new orleans daily crescent (new orleans, la.) 1866-02-13 [p 5] · sugar, and mola.ena, dry ooods,...

'.. uesday, R ebhrary IS. 1o. te ................ APID•l,' Mc•bnne ....... 5 PM Plorda ................. AUORT, Hu tcAhis...p ...... M.9 AM Mobile...............MANHATTAN, Wlheon--Os.... 43 PM Mobile ... ........ REOL, Wlker-B ar......... PM obile: ..... OR AN' inot-Cr........ 4 PM Lafonrohe.,, ....... PIhIN CITY, Dolares ......... PM Oormerly Lieutenan.Jt o. orofP Loutsan, he g a picturePM , od lttvlr...s......,. B.l y rLEN Rodman ... ,.... ... 6 PM hhit.ur,.it...L V.. IIANITA annon.. ... 6PM a al.....l oney , a-..-TMRE Th, lebrate5PM aolust matals, is mild and eolient in itsnature, fr-- aIey I iy b extremluuicetig befe in its etion pon the Tclet iSop,•n ucb heuni•erl demaned, tis nde from the chciceitmaterials, Is mild and emolient tl itsnatre, fe.. greatly notatd, and extrmeley helfclleil in lts iction uponthe ski., otPc. eelebytb lcgellete and fanefegds dealers. eclig year, vit: S JOHNG. dd&ir, P. AVNDANMO, A. SIlAiPElLA, P. PORSTALL,. st h m dptlnk obe Bo ed'fpDltcley, heldthis day, 1. K. tyepagDireCtor on the paiet the Shate,' besagaeo present, John G. G•ine, Meq., ,wae nnanimously elected Pe.i- dent.: EUGENE ROBUSSEAU, Cahiber. -- C•lty Notlonnl Benk--New Orlean., Feb. 12, ImM.-At C re gulcr meetingof the Board of Directors of this bank,N. T. N. ROBINSON was cnanimo;efy elected Craehier. G. W. OOOIIRAM, President -epel8 ete Nntlee- IY rs. JuCiIThompIpoa eu.,ployed in168 as house keeper on Ouaciic t ri er, is in lNe Ocrle , e wipleac all t Mesn. Williams, NLon & Co , No,. ,• Cato' c trcet. .-- Hol e Utseal Ilasurnece Cempany, 4ed Orleane, Feb. 8, 1866.-At an election for ofcers of this company, held on the 6thinst., the follownhggentlemet wer elected: James H. Whaleb President. Alfred Moulton, Vice President. Samtai nmo, Sceretary. raes Triacran DoE 4, 18G5. E. K.Gonverne, A. lonliton, B. P. lEthell, A.H.May, Robert Hare, D. McCoard, IJa. E. Isenhour, John T. Mlore, A. QKennett, John o. Rogep, . J. H.Lucdwtgcen, W. C.Tompkins. - Speelal Notlee-The steamer Nick Loeg- -eo. 4SItl bhe Ire4iht and Pta geq r for Black and Ouachita Rive,. as high as Alabama Landing, andfor all Landings on Bayou a brbonne and Bayou Bartholomew at the lowest rate n the river, and leaves punctually at5 o'clock every SATUR- DAY. A clerk is now oa the Levee, head of Gracver street, eeceiving freight HITE A MURDOOK, I 5t kleOrevtatree. -- Citizens Bcnk of Lousl•Clna-Neew Or. leane, February 6, 166M.-At a meeting of the Board ofDire. tdn on Monday, 5th ltL, a dividend of Five per caL wces d clared, out of the proits the he Banking department, for the lst nix monthe, pgyable to the cash tdockholdere on or after :he 12thl icicIn. E. ROUiSSEAU, Caehicer. -- Having completed Ine.creed arrange. ments for the sales, at Auction and Commission, of Cottom, Sugar, Mola.ena, Dry Ooods, Clothing, BootsandShoes, Hats and Caps, Cutlery, FuYniture, Produce, Real Estae,Stocks and •ther descriptions of Merchkadise, andthankfl for the libeer patronage of the past, weare now prepared togive increased f lilitl in thSkbtur for thetramnation of all msinm e tntrusted e our care. We particularly c•l the attention of Importern, Jobbers and ere ofDry Gods and Clothing, to the central location f iteaceomi, epcialy devoted tothat branch ofbusinee. 1d havesecured the Cervices of Mr. H. iMarks, ofthirty mr ' experience in that une of mrchekdise, who will devote whole attention to the same. ILLbeel advances made on conslgnments. c Respectfully, MONTGOMERY A BRO. S. M.MOeyOyc ayc, Auctloneer. U Lolsan Lodge No. ilE, A. P. & A. N., Sas regular Commenlc.atoa in grand Lodge Hal, St. . ,n.tnt, noth r.m t. an .treet,ee.ry TUES 9t EVENING, t7 o'clock. rnrse.-W. C.Drver, W M.;. T Ha, S. W.; Jna. S ew, J.W.; G. W. iSter, PreaSmrer; Arthur Waugh, ;W. S. Mitehell, SB D.i; E E Hr J.D.;E. J. heedtM,M. C.; C. F. Kll, K 0. Htchbinson, Stewards; . Rogrs nr,'apln ; 0. W. Garvin, Tyler. -- peeall NotIee-AIll persons weanting in. .UatonIn relat dte prsone. of war who died atCamp jeutglt, Ill., will ple ddress E. S. JORDAN, Bx_.49, Chicago, iIL ----- Gen. 8, B. Blekner,oe tKentueky, Lkere. " announced as a partner in this hou•ns SOrleanas De 218, R LOW J. PHELPS A O. Sry e C4omgereltaI Express Company Is Sforward Freight, Vauablea and Money to all parts d States, making close connectlon with European Y gsght, Money and Valuable canbe fIrwatded ,he world with safety and dhpatch. Iand lE Common street, New Orleans J. J. MKEEVER, Presided. JOHN S. GRAY, Genel Sup' JAMES BROWN, Agent. tion-Parties Htavingthe Celebrated Vilson Sewing Machine, are hereby cautioned agthem ht the hands of tinexpereeed pesons for f having them repaired The only place in ths te Wheeler & WilsonMachlne tan be propetytre. a1 the late improvementet dded, is at the agency my, 16 Canal street. PECK BROTHERS, Agents VEIL BROUSSARD, JE., .ON FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ,ev No. 45 Front Levee, Between Customhusee and Bienvile streets. 7iECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. Ladies desiringa ti CLEAR AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION should u ethe Gentaine GeorgeW. Lalrd's Bloom of Youth. This delightful TOILET ARTIOLE has noequal for Pro. E7ing and Beautifying the COMPLEXION and SKIN, ane 1l remove TAN and FRECKLES, and all other Diseases fthp 5kle. yu I brn Dmrglgsts wa•y ere. S t--4tFuleton street. Neow eork. SARSAPARILLA BITTERS. The attention of the Public, City and Country Trade is re- .pectfulIy called to the introduction of the Sarasparilla Bitters. The most Pleasant and vluable Bitters that has ever been in- toduced in tOhfe e ntry. The trde'n general can be upplld by the following Grocers and Druggists: Fagto, Marks & Co., 43, 45 and 47 New Levee street. Odlmn & Porch, 37 and 39 Tehoupltoula street. E. J. Hart & Co., 73, 75 and7Tehoupitoules street L. Basset, cor. Gravler and Tchoupitoulas streets. F. Avet & Cambon, 59 and 61 Old Levee street. J0J4 T. Moor, nor. Poydraa and VowLevve streets. • C, Mitchell, cor. Camp andPoydras streets. Cas A Dowllng, O0 Poydrae street, S, y•, Marsden, Druggist, cor. Magazine and Graeeer. (' T: ner & Wailes, Druaggsts, eor. Royal andCustomhouse. l. "..Ig-t~ 0. G.N. MORRISON, Agent, i }t12" M.againe street. oPtCEik ........... .. o. o CE.jiI E. PP" ` $ s prime RIo And Old Java. SUGAR-5 bbls. Cruehed and Powdeed. . 0 .. bh . Nelw ,ouaelana M OIASSES-hbbhls antdhal I.bls. h .ta FLOUR--20 bbla ette, Stperene and Pite PORK--tiMbla. Mae aRd Pdrme Mes. LARD-10 0 kegs and bbla Lesa th GBREEN MBAT-RIO lb. Pork Sides. pt BACON--Shoulders, Cler Sides atnd,~ •H SWHIS4KY--Old Sounh .nd Dexter's Beetiae P SOHNAPPS. eases Weolfe' (justlnded) WINES-BRANDIES-CORDIALS. ele alyIsalke sehaekePlntan on and useCet af Mt CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, ponTEAS, RICE, TOBACCO, P. 4 ECANS, ALMONDS, FRUITS, GODFISH, MACKERE L. H Ondiore and for sale by bent BIDWELL. PAYNE & CO., 1 posBetwe. n PpTera itd .Mvet}e. to I •ICE :...T............... .c.. NOTIE; and 'eollei hagdesghg Certificates of Shares a nd ip t c of atied ton Ifeurane Uttpaty of New Ogle.., the propetG y SI,1 M Pntne. Esq., having been lnt I herebe givee.o- IS p t~ t is lntlnttu to appealtt thesaid Company tI,,,. :eae of Shatee NO. 10G.-10 shaee.dated Ate. It, 1857. T. J. tI'RSOAN Agent for Edward .Gienlave, No. 155 Common street MIteans, Pebenes y, ,181, 1__ 1SCI:jLAEOUS. - LANDING EX BASH MICHAEL, 01R0S EOBDB.AY,, 43laret On Caoi/ - 40 cask- SRt. Gervale, 1864. 20 .. ,SugIn, 00 .. st. Foy, 60 .. Ambea,, " Clare'0t In Caner. 1000 case- Cna,, 1801. 400 .. O.310i, 104. 0S.. Freesi,J064. 1160 .. Clau1e, v0g1e1,3P1ll0 3000 .. St. ulplo,J gale- IIKA C21. 60D .. 'Bt. MadMe, .. . W5hitn Wince In Gale. 335 o6sa 5,023,0,0, &ene 0110,. 30 .. 00otI01.4. Sardine. In Oil. 00 1l1e013 b5301 R35do,,1, 04Nontas 2005 . Golh,.y, 100 .. a. . Rnlt. In Brandy. 38 cases BRANDY (IIERRI0. 500 .. Asserted FRUITS. 45 ... PRU0NES. 9 .. PEAP.S. 1' .. R1000013. Doled Prno.r.! 011as1 of214 jas, (barel-shape.) 4 .. of 51 boxes. 30c-see Kermann, superior. Absynthe. 100 cas oUwdo.S1151.3. Peeled m Vervn.neth. 100 ases Nob0ly, Prtt &Co. Corks. 00 bales f 10,000, in bogs oTf WO CORKS, regular Rod pointed. o, soleIn 0,1 f hl.od, by 7. BAILLY BLANCHARD, JR, No. .8 ndSd 4.1,0 Lee street. BRANDIS........................BEANDIIEN. 00o,,.k, 0 6 0'ELLRRVISON,( 4th 5111!. 4 .. J. Faol,,& Co. COGNAC, 3d proof. 20 .. J Fastok.. .. 2 . Cbnmonane. 000 ba1skets 0PIP00R RIESOsSCK. Cordills. 23 c11e- ANISEITE. 25 .. CURACOA. For sale by T. BAILEY BLAKCCHARD JR., 38add 90 Old Iwvee street. GOVEENEIENT CLOTHING PLANTA2300 USE, J. P. Mna nao. No. 05& )10.1ir street, (up soles,0) New O121,1, RH is.r ogle a consignment of ANrmy Clotbiopg, .131501 Coo plantation use, lonsisting of COATS, PANTS, CAPS, OVERCOATS and OVERALLS, OF T11X1ERY 10 l QUALITY', Wbhcik w120 be sold at less tkan One Hiaf th0e 0,onera.nent Price. Be ,,o Alk Aen R Rainsey N o . 00 Clrondeleb street,No, Orleans. GAIBIEBE Jk LORAN, CORNER BORIEVOLLE AND OLD LRVEE, Hae on band andfor fslo-- 25 hhdsi. Chok, Louisiana SUGAR, 20 h4.5. Primeand Pair SUGAR, 00 bbls. Cesok,,d 0SUSAR, 100 sac.k Rio COFFEE, 201 h1. casks F0ne BRANDY, 25 eighth rooks Fine BRANDY, 50 00,ket0 CIISM13k20ASNR-J51ole fix, 00 111ks Finf CLARET, 500 boxes FineCLARET, 100 SAUTERRE, 100 baskle SWEET OIL, And a large asstment STAFLE AND FAMILY GROCERIES. SA LC'TIO SALES- 'POWELL & FORSTALL, Plantation Brokers, No. 6 Carondelet street. Having made arranngmenta for that purpoewill attend to the sales axauCtio of Real Estate in the sity. PIhtations and other property which may be entrusted to their care. REIVED PER SHIP RIVAL, FROM 410 ases SARDINES, half andquarter boxes. 7 dozen FIS , in Oil- Mackerel, Tunny Fish, Salmon REdSh. Tsrbot. etc. 25 cases STRAWBERRIES in Juice. 20case TRUFFLER PyER, G(OOSE LIVER,GAL- ASTINE PARTRIDGE, SNIPES, Etc. 10 casesTRUIPFLER SAUSAGES. 10cases VEGETARLES ASPARAGUS, GREEN PEAS, GREEN BEANS, IEt. 5 TRUFFLES. For saleby JOHN DUNTZE. A4 Royal street. M ME. •, BLAIrT- NO. 205 CANAL STREET, SBetween Rampart andBasin streets. M'illnery and Dress MLakl;;. Gentlemen and Ladies' Linen made to order and in the Latest Paris Style. S P E C IA L ..... .... SPCIAL. The firm of HITCHCOCK & FORD was dtsolved on the l1th inst. I will be responsible forpo,bills since batdats other than tlhse lo er my own individual sIgnatsres I will conduct thdbbs1nes1 of REAL ESTATE BRAKER ANDAUCTION- EER atNo 3 Odd Fell1ow' Hall. Thankful ihr pastfavors, I most rt•pcctfuliy ask a continuamne of the same. Prompt and personal attention will be given toall outdoor salsa ofll kinds ofteal estate, euceesaiona, etc., eto. H. H. IlTCHCOCIL DUIN & I DERRON- ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Baton Reoge, La.. New Orleans, No. 68 Carondaest streets TERY BITROTIHLROS- Jobbers and Dealers in CLIOCKS, POCKET CUTLERY RAZORS andSHEARS, GILT, SILVE andOLASS BUT- TONS,DRAN and POWDER FLASKS, SHOTBELTS, POUCHES and PER'1US6ION CAPS. Cityand country dealers are invited toinspectour toeck and pricellit before purOseisn1. Or goods aredirect from the manufacturers. 10 4 CAMP, CORNER FOYDRAS STREET, (up stirs.) DRY GOODS..........DRY GOODS......... LATHROP, LUDINGTON & CO., 830 ......... Broadway, New Yok..........O Offer to Soeters and Western Jobber; and retailers, at the lowest market prices, FOR CASI, a G er largeandattractiveL DRESS 00GDS, Cleths, Notions, Hoslery•, •lhteGoods, etc. F. F. MITCHELL s CO.- COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS •15 Poydrn. Street, NEW ORLEANS. COAL OIL...........................OAL OIL. 17,50 gallons Devoe & Prtt's COAL OIL, in can5 and or saleby KEARNY, ELOIS & CO., - 0LSO- - Ngs 5 100 bb5s, superior quality iOAL OIL, very fine, landing. S. WHITED & CO.- (S.WHITEDIS . 0. GIIBBS,W. L. DRAPER, LEE CRANDALL) COTTON FACTORS, General CoRs,0 8ason Merehaat.t, S 27CANAL STREET, NEWORLEANS. S. ], KENNEDY & CO.- NOS. 55and 57 POYDRAS STREET, Havefor sale, landing and in store- 2000 bbls.Extra, Superine andFine FLOUR. 200 bbls. MESS PORK. 25 Rks, BACON JeHO LDOVH; RS.. 500 bbls.BoyleRole, OldVirginia Mountain Dew, Pine Apple and PhSnix WHISKY. 250d tierces prime LARD. IO bbla resh KiRln brled CORN MEAL ;0 Abbls AiCOHO 1 10 bbls. Winter Strained LARD OIL. ROLESALE WHRISKY DEPOT- o. 9 IAOAZNE STREET, ,Between Poydras and Lafayette Street, JustReceived, 250 barrels Orange Tree WHISKY. 160 .. AromasieXXX. 200 .. Str 50 . Miller' 51ne ol CHICKEN COCK. 0.. "KeSPr' oldS BOURBON. S.,. MSawhani's And run assor5ment of all kinds of WINES andLIQUOC•S N. & J. HOFFHEIMER & CO.'S,' Rsmember, the above will aRbe sold at Cinnlanatl prices. AMUSEMENTS. CADEMI Or 'I[t IC-ST. CHARLESST. S DALDING N IDWELt.....oprehtom e dMasger onday, Tuesday ad Wedtea yd 14th, 18th and 14th. Thi tl faSorlWt iliat i po nt the largest Compty and more leot than beo s been poonentrs•t together I1 one etiblishment In this city, enabling the management to pbesent this ypek a progamme of IRA MYBR11? The Ethroplan branch of this Mammoth oi mbCttil0n em- bracs tfele ceslebrated MINSTREL PERFORMERS, who wI commeucethe entertainment with a Brst paro of MIN- STLELSY, ceot•tttg of SQN•G, O GLEES, OHORUBES, WITTICISMS, etc. MIle. Annetta Olltettl, who stands unrivaled, will lead hbe famout BALLE' CORPS, in a new divertiosemnt. - El Nlno PadleF , thb Child Gymnast, will introduce new features. ]• rese Clyde and Tesman, the oberming ta ntedttd volste have selected for this week some new Musical Gmes. Being constantly reqested torepeat DBMONIO, we an- nonce it for three nights only. T_. . L• T _ATER--ST. OCARLES ST. TUESDAY ,REYVNI ,OIFBRUARY4S t18l6 SeBond appearance of the renowned Sh 5 hepaereaon atlst, Mr. J. . H. ackett, who will appear as FALLSTAFF, in Shakepeare's KING HEMRY IV. Afer the performance the anoual MARDI GRAS BALL wil take place at this Thoeatr. ZcOOLOOICAI INSTITrT, Composed of great Natourl aving Curioaities, Mto. as t. Charlet street. (Opposlte the Aotpdmy of Hmit.) -oo,. oena from 9 . i to 9 .. Ademlson 50e•nt. pen Bundays from Ito 9 o'clock r. . NATURE UNVEILED -AT THE- BRANCH OFTHE EW YORK MUSEUM OF ANATOMY, 40 AND42ST. CHARLES STEET. WONDIER Or WONDER•. TO BE SEENONLY ATTHE BRANCH OF THE NEW YORK MUSEUM OF ANAOMY, 40 AND 42ST. CHARLES STREET. STAGE bANCING TAUGrT BYM15 L. CREED. Stage dancng lessos wll be given at No.160 BSrota teee& et tthe hoars of 1L. nd I F. pOINT CLEAR FOR SALE- Ths magnifienot estate, known as the POINT CLEAN HOT'EL, in conseoeene of the impaired health of its proprie- tor, Mr.. F. Chamberlahh, who, for that cause, is not able to tive Its mnaserooent the attention whieh the pleasure and in- t hesat •lthe pubic demand, is offered for sale Now. tie exhileratnio retreat adchorming summer resort ttoo widely nd flooablt tnown tothe elegatleisure of the fashioonable world to require aparticular enomeration of those ecellenies whichlo give lte loeoalty that eoitdondwn-morited reputatlon which it has most envmbhy attained. ithe totunq e o iotof tis•eppte, A atai. Looianao nd other neihb-oriog States, and the mention oi the ome ooo oint Cler will suggest to opitolitt vtheoalueol Its fooe. It ie litueted on the mostbesutiful andeomloent oldmark of iobile Bay, while the purity of its andoy soil and thS erenity of its vie, the sweepof theeoaatoedthewido- epedigbay, the eSor beth air tai the outy of the bath, the walk, ride and sai., and the delicious grotulties of a goner- on te, 00coneur torenderthi spt superior t any known in the Sout. _ioyyears and thoogsands of persons have tested tht virtues ofits sanitive claims, Its capacity for bestowing every comfort and delight which the eharmt of positioon and climate can afford isdmitted by all -- while there is no property of the kind that can be more remn- negative toa proprietor of liberal motives andprofessiotal taste. The buildings ar e Ise, commodlouos and admirbly arranged, tihe cottages tore spnious and substantially enclo 0 and the approaches from toe bay are convenient andsecure. A new, staunch and elegant steamer called the 0Annie " comemunicates daily with the city and trvelttg lines, atd there is nothing wantinog to render Poitt Clear the most alo- oble property ever offered for sale. It it superfluous oto invite the attoeeton of capitllists to this splendid etate, omprleist g 37 acres. The mention that it o oendable will inosure thel regard. All tinformation which may berequired can be ihatd on ppliclation to MESLIER A CO. Rel Estate Brokers. COTTON TARNS, S EETBINOS, HER. SEYS, TOBACCO, WHISKY, WINE, ETO. Just received onconsigmaent which we offr towholesale delers at low prices : 70 b5a. COTTON YARNS. .. GSeoi'a SHEETINGS. 5 .. TallPsee KERSEYS. SI bbs. ROSE WHISKY. 100 .. MAGNOLIA WHISKY. 100 .. OLD BOURBON .. 200 bskets CIIAMPAGNE--HedsicH , Krg and MumIs. S boxes virginia and Ifestem TOBACCO. SUTHERLEN. WARREN & CO. DR. J. P. DA•VIDSON- (Late of Alexanddia, La.,) HAS REMOVED TO THIS CITY TO ENGAGE IN THE PRACTICE OF HIS PROFESSION. Ofre, Corner of M .agazne and Orange .... . Street. F•AIRCHILD & CO., Arejust receiving SPRING HATS-r and WooL S -- zL8o-- An assortment of STRAW GOODS, No. 00 Gravser streset CRACKERS AaD PILOT DREAD. 0 5bbl. PILOTBREAD. 100 .. SODA CACKES. .... 100 boxes .. 100 .. PIC-NIO 1i0 .. BUTTER 100 .. CREAM• 100 .f SUGAR 100 .. GINGER NUTS. Just received from Garnean & Co.'s St. Louis Bakery, and forale n lts to sut purchsersby A. H. D'MEZA, No. 10 St. Louis street. ALE, PORTER, ALE, ETC., IMPORTED DIRECT, BY GEORGE GRAY, No. 96 G'svler Street, I0casks Younger's Gen.ue PALE ALE-pinta. ISo.. . .. STRONG ALE.. 5 .. McEwsn's .. PALE 40 .. Mr & Son .. STRONG .. 100 cases Guinness DUBLINSTOUT. 75 casks LONDON PORTER. 50 .. Byoss 10 bbls. Cross & Blaekwell's PICKLES. 500 boOes PFALL SOAP. 00 cases Dnan's ALE. . 150 .. Falkirk 50 casks Old BOURBON WHISKY. The above goods, arantd genuine, nowlanding and in store. FOR SALE CHEAP, FOR CASE, -Sr- GEORGE GRAY, 5 Grste sreRt. StN~DRIES .... ...... .......... SINDRIES, 100 kegs Chao Davis & Co.'s LARD. R30s. .. , C. HANSK 50 to,. Prime LARD. 50 hI. bbls Davis' REEF. 500 kits No. 1 MACIKEREL. 300 qr. bbis. H5hn hbl... ]00 bbls. No. 2 1- Otbls. No. 3 L. 500 boxes Jackson SOAP. 150 boxes Cbeavr's 10 oz. CANDLES. H0O boxes Patent Wax 50 bblh. Col OIL. 20 bbls. TDnnlr's OIL, 3os 0 esths Cs.o 50 bbls E. J. RICE' 20 boxes Baker's No. 1 CHOCOLATE. i.e, 1o)eJ laen whc .: ..... e bpxea Ver lla 00W bbls. Table SALT, ins sd,1b. bogs 5ases .. In boxes. IDbbla C5flfe SUGAR. S.S caOses Fkirkt ALE1.bpnts and quarts 1.) o es C.ampgn .IDER. '* eses andos P•SRTEIR,. 10 bbls. Old Bourban WHISKY. lw rpkgs Oriental GUNPOWDER. 20)b hales GUNNY BAGS. - , sl by .s. SE BROTHS.RS, 1.AR OBLEANE R•ARIS. TAN ADVO" CATS-O- thds th . st, this wsll known Whrsstla JSuG.R hal win r Of teat•o--t^_e XI Volum&" It, t •nts•a"a tis Southern Matt e lang Rssahers'throughout Ala. b H A Mkansas, Louisiana andL as Olds Latlbta re invited to s n bOcr5pe," " . . " , T rms, FIVE DO•LLAS per nhurm In advance. Itrachb an bxtnive clanI of readers which' sp "n othe New, OI leans paper. Ot~ee 500 Camntreet, no stalr.s 25 hloS. (Godale's White Clarified SUGAR. 15 .. .. Yellow .. .. For sale in lots tosuit purchasers by A. H. D'MEZA, No. 10 St. Louis str et, Liberal discount made to regular customers, BALLS--BALLS. ST. OEA Lt, T uAT•E--ST. OCBALoE ST. MARDI GRAS. A Grand Hosk mad J•mnO Dress Ball Will take plaeeat thle Thet4et the sboe evetni , eoder the direction ofa Comeoitt of Gentlo• aen, d'und"r the ULme ES AND_ EGULATIONS coMRxasor aRuX"Iowan : D. B, Pnn, J.E. McClere W. H.LIao, .. W. Simmons, B. J. Mpntgomery, Doniel MRtoe, P. WIl1mso, A.Hoff 'o, Boml. De•Mott, Rotbotshfoig, GaW. Roper, W. W~m, The. Lumm, M.J. Tronchard, H H.Role... .Joseph LPnetb.h. IMATION COMWMES : B.J. Montgomery, t Mntgomeryo , G.W. Roper, W. H. .inda MnoRMO coxxms; * H.H. Reines, SumL De eltt, W. H. Lindo, - De Gray, O.W. Roper. NO LADY ADMITTED BUT BY INVITATION. Tickelt to be hadat the uenal plc.r an1d at the Bob OM0e Of the Theater. Appllcatioos for tnvltatol, `a be addressed "Invitation Committee, St. Charles Theter.-" GRAND FANCY -, ISUI AND RAN- QUBRAD5 BALL, N1 be given by The Orleans BenewgIeu A•• uo atloa.' For the Rtelef of the DItABLED SOLDIERS' OF THE LATE CONFEDERATE Hallof the Polar Star Ledge, Corner of Loveand History stre0te, onesq0a00 below Eplan. ade•tate,'hhiod, Dltrtit., ON MARDI GRAB NIGHT. FMBBUARY IH,806 J. . Hubbel, BF. C.Peabody. . Fwer N. Foretali, W.e . Clat.k' N. lCarroll, O . ltardll., F. oither, H. N. Jean0ne, W. Drelbholto, H. Kietso,, SW. H. Well., A. o Olooa, 0. DseLmoe, M.. Walsh, J. Coo D J. N. Hardy. A bN. P , 1.i. Swanson., For Ladle' invitations aopplyto IMr. Lools Power. Chair- man Ivitotion Committee0 Enre llog Committee Rooms, BAND HACY DRESS MAND MASH Nso 7p vati ll, oL res In the to be I• w Bl 'l Dor DREl OrY. ABLL, TO BE GIVEN BY The reeceont CIty Anoelolto.1, ON MARDI GRASEVENING, FEBRUARY 1, 86l At Odd FelLoWB' eBall. u e 01aa t "C. Deoler, Wm. WeEho, m Thoe. Hatlgef , . A. Wh Ro Po n o, Woo. Rooletot, WWJ.P MCormack, T. H.Kooooe, 011. Enooon, . P. Footoe 1 M.Gouse,nhelm, ' Alex. Belehr, J. Nonua, Wmse Graham, H.Du re' J.H. Murphy. J..A. o ter, Job Dioher, *G. A. HHer, E. Booby, C. Taylor L. Poloeq JP. Palke J. Cotton, IL HMakie, .G-ean, N.C. Lord. Goeo. CLooel. C.O'Rourke, WH. m. Joets, Appications fore Ladies' Invitotions to be let at CA. Doe oer's Booktore, No. 187 Poy. L street, and at R. Lord' 0:0 Wtore cornerr of St. Corles 0nd Feii1ty stre0o. =d 1 O. Wei'' 0uoio Store, No. 1 2 Cep at.we0t,or at 10. Meyer's, No. 181 Circus street. Sealed propoosals for Baer Room and Restoaurntwill berh oelved up to the 7th of Februaoo at C. A. Deieler's Book tore, 187 Poyurs street. 0Fluor Malagcra CONTINENTAL A-NII•TERBAY BALL AT ODD FELLOWS' HALL, 2Nd Februery, 1600. GRAND FANCY DRESS AND MASKED BALL. MAAGERS : eoerge Clark, Thie. 3orray, .. l Warner, J.(1. , Flemiong, A. B. SBoger. Tho Haseoe, A. W. Metri, R.Marsh Denmon, G.W. Rae, Gader .W. Gould, 3. B M l, S. M: Todd, 0. Bate, J. O. DeCostro 3. J. Waon, H. H. Stanley, 3. F. Orboher I. Penderora, A. B. Bea, Thoe. H. Bfdy, George Purvi Henry Bier, J. B. Leefe, Henry Bdwell, J.0. Nixono We. Pier0e, . F. Hodgkios, Goo. W. liyron, . . T. . Bennett, SW.Booworto, H.R. Swaooy, H. Fassmee•, John Clark, D. Bidwell, V. D. Flu, J. IL icholson, J. Shwe. John Puroel, J. H. Sherman, T. Askew, T. W. Rothle]k .pplicatlons forLadieo' Invitations to be leftwith E. Bleeoey No: 7It Coroodelet stror GRAND DRESS, FANCY ILSEO ANID MASKED BALL, To be given by Jackson Fire Company No. 18. Qn SATURDAY EVENING, FeboaTy 24, 1S66, AT ODD FELLOWS' HALL. B. F. Lhote, J. e. Hckio A.S. Ferth, . V. Cellos, J.F. Ornbeo Joe Mrphy Wn. Dorman, SD. Maxwell, J. N.FoweeL Jos. II.LDoGrnge,oA,. 0 ILthSho. Geo. W. Bev o, 7. H.Coi oo, W. H. C011ompton, John Murphy, A.Wloon, T. S. Bariow, Osoarl., W. . Caornwel, W. Delaney, W. L. Mlurphy, Ed. Blakley S.L. Bisho0 , 3. W. Baley, WWn. Logan, A. Jamsono T. F. Askewh, Wm. Heory. L.Tlenotrier, Thfo. Burke, Jno. A. O'Ben, S. Luca, 3. C. Baroen, W. Frederio , A. Myer, Oscar Jordy, . Wlhe P. S. Mcouir P. F. Herwig Jno. Hdgino., 0. Cahill. 3 B. Colie, J. HL Riin, J. A. H1ohon. ppiT••caton fbr Ladies' invototions may oe made to any of t M1 a rleft at te HaIll of the Company. r"Tikets; $2; for sale the Managemr Sealedproposales will be eclvod for Borand to Btaeoont, atand Costume rooms, if laddressed "Board of Arranoge. mete,." and left at the Hallof the Company. LOST-STOLEN._ STOLEN-820 REWARD-FROM THE UNDER- signed, on January 1st, adark brolwn HORSE, marked on the let shoulder " WF" with blazed face5I willg ive twenty dollars reward for the recovery, and'I will give an ehxtra lbeal reward upon conviction of the thief. HUGH MURPHy, 19 Poeyfarre alree T OT--AT THE MASONIS BALL,ON THURSDAY Snight, 1the h in a , UIdyP' GOLD BRAORLET. The inder will be sltdbly rewrdd by leavesg ilat the Counting Room ofthe Crescent. T OST--NOTICE ISHORERBY IVENTHAT THE FOL Sowingdescribed Scrip has been lost. Thirty days omthis date applcation wsE be madeor the ISSue of duplcte certiS- eates: Sun Mutual Instr'ca CL. certilEfte No. 1S., 189, for....$ 0 reshcnts' .. ..... .. 148, 1.. .lt .. e' .. . . 6 .... .. .. .. ... 2 .... .N.108 .. .. .. .... 18S,6, .. 1 .. .. .. . .. 1R, .. S E .. .. .. .. 1744H,.. .. .. .. .. .. 1679' 160, .. 1480 JOHN F.UTS -- ' •,Jan 1518• No. 172 Gravie~r stret .. .11... .... •F8. _ " 1 JF.' OF L•AND situated inEdgefedDsrc ot Carolina, on the waters of Ture Creek, about seven mtlle from Rd efud Court-House, rntain sixteen hundred and sixty eight scree (1688, more •rless, samiable for grain or cot- toe!! there being on the tract a larggo bads of creek and branch bottom lands in ahighatlt, ofeurtlivullen, andvrr produ.-- tire. Theplaceira•athehalthy. and wellwatred, has _____ ORSALE. FtOE~ BSLE OR RXOBaTRGII - TRACT on It s comfortable Dwell ing usde, Otde, andall ecesso lout-lotdnghStia wodf, eh C- aw k, plant, it would b a. dirable Snvestment. thrmT liberal. For inforsmatont aplyy tto .Whtited Co~ ;oitt~ot~T hlS' lie~sht Stor less, Outitid o tSai Soe Ftt 27 Caual atrets, orto LumRde, .- 3 Commercia Piate, Noew. -Aso-- With thedove pllae, will be sold Iofortale Eahdn•o, in Edgeleld, with one hundred acres of Land attached o wlht bhold separate, lti desred.. , F OR HALE OR LEISF.,--BVENTY-FPVE. D- irtable Plantations for tle or ledse in Lottsnatit A,. ktanoe Alaba atnd ittlaiappl-M--y of them now Ino, pr. go,,' off' cul e ptiot, with ple ty f head,, tool. Rveson and mploniont to msth a crop. Apply to Willhiea Morey, Seal Estt5 Brokers andO Selral igents, Sb :. sI Calrhs etr810,t, NewOrleans. ' DR SALE--A PINR.,>TONED PIANO,-APPLY F from 9m to 1 n., and from fite 8r. x., at 139 Racestreet, between a•lsns and Conatagl8 streets F U AL .]• FINH PROPELLER TWO YEARS Sold and Inti plerfect iorder. Cpact of 410barrels. Sol 9q•eetglt5ld51n of tnterUS Py hIblefor theOulftrade. Fo PAtIalat Iitqulre sof CREEVY, NICKNERSON4CO O., g Corner ailer and Cqrondelet aSt. F ItIandl ttO-e tol.t4 C LtRTEIlTHE SUPRis SaOR . pe ~ poeamntcatdv• AIII O.•JBWFI-" a 100" l, 23feeIt btl; I est Ihild sljt Intb e Wl5 roalth as and any f n u~ r. r Wrt a •t O .. , Comer uaroeleand DOqruvd aRatLs. TITE. ...... . .... NO. t4E. Hh~bllS~b ttMIIHIii~ S-hseeqYona ta she NEWYORK )IEROAITILtB JODRlEM D4td4111W5ITtNEW&. .,. ., AY OQK. E METROPOLITAN RECORD. ,. }.. .. .. ALUION. ..... .. FREEMAN'S JOU5SNJ4I .. . NATIONAL BANK NOTE RE. PORTEIR lnd FINARCE GAZETTE. The Philadelphia AGE. S Bostn COST, LWnatglton Il;y NATIONAl INTELLIGOESEE ..- ,rI CHRONICLE. .(ltvsasu NEWS. .. . S.S,•EE' BULLETIN H nesto TELERHAPH. Arl:l Leonareett& Co.'. Repsnt the four BRITISH BR. VIEWS .S ELACOWOODSS DINSURO MAGAZINE, r• .1oved at 06. Ea Exchang and ews. Roms, orn SOhaI. Uh im ande Oontmmerci Pla.o L OVERALL, Agaf. VJaNTNIPA GOOD WASUUU. A" 01D SedOetbsP, Dbeitiss hair i.kttt 5(545 7. wa a Waashdelsad 1 e5idl al c, ts wa Bi 86 St.~ GetstRbptL T.AJ.K t~ B WAS TED-TO C ARTERM O KCOSpM.RLASS Add eritStt5tsss7 'Arodee1srs.s" Ctf W ANTND-SUOR PLANIATI OR- W4NTD N tlon Levees, and m to ebt wbod. the et e 5 1 e t pt ter s ca n lf 6 8.0,5 e lgt ttp (57 556 ttasc . hl e rhth(7ee,5.dsTe)054e tetos sw r Op O a ONtp. II lieatstedst, Fiel drlheN5 WATElD- INFORMATIONOB-A NOICE OPtBAR. e6 inthe cat Orleans Daiy S L, af Itt 510. tothefoll" wisheg et: iat Wnd?.Tar Gd W NEo- y A o"O tdud resident ofNew Oilerle fur reral 77mea^ le~r nU, n7 ddaftlc pardoalan. or fdtiber misrmaIln. W i~~lrf eiter, Ydes Y ndsrsaen, care of) Jqoir T. .A. SI..Xillr Rtr. OM Y Wtctae 'Reeaa Brest fav. . W ANTED-ABYOOD CdAMLY 01'C OOR PO IAciED IJBi0~~rZ(nrE1~PRR~ WATDIDEIET beheahnt a ad tc0l Ycatuestshcha. pdaltfdecea a -, o~atS home aee0. end'rao~id dllaer o,, sWYautelaarl fsimo u s TW'; terlmsl, IlsoemaaCR. craesentat Es 6 Ce WaF A - 1 1DGA R PLANTATION SITUAE ON a sagarpiater a party who asfamish elgJn ab colorsrlsbaraa (0 qt thm nw): to~clgate sags n 00. 105 an ic wo tem ilt 4oneeo Hfeda:Me '-- sd &atrsaossd cane.c. stetaO' stst lacaitm .ta0ah quarterfoe aaa eo. 8lebutmlb S _o o ha f of t ,Ihsh ctg hsod idk csd cecil .depted Ws and one dolt 11t d/4f"bh t asptic. 6 a9a!te .r should any6e n ed. The pinta itloo:i B a lu on tcc spct; Isell found in teams, Fasrs tooe,, eata. add. waslotgverfiowe8 In , P lcotar lurk bpzNprr~n dl0. lioe ;t o la. .. ~ ethkac eh sdilsg. Apptldy to ss . T.s 1WAN'rHD-A, PU RCHASR , FOR A REV 0PrAU. 'Y dibon's Works, heuataditioop,.I?,ed at il(II1D.`~ y, se et~ C he Ctrwt i lhffd b 0gac aObcmtcdtteitim bye ehhtlt. the stttclgds' wID c.,t p... addressa Bozaas, Pes. l.. LUTANTEOn, A'HUE WARNOL ACOMMD00.-NS (M for rS amI. d LN , If Eamisyad iW A odNOD 660L6, the Cisphiestld bepnrDeslee. Addres t i IGtt. 0faa d all necssary ps DBtlca~ s. "Yank" at Pods s WANTED-BY A P IAMIGC OFFOUR1 PERSONS, A~ small cottage Hons.-Fourth District preferred, Add. Q.D. etthisefe. 20 ND t-PA lO S'IWANTE-I DESNE RE TR WL H. tiFteZUUSHl~nti4itcf WM l.u WILIer, dee, Gaines' aLoding, THU. ndwaat a partne who wlls. stakOA- Cnd fsnishhis qusotat of ms, thtpies, elm Tshe pideh,,, has herstofore Pmade OsDfa bas ben o0. St. once In seen years There is n the p10iM an nnxzba llbls A pp y o~f cyres. timber red alarge stem Mw' suW and d ad alad osS. csIatablish on Eat. .0, .. S Bu. psrioud., mO( kRtou4 (uotblt street or torsion ~dergfgaed on the vremiaee K Bthlr FOR RENT. FOPROUNGT-TWH GOD ROORFO FOR TH OPE, aoa.40Powa4 Ar dbed Uorosant y, New6 YCeondk. treat. 08.~ LEASE-A- PLANTATION SITUAbTED rONewAapkeseyrobw est ngstho m ov mdd coltiva Bon of tttooagwit larg mo. of gyp ll~ attached. The ppantatoonfor mny yer. ha been cslit ted in erns but mighbon all"Sued vn befre thewarrssed sain. , On the place I. a dwelli house and ezo. lent agro gour is., roomfor 260 negrooe a large andsubstantial ase behd, which ago ea Uyba nvetad nto gin house,1T he tovrr 1. celebrated fa hag $elthff ea, the uavlgstlon nprP~t yas roared, and the plerotat loo free fr b*va9 ,"p Iv T EON, ARNOLD & Co_, (MORRIS I. LEON, EDWIN W. ALRNOLD,:BLI W. AR. NOLD, COoRNELIUS ROSE,) Siucoeseon to Bernhelmrr BrotheRs Clothiers and Dealers In Goods for Mecn's wear, 320 AND 322 BRO UMDWAY, NEW YPORK. FIITznuGH, WILEER a CO, - (L,H. FITZHUGH~lotsof Kentucky W. L WILBER, lat Ff Phiiadelyhis; THIOS. C. GAL I, ate of~orfllk SA. lthM L. HUGHES, late ofSt. Louis.) and for the Purchase oaf' Merchndis.As p gnsfo t h Sale and Purchase of Rel Est ~e,% et., and fe~or h PROCURING WHITE LABOR FOR TEE, soUTH; Nos. 40 andl 4R Broadwiry, New York. jSAACSON, BEIXAB & Co.. WHOLESALE GROCERS ANDIMPORTERS, 66 Common SItret Have just received ad are ofeing the fllwig: 0 tubs Orange county, N. Y., Gshe BEUTTER 100 boxes English Dairy CHEESE• 10 pockets Java and Lguayrs COFFEE. 75O packages MACKEREL--bbl., half bbl., quarters and kitlts 50 boxes Assorted and Fancy CANDY. 100 cates PRESERVEB-Jers and cans. t . 25 .. JELLIES. 5bblk. old Pennsylvanis WHISKY. 50 packages Cogtao BEANDY-quarter and eighths 25 .. ld PORTand SHERRY. 50 casks Scotch ALE and London POTTER, 1000 cases CAN GOODS of all kin•ds. Together with a large andcomplete assortment of all kinds of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, for at the lowet mar- let prisn a. THos. . DYTKREs, Having returned tothe t tytenders his services to the Met cantile community ingeneral, and 'hiold friends in par. secular, 8e a General Hserchandlse Broker. Orison No. 45 Umot RTam. C1 MUNT ........ ............. ........ PLZ BTER. x00 bbl,. CEMENT and PLASTER. For sale by A. C. WILBUC, 144 oGravtr stret MILLERf & GAR•- REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AGENTS, NO. 1S ST. CHARLES STREET, NEW ORLN4NS, LA. Thenderslgne ewoldu . etTlly inform the publlo that they lave opuneau ~e uer naume andstytle as abovet for the tinetiiob of 0I0 bainss alpetstainin to a REAt ESTATE BSROKEbAG AND AGOSNy.t In this y ey iii a sa p et Int bwrlli , seuAng iwil tdae charge o frst estate for ristdesienr tees In thes city o ltry, ywherethe States of Loui, MHa Able ois. ntsel will be constlted in altceass of dogtibtttl r oonfAiti tle t By attention to all business, F aa0cd oels toan to IntruC-loa, aho hope togive garal natl= wish to hay, sel orrept, with mM inGtruOtinLA They have atpresent a lengthy list ofCotton and Sugar Addre nndersigned, lk Box No. 688, Orleanst, L. JOHN C. MILLER, S. F. GABD. Brother, Bankers% N. 0.,~ls G. -Huntington , Co., N;0, i; B.. Hump9treyto. so MIss. Rlcei Fosstr , Pit.. Mase c Atttoostyie erlw, N. 0., Li. His. Edwoed MYtla. hie. WiosodlsW. Els. Il mE-IN A ORDACE WITH A RESOLUTION adopted by the Ptolet Jty of this Parish 0n the 24hday Notlc is hlereby givee qf o ll pereons holding Perlih Wa- rants topresent the sameto the undersigned, or to A. Lem.e, Nsu.,n o before tle tat JIy of Apird net, in order toraseivl in iethereo Parish onds .with oi..pous. P. . .BAOKEN,PtreldntPolletJus'. Natchitochs, L., Jan. 10,1•. .- A VI.-CONFORMEMERT A UNEN RESbLUTION bro d er nier-pt p r le Jure do pollee deBtte paroi ,• le 20 d hasm- Avis est partee prbseites dopnb it tols dbtentelur dbmle dat d paronise, de prbsentr ceTs-iit au s ouseiSub ss it .A. Lembs. avean t Its avrsil prochain, dIfl de recevolr en bchangs desr bonavecou onas. P. 3r. EACKEN,Prsidet do Jutdo Polie. Natebhitohe., Le.. It10 tlEnve . Fol ss NEW *EOOZBY AND lCOMPISS I OE HO.•SE. 1 The nderstgned ntSrfthes publi that they ise ihani•gd their Auction basinesa. into the Groesey aesd 4oalEston BusTnet,- Andwill be pleased tosere their sotomersi and friends at their old steed, corner of'smua,, Yalton, Common ma. Front Levee tssetls. We have tuoclttes with us, . rP.O. RANDOLPH. who will be plsseowait onl is oldcustomefrs adfriend. M _0A. HALTL 00. 165 FULTON STE•ER, BeSEReR JolS. wd AS. tesph Sreset., H. G. HODGSON, Proprietor. uStorage In No. S Firet rooft ,' Wfi su•fr .ad o e WaraE, OB8e HEaarrm ,*e. wP TER FOSRSI . . .p STALL.I AE ST. A S .. ........... .+t,. .,.. .... :.....:t.. i.•: O'. ERADHeAW .DEALER IV BSAT, Assisusr t SiC, .* net'. stn evttest S iand Jis. W. Stevei-4 Thor itcoTius L ra," aW anontunuco f thq patr extendedaom e ~- - - ~I- -. S- s"sSiw. N E.C S0"0NPOWDEJ...............: GINPOWDI . J. M. HOTLE, DBpont's -Poswder CiePiny, S7 coMUGo STREET, CORNER NEW LEVEE, Noew Orlns,. SHOT tsd OAPS twhostsala. 1 ejlUTpY TUILPIE. EANCArFAC'OTCER of S Stltnd iif F4NQI CAEE3 8 ALsDSl OLD LEVEESTREET, ksetwen St. Louis anLCOS•. New Orseml tube AuctAon, SAW4 p tl-8' I C atr OeiroF2w1i'IetaUli LWCh ltS48 O 'l~rEpb.gelae .r 11; I~gWD,`i 10900 atno 4ailx ' C.a " '" ~ i *57[t, - *4,o e 5 . 4 . E mG 4~ ~ I e e e a 4 S Syy t mp +d t ~ ,,Ii'onod th .1 ted '*6.Felt% ___ MpBrsraa~b dab~dt :,I egS,,, teh'aLteifnrBt0 hf~r4tatSybp ____ Eootcay bet"aoS T it. OND1A . Feb. DiN, a5 i.i .'S M 74i berS!hewa+ O tteG*SA.sS,:,, with sHill eed HltcbwP~mtan compeldll 4L V ogS.t. L SSw 7 j U N D A X. Feb. 1aeo 10t . aS ' k ''h YdlPSF Y" ~a at yy 5~Jnci y ri~*te55eiob teharpt-o EXTESIV S' L OFoe DOa OOSiLOmN hasYInoice of NOttR 0., LoGageX.d" c ............. O .. coTe To e......... 5..s.: TIIRSD.Y, Feb1uary l0th. a* 3. 'tek A. 'old-rya m,8Capte be sold. 74 hal o.l Uotto4P ' ampleltaaSS'ats e 190ESot E SALE'pOF DeY GoOODS, CLOLTIN. andSeiz . t. ,A. , BY JOIS C. BMPHY. . O,9od 0AolelO POOmod e leaoonq S3 Eknstttettsad. *W SDA t. lath. i .t05t. a 1 k.,d, A T, et-.Oh;i Ikrm . No. e BlTteo5,14m, b ll -ot sold-- ,400 l.t of Seasot:bl . DY GOSODS. 100 late of Spring sad Sommer CLOTHING. ' 100 dozen Cashimere end Wool HATS. GR iGOCERIES, PROVISIONS AND IAQUOB- :.. BY0 IE.S. X. MOBFBY. Aro~oaeo0-0,..aa 47 N7gspl,h'O.S",u rf3 E8DAY, S ,b. thw 8th"'1833. at 1t 1 `cioc *. u.,in Itors K.1 7 Rb!,. W o.,nsbotedn,.tlabold- bOt7O9Oa ~ OQ4 79' theb. ,rSto oo, Ch . .7 C 1945'or' ds, L C -t WoToS FLOUR.... .... ...... .... FLOUR"; .......... :....FLOUR; BY D. E. I7[OBP HY," l IRD Y,, eb l t, t 11 1-d Oerooek J . .in the Piioae ueeboee, fr ewoatafhom it ma concern, will heaold-- 187 bl.. inner vartone brandr I3-Tsatu-(.anh: in U. S.'he.oC notes GUNI(Y CLOTH....i.- ......... .... ..:.GUNNY .CLOTH. BY B, MOBPH;Y;I 1! IIE~d.Y Fbruary18th, t ~18 gtcleek f. XA ~tet'gi h aehss, tor' amiit ot i`' tbom it me$concern, will be sl- an lt ,'" Ta~e--Ca.7 U. $TrMor ato. . . . M .n IMPROVED PAT•I T Self ActinN HI,"d• Leo, (Late Impaovement.) IT WEAVESAS PAST. AS ANY FACTORT LOON. I weaves just the goods for home wear. Halfthe at of th Cl otilg of a faly can be Maved. From Flve to Ten Dollm a a Day an be made on it. It weaves J3,, Sttnoaet, Linsey, Bla•tL( Taweed, Double plan, various kinds of Ribbed Goode Fescttg Twills of all kinds, Fle, Cotto, w a ao -waMl Oloth, Bagging, TowelSg, Table Linen, Gaihaldi or Bala0ral Skirt, Woolen, Linen, Hemp or Rag Carpeta IT IS SJALL, NEAT AND LIGHT,. Not larger than a common breakfast tabl. It I mde , the most workmanlike mane,. of good material ad hbaamtly varalihed. t is very simple and emaily taderatod. Evaoy- thlng is performed by turning a crank COON & BRANoDRIFP, A••ta 114 St. hrlale taat, New Orlasn,. SNDIE ............. .. ... ir.1 Is. OO--0 eQas, a~~tao andt fr• da a d. tIERS OlL-40 barrelsa BSank and Straltk. JPONICA-tO bale• best quality. I store lad for "•le by 5. d86 ,•L S. MANN & CO., No. S8 and 85 Magazine streek -ilO COFFEE......... OC........i00o Ig., stbegaNIO CO'PE, int tore and for plo1e alt ,phb rateb. WELLER, CHEW 00O., No k4 andS Poydr ltstet. S AR.D.............................AICA,•. Simto & Co.) takes plaeaononon• to lats aa pustiona th•ate Ihe fond bhlna andLedoLn NhRS. GE01 W. BANIKER 00,C aessors toaarth, Dtoh Co., Impts f ad Wholteale Deale ( n h Goodb, aasolicits a tnot atitn of po'favrac, 0GEO. N: BEAMAN, SWELLER0.W. BANCHER CO., Sand 13 Mg street, oer Commna drawOtleet, S.... ............... AAZIN. STREET ............ HEO. o. B tvor, eate ho of imml bb Co pe.) takre plBar n aaNlotenttd hisE'e"idei eatntor atat hle has formed a RaEiil A onttlaion aitg D-rE. •ohO•: W.B.tANr$ER.a CO...ITmBRito lht , Dth t Co., Impe aiEd Wtl dhol•alt Daers dta da Waso Floatsit tlt•.Rapt, CatttWheaoDI( Cta peaft On -l EbEbah.S E. Ns ,.", bra wblth Ot . Wa, Path, atwaf C.; 11 and ISbmlel streat, atdle CLmmos.te bOenze AL Fr•F b bPAOL Na t. u Te............. .... ,,,,.. S R T . ........... . .... 9n OR b l Para WCobpe eatra PorIIS B or JHtaY, rcaDitad fBtla Brido or St.hre 'ld. Ae ' ts f " d- - WELLES, Cof W &&tO A ood ttrs., ... 4 V rta.I 4 i dota so Ma aea on o matsga of do se Ma HAIlE o supero LARDticl S DB:IES..... 99UNDRIF, DEESE O-Wabbla. d datr MatsPork, hetaotlb 74 "N Awcm. Af astw-merV ! 14'4. - ifi44m i s GsrhooOL md b~a~ B f rtooot to w ' OSWOO 1 MO ;VA aoo A.0t. `:MKT .ay s~ y rP~~Sc~ I~1R Who - Ilrtiitb Who* tAo r : IoHa F O~4d ruJ iat ht ~ ~ ;!,a~okt;r Itfl moQlBy ooaj -, ,IsE tI.[" - Eoatoia' , L~&tt 105-Tors doy oooqiFo 005*505 "It ^ Yxs~0 y}e.h.'X ip e**. t, .#ipeti , asr3 r= LL~ xs, i Atl ty as.,rtv Yebr~a I aew, ieea >r tt ... ... r o 5 Posir sdof. VI' O ... .......... 05 poe oof ..... l e 60, L9e I pdw.YC.` Wgoi :ik:K>t?i idms- ijrs- r E^ "kn %."` `pi'c.PP Yi ^+. y ? 'a ?lAS' :ii? 0;i4 ;Wte',. dllmw., W0.S . .r La' ood wt.'. - do', anId $ i. w cabt hm j tsm a otdmra (goldmniontwi lnnilu Wi~t inbtgo `'7 to onted), Photograph Al~gmsw endk q P-inn Lndtw'ndg .Qntlawm'a Port1mo loPon hoo, PbnUa nd at U bl a B n a Lithogoophi, Pgion4.o F s, nd 0Aat1dJ' Ogtq) gut eta. all tqbioloJ4 fo OD Wpi1#p, Ppll 0 e PLAN0BD&/' : L : l :_:. .7,::",, Pho togra- ph. ott ue nlP1 oo yqiQeul Wt, W r whiobtre wiu1 q asn tto s ydIn ao, m oa!$;.3 prige~arq ""d 1R e rl ' 4wn d,,! m ,My;l, p wdst. o!l6 gi q. * O!!RUut';'Qt',,t'riax Dq , Akyp~iP~lnl 4?tpht~t +D ,,, PostomoeB OZ~o. 1A 3, Now Oaa -. arl. o 'L4.,gtll)pySes afl ~ p h re, o r "l "k loot onBonNol 31W 0tj* 0 l L~4Whl N135O tObinas, L 'A. ' .... ; a, ;- r . nq UWUUD. UDWO3O* 41, 03303, N. 0 1tD X j28oN 8113331 Kmainma,' 'Pups,. '! ~'s ?_ 'w- 5 a4nd amo N'a. - t IA "A 0011S148111188 AND O3BEB 8dOtU11M?"o .71 :i 11 0QOSIGN88880I3Stw I theB0801I.iO "T.o .. "as to oonhnaOse, ut t hM1&t 311W ` 111p111E~, N13W TOt11 or 110B11, 4 , and waone a omoi rmeoom and OOatteN ned rep.~ t .YS .it ': blra ll:, f4 t aa qi bl; Ell 1 0.frt T nl ap,4 x v 3hlhhoont irk 3D wooato. h SI dlCWrLI~yrk .. i ( RlT . > "E.. O#LL SAWW llM'I S11 ~1YVUP~UII ,. ?,P t'lgea!K!Oyqu ptstl.M , ,.,"4M'1! l nmaln o np*8 Irn-'.f ' liLIW41Q411 U40 librh we Bt+M 4 toaaIe4E'E !'71 3d. too onoot `witheg ~hosrLoooLodtruq wbhOO3gtlG~ S~Shd -'iq B~~aBkFRr

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Post on 04-Apr-2019




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'.. uesday, R ebhrary IS. 1o.te ................ APID•l,' Mc•bnne ....... 5 PM

Plorda ................. AUORT, Hu tcAhis...p ...... M.9 AMMobile...............MANHATTAN, Wlheon--Os.... 43 PMMobile ... ........ REOL, Wlker-B ar......... PM

obile: ..... OR AN' inot-Cr........ 4 PMLafonrohe.,, ....... PIhIN CITY, Dolares ......... PMO ormerly Lieutenan.Jt o. orofP Loutsan, he g a picturePM, od lttvlr...s......,. B.l y rLEN Rodman ... ,.... ... 6 PMhhit.ur,.it...L V.. IIANITA annon.. ... 6PM

a al.....l oney , a-..-TMRE Th, lebrate5PM

aolust matals, is mild and eolient in its nature, fr--

aIey I iy b extremluuicetig befe in its etion pon the

Tclet iSop,•n ucb heuni•erl demaned, tis nde from the

chciceit materials, Is mild and emolient tl its natre, fe..greatly notatd, and extrmeley helfclleil in lts iction upon the

ski., otPc. eele bytb lcgellete and fanefegds dealers.eclig year, vit:S JOHN G. dd&ir,



st h m dptlnk obe Bo ed'fpDltcley, held this day,1. K. tyepag DireCtor on the paiet the Shate,' besag aeo

present, John G. G•ine, Meq., ,wae nnanimously elected Pe.i-dent.: EUGENE ROBUSSEAU, Cahiber.

-- C•lty Notlonnl Benk--New Orlean., Feb.12, ImM.-At C

r egulcr meeting of the Board of Directors of

this bank, N. T. N. ROBINSON was cnanimo;efy electedCraehier. G. W. OOOIIRAM, President

-epel8 ete Nntlee- IY rs. JuCiIThompIpoaeu.,ployed in 168 as house keeper on Ouaciic t ri er, is in lNeOcrle , e wipleac all t Mesn. Williams, NLon & Co ,No,. ,• Cato' c trcet.

.-- Hol e Utseal Ilasurnece Cempany,4ed Orleane, Feb. 8, 1866.-At an election for ofcers of this

company, held on the 6th inst., the follownhggentlemet werelected:

James H. Whaleb President.Alfred Moulton, Vice President.Samtai nmo, Sceretary.

raes Triacran DoE 4, 18G5.E. K. Gonverne, A. lonliton,B. P. lEthell, A. H. May,Robert Hare, D. McCoard,IJa. E. Isenhour, John T. Mlore,A. Q Kennett, John o. Rogep, .J. H. Lucdwtgcen, W. C. Tompkins.

- Speelal Notlee-The steamer Nick Loeg--eo. 4SItl bhe Ire4iht and Pta geq r for Black and OuachitaRive,. as high as Alabama Landing, and for all Landings onBayou a brbonne and Bayou Bartholomew at the lowest raten the river, and leaves punctually at 5 o'clock every SATUR-

DAY. A clerk is now oa the Levee, head of Gracver street,eeceiving freight HITE A MURDOOK,

I 5t kleOrevtatree.

-- Citizens Bcnk of Lousl•Clna-Neew Or.leane, February 6, 166M.-At a meeting of the Board of Dire.tdn on Monday, 5th ltL, a dividend of Five per caL wces dclared, out of the proits the he Banking department, for thelst nix monthe, pgyable to the cash tdockholdere on or after:he 12thl icicIn. E. ROUiSSEAU, Caehicer.

-- Having completed Ine.creed arrange.ments for the sales, at Auction and Commission, of Cottom,Sugar, Mola.ena, Dry Ooods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hatsand Caps, Cutlery, FuYniture, Produce, Real Estae, Stocks and•ther descriptions of Merchkadise, and thankfl for the libeerpatronage of the past, we are now prepared to give increased flilitl in thSkbtur for thetramnation of all msinm e tntrustede our care.We particularly c•l the attention of Importern, Jobbers and

ere of Dry Gods and Clothing, to the central location fiteaceomi, epcialy devoted to that branch of businee.

1d have secured the Cervices of Mr. H. iMarks, of thirtymr

' experience in that une of mrchekdise, who will devote

whole attention to the same.ILLbeel advances made on conslgnments.c Respectfully,

MONTGOMERY A BRO.S. M. MOeyOyc ayc, Auctloneer.U Lolsan Lodge No. ilE, A. P. & A. N.,

Sas regular Commenlc.atoa in grand Lodge Hal, St..,n.tnt, noth r.m t. an .treet,ee.ry TUES9t EVENING, t7 o'clock.rnrse.-W. C. Drver, W M.;. T Ha, S. W.; Jna.

S ew, J. W.; G. W. iSter, PreaSmrer; Arthur Waugh,;W. S. Mitehell, SB D.i; E E Hr J.D.;E. J.

heedtM,M. C.; C. F. Kll, K 0. Htchbinson, Stewards;. Rogrs nr,'apln ; 0. W. Garvin, Tyler.

-- peeall NotIee-AIll persons weanting in..UatonIn relat dte prsone. of war who died at Campjeutglt, Ill., will ple ddress E. S. JORDAN,

Bx_.49, Chicago, iIL-----Gen. 8, B. Blekner,oe tKentueky, Lkere.

" announced as a partner in this hou•ns

SOrleanas De 218, R LOW J. PHELPS A O.

Sry e C4omgereltaI Express Company IsSforward Freight, Vauablea and Money to all partsd States, making close connectlon with European

Y gsght, Money and Valuable can be fIrwatded,he world with safety and dhpatch.

Iand lE Common street, New OrleansJ. J. MKEEVER, Presided.JOHN S. GRAY, Genel Sup'JAMES BROWN, Agent.

tion-Parties Htavingthe CelebratedVilson Sewing Machine, are hereby cautionedag them ht the hands of tinexpereeed pesons for

f having them repaired The only place in thste Wheeler & WilsonMachlne tan be propetytre.a1 the late improvementet dded, is at the agencymy, 16 Canal street.




,ev No. 45 Front Levee,

Between Customhusee and Bienvile streets.


Ladies desiringa


should u e the

Gentaine George W. Lalrd's Bloom of Youth.

This delightful TOILET ARTIOLE has no equal for Pro.

E7ing and Beautifying the COMPLEXION and SKIN, ane

1l remove TAN and FRECKLES, and all other Diseases

fthp 5kle.yu I brn Dmrglgsts wa•y ere.

S t--4tFuleton street. Neow eork.


The attention of the Public, City and Country Trade is re-.pectfulIy called to the introduction of the

Sarasparilla Bitters.The most Pleasant and vluable Bitters that has ever been in-toduced in tOhfe e ntry. The trde'n general can be upplldby the following Grocers and Druggists:Fagto, Marks & Co., 43, 45 and 47 New Levee street.Odlmn & Porch, 37 and 39 Tehoupltoula street.E. J. Hart & Co., 73, 75 and7 Tehoupitoules streetL. Basset, cor. Gravler and Tchoupitoulas streets.F. Avet & Cambon, 59 and 61 Old Levee street.J0J4 T. Moor, nor. Poydraa and Vow Levve streets.

• • C, Mitchell, cor. Camp and Poydras streets.Cas A Dowllng, O0 Poydrae street,

S, y•, Marsden, Druggist, cor. Magazine and Graeeer.(' T: ner & Wailes, Druaggsts, eor. Royal and Customhouse.

l. "..Ig-t~ 0. G.N. MORRISON, Agent,i }t12" M.againe street.

oPtCEik ........... .. o. o CE.jiI E.PP" ` $ s prime RIo And Old Java.

SUGAR-5 bbls. Cruehed and Powdeed.. 0 .. bh . Nelw ,ouaelana

M OIASSES-hbbhls antdhal I.bls. h .taFLOUR--20 bbla ette, Stperene and PitePORK--tiMbla. Mae aRd Pdrme Mes.LARD-10

0 kegs and bbla Lesa

th GBREEN MBAT-RIO lb. Pork BACON--Shoulders, Cler Sides atnd,~ •H

SWHIS4KY--Old Sounh .nd Dexter's BeetiaeP SOHNAPPS. eases Weolfe' (justlnded)

WINES-BRANDIES-CORDIALS.ele alyIsalke sehaekePlntan on and useCet afMt CANDLES, SOAP, STARCH,ponTEAS, RICE, TOBACCO,



Ondiore and for sale bybent BIDWELL. PAYNE & CO.,

1 posBetwe. n PpTera itd .Mvet} I •ICE :...T............... .c.. NOTIE;and

'eollei hagdesghg Certificates of Shares • a nd ip t c ofatied ton Ifeurane Uttpaty of New Ogle.., the propetG y

SI,1 M Pntne. Esq., having been lnt I herebe givee.o-IS p t~ t is lntlnttu to appealtt thesaid Company tI,,,.

:eae of Shatee NO. 10G.-10 shaee. dated Ate. It, 1857.T. J. tI'RSOANAgent for Edward .Gienlave,

No. 155 Common streetMIteans, Pebenes y, ,181,

1__ 1SCI:jLAEOUS. -


43laret On Caoi/ -

40 cask- SRt. Gervale, 1864.20 .. ,SugIn,00 .. st. Foy,60 .. Ambea,, "

Clare'0t In Caner.1000 case- Cna,, 1801.400 .. O.310i, 104.

0S.. Freesi,J064.1160 .. Clau1e, v0g1e1,3P1ll03000 .. St. ulplo,J gale- IIKA C21.60D .. 'Bt. MadMe, .. .

W5hitn Wince In Gale.335 o6sa 5,023,0,0, &ene 0110,.30 .. 00otI01.4.

Sardine. In Oil.00 1l1e013 b5301 R35do,,1, 04 Nontas2005 . Golh,.y,100 .. a. .

Rnlt. In Brandy.38 cases BRANDY (IIERRI0.500 .. Asserted FRUITS.45 ... PRU0NES.9 .. PEAP.S.1' .. R1000013.

Doled Prno.r.!011as1 of 214 jas, (barel-shape.)4 .. of 51 boxes.

30 c-see Kermann, superior.

Absynthe.100 cas oUwdo. S1151.3. Peeled m

Vervn.neth.100 ases Nob0ly, Prtt & Co.

Corks.00 bales f 10,000, in bogs oTf WO CORKS, regular

Rod pointed.

o, sole In 0,1 f hl.od, by

7. BAILLY BLANCHARD, JR,No. .8 ndSd 4.1,0 Lee street.


06 0'ELLRRVISON,( 4th 5111!.

4 .. J. Faol,,& Co. COGNAC, 3d proof.20 .. J Fastok.. .. 2 .

Cbnmonane.000 ba1skets 0PIP00R RIESOsSCK.

Cordills.23 c11e- ANISEITE.25 .. CURACOA.


38 add 90 Old Iwvee street.


PLANTA2300 USE,J. P. Mna nao.

No. 05& )10.1ir street, (up soles,0) New O121,1,RH is.r ogle a consignment of ANrmy Clotbiopg, .131501 Coo

plantation use, lonsisting ofCOATS, PANTS, CAPS, OVERCOATS and OVERALLS,

OF T11X1ERY 10 l QUALITY',Wbhcik w120 be sold at less tkan

One Hiaf th0e 0,onera.nent Price.Be ,,o Alk Aen R Rainsey N

o. 00 Clrondeleb street, No,



Hae on band and for fslo--

25 hhdsi. Chok, Louisiana SUGAR,20 h4.5. Prime and Pair SUGAR,

00 bbls. Cesok,,d 0SUSAR,100 sac.k Rio COFFEE,201 h1. casks F0ne BRANDY,25 eighth rooks Fine BRANDY,50 00,ket0 CIISM13k20ASNR-J51ole fix,00 111ks Finf CLARET,

500 boxes Fine CLARET,100 SAUTERRE,100 baskle SWEET OIL,



Plantation Brokers,No. 6 Carondelet street.

Having made arranngmenta for that purpoewill attend tothe sales ax auCtio of Real Estate in the sity. PIhtations andother property which may be entrusted to their care.

REIVED PER SHIP RIVAL, FROM410 ases SARDINES, half and quarter boxes.7 dozen FIS , in Oil- Mackerel, Tunny Fish, Salmon

REdSh. Tsrbot. etc.25 cases STRAWBERRIES in Juice.20 case TRUFFLER PyER, G(OOSE LIVER, GAL-



For sale by JOHN DUNTZE.A4 Royal street.

M ME. •, BLAIrT-


SBetween Rampart and Basin streets.M'illnery and Dress MLakl;;.

Gentlemen and Ladies' Linen made to order and in theLatest Paris Style.



..... .... SPCIAL.The firm of HITCHCOCK & FORD was dtsolved on the

l1th inst. I will be responsible forpo,bills since bat dats otherthan tlhse lo er my own individual sIgnatsres I will conductthdbbs1nes1 of REAL ESTATE BRAKER AND AUCTION-EER at No 3 Odd Fell1ow' Hall. Thankful ihr past favors, Imost rt•pcctfuliy ask a continuamne of the same. Prompt andpersonal attention will be given toall outdoor salsa ofllkinds of teal estate, euceesaiona, etc., eto.



Baton Reoge, La..New Orleans, No. 68 Carondaest streets


TONS, DRAN and POWDER FLASKS, SHOT BELTS,POUCHES and PER'1US6ION CAPS. City and countrydealers are invited toinspect our toeck and price llit beforepurOseisn1. Or goods are direct from the manufacturers.10


DRY GOODS..........DRY GOODS.........


830 ......... Broadway, New Yok..........OOffer to Soeters and Western Jobber; and retailers, at the

lowest market prices, FOR CASI, a G er large and attractiveL


Cleths, Notions, Hoslery•, •lhteGoods, etc.



•15 Poydrn. Street,


COAL OIL...........................OAL OIL.17,50 gallons Devoe & Prtt's COAL OIL, in can5 and

or sale by KEARNY, ELOIS & CO.,

- 0LSO- - Ngs 5100 bb5s, superior quality iOAL OIL, very fine, landing.



General CoRs,0 8ason Merehaat.t,S 27 CANAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS.

S. ], KENNEDY & CO.-


Have for sale, landing and in store-

2000 bbls. Extra, Superine and Fine FLOUR.200 bbls. MESS PORK.25 Rks, BACON JeHO LDOVH; RS..500 bbls. Boyle Role, Old Virginia Mountain Dew,

Pine Apple and PhSnix WHISKY.

250d tierces prime LARD.IO bbla resh KiRln brled CORN MEAL;0 Abbls AiCOHO

1 10 bbls. Winter Strained LARD OIL.



,Between Poydras and Lafayette Street,

Just Received,

250 barrels Orange Tree WHISKY.

160 .. AromasieXXX.

200 .. Str50 . Miller' 51ne ol CHICKEN COCK.0.. "KeSPr' oldS BOURBON.

S.,. MSawhani's

And run assor5ment of all kinds of WINES and LIQUOC•S

N. & J. HOFFHEIMER & CO.'S,'Rsmember, the above will aR be sold at Cinnlanatl prices.


S DALDING N IDWELt.....oprehtom e d Masger

onday, Tuesday ad Wedtea yd 14th, 18thand 14th.

Thi tl faSorlWt iliat i po nt the largest Comptyand more leot than beo s been poonentrs•t together I1one etiblishment In this city, enabling the management topbesent this ypek a progamme of IRA MYBR11?

The Ethroplan branch of this Mammoth oi mbCttil0n em-bracs tfele ceslebrated MINSTREL PERFORMERS, whowI commeucethe entertainment with a Brst paro of MIN-STLELSY, ceot•tttg of SQN•G, O GLEES, OHORUBES,WITTICISMS, etc.

MIle. Annetta Olltettl,

who stands unrivaled, will lead hbe famout BALLE' CORPS,in a new divertiosemnt. -

El Nlno PadleF ,thb Child Gymnast, will introduce new features.

]• rese Clyde and Tesman,the oberming ta ntedttd volste have selected for thisweek some new Musical Gmes.

Being constantly reqested to repeat DBMONIO, we an-nonce it for three nights only.



SeBond appearance of the renowned Sh5

hepaereaon atlst,

Mr. J. .H. ackett,

who will appear as FALLSTAFF, in Shakepeare's


Afer the performance the anoual MARDI GRAS BALL

wil take place at this Thoeatr.

ZcOOLOOICAI INSTITrT,Composed of great Natourl aving Curioaities,

Mto. as t. Charlet street.(Opposlte the Aotpdmy of Hmit.)

-oo,. oena from 9 .i to 9 .. Ademlson 50 e•nt.pen Bundays from I to 9 o'clock r. .









Stage dancng lessos wll be given at No. 160 BSrota

teee& et tthe hoars of 1L. nd I F.pOINT CLEAR FOR SALE-

Ths magnifienot estate, known as the POINT CLEANHOT'EL, in conseoeene of the impaired health of its proprie-tor, Mr.. F. Chamberlahh, who, for that cause, is not able totive Its mnaserooent the attention whieh the pleasure and in-t hesat •lthe pubic demand, is offered for saleNow. tie exhileratnio retreat ad chorming summer resort

ttoo widely nd flooablt tnown to the elegatleisure of thefashioonable world to require a particular enomeration of thoseecellenies whichlo give lte loeoalty that eoitdondwn-moritedreputatlon which it has most envmbhy attained.

ithe totunq e o iotof tis•eppte, A atai.Looianao nd other neihb-oriog States, and the mention oithe ome ooo oint Cler will suggest to opitolitt vtheoalueolIts fooe. It ie litueted on the mostbesutiful andeomloentoldmark of iobile Bay, while the purity of its andoy soil andthS erenity of its vie, the sweepof theeoaatoedthewido-epedig bay, the eSor beth air tai the outy of the bath,the walk, ride and sai., and the delicious grotulties of a goner-on te, 00coneur torenderthi spt superior t any known in theSout. _ioy years and thoogsands of persons have tested thtvirtues ofits sanitive claims,Its capacity for bestowing every comfort and delight whichthe eharmt of positioon and climate can afford is dmitted by all--while there is no property of the kind that can be more remn-negative to a proprietor of liberal motives and professiotaltaste. The buildings ar e Ise, commodlouos and admirblyarranged, tihe cottages tore spnious and substantially enclo 0and the approaches from toe bay are convenient and secure.A new, staunch and elegant steamer called the 0Annie "comemunicates daily with the city and trvelttg lines, atdthere is nothing wantinog to render Poitt Clear the most alo-oble property ever offered for sale. It it superfluous oto invitethe attoeeton of capitllists to this splendid etate, omprleist g37 acres. The mention that it o oendable will inosure thelregard. All tinformation which may be required can be ihatd onppliclation to MESLIER A CO.

Rel Estate Brokers.



Just received on consigmaent which we offr to wholesaledelers at low prices :


5 .. TallPsee KERSEYS.SI bbs. ROSE WHISKY.

100 .. MAGNOLIA WHISKY.100 .. OLD BOURBON ..200 bskets CIIAMPAGNE--HedsicH , Krg and MumIs.

S boxes virginia and Ifestem TOBACCO.SUTHERLEN. WARREN & CO.


(Late of Alexanddia, La.,)



Ofre, Corner of M .agazne and Orange

.... . Street.

F•AIRCHILD & CO.,Arejust receiving

SPRING HATS-r and WooLS --zL8o--

An assortment of STRAW GOODS,No. 00 Gravser streset


100 .. SODA CACKES. ....100 boxes ..100 .. PIC-NIO1i0 .. BUTTER100 .. CREAM•100 .f SUGAR100 .. GINGER NUTS.

Just received from Garnean & Co.'s St. Louis Bakery, and

forale n lts to sut purchsers by

A. H. D'MEZA, No. 10 St. Louis street.



No. 96 G'svler Street,

I0 casks Younger's Gen.ue PALE ALE-pinta.ISo.. . .. STRONG ALE..5 .. McEwsn's .. PALE40 .. Mr & Son .. STRONG ..100 cases Guinness DUBLIN STOUT.75 casks LONDON PORTER.50 .. Byoss

10 bbls. Cross & Blaekwell's PICKLES.500 boOes PFALL SOAP.00 cases Dnan's ALE. .150 .. Falkirk50 casks Old BOURBON WHISKY.

The above goods, arantd genuine, now landing and

in store.



GEORGE GRAY,5 Grst e sreRt.

StN~DRIES .... ...... ..........SINDRIES,100 kegs Chao Davis & Co.'s LARD.R30s. .. , C. HANSK

50 to,. Prime LARD.50 hI. bbls Davis' REEF.500 kits No. 1 MACIKEREL.300 qr. bbis.H5hn hbl...]00 bbls. No. 21- Otbls. No. 3 L.500 boxes Jackson SOAP.150 boxes Cbeavr's 10 oz. CANDLES.H0O boxes Patent Wax50 bblh. Col OIL.20 bbls. TDnnlr's OIL,3os 0 esths Cs.o50 bbls E. J. RICE'20 boxes Baker's No. 1 CHOCOLATE.

i.e, 1o)eJ laen whc .: .....e bpxea Ver lla00W bbls. Table SALT, ins sd,1b. bogs5ases .. In boxes.IDbbla C5flfe SUGAR.

S.S caOses Fkirkt ALE1.bpnts and quarts1.) o es C.ampgn • .IDER.'* eses andos P•SRTEIR,.10 bbls. Old Bourban WHISKY.

lw rpkgs Oriental GUNPOWDER.20)b hales GUNNY BAGS.

- , sl by .s. SE BROTHS.RS,

1.AR OBLEANE R•ARIS. TAN ADVO"CATS-O- thds th . st, this wsll known Whrsstla JSuG.R

hal win r Of teat•o--t^_e XI Volum&" It, t •nts•a"atis Southern Matt e lang Rssahers'throughout Ala.b H A Mkansas, Louisiana andL as OldsLatlbta re invited to s n bOcr5pe," " . . " ,T rms, FIVE DO•LLAS per nhurm In advance. Itrachb

an bxtnive clanI of readers which' sp "n othe New, OIleans paper.Ot~ee 500 C amntreet, no stalr.s

25 hloS. (Godale's White Clarified SUGAR.

15 .. . . Yellow .. ..

For sale in lots to suit purchasers byA. H. D'MEZA, No. 10 St. Louis str et,

Liberal discount made to regular customers,



A Grand Hosk mad J•mnO Dress BallWill take plaeeat thle Thet4et the sboe evetni , eoderthe direction ofa Comeoitt of Gentlo• aen, d'und"r the


coMRxas or aRuX"Iowan :

D. B, Pnn, J.E. McClere W. H. LIao,.. W. Simmons, B. J. Mpntgomery, Doniel MRtoe,

P. WIl1mso, A. Hoff 'o, Boml. De•Mott,Rotbotshfoig, GaW. Roper, W. W~m,The. Lumm, M.J. Tronchard, H H. Role...

.Joseph LPn etb.h.IMATION COMWMES :

B.J. Montgomery, t Mntgomeryo , G. W. Roper,W. H. .inda

MnoRMO coxxms; *H. H. Reines, SumL De eltt, W. H. Lindo,- De Gray, O.W. Roper.

NO LADY ADMITTED BUT BY INVITATION.Tickelt to be had at the uenal plc.r an1d at the Bob OM0e

Of the Theater.Appllcatioos for tnvltatol, `a be addressed "InvitationCommittee, St. Charles Theter.-"


N1 be given by

The Orleans BenewgIeu A•• uo atloa.'

For the Rtelef of the


Hallof the Polar Star Ledge,Corner of Loveand History stre0te, onesq0a00 below Eplan.

ade•tate,'hhiod, Dltrtit.,


J. . Hubbel, BF.C. Peabody. . FwerN. Foretali, W.e . Clat.k'N. lCarroll, O . ltardll.,F. oither, H. N. Jean0ne,W. Drelbholto, H. Kietso,,SW. H. Well., A. o Olooa,0. DseLmoe, M.. Walsh,J. Coo D J. N. Hardy.A bN. P , 1.i. Swanson.,For Ladle' invitations aopplyto IMr. Lools Power. Chair-

man Ivitotion Committee0 Enre llog Committee Rooms,

BAND HACY DRESS MAND MASHNso 7p vati ll, oL res In the to be I• w Bl

'l Dor DREl OrY.

ABLL, TO BE GIVEN BYThe reeceont CIty Anoelolto.1,


At Odd FelLoWB' eBall.

u e 01aa t"C. Deoler, Wm. WeEho,m Thoe. Hatlgef , . A. Wh Ro Po n o,Woo. Rooletot,WWJ.P

MCormack, T. H. Kooooe,

011. Enooon, . P. Footoe1M. Gouse,nhelm, ' Alex. Belehr,

J. Nonua, Wmse Graham,H. Du re' J.H. Murphy.J..A. o ter, Job Dioher,*G. A. HHer, E. Booby,C. Taylor L. PoloeqJP. Palke J. Cotton,IL HMakie, .G-ean,N. C. Lord. Goeo. CLooel.C. O'Rourke, WH. m. Joets,

Appications fore Ladies' Invitotions to be let at CA. Doeoer's Book tore, No. 187 Poy. L street, and at R. Lord'0:0 Wtore cornerr of St. Corles 0nd Feii1ty stre0o. =d 1O. Wei'' 0uoio Store, No. 1 2 Cep at.we0t,or at 10. Meyer's,No. 181 Circus street.Sealed propoosals for Baer Room and Restoaurntwill berhoelved up to the 7th of Februaoo at C. A. Deieler's Booktore, 187 Poyurs street.0Fluor Malagcra



2Nd Februery, 1600.


MAAGERS :eoerge Clark, Thie. 3orray, .. l Warner,J.(1. , Flemiong, A. B. SBoger. Tho Haseoe,A. W. Metri, R. Marsh Denmon, G.W. Rae,

Gader .W. Gould, 3. B M l,S. M: Todd, 0. Bate, J. O. DeCostro3. J. Waon, H. H. Stanley, 3. F. OrboherI. Penderora, A. B. Bea, Thoe. H. Bfdy,George Purvi Henry Bier, J. B. Leefe,Henry Bdwell, J.0. Nixono We. Pier0e,. F. Hodgkios, Goo. W. liyron, .. T. . Bennett,SW. Booworto, H.R. Swaooy, H. Fassmee•,John Clark, D. Bidwell, V. D. Flu,J. IL icholson, J. Shwe. John Puroel,J. H. Sherman, T. Askew, T. W. Rothle]k.pplicatlons forLadieo' Invitations to be leftwith E. Bleeoey

No: 7It Coroodelet stror


To be given byJackson Fire Company No. 18.

Qn SATURDAY EVENING, FeboaTy 24, 1S66,


B. F. Lhote, J. e. Hckio A.S. Ferth,.V. Cellos, J.F. Ornbeo Joe MrphyWn. Dorman, SD. Maxwell, J. N. FoweeLJos. II.LDoGrnge,oA,. 0 ILthSho.Geo. W. Bev o, 7. H. Coi oo, W. H. C011ompton,John Murphy, A. Wloon, T. S. Bariow,Osoarl., W. . Caornwel, W. Delaney,W. L. Mlurphy, Ed. Blakley S.L. Bisho0 ,3. W. Baley, WWn. Logan, A. JamsonoT. F. Askewh, Wm. Heory. L.Tlenotrier,Thfo. Burke, Jno. A. O'Ben, S. Luca,3. C. Baroen, W. Frederio , A. Myer,Oscar Jordy, .Wlhe P. S. Mcouir

P. F. Herwig Jno. Hdgino., 0. Cahill.3 B. Colie, J. HL Riin, J. A. H1ohon.ppiT••caton fbr Ladies' invototions may oe made to any oft M1 a r left at te HaIll of the Company.r "Tikets; $2; for sale the ManagemrSealedproposales will be eclvod for Bor and to Btaeoont,

at and Costume rooms, if laddressed "Board of Arranoge.mete,." and left at the Hall of the Company.

LOST-STOLEN._STOLEN-820 REWARD-FROM THE UNDER-signed, on January 1st, a dark brolwn HORSE, marked on

the let shoulder " WF" with blazed face 5I willg ive twentydollars reward for the recovery, and'I will give an ehxtra lbealreward upon conviction of the thief.

HUGH MURPHy, 19 Poeyfarre alree


inder will be sltdbly rewrdd by leavesg ilat the CountingRoom ofthe Crescent.

T OST--NOTICE ISHORERBY IVENTHAT THE FOLSowingdescribed Scrip has been lost. Thirty days om this

date applcation wsE be made or the ISSue of duplcte certiS-eates:Sun Mutual Instr'ca CL. certilEfte No. 1S., 189, for....$ 0reshcnts' .. ..... .. 148, ..e' .. . . 6 ....

.. .. .. ... 2 .... .N.108

.. .. .. .... 18S,6, .. 1.. .. .. . .. 1R, .. S E

.. .. .. .. 1744H,..

.. .. .. .. .. 1679' 160, .. 1480

JOHN F.UTS --' •,Jan 1518• No. 172 Gravie~r stret

.. .11... .... •F8. _ " 1

JF.' OF L•AND situated inEdgefedDsrc otCarolina, on the waters of Ture Creek, about seven mtllefrom Rd efud Court-House, rntain sixteen hundred andsixty eight scree (1688, more •rless, samiable for grain or cot-toe!! there being on the tract a larggo bads of creek and branchbottom lands in a highatlt, ofeurtlivullen, and vrr produ.--

tire. Theplaceira•athehalthy. and wellwatred, has


on It s comfortable Dwell ing usde, Otde, and all ecessolout-lotdnghStia wodf, eh C- a w k, plant, it would b

a. dirable Snvestment.thrmT liberal. For inforsmatont aplyy tto .Whtited Co~

;oitt~ot~T hlS' lie~sht Stor less, Outitid o tSai Soe Ftt

27 Caual atrets, or to LumRde, .-3 Commercia Piate, Noew.


With the dove pllae, will be sold Iofortale Eahdn•o,

in Edgeleld, with one hundred acres of Land attached o

wlht bh old separate, lti desred.. ,

F OR HALE OR LEISF.,--BVENTY-FPVE. D-irtable Plantations for tle or ledse in Lottsnatit A,.ktanoe Alaba atnd ittlaiappl-M--y of them now Ino, pr.

go,,' off' cul e ptiot, with ple ty f head,, tool. Rvesonand mploniont to msth a crop. Apply to Willhiea Morey,Seal Estt5 Brokers andO Selral igents, Sb :. sI Calrhsetr810,t, New Orleans. '

DR SALE--A PINR.,>TONED PIANO,-APPLYF from 9m to 1 n., and from fite 8 r. x., at 139 Race street,between a•lsns and Conatagl8 streets

F U AL .]• FINH PROPELLER TWO YEARSSold and Inti plerfect iorder. Cpact of 410 barrels. Sol9q•eetglt5ld51n of tnterUS Py hIblefor the Oulftrade.Fo PAtIalat Iitqulre sof

CREEVY, NICKNERSON4CO O.,g Corner ailer and Cqrondelet aSt.

F ItIandl ttO-e tol.t4 C LtRTEIlTHE SUPRis SaOR. pe ~ poeamntca tdv• AIII O.•JBWFI-" a 100"

l, 23 feeIt btl; I est Ihild sljt Intb e Wl5 roalthas and any f n u~ r. r Wrt a •t O .. ,

Comer uaroele and DOqruvd aRatLs.

TITE. ...... . .... NO. t4E.

Hh~bllS~b ttMIIH Iii~

S-hseeqYona ta



.,. ., AY OQK.





The Philadelphia AGE.S Bostn COST,LWnatglton Il;y NATIONAl INTELLIGOESEE

..-,rI CHRONICLE..(ltvsasu NEWS... . S.S,•EE' BULLETINH nesto TELERHAPH.

Arl:l Leonareett& Co.'. Repsnt the four BRITISH BR.VIEWS .S ELACOWOODSS DINSURO MAGAZINE, r•.1oved at 06. Ea Exchang and ews. Roms, orn

SOhaI. Uh im ande Oontmmerci Pla.oL OVERALL, Agaf.


SedOetbsP, Dbeitiss hair i.kttt 5(545 7.

wa a Waashdelsad 1 e5idl

al c, ts wa Bi 86 St.~ GetstRbptL T.AJ.K t~ BWAS TED-TO C ARTERM O K COSpM.RLASS

Add eritStt5tsss7 'Arodee1srs.s" Ctf


tlon Levees, and m to ebt wbod.

th e et e 5 1 e t pt ter s ca n lf 6 8.0,5 e lg t ttp (5 7 556



rhth(7ee,5.dsTe)054e tetos sw

r Op O a ONtp. II

lieatstedst, Fiel drlheN5


e6 in the cat Orleans Daiy S L, af Itt 510.tothefoll" wisheg et: iatWnd?.Tar Gd W NEo- y A o"O tdud

resident of New Oilerle fur reral 77mea ̂ le~r nU, n7ddaftlc pardoalan. or fdtiber misrmaIln. W i~~lrf

eiter, Ydes Y ndsrsaen, care of) Jqoir T. .A. SI..Xillr Rtr.OM Y Wtctae 'Reeaa Brest fav. .W ANTED-ABYOOD CdAMLY 01'C OOR PO IAciED


beheahnt a ad tc0l Ycatuestshcha.pdaltfdecea a -, o~atShome aee0. end'rao~id dllaer o,, sWYautelaarl fsimo u sTW'; terlmsl, IlsoemaaCR. craesentat Es 6 Ce

WaF A -1 1DGAR PLANTATION SITUAE ONa sagarpiater a party who asfamish elgJn abcolorsrlsbaraa (0 qt thm nw): to~clgate sags n 00.105 an ic wo tem ilt 4oneeo Hfeda:Me '-- sd &atrsaossdcane.c. stetaO' stst lacaitm .ta0ahquarter foe aaa eo. 8lebutmlb S _o oha

f of t ,Ihsh ctg hsod idk csd cecil .depted Ws

and one dolt 11t d/4f"bh t asptic. 6 a9a!te .rshould any6e n ed. The pinta itloo:i B a lu ontcc spct; Isell found in teams, Fasrs tooe,, eata. add.waslotgverfiowe8 In , P lcotar lurk bpzNprr~ndl0. lioe ;t o la. .. ~

ethkac eh sdilsg. Apptldy to ss . T.s1WAN'rHD-A, PU RCHASR , FOR A REV 0PrAU.'Y dibon's Works, heuataditioop,.I?,ed at il(II1D.`~ y,

se et~ C he Ctrwt i lhffd b0gac aObcmtcdtteitim bye ehhtlt. the stttclgds' wID c.,t p...

addressa Boz aas, Pes. l..

LUTANTEOn, A'HUE WARNOL ACOMMD00.-NS(M for rS amI. d LN , If Eamisyad iW A odNOD 660L6, theCisphiestld be pnrDeslee. Addres t i IGtt. 0faa d allnecssary ps DBtlca~ s. "Yank" at Pods s

WANTED-BY A P IAMIGC OF FOUR1 PERSONS, A~s mall cottage Hons.-Fourth District preferred, Add.Q.D. etthisefe.

20 ND t-PA lO S'IWANTE-I DESNE RE TRWL H. tiFteZUUSHl~nti4itcf WM l.u WILIer, dee,Gaines' aLoding, THU. ndwaat a partne who wlls. stakOA-Cnd fsnishhis qusotat of ms, thtpies, elm Tshe pideh,,,has herstofore Pmade OsDfa bas ben o0. St.

once In seen years There is n the p10iM an nnxzba llblsA pp y o~f cyres. timber red alarge stem Mw' suW and dad alad osS. csIatablish on Eat. .0, .. S Bu.psrioud., m O( kRtou4 (uotblt street ortorsion ~dergfgaed on the vremiaee K Bthlr


FOPROUNGT-TWH GOD ROORFO FOR TH OPE,aoa.40Powa4 Ar dbed Uorosant y, New6 YCeondk.treat.

08.~ LEASE-A- PLANTATION SITUAbTED rONewAapkeseyrobw est ngstho m ov mdd

coltiva Bon of tttooagwit larg mo. of gyp ll~

attached.The ppantatoonfor mny yer. ha been cslit ted in erns

but mighbon all"Sued vn befre thewar rssed sain. ,On the place I. a dwelli house and ezo. lent agro gour

is., roomfor 260 negrooe a large andsubstantial ase behd,which ago ea Uyba nvetad nto gin house, 1T he tovrr1. celebrated fa hag $elthff ea, the uavlgstlon nprP~t yasroared, and the plerotat loo free fr b*va9 ,"p Iv


NOLD, COoRNELIUS ROSE,)Siucoeseon to Bernhelmrr BrotheRs

Clothiers and Dealers In Goods for Mecn'swear,


FIITznuGH, WILEER a CO, -(L, H. FITZHUGH~lotsof Kentucky W. L WILBER, lat

Ff Phiiadelyhis; THIOS. C. GAL I, ate of~orfllk SA.lthM L. HUGHES, late of St. Louis.)

and for the Purchase oaf' Merchndis.As p gnsfo t hSale and Purchase of Rel Est ~e,% et., and fe~or h

PROCURING WHITE LABOR FOR TEE, soUTH;Nos. 40 andl 4R Broadwiry, New York.


66 Common SItret

Have just received ad are ofeing the fllwig:0 tubs Orange county, N. Y., Gshe BEUTTER

100 boxes English Dairy CHEESE•10 pockets Java and Lguayrs COFFEE.75O packages MACKEREL--bbl., half bbl., quarters and

kitlts50 boxes Assorted and Fancy CANDY.

100 cates PRESERVEB-Jers and cans. t .25 .. JELLIES.5bblk. old Pennsylvanis WHISKY.50 packages Cogtao BEANDY-quarter and eighths25 .. ld PORT and SHERRY.50 casks Scotch ALE and London POTTER,1000 cases CAN GOODS of all kin•ds.Together with a large and complete assortment of all kinds

of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, for at the lowet mar-let prisn a.

THos. . DYTKREs,Having returned tothe t ty tenders his services to the Met

cantile community in general, and 'hi old friends in par.secular, 8e a

General Hserchandlse Broker.Orison No. 45 Umot RTam.

C1 MUNT ........ ............. ........ PLZ BTER.x00 bbl,. CEMENT and PLASTER.

For sale by A. C. WILBUC,144 oGravtr stret



Thenderslgne ewoldu . etTlly inform the publlo thatthey lave opune au ~e uer naume and stytle as abovet forthe tinetiiob of 0I0 bainss alpetstainin to a REAtESTATE BSROKEbAG AND AGOSNy.tIn this y ey iii a sa p et Int bwrlli , seuAng

iwil tdae charge o frst estate for ristdesienr tees In thescity o ltry, ywhere the States of Loui, MHa

Able ois. ntsel will be constlted in altceass of dogtibtttl roonfAiti tle

t By attention to all business, F aa0cd

oels toan to IntruC-loa, aho hope to give garal natl=

wish to hay, sel or rept, with mM inGtruOtinLAThey have at present a lengthy list of Cotton and Sugar

Addre nndersigned, lk Box No. 688, P.O..awOrleanst, L. JOHN C. MILLER,S. F. GABD.Brother, Bankers% N. 0.,~ls G. -Huntington , Co., N; 0,i; B.. Hump9treyto. so MIss. Rlcei Fosstr , Pit..

Mase c Atttoostyie erlw, N. 0., Li. His. Edwoed MYtla.hie. WiosodlsW. Els.

Il mE-IN A ORDACE WITH A RESOLUTIONadopted by the Ptolet Jty of this Parish 0n the 24h day

Notlc is hlereby givee qf o ll pereons holding Perlih Wa-rants to present the sameto the undersigned, or to A. Lem.e,Nsu.,n o before tle tat JIy of Apird net, in order to raseivlin ie thereo Parish onds .with oi..pous.

P. . .BAOKEN, PtreldntPolletJus'.Natchitochs, L., Jan. 10,1•. .-



nier-pt p r le Jure do pollee de B tte paroi ,• le 20 d hasm-Avis est par tee prbseites dopnb it tols dbtentelur db mledat d paronise, de prbsentr ceTs-iit au s ouseiSub ss it .A.Lembs. avean t Its avrsil prochain, dIfl de recevolr en bchangsdesr bon avecou onas.

P. 3r. EACKEN, Prsidet do Jut do Polie.Natebhitohe., Le.. It10 tlEnve . Fol ss



The nderstgned ntSrfthes publi that they ise ihani•gdtheir Auction basinesa. into the

Groesey aesd 4oalEston BusTnet,-

And will be pleased to sere their sotomersi and friends attheir old steed, corner of'smua,, Yalton, Common ma. FrontLevee tssetls.We have tuoclttes with us, .rP.O. RANDOLPH. who

will be plsse o wait onl is oldcustomefrs ad friend.

M _0A. HALTL 00.

165 FULTON STE•ER,BeSEReR JolS. wd AS. tesph Sreset.,

H. G. HODGSON, Proprietor.uStorage In No. S Firet rooft ,' Wfi su•fr .ad o

e WaraE, OB8e HEa arrm ,*e.


S .. ........... .+t,. .,.. ....:.....:t.. i.•:O'. ERADHeAW .DEALER IV BSAT, Assisusr t SiC,.* net'. stn evttest S iand Jis. W. Stevei-4 Thor itcoTius

L ra," aW a nontunuco f thq patr extendedaom e~- - - ~I- -. S- s"sSiw. N E.C

S0"0NPOWDEJ...............: GINPOWDI .


DBpont's -Poswder CiePiny,S7 coMUGo STREET, CORNER NEW LEVEE,

Noew Orlns,.SHOT tsd OAPS t whostsala.



ksetwen St. Louis anLCOS•. New Orseml

tube AuctAon, SAW4 p tl-8'

I Catr OeiroF2w1i'IetaUli LWCh ltS48

O 'l~rEpb.gelae .r11; I~gWD,`i 10900 atno 4ailx '

C.a " '" ~ i *57[t, -*4,o e

5 . 4 . E m G 4~ ~ I e e e a 4 S Syy t mp +d t ~

,,Ii'onod th .1 ted '*6.Felt% ___MpBrsraa~b dab~dt :,IegS,,, teh'aLteifnr Bt0 hf~r4tatSybp ____

Eootcay bet"ao S T it.OND1A . Feb. DiN, a5 i.i .'S M

74i berS!hewa+ O tteG*SA.sS,:,,with sHill eed HltcbwP~mtan compeldll

4L V ogS.t. L SSw7j U N D A X. Feb. 1aeo 10t . aS ' k

''h YdlPSF Y" ~aat yy 5~Jnci y

ri~*te55eiob teharpt-o


hasYInoice of NOttR 0., LoGageX.d"c .............O .. coTe To e......... 5..s.:

TIIRSD.Y, Feb1uary l0th. a* 3. 'tek A.'old-rya m,8Capte be sold.74 hal o.l Uotto4P

' ampleltaaSS'ats e

190ESot E SALE'pOF De Y GoOODS, CLOLTIN.and Seiz . t. ,A. ,

BY JOIS C. BMP HY. .O,9od 0AolelO POOmod e leaoonq S3 Eknstttettsad.

*W SDA t. lath. i .t05t. a 1 k.,d, AT, et-.Oh;i Ikrm .No. e BlTteo5,14m, b ll -otsold--

,400 l.t of Seasot:bl .DY GOSODS.100 late of Spring sad Sommer CLOTHING. '

100 dozen Cashimere end Wool HATS.


Aro~oaeo0-0,..aa 47 N7gspl,h'O.S",urf3 E8DAY, S ,b. thw 8th"'1833. at 1t1 `cioc *. u.,in Itors K.1 7 Rb!,. W o.,nsbotedn,.tlabold-

bOt7O9Oa ~ OQ4

79' theb. ,rSto oo, Ch .

.7C1945'or' ds, L C

-t WoToS

FLOUR.... .... ...... .... FLOUR"; .......... :....FLOUR;BY D. E. I7[OBP HY,"

l IRD Y,, eb l t, t 11 1-d OerooekJ . .in the Piioae ueeboee, fr ewoatafhom it maconcern, will heaold--

187 bl.. inner vartone brandrI3-Tsatu-(.anh: in U. S.'he.oC notes

GUNI(Y CLOTH....i.- ......... .... ..:.GUNNY .CLOTH.BY B, MOBPH;Y;I

1! IIE~d.Y Fbruary18th, t ~18 gtcleekf. XA ~tet'gi h aehss, tor' amiit ot i`' tbom it

me$ concern, will be sl- an lt,'" Ta~e--Ca.7 U. $TrMor ato. .

. . M .n


Self ActinN HI,"d• Leo,

(Late Impaovement.)


I weaves just the goods for home wear. Half the at of thCl otilg of a faly can be Maved.

From Flve to Ten Dollm a a Day

an be made on it. It weaves J3,, Sttnoaet, Linsey, Bla•tL(Taweed, Double plan, various kinds of Ribbed Goode FescttgTwills of all kinds, Fle, Cotto, w a ao -waMl Oloth,Bagging, TowelSg, Table Linen, Gaihaldi or Bala0ral Skirt,Woolen, Linen, Hemp or Rag Carpeta


Not larger than a common breakfast tabl. It I mde , themost workmanlike mane,. of good material ad hbaamtlyvaralihed. t is very simple and emaily taderatod. Evaoy-thlng is performed by turning a crank

COON & BRANoDRIFP, A••ta114 St. hrlale taat, New Orlasn,.

SNDIE ............. .. ... ir.1 Is.

OO--0 eQas, a~~tao andt fr• da a d.

tIERS OlL-40 barrelsa BSank and Straltk.JPONICA-tO bale• best quality.I store lad for "•le by 5. d86 ,•L S. MANN & CO.,

No. S8 and 85 Magazine streek

-ilO COFFEE......... OC........i00o Ig.,

stbegaNIO CO'PE, int tore and for plo1e alt ,phb

rateb. WELLER, CHEW 00O.,

No k4 andS Poydr ltstet.

S AR.D.............................AICA,•.

Simto & Co.) takes plaeaononon• to lats aapustiona th•ate Ihe fond bhlna andLedoLn

NhRS. GE01 W. BANIKER 00,C aessors toaarth,Dtoh Co., Impts f ad Wholteale Deale (

nh Goodb,

aasolicits a tnot atitn of po'favrac,



Sand 13 Mg street, oer Commna draw Otleet,

S.... ...............AAZIN. STREET ............HEO. o. B tvor, eat e ho of

imml bb Co pe.) takre plBar n aaNlotenttd hisE'e"idei

eatntor atat hle has formed a RaEiil A onttlaion aitg

D-rE. •ohO•: W.B.tANr$ER.a CO...ITmBRito lht ,

Dth t Co., Impe aiEd Wtl dhol•alt Daers dta da Waso

Floatsit tlt•.Rapt, CatttWheaoDI( Cta pea ft

On -l EbEbah.S E. Ns ,.", bra

wblth Ot . Wa, Path, atwaf C.;11 and ISbmlel streat, atdle CLmmos.te bOenze

AL Fr•F b bPAOL Na t.

u Te............. .... ,,,,.. S R T . ........... . ....9n

OR b l Para WCobpe eatra PorIIS B orJHtaY, rcaDitad fBtla Brido or St.hre 'ld.

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O-Wabbla. d datr Mats Pork, hetaotlb


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