new publications. steamboats a cult albany misss. …new publications. miss alcott's new book....

NEW PUBLICATIONS. MISS ALCOTT'S NEW BOOK. JO'S WOY . A Nil HOW TH KY TURNED OUT. A Foiucl to * Mule M- n " nv Looma M. Alcott. 16mo. pp. 365. Booerie Brothers. The instructionsi of maiden ladies as tn tho (.roper bring'ng up of otitliteo are opt to rome a goml- hutnorert rouunnpt lu ths minti* of parent* Not without repton, for the patience born of pure nt ul love doei not always enter Into the matlnn of the maiden ladles MM Alcott lt, however, sn exception MW t,,e flstsr* hood. Tu© trtiichtuBi which she herc presents In the form of a story .ire generally sound, wholesome omi Ju lie mis. Tho woman's hnud shows, ot course, lo thc prlmMsiines* unit scutiuientality of tonio of the" Boys,'' but thit may VB forgiven fur the sake of lively and tender-hearted ¦ Mm. .lo." With this vol.uue are flo illy dismissed tho amusing child characters nt klittle Men." Their fortunes tt tnarniiiontile young men uni MBMcas are hore dlirm-o.l end the conventional conclusions described C iii.ilcuted. " Mr*. Jo," at the unlvcr* il contl.t.iti'e, it Hie most MNBM elinruftsr; her mfg heart, gatok temper eui ready sj iu pu thy uinke tbe RHUM Ot Hie honk. Mian Aioott tim n.<vcr ni nie pretensions to literary Style, and Um ttory lg hh hnpliMZ'ird mil " jet Ky " tn thii partlcnliir us were ler former one*. Hut style or no mylo, there ls no doubt t mt tho au hot'* popularity win he largely lacrsaeed v$ thia pteeeoat mid lauaerat tale, lt ls prolmhly the true eeawqncacM Ut that I>ti|iu!aii:y which *he thu* describes la " J"'« Hoys": " 1 tinve linnie up my inln.l ou ono point " sol 1 Mri. SJo with firmness " 1 v.i nut BOOWer till* kind of letter Pvc OMI at l- .i»* .-li le lids Coy, .md lie probably Balk them I til- ^iii nines lunn i amnlaary, aud if I Med ber ene all thc otii-r girls will st euee »Hu tm ui re. All i*vln by saying they keow«ta*j tetra ie. ami tint I am nf ionrse samoyed bj ibCM refacoM; nut they venture io .mk bcceoM I like hoyt, ur tiiey like .ne lionke, u! 1; il on.y one. ¦ I'll open the others and iet yon est your breokloct lu i«e«c<-. ilcha Mutter," nhl B©b,"wooo icu soled ,.s bot secret,rr. " ll -re* on.'fruin the t-outu"; au.l breaking nnjii.-iiit: neal, he ir.di : a., u ha* Mooee* Bcavea to Mom your eBort* witn a large Untune, I leal no i.eeltallon lu isklugyou tu tuppi.t luint- io puivh *.¦ bbow ci'iiinii.nun -service for ear church. To w i.itever dcnouilnaUon yoe belong, you niii ot course rsopood with liberality to each s ra¬ iniest. ItesyeeUclly yours, Mut,. X. V Uriu. -.-etui advil reface!, deei all I nave to elva mari go to '.-eil amt clothe lbs poor it my cute*. Tact ls BU thiiiiit-uit.TiiiK tur enebim Oe on." oaewerad ile unther, witii a ».raioiul akuna ebool lm h ,|>b) home ..A li> r.try youtn ec rlgbteen vcoposea tliet you pal your nituie lo h novel ne hae u ritteii; un l after the nrst nun ion i kui nan e le to be ta.ien efl alni hi- pul on. TboicTs a cool pioinmal lot you. I |ocra yoe wee'l lt.ree lu, lu IptMe! your eofl-he.trieillie.-s lo ward trina, (ii the young scribblers.M " C..nillir. linne, lei) him io klndiy, and don't let linn oem! the mani script. I have OCVCBOB limul uoiv, a d hermy time to imi my own," tani Mm Jo. ** Ilrte'a a lady iii Kafiand witii eeveB i.iiii>. eeo sac wl.-ihi t to linn * your views ii.iuii>. Also wuat eareert they sha.1 Inllow tue eldest bein* iwcue. Hi le's a fellow who meets te know noel sort ol e girl he shall many, and il yee knew of any Uko tnoccls your t'oiirs. This is 'run. t Ind] wno wants you to a-lupt her child and lemi her money to study art atiro.ol mi a tew \eais. Helter take il, aud try your baud ut a Kilt, h mlie'. " " No, thunk yon, I will keep to my own line of busi¬ ness. What timi MotlOdOts! lt inuits rather awful, to Judge ny the ink." a*»ed Mr-. Jo, wno beguiled hoi u.tiiv ta»k ey trylae tt geera fruin tim ouuide what na* inside her mOBJ Irlters. Talc I toved lu t>, n muni trom an in-aie adiiiirer, to .iid»;.'t.y ns ii.col.ern.I style . While the boya Shouted "vet inls t(lo-ion- tvlncii ts u true tn e. their mother rend severn! oit.-r* triuu biit,diug nt-gu finn mr lier tn edit Ibcm gtallt; me Iouk letter from a fooug ir:rl inecnooloble bcoaura bel faiorile hero died, mid " would .lear Mis Meei rewrlt*- iiir i.tic. nmi iiitke it ihd" another Iiuinauirut. boy denied ea eotoerafh, wno daikiy loretol.i Inondol ruiu and lobe of I.nor tl ibo dm not srn.l lum auu all oiher frit..w, .Beached snumrepee, photographs, end Bi l.ibiograi'hiva) ohoMOMj a minis er Wtobcd to know her religion, ai a an andecldcd maideB Baked wbleb ol her wu Inlets she should murry. These lumples will .li'lice to stiotv a few of the eialu.l tu ide on a busy's nine, .md make mi readers pardnu .Mrs. lu ii tl e ..ul hui i ,.i .lulu ret li to all. . . . . . Min. Jo tlc.iv nf stair*, sud liavinf loeked lier dour, calmly viewed a yoong i.i.lies' seminary ramp ou tue lawn, .iud beloit denied thc boora, | roc*cd to enjoy IfegMaeliag tiy raking the Howers, doing up their hair, Cannu lundi, and freelt SI pruning theil opinion ol the pteeC alni Ile UUOUOUtUtt i'Otore tlu-y went. A few hollis ul Hillel followed, and she w..s Jast settlin*: down tu a brag MltniiKK.ii ot iiiini woik, when Bob como homo to tell her tnai lue Yoting Mon'-(lu Isti.tU I'nloii would visit tho college, anti two or turee of tne foliuwe wi om -lo knew wanted to pay Uk ii respecil lu I.ct ou th tty. "li agoing to ratu, so they won't come, I dare lay, inn lather thought you'd lue le be ready, lu cate U*ej do tall. You BlWnyi sri- tin nc...-, you kuuw, ttii,n«.*li you burden ymir hean lo the poor di is," said Hui,, who had heard from his brother .ti u .t tlie tuornlBg Vlaltations " lKiys lloa'tgeab,CS 1 ian stnud lt. '1 lie last time I lei ma pail) ni clrls, one fell Into my erma and raid, 'UerUng. lola mer I wnnt.-.! io shake her," answered Mr- Jo. Wlying ncr pen wm, ciieity. " You ii ay oe -.oro thc lellowi wu .'t do it, bur Uiey will wanl aiit.'hiaplis, so iou'.I better bc prepared wit hs few Aoutu," »ii.i Bob, lai ii a; oat a .pine ol ootopai cr, hoing a boopiiaole yeolb aud cymimlbislng witn those who ud lie-l Ula Ilii.lU.r. ** They can't outdo tho pirlh. Al X College 1 really lu-lmo I molo '.iud tbe day I waa there, aad I lett a pile <.f i ,.t.i- and aibiiui-un my table w inn i como away. HU oue ot ti.e mool aboard and i.i looma manias that Bier afflicted the w..rl I. " Mewn bel oss Uti Ja wrote her Bama e doscn times, put ou lui black -uk, and rccieael boroelf lo tbo im¬ pend ng ctli. pray log lor rein, however, us she returned to i.e itniii Hie .-how el e.tine, and fee!.in: QOltC »"i'tir>', she rum¬ pled Op bel hail, look ol) Uti-, aud lull i.e I to llnlsl. liri duller, lol ninty p.nes ., ila) «.i^ her tusk, a:.I she liked tu have it well dom- hafen evening. Joela ha i brought tome Bowen i..r ibo roora, ead wno jun putt.t.n iee tool loaches eben sea saw ravernl umireiia- eobhiug duwil me hill. m. Inri came a Inuit line of umbrellas, willi iplssbcd Iras mid Hu.-.nd fi.c.-- 'imlet neath: lor the gentlemen bod brill hui HU a tim t lill" all ot "t the lo wu, undisturbed by ibo role. Ileiraooi Bbooi mal Ibero al Ihe gate, and Wal mtiKitifc lt Utile speech ul w cl. nine, when Min. Ju. louobed bj t.ieir imdroggled elate, apo ored ut the door, beck.inu n thew m. Leaving their bas! lo orate bare¬ ena led 111 the wet. tue \ CUUg ll en lu- ,-n-il up tb! -'ip-. int ry, wann, .md oegor, clutching ufl their bats es tbey caine, and llrugrfllng with their iilnurelita as the miler was p .es. .1 ii tn ire li lu and ttoek at in-,. | 1 lamp. ti.i mp, li amp. noa ti the h li wenl seven ti-tl ve of booti j sion s.veiit.v-tive ambrel'si dripped oeclaldy In tim boapllnblo ni', whl.e ii.cir owners SWermed Bil over the lower part ol the heine; un,I seventy lue hearty hands were shaken by tbo boated w Hbo,it ,i murmur, thu.iiMi some were wet. some very w..ra>, and oearlj s 1 boro tr.»i liles ol tim aej 's ramble. One liiipciuu'is patti' Oounobed B smell lune as lie made lu, comialem* ts; ouotbi r li,ul a load of slicks cul flinn noi.d spotsii.Dl ell begged fer omne memento of I'liiiiitl.-i.l. A | He of cards myatcriOUBIV np pe on the lanie, with a writ len roqoeol tui autographs; and tiespitn lier mutntBg vow, Mrs. Ja wrote every one, while ber iiusliunil uml bois dui thc honors ol the boase. . 1'eace reigned : >: an, nen tho boil rang aid Mnry ramo giggling ap t ray, " A ijtieei kind otc ed] waihi tu Rim,, if shsoon cnloli a grrainoppet iu tue guideu." "A wliatl" ctn-d Mrs. Jo, dropping her DOB With e biol; lor of all Um odd reqaotts ever made, thia voa thc Oddest. "A greaohoppcr, ma'am. T said yon wm bncy, and iske.1 what siie wanted, and nyc CBC, * I've fl Iji. .- hoppers from .thc gronads <>t several lamoui fu.k--, .uni I Wael ooo Irom rietultetd to odd leny rol.'ectioii. ind yon evei I And Miry giggled again al the idea. " Tell to lake nil ile t'' OM and web onie. I sh ,11 bc (Ind to /et rid of tlieiii; always bouncing ui my face aud gelling in nj die-s," IsegliCll Mrs. Jo, M ny retired, to reluru lu a moment hourly ipeechleM with mctilmeut. '. hhe's ranch obllccd, ma'am, and fho'd like an old gow ti or a pair ol stockings "f youri lo put la o rag si e's making. Gut a veal of Emerson's, she Soya, and a j air ni Mt. Hwliuos'i trousers, aaa u dress oi Mrs. eiowe's. Hie nee! be crazy !" "Livelier tit it old red shawl, tin n I sliali m tl:e n guy Sliotv BMOng thc groal ones lu that ootoulobiug rug. Y.-.s. they ure ail lunatics thecc llon-bantcri; hut this oeeuu to be h berailcoc nenlac. lor ehr ilueoni take mj tluie and /'ives BM a £<> ul lundi," suld Mts. Jo, returning to hm work after a glance from the window, whick slumed her a tall, thin ifld.i lu lusty lindi, skipping wildly tu aad fro oulhelawu iu pursuit of tiie lively Insect the wan led. Nctu Publimliona C. P. PU 1 NAM'S SUNS 1'lllllMI THIS DAY: I lil fMOBOl S MAsIKItl'IKlKK KltOM AMKItKA.N lilThllATl Kl.. Ivllteil hy K.lw.ird 1'. Masou. Taroo vol oiurs, pi in tn] nuiforiu with " I'iosu Irom Mod¬ em BCCBJ isis." The oilitor covert with his selections Ann ri can tltciutiirc frmn Uie lunns of tho Hist wrilluys of V ash.iiKit.ii irting to ihe graecol day. Three voluinei. 10 n.e. (loth eura, gill toji. at fm , cloth neat, ts 75. ii. AMK.niiAN hibtobt, ittt-itMi Doovmmn Il.l.t >Tr.A I VB Or. Willi Introduction gad rufereiicei. By lioaanl W. I'reatou. Octavo, $'J .',0. III. radBt 8KKIKS(THKi. SelectioDi from the I'oetl. BU volumes, ei<|iils:l4 ly prtBlod In tSino, cloth, fleiible, each (Occult Per set. pul up in an ultra. Inti hex, BS. 1. KcOrcUou. II. Wll anti Humor. III. laney. IV. IA)VK. v. The Beefs OeMse (laagncen of Heemst. vi. Faith, Hope snd Chanty. Ihe throe hoi gifti of Heaven. ) *.* Thia forms a companion let to the very popular Nutshell Befits of Prose delcc Hom publi-hed lott teatun. _27 AND 21> OYBMT 'TAU KT._ A NEW AND AUTISTIC IDEA In itsmplng note paper in connection with Initial or edrtreis eorowudealgu. Kamplei shown In our tutlouery depart; ment ______ K. P DOTTOM & CO., ^_»1 Welt 2ad-tt., New-Voik 'AINTOR'S UH OK NI.W-yoilK GUI DB Contain! a diecrlptlun of thu Public lluildlugt, 4c., ond s Street liirootory, Travelleri' Direttory.aud Map of Now York. JU.IJBTKATED WITH MAPS AND WOODCUTS. MMtl CsnUhy Mall. TAINTOH UllOTHKKH A Co., Publishers 18 and 20 Astor Place, New-Yolk. T K N1TTIUG AND CROCHET. NKW PATTK11N8. TRIBUNE EX I HA .NU. 8U. A MANUAI, for HOME WOKKEK8. Nearly'uk- Boegrcd Dlfferonl I'atterns. 1'rtiaTwentv five Coots, roaliianl. dddroai. Tli£ TillltLM;. New-Vork. Jnatrnciion. For Boya nnd Toun? Men.City. -OK. CALLISEN'S DAY SCHOOL t I'd ll HOYS, lld Mest llhl-lt.. Reopens September 27. At home »Hci september 20. \ -HULLADAY & LEWINSKY, ill 674 .'.thule., Opposite W ladoaf Hotel. Piepiirtlion for roUege. Spot mi uti. ut ion lo conversational Breach and German. Military Drill._ 4 BCHOOL FOR BOYS. -t's THOMAS Ul.KVl'.s ASH, 11.1 Wett IRth-it Resumes September SO. Apply IMO 12. \ PRIMARY CLASS FOR HOYS. /\ Miss I.. A. Hlt'HMOND, lt WB8T 42UST. FAI.I, TERM I..-(lins SKI'T. 90._ \T WORK..PACKARD'S COLLEGE, 805 J\ ltri.ii.lwav. is now in working order Mr the Tm ll and win¬ ter sessions, and new stn.lent- om .n'" nm: daily, with the prospect of hm nie nli Hie ITSllOble space taken williui Ihe \t lea weeks Mint, nts ni, .nt. i nt any tune willi equal advantage, tuition brinn ie. lon. (1 troin the .lute of entrv. 'I is li lae origins! New-York Batini it College, .stablish..! In leis, md bette! than ever. Addreaa O.B. packard, 1'i-rst. UEKKELEY SCHOOL, il li l-.iist 44th--t. Autumn Half binni- Wednesday, s. pt. min r 9901. Newly admitted itudenU will meeta! I'm. m., on Tuesday, Bent 28th. li.....I \i ictcr"! " tl--' ho ii *. n to Vl-.AO. pisiNESS AND EDUCATION are sneccee- I) lolly muted la the special and regalai ionises ai Opau- centn Metropolitan Bonni ll nth ga .ri' '.. 14th st. Now i.n. n. Classical & mathematical School ? MSMR& wilson tt KELLOGG, NOS. MOMS Ililli -A VK. Prepare* fur all collegee, sclenUflc icbooll snd bti«lncss. Ti... liing .inc. id io insure thoroughneoe and to cnltirnte a (jin. k. ol.sei v.uit. thoughtlal natiit oj mimi. Numbers limited Clsaoet email. PerocnaJ attention ol Principal! iccachpapIL li. in h. Oertnsa. elementary hiss. Building In excellent unitary condition, Uebt and cheerful. Tums linn tuBSOO, UK l-'K ll KN ( l>. K A. P. Barnard, Pregfclenl Columbia c,.iie«e \v. v. War rea, Preeldent Booton University OeonreJ. Brash, Director Shelli.ld scientific s, hool. Kev. IV K.Morgan, ll H. Hertel of Mt. i hoiiui«- church li.itiiaii Knopp, M. D.i Georgi i. stet.n-., m h., ueorge iientv Warren, esq., Charles ll. kalbtleis. h. .so.. Jehu A, Slewnlt. eaq., lt. li. Roltton, e«q. .1.. Ul - lt e.-.|.. illili ¦ I lu :n-oii. iq., .1 iv. Goddard, <».|., Mit sviianus K.-e.l, Robert I. i it Ingtton, <.|., u Ulloni Paton, esq.. L. I' White, eaq, I, P. Chatubera.etq. _ pIRCULAKS OF schools ror either Bes, v^ orcouotrj istut. wim ii von reqoire) omited ior post .... k. i:. AVBKY,'.' Wot! Hill st.. N. 1. 'f»HE COLLEGIATE 8CH00L, No. 721 Mad- 1 looa-eve., near Ctth-ol., Rei Dr H. B. Chopin. prln< Ipal ngllsh. classical sad primary departments, nyin.nun. New iin.i.l.iij:. complete iu Us appointments_ COLUMBIA INSTITUTE.729-735Oth-ave.- J t(iii«Kiitte. Commercial and Prtmsry Departmental erm Bantam, playroom. Military Drill. Catalogue on spoil, itlon. Reopens Wept. 2& EDWIN FOWLER, Prlb C c 10LLEG1ATE INSTITUTE ur DR J. SACHS, Nu M Vt isl .MM HST., RKol'lNs MONDA V, BEPT.M Tboronph preparation tor rolleeeo n-si.eci.'.iiv johns HOPKINS, HARVARD, VALE. roll \i lt A nnd COR- m.i.i. end -...1 itli -i boola, fuiiv organized builaeei Marat I Kl. Ni li iud i. Il: MAN lol in un (.ol Uni lei lui ct of togalo! si heme of uisti n tum. pOURSE nt preiiaiation for COLUMBIA \J Ht BOOL OF MINES lo Woodbridge Behool SS Ba i Ihlh-St _ \\ S. EVERSON'S COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, I ". 84 Weil 4(itI il poolle Bryon! 1'ark. Reopens Sept 27. Bbort lcesoni thoroughly mootond He¬ len te loliowiiii patinut Prot. Charles short. The Rot. How irdCrosbr, The Kev Thoo. Hasting!, The Rev. Thaa. Gallandet, The Rev Charin E. Knox, Thi FUjt. Prof. U, IIItohcoek, Thi n.v. ri.f. (i. i. plenties. The Rei i. n '.' Tbs Rot. Edward Blight, Tte Hot. Pro! CA Liikj.*s. i;1 I). LYONS Late I.vim \ Gilbertl li. CLASSICAL SCHOOL FOB liol*. 578 Jth-STc, will reopen oeptemhei 117. Pnplls ure prepared thoroughly fol th heil oollegM sod tcientlBc -.linois. FRANCIS H. ALLEN'S Claw for Hms rc- 1 opens s.-pt. m;.i r CO at .(ll Madison-ave.; at home after September is INTERMEDIATE and ACADEMIC SCHOOL 1 Ki ill HOYs. 171 Wool 12Wh-st. Thud v. ar benni sep¬ tember-.'ll. Mitt liAN-'u.M. ¦ AMES HERRERT MORSE'S O BCHOOL FOR BOYS, no. ts Went Wlh-iL, New-York, Kecpeos September Ml _ I'i nu ipal al home, MKSSIIS. HALLaD.W tV LEWINSKY'S bi HOOL Ii il: BOYS AND YOUNO MEN. 574 'dh av.- opnot te Wlndsoi Hot, 1. Reopen! Sept. 29. Preparation for college Special sttcntloa io omi is li. iii li mn: iii unan Milltar; I'rtll._ Miss DL VERNET will rt oj i-n lu SCHOOL 1 OB BOYS lt 1021 .l-l 3011 st., on Mum..iv, s,-|.l, ml., '.'?. \ I iss Miller and Miss Small's Pnmary Clang ,v| for boyt, l'.i \\'e«t ISd-it.; foll tenn beglooOct. 5. Cuti ep-'.j, ss Roi 18, Nortl bm.', If OOO, Al \Y. LYON'S COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, **l. Na li Eoot ¦-"...!-t. ..n-tur Broadway, Becomes all seen, atm 11. pores lin ol s s -. i, nttflc school or bnsloees. The gentlemen trhocc namco folios bore hsd ooo or moro toni titted ioi ol lei:o ll. mv M. A bi.Hider, Rot. lt. Kerr, U. D. lleiuvN. li.-ers, ll.uri p Miii-.ii.ui, John Uro.,lu. Orton l>. Munn, ll. in v Dh, J jiih - 1 ib itt, Jamel M. Kurr, A ii. Ire w J. TOM. I'uik.i Handy, Jndge Van Vant, Rllos^ lllgalns, Ralph Walli, Tuition ino lofjnOper annum. Rooms greatly improved. ( .ItiI'de-urihing Advisory Committee Huelling L**r. Recess, Wslgs. Ac., st Putnam'o sml ltandolpir< huokilures Vi.U-Y<>l;l< SOIKKIL ol' LANGUAGES. il 1.471' 1.4-.'. BROADWAY (Corner 43d-lt) s. v. nth ri 'i :. ii -i I'ti-M let 27, A id,....i ol hiefi in-. ie ror i oi-.. Pupils prepan .' fer Yale, Hsrvsrd, ColnmbbV, Willtamo »n«l -.ib otliei eidleges omi[ science. Preparatory classes lor boyi Irom H tu 11 leann i. Ill linl-l. -Sive ll. I' c's Ililli till Hilll'llli. s* of (.lclLinitlon H.. Mit YORK Bl MOO) OF LANOI A'.l> .al, tho Nen I in imi't tiii.iui.p -> i.-. Tie plan ol Instruction combines tlie u,l\ uniu. ->¦« of pi tat. tuition md clam dull. I I. tn h, i. en 11 ii n .uni -1 a ni -.ti ir,- pi.!¦ l'ca ly tsnchl .is ,t part ol the reautsr courne, Circular! rnniainlni rut! Information ti .-tun..ninl.-. tuon ciiuii. nt citizen! ol New-York, whees Solis lltOOd lill s. hool. Ki l.! tppUl .111..11. VOWELL and SCHERMERIIORN, f.i West .-.Ttl. A Preparatory School. Buainest and Coneac prepared pupils lol Harvard, Yale, Colamhls, etc, Hon ailed \..ii-iu m. ti i-ii.-i¦!,veli- 'ni business. All teachers h..%. degrees Irom uivertitiet ol London, laiptic, Madrid, Harvard, M.. blgan, the Pren, h Academy, tc. boanlini sid Day scholar!. ReopeniTl sn.w. Septombui au, 18rt6. PACKARD**) COLLEGE, 805 Broadway.. 1 'I his i< tl.1.1. leluble bllllneso school nt NCV. Vu: li. . -t^' l theil iii l-.'.ii. and non In tho full lido ami t iiioi ol mi eena One ni dred and nttj new ilnderits entered diirins the tii -1 lum week!, and Hu limit will probably be reached in h. to'i.r. Ktndenti admitted lu tl.tdei ol application. Bookkeeping, penmansblp. trillimt Ile. ommerel il low, bud nets ii.'.i:- md dela !, nmi!.I, typewritlnir, etc (it the shorthand department. Mr. Munson, the author, savs *. Cnnoehtedly tlie best place t>. gel ¦ thorongti knoo ledge ol my system ot pl..m .phi :- ..I I'Sekard'i -iii..,.i of bbort- iiiui-i." Munn ti ought io snow. e s. pack I RD, Preeldent PIUVATEPKEPARATION FOR COLLEGE 1 A. 1 \ I. Ill Tl STUNK. A. lt. (Yale), LL. lt. iColuiiihli 1,601 llmodwsy. 1> I i I \* A ll*. Stliiml Lu Hms k (ipi ns Septem¬ ber ti, iii 1.476 Broadway: ineelsl odTsnlsges:scad lorestatogns WILLIAM W. itu il A luis. L L<H is COLLEGE, 15 Ll.1-st. s .-1.11 (' lor b.-ys icopsmi Reptcinber '-'1. TllI'M.WYiiUK LATIN SCHOOL, 1 ins Weal tilth IL. ro-oponi Moiulay. Keutembei 27. rwoboontera \ I ROI NIVu liABXKY. »|>HE DR18LER SCHOOL, No. I.'. BOM ll'th-st. PRAKB DR18LBR IL M.. I'HI Nt'ITat, Bcopoai Wednesday, s.-ntvu. Briaiarj ra-apans Monday, O. t. 4 circulars upun ipplicatloa. rVli\t FIFTH AVENUE SCHOOL, A 20 Wi.sT 69TU-HT., ON I ni KM. PARK, l'dli BOVH ni ALL alis. l'ltll'Alll.s i. iii lit sl.NI.s-. (.lt ('(ll.I.KUI'.. f.ood luttrarlion Oood Atoociationw Hood Induenccs Spoclouo Building. Lai flymnatluiu and Play-Room, P11Y8II Al. I IIAININO DAILY. 22-1 YKAH lilt.INs BEPTKMBER '.'7. Cstalogne by pott (alli attn Heptembel 1. E. A. OIBBKNS. < Principals D. BEACH, JR Tf^HE PARK COLLEGIATE SCHOOL 'Boys) J for collrae; mu i.tit. ocboolaj tratlaeea. Owent f-ept. 28, ism;,(nlly equipped, sn boarding pupils taken, (.lrculaisat school.' 68 Last :.'.*t!i-st., New-Yon. ll.Ml RE. PHILLIPS, M. A., Principal. ITN!V£RSIT\ GRAMMAR SCHOOL, No. I 1,4715 Broadway, near 4VM st., 4!.|h voar. .Prlmarv. r.mi- nierrigl and class,cal dcpsrtmento; lri-trii( tKni thorongh. Bccpcni se].iember 'jo. Rooms oj.en Kiter September 0. M M. HOBBY, W. L A1K1N, PrindpoU N. C. HMNHKK KSON, AoouclStO, WOODHKIDGE SCHOOL, .A2 EAST 45TH-BT. Dlalinr-t Scientific sud (Tatsu al i'..nisei Junior rieportment Introductory tcsil Colleges HecpenoHeptcmlier29. lorinorly'.Schoji ut Mines Preparatoiy s,booL Ki.) EA>r :ioni-sr.-Miss DU VERNET I " "<^^ OOO reopened hOT School (or Hoys All |.t opalatory work lg accomplished dui inc the school hean, from ii ii. ni. lo 'A p. m. An hour's reaiM cii.tblos pupils to fio Iiouie to lunch. _ For Young Ladies.Citv. AMERICAN KINDERGARTEN NORMAL Jta School Reopens Sept. 14: oldest lu the itv: niau v tem lien tt silten tor roon positions. Emily M. Coe, Vrin. and Editor of "Am. Kiaacrgartea iitg.," Koon. tu. Bible lions.-, n. v. -A... IO BT. JOHN'S Kt'HOOL FOB (illtl.S AND LITTLE CHILDREN. Founded by the tt.-v THEODORE IllVI.Mi. '^i ki.ii is ViKal mu sr. loiirteenth year. il. lober i, 1886, -MISS ANNIE BROWN'S SCHOOL FOR lt Ol lt I.s. 713 and 715 Mli-ave. _.__ Reopens September 80, ABLE INSTRUCTION Bl moderate rm.-' d\ lor Ilia deaf. Itrfcreuce, Kev. Dr. CTOthy. ComilieUU-n Srliteil.bel i~. MH8. OKEER'H sKl.Kci BCHOOL, 122 Ktst 'Jiitli ot. BOARDING and Day Schools for Yoimi; ladles.-Rev. Dr. an! Mrs. t ll ARl.E.-l ll. «IA RliNKIt, rrin< ipaii, CO.") Fifth at.-, iMtkyoai ooauaoacooSept, sd pARLISLE INSTIT UTE, 7f>l Kiftli-avp.. I.,.. V> tween f,7tb and 6HUi its., ftriim Central I'srV. English 1 ranch mid Gnu,an Roardmc ind Div Sihirf.1 for toiiiik Itdlet sud hihii en. Hpodgl ituuriits in all UepaxttueLls. bludio. Kout tieiiti. year ht(.*ms Hoptombei '.'7. CLASSICAL SCHOOL POR GIRLS, L061 MadlsoB-ave., reopens BoptCCSbor fd. JunlortBd A.l. soBCcd Ocarooa special attention given to ( oiiettPiepaia- tlon. Pupils piej.aied li«re adinllte.1 to Welleidey ,..,tt without fui Our,I..:.on. Hoaidlng nails..t moderate teran, Mist NOR I ll and M.t-ll.AI; Jm. :. ,,., COLLEGIATE SCHOOL Foll GIRLS, ENGLEWOOD, N. /. Keoptni Hoptembor 14, l^OX fupllt prvpatad tor Vatiai or Wclletisy. A: ALiN'i V.. si I I I 1.mi, ( atofiiie M. Oeiriili. A. B JACKSON SEMINARY.-3,038 5th-aTo., cor. Hill, tt.. New-York. Knirltsh and French boardinn and day tchou! for youn? ladies and children. Ulttyrar. Reopen* fitpt S'l Large, heaulilully thadedlawni. Ttriiit 1300 per yeer. Institution. mi ¦. ..,... ...i. For Younjr Ladies.City. MISSS. I). DOREM08, M Bael 21st-Rt.,wlll reopen her day school for yuline ladles and children Oct- Cheri, Classes In literature, ort and oilier bran hes. special department fur boys._ MISS JACOON'S RdARDIN'i AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOI NO LADIES AND ITTI.K UIBLB, WILL BBOPEN THUBSDAT, si pi i.m BBB M BAB MADISON.AVK. AIME. DA SILVA'S SCHOOL. Itl li.rionh Mrs. OODBN HUFFMAN'*. Fnrlish, Freud (.eiimiii Boarding and hnv school for Yonof Cadi. ¦ ond (hil.Inn, No. 'it M esl .'M> -i Sew.York. will reoi«'n Oeptenboc tko 10th. Application ay letterer p.-iKoiially CC _ MKS. J. A. GA LEAH KU, SCHOOL KU'. Yd! N'i LADIES. M \\ ES! 62D-ST. A tboronrti lien, li education. Iluhetl standard In Fnr lish sud euoalcol ttodiet. (leriiinn. Draw ino. Special at- teiition io primer/ clines Circulars Ri opens Oct 4. MKS. WILL1AMES' ENGLISH snd FRENCH Boarding sad Dav Behool tor Vinnie Ladies amt Little i.ii' Not 2D weal 89th-it., will reopen september 30. Addiessliy letter lilith s, ptenil el I". \\ 188 CROCKER ANO MISS BECK'S til m HOOL FOR ciRI.s, SI \\ OT 42D si.. Opposite itrvnnt Pink, reopens September .to. issa {-isis lui bots. Principal! at home oner beptcmber 15, MKS. SYLVAMs RKED'S m i.\ i; in ni; ami days, for YOUNO i.a nt ks. 6 and H Baal 5 it TWIN TY TIIIIID VIA!'. BEOINH MON RA Y, OCT. 4. Lad i whow -ii ii mr-i of Langnageo, i.n. tnt me. Hlttory, Silence ur Ali. or lonni; glrll ttho-lii'lv .,1 le.on. but wlM tin ,e1\ tnlSges Ol Pion Mort In ap< lal rain le ..univ Jo.ii .my cla«s ii non lenin nu,... kimw n upon np lil icm lon. Hlttory. (leneral UtcrnUre, Political ICcouomjr, taught by ll. ll. l.iil.helton. |", li I.I |l Mathematica. Aatronotny. Urology, Biology, tonghi by Miss dBi rion, I'h D. English Lsngnsgesnd Literature, Anglo-Saxon, taupht by William ll. Carpenter, Pb. ll. Kt hi. i. by Kkutoloi Murro] Butler, Ph, n. Palm na snd Drawing taught by Wyall Katoa DeltorteHyatem ol Minimini snd Oyninaettci The Primary I.ii .. nt in 11..11 _i ni .. iraduateol Wellesley College All unoer personal supt i-vim..ii ol Mrs Reel. \II-s REYNOLDS'S FAMILY ANO DAY ttl BCHOOL, Cd Weal 4Mli st, reoeeni September SB Special advaine.i course in History snd Literature. Ml^s C. M. WILSON'S Class for Children ii .mem, September VS. ISO Wi st tr,th st. M ME. C. MEA KS' M Enslish, French un. 11 ic noondine and Day school for Yinni... Ladies vd l-l'1, No. al Medinon-evei, Now- Yoik. French I- il.e language ..f the family and school Intnl.- In i ngllsh, Preneh ond Oerman by rinlnenl pr.>- i.- Kapeela! attention poid to Koallah. French sod Oer¬ man Primary Department The teation will reopen Hcptem- bcr yo. MME. a. c. MBA BB, Principal. \| ADEMOISELLR KUEL. ol'Otc Inte school ttl Hill. A BROWN, w.U cmitliiiie har m IiiiiiI at No. 26Batt .'I'lt'i-:.. between Madison and Fifth orso* opening sa tho 80th cf September, _ M ISS BALLOWS KC HOOL, .11 .1 \-1 22D-8T., WILL BBOPEN ON I'll! KsHAV. sKl'TI'MlU'R 30. MLLE. LOUISE VELI IN, ¦ Parisian, will o;.. ii ., school for roans Lei et and children ..t 17.". Wed Tim-t. on Septembei Kl aaa for boya antler twelve \11^S E.L. KOUES1 SCIKioL, 45 East ,v| i,-th st.. tot foons ladles nmi children. Morning and ottornooo latia s lol adults, Keopeni Ot pu mbei .m. MKS. GRIFFITTS1 DAY SCHOOL EOE YOUNO LADIES AND 'Ul LDRI N, 414 B l li|sO\ AVI-., MA ll liri ll ST, WILL KKOI'KN OCTOBKBi. _____ ISSKS \. ANO M. EALOONEK PERKIN'S School for Olrlt; also Kindergarten; eighth year, bn,-ius Sept .I 2,021 I iiiii .iv.-. Bool ltn« pupil!f500. MISS GIBBONS ENGLISH AM) FRENCH s. bool for (inls. .'.,'. V. si 4711. st. Reopens Sept. 'JO. MISSES GUINN ELL will reopen their DAY SCHOOL FOB (ili'.t.s. BS] |0t 1 i'll littlest., September Mlh, 1MB Separate classes for boys Kind, rgarten Frneh no tho i. Miss ciiisHdLM's SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, lg i-:ast (rill roopes September H- Borrard Prep. 11 ii-s Wt. H"V.Ma MISS KIERSTED'S SCHOOL EOE GIRLS, 13 .-t .".Titi -t.,. or. I'jrk-iive., Will reopen Sept. KO si booie Sept. 10, _ pROF. pitii MADAME ALFRED COLIN'S I se),..ol (<u uiris, formerly Meademoloelle* Chsrbonnler's, reopeni October 4. 20 inst tPAI-ti Com olete cooroo, Laa> eua cs, Music, Art, Stadia, Resident pupilsj-. TIIK COMSTOCK SCHOOL. no. nc wi:-t 4.1'pi r st.. m:\i-vniik*. (faring Reoerroli Parki. Kngllth, French ond (lennon Board. lug nnd Hoy vi l."..l l..r Vonng Loiliet and i 'luldiru. Separate . loo! lor .sundi boys ll. op. ns sept, ltd, lssU. Mis- HAY In charge. rPIIE MISSES PEKIN E'S SCHOOL, A No, 38 Kool 74thst. Win reopen i bnrsdoy, s. ptember no. 'IMIE MISSES OKA HAM, Successors lo the 1 Missel i.leen.i foin', riv of N.. I 6th -OTC., will reopen tl, eu lng! si mn! i ii ii. h Bottdine ind Da] Behool foi \ ¦.nn-r ulleaon munday Sept, mi. Issi;, al No. KS C-lh-ave., Now* link itv. VAN NORMAN INSTl'l ll TB, . Founded l-;,7. MMI'. V.1N MUi.MAN, I'rindpM 815 Weet .'.7th st.. reopena Septembei 90 with Boys'Depart- ii. . .nd NEW si j.i.i undei PROF. F. RONDEL i.i v. dh. lil iii Ha KU Moral snd Mi nisi th ta di os a .NEW-YORK LANGUAGES, js . l.r.'. i,i-.-, i:i;. \ i>',. IY corner llUi-HT riana ind private Instruction foi ladlei and irentl I'i. in li. (lennon, so-.iii-ii, I tullun, (ii. k,,n and Knjtliah '"...i-.t.lessons ii sj...nnv lelt'ci pain now t.o ming. \ CIRCULARS OF st'i|().t|,s, ...-, ,,.. t\» Mable information, free; moiled foi iiootoga. ll, l. A VKKY, Ale ii sci,....I I. ne.,'i. '.' w. -i in tt., N, Y._ i .STERN'S SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, t\, of n km yous ri v. ..'7 rt uti' lt., i" tween M id s,,ri ond Flftli m. -. ( French,Siianlth, Italian, i.nim and Oreek :iti11 orivote initrui lion un i.i-i-.-. ond aeni lialty interviewi with the lMreeloi rroin 10 to 112, I tl. nI..I - u ill I.e lent on .ii'pin ..lion. ll A RHETT INSTITUTE for yonng lading I ) and imslli hlldren. ns Weal Milt it., cornel 7th ave.. deceiving pupils: rejnilarcl, ... -..niel.tobel VI VI ISS J. F.MOORE, 10t Wesl Isth-si.. re- IV | ,,|. ,,« hel III: -I'S I. !. li.'11 .I'l. lei ll 1.1 ll Sc IO'll S, -,t lill. Hon si ,.ii ul n v'"'d iiinl. lu tflSS WAK KEN. 71 West 47tli.«t. Boyt. Kept. 271 girls. Sept. 'iv. Separate departments. MOELLER INSTITUTE, No. 336 Wesl ittlUi-st round, d l-i'.n. Day school and kindergarten for both toles. Boonllug aehiMil fur Imivi prepares foi collexe andbuaiuett. Keopeut Sept. 7. I'. « M u. ., In ,n. MISSES LEEDS' Enjclisli and French iii ..-. un H.iv -cliool (or Vuiini.' I... '. s and Children, ill I oat I2l Hi tl., reiijs ns Si pt iW, 1-- '¦. \I1SS J. E. WREAKS1 BOARDING AND iv! DAY Ht HOOT, for gu K I I tor lillie hoi I als.. KlMil.i;i.ii:ii '. iwclal i ni and Art. No.959 MADISON At E. CAUVEUR SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, 0 BC W .-st 37th it, Ni 0 % k. Circular malled on snptli allon. Doily nd- 11;. v. iii. ti.e in m. i|.;u Hom lo tn rr\\v run. natural 1 Method ul lust tomi.I. i.AI ll.A lt 11 s SI IH.iil. ul I.A N'.i A OKS, t-'irj W lu,, i. 21 i...-t 1411. .»i., 11..-.-..-,private li toons i cir ulan soot nPIIK IIERLII / school OF LANGUAGES. 1 Nea York (23 Weil S3d-at), Brooklyn t'l Gai ale', nil olin iirlnclpal rlties, 1:. <"'i. /, .1 ns lupcrioi to all .ii iliuilai Inttltiitlons, I nexcelled a-lrontogea for esra- InC Oh V. r-Kl .'.Il 1..-H Ot tl.1l ll .- le le'l.-l-, t. -e .' . Il e .III-ly 1.,V (.Ital and pnvste Instruction Ui ladies and itentlemea 1 |U MADISON-AVE..Mrs. Roberta uml IIO Mlso Wolker*o Rngliob and Franck Day behool foe \ .inn- ladlei ond lutic glria, ^u iii i.M 1. ttady lor pu ju ls under ll. Musical Instruction. i -NEW-YORK COLLEGE OE MUSIC 1\» HAST "OTU-ST. BON. A I... I. UM in H. HI LU VAN, lu¬ ll I.NltV SEI.IOM AN, Vlei Pre* 1 ll l.tili'ilil. 1 llo.MAs, Mus. Jnr. c., s.e. ., inn ll lin, Tr.-as. Foi fm tin Information address LOUIS ALEXANDER. Inr. / MIAMI CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, VI id Vt i Bl -.'lill HT. IA The leading e< ii....l ol Music. Elocution, Dramatic Art. 1 m. Iga ii.:'. -. DraaIns sad Painting, i n-r odraatages equal lo ola ieoooao per wtok. Fcrpartlcalaroaddri I. i BER1IARD, Pretld. nt METROPOLITAN CONSERVATORY OP VOCAL Ml SIC. A "pc lally SChOOl fol the stiely of Von e, .Mlliiral Tliciiry i'i.lim mid orgoa. si Ki III, ANNO! NCI.MIINT. Tlie dosses in Bclfeaglo, RlghtSinglng, otc will h.. bnocl under Mr. Louis A. itn-seii nen Hedneodoy snd Koturdoy momingo ol ll o'clock, and Friday imho- ut T.o. Korti! Kradeaaf liaaen who wttli to perter! ihemielvet in aiulc rcaiiiug, s. nd for clrcularo and protneetni 'll Koot 14th »l u. W. 01UUCKM miii ( n. uah i.kv, Utaeton, Brooklyn. JAMES \V. MOREY, A. M., loni;eily iiiMtrucior in I'oIvim linn Institute, opens his school for hortHept Tl it lid nk'vv-vork-a\ i... Ircoklra Preporoi fer college, husiuess. or other schools. 1'iin. .il roms daily ti uni 2:110 to :, j., m. .ii i.i.n s on application. "'IMIE OKITTENDEN" J. miMAUY SCHOOL ANIi KINDERGARTEN 1 oft B'i'1'11 .- i:\i.s tl '.'7 ii,, i." it, ot. Pineapple it Miss ii. m. w HEELER. Priat Ipal, fa (tai pool eight roars hoe bees la charge cf cac of tho piimarv sspsrimuulo m Um l"^ikei (.oiieKaie lutlilute. For Boys and Youns Moa.Country. Alexander Institute, .Milit.uv boarding icbooJi White FlolOO, N \ rilli O. lt. M, A M.I ta I: 1 H.I is ACADEMY, Staniford, Conn. ' A Hots' goeldllis School of tnt UglMSt BNUtU. lort) UlaUi/001 li.'Kiiis snpt.-iin.. r 15. WM. J Hills M. A. (Yiilel. l'lliieijitl BOTS and YODNQ MEN prlTttely Bttedtor (oil. Mt. ('oudllloiiol <>r le'vcled coadMOlCS cotclied tuiuineror winter. V. HOFFMAN,Stockbridge, Moat, li VY9 BOARDING BCHOOL. - Thoronjrh I'leparolloii for reliefa, ICtCntlfli or bUOlBCOl (t#tilHfnL 1.'.. lor "li culm st i.plv Io ll. I. ll A Hit 1 Nu'luN a m., Frin.-ipai, Tkrogg'oNock, WootchootcrM T. /Cornwall meium rs SCR0oL.-com- \J wall nn N. V. Hl|tli fioiind. drv times phere, healthful and attractive suiroiiintliigs Num|ier lim lied. . OllKN t-Ollli, A. M., li uicipaL B D' Jnotmrtion. _______ For Boys and Young Men.Country. OARDING st hool for bmre. 'iv rm sm od - ernie: reference r||(t«lde. MHB. W. I'-. IlKAN, Nyaik. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, of the IVokskiil Mili- t.irv Acadnnv. also renrc'cntlns the ('arura I.ake Mill Isl J I wilson will ho at r,l Weat loth st., Kliiiilo'Jl on Tues- dtj-s and Wednesdays of 8ept<-mlier. afternoon and evening, and will bo Inippy lo meet In reference to placing buyi at either sch.h.I._a_ iyi HOLBROOKS MILITARY SCHOOL, PINO RINO, ir, v. Reopen! Wednesday evening, goptembcr, IS, Address iuv. 0. A. lliil.BltdOK. Ph. D. H. PINNERS FAMILY SCHOOL (or ten hoys. (Jr. eawV ii. ('..un. college or nosiness. Tberoagh tea. linn! Possum nonie, li. ..ntifi'1 alni healthy lol atloh. FELMWOOD SCHOOL FOR ROYS..At Mil- 1 ford, conti. Parents who are uiifortunatetn the nunans- ment of their sons will do well lo nrottt hy the advantage* Offered >.v tins s. hool. Address FRANK M. HOWK.IIupt FREEHOLD issn HUE, Freehold, N. ,L- 1 io: ti tn.rd Pi.-t.ire! hois am', voling men for any rollrgoor for butlneoa Kai A. O J UAMBI KS, A. M.. Prig FLUSHING INSTITUTE, I FLUSH INO, N, V. llOAItDl.N'O M'lli.ld, KOlt Vdt'N'tt MEN AND FOYS. Opens Wedneeda?, Heptember IS.. Addreaa, K. a. FAIRCHILD. IjVur Boys accommodated in principeTg family; I.i.mi Fairfield Acodemj reopen! Sept. SW. i ii nm wi.i,. a M., Prln.. Folrfleld, onn. FRIENDS' SCHOOL Proridence, R. I..Next loni booina scplcmberHL lt ism sgroeoblo hoc. WWI Uiosiappiovci instill, tors Forcotolorneaddress Ai'dt'si in i: JONI¦'..-. a. m., Principal. / <LE\ TOWER. Dobbs Ferrr, N.T..Pineal \t location on the II adoun. Number limited. Refcrcncd i I. ii M I [EMPS'I EAD INSTITUTE, II ll I. Mi's I- ll', i.t i.N"'. IS' V\t> N. Y. A thorough Kngiloh HoardingSchool roi Boro. ".. Intermediate, 11 iitIkt Engllsb nnd commercial euuroea, Twi ntv seventh \. .ir cut il...-ii. s oeataa spplleatton. _ [ORLAND MILITARY ACADEMY. Won. st. I-. M is,, mst vi.,i beglnaHeul 'IS, 18801 c. it. Mi.Ti ALF,A, M. Superintendent I BSLIE'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Pomrhkeep- I j ito, N. Y. 37th rear. Prepare! for rdiegs or badness Special attention to German. C pupili taken luto tlie family. J. lt. i.Ksi.ik. M. a.. Principal. E. HOLLY! n..i.. ACADEMY FORBOYS. Send for ir. ular, naming this imper. II. M. wALRADT, Yale. Prln. VEWTON IB. JJ INSTITUTE.-Renotifui] II homelike, he.ililiv. high iTed fred. Yi.tinr' tmys a spec- lattv: primary Ea lian commercial, academic, college proper atorv. tnnsir, art; trvintiasinin. physical development: hath hui nnd cold water extensive (.-rounds. rnllliK depart- ii nt, j.oiiii-s and pol donki vs. .... __, , J. Vi Ii.siiN. a. M.. Prinrlpat MITCHELL'S ROYS? SCHOOL, BRIencak i'l MooSh 18 miloo from Boston and Smiles fruin lowed, nu the Booina sad Lowell Rsllrosit i Mrictivselcrl fi.'1 ly sch.«.I tor hoi! from 7 lolS ne IiisIts: tall term commeucos lath Se pt. 'mtier bend lor clrental io M. c. MITCHELL, A. M.. Principal. ^]T. PLEASANT MILITARY ACADEMY. A BOAHINii NCTIOOL FOB BOYS A VP YOUNO MKN, Al SIM, SIM, ON Ul HOOK r Tt. teii .1 additions sad tmproremeatsiost completed leave i otlnir- m itititn; Io pioinoii: lu ..Uh, lulu (ol t and InlelllKeut i" recs in l iii) hith yent bogus Bepteosbcf \c, .1. ROWE ALLEN, A. M.. Prtnrlpat._ MT. PLEASANT SCHOOL for Boya, Am- i'l herat. Moo* F.atolillahed m Ism. Bora titted for eollogeoi baolneo* Location nniunaiaoed, Address WILLIAM K nash. A. M.. Principal. PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY. ('IM'STKH. 25th r«ir openi KeotomberlS. SITUATION ( hmm IN DI NO, Q ROUNDS BXTKN8IVB. Building! new, ipactoaa and costly Ughtol hy electricity, heated hv iteora nirnlohod alth purest spniK water. A MILITARY 1'OLLKOK CIVIL RNOINKEKINO AND (ll KM Isl KY. CLASSICS ANIi K.MlLIhh. M.I.Lil) Deportment I., omi univ to Hut ot West Point U LON KL ll liu'iiiUK HYATT, Preeldent ROCKLAND COLLEGE. NYAOK-ON-THE HUDSON..Preparatory md hiistnrM« for gentlemen; rrodnstlns ooarso tor ladies twelve teachers- Kilter ut any tune. Bend tor catalogue W.H. liANIsl nu, A. M., Principal. DEV. A. G. sn ka us. m. D. rounder of the Il tint home w fiiiiii, oiii isa rare chant e in bu (amity, Now. Maren, c..un., for tho beat training ola few yoong hoys in health, lin.lair-, ls hi ,1 hook--. Itel. ni.. s. RECTORY RCH00I7" Hamden^ Conn..For Hov* ISM to JUJU. Momo Influences. KxlOOliTO groood* KTmnaslum. etc. Address Kel ll. I.. KVEREST, M. A., Hector. UilORTLIDGE Media Academy..$128 1 » ii u i. i Iv for leys: .students iidmit te.l and eloaoUled Ol ..nv inn" lice! instruction, he«t core, bell tobie sinple or double i.hiiiis, heated bj -tenn.. One college preparatory. Knir- litti bnttnewo and enjriiit-ertno courts* swithin c. slluli'l I.lin,K, A. lt. A A M., illanai'di Melia, penn. s ITEVEN8 ll Ki II SCHOOL. rUK ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT OK TlfR STEVENS IN--Tl ll 1-. ni- I.' Il Mil.( ni V. Hi-, cr st., I.i w. on .'tl. ilt'i sis., 11 ol...ken. N. I., OI'IIXS sl.l'I'I.M Illili 18. leno. K ia ii il nut Inns for.i.lin i-sion iii Hie 1.. til and Iii ti of BcptcmbCI 1 I 1.1. inl RSM ul sltlii PREPARATORY IO sci n. is OF BCIKNCE AND <i>l l.l-.ui'.s jimmi: DEPARTMENT, *Ti PER ANNC.M. H.Muli DEPARTMENT, glMJ VBU ANNI M. Thone ti rmi lm Indi all the ita Iles 1 er at.11" moo apply lo the librarian or aterens Institute. rrilK CEDARS..A li.iitnliits scIkki! lor I ki vi, 1 llaveratrair, N. Y. Reopens September lil. Number I. A lin ,s W. c. READIO A M., 'Tu GUARDl \NS.-A homo in a Kentlenia"n- » 1,-aeher'i family in Cnimecticnt; Instroeilnn, it. lein,.., »,*.i ii i; rare opportunity. Addi est nil..-. 'IMIE ROBBINS SCHOOL; Noifolk, Conn. 1 a rt..vs' Boanltnc ind Day Hchoot inline ute w it'i thorough Initrucllon. location eiernte,!ami liciillhllll. Ad Hi v. J. W. Ul.At ll. PrincipoL For Younq: Laite3.Cauatry. \ HOME anti SCHOOL l<n- Youhr laadiea and 1\ Children at Elmwood Hall lloubun M I-- A I AW ION, Pi in. OOARDING school for mrla. apven to I ' lo'itteiti. 7th vcr limited niiiiil.or- lenna modsrsto. Adiucss MIHtij ikai imann, 4,301 w .limn st.. Weet Philadelphia. MISS Bl LKLEY'S SoardingandOav School torOirlsi ai ryi.nvi: mi lin Nun. Recpeni Kept, liti I jiiMF, COLLEGIATE INsTITirK. Mem- I I ebon, N. J. Hoard md tuiliou. Including mnitc, $60 per quart, r. foll term *-. plemliel B, I in.ME i.n.s'i i itu;, TakRYTovvn, n v.- 1 I Hoarding and day tchool fm i.l- in.ii.s ond little I I,- Ki opens s, i.t, iubei lu. Mist M. W. Heh alf, ii I AKEWOOD, N. J.." Tiii'ii.iks," a |,n inn i. 1 .i lory iel.i on I..iinji bullea ind rhlldren. laniKUn undi ri.. -,.. lal "ii '"I involid rh it per nonning!. ot u. ulara addrett Ml . I a KUI NUTON. fkREAD INSTITUTE for YOUNG WOMEN. 9 i.nii.ieii isl-...i ipens Heptemlier ld Threecouroea.. l'H|iat jI.ii v. -e v " ii ". ni I.i'u! il Artr mm oilege Preparatory, special courtet, including tlocntton ind Do. m. st,. \n- beti aii-i Lecturer! lecnretL Careful tia.linn.-ol :'|ii.iiii'.-.-ii'.s. Kor.'il. ad lissi A. V- WINS¬ LOW, A. M.. i'i in.ipal, Worcester. Ma-.,. HpUE ELMS," Sprlmrtlelil, \lnaa,.Family, 1 Doy and Mutie '¦ci,mi for oiric. Primary, Acs Classical and Pot! .i ..In it. ... n -.-!. Mitti c.- Puk i.i. ... .i \ M I'.n EV, Principal* npEMPLK GROVE Ladies' Seminary.Sarato tn 1 aprtnga,N. Y. Kriruiai. nin-.- nclt lot denoan. Ki tad Latin without eura charge. L'haa 9 Dowd, A. M., Pre* ''IMIE MISnES ANARLR'S A l-.Ni.f.i-ff. FRRNCU AND ORRVAN 1.' i HOI NU AND I' iv Mllool, Will i. o| n ;.:. im Tl Ki u.ii aid -t.. n.h Bruntwick, N. J._ '-IMMNI'IY HALL. 1 Beverly, NewJoiocy..Thorough home ocbed for^irl! roiled Mleontagco of tho hlcheot order oottd culture b ortlaagnagoo and [ha elastics college cooroo; nineteenth real becinoseptemhei lil ioi rirrularaaddreoo M UM ll 1.1 I. <illil.ii.Ns. HUNT, I'r.i. Wll KA I ON FEMALE SEMINARY ¦rill commence ile Slid yeal --ej.t.i..-i ll Pinn Library Lthoralory, Obeervatorj and Cobinet* rborough mali ni thill. lil -t of Hollie lllllliel.ccv Seli.t 1, ,1 11 ll .^1 '.. Miss a. Y 81 ANTON, lilli ni. Ni.lion, MOO* .JQTII VEAK.-LYNDON HALL. PonrtT- *tt~ keep-!.. N. Y._ A hlcli( lass schcol fm yonre ladies. niitsir. drawiiie, ].atntinir, lanmaoes ami I nrlitli branchal Iboronghlr taiuht, alth hill rogani tn nie tt pt ally important malters uf honi6 . ure and iraiiun^. A.I.Ires* bA.MLKL \S Kl.l.s BUCK,A. UL, PnutipaL For Both Sexes.Country. \. CIRCULARS of achoo!*, both atixo.^, cit j . aud otintiy, with careful advice to parent!. K M. > 'i\ I'.ll.ilK, ,11 1 alt lTth-st. NextSypher's. 4 FRIENDS' BOARDING SCHOOL, for both 1\ seiee. ai$Jj". per Hill econtry, 13 ¦Um (ron New-York ;9 lunn >-iii< sn,^ ICeerythlog modern. Now (1080) l.ulld.iiit eaooll beet Address ClIAl'PAtlL'A MOUNTAIN INHTITUTK. Chappaqoo, N. Y. pHfLDREN'S HOME BOARDINOSUHOOL. J Poooded 1856. One hour trom city. $15o i.ei year, Old Bridget Mea lor* y km UONOVKR. Prluclpol jtfOUNT BEACON ACADEMY..Able in- iv| Krnctcr* lteantitui nnd cemfortobto home. Addreoo Pniiclpa;, J. PHKD8M1 ll. A. M.. lislikill on Hmlsou. N. V Miscellaneous. SHORTHAND WRITING TAUGHT FREE.- ity mail, new and eoay method ni. chance; oood roar nome and addreoo at oaee to J, ''¦ Ok rPEV, Prim Ipal, Ur ki .-.t e< IomiI .ii United stat. «, lil church st Nen llaveu, (John. France. MESDEMOISELLES LACORNE'S 8ELECT sclluiil, i'.iK Vul'N'ii I.AHll.s, b line p.iaid. Neiiiiiy nih s, ni,-. Pori* ff umber of pupils limited, inst elooo prefeooor* Mig) 'Hie -clio..I ii. situated lu Uie must healthy pal t ut ParlA, near thc Bom do Uoiiio/ne. I u. niara may boobtotaedol Putimin's hook alora. DifOomuMng. IhKEsSMAKKli \vt>iics a few more enjpige- ' ii.enU. \KE>S.N ." t low custom. ¦« at her hom* nuder,tauts Kine h tyt rai: or oddroot mi Kui illili i:.. 3d b. ll. I DRESSMAKER. -Ry a Hrat-clafti dreumftker U ii, nf eulliOg am. droping timi. hlldren t eiullieo. Mi* « Si lt.i I0i Adrertloomonl tifDoo. 68i Id-qTC, PIRST-CLASS DKI.srtMAKEU trisbeamore A cuitomrrt ipeeloltv, gao work tenn per div, 9'J li AiidrMo, Alli.ul' an. Tahune I pto» ii (uh,.-. l.'tsa UtooA m*at. A QC ALI El ED TEACHER nf I'hrstail Cult" ure. graduate of Wellesley College and nf Hr. Har gent's Normal Ii aluin* School, (iiinl.ridge, mtv tie tddrrtsed In .sn of Mit ll llKl.liEN. National Park Hank, Now York. AN 'Uti mdflttta of Mcdill [Jnivrrnitv, MontreoCsnd (told medalist for general jirotlrlency i'l* tlret tutoring. Address decretory Young Men's t liil.-Uai. Aooociotloa, .''2 I-ait '.'.'td lt.. New York._ A -REST TEACHERS. Tutors sud Oornrn- .^\» esses supplied without.har<e I KAI'II KR.Hreentered fret. ManyTooonclo* Kunu for stamp, ft. K. AVKHY, _Ann't I'an Sch...I Unrein.'.' West N. y. A VI8ITINU TEACHER charm $'2f> a j\ goortei f. roi.e session a wuk. Thc session cueists nf lour Mar* two of which are deleted to history. Illerolure and mathematica, caa to a laagaaga (Preach. Oenaaa or i-attn). ind one tomuslc. A friend may share tin- sessions, unusual progress jua ranter.! to faithful students, liefer* to yu .eui and former pupils. Address Miss h. M. MONK, IU Lafayette.av.. Ilronklyn. N. V. 1MEHICAN AND EnEEIfiN 'lEACHEKS' J\ AGENCY supplies Professors, fee thara. Tutor*, Hat- ernesses. etc. to Collegee. Ot linois and Kamllle* Apply to _Ml'.s. Ml. Yul.'NU I TI.I'iN i.i Inion >.luar«._ A PACKER icrsdasto of oine years' expert* en. >' in one place wants a position ie covet 000* Addreoo P.,Sol ,. 1 rlbnni OIBce \YALE GRADUATE wishea private pupils) preparation for college i ¦]. fluty olgbi st testimonials and Ity n-I ere n. es Addict VALE, lim 10, ii lim ne (uti. e. CORERMERHORN'STeachers' Agency.-Old- Oi ll and Lest known iii the I'nltol states I'stal.lishe 1 186S ¦I W Si !li:r,Mh:IUHiHN,t('U., 7 Last lilli -st.. N. V. rpEACHERR WANTED.-Ladles: German, 1 Latin, Knglllb .iud iinisie Oermon, Algebra, Kngllob ami muse olloge rroduate foi ,ty school ..rn.-Il graduate f,.i ity <i in. ¦: i.-hi b, native Oermon, mu-., drawing and Engllth, inti' li and n.usic. Fi en. li nursery gorerness, i.. iitlemen: Hupeil.u profi moi o luis... i..i Iorgo rv liberal, Interview Immediately Oerman, Latin I.null I. and music, fol foul 1) cla.s tinging foi c ty achoo!. Apply tu HRS. II. J. YOI JO-FI LTON, Amoncoa ond Koreign reacher* igom y, is sion Squat* \\'ANTED IMMEDIATELY. -KinrlWi goT- rv ei ness with music i inpeiior profeoaor*, goo messes matron* lecrolariet lupplli d oil m.Hiern language! spoken at this ortlco. tlEH»E, U'oman's EXCHANGE TEACHERS' RD- REAU iforhntti lexes), supplies professors. Teacher* Governetse* Mu-" iain. Ilouiekeepera, Companion* el ta s. famtllee olio Bookkeeper* stenogra¬ ph, rt and op) <-*>¦ to builnest linns. KKK A. 1). ( t IA il. <'.".< .Ith-iive.. New York City. 7 AN TED..A North German lady to teacE n a prlvoti s.h,mi for girls in New. Yoi k. Address Tribune Uptown Office, 1.23H llrood way, YrOUNO LADY would like few pupils in tlie Kngltnh In.m. I.." or music sp.-.,al attention paid to tomigchildren and beginner* Addreaa BEST Kl.KER- m -, Tnbano \rALE graduate of experience wishes private pupil-., tin ii.null Inotructlon. Iddreio W. A.. Box Ul. Tribune (itllco. w i D VE Kris' KM EATS EOE THE NEW- 1\ VOKK I'l'.lll Ni: WILL UK RECEIVSO AT TIIK UPTOWN (H-'i-'H Es, No. 1,238 Broadway, coner Thirty Arti -t.. until li p. m..'.'.'.: iii'mhciy, between Twenty-oecond end Tweiity.thinl at*, until H p. m.. nos Wool Twenty-third- i-f., "i lot I lightb .i^ ¦.. S3 l-'oi.i -th.ave COI mr I'..urti .-nth st., ".in I lnul a: e.. m.mer I w tv -. \ etd li -t.. L007 Tlurdave.. pool Hlitletli-it., ond the il aki.k.M >KL UK. 267 i ant one- hundred ami went? tilth st., "J.iilMI Third ave., corii.-r One hunlie.l and tn. i.ij tilth si., up to lt p. m. ul leguiar olino Steamboats unb Railroads. DAY LINE 1> TO OLD POINT COMFORT, Norfolk. Vn., and South. i,. av.- va p. nu. lt. it. i no ji. iii. Parlor caro to Baltimore, theme Palace steamer* arriving itt cid Point SIS a. m., Norfolk tia. tu. ll. V. TOMPKINS, Oen'l Pom, Agent, _310 Broadway, N Y. MEW-HAVEN STEAMBOAT CO.'S STEAM- il BRS C. ll. NORTH AM ANH CONTINENTAL, leava Peck slip. Pier No. 211 Y. lt., at I p. rn and 11 p. ni. (Muidart excepted), connecting al New Haven will: Hpeclal train* for MERIDEN. HA RTKORO, BPRINGFIELD, HOLYOKE, .tc. Ticketa told end be«gage checked et Md Broadway, N. Y., and I Coiiitst., Dioaklyn. Excursion to New-llaveu and return, $1 io. POPULAR 8H0KE LINE for Boston, Provi- I dence. Newport and all New-England Points. All rall trom Ornoo Central Depot. BipreM train! .h.ily (Suod*yi excepted) at na. m., S! p. in, iparloi ai - ..ita. lied amt ll, (with palaceilecplng eon), Munday tralnt 10 * m., with pal¬ ace parlor COT* ll p. m. with pula..-sleeping cir* ,,i Nen pm take SI mi p. m H..-sion Ex oreti with parlor .ars. i.tot ts al A uk mid fol N'. trporl an iv mg at 7.5' I p. tn pONDnrr. KINGSTON AND OATS- II kill MOUNTAINS landtag rn Cranotoa'i (West Point), Cornwall, Newham, Karl boro, Milton, Poughkeepeli and Kaopn* connecting with Lister and Delaware, st,,ny Clove and Citskill Mountain and Koaterakltl Railroad* steamers cl IV OY KINGSTON and JAMES W, IIAI.I). WIN leave every week dav at 4 p. m., piei loot ot Har ri«..n st., oseopl "s.itiir.l iv», when CITY uf EINOSTON (iiv.-s at 1 p. m.. ulakine ali landing*_ NEW-YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON ll RIVER RAILROAD..Commencing June il, 1880 through tralnt wdi leave drawl central Repot 18* m.. Rochetter Ksnreo* througb drawing-room corin Albany, Prov. .Montreal, Svrncuie ml Rooheotor. "...".ni, m., "I he Limited," Kith (tining can. ttopping at I'tloa, fcyi-acuae, Rochetter, Bul '. ra Poll* ie, len land omi Toledo, trnvn.g at (lu. ago U:60 o. m. and Kt OH i I 40 1'- m. next.Uv. lo .lu a- ill- Chicago Kn.ress, .Iri.v.n.-r io il cars to Can ninl..lana, Rochetter un I Itud'ala ill 30 a. m.. Western (roW-VcCk mt Northam Kiproil, With .Uawmi; OM s. n m. m.. Am.un*. Croy. Raratogn aad (Ttloa Kzproo* with drawing.nand BnlTetcortto [roy iud Saratov* .4 p. in \. mutllodatlOU to A, ant 1 roy .6 ii. m.. in. a .nan -it '.oms ipreta, with ileeplng-cari f.-r Ni, udale, cm. inn.iii, Toledo, Detroit, Chi¬ cago ind M. imus. I inni...cai New york lo Albany, ''.. m., Montreal Exprcat with tleeping-cart toiiyracuoo and to A illili ii road, and lo Sa ratog* also to Montreal. ii., oi Ito linter oi \ through bleeping car. c.. l'.n, m.. Piicltii Kipree* with Meaning-car* for undies. ler. Bu Halo, N lagani Pall* cleveland. Toledo, Detroit omi I ito. sleepiug-coi't to cianon ana Ogdentbnrg daily ex- pl -..lllldilf. ll.lo i. io. Night l\|i.s.. withtleeptng-cnri tn lll.miv and I'rov fonneett with th" morning tnunaior thu Mest amt lor the North [eleeul m.t.i* night). 'lukeis on tole ni «.land Central Depot, No. 7 Battery Pla.'.-, -il- meadway, Harlem Depot, 1-. 11..-T. ond itt,ave., .¦m.I ai Weatcvtt't 1 xi uss eft s, Park place (neal Broad¬ way), Ts'iaiid MS! Broadway and '.¦-' Weil I'JBth-tt, Nea york. .183 Wnehlngtou omi Tdd Pultonolo, Brooklyn, and71) IUl-tt, ll llllainsliiu-u'. .'... oinnioiiaii..iis in .ira" Ing-room ni ileep ng-can con bo procured al any ol tho llckei '.in. ism New-York City, aud .; ii, Brooklyn, , :. tm gi d 1,ci ked from real lenee. Theta Hams run ian v. Alioth! ll daily cxei pl Sunday. i'l io s- tralnt itop ai ii at km iliW-ot and lili-ave.) J. M. TOUCEY, l>. M. KENDRICK, UCncral Hupertntendent General I'aeaeujfei Agent \v EST SHORE KAIKKOAD. 1 nins leave Wtei i-jii.-t. Motion aa follows, aad -0 mm- iii.s rerllei Hom loni ol North Rivei Di ito.i 1.1,1:1 lui0| 0, : : 1 a. li ., '( ic, 'billin, tn. St. OH.s, "I ll, 'tl Kip. 1,1. i.e'-aio. i.ii.i tu 1, si.s, enilon Dridce, Niagara Palls, -n 10 ".' u, m.. -i 1 11, -s iii p. m. nco md >\ in ns.. :t m. ",imia. m., -r un, >8:10p, m. Highland. Kingston* ci ic :. Aiianv, -:i:iO "7 In. -.. .m. ilj.a nu lilli, 'ii no. 'N lu p. m. Cruutton'* Weal Point Cornwall, Newburg .Hilo. »7:lo, '!'. .". 'lui... 1 '.'.". n. m.. 4 lo, *8;10p. m., awl -u.HU p. ul. 1 i.n,-'.ii. -.. nrua ill, N. w inn jr. Ioi Mnun. al omi onad , i.-i-i C:00p. tn. Hamilton, London. .!» :;o.l m.. -Om", ->:10 p.m. Toronto. ',' m., '. "- Inti. ni. I. .'int ileep u: ..irs for B Salo, Niagara Pall* Dat op, .In mo amt si. 1 .mt oneil ihr uni tw n* .Dolly uti,.1 trains nady except Munday, 1 ni 1. ... ts. Iine-talile* parlor Ol ileeplnii cir nc. omuioda- tiona or inionnation. apply alolBcci 1;.klyn, 33a Hath- incton-Mt.; 73(1 nit, .11 -t. tl let oi ullin, st. New.York citv, Mt3. "M. M2 Broadway. lt,S\ Bowery, and Welt Shun' ntutlon* foot ot Mest t'.'.i -t.. loot m .1,11 -st., N K. JII.N 111 VuMl I, DVoeilerbilt-or* tieneroi Pattcn^er Agent I IUDS0.N RIVER BY DAYLIGHT. DAY I.INi: STEAMERS ALBANY ot O VlilliAlUi. (Doily Kl pl >-,i:id.iy). eave Brooklyn, Kui (i,y a uue xi. "* m. N. « York, veotij it. Pier.B:40o.ot Weat Si2d-et Plei promptli nt . Ba. m. im AHmnj landing at Nvock and rorrylown (bj ferry), Mest point, Newbury Poiighkeepal* Ithluebeuk, "catskill md 11 ''.ii, iteiirniii: earn Albany ot 8:30 a. m. '. "' I -un willi N \ cut. ,t II. lt. K. It. for Ctn a, u.1.1... Niagara Palls and the Weat Last ti I,,,,; th.-,11 norn New Yolk Oct 1 .">, from Albany ". t. 18. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RH, 1 NEWJKRHEY CENTRAL DIVINION. ., ,,,'""' "i l-li-l ct V-l., NOll'l ll RIVER. "ME I Alli.l-l akim, EFFECT U( I.I 1884 Io) lu I I.A I.Kl.I'll IA .nd TRENTON, "Bound Hook i"»nte, at (lld. 7:l.\'i-.hl, ll mil. m. lil linn, 4 IP'.. Val. <:J". .Ju.) ,,. ui. MONDAY^ I.ihi. tekit. m.. 6iBO,l'lA)o lin., t oiine. tiou at Mavno Junction for Oermatitown iii '. lt nut ll.ll. ,.t ('* tor li.iuayuiit. t'otitho- hocton and Not lotowu. UltAW iNoitooiicAltUonaUDar rralni .ni HLBIFINa cap.-- on Wight min* Hemming leave PHILADELPHIA, Ninth tnt Oreen st* 7 SO, -,.\n., m. 11 <», u ..,! r,, ii,. VI 1. .: IV 12:00.1 nt HL'MIA] -i.itla. m.,'. in |'A-00p m.. Hurd and Iterknti at 1 lo, 1.1. s '.'(I 'iiinl. lo.Ul ,. :n.. 1:1).), .( 5 20 >i iMI p, m. tin N LAY s ].-,,. ,, I SOo, m. for LOCKHAVEN, PKU.i: iii I PHI Lil PS HU Itu. lVnn ", 1 .. 1:311 1. in. For WILLIAM'S!', ill l'. RUNBORY LKWIBBURa and MAI1AMI\ (111 017:40.8:300. nv Ht.'i, 4. ,. tor REA DINO and HAKIUMU 1:11 at 4 OQ TM Bi3d II 00* m.,, i.jn. nm, ,*,.i,v jj 00 n.'iu. Si'iinlayi B III, I'l IH)!,. iii. lui M KAN 11 IN at 7:.K». s ;|i) A m 8:43 a m. For WILE EBBA KKK ond PITTSTON at 7'H. iJ.) ^ n, 1:00, MU), 8:46, 0 4,"i p. m. Mm.lav at b.AOp. in. For DltliTON al 7.(Kia. m., 3i48 |i. m. ForTAMAQOA at 7.00. 74 i. MtN*. m.. Mia XIS, 4.dd, U p. m. Kuudaj s l'J uu p. m. Ioi lull lil.1.Hi.M. AI.I.I..N HiU N ,,n MAL'CIl CHUNK al t mi, i.OO, S.JO a. m., 1.00, l.SO, 3.45. j.lj p. Ui. teuu.l ,yj al .'¦ .¦') li. III. lol KA.ii'JN al 4.UO, 7 (Kl. k;!0 x m.f in,,. ].:{o T 4S, «01 4.10, j;*j, TOO, ..di,|.. 111. Mindai < 4 (Mia. m.. 6:30 n, OV, iuillli'll I.lill^Kl. llKANcii tl4:00. s JOa. m., 4 00, t.SO U. Ul. Mllelal ,s t.OOX 111. ForFbKMlNUTUN 7 tx), h.3() o. m., 1:00, l.SO, 4:00. 4:30. i-.oO. 6:300. iii. l-uuda)« 4:110 p. tu. ForOOMEKVlLLE .1 1:1X1 Kim, 7 no. B:Sa IOU, lloo a. m., lino, l-lo, 11:30, Ai. lino, 4:lHi, i 00. i Ml, Hi (J 00 hil". Tnni, ",..iU, f;U, ili-bO p. m. Minduji 4 00, h 45'a. iu' 1:011 4110, .'..o, biOOK m. Im PLAIN 1 ll 1.1. 4 un ll'O, 70(1, 7 '.10 15 lltin.L in, 1 ic, I.. '.'.,,( A.. o, .> 4... 4 nu. 4.JU, i.ill). i lj (., Li, 1 MO, L.SO, , UO, 7.J0, *il&. li od, lu all Vi iKIn ia buii'laya 4:ii0, 6.46 a. in, l'i.OO m.. l.Ju, 4.0(i, 6.J1), 0 JO li ni, I'tdklp. in. tor PERTH AM BOY mi 4:00. u 00. S:lj, 1 lim. 11 45 ». ni. 1.hi. inn, lin, ....tu, Hilo pi m. Mu.,liv, 4.1.1).'.. un a. ni ' lol LON'. PLANCH. OCEAN t-KoVi., 4c. (All rall, at 4 I". -1 I., ll ima. m., l.OU, 4.0U, 4:.ill. (Iii p ,1L MuudaTI laSCOOl I mali l.l ultu al u:nu a. m. ^ Foi FREEHOLD « 1.1, lin Ja. m.., 4:30, d30n iii Foi LAKEWOOD, ioMs UIVER, BAKNEOAT atlOO. Bilba, m.. 1-iHi, 4 30u. m. lor ATLANTIC CITY, V'INEL ISU aud lliliUOEl'ON it 4 t'U.i. m.. 1 00f, nu SOUTHERN DIVISION. 1 nun Pu r Nu. H, Nortli Uiver, via Sandy Hook, lor ll lo ll l.A.N Lui, bLAliltlUHl. I.ONU UKANl ll 4 00 1.. iii. vlu kell (un bonrororod at toot ot t.itiertv tu Pier Xn (, Noun liner, Vi, '.tl, IM*7, 4'.'1. l»44, l,14oand I,.i.'.l ltroa.1- Way, 06'J. '..'. ..lui '.4'.'(di, ale ) KlVlngUiU-Ot, III 12, loaul ll.lOicenwiili-tl., 14t,, 17t. l'J6lli ol. 163<| BCWOR, 114 COUOi-OL, ai.11 I .11 Hal Ind, ll ll. Nen \.,i» illy lu lliooli. Ivnat No. IIouiI-bL, 107 I.roadway hon, Min I-ult. ti st. '.'in, 371' In UobokooToM Waaliuigloii «U New. Yuri llaunlri ( 1.nipan) « 1.1 call tor and clio, k hatiagt dum Lolrliol li "Ulein e louciUhtUou. j. 1. WOOlTKM. C 11 BANCO! K, Ueu»ral Xiaiiat-rr. Urn. Pata ,.....' Agt. U. P. UALLW1M, U. ki. P. Agu. ll'J Lihcrt)' lt., M. R Steamboats an 5 Hailroaob. ALBANY DAY LINE BELL thri.ngh tl< keit to til iminta vie _HUDSON ll Vhll and NI Al A HA KAMA \I.Ii furro ri'iliici'il..Stotiinct/m l.inp. The favorite Int'.d, Route for HoMe Pm, Men, e, nnd ail N»w Rng'and |>oltiti>. Plrat-cUea lora, tt lo BOHTON. us Si ta I'n'iviDKNcr, Pint, tigers vt Hilt Hue ctn hove o full nlvhft rail hy laking "it, t. m. eiprete train from tf<oineri' loadiog tor Providence o: loton Ile. lln'ng rhtlr ntrtor c»r« l»t*f. n ofeamcrC landing and ¦ooloo SS il HUI T IM ROI Elegant ti.amer« RHUM (ULAND ind WAM«Ai III'. Bl list will leave :.:.-! oew No :¦: \ .1 th Itlvei, one hloek ii il it., et .'. o ui daile 1 \ . pt nundora Y. W. POPPLE, (.eu I Paatougrylg 1. Il.n 3.011. New York. REDUCTION OF FAIN VIA NORWICH UM the Pug. dar ll v..le Pout. '!,, lt...ton. OS; Worneoter IJ .Vi 1 orreaponding rednctloo t,. all iMtin'o. »"( .¦. of Wort-eater" and 1 if r of New York " km. I1 win ..'.1 1 in I,, r North River, '<h.i of Wtttt tt [neil pier above Deobi.10 Parry do \ except loondav. tk bp m 1. iv. li KA liv, Agent ^ PAT8KILL KVKMV, LINE. V> For Caltklll. M te toodla*! Roou leave dally (Handafi excepted) frcoa Ptof 9$, muAtA lav lt, ul 8 p m v s ut: -INLY Ml i"i: t ut ALBANY BOATS. "PtwntWs Ltakf f\ un EV, and MAN RICHMOND Leavo Pier ll N. R^ foot I OM of., .lailv (Soiutayi excepted! tu. p. m. ( omi.cling tl Alhaiii fm ttl |x. t. North and Weet 4 -TROY HOATS-CI ll/.KNS' I.INK-Kor 1\ t itov and Hi.-Nem.. Troy K\.11.-ni VS MB, TkkVj.oBe rapt Holuntay, foot of ChrUtoi.hci «t 1: p 111 -m..'ai .learner louche* al Albany h teamer KAATEKHKII.L cow ruiui.iig in place ot th,. |?ALL IMVKK LINE.PARRS REDUCED.. I ttawum.US Won poi t BO Poll 1: 09 K.r«t-ri»ae limited ticket! 1 "t t. -op oin linc rennel Inn lo .11 Kaarru point! Me, 11 .1- Pl I i.IMM a -id Kl: I-I ul loavo Now -York on alternate dari Bimdayi i p.ia from 1 N P.. font of Murray tl Connerthio Ma l noel Bool fro:a Brooklyn 4:30 p m.. Jerteydty. 4 p tn LONI! 11 \ I ll ROU I 9. l-l Ll NIORTB S9.UT Pit morotai train- to lt..-'. I u,- -11 iii i. ute* An o ehent'O no ench -te ni r Tl" ki ll and it..'- « may bo to, and at ail principal 'i..'.:. trantler aad ticket oh. et. at the ofli. c on Pi. r'.> md.trimer! 01 ..ii. ..Won. BORDKN A LOVELL, Agonta, Paco t.-.-if. NORTHERN RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. il Trama leave from ( tianiben «t ntattoa foi 1-nelcwoo.L Tewiflv. Mooter. «parklll and Ni ad Kl 7 30 '(n ,9 .'tn am! 11:30a.m.. 1:15. 0:90, 4.-00.4:60. 5:911 1*40 I '.", N oo. lu Ul l'J.(Ni midnight. Kiindtyt 7 .id. I) .lu a m., 4 <Ni amt e iK» |i. ni. For Nanuet. Hprtng Vtltov Monoer and Tal ma il PX 7 Hu. '.'IfO a. m., 4:50, BstO, 8:0O p. tu nun.'a., 1 '.» lin I, m.. 8 Oxi p. m. ___^__________ PRIE RAILWAY, now known ;.« Rm NEW- II YORK, LAKE BRIR ANDWP.KTKRN railroad. Through train- leave ..'dd tt. and ( lu el lt, Mallum al lame hour, loco! trolOO leovo 3Sd-lt HU tif'cen nuiiuteo earlier than from Chamlion-at. I o. m..Doily except siiiidav. Dav Krpreee. Pullet Prow* Iiil'riHiin Ci. I, et te Rliietiamtnii. I lin ra. Hm iielievtllo. Bulla lo. sleeping ( oa.he* HornellOi illa lo I'h.natl C p. m..Doily. "(Iii. aro and st. Lou o Kipreaa." o toll.I Piilliiiiin train of Dav and Pullet J oacheo. No extra charge fer fiat time. Arm-" Me.,.lull,-. 7:15 a. nij ( lei eland, 10:50 a. m.: Mn. mnatl. Il I- t- m « Imago. OM p. m., aad st Lonle. 7:25 tbs arcond won nc 7p m. -liailv. "Iluiraloanl Niagara Fall* I ;<l." ainvlng RocbOator. 6:90 o. m Buffalo, .on a m. frnapenelon Bridgy 7 i'i a. m. I ho moat popular night tram liei«oen ,N<w York and Hoffa h. Dp, m. .liailv. fhlraro Eipreo*. Pullman ami par "-deeping (oa. ie, ti, Binghamton, Elmira. Iluffalo, Niagara Kalli. 1 lu- cinnatl and Chicai'o. _ _ _.. mm Rutherford nnd Pantile. 4:41 5 15. 7:30, 1:St\ li 30, 10?0 t in Vino noon. 1 ti. 8 OP 8:60. 4 4i>. 5:1ft 5 IO, 5 M), 6 10, 0 Sft 7:15 7:45, H Ito, in min. m.. Vi 00 sun.lava, 6:4ft. 8:3ft 10-200. m.. 1:45. 4 15 1 SO, " ti I VS, lo nop. m., Potortoo. 4:49. 6:46, 7:30,760.0 50 10:30 tm.. 12 00 noen, 1 IS 3 (ni, 3:ift 4:4ft 6:00, 6 lo 6 Mt, IS 5ft I IO, (1 30 7 1"«. 7 40. M.M 1,1 ..ii p. m.. 12:00 un might Sun lav». 64j, USO. Uno a, m.. 143. I I*. BM, 7 4.*. '.uni Ul Ml iw nu, 12 uni.ii.InirM Newark and Palcroon, via Nework, 6:50. « 00. ti 30 loon, ll 30o. rn 3 no a '-'(> -o. 4 20, I Mi. 5 20, .', SO, ii 3ft 7 Mt, '.nw Kiniinni and 12-00 midnight Wedneeda* indar and Honidoy nlghttouly. hunnart, Ville, m.. s.20. ti.SH, Suffern IA'. Il I'. 7 .'.0, ono, 10:20a. m. 1 15, 3 30, 3 in, 8 00, f. 'u .: IO 7 I'i 7 45, t.'So. 10:30 n. m.. on 1 12 Od rridnlght Snndavt, 6:4ft, kitti 1020 a. m.. 1:4.') 4 IA, I 30. 9.00, 10-90 p rn and 12 on midnight. Warwick 4:*5, ti:00. 10:200. m.. 430 p. in. Sundeyt, < :45 a. m Monticello and White Lake OiOOo. m. 3 30 p. m.. Bundayo, New nura ond Cornwall 7 50. Oona. m.. 3 .to. 1.10,5:30, k.00 and 7 00 p tn BundayO. 8:H0 .1 m.. 00, 7 im n. 10. Mon'L'nmory. Hnndont amt Kingston ll;,, lc 00 a. m.. 3:30 p. in. Mindavt. H Hu a m. Hrranton. tiuiin m-e. R ini a. m.. Sj 10p. ni evcepr ^undara. Iiooheu 4 45. 5 45, 7:6(1. P OD. HI 'JU a. rn 1 Sft S 5ft 4:3U, 7 Oft 7 4V t'lUU |>. m. Kundaya. 5-45, h.30. 10:20 k. Ul, 0 SH, 7 00, illili p. m. Middletown 4 45. 5 45. 7:60. <-00. 10:200. Ol., 3-ltO 4 3n. IML Iii tl on i> ia -^uiidavo. 5:45, - I" 10:311 1. m.. ''.'), 7(H)] 0 <>o0. m. The OOO a. m. train Hopi at M.i.n lt. I ortTI ervil 4 45, 7MM, I OB, IO 20, 0, m., MA 4 30, r.:0(l. 7 00, 7-45 tun. '"O p. m. Suiulait. 8:3ft lu JU a. nu. t>:00, (i-.'tii 7 Oft '¦' t'Up. m. Boat* vave M col JH.I-lt., N Y., 5 4". .1 m. tod:45 p.m.every nfteen n iniiteo. (,:45 p. m. to lu 45 p. m. everv thirty II iinite,, tod 10:46 p, m. to 6:460. ¦ ttetp lour Sundayt, 7 45 a. m li K'45 p. m. everv thirty iiiiiiutfo li)4jp. m. to :fii m v.rc hour Ticket* tor naooaire ind apartmentt iii drawing Boom and ¦-i'eepInf " " Otu '"in '"' ami 'ero for the ch. ck k- ne omi, r ol liaggogo imiv tia eft ii IM foinnai.v I jtlicet. Noo. 41)1. 711. .''.7 Bi..a.lw.,T 1-" M'.-t .».. R Y., fiot MAI Fulton ot Brooklyn, ni ol I.; uiy'o liereilt. F.xpreai traine from tho wool orrtvo In Nea V..rk ti 7tlft "SO. 8:55 a 11. amt fiii p io. JUII.V N A1IBOTT, (i- ni Patj'i a,.-- nt. Mew. Yore HARLEM RIVER BRANCH NKW.YORK, NKWT.HAVKM n MM FORD R. R, i.o'. ,-... Horlem Rlvei N .Ton. cornel cjd il 1 \, . York n. « Havan ond 11 irri in. i..'-niuo Now ('anton Middletown, Mew. I rti no and Ku meld niau, heo and P.-i. .ii md all pol ul Midnight train for New Itocl.oil,-and ah utera ,- ita. "1 ot 12 lOo ni dalli. e,. «|.i lt. Bmiday train* nir Hew Rochelle md ill ntermedtote «'*. n- ,t 0 a. m 13 "1 and D tu p, tn , Un hillel < onOOCI 1 it... 1..-lie with woy tralnt to Mtai [ord. nRLAWARK. LACK WV \\\ \ iml WF.ST- KKN RAILROAD. 8IIORTF.H1 I ,'v. BKTWRRN N'KWYORK IND Bl.'FFALO LIOIITNIVO KXPRKSd TRAINS, vi IH'-T AI.WAYH ON lim:. PULLMAN PA LAI K Ha V ANO HLI K PI NO Crt Aril KM. ii..|.,,i« iri \, w Yoi k. fool of Barri ly in u itopbM ito "1 01 H. v \. 1.1 -unil.,1 0. Hum.Heweco KiprtOO, Pullman <.-hen tn Water Oap hi..¦...,.. Hcraoloo, Ring- namlon I.mri. Ilnf.l.. Ryrornt, -«¦ :-o i.reeno, lU'ori. Norwich i'l. 1 linnie, ,t --, lou for Pittston, Wllkeol.iM... |.ir,\ Ile and V ..I " ri 'ni .. iel al UW.go foC ill, ,1 .uni 1,1, nu.¦.' ,.t. Mal 1 p. tn Binghamton ind Klmlra Rrpi -- Pu < rnrWoUu '.-.;. ^.cut..11 Binghamton Owi-go ind ll.1, i.mii.i't- ii ^. ran ton r.e Planton, K ngtton ll'illietboiTr J c. 7 ii. in Dolly Buffalo Limited Pipreot Piillinao r< , for Htroudohnrg. Kcronton, Binghamton Onega, Klmfr\ Coming, Hull. Weyland, RnfTtlo, Ae .m .mifiu Buffalo 7 Jua ni Hliwnlngcooob for Olean vlo M irltnd. ',1 11 m. li.iiv Buffalo and oawego >|,reaa Pu ron, bro for Mii.n.foliiirir, Scranton ..n -'. ... 1,1 Byrociito Otwego, Oreeno, Oiford, S'orwb-H I'tna om Ki. lui.dd si.iiiil'o, . ..un.-, t .,t Owego foi Ithaca aad mt. r- mediate ttatlont, eioent Kotiirdort leal Ruflalo «».iii tri I for al! ot li r pom lo Weat I'or Rici.iii ld Bpi nu " rn lolly ex. :¦.-m lava. .I p. m. dally, except t-atnr tri lc Pea, -.'. tin... tal.leo lui nay tram! on Mort 10 ami Koeal OM ¦¦ loton. 1 EMOH VALLEY RAH.HOAD. p p-sKVH FR TRAINS leave foot of (oi'landt or Del. Iiln-s.." ots ao folio* 0 7 a. in tm (ataoau.ina and iilei'ie.!; it. i-a. in foi (icii-ia. I ioho Kin ra, Itocl itcr. Badaloond the Weat and principal local i,oiui.o. ti.,..t tai to WUkoo* borra 1 p. m. foi 'I'uiiltiaiinock «nd intermedia^ immto. rho ir to iiiikii.11,11... u ..un.-.ti..1. t.. Beading tn lltrnibnnr. 3:40p. m '01 Pittttoil and pnuclpoi intermediate pouita. (hall al to I'illoton, B 4t' p. lu lol 1 Oploy and tntcnncdlote I .1111.. Hon ;.. Reading and Horriobnrg. 7 il 111 foi 1.1 inva, limit, Htuira. Ho. lo our, lluPaln, omi t: Weat Pnllmon »'... |ht t<> 7 *.u p. tn ti.1 1 a uno and Intermediate potato, Traine leaving ot at m. I iimiS:40j n connect fnra'.l idiiit.o Iii Mnlmnnv md !l»/let,,ti Cool RegtoUA St N DAV TRAINB H a. m. foi Mooch thunk, lla.Iiton nt iiitcrnic.ilato |l(lllltt. 6 40p.m. for Coplav and tn'ci mediate - 7 11 in. for (leiieva.lvoiit, Klmirv Bot better, Iluffalo and the \l cbt. Pullman llcepcr to Lyons. pKNNSYLVANlA RAILROAD. On and afier 00TOBKM 4. WL (.ULA 1 1 tu Niv LINK AND I Nil Kl MAILS MAIL Rut'TK. rroloi ' Noa Yack, vu Doabcaoaoo and couituunit street iel! leo, ao followo llaiu.ohiiiK. Pltuburc. and the Wctt, With Pu Union Palace Caro attached. '¦'*. m.: 0, 7, ind lp, ¦ iUIIt, N'ow-Yorti and cliicitgo,.1 ni I'ai'.u. Dicing, Ba .kiln:, and >lrrp. Bil ari alua. m. evctv day, V. ..'..a'uopoit. I..., k Haven. {. u. m., I p. m. Corry cad kho Otip. iii., ..line, -ting at leny Iii I itt ,.«i ;ilc, l'divieum I, uti,., an', ih) Oil Ri'clntit, Foi L-i.aiion Pa. m.. S 2U p. m.. and lt night Pall lin.ire, Washington, and lha Booth, "Limited M aeldng. ton KgpreOO "ol Pulllnali Palace lino dalli', en ept Sun.lay. lo*, m.i i.iiive Mail iiigii.n l.ond 40 p.m.. au ive \i aol tinton 8:6(11. m.. 11 ,uIhi ti r JO, MK', inc .. (da. ni. Inn. 4.Hu, and lp. M. ki. l'J nltld. Sunday, ii-.lit, nw 4 (ll amt du m.. ind l'J uiuht. lot Atlantto I'ltv, except Similar. 1 P. m. I'i louth cart, lol Capo Mav w..k ... ll ida. m. On halinda)'* only. 1, ... 1 ung Brooch, Bav Head laBCtlOO. Ond int-:'.ItatC ttatiotit, via Itah wav and Anitinv IU m.. IJ iikui .< lo. 4 in. I ml n. m. On -uiil.i, ,1 k ni. midi o. in. ll'.' aol Moa at Alburv Park). lei uid Point amt Norfolk, vio New-York. Philadelphia ant N .ifo.k Kai toa 1. e p. ut. nvnry 'ay via llaltiuiora ant Rav me 4 tOa in week dav*. P.oateof" Biookfyn Annex' connect willi .','. t'ir.uj'1 train! at Lroer .'itv. atlonting 1 upeely and diroci traulfer tor Itu m. klvn travel. rn mm. m. .Proina orri rt from P'.tUburg, lo. ..(. ll.Ct. m.. o M lk,u- FOR PHILADELPHIA, I ipCOM miM ...ue Sew Volt, v.a IhMMMOM ..nt Cour landl-tuel I. 11 ic*, ttfollowt. 0,80 1 JO NUIKI 111 thlcagu Linnie .nil IO M aahlogtOB l.i'iiiiu-.i;. aid tl k m.. 1. **Bi 4, 4 mi. i '.. .. t tn 'J u. m., and P'u'aht. Aicoinmo.lalloii. *.SO, 11 1.1 a ni and 4 4(J I iii -ii'iiilayN K«pr*,t. lilli, 'AU" 4U4 IO ».iu. 11 to, \ ¦'¦'-J .*";! ¦.l' ',h-^[:..!i.! .-.. u .m* ,S\ ond tu a m., », *,»,». *i» ..... .... ¦ -. hu mia 1 0 ,011 um tal trenton tor ia odea. Tri1ni ,'«a'ving Now-Yori lailv except ->ui, loy u ". ll lu I ,0.. I. 'i, 4, V »P "I. aul lit .1 antd p. ul oa 7:10 tad rf lila, ia Leavo Philadelphia «»a Camion. i)00 *. io. dally, except llckeliOOlCOa, nl'A 4-<&. »ad U44 llroa-leav, 1 Altor ilouta and root ol Dtibiooon aid t'nartloadi no S>. tcourt-tt., ami liioWivn Annex Manon, toot "i b'ttltoalt, BnMialrn, Bia Hon Jci»ty City. Kuii^rani ricket oitice. No, b Battery Place and <a«il" Hanlon. .jhe New York tattler Company o.n ta., tot a ud oiiooK boggjotren MotoHrfNoMaMCA Wu((ll> Oeutiol MMOgOB Otociti 1 ate r Agtuk

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Post on 19-Jun-2020




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JO'S WOY . A Nil HOW TH KY TURNED OUT. AFoiucl to * Mule M- n " nv Looma M. Alcott.16mo. pp. 365. Booerie Brothers.

The instructionsi of maiden ladies as tn tho(.roper bring'ng up of otitliteo are opt to rome a goml-hutnorert rouunnpt lu ths minti* of parent* Not without

repton, for the patience born of pure nt ul love doei not

always enter Into the matlnn of the maiden ladles

MM Alcott lt, however, sn exceptionMW t,,e flstsr*

hood. Tu© trtiichtuBi which she herc presents In theform of a story .ire generally sound, wholesome omi

Ju lie mis. Tho woman's hnud shows, ot course, lo thc

prlmMsiines* unit scutiuientality of tonio of the" Boys,''but thit may VB forgiven fur the sake of lively and

tender-hearted ¦ Mm. .lo."With this vol.uue are flo illy dismissed tho amusing

child characters nt klittle Men." Their fortunes tt

tnarniiiontile young men uni MBMcas are hore dlirm-o.lend the conventional conclusions described C iii.ilcuted." Mr*. Jo," at the unlvcr* il contl.t.iti'e, it Hie most

MNBM elinruftsr; her mfg heart, gatok tempereui ready sj iu pu thy uinke tbe RHUM Ot Hie honk.

Mian Aioott tim n.<vcr ni nie pretensions to literaryStyle, and Um ttory lg hh hnpliMZ'ird mil " jet Ky " tn

thii partlcnliir us were ler former one*. Hut style or

no mylo, there ls no doubt t mt tho au hot'* popularitywin he largely lacrsaeed v$ thia pteeeoat mid lauaerattale, lt ls prolmhly the true eeawqncacM Ut that

I>ti|iu!aii:y which *he thu* describes la " J"'« Hoys":" 1 tinve linnie up my inln.l ou ono point " sol 1 Mri.

SJo with firmness " 1 v.i nut BOOWer till* kind ofletter Pvc OMI at l- .i»* .-li le lids Coy, .md lie probablyBalk them I til- ^iii nines lunn i amnlaary, aud if IMed ber ene all thc otii-r girls will st euee »Hu tm

ui re. All i*vln by saying they keow«ta*j tetra ie. amitint I am nf ionrse samoyed bj ibCM refacoM; nut theyventure io .mk bcceoM I like hoyt, ur tiiey like .ne

lionke, u! 1; il on.y one.¦ I'll open the others and iet yon est your breokloct

lu i«e«c<-. ilcha Mutter," nhl B©b,"wooo icu soled ,.s botsecret,rr. " ll -re* on.'fruin the t-outu"; au.l nnjii.-iiit: neal, he ir.di : a., u ha* Mooee* Bcavea to Mom your eBort*witn a large Untune, I leal no i.eeltallon lu isklugyoutu tuppi.t luint- io puivh *.¦ bbow ci'iiinii.nun -servicefor ear church. To w i.itever dcnouilnaUon yoe belong,you niii ot course rsopood with liberality to each s ra¬

iniest. ItesyeeUclly yours, Mut,. X. V Uriu.-.-etui advil reface!, deei all I nave to elva mari

go to '.-eil amt clothe lbs poor it my cute*. Tact ls BUthiiiiit-uit.TiiiK tur enebim Oe on." oaewerad ileunther, witii a ».raioiul akuna ebool lm h ,|>b) home..A li> r.try youtn ec rlgbteen vcoposea tliet you pal

your nituie lo h novel ne hae u ritteii; un l after the nrst

nun ion i kui nan e le to be ta.ien efl alni hi- pul on.

TboicTs a cool pioinmal lot you. I |ocra yoe wee'llt.ree lu, lu IptMe! your eofl-he.trieillie.-s lo wardtrina, (ii the young scribblers.M

" C..nillir. u« linne, lei) him io klndiy, and don't letlinn oem! the mani script. I have OCVCBOB limul uoiv,a d hermy time to imi my own," tani Mm Jo.

** Ilrte'a a lady iii Kafiand witii eeveB i.iiii>. eeo sacwl.-ihi t to linn * your views ii.iuii>. Also wuateareert they sha.1 Inllow tue eldest bein* iwcue.Hi le's a fellow who meets te know noel sort ol e girlhe shall many, and il yee knew of any Uko tnocclsyour t'oiirs. This is 'run. t Ind] wno wants youto a-lupt her child and lemi her money to study artatiro.ol mi a tew \eais. Helter take il, aud try yourbaud ut a Kilt, h mlie'. "

" No, thunk yon, I will keep to my own line of busi¬ness. What l» timi MotlOdOts! lt inuits rather awful,to Judge ny the ink." a*»ed Mr-. Jo, wno beguiled hoiu.tiiv ta»k ey trylae tt geera fruin tim ouuide what na*

inside her mOBJ Irlters. Talc I toved lu t>, n muni troman in-aie adiiiirer, to .iid»;.'t.y ns ii.col.ern.I style .

While the boya Shouted "vet inls t(lo-ion- tvlncii ts u

true tn e. their mother rend severn! oit.-r* triuu

biit,diug nt-gufinn mr lier tn edit Ibcm gtallt; meIouk letter from a fooug ir:rl inecnooloble bcoaura belfaiorile hero died, mid " would .lear Mis Meei rewrlt*-iiir i.tic. nmi iiitke it ihd" another Iiuinauirut.boy denied ea eotoerafh, wno daikiy loretol.i Inondolruiu and lobe of I.nor tl ibo dm not srn.l lum auu alloiher frit..w, .Beached snumrepee, photographs, endBi l.ibiograi'hiva) ohoMOMj a minis er Wtobcd to knowher religion, ai a an andecldcd maideB Baked wbleb olher wu Inlets she should murry. These lumples'lice to stiotv a few of the eialu.l tu ide on a's nine, .md make mi readers pardnu .Mrs. lu ii

tl e ..ul hui i ,.i .lulu ret li to all. . . .

. . Min. Jo tlc.iv nf stair*, sud liavinf loeked lier dour,calmly viewed a yoong i.i.lies' seminary ramp ou tue

lawn, .iud beloit denied thc boora, | roc*cd to enjoyIfegMaeliag tiy raking the Howers, doing up their hair,Cannu lundi, and freelt SIpruning theil opinion ol thepteeC alni Ile UUOUOUtUtt i'Otore tlu-y went.A few hollis ul Hillel followed, and she w..s Jast settlin*:

down tu a brag MltniiKK.ii ot iiiini woik, when Bob comohomo to tell her tnai lue Yoting Mon'-(lu Isti.tU I'nloiiwould visit tho college, anti two or turee of tne foliuwewi om -lo knew wanted to pay Uk ii respecil lu I.ct outh tty."li agoing to ratu, so they won't come, I dare lay,

inn lather thought you'd lue le be ready, lu cate U*ejdo tall. You BlWnyi sri- tin nc...-, you kuuw, ttii,n«.*li youburden ymir hean lo the poor di is," said Hui,, who hadheard from his brother .ti u .t tlie tuornlBg Vlaltations

" lKiys lloa'tgeab,CS 1 ian stnud lt. '1 lie last timeI lei ma pail) ni clrls, one fell Into my erma and raid,'UerUng. lola mer I wnnt.-.! io shake her," answeredMr- Jo. Wlying ncr pen wm, ciieity.

" You ii ay oe -.oro thc lellowi wu .'t do it, bur Uiey willwanl aiit.'hiaplis, so iou'.I better bc prepared wit hs fewAoutu," »ii.i Bob, lai ii a; oat a .pine ol ootopai cr, hoing a

boopiiaole yeolb aud cymimlbislng witn those whoud lie-l Ula Ilii.lU.r.

** They can't outdo tho pirlh. Al X College 1 reallylu-lmo I molo '.iud tbe day I waa there, aad Ilett a pile <.f i ,.t.i- and aibiiui-un my table w inn i comoaway. HU oue ot ti.e mool aboard and i.i looma maniasthat Bier afflicted the w..rl I. "

Mewn beloss Uti Ja wrote her Bama e doscn times,put ou lui black -uk, and rccieael boroelf lo tbo im¬

pend ng ctli. pray log lor rein, however, us she returnedto i.e itniiiHie .-how el e.tine, and fee!.in: QOltC »"i'tir>', she rum¬

pled Op bel hail, look ol) Uti-, aud lull i.e I to llnlsl.liri duller, lol ninty p.nes ., ila) «.i^ her tusk, a:.Ishe liked tu have it well dom- hafen evening. Joelaha i brought tome Bowen i..r ibo roora, ead wno junputt.t.n iee tool loaches eben sea saw ravernl umireiia-

eobhiug duwil me hill.m. Inri came a Inuit line of umbrellas, willi iplssbcd

Iras mid Hu.-.nd fi.c.-- 'imlet neath: lor the gentlemen bodbrill hui HU a tim t lill" all ot "t the lo wu, undisturbedby ibo role. Ileiraooi Bbooi mal Ibero al Ihe gate, andWal mtiKitifc lt Utile speech ul w cl. nine, when Min. Ju.louobed bj t.ieir imdroggled elate, apo ored ut the door,beck.inu n thew m. Leaving their bas! lo orate bare¬ena led 111 the wet. tue \ CUUg ll en lu- ,-n-il up tb! -' ry, wann, .md oegor, clutching ufl their bats es tbeycaine, and llrugrfllng with their iilnurelita as themiler was p .es. .1 ii tn ire li lu and ttoek at in-,.

| 1 lamp. ti.imp, li amp. noa ti the h li wenl seven ti-tl of booti j sion s.veiit.v-tive ambrel'si drippedoeclaldy In tim boapllnblo ni', whl.e ii.cir ownersSWermed Bil over the lower part ol the heine; un,Iseventy lue hearty hands were shaken by tbo boatedw Hbo,it ,i murmur, thu.iiMi some were wet. some veryw..ra>, and oearlj s 1 boro tr.»i liles ol tim aej 's ramble.One liiipciuu'is patti' Oounobed B smell lune as liemade lu, comialem* ts; ouotbi r li,ul a load of slicks culflinn noi.d spotsii.Dl ell begged fer omne memento ofI'liiiiitl.-i.l. A | He of cards myatcriOUBIV np pe on

the lanie, with a writ len roqoeol tui autographs; andtiespitn lier mutntBg vow, Mrs. Ja wrote every one, whileber iiusliunil uml bois dui thc honors ol the boase. .

1'eace reigned : >: an, nen tho boil rang aid

Mnry ramo giggling ap t ray, " A ijtieei kind otc ed]waihi tu Rim,, if shsoon cnloli a grrainoppet iu tue

guideu.""A wliatl" ctn-d Mrs. Jo, dropping her DOB With e

biol; lor of all Um odd reqaotts ever made, thia voa thcOddest."A greaohoppcr, ma'am. T said yon wm bncy, and

iske.1 what siie wanted, and nyc CBC, * I've fl Iji. .-

hoppers from .thc gronads <>t several lamoui fu.k--, .uni IWael ooo Irom rietultetd to odd leny rol.'ectioii. indyon evei I And Miry giggled again al the idea.

" Tell to lake nil ile t'' OM and web onie. I sh ,11 bc(Ind to /et rid of tlieiii; always bouncing ui my face audgelling in nj die-s," IsegliCll Mrs. Jo,M ny retired, to reluru lu a moment hourly ipeechleM

with mctilmeut.'. hhe's ranch obllccd, ma'am, and fho'd like an old

gow ti or a pair ol stockings "f youri lo put la o rag si e'smaking. Gut a veal of Emerson's, she Soya, and a j air

ni Mt. Hwliuos'i trousers, aaa u dress oi Mrs. eiowe's.Hie nee! be crazy !""Livelier tit it old red shawl, tin n I sliali m tl:e n guy

Sliotv BMOng thc groal ones lu that ootoulobiug rug.Y.-.s. they ure ail lunatics thecc llon-bantcri; hut thisoeeuu to be h berailcoc nenlac. lor ehr ilueoni take mjtluie and /'ives BM a £<> ul lundi," suld Mts. Jo, returningto hm work after a glance from the window, whickslumed her a tall, thin ifld.i lu lusty lindi, skippingwildly tu aad fro oulhelawu iu pursuit of tiie livelyInsect the wan led.

Nctu Publimliona


I lilfMOBOl S MAsIKItl'IKlKK KltOM AMKItKA.NlilThllATl Kl.. Ivllteil hy K.lw.ird 1'. Masou. Taroo voloiurs, pi in tn] nuiforiu with " I'iosu Irom Mod¬em BCCBJ isis." The oilitor covert with his selections Ann ri

can tltciutiirc frmn Uie lunns of tho Hist wrilluys ofV ash.iiKit.ii irting to ihe graecol day. Three voluinei. 10n.e. (loth eura, gill toji. at fm , cloth neat, ts 75.

ii. AMK.niiAN hibtobt, ittt-itMi DoovmmnIl.l.t >Tr.A I VB Or. Willi Introduction gad rufereiicei.By lioaanl W. I'reatou. Octavo, $'J .',0.

III. radBt 8KKIKS(THKi. SelectioDi from the I'oetl.BU volumes, ei<|iils:l4 ly prtBlod In tSino, cloth, fleiible, each(Occult Per set. pul up in an ultra. Inti hex, BS.

1. KcOrcUou. II. Wll anti Humor. III. laney. IV.IA)VK. v. The Beefs OeMse (laagncen of Heemst. vi.Faith, Hope snd Chanty. Ihe throe hoi gifti of Heaven.

) *.* Thia forms a companion let to the very popular NutshellBefits of Prose delccHom publi-hed lott teatun.


In itsmplng note paper in connection with Initial or edrtreiseorowudealgu. Kamplei shown In our tutlouery depart;ment


K. P DOTTOM & CO.,^_»1 Welt 2ad-tt., New-Voik


Contain! a diecrlptlun of thu Public lluildlugt, 4c., ond sStreet liirootory, Travelleri' Direttory.aud Map of NowYork.


TAINTOH UllOTHKKH A Co., Publishers18 and 20 Astor Place, New-Yolk.




HOME WOKKEK8.Nearly'uk- Boegrcd Dlfferonl I'atterns.

1'rtiaTwentv five Coots, roaliianl.dddroai. Tli£ TillltLM;. New-Vork.

Jnatrnciion.For Boya nnd Toun? Men.City.


lld Mest llhl-lt..Reopens September 27.

At home »Hci september 20.

\ -HULLADAY & LEWINSKY,ill 674 .'.thule.,

Opposite W ladoaf Hotel.Piepiirtlion for roUege. Spot mi uti. ut ion lo conversational

Breach and German. Military Drill._4 BCHOOL FOR BOYS.

-t's THOMAS Ul.KVl'.s ASH, 11.1 Wett IRth-itResumes September SO. Apply IMO 12.


FAI.I, TERM I..-(lins SKI'T. 90._\T WORK..PACKARD'S COLLEGE, 805J\ ltri.ii.lwav. is now in working order Mr the Tm ll and win¬ter sessions, and new stn.lent- om .n'" nm: daily, with theprospect of hm nie nli Hie ITSllOble space taken williui Ihe

\t lea weeks Mint, nts ni, .nt. i nt any tune willi equaladvantage, tuition brinn ie. lon. (1 troin the .lute of entrv.'I is li lae origins! New-York Batini it College, .stablish..! Inleis, md bette! than ever. Addreaa O.B. packard, 1'i-rst.

UEKKELEY SCHOOL,il li l-.iist 44th--t.

Autumn Half binni- Wednesday, s. pt. min r 9901.Newly admitted itudenU will meeta! I'm. m., on Tuesday,

Bent \i ictcr"! " tl--' ho ii *. n to Vl-.AO.

pisiNESS AND EDUCATION are sneccee-I) lolly muted la the special and regalai ionises ai Opau-centn Metropolitan Bonni ll nth ga .ri' '.. 14th st. Now i.n. n.

Classical & mathematical School

? MSMR& wilson tt KELLOGG,NOS. MOMS Ililli -A VK.

Prepare* fur all collegee, sclenUflc icbooll snd bti«lncss.Ti... liing .inc. id io insure thoroughneoe and to cnltirnte a

(jin. k. ol.sei v.uit. thoughtlal natiit oj mimi. Numbers limitedClsaoet email. PerocnaJ attention ol Principal! iccachpapILli. in h. Oertnsa. elementary hiss. Building In excellentunitary condition, Uebt and cheerful. Tums linn tuBSOO,

UK l-'K ll KN ( l>.K A. P. Barnard, Pregfclenl Columbia c,.iie«e \v. v. War

rea, Preeldent Booton University OeonreJ. Brash, DirectorShelli.ld scientific s, hool. Kev. IV K.Morgan, ll H. Hertelof Mt. i hoiiui«- church li.itiiaii Knopp, M. D.i Georgi i.stet.n-., m h., ueorge iientv Warren, esq., Charles ll.kalbtleis. h. .so.. Jehu A, Slewnlt. eaq., lt. li. Roltton, e«q..1.. Ul - lt e.-.|.. illili ¦ I lu :n-oii. iq., .1 iv. Goddard,<».|., Mit sviianus K.-e.l, Robert I. i it Ingtton, <.|., u UlloniPaton, esq.. L. I' White, eaq, I, P. Chatubera.etq.


pIRCULAKS OF schools ror either Bes,v^ orcouotrj istut. wim ii von reqoire) omited ior post.... k. i:. AVBKY,'.' Wot! Hill st.. N. 1.

'f»HE COLLEGIATE 8CH00L, No. 721 Mad-1 looa-eve., near Ctth-ol., Rei Dr H. B. Chopin. prln< Ipalngllsh. classical sad primary departments, nyin.nun.

New iin.i.l.iij:. complete iu Us appointments_COLUMBIA INSTITUTE.729-735Oth-ave.-J t(iii«Kiitte. Commercial and Prtmsry Departmental erm

Bantam, playroom. Military Drill. Catalogue on spoil, itlon.Reopens Wept. 2& EDWIN FOWLER, PrlbC


DR J. SACHS,Nu M Vt isl .MM HST.,


Tboronph preparation tor rolleeeo n-si.eci.'.iiv johnsHOPKINS, HARVARD, VALE. roll \i lt A nnd COR-m.i.i. end -...1 itli -i boola, fuiiv organized builaeeiMarat I Kl. Ni li iud i. Il:MAN lol in un (.ol Uni lei lui ct oftogalo! si heme of uisti n tum.

pOURSE nt preiiaiation for COLUMBIA\J Ht BOOL OF MINES lo Woodbridge Behool SS Ba iIhlh-St _

\\ S. EVERSON'S COLLEGIATE SCHOOL,I ". 84 Weil 4(itI il poolle Bryon! 1'ark.Reopens Sept 27. Bbort lcesoni thoroughly mootond He¬len te loliowiiii patinutProt. Charles short. The Rot. How irdCrosbr,The Kev Thoo. Hasting!, The Rev. Thaa. Gallandet,The Rev Charin E. Knox, Thi FUjt. Prof. U, IIItohcoek,Thi n.v. ri.f. (i. i. plenties. The Rei i. n '.'

Tbs Rot. Edward Blight, Tte Hot. Pro! CA Liikj.*s.

i;1 I). LYONS Late I.vim \ Gilbertlli. CLASSICAL SCHOOL FOB liol*.578 Jth-STc, will reopen oeptemhei 117. Pnplls ure preparedthoroughly fol th heil oollegM sod tcientlBc -.linois.

FRANCIS H. ALLEN'S Claw for Hms rc-1 opens s.-pt. m;.i r CO at .(ll Madison-ave.; at home afterSeptember is

INTERMEDIATE and ACADEMIC SCHOOL1 Ki ill HOYs. 171 Wool 12Wh-st. Thud v. ar benni sep¬tember-.'ll. Mitt liAN-'u.M.


no. ts Went Wlh-iL, New-York, Kecpeos SeptemberMl_

I'i nu ipal al home,


574 'dh av.- opnot te Wlndsoi Hot, 1.Reopen! Sept. 29. Preparation for college Special sttcntloaio omi is li. iii li mn: iii unan Milltar; I'rtll._

Miss DL VERNETwill rt oj i-n lu SCHOOL 1 OB BOYS

lt 1021 .l-l 3011 st., on Mum..iv, s,-|.l, ml., '.'?.

\ I iss Miller and Miss Small's Pnmary Clang,v| for boy t, l'.i \\'e«t ISd-it.; foll tenn beglooOct. 5. Cutiep-'.j, ss Roi 18, Nortl bm.', If OOO,

Al \Y. LYON'S COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE,**l. Na li Eoot ¦-"...!-t. ..n-tur Broadway, Becomes allseen, atm 11. pores lin ol s s -. i, nttflc school or bnsloees.The gentlemen trhocc namco folios bore hsd ooo or moro

toni titted ioi ol lei:oll. mv M. A bi.Hider, Rot. lt. Kerr, U. D.lleiuvN. li.-ers, ll.uri p Miii-.ii.ui,John Uro.,lu. Orton l>. Munn,ll. in v Dh, J jiih - 1 ib itt,Jamel M. Kurr, A ii. Irew J. TOM.I'uik.i Handy, Jndge Van Vant,Rllos^ lllgalns, Ralph Walli,

Tuition ino lofjnOper annum. Rooms greatly improved.( .ItiI'de-urihing Advisory Committee Huelling L**r.Recess, Wslgs. Ac., st Putnam'o sml ltandolpir< huokilures

Vi.U-Y<>l;l< SOIKKIL ol' 1.471' 1.4-.'. BROADWAY (Corner 43d-lt)

s. v. nth ri 'i :. ii -i I'ti-M let 27,A id,....i ol hiefi in -. ie ror i oi-.. Pupils prepan .' fer Yale,

Hsrvsrd, ColnmbbV, Willtamo »n«l -.ib otliei eidleges[ science. Preparatory classes lor boyi Irom H tu 11leann i.

Ill linl-l. -Sive ll. I' c's Ililli till Hilll'llli. s* of (.lclLinitlonH.. Mit YORK Bl MOO) OF LANOI A'.l> .al, Nen I in imi't tiii.iui.p -> i.-. Tie plan ol Instructioncombines tlie u,l\ uniu. ->¦« of pi tat. tuition md clam dull.I I. tn h, i. en 11 ii n .uni -1 a ni -.ti ir,- pi.!¦ l'ca ly tsnchl .is ,t partol the reautsr courne, Circular! rnniainlni rut! ti .-tun..ninl.-. tuon ciiuii. nt citizen! ol New-York, wheesSolis lltOOd lill s. hool. Ki l.! tppUl .111..11.


Preparatory School. Buainest and prepared pupils lol Harvard, Yale, Colamhls, etc,

Hon ailed \..ii-iu m. ti i-ii.-i¦!,veli- 'ni business. All teachersh..%. degrees Irom uivertitiet ol London, laiptic, Madrid,Harvard, M.. blgan, the Pren, h Academy, tc.

boanlini sid Day scholar!.ReopeniTl sn.w. Septombui au, 18rt6.

PACKARD**) COLLEGE, 805 Broadway..1 'I his i< tl.1.1. leluble bllllneso school nt NCV. Vu: li.

. -t^' l theil iii l-.'.ii. and non In tho full lido ami t iiioi ol mieena One ni dred and nttj new ilnderits entered diirins thetii -1 lum week!, and Hu limit will probably be reached in

h. to'i.r. Ktndenti admitted lu tl.tdei ol application.Bookkeeping, penmansblp. trillimt Ile. ommerel il low, budnets ii.'.i:- md dela !, nmi!.I, typewritlnir, etc (it

the shorthand department. Mr. Munson, the author, savs*. Cnnoehtedly tlie best place t>. gel ¦ thorongti knoo ledge olmy system ot pl..m .phi :- ..I I'Sekard'i -iii..,.i of bbort-iiiui-i." Munn ti ought io snow.

e s. pack IRD, Preeldent


A. lt. (Yale), LL. lt. iColuiiihli 1,601 llmodwsy.

1> I i I \* A ll*. Stliiml Lu Hms k (ipi ns Septem¬ber ti, iii 1.476 Broadway: ineelsl odTsnlsges:scad

lorestatogns WILLIAM W. itu il A luis.

L L<H is COLLEGE, 15 Ll.1-st.s.-1.11 (' lor b.-ys icopsmi Reptcinber '-'1.

TllI'M.WYiiUK LATIN SCHOOL,1 ins Weal tilth IL. ro-oponi Moiulay. Keutembei 27.rwoboontera \ IROINIVu liABXKY.

»|>HE DR18LER SCHOOL,No. I.'. BOM ll'th-st.


Bcopoai Wednesday, s.-ntvu. Briaiarj ra-apans Monday,O. t. 4 circulars upun ipplicatloa.rVli\t FIFTH AVENUE SCHOOL,A 20 Wi.sT 69TU-HT., ON I ni KM. PARK,

l'dli BOVH ni ALL alis.l'ltll'Alll.s i. iii lit sl.NI.s-. (.lt ('(ll.I.KUI'..

f.ood luttrarlion Oood Atoociationw Hood InduenccsSpoclouo Building. Lai flymnatluiu and Play-Room,


Cstalogne by pott (alli attn Heptembel 1.E. A. OIBBKNS. < Principals D. BEACH, JR

Tf^HE PARK COLLEGIATE SCHOOL 'Boys)J for collrae; mu i.tit. ocboolaj tratlaeea. Owent

f-ept. 28, ism;,(nlly equipped, sn boarding pupils taken,(.lrculaisat school.' 68 Last :.'.*t!i-st., New-Yon.

ll.Ml RE. PHILLIPS, M. A., Principal.

ITN!V£RSIT\ GRAMMAR SCHOOL, No.I 1,4715 Broadway, near 4VM st., 4!.|h voar. .Prlmarv. r.mi-

nierrigl and class,cal dcpsrtmento; lri-trii( tKni thorongh.Bccpcni se].iember 'jo. Rooms oj.en Kiter September 0.

M M. HOBBY, W. L A1K1N, PrindpoUN. C. HMNHKK KSON, AoouclStO,


Dlalinr-t Scientific sud (Tatsu al i'..nisei Junior rieportmentIntroductory tcsil Colleges HecpenoHeptcmlier29.

lorinorly'.Schoji ut Mines Preparatoiy s,booL

Ki.) EA>r :ioni-sr.-Miss DU VERNETI " "<^^ OOO reopened hOT School (or Hoys All |.t opalatorywork lg accomplished dui inc the school hean, from ii ii. ni. lo'A p. m. An hour's reaiM cii.tblos pupils to fio Iiouie tolunch. _


Jta School Reopens Sept. 14: oldest lu the itv: niau v tem lientt silten tor roon positions. Emily M. Coe, Vrin. and Editorof "Am. Kiaacrgartea iitg.," Koon. tu. Bible lions.-, n. v.


CHILDREN.Founded by the tt.-v THEODORE IllVI.Mi.

'^i ki.ii is ViKal mu sr.loiirteenth year. il. lober i, 1886,


713 and 715 Mli-ave._.__

Reopens September 80,ABLE INSTRUCTION Bl moderate rm.-'d\ lor Ilia deaf. Itrfcreuce, Kev. Dr.CTOthy. ComilieUU-n Srliteil.bel i~.

MH8. OKEER'H sKl.Kci BCHOOL, 122 Ktst 'Jiitli ot.

BOARDING and Day Schools for Yoimi;ladles.-Rev. Dr. an! Mrs. t ll ARl.E.-l ll. «IA RliNKIt,

rrin< ipaii, CO.") Fifth at.-, iMtkyoai ooauaoacooSept, sdpARLISLE INSTIT UTE, 7f>l Kiftli-avp.. I.,..V> tween f,7tb and 6HUi its., ftriim Central I'srV. English1 ranch mid Gnu,an Roardmc ind Div Sihirf.1 for toiiiik Itdletsud hihii en. Hpodgl ituuriits in all UepaxttueLls. bludio.Kout tieiiti. year ht(.*ms Hoptombei '.'7.

CLASSICAL SCHOOL POR GIRLS, L061MadlsoB-ave., reopens BoptCCSbor fd. JunlortBd A.l.

soBCcd Ocarooa special attention given to ( oiiettPiepaia-tlon. Pupils piej.aied li«re adinllte.1 to Welleidey ,..,ttwithout fui Our,I..:.on. Hoaidlng nails..t moderateteran, Mist NOR I ll and M.t-ll.AI; Jm. :. ,,.,

COLLEGIATE SCHOOL Foll GIRLS,ENGLEWOOD, N. /. Keoptni Hoptembor 14, l^OX

fupllt prvpatad tor Vatiai or Wclletisy.A: ALiN'i V.. si I I I 1.mi, ( atofiiie M. Oeiriili. A. B

JACKSON SEMINARY.-3,038 5th-aTo., cor.Hill, tt.. New-York. Knirltsh and French boardinn and day

tchou! for youn? ladies and children. Ulttyrar. Reopen* fitptS'l Large, heaulilully thadedlawni. Ttriiit 1300 per yeer.

Institution.mi ¦. ..,... ...i.

For Younjr Ladies.City.

MISSS. I). DOREM08, M Bael 21st-Rt.,wlllreopen her day school for yuline ladles and children Oct-

Cheri, Classes In literature, ort and oilier bran hes. specialdepartment fur boys._



BAB MADISON.AVK.AIME. DA SILVA'S SCHOOL.Itl li.rionh Mrs. OODBN HUFFMAN'*.Fnrlish, Freud (.eiimiii Boarding and hnv school forYonof Cadi. ¦ ond (hil.Inn, No. 'it M esl .'M> -i Sew.York.will reoi«'n Oeptenboc tko 10th. Application ay lettererp.-iKoiially CC



M \\ ES! 62D-ST.A tboronrti lien, li education. Iluhetl standard In Fnr

lish sud euoalcol ttodiet. (leriiinn. Draw ino. Special at-teiition io primer/ clines Circulars Ri opens Oct 4.

MKS. WILL1AMES' ENGLISH snd FRENCHBoarding sad Dav Behool tor Vinnie Ladies amt Little

i.ii' Not 2D weal 89th-it., will reopen september 30.Addiessliy letter lilith s, ptenil el I".


SI \\ OT 42D si..Opposite itrvnnt Pink, reopens September .to. issa {-isislui bots. Principal! at home oner beptcmber 15,

MKS. SYLVAMs RKED'Sm i.\ i; in ni; ami days, forYOUNO i.a nt ks.

6 and H Baal 5 itTWIN TY TIIIIID VIA!'. BEOINH MON RAY, OCT. 4.Lad iwhow -ii ii mr-i of Langnageo, i.n. tnt me. Hlttory,

Silence ur Ali. or lonni; glrll ttho-lii'lv .,1 le.on. but wlMtin ,e1\ tnlSges Ol Pion Mort In ap< lal rain le ..univ Jo.ii .mycla«s ii non lenin nu,... kimw n upon np lil icm lon.

Hlttory. (leneral UtcrnUre, Political ICcouomjr, taught byll. ll. l.iil.helton. |", li I.I |lMathematica. Aatronotny. Urology, Biology, tonghi by MissdBi rion, I'h D.English Lsngnsgesnd Literature, Anglo-Saxon, taupht by

William ll. Carpenter, Pb. ll.Kt hi. i. by Kkutoloi Murro] Butler, Ph, n.Palm na snd Drawing taught by Wyall KatoaDeltorteHyatem ol Minimini snd Oyninaettci The Primary

I.ii .. nt in 11..11 _i ni .. iraduateol Wellesley CollegeAll unoer personal supt i-vim..ii ol Mrs Reel.

\II-s REYNOLDS'S FAMILY ANO DAYttl BCHOOL, Cd Weal 4Mli st, reoeeni September SBSpecial advaine.i course in History snd Literature.

Ml^s C. M. WILSON'S Class for Childrenii .mem, September VS. ISO Wi st tr,th st.



Enslish, French un. 11 noondine and Day school forYinni... Ladies vd l-l'1, No. al Medinon-evei, Now-Yoik. French I- il.e language ..f the family and schoolIntnl.- In i ngllsh, Preneh ond Oerman by rinlnenl pr.>-i.- Kapeela! attention poid to Koallah. French sod Oer¬man Primary Department The teation will reopen Hcptem-bcr yo. MME. a. c. MBA BB, Principal.

\| ADEMOISELLR KUEL. ol'Otc Inte schoolttl Hill. A BROWN, w.U cmitliiiie har m IiiiiiI at No.26Batt .'I'lt'i-:.. between Madison and Fifth orso* openingsa tho80th cf September, _

M ISS BALLOWS KCHOOL,.11 .1 \-1 22D-8T.,WILL BBOPEN ON I'll! KsHAV. sKl'TI'MlU'R 30.

MLLE. LOUISE VELI IN, ¦ Parisian, willo;.. ii ., school for roans Lei et and children ..t 17.". Wed

Tim-t. on Septembei Kl aaa for boya antler twelve

\11^S E.L. KOUES1 SCIKioL, 45 East,v| i,-th st.. tot foons ladles nmi children. Morning andottornooo latia s lol adults, Keopeni Ot pu mbei .m.


414 B l li|sO\ AVI -., MA ll liri ll ST,WILL KKOI'KN OCTOBKBi.


ISSKS \. ANO M. EALOONEK PERKIN'SSchool for Olrlt; also Kindergarten; eighth year, bn,-ius

Sept .I 2,021 I iiiii .iv.-. Bool ltn« pupil!f500.


.'.,'. V. si 4711. st. Reopens Sept. 'JO.

MISSES GUINN ELL will reopen their

DAY SCHOOL FOB (ili'.t.s.BS] |0t 1 i'll littlest., September Mlh, 1MB

Separate classes for boys Kind, rgarten Frneh no tho i.

Miss ciiisHdLM's SCHOOL FOR GIRLS,lg i-:ast (rill roopes September H- Borrard

Prep. 11 ii-s Wt. H"V.Ma

MISS KIERSTED'S SCHOOL EOE GIRLS,13 .-t .".Titi -t.,. or. I'jrk-iive.,

Will reopen Sept. KO si booie Sept. 10,_

pROF. pitii MADAME ALFRED COLIN'SI se),..ol (<u uiris, formerly Meademoloelle* Chsrbonnler's,reopeni October 4. 20 inst tPAI-ti Comolete cooroo, Laa>eua cs, Music, Art, Stadia, Resident pupilsj-.TIIK COMSTOCK SCHOOL.

no. nc wi:-t 4.1'pi r st.. m:\i-vniik*.(faring Reoerroli Parki. Kngllth, French ond (lennon Board.lug nnd Hoy vi l."..l l..r Vonng Loiliet and i 'luldiru. Separate. loo! lor .sundi boys ll. op. ns sept, ltd, lssU.

Mis- HAY In charge.


Win reopen i bnrsdoy, s. ptember no.

'IMIE MISSES OKAHAM, Successors lo the1 Missel i.leen.i foin', riv of N.. I 6th -OTC., will reopen

tl, eu lng! si mn! i ii ii. h Bottdine ind Da] Behool foi \ ¦.nn-r

ulleaon munday Sept, mi. Issi;, al No. KS C-lh-ave., Now*link itv.

VAN NORMAN INSTl'l llTB,.Founded l-;,7.

MMI'. V.1N MUi.MAN, I'rindpM815 Weet .'.7th st.. reopena Septembei 90 with Boys'Depart-

ii. . .nd NEW si j.i.i undei PROF. F. RONDELi.i v. dh. lil iii Ha KU Moral snd Mi nisi th ta di os

a .NEW-YORK LANGUAGES,js . l.r.'. i,i-.-, i:i;. \ i>',. IY corner llUi-HTriana ind private Instruction foi ladlei and irentl

I'i. in li. (lennon, so-.iii-ii, I tullun, (ii. k,,n and Knjtliah'"...i-.t.lessons ii sj...nnv lelt'ci painnow t.o ming.\ CIRCULARS OF st'i|().t|,s, ...-, ,,..t\» Mable information, free; moiled foi iiootoga.ll, l. A VKKY, Ale ii sci,....I I. ne.,'i. '.' w. -i in tt., N, Y._i .STERN'S SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES,t\, of n km yous ri v.

..'7 rt uti' lt., i" tween M id s,,ri ond Flftli m. -.

( French,Siianlth, Italian, i.nim and Oreek:iti11 orivote initrui lion un i.i-i-.-. ond aeni

lialty interviewi with the lMreeloi rroin 10 to 112,I tl. nI..I - u ill I.e lent on .ii'pin ..lion.

llARHETT INSTITUTE for yonng ladingI ) and imslli hlldren. ns Weal Milt it., cornel 7th ave..deceiving pupils: rejnilarcl, ... -..niel.tobel VI

VI ISS J. F.MOORE, 10t Wesl Isth-si.. re-IV | ,,|. ,,« hel III: -I'S I. !. li.'11 .I'l. lei ll 1.1 ll Sc IO'll S, -,t lill.Hon si ,.ii ul n v'"'d iiinl. lu

tflSS WAK KEN.71 West 47tli.«t.

Boyt. Kept. 271 girls. Sept. 'iv. Separate departments.

MOELLER INSTITUTE, No. 336 WeslittlUi-st round, d l-i'.n. Day school and kindergarten

for both toles. Boonllug aehiMil fur Imivi prepares foi collexeandbuaiuett. Keopeut Sept. 7. I'. « M u. ., In ,n.

MISSES LEEDS' Enjclisli and French ..-. un H.iv -cliool (or Vuiini.' I... '. s and Children, ill

I oat I2l Hi tl., reiijs ns Si pt iW, 1-- '¦.

\I1SS J. E. WREAKS1 BOARDING ANDiv! DAY Ht HOOT, for guK I I tor lillie hoi I als..KlMil.i;i.ii:ii '. iwclal i ni and Art.

No.959 MADISON At E.

CAUVEUR SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES,0 BC W .-st 37th it, Ni 0 % k.Circular malled on snptli allon.

Doily nd- 11;. .¦ v. iii. ti.e in m. i|.;u Hom lo tn

rr\\v run. natural1Method ul lust tomi.I.

i.AI ll.A lt 11 s SI IH.iil. ul I.A N'.i AOKS,t-'irj W lu,, i. 21 i...-t 1411. .»i., 11..-.-..-,privateli toons i cir ulan soot

nPIIK IIERLII / school OF LANGUAGES.1 Nea York (23 Weil S3d-at), Brooklyn t'l Gai

ale', nil olin iirlnclpal rlties, 1:. <"'i. /, .1 ns lupcrioi to all.ii iliuilai Inttltiitlons, I nexcelled a-lrontogea for esra-InC Oh V. r-Kl .'.Il 1..-H Ot tl.1l ll .- le le'l.-l-, t. -e .' . Il e .III-ly 1.,V(.Ital and pnvste Instruction Ui ladies and itentlemea

1 |U MADISON-AVE..Mrs. Roberta umlIIO Mlso Wolker*o Rngliob and Franck Day behool foe

\ .inn- ladlei ond lutic glria,^u iii i.M 1. ttady lor pu ju ls under ll.

Musical Instruction.i -NEW-YORK COLLEGE OE MUSIC1\» HAST "OTU-ST.

BON. A I... I. UM in H. HI LU VAN, lu¬ll I.NltV SEI.IOM AN, Vlei Pre*

1 ll l.tili'ilil. 1 llo.MAs, Mus. Jnr.c.,s.e. ., inn ll lin, Tr.-as.Foi fm tin Information address



The leading e< ii....l ol Music. Elocution, Dramatic Art.1 m. Iga ii.:'. -. DraaIns sad Painting, i n-r odraatagesequal lo ola ieoooao per wtok. Fcrpartlcalaroaddri

I. i BER1IARD, Pretld. nt


A "pc lally SChOOl fol the stiely of Von e, .Mlliiral Tliciiryi'i.lim mid orgoa.


Tlie dosses in Bclfeaglo, RlghtSinglng, otc will h.. bnoclunder Mr. Louis A. itn-seii nen Hedneodoy snd Koturdoymomingo ol ll o'clock, and Friday imho- ut T.o. Korti!Kradeaaf liaaen who wttli to perter! ihemielvet in aiulcrcaiiiug, s. nd for clrcularo and protneetni 'll Koot 14th »l

u. W. 01UUCKM miii ( n. uah i.kv, Utaeton,


JAMES \V. MOREY, A. M., loni;eily iiiMtruciorin I'oIvim linn Institute, opens his school for hortHept Tl

it lid nk'vv-vork-a\ i... Ircoklra Preporoi fer college,husiuess. or other schools. 1'iin. .il roms daily ti uni2:110 to :, j., m. .ii i.i.n s on application."'IMIE OKITTENDEN"

J. miMAUY SCHOOL ANIi KINDERGARTEN1 oft B'i'1'11 .- i:\i.s

tl '.'7 ii,, i." it, ot. Pineapple itMiss ii. m. w HEELER. Priat Ipal, fa (tai pool eight roars

hoe bees la charge cf cac of tho piimarv sspsrimuulo m Uml"^ikei (.oiieKaie lutlilute.

For Boys and Youns Moa.Country.

Alexander Institute, .Milit.uv boarding icbooJiWhite FlolOO, N \ rilli O. lt. M, A M.I ta I:

1 H.I is ACADEMY, Staniford, Conn.' A Hots' goeldllis School of tnt UglMSt BNUtU. lort)

UlaUi/001 li.'Kiiis snpt.-iin.. r 15.WM. J Hills M. A. (Yiilel. l'lliieijitl

BOTS and YODNQ MEN prlTttely Bttedtor(oil. Mt. ('oudllloiiol <>r le'vcled coadMOlCS cotclied

tuiuineror winter. V. HOFFMAN,Stockbridge, Moat,

liVY9 BOARDING BCHOOL. - ThoronjrhI'leparolloii for reliefa, ICtCntlfli or bUOlBCOl

(t#tilHfnL 1.'.. lor "li culm st i.plv Io ll. I. ll A Hit 1 Nu'luNa m., Frin.-ipai, Tkrogg'oNock, WootchootcrM T.

/Cornwall meium rs SCR0oL.-com-\J wall nn N. V. Hl|tli fioiind. drv times

phere, healthful and attractive suiroiiintliigs Num|ier limlied. .

OllKN t-Ollli, A. M.,li uicipaL




For Boys and Young Men.Country.OARDING st hool for bmre. 'ivrmsmod -

ernie: reference r||(t«lde. MHB. W. I'-. IlKAN, Nyaik.

COL. C. J. WRIGHT, of the IVokskiil Mili-t.irv Acadnnv. also renrc'cntlns the ('arura I.ake Mill

IslJ I wilson will ho at r,l Weat loth st., Kliiiilo'Jl on Tues-dtj-s and Wednesdays of 8ept<-mlier. afternoon and evening,and will bo Inippy lo meet In reference to placing buyiat either sch.h.I._a_iyi HOLBROOKS MILITARY SCHOOL,

PINO RINO, ir, v.Reopen! Wednesday evening, goptembcr, IS, Address

iuv. 0. A. lliil.BltdOK. Ph. D.

H. PINNERS FAMILY SCHOOL (or tenhoys. (Jr. eawV ii. ('..un. college or nosiness. Tberoagh

tea. linn! Possum nonie, li. ..ntifi'1 alni healthy lol atloh.

FELMWOOD SCHOOL FOR ROYS..At Mil-1 ford, conti. Parents who are uiifortunatetn the nunans-

ment of their sons will do well lo nrottt hy the advantage*Offered >.v tins s. hool. Address FRANK M. HOWK.IIupt

FREEHOLD issn HUE, Freehold, N. ,L-1 io: ti tn.rd Pi.-t.ire! hois am', voling men for anyrollrgoor for butlneoa Kai A. O J UAMBI KS, A. M.. Prig


llOAItDl.N'O M'lli.ld, KOlt Vdt'N'tt MEN AND FOYS.Opens Wedneeda?, HeptemberIS..

Addreaa, K. a. FAIRCHILD.

IjVur Boys accommodated in principeTg family;I.i.mi Fairfield Acodemj reopen! Sept. SW.

i ii nm wi.i,. a M., Prln.. Folrfleld, onn.

FRIENDS' SCHOOL Proridence, R. I..Nextloni booina scplcmberHL lt ism sgroeoblo hoc. WWI

Uiosiappiovci instill, tors ForcotolorneaddressAi'dt'si in i: JONI¦'..-. a. m., Principal.

/ <LE\ TOWER. Dobbs Ferrr, N.T..Pineal\t location on the II adoun. Number limited. Refcrcncd

i I.



I [EMPS'I EAD INSTITUTE,II ll I. Mi's I- ll', i.t i.N"'. IS' V\t> N. Y.

A thorough Kngiloh HoardingSchool roi Boro.".. Intermediate, 11 iitIkt Engllsb nnd commercial

euuroea, Twi ntv seventh \. .ircut il...-ii. s oeataa spplleatton. _

[ORLAND MILITARY ACADEMY.Won. st. I-. M is,, mst vi.,i beglnaHeul 'IS, 18801

c. it. Mi.Ti ALF,A, M. SuperintendentI BSLIE'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, Pomrhkeep-I j ito, N. Y. 37th rear. Prepare! for rdiegs or badnessSpecial attention to German. C pupili taken luto tlie family.

J. lt. i.Ksi.ik. M. a.. Principal.E. HOLLY! n..i.. ACADEMY FORBOYS.Send for ir. ular, naming this imper.

II. M. wALRADT, Yale. Prln.

VEWTON IB. JJ INSTITUTE.-Renotifui]II homelike, he.ililiv. high iTed fred. Yi.tinr' tmys a spec-lattv: primary Ea lian commercial, academic, college properatorv. tnnsir, art; trvintiasinin. physical development: hui nnd cold water extensive (.-rounds. rnllliK depart-ii nt, j.oiiii-s and pol donki vs.

.... __, ,

J. Vi Ii.siiN. a. M.. Prinrlpat

MITCHELL'S ROYS? SCHOOL, BRIencaki'l MooSh 18 miloo from Boston and Smiles fruin lowed,nu the Booina sad Lowell Rsllrosit i Mrictivselcrl fi.'1 lysch.«.I tor hoi! from 7 lolS ne IiisIts: tall term commeucoslath Se pt. 'mtier bend lor clrental io

M. c. MITCHELL, A. M.. Principal.



r Tt. teii .1 additions sad tmproremeatsiost completed leavei otlnir- m itititn; Io pioinoii: lu ..Uh, lulu (ol t and InlelllKeuti" recs in

l iii) hith yent bogus Bepteosbcf \c,.1. ROWE ALLEN, A. M.. Prtnrlpat._

MT. PLEASANT SCHOOL for Boya, Am-i'l herat. Moo* F.atolillahed m Ism. Bora titted foreollogeoi baolneo* Location nniunaiaoed, Address

WILLIAM K nash. A. M.. Principal.


SITUATION ( hmm INDINO, QROUNDS BXTKN8IVB.Building! new, ipactoaa and costly Ughtol hy electricity,

heated hv iteora nirnlohod alth purest spniK water.A MILITARY 1'OLLKOK CIVIL RNOINKEKINO AND

(ll KM Isl KY. CLASSICS ANIi K.MlLIhh.M.I.Lil) Deportment I., omi univ to Hut ot West Point

ULON KL ll liu'iiiUK HYATT, Preeldent

ROCKLAND COLLEGE.NYAOK-ON-THEHUDSON..Preparatory md hiistnrM« for gentlemen;

rrodnstlns ooarso tor ladies twelve teachers- Kilter utany tune. Bend tor catalogue

W.H. liANIsl nu, A. M., Principal.DEV. A. G. sn ka us. m. D. rounder of theIl tint home w fiiiiii, oiii isa rare chant e in bu (amity, Now.Maren, c..un., for tho beat training ola few yoong hoys in

health, lin.lair-, ls hi ,1 hook--. Itel. ni.. s.

RECTORY RCH00I7" Hamden^ Conn..ForHov* ISM to JUJU. Momo Influences. KxlOOliTO

groood* KTmnaslum. etc. AddressKel ll. I.. KVEREST, M. A., Hector.

UilORTLIDGE Media Academy..$1281 » ii u i. i Iv for leys: .students iidmit te.l and eloaoUled Ol..nv inn" lice! instruction, he«t core, bell tobie sinple or

double i.hiiiis, heated bj -tenn.. One college preparatory. Knir-litti bnttnewo and enjriiit-ertno courts* swithin c.slluli'l I.lin,K, A. lt. A A M., illanai'di Melia, penn.



Hi-, cr st., I.i w. on .'tl. ilt'i sis., 11 ol...ken. N. I.,OI'IIXS sl.l'I'I.M Illili 18. leno.

K ia ii il nut Inns for.i.lin i-sion iii Hie 1.. til and Iii ti of BcptcmbCI1 I 1.1. inl RSM ul sltlii PREPARATORY IO

sci n. is OF BCIKNCE AND <i>l l.l-.ui'.sjimmi: DEPARTMENT, *Ti PER ANNC.M.H.Muli DEPARTMENT, glMJ VBU ANNI M.

Thone ti rmi lm Indi all the ita Iles1 er at.11" moo apply lo the librarian or aterens Institute.

rrilK CEDARS..A li.iitnliits scIkki! lor I ki vi,1 llaveratrair, N. Y. Reopens September lil. Number

I. A lin ,sW. c. READIO A M.,

'Tu GUARDl \NS.-A homo in a Kentlenia"n-» 1,-aeher'i family in Cnimecticnt; Instroeilnn,

it. lein,.., »,*.i ii i; rare opportunity. Addi estnil..-.

'IMIE ROBBINS SCHOOL; Noifolk, Conn.1 a rt..vs' Boanltnc ind Day Hchoot

inline ute w it'i thorough Initrucllon. location eiernte,!amiliciillhllll. Ad Hi v. J. W. Ul.At ll.

PrincipoLFor Younq: Laite3.Cauatry.

\ HOME anti SCHOOL l<n- Youhr laadiea and1\ Children at Elmwood Hall lloubun

M I-- A I AW ION, Pi in.

OOARDING school for mrla. apven toI ' lo'itteiti. 7th vcr limited niiiiil.or-lenna modsrsto. Adiucss MIHtij ikai imann,

4,301 w .limn st.. Weet Philadelphia.

MISS Bl LKLEY'S SoardingandOav SchooltorOirlsi ai ryi.nvi: mi lin Nun. Recpeni Kept, liti

I jiiMF, COLLEGIATE INsTITirK. Mem-I I ebon, N. J. Hoard md tuiliou. Including mnitc, $60 perquart, r. foll term *-. plemliel B,

I in.ME i.n.s'i i itu;, TakRYTovvn, n v.-1 I Hoarding and day tchool fm i.l- in.ii.s ond littleI I,- Ki opens s, i.t, iubei lu. Mist M. W. Heh alf, ii

I AKEWOOD, N. J.." Tiii'ii.iks," a |,n inn i.1 .i lory iel.i on I..iinji bullea ind rhlldren. laniKUnundi ri.. -,.. lal "ii -¦ '"I involid rh itpernonning!. ot u. ulara addrett Ml . I a KUI NUTON.

fkREAD INSTITUTE for YOUNG WOMEN.9 i.nii.ieii isl-...i ipens Heptemlier ld Threecouroea..

l'H|iat jI.ii v. -e v " ii ". ni I.i'u! il Artr mm oilegePreparatory, special courtet, including tlocntton ind Do.m. st,. \n- beti aii-i Lecturer! lecnretL Carefultia.linn.-ol :'|ii.iiii'.-.-ii'.s. Kor.'il. ad lissi A. V- WINS¬LOW, A. M.. i'i in.ipal, Worcester. Ma-.,.

HpUE ELMS," Sprlmrtlelil, \lnaa,.Family,1 Doy and Mutie '¦ci,mi for oiric. Primary, Acs

Classical and Pot! .i ..In it. ... n -.-!.Mitti c.- Puk i.i. ... .i \ M I'.n EV, Principal*

npEMPLK GROVE Ladies' Seminary.Sarato tn1 aprtnga,N. Y. Kriruiai. nin-.- nclt lot denoan. Ki

tad Latin without eura charge. L'haa 9 Dowd, A. M., Pre*''IMIE MISnES ANARLR'SA l-.Ni.f.i-ff. FRRNCU AND ORRVAN

1.' i HOINU AND I' iv Mllool,Will i. o| n -¦ ;.:. im Tl

Ki u.ii aid -t.. n.h Bruntwick, N. J._'-IMMNI'IY HALL.1 Beverly, NewJoiocy..Thorough home ocbed for^irl!

roiled Mleontagco of tho hlcheot order oottd culture bortlaagnagoo and [ha elastics college cooroo; nineteenthreal becinoseptemhei lil ioi rirrularaaddreoo

M >» UM ll 1.1 I. <illil.ii.Ns. HUNT, I'r.i.

Wll KA I ON FEMALE SEMINARY¦rill commence ile Slid yeal --ej.t.i..-i ll Pinn Library

Lthoralory, Obeervatorj and Cobinet* rborough mali nithill. lil -t of Hollie lllllliel.ccv Seli.t 1, ,1 11 ll .^1 '..

Miss a. Y 81 ANTON, lilli ni.Ni.lion, MOO*

.JQTII VEAK.-LYNDON HALL. PonrtT-*tt~ keep-!.. N. Y._ A hlcli( lass schcol fm yonre ladies.niitsir. drawiiie, ].atntinir, lanmaoes ami I nrlitli branchalIboronghlr taiuht, alth hill rogani tn nie tt pt ally importantmalters uf honi6 . ure and iraiiun^. A.I.Ires*

bA.MLKL \S Kl.l.s BUCK,A. UL, PnutipaL

For Both Sexes.Country.\.CIRCULARS of achoo!*, both atixo.^, citj

. aud otintiy, with careful advice to parent!.K M. > 'i\ I'.ll.ilK, ,11 1 alt lTth-st. NextSypher's.

4 FRIENDS' BOARDING SCHOOL, for both1\ seiee. ai$Jj". per Hill econtry, 13 ¦Um (ronNew-York ;9 lunn >-iii< sn,^ ICeerythlog modern. Now(1080) l.ulld.iiit eaooll beet Address ClIAl'PAtlL'AMOUNTAIN INHTITUTK. Chappaqoo, N. Y.

pHfLDREN'S HOME BOARDINOSUHOOL.J Poooded 1856. One hour trom city. $15o i.ei year,

Old Bridget Mea lor* y km UONOVKR. Prluclpol

jtfOUNT BEACON ACADEMY..Able in-iv| Krnctcr* lteantitui nnd cemfortobto home. AddreooPniiclpa;, J. PHKD8M1 ll. A. M.. lislikill on Hmlsou. N. V


SHORTHAND WRITINGTAUGHT FREE.-ity mail, new and eoay method ni. chance; oood roar

nome and addreoo at oaee to J, ''¦ Ok rPEV, Prim Ipal, Ur ki .-.te< IomiI .ii United stat. «, lil church st Nen llaveu, (John.


MESDEMOISELLES LACORNE'S 8ELECTsclluiil, i'.iK Vul'N'ii I.AHll.s, b line p.iaid.

Neiiiiiy nih s, ni,-. Pori* ffumber of pupils limited, instelooo prefeooor* Mig)'Hie -clio..I ii. situated lu Uie must healthy pal t ut ParlA, near

thc Bom do Uoiiio/ne.I u. niara may boobtotaedol Putimin's hook alora.

DifOomuMng.IhKEsSMAKKli \vt>iics a few more enjpige-'


\KE>S.N." t low custom. ¦« at her hom* nuder,tauts Kine h tyt

rai: or oddroot mi Kui illili i:.. 3d b. ll.

I DRESSMAKER. -Ry a Hrat-clafti dreumftkerU ii, nf eulliOg am. droping timi. hlldren t eiullieo.

Mi* « Si lt.i I0i Adrertloomonl tifDoo. 68i Id-qTC,

PIRST-CLASS DKI.srtMAKEU trisbeamoreA cuitomrrt ipeeloltv, gao work tenn per div, 9'J liAiidrMo, Alli.ul' an. Tahune I pto» ii (uh,.-. l.'tsa UtooAm*at.

A QCALI ElED TEACHER nf I'hrstail Cult"ure. graduate of Wellesley College and nf Hr. Har

gent's Normal Ii aluin* School, (iiinl.ridge, mtv tie tddrrtsedIn .sn of Mit ll llKl.liEN. National Park Hank, Now York.

AN 'Uti mdflttta of Mcdill [Jnivrrnitv,MontreoCsnd (told medalist for general jirotlrlency i'l*

tlret tutoring. Address decretory Young Men's t liil.-Uai.Aooociotloa, .''2 I-ait '.'.'td lt.. New York._A -REST TEACHERS. Tutors sud Oornrn-.^\» esses supplied without.har<e I KAI'II KR.Hreenteredfret. ManyTooonclo* Kunu for stamp, ft. K. AVKHY,

_Ann't I'an Sch...I Unrein.'.' West N. y.

A VI8ITINU TEACHER charm $'2f> aj\ goortei f. roi.e session a wuk. Thc session cueists nflour Mar* two of which are deleted to history. Illerolure andmathematica, caa to a laagaaga (Preach. Oenaaa or i-attn).ind one tomuslc. A friend may share tin- sessions, unusualprogress jua ranter.! to faithful students, liefer* to yu .eui

and former pupils. AddressMiss h. M. MONK, IU Lafayette.av.. Ilronklyn. N. V.

1MEHICAN AND EnEEIfiN 'lEACHEKS'J\ AGENCY supplies Professors, fee thara. Tutor*, Hat-ernesses. etc. to Collegee. Ot linois and Kamllle* Apply to

_Ml'.s. Ml. Yul.'NU I TI.I'iN i.i Inion >.luar«._

A PACKER icrsdasto of oine years' expert*en. >' in one place wants a position ie covet 000*

Addreoo P.,Sol ,. 1 rlbnni OIBce

\YALE GRADUATE wishea private pupils)preparation for college i ¦]. fluty olgbi st testimonials

and Ity n-I ere n. es Addict VALE, lim 10, ii lim ne (uti. e.

CORERMERHORN'STeachers' Agency.-Old-Oi ll and Lest known iii the I'nltol states I'stal.lishe 1 186S

¦I W Si !li:r,Mh:IUHiHN,t('U., 7 Last lilli -st.. N. V.

rpEACHERR WANTED.-Ladles: German,1 Latin, Knglllb .iud iinisie Oermon, Algebra, Kngllob

ami muse olloge rroduate foi ,ty school ..rn.-Il graduatef,.i ity <i in. ¦: i.-hi b, native Oermon, mu-., drawing Engllth, inti' li and n.usic. Fi en. li nurserygorerness, i.. iitlemen: Hupeil.u profi moi o luis... i..i Iorgo

rv liberal, Interview Immediately Oerman,Latin I.null I. and music, fol foul 1) cla.s tinging foi c tyachoo!. Apply tu HRS. II. J. YOI JO-FI LTON, Amoncoaond Koreign reacher* igom y, is sion Squat*

\\'ANTED IMMEDIATELY. -KinrlWi goT-rv ei ness with music i inpeiior profeoaor*, goomesses matron* lecrolariet lupplli d oil m.Hiern language!spoken at this ortlco. tlEH»E,

U'oman's EXCHANGE TEACHERS' RD-REAU iforhntti lexes), supplies professors. Teacher*

Governetse* Mu-" iain. Ilouiekeepera, Companion* el tas. famtllee olio Bookkeeper* stenogra¬

ph, rt and op) <-*>¦ to builnest linns.KKK A. 1). ( t IA il. <'.".< .Ith-iive.. New York City.

7AN TED..A North German lady to teacEn a prlvoti s.h,mi for girls in New. Yoi k. Address

Tribune Uptown Office, 1.23H llrood way,

YrOUNO LADY would like few pupils in tlieKngltnh In.m. I.." or music sp.-.,al attention paid to

tomigchildren and beginner* Addreaa BEST Kl.KER-m -, Tnbano

\rALE graduate of experience wishes privatepupil-., tin ii.null Inotructlon. Iddreio

W. A.. Box Ul. Tribune (itllco.


i D VE Kris' KM EATS EOE THE NEW-1\ VOKK I'l'.lll Ni: WILL UK RECEIVSO AT TIIKUPTOWN (H-'i-'H Es, No. 1,238 Broadway, coner ThirtyArti -t.. until li p. m..'.'.'.: iii'mhciy, between Twenty-oecondend Tweiity.thinl at*, until H p. m.. nos Wool Twenty-third-i-f., "i lot I lightb .i^ ¦.. S3 l-'oi.i-th.ave COI mr I'..urti .-nth st.,".in I lnul a: e.. m.mer I w tv -. \ etd li -t.. L007 Tlurdave..pool Hlitletli-it., ond the il aki.k.M >KL UK. 267 i ant one-hundred ami went? tilth st., "J.iilMI Third ave., corii.-r Onehunlie.l and tn. i.ij tilth si., up to lt p. m. ul leguiar olino

Steamboats unb Railroads.DAY LINE1> TO OLD POINT COMFORT, Norfolk. Vn., and South.i,. av.- va p. nu. lt. it. i no ji. iii. Parlor caro to Baltimore,theme Palace steamer* arriving itt cid Point SIS a. m.,Norfolk tia. tu. ll. V. TOMPKINS, Oen'l Pom, Agent,

_310 Broadway, N Y.

MEW-HAVEN STEAMBOAT CO.'S STEAM-il BRS C. ll. NORTHAM ANH CONTINENTAL, leavaPeck slip. Pier No. 211 Y. lt., at I p. rn and 11 p. ni. (Muidartexcepted), connecting al New Haven will: Hpeclal train* forMERIDEN. HA RTKORO, BPRINGFIELD, HOLYOKE,.tc. Ticketa told end be«gage checked et Md Broadway, N.Y., and I Coiiitst., Dioaklyn. Excursion to New-llaveu andreturn, $1 io.

POPULAR 8H0KE LINE for Boston, Provi-I dence. Newport and all New-England Points. All ralltrom Ornoo Central Depot. BipreM train! .h.ily (Suod*yiexcepted) at na. m., S! p. in, iparloi ai - ..ita. lied amt ll,(with palaceilecplng eon), Munday tralnt 10 * m., with pal¬ace parlor COT* ll p. m. with pula..-sleeping cir*

,,i Nen pm take SI mi p. m H..-sion Ex oreti with parlor.ars. i.tot ts al A uk mid fol N'. trporl an ivmg at 7.5' I p. tn

pONDnrr. KINGSTON AND OATS-II kill MOUNTAINS landtag rn Cranotoa'i (WestPoint), Cornwall, Newham, Karlboro, Milton, Poughkeepeliand Kaopn* connecting with Lister and Delaware, st,,nyClove and Citskill Mountain and Koaterakltl Railroad*steamers cl IV OY KINGSTON and JAMES W, IIAI.I).WIN leave every week dav at 4 p. m., piei loot ot Harri«..n st., oseopl "s.itiir.l iv», when CITY uf EINOSTON(iiv.-s at 1 p. m.. ulakine ali landing*_

NEW-YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSONll RIVER RAILROAD..Commencing June il, 1880through tralnt wdi leave drawl central Repot18* m.. Rochetter Ksnreo* througb drawing-room corin

Albany, Prov. .Montreal, Svrncuie ml Rooheotor."...".ni, m., "I he Limited," Kith (tining can. ttopping at

I'tloa, fcyi-acuae, Rochetter, Bul '. ra Poll*ie, len land omi Toledo, trnvn.g at (lu. ago U:60 o. m. and

Kt OH i I 40 1'- m. next.Uv.lo .lu a- ill- Chicago Kn.ress, .Iri.v.n.-r io il cars to Can

ninl..lana, Rochetter un I Itud'alaill 30 a. m.. Western (roW-VcCk mt Northam Kiproil,

With .Uawmi; OM s.

n m. m.. Am.un*. Croy. Raratogn aad (Ttloa Kzproo* withdrawing.nand BnlTetcortto [roy iud Saratov*

.4 p. in \. mutllodatlOU to A, ant 1 roy

.6 ii. m.. in. a .nan -it '.oms ipreta, with ileeplng-carif.-r Ni, udale, cm. inn.iii, Toledo, Detroit, Chi¬cago ind M. imus. I inni...cai New york lo Albany,

''.. m., Montreal Exprcat with tleeping-cart toiiyracuooand to A illili ii road, and lo Saratog* also to Montreal.

ii., oi Ito linter oi \ through bleeping car.c.. l'.n, m.. Piicltii Kipree* with Meaning-car* for undies.

ler. Bu Halo, N lagani Pall* cleveland. Toledo, Detroit omiI ito. sleepiug-coi't to cianon ana Ogdentbnrg daily ex-

pl -..lllldilf.ll.lo i. io. Night l\|i.s.. withtleeptng-cnri tn lll.miv

and I'rov fonneett with th" morning tnunaior thu Mestamt lor the North [eleeul m.t.i* night).'lukeis on tole ni «.land Central Depot, No. 7 Battery

Pla.'.-, -il- meadway, Harlem Depot, 1-. 11..-T. ond itt,ave.,.¦m.I ai Weatcvtt't 1 xi uss eft s, Park place (neal Broad¬way), Ts'iaiid MS! Broadway and '.¦-' Weil I'JBth-tt, Neayork. .183 Wnehlngtou omi Tdd Pultonolo, Brooklyn, and71)IUl-tt, ll llllainsliiu-u'.

.'... oinnioiiaii..iis in .ira" Ing-room ni ileep ng-can con boprocured al any ol tho llckei '.in. ism New-York City, aud.; ii, Brooklyn,

, :. .¦ tm gi d 1,ci ked from real lenee.Theta Hams run ian v. Alioth! ll daily cxei pl Sunday.i'l io s- tralnt itop ai ii at km iliW-ot and lili-ave.)J. M. TOUCEY, l>. M. KENDRICK,UCncral Hupertntendent General I'aeaeujfei Agent

\v EST SHORE KAIKKOAD.1 nins leave Wtei i-jii.-t. Motion aa follows, aad -0 mm-

iii.s rerllei Hom loni ol North RiveiDi ito.i 1.1,1:1 lui0| 0, : : 1 a. li ., '( ic, 'billin, tn.St. OH.s, "I ll, 'tl Kip. 1,1.i.e'-aio. i.ii.i tu 1, si.s, enilon Dridce, Niagara Palls, -n 10

".' u, m.. -i 1 11, -s iii p. m.nco md >\ in ns.. :t m. ",imia. m., -r un, >8:10p, m.

Highland. Kingston* ci ic :. Aiianv, -:i:iO"7 In. -.. .m. ilj.a nu lilli, 'ii no. 'N lu p. m.

Cruutton'* Weal Point Cornwall, Newburg .Hilo. »7:lo,'!'. .". 'lui... 1 '.'.". n. m.. 4 lo, *8;10p. m., awl -u.HU p. ul.1 i.n,-'.ii. -.. nrua ill, N. w inn jr.Ioi Mnun. al omi onad , i.-i-i C:00p. tn.Hamilton, London. .!» :;o.l m.. -Om", ->:10 p.m. Toronto.

',' m., '. "- Inti. ni.I. .'int ileep u: ..irs for B Salo, Niagara Pall* Dat op,

.In mo amt si. 1 .mt oneil ihr uni tw n*.Dolly uti,.1 trains nady except Munday,1 ni 1. ... ts. Iine-talile* parlor Ol ileeplnii cir nc. omuioda-

tiona or inionnation. apply alolBcci 1;.klyn, 33a Hath-incton-Mt.; 73(1 nit, .11 -t. tl let oi ullin, st.New.York citv, Mt3. "M. M2 Broadway. lt,S\ Bowery, andWelt Shun' ntutlon* foot ot Mest t'.'.i -t.. loot m .1,11 -st., N K.

JII.N 111 VuMl I,DVoeilerbilt-or* tieneroi Pattcn^er Agent


(Doily Kl pl >-,i:id.iy).eave Brooklyn, Kui (i,y a uuexi. "* m.

N. « York, veotij it. Pier.B:40o.otWeat Si2d-et Plei promptli nt . Ba. AHmnj landing at Nvock and rorrylown (bj ferry),

Mest point, Newbury Poiighkeepal* Ithluebeuk, "catskillmd 11 ''.ii,iteiirniii: earn Albany ot 8:30 a. m.'. "' I -un willi N \ cut. ,t II. lt. K. It. for

Ctn a, u.1.1... Niagara Palls and the WeatLast ti I,,,,; th.-,11 norn New Yolk Oct 1 .">, from Albany

". t. 18.


., ,,,'""' "i l-li-l ct V-l., NOll'l ll RIVER."ME I Alli.l-l akim, EFFECT U( I.I 1884

Io) lu I I.A I.Kl.I'll IA .nd TRENTON, "Bound Hooki"»nte, at (lld. 7:l.\'i-.hl, ll mil. m. lil linn, 4 IP'.. Val.<:J". .Ju.) ,,. ui. MONDAY^ I.ihi. tekit. m.. 6iBO,l'lA)o

lin., t oiine. tiou at Mavno Junction for Oermatitown iii'. ltnut ll.ll. ,.t ('* tor li.iuayuiit. t'otitho-

hocton and Not lotowu.UltAW iNoitooiicAltUonaUDar rralni .ni HLBIFINacap.-- on Wight min*

Hemming leave PHILADELPHIA, Ninth tnt Oreen st*7 SO, -,.\n., m. 11 <», u ..,! r,, ii,. VI 1. .: IV 12:00.1 nt

HL'MIA] -i.itla. m.,'. in |'A-00p m.. Hurd and Iterkntiat 1 lo, 1.1. s '.'(I 'iiinl. lo.Ul ,. :n.. 1:1).), .( 5 20 >i iMIp, m. tin N LAY s ].-,,. ,, I SOo, m.

for LOCKHAVEN, PKU.i: iii I PHI Lil PSHU Itu. lVnn", 1 .. 1:311 1. in.

For WILLIAM'S!', ill l'. RUNBORY LKWIBBURa andMAI1AMI\ (111 017:40.8:300. nv Ht.'i, 4. ,.

tor REA DINO and HAKIUMU 1:11 at 4 OQ TM Bi3dII 00* m.,, i.jn. nm, ,*,.i,v jj 00 n.'iu. Si'iinlayiB III, I'l IH)!,. iii.

lui M KAN 11 IN at 7:.K». s ;|i) A m 8:43 a m.For WILE EBBAKKK ond PITTSTON at 7'H. iJ.) ^ n,1:00, MU), 8:46, 0 4,"i p. m. Mm.lav at b.AOp. in.

For DltliTON al 7.(Kia. m., 3i48 |i. m.

ForTAMAQOA at 7.00. 74 i. MtN*. m.. Mia XIS, 4.dd, Up. m. Kuudaj s l'J uu p. m.

Ioi lull lil.1.Hi.M. AI.I.I..N HiU N ,,n MAL'CIl CHUNKal t mi, i.OO, S.JO a. m., 1.00, l.SO, 3.45. j.lj p. Ui. teuu.l ,yjal .'¦ .¦') li. III.

lol KA.ii'JN al 4.UO, 7 (Kl. k;!0 x m.f in,,. ].:{o T 4S, «014.10, j;*j, TOO, ..di,|.. 111. Mindai < 4 (Mia. m.. 6:30 n, OV,

iuillli'll I.lill^Kl. llKANcii tl4:00. s JOa. m., 4 00, t.SOU. Ul. Mllelal ,s t.OOX 111.ForFbKMlNUTUN 7 tx), h.3() o. m., 1:00, l.SO, 4:00. 4:30.

i-.oO. 6:300. iii. l-uuda)« 4:110 p. tu.ForOOMEKVlLLE .1 1:1X1 Kim, 7 no. B:Sa IOU, llooa. m., lino, l-lo, 11:30, Ai. lino, 4:lHi, i 00. i Ml, Hi (J 00hil". Tnni, ",..iU, f;U, ili-bO p. m. Minduji 4 00, h 45'a. iu'1:011 4110, .'..o, biOOK m.

Im PLAIN 1 ll 1.1. 4 un ll'O, 70(1, 7 '.10 15lltin.L in, 1 ic, I.. '.'.,,( A.. o, .> 4... 4 nu. 4.JU, i.ill). i lj(., Li, 1 MO, L.SO, , UO, 7.J0, *il&. li od, lu all Vi iKIn ia

buii'laya 4:ii0, 6.46 a. in, l'i.OO m.. l.Ju, 4.0(i, 6.J1), 0 JOli ni, I'tdklp. in.

tor PERTH AMBOY mi 4:00. u 00. S:lj, 1 lim. 11 45 ». ni.1.hi. inn, lin, ....tu, Hilo pi m. Mu.,liv, 4.1.1).'.. un a. ni


lol LON'. PLANCH. OCEAN t-KoVi., 4c. (All rall, at4 I". -1 I., ll ima. m., l.OU, 4.0U, 4:.ill. (Iii p ,1L MuudaTIlaSCOOl I mali l.l ultu al u:nu a. m.


Foi FREEHOLD « 1.1, lin Ja. m.., 4:30, d30n iii

Foi LAKEWOOD, ioMs UIVER, BAKNEOAT atlOO.Bilba, m.. 1-iHi, 4 30u. m.

lor ATLANTIC CITY, V'INEL ISU aud lliliUOEl'ON it4 t'U.i. m.. 1 00f, nu SOUTHERN DIVISION.1 nun Pu r Nu. H, Nortli Uiver, via Sandy Hook,

lor ll lo ll l.A.N Lui, bLAliltlUHl. I.ONU UKANl ll 4 001.. iii.vlu kell (un bonrororod at toot ot t.itiertv tu Pier Xn (,

Noun liner, Vi, '.tl, IM*7, 4'.'1. l»44, l,14oand I,.i.'.l ltroa.1-Way, 06'J. '..'. ..lui '.4'.'(di, ale ) KlVlngUiU-Ot, III 12, loaulll.lOicenwiili-tl., 14t,, 17t. l'J6lli ol. 163<| BCWOR, 114COUOi-OL, ai.11 I .11 Hal Ind, ll ll. Nen \.,i» illy lu lliooli.Ivnat No. IIouiI-bL, 107 I.roadway hon, Min I-ult. ti st. '.'in,371' In UobokooToM Waaliuigloii «U New.Yuri llaunlri ( 1.nipan) « 1.1 call tor and clio, k hatiagt dumLolrliol li "Ulein e louciUhtUou.j. 1. WOOlTKM. C 11 BANCO! K,Ueu»ral Xiaiiat-rr. Urn. Pata ,.....' Agt.U. P. UALLW1M, U. ki. P. Agu. ll'J Lihcrt)' lt., M. R

Steamboats an5 Hailroaob.

ALBANY DAY LINE BELLthri.ngh tl< keit to til iminta vie

_HUDSON ll Vhll and NI Al A HA KAMA

\I.Ii furro ri'iliici'il..Stotiinct/m l.inp. Thefavorite Int'.d, Route for HoMe Pm, Men, e, nnd ail

N»w Rng'and |>oltiti>.Plrat-cUea lora, tt lo BOHTON. us Si ta I'n'iviDKNcr,

Pint, tigers vt Hilt Hue ctn hove o full nlvhft rail hy laking"it, t. m. eiprete train from tf<oineri' loadiog tor Providenceo: loton

Ile. lln'ng rhtlr ntrtor c»r« l»t*f. n ofeamcrC landing and¦ooloo SS ilHUI T IM ROIElegant ti.amer« RHUM (ULAND ind WAM«Ai III'.

Bl list will leave :.:.-! oew No :¦: \ .1 th Itlvei, one hloekii il it., et .'. o ui daile 1 \ . pt nundora

Y. W. POPPLE, (.eu I Paatougrylg 1. Il.n 3.011. New York.

REDUCTION OF FAIN VIA NORWICHUM the Pug. dar ll v..le Pout. '!,, lt...ton. OS;

Worneoter IJ .Vi 1 orreaponding rednctloo t,. all iMtin'o.»"( .¦. of Wort-eater" and 1 if r of New York "

km. I1 win ..'.1 1 in I,, r North River, '<h.i of Wtttt tt[neil pier above Deobi.10 Parry do \ except loondav. tk

bp m 1. iv. li KA liv, Agent^

PAT8KILL KVKMV, LINE.V> For Caltklll. M te toodla*!Roou leave dally (Handafi excepted) frcoa Ptof 9$, muAtA

lav lt, ul 8 p mv s ut: -INLY Ml i"i: t ut

ALBANY BOATS. "PtwntWs Ltakff\ un EV, and MAN RICHMONDLeavo Pier ll N. R^ foot I OM of., .lailv (Soiutayi excepted!

tu. p. m.( omi.cling tl Alhaiii fm ttl |x. t. North and Weet

4 -TROY HOATS-CI ll/.KNS' I.INK-Kor1\ t itov and Hi.-Nem.. Troy K\.11.-ni VS MB, TkkVj.oBerapt Holuntay, foot of ChrUtoi.hci «t 1: p 111 -m..'ai .learnerlouche* al Albany h teamer KAATEKHKII.L cow ruiui.iigin place ot th,.

|?ALL IMVKK LINE.PARRS REDUCED..I ttawum.US Won poi t BO Poll 1: 09 K.r«t-ri»aelimited ticket! 1 "t t. -opoin linc rennelInn lo .11 Kaarrupoint! Me, 11 .1- Pl I i.IMM a -id Kl: I-I ul loavo Now -Yorkon alternate dari Bimdayi i p.ia from 1N P.. font of Murray tl Connerthio Ma lnoel Bool fro:aBrooklyn 4:30 p m.. Jerteydty. 4 p tn

LONI! 11 \ I ll ROU I 9. l-l Ll NIORTB S9.UTPit morotai train- to lt..-'. I u,- -11 iii i.

ute* An o ehent'O no ench -te ni r Tl" ki ll and it..'- «

may bo to, and at ail principal 'i..'.:. trantler aad ticketoh. et. at the ofli. c on Pi. r'.> md.trimer!

01 ..ii. ..Won.BORDKN A LOVELL, Agonta, Paco t.-.-if.

NORTHERN RAILROAD OF Trama leave from ( tianiben «t ntattoa foi 1-nelcwoo.LTewiflv. Mooter. «parklll and Ni ad Kl 7 30 '(n ,9 .'tn am!11:30a.m.. 1:15. 0:90, 4.-00.4:60. 5:911 1*40 I '.", N oo. lu l'J.(Ni midnight. Kiindtyt 7 .id. I) .lu a m., 4 <Ni amt e iK»|i. ni.For Nanuet. Hprtng Vtltov Monoer and Tal ma il PX

7 Hu. '.'IfO a. m., 4:50, BstO, 8:0O p. tu nun.'a., 1 '.» lin I, m.. 8 Oxip. m.


PRIE RAILWAY, now known ;.« Rm NEW-II YORK, LAKE BRIR ANDWP.KTKRN railroad.Through train- leave ..'dd tt. and ( lu el lt, Mallum allame hour, loco! trolOO leovo 3Sd-lt HU tif'cen nuiiuteoearlier than from Chamlion-at.

I o. m..Doily except siiiidav. Dav Krpreee. Pullet Prow*Iiil'riHiin Ci. I, et te Rliietiamtnii. I lin ra. Hm iielievtllo.Bulla lo. sleeping ( oa.he* HornellOi illa lo I'h.natl

C p. m..Doily. "(Iii. aro and st. Lou o Kipreaa." otoll.I Piilliiiiin train of Dav and Pullet J oacheo.No extra charge fer fiat time. Arm-" Me.,.lull,-. 7:15 a. nij( lei eland, 10:50 a. m.: Mn. mnatl. Il I- t- m « Imago. OMp. m., aad st Lonle. 7:25 tbs arcond won nc

7p m. -liailv. "Iluiraloanl Niagara Fall* I ;<l." ainvlngRocbOator. 6:90 o. m Buffalo, .on a m. frnapenelon Bridgy7 i'i a. m. I ho moat popular night tram liei«oen ,N<w Yorkand Hoffa h.

Dp, m. .liailv. fhlraro Eipreo*. Pullman ami par "-deeping(oa. ie, ti, Binghamton, Elmira. Iluffalo, Niagara Kalli. 1 lu-cinnatl and Chicai'o. _ _ _.. mm

Rutherford nnd Pantile. 4:41 5 15. 7:30, 1:St\ li 30, 10?0t in Vino noon. 1 ti. 8 OP 8:60. 4 4i>. 5:1ft 5 IO, 5 M), 6 10,0 Sft 7:15 7:45, H Ito, in min. m.. Vi 00 sun.lava,6:4ft. 8:3ft 10-200. m.. 1:45. 4 15 1 SO, " ti I VS, lo nop. m.,

Potortoo. 4:49. 6:46, 7:30,760.0 50 10:30 tm.. 12 00 noen,1 IS 3 (ni, 3:ift 4:4ft 6:00, 6 lo 6 Mt, IS 5ft I IO, (1 30 7 1"«.7 40. M.M 1,1 ..ii p. m.. 12:00 un might Sun lav». 64j,USO. Uno a, m.. 143. I I*. BM, 7 4.*. '.uni Ul Ml iw nu,12 uni.ii.InirM

Newark and Palcroon, via Nework, 6:50. « 00. ti 30 loon,ll 30o. rn 3 no a '-'(> -o. 4 20, I Mi. 5 20, .', SO, ii 3ft 7 Mt,'.nw Kiniinni and 12-00 midnight Wedneeda* indarand Honidoy nlghttouly. hunnart, Ville, m.. s.20. ti.SH,

Suffern IA'. Il I'. 7 .'.0, ono, 10:20a. m. 1 15, 3 30, 3 in, 8 00,f. 'u .: IO 7 I'i 7 45, t.'So. 10:30 n. m.. on 1 12 Od rridnlghtSnndavt, 6:4ft, kitti 1020 a. m.. 1:4.') 4 IA, I 30. 9.00,10-90 p rn and 12 on midnight.

Warwick 4:*5, ti:00. 10:200. m.. 430 p. in. Sundeyt, < :45a. m

Monticello and White Lake OiOOo. m. 3 30 p. m.. Bundayo,New nura ond Cornwall 7 50. Oona. m.. 3 .to. 1.10,5:30, k.00and 7 00 p tn BundayO. 8:H0 .1 m.. 00, 7 im n. 10.

Mon'L'nmory. Hnndont amt Kingston ll;,, lc00 a. m.. 3:30p. in. Mindavt. H Hu a m.

Hrranton. tiuiin m-e. R ini a. m.. Sj10p. ni evcepr ^undara.Iiooheu 4 45. 5 45, 7:6(1. P OD. HI 'JU a. rn 1 Sft S 5ft 4:3U, 7 Oft7 4V t'lUU |>. m. Kundaya. 5-45, h.30. 10:20 k. Ul, 0 SH,7 00, illili p. m.

Middletown 4 45. 5 45. 7:60. <-00. 10:200. Ol., 3-ltO 4 3n. IMLIii tl on i> ia -^uiidavo. 5:45, - I" 10:311 1. m.. ''.'),7(H)] 0 <>o0. m. The OOO a. m. train Hopi at M.i.n lt.

I ortTI ervil 4 45, 7MM, I OB, IO 20, 0, m., MA 4 30, r.:0(l. 7 00,7-45 tun. '"O p. m. Suiulait. 8:3ft lu JU a. nu. t>:00,(i-.'tii 7 Oft '¦' t'Up. m.Boat* vave M col JH.I-lt., N Y., 5 4". .1 m. tod:45 p.m.every

nfteen n iniiteo. (,:45 p. m. to lu 45 p. m. everv thirtyII iinite,, tod 10:46 p, m. to 6:460. ¦ ttetp lour Sundayt,7 45 a. m li K'45 p. m. everv thirty iiiiiiutfo li)4jp. m. to:fii m v.rc hourTicket* tor naooaire ind apartmentt iii drawing Boom and

¦-i'eepInf " " Otu '"in '"' ami 'ero for the ch. ckk-ne omi, r ol liaggogo imiv tia eft ii IM foinnai.v Ijtlicet. Noo. 41)1. 711. .''.7 Bi..a.lw.,T 1-" M'.-t .».. R Y.,fiot MAI Fulton ot Brooklyn, ni ol I.; uiy'o liereilt.F.xpreai traine from tho wool orrtvo In Nea V..rk ti 7tlft

"SO. 8:55 a 11. amt fiii p io.JUII.V N A1IBOTT, (i- ni Patj'i a,.-- nt. Mew. Yore

HARLEM RIVER BRANCHNKW.YORK, NKWT.HAVKM n MM FORD R. R,i.o'. ,-... Horlem Rlvei N .Ton. cornel cjd il

1\, . York n. « Havan ond 11 irri

in. i..'-niuo Now ('anton Middletown, Mew.I rti no and Kumeld niau, heo and P.-i. .ii md all pol ulMidnight train for New Itocl.oil,-and ah utera ,- ita.

"1 ot 12 lOo ni dalli. e,. «|.i lt.Bmiday train* nir Hew Rochelle md ill ntermedtote «'*.n- ,t 0 a. m 13 "1 and D tu p, tn , Un hillel < onOOCI

1 it... 1..-lie with woy tralnt to Mtai [ord.



ii..|.,,i« iri \, w Yoi k. fool of Barri ly in u itopbM ito"1 01 H. v \. 1.1 -unil.,1 0. Hum.Heweco KiprtOO,

Pullman <.-hen tn Water Oap hi..¦...,.. Hcraoloo, Ring-namlon I.mri. Ilnf.l.. Ryrornt, -«¦ :-o i.reeno,lU'ori. Norwich i'l. 1 linnie, ,t --, lou for Pittston,Wllkeol.iM... |.ir,\ Ile and V ..I " ri 'ni .. iel al UW.go foCill, ,1 .uni 1,1, nu.¦.' ,.t. Mal

1 p. tn Binghamton ind Klmlra Rrpi -- Pu <

rnrWoUu '.-.;. ^.cut..11 Binghamton Owi-go ind ll.1,i.mii.i't- ii ^. ranton r.e Planton, K ngtton ll'illietboiTr J c.

7 ii. in Dolly Buffalo Limited Pipreot Piillinao r< ,

for Htroudohnrg. Kcronton, Binghamton Onega, Klmfr\Coming, Hull. Weyland, RnfTtlo, Ae .m .mifiu Buffalo7 Jua ni Hliwnlngcooob for Olean vlo M irltnd.

',1 11 m. li.iiv Buffalo and oawego >|,reaa Puron, bro for Mii.n.foliiirir, Scranton ..n -'. ... 1,1Byrociito Otwego, Oreeno, Oiford, S'orwb-H I'tna omKi. lui.dd si.iiiil'o, . ..un.-, t .,t Owego foi Ithaca aad mt. r-mediate ttatlont, eioent Kotiirdort leal Ruflalo «».iiitri I for al! ot li r pom lo Weat

I'or Rici.iii ld Bpi nu " rn lolly ex. :¦.-m lava. .Ip. m. dally, except t-atnr tri lc Pea,

-.'. tin... tal.leo lui nay tram! on Mort 10 ami Koeal OM¦¦ loton.

1 EMOH VALLEY RAH.HOAD.p p-sKVH FR TRAINS leave foot of (oi'landt or Del.

Iiln-s.." ots ao folio* 07 a. in tm (ataoau.ina and iilei'ie.!; it.i-a. in foi (icii-ia. I ioho Kin ra, Itocl itcr. Badaloond

the Weat and principal local i,oiui.o. ti.,..t tai to WUkoo*borra

1 p. m. foi 'I'uiiltiaiinock «nd intermedia^ immto. rho irto iiiikii.11,11... u ..un.-.ti..1. t.. Beading tn lltrnibnnr.3:40p. m '01 Pittttoil and pnuclpoi intermediate pouita.

(hall al to I'illoton,B 4t' p. lu lol 1 Oploy and tntcnncdlote I .1111.. Hon

;.. Reading and Horriobnrg.7 il 111 foi 1.1 inva, limit, Htuira. Ho. lo our, lluPaln, omi

t: Weat Pnllmon »'... |ht t<> *.u p. tn ti.1 1 a uno and Intermediate potato,Traine leaving ot at m. I iimiS:40j n connect fnra'.l

idiiit.o Iii Mnlmnnv md !l»/let,,ti Cool RegtoUASt N DAV TRAINB

H a. m. foi Mooch thunk, lla.Iiton nt iiitcrnic.ilato|l(lllltt.6 40p.m. for Coplav and tn'ci mediate -

7 11 in. for (leiieva.lvoiit, Klmirv Bot better, Iluffalo andthe \l cbt. Pullman llcepcr to Lyons.

pKNNSYLVANlA RAILROAD.On and afier 00TOBKM 4. WL(.ULA 1 1 tu Niv LINK

AND I Nil Kl MAILS MAIL Rut'TK.rroloi ' Noa Yack, vu Doabcaoaoo and couituunit streetiel! leo, ao followo

llaiu.ohiiiK. Pltuburc. and the Wctt, With Pu Union PalaceCaro attached. '¦'*. m.: 0, 7, ind lp, ¦ iUIIt, N'ow-Yortiand cliicitgo,.1 ni I'ai'.u. Dicing, Ba .kiln:, and >lrrp.Bil ari alua. m. evctv day,

V. ..'..a'uopoit. I..., k Haven. {. u. m., I p. m. Corry cad khoOtip. iii., ..line, -ting at leny Iii I itt ,.«i ;ilc, l'divieumI, uti,., an', ih) Oil Ri'clntit,

Foi L-i.aiion Pa. m.. S 2U p. m.. and lt nightPall lin.ire, Washington, and lha Booth, "Limited M aeldng.ton KgpreOO "ol Pulllnali Palace lino dalli', en ept Sun.lay.lo*, m.i i.iiive Mail iiigii.n l.ond 40 p.m.. au ive\i aol tinton 8:6(11. m.. 11 ,uIhi ti r JO, MK', inc .. (da. ni.Inn. 4.Hu, and lp. M. ki. l'J nltld. Sunday, ii-.lit, nw4 (ll amt du m.. ind l'J uiuht.

lot Atlantto I'ltv, except Similar. 1 P. m. I'i louth cart,lol Capo Mav w..k ... ll ida. m. On halinda)'* only.

1, ...

1 ung Brooch, Bav Head laBCtlOO. Ond int-:'.ItatC ttatiotit,via Itah wav and Anitinv IU m.. IJ iikui .< lo. 4 in. I mln. m. On -uiil.i, ,1 k ni. midi o. in. ll'.' aol Moa at AlburvPark).

lei uid Point amt Norfolk, vio New-York. Philadelphia antN .ifo.k Kai toa 1. e p. ut. nvnry 'ay via llaltiuiora antRav me 4 tOa in week dav*.

P.oateof" Biookfyn Annex' connect willi .','. t'ir.uj'1 train!at Lroer .'itv. atlonting 1 upeely and diroci traulfer torItu m. klvn travel. rn mm.m...«

Proina orri rt from P'.tUburg, lo. ..(. ll.Ct. m.. o M

lk,u- FOR PHILADELPHIA,I ipCOM miM ...ue Sew Volt, v.a IhMMMOM ..nt Courlandl-tuel I. 11 ic*, ttfollowt.

0,80 1 JO NUIKI 111 thlcagu Linnie .nil IO M aahlogtOBl.i'iiiiu-.i;. aid tl k m.. 1. **Bi 4, 4 mi. i '.. .. t tn 'J u. m.,and P'u'aht. Aicoinmo.lalloii. *.SO, 11 1.1 a ni and 4 4(JI iii -ii'iiilayN K«pr*,t. lilli, 'AU" 4U4 IO ».iu.

11 to, \ ¦'¦'-J .*";! ¦.l' ',h-^[:..!i.! .-.. u .m*,S\ ondtu a m., », *,»,». *i» ..... .... ¦ -.

hu mia 1 0 ,011 um tal trenton tor ia odea.Tri 1ni ,'«a'ving Now-Yori lailv except ->ui, loy u ".

ll lu I ,0.. I. 'i, 4, V »P "I. aul lit .1 antd p. ul oa

7:10 tad rf lila, iaLeavo Philadelphia «»a Camion. i)00 *. io. dally, except

llckeliOOlCOa, nl'A 4-<&. »ad U44 llroa-leav, 1 Altor ilouta

and root ol Dtibiooon aid t'nartloadi no S>. tcourt-tt., amiliioWivn Annex Manon, toot "i b'ttltoalt, BnMialrn,BiaHon Jci»ty City. Kuii^rani ricket oitice. No, b BatteryPlace and <a«il" Hanlon..jhe New York tattler Company o.n ta., tot a ud oiiooK

boggjotren MotoHrfNoMaMCA Wu((ll>Oeutiol MMOgOB Otociti 1 ate r Agtuk