new policy document - index | galashiels academy€¦ · better behaviour better learning policy...

Any comments can be directed to members of the group who will raise points at the Group meetings. In addition, Craig Aitchison and Pauline Anderson meet weekly if necessary so that points can be made to SMT. Craig and Pauline will also meet appointed senior pupils to look at BBBL related matters This booklet, as well as copies of group minutes, posters, postcards, letters, punishment exercises, detention slips and reflection sheets are on the BBBL folder on the staff intranet. 2012 Information for Staff October Better Behaviour Better Learning Policy & School Uniform BBBL Members: Craig Aitchison (Chair) Pauline Anderson Norman Macleod Anne Macleod Neil Brown Callum Clement Jane Allan Wilma Robertson Janine Watson Morag Crawford Craig McCombie Alan Paterson Sara Lambard Jane Whaley Effective learning and teaching is essential to the promotion of positive behaviour Be on time to meet the class at the door as they come in Welcome the class and bring them into the classroom in a calm and orderly manner Have the work prepared and organised Establish clear routines to the start of the lesson Have a seating plan Deal with school uniform and eating straight away Set the class to work straight away Praise effort, technique and contributions Have high expectations Award Merits regularly Award Praise Postcards, Class Merits Ensure that the pupils leave the class on time, in an orderly manner and in silence

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Page 1: New Policy Document - Index | Galashiels Academy€¦ · Better Behaviour Better Learning Policy & School Uniform ... Demerit given. 2. Late for ... • Register teacher issues a

Any comments can be directed to members of the group who will raise points at the Group meetings.In addition, Craig Aitchison and Pauline Anderson meet weekly if necessary so that points can be made to SMT. Craig and Pauline will also meet appointed senior pupils to look at BBBL related matters

This booklet, as well as copies of group minutes, posters, postcards, letters, punishment exercises, detention slips and reflection sheets are on the BBBL folder on the staff intranet.

2012Information for Staff


Better Behaviour Better Learning Policy & School Uniform

BBBL Members:Craig Aitchison (Chair)Pauline Anderson Norman MacleodAnne MacleodNeil BrownCallum ClementJane Allan Wilma RobertsonJanine WatsonMorag CrawfordCraig McCombie Alan PatersonSara LambardJane Whaley

Effective learning and teaching is essential to the promotion of positive behaviour

• Be on time to meet the class at the door as they come in • Welcome the class and bring them into the classroom in a calm and orderly manner• Have the work prepared and organised• Establish clear routines to the start of the lesson• Have a seating plan• Deal with school uniform and eating straight away• Set the class to work straight away• Praise effort, technique and contributions• Have high expectations• Award Merits regularly • Award Praise Postcards, Class Merits • Ensure that the pupils leave the class on time, in an orderly manner and in silence

Page 2: New Policy Document - Index | Galashiels Academy€¦ · Better Behaviour Better Learning Policy & School Uniform ... Demerit given. 2. Late for ... • Register teacher issues a

Positive RewardsStaff record all of the below in SEEMIS and tell the pupil. The totals per House are displayed on Plasma screens.

1. Merits - record on SEEMISAwarded by staff on merit for the skills which reflect the four capacities of CfE:

• High standard of achievement• Improvement in effort• Showing motivation for learning• Learning independently• Learning as part of a group• Thinking creatively• Showing respect for others• Solving problems• Showing resilience

Merits are displayed in House Notice Boards and recognized at House Assemblies. A certain amount of Merits leads to House Colours or equivalent.

2. House Merits - record on SEEMIS• Merit lists for effort completed by

all teachers in October and January

• 3 pupils per teaching set

3. Class Merits - record on SEEMISIssued regularly by staff

4. Praise Postcards or A5 Certificates - record on SEEMIS

Can be issued by departments throughout the year by the class teacher for showing exceptional, regular or consistent application of the skills above (motivation, resilience etc.)

5. House AssembliesHouse Assemblies take place regularly at registration time. However, more formal assemblies in November and February are held to recognize Merits.

Staff should not expect a response for each incident recorded but this will be used when, for example, Pastoral staff and SMT are meeting with parents. Information in Merits and Demerits will be looked at during House Meetings. While the information on Incident Manger is open to all staff, staff should not discuss the contents with pupils.

Classroom Teacher Sanctions

1. Formal verbal warning• After normal strategies to promote positive

behaviour which rest upon the professionalism of the teacher.e.g. outside for 2 minutes.

• It is important that the pupils understand that this is a ‘Formal Warning’ and therefore part of the sanctions.

• It is useful to refer to the Classroom Sanctions poster.

2. Isolation within the classroom(may include partner teacher)

3. 10 minute CT detention / standard CTpun ex / Reflection sheet

• Pupils issued with a slip for detention to be signed by parents.

• Letter sent home – slip to office to generate letter.

• Detention to take place at lunch or break, can be issued there and then.

• Standard pun ex used by all teachers.• Pupils to be given one chance to complete

this, date for completion at discretion of teacher i.e. next time in subject or next day.

4. If students fail to complete the above then there is a referral to PT. Also, if students continue to disrupt after the issuing of a CT punishment they are referred to the PT.

PT Sanctions

1. Pupil remains with PT for up to a week or20 minute PT detention orStandard PT punishment exercise orReflection Sheet

2. When the PT judges that the pupil should return to class a brief meeting between the pupil, the class teacher and the PT takes place before pupil returns to class.

3. If PT is not satisfied after a week – PT referral to SMT. This should be put in writing, for example email.

If PT is absent or out of school, arrangements should be made within departments in relation to who fulfils this role.

SMT Sanctions

1. Pupil completes original Reflection Sheet / engages in Restorative conversation.

2. Pupil placed on time-out timetable for this subject (S5/6 classes). Junior classes may be used for senior pupils. The Department provides work for the pupil. Pupil may also be given a 30 minute SMT detention.

3. Parents must be notified before the pupil returns to the department. The PT may request that, when the original punishment is completed, the pupil returns to class, although this is not normal procedure.

4. When the member of SMT judges that the pupil should return to class a brief meeting takes place between the pupil and either the PT or the class teacher before the pupil returns to class.


Page 3: New Policy Document - Index | Galashiels Academy€¦ · Better Behaviour Better Learning Policy & School Uniform ... Demerit given. 2. Late for ... • Register teacher issues a


Office staff check SEEMIS at the end of a day to generate standard letters. All letters inform parents of action taken already i.e. detention, punishment exercise or isolation with PT.

Serious Incidents

• In the case of extremely serious incidents such as swearing at staff, fighting or refusing to leave room teachers should use their buzzer

• SMT will come to the class to remove the student

• The Class Teacher involved should, at the earliest convenience, put in writing the behaviour which led to the buzzer being used. This should be emailed or passed to the Deputy Head responsible for the student’s house.

• If Buzzer is pressed, the matter will go straight to SMT procedures.

Supply Teachers

Supply teachers are given a leaflet on arrival with the main points of the BBBL

policy and the name of the PT of each department and what room they are in. Supply staff to send pupils directly to PT subject after no2, i.e. isolation within

the classroom. They do not give out punishment exercises.PT decides on further course of action.

Corridor Behaviour

• Poor behaviour checked by all staff.• Refusal to follow staff instructions –

referral to SMT, SMT sanctions: no1.• Break and lunch –Students should not be

in the corridors upstairs on in the extension before registration or at break. At lunch time students should be outside or in the canteen after the bell sounds at 1 o’clock.

• Change of period – PT responsible for the area around their own department and setting an ethos for staff; having a high profile at doors when pupils are moving around. Departments work out how their area will be supervised at change of period time.

• Out of class cards to be used at all times to allow pupils out of class. One pupil per class at a time.


1. Late for class – spoken to by class teacher. Demerit given.

2. Late for class 3 times a term - teacher issues pupil with a detention or punishment exercise. There is a separate letter for late coming.


1. Pupils should sit in chairs, jackets off, no eating.

2. Pupils must stay in classroom, leave in an orderly manner.

3. Register teacher is pro-active about punctuality/equipment.

4. Register teacher:• Registers class.• Issues and collects uniform slips.• Issue demerit for uniform.• Reads out or displays the DIS.• Assists with Behaviour/Attendance cards

when appropriate.

Please Takes

The policy applies when doing please takes. The only difference is that if the PT has to be involved, it is the PT of the subject, not the PT of the teacher who will take action.


There is a Demerit on SEEMIS for Homework that produces a letter home.


The emphasis in each lesson must be on learning and teaching and getting the pupils down to work as soon as possible. The class teacher is responsible for equipment and must have the equipment needed available. It is not acceptable for a pupil to be prevented from working because they do not have equipment, except in the case of PE. All staff however; stress the importance of bringing the correct equipment to school.

• Class teacher uses sign in/out system for equipment.

• Teacher asks pupil to borrow a pencil, for example, from other pupils.

• If a pupil has no equipment for a week, noted on Incident Manager.

Partner TeachersDepartments identify ‘Partner Teachers’, to whom they may send pupils instead of PT if PT has the same year group, for example. This may be on the same floor, e.g. If this teacher is teaching an S5 class at this time. SMT to be told and this teacher would not be used for Time-out Timetable.

Page 4: New Policy Document - Index | Galashiels Academy€¦ · Better Behaviour Better Learning Policy & School Uniform ... Demerit given. 2. Late for ... • Register teacher issues a

Senior School


Rewards• Senior School Merit• House colours awarded for every

6 Senior School Merits Awarded.

Sanctions• Senior School Demerit issued by

class teacher• After 3 demerits from class teacher

they notify PT• Principal Teacher issues PT Senior

School Demerit. This will also result in a letter home and an email to your Pastoral PT. The faculty PT may choose to isolate and/or interview you.

• If there is no improvement, faculty PT informs Head of House

• Isolation from class. There will be a meeting with Head of House.

• Ultimately, student may be removed from the subject, following discussion.

School Uniform Policy

What are the benefits of a school uniform?

• To foster a sense of belonging and pride in Galashiels Academy• To develop a purposeful and focused ethos in the school• To promote equality among pupils• To prevent bullying arising from pupils wearing certain styles of clothing• To create a positive image of our school and pupils in the community• To improve school security by making it easier to identify intruders• To ensure easy identification, security and management of pupils on out-of-school

excursions• To make it easier for parents, pupils and staff to know what we expect pupils to wear to


What is the school uniform?

• Plain white shirt and tie (specific to House)• V neck jumper or cardigan (all black with school crest)• Plain black trousers, shorts, skirt, dress, pinafore• Plain black footwear (no trainers)• Lapel badge for Prefects• Maroon tie for S6 pupils

What should not be worn?

• Jeans of any colour• Leisure wear /casual clothing• Short, tight or revealing clothing• Non black footwear• Hats/caps in school building• Broad/coloured belts• Football clothing

What will happen if pupils do not wear the uniform?

• Register teacher issues a slip that should be signed by each class teacher and collects it the next day.

• Register teacher issues demerit.• Pupil is sent to the office if he/she has no slip.• Office email register teacher to demerit the pupil.• Group call will be made to inform parent/carer.• If a pupil refuses to comply, he/she will work in S5 classes and the parent/carer will be

asked to come into school for a meeting.

Persistent offenders will have privileges removed and parent/carer will be asked to attend meeting with a member of the Senior Management Team.

Monitoring cardsTo be handed to the teacher at the start of each lesson

DHT Monitoring cardsA means no encouragement neededB means some encouragement neededC means formal verbal warningD means isolated in classE means pun ex/detention or sent to PT

Departmental behaviour cards can still be used

Target CardsIssued by House Team daily with specific targets and graded 1-3.

Time Out CardsTo be a behaviour card format• May be signed by teacher if used.• Can be triggered by teacher or
