geo. W. Jones...... ........... Napoleonville.

AVOYELLES,Wim. H. Murdock ........... ........ Holmesville.

BIENVILLE,Capt. Collin Rhodes...... ............... Sparta.

BOSSIER,Col. R. Hodges.............. ..... Bossier Point

CADDO,Mathew Watson..............LA., .. hreveport.

CATAHOUILA,James G. Taliaferro ............. Harrisouburg.

CLAIBOIN'E,Judge N. S. Scott........................Homer.

CONCORDIA,Douglas L. Rivers... .................. Vidalia.

CALD WELL,Rt. D. Bridgetr.............................olumbia.

CALCASIEU,A. Pjo .. ........... ....... Lake Charles.

DE SOTO,Samuel Clark......................ansfield.

EAST FELICIANA.Henry Marston ....................... Clinton.

EAST BATON ROUGE,Dr.Richard H.Day........... Baton Rouge.

FRANKLIN,C. Ramage......................Winnaborough.

IBERVILLE,Samuel Matthews...................Plaquemine.

JEFFERSON,Pierre Sand ....................... Carrollton.

JACKSON,A. C. Davis........................ Vernon.

LAFAYETTE,Basil C. Crow........ ........... Vermillionville.

LIVINGSTON,Henry Dongan............... ..... Ponchatoula.

LAFOURCHE,.. Darden ........................ Thibodaux.

MOREHOUSE,J. W. Boatner ......................ADISO...Bastrop.

MADISON,John T. Mason ................... Richmond.

NATCHITOCHES,John BlaIr Smith, Esq............ Natchitoches.

OUACIITA,John T. Ludeling...COE......... ...... Monroe.

Robert J. Barrow ........... ivoa Post-office.PLAQUEMINES,

Geo. W. Morgan ............... New Orleans.RAPIDE,

John .Williams.................Alexandria.SABINE,

Robert B. Stille ............ Many Post-office.ST. BERNARD,

S. Vllavosa................ w ...... NowOrleans.ST. CHARLES,

Chas. Davenport........St. Charles Court-house.ST. JAMES,

Alfred Roman...........................Cantrelle.ST. JOHN,

A. Soraparu................ARTIN.....Bonnet Carre.ST. MARTIN,

Hon. John Moore....................New Iberia.ST. MARY,

Wm. F. Haifeigh........ ..... ..........Franklin.ST. LANDRY,

Thomas C. Anderson ................ Washington.ST. HELENA,

George P. MeMichael ................ Amite City.ST. TAMMANY,

Wm. J. Andrews ...................... vington.TENSAS,

Dr. P. Chew ...................... St. Joseph.TERREBONNE,

George L. Lester........N ............ Houma.

Win. C. Carr..... ...........O ...... Farmersvllle.VERMILLION,

P.O. Broussard... . .......... Abbeville.WASHINGTON,

H obert Bablsgtos ............... Franklnton.WEST FELICIANA.

J. RHunter Collins ...... ... St. Francisville.WEST BATON ROUGE

. W. Pope........ e ....... btoa Rouge.

Gen. T. B. Woward.................St Mar•-ie.





NesS uS Odd Fs~tsu' Rshl osn Thurrs t Erulugs.

OFFICERS :President-A. MaNzreas.Vice-Presidents--First District, L. H. Place; Seo-

ond District, A. Legendre; Third District, Chas.Colberteon; Fourth District, E. A. Patterson.

Treasurer-Thos. Askew.Secretary-J. H. Frobus.Grand Marshal--Jas. Beggs.Assistant Marshals-First District, T. A. Bart-

lette, W. R. Fish, F. F. Trinchard; Second District,John Stemmer, V. G. De L'sle, J. B. Sorapar,Third District, W. Long, A. Larose, V. St. CeranFourth District, S. S. Shumway, J. P. Smith, G. H.Beman.

Finance Committee-Moses Greenwood, Wm. P.Vincent, John A. Watkins, Philip Shaw.

Union Guads n


Me at the Ortms, &Eat Reono en Friday Eejrings.: OFFICERS:

S President-John Youennes.Vice-Presidents-Fourth Ward, Dr. E. D. Beach;

Fifth Ward, Amilcar Roux; Sixth Ward, Guy Du-plantler,

Secretary and Treasurer-R. p. Hubbard.Committee of Arrangemeets-J. B. Soraparn, J.

H. Frobus. Gustave Poree.


DISTRICT. (AUXILIARY),uMee at The Thid Dierid cer•Eeg•, tore, of Elysian Fideds

nod GOrosan ,orec s. on Msonui.ys.

OFFICERS :President--Aug. Duquercron.Vico-Presidents-George Clark and John B.

Leefe.Grand Marshal--Chas. O. LeBlano.Assistant Marshals-P. Schomberg, S. D. Max-

well and Benj. P. Lecie.Secretary-Louts Power.

STreasurer-Val. St. Ceran.Finance Committee-John B. Leefe, Chas. W.

Culbertson, George Clark, Charles E. Fortier, U.F. Seioshnaydre and James Brooks.

Committee of Arrangements-Aug. Larose, Jns.B. Gunst, P. L. Mailloux. Charles Morel, P. Schom-berg and Chas. LeCharpentaer.


ILIARY),HMre at the Slar Cthfrrcu, se, rr,e sreet, on Matodays.

OFFICERS:President-P. S. Wittz.Vice-President-Robert Wynne.Secretary-Philip Power, Jr.Treasurer-Chas. Keller.Grand Marshal-James Hoban.Finance Committee-P. S. Wilts, A. N. Power,

Jas. Hoban, G. C. Gottschalk, J. B. Juueck, M.Hernandez, Charles Keller.

Committee of Arrangements-Robert Wynne, G.C. Gottschalk, J. Hoban.


Yet st the Eo,p.'e Marou, eorner Jston and N- Zorrdrsstr, oo .•soMta-d cattrdao,•renilo,.

OFFICERS:President-BenJ. S. Harrisson.Vice-Presidents-A. W. Bosworth, Wm. Cooper.Treasurer-George Mensman.Secretary-William Woelper.Grand Marshal-Hon. Lucien Adams.Assistant Marshal-David Adams.Finance Committee-H. S. Buckner, J. H. Phelps.

William Holmes.Committee of Arrangements-Hon. L. Adams,

George Mensman, W. C. Quirk, A. W. Bosworth.

Uhlon Knight,


President-E. L. Marshall.Secretary--L. Dapromont.Treassurer-J. C. Costley.Marshal-Wm. Henry.Assistant Marshals-William Wilson and J. C.


Fossil Club,


Me at Odd FOeon' Hal on F'riay Eeniniys.

OFFIOERS :President-J. M. LOpeyre.Vice-Presidents--First District, T. L McGill;

Second District, M. Barnett, Sr.; Third District,John B. Leele; Fourth District, Jacob Staub.

Secretary--Henry Bier.Treasurer-Benj. Florance.

Fossils' Guard,

Meoet at the HouIs1 uset, Cir,-oltn. Ruitlroa D-1pot, on Fri-day LEenlgS.OFFICERS :

Captain--R. L. Bruce.Treasurer-C. Huchez.Secretary-Chas. Thompson.

Bell Cha~uplaons,

COMIPOSED OF THE YTII O•' IF NEWORLEANS,.t atct r.- r n . ,,ir. , ,otort, .F l tyE ,iqs

OFFICERS.:President-Theodore W. uiddecke.Vice-Presidents--Firt District, E. D. Hyde; Sec.

ond District, .l Tsavaries; Third District, J. T.Worsley; Fiurth District, 1. Miunt.

Grand Marlhal--lt. i. D)umig.Captain. . ii. . Pierson; First Lieutenant, Chas.

iown ; Second Lieutenat, J. A. . . Brown, Jr.;Third Lieutenant,.F.A. Bonito.

Treasurer-Otis Harris.Recos ding Secretary--S. Yulec Hyams.Corresponding Secretary- l. P. Mortee.

Everett KnIghts,Mdt at No. 82 Camp stret, cr,0'r ofNJhO, on, Thursdayor.

OFFICERS :President-R. G. LOtting.Vice-Presidents-Frst District, George Burns;

Second District, A. G. Bakerll; Third DistrictDr. H. S. Forwood; Fourth District, R. D. Gribble.

Treasurer-William Gribble.Secretary-Charles N. Frost.Grand Marshal-Georgo W. Helme.Assistant Marshals--i. W. Bassett, H. S. Tar.

wood and L. H. Gardiner.Finance Committee--A. G. Bakewell, J. R. Pic-

ton and W. G. Coyle.Exeeutive Committee-L. H. Gardiner, R. G.

Latting, E. B. Adams, Robert Gribble and GeorgeThomas.


Me, Oat etir holl, orner of Nioterue and Jo;vphine otreet,on n1,,,.ar ,, Er,.eni• s.


President-W. M. Perkins.Vice-Presidents-Wm. Northern, John A. Wat-

kins, Theo. A. James, Samuel A. Shumway, I. N.Phillipa.

Secretaries-Wallace Hunter and R. F. W.Bacheman.

Treasurer-Samuel Sumner.Executive Committee-George W. Squires, D. P.

Logan, B. M. Horrell, Samuel H. Kennedy, M.Kirkpatriek, Jaa. Turner, Hy. Block, H. F. Given,E. S. Keep, W. B. Conger.

Finance Committee-- W. B. Bowles, M. T.Squires, George D. Field, Samuel McConico.

Committee of Arrangements-C. D. Bunce,Chas. Ballejo, W. H. Reese.

Grand Marshal-Gaspard Shrieber.Assistant Marshals-F. McC. Swain, Henry S.

Whitemore, Louis A. Adam, Joseph P. Marvel.

Bell Knights,M,•5 o the S . Philip- nslt Rooan on Te•dnc Eernings.

OFFICERS:President-Francis V. Duplessis.Vice-Presidents-A. L. H. Kernion and M. E.

Maocoin.Secretary-Oscar IeBlanc.Treasurer--Charles Escoliser.Grand Marshal -Alfred Coru.Arsistant Marshals-E. P. Legendre, A. D. Ber-

noudy, C. Everett, J. T. Beach.Committee of Arrangements--E. Vidal, Chair-

man; Louis Prados, Aifrd Corou.Committee of Ways and Means-A. L. B. Ker.

nion, Chairman; J. T. Beach, A. Morel, Chas. Du-plessia, R. J. Ducros.

Constitutionl Club,Mrt at ta O-lmn 1all1 Rooso o,, T•anay Eemingr.


President-G. Dnplantier.Vice-President-Henry Garidel.Secretary-B. C. Cenas.Treasurer-Alfred Bernard.Grand Marshal-C. W. Allen.Committee of Arrangements-Ed. Jordy, Alfred

Bernard, Emile Dupre, J. K. Bally, NomaDelery.Assiatant MarahaLb-H. Grimsabaw, Ja. Vlenne,

J. . Hoyle, Philip Behanan, Eemle Dupre.

Minute Men of '0,Met at ataen • la,•nNa t srene. r HewuBora ate

a Wd mbays.

OFFICERS:President-P. IH. Middlemise.Vice-Preildent-A. E. Dick.Secretary and Treasurer-G. W. Nenta.Captain-James Beggs.Committee of Arrangements-G. W. Neutz, C

W. Grissan, Toby Hart, J. A. Brown.

Bell Rangers,OF THt FIRST WARD,

Metl at Eale Hll oa enrr Tuexauy Eieng.,

President-J. M. McClandish.Vice-Presidents--Benj. Bland, J. S. Clark.Secretary-Frank L. Clayton.Treasnrer-W. W. McGarrity.Chief Marshal-Wash. IMarks.Finance Committee-1. N. Marks, W. H. Cook

J. P. Harrison, W. K. Day, A. Kearny, H. Renshaw.

Htount Veronat Club,OF THE SECOND WARD,

.Md at No. 9 .0',, Burain every Fiay R eoins.OFFICERS :

President--Thos. Murray, Esq.Vice-Prenidents-A. Itowell, Chas. Pride.Secretary-Edward S. Hoole.Treasurer-W. T. Stocker.Marshal--John L. Gubernater.Assistant Marshals--E. Blessy, Jos. Laborde.Finance Committee-J. W. Wilder, Winm. Grant

Dr. Bensadon, E. W. Dorr.Committee of Arrangements--Mark Breeden

Robert Armistead,W. P. Coleman, E. Toledano, EA. Tyler.

Everett Rangers,OF THE THIRD WARD,

Mer thore /ltrroUlteon It,~rcd Drlpe, orner of Blroue nmPerdido ,tree+, on date.aLys.

OFFICERS :President-Lea F. Bakewell.Vice-President--W. G. Dales.Secretary-C. F. Verlander.Treasurer-R. Yeatman.Grand Marshal--Tho. Askew.



ni- ^! orFn/,/ .c/, ,nt, ro', / 1aif n, tr, e , ls l, Tuleatae.

OFFICERS :President-Henry Boehe.Vice-Preaident-Hanson Kelly.Treaurer-R-obert Pringle.Secretary--Geo. . Sinmpson.Finance Committee--(Geo. W. Stoddard, John R

Bradley, Robert Prinlie, Hudson English, - Perkins, Hanson Kelly.

Bunklier Hil Rangers,OF TIlE FOURTH WARD,

iMe rwrner Ca,,nal ,,nd ',Fll,. i dree, on Jronday.

OFFICERS :President--W. J. Maynard.Vice-President-Victor Gaschet Do L'Isle.Secretary-George A. Bears.Treasurer-L. A. Blache.Marshal-T. E. Sykes.Assistant Marshal-Joseph Baker.Finance Committee-Geo. Watyman, Jack Wil

son, James McCracken, Arthur Saucier, WilianHodgkins.

Rough and Ready Club,OF THE SIXTHI WARD,

i, s., at the St. fhil/ip Ball li•or on erery Moalnay E•enin

OFFICERS :President-Joaquin Viosco.Vice-Presidents--A. Sambola, T. C. Hoggarth.Secretar--J. A. Weysham.Treasurer-F. Sambola, Jr.Marshal-Ed. Fagot.

Young Bell Ringerr,Me a t the Odd F~llosN ' Hlat/l erry Sbrtrdly/ EcfZing.


President-Frank Lobrano.Vice-Presidents-First Districts, Jos. F. Dick;

Second District, O. Blasco: Third District, H. N.Jenkins; Fourth District, Wm. Ferert.

Secretary--D. C. Canter.Corresponding Secretary, Edward Sloan.Treasurer-J. VWatts Kearney.Grand Marshal--C. E. l.everich.Assistaut Marshals--First District, Andrew Jack.son; Second District, WV. P. Hodgkins, Jr.; Third

District, Wm. Sorey; Fourth District,Jeree Bryan,.Foot Mlarshals-lFir:t Distr/ct, T. E. Bridge; Sec.

end District, A. I. Leverich ; Third District, E. J.Blasco; Fourth District, H. B. l'egram.

Crittenden Guard,

tel , t ,Stadlioa, flat!, ,',,,nlr \X1,,,•d,1, an! Poly,,•tila d -l" ,or f 5/ 1t,,,c, y - , ,Y / ,, f cc.

President-Edward D. Turner.Vice-President-John T. Block.Secretary-Jos. H. D)eGrange.Treasurer--Geo. C. Wedderburn.hMarahal--Samuel Aiston.Marlshal's Aids and Committee of Arrange

ments-John Russell, Charles Montaldo, CharleeThorn.Finance Committee--Alfred Kearney, Esq., H.C. Swain, H. F. Warner.

Bell Lathers.

(Officers, time and place of meeting not published).

Illghet anllk Rell Clappers,OF ALJ• [.RI,

PreSi•dent--A. B. hSer.Vice-lhesident--W/ illi'mf Martin.',cretary--A. 11. lo t" ,.I reasner r---\V,,. / iiinMtarhia---Cl rle•I / .r r'r/ison.CLlmittee o ,a\;s and Meallns--XNorber T ro-

pagnier. Hy polit IF-fier, L. W. )Dodge, TIhomuasHence. Wm. Bradmlln.

National 'Executtse Conlrulrttec of Ille Conl-ttlttutolnrl ni ont Par'ty.

HBon. Alexander R. I oteler, of Virginia, Chairman.John A. li:okwell, or Conncctieut.William Temple, of Delaware,J. Mhorrison loareis, of laryland.Joshua Hill, of Georgia.Iichord W. Thompson, of Indiana.

a. Y. Johnson, Esq., Galena, illinois.Robert Mallory, o Kenltucky.Marshall P. Wilder, of Massachusetts.Anthony Kennedy, of Maryland.D B. St. John, of New York.James Bishop, of New Jersey.Jolla A. Giltner, of North Carolina.Hesry M. F'ller, of Pennsylvania.Thomas A. It. Nelson, of Tennessee.

For the e District of Colnsalba.ion. Jon. Bryan, of Ala.

Beonj. aOgle Taylor, Esq.R.. Wiiliamson, Esq. Washington City.i W. . Freieman, Esq. oJos. H. Bradley, Esq.L. A. Whitely, of Maryland, Secretary.

IIeadqnarters of the Committee, 357 D street,between Ninth and Tenth, Washington, D. C.

Conatltuitlaoal Ulllits Party Platform.

Whereas, experience has demonstrated that plat-forms adopted by the partisan conventions of thecountry have had tie effect to mislead and deceivethe people, and at the same time to widen tie po-litical divisions of the country, by the creation andencouragement of geographical and sectional par.ties, therefore,

Resolved, That it is both the part of patriotismand of dut y to recognize no political principlesother than

Tie Constilnlion of the Countny,~ite Unrionr of the Stales, andTihe En'mornretrel of the Lawns,

and that as representatives of thie ConstitutionalUnion men of tile country in National Conventionassembnled, we here pledge ourselves to maintain,protect and defend, separately anid unitedly, thesegreat principles of iublic liberty and nationalsafety, against all enemies at home and abroad,beliesing that thnereby peace may once more berestored to thie country, tle just rights of tilePeople and of tile States reestir liched, and theGovernment agiin placed io that condition oa, fraternily and el uality weilc, under thie ex-anmple tand contitulion of our fathers, hs se 0emnlyh bound every cilizen o1' tile Unirrted Sates tlmaintain "a ilore perfrect unionr, estabrlish ju.tice,insure dnmestio trmanuility, provide lir tile corn.amt defense, Iproiote thia generalr welare, andsecure the blessings of liberty to ourselves andour posteroity."

SINvitti.aa ANIt S rrrri DiN)l:r'rn.-The Phiiladel.phia P

ress ihroricles tie case of n wolnan ag, d

45 years, who retired to betol on Wedresday rightin apparent lealrt, and was tie slcceediig discovered dead upon the floor in a pool ofher own blood. It was at first supposed she hadbeen murdered, but the coroner's investigationdisclosed the singular fant, that a cancerous woundwhich the deceased had upon her left wrist had,during the night, eaten into the main artery, andthe poor woman bled to death while creepingabout in search of relief.

iTh OQny Preparateon-

That ho.-


And grows more and more Popular every day l

and tstimonioals new, and amoot wliout namber, might begiven t rom ladle mid gentlemen in all grades or society, bhos.neittd toetstmony none could reolot, tloat Prof. Wyod's Ion1 RIo.torattoe oill restore the b11ld tod sily, n d prestove the oy ofthe youtt to old oag, in all its youthful beauty.

DAMEo CleEb, Mich., DEC. 21,115.Pror. Wood: Theo oult olotyo toopt h line to in forthoe

that the hlt oon my head nil tIl yIai over t o elatr. goenurtd tyy compoicted chronic disease, attended 0ith nn emp-tieodotl fote head. A conlltot , co- of a ofnring through lifehaving reduced me to a yy te oyr Iytyel'oeav,tI ttoe oft benable to obtain tluff for raps, tlitor eoan I beet, able to do thtomlIp, in coIt etotnct or yhiyh my trotI toat notifyd eoti tlyhftt cold. this Inducetd mo ty pay Hipyt & Itott, , lmostoyto lot cent I l on earth for a owe dollar Ittty tof I, 1 Ilan,11 torto, abhot tohotio t of r 0,1,t Ityt. I onvt thlihtllpy'lylllrd the direcltont. end thye told sot is nowyyovered wishhair thick and BIHPLk hllgh ellart ; it1".:ds r coming in nl overI\DLty head. PFtitgoy oundrnt that noytto, y lin lyotto wotld mfurs ,t ontlly ly aid ie mtooto fly, I fucl ouaoly. to pyt~orctl InIts h~c, and Lc ing( deal loafs eft mnnr lb o pp1TPII1Lw r 15 more, Iunidlinklnh Ihro i Ilse 84 nllltlt not L> rlil tU snarl mea nn r-

der on Illise n;;mits for n ro!tln. null TCCBI( to LII .F/I oho elin-ttot" doclaonlriol h ie yt-,ydl le to t.orn That are kl,d to tlewidow ,wd rim r hlhedlcla.

Thy friend, OCOANNAIL 115R1C.

I.toytyn Null, to onty ltd., Foeb. 5.1 199.Prof. O. J. Wood : Dean S ir - In tllu letter pare m tiro year1552, ohile tttondyng the State otd Nattonat Itow jotyt or theo or New York, my hair,.ytm ,yrtytr y known to mut, ry

menced I'lllluu aH very rapidly, n o shut in is s hort apace of sixonhs. the yyyolo y t, wooult of ' yty xcnl was"yalmotot o ttyotybercl ofits ove, igoy, al mktot of ihyaz uluiti lart toy jtothe ,dottaodtLytk port of myr ead shalotly after became gay. tottbt you will hot Ire tyyyoio,,otybe I tell ylo that upon mo y oturn1 to thre State or Indiana, my maore casunIi egnnfutacHtym not to much at a loss to dltt to pr the oo uoge in my tPPrt tyoooo at mt more t ntimatyt oypultudeobey wery to reytytppy meat ll.

I at once .pytnpplyottyon to the mytt thlltry physiclan. Inthe ountry, but, oewtytto ytyytoyeeot - froom thym chat tyy haircould 1A9,L, be r ytined, Itw ohs fo dto ecotyy re 1 '-itoed tomy fot

e0, unootlt f(UI1Oc1too the latdoterart or the ear Iot

,Ttou Rt.tornthv was recommended to me by a drugistas leIi , the mlost reliable Bair Restorative In urn. 1 trued one hot.tie, and( lyoir tlly orientot sofr" lyon othat It wasp Odbeiyg thedsald ety eer. Syu rnt time, Ihaye used oo, -toliarywor],yl you RSyoslytyo, and ts a result, have a rich coat of voryrsot blayk hair, which lie mnnr, Ne by.

As ty.,ik yfotoy yoothatyl. fot you labor alol ybkll In thloypoodnc'loo of' M ouilerfunl all irlr.e I Late Ie-m-maledr its useto many, or my fyrioy lnd ottyo tyl, ittoywho, um hlplpy toitform youyre usiny 11. I, etln lilk yttyOr.

Very reooyttully, ,oaort,to. M tATTA,

Aktotcy ndl-Cyoyseyllo-at I..y.

Dwoott, Ny. 4t Iiyrotdway, and acid by o1l daylk yyybylthoytTee toto ytt uti. pnt ttp fn bootlles of throe ,o.. to, v Lagot,allyan,' IIi y Th. mall Iyhos, tt. a poyt,;otItoriel,"e Joltenr lwr Lotuts. The m-dinm ILoillu llddd at Icat\L twari.:

per cenlt. mot a in p oparo+".u ohm, dos , ,emit, and remilr for to odollo y par ty.tls Thylurs hoyll, butyqrty fIrty 1loo rto. medytpro a, anhtlo ors for throe nl[nr: a ttttth it Oy J.WOato CO., Proprloltyo, St4trdlwuyp New TYjy and o It1 kyot. ,lresotN. I.tLou M. lo y lad sot, by all good d tyygbotst dfancy good. daalers.

J. WytItiHT & CO., Agytty

21 and1 151 Cburtreaelreet.

Dr. Sloofland'.


Dr. lonoallan,'o

BALSAMIC CORDIAL,The grant standard medicines of thie present to have ay,,qued

theityyog t rypotaty ynly throyyygh yeotoyr tria. Unboynded,Otlryactlen is rendered by them In ally ctto,,aoild thy pyIlohotipronounced theyt torthy.

LItER COMPLAINT. DTSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, BINITY OF THE NNIVOUS SYSTEM, DISIEASYY OP T1KIDNEYS, and all diseasts soriyyg from odtsordyred liveroo.Oyt,,,yr the ONotoch aid tigyotyve orgyy

0, are jeedily sad

permatently cured by the O EIlMA N BITTI ERSTht BALSyAMICCOIRIIAL has oyquytod a reoptaton tty r

pao o t t that o1 any similar prtyttyyyoo exttnt, It ill core,wlthyyt rytt,tht most ntoovertnd loogslyndyyg COUGIIH(COLDOR IIyOARSENES. BRONCHyITIy, INFLUENZA, CROUP.PNEUMONIA, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, and has performed the moyt yot,1t,,l1yyyury, eyyr known of

CONFIRMyED CONSUMPTION IA fyw do.totil tlyyy at ytne hehok ayd cure the mosyyoore.

DIARRIIEA proeeding from Cyld io the yoyels.Thtee medlc(nyy are ptepareyd by Dr. C. 20. JACKISON 3 Co.,

No. 418 Arcb street. Philtootlphia, Pt., styd are told by dOrg-oitotyotyddtyolooin mol citty ,y votyslero.. 5 tys po5 byt.tie. Thesignaturea of . M. Jackson will be on the outsidewmrper oreach bottle.

In thy Almanac pnbllthed .tin olly by tho pyoyoir!ore, etltodEVeRYBOIIY'SAL.MANAC yout ill tlPdoielyooknyyandcomyoyudoory noticeyy roym all parts of the country. ThestAklms.s0cs are given 007 by all our ogenlts

J. WRIGiHIT A CO., Aittoto.21 and 151 Gunmenu street.

Mothe'rs.Thoousnd are doily speaking io the praise of


and why: belcans it never fails to aford in.t,-otaneous reliefwhen given in time. It ne. aos if bym gic, aond ofne trial alonewtilconvince you that what we say I true. It cuntaino

NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATEof any kind, and ticfreote -tliov-b by rcmovingote o r,,ufngs ofyour child, In.ted of by deadenlng its xeooboiil-. Foor thiseason it commends itself a Hieonly reliablle prepartion nowknown for Children Teething, DI rrhea, Dyouter), Griping

Rek T.a:igo the l; owcl an o Rfl lloun. it hC a no qua l-

SBooood Foofboobfofooooo

lThe al anti.-ood F oa in Io , det uoed with fnc1, Ille. ellfyo R h . PAR hTIO fr, w hich. nfbio otier rh 05udI• S ,Z For , t *n

T,,*, lrt' la 1',r t, r.,, 2 !. p tr! I h. lCI i ,H1red

'•'ruola d ,A rplainu Irhh ill, i Itt p',rUr,, ll ,

and rvous Prootr _ too o. N fo. ", for No.b

that what foo gadn yoo retin. Tohe No. b oo for femal0

IfrregfufN,. 49l B, ,"t Iv.:,,. - ne y =,w ork.

ogoiooo !,'oo1o.

Bt:laddd tom in -I d Nli, -,- oInA AN-.ll , l'dl,,t-e yiret

eopd bob, dofofooo of Obo fffooof e fo dfoooo offoo. Foo,,:

f ,'00000r oooboooo u fo ,ogioof0, ,t~p. oool ,wlff0N tloal n ooton, o er of Offlo ino , 1 , ,of l,,i. terd ood ~. 0etfod"olf ,, o ,O, veo ,,,d rNo.S: .oobffeno,.a fo

o- N o.-

,leao n Il oad. Supli) tln'4edelciene.lesa,• yonare mnllwall.rho Olood FoM o ronn od, upon this lory-ohend iotb ooopoIo .


apted tothae ed efi iences of the sIlooed in dirent diene Issn ol

onuo, Colyd, p ro och'" or any ooaod loel whottove of the

Tt r or Iunge d thous ndc gonothio the eNo.t to which ho hadote No for Depre on of reliefrit, o the of Appetoite, d for all

Tohrole o Po plahof arising from o-Ue, o enoerl o eabi lityoet the ditaotes of yoor jdment guide T ou in the use oi oheLand ervigou ro•trat oll 2, foore Liver Complaints, BNod ,

tfor Dyspepspa. Being aheady prep Diarred fo umer absorption It

this, Por Salt Rheum, Ernpflon,, Scrofulous, Kidney and

thousndb can teltify) In twedt. minuies, t f twoordthreet

Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 41 Broadway. Ne.ork i J. WRIGHT A 0O., No.21 151 Chartres otree o 0,. WOOD CO., St. Lous,th, and by l rospectabh Dorg.


Iris ompo pounded en r tiprely from Gmcts, nd h t bpo•oe olanPiablf tuhd fact, o Stondoo) Medicine, known and approved by 0 llthat hae d it. a nd is no reorted to ithany confidence ntho ,olfoos for which It lo roeomoo tnded.

It ha cureod thousmdo within the laot two years who hadlovn up aoll hopes of relief, tA the nnmerou osololltedcerti_.,'ares in my po1sxsion show.Tio dose m0st he adopted to the temfpeament of the idiold.dll taking It, nud utad in eu0h 00antities as io act gently 0on h

Let the dictates of your Jndgomet golde you in the use of thLiver Inoo0igor0.tor.nd It will cure Liver Compltlots, Bllous&ttacoks, Dysoopelfi, Chonitc Diarrhea , oSummer ComplaintsDysentery, Dropsy;lSoor Stomach, ftbifiot Costive-, f haoo llo,tlholora, Cholera Morbus, Clolero Infaotum, Flatulc ,Jamo=.dice, Fenlal Weaknesses, and 0may be uoed successfuolly ooodfnary Family Medicineo . It will cure Sick Oleadaehe (A,,hosnands cn testifyf n0 twenty mifm eIf twooro threeot"po0rmui are taken at commencement of attack.o All who

are giving their testimony in its favor.Mix water in the mouth with the Invigorator, And swallow

-- Also--

S ndtoforo't IFamioly Catharrtle Pills,ompounueo t rom* pu0 alooe hotabl oxtraeto, tood put upfo Oloto

O.Ses. air tlhit, end will keep omoay citmate,

tre. Th aoOo t io Pl',,ro.• d.a00 d from toewhoo loMv

tbo thro .roe, ho induced o e to ilce ,tro fm n ihthe reo h000

iofff-oeo, oo

o oo,.oor

the toowe[

l.h .,T. C00oiloortoeooilkooo, 00tt p ooa 0ooo t oo re fec o to p

.,ooolohrot'loo. tooo looilmo ndooo o o oo ! t of th, oleoo, .ooob o. [rloorooent t hbo Sooooo(h Sho~epauneo

an Ire die Sack cald a",nts. 2 o _,, 1W.n .l00r4en.,oooho .1", Io0d) 0 room •of oldd, which OrooL,.oy iffi.St~cd. e~d ,u a our. o0 FTeve,, CIo. of App00it.0 0 Croop-o'totfo•tioO ,'0old over he M0,I). Pooocheooweoig, oo ,h0.- oho ad, R lfl uoom•oroo io fosoo, Weoo tonOldldre ot Adolot. Rhoooomotoom, 0 00at Purotb of ho 4loo

Imto obo ,his adoootuoot. Poet I o $. Prie.o Dimes,Tho ofver o nvTgoolo ol od Foymlly o1thbr Pills are retit0edoo Drogohoo.oeoroll'o.and .old by th0 otadoln all the loarge.T. W. &•NFO,•NI M. D., MOinfAotoor tnd Pooprktoto

J. WRIGHT A 0000.Wholeogai Agootto07k Wnd o old by *oeor D•"ugf-•

Gee. G. Evane'


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