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  • 7/30/2019 New RPG


    Basic RulesMRU - Manpower-resource-unitEvery player gets 20 MRUs delviered to them from space as long as they h

    old their capital.A Manufactorum creates 8 MRUsA City creates 5 MRUsA Town creates 3 MRUs

    ArmyAn army costs 10 to create and 10 MRUs per turn.Once created, it is deployed near the player's capitalIt can either be strategically reserved or deployedIf deployed, it can move 2000 milesIf reserved, it can move 1000 miles, but is ready for combat.and is weak

    er, but costs only 5 MRUs to make and 5 per turn to maintainA reserved army may be ordered to deploy at a cost of 5 MRUsAn army is a 4000 point roster from which units may be chosen to go into

    bang inttle. The roster does not need to be organised in any fashion, but the units chosen must fit the force organisation chart.

    If two thirds or more of the roster have a transport or are a vehicle, the army is considered mechanised, and may move an extra 500 miles if staying near a road.

    All tyranid armies are considered mechanised, even though they have no transports, because they never get tired or stop to refuel.

    Battle An army cannot move into another player's army without engaging it in combat.

    When an army moves over a Manufactorum, City or Town, it becomes property of the army's owner.

    When an army chooses to attack, the defender may (assuming there is space behind him) withdraw. If so, he leaves a minimum of 500 points as a rearguardaction, while the rest go unharmed.

    If the fight is in a city, the defender may choose to fight it as a cityfight battle.

    If the defender fights, he must provide up to 2000 points worth of models, abiding with the Force org chart.

    The loser of the battle must move directly away from the enemy army at l

    east 500 miles. If it cannot do that without running into a geographical barrieror another army, then the army is destroyed.The winner may move 1000 miles in any direction. They may not engage a s

    econd army with this move. They may choose to pursue the fleeing army, in whichcase the fleeing army must move up to 1500 miles to stay 500 miles away from thewinner. As above, if they are not able, they are cut down.

    Having an extra army lets a player choose 500 extra points. He may choose to bring units from both rosters, as long as both have at least one hq and onetroop choice and one fulfills the force org chart, as described in the allies rules in the rulebook.

    If on one of the sides all the armies in the engagement are reserved andon the other at least one is deployed, the reserved side incurs a 500 point penalty, deployes first and goes second (unless initiative is stolen).

    The winner of a battle may nominate a unit per 1500 points on the fieldto become a veteran and gain a special ability.(so in a normal 2000 point on 2000 point battle the winner would get 2 veterans, but in a 2500 on 2000 battle hewould get 3)

    If an army cannot get a legal force organisation together (Not enough HQ/Troops) They lose 250 points for each troop not present and 500 points if theyhave no HQ.

    Ports and the seaAn army may get in a fleet if it is near a port. Once on a fleet, the ar

  • 7/30/2019 New RPG


    my moves 5000 miles a turn. It may not engage other fleets.It may land on any beach that it can reach, but if defenders occupy it,

    they get to place 250 points worth of defenses on the map after the terrain is done setting up and table sides decided but before troops are deployed.

    AlliesIf two or more players decide to ally together, their armies will not at

    tack each other and may move through each other as well as not conquering each other's facilities. If liberating land owned by an ally, a player may choose to keep it for himself or return to the historical owners.An alliance can be brokenby any party at any time.

    RepairingA player may choose to use some of his MRUs to repair an army. An army m

    ay be repaired up to 1000 points per turn. each 100 points costs a MRU. The armybeing repaired may not move that turn and count as reserved if attacked.Becoming a vassal state

    If a player's capital is conquered, he's not out of the game yet! The conqueror may choose to take any of the player's land or property, and chooses whether the new puppet gets his supplies from space. He may also choose how much MRU's out of their total to dedicate to the vassal. The two players count as allies, but one of them is clearly dominant as he controls the other's resources.

    If the puppet player's new status displeases him, he may declare a rebel

    lion against his owner. He gets a free turn during which his armies do not require funding. He will not get supplies from space until he liberates his capital.

    CapitalsCapitals provide 500 points of fortification for the defender if he is t

    he original owner of the capital. Others get 250 free fortifications if defending it.

    Capitals provide 20 MRU's to their original owner if they are in his possesion.


    FortificationsCost 5 MRUs to make and can be placed anywhere within the creating player's borders. A defending army on these fortifications get 100 points worth of defenses to set up after table edges are decided.

    The fortifications do not stack but may be improved. The cost of improving a fortification is 5 points more than the total cost so far. each successivelevel brings 100 more points.

    A 200 point fort costs 10(5+5) MRUs, a 300 point one 20(5+10+5), a 400 point fort costs 40 (5+10+20+5)

    When an attacker overruns a fort, he may choose to destroy or keep it.

    Air basesHaving an air base in the area allows for an extra flier to help out in

    all nearby battles.Simply capturing the airbase isn't enough, it costs 4 MRUs per turn to m

    aintain it in working order.The flier must cost 300 points or less, and may be bought from the codex

    or apocalypse rulebook or forgeworld.If the flier is a transport, it may have units as long is does not go ab

    ove the 300 point limit.These units are never scoring and do not remain with the army after the


  • 7/30/2019 New RPG


    Kill teamsKill teams are much cheaper than an army and can perform a range of acti

    vities.They cost 6 MRUs to create and 2 per turn to supply/train.They are a 200 point elite force.When planning an op, the owning player must guess how far into enemy ter

    ritory they are going. for every 500 miles, he must spend an extra MRU.If he spends short, the mission is not carried out.

    Here are the missions -soften up the defenses - target is a fortifiation

    if successful, the defender loses 500 points of fortificationHarass an army - target is an army

    the kill team chooses which 200 points of an enemy roster they want to fight(this cannot include HQ units)

    Cut off the head - target is an armythe kill team must fight the HQ unit along with 200 points of hi

    s bodyguardCut supply lines - target is a manufactorum

    if successful, the target player loses 10 MRU's for the next twoturns

    Terrorise the populace - target is a cityif successful, enemy armies lose 2 Ld for the next turn

    Sabotage - targets the Capital or an air field.if successful, target player may not deploy deep strike armies f

    rom his capital or use that airbase for a turn.

    Deep strike armiesThese armies cost 20 MRUs to create and are not deployed from your capit

    al like normal armies. Instead, they sit in reserve, costing 10 MRU's per turn until called upon.

    Deploying them costs 15 MRUs.They can be placed anywhere on the map. If a defender is present, he may

    not run and the attacker may choose to play the battle as a planetstrike battle.

    After deployment, these armies can either be left on the field, in whichcase they become normal armies, or packed up and back into the strategic reserve for an extra 15 MRUs.

    Vortex missle sitesAt these sites are stored weapons of immense power.They have long been in disrepair, and need serious investment to make op

    erational again.It costs 25 MRUs to arm a missle, then 5 per turn to keep it operational

    .An operational missle may enter any combat within 5000 miles.For every missle, a die is rolled every turn, with every successive turn

    adding a +1 to the die.if the die achieves six, the missle lands somewhere on the tableRoll the scatter dice. If it is a miss it scatters 3d6 inches, if a hit


    The resulting area is covered with a 10" pie plateEverything inside (except flyers, but including terrain) is immideiately
